The Herald, 1902-07-18, Page 7yr4;wot-n,
Lit.44/16-6L dzi4'.
r)ti.********* ricsficicitioll
I suppose Edgar felt that my at-
titude was not one of pure resigna.-
Cote for he merle no further effort
to dissuade me, but went instantly
in search of pees pad paper. He was
so very submissive, liowever, in take
ing this 'atop, which I knew to be
distasteful to him, that 1 was quite
sure, before the letter was half
written, that be was "up to" some-
thing. So, when it was finished, I
was mean enougli to insist on his
leaving i with me, together with
the directed envelope; and after
reading It carefully through my-
eielf as soon aa I was alone, I made
th.e housekeeper told it and seal it
U p in my presence, and directed hoc
to get ie posted at once.
:The letter saki:
My Dearest Helen, -You have no
doubt long ago heard the reason
of my silence, awl forgive me tor
it, I am aura I am merry to tell
you that my head (l •felt
au odd sitynetee of saying
" my face") has been bijure,1
so seriously that It will be
a long time Indere 1 can return to
tow ; 1 am going etralglit to tier
many as soon ILS 1 um able to leave
here, and cannot yet tell when 1
filial! be In Eng -eine again. Under
these elreurestancete although 1 know
that you would everlook my new Ina
perfectione with the same sweetness
wltti whieli yon have awgiven ruy
°bier defects, I feel that L cannot
ligala 'nem your geueroeity.
therefore Bet y i.L free. begging you
to do ine atm tarn ktielnees by note
tion, I enow, but ou must permit
youe objeetioutb De overruled.
Acreident can be compatted wite arta
flee, and to artifice you tenet reeort
until nature does Iter were. arid re -
doves you from tlie alma neeeaday."
We fought out the question, and
M last I very unwillingly gave veaT
and eubmitted to the adoption of a
false eyebrow, a false moustaelm, and
a beautiful tuft of curly false emir,
muct . superior to my own, to hide
the bald pateli lel t .by the-aceident.
Rataer elated by this dietinet irn-
proremen a assumed for the reception
of Helen's pronased, visit, end ' en-
couraged by assurancee that my
own bale would soon grow again
and enable me to diseard its
substitutes, 1 Was ready to
believe that the discoloration and
disfigurement still visible were com-
paratively unimportuat, and that
the repellent expression, which no
artifice muchabated, might indeed
affect strangers, but would .notein
the sight of inyi friends, obseure their
llong-establiebed impression of my
amia bilit y and sweet :Less.
Sir 'Wilfrid and Lady Spoke had by
this time gone up to town, leaving
the place, with many kind wishes
for my early and complete recovery,
entirely at the dieposal of myself
and my unwearied nurse Edgar. So
a day wag fixed for the arrival or
Helen and her mother. On that
eventful afterneon Edgar settled me
trivet net with them all, will you
not.? You wee this isn't the usual
broken -off match with its prelude
of disastrous squabbles and wran-
gles. Some jealous demon who saw
I did. tot deserve my good fortune
has broken my hopes of happiness
abruptly, and released you from a
elude which I ain afraid my ell -
temper had already began to make
irksome to you. aorgive me now,
and bear as kindly a recollection of
me ae you ca.n. Goa bless you,
Helen. I shall always treasure the
remembrance of your little fairy
face, and remeiliber gratefully your
sweet forbearance with me.
Yours most sincerely ana affection-
ately. Harry Lyttleton Mande.
I hoped the child would noe elank
title letter too cold and formal. My
heart yearned toward her with a
longing more tender than before; I
felt oppressed by the micessity of
foregoing Lite shallow Little love
whieli, as the hanileinnest ma.n about
town. I hail begun to consider far
beneath my deserts.
Two days later I received an an-
swer from Helen. 1 waited until I
wad alone to read it, for I stilt guard-
ed my face carefully from all eyee
but the deetor's. TI1EP touch of the
letter, the eight of the sprawling,
elapelash hatelwriting which, it tie-
lightiel Helen ti aseume. In coalition
with the other young tatite8 or her
generation, moved WM" t for I multi
not but feel tied this Was the Inet
ebillet" be ape yoseibeity to be ealIed
"qt)1141,," 1 Simuld ever reeeive.
friende inetead of ping abroad to ...a.el.aneareeeePAW.41WP-eieaerRa'kW-P.P.
111 amone etroiagerei said Wear,
cut t leg 100 sliart, "Meg getting on
well, isn't lie, Wien? Come, he's
Welt elloligb tar bave hie hand shaken
teraPt a protest, a reassuring weed, ift
He drew her forward, to my inex-
pressible pain, for X sew elle relee-
taxiee in her hale. Before I could at -
she lied held out her hand, which I a
timidly took. Then she lifted lier eyes
triorsmty t'lliadelearsotr4ep,fir.:iit ereeetereea - a' • .....AR--6eofe.w-
Vrntrip* Fex° rtebse- 1.17-e -a,-t.-teti,r:81..riot etcalt export- , and., when imPorted for that pure
A. Pidkuve Cove for Hot Weather
In the hot weather the little ones
suffer from bowel 'troubles, are
nervous, weak, sleepless and irrita-
ble. Their vitality is rower now
than at nay other season. Prompt
action at this time often Haves a
valuable little life. Baby's Own Tab-
lets Is the best medicine in the
world for little ones at this time.
They speedily relieve, promptly cure
and give sound, refreshing sleep.
The Tablets should be in every home
where there are little ones during
the hot weather month. Mrs. P. good-bye to you here, Edgar. I have
Fergueon, No. 10e Mansfield street, very particular reasons for it, and
Montreal, says: " I have Tonne' 3.0n twat „aye way to nee in tale'
Baby's Own Tablets the beet mall -
tried °to change ray mind; he
eine 1 bare ever neva for children. wantee to know ray rearone • but he
Me baby was attaeleel with clyeen- was „usw,"ssati wte ati:iimpe. I
Hiatt of the most avid, most fleets ere, breeders and elle prese, Is called I pose, are subject to duty, ad
emotion on the fairy face. The muse oa •tae cake:, ee p, a age, eal,11.0..
knon City, B. C„ we° was compelled, to are well as regard for tea protec on
Proper enrorcemeut ef tile tariff, a
PaY $1,000 cluty on ten Perelieron (lif American etoce taisere, alike de-
borees ex -ported to the Uniteel States mend a fail inveotigatiou oe the
throtegb the port of beams, Washing- facts."
toe, in October, 1901. These liorsee
were all eeecenpaided 'LW the Proper matter depends on elle- official he -
It thereeore alePeare that tile waiele
terpretation et the claues, A melee
imported for breeeing purposes." Ac-
cording to nudge De Vries.. the ogee.
tion has never before peen raised.
ell -bough le is a well anowe fact tha
cies were eontraeted, the pupils of
the eyes were dilated with intense
"I am very glati-aa" she began.
Teen, before • she could finish her.
sentence, even walleel still held her
little hand in mine, she fell like
crushed flower necoaselcus in her
brother's arme.
Poor fellow ! How ecintrite, how
miserably, abjectly humble and. de-
spairing he was when be appeared
later in my room, to whieh I had fled,
like a wounded beast to its den,
when little Helen's unwilling blow
gave me my social death -warrant.
wns able to laugh then, and to tell
birn tally that my only regret was
Per the pain the injudicious meeting
had citused poor Helen.
"It was you who. dictated her let-
ter to me," I said.
Edgar did not attempt to deny It. •
"She cught to be ashamed of her-
self," said he, reddening with indig-
" No, vre ought to be ashamed of
ourselves. for my vanity in think-
ing there was any charm in my dull
personality to compensate for the
loss of the only merit I could have
In a girl's eyes: you for your. gener-
ous idlotcy in carrying that mistake
further still. Are they gone?'
" Yee. My mother wanted to see
you, but-'
"That's all right. And now, old
fellow, you mustn't make any more
blunder,* on my account ; you must
let Me make my own. I leave Eng-
land in a few days."
"Welt. I *suppose you must do as
you like. come awl t;PP you at"
"Ne," Said firmer "I shall Hay
tery and wnoi hot and Ieverlah. I knew hew obstinate he WEIS, and that
gave him the tabloid.: and they a / anot. aiinw,„41 him th g„ with me
to town. he. was snre la subject me
to mere painful ineetinge In the Ing on entry. Neither the deputy
endeevor to perwiatie me to remain „ collector at $ mule nor this office
In England. Lathy for me the very i questipned the genuinenese or the
neat day the marquis telegraphed registration papers ate Intimated in
to hie son to lien lain lira vour eilitoriel, anti as Mr. Page well
awillateiv in Monmentitshire; and , known ebat was not the reason that
110 elopini.r hiel Edger left the lee wile reeptiral to &melt the duty.
Ilene', with lite awe knowl- (Note ,--11r. Mgt. says "he 'never Was melatiOne 6hcald act on Me Coe
edfro that he shone! WA 500 ' SO' informed.") It waa pnrele a finep. in Order to bring property before tit
Board or Apprattieri the wideepread
me exile, that I fitifillea hie ' then of tividenee On line pent of the
fear.: by Instant prepare.tion for tun I Pitrpeso for weli h the animate were injury an ailveree it-TVA:An in the
own'lleivirttire. I hail dieearileil all Imported, AR yoa aro aware. Per- Page Case woial base eu the who!
iliegitiale, ano venal -wee neyneir by ,eheroes are valeable leer draft horses, breeding induetryei
nweitionr :ay ewe EIS IllS01 Els possible I
with, :A ,tra3 oiling. eale awl a muffler; ' -
tm arraliee In limn. E. WPIEE to an , thine/ camera mai nee gray ehaileve.
prouiptly cured lam. Before this he
had been rather delicate. :tut since
using the Tablets, lie has been
much better in every way. I can
sineerely recommend tho Tablete to
all mothere with ailing ehilaren."
Babeei Own Tablete are guava -
lead to he alanantely free Erma opi-
ate:it and harmful drape hilacen
take thew readily. and email"d to
a tliey emu ale given to tho
youllgibtit want with nAirflvt qtAre.
roturniug te nue t ive tit t le$ souvenir:I 1 epeneil a with an appreioniskonl They tire seel at all ariee stores
Urea yen have from ante to 'Hine been that 1 *areal find tit.% temlente Ilea 4or will be Neat leW4)114 at -17
,ee,iou emitigil to tooettpt frotu ate% And minute; titan the envoi To I was ma- einite a. Lae' by writhe: eireet to -
!liaise etinet sew4 ine beet; my letters, taken, w the Dr. WM14111114' Mi.,11%.11II, 1"o.. -
.,,•• Dearest Harry. -I am areal Breekvillie Oat., or aellieneetedy, es, -Y. ge &ore to tempt hardworkl
ytiii have ever rereelied them with xr
any pleasure- Duro them It you like. poi lease a very pow it/Anion of me 'eae" liofel Eii e.4%011: tinr.len where f wale paliteee abase in the rainy air. , speetable women away fr_nrith
. , o ei
I will Newt tuch ,y,rtirs it you wish • if you Mint I aire fer nothing' but a - - ' ' - - - - - - ' --- i• nkyl: illiewle and he tine evening 01 the 1 dined at it restaurant M the I lawful hieelande: BO it we:et d
but, au ni. weneta nee ever 1010k with 1 pers,incil altrm*117011t4 1."11 ha" :a" lii :i P.m III 4;1 "atZ rolnil 402 tit4k filar', , ffitt.,+LVIIII Ity r had prw,litotti inymilt ; Strand, and :hen. grawing ' 1 tell you it walet ilel!"
liaar newt niy tier* again, year WAin- o'vzi:A,?A Wen near Wad 41111 overwrote., ai mew woe, zit . 0,4 put i 011141 ito,',U 4W. 1 wtif.',. thol +0,1Ettrh, c'S a irrafirieentine i vere' relifeleitt in Lite tieeurity '
realetratien papers of the American
Peroaeroe Horse Breeders' Ansonia -
tion, as required by the lame of tbe
United States. %The contention of
Collector Iluestis was that, inasmuch
as the aadraals were imported to be
offered for sale, they were subject to eal-e, been octet to the United. Statee
large numbers of pure bred cleat e
the duty. Mr. Page appealed the ease,
and the testimony was heard by by Canadian breeders for sale a
public auction, emit always, as fa
praieerst whose headquarters are DI als I have knowe, }ate of duty,
Aldge DeVreis, of the Board. of Ap11
the contention ef Collector Huest1
New York. This board, have the case is sustained, the dec. elan will. gene
under consideration, and will render
their decision some time In August. erally aa regarded as a decided in-
juseice and contrary to the gpirt
or the law. It will cause a complet
cessation of the trade in pure bred
stook between thle country and th
United States; in fact, it had a
ready had that result as far as th
trade between British. Columbia an
Waehington Territory is concerned
steak -breeder residing in 13ritish Co -
Inmate. On October 38th, 1001, he im- Tide is a raa,tter of vital inawat
ported at Sumas four stallions and ail"' not only to the Canadla
breeders who have stock for sal
but to the America.ns eve° have a
of suck stdek for tee itaprov
ment or *their studs, herd e an
Bodes. Immediate action should b
taken by our Live Stock leseaea
tions, and a strong protest entere
againet such unfair ruling. is tie
certified as required by -the regula- ea .
tions of the Hon. Secretary of the -.anon. very pertinently says
Treasure. shell be admitted free is well enown that many firms mak
evbem imperted specially for breeding business of Importing from. Caned
purposee. Pedigree certileates were and from the !old world pare bre
presented with. the entry, but as the stock, of all kinds; and that sue
stoek is permitted to pass in free
animals were evidently Imported for
sale. the Importer was required to provided It accompanied by tie
depesit the nznount of duty that proper certificatee or registratio
would accrue in ease the animals The Government does not follow star
were fcrand not to be entitled stock' alter it Leaves the custom
to free entry, ainil was given nee, and the importer is free to
an opportunity to preiliwe Fatistac- poee of tittle atoek. to any one 00
tory. Velem/op that they were in- likes, and at vrha,tever price he cau
tended eepeclaile for breeding Par- get.. IC Collector linestie is upheld
poses, which s41 midenee was levee' in this contention that Imre brat
stock Mist b3 Imparted for breedie
purpose.; only, and cannot be col
or woreed, It will paralyze tete whole
business of importing horsee asel in-
jure the trade in• other eines. We
think that the vs.rions Breeders' A
The adtion of 'Collector laterals has
been rather severely crate -teed by The
Ranch, a well-known agricultural
paper of 'Seattle, Waste, to watch
tournal be contributed the following
defence of his action eIL F. Page, the
importer you mention, le an alien
six. mares, making entry for same as
pure bred stcck, and claiming that
they were entitled to free entry un-
der the provision of article No. 475
of the misting tariff, which provides
that any animals pure bred of a re-
cognized breed, duly registered and
aln be COnti.tiM7714
"411 'tn,1 lui°141 nig. Omit 1)3 bur' Niarttiog for no %WIZ% rorm.rowoui,31, vii.ip.britnon4,41 ,! or no, derivate I latought I -
uioothi .;.°°01k taken eitereeere am net intelleetrial rayeele L bi nett stateee bea le were drawn. Rier -'ti a Mace; awe:tallith vetoed tai fareeeeli Wallet/ el gEL
holy eh..„1A1 theme :Lad More zb e:ktro 110' 3.83an %3.11331:11Adh.t.ttlai :HA anti / tea eilag 0w. 1,11SA eare.,,I, r' OIP whie0t. whon root id ettan: who had rim Edgar prelay •
reeve, oT eours.., zalAp of eireel all three. thareer, I am einninie ihavn rano aatai „w haat / weeeee -,pea, Nt DIV hv 03 D., ;. chive in IDIV PAr4133. IL! t'. i.,. an4eeter.
, ,
(1113. 'e, of eourst., ant the little Nil- I
4 ht.,' 5011 III,Irsi.le. /111,11 then ir yom 1 nowt thou tle . sgr•k•to wa'-i 13 14 jar! ga0-14:15'BEItaN' Citilie,e9 JO Iva.; MIMI MT an efigeg 'Natant at Hut the deesey Carle Found e Way
vier neoteli-lere Aell tifieFii' 1 St4'13g ; wish tl gb.. 81.* nit> 3. Eh 4,3r...S -W'11 L1..146E1., Felt item lat et I ate wit. let '1 4a Oa" l'4 relille a 'ai* ie'li't '11 ihii' ;1 ° ti'-i'''ilr°' ti "ii. ''Stri'Lll'2" V"Wn
eDs.itotO i0I .2,.:l'..r,h'I .
and Kept 44
10)14 ‘111013 taelleewhether Yle 1 fiieeell Ik not throw 110 uer 'iea tree ea. olee w re en Div ;003 i.0 ?Aa f4 MA roVrinqa 1 addNC. play ,t1 *hat aro t,ebW-
.ee it or not I i ere lag mzv1,0.‘1 r anl 5'1 Herta far eerier iteei,/ „„0,,,,t,o,.:, pt14vt, uit5.low.vno,,.dr 0.' ht:;3215 13) 4*eiL111niitoparte-41ml, £. if he!PeWleaermfeleiest Taet lehehta.
10'111ErigP 0111,,134 IS, , t-11',* iltUo. t-V"'II,,' vi,bSEL Mot rhat it IIMS thallo ,1,1011 3. ) i' ,„ai (44,4% gm! 11,,,, igp,Cutthe..4 ewo 104 !t 1 opqappi;lilln ant, v. %rii. Lau i Igo OriM 011'= ri to Kay.. tho,/ .. /tf t117.7 ptai4 1loAe5,5-. ' dtavo 3 tA:37 02 gita!,7;41iiiig eio late a,t
caulk' pas*fttr a v"raJoil 1 1.401 wlil ill, lilt I 43 not naloi.2 tvliat 0^ISP it t miaow. lie fix?. vi Ay 1101 pq.,.. (F,I my Nos,. 1 ,.ii PM tMT in) einet tr,121 k 11,114ro'0,70 TVP WY flitsl"'" hita.F. '.14"314 l'Ar 1145e0 tLit.11. A !C-tei'teY Pima on 6. 18 la 111g744t4 41
itaq ,loto!„ i tat.. 1,41/3 11 agatiti ? 1 *Iot aitt,!!Pudi Zorn: ',., t" A st.mao hy wat? ttf Via' eel till 11 tate oil/Jain tit 145,1A,I1 ‘,Vo.91,z, tl'aS rcale . egUInEnlq. %flat tiivy C4akel 3.4.1 11,riliDOX
11,°111,.v.0 cart. .1,eare4t Ofarry, with 1074t E, : i f I
,“11. 1.04 WoVas With 5o33ry31.io1ut5.; tn,trieng_ 3 ,'13ik'140-'14 goo 1 VV:i7.1. worst of all tho, fa.shillialtle tocrusg tiak, ,k,rspy s!Aat okuadowo to
2131 .3' PA.:. 3.33 31 ErIll ° L 3,1 etioecee tneelipeetalli ii. 6,8i33a ttl r.i!, s..),41.5 '11-3:.• 7,0 tt-olil ,''",;ask11141tum, ' fte,110: E34.233..2ro1.tyi it.. , uktir at,atog gm 131i0 v,,,!:,., f.,,513, hear,„,* of'
111:111a4 y“,ei will fvtni 1i0 401147 ' gfiA:ptg. a#f fu,vjadZ, !, 9t4. iklr':1,4 int. in coy t a 11.41 1.11: .133it.'. E. q irary anti tITtistt,e Vilk•s•tats aSti MO4.tInionticlz. Las' S'a ijaa Wkil:
1"'r eiero 0. aniee ertmene. Oont it ae1 9 tli A PGA, as I
4"•'tL'ikg,1 11,t 4 3.5tEat,r ititplleetztall (tsi•trea,teS wii.ell. co es.LAaltion,
, • y,,ita...1 ,,, or 2 ,q4 11.1ni.A.. U;s14_0gr Wee eetefun iteii: leepai., an a i _ h'l welie. esernoreee i-$ Leal Inieureouri te .; 13) the tLny,M,4 ittlat, ;114 ..-golarottably,
r_11t114.401 If; t.,11,1 a,otor w,tvg it toT1,10- Dtte.te sg.e,',t relt 55 wee iviouv... 415.x uliU4.TUIWa0,115,* " lk,i-; t '114'45t4; tl';' ' rr. S'A'r ° '‘l''-'1 a9Y •11 are raja to Plizit,,,a.:,A," bzatA4. • jaesea case ea Netv.irzi' wort, =any;
*ril MI. egtly 12 Igur 1117/3.4 ite ri,,,,,ilat, p„, ,. srt., 811 145113 Loll.: ,, ci,,,- trq, a, `.' :k el 1.4-11% r1-3" 3-aN'''''I'l'A4 ve°11''' • -
y et a Saved by a r
rord,,..%..04 01* „Act ulltioN I t4 111,erislailt4 a ittiu,nat catiog aetors, nitea one ot tEte tz,i4ut 44;1 trolga
rovalre, VtiLIAV 17,atiier wOmi had gtait.t,i wit frock
owspape, Artk, er. .r 111-1,1)1147,4 a Nirn-
pi 3 telt 11,V.11 eater,* feet! -tea leant- -.
" I
• Vesil 'i 333) -
• --- - Qvai • g.•;,••p•' tresoti,. tIttliDer to twelve, psum,,,,,, „110.tor taming
I rel atereienee te trainer itg nelelee . , • • -,,
" ••• - E"'-' ' 4,-- L; e1).V
/4, 1313.31 ,t:E
siru$new *NM) work f/nersP,te at
f •
.439 nuui fn'o. • 9 ELt=O,3 te.-,U10
Lar, and the briier.,Str
t.r/ the searttee t‘,211.11 000,11 tiden./%, rc.r.a7/ant 0)7 Nvirtiu-e-i_I-7,1try- tInat On Soon Wild', ttito. warroito
SrtaSaftered Volta .11eadael13ee, Meat. 7 - • • - itAtro
attimt 1121.. /
pttor. ,anti tzat ut 611.„,,i, ,nr.- otig• 0,7 ' 'fin st,oliu ,,u-gpti. 2ga t2o,,A c 401104 alt,1 911110-4.t...9 tepiedi
13)31303. 3)111 arta %lent Sweats --Heir elends me / t'ea 11. rs --- • "u " ' " •,• t, • tr, 2 ," • 11- "'' r -Ft r ^P€
6,1 .1 . A .1.A,, urLuttl,,.1 421 au. y ear a b • " !rant; ttter,? ti "i Itererila tete cat --e is,,t7A are
Vrearddl title IIS'oot ti,otteg: late 111.3)3 3.311
•••;''Tee Wiltm'l (59`J QCLI•• tt US 00 t.‘,/ wt.,,rs'Aip:. and
Cotsstlotpt:cm. ":`L "-"n sac" a'z'Ir- O,tP7.0, .d0 ,..tvL,tiot.'2, 0-vIty 11- :it O.C'tl' gri` r,r.,,Dir gt0,,,at 11i):11.9 Inyat eereceen ta Sale
sea, 31311• oo•hk "4) 313 oe 5 ,t7-'N,P.13.'11"01•3)1i:'-13 • 13n•"?•‘011:9 • ga,147. frilk)4.r.AS 6,7.ns,,,;tE/L.7, fierireitets .0"
„ - - • tuten., o ' n A A, ,A _y ,
%AU.- L/.7,
,;tvor.Inv.„ D'i t .
AttRIAlg 131.133 15 of ,7.,57[02/ 451,as 13 an' iv.' ; ""Ir, V'T weer teh,eu IS was. .a wati5t wal tamaatioo„...1
bless 11.)r.. IV/ilia/as Vitra ".1'498 eele "eve,. Needle eletle eiaa 1'5.ut ney „ ean tn-;',•,• ,'Lt .d"'•an Irlt,'] ' 1111 1(3)133130 5)31i33 c! HS, 353 3)4._ a.te Vag a th3rit
hafrly carrying tit,nn throlgOi that ,f ter t".324 t•'72" oir nu-% 41! Ott] Ofil% DZ"..r,'SO ° eetive taaratainatee. oo.D.11 l91t. OLT rauu•cou. E;,..1. part - gender, aii eta:, o.eaae aloe :heaved.
Meet "'leo erf trier liees 151 3 s:a"er4 Pv"'N bolra to* ts 4r9., 3).:4%g3) t* -u 1414 1, /roma pao'r seat a,ne brach**,
14.40'13 steio fv-P1/1 4'irratooji , tr:t",„'d1 at'au• t'sr 4"`r"!ilt haw tele el ehlienet. e.jatUgi, • an3O /jog activP- as Tele !I malaise tee VpacAt'ar'l ‘7,;O' Oils - loer feet so that no sallen latt,
no. broader re,aini eL71r 3.7038)133)0)1E. ,, ;.; 11m:4187:- 0, tz,..• it7-45 was of..•//- grulLie ye ti -"e serer el kl w3.4„pay t,33,221,3 13.1 .1? s,,-tete3 inoirta ape-.
ti%.:;•,1s-rs of th6a! aa tin Dela siteie -,koSe nederetenditne, see tallied
teere is tione inore puthashistie than E' `°•"r* r"r" ""yrr'' '4".""'"eee. 744'43 f?'' z,VL".1 $•-3extis /11/1
kujim.,7; une,sc, et Int,. ;.,,si,,teact3 st. ^ 77744r,, ,"17"1,, sr'? sc•ozoof,,r 11)-- awl maro, sEnef.,re, or sixty perso/7g Vaklb were wat.,.7rAng,.
X.:To/tie% floe., and great:11y esteemei *9'4 "'-ie's'* nee ragi:at eleey- Eva-
,.f.ialocaLzs. .,.iontrls.; t However sli•oi-liing the change 1-110 Egitsptp,4.51:01. :riPt WEIP:11 Oass,Ps fr.tal tindt OtrisA- that. „tr. Etta!? les4 tag& a, tiefu,sat i.yak at, artjr,
, 1A ,3UtS lt!,t e.-+ Nu r ye le.t.!!4 tr-t:1111 Dir ArTie- • ' f Cit. 1311 333g"140n5y-
stagr"-sTe-rtr <vas h'lw71itehl
irmet..„1, („f Taaa,,air ro.r of tiow 6xv, r,'.a narrow kett
by1E1hrtierialeataznreA lvs lter1n tLV- 1 aani irt3vr
, .320 „c.v. et Ciao t RD. her stire..-elLig g./...tture Ilia.t.
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31:1°Fonn initil I /rs hg off of the %vitt/ereI uter chi‘ri 't 13. 1. 4° T 14of ''11;''V:t“rt1&'r164-3E4il6eV.
14cth14-•,--',,,e,.a:,6.1-"r'1,-"m'1.t'i.1Ut.kt .P. •''
I _c 71 cogrOn13.2 ; g . ,g13313.3)3. ,ra111-1.v 77gtv» eeeene eel:a .x..A.4
%. , .33) 0513 1/gon '3330 13) 71cVtl1::.:.:,513 f
svahlat.aa -tm=-3e:eL., '.3.5111 tis az1 nOlfri
eal T!?01 '.the Na- I suppase, wl, e tay O3)lpI4 rousEwade ties.7rI'l',.P9 mulei./Ps.batwiliutile
mar 10511/s ar11 i31 voanto t7l133)51 ini;iclt;:tilb;t;turzip., 3)11 33.3].311u139?3.
"f,3'13Pres/nt 74=
53.' 43'.. eiput
'OPtra..pas.13L33'313L33'31;21 IGra821
1373)3. -zewel'4 0, 0171OrtEr:, e,zPn men ty▪ PmtY
b!°ar131u21;'2142111IL1WS°"cl11Il‘" 14£7rareall"E'19sar 1- 13'..
,11codt-C.,e4•C... ..
in a 11m41atm,ont bat its reaily earecbettiathan 1 tte3331313 3) 33i13' r :a -1132a-
f y ltikrasness, :455v91
whi3 Was0'21NA Y use DeIle eve3OC) , e • ---- •. -e. Tee
Wiataues' Pink Pals. I then deeided 1ieneeeeserei your a:mitten:wee gives,i we're / see sees 2.3- 1133)e-11le:4 ee tee,
to try thee have 00.11- 3180 TOW 13"Mut, ire 513,13 natter pea- house. ;icy 1313331 311 ifad no warnine 7
VON) 133) rt);;Jr; thP 'IV 13 lirl 55. 11 31114 Wirt einuiumn,t,!!, reelien ie tap eerie:age ante
only used the anis a. few weeke when " t.lastanlamtc• i, wieera rtj!eit, 13 sarang up 4
I to got better. awl In a. refm- • Wilat 13 with pee lest ieee; name ae aia
elle of violate; every gemptom of my s Yea are preserved forever from regeact(„11 in fee. oi/„Fee .
trouble Inad disappearea awl I was • the danger of being anything bet 1 to me ne met eleinene a phnst%e;
as etrong awl lieealthy as any girl strictly Iraq:ions and straightforward entere oe me Rai geze, 552 then eat
13)3 your efealinge. for n. 1510 .00110 Li; down' 17 -Ain (;•"ioing
trust, the 31*o5se.s4)r 391 that -eouretent- deemed wreteii wite thaexeieetioaer
ance witit either a secret or it soy- outside his 0011.
reign." The aeor oeneted. awl Inger beural-a
This leant franketes !tete] better 3 ed rio, ehraggina Helen. weer seemal
titan any eerier mate:eras eould have . shy arid nervous. forwuril*m 1135 arael
or my age. I have since always en-
joyed the best of health, aol / sli alt.
be glad indeed it my experience
proves helpful, to some other suffer-
ing girl."
The happiness of health for both
eteen awl women lies m the timely use
or Dr. Williams' Ptak. Pills. which act
as a nerve tonic and supply new
blood to eneeebied systems. Miley
have cured many thougands of tasee
Oe anaemia, "decline." eonsantiption,
'pains In he back. neuralgia, depres-
sion or,s,piritg, heart palpitation, in-
digestien, rheumatism. sciatica, St.
Thuile ariniee and partial paralysis.
Bea eabetantes simnel be avoided ie
you value your health; see that the
f-133 name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pals
eor Pale People'? be on, every bov. s.otd
by ail a-alers or sent p3,st pail at 511
estate it hex Or Bi K bases for $2..50
by addressing. the Dr. Williatns-Itodt-
elalb Co., Brockville, Ont. i
:lane; it made ma laugh. 'Looking
again at rayeelf in a. glass, for I was
now up and dressed. I not:la:ea what
hal escaped me before in my par-
alyzeel tontemplation of the eliantee
in my own features, that the thaw-
ing rip of the right-hand eotners nt
my mouth and eye, together with
the removal •of every vestige of hair
from that side of the rape.. had given
me the geotesemely repulsive. leer of
a satyr. To creavet my disadvan-
tage% the left side of my face, seen
th Profile, dm retained He natural
aPPearance to mock my new hi2Ieous-
lt 1 think T see a, way out of all
Edgar 'went orr, more
"liere lao ea Nate. (wetting wee w•
fast, you sae. Weere is mother
I must feteh Iter. up."
I saw in a moment through tile /
dear, ehansy feliewee manoeuvres.
He prided himself on his strategy,
fancying he had only to leavo us.
together for us to have it touch -
lug reconeiliation. Bat 1 knew
better. I saw her tura pale. aad
cling. to her brother's arm, and I
said hastily:
no. Lady tristieford la 'not 1
far loehind, 50I13 may be. sure.. 13 am
glad to see you, Lady Helen, it
Is very. kind of yon to come. It is:
'Helen has tannic... to persuade you to
'011SIY. "Yon wile advance), objee- get Veit in kleglatid among' Year
On Account of Severe Pains in Smail ot Back -Deranged Kicineya the
Cause of Trouble.
A gr. a 'Sleety people vvita suffer fro21 backache, lame back and piing in the lizabg Meek they have rel..
matiaa itail that Clare ie nocure tor teacm. At least nine casee in every tett cae bo carat by the cee of Die
eimeees Keetee-Liver 1.i13:s. Mts. T.,,i'SSI.17d was badly crippled before she began the aso 01' this great kitiney
medicine. ilitee is her letter:
errs. J. easeard. 150 Aqueduct. streat, Montront, qtr.... states: --My realm trouble was with ma bc
whicie cra,7, weak. and arilEnever 1 .steopt,d 13 could ha•rdly straightenup again oil ae•count of% the goy
petitswiliee svolee catch me in thOr small of the back. Bellevirig that my ailment was caaeed front dera
kidnt'yO 1 tolg!la n eourse of treatment with Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, a1 to -lay I am all riala agalu.
Thee medicate seemed to net direet ly on the kidneye, and as a, result improved my health generally. the(
distressing pf:ins in MY- back have. en tirely disappeared, and I feel real strong and well."' t •
lir& 110531. t elenitoba sirce.t, at. Thorane. Ont.., states: "I had a very weak back. and itt times Rat.
feral very tueeie erore gevere petite aoross the smell of my baek. Believing -Mese to be oansal by eleratigemente
of the keine,va 13 azigan the use of Dr. Chase's andney-Liver Inns. This treatment secunpit to be exactly what 1
requited. forIt was not long before the. paing.entirely left ma and I mate qnite •gtrong and well. again. We
have al.:34) agad De. Chase's Syrup' of Lint:teed ani TUrnentine for the Children When they had coughs and triad
an4 never anew it to fail to relieve the trouble at' once."
Dr. Cbage's Kidney -Litter Pita, ono pitt a doe., 25cents( a. bor., at all clealara or Velmaeneotte al-tt * •
Taranto. . - • • 1. i • • ei • . '