The Herald, 1902-07-18, Page 6� � I 111. I I. 1. . ---1 1- . �
I -.1. .1 I 11 .. -1-11 . � I .I , � . .1 . 17,111. .1, vll � .11 I 1. I., I .1 , , I I
. 11, . .1 I . , 11 11 .. I .. I I
_. � _. I -.-.- - - -.-- __ .- - I . I ...'� � : ,� I � I I . I I . 1
� .1 1. . 1. ______ - I - I I-- .. q4; ! !� 111. � I �. .. ..I.I..". ...,., �. --- .. .. �. - � -_
. , . I
I "Cram , - ,
� � In ro I pu nX the leg or arm lie ' and Assessment Commies'oner Hall I
P �
I . . pa 'Jlrirrk� t lot dangerous. When 4 - I", � I I I . -st to- Ott) for rope with I
. , V%V ex 1.9 att, acketl by such, local I I was tile fif I
'BUINO 9N , . .a vi,ew to, Ireep:ng the crowds of spite. '
I I . I oranips he will bot go right to the FIVE MEN KILLED I tators out of danger and out of -the I ERUPTION OF MONT PELEE
, , : � flo [go Mfo bottom. without an effort. IjAbiese . I .. I � I way of the firefighters, ," soon as .
!.. , ''. .. I I oramps last but a short time, and I the hose was la -id
I ..� I . . calz be worked out If the, swimmer , , ,P , across .Tapies '
.� I
., . I . I stree s affected,
, 1. �! I � I , rt de France Inhabitant
. I I I I Will stand the brief pain. I 1, � .and Sup,-rintfmient GtUffth arranged ' Fos
I I I I � I " People's winds bave beent so
I � I., I ........ � . ' AT A 1`01RONTO. F1 to for a transfer system. I
I I Isone, .
I I � . . d, by these cram
, . � . : � .11 �;, r 1. I _' , ,p stol-les th'at � � . .i . . A Hard Fire to Vight, , Again Panic Stricken,
I I . : ;, �hllero have, heen cases of drownIng � . I . ly 'liffl-
the fear and excite- � --- . Tbe fire was a particular I
Zharp' Ga*1 in Whith Silas . m"e nt'j 'resu" or ' on by slight cramp milt One ito Jiglit o-* to tile pe- .
. I . I I . � In th 0110 rml , . oullax arrangement of the interior
. i I . a leg golit a , , I I ! I of tfhe building, as well as to the on. SCIENTIST'S NARIVOW ESCAPE
rt DisetiFe and ,%,Poplexy. I desirable en,vimimente. It started
I ". ,Tool-�, Lost $5jOOO, 1 '4 e� I 01 -ty
. - . � � � � I "The P ocipal Causes of the mys- All Were Members of the �fl Imi the basamenit oil the ,store where Fort de France, Martinique, ,Tul.
I .� torimous * drowrilinge attributed to , I t'lie crockery department Is situat- 101.--Laart night the inhabitants a
I � cramp are heart disease and 11 ed and was; caused, It Is suppose(], Fort do France were thrown Int,
. plexy. Persons wltlh heart troX1111, try the burning of a'quan-tity of rub- 9,
especially valvular ,affections, are fire Brigade. partic-srIcken state by a vlo
liable to suddem, death on, receiving . . . . blall In the firwirlaCe. It was the cue- lent eraptiou of Mont Pelee. Man.
A HEARTLESS SWINDLEII a f a s'llock, and such a, . tow to buira t -be rubbish, every week, of them fled In all directions, 'wltj
ny 9%' O' -i and In so -roe u,naccountable, way It little or no clothing. TUe ' Irteem
'bock an be furnished by the' � . - . got boyonid control. Whein the fire- &ant rumbling continued until 9.31
. .� Plunge into water. tbat to too -pold. Other Lives May Have Been Lost, but This Will Not be Known' TJ11 the mein arTived they siought to effect this morning. In the f Ir,st - half hou
"'Again', a max, swimming on a hot an entrance by t1hic, frant and a p' -
I 6 day -has )lie head exposed to the sun, Debris Is Removed—Two Deaths Directly .Due to Disobedienee of tion of the flooring was chopped ou'rp, Licintillant lightning points - Ilk
Two Men Claim to be ,xepb We of . tl6e bla-ek heavens were dotted wit]
1304� William Mulock, and by Arbile, lito body is submerged and is . .. . bult the smoke poured through in such
at a lower temperature. 'The usual . Orders -List of The I Victims -Men on Ladders Escaped When the dense masses that the operations bad. slag on the surface in an iron foun
Pretending to Purchase a whit- breast stro*ke used requires the Walls Fell. to. be disoonitinued. The windowe of dry. This phenomenon had w-4 beat
obarch Farm for $10,000 Secure , gles to the � i the collar were wifortunately all noticed in the previous eruptionc
I body, and tibia stroke itself acts as ToTd,uito, July 10.-FIve fIremej3 "Tlie, buildInig was of the most Jil- bricked -up,, and t4iia firement were The Ildlitning pointa became gradu
14 alf That Amovitt. ;% pumping process to force blood to . flammable nature and the fire was greatly bandicapped, awing to this. ally longer and longer, and moreser
. Ora head, tbire assistimig int the sur- were killed t1ils mor,rilog as the re- :beyond control In'an incredibly Phirt Tbe detaelknienit selit to the alley- pent -like, and tile (laA&es grev
� trProntiO despatell says: Througba charging of the-arterles in, the other sqlt of oinie of tibia most disastrous itimp. As soon as I arrived I saw way e,t t1be,' south. erected ladders larger and spread over a greate:
lbeartlOss swindle by . a brace of portions of tho body by the, lower . � Ithat it Was impossible for the men at the w1fridows there In about a area every mJ ute. lie rumbling
fires lan the history of Toronto. More 11 I
�MQ,Tes;i Silas Tlool% a Whitchurch temperature of the water. These I att WOrk to halidle, the fire, so I direct .11ne, from wiliere the for- cea.sed at 9.80. Black clouds the
, conditions are apt to bring on a - men atiot firemen may 'have been kill- or4ered Ii gwrieral alarm, at once. The naco was stituateil Ini tibe middle of ' heavens, and heav
farmer, lost $5,OW, tbn sayings Of a TI(Aernt 'headache, fullowed by 1-n- ad, but it will be Impossible to tell Collapse occurred a few minutes tile store. Here the firemen were rains followed. The runiblings bega
111'attle'r a week ago. The fact is all sensibility, ,when. the body sinks, ., afterwards, and, alLbaugh I feared It, again beset with difficulties as the again later on, and were aocompar
mile " lamenitable, as Mr. Toole strangplatio,j) takes place and death tbio oritil the debris has been. re- it came practically Without a me- windows were protected with Iroa led by vivid flashes or lightning.
Is a*A elderly n=, umable now, to re- ensues,. i . I moTed. ; , , ment's, Nraxiiing. j ran down to ih bars, amid it was with great trou- It is reported that a tidal wav
it-rieve -his lotss.
Whe selleme oil the swindlers was �; I Mile fire was In the Allellaitosh ware- passageway, wll�e Collard, Russee lowered the sea level by, a metre.
Enter Water Only in a Glow. 11 ble, that 11 -ries c4 hose were inserted
Wildliclous; In its "One 'very generally unknown and liouse, at the Corner- of Front and and McQueen were directing a hose tbrough the bars. Telegraphic commuo)(tation wc
, simplicity, and IrittoilbrA will, and told them to take In breaking the windows Fireroan closed for the time, as the opoi
Its success ca,a be attributed to tbat misuanderstmomod. source of danger to George streets3. Which occupied half tal laddew and get up on the flat, roof 'Alex. Henderson bad big baud badly atOra became panic-stricken wbe
, block a4rid stratched clear ad.Wllin-g, as there was great danger cut. Eventually four lines of hose the I ghtning begau to play abot
ailonie� T%!ey drove to Toole's farm, siwimmers'ie t1he habit of allowing fbie I
UX139 wittilh themij a satchel, a couple the body to cool af beifoTe enter -
of smooth tongues and a bigh-sound- Ing the wa,te.r. You sb<)uld never en- through to the Espla,nado. The fire Of Alle, M111118 failing outwards. As tile were ptayling on this portion of the the wires. Several 6r 'the lin(
flwt roof Aras onkl a story 111911 I building, which waa used as a store. k were broken.
Ing ator7. They told Mr. Toole that ter tibia water, even when. moast jvIth br*Ue out & law minutes before six. kneW they would have no difficulty room for carpets and heavy uphols- Dris. Sanderson and Flett, of t
00Y wom nephews of Holl. William perspiration, un -less tile body Is In Welock, and twenty minutes later the im placing, the ladder. I then ran up torY. Vast quantAles of water were Engli0i Sdentffic Commission, Nv
00400k, aoad wisihed to purchase some at, glow, and if it is not already In walls of the building collapsed. to Front street, arid had just got Poured in, the four streams were Wewe in a sloop between St. Pier
gamin property In t1he, vicinity of New- & ilow you iihould taice a short brisk a-3,ound to tbei;porner of George when kept goirig for hours amd The f1re and CarbLA during this latest eria
liltwket. Tboy were wlllimg to pay a walk or run to get in that condl- Two of tile men were killed near ,t- bear,di the crash, and someone told appeared to be well In hand at ,8 tion, arrlvM liere tbJs mo�nlng fro
good price for a desirable farm, and tiom On the other )land, don't enter the southwest Corner and three at me It%at the walls had collapsed. I welock. St. Pierre. Tile kloop oil which i
an W. Tloolia's waB, in their opinion, the water wben overheated or W. the southeast covner., - I hurrlerJ down Gcorge strcmet and found travelled wat) covered with, an
omb a %be, Iyeat irk the township, they foring from exltausttori or extreme i Saved AdjoltilnL- liJulliglings.
Iratigue. . When the walls collapsed a num- 'that som(k or the men of $actiora 5, and vtonen the size of walnuts* The
lw)iaro prepared to give him $10,000 W.,- didn't knew bow many, had been Messrs. Stailley M 11-i & Co�s. ware -
"The reason, the body should ba in ber of firemen stood on laddem house is were off St- Pierre Avi ", tile eruj
$Pr a clear title. buried. I directed tll,-,b w,-,,rj alla well as Immediately at the rear, tloa -occurred, the mount,tita emittlin
. Mhe offer was a good one, and Mra 0, glow is because the cooling off against the &oath wall, but every one possible to prooeedat the rescue, but being separated by a fire wall. an(I
Woole, readily a"epted Lt. Rat the wastes tlhte� energ,r arid reariores tile thus situated, marvelliciusly -eseaped. 11le, WOrk Avelit altead, and tile men the firemen kept tile fire from clouds; Of smoke that resexulak
eager to blad t,he bar- Ided spreading there. The fire was also gigan'tIc cauliflowers. IAter on a
zwn seem( -a armor Which nature Its, , prov Cider Thampsm "3ra that at exerted 111:111111�v-lies lilt 1,criminatoly, Immense black,cload swept over tj
,uxtl A .,oil uml to wult,laxd the shock of kept 11-0111 111E, Dollald SmIth build-
galk a )r�r. ToWe seemed eirTzaially "'. SUKIdoll plualge .If yGir Cool off dIWbQdIaRCe Of orders. Wma at rcmuN Ing t1v iM, It,; arid sonle Ing, tile place that 'was burning in xulutt of St. I lerre. This wasi rd.
eager,. Mbey haitl wi� present means at %110 110.17e. Jurit, thea I mvt .Nb�, I �Ived by ail Ineandef-welit avalan(41,
first thera 1.,; no healthful rmetion A general alarm jvust ise.uit 17a a, few IC� IV 8 u wbidl hiv(JA dowv the ra,milt�,kIn old
Of llaviW tile papers dr-�wri up and 'Ilee.a r,(�jujaag T.rom whei.j. 1 1,a4l ,,�ft them allpywali,,' P(Ing pv uliarly I .
r4g;ed,i so, tki� men proposed 'that upon submertdom and Otat accounts least two Or t,he deatl,s were due to I 10111. ' Wth.' 1 sald, 'ever,ything J,i all ated betwe6p tile Smith I)uildln--- ;:i1ld and QXPVndC,d its force tx,award. Tt
I .
� ml;loe3; sbo,tald pay toter the molimp. for tht. lack of invigiom. tion, wildch Rim0es; before Ute, colit,pse CC, right Where �,o,u o tM, F-taillpy Mills & (70s. war,phouse, fillellowemon 9wAs accompanied b
I . N, to RwImmers; h,ometimes complalir of ar- W 13.i - �ii fo;)f alg rigj,.t, Dilt Alv(�uetno ii�aid and tbe firp department Ili deserv- vivid (-jectric discharges, while a
pTevent; elther party to the agree- ed. , Log of bigh pralge, for saving thii-sp
mezt from bmiking Ilie bargain. and ter they li-ave tile water. It Is hard- C'd r lim� � ItItat die had vonu, uway to turn bu3WIng& jX)wld SlAws and stories virero ralv
thion rrtirra later with the, papers; ly nece.-wary ,to ri,mark tbat a swim The dead Ilremen .-are Walter 0. ito'd ',IDk- water from the J10HP thoy I h1g. Aybell thl, clDud "rooprad sen
to Ito duly &.1guied. sealed and deliv- shvdId never li,� taken right after Collard. wSsIfitalat foremao Roso.Avf- wit-rit., w4irking with. I tnew Ing with great flereenetzs. " lo-ld VUrd 11, tit,, direction of the'Ouci
ortKI, T�e�y agreed to cv,unt out $10.- a, bvarty ui�vd or that %be "t ullrf �, been drivell from the, front part of i th's crem of t it, veaw I orled alouti t
b C, (17 nue, Hall; Harry Clarl;, No. 5 section 11MI; %hey luut,t llavv La�,vu k1,rimij, We I
OW into the oatichel, 'to give Vr4 should r��(Ive & good rubbing after Lombard,m,t MaJI, Asia= Kerr. r -AJ 6"Pund. and, #�,urt% eattiiiagh, tjjLq V Ilm building. but had workml JtNw.i.v I fright, aud thO V-11ttilin Prayed to
I Woole tile site' Lel. hit wifilled to Uerp t huck. .And tbf- (-vitro rear vnri or the I 1)
I � r being hii tht, wmiter. I No. 5 MvAiwn jX)mhu'rd Street Bali, werc- Lot to,b;- Ftikq3.1 � , NIDO W40-41tilleP. Drs. Anderoan an I
I ara RecoverIng tile 130421(ii's. ThP, 1-lott and tIll. photognipher turilf,
� MbQX�%�,Qlnseivea i;r�itil tlw F.,.gulnx r Lriavea I'lersou I)et4esto fge5(`* . Da%id se(.. No. zi, sect�qa Lonlv� � Pratt bullibag wits In rJurnell
. ,of )Urknrm 111tat sicem"I .1 ;rpn- htreet Hall ; I-'rtr,aQrjc?; (j. jiju$z I I-vor went In atitiur 3.39. wMVII MAVP Us U.V.ld Itelpt-d t1to us-% w Ill slilying 11,
amm olter, and viie farialer ovek,pt- I "A %ery ilpnhtr)�able tiling about wil. No. Tnt, LrtmoT. 4h,serve ltrtgjt-(� [tar Vwir ji %lip firemen a better Outlive Flalair-lit I Opxop ttl(stig 11to, cm�mlst.
t 'trom accidental 3 W,,Ction Yozge Street Bull. Cpl- wtalc ill iijav J_t,j.a 1,9 t,(o ai!�,4k,rtm a, cip.till t�
ed it. ne� wzao hure 'that lie sair the rc "im!. deatole, 't Its jjj�jg;kt %V111,11 land taUrn Irtold of the, rtoef ul tbe ; W11141 1EILVITIllug blokp It
I lard and Vlark witwo ruarrivid, Vhkrk rob. TM� Lro vv..ts �. $, 1 Was NK
� xW t,jur t ( uL V�.o SWA100 and liijttep il a nd ono whwh It; miinatfletei.y st V;4v- 1 , I It,ft.
� NIVIls; thrpe or 104rur childreD. tht- valaluity 4ovetirrvag. ;..,.I, vit;uiti ; 1011-Ild $Iallth Linn'difis. I�Itt I Ilwt 'evjL-r.%th1i,gWl18 OgILIN under
ianev� with, rittitul.qr theorio's. Is wt-rp ftk::gl�t IV
V, In Vlw &t1whel. TL41,� ther. droxel! t t '11DO bakl1ung, whivit witai formerl,y be F�tmo sLF_j6ui= the fire ioll;q �A(Lj'j� '1111A -Stalitluv P.41. re 14011N. v-1341tv Nteam wv
ft"Y' Q%J boal.") Twt" were W02, the rccruir-4 il�er6oll armariably , tc.lim". P
mtatrrc-t 11.111way e.whitu, wav over pArt lit tlo, %14M 04 rl NTOPUitli It-,lip4i r NaLIN & M 'N rt t�ruhowio was iijt gvc-�j : 0409ting Upward Irwu tile 111%.u,ths
pleaved. � Irgts the Wall ullo bas ��tvi;� 0 �Iung(r, tit tht, firf-ruvat wo,ri, lip it- � ill - riverv. "I'lit, t -W of I
. 9 444 reet Iong. 1hy US wido,# "rid tj�,, In l2vir v*si�j, Lntowjj�g fqIj �v�pjj 11agit � h Ili � I'llount
UU. d with aNiju,4, It Aijj 1C.1,S a
But wagibin a row botirs tile wen , i� !,arm I , I'm Ijs0t43.V tal'i 4�jljwarw t , ..
. , ..I have drawn the atigipation of Nwal1c,i wvry Ijjto�it .�Q 1pet h:T,j2,%Vjt0j fttllat" Qvulllw,aiii wab 1,urg-1 t1latatt.1, I 't 14.1 144, �211a, S 1, 4'N't.l.,
W, *A,VIv thut , e 41 I, 1101-31 to boloa tho firt. w4thin the ; 4W.#'r volvallic rrinttvrial� TL180.- ildift
retara(d aliti 114114 I � vl�%Vlat thruouitownt lw.%eholognst* to kk Rult rtiol. 'Dif, Igri, btvkc, out at %Lt mxws W ro4,j-ja,*t korceL,t., Tm�t Ili , k, waggs ,
11key Wid brull mg( Ualalg WAh the ? I 0; of tbo, llriitt hLiShag!, Vitw.tq tol tlalu.4 , 'ently I,
: itawAirr tpr Mo a,�,icsabnq, faim— jor,hija I � Is Ghl-N Und U& 1,1W 010tOlUIR bttliffd lij� �V03`k 4A rt'J�tm%10 %Ve'vt al;q'ad % t �ry I . 'I W10 ret
66tiur, altd Mcizv rxpld'sa It by t 1. hwhinag -a to tlm3o uht ww�- � Lu's $80.000; liillSly Inq1trod. " Iur .4'1 t4l, t 14 ot vb1l.k9tj. aro ,��r,
1��,out,,:.,: Itant thr joi-rkitita wtiulip hff� .6 wert Ingialtalclutilt, a blou b it I, I Ill' t k ,j:
V114m, k4mil t,atl ugircud to J.,a.v gam,� laamed NVAll givat 1".11.wily. � 4XI u0kh U;dtk. � co,,prtlug, It,
, 1�jiur duQirc� 0.ev aNcqj,r(d , 41as v:1zhturtervid 11, 1.4* M14141 xxtth � I IiPca-th Atr a uvrta of ;I T&L� ttit,t,j, %vjt tptl VPII.pjotflj� 4le- Ali tulfel�jl LtalllxUra wria jTD014j,ij
VWX06 : L,orjos; o%e r tlot� jt�,Qj�jit�nt thliI tDf� 141141D %utsbiimv it�wwtvtolm 44i the lbri- holiv. or llo..t t1jo. la;;�C,z.g�,g 010 am bad 11 Mrt*.*kvd� ..,nol Mr P_ got pj,zott ji,itiq III
Mir. "A wle, wa R I c) cve irc, bo�*)t 6 raraw, � ('r h1w �ia#,Iuktzrj 4�%v* Iii-aturs) e7ea. gildlik MCC CUttCfV4I urmi_A=J Ill,'. 14 01 I's Aclo'd Ill taue. I -got .g &Uvh Itolla.'.. 11 11'At Illf, 16a�,- v.44m.,49 coluo"m Ito gilq Lilt V I , tri, Ttsu.x1.qv tont.;iIii lj,-,,, �,j t,tatiqu, �'
i and Inikke er allitm one Inrige ?,,Sit.ate. 11 j'q,Qt4J , .tza :t. mvladwg the 1, i(", waile, alltA xwvy Sam wit're Us 1,F411. tx#jla Ultooilt'd WIDeP, 4.64;1#11t Ibliviiiii ;, �t�itf,Vtlo. -wmivh was .11.04.v qrt+%4 rm Ily � 4,UM10-ti W., M. Lue'r4l,l), :4 firl�'111119t %11,
It stew(d a %ipr�y ftely tlociig. tuatIl cavcr. Clklr_19 113136d 4-n ifle 40)rIll 100prit ed- W"0941 q %�Jlkr Ila, V!4k,ll!'u, tlx, aa Ra 1� llea-UrUrec. IV44S F44101 out hy the Freach 000%vr�
bit'j. .t r I 3j,eo . N. 1: owlit to ptudy Molat 1111ke Its, vn
tboy Were $n & razlictr tiXnt of colginijim's iv� ri - cv� to. VaQI I T�il,Imr�fovi 4D1 1%�ktrl; t0a thao Vo�ajv m 9,TvUe cluw-(--� �, The, tw.v4mpal ;4 lha* 18"111 ("Atare Ila � I ,
hittving breaght, esngv SV�ft4 wtth jj NO Suilmh Thinx as Destla-tIvIrp. at��t,,jtop tjt�tj g.* gD*,p ,r�.,;j,,,%#,,1(,;1, ujw4la thfj� 44mwn i Mat thP rwtgvit�v W tho V4011i'MID0 U141
. a r - � � . 0 u-46. kiva t.-Ltt�� ! wiltrV4,et4t., 1�.% .:I IPkn*;v t'anit"Ur *4;
v) -4
JUD,Iff,%lij niali,11111 thj� 4tV�,,JW to gjq, LA�11,t� , ttvo 'Irk 1W.9 6A t1j, gr*mwt an,D tzl f) la.v �, cusnu jurlitiviiw-, w1olpit V,,,d,�ap 11 vo,rLy , ,g it'14"t PT
tz, alld V 3 _ , , V" CA rj 4) q., L
,ft �qv jDa(r do-pf-�Iw'& of Z'afl ;!,j ",AMIO' 'r migtakun _Ila X4 4 wo %(I N 0_7 Ij tv* . 4 0� .4 t (0 I b u 4-tre I to i Pci .I- � thMCUN for Uia Dritul-,d t4,s itgo *.jfcj_ I 4aeert4Muf,,. �jrjrj tly jo,tillmijil
L4 , A - I � .�,t�ij , 14 .."al.41ml�
- firal Inretam, Tlw.%, hall. I GtAKD4. t v A4W,V9 . It'll Ihv4�4* _ _j, t4, tj�,, , � ,at,
ar It In tbek - L6 % r ritf4lt.cls u.90'Llh Pets � , 11411 cl, �1!10 b,. tr�,p tj .1 4014 %hut il
Lt, lvq�s 4 migay -4 -.4 ?A,z49* Moi tile,
gily ' 4 1. . ��11`, b�� "al * th, 9 4�11 so"t 1,04 I MIAV CrUTRA414 uvoll a (4cetir. Ile .-II,
, propeml lio !41r. Toole Mat I& C416!hr. §V*.V,* Iiij baf.anp WC - %, vo Mo t� m, 024 414V laimai_ , lk�, gr ;# 14 Wv utic�k Tjo, grtcnll
I " , - - , tw�4�jg ft*j�,d �l ro;%v ((# pj��, g r;.kVP'o,. 140.2m tqol iblw it v, 4 1 tue, " "
r - Orf 5., ! %Lt I wr 851 'trw o'.1febr4kilv42 gqjt Wi, Qola f, I4*r,,z*3;4j to t el ,
110" IbUM $Uklt) Ef L19 CMD MA tt � ht I)f �j t ir. f1war ImAur he;. z. U ir NW:49 �4rt, ulurvlv *�U4 sivumm ,, 1"".
�jt#�q.f,jdf.lo;jt ,*Jt�i�4'.3gtjp " 111gp ct. 41"liv At U4" 11w W"W4 44 ILI, 1,14 ,0 W44 &' 'R,w P,&�v I'lmol t.1"',�o1gh 494 4it �4g- j emki Val, firk-m-, 14 foug vt I, z jjZ110L, jAjg,,et., "
.. . . -0 " I .
go thu"? did not tary tc agm tho.�i I 111-14'Ut"a I r"PI144104 V1 It 14 N!, Cpo,m J� 9�
. 'o"pit, �-Ipfiq . " t4t Iff".43, lut4l"'A M,44M Laff 1uhm f9slo , *
. fjUjL4jj�",Vj_t u 411, -11,1, I"
� 11 r�#� 12"I. r4itl1w,11 1U011,1V 1.1� blot Ing, vii Ir -0 . . -id lusafa�ft to A? �"%V(,A tht. 1,4v ailig (of &h. #14no 1,11,1, la
webel arti 11hoirtl4y W -#all Oaf, 941rt4t , -wod It wl low ru _euo., tiv4ltl, ort
11adirgain Q,C� two if As�, �i 'i'"'U'd Ltavf, z=0,%p%it,J roocuVo to ur 41w fo.#w" tl,,�I-_Ntp, gave tway Ita all WOM tl!� hKA, W 1`4 #-�'!!Ve.atlig,�;T $61 P�ativirro wmf, v2*401tA m,Lt ULt; frol't ct ti`""q, 11j; lmupAk Ito wolf at tj
, rAflo voiati!4vt 1, , � k4rillhMp "I RivA,1104, V�� lar as itt,t
lbe wmini tuy f'014% *,�, fr.01V b:106 ta 1: 44p iat%4D'T gor har Mry W044% 1l0r4iVtq0t1!W, Iv,#!wliv, fit firkru7n %VCN� 11-kc,04foLo 1011 It,. tq&,44 (,-fI:tv.Q1g im'd ,I (lait, Atiro", 4111ij f-�2%vrgA lanly tur I-or,v ,
0�, %wlv !K�Lvn ffjc,�, ri,oag'j, rtAum !�,Vatr*8 ,-Ii3mr, Itj t�,.p grlp� atid it: frvn l.'a!&tili blo f1114:311A 1,1101, tjo�j�lj�jja Ul%jir" %Atro Im'. r��Cqu%q-ril-'nl ua&g tj, wuru 101A o4to eloymUm4. .. itle.,d with the vnvaravn 01 Met
� 1; ,, 11 11011rAb It wilD ba, rlv�,8111;,4 Volt Lphortl
*:� ;
,,to mr.&P Cho Iftal mAE'effliqbt. C-04�� 110v k�!F40 mu-�I-,,_', 19MVEL4 Who e,m,. nbi trr,v lit -111 n -AL then wiu0v, IL `t t!36 :Jstq�e. U ""Ovix.r., T'�,,j �v V�-a�j trvla tnkv-!; ft tumv, UaI;,Z1Va,t,, tu 1MG, W%rill, IJ lwloreoi t2ip f'rupl-01) that tawrot ,
M. v I D,v 9 Dslit"t"l, rAnA vu,�r 1: , � t�A 11-41,0 Ot %hq to"Im!" 6'. ard F, 1,1"r,er, 40 t
Iw muffit,mev %I [AEv VLf Lttttopt to. got, ut',vuit it WAY rnt-lb tt.n4�f,qA &,jacatfa 11i,iL, "C'tJI-14 U i" Urri, , JL,,tr,� � 4,mWairr 41
--t?,,r A � ,
�� -.3, t"striU6 wh� a 11 '
�; t�j at L.# I . t,rfg�l,.g %Jr4j4ii. vvcav fijn._1*T) alti-011ing t,r l_zSr_-VlD%s $1 'd bodk-4 Wr -Tv I �,kvo t:,) uo- mitoriput, I Me 9110 4, -wa& P4.440MAUY dhtf 11 TtOM �, .1 ef t"Iftnetwv u'rearml in,
tht$ arral Waa 1"ot it) MT. Tep"'Eaffe Caw. .� I- .t_*. 44tvr r fing 1f.dqr111tq en Mo, , 9&!�,,infI. r,A4 8 �MA t3lact-A &,,.�4�ge lt!�05ip C: tfo . 44!ffalul 01"I'swqt-it 1-,aam,l 00 r,�r�tlffll)
Mir "Nitar? age'tArl uj Dirt libm raLte � ill I Ctlt-lc 60, Ajo . , . uhl# .It 0 U, -,,v C-�,,,�� �� IM -'a jtp-att if I tr 1 Q7� b_'jj4'AMg� ,I ri� 4L'�,JV_ 'I , 'Zons r
�- , 1rq0,VD_ufg V-U,t' t'._,%,k,U FiNgH cr �A(fo,j, C-�d ;Ebt go -A ,MATLOg M tgMp 1o*Z,jVp ratIM "'Irlity W"n Mq� iat*ru-c CT zjn$ V.12f, �i a-1 �Iwtl ,�.,Op h4,4 -94,4j %!'14e"'ar�ol;., VaQ
th* mirittt., ju,�A WEDC 116 &A4 LiAtip. j 'a Lc qa,ii� v tvic ii fr4; lmnaaazv. L1, 11 1110ra' WIX MA e-a!,r,rr vT aidratr%�, z1v
. � P_��t P.f.4 k t , Mtfru-tar�#&_ I FAretuar.0,4 Ittick Uirohvn� � tgtIWU24011�p to -&94- o
Z stwgt,�D�24't =3 dr�tllc:.Dt tLf.rV-,1 i Near 60 � 13 � .2 r
�,07 At' I�Mzj tbi, v�Mlw c, 1JAIP -4, tl lts:,t-#'� gqo�ej it:k�IDDV,g r-L,,U6,, o o� u,:,q .
t,fn. 1.2(r, P td , ' ,b *all(, qtro t, 'qllvr�rj tibe t 1�rt2_a,dv Cartc!,; T.,,YVJ,94 0 114�' ,.,ik.
0'e"I r Ll E'I-P�" � Lit 6.-D'L I - V ItMI J' 0 , I t�r
_, ..� 11 bt ft) fbe�fl).4,�E C"t,��. � �
. I _� A �' . I C., t NJ, Tfo, quitaliI.V oil I auf. __
r j 0 40 tk(f.111 CTatE__4 hw_-Ruil ib ' lglinlkk E10 a t-ITTQ5119c, Lr,ti-�nit�xl-t;i*L'., &�r,61 jp0tkLj1Wtt &4�11,1'0_1'1)' %tj�'LU Fq%�Itt-j�y 2n� �t 1 "jTj *'4d 1kf`V
'5 b , I "
11 - -
...�Jj§ ._(N . ,!:t, 'I 0 ti, I . �-D�o� a &lfrfl tZitt of HE", 11r,11"gayll"' 4-21r- 0-tt"' (_ *-a b"dU bune t!c�*Fw tt&A n #.1;iit,T,Va- , "t'A'. W 1, '(4th"OP14. A110a,lon tt@eA1Wd. ,
,,t ,r,,,,,, th
, ttj *,�Yt!] a
. 11 , tj " Tj, 11 I
1 *1�-.-.k.A.I't� 4;t,�p. AR mj!�,�,Jbljll - - ,f2J-V;,'4 tt';AKU LV_S-t'M.*110'f�� % r, tDO-LRa, ig - �'j . S
* .1
las ftent kir t,�t wnvl �kt t' -'em tz,t tttg �, t'��,a lui-Ro�Ldsi tm t�_-e %1n. "battr,b.n Qul'U'r-I ltfo 94T, ttr"ru Ot fir---,r-lw� lr.�,��,v C.=2 artatIlL H04 0j�P, Atcat .L.'10 Mz- fllu='�& to'goan i 'r-.DVr, 3W %, W .- V 00umo, rg
* , .. , tt,os tL�"rv�wv uVrAb a .� , up. �49t;
. I dry at tmr twe, t P_ ���-,� *, " r.. W.D. DFan �1 t"I" tn'3 !� P,�,n, tl�o::p u m:o:.7 rt,� i1f, a f. 1 La &J 0 8� 4r, , r t,;f 11q, t:rrg 1L. , �1 at) rawjv�.�r f�;gpjl aA*,'#'c tDL,-, totcl� ;Mu lstrle o� txa� Cc�"'[:rDv�s, la�q rett'howl A
. I . ,a_ �ff_j t7-�,'� ,r.1 ti rj JI.P. rEjr�� U111fle Lt 4t,�,Jg tt�nrr,.j
. L Dt t h�?
tr_'.t'r ft'Ir !j X _ , 11�* -0T_
iAdt(,x-6Vr-d freof1c,!? t� EAL ,�,j(.,+. .��.DQ4 r'. ,E:"L,�� I _ "4 r1-L4zt--1q1j1 rdujtr?� ,'.I htcr-.�!%n t: r T jq'I I'TuiL'.�zLis &�t tL 11 br,_t,.D�IRII tury ZN,tc,"tf:&.'r_'-g. I" 'Vielt- (r 4`iU'le tt"am' "N I" S141ifflDDit ftt'jt 't jjn'�'Ury
g#rCtn jr� 14-Ift _ ' _ ,� � _t� L_Tp t t .
, V �', r , , t.,.�,,� t t�o h ect, o1i Qu,C1.0 'jf;inu tci��Xt,43 tt�r,* ILLN ria,att lLdud, � rrupl�tm 07 Mc V t Pt Do 0, Ur'�-urrc-d Z"C-A
at,tLt �,Je* 1L0jrL?C.Z5, �!j P_-114�91�? trWivs *ta,
. :
� .
I 1091�jqlitt
_. I go -;:�; - iorl Wtal vir-5 Uq=Ej Tig�gu_", Vp 9.V5 Q�p MLT� lql,f t � J! 1, It %,C9 *11 IrLe TVa"4, tiv t hi�� � I' t1tfdnV Thl !!W'�O`UWLT nJ1 '2OtV L',
I , I ttr�, Z'LE� r,�(:,t I
"bT-� ft!crn�sl fpav" dtj to E,','s vltrati; bm Lrz,C�VID qii�jpuf " AL , �
i t s �Lqt 0 cmd ieta�I Qua-tre 1146-Dit -q *fro to�'E'smr-v#.,1 tural ti�mDtcql b�jj_Pzt_-jkq Ll�ft�_rt r'D�Dtl� tq1ji tkr4k�v ,,D4ic.4,quj �tc* I
I'AtLaz, fk�IZ6J CV,,*,,[U;ro 1"It j;,ztt',c'14'_ De�i "IL;Qt �,,��7.�t0v,�% Dit."e,ko-'r-its c,_o Lct 140 t1f? I!Mlrp� T1, "14'n"'. el!"p oT tF, Vc- �tr_it- rte� rr-c�t qT.I*t%�.T) 4�1) rj1seY,t.tb,ft qujt"� � 6jIjdti41kiiUjv, tuasl, goto Q*k-f,.A IV) tctuitl
�; w.
't _W7 C-t'nu ol f1br, "i's. - '4Wf`J1FN JED; ,s��it,-- MUMS IN WATER ROLLS. t� `0 "L'-"`u1-jt�`T -
11 '31 a tt'tc) cu��Dta., `Wt m 'tcul ("_LtXb 'I vtq tC!,V!.,j�i;1.:: 0 Mr,s fact V�t"Prj J,e ti)Mp. ut,,_� a a , J
T;ili , 12"'I I I�Mgt 9�0D,t"- U 4914'41ftj.
. .1 nNo, fl,404 lb�._ Ir.1111 UNIVnt , , I ;6�"V-_�,`�' t-`ff,,,a42i;,Y Hsa�Ls.'U�nrlc ao�q3ragalq ArEc&n vt%alr. Avx,141LIFff- ;�.iqv�il.;i��Drll tb=t ,oj:d %ta'.4 ruz,g � -
.1 , C w, naysr Ics"At ?�_AUJU,4, w.iDIR 111w to tht, lrzipedc,a 110 tL�,ir, .,Lp�,"e UT t5�j", govip 'tortkerjoer Derraudod by %viom*0 I.b
Ott, Touie ,0,6;ft,A T"D rt-.t:.D 46i*�,On L6E2L! - On 4411 VILP 2110,119 ;,40- "
1 1 1 , . a
. e,ir_,�" ,
� D, 'M'U�F"
,r.1 jt�,V . :2(r� JV t[4je C no 4- CRISIS IN LANCASHIRE.
, efkt4j _: . ,,
.4 i w4t Way to t,fffot t0teue. ftre� cnmtres ,.-'i, sq!Up. 1r,r#ruV,11.Atk- I mfqr';�Iav trap Dca mia clet rp ovaittlong ou .Wokus ',kifthmer.
IM81 I -Q100 ItF-r�,q_r,�ny�f,� tkat lot 11�d_v, S ; �� �
I f '00 ffpI. tvato taototvrj afru" tho mw ecat r"Ll ,w4r;i tt'D;1�04 "It tays-
"Ill im�d P�614ZStg ai%tiut it to tip- f zLc tt,et %,ap to make ia rf-skjo C, , , � an liagf il '4hort'stsopoy of votton Stain cata�
, lwaron WRANP ganvel.itg iml tti�lp lift, zrajr,us. Ile if, 12.14rrp Ilogo. a gfljenra *,l;1',iF.4r-,r.P�T-
� lis tv tswan 01) jet,ur taek. Lupeila:g I Zj'�4t"jDgDC_d ;� ffj-.�etur4L, 4f�j .
dart1ordlit-R, ob Vfr,4!L,jv !;�40. Lt,tv- I ar,d Itc, w1ff1s r�aE-_*�d Mf-.- birta. jj.�p io%vrpr part , f q) 3aA. �ajr, - d ol ,MlDutl Alhitt. husi c,onsi 14 tit mo.jh- of Ttou bit.
t*et, f.�p V.-av 'Ifitcalezeg t-'atli ner-�,;j "Un,41r, t4tmr 1'eteakii On t7a lLack acd. 0 e VFP d 1�
brc-AkDng 156 laek, 4� U�Qfo .dr,io EIANY h-jutt,"I about tLe � L�. ILe pjtelDos�- 'of a 1du4rim1Az,r 04
V&19 Ceftr.SEI. EO on Tue,'�-�Qi�V jl�e 1� wAl"D Lis 9 -cm] iatvnt Me, n,vld�p "J* 0 I_oAo2or. ,3J,,%j 24.-TJvv i��otton fuWi
t '�,f . qeV. T24,bte gaVC 'r-oa -0� r 'U'Varpte relmov"4 ri tluttst go, gol frivAn a vv(,rfiar� a fq u.
, " , :� � _.,alp I _ _a , a FDar " Mpg. 11F vr_�ic ,V& I
ftme On, fv Timbrcnfxl� and rc- "rterj 'a T11145 1"O"# --y Lcf*� O_ , , ma T6 , wc,man clvvirE.y dc- In 1, jt,,,ae-h6r-(, 2� g:o.% trig iw)re aeutt
I he to " IAW W hg -q fleme ut N . 23 MarAQ I "Cips ago, �T ��
f'�2ftjtn" tt', mjn�te � '!j IT'f e. �ifr_Sj ._�'&,A Mave -9;;t rnan� 5M Irrk- tinritelaz 1C.? -4s tvffl tt, ve* !� Grvvc averjue. A ft.qadC-,*A 'm L-0 S,tore k ep,�k 14, t'��'.
.%tEg4j.g jrj 4 ir�r.6
. ,
.T.T�Ik4d4atijl4gar�1,9, ,
4'� . . , n -Avy eklu".
�-� ,b a Y"��-btton- mat Ce oanzot m- jgreaj�, ta., py "', D,V %C, b'afIf , g,c , r l�
-ma", WL0 ft,fr,ta,e, �:Aetcsds noc :� (;V(Ji,:7 V9=4 ,4 tR _r a LkLrrii�JDJ �
j D_,m tv lrrjs,��r_ptot � , E-"
tftatk. ne gavit a dir stftrt i on er th e , 4 fA[j'V1'e. '%'D',4jj4 ,tVV&lr n`rjVfMerail6 1by DR-44�,O'� ej 4 '0 lost-1609pot Logkfs. _ " tam e! the ou"p-jit ao ht -Ing tile ohl't
. I I 'fl,at
I "O � rm 441ir4ilp sft,AV_ � jw.�Iato wi�,�gj..P,gl a T-napge v� OUIV1119, !
t1ail 'I
_ ,q
ft (!_ jjrjC,�.tt 7 " I
" _ "ttjr.4"'C ,,V
� ,Tjr _aL t J2, A-gs. -s; Ict av4zffiD1,QT'-. 16ge U�Wg- YV.0 frawl wnlq not 4'j,�<ovf .�2
ften, .� 4 Up It,,, V,jrm - - - I .P. .WhAlos"11 & Eci;�Isazwbrmets� .-Dind,
� 4f*,.,jt. , jp,EFt,_�j ,..t,�Jt�'r -,�D it. Me;! '� I-I,*tr - fttzt D _,,�_j� t�T,, *:,Jllat.t�b. A tu-f-M,g has 0,e n 't�114t.d
_ r ,P�,.a '�Z 'f- _' ' -. $70 I loy JW:y lllt� to icqtow�414�lr the 9*p,�'4
'tr . t, C_ _ ,_Y
, , KKk, : _"�g f� Df.'g ,&eL f��Re irg uir-'��P:_t*w,-nt w4t. $�'�'-,L`k(Y,V'.. vrlsrw� t*mi, -ea& .
� _ 03� 14 - , I . . tke P-Jr1PbuDtziL.TQ fftw-kn;e.� fttelk if) the
&I'Able !aatts&�n !me Sinee Eseb m- n-li Q e,t,IDI�;'Jjj_�r� V�-'Jn rC,r
.,DV.g to 't1je I
- QL,ep sl*:100a In at��,2t_ QP�,tq,v oem- . TOTOZ,to Imb5tvay 1"ki'mpr,nji-DuRrOl- s eflz- XVIVA 11b.- F, ort-witt-4.1t 1,uttei- A ' to (-�!eu?arsi t,idsceat ri-.�: j Y:ut activik
9 . I �, -0� "Of ,�. of the spmrluft gn resortin,x to short
tc-8t,fgalm 1,11e, tave. tat 'np vt-t r" �� txi;v t1rce ztmcw b0tite g(113 -ng down r,anic& McIttvi"Oh & ce. rose On grain. .. II�As and C all Mo, 8,-, Xj, R'm&ar gano. NVUS lworLa_ lin Vxttldge
iitkar,*� L, � I - 4 i J
, Mir- rw;7�ndleris Lee lbr-eh ; f01t'-f,f'-, TiAlte DR U,11e !b=eAtrtTj aing. I -
� _T ; r�GY, 14-C.- !,49P,1085. Thp.y atsty lese - GCOW. X01znt ,& co�6tinclk W I "Cc-ztly. Ifte 0,41�-e 431 ycrk 1,00DAv thne, us was done durmg the last
! A& Fr x,h in, saptftstht- . A r -ab mn re V,0,051p wort,, c ev t �
I -
I Der" , .,r Maehh,,,r-r_v, 'WhIC12 I s' 1D fsf- I Live bcev ciz%-ed to ibealml ME -re. Irkt. gc-nipraD op -mon 14
, tlonol I . �0, V�.0.003. two summ,
� . ..... � , , 1, go itl�wrj Z,ree .�ir,,,'., ric-vc-it 'Coffte a# is I ;a tota2 wtcv,k. Vj&V 1,�ii
� _,r lk-t C, rctrtallwml. -01 the p!oJuFUO&
,,gj at,j.dZ, Froy'l t& "to 75 otuxto firms Ilad Nvotaatt'. I �
� , !I ega�r. ot Lv =�* ec)rmne, up more tkam -'P bu T -fa C Rzailcd .1 or, cvien a W -0m, citctsive Scale Mail
I jj� I � 11112V ate t1P t-ggtt tnvstet� o,;n tL-e : 90w -'-s IV FdOMEe t - , st - ,K, I X Vi LPrM.0T0Te .r,bgg tc rificessary to
�� I V1�tcr- C,,�_R It ��Jlja &-m!Allson fLe , * ,jr C-,!5rA,Pzqts;. r-.%1r*jr - 431tefte. BAD FRUIT PAC�
Z��', � ,a ,V i� at ,I
I , 4. - .,v ke I - �__(Lni llunjl 4and his gumr-k StL�1, r ,tnr `Lvl, �t j -djouth,ed. _�'SO.4g J.Ir._4a'.S� j0f'lf__-.
; I , � I 1� _:;. linquest Woot A m
� I I V _j , iil_� ir1_11L-5EI11_& t� U .-C, -, CT %_� -2
, , , "
I MI YTH OF 5% WINN , .Tj r_-,Q*,r_-Ltg P__R i'76atu �Qtg Lt, rLsts to I �� — 1-1*F-.dt,rjt charkoo W. stawara, of
' i�s un"�rur,,�tiu,nod, W A�S,Ite&q tim-co-zer Jo."ason, at Me Imorgue Does -Much to Oalhoggeo Oa;tatlo Abjule � 41,e 11.�gtf_,r-sl' FVtI.If'rat."4m. aa�v_q tha
. ,I I_,' -E, torjp 4bT,aLq-t_ eire at
. %�11411. � G0tV0,,MV. lkfnt & V�M, wE,memop'i at 241D :g.'S1ef6aZ,'. vy,encd thp in- 'r, rade. , clmrt kug,r.,�0v 'of irx,ttcra and
I - ,
I 14D Oteak Gelp. eftekctv, Lad *:_aq1,mV ucytib ror i� quesil 01 fte 1-,rp.D � "tulp tl*
I ,
z UT Hatry it, I, arlis?, . ac�f,ja*a �rujv rimat , I-,
I , =--an grabs Z,cu. 9006S = tfie 11,-z2`,Xi1D.�,9_ gn-z,atcr,�d fin. r �' 0n,e OT itte live trt,=, em wraot jo-ot ;! 13D �z�(,t
41Y llbp t2zm",�Ilrg Y - 94,-tr,P crfto, Ustowatt an ft'F� PTte'e, Cr fu=te iie,
: Peter , , Z,'t?,;2 c4r-,rj zc.nks �zu �etgitj by rces!cnr, *17xeo. T, t I -5tiril 'iver�y arc ftt, nualm t a al .Ir th
8, McNally, Famous ; - - Ic-re �Ire clmr, Igirtly sm:jul_ � tl-;C5r Elvta; I.n f�gze 16re Zc-ster;1�11_V I � sp Gis fc-r M��n La ar.fJ the �ul I au 't ,6 b
� - , W`1�4,�',
lintj b-aM V.1ZL Qz, lYrjumtala thed.1-11to ,sr T.oK_S'C-P Cn S,fot�ngV_ r,.��,g�U,g Ne h " IN,rrtlor�os rciporting to. <-rWis. He dechure-10 that aptivulatots
�arow,�� Inernot'g. 11V k2ritirs, artq,�r bejr�g� r"l I tQve oneune%3 viiiplssssi�rj W the ra,w
' �
Uport, ty, Wks thk Ait '. 7ho-g�,itiv ��st TvZb�rf- "ate ,eu�r ,�r_5m.g ,�Ee a. fr_�w ta,r.Ltreb to $.!P,%6ri. I tswern tm, VIEwtJ tLe -1 Ille LvEpnrtrjent ett .4g.-if,ulture at
P 1! ,;aw. Xtrc-gs=f i 1,L --ere vir 12 p.-or:iac-e t,,,apia 1�,�'Y .11D4 -,1401 ctinw.a. etutvs 'nat aft�-r vlsltlng�,l mun-M are, ti.Lt tie firms rtiaDift.g
� 11 the rerualre '01 the omer Toar vie- 11 . �e ar4�, P;&3rjng: Into L
,w M.;!t t -T -At IL,� %-ict6t= win ;nvo�amtarm Tothento. Julv� 1I.-.S�Wok!nV, I nearly a19 the uii�vjnq v�Iij& ate � full tit tLdf,
. , - rT ttP '� '1im-54 'TtW ,F MZ�"MSt vv4aco then ,-l4!_-z2irr.- � fruit 47isttil'ating �'fllttc-$t� t�ot*e4a
k,trlr igh ri h I (,�aehftiei oot.ten Industry Is tat 04
. j i�izr zr&,�k 4M., gr.p on .Veur hor"a er leg !Mr-it+osh Ifte. i ,#- -f-slf-74��_-,y Vhlef ' *-J untfl 8 ,o�elork to -n - +� I il e I Tht Oiilly Vopo for the,
� Will fl.'* J.'I'�Mk�V j&06DiaaiV'e` , -
US. �i I ,Xp- pat tJs L.ul.d up to tt.a toarce cf 1`4mps-or�. C's vl_e h� wjgaCe; sn!7,a: Vo��ce Cticatt room, 7,�tS H,all. arj'Mg ��Difl ' ,
� ,=.
; 00 pal�. � I he fir'Lls: oivf,.,�Iwtapre grf Ut disaal[D.� 1 lma(j�o to tic'. unfin, ously.
...... "I'll, �� -I'll", ...... "I'll �� - -
n,'ere arf, marj:,/ 11pings e-, .I , -Ar I- ,'. ;' tha — tibia 11 '-*
,,,m,j:t,p ... I At
,�3 , _ottv!* �vcy t 10-rowrlz,g .11. ractl= from, , rOSS%F-.8 afttpniatng
I 1, r,
, L . I
*itjb r,C�7jZZIMg Wh.Ch ;are T�72r,Gm � T�op:p t��rovr up t1c�r fiands irust jI. hazdAng <of iDn,taric apin
as It, 7 *11t ., les. Mc,st FIRST WOMAN STOWAWAY.
I � - to Ithe; tea is Gne V of thire merrhants said to litm tfint
'10 thj.?dZW.'A1'9& f>T 2tC4 e,C-Tjotrzes. j!jr. � ltfW11 1��Ilt Sh.k. t M
Vieter �i. M- Nakli�,,. Wgio is onc- G, r th&:! Irri.1f,13 0-2-V .* pcc '! stv"Irzwer ,c&M pex- lucif FIRE' lilt lbey *Puld handle not mere of such
fives'. long&LutLn,�e swimmers Lr-* �*� turm. --r6i, wi.Dt rx4 bt4 dr,ne by a man DIES"'R T ' fruit placked ae h �jad bre I noli*-ded, 0.111p to S.;y0ood -'bye to Saik,
, ,
ther- wc�l� , ar-id �L;'so a 1le-Eaver ef �.i %Vhx. ip (.,rG7,-r.1r.,- .. - _1. , ,N in tbs, and couldn't litave 1111m.
, , I- F',enuse he 58 riot a '� v irist They say they arp rjj#�gus,._ I
wide rqr,,_ft,tm,n,, C7pgoc.cs Mari V ji� :p,00e .qmiza=Tr_ . Tc ttaric.w tipyoor- *k Am Rj "! * �
papalar, rg.�,tfa,,* ,eereernmg the exer,-* t, lalneur; 'Wat it"T the watEr "Vola . with the dishcnesl,.� whic-la jertis � lqew York. July 14 -The first vigiii-
� .
ClAf. ;AD fin &* - ir - ralU -_,re �� 'trex,d wetev.11 'I It I pfd,ekprs te pat sm.11l ar.p,,ep in the � man Wwwawaj,y al' whom the imilit-
t itaist -
. � I !� grant officials at this ort lmvei
.tkZt . ,.Lt tm� J,� YRY GOODS S , , E , Tr4p.aRp oT the- b=rel,s and to pat vn-, P
ftm. ;1 ftow Women igvtr�rn. 9 sound attl darii-Lar ary 1,nowlt(Ige arrived last evei)-
. . ,C -d Triat in -pack- "
Mr. vf�NL*ly hns had ampic crpor- �; "A - rp-mirulk'ar ',EA. Dg abc.-al. ere,mm,,V� - , t ag s � ln� !;; the Kaiser Withelm der
�� .e. VUSCIA are repro.sente,t to ton-
fttAkhsi to obef,�Tvr, the spart �c ",fl ;I pser'Eir- '�%, t,�_", weme'l. M!Wnysr 110at Ha=Mton. 3u;Y. .1401h. Epo;vdorl to the 4nlarm, and as it was �, t.-ju ir,017 Slround fru:t cii� firstt-�tVarza; �' Grol.qae. Shr is Mro. Louis ` SI it 'k
101 ft.�;i t�_,mf,,a& .-A,�- bF, h,�",'23-� a m(dal . Lac%� -,-p nn,rL mrn !riimrt fmce - mrlovvm Tae '"�rft ez*2;9,IA 1�re tIie Fire I meai h%rur, they vvere aIR short r, qutffity. lrh� 'nspi-zt�r a3so rt-porl's i ;k middie-ngyed Ourmair wq31`nI.tn1,avvthtA�
frcw Me M,,=Lme Sw-1�1y for f,avL.T.g ,� wh.'C,-,�a �0; 4ufu to the e�;k, reD'Ifle IV -1 -�L I el atAlSremera
�j . IkIP45irtMent has, bi-er. caj,�,pqj ,jP51r, ',140 � lb-o,odcd- ALS Soon as ChW A11,01.fl;5on � that thp r2��-re!.:,IiAz lylvc Theen re- ,ren
'V( - b,-.tVVfCL- !87�.: ar.L3, I�E:ii&. -witj i *,r-.,.qtTUC-,t�i1,�n of, the. Ito5y. ' - .Sr 4i
41 K .-,L _. NgZ:. f'rlr _V"arg :hle�;e 10 -at &tr,- Sbe Was thfda, accampallied, IDV
,� . at ricon :� rtmened 1 -he plznocp The rca�-.zed that 1! celving from -��h;.`%Vssterz� Stab�,s sup- ttlz
- Ag.�An. w,vrzic-n sw4rr !-�ackwa-. - -m-&,�v ir -C�wr T. H. Pratt cwr, de- r, hc ImA heavy w - a he ' PUPS OT nPp�-Ps wlgici�� not 0 a that tho� ebild was ' It
ne " i w5th 'the ir OrL 'aa. Two ccoi- t _Ycf,r . L,r
lhae 3M � X, b tflta; 0i tw reA-1tes. , _ _6�,,,,3 ty, and explained'
was for V�-do ,ritars elm -4 tmstrz�-,,!tor I wtvp� =�.Lnrg, a straight C2 ly.rfmiarlrt 8�4re, -N,GF- 116 arld ILE< James ! pardeg were sprit thr011gh the nlleV, T nearly as go-od lri fL,zvf�r or tpxtrite '�tl"p 115clav
bf ev"Ir.m.,ing at zll�e rnstoz Tyub, !�, : .I.,76 '50;rwc.'74.1 slrcka with. tile I M,% si'4veet =4Y-tth- Mr. Otte, ArAp,. ol Mel? 1' adjoining the bujiding, ,,�,nd a flaiik S0.4 m
bath". .Ur. M"N"fly bnl�js si�.VC-1z'] I wh2o n, rrion propris himst"S W;th Ifie, zfAVd.,ry twUtlrli-s�=crlt, whil . I as the Ontarto app:ts, ar,F packed board to blet Min gowl-bye Wor
P passlrig,� robviewent attempted. While lines '01 just fbr wbat thtly are represented
pemarkl�bla rcGcw�s lor IoDg-'a.stanc-c i� mlP, ot We fc�ot, andm6ftoribcs,elrelea O�e Store, *-aw & 'm OuMe 'Of smoket hoik* wt -re being W1 from t Eerding hitat to an uncle In ihi
he TinleZ -to be. He states -further that the � country. When three fdays out fro'
orwimm4ng. . wlt,'_� LIS 1pigs." ctmir`g through a Wir-dow, ana ran loorn", a f6rce of men with axes Northwest Is l"I"'Ing tip with won- Y _t she was 61scovered among tz
lr'.ramps Rarely Patel- 41L . � to ther eall IK)x at the, ec,rrger of t were tearlair up the flooring .at the ful rapldit�,,-, anut� Is maniv lift it '"
erroncri,,is - ' 178MCR and X11113;r William streets. In � Sront entrarice, It br4npr.thougbt that � s in- steerage pasgengors. Site refuired,
, Th- Caradkin Niorlh.-�rn atrike has br f faucy as a market. for Orsiar;j fruit,
lmpr�os.-OD4 at,out Swlwm� g �, row enlu-rW upon its jgf,ctonc, week. 6-ilk:B9 the glags to rramc,h -LIBO. - was: where the seat of th w � but unless Ontario palckers and shlu- bo'ard, beypond sayirg tfiat at t
, e jjj�e as., gtve nny reason for hiding away L
, ,rarek, he cat Ms hand badly. P,y tile! Mr. Pratt Went up a ladder to the I I
Th '! ll: -z las, ; PW 'k C� M4 a'�e Cja�=jj]g -al _" c . , , m got -Drck clo�zks were rush- �, first floor. with the ir,tention: of F1 Or IaWL moment 9he felt that she co
t a ule 13', a L t mar, - C Ae a g( -t hold of the tradp th'.9 year
$*r , d t - - - !, Y) L
, * ""a""'
'i"' " " i , , �i y � Tictcr.5% _ , . ,
_ -,
opeople are wtereome by cramp vvh'.I.e ,� 1719 Out,01' the st,crp, zznd slocke was Igetrig to the ;;jfj,o to get the books. an a manner that will rerleet credit .tot part from her son. .
R , � .) I
av4mmlng, vind a:e dro-�rned In con- JoIrre Xlr,�nsevpnber� a farmer rosild- coming 011t Of sevCrt-d windows. Mr. I and casih, but be� got im only a fe, on them, they are llke,ly to .,oge tfiat Tb(-, Boari of 6ppoial 'Enrjul
. !�; wirong. "As & =Dtter of i market permanr-ntly. It I,s to be wl:l be askefi to ecielp iI(- CaReL
- -re , lc� . �
% her , , Lis �'re T, 39- Pfttt Was' talkIng to, )$r. I feet when tile smoke drove I d .r
swjuerae irii_- near i,=ed, t1reirmed 1kat 'the
itwd " d,Cl 48mr, WeNtAly. 11 Was a tith depo!elt of gold-boarlAg Adal�i 21mmermnrl wlierl -the ory off him Out. In a very sihort time im- I hoped, the., tile Ortaxio pttcki�rs Awl l'ida.y. The child is 3,rotvided with,
ftly vue- ij)�w cr cramp that is tatal Ouaetg In the side, Of a bill ob his lire wmt u . r it I
L IY I , an Ir-c"redibly *Jort I w6rise ,Claude of th-1'ek smoke setthd I shippers will profit 1,.iy tilts warnlaig Icket. .
� to the ,Fv- hrimvr, an. -I that f-9 Cramp W=. Xemt day he lodated tbe,ore,' time the fire, isceraedi, to D&Ve spread, r 1-6 the vicinity and made the fire- I Information givor; them in goo(I time :
� Or thC6to_11')aCh*, wblelz Is a1mbstag wbi<�h is said to ,assay $800 to tile to different , I I I
Partr, of the store. All mews work diff clilt. The p-Ajc,e Were F before the beg* 'l;lng 'of the Efas`(*n�s` ' Yr' Charob`arIaj_jjL*Lq 111no$8 Is del
mo so hen*43 teeth. . . . " . I Itm. # � . � I , IL , i , , g . .. 4h,e hose ,comP211k!,,�s to the City re- I rather olow to * gras-p the erAuattou., busineeg. I . �, r . , . . f . t Lr , Inv1*0 colonial conference.
- .
'. , . . , .1
. ,
. 1. r 4