The Herald, 1902-07-18, Page 5TI 1 ; . ,ZURICH
a ca
Whence Comes EleetrM.tit',r?
At a time when electricity is rapidly
transforming the face of the globe",
when it bus already in great measure
annihilated distance and bids fair to
abolish darkness ford us, at is ettriOU, to
reitice how completely ignorant "the
plain man" remains as to the later de-
velopments of electrical theory. Some
recent correspondence bas led ane to
tiiine that a vague notion that electric-
ity is a feller which. ire' Sorge mysterious
way lion's .through a telegraph wire
like water through a pipe is about as
far as he has got, and if we add to thls
some knowledge of what he calls"elec-
tric shocks" we should probably ex-
haust bis ideas ou the subject Yet
this is not to be wondered ed, Even
the most instructed physicists can do
nothing but guess as tp what electric-
ity is, and the only point ou which
they agree is as to what it is not.
There is, la fact, a perfect consensus
or opinion among -scientific writers
that it is not a fluid -I. e., a continuous
stream of ponderable matter, as is a
liquid or a gas -and that it is not a
corm of energy, as is heat. Outside
this limit the scientific imagination is
at liberty to roam where it listeth, and,
although it has used this liberty to a
considerable extent, no deflnite result
has followed up to the present time.-
Liel,li,g Iier Stamps.
We find the 'following anecdotes in a
Naples paper: "At the postol?ice yes-
terday, amid the large crowd gathered
around the window, was a young Eng-
lish lady, handsome, well dressed and
accompanied by her maid, The young
lady had just purchased some stamps
ande,vus about to affix them to a num
ber or letters which she held in her
hand. Delicately tearing off a stamp,
she said to her maid, 'Pull (sic) out
your tongue.' And the maid, with Eng-
nglash impassivity, thrust forth her
tongue, sv
faile e ,th mistress stress passed over
4 4
• By Wiliam J. Lampton 4.
', Copy -right, isa„ by the O•
4 s. S. McClure Company ,
,Tim Doty eves lbe son of industrious
and thrifty parents, but he was no ex-
emplar of the doctrine of heredity, As
a boy he had gone to school because
if he had not gone there the truant oiii•
cer would have made existence else-
where uncomfortable for him, and Jim
dearly loved to be cpmfortable. At
school it was easier to remain at the
root of his class than higher up, so he
philosophically ebose the easy thing
and stuck to it. Jim was not a Mis-
chievous boy or a bad one in any sense,
because those attributes require effort
to maintain them. As somebody had
to be at the foot of the class, and there
were those who were discontented.
there, the teacher accepted Jim as a
special providence and made the most
of Irian.
"It's beyond me about Jimmie," his
mother was wont to say. "lie ain't n
bad boy nor up to no mischief, and
you'd think when he went to scbooi
he'd learn his lessons just because he
-didn't want to learn nothin' else, but
he won't learn a single thing, good or
bud. Ile just seems to be everlasting
do -less - settin' around and settin•
around and satin' around. And I'msure he don't get it from the Anderson
side of the house neither."
Mrs, Doty was an Anderson, and this.{ conclusion of hers was an unsupported
animadversion upon lir. Doty because
that worthy man not only made a very
living, but owned a small
tae world, .'Mother," Jini contended•
"If there hadn't 'v' been, what do you
s'poso the Lord put ate here for?"
She looked hien over as he stood in
the doorway the Very picture of care.;
less indifference and shiftless good na-
ture. .
".Well," she replied, "he's ,the only
one that knows, and he ain't told yet."
When )1ary Canby discovered that
Jim Was beginning to "act foolish,"
she promptly. but kindly told him of
the utter uselessness of his suit, •
"Why don't you want to marry • ane,
Mary?" he asked in a dull, dazed way,
as if not comprehending the full pur-
port of ber decision. "We've always
been friends, and you know you like
"I know, Tien,' she said gently, "but
like is not love, and one cannot marry
without lover'
"Do you love anybody else?" be ask-
ed, quickening a little. "I've beard
that you thought a good deal of Jack
ldurflri and him of you."
Mary Canby was not coquetting with
Jim Doty.
"Yes, Jim, I do," she answered
frankly, "and Jack and I are to be
married as soon as school closes for
the summer."
Jim choked, and the tears came to
his eyes.
"Mother said 1. wasn't any use in the
world, and I guess I ain't," he said
bitterly, hopelessly.
"Oh, yes, you are, Jim," she encour-
aged him. "Your chance hasn't come
yet, but it will."uo
"I durum," he sighed despairtugly,
and, turning away, he walked slowly
homeward alone.
The village knew what was tine mat-
ter with Jim for the next month, or
more, but it was considerate of his suf-
fering, and he heard no jeering word ,
nor the laugh that hurts.
Two weeks before the school closed
,Tim was down at the railroad shops
whereJack Muriiu'asforeman. klewas
Will keep ou hand
a* supply of Flour
and Feed at right
. . .SEASON. . •
T IJ.tt1a9
farm and laa y
d mono laid away for a there chiefly because he did not al
it the moment rind
it a postage
stamp, which she Stttrse- rt
quently stuck ou a letter. She went j tt•h JI us old enough to go to he was sitting through the entire package of letters,
anti for each one the obedient -waiting
iuttid thrust out her tongue for the
mistress to moisten the stamp. Curl- 1 success in that depeuded upon a ski
ous manners these English people ' which did not appear to be one of the fence, and he knew the bate of Jack's
clraractcristtes of the yo lig ripprentice, 1 wedding day. They were not friends a
"I put him at that," iter, Doty ex -1 in the sense of associates. but Jack
platted to an inquiring friend, "because r not care how much Jim enjoyed hint- THE CORRECT ' STYLESARE'
I've seen that boy set on a soapbox in N self about the place so long as be di" iTO BE FOUND IN MY IiI TAB-•
the shade and whittle e'er six trout's" not interfere with basilicas, and aim Il�,idll : eT'.
E • °it to I terferin'„ ;
tiny liar. Ilea to be elsewhere
en m `�ing in the shade whittling. R,
work, his father secured a place for Possibly ire Yeas somewhat more ne•
him to learn the carpenter trade, wwhlelr tine than usual and was thinking, for
was rather a surprising selection, as he had just seen Jack Muslin walking
11 acr•oss file cards toward a gap In the I
Laundry . .
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
'Ptee Canon and the Lawyer.
The point of the following story Iles
n the important part which the "three-
The Kind
You \Wont
Bill Heads Sale Bills
Note Heads Envelopes
O c u.lars Etc. Etc,
penny lilt" Plays In church collections hatter rwdn'. Of course he never whet- Mali Hewer ecu g t t +� .._.
in England. 1. t.'anutt llltuil, was having ties nothing out of tire wood he uses r With baseness tt' it did not interfere #
i dt f pool ut the squire's, d or thought tawbe he � with biro, 1
t e his opponents was 1� Igsbw i i put Will at Maybe
h Intent h hi t
a rr :"n y game o " t ads + Broaches. the Latest
tai), but
I lain n tpon his thoughts, Slni con• Paris Styles.
ane one o s ' '„ would Warn to nto
tlw took. r. The canon Lost a '•life fer." tinned whittling until presently he Was 1 Gents Cuff 'Auks and But-
uud tout: from his pocket tt threepenny , , 1 recalled to his surroundings by it shout tuns, Good and Strong.
1 nne, and nota very lone; time either,A grill litre of Watches,
Owe to Pay for it, which he placed on t Proved the epeetuusness of Mr. Doty's of alarm. It was Jack's voice. anti,
he edge o1' the table. M ]i►•rle. and Jim was no longer seen . looking through the gala in the fence. ` full �t tte']kry.:titt hes,
"Oh," had
�S�t r au r9 See, late' aInstrument:, toed ;31rairea
y have " 1a ui }our fly, in the eauot'• oboist frac shot/ where he haul etisa5'c!d he eaww Jaa,"l; lying aeross the Walls. with e
11 1 drawknife unci the saw. " his le twisted under hien and his foot ,,...,
The vcuton •drew himself up to his fail to handle the
Ile had passed out to WATCH li 5,"�I) t'>tt1l'li 'REPAIR -
'eight. a good six feet, and, Woking After off histeutirt to make tt skilled fasteIn a frog.,
laborer son lir. Doty" thought � the warn tracks, and Jttit heard a train 1�:wtti. �;,.� Tilt D13;3'i'.
the! :nail of the lute foil in the rave. pos4oiy there might be an uutlevelop• coating. Quieher than he bad ever
said. "1"ut surprised that you. Ir• t,ai instinct for agriculture in the youth, " moved: Wore to :t➢i his stagnant lite ,
pi inthe presence of ticl"3 re• farm t ter t fair he cleared the shares between them and
eray,ti ►y. anti Jim was sent tt) u a a a
'tern ge conal►any, bavo try audacity
Ms t' t in I , stood 1n the tract: arrr itis rival's Dotty.
recognize your own paltry t:uti#rll)u•
fhotu field
village'. s uist• u gess: THE JEWELER
that tit°ice tt•:►x manifested within three The 1rt�ttvs engine t."truahe down l�t�l
tray's 1,,° his return to the! Imreutat roof, bt"wn t'l"ws"tsid, but too late. and no 1
�- - --- .•,, , • i t "arch could intuit it. But Jim tse"r�.
aat►:'" HCl Rill ZURICH
totai" but also to ',6at eento ordinary i 1 at the table as if foot from e ,
crunch in hi the
toes r, "Milano." replied dila untotnce�rnealty,'; erails.
lac are tlrl" e;IrusuiC of u tclt'liban? „ ;� r°irks sail Inc reekayuetl the When
2.aiuprl That Talk. •"What's the matter aat�\ : imitated ct t t t
ra rs not only can lit+. wutTh his father when Jim wvalko4 into the er faltered. #.luteol« the prostrate Inut7 I house tet ;;arrow time tutu calmly took ` to n slalom position. he wrenched IA
t tire rata eIIttttr and, with u
.,. " , bis accustomed Pince air Osrinttwo wan be wile to ;placing he bad not missed as meal. giatat's strength, be Bung hint outside
1 ' placing the
t Ohl mon Idines body was It 4;01 u➢n a tat' the snei minium- r?e?ever, tante tnieaaaaaa°.tl, on the Place wens about till i'trww minute; later, a little life~ remain.
the other is by ordinary
It rat the cit°ruIt the ta,:s1 it could tate, tat preemie, tuna ell--juet a ?luttering nates. hutfad %enough
hash -eel tcf the e)rallnaaitg ta:nausetnl¢ter. ,ill heaa,C►i "aid ;;a>"
to ive true lOgiot that tacks fade:).
in Other o0" true -c positions It will Cyta'. 3014% 1witfid Ire couldn't Iii! very : "Jinn furan:"' cried It'7nrtsnu, taking lam
laustriaan ccc wt'tyt,, a wh,k is earn be beard harsh with ids only son, lievantiit.% chile ill lots arms.
e:i n onr¢tyr aft :a cuuu al,,, =:nt)lc t$istaain • enc, trial Pollen to natal to floe I.h re rattail "les all right new, Jack." wialee iii,
➢t ttsatte a aw fotC®o';:r. aadsv. that the a ver honor Unna Wealth of the name evil Baty. n no. oitelasnmy less cues lanae snunlllams,:
ll era st :ng; tOaa^ receiver bring stratum' r ser `"'t1101*.° ?elm 1 v. -41E4 some flee Ono Ole
Sion u th.ttat vc blessing, `. 1IG. +T aoho t had cnrttne'traGpntealtlg zarset in
tillers would he only loo glad If -they
The 14 reireta it arta. i sous.
;`",a p,,,° gnarl they stopped! with the stag- w
The T'teue:tu bean or for elle ,chase Is bad tws the time :limn had readied rats tt^untie unfinished. But Gael, t:neu whet
eweeteel by some st eat ills a the, twenty-fifth year he had tried Iris hand 10 tell �I:tn'•3e
ewweetest and mellowest of ail the Sintl
In B tia veto's time it a tit eve•;a• kill l or work the village and .,
tliFr ate
a:amm T`n u u a•la he did ;as lithe to ar egg g Pune ar
aaeuat e. ns the tr:annsanitE�r e)f� ri fedi row non it. ;stir. Itrnty r�eceeeeteed set world and tuns ellamee'e, would iec ane. some
Iareerame. t las i w annul Inn1ay f•i ts81 . '1'�1 h14!
it ei ll o i 1a $ lI and he lead wee
ioi A1 'N ws calerS
"" I/'there Ga some. weaker one, ;tire me strength to help him oh."
""Bind hearts are more than eorovets."—Tx.' Nxsorr.
The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in American..
—The New Free ("onsum)rtire Hospital, built under the
auspices rf' the National S'u eitar'ium, Association, will
be ready --so mon as the money to equip and furnish
is secur•et( k1 recc°irc �.r) patients absolutely without
charge. -
-dyer :ioO our of :i6' jw4tients admitted to the ,Muskoka
Cottage Sanatorium —Um property of the National
Sanitarium .i 5sor•iation ---hare 2•etlsr Ped liome either
cured or greatly improved.
—The Free CorisrfInptire� Hospital is situated in, the same
delightfully healtlrtull locality, bringing the same ad-
vantages to the p4or(T ;hath."nts as to the rieh.
,. C_!•-* tStU'MPTIVES iN A➢NIE#3ICA
Tele Marfa of IIi" '• "nee 7 . Il ,T.'! .S M. i,'.'_.^:.:_:}l, Peeler
Think OY h . r e. ? Nene �C"1'n' a C. Itstabfp'
Unit J�'"LL V� .a r !J
4 . fid, n ::' 1' ice" remove.
t'.Ze�i licly�m cols � � c-- -�_
yyy� yy�o�:1�tW reit
of mon. fa'? l"', J _.� +1. -v_-.a L ,441 'W��l•1LJ` 7
The victims or ..._ W � .' G� �t n l nvEr Canada.
sale l,teatitltt 5 lgJa. l04tC. a " y
�l t. et,esie at Cas' GJ3 inCU".w. tits' t+11L''WiVj 'e"r't►a,iee
nopy*t "iii: Cryttipoittl d 1, It 1=051
v[ar araangte. 64 Pages:* Iluai l,*usle
hitt Voce. tali IY:ftiamenttl-ae C+aartlptete
Meet" ter Pt:io*- are 0.;•ta;ntb tr.r
tent*. seettarSetettietii n,.eteees. 1tvtra
*III seat t<5 t •0 0aure aa`Cal atetvltess et t`avn
+pe feetatteot theelar eot,Oi�Yi %viemlysed
eou teen of the;t1egezise Pries.
, gar f ttiC Y.;rotrmt. j• �/r peplleen teeettttht�'r,
tiitthth ail tocuat$if--.. Phtlydel hl:r„ to*.
i than the Diel hunting w e S
. hitt n tet o er,
was little ase a alined nothing except the title of ""Lse- ` y ost people are cage> to have a
horn, ed tau fur lege convenience i of Lina! ➢ �} good. tried recipe for longevity. Traere u
n Oientlterl 1rLlntler, wee tnrt":itY};ed in spiral less Jiair. But ;Btu did not worry. Ile are many week altaJtmt, hurt 1"e�` are
•Q i l his good nature
head rood carried i dickens � 't You ••a tci ' - so
v •was as Irili osoP ter•. aha .,
coned rooioca to be slipped over the
Stas ince rtrtnrbable, really practicable or ready reliable, as
d It Q d nesting; ou one sial)ul- 1 ' , what has proved good in one ease bus
Zt I9H P O.
)("i,lrl'n cl•iite exee'lat szantditivs .*,'ray s
" .. offered li: rl )til ee a:� . .
"forest bore." rel in the shade chipping away at tete those who ttotrid like10 reach .;,c.
as be has elarte. anti 3t,timuiat vigorous riIyll,FOIE Hl SwLi,,(-losealf
chine v.•ith his knife. .+ °� .r ' r l)trt
Actors' 5tti►trr'a'tlttdrttr. "Got at Sola you'd nee to give tae`:" re-' and hardworisirng; is well. is really Laos- ya .la)'•l Ytl, °` 's D :Inane
to rehearse z piny on Stand tw e s sponded JBam in a willing tone, mad thel' shale for all to follow. He does not L. H. D.y rr to ,►.team
sure .sista that than piny c',ili not begeom./mum dissl►peaucal. Ile might be:' pretend that longevity can a alta➢ileal °" .. L, H. & 13., ." `0 r;Ytattt
success tar the in alatl orderingilthe anxious enough to see Jim haves joie• 11 quite �eashy: On the crontrary'. bss Sa::
rehearsal w and that spore o will be term lavolties Melt Setif' denial; but. nt " FtttlII I1:1•NS LI...t T. H 7i7fmai
bat he did not care to anssunae the re Qa least. it is tot an awcentele one. lEs °` p ber pm
Qty Sail who se la „t'tiCiil:atF'. flmu the Losses tiaershilr o1' Enril►Ir,y'Vr. �. 4t . n :r n -I 7 taut
• • e. To twirl ai chair :it relicarsats is a,. c,l�e, 01' a r'rnrmenelit eii:ar timeoig, t based on ivraru ice aatd gersoin::Q t•.rl.. >> 3 ¢Q. + t a :c4, ,.m.:
I.n. ,its nothingp L. H. se�(�� I�-.
jbst ns gusd us iwttnlg r)n s snare thingems 4 esiveriente', is that strict tempt -ranee in r4 °° L.
13. its . ., °` 1 : buy ant
tire:ly enrhis ed uo own vo son.conetodfflllnn food as well , s drink will I)ro.eag' life. .. r° J47,
/bat tm light wiQIl uTsrtmlYs the fu'ienatslfilr S
leve. 'l%ey say en Idle brave is tkee!' middle Iite is Tea bed one most `"sows ate l)tiate halk'ttnlilottr t)rCClr)tt� c '
devil's workshop, and surely be foes J down." tzt us little ars tiossibie'. dlrhak the, 4.'"1' for C au lg the wails.
ai alwvays Litt
e: "'`,'lir• t ne rsatt e,
filer tante under the opposite atrnn. The
Slit u' . It. 1r�.t:t1atTtli. lit.. (lnliet Justice.
tir ..yjnE ,4. Haat'. Sats. stl:ea"'►l�aa., 'Toronto.,
•%%', ,j. GAGE, EE:, t:`I,:.ah-t t acn 3C`;c- t' .;an.. 1ot',,:uto.
ATIOXA1'.,TIse:•:.T co, Limited, Treasurer.,
we'rrt'. J67an':" u aid 11007151, Ibe g_;rnceny not done ' lir another. but the att]vsto notiP It Pan �`laa� la qtly r "+�
Germans still call it the wat9tiiror#i amu one tray as flnu sat on a salt f e1 'by Sir EiTheteach rorn t', tl. t _I t i Pollowwa •
that is, t it Diel t•
of tat least two members and perhaps
cause IosS to We rnaaagenaent for that
• Itm veerdy Dire one mar eat freely. but e5 LETTERS L4r)1a 1E t .Tut 4�'IoN Must
u tiaaa" Iriaea 101 1175 business sus Jess as little as Passible 'are
'i'ouren *„lo,ee. wily aim ever fell in lace nobody could Os li t and Yon will be 08 the safe
�I Y i i,trr•ie➢a*-1'we come to comeff
D.S.FAUST, Post11niater.
say, and he it not hrtoey himself, nor 1 side. be iters. One can thoroughly be-
t- to dis- °
Mrs. on rr •
did be dull. it worth the effort ..
yin of that
flour you sen. tae. Was enough for hin) that are; lieve such d doctrine. Large and iu
t� Iw"tt was the matter With cover. It ,� t • discreet feeders are never as welt or as
wvas in lore, Anel he was serious at tt
1 j Ion^ Iiw-ed as their brethren who ati-
11rs. Youngbride-lt wtis toile,.
choice forthwith, thereby displaying rat liaa3 Weak 2.tafrtk. i e have made arrangements
I it, too -so serious, Indeed, object that
Made a pie with it. and et was as tnuclt
wcThis unsuspected energy., n Englishman who fulfilled the the to offer the following low clubbing
b the with Tn� 33 rt t�,9
ars nay husband could: do to eut
"iarcntly shot no aatrprecisttora of food•
w -anted to marry the object of his y
Clubbing rates,
This € .ieet was Mary Canby, ie tics of lari:l steward ea,^rnteetie ssith rate
blacksmith's daughter grafi also the 'e•il• " kneel one dray gave
Tier Catatcitiar' Inge schoolteacher. She was pretty' a l er ;e esttate in Scot + i.?."s
nt a glass of ensile Daily Mae •t '_
she_yes Say she won three irus' and bright, and she liked Jinn because, ;l n youthful farm servo Datil , Empire
by her
C001.3nn? although disinclined to bodilv'exertioo. • by R'cny of COlnlaens icing Iaitra for doing wec�la
wC sae • fru
• i anti he rottlt➢ some extra
dais a'ti Empire'; 1.75
' h 1 dad t
'"But Mows did she set rid of the bus-
Be-- I bete s
be was not stow o1' w, The late, a trite son of Seada. put on
talk well. ttisa) ointment Heti
bands after she
torr ooki:" '°icor goodness salves, Jkmmle n said r an air of unmistakable 1 p
••Orr, 1 believe ter coaiin „ lead: some. his mother -she railed ltinr ,i;inrnie As ut file uiiwyelconie smallness of the
Englishman, - , t thltrltiaw to d
do with if he were stir at oy�' wv is ve
i you want to marry for? You Wet sup. vert his attention front his critical ex-
port yourself. much less a wife end amination. jauntily asked:
t lie 1l h `1pittf Sott ou ' °"I say. Sandy. do you happen to know
'"It would be helpful to you." said family, and. married women can't � how glasses like the one you paid in
the prison visitor. "if you could take . schookteach to support their bus- , our gages are made?"
some -That's
r andhtry to live tip to il' bands."! -plied Tien', whit- y t 1 a, moister, 1 dinna ken onytl}ing
`•Touts right." replied the convict + i fango, mother, replied 'Shoot the welder," "I'd like to select, for instance, "We : tling a stick down 'es a fine point.
are here today and gone tomorrow."' I
letting liber temper show tself1e"You
Is often a traffic ot". =mud III just can't ninrry. that's :ell. You're the
Flatters,' ttseiessest thing t i e girth now, and 'a judkeial look be held up the t,'lass,
meanness. where. although both r hr• " married you'd' be ow°ads se." "he mann surely bae been waist awful
neither is tel
rimer Journal efiertneene .,zn
Tinnily Herald & utati` i.:i
tSi that too"' " glass The Englishman , b i•
thing taI b l to r do
. r" answered the Scot.
"1 wonder you haven't hoard that
they are blown," said tire steward.
"Aweet" replied the servant as with
ties intend deception,
t2eiyed_- CGltott,
ibort of braitb that WOW this Sine,"
"I guess there's x••atue use for roe n
bogs Viloeihodbilei
'rhe Great Ertgtish ramedy
Sold and recommended by all
druggista in Canada. Only tell
ai►Te medicine discovered. siz
.puelecttJet guarantee.i to cure all .
f f Sean a Weakness all effects of abuse 1425 NEW YORK AVE„
ALL CA&11:21Oi
by one <v n:ea:ti C,.s 1: -
. ... ayou
3, y tat t ,:: e-. .. ..
r t G1 t 4 -1 •.:II::a•
_ eat-
t:ibise .". _ •. -. _• .. l c ... ..G. i ;x
1t4;-" a •. - tr r r --..
he. .i .,.::ac:: t:ea, ..� .�....w.., v t . ..4 t ,-.......
Dire treatment' doe:4 not inferfew df ar•itlr omeaare raSUad or•r°i►tprti'iort.
11,111 INAIIO'UAi ORAL iii i�tlC. 5lr° n vt 5 h« .1.E AVE., CHICAGO,
O'FARRELL t L + i ,
or excetts, Rtehtai Worry, > acesgi're 'use of Ta t
bacco, Upluux or stimulants. Mailed on receipt f - f. °ernarks*Coey a
' of price one g1 $t, s1Y, $5. i)rrs aatt f�tcase.1 g -
�Oi6r;6tars of ItmeriCatwaa;nd Fo+tei n P;a4etits. Desi rr5, awa
O t. t rights, Win return foe if Patent is net secured. Send'for
ratx wog'xc,r't. amphlete free to any address,
The 'Wood
Votmlran7, wine yrs u ;
Wood's Phosnhodithe is sold in
Zurich by Dr',13uc1utnil.'n, D'ruggest.
inventor's Guide, or How to Geta °Patent.
'114eteSiOt't thiS Paper and secure speeial rates," it