HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-18, Page 4N, THE 111 1104)1d L P BY 1�1. ZELLIM TERTNIS Or" SXTBSCRIPTION z�$1,00 pe" year paid strictly in advance, When th, paper Is not. ordered to be' discontinue( it will be sent until such order is givei and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charie( When not, paid. in, advance.. ADVERTISING RA71133P.�TrOn s 1 e n g0vertisernents, 5 cents �er Brevier lini for first insertion and, 3 cents per line fo each subsequent insertion, Small Advs SU04 W'Lost" "Estrav" Or "Stolen wi, be cliprged 50 cents first Insertion and 2i cents fox, each Sn1asequeut Insertion. Oopy foi- ohani;G.of advertisement mug be handed in not later than Tuesday nigh of each week to insure change in follow ing issue. Local notiees in ordinary readiug typi 5 cents per line. Noticesior Chtii-6 eu. tortalliments or other benevolent lifstifli. tion at special rates. Ooutra-ts for column, half -column anc I quarter-eolamn. rates for specified periodi will be cheerfully given. Address al communications to IM. 9 Lonyl-lair " About, a year. ago my hair was coming out very fast, so. I bought a bottle of Ayers 14air Vigor. It stopped the fallln� and Tade my hagFow very rapidly, until now it.. is 4 ifiches in length,"—Mrs, A. Boydston, Atchison, Kan�. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hair needs food, needs hair vigor=Ayer.s. I .'Thisiswhywesa that Am's Hair Vikor aiways restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy., sim a bottle, Alt draWsts. If your drug ist cannot supply you, send us one War and we will express youabottle. Be surcand givetbe name of your nearest expreas office. Address, I J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. -.17HE. ZU ','..'JINGLES ANQ-JF_M,. Haric I It Is the dinner gong, Sweet song, - Thaf $Otln�A its e0oingbooin, Uaric The guests, how now they throng Readlobg Into -the d1ning roora. TO dine, you say.? Oh, no! To play ringpolig., .Not So nadly Oft. "It Must be hard for you People to get aloug- without 'wtlisky sometimes," remarked the tourist in 4 Prohibition country. . "Oh. I make the best Of lt,".replied the settler with a twinkle In his eye. Whe Pretty W0331AU19 DoctrIne. Beauty's only slcin deep, So they Say; Ali, Well. that's plenty deeP enough for me. They'll ne'er get me to give myself away While the surface still Is beautiful -to see. WOMIRIJILPS War. He—Colne n-- 1-1 1- 1 � 4- W are in e the ft FOR" GHERRIE�!�" Market EUGHEST TRADE AND CA811 PRIOLPS PAID. lVe have also a large stock of which we are selling at reuiarkably lo%�, priceE'1. Give us a c, SATiSFACTiOAJ GWARANTEED R. G. N1 HOLP 1B LAKI 4 ..THE.. CC% R I , J- V. go 0 E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.0, la—itnut—n make up. -your mind whether you prefer 0. rnmn 0401 TXA+ I y American Exhibitions. I Inthecaseof persons or Asso- my company Or Mr. Smith's. V FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902 ciations who wish to buy but who I She -1 canit�­rcally. Whenever* I'm HENSALL, ONT. Icannotattendthe sale or send a WIth one of You I prefer the other! I representative, if they forward Toym. -Ito Mr. A, P. Westervelt, Parlia- Which much delights the little boy; thoroughly renoytt.ted and refitted, their orders with full instructions A small red wagon Is the , toy This popular hotel has been.k SALE OF YORKSHIRE PIGS. For Breeding Purposes. i went. Building,,, Toronto, Ont., lie 116 gets, when lie becomes a, man, l will be responsible for the prompt A big red auto If he can, and will be found up-to-date, in Having carefully studied the And, boy or man or rnan or boy, ; and honorable execution - of gilcil conditions aud�advantuges in Eng-! I -Ws chasing still some pretty toy. every respect. I orders, and for the proper ship- I The. judiistrial position of Clll,.1d,1 in the land, Canada, and the United' eutt of aninials bought under Every attention' paid to the i In i world to -day is a soilree, of great national pride., States, of selling by annual - publie'this, clause. In all. Such cases the A Jewel. traveling public. auction, pure bred anfinals for nfo ey to be invested inust acc Betzer—Why do you have Iron bars n 0111- AVe bave trilimplied over others ill 111,11)y breeding purposes, a number Of the: pany the order. If the order etm- in. front of your kitelien ,windows and ledding Canitdiall. breedens Of'not be filled in a, nianner s&tisfttc- ill llol)e (qf. ti (ly doors? lines of iliallilf, -t111 ec 1� Tork-slAre pigs buy(- decided to tory to Mr. lVeitervelt, the nioney Sbemster—To prevent the escape of W. R. HO*DGJN-S ' establish an annuta truction stile, sei;t will be refunded inintediately. the cook. t as in biey(4es. believing that this -will supply In kt few days additional purticu- PROPRIETOR. Canadian f4ralers with what they lars %Vill be A Lu.,ir of Nattu 7-11 5 sent You in phaniplet. Ire. require in u. ntore satisfactory nlau- F. NV. Rocison, Iva easier for teawlse men nor than the presnit systern of fit-, Live Stock Coulluissl Their knowledge not to h oiler. Than It In for one tool no, OW ting for exhibitions, ineetin CUS ,qlilft� J. C. STONEMAN 9 Thatwhich lic doesn't know, is a wll(�.(il it's the Nvll(�el toxners. and selling at the Fall' 811ows. By fitting and exhibiting W. 0. T. U. Graduate Optician, Of the I)e0ple—made foi- th(� peoph—SvIls at the animuls, a large ntunber of the be,4, sullernuoum. l I ales and A�inales aro seriously I 18011le tilllQ HIM IL let -ter was re- "Do you think that ray daughter Is HENSALL. 1)eople's prive. 4 injured for breeding purpwws, , velvekl frotu Mrs. W. H. Merner of Old'euOugh to Izaaw her own mind?' Noue so good for voinfort alld whieli is a disadvantage and dis- I Douglas, Manitoba, ti, inuell. inter. Tbe Plutocriit—WHIt all my money, appointnenit to the purehaser, the [ Qsted reader in the Zurie i Hx�ItALI),s Or, she doeswt 'need a mind Write abolit it it. s exl*nxe of production is largely- W, T. U. now.-;. This letter ww SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES,, im-reu.sed,which is an injury tt) tg�, read ut our last rpgulttr ineeting Fitted on Scientific Principles. antl inut'll, appreelatea i) an. On. V M Producer. V WON bo 1-1 ES59 7 ,endeeldedtoliold the firs It IR4 b(t but a hurryttir stream Ix t all. �, Mrs. Merner ha.4 It-olliposod illim. I , !,i In storm And starlight glearning A F ULL STOCK OF I CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO, LimitcO. TOROXTO Gaai nuale(MI'llination unetion s4t.l.e the ladies of And, at the best,. a dying dr ' the 7,urich NNI. T. LT. LWS make, the most at dz ...... Yktrkshire pigs tit the Wintor Fair, Intilding. eity of Guelph. Thursday% lCoil) on, VA h at Q Vj)1l uric I It s Jewelry, Tile Sale will Worklig; in the W. C. T. 'U., IK Ike 316MIK4. 4ugust -111st. I I.; ( t 2. 00taluenev at 10.30 it. 2n., whieh ' Never falterilh,­ irl, yout duty nrat new boy Is alm" Watches and Nvill givethose arriving in Uttelpl.., But sta;A everfirm ajjtlt�jip. reading the basebilft -news. by the niorningg Ir ' oppDr � Alway . sweilring on your breust Second Pav,­Thon he must be the Guity to be lor "I'l all CIOCKS�, S. I ALsuilig G(Alto aid aud guide you '"en tht-� S;tle � YOXIV 111idge, so pure arld sportinir Page. ftub* Ug Jai sloappT An* ul Ifalortu -1 11 Al N exptweted;: T', dt� allkvay,-� i0lat is right. specita attention paid to "an SAO) ON that re4lacedpass'eriger and fmight 31r. Surumtr!lm "I rtt,t�s will 1,00 uvailuble throughoilt 1 With a little b3nd 310a sLurfed i You do hot rortatfri all kinds of Repairing. .414 44)�z .1411,04 wV44 t IOU liblatito Uff avee one uzpWings? U;V3 6 Out4vik), tO th0Si3,,%Vh0%V1sh touthind" I our te ranet­%york ItI.011g, And at, 7311el),01 la'leefing you have V or whites A,-Comlw Taterl ThounimalsoWredure brtA or fotuld, your offort's Crowned. J. C.- Stoneman, contrilitated, bv the following. WC011, oil Was it souft'dN matter. k1lown and relfilblo bm"ders-4, For one 1�,r one flte.�, art -k g0iU&*, lkts Molly rtally lookint for a JOV211 HEINSALL, 1ONT* "he, 8, WtAhoar. Harforl kilit,, What ft graft4l i�4 utible erinv,, '40b. dipar. no. Iles looking for in z 0A,tarito Aarieultunal You wflt flud if You kv.eqp On work. oportaftit'r to collsent to ara4"Pt It V0 - U JL Wletph, Olat,'� ft ML� 7-ttrich W. C. T. r. T qlail, I TR - Slav #Veq, 1116t1wr of 'VoIlt. town 0uelpll. Clnt� -. Mr. Sdundvnz SIVII A Xttr**rr TvAse4r. ITtr hkev was sad, her liks A-Vou i cer. Hk'JywA'1 unner st� 1.�tt4, 1:'QPb11a4e t1wir'dAuglitt.�rs t03 Ifer lookm word far frota 1 131 Pli-lotogra the Join the' Tintiller.il pher', 88ft Cupolialm M��rt*m ()nt, W-10 Aimther gir: lg*61 cut lift ctjt,,�* I U .0 linindio-1- 19tas, wfll I'v U, W J( fn�rea.' And theW� V. 1% V. HIENSALL. . - 0"I ant autt 3ear i Utr Am*weio. 'I 'C ft,.Vear ota. 2aaw of whieh teill be "bld sbegiva ter SCOTHINM UVT THM �"fe 11M ph* v " o a", 04 t, V, 11 9 fhe_;4e Iftot itlp) sans. You Ask-od hcr jfer ItV trgtb tair_rd�)nj ana jtsl� V XN 0, MXEST AVOUtt TV, RN.M.D;'! Witt tv ,�afv tl"l JAg to salLre cif ttle r�aV# Me t1* r-tga9two evits Catladtan �Vj&:h OUT AT 11HASt)N-AUT1H` ruta ram. bl, kl* 4A,#10, 2lU!,b0*r of 5top6tted It hable Wow ftes t Whf 1.1otte twio 4�tve her lite Una thile, brc-A ban ars fit few s ert a L-�o a, To helly protc�c-t Ina i (I nutal*r of -yrouhger Ss AVS antl boars Familly varyfiv, in iage frow fottr to seven That noblepraneig I'll wohths. - Ivillarld. Theoffielal auctioneers will he"! Wh6stattedtlueW.C.�4.'t". Groups -o 'rty, atjd,� Is f10V7 r4estilig froin her laborg (;earge Jacks _,m, ]PortL Pt 1 Thoinas Ingrani, Guelph. Oftt� a gagualit crew. "ee al�­­ 3 not nmade, jeat; It 411 This will bc. the fillest e_ And she hns pru,,�,ea a%V,1-_rfr A Z� Jftq C"t Oni life, 11 P I E, Y_ Of Vofkshires. both in individual 1"to thfit sweet land of rt 0, to quallity aml 1we-egiv- cvc.r ofipj.-c-d Thet 19�jce4j tfie imIgicsyd 1� Of libr rk* CA**, L -4- u KA" rko. TINIOTT in Ainetlea. bv, �nL:�bfie, anetion, life worl-, 4611ht %611161,c,61 In tAgkb��* it adh st. Ai' d 0amer fit tglk1fte IO*jd None but first �-Iass, animals; will I)e The white rifflyo, h UPOil her br tut the, mml *hc, Jej; Jils , onty tift, sold. A ftwnber Of the aftinials My praver is that ladies *110 I#Ad* tht 211 HENSALL. fin,e Sh�O�V Volt 'are aftil are. "Wilo I a-ve 16ftled heir noble ban3,! t fitte4 for exhibition, and are. goad Xever falter rintil intettlIvra kee ebouggh to IV,, showft allyWL-ere. 1,; J)"'tuigb J"jsNN 0*0, There will be, nvinSr prize wini2er.4 G$1 frain our land. ft#--:U'%U5d sosr b*tber let,yeu g*td Inare I prav f;G(J lAr'S".Von, the tbeatt'r 12 licbe t"Cle aWeh- them Arrangennents ()f the Z4,MTaell �W. (! stern !Real T_ V.' beea aje �;Jffi tile qiffl(. In erg, of ee Wit! -se I-emarks dear jqdjes she—Not vnk-ss .1 fain Fairl3aard-- S I the 'A .0 that animals I.Will bla ye, an adian. I , 01 for ex12%1_. a� __ ,�. J� 316 tate an tifjln� this-�-eds&la t1t LOndon. Wtitva Eflael X W1115aws, lazaill" " I , R K E Y& IF1 Il-om -NO'Dtht1t 1WNTtk1diCa% 39irtft iZ lht! WOTM 12= tL= tztab"' 'led taticti for curing and soze offiter exla%itjon�& pj�ess supt. s IN er I ze ,sit Now ottiod T�e*at, lias bt%* tt g the stock is in gand brteding call- 0 J�Zj., tLtr ng age dition. H have been bred and are insu'red to Bladder Troub es zut. 'c"t be in Pig =Iess otherwis.e _,,ta+Led 2n r W-1 20 .. ......... .. .... I.d kVa.d. t-118 eat-t10j,,,*ue to be isuc��41 soan. "q3aes b � �_a n ate Particulars reg-arding the breedin- Aldney, DIW " , M1. E 14 . P stock dems-.­ list will be given in the eitalogue "-Xot even that he Is :k lobstar,,� r=w, City, Villagel Subu±brn, and at the sale. pe6pla are espedalty Ifable to do. rack. X a ii FES B L 0::�` 0 D Yo tt may have a tecret: d r --i I turou all th a ts ri L e—tttavq th�_ reaqo a jo u feet tz red 16116YS and 'bladdef r, Yea irris rot reated. ynar kidnevs acht. iv�,, Registrationeertificates -will be ftugetneats of 11�* k" A aud Garden Proivrty, Sold, Bought supplied at the sale for all and it is th—fOrE tot labusual to find 4 Tueskistll Dor#* 7 end Mmehanged. -nd leave noambition. Don't let your Imi wo4a b--- i1rained r- Ic. if desired, plg­,� the -ft treat dmiftrsaf Dr.. chasc�s Rid- guirfusteetactreor ro�pz3r. sold. 81"PPIng cratOs ze:�-Liver Pills. It, the hokli the lovesfek svwg Tn Money Troanedon First and Second urch 109sed. the raklden o'er an d or#r, ON te ton, Obt..tiat s:—**x Ant. inister. whar,* the ff. *rq2,, years &J 0- 0 D 0 will ber snpMed to p &sprs at �, Mr. %vd6alw&�:je -rj;jjft� .4 Trn hee i—Cil brother dfd e.- tck(ni. 3foittgages 3 ets each - seve . #%,r. v Real Estate, Votes and, L This Rale AffOrds a splendid op- ed and have bee--% imsing Dr, Chaset Other Secutities. POrtulflty to farmers who, 1vj,,;h to � lKifflay-Liver Pills, for some time. 113ave S-VOd1ir is thtscontgeor mani-idd. rtmarizetbameTinietohave for it, Inay be inhetited. but it is a cri*16 to a11A%V it to remain it: vm ir-stem. bue 1--ther— I&Y the foundation for the lforkn. been trOaWdd' A great deal with my md. g 'A "It of Worry, Farnis, Houses and Business Pitop- I tdys aniL , ,,What li1mvcti. 196,wairaf ry avid Potask treatmeat. Drs, K a K. posinvoly catt shire her4l, and to those who, b:affder gtd at tirnes would this w4rat cases or Illelle wish twa or 9* K Jmakes Tier look so mig tftb%Y1 efty Rented and Rents; Collected P-311�1 to improve their 1,.)resent thre* days, witbonf Passitigalm "',She�a cXp0rIMeMtIng OW ... . - . 11 .1 11 drg herds. thrg, De. Cliases Kidrty-Livet Pil with hftlth upon Reasonable Terinq. 'Pravincial Governnients who wi.sh Fa zbodsv I& 'In IV h1v6 proved to be exactly *b &t 1 .0 rACKLE a OTAM _,TUAz_v ti eeded �j Money Invested for Private lndi-�, VARU~ tO distribute VOrkshires of the art(I I owa it to then that I amid such r a Vhe Pace Th*t Ictm, A viduals On First Mortgage 'on Real jqo best breeding and qualitv anion-, good health to -day. Th�y actel peomptly i ksVe a, Care hoVo you $peea, rain vour their constituents, and officers � � On my kidneIrs Add Bladder with the 'most 1 4. Estate. Drs.E.-&-n. of . ViLyce th 6' 1notorlat, x case: VC iroarjuitea curts. satisfactory resalts, bringing oick. re Agricultural AssociatiOns whQ - , ; gRequieereat in pace... de 'IDn his toinly 1�ou tan read. ir mem- - ord, berS swine, of the best bacon fype� one pill a cTose. 25c. ;k box PIT site to introduce among the And settingthtse: orgins in perf6tt workidg r n "; d ad (Cle e and breecling should be repres at all brAftInk Use %J*e. 11 ented! dealers, or 1 r E L E P H 0 N F, 696 -NN at -this sftle7' Toronto. Insi Co., 1�te"_So you w011't IcIss: -tnd m. tke t0l'j Don'ttittlect your kidneve. Yonr _-chniq back tells tho ta! or�lt Ict ID-Ictora I st on getting what you ask Tee,,,,,,,e,,t on, you. Drs. X.& X. can care yoaH you ara not beyoz(l Lz=a� aid. I attention is directed to for and refuse substitutes. "Well, I won't make up.,, her .,.zitte to Clare or No Pay. 40me of the fainilies froxn which!� I 0VA,1ZA%TF,'8D. rJO C-OrM, V10 V.tV. Consultation he P491-4 Ofrered for side have de- or tutnwa# t E. Z 1E �L L ER- I i0efTruMok* ikent redo. (seated.) write for Queutiou 3alaul. for Uoz*-b cended. RA 011, th6 Arctle #XP 't;wr .1 Triatincut. riverythina -confid--nUal. from bra Chase a loreir .1 A JOY laden p�6xin to, stng 148 SNEL13V S-1-RcET, thess families fi&VO, llgen noted Vhell' hit iocktant %&:gjp latfft, de I AGENT 'DRS. REMEDY & KERGAN, t e; Lonsitlade, an!, ."thaw W1n1fte:r5 InEngland, Qtnada, andl Kldne­ Lev - r y P *1 Is 4&VAr_J]zU141CH, ONTANA10. "WE 14 TKL� QRrkx lq,00l) PURIVIrR AND Sy, STUN ]ZLW. UTIATOR will cure the ino�t Pggra- vated lorpt of D�,snepsia lt'willcor- rect ­rhat Full lteelj�lg Afler Jratiu4.11 Nervous fienrinube, SOW' StOinach Rt'd VIRtulence. WIlysuffer wbeu a cuTC is gllarintee& 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00. JOHN ITAUC', D4,01wood qays: "I wasunable to gei a I relief from Astilina ali.�i Stomach Trouble until "Rog Our Native llerb�." JOHN UUMART, r,e AGENT. ONT. )ZURICH, THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO. 4 11110 Soie Proprietors, U1 MONTIREAL, CAN. W are in e the ft FOR" GHERRIE�!�" Market EUGHEST TRADE AND CA811 PRIOLPS PAID. lVe have also a large stock of which we are selling at reuiarkably lo%�, priceE'1. Give us a c, SATiSFACTiOAJ GWARANTEED R. G. N1 HOLP 1B LAKI 4 ..THE.. CC% R I , J- V. go 0 E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.0, la—itnut—n make up. -your mind whether you prefer 0. rnmn 0401 TXA+ I y American Exhibitions. I Inthecaseof persons or Asso- my company Or Mr. Smith's. V FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902 ciations who wish to buy but who I She -1 canit�­rcally. Whenever* I'm HENSALL, ONT. Icannotattendthe sale or send a WIth one of You I prefer the other! I representative, if they forward Toym. -Ito Mr. A, P. Westervelt, Parlia- Which much delights the little boy; thoroughly renoytt.ted and refitted, their orders with full instructions A small red wagon Is the , toy This popular hotel has been.k SALE OF YORKSHIRE PIGS. For Breeding Purposes. i went. Building,,, Toronto, Ont., lie 116 gets, when lie becomes a, man, l will be responsible for the prompt A big red auto If he can, and will be found up-to-date, in Having carefully studied the And, boy or man or rnan or boy, ; and honorable execution - of gilcil conditions aud�advantuges in Eng-! I -Ws chasing still some pretty toy. every respect. I orders, and for the proper ship- I The. judiistrial position of Clll,.1d,1 in the land, Canada, and the United' eutt of aninials bought under Every attention' paid to the i In i world to -day is a soilree, of great national pride., States, of selling by annual - publie'this, clause. In all. Such cases the A Jewel. traveling public. auction, pure bred anfinals for nfo ey to be invested inust acc Betzer—Why do you have Iron bars n 0111- AVe bave trilimplied over others ill 111,11)y breeding purposes, a number Of the: pany the order. If the order etm- in. front of your kitelien ,windows and ledding Canitdiall. breedens Of'not be filled in a, nianner s&tisfttc- ill llol)e (qf. ti (ly doors? lines of iliallilf, -t111 ec 1� Tork-slAre pigs buy(- decided to tory to Mr. lVeitervelt, the nioney Sbemster—To prevent the escape of W. R. HO*DGJN-S ' establish an annuta truction stile, sei;t will be refunded inintediately. the cook. t as in biey(4es. believing that this -will supply In kt few days additional purticu- PROPRIETOR. Canadian f4ralers with what they lars %Vill be A Lu.,ir of Nattu 7-11 5 sent You in phaniplet. Ire. require in u. ntore satisfactory nlau- F. NV. Rocison, Iva easier for teawlse men nor than the presnit systern of fit-, Live Stock Coulluissl Their knowledge not to h oiler. Than It In for one tool no, OW ting for exhibitions, ineetin CUS ,qlilft� J. C. STONEMAN 9 Thatwhich lic doesn't know, is a wll(�.(il it's the Nvll(�el toxners. and selling at the Fall' 811ows. By fitting and exhibiting W. 0. T. U. Graduate Optician, Of the I)e0ple—made foi- th(� peoph—SvIls at the animuls, a large ntunber of the be,4, sullernuoum. l I ales and A�inales aro seriously I 18011le tilllQ HIM IL let -ter was re- "Do you think that ray daughter Is HENSALL. 1)eople's prive. 4 injured for breeding purpwws, , velvekl frotu Mrs. W. H. Merner of Old'euOugh to Izaaw her own mind?' Noue so good for voinfort alld whieli is a disadvantage and dis- I Douglas, Manitoba, ti, inuell. inter. Tbe Plutocriit—WHIt all my money, appointnenit to the purehaser, the [ Qsted reader in the Zurie i Hx�ItALI),s Or, she doeswt 'need a mind Write abolit it it. s exl*nxe of production is largely- W, T. U. now.-;. This letter ww SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES,, im-reu.sed,which is an injury tt) tg�, read ut our last rpgulttr ineeting Fitted on Scientific Principles. antl inut'll, appreelatea i) an. On. V M Producer. V WON bo 1-1 ES59 7 ,endeeldedtoliold the firs It IR4 b(t but a hurryttir stream Ix t all. �, Mrs. Merner ha.4 It-olliposod illim. I , !,i In storm And starlight glearning A F ULL STOCK OF I CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO, LimitcO. TOROXTO Gaai nuale(MI'llination unetion s4t.l.e the ladies of And, at the best,. a dying dr ' the 7,urich NNI. T. LT. LWS make, the most at dz ...... Yktrkshire pigs tit the Wintor Fair, Intilding. eity of Guelph. Thursday% lCoil) on, VA h at Q Vj)1l uric I It s Jewelry, Tile Sale will Worklig; in the W. C. T. 'U., IK Ike 316MIK4. 4ugust -111st. I I.; ( t 2. 00taluenev at 10.30 it. 2n., whieh ' Never falterilh,­ irl, yout duty nrat new boy Is alm" Watches and Nvill givethose arriving in Uttelpl.., But sta;A everfirm ajjtlt�jip. reading the basebilft -news. by the niorningg Ir ' oppDr � Alway . sweilring on your breust Second Pav,­Thon he must be the Guity to be lor "I'l all CIOCKS�, S. I ALsuilig G(Alto aid aud guide you '"en tht-� S;tle � YOXIV 111idge, so pure arld sportinir Page. ftub* Ug Jai sloappT An* ul Ifalortu -1 11 Al N exptweted;: T', dt� allkvay,-� i0lat is right. specita attention paid to "an SAO) ON that re4lacedpass'eriger and fmight 31r. Surumtr!lm "I rtt,t�s will 1,00 uvailuble throughoilt 1 With a little b3nd 310a sLurfed i You do hot rortatfri all kinds of Repairing. .414 44)�z .1411,04 wV44 t IOU liblatito Uff avee one uzpWings? U;V3 6 Out4vik), tO th0Si3,,%Vh0%V1sh touthind" I our te ranet­%york ItI.011g, And at, 7311el),01 la'leefing you have V or whites A,-Comlw Taterl ThounimalsoWredure brtA or fotuld, your offort's Crowned. J. C.- Stoneman, contrilitated, bv the following. WC011, oil Was it souft'dN matter. k1lown and relfilblo bm"ders-4, For one 1�,r one flte.�, art -k g0iU&*, lkts Molly rtally lookint for a JOV211 HEINSALL, 1ONT* "he, 8, WtAhoar. Harforl kilit,, What ft graft4l i�4 utible erinv,, '40b. dipar. no. Iles looking for in z 0A,tarito Aarieultunal You wflt flud if You kv.eqp On work. oportaftit'r to collsent to ara4"Pt It V0 - U JL Wletph, Olat,'� ft ML� 7-ttrich W. C. T. r. T qlail, I TR - Slav #Veq, 1116t1wr of 'VoIlt. town 0uelpll. Clnt� -. Mr. Sdundvnz SIVII A Xttr**rr TvAse4r. ITtr hkev was sad, her liks A-Vou i cer. Hk'JywA'1 unner st� 1.�tt4, 1:'QPb11a4e t1wir'dAuglitt.�rs t03 Ifer lookm word far frota 1 131 Pli-lotogra the Join the' Tintiller.il pher', 88ft Cupolialm M��rt*m ()nt, W-10 Aimther gir: lg*61 cut lift ctjt,,�* I U .0 linindio-1- 19tas, wfll I'v U, W J( fn�rea.' And theW� V. 1% V. HIENSALL. . - 0"I ant autt 3ear i Utr Am*weio. 'I 'C ft,.Vear ota. 2aaw of whieh teill be "bld sbegiva ter SCOTHINM UVT THM �"fe 11M ph* v " o a", 04 t, V, 11 9 fhe_;4e Iftot itlp) sans. You Ask-od hcr jfer ItV trgtb tair_rd�)nj ana jtsl� V XN 0, MXEST AVOUtt TV, RN.M.D;'! Witt tv ,�afv tl"l JAg to salLre cif ttle r�aV# Me t1* r-tga9two evits Catladtan �Vj&:h OUT AT 11HASt)N-AUT1H` ruta ram. bl, kl* 4A,#10, 2lU!,b0*r of 5top6tted It hable Wow ftes t Whf 1.1otte twio 4�tve her lite Una thile, brc-A ban ars fit few s ert a L-�o a, To helly protc�c-t Ina i (I nutal*r of -yrouhger Ss AVS antl boars Familly varyfiv, in iage frow fottr to seven That noblepraneig I'll wohths. - Ivillarld. Theoffielal auctioneers will he"! Wh6stattedtlueW.C.�4.'t". Groups -o 'rty, atjd,� Is f10V7 r4estilig froin her laborg (;earge Jacks _,m, ]PortL Pt 1 Thoinas Ingrani, Guelph. Oftt� a gagualit crew. "ee al�­­ 3 not nmade, jeat; It 411 This will bc. the fillest e_ And she hns pru,,�,ea a%V,1-_rfr A Z� Jftq C"t Oni life, 11 P I E, Y_ Of Vofkshires. both in individual 1"to thfit sweet land of rt 0, to quallity aml 1we-egiv- cvc.r ofipj.-c-d Thet 19�jce4j tfie imIgicsyd 1� Of libr rk* CA**, L -4- u KA" rko. TINIOTT in Ainetlea. bv, �nL:�bfie, anetion, life worl-, 4611ht %611161,c,61 In tAgkb��* it adh st. Ai' d 0amer fit tglk1fte IO*jd None but first �-Iass, animals; will I)e The white rifflyo, h UPOil her br tut the, mml *hc, Jej; Jils , onty tift, sold. A ftwnber Of the aftinials My praver is that ladies *110 I#Ad* tht 211 HENSALL. fin,e Sh�O�V Volt 'are aftil are. "Wilo I a-ve 16ftled heir noble ban3,! t fitte4 for exhibition, and are. goad Xever falter rintil intettlIvra kee ebouggh to IV,, showft allyWL-ere. 1,; J)"'tuigb J"jsNN 0*0, There will be, nvinSr prize wini2er.4 G$1 frain our land. ft#--:U'%U5d sosr b*tber let,yeu g*td Inare I prav f;G(J lAr'S".Von, the tbeatt'r 12 licbe t"Cle aWeh- them Arrangennents ()f the Z4,MTaell �W. (! stern !Real T_ V.' beea aje �;Jffi tile qiffl(. In erg, of ee Wit! -se I-emarks dear jqdjes she—Not vnk-ss .1 fain Fairl3aard-- S I the 'A .0 that animals I.Will bla ye, an adian. I , 01 for ex12%1_. a� __ ,�. J� 316 tate an tifjln� this-�-eds&la t1t LOndon. Wtitva Eflael X W1115aws, lazaill" " I , R K E Y& IF1 Il-om -NO'Dtht1t 1WNTtk1diCa% 39irtft iZ lht! WOTM 12= tL= tztab"' 'led taticti for curing and soze offiter exla%itjon�& pj�ess supt. s IN er I ze ,sit Now ottiod T�e*at, lias bt%* tt g the stock is in gand brteding call- 0 J�Zj., tLtr ng age dition. H have been bred and are insu'red to Bladder Troub es zut. 'c"t be in Pig =Iess otherwis.e _,,ta+Led 2n r W-1 20 .. ......... .. .... I.d kVa.d. t-118 eat-t10j,,,*ue to be isuc��41 soan. "q3aes b � �_a n ate Particulars reg-arding the breedin- Aldney, DIW " , M1. E 14 . P stock dems-.­ list will be given in the eitalogue "-Xot even that he Is :k lobstar,,� r=w, City, Villagel Subu±brn, and at the sale. pe6pla are espedalty Ifable to do. rack. X a ii FES B L 0::�` 0 D Yo tt may have a tecret: d r --i I turou all th a ts ri L e—tttavq th�_ reaqo a jo u feet tz red 16116YS and 'bladdef r, Yea irris rot reated. ynar kidnevs acht. iv�,, Registrationeertificates -will be ftugetneats of 11�* k" A aud Garden Proivrty, Sold, Bought supplied at the sale for all and it is th—fOrE tot labusual to find 4 Tueskistll Dor#* 7 end Mmehanged. -nd leave noambition. Don't let your Imi wo4a b--- i1rained r- Ic. if desired, plg­,� the -ft treat dmiftrsaf Dr.. chasc�s Rid- guirfusteetactreor ro�pz3r. sold. 81"PPIng cratOs ze:�-Liver Pills. It, the hokli the lovesfek svwg Tn Money Troanedon First and Second urch 109sed. the raklden o'er an d or#r, ON te ton, Obt..tiat s:—**x Ant. inister. whar,* the ff. *rq2,, years &J 0- 0 D 0 will ber snpMed to p &sprs at �, Mr. %vd6alw&�:je -rj;jjft� .4 Trn hee i—Cil brother dfd e.- tck(ni. 3foittgages 3 ets each - seve . #%,r. v Real Estate, Votes and, L This Rale AffOrds a splendid op- ed and have bee--% imsing Dr, Chaset Other Secutities. POrtulflty to farmers who, 1vj,,;h to � lKifflay-Liver Pills, for some time. 113ave S-VOd1ir is thtscontgeor mani-idd. rtmarizetbameTinietohave for it, Inay be inhetited. but it is a cri*16 to a11A%V it to remain it: vm ir-stem. bue 1--ther— I&Y the foundation for the lforkn. been trOaWdd' A great deal with my md. g 'A "It of Worry, Farnis, Houses and Business Pitop- I tdys aniL , ,,What li1mvcti. 196,wairaf ry avid Potask treatmeat. Drs, K a K. posinvoly catt shire her4l, and to those who, b:affder gtd at tirnes would this w4rat cases or Illelle wish twa or 9* K Jmakes Tier look so mig tftb%Y1 efty Rented and Rents; Collected P-311�1 to improve their 1,.)resent thre* days, witbonf Passitigalm "',She�a cXp0rIMeMtIng OW ... . - . 11 .1 11 drg herds. thrg, De. Cliases Kidrty-Livet Pil with hftlth upon Reasonable Terinq. 'Pravincial Governnients who wi.sh Fa zbodsv I& 'In IV h1v6 proved to be exactly *b &t 1 .0 rACKLE a OTAM _,TUAz_v ti eeded �j Money Invested for Private lndi-�, VARU~ tO distribute VOrkshires of the art(I I owa it to then that I amid such r a Vhe Pace Th*t Ictm, A viduals On First Mortgage 'on Real jqo best breeding and qualitv anion-, good health to -day. Th�y actel peomptly i ksVe a, Care hoVo you $peea, rain vour their constituents, and officers � � On my kidneIrs Add Bladder with the 'most 1 4. Estate. Drs.E.-&-n. of . ViLyce th 6' 1notorlat, x case: VC iroarjuitea curts. satisfactory resalts, bringing oick. re Agricultural AssociatiOns whQ - , ; gRequieereat in pace... de 'IDn his toinly 1�ou tan read. ir mem- - ord, berS swine, of the best bacon fype� one pill a cTose. 25c. ;k box PIT site to introduce among the And settingthtse: orgins in perf6tt workidg r n "; d ad (Cle e and breecling should be repres at all brAftInk Use %J*e. 11 ented! dealers, or 1 r E L E P H 0 N F, 696 -NN at -this sftle7' Toronto. Insi Co., 1�te"_So you w011't IcIss: -tnd m. tke t0l'j Don'ttittlect your kidneve. Yonr _-chniq back tells tho ta! or�lt Ict ID-Ictora I st on getting what you ask Tee,,,,,,,e,,t on, you. Drs. X.& X. can care yoaH you ara not beyoz(l Lz=a� aid. I attention is directed to for and refuse substitutes. "Well, I won't make up.,, her .,.zitte to Clare or No Pay. 40me of the fainilies froxn which!� I 0VA,1ZA%TF,'8D. rJO C-OrM, V10 V.tV. Consultation he P491-4 Ofrered for side have de- or tutnwa# t E. Z 1E �L L ER- I i0efTruMok* ikent redo. (seated.) write for Queutiou 3alaul. for Uoz*-b cended. RA 011, th6 Arctle #XP 't;wr .1 Triatincut. riverythina -confid--nUal. from bra Chase a loreir .1 A JOY laden p�6xin to, stng 148 SNEL13V S-1-RcET, thess families fi&VO, llgen noted Vhell' hit iocktant %&:gjp latfft, de I AGENT 'DRS. REMEDY & KERGAN, t e; Lonsitlade, an!, ."thaw W1n1fte:r5 InEngland, Qtnada, andl Kldne­ Lev - r y P *1 Is 4&VAr_J]zU141CH, ONTANA10. "WE 14