HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-18, Page 31. -1 --11--. ...... ,.
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I I . I . -1 . I � . I L I . : . I I - — ,
I . . . . I I It1r: a cloth, an � 11 th44 cut glass will war agajxlst Oje Rolol, and All tbotio � + , , , - �
� 4L�OVI"".AL"".",""Aol,"W"14,"W140-01 "
, . I
� . OVVN^^,%,%^O%O�.�e%e,#,o,.�-.,-.-,,^�,.---.��^,,-,v%.,^^,;��wolii . . - I I shine 11-ko pow., ! � t1houghts '03, prac"ticos w1h),c)) cheriall I � : I �
" , . . I . I . , .1 . 1. . 00
", I �. I I , A111111 eX0 t1holm Mably lusts, no ,
, �. I . ... ols "40010apl .. .
0 1 ..1. . � .. . . . 11 � . 'be _ . looking In oTde,r to 11up,t, 1011011 Uirlilit 2 1 1 1
, : - . �� He wooed bex4 wbeq 1, , Abotlii were Ila
4.%X �, s oxpriessly forblddell)� A body filled
, I 11 . �.Oor, 1twas ihil.3ti he won hox!, w,itt� Io,at)joa0,Tp0 alem'ses; A pej,8011 +
I;' , ' � ' , 1 � ' I
-PaKe f I.. N'' .. 'ITHE MARKETS
4 A . or the, Fair ' '' I . . 0;, , I
I I I . . I . I refteed to extremg beggary (Prov. r9r4o;ito fr,�rrlWrs' .11arKet-
I I . ore Vi" 26) ; _4, jj�fo r ,rocked L
, 'o.Wpletel
I � Sbe obeered him wl)en the days w I , I y vv Jul�, 14., -There were 2001.
4 'and r kom 'And , , , - drear a -ad tolled to help, ' him morally, Pb,y8lcaljyj jxitellevtually ; a, 1�UjbIJ101,8 OX 04.k,tV 1`006YOd 01) street.
Fashion Hints (lossIP—Reading lo the .,,e librough; ,, . � .1 , 0A11111T
I : 0 1 bellm barning 101,1111 lust, about to, .40t 'Lills Inorning. Tboy "' ,
� I I L I. I . jkl3l cold &* I
�. I I . ,, . .
; Fireside—Matters of Etiquette Discussed, I � . She taught I)IM ',things frolia.boots suffer eter7mlly in "tti)o lake Clint . I , I I
I . � . , -,10 per buffbe,
I � , I that he ..bad rail6d to learn IV barneft ivitli fi-re, wid brim- to to 9504 1 ,
I. ' . , I 6�ls . Le`ild�rl I io" of .1 -ol(A
I . ]BY AUGUSTA PRBSCOTT . I I $tone"_tl1jiose are Home of the tor- seillt� vta I'l 50, per 'ton her I
�be got him to avoid tile use ,of, ,.$ "
5 .. rible 'puil-lelbuienits visited UpOn t110SO WUR aloo.'I I'ZaO Of ll'M ilaYl 04 ' L
---,-.oso%-,~%"-^Owv%w.^o%-�-,^, , 11 . . I
. - .."".�� , , i.w.�"'."'v". I
� , . _, , ,, ",,I 11
I -#r-or-ot--*N-vt- 11 , I worda-thAt were uncouth; . ly-to a. , re guillty off t)ilo woot heinous sold, at,$11, jyeT ton, . I :
Wr-0r7V*,1eVf,1i�iW1WTr-4r I � Me took' her, jewel lik� the, rough,,ahe sin'. I . -be price
I polished day by day, I � � 'r,heire "as "'Is'l a d,rolo in t ,
the back, * . Tbo FIghth Cowin ,cltne ,
The peculiarity, of the dress of the with the buttons coming In , an mt. 15. eli'Mi4quArters :
, I I., I 1. I I "Of =f0tFPJ)hI8 �N'0�k- Be �
lop -to -date wonihn is Ito fitness, and with twk,i trimming the front. &nd,with a womanle patience ground Irbou shalt riot steal-Tbe rights of are < ':l. peir, cwC� fore�IuAr- L
off W6 'to 1$ � I
She seems always gowned for tile The tucks are Put on in pofnted I the worthless parts away, . . pr(iperty axle of divine appoint- � &�vt,; chol-ce careasserA I �
I , e Irain train tero, $2 ww I -lases, 500 '""':
If It be cloudy 9be Vas her faohJjo.n, Just so as to make a pat- MAXIMS FOR � Mont, and Nve w, to rx,
Me cheered him when tilie days weni , r�W jy�r owt,; C.Q.millon cari�, .
44Y. 11 . claimlpgf as cnir" own that ,,;blnh �
(Irew of' English whipcord made at torn, and between the grotaps, of dark,- and when the sIges were to,$), per cwt.; inuttoll, le per 1b.;
walking length. if dusty,, ciao is tucks there are rows of bematitabing. BRIDAL COUPLE ,, � bright . . I itow belongs ,�o� nitottier,-Truni- lambs, 1-2 to lo p�ex I0.(, Alld calvesp � A
dressed in a granite suiting neatl,r Hemostitclilng can be bought in silk . . I bull, The rig4to of propertY ul-iy or, 113" ,, � � t I ,��
i , 1� She saw lilm rise above the crowd ,� v, Ic P, � I
fitt n alculated to or In cotton, and it Is certain] -V,-,�w � . b, coated. L By taking ]ir0r)Prt.V , wb1tei, 72 tot 8�10 ; red, 72
y � * and reach a boble height; without the knowladgp or the 6,wn- I
stand I% Iftwing. 1 effective In'the making of a walsk, 4�'16�0(k�', gr)ose, 68 to Ve ; 4prIng,, 67: 1
The following l,ma%lms for tile Pew- Iler brow Is marred,by many a line$ � e1r; or thelt, 2, By taking (lie I)ro- � � . 'Lit 1: ,, I
If the clouods 11tive lp5rat outright It -is simply, Pet In and fast6ned in ' ., I to We ; ryo,'50 to 62c; Nirley, m,. P ,
ishe wears a storm serge in one of place with needle 4nd'tbread. ly wed" Are copied from authority 00 she's bent and wan. and old, pert.y or another by consent, Whell ..
,- '10; Imiley, foe�L :1)3' to � �.,
,;,s 1-2 to 60 1-1. I �
He has a bearing that is fine, a form violently obtalnefl. 9. By, e6usent 54c ; . oat P, 50 to 50 1-20 ; pea% , !,�
the new blue grayA or' in a brown The Ouling L4eeve. s sure . I
- . ''
that 'will stand the weather, and I g1lido To success and happjnesa,� on or noble mould. � fraudulently obtained, or cheating;' ��
The making of the outl � . And people say: "Poor',man, ala8l 74-1-21c; haY, timOtbY,, $13 to $L4..; ' 1,
If the rain and wind Is added a dis- ug' sleevO life's journey: I either b� taking Advantage or ftn- ) ,$9 ; ati4w!, $8 to $9 ;
. clover, . $8 U �
Agreeable moistness she is dressed need nort dismay any woman, Each 1. Be satiorled to conlnieln�e on 0, He's grown beyond his wife.; other's, Ignorance, or by misrepre- 1,utt(!x, pound rolls, 1�'_)L to 170 ; P,rOQk% ' 1.
In deep blue brilliantine-tbat ma- week 'there is a new thing in sleeves. st,,11 scale., How and that. such a load should be sentatlon. 4, By withholding what 32 1-2 to 14a; eZg% now lalt%' 15 to. ".:
terlal that withstands everything Tho very last word for them is eon- 2. Avoid the too common knll�take attached to him, for lit e I" belongs to another -,. wbotber It be 17 centa . . I , . I ... 1.
anti Is good the next day. tiorning the bam-abaped sleeve- cC trying to "begin where parenta I -Philadelphia Ledger. ' ta�:ef-, or duties, of giving short . . . I., . � � .
. . "rftish I.Aive Stoo,k maricet. . '':.
making she shaped like a hum. This la a sleeve onded.,p I . weights or measure, or lvitbholdl�rig I . :.'
that is tight at the; P,boulder and 3. Not. to look at r1cher homes and what Vs borrowed or fonad. 5. Dy Londoul,Ju;ly 12. -Cattle-- To,dayll L I
. ,�A^^^^,^,^,�����e^v^_^-��^^^^^^^^ le are lieldhan . ed . .
ll,., 'Light at the clbo,,w. The wrist Is a more costly furniture with covetous payIDg too small wages, or by not American ca�tt 9 I a4 , ,� "
tt with her own ,hands, or ralle can mere ban4d of ,tirrened silk But esL A - I earnfrig the wages we receive. 6. from 13 1-1-1 to 15c per lb.; refriger- . , , I C
go further atilL ani] *make the just below the wrist there Ie' a big e.7 FASHIONI'S - � By beating down those who sell, so ator beef is firmer wt fiom 11 to 32c4 � I I
en- ham -shaped bag of silk widell makes; 4. Whenever dissaMsfied visit hum- 51 �
tire garment, tucking the hips of xe homes of the suffering poor, leave ti.s not to pay a fair profit, or by cileeso alarkets, I L
juttIng on the flare an Immense puff, larger at tile back there that your charging exorbitant prices. 7. By Corn -wall, July 12.-4&t the Corn- .. I
the skirt and T a thalik-ollering LATE DECREES.
%lounce or otherwise trimming and than at the front. "liver. are cast In pleasant places-" ' . monopolies and trusts-wbich !on- wail Citease Dowrd to�-dlaY 2,al= ,�
I .
decorating the gown until It Israeli- There fe now the leg -o' -mutton 5. First buy the necessary and c*M- ��,Z.�1.11�1v_�=�:_�Z�_� I flict wJth the rights of indLvidwils ,1,,,,e were offered and cold; 1,031 .
Ionable and becoming. sleeve and the ham-shapki sleeve. fortable, Afterward, if conslatent,Lho and oppress the poor. 8. By social- were Chneijilail w!h,11te, 1,:Lr)5 Canad.;. .
Rer sleeves, which were made in Both are in. What -will oome next? orminental. )' Pearl buttons lend the finishing ism ,ad anarchy which tend di- lan colo,r)&.1 &Akl 5�11 Amerimu- Tbq.
Tather severe stylie, at the begin- The outing girl does not remain 6. Be Independent', and from the be- tourch to collars, cuffs, .pevers and rectly or indirectly to misappro- .wqAte sold alt 9 "C wild colorea Wit
ning of the season, must now have a afield all the time and for the boqrs Ing shun ddVt. strappings on tailored wash dresses. priate what rightfull,v belongs to 0 7-16c. Ija,rt Yee'r at this dats 1'.4
lace pull at the elbow or one of silk. when she is under the trees she has 07"."Cultivate the moral courage that A clever milliner has introduced a another. 9. By gambling, raffling, (178 .
Or the sleeves must be slit up as high pretty gowns In linen. with blue will realst tho,undue demands of fasb- taking shares in lotteries, on en- colorw at 0 14e. " �
no the elbow, shaped and lined, and linen leading in pohit of favor. There Ion, 4 new form of buckle, having all the tering Into an.y of the modern ex- Belleville, July 12. -At U -e 0hee9d
out of the opening must fall a fan are the most charming dresses In S. Co-opora7te Wicierfully In arrang- appearance of straw, but a0tuallY pedlencles whereby something Is Board hieldl h,,re to. -day there were
of knife -plaited silk with a lacerur� blue, trimmed with white satiawasli jmg tile jamily exponoes, sbarJilg made In enamel. expected for nothing. 10. By any Offered 2,600 , jxne
. ,a, or which 376
fle'over it. Perhaps she may cc- ribbon, put on in Grecian design equally any necessary economies and For wear with the low out blouse, business which injures the life, Ilb- were colored. Salies as follows .- Wat,
1wt a Wide fall of fringe. and warranted to wash every time. sell -denials. . f others, such as kin, 1:15 ; Hodgap% 485; Magradh
-,AA changes ale carefully watched The 11-nen gowns of this year are 9. Remember that It matters little tto black velvet necklet has been re- selling liquors, obpcene pictures, �",JQ; �)Pragije, 34LO; Alexander, 810; *
,by' the up-to-date women, and tile absolutely a lesson to any one de- what "people, think," provided you TITed aild likewise wristbands to vile books, etc. 11, By Indulging in all sold at 9 3._!�c. Miagrath, 656 at
result of it Is that her dress is ever siring to look pretty. so many are are true to God, to right, duty, your- match to be wom with elbow sleeves. any habit whereby we are unrittpd 1) 9_16c. � I I I
new and varied, alwayr dirrering In the ways of making them. You can I selves, and each, other 1 The necklet Is embrolder�d In poine to, meet our obligations, or support Morrisburg, ,TUIY 12.--FLve hundred L
some way from the gown she wore tuck them or you can make them I - . those who m,t:y be dependent upon obeere, Were boar -Jed here to-dayil
1yeaterday. thep with I Dear pather, Pot to thle, my prayer mimple, florfal design and fastens In
. plaln, or you can trial, I the back with a small bow. The Us. Pricei 9 7-16c. 1 . .1
k atching the Styles. I WTifftb4nd8 faStell With Small pat- 17he Ninth Commandment. 16. False.
Wj�t,nesa-Thls Is the worst form of Turourto Fruit Markets.
Those charming Viennese notions, em t clasps. lying .and hieludes all other formo. sl.mwbz�rrlps are growl'.9 scarcer ,
�-bose Ilttle toucher which Lbe Vienna I Black currants are a very popular ..Trotlifulness le the only condition aud. sold to -day at 7 -Eo 7 I -2c.
'Women, and they Alone, know how to I C I firzilt on corn colored straw., batH, oil which human fnterco�rt;.e I, pom_ Ra4vkl,bejTIps are lioxv offering. Wo
give, &;he can �pick up and adapt to' . imbleh have for trimmi.-g velvet bows sible, and It lips at thf- foundation . quoto: Afj�les, per basket. 500 to
tberwlf. From. the English alao she y I I U of tioe hues of the follage. or all pert.,onal character." Lying is A'Si ; banallas. lo. -A bulleb. $1.50 to ^-.-*;
gets; a great deal, espeeia,117 )a the . . I Obalk-colored cloth which verges one of the worst Ano. loprailige it �orangep, f.,kyrrento. $1 to $3.50 per
matter of finish. All -the strappings . on widte and pale Cray and does not Mess UA 21 0
0 .0 really 1wilooAg In either elass Is" � Ten", to the, commiRsIon cof other 113X - I' MMI$t - I - $ '50 t
of the twacoii, th. raitt-bliagm. tile a " a. ' � Florida plueupph-tv, 30's to
Irlim, and seeks to cover wrojig- %'�' - -_1 0 , - 104"
new uning, aw th, new ways or cut- I � I f4sLaorable fabric. Putty and cloud , dolag. ,1*,,,,. $1;.2,- ,,��
ting k�he borrows front London. 4;Z 1, gruy are among tile favored shades y to $3.itl) pex case; lo,-os0o .
From The Freneb obu piwks up dainty . � of the WaBon. Thp Tenth Cf,milvin4mont. 17. Than 1,;10"llialr to kze, 5 to 14r,; toma-'ro
� I 14 . phalt vot rovet-ThIs iR Mp (sniv loes. 4-bal.-k(4 emrrier, $1 to $1-14rj�
laires anti t1pair delleate use& From 0 V, W � 41 Toile. trunsil exco-agh to sl,ow ,.).jp. of jilp C(*mM;Djtdm(,,RtR ,tvilli,q, t1rawb -rrles, 1p��r qaart. 7 to 7 1-20;
them kbe learns the Lrh�k of - I � I , t r,f. j
tyling I , (P@1. ,hmmer v: a. silken fining, Is an- treats sol-,I.v or ,HI.,r% of Mop mind and ,,rI,vrraes,. ppr b,skel* 75,c to $11,25,; �
%,._� , otbcT greatfavorlte. Tlliere iR a cer- Iteart, aml it) wo, plolur It F-trikes, at C..Mcorigbi, aprl( ots. $1 ZO to, $2 jMA; 4
the ebou and poising it upon the 1 41l. f1f;
gown and r -lip also learns how to 0 I Q I F1 - 1) tum darl; blae voile. of n met -31110 Qe Nery nNot or ;oV ski. r,pr 4�74.ry eai",te, Vul.-fors,lit pialllflp, $140 to
inake the best and m(wt of colors: 0 ,- 1�111.1 tint, -1v�jilch Is worn over green sin Is b6orn of di -Art- #Xark %io. :,�j_-_,L,, $1.7.1 loer vw.o. wul i-nuif I a3ki, :.'S to,
k_, , . .1 �J(y,.. p(mm-U-Mee, 40 U� 50�- p0li b,.Up-
anti bow to 6-uit her town style witll (I ot sp 4 , glueo -witil f-Zei'llent effeet� JaRi 1. 1.1-l!'o. atid thorp would be ,
(, . I It wrallitted It 041 f-6111111ANd-i k t , x(v-1 4 tirrantR, I) --r b tr�k�yt. 75c;
the tone.,,; (or %is, kiff.1;0111. . RL_ ( r) � fte Pim"don dioutv skirt is the V o All f .
Frein Iterlin Aw obtains her bead- — (i , F407 q 101. , , �� G, I newost in p.ttiet,"tt,.' Tile ground Is invat were I* r1i c1l.- kt-pt,. R#)m ,.ij� � 1,1 o -k rurrmAe. lovr fmtQuet. $1 to
s awl till lwr Intrk,ate fring.-% '141, i �p Iftin or colcTo4, %%;I*.0 11t.)rul decora- 7�_T<gjq, ` �. rat.plwrripr4� per k�OX, 8 ItO
Ing. 111�1 i�� :� I , ,rot - ': tjoilp, )n dpjjm�m <or p The, woni, vivv4�t i,ro--n;ra1,.,'!�1i#,,.,, Lilt
But whew It evines to ,inting gowrim � _,` 1;1 - .6 3k . ay lowe. A 141,48e � NOMR. twPIAT I impt. In the 11-tirtiv , I I � 1 lt.(�4 p,,r � r it P. $3.7.3 to
1, �, ,
Ow goi,A. bw.-k to L(onslon and f rctnt A: , , � I V I (A) licnivee or dout4p frills of %ILP PAUID 4-ripturi-6. 41A iw ot"kaynolds %rjl4ri. � $4 , Lu� hl, loo.rWoo, Iwir VIAOIA. sl.:115.
the English null the 8'�'otvh 61w lVelis: (4 01 � ., touit-tal Gnion 11w #.kirt.Brookl,�lll A16ted ilo4e. i twatthig %kheal NIAIM-ta.
I -- 0 Eagle.
up lit i idv-ap. `Mmw tilm er inixed Irl,ili V 41 �11 � / ,,'.0, , * I I-q,Dl1m1n,,;i* are ite clusing qnota-
a hiticar Of red at rot" ,�4 , , ( -.— I'M43.11VATo &13EY. 0
suiLings with . , *If 1 1 I. .2) . ,,, nto a% ,tulnorU t %,ojL,s,ut centres
.10 lot blw� In ths,111. 1�'� 4 r#,�itljo, "n
thrin ami a twint; �?v I ow �4#� %%O_� ,�_tl��tDA,n to #;ttki I ium
with a Wth, bim-ft W g1vo tio in ��j , 1-�i i [ : Oro, tmi'mmoll talu I �, t,atvurq lit. to, ltod'.4?. if'"141. t S_npt.
b, D : .^
-kgx(%uw4. arf� her spItetion. and ; _A Trj1j I 9
bat ct. ` 4 . , � 'I Ij ; I$ � v: 14 14t(Al to ,r�w,,,h oA h r N at jov u- tjjje�,C. .... ._ .. . ...... __ ,; I
&I, brat1wr : I I , , -U,v, �j* ,_ , V .�a
you cvt- hcr In thove vu5% 11 . I N 0 SuRday 1 No luoir teul�'e� 1141 v 44 illpfie rula. % �
.. �, I � 1,% ym,R : 18 3440
colored twcuds (tat tilmil tile rvolf %, 111 P � 41I` .00 * tvtn4p (IlUgin 0441.� lw�et+AVJ�, If'. Tv�!4,,o _z..._ ., � __ 77 1-1 76
* � �� I 11 I
bnkq or 4-hynbing ill( . ... If -1 Q 11 I
, nionntuto I-Igb I ... I t, I "44*4VIL. t114404 U!4 ft*%.�tl.l 4�UAI , I llwv
1� .10 11�,. ,;
i 11 I " 1, . , i, . vl% � I lw.F,�uft, Ntt t N_ _ 74 ,*-S T3 1.40
In V(an.b 0: fit-,W4�rs awl full� .14, 41'. t � � I IN, �� ,'til 1Ah1'ZrtNA:31I0NA11 LESSON No. lit. � UP 0 a* it'd 4041,54 -�I% 0jolm""tayd"l, lite ji,u1,j,jj %c* I b;ir4__ Tit� � -bb --
Sk4rtF to U11, lto;qf� of the pliers , 12 ell, I _. 41, . p -v jrLy, *10 180.211. �Iu �10_��dmtpg ��,U,,,I.Ijv �,-.! vwzt� uvtiro:� j1tpvout#) -Live *ouek Uarket.
were olme tiniv, suleiriMmible mod V k, I T, � ,;, " I
I , r'j, Att
I ,11 11t. "I � -t. I rMtX"y iJ0.ej`41. IQ* a �,. tomew at Q14 the 1 4 �_t ti�'t , I (`,So
'414P But new , � , , . a E&Jt Lit- _ ebujxle,. pe.. vix". $5 W tc*
wholly unwo'nUtion. , 1�inc�c litoruwamlub,;A. "'run,
, 'E�l CT M T itzsr dEd lj,*�t,42r" -awm . .. 1P to
they are 1,tot twin wcortby .a Iollubh� 11 ,� i" I 7he Ten Ct,r,;mr;,Z*iwnK Put, Zq rN = 11 .1,0; o My vs ��,l go r,34 n � to tj I
�, Cj tUW4 .. 36) 0 4(o
,,� � 1, I Or IZVC. ij Part w, I lif.4joet. cmr' fvro.t 4,301.V putc!'eft. talljr, , + ff)
,the Outing Ishirt. . fr , I ��11 I I k ,, kcd ,,,,: n, Z to 0
I 11 I " t1: (!ommo ntar,4 —TM, IJM� CARUW%nd- ll tiII&ILA M011 U,V Zt# t�jl' 14,4104t04. TID4 ar I 11up 1�#r! cat Iv. pi '� � 4 Z bs 3 �0�
The walhNfog t,)r tho peolfstrinc I � � ment, 111n. tc,tun�updwvnt 15� U fll)h-'k'10111NIL� 1q, Oil' �avhtfll WM rt*1410 tirs, LOP LtD. %.11GC latr . I I. �j 1.5 110 4 �4
14 V. ,� t- e. Tj,i,16_#1__ -'u 1Lt1flj1n_* . . . ,, . L; 61 to 4 0
81 -art Ili litsw tht:� ;ru,*orlIt *-Wrt for I , -.0 `A� 1A t lbt' 191144 tatTl '.1 &2t, �,v lij�t� fw-t tj�at unaler ��tol %1&,%- , .1113 to j "
; R flttliflg b -L' ,Wt V119 cc.) bulzo . � 1.I.-
'Bumultv vxce"Ifitei'v tot lilt ;"rhds, It �, �, #,tilutiss tuaoltN 0 Ow LU%r� "111I P70.4- �l lr,�-A,�v ti��A Utq v%u,u t: v TAI't WCO 41 tiv� r_tLfS# ;Ll,
'01,Z k4t�ep "I on
'y . _ ." _, j �JG Zb ,
, . % ,
lo %vorn big i'vi r.v ermaMoli wt�vll I �. � , .� 5 �, Id L,o n�tz�ouw . ... .. _. _ .140 W 40
;i1ii I I . t4t,gF 110 140111 Wrat-3161J MIN ',W�cl� ht -M LN"Y"') 601 M ML-- . 373 t6 S (V
-irt t lj� � �i f . '1;10 twr).% tot � f ti -4 R1, *,f'1.04�Al ,44"t -N 411 Mi, plo��4' k I te
� j
�,� , N . I UICA am�ufiallolj toyst, nveo,A14haW'_1tQ, ,
t1a, Ntvl�qvp t1 -kv,AJ mot be ttga- . I 1)�!iit it �tl.tl � 182164 tLbIC, 4��Vli. t;'jtt L cawf,.� edildi . _j 4) to Ivo Q
cratiNg. tja4d �t li� tfix,� LMrt of this t I I i, A, � ,,, �
. I " �p i! ,A .. 00-0 1- 114 vt's'�11tu mrav�_4 more U-tiri, ut,Ull wt- *.fte�v tv, cl ktott-lUg" � 10*1 SLLr,-Lp',jC.Vit;4;ej.0ftt __ .- . .1110 to 8 Z4
. ptimec.lnr gjq.,mli. kj I !I � V I 11vu,".41 ur'l t-vill. orlbir, llmp�qvtt oFtlit, 3AM,'L*,2�:�i1g,e.-Q.!4 . .1 . 11 W
�, �� ,4 T.�- - Na tb 3 44
i I 4' T� , , u. 01"_�v R l!" 'it,' truat WAL TVVCr- 1
I i l lu4t,t 11ti2w e1,p:,1.E-,;w.cW&, - . . 7 t,� to Q CO
s 1110�urbftv W2111 daffer up to the 101,0- I .1 .� . ;4<%MfL;gt�M-ffot L-4 &44-n ON the
. ji . ,,, — vtce ntlo "MXtut., nla.v fattacr alt'l HlLipw, L�X�'A. 314.1 4�wt - . . .1 .it) to 04
I IRV Itictla UT lug'- t -kart. hhatll�v t"Al � 01 1.,. I 0 U, �, 11m 1ft4t1htf�",AN1v-re 24 EL dvArf'r, ti'T'i Mat at is Me v&I-y "lit, gig thf, dim.11. flll��g-�Ir,l, ptg t W, � . ", r orb it 6 ,
atr9ary Mat at elvmtla tartll*. Omrli�.Wr , .1
V, A, �, affitflon.att rcqxet V,daetj Is ,,,,,,,ng;; kqgwr� Gtll-b "'Fa, Lay ra pl,oww-.� Tolzv *� .
tL& 19clor. nLA that lit 0�saod 111"'i ik , 1* 11 31 , ,; im=gou �M,� MI. Java to ot:�dl 'we to .
cut A, '"Nat a@ emtoetlj 8w4v;Nt= r% Ill 11to rartfitip� mat WBO fo�rfibn focr, e3tj tirsidtiret-t, �irs readt.
� A 1 4 pl,0�,� VaMtm For a CUAC��,],'P i��Julrtmv� nt L& 84at9'-4*.qN`1 to 01,a- P&- ,
jpoil;tla, it fnrjs�t ,%anae, Irgriar 011-aht, . ,A 11,41, Pu1VL1t,jb 0.,��Av_ It tue. be .oN jfl�tb j A lc� minp ('siiI& '.�JQ 1 w4 ,&.v�ev lilts
ill i 1, I V , e 1111.4. litaf W, I'v0s Otlind aao lit %'�tv I
1drutt, bat lxr, Ir Vlnort eloUL;A-b to � ) i6 - , Le,rq�, I I tElat EF., q�lcqvt,ty tftt�rm ot!�jv ro'-p,:41t c �, L i; t!l SJ4� " t".. � 917 t1t:g i't wi-ts.104
�, . I I I . -; b , r, ,� 111D -EW, TP28*2v of C9412 1,0 talcar eSDID r -T-110. 'i, 'rotittAst &,U'V voL, I %.jj , r V,q tjjj,#
show tiat anvLftwo. . %. ,I . �: tl�nv,. n fk�y & rq qui ., _�_ _ tjia�Lli, e, __Ot� ;At . _ 'til'Efill
To gt�t tit 6ktrt to thl" WmA I I i 1 . I ar,01 Ituereltowc," tr-loei"tce &0,1�,L'A,< tl� ilt ftj,anv,, li,�-- �(-?,U*o`t�7 j-4rq,Ui,Uf,_W Ki;
If, �..- 01 a, � I _,jv-9-jtiR. 11 ktoa4i� NO'* tr_,6it tt�e itrather
'A' 0 11 , tawrba r-cf0wov,dst fuu@ tt-trj cr4 t..Q31 �-fieg : � �, . r"t
llt-k*,th I-rajuhttj tao tolrall tat- Thp � "' . � � 1�0-, r"j � . E-ZMLL115 a fe, 11tomot UUT40 tj U:PC:4M1 s. ,�Ug,l��_14"V D4 1, V't t-AaRt-ro arls
lowcr V4 ok4 A �� .7 -6 11 -,at tllo, 11 ug tq�o t��-�J, �js bu t Ll.�c' Pf g1l"t "I UktWI!, t ", ) -0 jqtq�,,i � -N, Ac�
& fnu&ll t,t� arailuilla,115UIg raUld I/ V�,.t* 2Ek1Tmrj cdowsst Ov''. 1L. � t v - 4 _s, -,g E�41pgo F, atd tilya
� � , ,
I I- X, ; � I , eodvi�% tt..d��- Itit wljg-*A�o- �,�W-. S- ;, "M� Qi,1tU1-.,r%o` 6! W It rq M41'1.�,,1,,,,-,1fj q4l kavZ,4 tf-4 carr,%' Ovfv
ffiglt T-kww Item frent to L,�.T,k utd q 40 , . - lvk�kq Qilr" f4ix,,K��V,_
��, ra M% CbMIG thl�,q Mv- few cyzomma.flr.Et,�r tt 11 pii 01, _C�4 an tDe 14gUAP kqT V:irt ko- biDg,:, t�t
Slirom t,ack to frorot ngaiia. Talib's re- 6 / � 1;1 .V
'4014ts n rVrh art zn�d Io eat thr * WAh rticta,usit-. 10�� ,to It �s tD�` U cm;ok G. -e ! ras 9,�tuo) 11LO-eu a �W-IF, Itt'al -m q,u�r'lqv 1n) %it",�m"t-sauf ttadpe eA,w
�5 � lbt-j3r t,np _t1j -Zt'_T� q�'f-'��tLg,, E, ZU %V,',lj�,�V.j M L . -m -it I to ;P o 13 - _nCKR 150 1?4 t+,V-Z,q�,,:,, IQ rt�t ptw,-,d
I akm t(A'C's, a Ptaeuvrd btle's1l. '.. �. I � , ,.�_ To torkt. r,"mnm lliTtr T-&'* 1k ,*.�� -4 i
A *kift 1404�CKNS I':2al�m'a t1ol rg- .. atl'[Glrl,ve� lo -,D"113 , �,ow, ,ur, &!_� &A smd�A-,i atp F�,I�tu to b,f� iv�,Ihjpo
�� ,I C.PomW j)Mtb.*st fP 3t4,,5,j r&A kr,tf�ur,,�4�_q w;A--U'i 4"4� 'rj �,;N A11A Qv 1,�SA. seas_3,M V01 -
f ,, P ,',
� ftpc, M�e flloor Wall WbIll! set out, � tuv ut- t.v,n iltars. to s.�Ine mfac.,Ovo� . tol gv-itrat vaitte top Zo�trta. lilts ,X;,,%=- � %Cd *
owit"gh'g,c-Ecat. w1j3p it %V1,110 I,.V 110 � - -.1 , uom vmtRortwit ff,te kfmp ap iin .-y"Al ij lrr"jt..�� F aTr UM a - c-, o. a, 4zLm
� ,0't-j')�q> rj�g vr�r_ogkq. Q-. ,Vj�*0 , . a t,�V,ir� rnv. irqj1P_.tr" , It r
me-agis tcoleh at tliqv point norclutg V , -T . virLl V'r 4>C-0. Mist VA Musn W5U0)rLe,ZjP2y ovs, Mit e%Unq.0Tj oy-,� �5;0,�9- jo� to * t" 61*101�or
acAtte thils CulA. �Ve F tollne tf, an bntliiiiell;!� cml afe tybN$_te,d , 66M Of, As ccn�=4-rte, afise nig it-Tira- .s;: Troiv,-mv "U., swr,� k Mir-HehA9li;o!A,fj
.. '4 , *, fr"Ig- 1r'u+vE,-ln,A nj wholesalle
wba Want a Wee V.4,dcStNalu !!--kiitt� �&,, j tr, tonftws� "bat brevkh"'t tr.,.Is twfil- " tnal tfgoe�A. t0j,".el,�R May owuolvc- nt, . 41il- - Lot- AS
, t � "Z'C' �. Tfte 11-, mne-Ze to; 'Ziple gt.b
but be vety carf-ful OT �Vojlt skirt � �.� � f
I I I fbaLewcnt anc fte tor.rth tvas 41,e�, nt*41fi0t 1!05�4 05, I'V'.
will fall !&j. In Gotham tht�y okuvo , I .��",�v I ."s _T �A% ,Uv t4o- rg��Lava.` c-Adilened
, � filit9t canse of fteilt tiAn, 114parg 410.8 ,,, !�oelgj lywtlafl. -snullftery 11.�t wrft,t . , , 4
ty is i I. -4 're i Plit :.!j %tt�1498i,V� ia.�Il r4 ad leamles.,
* �
tate6smakers wllio,se ,l . , I lafjd, et,t�._Tk,tp r,at;o�b st&�� li)�P PF -r- 1 b'CAdP?%_-- "A 04't Uqhq S Me is:�m., Lky , I
U." I ic, pr4 : ,% t trc m' -_'t D�g. V�tq sp&son of
sp"�V w mgt R1 M lm-�sejn Dzuz�1 vil,de �V� n&rrh�v,e, ;,,to d1,gTcj4'C-_-; ft'& q
the cutthgg vat or I rl'Z Ltkift. OaMf`.
gtd D1 S�&,2 havven t l M -- �p�qrt�qd. al"Llot&J94 to I
6 Lwow suchn divid'an We *&Z iZ lo:rg, iff.pi,yalag I botL o! WU111h rdrt� ,�4*,r-MilM v1lk1fr.,r-'B*S , -.e j
by all M"'ans theriell hot, 1. L . I � �Ir-ty. One Ene sf-M. '�Ts.,,Iq Ilwas4-eLve;tv .,Aoo ,e& at Nalr5ftot.
happ�fle*p� traeE GLd J�ft,Eep.!�fy� b2T g4,03 to it) s-��Asjtau,Vu !l4nes .as welig as In f4i 1
P . "'M . L �
gen�-ra-9Y gilgge,er,l thl't 11m _ � - .1 Lo ;,mn 1 -4c -T -e- U,El r-1 L14 ,%�0,_n&,n,n.4_ , -
plitowlaal � 1vei3bfd1;erjt* If, va*.C-16ts veadlq to lgec'.tlo. Ti"k. 'but",+cp 9,�ut�_ Airtmov
Mrte in il aud Ilar,Wj jiba-V � I &�vj�,%�Dr v.U-irk x. 101� b;�- I
F � I vdhct aeft cr &aobed:efi10& at.; thle 7 M.etq by io,nr IKK�k" Urge f`1_"-'f'ta` '��'r tht. ra" i
otter than the hr,av- , 'Ic ir,ehas . � aF,e
be a BLOC- 611 " 4 luttry of Gr -d .,106 tht- t-euntty ape I Za �*� ou f5tv shc1u;p,il b, ,far tuaQvpl atzl OwLng to the gool pvosi�
� as War 15w.s. and we F.h,rv�,Uld
ter outs of setj�p ana clig-viot ':,�r . . . 11ruMoessoV brtktri� Qrodq Mom more lie rx 4, P.�<-ts for tho eropq th�-rv, bg a 9rCAt. i
11.1p akirts o� jaqjjejw v4otfi and broad- P f A. Eu= M. GOWN. . i � : � . t,.� aLv" !&'r -r -h vft &I I nt tkat W1110D &- I
I thav, "30 ofter ft_�zpe, de�c;froyp Emap- , iqj�,-g§ 0,' iW.�,M9'.e-(F,9(+- ri:arj�re-AlEd In t136 i
!ii,�"!!�A!'.tt!��! -�ofv fte, 103V ". ,ol Mat *L"vh r7f- all *Irife�k !
e&,,h. ;bkii-ts of 'p1que and idu,rk, . .. . .. ..... ...... ..... !d!a����"'!"L"!,!!t!t---...'�l- - __ !t'- jjrlhace� aril ISILIDru-ne, Drif. 6Z�n.,dreri . , It . � " F c4nt!c,n�k tiv tLe raoll ad I
of -_ .- ... . - - _... I vto-enp tt." "r,3311P )UNMI21111rou &14v" tuldgr, tbr,�- yr-ar. Ti'l. wbzvlezale f3till"
� DInL.n and ,nt dt,A2 nirny be veat;y I -, -----I- - - - �j iMculldl tcner thri�ir pnfettu t-�r-C--iUq--e :�
alglite Iergth. but, rt-AIWY, thet'L' ntle I lave,making & ratf;er drc*-y SUA-01* 1 *Pj=,t .111 01 vr,ftatit, IMIM, or 0600 EZ14 ;t.,f.b_,8te q,r,nVP1sla!f,03 atul Ill- JL j
Octrl I as tclluw, no: te 9, ,t�'d it Z'In P -to
- - 1�e6�.t. &Esslngsa 1cer.jzLC!;0 ftv-agIdt's rinrl &,sITs,V, It ,�,6LS.,T Inittf-Ir to thaltita
lvetv ferw that ate lo�IDA atrj$ tbot't I V*3 car bind thein w9tri Wal,& 11 May fail on me Come , ��c , I pTLef-a a W- th .Tfl is 21 U I
attaetied tc, - A, Ttuc, Off4" 'Ib I F I I P or W tut- I
ot 1han this, i,j The ,�m*eoo tor 'T",mng are ED j ftqt eek tk,lg rume ore 01 fftIM6 I I j1bVt4r nlso 5n'LP"&-_* mat *lr- Tc4rain Trivit t5rg It 4r4oiotcol,;,bCr�@ tO ft-ftt@ %*V* i
r , ,�t $5f�f_fe$j0f<,1t do',Mnr.
Ivne VatfaC 91#12 'WAI ftl that' Ale hmvler fiy�e_i3 ans ate tritm,trisd +vttb Lleis tf:gbttaft tur Cm*�l 0'o,-t*TJ-.r_-- vt4 , ,& it. 4 nli vh�tgv wuea�j Imfght suitg'r-pt lit -t- i
; 4 "; � ir-L,ag�a, Tbf, vr_,1"fw,a., fir,,& trade la: g#,uo.
&an 1 -un J'ast aLQ well §u su **Il tut , j lin tbe tulute thc.v tvMl rtc,O a _lkv rz�te thc,u,g�lltfp M3 dr-s5rc-e, am th,� r;,jUV ( i
I _-n , P
13&,4d, nis :rat,115n,g gowns nust to- AXW conce tot Mae it chr-re, I , Vjq'�egLeja :r0rW81lrjg- t; i
owt or arkte lLmgth as in one to Wave be 1wat they tan ILe ftaAe, . ir� 0 , r t bkcwn ftt-w� jfr-_-s Las set �j 4,beat-ef- CdM.]4 jffP%1:-e h�tBlj. W�I,n-:P�g fr&�:e advielrq. Tbfrtft Is i
_a, aud _sbe eettatnly ftloks. qafte vorol by wdlg tu�e brv,16 'M : Zrfty,Z� exsmoyi.s Iln tb`v fegatd. I V!eo11,,!-.ix I5"1Z.Q �7!p 11P t�"_" � � I
her ky,tc � C117117-GLAI-4S CAUAVVS. .0;r.gtbTV a T)-�g delr,:�Mvl for L'It'nr and Itho
ettlet arx] is more tom-tottable li,bo **Mth 0&rv;;�,�a;u;_rell. 315. Th(`,'U;1 tvk-,,,j,,,r ILe p3ml<vty ,sl var.'etE.X r. "a As i
bt fancy fas'.Meon. Great ft:aT-e_Q OTC- — � , 1. rr-n-sizra W111 .tPpavel-t1i.v tave e,euty !
jqtev enDvitntlena3ly uttllred. fia�jkwedd itlat An tte &1819Z"9 atd' 06-9 ,they Roquirb Special 'CAre burIza atul!it wt Xll3-"4M0G sballt co Z10 =a't, te 490te 'in varilcmp '%��V8: I I
lntr.7jideq.:��_P�, V. 1�*. lnnr4.1�rer �� Dy 07 rbrmtv. to 15pend tt* eom*�g
� 'sr re-�,Uiilnt- I'Me *elvantmce of fti 19%C,7- 19"� I
oilt Suvotatr Glity. towles In V-�e way ,or deeorat�atl- two Seasbu of 1ALIV01fas. I , T,&11. Tr,,�a,,"�, Iftt th� PaejU� Coast eevk* I
111-4-A�cd _*okev, outignvd withtiatCv "I gaIC!0d as fL"e nuo *,V4_ke4l;Z7 %cf-S- "I"I" "or rjr,0ftjt-r %'.-�Pj'�a,r- bziY105 .+ by ng. I
- wej sleeve Le �W"o zzr+ lin'sm� ago SO 1 ten- �, uk- t"4n,zh1v .1ta wt2,avatelk )kt t6t,'.Cr, z4a t1wV,%,btd tf*6 i
VL -11(3 wh-Ri'ie leads a@ IL aummer ot WhIto btaWo are, l4eev. r , ITae la*v pat"Ifev, P`atzs *as rms t.rovg God, �, tr tr,t-_9 ts Iiiinpi"VI
j g
-;if i:� J
,m:got, tl-�e ilittle c126t.,k and the caps are itacked awl tri " ,=oat baaelT; alswMilte qirct, rdtize, , . t�y oir-�04:dh�g T"r olvet- I - for I -
. mmird Wftb 4 ,other oatecror erjurtair.,113g ptoves, � stri't".8 tbr-re is a rn�ir tomata r0%,
Alpe will 163ow Erion Ult,4e. 1, brald. Ituffiles af�e ,96t arlovand the 4 "llygly Pro_:-Mk,C-4 Z, 'I �-atefl�.g ekock t�:4,tfp vcf,L_�O,Jng to
Al, N'bitt 11 .'! tard,co the lg�laa,gware that mast be'l 9-1'�'Jco is aerwm IQ15 g*oeg. tle *Xcfilent proeofttse �
. te very pretty and hands std llklsZe tl�e ruffies xrest*31! j v -j -'s commanrIttett, rl"�Vn neb-ow Ile 9- " g;,W,hc,r. mis,rc-pre,�*n4ab* goo f,", -i; -�
.. 4ti.e � L. f ,Ax
. ;,9 .c - -ad hay.srig mdmeedi 11beral buY:t i
uEed freq-aent;ly In fte surr.mc-r 11 crgt' ,
CaDvap drepses a � P.3', 1
they clean dheaplY Ttb,d ealsill-Y, even 'a' little bards of braid to Icok 1"'ke 4 atiort lm�eryvterre lerlar-ces ! hmnw to,s�;,,<nr thfir affect
� breezes 119 espr4.&.,.1'y �, A :Ipr.
it they do not -W,aab. But it you " caffm sucreftevss ol, 1.��ims.r llft,- AID fi:e prie- : ehas!e,j,--, : C-b.-,r,_C!lr.g ploirlthamt pr1rcos. At Ottawa thf-re, has lipen do lfi$�
want cometwilig in co3ors, "brere liire!; The stocks that ,come vvith MM.' di'�artrcas for the cut g,'.a6s carafc-% o C-eptr JU ej,arer 11,1_ 32_S',&. f.jL;W to, e,,Ve4_4 jhV,-gb I- .' ft vclt"w othr--��0 prow-mert in thf- 6emaiiia for 116t
� � omb.r� ��
I lovely plaida In blup and white, weir dresser ,art little Zore thalj;� w1dich virfllll probaltl`y te iin grezater t�) guard jile frow vW�t`Me- It arsy -man; joftjse,-,j-.i-.� prkt, -. willf.%oMingr eebts wea-Mer gooe,s ' .hx wF-k. Tbp ��
, -ht and very 5 b&nds of late or banda or tmbra:d- i6 de=,ana than any cther gil4sswarr ;� 'by, tarelesanesv or neglect 1DC-CGF1M- Wilapg; it Isr po'6-,lb1p to pay tlafln:
that are becolMlig, 11,6 F % for servIng tl;r- ice water and tWa 'ed tte death ol avlotter tie 1:rcm,giat 'j-,,o;e.1.ng sfoEen gm�ds. or fafflure to bers are bw�rv. Witt* the fall trade
� des1rable. I, er7. the -v are as simp,le, aLb tht-.1 .1 . 0 makp nrl I rovr. aind, Et ftypf.ars that ,In lnatl-
'The Summer Wry ,who, -fralupeo a -, can be and are, �ntekidedl for a �., ruimmer bevereiges, 'Me glass wJ �l bi_'ocr� g�iiltiveOs lapolt il�e D:CasP. The,'rfiturn lost pcoep. cr t Ines tbe orZers-ex2cel tbo,e-ib bcA:ih
g ,,�-,< toloes Ms ovvL Dole per- �, erjro_
I . for prettler thirgs tO ' r,ded icr .t tc, fire the owrier. Lcle3rig at tWS tlmil a y*'ar rf-.X0. The vnos�w
little, prig�eiPal _v in voltage walikiv. r', foundatlion , t, mcio acquire, a dingy. clx ,it. : persGra -
. , 1� %amers. I+, is sztf�._1'�gzm,15�y cl&ar;:6,� nt - forlt'r- a covrardty wn,d w'�eke6 ne". t ,-�!.4 ijgr�g t-.Mrone. ar,a7 ptroet <,ar
Wfiere Ehe Unst lowak P1*ttY1 16' WMr' ','Oc`�* e- � ' � a fo trade are gr�6',I. I .
Ing a white plaid gingliam. in deep� At Xewport they are wearing the' regralar jLterVtj7S . D;ssjpnLtj(*n. dnitiko�mp,ss. T.10, s5no tit -Rete ,v.;vor1ire,i,-a by fte (-ondarte,r. T'K�t P - -
b1,20 al,d vr1lite, with a check or two �, Velvet band &Mand the tbroat arid 6 r7or tlears�ng 'the inside of ,the var- ag,aMaz tk,-. W -y tkat uv!tt A for � -N,,o 'toa,slu-.e,s9 custom kast1ZF-,,s rc�ne in — 1:
� - . ", '1� , ,_ 'ED, _n Z :
in I%ht blue. The skl,rt barely' swInggii fastenling It with a j--wdr-d elaspi.;- afe ItIN ft ha.lf-Tu�l et strc,,-�g ammo."'.2 %VW,PTUIE." - -,!, EE Ztc MIle T�re V10- 9tw4hng. N."Othlug %tasler. I
. It -
. , I -
ground, and it Is 'Thar colnesrr ir-'sMe -the simple litt ��d tnti.,orls 01 ILE6 'commaLdwel't. �8, Eear",:Lg . ln&- renv 3ft. itind Mrs. lkal?.ey, young tol"
t1par frrm the I Ile , water ard p�arfj in this SOME! SM , a
frimmed arwand the tGot wlth a wide T stock ,or iaee. Agaln they ,r pho, a 'radhlna s'-;sV. V,-,��nrql - tly iwarrie-11,
take' tulle! , 41,j:e . ger,eT6'-_!�, tr.�ppcoiscd ttat there are � , Con - - #7e rw.en werf.- begint4;g&
, .0 r
r, pr,eces ,c. ia* r].
' ,ee ., tner L .1 � fac e� " M .
- c.&sm -,v4_ere 11hc- killUtg ,of a.r.61.her , 1pers C4 the .,inpoe- f"Ormee-ed WL, h I
,b;xr, td .1 frev,_ -1 ard tie It amand the t1hroat. toin- 11 iv� rone,y and rinse Vitt r" ;ea�t X�11_ . �9' !I 1r'. "`�S !L tle C"L'$-e Or however - ist tbo ,rause thIfIr l`-0'dSek,rPr,r,n0
d of i Ine, bral, , put on wItj 90 _�, and wete vloing
tral rows of VVIAte stitching. I pleting It with a big soft b-anell of , ' ,X-g;�j t,,e S�,-Stffiabl'lo� ii , b"
' ' This vv,11N. ,remove every poss.Ke z ' "
MAO D, It 19 a riarrow thing In dark �, leallia at one aide. The te.mderey !n �' te.r. .,, r. e- I.L'P A I ntay be, t1,.vrf- is r -O �Pxv,uc,P, for I.Aag the werk oT puttang the rooms IA',
stuln from sr.=mer N-ve tages. as wf.�, A, e,c-,17,� n ej j'ZSt_'C;r_' 2. Iii self Ce-
T,C'e., Btt evem, In thIs ttere 18 a undpr Oalh�_ The spir-1-it 01 t�.p cow- .
Mile jea*.jer as light as hid, and to,"StOAls Is t0lwibrd 90nic-thl�-19 1ES5 'e" 1 as the elrg.r-'Cookajg rims tbat rr(� � ., . , orc;fr themselves.
: ,dH;eTM1C'e, of W,i4en =Ong good 't-aand I% vgolateZ when cme 9!� untrue 1k
. .
it hangs a little blue leather fob �aborate and toward I neat ar. 6 i quentl.lyr sta�n the giasa rroul stand- ;. nipirg:. 4 to tle confids-ner, plaopil In thm b ..- Mr. t, �Iilpy was having some trollblev
. X, . "I i
.11ver mountIrge, and An, At- 1. pretty deggns rather than, aick and . j 1hang"rig <)ne of 111,0 Vrcsne,lts, &
,01th a , Ing water. � ient. 14. ,'.-knothpr. Prom'ea. h no eipc& '-1
j w.bolp, i velvet. h T,qe VF�vpyfth commaxAft � 1tatT I jr wit - eluck, ap5n the, wah of tlle 61n�.
. ,
, aellrapilt fo,� a bar.dbag. 'Phe ' , For the outsiae, of" the Out glass , rrt,ov r'balt njr�t commit Ldult(ry - 4 �ori fire -
eigh two paunde for , The extravagance of the season is 4 of Meeting the pro=l.".
e7e is no joining. and the ie!�tlre. I displayed In the pale colors i Inrr�;m.
skirt doeg not w, th at are nae a am -ill bi'ush-an old teucth- -i�nq violatton of this Commandment � ., f.,
th ,� Co-%ett1,u.qnc-sr,% ISAs Is An Inerdin- W`hY is It t.kkIn-_ You S6 Ion
I thing. cotalJ,U� picked In a v&Y small worn The ful; dark tones have all t' bruah will be the best if the bris- I 3me'ans th^ destruotion Df the 110ille, , ete, deRlre t- pn,;�scss walat b-:,longg 'C d the Sonng 190
elling bag and leave room fo � I d!sapileared- arJ tin linen. f�uek ard i ties are adf.T.'e.'ently stiff. Scrub " ;..,.qr"l 'iske wifle, %'to-
r !, and family. aa mstitution erdained' to, anotl,f-3% It -i�; rne -way of steal- lm.k To
4-rav � Ming � Ing, Ill ths sig If
I -qlqqi
rr �� " I .
, . I
I t
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1 : � ,
+^�11 .
11'� Ej. �j 1,
, . I sl�
A , I
I 4
i ��I�It�
I their kin one W,4�g �he pastel colors 1. everypart of' the glawca vvIM a litte of God and necewqary to the b,a Olt tvf rvad. Ill Is! pirr-al P;lt ,;p that c ,
Alor06 exclusivt-lly. c t par soQp rublued oaith� brush; then , r.p ,of His klvgdom In Tbe eArth, i In that It is, evMPn,-,e of disvontcat,j '-I era?t get it plumb," be replik
TA% Wasik 'erike oj t1js summer tire t almost e t
. I mrl� wlth clear water rantil all the ; �-q�:,ft,, comm&mGment forb�da aIR acts' tiiat vnvuld f`ml sati.4-actlon in thol, 'Then why dowt �Voix sreucl for th's
,Ijgj�tfuj. They t�omo In the colora, I ,, � —_ 11 � 1. , I I
. , I '* ',of r -d 14 % 0 f jwry -ed, in perteot Mjj,*'
a( it tro drP9191814 In vv'lklte or excain f !V*.v,& cig-at is well advertfsea It ocaill Is rinsed away. and Net the i ,licioallross. n 11h -IT 1� se "eshly ! h :of ano�i�ors imuel K. Wheat. I plumber?" slie asl�
bt I
Or, jeju,on color. r up 19 generally V�411i&l up. - , , , . glass a8fde to dry ,oltbout rubbing Imts. w0th P,)r0d,aCe those actm 96nd lake. . cerity.-Voutble coinpu'llion, , . .
stey ate made � . � I
� 1�
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