HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-18, Page 2I I I I -
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I I ! . I
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''I � I ,� A MON LIFE � .1 . I - .
I ,
. . I I I A Letter 'Rhar jillillces Up lit ftirl
, — I , .
� I
I .
I I . With an Eye si,1910 to the GO wbut it backe, 11A GrAt"Mar,
I Od The follOVY111l; I (�t ter was sent by,
i I I
I Of tier. Follow-ro'eO She. Tolled. 'Ua,,i,sIpp1 man In auslwer to a mu
I . . I
I .
. I I . — � trimoulal "ad": "I Joiclo.allmy pho
: who 15tory of V, 1 174 4 It. varuey, or togiar Witt, biy Pull Dworiptlollo. I
I I blootilifilela, 01jit 11 -
� . 4-
48peotms, Noais -
.0 of Y 54C we
a a 56rvw �
I A rJace tc, 8110 the featLi'res are nachel a
I %Ito Poor Aild N 'Oeay 11,410teir"'a to can bee,' only it is to Dark, I ax
I . %Ittefr Physical ,As we;, as Spiritual
I I 1, 'Wants. Very Ilto Compilexion, Grey eyes, or
I., 1; I -DIOO . wrield, I o t., 'Tane so(Spec- bon hair 6 toot, high, , w-aight :LIX
.i'. ;:. � ". , - Lbs. Inclined to be huma shouldered
� ''I ,W). -Our comm"Pity boast$ of hay. - Muskjal, ,.gan and a widower 218 yea
. 1 I . . jur' W'thin� It OUD Of thle, most de� old, with A Common Sol I ioOl Zqua,
� Voted Christian women that ever tion, b4t hav Got Anor to Atten t(
I t0fled In the world,si Vineyard. � '
1, . Owuefl A0d blessed EUAY Business, am Strictly Horrel
� , self by God, tllls Don't use Tobacco Nor,Willskey.11 HA
� -Sacrificing. heroine and her hua- Is SOXIOUS to have her underetane
I bandi since deceased, spent � Many that hex, "Age ComplecktIone, wall
! years of falthrul pastoraf work In and All Suite me to ate6, Kind Lovinp
I different parts of the.continent. Girl. I bav Only one T1h1nR to Offer,
Elizabe'th H. Varney, rellet of the And It Is Neither Lmuds Nar Gold,
I '. late LOVI Varney, 1-1 now 73 years of But % Strons Arm and True Bat,
, � age, and le living I . U quiet retirement and xill Lay Down lity Llf6 for,the
� 1 here. fto 19 & member of t
cle . he So- Rite Girl a.ad Be happy, for I am
ty Of the Old Orthodox Friends TIred of living Alone. The Girl that
�, and tilis simpl;) peave_l0ving Society Steals my Hart an4 takea ray Name
I I I nevOr fhad a MOM humble or more for tile Remalader'of U,Y Lif I will
. WOfth.V m6niber. .
I I I make Happy, ror I am 'Hunting a
I It is of her wor m irl that I ca�h Idlelse and Made a
: � � 03oboxe ill ouir Owlu' Mlladlow Nort'll- Angel (It." .
1� . . ., Wiest t1hat shla loves most to speak-, , .
I . and InIalifY and vivid ard h;; recollec-
,:, L . ItIOD's Of thlis Peoullar people. Freckles.
. Ionia O(f the greatest difficulties this The Young the good-ir they're
14emoted woman, 'bad to conitend with Young enough. i
. Was diSeaLes, among tier poor people4 Two heads way be better than one,
� But 0110 "'ad &I'med herself with a re.4 but) one's plenty - next morning.
b3edY that was as u,nifailing an h,,ar IVs hard luck to be hit on tile
Ow -A 011allit:Y-Doddls Kidujay Pills head with a horseshoe.
w1we Me weap0,1119 9he used to drive Vsxiotoy lis tile Bplbe OA life.
out sickneRej Some
L variety Showe ca.rry It too far. I
[�.,.. SOMO Years before sthe liad tried Everythillg will come out all, right
. and proven t1hia,vis'lao of tilis great Lyd the wash -If It's wash' goods.
� medicine in her own ease when thres- The early bird catches the worm
. toned with Dropsy ailid suffering there are some lazy people who pro ;
with Rheumatism. Tbey h -
PlatelY resitared Uier, a.,nd -w'ad com- fogs n0ti to like them.
illen she
fou'lld t'llat the Provalling tro Broad-minded people are usually
"ble narrow-minded In Ilhat they consider
among the DOUWrobor people was
Kidney Divea,seand Dropsy gheknewl all people narrow-minded who are
that Dodd's Kidney Pills would noll as broad-minded as they.
be To write a perfect autobiography
ter 11100t Valuable a14 to her good
WOrk. I � would requIri so much of the eathor's I
she tells of one Poor yating -w*jnau Ums that he would have no time
among this peoplowho Was sufferxag- for actions worth writinw about,
so sorarely with. the Dropsy that she —,—
'was terTiblY b
0onflned to her bed. The Lady Alls- Tho New fork Gentr4l a great Line
donary left a tew of Dodd's Kid- There Seems to be bat one oplulon
ney Pills &1ld Immediately, sent for In regard to tile ,N�ew York Central,
t[hreo more boxes, Ed 11"t Ire, that the large nuraber
1, She wias rewarded for her efforts trning �
11 _
" by the complete reooyor,v of tile t the i: _ fast tIM% and the fact
I Is the same as by other
x0ilug wonlan.g lines (ey4ePt the Empire State E,X-
,Dodd's Ridney Pille -have received pree,j), sUould commend It to.all.
this Nvorthy w0mau'la Most emphatic
-1 ------ 1� I KISSING, THE BOOK.
Hardly Relleved ills Rars. I —
.1 IN. Y. Herald.) A R61le of the Tltn6 Whes Kigaing
174P,t, * Mltd VIV Swoot girt gradu- Was Genoral In3larry.rguglaud.
tLtP,Wwalin't MY VOmia(vAcenient, goAwtj irrom The Laneet.l
a wl'DODer"10'-� I ltd,l tile Other Sir Frunai 44MR4 and 51r. Xuatice
girin skinned adve:" (NOr011 have had posLed outslae the
"'kutl t'" If' tll�% 9111," $Aid PaPA, t%vo coarta Or Vitt Proba:te, Divorce,
rwily, "Whoar. gr'kdllat'"�� 04"YNTaR and Admiralty
I All Appoal for aighpr Standavils, or � DIvIgolls Dotte(j�q *to
Thought awl Lh.pr L 6&sit>jj.* 1, IvUllesseB t(ttling their utif�ntjojj to
I ---- 1� tile ract thtii.t they may 'he "mrora, 10 ,
*0W VOrk Ventrotantt Iludqon rtl,4,#T. tho .ScotOv Inannor botilre gIving, �evi. ,
N .
gZa0vokill. I
The alN>vF3 ll.awe Is & bouseholt, "'#" $"' 'A!'"" `5 t" 8 t,,'- th.-Y W,xY be
word and, tho �sujx*rjor e.Neellened of S-,�,orai %vith Uj)hl'tod 11,,tuti, rpp�.,,jtjjj;.; I
tho road al.tould be guff.,cient to at_ __ sult.wil tuvountlou to Lhe Deity, 1
tract mcwt People. trit Itow that the lastoad of CaLang a. bwk and ktssing
rate to tile same to �Vejr York 'and I,. Artu'r 11'stustaluj; to, a (1.0rat repeated
points eaRt aq by othOr lines, no br a milloz ortv-111 of tile coart. fr4f�-
further recommeridat14)n ShOuld be lialwt. to watch w1u. rc-tow ,
NOUUC Evvr.vWj,y will tUNII ;Von It 'N V;VVAU1J
jS the boot. tyAtside Ofloof me Loarts ut the
--4----- �-- chruicery D16% 6t.,xi" -A-1-1 vVe 4ate ever,v 1
%,'teessarr eour&�&. Itopts tbat ,-It tao". tr�-,�O,=qi 4�jj�er'saj,
1$'d ".1.0 r"Z. i"�a�ix aC'Urg LJUtt�jjcd ,
i%*bw vatu Sah. b th-l't Zhu 04t,4 D" L-�!sg a byjk. 1,3as
— .�,, �
'"rie'd novhAs 7 :,avt,�? a"I ma, L�
read big, 11
Atadge-b"Y"q Swir wqo'fter tet .Von 1"otZalig tyj �Lv=w I - t'.Lr"!,- ut 9F3,1,
�-Y'k� �'kes
AlarjoLriL % bat sho =f,j 111P 4
study jotopagi4t;un 0.* d6v,vso� "4;.3 'we"sq-1
histor.& ag an aai!Nj�,x% fttfoul it I'" I
I . . --
I 1-1 I .
. . . I I . . - 7�- —.. ..... I— � .
. . - . . I 11 11 . . I I . . " . I I I � . � .1 1� .1.1 . . I . I . I I . I 11 :.1 I
I . . I I 1. 1: � ., , I L I . � � I . ! - I 11
- . . , . i 1. I 1
I � � . I I , : � . I 1. � ,. I
. P-0 � 4. p— . I . I -.,-. , � . . . I . � I
V -
- 606d I'Mims to &t
fttq rdb5:r.fA2kC5,a*5 Y�fvth:o lkvdlgt�kw
* 4 -t*V-1k`1tt0ft*ViZ ,Ud . Tb"!Ad"d4
Natural Flavo. r
Food Prod uets
Aft lft,.ff,eT-*,atd&8*tft3V*"Ad� the*f*'.
*ftit � M+Zrt&
", ho"I e, , . �- iv i�a - &**VOA It
- &� -,:-* , ,.;= I " "�* -
*11 It= , llb"i;
a a , - I ,- �.. t
I; -?,.�.&r� � t;11 :- ,- .1 tit
. . ,
Lftey, �*NEML * L%'A'V. 0MAGO.
A ,^,r '
ti VIRT 10
A glrl"� P1J*MtZ0-'6 STLOU;d be
6�qontj.'rjtrj� V70M.
, nj�y_ fitt-
- t'>r ' - 'i M4
1�07 h' Z OM,- aLl f0t Wflaer
111-11mance& aq well. 3foulton
C01le"01 glve'3 .101cZa An educa-
tf,WL Itsr facilities for matrieu�
latIO-1 a'lld 9-meral stueles, ang
fbt` bltldc and art, --Ira com-
b1ned 'witil. a eltristiag J.OM�
life that may,-eg 10'r c7alt'ared
,, 0.114 strong womaVhO,,)jj.
Calendar on apW.r6ajj,>n from
UTS. Welfg, Principal.
Totonto., ()AL
. I I
�* I � -At . .� I � I - 11 I � . I .
. I ,,,', ,� I , .
t 41001rars
� .
I 444, peop�e agr�e- that, . $c0tt's 12,riitli�
. 404 Of cOd-liver oil Is t -he beat thina
. I .. I
:, to take for "dQu!t feel well and
t I dowt k I UQW WhY, " espe I Oally ba
9 , bioj�a
I —they like ft—Mett Ala . d womem .
. doitet. mind itp but babies .
) . I . actually
I =Joy IL I I I �
I . , GO" L'OR WRICIt GAN"s'll A"AD ypiv q*.
? *40 , - n, , ro"O"Yo.
, , "!'I'L � II
. 5. - J.st,.�o : gko.te.
. �
t I . -------:ZZZZ== : "I -1
Dogs In wrauce. � I I
Ac-'01`41ag to Le Journal, the dog
tax itash'ad 4ttle ieffect 4N reducing
the numb,er Or dogs 'in France.
Therie are at Present at toast 2,.
910,945 of the I caninp race in that
country, of wil ch 800*000 are pfet
t9s (chlens, 0 luxe.) Lafft yeartko
t produced clearly 9,,D0%c)()0
Xrancs-abowt three francs pardog.
Tlie proportion, of dogs ;to I
I alialitt-
ante varlea In different depart-
�ults- It' some the proportion 10
seviian fur 100 Inhabitants, Inotheris
sixteiea,' and in others only thre,��.
� - -------- �
oo:rnmon Psnae tells us tUat the way to
cure neuralgta pains Is to apply the rented
directly, to tile seat Of tile t ,
D. & L." ,roubl,. " T1�11.
Afeubhol Plaster to guaranteed to I
give quIcker relief tbaa any otlibr plaster.
- ------- �
Knew the Hopes.
"Have You ever had any exPerlence
In handlin,W high grade pottery ?7�
asked the, Lulporter of an applicant
for. a job.
.1 I h
, NO, siro" replied the applicant,
`113111(i; I Can do the work all right.p,
"Suppose 11 said -the memllant, *11yoa
sboald.accidentally break a valuable
vase; what WoWd yoa do. ?,,
4i 1 would put it together carefully,"
rOPlied tile Job seeker, "and Not It
whelre the wealthy customer would
be sure to, knock It to Pieces acaln.11
"Consider yourself pagaged." uald
the mexc,ha,nt. "And now tell ma,
where You got onto that trick Of the
4rade 91P
" 2 I �
'k few short years ago."' answered
*M10 Other, "I was In tile 'wealthy Ous-
tomer' class.11-Chic.ago News.
Minard's Liniment cures La Grippe,
"'h* 'loon t3til* Nvas luterested to.
(N. Y. world.1
0113 little daughter of a prominent 1�
tre'StOrlit Senator has Wen attending I
school darInT the plot winter and her
Proud father, mother zLad & number
of friends weat tjl--
I 1.
Axkp- �- lt �,N-�- V -1%0y,",
r. � ,
. (
i MH AN0010, 81001
L�^^�;�.,i $
It is n1g4i ImpossIbl'o.- � to egginfN
all tjja,t Q'lasgow has done lor
wo-rklijamen there". but h may w
011t emAggeration be eaid that
,has (Iona about everythial; possi
Homes have been erected ror tj
In every Part of.tile cUy, and it
are reated 'to, the Poor at an
moot nominal rate, Wido W'S ,�
widowera have two wall.equip
40MG& where ,they are boarded
a.-trifItrig sum, a;ad babies are (�
� �
ad Sor by city nurses whL.10
breadmwinnere are &b work; and,
course, these homes, etc�, are i
charities. Penny (two cents) ba
ar`0 Provided by the municipalit3
all Parts Of thfl'cltT� Where worki,
man reside, Uunicipai tratuw,
take laborers to their work ,
from one to two colits, and mun
pal Xerrloo carry them to th
611ope rive miles down the Crlyde
necessary, for two conts. At nl�
the Municipality provide free C4
cer,;tE�f, ,free lectures, free tijg
� soft ' "d free courses in busitni
.�-d technical studles. There is a
&free employvaeut bureau. The ol
has torn 'down hundreds of Liu
sands or dollaral worth of rooki
It's t&%t the worikiftignion's ellildr
might hmvG Play grounds.. And -L
city Provides free gas for the 1
"I've and even for the hallway�
till Poor. These may be called si
cial PrOvistolvi for the workingm;
&1ld w-111cli they enjoy in additi
to the other beneficent blee6n
provided for �%Il the eiitizolig of tt
ZuOdel citY.-ScoltUsh. American.
, I .
eve"'ry Woman Should
. That Prof, W. Hodgson Bills
OMOial AU4l,Vj$t to the Dominion doy'�'
ornme4t, has recently made a number.
of analyses of soaps, and reports that
"Sualight ,Soap contains that high
:: Percentage Of oils or fats necessary
to a good laundry Soap.p$
What every woman does not know
. is that in ,common soaps she . fre-
quenitly Pays for adulterations at the
price Of Oils and fats, Try Sun-
lIj;ht SOaP-Octagon 13ar-next -�vash
day, and you will
Bills is Y,Ight. Ile slisee that Prof.
ould knOW, 206
— , .....
.ra Chase. I
The Truth -Yee, I'm to business for
vaYtielf, but I don't seem to be able
to meet with any success , i
I Me Sage -Nobody ever meetowith
Ruccoss, young man. 140 must over-
take It. -Philadelphia Press, ,,�
--- —
Monkey Brand Soap removes all stains,
rust, dirt or tarnish -bub won't wash
clothes. *6
I Her System.
Ele-Mra. WWO s8emsto understand
how to ataUagm her hiloband pretty
wel 1. I
61ie-Yea. She lots Min have her
own way in ever7tbing.-Lire,
—,— '
Alinfird's Liniment roe Rheu'a- �
ISSUE NO. 29, 19C
7-__"--t=::-.;;—= -���
Mrs. VVInslow's Soothing 8 sh
41wa 9 b used for Chilckren lly.r-lltt ,
sootjIt g.
es t�6 child, softendthe UM4,Q41res,y
colic and is the beqt remedy flor Diarrhea%
- . . ... .-----
Alma Ladies' Coll-eu
.. . t
Preparatory ftnklQOIlPgI4ltestudIva; ilal
Blty Musle Loill'se, fine al.b. ejoell tion; dol
tic sclence 4011111leretal. 's , up(rlar buildli
strong kit ff, Irbalthiest logatlon, plow
houle life. k
- - ---
F flneab in th x1rara, penluaultl,
Winona, 10 miles 60001 amilton on two j
WAY8,X30acreshlall 35 of 'Which Is in ft
olostlypeaebeq, WHIbeooldlaone pared
dtvidedintOlOts0fl6to 20 acres to suit I
chasers. Thisis a decided bargain �&g&
Jonathan Carbenter, P, 0. box409, Wjn(
Ontario . I
Berries and other fruits oil colujuisslQn,
"vill buy F,O-B. point Of shipment, ttloo E
ter, Eggs I)rjed Apple$, potIltry an(, allot
farm produce. Correspondence �ollelted.
Cor. York and M111liam Ste., Njurket B,
The quality standard from Oman
OCealt. Your Money buck j[not8%tlsftj,cto
Agenta, Moutr(
1-91 King st. unst, I-lamilloll, 011t
Ur . WIN,
Oil SUN A FAITHFUL SERVANT. to sell teas, coffees, baking Powders, sph
ga extracts,etc. to conaurners. You c1loill,
� I money, Nofaldrs wanted. E xcelleut territi
I's Glorious Orb of DL*y Does M4078 aid- lacalit now.
411119 lit Alany 01rectiolls.
A BOON TO 1XOBS8D=W--One bottle of
HIL9118h. SP4vtn Ltalmeub completely remored
a curb from my hor,ae. I take pleasure Ju
recommending the remedy. as it aeta wItIl
mysterious promptness In theremoy,al from
horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood
ellav'u, splint$, curbs, BwOeUY, stitlea aud
GEORGE ROBB. r, armer,
Sold by all druggists. markilam, Ont,
A Bargal".
IN. Y. suttJ
Jff4t0f ProPrietor-Ir the wtole
company PUta up here I'll knock Olt
25 per cent.
Prew Agent -Make it 50 and I'll
00tch ft 22 -pound trout and see t,lle
sea sorpant.
, u 19 . Y , UL
on tue day pr WOU4 130 01mi.gured for a coup
tile clo,iing at scittiol to listento tile 9. X was; qdvismi to try 701
ex-I'mill4tion. I LIM t to AllaY Me Irritation, at
Tlte� 'Leticher Asked -tile cj,t,8q if thc .0.
rAWn W&N flIllabitt'll. a I ho. effect was more tha
littlo daughter, 1. 711110 3,14ator's DXPRCtea-a few applics,tiono coup
whi> Yr.49 AttlUK Ili- � P11AP1,7 curing tho Irritation, pri
tll,C� front rovr Ivriggled abatiit aad V011ti,09 tile biteR fcont,becoming wr
mls,'A hOr hand, T � Maklug to plc. -Lee � "TAR also a gtx)
Lite fond pureut thk� ttQ1143r al,ked AUXARWS UNI&IMS _
[mr. n`Xtleta to kt'�'-Wp` *rr tht" MO%jUltoa
,. Yours truty.
YP9,111, One woull 13.1. fLu9MVM*d IV,. &I OXM
dita eh I.J. " 1 dolet kvio Vr about the narbi)r Gr�tee. Wild.. jall. ti, jg%,
I I., W01. My dear. w1ileb ,olle is in_
!aIM4A 1� ftat"I'll t 11;. twusalr.
'I.. The ltonevju�)ou , - thimwereil. ti�" "
, 01,1. -It's %I'll"Abaed jj�p ffj,:,� &JI, tL J�
t'VAI My 210jr Ujurld john, �# - '
- ------�
uluard'a 'LIG101104t Ift 00 4�'%I,
10ROIS In th6 f.8443. a
Btp'%q-j 10 -Ir 70ar frl(L)ntj 8101kIlly I Y
, L
I 'I,
lad takoaft a jV;ffQ-1 �
Vlrtgtl�-Xot a, worij 4)t tr !
111mor, i tiiasur;,# yj)% ath 1,1 the J a
11`ggs-Taon ho ain't marm'd 2 E
V994 -0h. 11wq W- rrti,ii -VI riatit �,�
,n4'r)v11 '. Inv 11149UN�101 till t-A,king a �V I
.i,die i
�- W9,14 -t&�k mm,-4141t!�1)44 ,L%,dwet I
--�.. � -- I
llbww�- 4;a�r- tL,4 e4atuttjry - — -MW"X1.%!!3J
� M-11=01LON to ;Nt'C-1- 'a t�4e Sot,CtL' ,S0#8 the V000
��m fttlenm-tsi sfy,%r calintamw tlbora!
Madno" 'Vag. as a ilkl# L�A kaulw4i and Wortm oft tbf) C,DLI4, I to his vlawq,�
bi;� wittes-'ses, �,,I�.Zr,j ItL'qj,?LA;i"'�,� aLwX �1 tua!tvsnr,!Dm-)tict.0ift1t��Ta,Nts�div,1*44�ca:,.I pktrtca--O�"t. V,��Q � bo- of ", o M
Mit SA94;8. co.v�,Cjra,z: � o ., 1Z, OLIAlwy. Nj,�,Q2r0.,VoVgj1r- jptw -
uj"-Ljg��,&IV23 , %" 21,:�§ac& '! Meleho�§ br MCI* WIVO homra�
t"eitt, �gamxaat #4 tt. 1-111--- �� 30'aard's L!n"-(mt - th�� - Neft Hair
(�jjj gV,,Jj.t,-j,dg 4,� &,r,,L
�rkt� roza , * r'l � A Prfinipt A,tkw
� --- 11 I stver.
= .i�- i
b0!JQ ks Aoilr,(�2y vau Of uu!!h,�L I 02*3 t@eov--r.
:-4 t -o d9omt � - 0,Dt $�% Vv dNit*f3t�1* &vf# " I
- - , — - V 1-111--�
ac" of pari�,jbm,A . -tiv�5 S dior 07 0,pb,:% Va tro.-I, "
a,-att,"Thty ruir tt jL a -W �i fttta 0.,%�.
� or lt'ak, .4
t:-, .- "
01 jgkactt,�C'. . ,:)r to Q:�. V-%-e-�Inrtwn susq4 C, - RESETTLINIG SOU'd AFRICA
jlt,rc- jjtu 41"4�j 'A [A'�s In- .Z;��v4yt mi�;,r.e " !, 1, u, � r 0 C 4 a , 7 -.L-.r L
trtpdactta 'A Is utkq�,,-�wg, Nit t";"p 0'.4 - . - - - ,tl- 0,4ol � I Ily , I M,10 t -A-6 1� aritoas abitkX —
�-01 li�- Z oa,#�,14 pr"3*. t""'Ink m�% aT rzlLq,l�all P-ashtd! to
,C,�Itgsa ft k14-4 bceu V�, the New
L'S'� C -
,I t�'.'�,'� tr "� .� V'L,�j,
�V)';j��A'� �'V_ , �;
mzsts ot at4tiquite, fw4 at i�g :C,4,;t; -: *�, 11P. , , �91.4*.Vic,2ptt���,fm-y;,?I,�C14ipr"lj IvModleg to, Rovale wavo* R&Valtits
U*14*4` La 6-Itl %:Za't 6 tbo,
vb L! ,: 'Ttl�' tol 4��r"'O Z'Dg�L't 'It'd tftp *,�"Vp J] Wa-S
,�Pventee�gh centr4t , , �',
Celrtttaul tk-'A, 1A* t0at5ntI.V ets at ii��' tn4t 1.1-'A jj Vvm W40. -'o, Pi�,c!e wxft '%0&04�r@
end o" the * , ,AV t,,* "L�tSji`,�i.,�
-%18TCA It %Vag not in ant, ,:It!m%i;��t .-ttfg-&j , r,gL�.j t'� -t L I
Ow t0ral e . 0$fitla%, aaa4=1e�?J, nrat,�Zk.a
-t . ,e Prc.a-tn6,t,J t I
9`fteral use. V, has b:-vezi O' ft%d t 12:11 t1l ear;�y ont her P!aml
11 re �
- -1 ,
0. , *. ed r� A tr�,�,�:.frsvt ,,�,-, gn�'ttlnt's %-,O atk)& ,; -!tt�l
thAt Coke Ia. lal!e hu6titutea Makes to 1) �-_--- L 2rg &Iatfft Aftloa watil
wftdioa of kissing the b3ak Jbit " T';�i 1, = - -� ,�,��,�,.gj #,j2 t.!�Uq G*,��f,,,�t,,I,
I t, , - -1 I., � ,�a'l � aer 0WA Ptaz,O-e- 31012*4 a,4.,% aader
wratev of the '"torporal oavra'l "as %1, -tvl lt"a�, ,-�,Z ,:Y,M�,? Xga-1,�xif out t,14:4ate. �
e- � 1�;n-.� t;t�-� �1'4' -'�w
"anse taf. vvftn;�ig , !�; - - 1. , y4a-)# Wai almvd;i�-1 ig , &1-4ftlatlosq of Landon iset abw-at
thu-4 Lamed bpe , .� r,"'ra att mriaa7 ii,atx 4,,��, jar(dal otothpNting, th! tfiaw�grait:od
tovche�'j wIth his imma 4-VOrt1,02-;i.J,:-" I d'�
o'. '�,`3.'.Y'. ��.., �'W'." 3" 4r- 3-0 4,r"i-aia awl ot,�n bearrlgi�g a haud wX1 Qe gattl4went
th,* Scripture.% and Vag asp---dt 01, . ,--1 -P'j".,j!.,,j .
_ , , _J�T4�
,�V �, s
th 010 don �tgtot�.;-,*�',��,!- - . � mnavrfa,..
" aa- , ptcolvem
Vat bt sur,vivog, 11, 'iie I 01,�! tt,�-It�"14'at4p;r,Dr.aua,-�,�l.
to t .,,,-,-,,a, -r., -Z' ., 1%0 C�10'.Jlal ymm!-"ati
I - �,-��?*�'-I!tkL,43pt"�v,,,,f2entat.-5t3tv;
_M34W warning, oT the,w4ler to lvjt� ,� a � �o:�';tr t� "q, l5ft-11% M. by sandin,* olt"ai IdMtil,el�a�
me - A ].i-:,-".- a:14 fctet",�qtv e-
*16re taLgng �'. 14�*!, -4,� ,ftq��t-�t�,.�tal Et-&A'�nr,&-. tta"'W't." ft *- m
S9 t;y remove glove h, L. �'.
� L� ,j ud'Aq - - = of avet'll & Qiel tv0=0n to
tile �or-tardL';nt for the PUtiloge Of ilta?'J.��If�"�� '.' -"?'�"'! r;y" r'; IT- r,a9zLA-v & MVe V*163Y tat dJitrIh!jtjoc a,f
- ,
� I
, !
L :,
��r- T-11- , I ,L,� jS t. -
� ,� ,�,;�I', "', taiBMIL .*4 w1ante reablate help,
C:jj�e or,!;,:., L
I ,, _ 1�0 onJ7 ,;dad ft I
L RISZ-fug It. It Is alsfy OhS,-r,..eA tiat in ��. vatiolo polm�
. " .. �, .,� t. It, fs tak�,]� fnfotal I
� � Vto "B"Cru'. Of Oath:: I , uIr Im
� * of tv:11,011 nel ec%- '! 'I , �'K&, . M2'jV;6N)14 0 0� �Aas5aonful. ltk&l ,c�rd urommand, IiMlt wage!#. aed.
-4 ft.).
I tion %va6,V3,QQh.4xd2n 145i% 1h,,reI8m.V)"l�+e"�rV 3n t'r?Lj.�jjt _1,!o
I �=,j Mr -,;s
� "P. 5 a iii t,. T, 01- offo. suif,Oq 0- Wyal tagUsil ftucawia i
. ,3ae'Elt2n1dv-14k2e* 0MI'd dry th�w nlos-. goArl.
ment�un 1b.", k�--Sing a Look. flow thie " 1�,? any �":�!!R�, � -, , i;2'altyine in
I .��It".3&-:; tl�cute. S-*a,lllreim�2.
W`SS*OA�' Orig�Wttet' I is. we Z!.Wl fleve, a'-;'1--9,2-2 t. -I fZ,P:nla.1;.c The &attle4 settlerhe Assmia-f-pon.
mas"'as wwu a Glatt* -.r UT s �, I I "r--, ",- - , " %ganiaati�a nr�igiaa�U�T? rormegf
. pvc-alaCou � � J.cms.tr & ea. fcz-�&% O'. "111 " I
. ns Is the date at w!,.itc,.a it j,ye-alnl�? I -D"') I-pq 5&�Iv�,O-'tti4-,:75�
ftO � I �. tm' %MzCde41jL- U111er trae patru n-�j 11
Mment or unhot,&IiL )1 Ha�,V4=":77 &-.tq ai- ir= � t�-I& a -4d with tile assIstance at G'n;�-!l 11
I CU 11
. 'Tllf, L'�4z, 9"'g,*jo � he l2a n I 0"'I thir� Gos- �11 �— 7M01es h1my-IL-111r, haff taken up tne 11
V!, ts ito swearaa- I I wo±k almost ai vaut,tLny ang ,aja javv?n
I a' g, " d'uz'�P* OZ gTf-1 t x: Tht Sitteftg1f, 0jr Stothet- Lo%.6.
i antl4aaty, tvLfl,��, 17se �qn,YE'Ingg d! tu� " t .. ,X I
I 1,4*rol an ibP'aj,gr or a delf itu inv,,:k_ 1, 1IL":11, in .%*eq,; -�.,j Ze. Fvy;w r-ej atlis, ago
_ Lr t!no ev Ity .�' U 4T-J�:-ri,r R'ei�*a M, "I--,�r -1,11 14 0.-bama d! 1,53 ,9DjXC.2,:L rarmers, ainT
�t n; la wftnr-�?s 41 stat,pmew � OQ
143tia"', *%Vas sure.
qnfr4toll G:,41tw.)
3riAtler-joirnity. witat airrul far
1111'.1114--Woll. 1411AUM Shakeepear
1W11V lt�
Uottr�r-Tjml don't tq,L.v wjt.�g lilt
ns* w?.rct. kffla no flLt COMPAIll')m (,)
— --�----
TO CURN A COLD 1,114 ON111-1* DAY
,Akdt"At'it4vO8r,lmt)4'lzultl,Tabt,,t4, &I
ag-vatA rqua I mo aljw�y it -it litw-j,4% jL�gjr'L-
%. uraved'sigt'Attiva Eton eav,u b4s, gst
D#r Lj",rak PAStor.
&V �
,It proWs- Is 07jler than trize G,0jSPPZs,
V!1,� I iz I--- oT , h,,?, Wiarapi Y,*n nk, #�;,O,;pe�
- Lw.�Zll
11 "drmClIsr, aftr,;�*t 1 -no Save vL-�? 3,v, ,
I .at 'r
'� D -V ,Eov- G�'-'Y-Iaa�ral L.,
11-"-*rer-4 V17"as S?at oat to tbe or�
atge Mvet- U,D:oz ,
Y to 49 -Me daere,
- . , ,s
,aas it
- .s jyarum-A In ov�,, r co:mrL,,-jes L:,�-
. ._
�7,jn 11 t ba
�� t* !a*M tiv� Z;�"�� ala tba '-'V�"t'!"l ba';
0. the %M11 vaeatc-,:r�l by hmrgZlera.
T'a� as;5*7ela'ti�y't
!441 a rnigl m 1. T�,;p ,
.r , - 1.-�-sln-g a! th�y book
�!i agflit`g'� y3Z =� �or 2S 8'oi�l 4'" b-3"T"��
; � .
VVag ift 5,'2L,jl a
harr�5 to .*at 1tg -
Jrls. wPV+T, WGI b04eV,-- rjeczgj:ar to
.1 A0
W&V4 or to. Fjng4,,zn?1
., a2l. 121-1 dl��t wow anae L,ei. V ,
. Z ue
��' In th& jj,j-� ag 'M
I Me!JL 0:2 tp,egj-4�jand
, g
" that It a �t the= a little too igao�a.
Trt,lanfl, an!] it. 1�-, not "Julta,
- ,�. .
il - --------
I Witea tbey arrivej in th-- MeW C61-
C!41a.v 4.0 Assl�rn its ork4in ta t!,Ls*1
ki%'Sinz of f-'Ves who,n 4ve
IYOISUjoussnalIZ04-arl'. kliappz,tr ,4�w It, ":.LZg
I �-Ountrv. b -If
I 0-1--v It was; ranria t!Tat toml cond--i
I tlolq were ha-rd;y ripa por ttoetrr�a-
fbr,] It Infro 1-%c,41 ju 1,,ngl an 3 atj
R+Irlgin;;� b,.g.q 9'r'l =anv. Ta%:�
Pr-rry ID,-�Vie P,�?��,L ,
;V411�13tlon ,ft'Lnr,win.,
ption. and
te Xv. r*ixiee assistanceJ
- ,-z.lter
venpratign for r�-llec; had beell swept
awa,v arul hlmai.
V,M on 7,)Zji,
a924 !.- 1�r tr�N-. ;;:,��,� .bi.
noxfane,�ns�� ,
,tg. Dlr.��Eti*tvozie tt�n hy
had too ba sW,fg4Dt- He 9Z�27e.,l .1b
I ,e!�
prof�Yew bV Providing trie &,ot&1M`an
11 1.5 -wortil notiag" th-�It English V20-
graag, e. land iro= his Own �
ple� wei,e more addieted to . kissitt.g.
pays Irer the rant'g.
.a. itTL C'apa ad,ony.
azwe ttuln tb"7 -'re taw'. r,Mtsi.ng as &
form ,!>f salutation was so common,
,On &tuv.da,r� sh,74 f -
5 - I
41i;4� M40 --f-- Xk--w �
Time% V. R. W. H�Olt. 0-, Vr-Lie Ottwwa .
Novir thaI paaca haO been declar-
ed. prepa-raticmer for extandin,w- t1le
among thpni that it exqteA tile ih1t6r-
. and. aMngelnent ,3fL f6r;,igners.
�:Ousm &.0"red ryef�)-,e vv� a Sif;4�
OrX X. P- 1�ril&rglod Vd4LIX
or. tile work are hairm Zade
The caw.tal 017 the assoelmtjo., h
I hw;
ErAsm'%9 rf.'fer8 to It, and a Tlangar-
L�ln 90"nille-WO-0 who Vtsftod Lotdon
azaa ir,g
� �
' n' M&D bS' t`ze name Of Tbm
Lq =� IN't t'he Wednesda,
' Y
beem ralged to, hair ,t milljoa. do;_
tat% and EIZ'9116!x and �%Ow-h agt.i_
and Moved In 96od society lb
VV.A$r iffluell tRfra4�k Wit'k, the W,%y-1"'3
Evtdence was tn-11'e"ll '"-t10'd1 shOvVad,
.at & dog b��lor
.gttg to Me defe-a.
culturlato are to .be, rus,
,Zed t
,%%tth Attle'L to pa0ple the nevor
whieb men klas-'M Indles, whert they,
, daitt, 9-tt&cIced a, rAW, which was be-
e�olaioq, to readjulA the balance. Of
greeted wihen Aungatizi,no
1voUld haYs,,� sihAkiat bands. toven
Ing drivoll by Vftja pjajtMfr _ t
� wilo a _
tempted tc' dri've *be 109' Off.
populatim arid, by oatu
be e Boera,. to render Jul um-
ri.ng tbL pas,
r"111110,111neyl In tbei middle ageg ba:d
4og t1fte" attae-e8d thO Plaintiff,
glite evelt th6 taintest 6babcs, of &
kisaug As a littulfatlt7of file, FngIL-h
sU'at*, it VVLth 06 ple6a of I .. Atta at"
rebell1ofa agaillet gritlell autiloru..
nation. Much as we temark upon It
Holt, the owner Of t4o- dog, tliere�
---- -k-66-6-6
now &mong the Prencli. it I% tbero-
fore. &t leiat possible that the kiss
beliFtowed Upon the book In uktag an
9POO atftolked the young wo'n arid
cuffed big ears, &-Ad Ills dog e&afte
to b19 Sealatainica, "d towe
� VeL %6 -
6 lr�b VW tft 'th I at 15*
Aftift, cfiayd,b� ointiniiblia0attaiA
P111 00 and ftbsolute
Oath mAy not Ilave beets
m ptp
'Mit .08
cut& && es47,
so mum --h a
wap ctr vssn;Pr&;ttoa as a forin of siala-
tatia" Iteknowleftmont
of the young mau�g pwatd.' Tv,jei
V4�* was adjuuftW witil MonjUr.
evety A*m of Item"to
%. U106maitAndiPtot din
,.=u,,. ID
b1m ="VhAftr6ft, �**a srttare slg,4
or, by bodily
contnobt, 90thqw,hAt tiore eeralnObIOUS
mornIng, "11611 jXr. EtOlt pload;,�['
gUilty t4D tl* ch&TV and Waa
'I, L e6.
Mmonliele Itttha, dally w4pr *AdL aeky6uri
y?j1*,fth Use pe*Tv
twu wbatthby think oty, it abd
t1110.11 thAnual con -tact, but still not
atwoolep;W, with aTT3r great feelfug of
to Pay tu followfug Tj,ul, viz.. jP102
oftu I
$5, $3,80, iii,
h4l�111.rn �nMb&dk If no� ouftd. 8D*a bojr, a,
W, r= . ,VAZ1is6M,B.ft8 & M,T4,01itd,
, ,
solemulw. . . . , , I , , , . j
paoto tatal
*10.W. , , I . .
a _ .
60hases bintmimi
There have been many attempts
tO harness old Sol, 160 make him
wark at man's bidding so that like
N 11 .
X-aYs, trapped and put to new use,3,
-0 �
shall take the place of coal or
motive pow-
More 11 �
er. Clever minde Iii all ages liave
I 4
been at "'Prk to devise tile neces-
at cleaning allwicl'r
"ry tr&p. 1:�everal more or less
Practical maellIlles have
ware and your Ott
bright metals, Elec-
btft Done so perfect, so full O�
drudgeyT and inakeg sitrer cleaula a
praitilse aa th e greo.t. sun motOr
ure. No Roiled hands,notiling to us but
beautifully prepared chemical sell- onall
11 Ow, mg.ag8d in storing up tile
fillu'R hout at tile weIL-li;uow,a jj,aa_
etoth PrIco 25e at druggists an no
deale;a- By mail from
udella Oetrlch farm in Callforula,
MONARCH MFG. VO., St. Catharines, 0
SX 'the 801's bmt water is boiled,
Arrite, for trial sumples.
titO Steam working a Powerrul en-
-- -- - -
zinc, tu%pable of boiling some 1,100
- 6411ones of wAter in a minute.
F,rmn a d,ltktauec the W' lifornia
looks like a hugo Open
brella Inverted and with a piece
1-wn oirr its topZ It Is balancedon
it. MAIV
I'llgh steel .fra4liework and is set
k at
- auelll an angle otItn't It will catch
the eunbeams On ite 1,783
x mirrors.
� Witfil our Ferfoctsystem, of
4 Each Of thio,80 mirrors mi.xasureg two
I feet In length, and threa lui&�'Ej
filling mail Or4ars, no
UUrOSS a,n4LI rt�jl(l
,CtS tile Sunshine on
Inatter flow distxut fxom
!.' t0l JA, 101119 cYfillder correipoudingto I
U4 yon can vurd4mse �%
" tile handle of thl," umbrella, which
a holds about 100 94110110 Of
watcl, j,jAt as $2614clary
h The boiler is ugh,1ta or steel. CQTL�red
,U it, tiv"Ar In tbt city.
With 4 Ileat-abeorbing mitterial,
stn� for caftforue-ham
The hat. perA40slit LUxIllOrni.i. Nun
cuv vlkhtm
J. tIM't shille$ al'1108t, every day or tb.� j
3�#-*I,r %rhen refleutL%d Crow Olt! lair-
ottr Monogram watches
- rord Olt the boiler uaaq,,�s sugh LXL�,jt
sxr, P;kttjCj1tV1y Atitacavc.
'Llt.l.1, It Is pt)6,901f) to obtalu I -)o
11011101f- Of eA!,aill pressurt! in 011011
hour frmu Cold Ivater. When "the
. Jftt"0i1IL% IS WadP ready tor 4vgrk-1
M utsk Por a boy. Who title merely.1
1, tO ttu*ll a Cr3lIk WIVI an indleatur I
93hXv'& VULt "ChO 64a ia lral,y foeustvd I
,0, �*�-
1 . W tlW .1airrors-ft will l.U9v04trWjjI,I
,4.jf0,'-,"'1'�*#,,t6qt, tui*%04 1,4S,
at S,r
� 4i4 thAt it"'if raef. 0 klopt turne-I W
tho s,
un 4191 iday w9thont rarth-1.
ru'R514ft, I I
M0,11410kWuli ander thob foro�* OF jol �!l
I . I A
dattymatle eng1lue. Tht, bogIvr 9,44,'
. I I I
tlauLpyw4tit,.1013, 6i;pjjjj0#,,I %%,itft Avato,j..,j
� a &,JA�tv valve relvasil-L'11
Vr',� at,v,mm
tir Vat- prvswtw�� sti'mal 6,nilvati t430 "
- 1-1. . ---1-1 ... I I
gre�vt. !I
Ala dj,v. ever.7 dkx. rr,*-41 an 1AV39? "
a,fter gaurLqL" to -to a El lit lwar bProve
anud!)wn. 14116-9 Urriesl Nut ,�Ontciu-ll
i tratdir kc�elm �t% 8109giu �
utltV" I I
t6Atj�Ck1-,1F1"Xe!bAJk �
11 M to iilw gulf atorkug, up 41a 014clulgq I
%VWe"a ,may be jr4t to a:mVgt
wab Ran�-,'Ajg iflvNft.t5 i
y�'l�-�t.'Ew-"J�aci,,Iule'�nteed .
�j UZZ It- uork,4 tinder thl powerteg'D 11
* La C*"!�A f- 1 $1.,�), 1 11 I I
I ,
, %V1UCff#.f-1-M'')U.^.: 11
� C,MSM)rali san &I WA9 In wiiiatpr as ....... I
f, I
'k cm-ttom- bs4w-) 1 -LI 11 ;
.1 sunot
neT.-Pat4aw-g magaftine. I
, re-
-- g�l ef cSime C,J*
4001j, SA,t�Tdi�:-',,,�!541pie.t�lee�-,C I
. I ;;
AC,t3:t im lmuftds Or Kat�,!Ik I kn .;,q
taiil� .1 f. -.,t, *-�! I
;.I Jtift ct ftt
&� P�211t, 5. I -
oxg,Aut�,rj 4�y Am-m,iL�la twatfis�q t"
11 zlik;, wu-,�i-rkn ind. -
wt-lre Fa,��I at
11 -r`�52L*V0',)L0. "' -
!n!!--1!!—""- "' , -W �j
-, ' "' "' ,
�, .--
-- , ---..—.
- I-
�. jiftl" j� -- - - iiijiRip- I '04 I KAI I
1. --I-.-- � - ------� ii 9 , HE - I Wr-
One 10 cent ofttkage
will kill tnor,t gieg th.&Lft
300 sfie2tg 6f st'itky
fly Paper. clian 'mid
- �
199.V. �10'3� VPV[&N 15U'V�;..Jr04L- �
, ii T:11�! r.�P�Ptt 1,�r 111)11 F.t�ovtr.,j e,�m,�rL
I Meel��Z,V,qve& lwv�f. 0:2 Ito V,"�!Uowyag ofe--
,,& jw�.*^ -
, �1 Now bagj1te:,.q 1w-t,-.a9P,I by .... $4, �11V),I(�
- ;1 ftP'w2U=, 9w,y=* 112i�-r,�.�.s�A by :%�"?;
TotW um oma frj��Ir\�a..;PPI by..... , 42.5�-
1 ij '.
i A'k-ust-V #Mae,m,:�L4 by .... ...... 3,1i:5s�
, 09',�,y QtLCt1aS9Jb:, J. -13"J,464'
I corift;mAnt IL!1�-- 21021�'fl?a a"P rjt�,-t "31
_P"L "
,sltnO".Ct-atyav2lWt��,t.illf,v. j4go�j",&&& �j
I ��, to,1
; W.". 9. VMOM4. CHAS. r1f. iN1A1Zr-
i Ge&!t'a1%TZ�n.2ir-r S � -. *;-s *
.'I'- l�, --- � , .,
, .-
**.,Hem,gugso,jp.v�,�'-,It,�srtjt ,,w 11'1.
IF ,�,zjtt *S �, -- !!% j - ,A.,;� LIZ .,ez %:h,� ,%
. I -2 ,f ,. .
rAN:h--=T, St",-!,Z2V�t.�,--!t�,Z-!3r ''.
r"t =I - , 2 : -t�.� . Z I �
,r ttl-1�4�"!%�*v,�- %= =1-114,�l , -
W_ZdV�1+.!1Sft=!1F7- ,1 ,m --no t , - .
'-�: ..-- - , , 4�.
Jr.,;,�ftt=-%!�*.�.ew i1tZO,:Z4#n1.,*5 � � ,
-,;,.-.i � - .- 22,t "
;,,-;� �tv� _._,. VZt !$-" - ; ��
, V'K *;At;z2 iK�;?-i , . ;C Ibize tzli � ,
1&4-"rM PA**�ft - srov. ,
-----------� .
Witt 9URE
di"4z"ev of
PuLltmo breatfAng,
the,chest, wattoftg aLwaLy of iffesh, throat
ttO:abid�4 consumption, teughs, eafamfi,
:olds, pidumonia and plentisr. ,
Jt- SAMPM FREE Of MAIL to, tVery,sutT,'tr,*r.
'I PVL -M6 is for sale by All dmggisls At
1IT'*0 per larg* b6ft'll&j :agZ$ !I$. -_t-j!5 f6r. �
Mall bottft, or direct fi,om, - .1
rus PUL -mo Co.. TORONTO" Omr,
, , ,
I.... . - "'' 4 I I HAMILTON
I I L �..
It � � �� I
� . , 11 TORONTO -
I j
I ; t I .I I I
i � I .- "
� .S",Pa-t!�ra.le.-&V(.-�,Usmtito-I I P, I
'Totanto T.;',0 P.=., T4�*�:�-Ja-Z�g. T�,
, -t,,
dazrsi *mfi -.'4tn,TJa,7,; f�ror r�jy
�Qmrte. One T�aousan,!r Islant.2%.pav-4
�t. 1awl-ence to sloatreal Ws:1 I
te�t=PA!ate vDrts,
VetY toovir ftatibt 16f SfbA16 and
- R'eturrg Tickets.
P., & #I T -HE alky LINC 910KNIN61 MAI
Steamers lo&ve %DrwLte at 4 V.ri
flatly, 0-teept Sunday, f0t. affarlott
port of Ane. -mater, fte, ThOZ18%,
lslarAg. ravid,q. St. Lavr,renez, 310:
treal. Quebec, Murray Bay, T.adougg
ftgaeu,SY IMTer and. jnter,fne-jlj�
M rbstei� CDAM6. VF,gjt6t% PA
SaItger Agent. Torcmto. Tfios.Uenr,
TrAfflo Managi�.i,r, Montreal.
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At*Ays fte.lst 016 IL
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plylat yon wit"it E v B. ED DNA) Y, S
I. #W% "
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P""' A I LS ,,a d U b S,
They Are manuthetured frow thl�t BMT Of M-tTUI RIAL13 by the
MOSTSKILLtO workmen.
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