HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-11, Page 8pro— . . I � I I I I . .1 I , . ­­. . I I � , I � . I I . I I .1 . I I , . I . I � I � I I . � I I I I I 11: i I I I . I . . . I . I p I I � . . I I . I :,� , , I I I I I I . I I � .. I I I j I . I . I I I I - _;, , ­ .1 - � --I. � . I ____ ,; 4- w , ­­__ , , ----I,-;;�---,�--�-�:�,-,<���,�-,e��4 W_,�-4��-AAS-w 4-� , � �' 8&�O,,e-4,4�, , . .i�� I , ,, ., ;R8 r . . . Al , . I , I R, The thiso Iq.i.+I.l�.1--�,111--;,.I,+-�,.,,.++ . + . 4. I �� � , , 1:,:. INJURIOUS INSECTS, I 11, ''+'' I 1+ + + "FOROET", 1�1:1 ­ I I . I to fight consumption, with Scott,� � .�. * THE, HABIT. .+ I "I 'i 1. il . I I . .1 I . And'Common Farm Pe I . . I ,sts alld I : � . I�Iuulsiouof cod-liver oil, L� long . I I. . I , I * . : . t , . . �, * . I . I iii I I . . . I I I Thar Romody. I I iji,advance. IfitthreatQns,youcail t+.I-*t . ,++++ �:, i i 11, I . � I I I .. I I . La&VVRII;-�--l�lp-e-e-.�-�--_�-� I . 0 A"4 , . Forg�o:, t cistorsi, . I , '��L��': �14-_1131?RR2WVIRR;�a;�� R I I _SR�,Z-�, aj resist; and you inay Overc . *, . I Qme it It bad � , raillad nearly overy day for , L ­ . ,� Dol,xirtment of Agrivulture. i I � � I For potfato-rot use six instead of . I , 1 I .1 . Donwt be afraid; be br ­ � ave. But a, montu, r , A 1, ; - , Ur, George Fergason's cellar was V:, . � -t of more Ther,o Is, no �ifflajeL im- f bqr pounds of copper sulildlite. i I I . I � flooded, .tile roof o�f lite liousr,- lmd 'i " . l, - ,� � portance t,u the farmer ,it the pres. , In 0, en.t Went tIlILlu to be inrormed how � � . . Hessi'An Iff,ly, , , I , � I 11 I tackle it; don't waste ti I pne. sprung a leak, and, ever.ything In thi� famlb'gantry was in a chronic, Bta,to " � � I ,�, � to deal *ith Ilia . natural enemies, and tG grapple with his annual and , Tile remedies t6r Hessian 171 y are late Sowing, the burning of 411 refuse StNO .WOR PXf:P SAMM.0 Ar"; 700Y 4T, 900TT & a0W.NFj _ . .Hm�jjo� _ ". . 'T.!. . ,fonaNTO. L of dampness. I . I L At last Va r. PcTgUSQ,ll hired someo � ,L ,� other foes la the most effective and either during winter or beforil spri Ing, __"" ,-. - . I I I . ' . mon to dlg a cistern, I L I ". . I economical manner. I The, clover -root bover Lis best treat. ploughing down t.he stubbles deeply a,9 So= as possible after the crop is . . 'cut, � I - ­ I I True to Ills Wor.d. . . I . ".)LRtke, It a large olleo" he gaiaL, "a hundred barrels, at least. It is apity I ed by a, short rotation and the so as to, place the insects so deep . L (M Y. Sun.) 'Imown to Jet all 1his rain water go to ploughing down of infested fields as " baneateh the eiaxth�that the delicate I , WjfL,_U I had that . . wasteo." , � . own ,as t1jere Is a pretty good growth, after the bay has been cut.- flies, when thev emerge, ctranot -reach the surface' I or to runi a. bar- you would refuse to let malullia com The clist -ern was completed In due tir accordln.g to order. . The bast remedy for the green clo, , , r�O* over the fields as soon as the and Visit as, I should never have marrIed you. , . ..48, . tilt It kept Oil raining. 'I . . ver evil is early cutting. I . I Amouir roots and vegetables, cab. 0�rOA is out, so as to start th.6 Vol- ulateer from Z . Flvs!banld�-Well, didn't I tell YOU L -"- 4" : ' ' ' bage worms, are a common enemy crop grain which hap dropped in harvesting a-nd induce a th,at I loved You for yourself alone 2 I —_ The Stern Parent. o'olohnny," said Ills . Xatiler., "You L of the market gardener, but they can be exterminated by dusting with Krov0bil of wheat on tile field sooner than otherwise would be the case; Don't, irrin and bear Lit. When your old toe, rheumatlarn, gets into your have disobeyed your mother' &.gain. Come, out with me; to the barn." pyrethrum (wlilich is iusect powder) and lime or eome other dry diluting but, WJIenl It Is found that a young muscles put the warming, patn-con. uering 11 The D & L.11 M athol Plaster 6 1, Ue Sohnny compiled. substance. Ili turnip fields dust with one cXo.P or fall wh eat, Is only ligiltlY infested, it is Possible to stimulate sore Pot, and bleessed relief comels at once- 31 stlustitutes. I . aware of There was a 4roodshe a on the premises, but tile stern parent pre - Pound of Parls green mixed with 50 pounds of Hour. !an'"' plaster, staked tbo sToWth of the pla,nts by a, light applicut4on or nitrate or soda, , , ferred the harn. . ffe, bent ills disobedient boy across lime, or any other equally dry .rhe wheat -stem maggat may, be remedied The Microbe Question. his knee and proceeded -to punish him powder. lul the same way. (Montreal Star.) L in the ordinary method. . For root maggots of cabbages, The best remedies for checking the A microbe lingers" -in a. kiss, you "Olt, that unrLs: !" screamed Johnny. "I eaullflGivers, n0ishvs, and onions, increase of the wbeat-stem saw -fly say 7 know It, my Son, replied his fa- manY.eXPerImv,nts have been tried are the burning or ploughing deeply Yes, but lie nibbles in a pleasant ther "it hurts you (whack!) a great with more or I -as success. On, cauli- of all stubbles; also burning suall, way- deial'worse (whack!) than it hurts me flowers ant] cabbages Dr. James Straw as is not need by the following Rather than W the pipe and tete- (whack! Nvha(�k% and I'm glad it Fletcher. tlic Dominion Entomologist, spring. and summer -fallowing In June plionel does." (wback ! whack! whack 1) has secured the bist results by using the Gong -It tar -paper discs. For the I , every other year. If the seeds'llare not been treated BeUer to catch him kissing and be ,ay� 6 - - - r , The Poor Young., Man and the Banker other croop�; carbol!zPd mIxtur" for Pca-wcevI1 fumigate with. carbon 1 1 1 1 "Xr. Awlkish," said the trembling have proved of greateat promise- Tbe best remedies for turnipaphis bisulplilde as soon as possible after the,peast are ripe. Minard's LInImeut for Itheunia- . young mail in thet threadbare suit of "I lt,ro spraying with kerosene emul- For tile pea -moth add one pound of tient. clothee, have qomet to ask you for t' ,�hand o" your augh er' , sion or w-liale-oll soap soluti-on one pound in Fit%, ,r - gallom-s of wate , at Parls green to one hundred gallons of ivater and add one pound of whale - Must Cultivate Patience. a rich anherd beetled, around in bat, t hi ': L I%kj at tile presump.- the tione colonies first appear Ili Gil M'AP to Pvex.v- twelityfive gal- (Grimsby IndepeildenLi tuoule youth. August; a6o plougl-Ang down de --p- ly tater tops as soon as -out froml tho IOIlS of the mixture, and spray. Mr. Deacon, pastor for two years "Henry," lie eald, kindly, "you can roott; as egges; are found to be, Fj_htIllg the Cut-Worat. of the Alethodiet Churc.h. at Stoney Creel-, it; have hli�, and I will see that she sup- ports you In better style than you laid upon tll,ese in large quantlti"� The litaf blister I For the variegated cat -worm, the gone. Good -by, Mr. Deacon -, you, were a have been accustomed to." --Chicago p,ar mite can eas- 11v be. lwpt down by the use of the.!, pare' Pt MOth. OT Which in England is knowaas t,lw "pearly underiving," Dr. good mail, but not a wise one. , Tribune. �, lime. salt. and salphur spray Used I In winter. btiqt it Is diffletilt to ex- Vle'wher bas: found either of these rt,medles: Successful: Tilt- banding of Ili theory ,you were right. In prac- I Itlea you were wrong. . A 130ON WO HOUSE'ITEW-One bottle of BuglisbSpavinLinhuent , Torrainale. and will reappear It 4 freshl.r set Gilt annual ,plants with � lit- ' Your best efforts were laughed at, ! and , ' ,what, IV-1,ot a Mighty serious 11 completely removed tL curb from my horse. I take pleasure in dlux recommeali spraving neglected., F ringst of papor or. tilt ; or the poison- For the mealy plant apNIR spray Ing of the caterpillars either witit affair to you was Only sport for . the remedy as it aets with in promptness In iNe removal from blyrolt,41.rI.If wIVI whalf�-4ifl suap ana quassia - In traps of fri,sh vpgge�tatjokn tied in otliers. � baroll. suit or calloused jump,". blood spavla. splints, curbs. Sweeny, fatitles and one pounq of Soap elx'at #M,Uouls of water, � bundites and, -after belaX tlippe4l to u, rul%turk, pT Paris green an I water, or Air, Deacon, and do It julckly. but sprains. GEORGE BOB% Fariner, The rfd turn1p, bri%etle attaeks tur- ; oUter plaison, dIstri4ated at sliort In- I � n ou. forIgot tlutt m,wal c 1."ges are �. , � . Ujude ea,)wly. ,I, thl'i world, lklarkham, Ont, Sold bj, all druggistq. ,, nip%,. ruffiShfk"'. a:'L4,1 tile like. '%Ild ti'le bi-smz, remedy ts to spray or flf;F;t t'jl�j �j . ter�als orer inrested land,,wilen tile Cjlt_wormS a a. upp;,. r. A ul"fle, tion of " g � - plara's attw1k#-FI w-40 arsonteal pal- 1i w tblls r(;ie-jX Illch nas giron take Willarkral Lialinent. the beat " Efair l The Thougutrut GIrl. 1K ms Ill V,c� Sam, way as for the 1 grvatest satibruetion In British Vo -1, ue.-Aprer. V N. Y. Still.) I Colorado 11PPUR. � lumbla, durliox ths- past Se.1.8011 le i 31ailgo-Dolly Is going solutwhere For tilt-, ai;Parw.rim N-Ptlp spr%v A Unown as thf, pol-owN.I. bram remedy. 40'reors, Idle Tears.1, with that young man this meal � "I * wt�'�t ehhvr k,,ortwspae em,tIij,*jj or � Thisr was first us,,111. sueevesfidly I>:: a Ilk � A, mail dops not 0 to be lovel. Marjo, ne-re% kolux to Bit With h1ni W4 alp -(41 soap. I Iar�;- w-,li, some ,y.�4r4, ago Ill Vail- o t0t) 541111MnI.T. ,whereas, I think tl, . ill lit" 111101110PIL Right Whir dinner Pouliot K.nvllltes� fortola as a, r, mll4v agloinst. gra,Nkj. w`03111111 b1tiltiff withill, tier bea.rt an �. libi't w0tt, III) Stairs anki put On a * tTL%b. . ror senh In Iloitatoms sa-il, thC I Li 'CoLolop,ve. la vin4o.-arsli. sinta whiell �! Xitffl- It 1148 ewnk,� atoro twd inotk� Into altar to all unknoirn 901 and leaves. i hen- hajop:�Pst hour to steml aWay and P dark ,qXrt walat. — %_ ors eftwr for twa hoar,i in a sql,t- tZon of pivc,tt nnvtpes of otuomh�'CI-11 It us4, 0%vWX W AS VINNAO.v and VIP easiv WILIk wllEeh it call b,,* Torepar"ll I woraldil, * * 4 ,Njal;,L�ulluo tp .411.1 I 'aderni L 18 Mops the Cough 'Worica lAirniafin 4*q)rnu0do`.t.%,oI0. sit fltt(�Ps t atill appbvl. lr'��"s nlio�turv� et)n�'i&�E" gallons q1 %vator. or for an "�.mtr aml uiork,Oy o� br.ano' 84114 t4 r1*18I)WO to tcare. I do � rot 1711111 It 190, Itt-ttlitV. I should say I and Oil. tile co 14xati.vt-Bra)bttotlulnlceTablets Id. S c,jjr,,�&e0jd 1. r1wedoup-1 With tlult a funno wotlon tadev under'bactleday. 41.4�alr III a solathill or two OU11414's Kvvt�etotlfd lrstilr, awl Paris grit i 8 dc I elL milt wator. thko a batItillic fralt, 1� �Noeum..N;ulnk.j. jorit,eg5co 2 .at . - . of curresho siallInIoLtc. III si% ti;wn na I - ilallo D In thf.% pr.l1l, #rthon lIf oplo "Itwull'i 11 MwINX uUsq1rvI4`0,aIIIrb In thO vpry,� boas 1%N -n dry I � �� The Need or the Itour. 4�4 trate,r eptt Alp for ton'll ,m)nn't-1 oll V,rau, III no-Rhung, �(.9 '�' j),ajjtt,jBg: ro)rMI%lin t�� 'to - - 44 �i Ph'11101lt f4r Whlth It IR WIPPOS141 'to I ,IS �to lot"IV, , ant_ i� jUI%tt,%rfb illp in.*St Convo-niont InoLlIgIC: too 11dajotN1.­o1Z"qUteXN,;on of lit wife"* I.N. Y. suml I - 614flk of bvmg; nkbbt ,�,tbLr It'voolulms nor I IR 14* 0anin''hu -b smaV splantiV6 with , june Centur.r. Mrs. crawrord-1 al:P11986 you find j*".',rr-. ', 4�_- � .t"'L�t�21, � J'L!l#� " � ,��,t­!� bz- ;I Ifti, pe.n,v�jot�",t,tv Vi,�?. f r'.�a ,;��ILOqw, "r a flat rativ*r 411oo4o quartoi.� ,iftotp . ., ., 4 ,,, 4 ?,4. , , i, __'� ,. 4�j` .,.�Q 4,� .A.". ­!­- 14 � a P %* 4 c;,� � V� ,6t, 1 t : It " ,%I, 2 a`�p III. _"; +!.�`t r�J'JL -A .0 'J-.jj,� T.(", woll, t� a.vj u,y1q urpro Ir" 4ra �­ twul tow ulu ob� N ; V P U,t,d�z; 1,114.02w,�t v- ttw sr,04 1� lla"",, , * ,.hV,%4,i li�vl III �,% Ito us�� " .� r .1.4 C1r4bNh.1W�YQ,14, doole,tit I 1 .. I s"Itould. V.i-vo�ure. N_& mhRlflo tia %%�40­ alsil *A ,lg,�-,�� ,.=-.1peo I 1'� i"10 IkItLI .. $4rlk.�jj It 4(met know UlIaL ive bliall fjo uuivi;s WD p. , or glwn�­l wK,toDq, M: trotatel, SeC3 � 1.0 nol4tv! to ti.o. To,pat, v alilwat ftim '-I,U,i ! Where 000,1 a 1811000'e (Vto ?, 1*hl &ANIV* to 1110 a Combillattin plug - -'L Wid aulli, 101!11.1,04 el.4in'-, It, at atenad 11* plaollt � 1 40 i r,�A'Lll r#umTk,:1Z 1 lXaInM,.%, wlepa 6"clegg sropt-1 ,, a rm� as table ttwi folding biod. 101t ov� ur�,! 4.to tt 47,411 ,Lr g,.'.t)jDjLj t�jj jolJ.") 11 - L 11-- I . I . whoro 4.0;,08 it g", tv-011 Lfilo aim ttf�N grwtnd� 4 __ NU �vm into up.5 W, r. I 8-no,mN !- r L 4 . 111lo a 2 aft d �0_ . Ili.. ,.§ �a�..'�#JtJO lit 114141,*04 fullit to ir 'I I L OR- A, 'v CHASEI " ** III IV I Vins".4ttoine. Von-. i A datigOMM drank bot Intaluto w.jtpj.� It, urnig.4 Olt d1tin'bera. 4raffI844 On -1 a4erdntr Vajuallpta. tuto. 50,vt po,ahas of Itto,211.14 01, I , .TI!001 ot'llao,thlIng Ram Dun ZVOM --.,.I% I � ScAff"14 It ".3talo. twir otiagt&­4 lla-�4,­�" QTA -E am# � V11,1141"Ilickb3oweK tot , , Mot Wdalffir WoVe I* ilAkIII10� UnLaldkookl of � grk%M.df4,ia_,4 ti!,),At)r.LtitoliF,t,)r%v,alq��;,.�j Is vm tNttg 13 es 'd-wmd Awa.v. 440,11 jVqfj don't SIZILI, 11!1 Ito ; I AL wl", -eftEllay'rol,46110, Ph L & ?,S52��nt IE,�Oz.vm Ll,�*,Wr. Wh#'rC* 41WN It 403,`)" �. j-+.,":jjVo` 'tj)"� t!'od*j'Lj'-'_r #4001�"Dlj,1'-' �Ibte <�Z Z L, I �1 � , . . . V� ,P,t;,- �11 � 1. !I I I - t. "t r " --:�3 �, ,4,�Z=5, E:�e a -Z 41 V�bft'lt &40,.�%V, kafttjjl j)f)et t4ther ___-_-- 1SIM Hope for Him . tw1tvang it hl a w"Nooh'a �,�,r v'�'%Nhoq ­ 7,d-al,�I'ei ;1�!fd­.!1I!nE%* � Mo..- '. 11� , L E -P:!- IFF -----Fl - L� !19 &.� 1��1�11 kc -M -1 -ft , vps,4,1 limiltaoulum rv-Ir nr lit -t-, -4v . I llf.j! ,� 416�,- It *1 utek to wtia, in" I # ,��ra at CA 0% y.salm 1�1i!tt �� - 1 #,_",FA, &",��jr��.l - � - - We _t j ,l!'j__�'j'0Q0f?e.t�e'fj L�,W, , fraji. fimnicut'j" 3mille gaRt-,!,314 Cr lil.r.i3to ry, S"al"? ilb��, �11 I _i� "T f ±.,k I , . &O i llmo W atbutht-Ir vv_!�,4A. V tho 1wr-� . lk-L'-2:9 Cl� T&'*Md ."d 3k&" " IM 1 vl�qovjo;q. ls.!jk, Ran AIIA ste-eit, t;r,3ro. t -�rrr a v ve PrIc. ,& dremitin pT a b,omflot to�,djy. wh,m slatol" Is autap'!�� or '4'.Irao;,�lvak-llr, it, �-- - - . -- ­ - - _­_­ I lllqvi.. ont � i no-Tbra plellem* dull't Ival-P, at up, MY3111 bo stratnt.4 01roul;*4 t@h yon!wk q 'Va coarlg4? r�.IP:Illt-�, 4) tola� 4�'?;)W1',1ftI, ;�VkA'u 613 029C . "A to 6no-ex-t I" RatIll ________________ . , RadUrg Or tt V10 gatr,vc, V�4,lar thp I drl�'iil 010"'IltIl'o, ,Mvtaon m 1�% !§wr#",.ff, 1� I 't tarde- kavon't S,63 V, ,, cv!�*_'t &404000, solatt-In tinto a lvlr� � Is d.",4foll t4� t4;7 t's, W,1�1.j wi a tt*i "it @1APV&9P *,V, I ON"m 0, 0, TheFtard@ & (b. . vt;. "t It, llifte b# �,Pa§�tjlvel In 1Mq!:aj#:41*.('3t&vL Mm ItTatVr tin to- 4r.powwag ti,l Igne-.0.4f, &at 11M eteftb_# Dftr SifV,-1VbI16 in the Country te th#_% firat v1dep; �qatr ra"a ftrw- I1,"a,&,4 �'-Idl ,kod untA Ilt Es "I ft_',�nu!t Itto igatno_ " Zldtt t&t fil!141� Ot ,V,,v,':. %V63fill -YMIS liftitt stultiffibr t *&V txtdlY bAtell W c --W.., � It,& , *fth watet, Awtl the% lslW64 Dufflo. In N '11,v a_,�qwft,Attgio. ly:l% it &O fig , , 11to barrel W11tr1a ImAtc-91 'cur v4cr�, vg�-eoj d "Irt. htuvj juqst be 000,ler':_,�l - - - _­ fficto"', 411, watlil trier" ,bit gftmti W, I 'hew mt tb __ . =,5&"jt0"_@a bddly. ow I thought - , "Un'l " � L outo� ty. It ts. tt'nen rr""Z, r02, m_zlg,� .*,] I'll tlttbftva,l� L11%tw"e -.-Aug Ifun ttif".5g,-2 � "IN46% T�wfs%a �Vau tvddtd Ill" qc&t.* � 11VII.10t I w6wid tw� Qi@r1gaim rar a cau ids ,ot W&*41 t Iftogfivi-4m " try &1M`lk L�011�tjj��j OT q�n,P'Zotr t'n!3�ohallo�� an,� t 'IlIll" SD64GM V ­l11' -M-,'- OME9 P�4!92n fatily, .. I Met h,�; "'IDATrA to Ms,�? aatqd� Iklaizp-44 *0 8r1o,'tt" rlmtl tdw- I tim-t ont wtitl at 'you'r Mlujeht -to Allay I.%, IrrilEdtion. Arl(i .. - .. 4FjtL,jt_r 112AL, wastv wn't N? pto-t�*rt,,l a et'a kpy?., to lg;�,P,Italtp V )�,W�r-t(�-,l bmtrrnls thrmtIgzl- 44-11eW,'d at bl�.A�-Vq�an Nant4 tobe. ilor,�P. ntartn;ill 4,180W 411 I &n,"�, .11 did om T_5# diedt ww# mot@ uml,a t few I tyub the sjoav,ang yseas�1,14. Tiue qgman- tic-��'vel- or a r,!Ytv' 07 It Ma5l tye rui.. to Vne &Vus OT �,t,qL*v 14.1,21te*31 V 14 It. 111tam . tW t a" "'WN MIL It @bm '-s. 010 W %­��hily whod tbjb,v 8tt6ft% *jtpfttod-& applofttlowi cam - � OtIdItAy eatific tho Irriftflo'n* pre- tkombetalfflilic Utic-E0 0"T C�V,w�� 1S-;,VU0V;Ia't-._�'. 1:1 -no dt,,&�ql,wo "' Wat(�r sfi,�,,.41 Z -K- yeatc,tuT.I,v t,;,j1TC1.j. " ant Foute s1l3t, 1L­S1te-.tS-!­ - � V&AIng tae b1tol 06te, =NAAWS TA-SiNIENT Ciq alimi a gooA j Pop tf�W,AtvV+,,1A Welot. A9 4,�dn 401 I lowiffilf., It yda vt,oa"t�-,, I � $ , Alatible, t* kloep "It Cut mos-nmitioes. I"" 111JI'l 1",I'J"IlIL'I'li"Wii".I.ii'l,,I ... I', ­­ ......... . . ......... �".. 1, Vie dIs'I'ase isr VV,!S.,0vo­A-:-0L Use got -4 . I - � .. ... L. ­­ 1050filly Nekw***1 Say@ it t & W_41-1 ,dhtm Y&J r'l t rul r� , "geaux ta�LXtUJV. t�jj� fotmuta tot, whidia �� A pemw 11WIl tftee2e thbDuth hw 0 W. . Hi � � : it HAD M BE 'I Will !!­ T D 1� 11% 0"e -u 9EN tho tEm"Ay rot 91�,a4weti; n potat,aei I wr-� cah 110 vid, it, tuat"full" "No. dr ocour.-* not, de&r.­ Jub.XE. Harbor draeo, Ntpj., Jail. a 10-9. i , I 1 I , , I Atse"ll-al svtdt�o. I When I he bet-fle bngv ,aLt_ I :-*no* odd Sron 'k -ho L*h6 ftu,t Vo i TWAXI.�Ile­-. 1wilile ar 'Yon vifto i _1 ­ ­ . . � .tune or A H,61P-Idgs OtIPP10 1-4 Peslored to Vuek ft -alt Ittc-t--sr 1groray lt!De focUage #j6p bckq ,hefing nic. , �J�jg ,Cott . ..... . �� Allftly N111116on of flifiettoples. , t,,, Health and Stratigtho vt-Atil ZIr,S,:mL21 tX,)l!.,;5nSW. Take. f6r, ' anstanz,e, tolve pounil, of wofte ar--volvic . I -tf2ramq. what 1-4 a sffcetell�," � WhArx--! blftl6rd d6 ftot eny ,Iphgeapplea, , b" 110 . d .ibft�', Titto It or abbrevfat�on .__ -1 afid ,*§"i�6 It ttl about , fonur qnart5; I witaficr fd P&j?W_tCm 16 _VtMct1&,#, atid oul, 16offl- tjkmo� ;gaek 12ad this Mao a Ptisleaep trf watei-, %P1 use tjjisat6.,jeffl(: S4)1,1- � _- ­� rdtittal Abftv;&tIcoi) In evpr mis-an- I'di. a I.ohig kiffit" but at haAlt jje � thon to slark two P �-Inds or &-ye*j, j N'tif v6tk ceiAtill ab.d H ad§66 ult,tr d6tstood In the titade. The Morro round a tutt"'i bough Glvth Vyby � 1'"'Me" and add erma;th watp& to 33'�'Le Mallf-od& �, CdAla broudght froib !Irlvana 23,- I j'Wo L the'D000tors. gnigons of tcg`;�; stt,4-k mixtutf* ,1. "V wto� bl-,7 101t lv,v;� wabr-Fual befol - '9 14 ThA_ abOV6 ijawc, 11 jL hausehold il woi;j &Iftf] tft6 g,,op,tfOr I I 000 battelig of piceg In her eargo. thd Seneca J135.000. the Upx9e,* 16., � 11 , :�npanse, em'.. Jun-- 16.-t- �3 .�- uslng� ArA44to oT Vmad ran bF ap"illi'd e ft%�t�:a# of � the radA allould ba autf ' lci'P�nt tO 606 todd the U41atvrey 16.050j. - Vve I TtLe e-00,40no WN �,�Iman wzrmar 'Lat " 1-�a laige q.:12MtKI!.­si wAir.out En"Ir'y to ' -At- 3 tftelt i hiclat P,eoPq8, but row tbaq; tile totitentaoir a barref run from 74 to , uvzi twon.6"11 flu 4D- U�ma Zv3r nwm- H& I'Mid UIP IZ011`X*-. VlPnl�e it R,�, v-,-ry ius#,fall 'It rate Is 014 8a U�� .1 . f wel to 25e�v T,0l,jL- aLhd 2`e5akfs � .19alust b��M,t,s cana, QIM�Hai' gnseE.Its , W100 Wst ns by 1 -co. an olt*erage of ,�v log. Anil Vale P. tntw 'Weigh t.f"6ra 4 1-30 to 121 pazinds. ked =n"; M- ...... Z�.Irll tg,c�at,_ i;a tw�.r�ts; WAill ro gnm,z vt�_--,:lx. thad, are rolM &V P&2 �1: it -11_s3A. :adnpri�g to tDv- T,A(!Xap� tang llm�� other linc-S 1110 rdlirthet tecaidtaelrdatfoih ,Vl,aZ,A,. - I &, �L *-0-IXt. 'elvetz7bodsr � fAut Jv�e, 1?�JL*e Wfthhn lit -as tban one 'We6k rcempts* Of PlIfteapples amount. a He tv�ls a LC-Lp-, s er.-p,,,',.:.�s lvvtb lz�=T-,, �r, g�r& arp 11:,41,��,� __s "n L ,por , ur-'ek, =�'k f4o�z con -j , __ zttant ru'v=s Will tel" you it a . Is thel best. I I 1 1) - " ,,p t log to 1,030.P.O, - If tbpv ftvpv�ag -AA U -W a , 141.8 W­��. d! b.A­1 to ILI- !.!= fin � _ !�,:�JS413 of t!,e '_-Ilgar Tw-,F-t ror wl,,11�-:j 'An I 0�;l: 'n" Tk,d, tL� j ;� __ I Pont& eAea the total W Is'4*711,- _' .bt I#Mr,dr�- VhP I'M is aboat , r,r-nls"!!U�s 3.unve b, f-'] ftoz= -�y nt,- VaLli tn .1,_il_& �P"ek was -,A* %oi�r.v S_'-V&rf-. �AL Tbc � rwA­101. llc-alr�-�,7,-A and lo' -el, -s,:�ab. - Tfie,tvoe-.4 eir jaho'.. .� =)AM --ht 0 c*]ftt9 a lo,xrp4l. wh C!1 tu-'Unq a rev- Irl t L.'.3 v,str!. xa�ly -- T:�!,,-_,u's w2h lle at or " ravva L,"_ T,),.; =0_n 4`;_-d -_ZI�Ttr,TA a, Tc,�;, en., vy�, roo-=f�dfl-A b-7 Iv,31"Ung I A deat IWI le bq�r whos�;, vl,ln4�,��,- lbontel � - in -ane 6T $49.003 for the sltf-ams�jjp owtera for tl. W(--!-1-L1S had', 6T P'M,s�_ V_,,�',I!l. bt�ck_,4�1�j-t- Z.!1nsZ'L,'1 l5jit !�aqa �;,�q,.�n �slxtv to s�r-vr-nt.v bug-.­I�s -or ai�, .z�-,7 A,Ivo,i u :� setozA 19 art the oftlngi�is lb New �rersasp, albd I lvtw vork Prelsa. v�jcetely eu - i� � _i.fd 103,�As x:dvvey b:,- Mf- use 01, nor-41-Irl'i =5 -,tura, w -A 11,� S; th*ls %,_C_j �, ,�� L;qiril tbat 11r. " whose summer bowe is ai& r,;en S�mtft_ I - ! ksr - ctlltm, A rolou IS ON T - 0 , m 0- T��i-,Gr, was lr�P Ugird �&v avc,5.79­�� for t'.,;e gtovfth b,a'd [,I�� v�en,t to MLS . . mit-, Penn., b -,at W�josra ideatity sloall I , , ,�,> r V_ - . 0 D-�teots atjy so".11 vik,11,. daring �se he -=o �Lml r,Cj:jtrwfZ�1Cd twu:s meaL.Z:gne lerag srearg Pr;�'Tkpas, hag , q ,to'b b-_ trurther diserosed, atteaffed a �',. titke- L-axative Ut-m-no QuItalm- TablAv. -411 draggimq refund Me� moiley if It falLi to envoee. I�W 11 - I I . pr,6�a_,el , Mr. War szabb- bea�ts. . rx:r a n --1,'_",g gf�o I wj!o_ wc-r4� . dame 'School lagt., Winter a, I , n2, On art 0 U.vv. Gr&v,e ssignaturelson each bax. 25e- � - nt *Zret lt.clnoill ts; E -,e ,soza,�-Wiaalk 'Waylled Occa!Ooft Whell Visitors 7paro. &t_ 110LW th,6 �Iaps 1_411tev. doubtful. hlut Sic -"t wz..�s t4q- evbiet.c:F� . What Me to Say. tu-tt Doed-� "I fg�Ly jj,'..'Si.70C_ K . . � L Ur�� yellme fFrarikfott. Ror... Per!-*.,; nouncted, took- part in e--terLiges in - their honoi' "119 exera'sre-1 �h The Japanese never sleep wil the B_ck i9lie, b-`_`firt� tE�flr very eye -3 in ,, _k, jrc ff a ,�, �-,jj-� .'a r ,vv day 6, T . Ue . ,;.I,lr w&8 c0m- pris;ad recitatio." by Me bri�hter he9d to, the north. Thiel tv because tjj,6 dc�td ju Xapan are alurZ.Va barled P�:irskla 0Z tT,w- ra-in wkolad ly aeD .1,16-:ent frote h9s dru-e, stote for, , -&-rc-4 'S-jr,8.y -.t =xst �;,a true- rf�W fflim11k-,4 "Ifid Teri h1c; VVIrd Tit I children. and amO:09 theb, thza de'at MAIL* 1�ay W'av `c`%af0d'61T- Ile recited, *1[th fho head In that pc*dtl6m In -1:54) aVtv.-r eonaa- t-.c'u.-be�rwilon t�lletr d(- ell,:gpx� .& Large Vl>tweglan who to try, In petrectI.V good falth the foj�o . wing, the vleeVift roclwsr of inkity or the, j)flvate hcou$4�9' &Ill Ot b6teln SL dia- l5ldtLvd ;-.-��j 1,o�v tpaj,,y are very S -0 , .1 -- a '1,1Zo.Xs*1_1 nat tiv,py dO so, for ai. llgllih wilh difficulty entered M"e, � A ��ald: wilich he had learned or caughb tkom an 'Indulgent, norara with senli-poet- gttfd, of Ole pointrg, of 'the compass the tot he I IZI a ehor' lim.-� Mr. Warnet's b-ack- , ­ a! jo,vv.& dv, ,fir ' 1 ,M -,Ten cents�­ IcAl Ibstine, . Is Pointed Upa,u ceffiujr .t tobi-o-alevee ot guesits. ae'V_- LA4 VatjjSjj'�Lj' He grew gradu- I � - V,�-,�_y well." re*pVed Mrs. th ylar -, ally alrong;"r and lyrtttov. and at ­ f arane abe tn'ke a0d Jane ,ste jally" . .1 _'-----1- ­­ . .......... ­..­,j,j6jj,j,j ....... �� I Suet Pay it to w. -N, and it will be �:9;lrtt pm�':o,v,s Vie i,esct .-di-toana good at, rield.11 � . . � - IZh he T- In -tlarq. 'orwe r1p, mg had 1. a 4=,, Went, to, bed wlth,m Pain In hck� N low- doe6 get exelted, .1. ­ - ­' y 4 " _8 0, Tonic Dr ' � r; . r maA, )v t . The, N ,4ri-an made no ottfealpt ,. 4;'Mt- 19 Xr6t a trae, ol lalliia back toP,rodae* the roin, but gazed stead- Dko,Wt, be m1slod, ' � . Ca— I'. , . " 4tcw','llt�lng, not 3 single symptom, and, ilv nt Mrst. Vaylor Alld remtted: Foil What, Jaile, had, waa a pgja 1,n,h or StomAch AtidCohstipAtion bitttes U6 `heTPIPsS mall wlio us;�d to be a 4 '-- M owp -de firra ten centsV* burtlen to hlmsOf and his wife, Isnow .4 " Yes, I heard you say that bctot45. I he;kd. When UP- 7010[fige,ter t0li of' thW .of . ,ft"alft cf aft'dthine*t ,qade,&oM tilt' ' Xafladtxft 15,hyaitiaa. who 1h, usod the strong, and a comfort to hia rattli ful XoW, If .rou .11-a afraid I will give you hc1lj)nlAXtF_1 RIF,' RM.Vst-� . , i a receipt tor it."' tv 1114 1�htirc[Y sUtPrised & ad vomd- what, shookied paren-te, the pre�rcrjptlorx Inhis Ptaetfetolot many, years wltk itloat wCtfdactoi�, ftin%Ite, 4*1vo havo Me-] In allal)out twenty- - him: -r asked A Purely Vegetable, T6hic: idid Wood IWO boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and Oven some Aw.-4y to our neighbors. I An Old netLd. "Whatodid, flick teacher Say?1w '"She PU&Iief. Pti`06 �'40 C611ts 061'BOttig. ' I , - - nnd 1b,tt when they uae a box they fttlta�elves I 07TonlroalS&w.) The 1110 keplied: Said vo-thing all a . 6 Jusb turned round' and looked Ali _* 'cS btal th ", flon OTAO't'r 1.11�4'. , , , W" It 'in ggfat� �but' y9:pt are ;p6h,6at as etro,ng. In fteir tworamendations, o6a we are. t railway Adverthrement ,All- n(yuncing "weddhig or vacation out of Vie wthdow, but the schola,s,,cl d&lltuot obtain Yout, 1161ghbor- 'hdod, *i. wnf send one o1w 36ors bot. 'MOTPI; I'll tn_,o ocrIkainly Molly retommeud trips" Wag undotubtedly penned by Vic" visitors wwlted me to saly -ft j, tLgM,a_"_D&O0klY`u F.Stgle. tUi, bt of Pride (50b W b6t- t1a) carriage prepaid. TOM's Xldvv�y P111gai asure ocure torl ft benedlet. Be knows that there , 1, kat.rfact; se.t FRAP oil *001cation U,tbe I�a6kf fajr_tjj01�V' cured M% ftftd r " t9 g, alf ferefteLs. betweeft the two boyet, heard of a woraoi ease.71 : th'OO' I - ' I Wu*t" lAnIlbent'durID& La- Gfl&�� TH6, "GhRSOM MD161ft GOINIPAity �A - . ­ - , - , - - 4 tolli6ftTo I I "Ir 11 -I----------' -11 I I I � I 1. I � 11 . , .How tf� Get rijoijo. 1 IssurAj NO. 6,>47, 19.0% . l4 ' qua,ullty I Of silica costing ___ __ __ . — . Ta "' a th 011-46artil Price of oil ; uth'; it Mrs w rl " "' Mis Whlslo 'a Soothinc 8 with '011, and sell the at be iAed for ChIldr6b V.64inVLO' 11 the . Compound to soothes the child, sof tons thoj?,,aiw, cures will, I d public at qlle price of ppre oil ; . colic and is the be -it remedy for Diarrhoea. OfEer $"p ­ _ I rizes "vith the compound ---------------------- --- I to make it vilij, It IS 5 � � I nab a compound the publia get -when they , WEE WANT buy common fjoaps. In �SiAnlight DerrIelitin(l otherfrultit on vomialtistou, or S'OAP-OctagoA Bar -the p 0 will buy V,0,13. point of mh1pninit. alHo Mit. a pure . and, VMaj.jjr ublic buy tev, Eg�;,e, ln,U�il hkpplos.11miltry and till other . _&do BOUP. � Sim- Xarm produee. Corresponcif-ttee twiletiod. light Soap Wduces expense by ' WESTRUIN FRUIT & PRODUCL, CO., Prolonging tb,h life of the articles Oor, York and William Sta., Alarket BI _ washed with ft, -17hjeh is I ottawa,%It. Profitable to Vie public, much more I than com. RUIT FARM FOR SALE-ONH OF THR F finest in the Niagara Peninsula, at -mon soaps wit3l ­ pri,,js,,, 204 Willona, 10 miles from Hamilton on two r944. I . ===! 1 1 -_ I ways, 1180 acres in all 35 of which is In fraito I Business. mostly peaches. ,Will be sold in one parcel or � I divided into lots of 15 to 0.0 acres to suit pur- (Brooklyn Life.) chasers. This Is a decided bargain Adftesv Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 400, Witionot The,.Vesbrywaa-i have been ap- Ontario Pointed by oar combaittee, sir, to ex- I - toond YO111 a call, Tbe salary will IT!, I_ Y j 0 D ..�.l bet double your present figure. .NP -It kj The Clergyman -Um. I can't give I D 70a' my an,syrer now. I shall have ' HANE'S, tol Plr&Y for guidance. "Wo must h&ve the matter settled I : Clean your silver- goicon.14 were, gold, bruss, , - "Well, can't, you give me, Say, a . .to., with , . three -days' ontion. ?s, 11. . . � ELEGTRIG :�r�,� I __ POLISHING FIBRE ",!"I I , Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant -is strongly No powder orpolish - I!, , - . - recommended by the medical profession as to use, just brisk rub- , blug with, r 4 " 4 ,,, ad cloth. ,till' Fr"Pl1r; � , , I a safeguard against infectious diseases. olts ll. till I — magic. Price 215-e at . .. " . druggists or by mail . from THE BIRTH OF A BRIGADE. MONARCH DIFG. CO., St. Catharines, Ont. - Trial samples free. Trade supplied. Lord Kitchener Methods � . . South Africa. - , . - - . � " � " - _.. . . � � � A writer, evidently an officer, who " ' . - .... . met Lord Xlle�iener, presumably for . the firost time, ait Do Aar, sends a graphic word -picture of the General . Our Ifiastrated to Blackwood: i �, . I ..1A`o feel Itio presence but 1111 Is not 00alogue Ong before we ,see hjn6 * * * Tba,t Klold blue eye, whicU la the basilisk or the Brittsh army. * * * A round, Will aid you In sclect"0111 Of red and sumelviLat 90Uy jacr4 &ivare b�,mdzl prescrAts'. brides- � head, with stafj ",) set squarely upoll IL .Eleztv.�r x0awtaghes coverring a. ma�lds fj,vors i�nd we"inz somewhaT, nion,ug mouth6 at the mo- rl,Z9. Wr, nave joaxt: neat ment Inclined to amile, jl�ores)uat any- I — rcarl CMIXentb C. 11'ree a-nd 11101y; livarY, I=t not overpowering � flier, dol'Ars, peaf, per,- eYebrvwa in fact, a. very ordinary . . faco of a man JUSL Past his prime. &nts from 16L dollArs Hardly a figure Lbat yo..It Nvouttl have up-,,rards. Vrdrsne. R remarked if it jIM 4AL I)ccu for Xhu gilt upt)" Ills hTt-ju Taot, it was all, a 1p_ 18 cmt gold, five, seven ahkippoluting dIlseuvtv'r. and nine d,)Ha rs, Tne Ueneral was -9,1011%, up and down, %iith ills hands oil ills hilp9, and � 1' elbalv$ Pointing backwar,Js. ,tatking � 90cd-naturodi,y to a cuIojjK_,I =an who � 'AMBROSE KENUSSONS, rL­VC0. WILO flVidelitly jiusll; off *trek,' and with XvilL1110 , ,,,,,,,T,tp ..f, 'Os. 1119 overgro%vu g1tit and pouderoutj I UA01 S T i:""""-' I atep till* great Kitchpupr 11114 not lutol; � - - . hair as iaipv,s,iu$; ali Ids truvel-StMillt'd L 15 6 �?AGM,, R,M,311 $! WEST. I T 140111,0. coulpanion." it . I I � L Tilt, eji.,eO waa explaining t,t)uu-tjjI,tjg I ' .. I � t0F tht', 4210101011. 'rhlly I)a0ed Ill) and �, 11 , I,, - . L dolva togi-ther for kt. rt,,,vv MIIIIIW4 '. .. . thell otojqwd antl 1,11ob convo-rsatitul !' �­-:­­ ' . 1- - ­__ � I I ­_­­­_ 1vu.9 as 1011lows: i oft is 7HE any vhIVf=-AR right " I �%ill s(K)n riall ABSOLUTE - *� On. U 'A1111 -ft Ll I lus, oel. ; .N 4� . . . u CURE Cot- br.gado =44-r 7 * , FULMO consump- 04l)w.I--1o,4, 10"It Ito ks at ii.k.100'lier I tion and all road 1. % I . *�, (1120--That'h noll -Ight. 'yon wIII � throat and Inng troublvo;. Oiledosegives ec�utet hink in gpto I tinle. A64, %Vaolt " r0h,f. One bottle often et:re.% A LfREE it 01404 fool. .-v),Rr otalf, llor.-, J.1*11 L SAMPLE BOTTLE to everyreaderofthiq papar. 9�111.,j lit' 4.4tr, J.021.! i to �t V�qjign#Ij 401 jf1k pt:L-NIO I!i for szde by ail druggists at I I. paqd.i �ubt -'j out -14'"all4NA41.11 Lot, S:.00 pL-r largc� buifle-sS cents I`6r swull � * 34 ske, or it way te Clavred dirmt firom .Vhqo was litanAng, by?); WlIat aro, 14 410vog alpre I You W -H bP 0+1 tu THE PUL-wo CO., Toko.-S-1,0. O.NT. tile btatr W the new v.x%ajrjv t4r4. , �____ -_ gade .1 to X-va, cAuno'-lunt. tor- vo *�#.`tu " . f4u eW ' 4 �, �� �, , '74, � �Wv t ouo"Priftlo'. ll _ Nfll ��`r A L'hvw4�`r0aat4,,,- rl r; '. � ;�L # I'L ' " P .24.,, ., .. " I- � , ,� "''I , 'to hi -A ortPliauto wittillivit. ji N - , w. I ". i6l,V r' -,, I ,X,it " �, , -- " � � �ajftl Want trauslilwt all'o sup -.0.4, o4lo. ; 1, �� � k -, :� 7, il,%,�- V ­- . , _�, , IC %4_41!6. ,4�40 that 44115"'A "wr 1111v A ee 1� 1% �fjtlo ,,.-.- - lq� '11, I taudding livs hs'aul tow-kirol tho Ve i k .. �' W,j,_;0422 - L - . LLL I... - 7 - I - . I -1 .t0,9..1) tic an I 0"04'"c", � . A" 6001ploly 6 I I � - � ,� tags1ft tU&.rv-zjuq191LF- 1914" .1, '40ar AQ;- . � �,­ �� � tijorltz�. Thcre. .to_lta. are ritte'l Qljoi 11, ." , ,� M'­� . - I ....... I'll ,. 1. . "; ... 11 , �Vtl Vain 11owid n1i pikrt of 1-v,nir ?j:.I- � I - . - ... I Cade Vo -night am 1w o -,)If at zj,j.%-�q­�Au.jj .�, -I .... ­'. .. tV.njCrt%U, W. %%'Ilat �, .""�a �"Djd' J&- :1 , t� I . j,L%5 alat all;�� I., A 811911101 of Fli wtP1094 uett. WiClowr it llv�r,� W swung [!! §Z ratifid 020,11 rail b -'s to. % #4? 0%t�,r tL'ae r 'I !`�t llalg_ 11fled with I Rl I Cd1ftnl,,U4S g;4Lt02LMrUIvg �jT a0l] u_fl!jtj!g 'I - I a&&jnh'0V*o.9 OQ11 t0149 Paj.tffFjf?C8 jt�" I 1) - I r 1.� . _ let.ja- � �!, - son I gIV4 0,511 a MdraggrRed viteuie fruml� l S M hu, Lvg&t the gropap 1.#['fl,V 11ad atri-.C-1 I L- I , the torwi,c4aft,4 night !I@ the V,'Lu (04., I aftaetuju rArt. , I the 191-natuf�4- -ItAkandol, w0_16A,!1 i: 1, Nothing t1de *111 , What Oro Xon vzdlug tu4pre'.1" ir - do thU. . alftetnF 11 VT - ftdAm stir. - . ; - btogr�,alg ". 1Z �� - __ , 4, %!lo etir-t- , ,V�(_qn ta,ita- fe,a-tn'2 . I I 0Tft(!q,r--Ved,5r0atNrIa - CIM"-.11,66ebt. � _ - - -, .- ­ ­ ­ - ­ - I ­ -- dr* ­ Uffier-youla,01 45. you &I'le Eft,.0111111- � gimmee OrVver dr the now eavalr.v bri-'; CONTINENTAL LIFE g.Ad#. flefels yode brigaviler; ,you wIll � td&e OkOet.-i from h -fa. tlNramgrogifln, INSURANOIE COMPANY to the colonel, MA holdift, -has U Rov.,1n,1% Dry2�E:�....�.pt!'�5,]D,-L.A"�� ", out � haftd): There you are; y6a atv- Tit- I ted out, �Veftd yod, anove eat of [1, The *Vnlrt roe 1941 stIvowp"11 tAthatkak,616 ! Wichtuourl Rtokwl to-mortory w,gru-11$ia,�r,t,,�SZ-'govptl,54),,#,Znt�'-�e*oll-)W�tglte=#: 1111gWithout IIIIII. f1bod-by! � .V01W htQ1r;A,Q rhr.ft-,451-4 In'. . $ .230P.14T,y .1 -blygrll 9 "09mr, 5wtv,';1qP) t;;- ^111 -lb'd so a 61,19adel eatno Iftto b: Ing! Pft n' L , Total gn�.omp 1?,1�,VTw,aJ,jy___, 4 2. 5 -1 -5 A..:�.*,-fq Vv..-v,-a%F;j1 liv ............ .. - 44 i434 st,AvE Vol, I oma. rtiv UP TOL100" -�?. In-*uran�t:ellifty&P fnev-a".Ilb� 1139iWl, Ltr:�_&" cbv.,�,Inr I.- C,,�rfflni,rata! Vt�- llal,.Ie*�q rilti_ urL,.�, L . _t( .*.I, Fp&-,fK J. Camsir rankpX0 0.1th Vmf hPis Me :eL -I f,jt, tz.n, ,ot patft­t of 11.2.1. firm 05 1'. J. o -,sp,�p -eH� -2' �-n -3 * �, ('0_ doln" lotus!Mess ;0 tlke C;tv of To ,v ,,c s;�wpl-. y and 10:iera%, . .1g, 1. ant, 1, , Vo_j!tllv ,Iln,rl�'tt"1!5,.tk;lf,ir,_Q-4riI 'Indt 11�110- 11 r,.Eo. 9. woolros, cu.1ts- ff. rum.0p, 1. .. �laf*aElfarm , tvm P-ar v*�e ,qutft ey fq_'oin RRIN101111:1130 001- �j f'r'dr-n;,Tal 31anl-,jg�,f, S_t�_4lofatt. LA&4 fm- *-;u,E) Ifth'! P,V,1�7 f-tagA 434 11'A?.1%nPZ1 ll f nab eanaot h� 'fr-ur#4 by t!�e ns�? ol 11_,&J.1�1_4 - CrA'TAMIS Vj! r'-. - I � ...".11-11-111 1. 1. , , " 11.1. HAMILTON- VRANIK J. ClIfFNIII'v� I , - , , S�Vorn to %4-70fe =-I .'mA �KCA5411rbp.l In =17 , I I " " WN pre!t,bttltk,tE,J.rt�6tr..JV3:.�yoll.9p��.p3o"z,i�r,.N..6..I liiso. . I I 4 I SEAL A. IV. 09X�t&J\'. � � ili 11 I MONTREAL ____ ) , i 1"�' No,tam pu'.�5�,- 'III, j .11 L I . .'. - _.1", * ' tLl . � LINL.. -Yk - ." .Z."o, -j Un, r._ � ". t,_1 �Ll ' Na7 , C_*_T� _-m_- Eq Cl�%,-! "F .­ '. tg­ I . Z'I,tt,td',,,�"4.t�'-r;-�,?,-j7r-.�T�"�f;.4"iz,dr�.Dt--.,,�,,�v�.,4ts�ir,,,�i,r,-4 " St.-.';tMPr1 51r."27v. Hamillto'n I P nll., olttwsi�:Stzra� ,.;Z-r..',f,,:.-�,.,!",In-1,,,��",..J-�q.tl-o;..,, Toro�atv) 7.:',,J p.m.. Tnei;2w�s, T,�,' - _�. �! .=8 1'. X- (12 �1�'* S�y �Z e_f �.. T,): -,4,j. d2 -:;s lnoy.d Siturday-4 To;.. P��y of 24 -,Sol.? 15y 4TTlgC:*M­7:i;-. # Qu�nte.'Oae "Ah-ousand Ishards, niD!dd, Ist. L.awtenw- 'o 1210:�trea� and ill. , NO Profit In theo 1111111pplues. A torm:Alate ports. t*Ua4cm 116�f.� 3r I'aw Rateg of 149" --le alud (Mr trnide wJ1,11 tiv. p�*jqj, I ve" Veturn Tieritsts. .Vp.r,e.V for �' fifty years will :,ot s"tow a eomnu�r- � I & 0. THE ONLY LINE RUNNINS HANDS ela] prolit t(y ofltsc--t wTvat we rLinvift � ' , T0jt0N,I,<-)_3jo.Vj,jzp_,j,r, jjl,S 11readIr Paid ownt for the IrcorappIte �' � V_ sub1l--�ttf).'k Of their Il:h-aUAants. w MEMM?rls Imve TorcuLto at 4 p,m.; "dall, ______,_. __ - ___ -­ - v, C-XcO'Pt 2'-5=daY. for (ratarlo:tta, �. 1� it! ... " I Port of ltoc�mstpr. one Tjicotasa�4 lid NUM809 &__V'11,rXFF_1_1v`j_i*1Vkt1 , . 6 � , I-qlalld-% Tta3�;-3!4. St. `XjZ-VTV_-0ei Man- Ttei��iii�sr*".-,V.9..,-.ksf-c,��- CA:z1 . --- . .. �, 1*hamer. 9t-_�Sv&jh,eZ*.,::o.gL5f­-_V � , , treal, Quebec, Murray Day. Thdousac, I'�amr.mi��e3�4ta.eayer.tei.rA&-r" *11 . .� .1 '�4 ' !n*x,iiit'tt=et!a�l..Itxtr�tt*IV6446 k _ � . , . - ,Agaenay REver arA fivtormeji1ate Za� - Is. -e,,MN!4l.Z .,�So,n,ltl , , T00%U,ft*i.X5r. Poe 'f.tt,i.LT.if,t&6%,'ks,.se-Al,a.,.r�,i� ?Wd - . I ff. Foster Chaffee, Vrestprn P�9_ '0.&Ik,Yg"62f,brt-,Yft;,Ca,,�x�-tDe�-.I"., . . . ' Toronto: Thos. t1parl', V,18*eA, tAnativasur"'T.01ra"41g, .. 11 �'. srsMer Agent� .......--11 ­­­­ ­_ i Traffic Stapager, Montreal. � ­ ... .... ­ - ... ILI, , .1 __ Al*ay.4 mtht rft r",* , , - '"N, , , I .0%, , 0 ; ." I 1 , 011ying you with! .b . U.- Z5 " E-4 h to D, Y 'Vojue &Ajer S P. , ­ - W.0 -- � . 0 D- E, N WARE - � ­ L 'PLAI L S' a- n d TU B S They we wabtfactured from the 13Mt Of MATERIALS by the 1909T. SKILLED woftlAeft.