The Herald, 1902-07-11, Page 7THE ZURTOF
Tim Toxic, and Lire lusuranee.
One Ulan was complaining that* he
had insured twenty years before In a
mutual benefit company which prom-
ised all sorts of things, and now the
time was up be received less than be
would have done if he had invested his
money elsewhere. A. wise Turk who
was sitting close by said it reminded
him of a camel belonging to a friend of
bis. It was a most intelligent brute,
and the owner was convinced that if
he found a really good teacher it could
be taught to talk.. Presently a Hodga
appeared who said be was of the same
opinion. and would teach it, but it
would take a long time, probably thirty
years. The owner was delighted and
agreed to pay the Hodga a fixed stun
per annum and a big bonus when the
animal talked, the Hodga promising to
pay a heavy fine if it did not A friend
afterward went to the Hodga and said:
""What on earth induced you to make
that agreement? You know you can
never teach the camel to talk." "Oh,"
said the Hodga, "I know that, but dur-
ing the thirty years either I shall
die or the owner will or the camel.
Anyhow, I am all right, as I have my
fixed income."
Odd Wedding Customs.
In Switzerland the bride on her wed-
ding day will permit no one, not even
her parents, to kiss her upon the lips.
In many of the provinces the cook
pours hot water over the threshold aft-
er the bridal couple have gone in order
to keep it warm for another bride. A
favorite wedding day In Scotland is
Dec. 81, so that the young couple can
leave their old life with the old year
and begin their married life with the
new one, surely a pretty idea. The
Italians permit no wedding gifts that
are sharp or pointed, from which prac-
tice emanates our superstition that the
gift of a knife severs friendship. One
of the most beautiful of all marriage
customs fs that of the bride immedi-
ately after the ceremony flinging her
bouquet among her maiden friends.
She who catches it is supposed to be
the next bride.
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o Tiottise Robinson Rhodes o
o Copy t lght, 1130:3, by the o
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(3 a OoOoOoOot?oO3oQoOoOoOoCoca
!roll); but e'en \ve could pot hear 1lizxa
Ln t'lw lucretping roar of the fire. The
sixth story Was a mass of flames, and
we wore on the eighth.
"Mt at once the little Duke began
dragging at. our sloevos, At last: we
understood that she avaultecl us to -fol•
low her.She thought she bad a chance.
\Ye followed her, all but the telegraph
man, who shook his Head hopelessly
find. held up the revolver.
"The Duke ran to be room and
"Who is she?" asked Harry Mathews throw open, the window. Beyond and
as a woman came down the steps of extending to the end of the buiiding
Will keep on hand
sil.ppiy of Flour
and Feed at • i
. The Echo building and passed than, was the art room, which bad no win -
with a bright nod at Tom. cows, bat was above a'corner of the
Tom watched the diminutive figure building, not yet reached by the fire. OUR, eneteppeen; 'me BEEN-.
Pointing to an ornamental stone cot'-'• SIT1 I"i)(uWN Fon THE
out of sight and bestowed an envious nice which ran some six feet below the;:1..
;.i.+, a;
glance upon the young man who was Ul+"
doing escort duty before be replied:
"The Duke, with her arms full of
flowers, us usual."
""The Duke?" repeated Harry. "Is
"See here, my young friend, if you
don't want all Newspaper row on your
cervix don't put any question mark atft-
er 'nice' when you speak of the Duke!"
replied Tom, his eyes flashing angrily,
as if he were inclined to begin hostili-
ties"without waiting for the rest of the
Harry put The Times bulletin be-
tween them before he stammered: "I
didn't mean anything disagreeable,
Toho. I don't know her, but I wish I
Groups of men came straggling out
of the offices of The Times, Herald and
Echo just then and, joining forces,
Word Ditudnes .
Some curious instances of the physic-
al defects of "word blindness" are giv-
en in the Lancet. The disease is for-
tunately uncommon. In one case the
sufferer, an Englisman, thirty-four
years or age, who knew Greek, Latin
and French well, suddeuly lost all
knowledge of Eugllsh, though he could.
read and understand Greek perfectly
and Latin and French in a rather
smaller degree. Another stud almost
snore curious case was that of a nota
wbo lost the power of reading at sight.
This patient was able to write accu-
rately from dictation, but was com-
pletely unable to read what be had
wrlttem word bliudness is apparently
aloin to color blindness, but Is certainly
attended by much snore inconvenient
Odd I'.In11tw.
"What ttn inquiring mind 'hs Light-
ightly bast" exclaimed the cynic. "We
were at an Italian table d'bote Islet
eveutng, and she said, with a very ]tit
teulsh air: 'Oh, dict you ever see tnaea-
toni growing? I should tlllet: a whole
field of those lovely white stalks would
be too awfully pretty.'"
"What did you tiny, old mate r" said
Ills partner.
"Oh, l wast `said no, that 1 tell never rriwt'ttbr faer'tante 411/4-tulle".r•
nae 'nearer to it Than seeing a bread ltarry global .t e¢'nist t1I' bra'ael at MU. "11 .00-4, 1%
who deftly eau tint It and rettonneeel the L0147 t urn c� + 1 1 Nis lex °u J)
T lei tla a re conn tllnie:iat Meow ise eontinenel. Liman "Tile IDsi . 0.4 �l 1..r,, •1'
Then me (/anrt111tr .'th(u(tetl to nee tele- � ,. i•I rel she /0 °as-"---
Y1Iuelnty, llti try an caroled at wale u : thing Lata her Sannselaan paw. 1‘ed ll:e' ° Mitt '1 t 11dnaea'isa en eft c lits ,.
in the ttantlalii6liatCr
door just las llama Luaanda'a1 lento to. -r ;`row til :at is ear- e , / a:;r'.• ; a r
A ilea atit"J... e, to ..ttit'x. coffee stilt r it nee,
had 10 a •- .t e, C' •
window, the Duke motioned along It
toward the corner farthest from the
fire. We caught the idea, but it seemed
a slim chance, and no one moved,'
""Finally the little Duke screamed,
'You cowards, follow mel' She swung
herself' carefully over the sill incl.
hanging by ber hands, just touched
the cornice with her toes. Getting as
i'ootho11 ns )ossilrle on the nar-
firma 1
row ledge, sbe steadied herself' and
moved to one side, waiting. We let
Kuap .out next. When he was finally
on the cornice, he clung to the wall
and refused to move. At last the Duke
seized his hand and began feeling her
way along the wall, gently pulling him
after her. Kuap . followed somehow,
and the rest of us swung out after him
in a hurry, for the floors were quiver -
Ing and the smoke was rolling in vol-
umes from the windows below us.
trade their way to a restaurant around Just as i swung out I heard a pistol
the corner. blot and knew the telegraph roan bad
'When hunger' had been satisfied and taken the way he thought best.
cigars lighted, Tom motioned toward "We clungto the wall and crept along
Harry, saying, "Boys. there's a fellow like flies. We were fairly steady ex -
who doesn't know the Duke and never cept Knap, and my heart was in toy,
worked on The Echo;" mouth for fear he would lurch off and
Just then Dilly Holliday came in, and carry the Duke with him. But his
some one shouted, "Say. 13111y, here's knees stiffened at last. and he slid bet-
a fellow who doesn't know the Duke!". tor, though he never for a moment let
".fell hluh, BIlly," called another, and go the girl's hand. The brinks were
every mon settled into his customary getting hotter and hotter to tine tough,
attitude for listening to a favorite sto- and the flames seemed to he sweeping
ry. Billy sank Into a chair with every toward our end of the building.
appearance of extreme exhaustion. :1l)- ":tit hast the crowd saw us thi' git a
propriating whatever delicacies the otic- rift in the smoke. and a shout went up
ers had not appreciated, be consuuncd that seemed almost to `e'er us from our
them white waiting for his own ender perilous hold. The firemen s, a ketl
to be served. fast, I suppose, hut it sve:aat d ant to
When the clamor for the story be- us, wanting at the corner 11f the build -
came uproarious, hilly begun: "Once a tug. 'tae fireman first up the bubh'r 'Fill: a "+]7!::;''"l' l=a'1'1"r.::� -+1: °:
society editor surpritietl the row by get- was sobbing ti::e a chine, hull lab' Inteln't "l'1 '. n�e !: ] 1 4 ti al �' reeen' A ]>
ling marrled. Then Bessie Wellington lost his norat' An' nil that. 110 Few ].nese i u: l'.
nppenred on The Echo. She was suet' Knnp'o et►utlition and tan: 10 weulti
a little slip of a thing and had such a fall it ft.rt•ctl to e'en* his It •11 r,:i the
' eyes ►uke so het..ehl'tl1ht•tu Leah. 'i'll'tt••1
pathetically frightened ]out; in tete t, t 1
Unfit the boys began to caul her the Iron'of us were Fta',n e.a tst' l:.atiab r. 1:u v ::;tit
Duke, and the'Duke sine's been ever some were pretty b.I:J' I'r'a' tl't
sluee. brleks were ftaari'uliy hot tt►woe.l tee
"It was her first job, and she was entl."
eager for work. Land knows, she got "Billy's monde were �i"ootwd tinteentne"
enough of its 'i'he typewriter bt)thert'a Interpolated l.nrrv.
ber. and punctuation was n (aitfaill. S1' "It was a meet sunny wtes'hs before
diel ber work over and over again, try -' some of us evi re l':", k ttO'I L ►:,'h.t a i1. ..,. e"
Ing to please Knap, who wouldn't ,, (buweb the Ia1 o'r %hAs prints tl TI 'sG 11 a0' 4t '1
leave been satisfied with an. Gomel from with l�:urrt_iwe"e1 1't it tt'ie.rai :4Di ( iIS."� t ta. 1 ° ', i „
beaver!. It used to stent to one he rat' i,: I'in:i1 /Ya.!3 tuft• 1111.:'^• fun" F',,"""--%
Ler bell every len iniuute . She woubi I. wuu.tln't have tsan.twn 1d;1°t for they Ge o
come flying down the ball to the bene ; law wive heel to:li,'r:1'i•r?t, l one E n4a IC 1
I room, be dimple; turned inside out " tenni wog white noel eat.` t ,3t •" 1,01„ ib'
and Ler uuatltlt Miall hard !wit Neu:tittn't wee a;�t iniki he t onitt'u`t is 11..e tit.
(Myer. 'lana she'd go Welt (Nelle; tar, IFf^4/ tait'6a 4Jaa.1 iu::nl arc l t' t,i::"It t
1 the cars, rind the boys weal permit deet: mod put on{-Ji:.
their typewriters tit to bre":alt, fere i i u1 "Regie. It 1x11 leaal'ie Iat'4I
to sneak bits of e•otey to ler nil re°a111;:' but the Dune t4 rliI r•"'tto•.a rtl: a 1'a,
to go up. I Ml Into the'LAM: '1tf t':4I- a'l`b a ey6a 'Jl`Ibe I�. ;,n. 4 fot.°�u ',l
letting pir::trua£is 1:61x1 ado hole,_' Saltlul '°ltt:t 1 Lite atl a"' •'U "" J7•
even a wedding now and thin. a4"i4 caUtatdate i:e 1 vm,na"6:�' 1 l u;' ' /
LL:inv. wha'l'e, waS 't:als011 for ^a iielety' Telma 4:'v lac' 1 t adJ En n P2,11. t9 n 1"
a ,Y 11115JWypYi6:YGtlSi9' 'a" - -"'"r-- -''';i_ama
Hoffman's SN
Lawry . .
1�Y o use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
•.�l MA
ilT 8�Ei' rT» WILLI«r1111$
1' t't
Floors, •
ophoar,h, 01,135,
,` Rah Tubs,
;°. Buggiu3s, �'
Farni Tools, !.•lba
A special paint for each per•
pose, not one slap -Clash rni±-
ture for all.
Not low pricu.l, but highest grade at fair, honest prices, You know
our reputation. We say these are the best. paints we know of. You'll
say so too after you have used them.
C. G reb
60.:4 cam
Zu 'kk0
a Year....
" I,1 i•rr•r? ?:' , .;.: a i0,0'.'j ('fl? frP Il ?TF' errngtlt to kelp kiln on."
I"`h ..:•t jr•'O)•!R R''•' 17).gV (boa a It,,i,ta,"---TI:avyeolr.
FX". �t =SII THE
V. 1...t y..� a A
tiS +4�'d 4 i••�-• 0a,<Ta r. 1 w�*
VEVI �: r e: v :� �. 1iOSPJiATi
f:1LeSK i;A.
The r�lt" free (:r)r:s:impr c a Hospital' in America.
r '
�•' --;l'a'te .�i � r�• 7 •, a' t• 'r;�, p,, ;�;;,, .•a, Ii,,cJ?t'/rt built under Ile
1,:",e. 11, :teiee.A, he t,a;l,a.4
a arta l,ctat:� ttt141 Bid=
1 = t r.,.. l t h:Fl t•a:rt ler:`,
lin t'D $` tl. l ,'..
t .orwt Itt rv. ' i .-Ya'a1
1 � (�,u1t.i11:• .ittba Sl a .1!.�•.
d h ' d tis ' bonne One .1"1141Y iit.,iai, /4 t t•
rOotat Isis heard I4uttae"+1 us if hp haul 1:,'111., %111 :1 Ist r a ia'i a �. lir t , 4
IIbeen 11111 11(llu41f5ls. 'See h14'1'a":' iZ:�:el1 Ed"C'.' whet (1 C 4,`"+):° 'e`
lura clawing ,
In' �trltt'a1.
'Didn't t l tell yen to get in ntou,a; . ..aa -
A *noble .lord tonee said on the legged• ' 1 '•'4:n * tla6ainar't1t'c" ro><,rlulCeltefa, ° ti4e� 1(» fiat
. the inb/"ilie social ae a t 1,
talon or firs p rlg,st s Illness that fermi, 'It'n Shoost re'alal/•; :sal the Naze awl theta : heti!at' lent 11 k dot:.': k = ti`
o tae its I)einiletin; inn foe misuse bentt over her t;:pewritct' In at little •`lei toast: ; ltt1"acr thru: 1�1 t -t•:. t
oir talents by Inil(c,._.. n disease ef 'she 1 11"P'is tame C: l:ai:;, 'ltl.e l:1's� l r
brain. The following tams Mr heightsl C'I I ° f fig "''e ie J J " i °
\;s t"1.tlt'ia
11111 Ca `.
FIN \il'tt "t)
7-14E di! WIEL.E.R
,e.� �. 3�.►r.t.
rfPrs�.er°•: •� tai , i.'' gra C,•:;,," rt?. tlPtti°tir?iL .tits(iGlttfifj9d,
le Yitl,�eg='..'r.,:rrr c=' 14 - 'h'.,'t:/ 11) (pill? and fr 'gi iib
„t t ' ?' pl'atdhh''S$ RiraoridElsr"fes/ 2t'et�'ityut
i g t ref it '-=° tr, n r±"n' e,)
t•iFrti;�A�°, ,Q
`c'e!e ,' b4r.� i>li."L R :rr.'Nu Il 9�. J�, .Lu.; UI'1.3u'tilri!'''l afwl tTco' Aret‘'aft
(Mete' Y,,v11-4 i up, r i %f ilk tete :cie;,,ditli
4 niY cCrld>°C?Vld@ .i P';,i7;',,,Gi - - erd"'"c' i°t formai Tdioni' lu!'Tdhr
r /,
°sti°Pto)* kl 6,j'! i'N
--� aCtl7tr�! ,l' rro, (14 ,2, Ue+o;r,•fN:' 1+ .1'x:,. rdhil ;' ,6e'i aitlu 'NY in the Rune
x o ,. n
tQn"l1w�TJt�3iAuaA;�/ 10‘,7734t'rtd,GA��a/t !,?i,,:1;;(.1 the eda t'Trdnlir
0ttl;,,t too qa p77
.ae t Je5•"aaEJrkr 1 'i . J
Gam: 5 - U arc a, C,''J ..gee
,, u- _ o t* t�ettoueae
1Y t1! c. , 1 ,:j r 35
e. i.. ate 'v, .:.1,29 't , .''i`,1'Uet,
tal&.sr 1, , Uri iS C :;2~:
`ri£:£'3rt.' age 6: v p 0L.' V."e t1Lr Si.': i
.e„ (5gof5t, "_1 :..._._`"tae.
h:l n t`:ifter the T'obvllle woe in rale work etas to - ae a a :1 eiet4' 1- W. PtPP P, Pa:Ambet,
barscstie rejoinder when he resumed
„ . ,' d : II1'• p'�
niacked Inn a bit 1. carried fan a sand. that we make to Part of their 1 w2- • a-''. a l`tdeutIt3ts., PbrIgd
Lis stat: "et may. be so, but in any caseh.i`1Cb and made her cat It while 1 mods." „
It will be some oa he noble
to the 1 grouted Otlt some rewrite for her. While licit what as 01 n t -1 c:.:'tuitray. t 10" 0 ro
friends and family of the Lord - . I . "it 0
�vilicli Y Was svorl:aat; the the gong sounded an is the same writer's mI y44 ti Tor ._
t rl.
know that the disease s o
alarm, but the i)re' se,s were going. anel :deal Ldtle It o11`'1.1) -e
t+t•1yri providence eoultl not Inflect tulron l never (Tiled to count It. s@a.'aIy tit 3_� l+�_ � _
v n_ n•_- 4 l 1,1-.r..7.70, ,.,: e
ttloblry ttitvoys did r tires` aloin" unless ; load them wits Weed :nen N o , 1";
they `were very big 01155. !Mow tarr.'S._na.alr tki in.E.'°c axil VIA a a �.
d1i. y "After awhile Rutin bolted into the'' 1ti"aange Toue 4:h two t at at :• t, -.A.1,1 1d
�`pin3eh delves es Its i�niile from the room. His face Was white as chalk. ' ene tray never age useful to Ch' -;a: L:.:
• His Mouth opened once or twice. but Ing their tr tu:-:nl !Go ,eta to /i,+: ..0
tub fast nds e belongs to the beet
Its d he 'couldn't twain. At Iasi he gasped: and I'ItlCSit::7o fir N...1",11:::01;;%:1)7.7"a..?.-,..- e i7:. -
vegetable, and Is gyeitc1 Ina es served 'We're cut gin The lhe'a up to tines ; cultivated. and ae . zte•.. t1 ;
tegetttlfe, i2hv ., a1 ft: makes i delicate third stot'yn I Jumped to the /v11;n:'yty, he of exxee -alilag IL-se..:tel 11' _. a J ,)
Hind mint is In the spring, and there tine street sus fitted with en- tlieun through ate r L•a,•2eCG:-r ISf-•-,,t'
leave mint d fresh and spinach
it few Dines hind trucks, and we had ne4cr safe:'
e9 added to the then It
wsl inn ' 1151.4 ft tieing- . :'leiter n' i. it is te"ie' r'a i. SEC = a .'r•
prove the flavor. twlietlaet It Is served• .•Ills Wellington tamed pretty than disc 111islef.;a:n t..:.') '_s e 4;a :1 t
gas a vegetable of 'a salad. I white, hut ber voice was steady ;:s she vain repatit:t n.—L0:• c:.e;..
u,1 ,
Camluti■"t Its tG sesta at "I'Let, ' asked, 'Ate there many ny of us up here?
"Never," said the person of goose ad- - "Three la the teee taaplr room a and 'hilae Brave l'Ion1aaF
+flee to tbe delicately nurtured Boston i four or five In the local, said Knap. 'Ile most 5 n: oi:: 0..,t :.ez. t' t 11
Tooth.,t never say , 1 ranr ty rr ; ntolsteni lg bis lips. "nee d.dah't blink have known of a r 2 in's 7 - °e - s
"Indeed, sin'," responded the into' It was serious. and l forgot your being , was the kind off t;m1 .tory i s.:act w:.:,:1
lectuai lad, "I trust that my diction Is sere. ' some years ago fed a l , r to a :•a'
not so open to Criticism. If you will "We all went 'down the hall to the their nest at the back of a 4 O a , t at
but be attentive to my conversation, local room. The fire was belching from Aldershot! It was In t1.e s t: r'`- t
you will observe that 'I say'easvn't.' " the fourth windows now, and the., of the I� ourth b t t o:a of taa� t s
smoke was getting thick. One of the rifles. at.d tat co:G:10 of the re_ .L..t
telegraph melt kept his desit ar:d was told hue of it at the time. I Ile -t'
$fie 'Stii4xr actually sending an account or the tire pair, paid not Te ....tit - r' o u lc; the
'"suppose 1 were an absolutely tier -'over the Associated Press wire. We shots tiaanakering on the 1c1t
feet woman," she remarkedsharihly. wandered from window ter window for the back or the -i° h:t st. The se, ve
"He you know wbat you'd do then?" ; Lours, it seemed to site, but it could not were careful not tel ralt�4d ,.° w .t'.1 tl. ,
" o" answered her husband, really have been for many miutntes. and tite young brut :,1 baatchae d .)d E/
The smoke was coming in clouds, and brought up in s at€ty—t:
-or n''-=•:1.
'What?' 'What?'
'You'd growl because .you lead 'loth- could heat the lite now:
Ing r_ growl about.'. "'At last the frowd in the street saw A sirxtn,^.e Young'. rt•
' 1iry nfil eel rJf the vO101 ' h
., received his
...... again iffy Goal I wake up sometimes degree "Cuin Laude," while the outer
/re Diann.
Spanish Monks, Who first used it riot'=
us. I bops IIT never meat t int :you t)
now WW1 that moan: in my ears, rand it was content With the plain Ii. 1r. The
Uo ou believe in shgns: a� of t
" y , i ,, g' 'Teeth 4 nearly 'drives ane head. It seemed the newspaper reports 8 ,t Ta. .h list 1:e .
1 n. A. dentist s slg,n reading' tree r�."John `,s. Y
' fell the other essence of human: misery and made us eradu"atts read: ohn v ohn
Extracted ''i1'ith t P
ed out two teeth of minei`r been stunned before, but then bedlam Jones uncle picked uppaper • xtracte eu gin C: , .t ,
knock- realize what was before' ns. We bad , Smith, Cum Laude of Weree. tet. 1'`41:n
dory just as I went under- it andthe
thought Ire Watt Sallrit't'.
Wife--Doyou mean to Insinuate that
your judgment is superior to mine?'
Husband —Certainly not, my dear.
Out choice of 'lite ,partners proves it "soap timed from one end of the
a : er 1111,',
broke i'oose. Some moaned and 'cried. reading the n assacs,rec t1leal •with,
Some shrieked and swore. And still 1 but was badly :nixed on Cunt Lamle.
the man at the key -clicked out his mes- I Finalise ill d
esperatiom he eaife'(1 on
giving our name's, we found aft John Jones and, pulling out the paper,
erevard. He had a pistol lying beside said: ".loItn, T always knew this Smith
bis band. boy went to school with you, but I
don't seem to know this Cum Lance."-, I
betiding tet the other,shrieking for
Worcester Spy. _w...I._...
,'t :r! ti 7 ;Y
:0..11114E1 ti
,F)ealt t, �y,,:e, .
E',°41111 .a:r•-('01e,
'- o`'4.raa) t.a"ld. ' J1
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.' L. IH. t`°11.. -° w.
L. Li et. ra.. --
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.ia'tatrw. .SniI1 no t.y
D.S i
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• 1 r z the ,r.y t ,..t t"c-t9...FI`
rutq..s 'tw£tx6. Imo is:.u..i. d.uN :
r11i1y (i1t1 ;t -1.'1:4
.. EItie&s.use 4 `.
wt-,ea;lt «-i:,be° t p', t
.. Matt Atte E'1 r.i1t r' 1.7:5
11Nliater Journal ._ ' 7•1'l' -,:•,h" ' ,;`m
t.umiL;' iDsdi&-yenta.~ ...ta
.s iicaret!I -
r f, Sold and re eontrhended by all
1• J dru -es,,Lt In Canada. Only reli
abb.; anedaeie)p diseocera1 . Six
finetmtefel to Sure all
fort.—filrin3 of Simnel \t'eai.n s. all e'fFeeta a abase
,. xeess, #lentil Worr. sr inti irr ase of To -
:Kam?. am?.eflPiaut orpooicaSt:mrinnts nailed oonn 0? Plc
of pric, enc g a ?a, sig. $a. filee flT1Z tTx
s"zz s tLi'e. PFmpblets nee to'angawdress.
Who Wced !t ompany, Windsor, Ont.
'Wood's. t it()SOhodillC is soldsoldin:
Zurich. by Dr.Eizellanan, Druggest.l
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F. A. WE11ie'lAit1. 0 lar.Lc1a`lP,1 Q5.'. SAYS:
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a,t.;tt ..,e. 1till ilk t.'itft7i. e•ttsit.