HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-11, Page 6. . 1. . � 11 I � I I �
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I . . I . ,"*",s,�""0*qt,0 01__1_10_11_1y__/_1^_ , AffiffbONAMNO BETRAYED BY QOLDEN WCKS
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. , " %i I EXAMINATIO I;
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W �:: , . - 11 A boy w rote regarding Oliver Croin-
;� I : well-'03Nrea, Cromwell's eyes were of
sitl�; I I
� I I ry large
� � j a (lark grey, bi,i 3ics,e was ve
. �� I AUd of a deep., red color, but un-
. � I derneath it was a, truly, religious
. "' I
I i � , � . I ,
11( �J.� , , , . soill", I I �
"L I o I
Another wroto--"By the Declava-
I . . :;-:- � � � Licit of Indaigence People were at-
01 I . � I
. . 0 IOWea to,Nvorshlp God lit their owla
- -_ . .
11 . I
and child, run down -there are,
� I
handreds,-lucky if You are uotone.
And what do you think they want?
-They, want rest and a chailge
I � P .
and caW t get either. Rity to spealk
L �
I I . . I
of it I I , .
,9COttI$ P,mulsion. of cod-liver oil
I I 1. .
. a
is alMoSt rest i itself I ' I
QcOTT & -ZAf ru&zI ts. ,
S A $%.*.-"'a2_ed.T . $ 11 .
,� �
I � I
e I
- - 1,
�. - — Way. - Seven. Bishops refused to do
I ,,File Hud of Gotham. .
. I A
, - - _ - I so. They. were accordingly put on
Comes now Professor Hamilton, .of
� I I
LIBBY LuflkheonS their trial and found not guIlLy."
tiLe I)Tew York Uuseaia of NAtural His..
Another declared that the Salic
tory, 8114 doposps that in his opinion
'N'Tesenj the,productin key.a.rjuingearim. Turn � 14i.w say,fj: ,,No oas can be made
u. kawd yon Aiid t4o mea exaotb, asi it left Xilf,u: who was descended froat a wo-
(Idtaiam Will be destroyed by v0100,01Q
oruptlon. The trouble May not arrive
Us. eputthIpMupiattiawar wml." -
for ages, and then again it may make
Potted MAW - 0ace by way of atimularit I asked
, t beef and Tonsue 1
OxTongue IM010), VeAlLoai
its appearance to -morrow, The pro-
e )
* Deviled Ram, Brisket Beef, a somewhat sleaPY history class
V Sliced Smoked Beef, whiCh of the four de'orgeo wor-9 the
fessorr says that Manhattan Islan(!LI
Long Island, Staten Island, and
All Natuml EISVOr f90" PnIstAbIb -114 largest hat ? and a boy, who had not
wholcoome. Vour grocox sUould have tbazu.
till theat opened hi -j mouth, ruPlied
pretty much jill orNew Jersey are of
volcanic, origin and Itel says: "They
Libby, PtL'Valll 4 Libby, Chicaeo -"JUlm thai had We biggest heid."
will all be tct�jly destro by the
"L Frow To XAxx Goon TEINGS TO PAT" Will Ili another richook and under simi-
. W sent trw it you "k us,
same forroes. The old lav Streams,
lax (,h-eu=jta;a(,,es a bo3*, 04 being
""",a.,D"0�1�0�" 'asked
r,,O-,r solkliflud rook like the Palisades,
again to
where the River Dee was. an-
axe liable to break out Per -
swerad correctly that it was lit Abar-
rjait a.11 outlet for the fires i)ovr Im-
deenshire. A�,biiiruug guile a serious
prIsonedipLy nature,"
le ,
+:;;������ look I asked him if lie was not =is-
I taken, adding that I thought the Dee
There Is more Catarrh lit this section of the
. was iltKirkoudbright and fluvved into
1���' 11 I
country, than all other diseases Put together,
the 2olway Firth. lie was a bashful
aild until the last few years was supposed to
boy t,rid made no reply. TOD give
be Incurable. For a 11 reat mauyyeara
It a ocal disease and pres.
� the class a needed fill ip
OF PHILOSOPY. 11 . I appealed
crib local remedies, and Z�,k constantly fall -
to .them to settle wheCher I or the
boy fOght. To a, verdlet
Inf, to cure with local trea*mexxt, pronounced
it ucurable. Science has Proven catarrb to be
- ----- Nvaa give
* 1;1�+ I agaluSt the Inspector was, of course,
a constitutional disease a�ud therefore rO -
treatment. Hars Ca,
.,�. toroublesome memory makes �
not to be thought of, and there was
tutres a constitutional
,rrh Cure, manufactured by F. .T. Chaney &
e 1,
silence for a 'Lima ; but at last a
I r�ove Is either a mighty Irritant or boy put his ba;atj to, his mouth and
Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional
cure on the market. It Is taken internally lit
an effective w>othlng ,syrup, atonic, said t . 0 his nt_IgjjbcX, in a Stage WbIs_
or an 'Intoxicant.
dosee fromlo drops to a teasPoou!uL ItoLets
directly on the blood and mucous surfWas of
& stimulant.
per not meant for but which reached
11f & girl knows, notlaing more than lily ear_.4.H9 dla= ken there's tw26
the system. They offer one hundreO dollars
for any case it falls to cure. Send for elrI�a-
how to look pretty she plays life's Dees.- P .
la,ra and.teatimontals.
game with a fall b"d. A teacher asked-, -What Were the
Add -as p.j. CHENEY & CO.# Toledo, 0.
Whou Adam was caught munch- two classes Into which the virgins
old b� Drufglsts-75e.
Waire , am.1 Pills are the befit.
all ,
Ing that old apple, he whined and in the para.ble Were dlvlded?� and
eta I
blamed it all on Eve. Ever since that got from a girl, whose religious
ittme. wbon a ma.n allps h1a trolley, ,knowledge and natural history bad
Not Very Par Wrong.
I .
everybody wants to find the woman. " gct mixed the amewer: "Vertebrae
(Chicago Chronicle.)
, Whet people are old enough to I and layartebrae."
Receatly a Pastor was Preaching
Wnovr better, they should be old en- j The Equator is a line passing
to children, After asking many que&-
w4gh to do better. - through the centre of the earth
tious and impressing on the minds of
- Wbea a ma,a becomes a cy le it Where the sun is hottest.
� I
the children that they mustr be saved
ja a ease of Uver pills -, With, a A Cabat was a rope generally be-
from sin he asked the question. "Wh&t
loaging to a ship for mooring It.
inau It, tv heart troubla,
to sin ?" A bright little boy, six
06 j. A j .... rrteymaa Is a persan
" Taidptatton and resistance are I Who
I tr%Tels with
years old, quick as thougli.t. repned,
. I�
patter or pproocallty and environ- �,
, Tha Christian Fathers wero pious
Ifteat. ��-'Qmo people could lead usi:
heads famLllas�
ThewtnZ, �anoklng, cursing and tear-
Ing ymr pants."
� of
t1cp pmdltlon, othpr,g cDOLA not coax 1�
ite to heaven. 4 A colgu of vantage was a lucky
Uluard's Liniment in -the bes�L
�& man whI> Is & 9`)cd fl�lluw AM009 ' Tho Polo Star Ta a star fixed on
wou Is geriprally qui-it4owtWo In his I to tile, liwavona at the North Pole
No Use,
dealluga wh,h wonvan. �, on which tho 66-rth seems to 1wPin
Don't thInk that figurmt "_ver lie. � rmad.
(N. Y. sun.)
V. cauplo or P�Iunds of C01.1ton jadh-t- -
Suff!c1pnt unto the day Is the
Rtatinond-Row aboixt tha.t new
Irnattli rood you tavented T Is It on
onsly distributei, can a1d twtnity I Lvtl thiveot" ;Atit mmus that the
0 -
powatle to any fignn�. � fkvil e'numitt(A at tho present day
:a� Uiarket yet ? I
ultakliony le oripa wiciiu;; more I,, qukto sutriatfint without any
Bronxborough-No, I've given It up.
I find tbat all the good names have
Itlaan, an Plowalor thoi6t Elft% p-op!o: MvIrt'..
beell usi.4 I
., . t
up or Uki�R ilioni ,lowu withoat 4-!! A dnek has an awkward. wagldfiag
Port on tbAr p4%rt. 11 inUt becau;4� IV; liftW lega are 1�>ng(*,hr
Arinard'o Lialment ror Itheuma-
1110 glrl, % It h tho pawmltyuato gwfwa I tha% I ts fori_� ono I
wad Vat- man rvtth ,% h4.5 t,v�ur e4al.rt A s.0h4I,olRhq wrItIng am essq�- an
, _
will aiiott rqgulato ta�% tkh!uj)atara 'Ire,Kra aaf-].� "It is a 4rrtx%t sin to
A I?q,bilc Oftletal's SAd'EXPerlence
: � I .
� . wit], flair Dye. , .
L& pTouninalit pubho officlal began
to show P,Igx),Fl of baldceSa, and theii
rather surprised ji�pq friends by ap-
pearing with. a r0aelt, well-groomed.
orop of dark 11M'l. . ,,Vor scine �ime
ljo one suspected a 'wig, But a few
days ago lie appeaj�red witt the top
or his head covered with' the usual
dark brOwn hair, but 4 sharp line,
from the Lips of the eairs, marked a
strong contrast, fox the hair �elaw
the line NvAs of the brig -lit golden
hue which. Is the pride of the "clic-m-
ical bloudes.?I . I .
it was found out that the man
round his natural hair Was turning
gray said desired -to make It match
,the Nvig,iso, be Invested in a prepava-
tion warranted to darken the hair,
and In the see -rat of Ills own rWan
applied It. B.ut, owing to some
sit,range chemical combination, In-
stlead of making the silvered hair
.da,rk it made the dark hair golden,
and so taT t1hie, unfortunate man has
found nothing thut will counteract
the striking contrast, so he Is com-
pelled to endure no small amount of
011affitig from his friends.-Plilladel-
Phla Record, - � I
Stops the cough
and Works Off the Cold.
LaxativeBromoQuInIneTablets cure mcold
In one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 cents.
. -
Tended Their Own Drunks.
(Natural Science Marazine.)
Lord Avebury declares that ants
that maintain their sobriety make a
great distinction in their treatment
of the Intoxicated stranger and the
fedlow citizein who has suceum!bed to
his blandishments. He inebriated flity
ants, twenty,41ve frpm one nest and
t,wenty-Ave from another, and put
them all Into the nest from which one
lot had beem taken. The Ibliabitanta
alb once took the helpless strangers
and threw them into the water;
wtdle those who were citizens of the
neot were carried tenderly away
into remote corners to recover from
tUeir festivity at ledsure.
of t.1to wuatapr rt,,9)rt pv4ta�,i_. wagto muoh tinitnI or money upwi I Its Test to Come.
"Niativ I fl- -441 f!-,04bt ,.t 14, krn,; % f.4ri,-z-4. WIx qhts,zi I rnm-ralipr flirkt, I ON. Y. Jouriml (,,! Cotsimome.;
V ''. . ;IZ . . 1'�' f;1'ht tf'!!'--!04 hLI tJIMI�'
�,_ �.-.w�g I ,,,a%,� '"i -Y,vr, A ,� pt 'd I I,- % 4wl. 4Mniv a, n,4'*�Jox .11)w tt' Inat; I lit J,Ue� eours,3 of tintti compulsory
t%rAn-,, w,d .'t#rtL4d grotv*� t;� ma%o Inr -41 ,�,,�?)tE!h bri,3th. r;%W� ,A rpw , aeiltration must. reduco NvageS, and I
,, � ' I Its popularity with tbo working'
W=,- PLI.,L�,144 rape T�Ir kea;e% .1 tivebeii mav aeow b4i a1lokl �T ovilons
a cuuau,rlout of de,y luml no,ways � ��.Iwnwlt tv, h4l 1, No dw�'bt shth mr,�'ini classes will &u Im far leas than It to
OL-f3tra, gam�� ,1*1,_Tt tic4t. bD_trelya AV If-,1Ak%--P4�4.)p10"1's Frl.e,,�yl In Now Zealawl at Ute present ma -1
krtitmlho�,,�i. 4 vi��ut,I wlliere it prornotes Induittrial.1
Sow c;t"IJ!ren. rn-%�V.!��t. win"I n, wkl,�,et a I � .- __ - . - _. I—— jm4ca#_,� wy ra sing wag(%; jut, R000rd-
To rm-t% -a 7,m I,0,0 rft In" the New _Sondl W.&W comU119-
1:41�_�j4a #;e,�,-,%4 I'M jnrOnt'3. CIL1_1)4 JUZ! 'It 1�' I
AtIo Uh,"." T.4 U'Ll t1tat �! ' a' cit'I 'IMIM'ifi .nler, t o oflf)MV, conditiong would
It Is Vte I , tkr.,i ab'Zillwo ellro for 'rach
icatkt, ww Cto Sum Lots,, td Inpp,myN4. P � il 0 S ati M,Very ft�lg of itebing, 1 V45 ra oml wages 06113Iway. H(AV
*C�11 mil.rv,. � Mr.�M[" ,gar.4 p,'&r.,a1qt plim m,_telf compul,sory arbitratIon will
1 ,,, �111 f5m,qnwtll,t!t�**-AV6�'n'll'intcodit-E,t�ut" promote ltdawrld peaeo when wag,cs
" -50. *1 W3114 In the 410%?,Vrc�, %I14 aA Void? netwh.
L Is i��i%"Vnt &) fmzr rW! p4iop5o. t
&;c.,.u,,1atg -�rnq tv�� t IWAr 1) 1111UP30 11 bt,r4,2W,h1M97 ttftltollp Y�,Ueaft w% th mA arre goliig down la wholly unknowd.
- �
&k. -F914 dt ',N t�_�o WAY -91 4A.15'WtJn,, 11 got d!IrMC5?1Vb&,�k;1tw_nmL i"i%bor,ab Lit the Most sixious nal'o'dt of the
W!-, on t! �,, p � � n ra - U2 *6 ap�aht ,'I mvA I j Ed aim or ftmAsg9%n.4vm &Vo.Tbrmto� =Utow Is t4,at o_=Vtib,,*rX arbltra-
bk� a IV- 1.10r8V091 to tl:�10 NIC!"'i man's 0 0 i tij)U jfttalb.14 thl%t thO W.Lg".M to be PaId
outat"toln. �� Diri3Ohases Ointment by a banufacturcr or a raulway tam-
0112tiff tT-d%f,Aq tvlEq thoo ataf@ P.)T ma- ____ — paaw all,aft not he fixed by ItacV or In
et,=-cl-15- Is fl,3 VaTlablq Climate, � the *VM =rkOtv bat. by & tbIrA
SLrz,I�S# Twvm. r -)C4 tm 1! COMMON ERRORS. jxtrty. mutd that tverj
I" - L��qt O'Ll'i 86 .1 I man's right to
ftmt M.- NoA %&`o mxit 21A it styllo- il — C11MOtt a man whom oe w Ishes to #in-
rzu#_�q 5,10P3 Up agw.w4t ulomd w� I' Fow IftaIlAb Prot Frmu 8*19c' Ajoik at p:oy vm Iongcr to trIWLVt i� r6timr.
WSRO. I saine Hind. P,_rWIP-4 no Ifidag"rial 66inknuffity awl
" C -A, alov,g =*U.- wicat & systow. but
ltutk 23 (gte� b3t, a"e -,,ter 21=5tor � 'p, 123rfegpon-Apat V;-Lvoats Omt th-At
W'd ttFu�s sxl�*�, 11 " L"" tver ha* avid tho o1pe-elduce of
tft!of Im cic-to!-, at,�%na% on,�*jj J!t a �, 012r Vr0na!h_Ca3t40n tfV[,tLk,h is ��>I*U"n � sl!�'V'r zZoln.1 '103 na 466 cre&t* a
It C, , q " I
vt��4-,-_. -.!?.-!�t. ptcz:wLa,Lt,&,A0n',� has ft* fadtAI. W, W�WJWP%n Utxt it 04%
17-4 man ttv-0 W34%_1 :4 ttevm- hrru'. 11 us '5,111dy taj�3 tr.ae, aa'a ,16"O�-raate:"
-.@I a mlauuy eta -ug in L19 wldo J i� An IolqvWor VL*1A*#.t,*d. wa 6ft you sooty
41 , a, 1--4 a, r,)d� on wt%Leh raan,q a;jllt, t t!�* o & t,- m,,tLthnt MmUr to yor.r 1*=0
101t,131 N? t),!!"t M a 4�.'11;4 ��TSP �',s � A,5-jaiv u!,'�,re, �%i�, twhfol olatb W plae.& It
7 -r ,t4r At ,,,
1w"le! ""Ot 1��*4w;_Ivfjre.�Xal_q ,t.y!i&,!� I ae ltwl 59 a e.viowoa wtgta 't , ol,:�totay-i�tilt"��t*k��-.t.w!litsttteol#At*edfttvt
�Xatt. I � ! aqd 1-1*;L. I-, 4j"th thor?1q,ind'i of pto- � ft.b palb a!lj_k-�!t�tI0_�* �L.tlt'Jt _*.')t2L
� " C I
, V14 Wet' "4"Vt4�E"?l tbAt Uker WLbrl�l
1 an "Febiary.", Not Ono %aft in ,%� 801,4burs, au Old Offitudez.
� haladt'81 daI14 afa 19thmus auythlmgl� 41,6VA61t chr,55W6.1
�j hat An '15m".` And, lla4ratedllf Tka I --t4rd Galisbuty emo 6ttter day of -
I -
- I =I-tt"twent of that word M,$ -V f6r,ded shany tffite= dr taid Tatithil
�; miand@ a s6patato hospitan. I'Ar- " vnplte by Alludimg to It us tho *&g.
11anest Words ot Advice Prow:': "ted", is tae C=dlazl tallivy- Juat 116h, empita. AW Spaeth tft th4§ Lora#
Otte Who Kilows. " tbero has ftel-n h ,%td a 65�a
fractures as 46teatew, anal VitaAkA to tho &;tmy &ad ft%vy bot.
f,dip - taw,§ t1ore MAttee at olreftd& we
� =ilr;zted." Aftor" tha't' , is' "t ", " "I", , "t* '
.tof6k , 1. -, a I ,
Ah v000k L -Idly -_.V";!aA-4 'Steofta z t;,�P_rm", Wjh1eh tnprely ti-.1pi Au I'DI" Egk-tf O� �_Ihd Th--m-L Of 1"o elsitw of
igaillf".0unadite rlptsufief-ljftg�;f�., ts a tnitd eaoe. 12!Tgl19hbvkft I*y0ftd th6 ab"01 atdv
, ,
tets-Tells, them- tier Own Elver-,,, -41,ote4j2ers, Im-owever, tftay -be et- saddett parlidtis; 61* all. of 'thd Obt-
fejkeoa�y Vroor. tj cused, slace thei: migtake-9 afa usu, ottta"lit of England.* patrioud ,%Ott
nuad r.5tct, Oats 3una ��._t!S.X, aily due 1.0 a 8dPetIldItY Of 0-611fti- &%d trien'tfI411 tdtL,qt take elifteolattoEl
,4aaL,-AnZone� wi.� tft, It fu,4L,,Iy bit�*,.� ' : ence. one t1-_#_,r4r 8y,wpaiulite with a tram tke ract tImf It thb nbals, jdft�
X'.HH zral.;13, i-i'Ad* ',.L� "01 "L'il-3 wfae�� feit � F,VeZLeh=L'arj VVt4jo P*tg faith in aALj ft -ed- tu tile Aou-4-4 of 1:16fd@* the
VA3 nirat sa:w� %kP2�4_,�j t�.*,.V , 'L! kUl"& Q9 t��'p "!Ie pj'oaabC�j *, L ftilift Ited
�.A �t �Zj�rL,j t�j , a ton or nep!@tv th the ebill*d0aa ta
LItLieve t:4,1� oalzf a few zajtAual ag�v � OUg�L.11 'Vae phoral ot I-Vi3talto�l � & e4ar ft -4-4t zittftwle tiatcInghout, Mr.
t� t , Ualrout ae-
Abi, was �c.i Znva-'L1 ;� may h,,,ve no, terrarg tar him. ZV g_UOW164g�bg Win dua
MIS -1 Lfz�&!j 8,y',Meted vpl;az� E' etna'.e I Set Wm to ptanonrze thigi stntenele,, I #ttV.tASN *"-L"Llt Out ctown. Oar 9M.
,%-p.akn_egg u ,j k;,,,DLj- , ti��. tir f d, ,�
ZN - ,a,�x,�.� at& tqy,- - a-iveuted bz� -*111u%Ut-!e'. -,.k r,)zzgi�_�j #. A w, it tt&n.p9r, atd ID al 2
*W�,:V�`, -W was $a i'al us to ly,f un--lbla -eo , eo"tal. 6 ,,�%",Aq�aeed plot2grilimarm 11 __
antp_=d ta !Lw -.T h��rls�,�_J'l IaU�!% tL,e j str1de. CMK;;4`1"Zl� �Qnl WUTOU,i�hung
A4g4tte t_�k !A,�L�& ".-=!_!X" ior sur 11 tii319btf�2-`n.Y tla-,Zl-�h t1le streetsof JZF_�Sgtg. CL 0. MChMtd8 & 00. '
in ,_�C'J- We_.k `_;,AL�l (�4>4t'�jL�_�i'3a. . Sear53r0-Zg7.-j:, Th� rarvigner whal D --sr Sirg,-NI Unf in, thei caw�ttsp
%L -a wag ,a�ze&ily ran Q>wz. eit,ji Eo- c,)rj"wd Uk, tb,.-A fente wowil da -1, last sv,jnI=0r I wag baAly b1tteu b:9
4_,rq:�g w%-=,_..1 to 40 ter anny go.),,i or ' serv,s IMW*Blate rMtGralniZatitft as, raosqt1toL-s-so U)Aly t1mt I thotight
*:%-**rd h,z,z tbe slat9iAc-A reaet tX zi-.ie . ha% .131U,-�,'at-L-3. � I'vm-at'd be dIsTi6-qred for a couple
10TIt'd notza* Kidvli�y P!rq- From tKe 1 f-ga*rl t'r) the 4. Z =k-,4 to was 44TIffed to tty yo -1v
, � .*op�lu%r pro"Ati! - L t
Tar,- Tyaghnr.:ng "t-sy 8-AeLled, to iAv: CL,Aa,x� of `D�rksMre." -Darby,"��E= okmt allay tte Irritatlon, and
� ,
- :�. tile 'I
kE,j� =tj al��.-U�Zg.Z - rr6t im- . a,,.d e.er�c� a varresp-indent re -I did go. The effect. was mt, "� than I
pr4yr,rtlent was SZPI�v 81�a� pa;vsaverua 1 wl%ds as tr�,_ct tae I. -ate Prof. Vreg- ;� tip6oted': few appileationa, cow.
, & .
Wad 'raduvUy grz!%7 strc,ng,�r. UA to- �: man d-Iseus3eA the qu6sltion fmme I pjete2y caring th-t frrltatlor� pre.
44Y g��e �8 IJ bL�tf-:r lae,��X�i t1un &Iue tweutg ft.jir.,; -tg-x in t1to Nineteenth vettiag urb biteg from lbeea,�mlng sore,
Uag eiver k..fkwn b_L�Ore. ' 1,
- '
.4 � (_e_,_.t_4jr,y. Vlrof. t,rPe_=,:e-3 view we J,jjNjAR9-5 IaNIUENIP Is, ,also A good
yz#g Udd"E i, Very gratt-ral for raer . tinat it di I .-,;-)t matter whether we � articler to keePr olf V're moftiltoes,
fttr i A-, u�l, la SZ, - 1� Ve_-.,% LC,�-, an,l stroD 9!-- - my 4%ark4h'ra" Or "Burskfflre.�."j , ybuiv, truly
mcmrlenl de ! 116) �, d's K 11-1 n !�-.y 111:,� 9 to . ti I f ssuep !�,Yth a�e equally wrong. He � W, & 6X3.
!L=r ja4, Cc j_;Llintanoea Who n��eoj. suppoae-i Cult t%l? of1ginal and Harbor Grace, Xnd., Jan. 8, 1.858
btliy. szm' aa -j TkV41 rofl rj*jr1'-o`-':6&t . rpfl� I - ;#qpek saund of the first syflabil.e
is, V,�,Vy ,strO.�,T& 101tW O.' V_-00=02andia- , WW,k the 4amp as thmt heard In .
0ou, In wilich she fmys: 1. "berr:v" or ,'Berwielk," when they Noto -on 9ttqubtte.
-1 wwaty m.v;l 4a%tr!.U,sr an -1 car, �' arc �r.at pr�'xv)nnced ag they are ta
*�anttwasly ,.tdvisa- .-AN Yout-14 vvOmPtn � many ,g�rOlvInc.,al. diatri�tg "'burry" Mufrelo Expreml
Xrma".,Zaa vvitlh Fr�=Aq W,Uvk,�tes�� I.`# � and "Barrick.11 it Y,ya take a scotq-
&VLY for -q, -to try tia- rs=(hly, that tmn unawares, tie vviii ftvarlabi,y to decide, tWa disga,ted point of jat$
imxed me aftw- ever-y"hing ei5e bad I rcwert tc Cle original and oropet 4aefte ; ? �
iaa��?, at,.4 that ri-m W -y 14 Dould's K,d- I &04rks1hire" aad I4,e,a1rLI`,t,,1adan
VI!y r:1.9. . . i 11 WW10 eating An fat ttpanf 00cla
,,rq)r monthsat a Vm-:�NT Vrasso lo- 7 chr�yatzle. I
"Og" I — arter the lea at-,ftm'lla eatevi 'is t,
V�Ad W",� tbat 1 �;��rl� "' "' !'ib'91 New Vork Central and audson xtiv6i, proper to leave t1re spoon 'to th,
t*o st-tterk to ray hougehold dutiPA my ;
back need to ttalie somsthing dr6al- � , Avillroaa. glww or take It cat while dj-jnkknf
tuL -�,-Ovv I fa�r_j gLromr and better t The above, Dams Is a household the tost ,o� the soda ? .
dbl. and D60'9, XIdnP7 I word and the superior excellence of Tho practical and the proper -Ww
ftiri L 0 -ver 1wor Is to take the,
luIR '11d. It all. They- arc th, tbe5r i t1le, road ifhould ba; sufficimt to at- ap,046a sta ot W,
wf.0:g�j,�, it) goid. to any youn_- woman It tract moat. people, blut no -or that the glasa and lick It.
. su-tV.ring as I usee� tA), mtfer. ,', rate IN the same to Waw York ,and - 11.1 .. LL. _ ,.L,,, ,,,
9"Taoy bullt MI, UP wonderful*.y, and points atat as by other lln" no Xft WInstavv's soot ng 8 = sbatil
X 0e I ft 0 9110'Wd be alWarn be -aged for CM&on F0,6134 I
.nnot spj�.,jk too Xghly Of Dodd's further reCOMMet tj u
y,wey pille aor a mo4ldine for 8416ki W11glit. EverybodLy Will, tell you it I eaothj�s'the thild'aaftenabhe ums"Oute4wilit
. I . code and Is the bost remody OrDialribm
womwe.11, I . I . . . � � . . . Is the beat. , , , . I I � . 11 a,
One kundred million bottles of Painkiller
used since Perry Davis made the first. Sit.
lions of stomach-aehea and other aches cared -
what a record In 60 years I Have a bo:RIZ
always handy -you will not regret It.
In New Woman's Time.
(Toronto News.)
Mr. Henpeck proposes that t1te
marriage Bervice should be altered
so tb&t it will read: 11 Wlto dare
take this Woman?"
And the bridegroom sball andAvvir :
" I dare' . I
Mnard!s Liniment the best Hair
ReovoTer, .
As IjIttLe as PosOIII64
(N.Y. San.)
KnIcker-Thoee, 'bathing girlamust
be arrald or tho pollce,
Bwker-lllow so'.'
Xnlcker-Thi�y hate to be caught
with the gomla on4
Powder is better than other acap powders,
sm it, sloo sets as a disinfocLant, 24
abronto Moon.)
Wautedi-AVell edno&tied yoting am
� -Volver6tty gradumts In niodern
i rpd-to wrlte the
wvlal ,notloaq for a nowl:7-rleh Tbr-
� onto 'faintly. must 11two Cam
� adjectival rmabularT. 2D% "I'V019,
1 moon. .4 .
all hitrd, softer eaXlotiteil Lumpit and 'Illem.
labem from horsm, Moot SPIL'ohl, rarb",
spuntso lalug Done, sweturf, stinkA.Spridna,
Soto Zd swollen Throat, 0aug'hig, ete� Save
,$90 lay we of one b6ttks. WarratUd the
most wonderful 111twisk auto vrot knowo.
sow br An djffigglAm
Good V6em.
Obtauto Roo"
44A600, Ifin I: Whelto aro 3raft tift
tti, obw r"
"IOU, noeth lor tho ftMm8r.**
"Allalt 'you a tit ewtly, OW W&O 2
We bavOn't had any hat weather
vwt, you know"
*tSat, ,my dear Ulcw, rily witor ban
lbttowo ImpbAlebt; glia hat M aaw
bWUAft9 041W*
11; 1141111*1"14*12thollllo 141111:111t, dilfe.
05 Ulm' 164 nut lot 3.6dulloly, E 25&
Real Vultitid.
*ffid�%j�_Wgd pa#fty It VdAng at &
bad In 4_0410ty WS I*W(W.
:tia-gad Of *114t -a beAtlarj
Vadt. 7
Minard's Valme.at dilkes tA dkippe
.._---._--__._-1_ _11-.1 _ .
maktUd Girl 16 Whd*6 NAlho th
lbldtftsd Was 51&dt Out.
Irotiner TAe-itt-001T. Jdlilt C. UrAet,
10.4ods bt Xentocky, told a gtbty al
t1w CjtbtAlav Sowl-ety dinnet at th
Axkw0gM Club Tuesday night abOu
a, negro, 16 121m employ Who wag mat
fL&a jjj0jW at Ti've titatt, ,every tim
teceivilig Ail U 911A $5 from h1FJ eW
V16yer. the sath tame the Isetvala
alVaared Mr. Underwood sald .' "Th!
f3dog bae �gcms toa far. Cam, th!
time yo,l bawe got to get Marria
116 lbe, tegula;t foftl. I will get Y04
& lte*1age from tbe County Clark
-Whir,11, Wift CoSt $I-ZSD, 'Which sum
1, wIll d9duc-a trWm the 05 1 am 90111
I to give YOU."
sAid, d6jnurre6 -b fta�ly w1b
tented to bAve ielteetee procure(
He banlie ,bD uT. Underwood'a bous
jo th* evening, an4 wheu, the certl
itcate ,*" read tto him It contalue
t th,, ,name of �,Karr Amu Jones," th
_1 �- I
bame of �6 woman sAlk had been pa.v
I U* .&Aelitiorft. �
"XA,Od Oakes, nla&Ser� Mhr'y An
I jr0neq alri,t do wonian. tt"s 8arah. %Yet
; kin* I -watit's 1c, maxry-" i
Ck),I. tjuder*ood replied 'ftvt b
� wo,oAd att,6bgtI it all rightapd wo u!
, t,%ke oqt 0�ftoth-et licanve, eost1fig $I
i5o, w-nich jam he would deduct a4a
� f;6 tbe 05. �
� etting too- expensive,
, eirrals If, t
cridd 8abj. ,I,tllng you better Nam
I -do pape,r fte Lt &,m. I did wawlte
I ramery Sarah Seakino, but d pke� alrij
It $1.60 diftotefte 'tvvesn, d", 'W
I , ,
[ I reeldon rll t�ske q%ry An.'a �rohep di
tbirp_"�_)3uffato Courier. t : L � f . �
----- - - I - . �r , I —, _ . , I L
I . ISM B, NO. 280 19020
What made your llnen� I
coarse ? Common soap I , "' " , "____ ==_ -
I Sunlight Soap sayeslinen. WE WANT
. L Berrles and other frultm on 00mailasicint elf
W411 buy F�0.11- Point of Of meat, also 11b.
ter, Egg, vried Apples, 15oul%ry and all other
farm produce, uorre$Poadeace 801101t0d. I I
,Su, liumiT oor. York and William Ste., �farket 131d
Ottawa, &,t,
I 'We are open for a.11mIted quantituf
S , . delivery, Staix your quantity and price
I AAk for the OctagoA Bar. agI W. B. BAYLEY &'00.v
— F finesb An the Niffars, Peninsula, A
An Ambaustive Study of the Art of Winona, 10 miles from amilton on two -it-
.. . Osculation., I ways, 130 acres in all 35 of which is In feal%
. mostly peaches. Will be sold in one parcel Or
Aln etbalustiffe study of the aTt of divided into lots of 15 to 20 acres to sulb Pur-
oscitiation ihw� been published In Lon- chasers. This is a. decided bargain M drese
' Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box 02. 1104%
dau by Christopilei- NyrOP, apropos Ontario I
of w.bach the 1;o1ndoln Chronicle . has
aft to say: ' "I __
Things that happen, auder ona's Wom
very nose.are predeely tal" tbJA3gs . .
It dbes nOt occur to us to tn4vesti- No I
..a. And, 11 we many suggest sinj aP- . I ,
prop0ate partmounteau -woTd, Dr. , .�.
.9yrop shows jilmseMf a very learned More I I- 4
and en"rtalaing kisetorle.n. What, at cleaning oil 9
t1hen, is a klas? We cannot accept ware and your olt'be'l- I k,
the Freneli cynic's compaxisoln of a bright metals 01111.1c- "so 4
kiss to the harmIQlass )>ullet (yf the trid POLISIRNG FIBRE taL bway tile
average dueil as a definitlora SUR drudgery and malces aliver cleaning a PlGaa�'
ure. No soiled hands, nothing, to use but thO
less, does t1he "Dictionary of the Dan- beautifully Pryihred chemical sell.NollshIng
iah Phtilologleal Szeiety" know about cloth. prl(!e 5c at druggist's 2,n ILOtIOI%
ht. "A. pressure of the mouth against dealers, B.V 1110,11 from arinea, 0146
a body I" ThPA is jmst lilge a P1111010- MONARCH UTG- 00', St' Cath
gi-ea.1, societty. Aft. Squieers' mettliod Write for trial sa-plea-
------------- �
was far more satisfactoTy. Learn to �
spag it and tibert, go and do It, and n
you can do waft1hout the definftlon,
Howevier, division is easier thari de- 1'ruactiCM
Itilitiom, and In this mautter other 0 a
lariguages put us to. the blush6 Evem
fte Rani"s had three words to ex- T r Cal can i n g 0
-press the loss, and according to tile
noAume olf thle recipianit distributed
"osculia, basin and sua.vI8_'* HE best eqUIPPed Ma-atial
But In �;ngllsh the same word T Tra,iiiing coaTsaln Canada
has to do duty for the aephetw's is one or tb(,
peek wt We aunt& forehead and tile , many advantages
first rapturous s&luto of the ac- offered to boya and young men
eepted lover, German gives a tre- at this Residential School.
. mendouB choice of kisses, for Dr. TAken with tile usuv-1 High
nd over thirty vari- School studies It affords a
Nyrop has foul great
etlea meutioned and defined in Ger- practical training Of
man dictionaries, though he has value to every youth.
nolt. -noted that the logic.a.1 fallacy Students fire Prepared for
of croaa-divislon is perpetuated. Universities E;elence and Pro -
Vox example, there is no reason fassional S�llools, and bust -
why a "Liebeakuss" should nat be DeM llre. Tile masters Are
univer,sity tralued men, and
a. "Morgerikuss?' and a "Pantoffel- the W,h,cr>I is under earnest
knsW' ax the same time, though tile Christian Influences. A Large
evening does seem a more appro-
priate time to kiss the lady's slip- endowment makes moderate
per. �Rut the German deterinina- charges passible6
i1ort to leave no gap In language goilij for Calendar to A. Tp.
Is triumphantly show7ii to Lhoword Mr-Primuion, X. A., PrInelpal.
"naclilcuesen"-which means maklu --------, -
up Xotr klases that have been miss2 i . ___ , -I--
-I. I
to work, pr aced& Systematically as
becomes, & professor and differen-! Woodstock, Ontario.
tixtes kisses Into love kisses, affeo-j
tionalto kisses, the kles or pe0,00, j powoomwAMWNWNNN Neese)
the kiss a respect and the kiss of . = I—, . ____
friendship. If we may Indulge In I __
&XItIcIpaii0n ,.�,baRkhl UP00 PaA 1118- ',
tory we ehould prpdiot that ulti-' CONSUMPTION
mately, the Strot diviblon will r I
. " � I -
main ill posoession. ay.., Prevented and Oured.
been ewjAwhe when thq civilized
world waa a ming -led Inferno and FOU r mxrvc1011s fmc 1vtn0iles to'r 4
paradiva o� kissfugg. A�Ldforers readlug, thIs Im N.r. Now
Renalamanew. - cum forTubdrctdoslsolc-OUSUM4�-
the rrIendly Was was greeted In 1 tio a, Weak Laugs,Cstarritt
France% esImIally amodqr the up- � *ad a rwukrwxisyxt=u
per classes. In his "Apolugle liour I sm 201141� ow!
ilerodote," Hourl I;Rtfi�kne ,%vrlt,%!;,, r MINNIF r
t1tulf. � rx MEN
RtWses are anowod in vrance bu-
tween nobli,xiien and ladws, whether w Do you tough ?
the,.v do or do not belong to the aam�- 4' Do your lunct ptlft, Y41A ?
Aundy. It it Idgh-borif damo is in I Is your throat Am* itod indaulad ?,
ahttreh and any top of hm acqualut- i Do you spit up phlegm?
anot conjes site vAust, In acwrdaffeu ! 1)6" your head &ehe?
w1th tho usage prevalling In gotyl iso- I Is your appe-tita bad?
elcty, get up� cveb if she bas ab- 11 Are your lungs delicals?
sorbad in tho deepest devotion, and Are you loshig flesh?
kiss Mw on the mouth." Ate yw Palo and twin 2�
And .vot people wonder that the Do you rack 81&-nfifix ?
CITU-r@i Is 160L so liolmlar as it was .' I Thess, syniptotis ate, $Woof that yda
nraunlaw, uri, tie you maV, read In Ms ,, h.%vd in your btily the tteedif of five Most
*1Bpfgto:no V`Iamillare-9,11 aat!M� W'r,os9,j dangerous tnxUdy that hat ew dtv*s-
'&U& the ftMO 80,rr- Of tht"X In L�119- tAtad the earth --consumption.
I"ti, "And If you have once tasted 11 -tL,"Aftib*;UAbofk.twi�tt�tk,rt*gjr*tam*tMA69*
how deteate thuse k�sses are, and the. 11 y&_�, ifyoeutikk, by weitkcfora
dW.i0joilgliess of their Wtvor, you :! FREE TRIAL TREATMENT
Would, w4MIL to be banIgh"A to Eng-!! ttd" 16t &I
� laud for tim(� and eterclty. Whiall. 69 i; *1AtlI*F0-t&f-'fttPt1w�* *.Ifk-be ww "
lVou" ocm�% Wrote lit quotIOC 'this Tt,A S4&1�tN!S*'jt&M & '�r � I i Yet a I t t fkw C ft I i U t * %
p,"", go Inaccuratoly. 19 pretty a-ood ;: Crm-&t m,ftt'p,r�*.&4o*. i;_*.ft0j-,, - fi* *1 U. , -
ror a prl(,e. Dut In rgo ,Vear of qUt,p .6
,a !� Tp&%Yes akeil Dis� ;e !La , 6y low %
, Y' 44 AMImbA. is�� dU
vto-t4br.ned wepeFsIon tustoras ha', ai. - tesh. V66% Cam Bto A
� 11#40tTma" * *0,,,w
Corod *. q IL . Sim* whte to die T. A. V,Ml-h
-In JaS7 Mr. Zio,ma Saverjand C&q�&Ay. U -W Riat suza wl�;4:Ermti%
brought �an action dgamst SUgg Caro- � *X*iI'VV16kt= =.P. .a&'*A& Aba Me fi"
. '77, dy besit.
� ,mm"ldt(thel,'�k�eid*-Cu#a)iwAlbelp
fino Now -ton, who ha4 bitten OL Pleci- � P,,j,�,-,a CAnAd.% b&-itg 81WIlla'A fr&, Otte k
ajLt of Wis nose, for his hatifig ttled - Am&ic.t. pateft *In &A�d fta fwt *Atbj,&& it
qA* kiso hF�r t*y Way Q� d� joko� The ' Totbutd. - Mevatiod thU. P*�&-
,dofeadant waif "quittied, and the
judg# Wid lb do#,n th&t 'Whe,611 a WaO Ir- � 1. I ..
Laftfsm ti, womall againg'.1 her will 8ho � v 10 H a M a 0 ,a IUITtAlis I a I . �� *
na�ZAMS*ILOV.St$ti,!ftli.6rt:m�l".51 I
W fully entitled to bito Wa flote If she �. Abl��tt6t� rAz�,S**�:is�A et&,;"f_t�l . ,
go ph,AsW IV � *",A;t4,xst,�4.i,!,�,':-�.',��ttt;k'il.il.l�AI I
it ft well 1* have this rmorded, for � ik,-tt,,,�,*,Ihio*--,�t",.,*.�.�, riltatterldftk. # I r
, TeW±nt!*,VffLe t,el"tj 5aCVXf4,j is L.
nolthing 18 -revdly sectiod until it 11AE1 � f -i 3-11--l�-rl��-li2�t'�l,",--,.,;*.--3p!j�tt,* VWd - 1.
be6ndeetdfad in aft Foglish, law tour" I . U'%' IF4;CA�4.ullet 11, I
, 19.HyM PA.tftitg'tUr,itTO!�,r,XMIIAWII!V&�10*x�ot.t�I,
Ifto dbLyolusion of the M-itter is thst �
. ICISSIns 15'a dmayllis art -or, tathot. �
pethavo* a pradtlea whidh [a gtadu- : I I -111. ... .. HAMILTON -
6 ally btifig. tonylftvA itti 16tc-tg, to whom, , . I i -, ! I
It clay ;66 left with odnrldebe�, i I TORONT 0-
"'.1'r., - I � � "I I i . .
6 -------. __ �, " � un- N TR E A
-.1...-- -.11 - ' �1
L'_ .'.'--- " - ''� I I
4 I I
4 I S�� UNEM
I L' 'I ateatapra I -Ave 'Aamliton I P. at
., 6 I r '11 lorontu .Z. -Iii P.M., Tueadave. Thuts-
" ,
0 r , I I Xy. ? =1 Salurdays foi Bay ot
t , wilsoff S Quinte. Ore T.ii-onsand Talanols, RaVAfh
. I I St. TAWte'ac- to Montreal and 121.
- I teritiod"Ate Parts.
6 � � .., , , I Very liow Rafet of Single and
. - 'Otv WS I I nttutn Tlekbts.
It "I, I
s 'I y *TO 'A.
Steamers leave Taroew at 4 p,m.;
" I The Orl giftal aud I daily, excep'. S,-nday, for aaarlattss
oaly Genuine i Port of Rochester, Ono Thou,saitfl
0 f' Islaytdq, llapldsr. St. 1jawrarce, mon.
I KS1 . Oil WaSOIN's i treal, Que1jec, Mur Madousao,
9 i , S1 - '�, Saguen,ty Mvar ealyng%termedh6ta
i Ports.
. ".1 _ _. � H. Fosti-ir Chaffeer, Wpstem PA��
I Lr Akelnt. Toronto: Thos. Henrr,
1--_-._-..._, - i, siovg�,
0 . I Traffte Manager, Montreal.
I _11! I
Always Insistaft "" , i
srotit deAlte sup� - ;) R 4 1'.
L j
- !! 1, - "' Y'S
viyut you W-1th E B . E D �
;: - 11 � �_*, , �'L ��.. �
I i ..
� , I �.2 . " I,!,
, �. :, ,, ,
, : . �
_! ,. � .
'May are manufactured from the REST of 1&ATERXAr,9 by the
K09Z SKILLED vroTkmen.