HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-11, Page 4RM
is P rjB.LISaXD,
Zvz=� TIM33D47 ZVE'SING.
wy R, ZraLtul's
TF OION$1.00per,
year paid strictly in i4vauce. 'Whien the
paper isnt4-ov4ered to be disconthrued
it will be sq
�it until such order is given
and arrearagesp%id, $1.50t0b0charged
when not paid in advance.
ADvBR,1y.S 13STG RA!rES.-Trau s 1 on t
allvert,isements, 5 cents per Brovier line
for first insertion and 3 cents Pei' 11" for
*a(;h subseqvent insertion. Sniall Advs.
such as"Lost" "Estrav" 01- "Stolen will
be,ehargod 50 cents first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion,
Copy for change of advertisement Must
be handed in -noi later than Tuesday 11 ight
e I of each week to iusure change in follow-
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinarlF reading tYPQ
5 cents per line, Notices for Church eu-
tertainmetits �r other benevolent instita-
tion at special rates.
oun, Contracts for column, half -column and
ie quarter-columil rates for specified periods
le will be cheerfully given� Address all
)US communications to
�Tet =1 -.La =s=aldlls
r re
Er I
ymr Ha
"Two years ago my hair was
falling out badly. I purchased a
bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and
soon my hair stopped coming out."
Miss hillinie Hoover, Paris) 111.
Perhaps your mother
had thin hair, but that is
no reason why YOU Mus St
go through life with half-
staro,,ed hair. if you want
long�- thick hair, feed it
with A yer's Hair Vigor,
afid make it rich, dark,
a I
nd heavy.
$1.00 a bottle. All dragristg.
.. If ]Four drugfist cannot su
i)PIY )'Out
send us one do ar and wn A express
you:�bottlO, pe sureandlgive the narne
.fyoulliourestex essol ce. Addiess,
cI C.-AyVilt CO.,Xowell, Mass.
ii-ni,don will genor ly be regard
as a decided injustice, and contraxy
FRIDAY, TULY 11, 1902. to the spirit of the IttW. It will
__ . I cause a completo cessation of the
A Kenace to the Live Stock Trade. trade in pure bred stock between
this country and the United States:
The attention of live Stock ex- in fact it has already had that
porters, bredders and the press, iS result, as far as the trade between
called to the case of H. F Pa --,e, of B. 0. and'"rashington Territory i'�;
concerned. This is a matter of
Mission city, B. Q.- who was com- vital importance, not only to the
pelled to pay $1000 duty on ten Canadian breeders who h-tvve stock
Percheron horses escported to the, for Sale, but to the Americans who
X7uited. Statei through the port Of have need of such stock for the
Sulilas, NVashiligton, in October, improvement of their studs, herds
Is 6M, Vl-r--s were all ac. and flocks' Immediate action
The reports of the prooeedings of
the various Farmers InstitutesJ
Oomrenti6ns , and, Associations that
areapl)e�lring, in t110' '00111-1111119 Of
The Weokly Sun fr011, -NYGE)h to
week tire of Special I'alue to the
farmers 6f this Province, and
should be carefully read by thel1q,
The Still mtLkes a speoialt.,V of those
reports, vvhich, togetherwith their
We,eh-1711)Urketreport, makes pro-
fltabl� and intoresting' Teading.
THLi1.T1U'RALD andThe Weel�),IY Sun
for 6 month,, only 715 cents,
A Discovery of Lin AlInO.St 0ertaill
Cure for Rheumatism ar)d Kind-
red Diseases.
Amongst the grefttest disdoveries
of t1le age for the relief of humzl3l
sufferilt'g, perhtips none take so
high a place as Dr. Clarke'-- ijittle
Red Pill', The formnla from
which these i)ills are Made Was the
result of many yeaTs studY and
experiment. it is -with. ille greatest
confidence , �herefore, that the pro�
pri�16rs place these pills on the
illarket, and so satisfied are they
that they will prove a blessing to
suffering humanity, that they make
the following offer: To a�y one
-who is a subject of rheumatism (no
matter how long standing) or any
blood disease, as enumerated below
and will give Dr. Clarke�s wonder-
ful Little Red Pills a fair and im.
imrtial trial aii(l do not find a, per.
keet cure,we will refund the money
paid for the pills, -If no ubstan-
tdal. improvement is observed, we
will, in addition, pay $10 in cash
I on satisfactory evidence being sup-
plied us to this effect.
We have yet to know of a 4;ingle
ea.;e -where these -wonderful pills
have not been almost entirely sue
ee-isfril in affecting a cure. O.&UNTA-'
DA ClIENWICAL CO.PeterbGrouggh,
so Y Rs,
ri i
rau PL.k T j3x�ool)
syl;100T rrc-
will Cure 01V 11%0��t agg'r� -
N'ottvtl forin of Dysl)epsia
'111dill IiAe"tioll. ltwi�l cor-
vect " .1t Full Veeling
After Retina." NerVol's
T-lesiolnelle, Flow, Stornacli
anoll-latulence. Whysuffer
WIell a cure is 911, �
200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1,00.
J011r; 11AUG, DASIM00d,
says: I Ir was unable to get
am relief froni AstlinlP.
a %toluach Trouble until
u�i g0urNlativellerbs."
:Z� si
Sole Proprietors,
0 A1014TREAL, CAN.
..TH E..
,ommercial Hotel
This popular hotel has been
horoughly renovated and refLitol.1,
nd will be found up-to-date in
-very respect,
Every attention paid to the -
raveling public.
5 010
The industrial position of Canada in the
world to -day is a source of great national pride.
11,1e have triumphed oNrer others in xnany
lines of manufacture, but iii norle SO CffectiTclY
as in bicycles,
66CJ13 LAN "9
is a wheel Canadian everyway. It's the wheel
of the people-niade for the people -sells at the
people's price.
None so good for coinfort and Ivear.
Write about it - see, it.
W. Go H -1f ES59 Zurich
The Krind
P 1 N I N G You Want
bill neaas
)ck � EXPERIENCE -i U - -I V A.
should be taken by our Live 8tt X I X11T L 1% 1 ,
I by the proper re-Istra- NOW I'Leads Bnvelopes
A�,suelations, and a strong protest'
tion papers of the AmerieDu Perch., entered, again,;t such unfair ruling. , 1 .1 Graduate optician, I X- te mite
eron, Horse Breeders Aiz-Oeiati0n,l As the "Ranclh" very pertinently, Circulars E E
as required by the laws of V. S., stm., , -Xt is -
, well known that inany, HENSALL.
The contention of Collector I-Inesti-3 firll-,�; lutike a business of importing'
4;PTRADE- MARKS ;r 1-t
Old orsloris .Or
-vvus, tb1tt, illl%% ullitth, as the uni. frt)m Canuda and, from tI e Cop n1014TS & VUR4 P 112'?" 1 N T I N G
nittis were imported, to be offew'd World pure bredt4oek of all kinds COPVRIGHTS Ra
Agvour. sqnding a mkolob And denriction may
ree 1w atbor an
for stae tuevwerk- subject to tht%' ttljtl thItt suell stotlk is perluittea to witakly nsciortain our oinnion '-s.
Inven%l4lit ts probx4trFatelitab cownin"1410A. Fitte(I on selwitille Principle
d u ty. 'Mr. Pa,, ;e, apix., altAl the ea N P - pa ss in f re (,,,, prov id e 411 4. linndbookon Valenta
11 :opt trea, Adeat ngoulot ter
and the testbnolw -was heard b.N' pallitid, b,.r the prol*r eertificittem of 1�� patents tultau I roulli Xulux & 01). recolve PULL STOUR Or
pautnolke, wlqlou� c Ince. In tug 11 NE r 1 E R 'An L Zurich
Judge DeTries of the Boartl Of rtlg stration. Thu Oovernnient!! * flt(.11JC7)JMerJ"*'1% 1 719 Ar ff
,h i U11 *41". 1
,lr � Tariatteir, U 11
Appriki8ers. Mlose heftittlutatters:; dotks not f()IIo%v �sjleit swelt af te aurnol Jewelry,
"r. four montlis A
are: in New York, ThisbfaardhavtO
it IkjtVt,,S thk�� eus�tL-#nl 0111ee, and, the
tile case under eonsileration, tLna,, importer is free tk) dispose, of UAW ''op, 3alstoodwar. New York, Watches and
reuder their deelsion, s0n1Q twk to tiny one he likes, and pit
Western Tair, Loudon.
ilme in August. i; whatever Imiee ke ean get. If V-01 Clocks
The aetion of Colle@tor Uuestis'� it, ; 11 fto ( a �1 This veur C-mada's favoriW e\.
etk)r Unestis i. 1 11 i tbis ��
h. wen, ratlLr:soverqv erwei.,ea (.t1nt(Lntit)u that pure brea stock 1� Iljl)jtJjPjj ��Jil im hold from
�J speehil attention paid to
by -Tho 14tanch" a N1;0IkUoVV'ft 119- 1 nmit be inillorted ftir breeding pur�'Ifth to,244h a Week later than Itt"t all kinds of Repairing.
v'ear, a'nd ' following bath the RL*fP A_*N*t'631_ TAbULES'
r1ji,tiltural lialwr of S4,,kattle, Wits... pj�*ej A-11il.r. and. eannot be sAd or il jr)ttaWa
antl Toronto
td whielt Journal he ekintributtilll, worhed. it -will Ilarmlyze tho %Vh0lel :P1,very %nel*ssive year -the Inal
S and tonemang;
jlju� following, ttofcaneo of bis aetion Ilk) herse 'a; J!. C. SL
businessof hil, rtlU ',gurs�uEtbi,,Wvsterii Fair make a A*
-H. F. Page. tilts imporWr you iflS
,tire the. trade in other this rear 'wilt
ulention i4 all alien. st(ork breetler vtjrious lareed-1111. no exception in flics, volzal-1 in
rebid�lii;; in Brit iSh ()a D -rt- eto-so find
S 4, Ln W X, S
en�it* Ass6tiliation L h I a t 'I"
; Ivill L-vell Ille Old 11'MP-terll 'Well
ortllww L*. 1,vll. he inipbIrtMil. 0 thi.. qp&%,P. In onler to bring pror"er. "
.4 Geo. T'KV'TT
to the froyat its thent o.
sis 2111art's. �'thj
'r 11144ore tho I'mard of aloprifi"'f r.-' -%V('11 aS LIV*6
Swims four stalliums uul� I!
'�ana Ap he D,�-
in. dkin�fp lu"ntllv eel, S,�� an aaypr,..e irivultin-at of t
qteok. Una clainaing tbat flat�.%r Wc�h djet�o � 111ininii. Xv%v vina fulent%fim: Photographer,
.fi.j�r:�Jt in tho 1110ge ea%t* %Vould ure beint: intvwInQq,a frl, A 'Liow'd
entifle"Ito frce lantry z%wle? thel'Alrave 1Rd&4-,the fintt tinw. _4k*4one �ftlllartunt
� tvv. I
urovtstuu t,,)f arfic4e Xj. 4�','� ef t1pe HPINSALL.
1A1J1ftgv_;4w1l1 Igo mmlo in tt.'e. or-
elistlatg tjTM Wt. htrh 1�1?ovz&s that of exhilofts tu the Munk
a A 2,10DAY AT 00DEMOR. lftiildtft�-- us W011 W` it' ulthtr NIXOTHING DrT THE!!
bt-w-A t�te&l. AnIm rt-,,+n�temcl aftal!
r vrin t1us ftdn,_4ne� r1NN19sT WoUll Tt"PIN'90i
Great for �the Igt1l of' This vea. 81 CIT
8 C
tb�fts q.L!� the netl� se,,�n'_Aatr of the worl-s ur art #31 lulgh wet,1it, lky n1j.
le.,kaing* arttsts of tl*e, tvonnft�v. AL
Treaszi*% ,Jkall Ues a4mitte-41 fgvp rori;r rearzy a war t1to Orangentell i k�, PRICES.
k I 11t!_*e ��xjttbjt is wtur,�,l in Lv4m,o- J
Vjhe,lq1 A �rt 'I On& Hap ( 11 ountv
L�y fv�r L W, - 0f 6�14101 aell - . king q14"Ikee of an in lam'nn-
lwen NVOF
that (levarlinent; arfists 101"M I al W., nd
Vere litesentell v4ftill tho entry, but onergetwelly for a big. and st
full gathei-ing ift that beafttiftil of note have alreadv %ighlfled thAr Y
as thennimalq %Vero eviol(Alttv in]'- to,�,:tj'olu tho i2til c)f J12l.r. There inteliLtion of exhildiilhg�
ported fnr sale. thit hurvAer vtas, -will be prizes attil -,tttraeflots for It is ec'nfialeutly expeete�l m�-aq Gro ups
qnA A& CnItnrA
X1 ex- the A�faehjr_eTL
re4iairel to 4101�,Dsft t a# alantmt, of the hntlidreil lml,*e that, al
dut votirld acerne ill Case the lleeqeil. The eMzms and town Implement Departnielftf, will 1hp 0:0 *+1wA1e*VW
y that V wen fillear sline of the lar"". t 11A ec"Aft., -640404t 01
cotincil have been liberal financial. y s ca kfA fpmuo 0"
anima!s ulere fumand not to be aua qe a3v 1�rojujsas to bt, the 'w9n11fwC'ttW('r5 of the irmitea Wato., V -S, to
Atest unl, gtc,&test oft Record.'ihave inaloRi dififfii RN
an a, -%vas given tig, -ation for spi lad Vff
titled, to free eutty, futima-hiant W': tg b. to vnt ikastij# tot jtt,*6��
an Opportunity t,,y proance salisfae- Siho& failwa:r rates have been. W1101 has beell allotteit them. A TROTT klpi" clahalw� es. 17*,,i*
a lb U I tr
were in_ ser�uteg fron, all points -within go winiber of Cana& 11 Wit L e r- vm,& VoiL
tory evidence that they wiles e. Godetich. and there, Mll ers are also anxions to exbilm. 14EN9ALL.
tended -Vaeiallyfor breeding, pur- Dotlbtl".4 the growing na"ricalannal
,Vl be spzeial train,; from atd to -near
Pas was wealth of our contatry CfTer-4 'grcat
4111. _-.1 Q-11WE"
es. which Sand evioleilce ;Sarnia. Kintardine., Loudon. strat-
laeking en entry, N.'either the foid. Palmerston. Ustolvel via inancentents 0.
a the Immufnetuging,
Ileen coileertis. " i� .... ........ . . ... ..... .... .....
,6e1,sa,1_v ct�rwptunr at Srmas uor tjBi.,q winghamn. efe. luats have ac -mss the. line.
eh, fro -in Detrnit, Port L,,Iqt venr*s mparalle-41 stweess 5n
ss attt-ztA De
f,ffie,8 qtle�, f lonf-413 the genninene. I tht tll��e Sto&;L wfll,
Huron at4l. the Wzwe Peninstill
01 the Tapors as, Intl- Ttaesewh�D -tvant to see a great ilay: no doubt be relveatell. EXTIDIW.it, 21111
at -re s,,ry ntinc.-r- 36a Aft
Mr. a bit: olrbw,
In -ell in year effitarial. "Al c1nd a ptetty anci the varions lCim,.4,es wc
ons. I Bat buildin=4 ereekd 0 -or Awcoclu
psge wonm know -_A t1atl was not the hCa1fb'.V t0wil W111' have a "oad
reas3n that bo was required 'V3 rhance, Tilckets,-,o3d from Frift.�r offier 1wirposes had to 1* tnrr_op�j . .....
A it ifiterretes VAITI
fill montlay. into stal&. as Weil Us
posit the filuty. rnote -.-Mr. Ptige tioll provideit ontsiae the gzound-,. of lhsvtea-t�_ rAi,
:,The prospec+4 of gond err"O'd 181 bU0,45 Strout theTa_,_-Tt, Mnq
. tipative. *ud awmt,
sVs -110 never -,,vas so informed".�. Mao'hood. tuMmdle-
b�j il
1twaspurely a question of evi- throughoutlontario, qhotea tenil tr'oab."&1 wittl strlotttre� It yo,�2 btL,;e t(y t"el. 0* are
I el�* do -i so Y`�� ""c" 1 161 4 S
" ft'ad njake the Western Fair of it,
As a
denceonthepaintof the purpase
ke-el it _FB�
'equal to anv that has been. a -s re- .... . ..... . . .......... S i,
d -v
which the =imals, were im- kfn li� gards, the pro 12. tl
for th 4 ducts Of both farm Y�t se d 1-� rrviii-st. .4 un
ported. As you are aware, Perch- and dairy. rn, .1 z 6 t,
ptlwilm, 'Way eover up. the &sfiguting I ateal-ly ivarm, City, Village, Suburb
lieVer tare
Iraf t hor.Se-9. #ruptions, but cin and Garde
orons arevaluable fat i n Property, gold, Bought
. the special attractions but we live
and when imported far that. pur- ar& F!Os�ltively i9juri0a3,, becAut"t they clog I and Vjxchange&
up the pox -es; of the tkin Dr. Chase't &gStgred that tho wan-.12'ement have
pos;p are sablect to (Inty. and a It is I Jumenne
IL .. o-Inlr!te4�t is *_ fmd tot the ikin � tdmwly seeure4l solm. thriffing, YS
proper enforcement of the tariff, readilY ;ibsorbeclt at'd t110"O'091hily tufts highly sensational acroNet ic fe.t- mouev Loaned on Fastlkiid Sedond,�, AL11 se=val cowplaintz aZect taega orgat.mttenm� 'lid IL-ldrtrz are a great gottece
se, making thb t� to
tures, and the 1W is far fronl. 1lr. Mortg an bf dislease. Have! Yotl 2CItie1j; ot Weakness, aVer the Swz!l orpt baek, terd-vq to
each and every skia �disea aget, Real st te, 2 otes, d '
-ard fOr the PrOtel�,t"Dll Skin Sn=alh, soft and iclear. utinaic, frequentlyv deposit itz ttriwZ. coid%wess of naves lo� feet, a drovft3r fetli i
Its Well &S rem '�'OWL I
of American stock raisers alike No womaes toltet is complettwitbout yet, a Pall list will 'he w Securities. the tlomiugr Do --It roeglett yoor 74idrars. Our I�Vcv�r Nz*thod Ti-cattmetLt
in- Complete
I Ir g-a-_nteid to cr-re atti diseas-, of -.kesot �btgazj or ria V -2y.
tiXtILtIon Of the Dr. mislels Ointment, f6r., btesides beitig 4fVertised in this Paper later
demand a full inves , inle e..p I parms, 11ouses *nd !Business Prop-
tbb raoit p6tfect s1dr, betutifiet obtitht- As is usual at t _ �h;
faets.11 able, it cat be wii-A in * Nczrdot diff6tbrft year the office staff are busilyl-ektY Rented and Rents CctHeoted! J01"'Vo 2N* --%n0% utc:6 WitlhLout V"ritten Cotment.
It therefore apl*ars that the w&0- It Abs"lattly t1arts ecz#' a' t in niatling Prive LisfM and!� upon Re"onable Terms.
n 0. W.rove, o� 7ack go-A,".M
rbelim *nd the, itchit9to Vhich Womdu oth-or advert idn g matter through- I liolley Inve,
Ste 0 p iv t, Varicccoie i%v trie setondary starie aild fto,
whole Inatter depends on the � a I r T, 'a e Inal
Are especiallytubject, , I sivirivresof z years staveing. 1wastoptra-ted
,official in, ation of the clause. I wheit,thd ftot *rt tor6 tandeWed vith out the Proydnee. The 'Secretary t �Vlauals on First mottia'A'le on Real oft vvicc, 4-M
terptet, -plicgition 61 De Chates ipfoillis us t.bat he will be pleased I iret lernkprary rbMitf. 'r way; finaily advised to,
the, 1&%vAlethed TT r6atmentof Drs.
Walking tV
--Ilwhen imported for breedingl, ointra6ttantalpes" out thd sm&rting glid to mail Lists to anyone Inakincr ap- 1, Estate.
Rn -Velfl,; disapletired it%
purposes. According toTudge De- alltiysthd iniftammation in A surprisingly '�pllcation. A copv of the newiy� 44 six we*lcs. tbe stetcttiretv�sua wax �rernoved in
short fime. Thea tor burng, scalds i ev d my sexual enerzy:t-id vitalit
'Vries the question has never bef ore revised Map of Western Ontario 14 t. ed s. waga wan in every reMpect.
recorntuendyou doctorswith mywliole heart,"
and evary, sort of ebafing. itritatiot or will also be wailed to any address;.
been ralsed, although it is a -well eruption of tht tddn, Dr. CbAse's Oint- sanlostconiplete map. havingi
known fact that large nunibers of T me -fit wlorcls t safe and certa:in virk It CURiESCUARMIMEN 'NOCURENOPAN.
I bz;. covia to be,indispeilsable In stores afiffinitirgilial index, with Tail -t :F Aftl�r Treatment.
pure bredcattle have been sent to %of'thoo3oftag ot, hoiner, 60 ce-Ats a box, wav-, an d stai !on%, specially Inarked
the 'United States, by Canadiau� at all deAtert, or Admanton, BAtts CO,. sojhat places can b6 easily found. Z E L L E A' Iisx et_,-NkJ1-= GoytarrhceiL and T-innaturia Dis&Tiarr". CoustdW10A Vridr-
i TOZOW0, : 'Im. euesiriou List ,or nonzeTreatnlent.
breaders for sale at public auction :The map has been copyrighted.
5 � Eacil school througgli out Western 14e SHEL13V 3TAEET#
with a At ots.
�4,4xnd alwnys as, far as I have known,; MIcH.
Dr. hase s Otfiariolhas been furnished
11111ty. Ifthecontention vU ply each
RtTkAf "t I s��clent mullber to Sul
ft�l r'lu , , ;,
stisis sustained, thel Ointorialleft rooln.