HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-11, Page 2R13 Al TAIN'S JOY URNS I SADNESS eop e Greatty Startled by News of King's Illness. theory generallyae he le Announcement Mule in the AbbeY at Rehearsal -The Official 'Notice of Postponement -Crowds 'Gather in t h e Streets- or o cannot lie plovonneeo out of nWe- fitate danger irelove the me of the week. and teat unilea moot favor- able coeditioes eotivalescence will be elow. Medical Journal's Hopeful. Medical papers speak hopefully o fro King'e enances of recover,y. The ritieu Medical Joaroal states that The operation on the King was per- formed in the ordinary way, the in- cision being- tussle in the usual situ- ation, hat the abscess wbieli was • opened lay at a considerable depth roei was of a very large elze. The Imatter evacuated had undergone de. composition, so that it ie clear His Majesty has borne, with admirable courage, severe saffertng in the hope of not disappointing his subjects. The atevess was completely evacuated , ax d theroui:hly wash o , two i large drainage tubes were intro. crazed and the woune packed with an. tteeptic gauze. Having regard to the h th t the aireess was situated 1.4 S ennerness in the right Mae fosse. Theso ar e symptoms of perits-phlitis, 1 bat during ale two following deye ail the soninons semptome ilisappea.r- , 4( ed, whet, Dr. Trevee Nair the King 1 on Satnrday his -temperature was normal, and the swelllugs were gone. Re believed there would he a. rapid recovere. It was only efonday when Dr. Treves saw him again, that the doctore began. to be suspicious that there might be pus inthe right iliac region. Tne temperature on Monday was 10'.: degrees. 'The swelling rap- idly Increased. The operation showed that an abscess of very large size La y at a considerable depth. Hits aondon Hard. The busiaess section of London is sloe.* to rccover from the Kanning ef- fects of yeeterday's developmeuts. ' the barriers around Westmin- ster Abbey have been removed, the 1 i decorations are being completed for the benefit, to -morrow and Sunday, of the crowds. The demolition of the ds eas bee -an, and progresses 1 Stoppe4-Guests May Go Back tiotne--Reading the Bulletins. *impossible to sa-r Foote complication slowly. The hotels. .and provision dea - Londoe, June 24. -The Erculdeu an- ed into groups reading and rc-read:- rfi$1.1 i night the official bulletin stat- of not yet ateze. at 11 o'clock eel's are 1111. the hardest powilis of perisbable food a pie aprentlfelt dazed and seaPrre: ed that the King was aking saltst the the King should have been erowned . Thousands London, June -6.-At the hour ; 'Rhin the abdomen. it is, of course, tenement ot eke postponement of Ing the "extras.- :ltlast of the )1VICE 1)STEAD F INTERCESSION' F C. RONATION. nwressive and Sole Scene in St. Paul's. Prayers for the Welfare of the King of the Greatest of the World's Powere, Who Lies Sorely Stricken --*" God Save the Kinge"---linvoys Who Will liave to Return to Their /tomes. Ecuador -Senor Don Romero Mewls, Asgentiea-lienor F. Do; relngues. Bolivia -Senor Don Avelino ar- mayo. San Marino-Cavallere Professor Torquato Carlo Salvador -Dr. Rafael Zabilvar. Peru-Serior Don Carlou G. Can - f, most cxperisive varieties are crow , a great and distbaguished gathering, le cormatiot, just on the eve of !, ly itppreklated the ftill. imPort 01 t factory progress. i lug every refrigerator in London, l while orders for many tons more, 1 almost, identioal with. that which ' pae 11 last m - le ceremony, caused the utmost ' what they read. About the Palarte. / telegrephically cantelled yesterday,. would have at in Westminster MeStermiatton evereewhere. The news Work on the stands erected . on To -night Queen Alexandra, who , wee nersiel , sourcO peopie, to view had been in tee, vicinity ce' the 7 f littaation or 7, Abbey gathered in St. Paul's Ca.the- iread like wildfire. Tee tens of thou- ., an tides, to 1.n.. bie t the coronation prer.ess. ion, was room the entire day, diaed with a 1 iouatiti, wrst end establishments have ! dr, I.silent throngs, a . , con.ipronaise. The caterere of the Iasi- I, dral. The approaches to the cathe- aids of occep,a.nts of the streets ' greeehely diseoetinued. i few members of the road family. ii, oi were tned by a.roo. tddenie storxi, still under the sudden The Lord lies ,:or has' inetructed the ,,,. The callers who came to the palace ' wilting to sieere the losses of their •;" thlough welch drove p,ers and peer- i Brazil -M. 3 o a Qui n elebuco. already announced that they are.... . . .„ t trout otf 'the Mnoszon Ilouse. I tentel themselves with driving up eetverv to -morrow and Friday. ,I, e03.0, ! Chili -Senor de Ting( Clans. 0 Dominican Ilepuleie-Due Astrando. oock, and gazed. at on another in workmen, to demoliea the, e n - 1 the to se of the evenung con- patrons, who had given large orders I esses, colonial premiers, foreign en - [lent dread of what might ecene ; _ . , - , in Piecadilly, along nearly the to the outer gates, where thee' Few of the caterers availed them -1 of_ ; the House of Commons, all In sombreI dine. ambassadors and members of I Costa Itlea-Senor erisanto hie- d e errisse" entrance or the feted Lloyds' rate of ten per cent. he- 1, clothes. In the nave about a thou -1 Korea -R. 1. II. Yi Cbal leales selves of Insurance, the recently " I t - ,n? ro ri- send of the *Westminster Abbey . ColOnable.--S,enor Don Ignacio Gut - Prince of Kui Yang. t On Saturda.,y and Sunday whole length of which workmen ' alighted :nod walked in to inquire ety -was discussing, the reports of were cempletang the escoht ..„. illness, and though the clr- ! the roaa'0111.7,. was ht(1-kPli w!`-b,44.1t- latest, news. There they met onlY rug oro,s7,414--r•et re Lewsbees were aell,irnfee: ‘ptenet neenes servants and !quell kroztts of etors of reviewing stands were thus ! were lerrez-Ronce. incistantialite, detail arel sources e,..erri,ohehereierit eet. With tee exeeption I prat( 0'6"-J".. But the importa.nt ques- cket-holders, mainly women, oza which they came precluded en- ',. r6r the' rororiatioj4o, s 4:•1't 1:42'.g Pw'o.r.kill.rien roril lecsertLcallere awl the nobler/len It lion r,*ra ins as tl) whg•tIr ‘r the.money . seated. f, Zanzibar--Saiti Ali. re eisbelief, there was a disposition. t, ir.; that part or i..orbron stolidly eon- , whe -have the chtree to the eCeak, i paid 14.r S'''.11;tS Will tife*tin:triLy be re- I Shortly before noon the big weste i faervia-Oren. Laze Petrovitch. doubt the stortes, and utiles the', tunted Iv" 1"01-4,41 t1.41•' , will only have to lake 0-101:411 to-Itor- ; ',Crew the paluc* by the till:kite. fiord 1 half :, M1,11;go -were sold. with any site - work. waist they . ev eryboly 'was r?ItidlY exehrled ii fundcd. rird,y a fen' seats out of nearly i ern doors were sw-ung open, sunlight : LtilloPta-I41.,1g Maltonaea- ' Iloriduras-feenor Don Lcon Vel- ' e, categorical denial waS of- ,, row. 6' Gre,r, a dreetur of ties Britedi South , •cifie eroviso on tills point. , etreamed in, one the Duke or Cent- I • , ,..., I' • lez. clan," issued,: they,' were diemissed At aeoet I ceet els In the aftereocrt • , , A.friear, 1.7X1InintitA# ib aillining those ! 'I'Ete, mannfriertireis of Inexials and 1 ueluge, leaning Itettelly on the arm , lluatemala-Senor Don Fe:email° alai; f unfounded. liemorrachls, t three alines of tete signal ise,cliNii •• kayivg -.---entrril•-# coert, Ile said 1 soave ees ere itadly hurt. One of these i of at, equerry, walked to the Chancel. ". Cruz. plexy arid lumbago were of the P' F, LAP ra#inur, kturrreartag triore , to a representatty, of site mei that ten minion medals . dated i t ciatiel Proes ttanigat tee. t he laid ; Junri ',X.:Intl Jane, 27. alrea,ly el:reekrom .. .As 'estis- 0 Oalosk sonek there o.rose 1 Ilayel-M. Louis Joseph Janvier. ersia-II. Ile II. elotizzol-ed Wu- Yr:41E1:Ln _ were 1* ti on illeferent , - hall he tt.t.t. 'haw dn'imilP1 c'1' a irgw Ks 4L 1' of trot: tei At-41e1s it; P•ortv....--..o.La- wherr• proparatit:ous in- ehautetil be four of he catheiiral ite Nicaeragna-Dr. rvrnando Sanehez, . . zee maladies dli•naEsed lko tr-te 01138 front 44: Melt:mgr.:am Pataee. The „. good Lopes Stor ti.e' King 4, were Low valueless'. fthe ar tad telt of the nave ILO • P .1r, I . aralcilr'g-irtl‘Ins; 11"1 tb43se !aid bf" r411'u"1"1';6 ' azel eisat #1:,' eerie eeere Altoecilor. LoneeieO s beelnees a -as thar .01.es of the ' Par aguae-Senor 1150b'() ?X teem recallvd ue. stories 1ow d'ar„ng, t teetit0 4 IQ irtf#,1"71.. Iite people of t pening eenteneee nf the Litany. chin. 113 ti uted tie belief that he would Lev- ing r faslannallIP foe iltnot° art e see lei. -Fa"- tot.04 %Pet raleKie f6 retatecir; are war,40:i that tbs,1 te ,„,eleteete ellesr for l'oreign Affaire. st m -The 'r, row al ta" e Xtag• eye° trite reeer"1.151 re'""*" train int a 4- tostnat.y a.;--ress- vr,i„ ptcset.t ea.ziari 4. lt,"al.ta. 001""4", vtd%11r•-•-: '1 kg," 1'''"P4'w1it'22"t* had 11**"11 7 lergy. Their tout s were IL such 1.1herira-Barini ee sti 2*4 to the stork' Eme,„:“r4.,,,e iro:/.: balittOns. ; "efter or. eett,t p " h tiff ant 4oreetg laesertee. from oo44he 'nave:163 N liter Vringoses, -senor Ilion Juan teues- lk ites renewer -ea At ta Pia•laill.• ztat14, live to he er• r.ied. 1'41114414°s 't'iPt3'er'''''':'64 11° ft tOitie• 4..rt ,4o.,4 neat pfly tnt t of tr.e. etartill.c.g ."--1,5 i;A :egret tell insrinp;;Enting People. h 1,14 ir, hsoil aaiiity.• 4,11, t of to*,a.ton to.t1013 .1, z.„0. 5 e .014,.;.. !,41, tine:term vie was uta- ear:y afar r- Mest'age it* $11 11.4' 44$144'13. A ". •:*6 ;it #tr xr* Iran the he- 1): " 4 6.4iLS 'eel: '4 14:14 bt4.14".. 81;2 1."21141. :4; 1 '.4•141/4`''..;" Not a ,.',r / F A S •oW i t .P . ; , f ore . 0 t a , . t . a . p ak n i rt ; 1e e t „ a ! ,7 , t • "-„ r r * , .,r4'; .rg 4t„ .,,t. 2 , 'z V : •,:,+t;.,.o. ' '7 7, :7,7-c". : ! ' 7V°‘ , s e ,4". . e , , .s.?9i1e Iil"i tt At,botah '44- ,"1;,"! %.1T1#:u1t4 f;#4. oenr0 e1 tr4e*1n° ,cl1pond11.rii1,n1:ev4,, 41 -gv. .ep u , a. et143hfg #eI •.tvot°tt ""r•i'2 st e',ta,• 4. ‘ tn,tr."ia4,i,P;- * I# #4an : „•4 . 33• , • „ ' " 1„, -n°"*- .r1E.t••i." 1 -'.-'-1.4 ,* 7•9 0: 1l 1 e•; r.4 z"a "#L4 .it, 2 ..tuV # ) ra8e4e1."P81 4hfrt trItis,rhr1p473,2 1owThs elef rk4-tr:12"4; -1tre t Ileekinlas toMpletTl:4:7t!4ttr2w. 17:trt; . 44omt27:" I1-:#4. 1#u45t 4'/ , 41. 4411t. It 2 1443%tie!•. to1.• 9410 bel rubjeet271;,?4 ;' 71et,,a,,iserrourseetar th;La! 10 awl h P:oIlevfie rrtiGiarC4"OA 11#1rv1A0.,2;""4, e i 1 au" arL14 iri,y "13.`"1ors An ptrl#0 14 4133 4 1 ,11a k 44.31 14e* 14 1 454at c".'i )?Oen %Pr etia 1;63;a pr47g”4, o 1 4 1 U34414t7 ;is °Iea 11W -*L1 11440°4 .T 1o•O -n , 1 6I 1 r°#';2 t1t W. S •.164t ; ,r,,' 1-i 1 d: ' 6. 7 6 0F.t ':ix. a) • ps t,; i l oe b t3 1 , ' o-.:O 4 Io :. l a t wi " e lV t i ,.. e.9 ,:s .e "2 t;l t,:, ',•.,L ,,. p'9' eI • l o , s , ,, - ,,$o , f r a;n r a . ) , , i,.,,- ;, * : 1 "t,- i 5t tIf rt--o,r';.*1 t rP,-?.;,,. ';;, ,' „' t,l'71"e'V,°a147' gI 4t." ; 1 i;, -t ., ...7,1t.1_2 , , . " 77:e , ,' : _04- . '4 U 01 ' 'tre' r"Ae ,,';• ' 1" ' 1 Pf-, e,a..''einre ; ..er, .: .Lt ,,trat 11r•e V i , f o , • ; r4i .. : i t• A t1p i,e i i .' • . t s '4 " L -!!a t a1., l•. e d ePt ru3,g'Ai.U.V**, 4altn"f..xfi,t • *4el13rs2' 0 1" 49 t44 .11%011. 111 ialerttoeedietart/a .rt_,:1 • r ,tonr o . 44b'6 42 u1tt rfirereor.o> *: 44,3 * t 1 1- ortei0 1 611" " 'ern 1- f; .1 1 t .3#4J,s.t a44" ; r t 4 f: ° 4 4 `-. . . t° „ a r t" J t" llt ` •rq o .. s i' 0Pt t4 o4. 1 i . . t• . i , 1 4 ' ' ;l 1 " ,, ) c 1 e ' t,D ,10, . )'; 1 ,1 4 ,r14 4 ,•„t ;7t -r " '''D l # 1 ' fi 1 14"4 11 It f"1eiorer re .11 t' ; 1* 44 r 2 ' 1 0 " V . I . 1 , . h . t i t ' ' / A " * - k -•J r t ` r ' ' i 1 . , er :at ee i4.41 •t!Vte, 8321r°11 1k # , . . , a" t t , A 1i4 e h .e s ee e .t 4' 9"e •4-• "st 1 'Itl:.'i i t 4•V ' 0,: 1 , ,; ' • 4 t1I / e9 9 9r 6e' " ;ie e . s e3 r 9l'e6.‘I. 7 s''• ,, ••w ",,t e. i- s 4M. "ss l C Aia a.9 e • "rr‘i t" i i - J 9 't i . ° ; , t•9 " ;12A ..•• ^ , •' J • • u t '.i /. "P, • 1 ;.; • , .ha ro00% 1. , e• nertse) f , oi. 4 e 4 949 )3 0;AV14# „r, t •• c , ' ",rtirl; # ,, A . " 1 4 " t"1224AA1d " 4 . 4 4 4 1 I . 4 4 ! ) . ! V a" ) ',) 1 , i ; I . 1 a itr . . . . , , . • ...,'- ' . t ' •t , l a f ‘ ," ,". 1 ,t. 1.i.•r ra , AualstiieedteAbbrs1" r 0 3414 14 1 V1•1t;1:9,4 ;1Jt• •-. • 4 , a 40 , e I* w t V13. 19 14Ve•d:,tt 4 11 10 t r ;3r# 41 tn: 1140 31 I t 0 i s )tsr:eo.'e"') 1 A4r.v4#'k"0e % t e oi, :442 ' • , •.. •J. ', •144i6 '' 33,43. iL - i. riterio 2"•'1 " Irtt,,0 42 *94 4 - i t l u , r L i t , • tt -t - t e L , u 1 494%51.4r(erI141 0110 a' , * AtL 4 c ; 3,4 t 11VPc70 . gurivig13.4Gt'. ,12'" •''•, r i t 4 4 e i c . . + o f 1 . .'se .at r " ti • " r • " " 3 L i , 9494 ` 31 333, t-'4tt.hitv ft ee'see, .131:403- 3213 • . , r . • 1 , 1,.4,, "e3.01 * 3 't a " t • : 1 - w . m eoe t, " t* e : ' "? • ••.1 1 - , 5 18r .1.D', 6 ttihrteee. ter.)1.iVMib.Le,:ecw.57-f-e64- '.n..0.,"1",L..pt?-,,ts,ts<(t#1ti....•:,,tL.bte-ntt:it"t- t. -1a.97l; '1-r--g2'31o.cai'awrrei, SAairt VL loa-n ;. pe1r;-;-.4' r=7'4-'f.l•f- ` 3- 15;i'";'S-•,;,:.11 f1:.")•f;4al3-1r,e13 74'g* w4-D-11.e;r°er-4e1"'-'g-e11331l- tgree- . '`'AUpL ro'7r1e1.ee,"ys:e 3*3313 4'13(3 13949 4144 943194994 eD.t LIs r';" 1706LE13&01r1sert• u t .1"ieteleatote sr".1ef1; -1ot;t1e. 34 19'4 9 1113er94 tra tre:1siaD3ic iivk1‘3 "'7, ttD;attis Ettatg rrrar.i -ntr e ‘!111 •! Tr4t1E #aie11 rgular11". •4•;:t efeier#- rfett1 Tr; tg 697 F °°' irttlatt- „, Two cornu, z ,1i 1-'S10 t a . r a n . `4r 9 0 9 ' s a -1roi •`rn# Jt %moV t S a v,7,a- se t ; t k Se pN,c a r d G o c ;r„ t Z e s44 t o n „ 4 si,A , • • 0* 4,. 41 V'. 1 " 4" 1'414-" -,4 0J,„„•„ •28,6413 • '1 le , letele etetteesetni es ft* ,,t1; , „ • -; „ _00,4 2'....r,q; •ar al. %.7i;6:,'a a'. a t',.s; .„ On 1.1 991 •9 9,` 439.10 '':11..t" •,9 •410 41.1; 11,..„%it• tiart. Lit.k:)iis. i .10 9 .4: r43a',tt,,0"117,:44*. -,0-,ttg"1it.'•.hJ r .. .. " eestf, 1 : 4r1 rtabto:Tt,t wa;A LnI•4324 a 2111:1 t€47.113 213--3:-.1.4*00. V] 1,31133 ' * v• • "'•".7 7,"1 1 • '..',11110,3*-1tAri1312)11 9V.. ei4rttt441• 14 J 13 f 2 13 64 gtott ct! t .14 "'," ,, 7• ;;,,,t,, 55:;4 .0u14t t1.43:.catQh•be.?t,4Vi-to:g4ip toi,Dtr'z -' - • t t26.6-recr4 Atuxilet,Ly;:t., t‘ .7 t7j1#,1 ,, !".‘.#-• ;, r'aV•U- 113/(AS 4A ‘4 ••.e6"...T.6110:4-4.10"; id • esea"4 6"", ',443-9494 3,1.4 •-• rt -104 01 „ • ' ,.,t„4.e..a to.';;" ; ';Estit114"4* ' :'•.-l• 1ie-'• • •• • • •••"2. ° „•, -t -.- tt , . ,- „ : •- '- ' t ' :j b.. t-I.„t.„ 1;,!.1,,,"!.n,1„:1,„"1411g.",f''''1.••,;5„.,.•2'- t-,rb t„ !".-- •, t.!.' irt„, j,;g11,1o 1• i 1 13 tr 1 . 94 .3)„, „ j314 „3: * 1' 1g1 ',1T11.'*4 ll'orst' eterqt t, ,0 t.."ii0. ;•0;-'1' OttiL,t,t 4'‘11i2..i9t1a"."1"• J 't1; " ."6. ,:atJq at„ f petr tDe f etteloil Postpotteraerit. t1m+A3- 39 1394 133 f9I 4' ra6Le •"•sa 4 - a #,-# 1 I31; 11.1r 1 :t4' 4 : 1333:4 3. 9: 347trjJ,B • vp.21 1344 '41 "; 4 441r51I; . - • - t tsa#.1t! !it0 • '34 •5* Ls; 9,93- ----, - 94L•01131 Lt .:t 'L tL4 t3t # , 't • 111944e4'savAtt`.'44 . V 9443,4.94' '9431" r9`. 44' 94 .1g.ItL.u7.ttt3a0',oict54i-Er7:tA,;4''.dE,r4i:'-3ley,c'1bk4,7-41t1I--t1n•:4st4t-0;1:"-.r-4)-2-a057A.r'"''.g''-ta:),t; -‘,1D.s'9i't' ..sg1SIk1t'6774t1'4':1i9'1'9'.7 77,4,L3'l'-'''.4,.'1-110.t7.. :,IL,•I1"? . D-.i,..i,.Itt.Ai,t'ter,CglSt ;"ej"."11..1,Pj.e5.i1..:4...b.t.4p.4ro-itri1„,tge..-.e;1.e,,,,,,,t.,D:)i0.4*;-mreg itta.t-z4,-4,ti.' "".t, !,',.,.T-;;i-t.ta.11.',1'7„,, --r';iii)i-:,„t,r.°.::,r4•k5v.t'k-e,'n'':;,',I,aT,lkt. ,; :rr7'..1.;,.-"^ti v-°,.-t,1:A,°i;t1IliiIrT -iS"t7'.','--,:,••••: . 7 't''tMTii,3re:-Gfa:tZ,S,rC,tc•f_S.uRa:Ea-Prt.rte•glellc'lls'i,5" :agIZ'CZ.4L!4Iz.i1:t"C4r;4t4:li:,r:2,-1;5t:tifqf.,"-t...'-LOTttk'11l1dt•-',"•d1:'-,`.,''.',n ' •,j '1 1' ''. „-• 4--l;-' • ,A • '-,' t-. -02-,-.:' 4"14?9"938'a7A46) E1a1f 4L0tC*,trr1913.4,7121,.._944 194t 1'1'11‘L-:dt' 6t4*' 0 o #" 1# -,-b 44441.Brr,,Flti tf-aoy4133.-3, Y13''?94 '4,94 44 43'9.3-4-"34.i4Fg4-at 11et 14Edoorr0ltvtct'41e1432 4- i 4'4 1313 i 1313 31 CD I'r52812 r(411ti°1U‘3-t7za2„f11' 8°ttal1"139n t.e h - 4-02„fr.1640,94r14 n9443.2n9413.,intes ru,11143,1',4 P P' efe-ie4eegebAftatathegAeate oarseatei,aI4:.s111,1' t7724tfzsz; 94 ‚4944' ify entt,L51, ,;1!7L1.14rz"IV•35"l:ec41'ni'i'EA42:k1‘ ,,'? P -4,e,',,, 42'2 tti 1:1,,,e t''.4='•t9 ti,t11 trte t•=ting tg,"i;L::: U iiVI- tit, ft.tetor. it at or,k.Z. iv Irern' r.,,.. ;1",!:-.14'1 tf4t,;441-611.'_t"), 11'4: 't,..„1",,,', ,r -:''''•'•It !'`I•vtv"'",,4 il eia wi-_,1-...,,a 0_iltgz:;g --rioilsa%„o tt o kitog,-*D eq."! In 4.n.' go, rfa"' 'itt !:- . -!4:- selhmarY R,Itle- -',:4141,4‘if- II"41.4:t112'421- •4:1'''0'7'-g 1z. 3.10,...,,:.04 ttl 4 94, t7.Cee N O Y S ! N M I N D O a%n o t v c.L, Q . p t s; s i r ci- t e c 4 .1 0 i n-.t-,e,e.-.t..d s , I e o s , ro l.i . r * ,. . )-r.-? y - lse i-et^ saee : r ,a= 's '•" 0 , w z . ,. .. lM *ikt • tte.,'N "1 t-ita '9a • -,ero, r uietrjp t.r„7 ,-, J t n i, g 4 oliomeTg,Atore;l 21 i e AlfaU27004 Ilet_3 ltgos LonionwiL 4 a 4' . 4.tt1 4 `111g,..a.#t t1„.9ek10- • tttrt r0!E.51#41 lSt-11`tesesenheer--6 ; 4 d . .. ',L e 0ye : s. oe e s.e t e e l°t--0z';'°5"'':''''-'"'.R'"- s 'a, i i • 2131 g 134'T43394t417 11212 131394) 3113r-4'641'8'4 94.g. reere et_4-4-, 9, i• i4;f124:112 *tC .x.1AatCfPc..t. sJt-"t-Nrsl5it-eea1th/*.. 'L1ti r6. t1L4 , ) ,et"r..'M 4z k-e41-.TT, -z:"-1 36k re, °7a' . iD rtt, .:7 •6;."4tr6 7-C:d4i73t -:gie--4k1r1-- •444V7 • 4• ••o7 4'so1t: 7 V1-1t231.4It4f1,`;tr".1.,q.sg4,31o1.1%og.1a1,1.t:oo0tf-r-0oi 'O,L_.pIe.4"t.e--t0- nid; !i.a.til.yiiato,,'s,e..s s i :-o0.,.-n....l.iii,t-: Ja.ts,:b-aan'g.:.i.-'--:- - ' c ;' ,4 ' al b a tl„,e'tH-e t::t 'le bo'1p1ei "getsld e4et ”-l io''-,'e' -. l'Jt'''"ortoe,'4r ; a ' ee`. ng-.n-Fte ',e' - 'AuD1 ',„ee,„ ,ei'.,,,,,tmrz0".n,o'i.em", ,tt 'L"itL.:a1gssg'9ss l'1 ai .1hr1,'--',.,t6Ve., ' 6t5ts,.r.•...e-,.tv1rse,.,e,i.,,.vt,, n.:.h.1-tkaEit4t:,,,h.,,,,e„1l.2,;'„e',,.t,-, ,,, ts.iriei1 1e4s"eoon•_,e11atCct1s4;eire d "#.e , ,ec-0leV,1S ,77e tla he.o ,,_, 1er- t"0 `I'of ti eP , : ?lM '; -nL i ssT-d.ftl)i e ot.t.-, ,. - N Ig .2- - r7 .; : t o .t . rrsnid- itL ni;tt'to tnai t r.ls le11.41ttJ-W;,tcaatitril.aAth-ris-tut twf thr (.331349413412* 4'431W New Pk.r.-..• -13_ az6 potient NofLlig t73-eil5,4944:I1„E u%:z121;i.?1n,a.ovp;05,jtu;t1,1LfpaIiat 1°4'fTar-'3"l1:--It1D"7444:4Lkt4-4•4*Ts.e Bi2;7r-divat97ee_t;;Tiaol t j t E rr I‘b l . t 2 Z c r . S N b g g S I,E 1 4 9 9 0 s Else 75, tee a 4 o iaolItreDt e;„4ra- r7l-It;rgItatiertpatgto tie r..y.-1?-t/e!vL.rrte1rtDt ei "a4 1- .- . . - tl e , s e antsn43431331333942,3.1tLe 1‘943 e-axere" meetatie-.1:rt"s1,rjotti i t C t 7 P 1 ' 1 5s- a g 'h T r I i ei-e..7.s e e t t oosez'nr'ej, t I Iislt a e o t h e A s e a s . o t 334,3 'Caett22 ce L,42-'3- the rt-er, trur;":..,est,ittio:rs 'a -het Were tL1le tissaes arfaiee the seneeenato twe.sh, 41,m.,41.0 representatives act ar-thr arrived. Ddat Zissall:Yr 0.P'..rattor, n...0014 n.';,1r#1,11*-"r -M9 persettse weinessetee the orrheal 81 eleteng tee, tottir.,,tr, of an 4,5 „ "I"er rtv Vino I, . 711-61-e e 11, 0:- ...... • I u 1-4'wr.1,1f.:3 att6 '1"4"orway-The elrOWn . ,;,mt rs 5 ,c„.„''g '.1 ic'eekif ettal ffIrcava r-4.Prit-41,- bt; nto ,-ans te.! fcto floveotit t11"go'" mesh's 9434349 ,83214'3!43312243133443.3-J 0. 7 • Peieee ani 'Norway. noe pgrt intestinol canal fur - lane shortness foil' stay wag ParY: ;aD3e'retta‘J't.-: 14'414.her t,tie, faro- ,1; °urge D.Itit-strto; trego-ttir.,0 tr„i4r..rr. is •fra -to o.,,,gluth week .- Rourtani.'s##The Ctott-n r4rane,Dtig the appotritiix. Appendica- Itrflre male and soon If4;:iftilx. r 'Ent' s-4rolztinttog 11999G 11 good ressats to ilop.? for rester- est aril; saitictroi-ente the tr„,:attil,,r • payataarle, ro-,, Its. in the general nlearntig or the t n i + i o D irfl o f 4 7 ;e4'-eeg g t e r " a t 'i o u t o n e acl i h . t ee i n g t it e r , a t- g I e e t e r t e t t i .pu t - t i o n w & t t e t p o t u g a l - i lre ii,L" ir c t iv r n ri i ) . s no f . t p i a'D5 . ,iw o t t a t „ tiiztatedt " .L (4 1 '1 ' 33 c -r e o t e e f f e e r s l f t e e, tns t - tr h a t S s 4 e rt ce at .r- e t .5e•d i te ePL -r;.W- - f sn ri n-e u g a Sr . r t.'eeoe a , ' n . h e rs e a i t.# a i..d a idr n a ta nee "ectr17tar6 oi '9t;iel t;•t ,t'4i.#fi4:ge,er:o;F6 ar. ., a7 :ctsefacr,iLieefL tie-eee, ceef 4, s4 "-,-,eroe ? r'It1 r.etin-e1 .si-s6t 4 1lt' e1sn'rfC terZ tsP,.it B'f4 terosc.J-roGm•reztPech area oh e111z ee"retsse,ageslon4t--sgj- - tfaIel re,t„e'i"tr.tw„ri-rseooht ,.ri-gl'd a"Ih"wl,r:trglset-otea.t ,e-.,tre'4el ger 5ee-Pee sl a rllTirre‘i1et e 1ee e1r':-ar.:t0.o. .-?tr •• - r - ,4 t- . •s, krr:a .e1:•4,1-.ge sfr4. 8 a ot l"f o a11,ess1 r e a_te aetnt' isog icnte1 1 4 kd-„s e n ,-sc6a o e wtms ee s h t.k or.Vt L wo asaa e e e ee,-/ .e e! te h.i *: a -.- s i. er sst zD' 1 t1 a_` rt ' r- d t ae ya 1 .rr) 6t_e i s re - g rn_ T pl ‘k Iot . 5 r rorg AFe oonl t eeeaL :r.ag „ e 70t - . :a ie* e :s 7a, ! " ct,i eP e e rda:gsiet n 3dr p d et erla° roer of tee srergeaf dreer.PveTeeicistdeath rate eesteestihi!1r:i1l r0s.co tto s p oettu: a st, tr4 ar y 1 ,:s t• ot- ef iacannarai.rsL ne .m tci aieu :riarr- g tte thosargt the '13 333 elwre e 2t34'13" 1313O teat reeco thao mtetegra_perxeDanatzef t:40rfft;,3prrt,;u,inil ectylreo-ee, 1 %:;4:3 etnte1111tinrs.:1227"e11ear*erALe!)e55 le4-"'3' "'4" 10 ThHd!tn'1111'Z11111g'14 e0rtnere 44' 22Z 31431,3-13..._ bn'Life erorc .e d ac1flOercit f Ler o. (eased, •W.R. "t .el. t e f a o n 1700-- ' of lttb wasetree t - I t.nt r ir y e t l o t g it.--I P e n e -eir1t" 4,8 t1) tPrin:of FaP r e r :oT2' T4e Igea.paser . 3 1 . 4 1 r ' • if z -- ' ."' l , o f e r - • l l e e i er i r e s fe e iTn g e e t t.A -e - P g r e - ', tr1sessW(48 11Ytte 4'0433t77eerA 13 2'9,133 asss was 0- . miiatr.seindit:011raltice neretpe " :7 a • , ` 4"-t 1 1g:.s.,4 `r'e'r .V %r.1 1" ; '' f e r i o7 t r o v e i l l n e e C r e n : Z e e ro ro ro e K i g s n . a e i , s , • , r e . e e e h e ' e 'tnetrI A. DS ma t a ol . e , C t • s a i a ,l : , o u tw,'7eseret- 61314hritmet anSinsg3t4 *1'. erawerere to 77 hhhatoeeeae.eessi70Thveretyantvon en433 4 '0,"44"'31 to tzeeeseee . , t e t e .eV"s o 'tn.-1, a , ,,x i - p • .1 t h v c z 2 7 ,e ' s , , • tsr i t r o ,y i s e n e r a e c a m , n abe„4was 3tg-ront, lAgaisAretzo e Janoacs Autt,tn In thsj.Lffirr6form ovvtmoperomhsprt; Lot1pe n - ? w o • e u m i t r w r i z t - n o r ; h s r a s F e r r -a r1. n d t h a t woulexten irc 9432' j4L713344 1343, r 093 94 9411 91313 seeme,I 3 4'1r714ef.roa,any34, 931311109433 nature frr !VIter I a-l. r a . . - r - r v e l w a o p e l e l e e a , , ; i p e a a . n 11nIf C ieon oei t eirkee•e et*n1ot'Vqle e esi"eae;'fnt.,Srn l e v eans w , f-g' fe ot7e weei. t o - e e , . a e we '•" , . t "'1: ,•wa . s iff r 4 c e t " o -is ' 1 . ",... n rr, i ; : e. . .',':• : :ee .w47f-Ve • bhoi' rar r es Ar' G.ie. ra,f r. au. 1 ; f -, •,I s o ,or-; e _-4 _ 4 . e ' ner. -tI n t '!M N r7- • ...r,7ca eom. a e n ' y 7 1 " e ! "rrt 'nl i 7o1 ; e1 .,a c p a 5 s f:, e' u i x n . .n"iw " ‘ a x r Ae-#o tir<Sfor 1313,3. 4111945 14- #K,HTf ktssCthe appendiTg4iin t ore it 4' eTgrontee ihis 2'ightgegrow13h11av„ -,f,,i ilrrv:uness tn frie rtabe irSIuation eending ITOU thtalieol the satKeelowdonttattIlZ1'e'S"''-tra! Pavar- iKol of aetne t t. Proient'e Goot Proprees. .sia4fetw44e;r4reaI;1:n ce. Dr. Hoard Conine seal that. i LacrovtetrmhOe eKeno ls aeonpsay 1wsren'Cie-Prtne a-nry of Pruais opinionthe ere i n amine the lan:nee!13.114'.r. where asweel/ihs e.p.:et;d: chtion willtoe et tg1%3194-4 er . -G eri .favor or the King's recovery, alnf r .22 - t 01 4' LokewbY ter thpy-,er!03113hm1snygr:rpspLdon, lafe-The wterIarok-7;;CrecnI;inreo1 Dent:tohIiewoilepoholhlyrotls tesho feet eented 32 3, of aplLeet:s when taeahprtai, ietit1.uce (ti,KgS 1bietoievelllgmforxwe the stepsarel tesi oat tbebulletin. 13079403 th344'94'4.4-, (,1 ehe)4e-a rap- fcee.nrPrxeni ay 3112C44 and ehrala ?gWpr 3.'4'22t. (#4,4313. \;tetllerg-Ine Albert of Wear. : at least. lIe sail "there were two I possitile eleracats of tiantger to the silence. - - cesireil in the ereirse of a few days.; Mee Le, restnee3 to 234411213 'carol 3133331 ' London. :Tune 26, •6 a. re. -Sir Wie- ',..• I-Sag:LUZ -P.:Ewe, Alliert of Belgium.; operation, shock and blood. poison. i "U the King survives the operation lebicii was received with reels:tette: pleinentary oleesseion muz.** he ire- 1 ntt e. mplicatioes 2.1116:1• iIiiil Mni*St.;,' • Sty' WS 0ft•1011 :Seen Mr. eithatiberittin. t temberg. 132 4' t3-4'' 4- thin patient bag been teraptirartly , nxiny years to oc'eapy the thror.e." , frld liturifor }tad a lorng tonferenlee) ehlna.-prince 'Chen. - se seas, as tbr, elly wore on, relieved from pain. and there are no 1 Dr. Treves saes that the King On '- With Nit". Clinnibrtrin. in in the, Colonial ro japtin-Prinee Akihito Komatsu. / for forty-eight .liourst," ' said Dr. • . • ttne raore teerieeetrol, inidlcatiore of or ironmediate relapse : June 1E11i fouriti ills temperature eic- •,' •aearette.ey'sr private room at 13130 l Egypt - Prialee Mobneemed Ali 1 Cealliuse "the danger froin shock will a b.. 'e or peritonitis. The ted, and there were sere/tinge nee:- Rouse of Commons yeaterday. pasha. . . 13 be gone, hoWecee."