HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-07-11, Page 110 • 4t VOL. 11., NO.50. Til The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. CHURCHES. S T, BONIFACE, Catholic. Order of service for the summer. Sundays: HighMass at p.3o a. m.; Cate- chism and Instruction at 10.30 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m. Holy Days: High Mass at 9 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.30 o'clock; First Priditys, Mass with Exposition , at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one hour s visit to our Lord in the Blessed Saeramet every Sat• urdy evening fi:ein 7 to 8, Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock. Tte Communion Sundays before Mass at ' 8 o'clock. Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services:- Gi.rman, at 10.45 o'clock a. m. English, o'clotik p. m., Sun. school at 9.30 a.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior at 8, 11 oir practice at 9, Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30, Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teaehers' -fleeting at 8. Rev. W. J. Yeeger, Pastor. geutfdie en. littfi. St. Petri eottesbieuft Dorm. Imlb U/14r nub (*cubs 7 114r• Samilagidntle 'Dorm 10 /I4r. iehrerverfammlunia .Znittwocli abeubs um bolb8. (F. p aftor, II V. BACIiAND, St. Joseph. 11-4* Notary Pubile, Fire and. Wein- sureties Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. H J. D. COOKE, kliate with Oarrow Prondfoot) Burris. ter, Solieitor, Notary Pablie. ilenuall, Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS; Barristers, Solieitors, Notarieg Patine ete, etc. OM Square and Ninth Street, iluderieh, Ontario W. PROUOFOOT R. C. HAYS E ZELLER, , ,i, Clerk letti Div. Court, Huron • Connuissioner for tuning Meal:wive .; •Conveatterer etc. Valuator for the Ilu. run owl Erie Loan and Savings Co. teller— Zeller bleela. Zurteh teat. ZURICH., ONT., FRIDAY, .TULY 11, 1002. T I LE FOR SALE. The endersigned has for sale a quantity of First- class 2X and 3 inch Drain Tile, which will be sold at • REDUOED PRICES at Lot 19, Con. 15 Hay known as Heyrock's Brick & Tile Yards, 1 have also for sale a num- ber of roadster awl. draught Horses, 2 to 5 years old and a quantity good. Hay, Cedar Rails, Posts tied dressed Pine Lumber For particulars apply to 5. RANNIE, ZURICH ONTARIO Or at the Yards for Tile. MARKETS Revised every Thu rsuay afternoon. Wheat , . .. 78 to 80 Oats . . 43 45 Barley . . li7) 00 Peas ti5 70 Fleur.. . . . with hennas tut Hensel'. " The following accounts were ZUR/C • • . " H Butter 1 90 2 00 15 16 Mr. S. Rennie recently purehared ordered to be naid.— Aimmilaassmiarsirsoseems. ZURIGH AND VIGINITY Aresimmarascatacasuessolesmemersimrseimmedemsmcsammem Miss Tillie Kibler left for her home at Brampton, on Monday. Born DUOI1ARAIE.—At St. Joseph., on the 10th inst., the wife' of Mr. Wm. The weather has settled at last. Miss Celia Thompson of Lucan is visiting at Mr. H. C. Doan's. Mr, 0. L. Shoemaker took a busi. ness trip to Blyth on Tuesday. Mr. Adam Fassold of Detroit is Ducharme, of a daughter. ' visiting friends here this week: LA.BELIT.—At St. Joseph, on the 3rd Mrs. R. Hamacher and family inst.,the wife of Mr, Labeau,of Li are visiting at Seaforth this week. dauhter. Mrs. Joseph Wismer of Ayr is MOBRIDE..—At the Goshen line, Stu,nley, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. Robert McBride, of a son. visiting her son, Mr. J. H.. Wis, mer. Miss Eva Carter of Blyth visited with Mrs. 0. L. Shoemaker last Peewee—On Monday, 7th inst„ at week. Zurich, the wife of Mr. John T. & M. Johnson took a large Preeter, of a son. load of furniture to Bayteld on Kay Council. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fritz visited. Council met pursuant to adjourn at Mr. A. Edighoffor's at Blake, on ment on Monday the 7th of Jul's'. Sunday. _A. petition of Joh e Duncan and Miss Pearl Wurtz left on Tues- others, asking to have road oppo, day for a visit with friends at site lots 5 to 10 in the 4 and 5 eon. Brampton. . opened up, was laid before the. Messrs. J. Stacey alai G. Smile- council, as the petition stated that eoinbe of Hensel' are painting Mr. the road should. be opened in order Foster's new dwelling to drain the land, the council was ; of opinion that the parties interest - 31r. and Mrs. August Illil of ea should take other steps to have Credit= spent Suanday lArith Mr.' their land drained. and Mrs. Charles Grob. Ur. L. V. Baehand Was granted Miss Tillie Fisher and her neiee ... .- - ptInusseen to lay down water pipes spent the Dominion Day holidays 1 PER VII' R Our JUne Salo in Linens, White -goods, Muslins, Towels Lawns etc, /S IMMENSE Sort our Stock and make up your List UlThite $bitt ilfilatzts 1 50, L65 and MD 'Cable Zinens whi.etaatd.t 30, 35, 4U and 60a a pi table flaphins Largleiz" I5c, 11.65 Doz. 4 4 mus ins it.ti,..(1,11).‘,:i.th.psizitt,ilftisitriplti.... regular 27), I am. 1" -"e Plain pink. 12 1-2e. All Pi)liirs am! stripi.s at very LOW ?RICE. rg•IN10 invite You 00111t• .-4-t• IQc„ or LP) a Doz. Eggs. 33 14 a fine driver from Mr. Daniel Sur- John Paton, grading C. R. taken Chiekens ...... 4 5 erus. of the Bronson line. $3.00; S. Spencer, statute labor Ducks u Miss LOUiSgl. Wurm returned 1KM-41, $11.00 ; S. Speneenrep. cul. Geese 5 5 from Detroit recently and will re.R.. 75 cents ; Wm. Bender. Potatoes.... .... 35 40 during the summer. bridge con. 1 and 5, part payment. HENSALL MARKETS. Mr. T. B. Kelly, of bard -1t. e0111, Joseph Foster, eel. and Greb's Wheat Oats Barley Peas „ ea to so ware, celebrated with the Huron' . ailing, eon. J. ee.e0 ; Philip Hart- ' man. eul. con. 10 and 11, "ket. „.„ .10 .13 Old Boys at Seltforth, on. Saturday. ' ........ 31; 58 Misses Tillie Johnston azul Mag.''''Ildt;s1.r'll'Urn'hull, eetiie-r.S:I.S(1l ): 'Dills- eel workine erade e Ar.00 ; :1 re $at gie Shoemaker, visited friends in Flour t n 4 kit:414r. registering Births, , .... t! 00 2 in ' Hensall on Sattu.day and Sunday. ' 11 (Marriaages and. Deaths. $1 i.on ; F. Hogs (live) pet r cwel 741 ZO Miss Lydia. Rennie returned from W Frneomb, part payment re 44' - - _ _ _.., _ London on Seturday where she Waiver award. %.241.9; J. G. Senn In the death of Le Si Hamaeher, studied musie the past few months. ('I bury, fees Re Stele!: vs Township. a short mention :If whiant was eon. Miss ILLbel Hurtly left on Mon- t'15 00; John Thirskflour for indi 'IS tained in our previous issue, this 4 tidy for her home at Carsonville °melt. *.2.00 ; Joseph Badour. rine • 1 ON7kt ill eXehtthg'e 0. 1i60,3411..s. a tounship 1 tse s Otto or. iis (mob. set. latter as month's visit with ft keels wad. L. Re $1.00; W211• 1341010,11, nem. he having been a resident for 110174s• r, dr;am across mai, !:!on. 11, $2.15 over thirty years. Mr. Hamaehees Mr. William H. Smith of Detroit. ' Wm (14demm; w"rg 44-"I• 3 40111 'I. illmss exterahe over as ronsidere' who has been visiting here the e11.2e ; H. Lippbaralt, vaptalieltur able yelled and all hough not yet the itast week left for home am INtlfre Vill"e 11 Ihil'hwnt)di $2,i'Ai an old man, he 'AILS unable to ehake; Tuesday. Mizell will nt'et again on Mote ow the dietetee and sank rapidlYi Mr. and Mrs. tleorge Cook ef shown thee theday 4th of Angnst. when until the end eame. at the :tge of Dashwood, were* ieitors with 2111Bdiol honed, haw their 03 0 requisitions. fu year s. !hi leaves a witto.v.sevell hoer Sheentaker, at the Dominien. ' to the Clerkfig&eland nds . th• death. Ilis r'vnittlus wi're lad' Mr. Jamb Zimmerman laud *ant- Men Lime Sr. 0 rest at the Broneon line T1L clork. "me' le Ime.'e taken tm henteekteping in ery fellowed by a large eannemese rt, weirs dwelling, InIxt to won - of relatiires and friendre , furttitnre store. JUN wiiir_ZDDINGS. Card of Thanks. sons and one daughter to nitottrnlun Sunday% p, 13OSSEN1EI1RY, Licen.ivit Atietdonver for Her. t en Voininty. cespeettnlly aolielts the at. ,• Immo of Ofid0:10 %I. ha, intend haring sales. batisfuetiron guar:112114RA Og. F. A. SELLEItY0 t a „ r crailtunte of tire Iloynl I el Dentin 6ingeonii, essautatu, aisle hotter; la graduate or Department volt Ilentistry. `Toronto University, l'einUess extraction • eft teeth. Plate ae1 a su$teiality. Mr, W. G. Hess stieceetled ittSLIETTLER—MeltHERSON„ beiniis of our family, / take tiala„tutltte." swarli--1 of bees oil --Mon A ttatest plettaitte rand happy- event 111taislroitgi:nnatsaitieoref titullt.iiltitillitiamteeiltirstthr l5 mi ff,ciltiol‘tahre'esottliTyse,11 i" lh'ive 11.41leh Plm:e oh. au.lw the 74)11/1-. 441 - (*fate trinntren. borcusitaway-. 'milieu id n''nd a.,,,,,.4,..taIlee given in „Hied Mr. Joseph Sehwarteentruter re- Miss Xi.ollie ,Nlaalltersarta. clIglip:4 "ont aienneen ann death „f „tin j Ittrited en Wednesday front Mich- daughter of Mr. ;rotd Mrs. Innuranull teloved arent. Their efforts have. gate where he had been tatakine MePherson. was Itinittvil in the iitcolly nen as souree of eitongth 1,, ,,III., his km*, for a few !resettles, howls of eretilienk na Mr. "Iva trim mother and to 4Am:selves 111 i Mr. rata Mr- J. D. Mettler. :Mettler of Ilttfleale, N. Y. Tfar- vtir allizetien mind their kindness ' Niessns,, Sanntell Palest nee Free 11111)11111 knot Was tied be tile Rev. Vill not he easily forgotten, Riekbeil and Sitisses T. Kibler attd j. of Parkhillin the llndhen itontaeterd Mane Hums. spent 8zoklay Bay_ presene.e of as number of relatives At Dominion House, Zurich, every „I Monday. -et; , field. and friends. The bride was gowned i! SALE 1,LEGIsTER. Mr. joint If. Oeseh of the Goshen in as dainty dress of white oegandie" measured 7 feet and tl inchee. How lleaquet uf white earnatielli`' and Auction sale of Threshing Mach - would you like to htke one that fetes She was assisted her nery. ete. Mr. E. Bassenterry has , - two sisters. Emma and Bella, Ent - been instructed by the undersigned - ma wore white orgaradie with old broalbt some rye not old) which "hd bridal veil atid eatried a G. STANBUR'YI R. A.1 s...„„s, to 'COLLINS& Staihnt , BARRISTER, SOLICIET011, NOTeitY, Conveanteer, Money to Lean on nitiatie and keen Property at lowest rates of In- I telest. Imenmetits in original German read mid advised upon. f ZURICH COURT ATTENDED '11 0 sell by Publie Atetien in the •Nles=4's ita'ais roster, A Mittol- rose elliffon as trimming and ear 'Muer of Mkne. son etey area shut., 1 holt% and John Ilittfelheltz ahl! ried a braitiet of pink rOSeS. Bella ey Boundary line.) on Tuea.,,day, their wivog mid families. visite" also wore white with pale blue uly f3., 1902, at 1. o'clock ir. el., the friczals in Stephen township oh '' taffeta as triminieg said carried a ollosviug property : One 16-h. p. StmdaY". betuptet ore -011°w roses. Little Ada Vaterotes Chantmon Ertgiee; 1 '' Ilartleib & Co. are selling Ilieder acted its Maid of honor and carried eerless Seperator ; 1 Ensilage road twine cheaper than any otie in the a basket of llowees. The groom traw ('utter with Blower alt:teh- business. large quantities are gentee was attended by Ids brother. A. ' d; 1 Joliet Champion Chopper, out daily. il Sheller., of Zurich. Arthur Mc- ew ; 1 Run French Burr Chopping The nag polo which kis done ll Pherson and (4. Santilers aeted as1 rder ; tone—all eetnplete anal in esved defy for the Zeller mockt'qq• soz 11 tamers. After the ceremony the 1 Water Tank.; 1 new Drive e years. was taken down this we returned to the house of the bride's Belt iand oilier articles in eonitee- It will be repainted and erected in patents, where a dainty- repast was ion. Terms made known at Sale., front of the slew eireehlsie ;served. The bride and griYana tire 1 E. Ilessentaeri7. .Auctioneer ; Johnmis.,s Flossie iy. snot of Dash_ :1, ..„.,reciipentl4 of many gifts... Mr. end Thirsk. Proprietor. her i Mts. Shetler leave shortly for Bet. ,1 P office over O'Neil's Bank. Exeter. 15 ; c leanseerieneee.:00teseenat**esteene*Oeir 0 ata . 0 ter . COMMEIICIIL HOTEL Eurttell •421. g Striae: up-to-date in modern in:- 2..] ies cements. Diulugroonis is sup- *,1 13pIrred with only the very best fo Bar contains choiee liquors and ';...14ei C fir C eigars. t4 e • 0 4 wood has successfully passed examinations at Alma College and fate where th6V-willreside Ina OTICE is herebygiven also at The Toronto Conservatory of their many friends join in wishing Y. Mel-cun h" Presented a Pe-, Mnsie. obtaining, honOt'S in Theory ' them 62' ieng' and haPPY voyage r Ontario, under The Controvert-, CAMPBELL—MURDOCK. 1 El I' 4 let a eainst the return ' ee ton. . . , Messrs. V. Keehens and H. ,. , Wese1011 are ere( a neat screen • A happy event took place at the f Henry Either Esquire ae mettl- e of the Provincial Leeislative ten Dr. Campbell"s lot, dividing the tesideece of Mr. T. Muraloeke Hen- ssembly for the district O'f South t front and beck yards. It will add salt, on /atonclay evening.June 30the uron. ; very much to the appearance of the when his eldest daughter, Miss . Dated at Znrielz the StIt day of property when completed. Amy, was united in marriage with lily 190e. r ampbell of Zurich At . p. ' t, Jack Sprat he favored -white. his " m., the beide. attired in silk oiegan- Jonn LAPOnTE, Ret. Officer. I wife she favored blue, Tack thoueht die, entered the perler leaning on that he Mats eight.the Mrs. thought ;the arm. o± her father. Her sister., Mien to the tnnirt of AinletiL over life's tempestuous sea. and Harmony. ExcelRent Sampie. Rooms e0 fur Conarreemicel lien ef; •• * • LOLIIS STER, f- 01*. 410060**0.?4000414`itt-e-IMail.M00***.! PHILIP SIPPLE /she knew and so they painted ,with, the white and trimmed it with the; „.11vhisisteti cth. elsVrtmeactlasuirheriodp Lonnmaiodli Zominion." „neeene • lbOUSe .eee.== Equipped with all modern conveniences. First-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always suppied with the best obtainable. Lieereed Auctioneer for the , ,.. County of Huron. 1 would request4Drae' 6' W. P` hEa'.4. beth qr.'s? lacted for the groom- miss thoselaving sales to tall on me, shades and forty others too. ewe Rtint Rattle presented Tones moderate; satisfaction ollatIttl- by. c. (4reb. ted a very- niee teed. 'Your patronage solicit.i. appearance as flower girl, while . I TOLLED BY titORTINING.-011 IfOn- .116.4". G. Jewitt performed the eere- - day afternoon during the progress, moni. A sumptuous supper was On Fridiev afternoon, Jute 27th, , of a severe thunder -storm, Mr., then partaken. of. The happy the sehoiars of the Public School ' William Kyle of the Parr line, had couple drove to Clinton, -whence ; were treatect to a number of selec-ta span of working horses killed by they took the 10.30 train, East. tions from Mr. F. W. Hess on his lightning. The horses had just i They -i1l visit New York and Phonograph. As it is one. of the I been prat into the stable by Mr. other American cities. The bride best in the cOutrtry, it was indeed' Kyle and he had just left the barn received a hatueme piano anti a groat treat and the teachers and when it was struck with the above 1 other presents. Mr. James Camp - scholars of the school eteld to result. The horses were insurea'le bell end -wife, of Fingati mid Miss 1 u xi him their thanks for Ms kindness i in Hibbert Fire IneuranceOmparty f McFall, of Luellen were the only in making the lasthour of school and an official of the comnaere I gneste from a distance. Tax i i setisfactorily- adjusted, i resident of our town. - C. L ShnernaCher, Prop. bpeasis)iesaosieedettirirte E 't es 2URICI-I lgetattudthlie°Pesa,huleinlYn dvaistri,teadiedMtrheKlYolsesi,swleathtpeoliwilTlItebse. liweltinDie:ItheenDasecbtorts wpthes as na eareseasess...............eneesese...e.seseneese the near future, STRiell' is VA 4 017T .‘11.41'. rrirtre „ANN etnese ineeseene :en, „ ent VALUE', Jre'r Ntrve.' 'A -J,: 4v, LINDA .I'I',imizvmAms Tan. 0 H A S THE ZURICH' Butter and , •*1•11.41*.i.alaiaNa 4.44M514.1.1 0 pl10011, Y.* ttit:1.4"NO MA N N takcn Etcuctimitge. )r) PALLS AND S 171E1) WE WILL BALANCE OF AND SUMMEi Big Reduction rin and all kind of Prodmee Taken hi EL xc ha age ity tteete r . uniuH SADDL t.; Greb Bieck Zurich Oat. atNir A*A Light and Heavy Hc,rn Trunks, Bags and Purses. for lads and cirmts bT FT.TPaTir11111-MM Parlor Suites, Paney Dining Ciazir.s.,S141-13eqinis, Fancy Rattan i'Zoeke*/*,s. • pres Wagons and Sewing T.Si'i'. High Grade Organs rind Pine