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The Herald, 1902-05-30, Page 8
Ther`1 c TRE THE Zt7RlCH HERALD S ore SPRING and SUMMER • WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP TA.ILo+=.v.ADE CLOTHING J. D. MLERNEtmR ZURICH ONTARIO The Leading Blacksmith and Horse -Shaer. I make a Specialty of Shoeing Flatfoot- ed and Iiiteifering Ho•ses...... GENERAL DLACHI• JITI INu J. 11, W siiier, - Zurich Johnson's FURNITURE STOR IS til( hart'[ (44 go who a4 you rt•oire any eel tsar' f0114)95itar .�ttit'1t 4: Siti(a•boards, Bedroom Spites, Extension Tables. Couches. Fancy Rockers, Parlor rut.- nishi igs. Picture Framing A SPECIALTY The Woollen Mill Store Dashwood Furniture Store 1ht loot fail to 4ral l and examine nip $eel,, whirl uomi.ts of Parlor f01-ro1nn Bed -steads, Lontrge.;. Extension Talks, d.t•aint•r l dour••. $ .h. Boards, tiinlc+. Itcoelze s, Fancy l ell: rr:. [.'hairs of nil ,t •' •'i ''etllr,no ' t n�, Curtain i oDes and Trimmings, wnnldow tihades, Boom Moulding. F°iibew-.hang: 3lnlett•r., Rat la:a,•I,., l°(aper .such.. &milee and SL.ABTOWN Special o Ta Hl41BALl). iss Laura Hbrner is visiting at John Hey's this week, Mr. G. Pybus attended the con- vention at Brussels on Friday. Quite a nitnnbei from around here attended the political meeting gat Honsaall last Thursday. Mr. Jim and Art Rennie were in Mitchell on the 24th, Miss Barbara Bechler is spending a few days tinder the pareutal roof. Mr. K, Neeb has his driving shed) completed ; it gives quite an • im- provement, Mr. and Mrs. J. Decber are back again from their visit to Stratford and other places. Miss L. Horner and Miss A. toy -were at Deshwood last Saturday evening. Quite a number from here gave Mr. J. Hey, on the Goshen, a Dawson's on 'Senatay evening. - surprise party on his bbrtltday, unci Miss Florence Dawson has returned an enjoyable time was spent. home from Owen Sound. -Miss The thunder storni of last Thurs_ 'Joan Campbell has returned to hey day was the worst seen for" many home in MoKillop.-Wen. Fee visit- ed friends here on Sunday. -Jo years. It did a lot of damage. Hurrah for the election on Manson, J. silo was again blown Thursday, put in your vote bo rs off its fonlu.ation on Thursday for the best man. 3 evening. -John Sharp left on Wed - on Friday morning, both were cold strokes. • Mr, Charles Smith, Mr. Grob and Miss Ann Carvin .pont Thursday evening at Mr. Calvin Dowsgn's, Mr, Cyrus Winson has completed the stony work of Mr, Edward Cur- via's barn, Mr, Fred Forsyth of . London visited friends here on - Saturday and Sunda4y. Mr. yard bus's. Richaerd Peck visit- ed ed at Wm. Stogdill's on Satan day evening. -Miss Dora Erratt spent Sunday at Rebt. McLincbey''s.--- Mr. and Mrs, Eclw.ard Boyce, Jr., visited • at George Arm,strong's.--•• Galvin Dowson has let the job of the stone work of his barn to Mr, McCall of Brncefield.-eers, t�Inz. Stogdill is slowly improving. -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McConnol visited at Jas. Ester's. -Jacob Bullar spent Sunday at Norman Patterson's.= Misa Millie Becker called at George HI LLSGREEN nesday for Algoma.-Ramtnie Armstrong sports a bicycle.-B.y the time this reaches our readers Special to the HETCALD. the election will be past and the 1utr, James Love has had iris Hon•. Mr. elected by a ma- ority of barns moved and raised and is now ready for the masons.To prove to you that Dr. pilesMr. John Consitt has erected a nd absluecureodeiiottsto driving shed. and every form o@ itching, bleetl.ingand rintrialing piles. Quit large b arm • z .. .. lnnenla N in 0 all re.£5 Il Thursday lust. s a it. on can use It and ret your money buck if not cured. 60o e. bot. at Mrs. Robt, Love is ill at present.' alt dealers orEnntAhe�oaQ,BATES & Co„Toronto, '� E IRev. Duvi(lson of Varna will. gyp`°�'��� Ointment' t conduct services in the Presby - O a tar a nilnl er from here thomanuf•tcturershavegun d d t seetes- attended the norninattion in Hensel. 6019 what they think f t d alk yournoigh- H For Oood Goods and Right Prices will have in stock this coming season, the two Bast brands of Paints on the market -- and -the FRANCIS F`t rOST A".°K, and the two leading Binder Twines i�Ic(ormick's PURE MANILA. MANILA, ` AND STANDARD. PlymouthMO MEDAL and. GREED SHEAF. These two Twines require no recommendation. Yon all know they are First Class. I tun getting a ear loud. of Portland Cement, Fence 1 'ire:?. of all description, Nails and other building material. All kinds of Hardware, Tin, Granite, Gla and Silverware, Roofing, Etavetn•ough- ing and Furnace 'W'ork a speciality. Xotthint but first i'lass material used and first class neon employed at the Big Hardware 5.1 Main 'tree[,.,.,,. Zurich, Ontario. d gGil LEADING it is r©rt.. E have a large stock of Iflatt- resses and Sprnn s which we now offer at a BARGAIN, terian church next Sabbath. While Mr. Andy Kate and Niel BAYFIELD Special to Tui: Ht•:it.et,n. Maxwell 'were returning front John McLeod and A. .rumba.. Hensel). Thursday last the bolt London were here for 24th. dropped out of the reach of the Charles Porter of Clinton wt buggy and allowed it to fall apart visiting friends hero a few da throwing these two gentlemen out. thite' wok - However beyond a good shaking Miss Maud Ft:reueon of Hodgen up nothing serious occurred. etere Clinton wry lttutttt+ Sunday. Andrew says vote for M. Y. McLean 'fir. 0. lthynns of (h ld erich wu:t 4snd yon will soon feel all right. Imre eatraday, The Nth passed over quietly. A W. Sanderson and J. Cameron number gathered at the river and left this week Fur 1ivn alma llit`lt. spent the afternoon in -;lurch. One It would be a diiiieult .natte'r to find a Bigger of or Better Assortment of Boots and Slaw's than[• We art.` `11olvi1);;'. \Vti l:Ftl't' a 111t't' 14+t (li' Spring Goods mei still more (•.►21114['.,'. we Ira Vt' a lava' 1[►t (►t Tot° 1i1)1►1•leS that we will Soli art tt •� right )rim. .inumber or Misses and \1(1[ 's Low and High Shoes at low 1►2'i 'e's;.irul'r1 50 ets. to Si. these Shoes were sol(. at 52 14d $3.25. gentleman bad tiro misfortune to, II. Darrell has pure. aced tit Earl. in atuti now the Iatasf 9k)11" Commfrom IL Baily, urtdl having, extensive 4ttt� r;ttirrn• ;an al -Just as George mum out.“ rep lies mutt. lireparai °t'! ii',)1` tit(' Your et►rrer lat)n(lent was in error retell ref titamitatrr be:o deers Rohr est sleek. NVI)Pn bo mode n1t.°ntiou aki?e°°r roared.;[°, t'arrS izr 44) a hat Rev. C. Coleman would preach re„,hir.artt 1►ta4iate.,.;• in yen t;,i' Jews n the Methodist elnur h bnntleart. rtiW tr'S gTrteery store. Mr. t'ult'nnaan will 1�°4l be►we e'r occupy 1 :Florin, Day.Day.ThereThere - a4 71:11.40 the pulpit the mining Sabbath. a° We will not 1?." undersold b any anitlt•ans. Come in and See our Goads. JUST ARRIVED a (handy lot Of ; t the latest ,ti'lt's of Baby Carriages, Go•Carts, Express Wagons, Carts and Rocking gorses eau give i'ebaa tere,eAl G ttE1'" j1 i Under el'dtiiutfa,Z. -duly, f'flenuaneDe. "vee.tale ;Ce. 1% M, JOHNSON Zurich( Opt( BUGGIES The 1962 Hess GIES are now finished. See them before YOU BUY. . P. HESS & SOL hist Ofit Kalbfleisch' MILLS. Planing and Saw i 'iIi -:1 kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of b9uilr1tings. A full : tock of B. C. fled [.lora Shingles. Ali kinds of lumber al- ways on hatn:d. Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -[dills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con.,. Lot 25. . C. eisch Zurich P. 0. t'a',atttl 3a(et'4' 14:11919'414a\ ab t+► tails[• hire Wm, .Iaarrtntt pureb4lt:eaal lir. In the sports gand n'n►i'ty the las"; mm -t °-"rr John (.tl4ltrnno f+ aero i ..lti larnr (rn , - e' F � e �, t , Parr Linc recently. ll1` id+v in the nr or misty ti'r ,tl (i{- PRICES RIGH`. Cali °r,,,www.,wade,l.„ a'peeeial to T11f: i�r 1)�9t°re, e e ,d •, "rale Cali a nd see ne iterei1'd' ittr'lia4`r= r' .1+!Srnnaa a Varies 1. l!*09'. LdY1tn•' tee, 1 The laid, ~rind storm was rcr prate •to41 and. Et ea° (% raItVe.",'1 tag away° tsar, 4°)•(rev°.acrd'. St�t'dang bore on Friday, It Mow .t , -ll • ati4tAfin ii9 clad o4t�tt=t t(� •a0�, lg ( u, lel Mr. Menne Bet°ttler' 3 44 ilitltn07111 ; wit"_'iai".!.all1t Ai ,04.iauia thy :anvu 1 air -0W'1 and broke it into }girl! e . t9i the 11`1 1nll9te' �uGa * d=?a+ i }" ii'n f1r. tnttria19r1rnaerz ))gran n r11.a dp;a,u t a:. e•4 Lshaape. it was either the Wind t r At°r'e► ,,,t r••tntE't(eti` .,4 'L,UI'',- C, t a"C.nn4i ONTARIO TARI b " �'�E4lstaa>zt II .;.,alar, 1';,.,,l1, I' Ilil,intalnrn• tl�naliC °itE'a9Lnis< µtin49an91aians 4A91117,S 11 Q2'iu' t'1Cnnalyd'nA t"�t SFlEat "VE f? FI ti tS1n znt+tE''"4 M f'N,,,tl;nll z►:atrt""l;, WeS taat:L(t d1 Ii:de`,a(°lei Varna ti DIV" alt[ [lad° KIM n O> i ' �@>la lei Herald and', S f,=ki, Sort. and The Zurich t'raalIL to the end f air ail the leaar. This fjfifer includes hi -oily luailitds4)41.2, I)ietin'es of the; it. DAS HW000 g I 0.' " I Ctrstyl. Thee. tuEnts$ne a in the 4 �•d;n,y9 M '. "S'ir . i taanth 419in Oil ialua9blue 11E012411. 1',1,,,& 10sl1 Ito "Cas -tfaua i'4uilJCa° t',n t ellt dtc. r'oc=ontaw . be rut into kr a 1.11,04• ,° at dvuy:•T_,nQ=Ea .r_ John ICiprer alael Mz` i°Intik Vo1116a' aasua't Vlattuir~e v,' iD-ol u t':0. v.uoq". 00_4 4401 tissued. at Jelin t;esel efe His evlis e'l trete rl:a^ue u ,,.,,I 'kat .e' Stnal'.lay. e ciaptai injury, The young t'«vlts 43r`, out,(li ao,noe s Gray cliosa l . if,L..4.4` :..nnont,"u° Co, 'visited at 'W. u [truths, s qee. Stilis r )slay 1"1ni+itw, 'nCAo eeweut eves cit -te -sight. tante.,.. in Bev '.,.dell i<•r,si t+,.0,, ,lot t giltu r. 'We aril al ti air .tt 0,91.7: 't'it, Illititt.11 S I. we5 a ;'4ttf a e . $ , .;r hell ti % 1i i•tay. tilgezotn tt� to .Nur burg. , ta()11.`�, TARP, ittLd 'Gatan$y 'v'vr throp.PC Zile. St's Alt 11i1»siplIta'a`tt•y tuna 4,,,,1 23)1:Y,..,11111,!r 1.1r'aa .ui!ta,an•.-11,',,11't' to tsl?niitoffe" Saes-)' in 47aa' baarg Nvnn ..ff �V-- ---'. $A!� 9V`.-- 0' 0 '''''' cannalaat`. ;they idea. %t(4 net nn16.t+�'�*•nta i i nv,�.�-ua Mn', and i >e9. . mill, ar`"i :it4arr's Tris,,ro 41x.- 1j ,r inti[• fWu iSit@(1 Levi l ;:Ntr raa�•inerc on wutCEE 2a©1 evenings emelt a eek `uit+,.Il nr aunet "teranoot- : p'n'iailaa*,s. these 4►ct rnet:y -•••l ire, a41 °?nn: )Russ[[ s in the eSean:EC;.+' l .viae 1i',tvCa- Messrs Moses (' asoho and i! yi. h nights. It: was a ;�7Yliuli"ee aYi nine h ingerirh were in Zurich on .agate- pleasureanal healthful aleziexlt is :5 night. spend the beautiful summer King c n4` otiee L �y4► lyatzf�-7lt-att.��r"Citt:e stjt)., �, � too't►ur paper 't e, 23 111 s;i� ti the Family ' ayvi araaid arid tie two prem- ham 1ty r ham l it tel d -°S c jor .l?t'-rim orders t& s , THE'Ld'.htt WE are sorry today' thatArgy, it1 's n1n the a)r of aria' at UM lake >.n• ',vi R- agn:_ne'Cxr fir is Batt is nklf.,c:'4 np)ov taking a drive in the Q onnntr ,y:. Mess$s Leo poster and ' ik:e T iss year the ztAt rehaavnts have r ncla2ssed thtougih oto- berg" I Tn esthz anclastreed to sFrielaa- tete n i ng from lit. ata ll€rs. Darnel [;i ngea•ic'tZ : %Ione 1*3tit to Sel)t. star- and .at nn vinn on holidays. They ask the taw $vina•. sus tedvtnnder the >t sar'eutani ro f 1"'Ill- particular l u they $aria. re. to bear [hiss inn Ilnniird. Mr. Joltdl+r Meyer is painting alt'l" - ,� - an Tte9a tinea `s this week.. ADDITIONAL I C. L Ilfr- anal lira. D vna 't;°nac.t•ieh Mr. Charks Brill lot a vaalztaabl'e Iv in Exeter '4 ednesetae- en ,ow recently. 7nsilne;s We singlye am, goal. barber' la. rt'ial'' 's. Gordon (y t°4 E+laue burg at liresent. visiting her mother lire. u`-1.114ee3'c`' l'n Mess[* I'i illi Ti o.t I)resera#. p a9rfdl t oEn.ad I"ora4s- Mr, anni Mrs. J. 13. Th' anis of teal. })assess. through our sung g 1st , Woadhr t were in town for a Alert Week. time yesterday, t tach b , Mr G 1 f i•. •,1iv3 `lvaw.'.. ow °BsolapdOJ.j odes '03 s tig'g emt#otij 3H1. '.i.No'MOM AZ `It WIlflI AlHOf las&151.11 Jrornaiav 44J4 -stink -Rpo so; anlAi •rtra;s:rs Sat m041,: t::rssipssg5.::an agraa 4rgt `t::; x)au .:r,n150. s y a as r €r;r:.•. p.ua; ^.a asaad 1 saa4.& aasra4. ,SfS 'lac/ a r 0014 DialG1351..SAVaoO4 S3SV3siai H3All 8 W Willi ! -mom 'UM Am Int -MIRY 'Imams ins d3dSAt7 *NDiit}d11SN06 55110 01. 0131N'MOO SI C .. `H N C la'V ' 1v. Jacob Rowak ll and his gang of -ren are busy putting in the Special to Tum Heireen. li cement floor in the fire hall. Mr. Calvin Dowson and Mr. I No doubt- poverty would be less 'James Stephenson jacked up their ; of a misfortune were it not for the barns last week, ; fact that coy -many people treat it as d yr. Artie and Miss Annie Keys • a crime' and Miss Stanberry spent Tuesday ` If peace is declaared. somebody , evening at Mr. John lieRinlev s• Will have to work overtime catch- , Qtritn a► /number of tines vicinity' ing up with De Wet to tell Tiny. 4 attended the convention in }Jensen.'.'ab'ourt If - rmnThutsd'ay. , Iiow Berne ))Borne wire are so Mfr. Alex, Cluallet sold his hue; widely different from a can be t driver to Mr. R. McLean of {;,ode- satisfied with themselves is east all rich, irltnaaan tnnalerst3rzr.irr_ Mr. gyne.. Mrs. Reit[. McBride visited: at Mr. Henry Hayter on Sunday. Mr. George Stephenson visited friends at Drysdale on Sunday, Mr. James and the Misses Marg and Jane McBride spent Wednes- day evening at Henry Eayter'e. Wm. Stogdill's barn was streak by- lightning on Thursday evening No. 1 an;ci No. 2 are sold in Zurich 1 and John Manson's barn was struck at Dr. Duehanan "s dtur fitore. OOOlet Cott fl Boot 'Cons otina Is sneeesstuily used mortthly by over . 10,000Ladie_s.Sate,6d'eetua-l-Ladiesask your druggist for Cook's Colton hoot Cora- t3usereas Tp,rtatnadang us.Prioe,No111p hoz; lick. 2.lddegreeeetrenger,I3per box. No. i erg, maned ort receipt of price end two 5 -cent stamps, The Cook EJernpany Windsor, Oat, eretdleibyul rego DalG ils, ' s rte Dcors, w0 , :rte 11.014rw»x; p.y1,,,,i� SC Ia 4 +8 t ' v e:yta,'111' 14'74 '. Cti 181-; ',,;'11 4y a',' \ "°'urte, � ,l("r+4 ne,:, Q a O. 1; ij4.1 "e l° 11'1.11, `.•r4 ,a a: aur? R E FJ$O S I L7 PAI 'I"Sn'aalaa »u9 t iNte fr u► L :.,Ow o PAINT flla aa_ -tn ' 1 'I 1., . . u y$'$UII. l)$1F,p' �w'aQ�ll"»$J=ul�ir�"l i?u�PiJ ) Q p!Inunii 1111'4 4ai U. run[l]et",a �► gr•e41Q121n"� d.nr s'al :.ln�i;,. Qr n ;r!;; [sunny, run Stockof at eri alit i-an��aty� '�� ° • 3d2."� r Jj� will staff` up. ','';JN"@' itu$lU' :G'�lt,�ia7"L4 "N!• It.4vii$���aroy"" u'u'tla�t'tS'' U �1 tl Uig,"• it ill �Y'0f���•: ,'? !? i' ll ° a la$t!1' �a$('�1JQJ0"+!°,� 4a�''u' e',$$ir° F1$=11•+"i�° d�r$n rPil nrt`.r. '$,•,. 5111,4[•'. what! h '1 •� p YC I. 4� e i vs* ppr 144>�llli° �pp$tl 9u„ pn1. i1'bb ,i��' $11 grey h p' F . ' a� �':. : raili$v°tl°. �. $Z1U G!4 �iQllR.` • ii$)i4 :�ia'!s° 111 UTI'FU�llI� < Nvr;1i' n .,9 d; ?} $.5 llf lalra�i�'r t°Stt'$y aaFlal. No is tl4■■t� time �,.-ou may be 4:s ykilD,rew f444' ,'°`)$iiQ'•- que- lling e T 4n Colored U S tr 1142Yn:; and �491R6U-?,3 �l 3's'pti, w P'•u trail• entirely 11.s,'stock'---not a shirt carried over t1 M1t 141St year ---;441 you eanna'yt t;(.► ami -q, t}41fing from Soft bosom Shirts we .pare thenft'«;in .75 tee $1.25 Starched ed yrs t $1.00 6W (cuffs detached) at 1.00 We e Zyt.i!ttc nt.2e l felt want in I'4- Ian; or summer -something methin', itml liege., still etylise. Y oct waant to see them. All i irc;s- The rounded. Corntees the iciest and best quality. t:so l ve us a call. We can suit you. eqfe teinb eh Zurich