HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-30, Page 7­ �­ _ - , . I, - I , , . , I _... .1. .1. .1 - I __ I... ­ -1 .1 -, . . �2.­� i "77,771"n-1- 1 1 . I I .� I I I I _ '11, tl..�i! , ,."', �: � ...... �_ ;��.��,,",f;'�`,ii��, , "I . � , �.111 �!,;, �:��:.,, I 1� . I 1� "� " " '�I;'::, "".,:;,�,!,;.,;,!.;"".�I.'',�;�.";,�, , � I � �� ,� �*: " I ,. " ,:� "�..', i" . , � !",". , li i 4 , i,, � , I . � ,.� , , _' :� `!", I 1. 1. ��;: , 11 I � 'I., , , ,., "'i? V I 11 I . I � 0 �j � � .1 . i"', �j "', , ,� , � P� , � , I. 1,1 1", . , Ir, - 1, ,g 11 j � � V ; ,:�,'�.�.'�f .,� ,: � �F� �, � :: "I i, !­� ���� , . . . . . . I I , , , I ; I ,. ,, .. -1 � I 1.1,11 . - . i I I � � . k , � , � �!!� .1� ,�,, . ; I Z " " . I I " � , �,v . i : , ", .. At , '. � ;; ,� " , 1 I , I /I , , , , , I , ,: p , � � � i � I I , , , , " 11 4 ., , , , ,�"i,,,, , �� ': ,�.,;,. I , � " � �,,,,., it, 1� ,: � I'! I I 1, "', �� , , , ., , � I ,��:1�,�!,�,� -P-��­- . '-e" ,� ", . � ...... ., .1 11 ,.� 1� I I I ­ , :,.. 7 I i, ., ,. 11 114" .g " . I " I -p-, , , , 4liggg " I _M- I I . I __ -1-1 � I I .. I I 11, - - I . .11, . I - "I'll"' It , I a cc IS_ With these sayIngs-Paul's ad, 0, 1, �'­..., .W.gggg-gg--­--"g"---`­gg+ ., .1 I dresi;l to them thus briefly oatlixied. . , ; �0� Scaret re -strained -It was. with dif. � I Coronation finery Seen on LyHtranis . from si I w0rietag to them. JS �. I I . rc)0000000000000000000acoomomooc)ocoocococ000ccococmo0000000=00000 00000 001 SuQdtl;y School, ficulty that they prevented these 4n . I U 1q. Certain Jews-TIlese, were no THEMARKE � � I �, 1 0 ra Z5'h *1 o n Talk Every Hand -The Season INTERNATIONAb 1ARSSON NO IX, doubt tile same ones who had been +i . I +1 I , . I . 11 JUNP, 1$ 1902. the leaders In the persecution at An. Cheese Xl%;,IL00� . ,�t tll�.l meetl Ff" 1) V oin � to be a Most G] 1. tioch and lconlum, ,Persuaded the Belleville, may �,A!,_. "I � I peopic--That the apostles, Instead of of tile Cheese Board hold liere to! 09 f "Id L 4-,qk n d I Paul at Lyr,tra.-Acto 11; &22. being gods, weve only apostate Jews day there were off6re(l :L,$300 white I I I . and -Artistic One Comm-entary.-Con,neating Links. fleeelving the people. Stoned --Paul re- and 200 iiolored.'May make. Sales BY CHANTE CLAIR L,,­:��-�%^­1%111.1'1.0 Theperseentiollos at Antioch (lid not fers to this lit II. Corinthians N�i. 25� were, Watk'll, 800 at 98-4c; Hodf-'- I I :cGratll .0125 at damPen-ItIble, zeal of the apostles, but Dragged him out (R. V.) -As they son, 0.0 at 9 10-80; M . � . would drag out a (lead mam The 98.4c; Alexaaider 60 at 05-8c. . � rather latenslifled it, At loonlum, the Stoning was public, In the midst of ,14.-Tbir- . . Ogdensburg, �1,j. 31., May - -May Day : " Tonjours," Corona- or at one aide, &omn or these 'veils publAcity. So there is a boom in pret- modern Konlell. .they remained sev- the city. Supposing, ete.-They Stoned teen lots, 911 boxes offered -, 0 1-20 tion I Welt! none of my readers will are in white or pearl-oolored chiffon, ty table arrangements, and for one eral, mon[bbs, They had good success him until tbey hail. the fullest cyl- bid; no Sales. hhve the disloyalty to ti -link much with tiny Honiton sprigs over them, thing, tbere are some denoo that he was dead, and so, co I others have the large black and and "a great muiltitudell bothi of the , r,nwail, May 24.-On,r:� thOW &I'd less to say, she is tired or tilt,, sub- 0haricuing Dinner Seto most probably lie was. three hundred alid fifty cheese were whi,te "wafers," or "beauty spots," Jews and Greeks believed, But agalit 20. Ho rose up -Miraculously re- boarded at the Cornwall Cheers . Ject, Go I will not apoluffiite for be- brown vells l.okwcll on bionze-brown painted to accoird witsh the varloulls tile unbelleving Jews caused trouble. StOred to Ilfe.-Clarke. But ever), if Ile Board to -day, of jv,hich 730 were ginning my causerie with .yet hair, but as a rule the colored vio, courses. Soup plates orna.mented wero not fully dead. lie must another reference to the great event, lettea are not lit high favor for the with vegetables, fish plates witb At first the missionaries were not bay(- white, r,77 colored and 43 American. ' . moment. For more dressy hate there bean terribly mangled, for they IIJ] Ah Sold by 190; 9 0-80 Was the top watery Subjects shell flab, sea weeds, OIY1190d. to leave; but it was not su.ppose(l him dead, and his restora" price, at wblob all but the Amerl- which to now getting thrillingly aeax. are some lovely ones made In the etc., game with liumtIng scenes and, so long before a movement to mob and tion must have been miraculo S 1:10 eail wa,s sold. American brought 0%0. Then there will be a calm after the finest, ,most coll-webby grass lawn, eon. Ices are usually oin. lo,vely Vene- stone tilem, was discovered and they departed-NoT deeming it safelio' re - storm and stress, and poor Old all folded, and twisted, anti gather, tian transparencies, lightened with , Lieudits- Wheat ',Vlarkotb- . London will be deserted rue tli.e sea ed, and tucked. They are light and goa�d. &me people arc, Using little old were compelled to flee for their 11*yes. main lorger. To Derbe-A, city a rely . and countrysl.de� Well, She wili not mlles P%rtber east, antl the extreme The followl,rig are the closing CIUO, etherea,l, and need little trimming, pew -ter boiwls forr soup, and finger- . They escaped to Lystra, a tow -it eastern limit of Paul's missional-y tations at Important wheat centres The lonely, for she will have food for but a trail or Pompadour wreath bowls olf glass set lin silver filagree to -day: reflection, and can hag to herself the about twenty-five miles Southeast of tour. of tiny flowers, surrounded With frameq. Few table centres are tileen, lcondum. any -Had made I Cash. Sept. Satisfaction th.at is -lie "a had a royal moss, occasionally the grass -lawn Is of anar kind, though riblionia and inany disalpies�-R. V. Returned - Chicago ... ... ... ... ... ... - - - 725-8 time indeed, and will be talked about, encrusted ,with fine lace, touched up ch-oux oif tulle o-eer,aicinally appear S. There sat -His usual posture, for many a long day. In Lhe mean- Tiicir- courage war undaunted, and Now York ... ... ... ... ... - - - 775-8 with gold thread. among the flotweris oT tie up the showing )its helpless condition', !in- thejr return to the cities where they Toledo ... ... ... ... ... ... . 8-' 8-4 751-2 time we eat, driak, sleep and breathe Parasols are Dreams, dear little Japanese dwarf tree'-letS. poteirt-ElIrtirely deprived of the use have ju0 been so terribly persocuteol. Duluth, I bard ... ... ... 771.2 --- -coronation ! What an internation4l I gathering it will be, for every one is but not so light and "fussy" in their If candelabra are used they are fur- of 'lite feet. 22, Disciples -Disciples had bpen Minneapolis ... ...... ... ... - - - 755-8 keen 'to take a turn at bpinning the nature as last summer. Some have nislied with simple little Louis XVI. 9. Heard Paul speak -The apostles madq at every point. Much tribuba- Milwaukee, 2 nor ... ... 77 --- I great coronation wlieel. I am told deep borderings of olilne or pompa- shades made of roose, green', maize, OT preached On several occasions and tion -'This word is from the Latin Detroit, 2 red ... ... ...... 883.4 76 dour silk, with designs and coloring white �ia_rcelllne, which may be coV­ the lame man had heard repeatedly ­trjbjjlum,,, a thrashing Instrument St. Loula ... ... ... ... .... 781-2 71 34 by "ono who knowW'-what a huge so artistic they would not shame the ered differently each evening with tile teachIng of the gosperl, and bad or ralier, whereby thel corn was sell- Torouto Live Stock 51arket. clan he belongs to !-that in coase- fingers of a fan -painter, one can ,little garlands of tiny artificial accepted it witii faith -Cam. Bill. aratc).1 from the husk, Ningdom of iquence or the recent alliance we are Drt cattle, choice, par cWt. 85 AO to scaxcely believe that col ruses with their flexible stalks and 4 $6 40 to.have a tremendous influx of Japs, or -printing deav;`6 tudsted Into fes There was probably no synagogue at God-Thl;, is according to the words Expalo medium .................. , S. 50 to 600, . has reached such perfection. Others, toom,r, F,ach Lystra, anoa the missionaries were no of Jesus. do coNvs .................... 50 to A 00 n how their ap.- and these are the very latest, have- shade may be differently decked, and doubt obliged to Speak in the mar- From Antloch they Teturned to Butchers' cattle, picked ...... 560 to 5 80 preclation and cousinly feellug. I blurred bouquets all over them, and the effect is -very slm�pjer and so4t. ket opolace, or some' other place of Perga, and then went to Attalla oil Butcher.'catcle, choice ........ 4 65 to 550 %bilik it some little brown mousluees wide borders of black Satin- they are The taal salon lampp are indeed public resort. NA -ho .... perceiving - the coast, from whence they miled Butchers' cattle, fair ........ I... A so to 500 -little toy-lalies-appear In their do common .......... I ..... too 175 all rather large-cor the enc�s Order- things o4 beauty, so bellowered and, paul's attention. was attracted by to Antioch In ,Syr!.%, the home church doCows ........ ............. Soo to 400 dainty native garb, Lileir bilks and and in many cases the handles are so be-tulled are they, even up, the tall the cripple, and he fastened his from which they started, where they do bulls..... -250 to 325 'brolderies, they will form a v0rJv rich and bcRjewelled they look as if stands. The flowers are arranged eyes upon him and saw his falth from made a report of their work and Foodurflo L4hort-W�W.-.-.-.-.-.­.-.-- 400 to 6091 picturesque feature in tile they Miould be kept: in a volvet-lined wirer, to stand out very much, and -the expression of his countenance. abode a long time. Vs. 23-218. Thus do medium .................. $40 to 400. Stockers, 1,000 to 1,100 Ibis ....... 375 to A 00' Patioratun, of blvluax r etures, carol Some. in pl,aln shades of taf- high above the ,shade. Of course the Had faith to be bealed-He had eon- ended P8Uj'S fIrSt lRlqHlDnarY j-)urnf,y. do)i,gbt ...................... 250 to 3 75i vaid we want all the lire, color and fetas (cersie and lemon -color seem lovely "Empire" painted and span- flitence In the polver of Christ to Miloh cows, edch ....... ........ $500 to 60 W PRACTICAL SURVEY. Shea?, ewes. per cla . .......... A 00 to 450 variety we call got into tlie pageant. favorite colors), have diamonds of gled are still in great 1 favor 'ar and lipal li-Im. Ile must have heard of Lam s, yearlings, per cwt ....... 500 to 5 50 The impress of the Corciiia.tioa is transparent embroidered Illet let in some painted by Par Stan t1sts miraeles which the apostles had The name of Cllrls�. seems to have do spring, eacti ............... 2 00 to 500 jupon ever,ythlug; one woild_�rs where round the edge, and enliramed In lace cost unheard of �sums, and are real performeod at other plac6s. See Y. 3. been totally unknown In Lystra. The HoV, choice, per awt ........... 725 to 000 . next one will behold a crown ; cer- Insertion, and tile points Just touch- art gems, besides being more dur-1 ­11%.he Greek word here signifies to Inhabitants were farmers and shtj)- Hogs, light, per cwt. ............ 700 to 000 tainly It appears In uniouked-for Ing P�ach other ; oil whIte sunshades able than the flimsy tulle-anki-floilver I be saved, including a complete sat- herds given over to ldula:ltrous super- H6-" tat, per owt ........ I ..... I 7 00 to 0 00 plar.es, Ili fact it Is hardly seemIS I have Seen cream lace medallions let affairs. I expect my next letter vation both of soul. and body." - otttions. Near the gates of tlie city � to wear It oil one's fout, yet a timart In round the edge, or lozenges or flow- will be w-ritten from Both, "the Wiliedon. stood a great temple, dedicated to I ...... ++++++41+++4+ +++++++-+ ahop Is dlspla�j-iiig silk or thread ered silk framed lit Insertion, or a Queen City of the ,crestIll and the 10. Stand, etc.-I,uke makes n Jupiter, the Supposed supreme rulorl -�p + stocklugs livitli, dalutil.,r em0roidered tiny ruching or white gauze ribbon scene of so much in-ter6st and lite- I mention here of any direct appevol of the heathen world. I + or + coronets between the lace stripes. with a gold or Sliver edge. Tile long toTical romance, �vljere Frankfort to tile. name of Christ. That omission DrIven from Antioch and leonium, " VIRTUE Of + ratrloti4mi knows no bounds 0. Where Ivory carved handles are tied around Moore's "Nest of Linnetall were may be owing to tile brevity of the tho apostles, Paul and Barnabais, I + + the crown Is tialmAng, L. It. dutifully I with a full chou of tile same gauze won't to dellght the fashlonable record, or tile 'tenor of Paul's dis- came Into this town, and putting : + takes its place. Ail we now loug and , ribbon. world with their r-weet music. The course way have been kso explicit in hit(> practice Paul s own admonl0ons' + , , , )lopa for is that tile clorig. of 'Llie j New TrInilkIlLig Popular. I pumpi-room, so tong celebrated, IS regard, -to the source of lilt; author- 1 to be -Instant In wta.,v)n and out of ! + : weather will be graclous U eati r.ilij j Tkis style of trimming, I may assure I still the concert room, and I hear ity, as to render tile usual invoca- I spason," and to Ile "always abound- - -V+ .......... 4+++4�+- to Old England even, .ol June, but- you, will be a feature for frcicks ;�;� I that a gay anti well dree!sed audience 1 tion unneceshary.-Ifackett. the work Of tbo jjord," bogan , .Now the time has come when tile avaurit, 'bird of Ill omen -one would I drebby blouses. I saw a, sweet little Is just now to be fo,und there daily . 11. In thp Speech of Lycaonla - I I,�gp%-rn,pavh. Paul. w1l;) si.4.m-.ql to be . greater number (of people must look but. you i I . not certaluly Imagine from tile ral- � gown -just lite thing for tab I shall hear ! Kiatlest, What tills language was we do i.at -,ho chlef speaker. was not -It a loRg i 1111011 "butchers' meat' as a luxury, went titat is bL-ix . ig lin-pared that I dinnerb or -93 o'c,ovks'-the skirt was ,1 souvenlrEr, Chante -Clair. It kilow. Whether Paul preaciml to the for atople, lint true- to ill(. jj(�(�pssjtj.;. lu .; ! anol practical inds turn to the so, - I t � .. � . .u. -I Of b1nek mow,s I lit-le-tiolie Over a slip I , '!',', I a,k, '-What Is there In this sy*V-,-= Such a 'thitig .,si a tihower, "t.n. It( 1: Sit-ople in lite (wreek tavguagi� or 11) I Ilk' f0t and tilp oblig.1.1111144 he . callptl ,,fail" of vegelariank-7m, and ++*+++.+ , tt ,,gue, is a, dir-puted : under f vbe 1. Car. I. 17, I,,. Ill), It bo mckoumi with, %U01 light alry of pale green shilumery 81.k with one I +6 ................ 4� :eir natlye tot, � jj.mFjt;ehs, Is tile order of tit(,, da.y, t,r uubsj�ljnc tit(. I nehed the r � that call 1101) the Masser? Is It a i in , 6;jm�� sbadt-f over lit, + +� t1upstion. The gods-'*Tlw (ii-ttilles ' pre. ,osptl. I +' t,awl corrull,(-a ue futwamilutai oioe- Thf- go -p, I th-v pria-hod cilinpi.t.sNil t rctut, tjl�tt tilt- rimill or blaughtered colublued with, that SiulldiNtY thUL ! uithu. Jlounco "frool-froutlug" tho + + I has "bubdu tmmei,tionb of comlolw�-'; lotottom. Irile lijack InotIE-silitle skirt I + .. thriv of lite ujiltv (if (;(x!. and thor 1hree, thin;te: vo-rtaln faetis. Thl. full � bea-4ts Is not oul.,. unno,ci-stut,ry but I ' tt"." M4411Y Of tile t0d"M's 1190el luid a tivep, suilray pleated Rounce. Ir " -tarious evstunvq 'of religion uere of junti. Mie, tirp tif c1rod The ggrq . 11I.Purtout; as litiman food ?, i v Vi-geteriaui-m has loug passed the li,'Loultf quilize skoulicon ill the way of I fxlgod witil. a tiny ruche, and heading I IN SILOS BUILDINO. +� flowilled ot& VW k4Ij1It'.)8itk0R tit a phir- � tsr Christ. Thn m4d-;1,r.-, of tht- Hot. Ilebus and IlKlias ­vexw Idt-turestl2w � * + ali, ,I jI%,)pj *1fa,I I star. ' thla wah it hand of trunspart-Ilt to" Z- I " t.v or dOxil's, mall. and ft-inale. dif- Skpirt- rortaili olot-ttinm 44spi I .,(*. and has bepu tit praotleal , , 'it;:!. ' � I + + go, anks. th( a vit fae . tlemontstrat;on Ili L anol for many aud t--nIxuw-rl-kt�. I ha%e st-ink a ull"10 fligrai lit liluck HIM filet. touelled UP #*+,++4*+++* ...... +� ++ +++It ring Ili %beir r. or attributos Ittkil 11,4wilig ont of th­� - rri. t,4. fro�.�h euxullosed or stjualTbsof guolbure, with ApItl thre�id and very tiny tur- I alto.11114- fulietions to-stgued to thw-M." , Atont�:umjt for all s'.n. m,vrpt .I;ttl � y4,ars. bolb tn jorivate families aud oil upi-11 latex, Ulti-TIRktillIg with %4%1- I clukoltit-s. j,.101k di.tIllond milrano, lit � 111.01 haii b1ml wrilit.1-11 ill legi,rd Ulielit-SK 441 welt-Notililige %%.is iaittre ili),kit. stuR or ibinh-i�ioei mitt t- ntnT­ Ill 1 wilvivus lrnluenisil.�- patronized 4 � to s.jo�, n%141 1-jjk� Ijul 41:01.1% alul minwr- s s ' . , � 11;mIlliar tt,o tile hentlwa kltiiwt tKub vlw�. Ovt�rt Pill vn*I hia (i,r tl,,. tI.tturp, : re,twirant . 101IRVIVOU4114 HIM -111011. tilt! W110le M` I Ice Inuertioill. The t 0 oice was of taf- � ous plaw'i Ittot hovn pullik-ho-A, hux va. thought of tho Uodp' ai-swittutig foaraltei, r(1901001-41ittli. nolioption.; 'I'lu, f0itowing lut-mis ary eelm�tvd raul"ol trall.1s,aelitiv o'ker p"114- Fvt.lo; will; tile gr4 (.-at lentilln, strutellezi I ,hut: -A taffs-mv. otbvir fete drt-si,is o%-t,r it 4k,141 Qv4L-r thUt again there � "I uetu.11 t.i.111161-livP 11h,1111 of theng 1,ulwul shups. avkl going �t.koaisd jusitIrlontlon, joirlty. I' W%vg�rats .%n I ' to!* 4h f-DILMI.V 114 1110di'e"'.% - P M"-IDgz. Th"r. art, o; luee kwo irtions. alturfuttlaig w4jj; tllf*. 1;1.4ek MoURS"I'to"It'-toti. eo%- L lito; Isromi-I oltm-ly Wk0stAI(tt0r.% "moug n.as.iwioI.-(!aiu. rft� �vanit-4ant-jAN. Spir'lligi-.t., froin iita,,,,�j.-ACOW tilt- 1�01!;Slhlghlk'N Or �k Well Sup -L I t�ojiuj.arptkios e%pk,Ij%-i%e for oritinir.,ii I. " upitvr­'This *was rae's sirlul doptrjupoq J.,.pI na-afto., I .. ijp.'j-o4-tI Wtlht WhILOUt butult-rke W -at" g tunsfill, I-MIlVolit,111144d In,, ir4tj wltD; lijinit. Imal tuckong to, 2. ll.srza"vas, 4 % . . with fint, et� rAtilt bLitell, 410no ill bt1hre Willed f(orm di't1nolids, In, ,vvivich wvry Insert- � far ais-rs, ttithers aro A-lival). bus last 1 tho bullpt liti. 4.4%inle.v 01., Ilao, ow-ala'sa, , nutlitlp, thok, grolatw4 of wh'-04 1-1 'P.- ,,.A.ajql ean lie viiarit'd iach wrel: and eadi . vutttol� Tim -re art, towe I"VOY i4i tht- virthroltivred Met ornatuent% 'L onl_� it few yvaria. Tilt round t411,V1, ., 4,nd wati, callplot tue fatlivr ug g,,41-, .4.w* fi-ve tin thp 1r,iral A-wA 1i'lurt,;1 mal 313indii, areorilbig to t1lo- twzaon. h'tthste. to s t -nit of thf. rbkoalwst sortat, an,lt 111-31, lle Ivat, the hing to' .40 MR. %atu- I ,�J�,tijj j.jt,,-ojt Ir,. rvtvi,,j,­ vo-A04 embrat,4-; 1 All bread Us ba4 IN vidUre wiiimti elmdru on Fruno'll W* Tito duevci; luol the amme dwitalf.4lds " t'llil 1 ' 1 1, it It In �*Ih­q� V:nq� 11 t Made up IvUll myt-Inds of thtle ttwt.s ut flit. tpv. j%qjth talej-,�ng Itetivr4l" *, V.t i '%V%r4- 110t 11411111" U9 4*46-11l'�" tol' % erht� -, his throne wars N'lowit I �'.� D41- thp Met 40t turtolnix fv� ��rrliajn or ojaer utalx4ted nours ev- , e Dit tit ,%jjrjljkt&ge %Of t1j, NtU%V!-. la;S� Io�jltl, I =4 op." lvol.L', boo huts W go with � itio uj!,9%V6 eami, StoN fluffS O.' MOUSSE -'xi '�"lt , .11i reuraw.­Ut- uuv. i,.. Eat -A- Adl W, A.. I.5, Ism lv� to, 7* t4s theti,.1 �tg, �- vvin *.% a la%ury . Nt"ono flours =�tv 0 11U.4 the mp�&%'Nwu tit 11,111. iron 114st'j-, � tIll.n. Iw-tho'4 rt-joretwwo-ot ;is vviiv (sm) j!j pnjitra,4 to Vie lasiv. trifhltc.,�o bl, ul,ed for eakes and Ifie.4. eerei�t thplol tire ofts It Of tho wiltolt, MA- � lalt.. alu. then I . %vratd, big nollpt raps lincs. witilt dolt- , - of Vie I -ons "TV -4 - , �! it wi ulil be % i,r.% P,41 t i4ar UV%. '; %iiiijoncr. tho, ait ! -q,u- j visgad a.m4lB 1:!.# joit:,4 *,jj�pew Ill %o -Ig -1 11 toth-olp are lr,Nt. . va,tt, laVu, 01 I "Ji'sa wort, fallunt; over. T.Olklz 11lart; hare 31111tells 1� 111wrts it,� now it 10441�141ct tie tld�m- gl,r Amol ChIf I 1�10(�kq vulat; "'! thu guem Ir.1.14 trill.4trof ror f."Arval-n: mA �t IQ 1, - Vag brdno. tuid th(ld4l1r, the Vaev In,- V Inling Dar OVOL r the hatids, Tile %valat 1� di-ad%.ontqrw:� btaw vigk,,Wolllo,� A jj#_* J%'at� %D941 gt,j 1 4t41 4":t11jak0-VV, ,, 4,qualtz. -414TOV0014. �n I.,4 frd.!�Ptl .�Y �*k : Bre-,ikfaot : - Oragirg b , 144,uten- grIlso, coutoogly. To go wIth ow nir"i, IN11,%I ttitil ejore,sigt.-I�tow %vere tot pale 1i la,1111113101 41f farliat'i't- all the Vultold 1:10. 11r.t-,,.t q d .; ulij, er- Al. 0xio - clt It- J4 Inand U*41�0.,'�% % I,h m lk � ot,ornniioal uanfM^ wtth , -fash- 11 , alve -41 thit 14,41t1i #qr lev had Q4 Ir priq Wt4. rAl N al.,;,.� v.deri- Th" gosjwl pl-tavol ts4 Ist, Mp logwer =.q.4o, R,.-rnp; brua al I I tkartv, tht,re are FrCMIk CtMt4 Of t0l� grrpn Vinil", an.4 thitil had Old '41aten la :04411tot � �4 it it buttor , t *nsid grvllu�v-Hne buttalass Sot in - -t I t411% whiell eallialst am im-9 V.1r1.AU'lL--T,,it um,u rot i;tri to at lvat4t. tow tni a up A�,­ ` 90 i .. t,orii,il pjae. TM9 .%,4 ar thou U,itug 1% I u 114 n lag . in !h �toTfkll - I Vilr- I� gold ftc(44, 0,t re, P�qvffig V,rvat, alteatton t'.9 rimi`�j rRaWnt'd tot� thelli. Tile prett,v bljr�jlk too, jungtlivil vii4witsc. Tht, Avero for N_cr4iiev. aull tl�o gar-awia pftv tvr L --.&Ira. tthko, had hii,tit 1.0 i D�iita.ilr�Vvgombto, wo up , sa v c ry lg�mwq a - ii ' - 1�0,. - .. ram,li. lV1,4'h* Ogiehtll Ice .. aon�lat 4 Itotolitood; V-ajuk,v� e.t4trGe lgluutov. driift,s atel #','!,, h.tt was tot grstvn rn8h XvItil " ba -'i �v Ighvs t iug 1, � i if 49101 lie d t;44411g- wer(� vtlwr tis ohCur3tV the im,.�Wgtib�* Tob -11**I, Ttj.j�jj no.161 %'.19 , - 'U tunt tn h* 54;et: .1 ignipa 0 _N4-11 100a.4. 10".4tice paltad; wm 11rho t�v evate are ere��I"i evor , joale blluf� % rovet Von ita-atod- 1� gi.a. P-Aw. ,whivpl sm,lits to Its- ti- lw�t or tit erown tL,W,.dj9U_s%l* tt. or IA"L c,rall "I Plitj NUMNI g in front tvitu bat'vogUon na'a, lace 4,nt Mrougli it, lled here 1; Itatiol ul Itlinl3er tor I-flum. U, to aevisalot it.2jeal. jut3tjb(�. his 10',tl�n. I prf;.nv,tifao he was Cis 'vg- vlv�e,l,�Ito P�dtzc. ralt luu-� ulits; %" 14'rezi .w,4 t" . colfgv� Q ,af,4 C�,411"J� t'oor. I .t1jt "a.Mo"j tL��*lo�r,.tL4�* -V of " , �",;, " niod t1wre lit graeo`��fnj INV%Vn. CLUd jj of ItI4 &"jj'Nh1_ijjkqbje f'h"tr4jVt.'rL it 24. AVrj%tivv-I'ar:,.,aIot4�. % I . ­ po .1at4 W1 � t N* I-virlooloor, " Narrioxv P 4 -hu, a rnil eaelw qxlghq� of forget-trott- 1� Is Lrt,� tall c"T jout0o that auoiv�uru- haIL4 all alro.%tho tovause lw wa_Q w1it 11"u"'Ill " hB9 tow:014nnvr". lint ap Ev tjf-ar�l,tlav 82PP4Vr­4SW6181V-4; bro.-ad and buttepo r7wu9_41ag Ls"Eiafl.i Under twe lic"Wrly mots: and rrw"Ps, With an Irrodt'seent 11 jorautivnol�%, lav? Orwt ulmn W Toots lio,v t1la- clourvio. vot. lat,ztingv d.f higii 320U.0VI news praell"'hignuI. h" felt kulpf, 0,41610, . ralSell rqk�­ . orj1r'.gf.­ . UITIev, tuttoliar, awl funuug an tutiog t a .,irg tv) � otrag,ron fly polm'd t0riQ%, oTo theill. I i� joinja�c,v- tons bj #�io rovent 1.� Ia;d vilim 10 bepti ckv.-o to to tho jovuh"r ­wU ot vpr . 4P Up tv"Toobn hirit anii huFl tutrag- Vkkltoa- 'i I � the 'Latkukd 0 the Zri6irt. Tjv� to"T'acs llavvsgoot tooW eomuw-� liatioght be car.!i at tntawn T(wr .,�_7 Ili,;- M� 11101 Ot the ,gIposikshilo -LariiiivLw. Ilt �q rd� ff.t Vj0*,o,;,5',rA I'DoAfl Mlan� 9XV VX z �__ I " . , tamt, . ,�a,�, Loa L0344 r;q:4j "ato joo it, vatglety tot wmiyg, over �� that pare L43aqlall bs. ,�ial- 4.4, lh$, mi,tit Tj'14%V uure jio!robab�.v at touq'r �'��a,?�.*40,4 t�aI,�,�ffj� 50��,r tl* - , il;g q9T j8o�� L;:,o!�Dj ,,-La�.,ajt7u5jD,_ I I,- e,Wn.St-11_,)rn a .- m---11 � barmwaft at the L�4'h iatL I . - i , *o , . ,�ti��_ tp.s* 0�p lopanj 11PIp - 1�*g Xv. 01.%le, assul the gauatav% cures eLd joFlUk r"Au vf a teltvk,r isNarle. tat" filet 0 (Cq,-1q(9thhaC-a1 000v Taotniarra coul'i Was". k.UU614 hnd trial. ii,01%E, %4.�- �(L' atr 'a.. � � Day �g v 1,; , , . wir*T4 1 "n I to lk* � 1wti-ap-4 q , ..; gv*a Vuilm g( M4?0 In ruffies of tluiiby VIT 11 -Ma i1mite Uv 7 lq.,)2engo�3 =Dght big tvorLwd wat In Vury 11 0 rhe ftran4,'Aluon V'r 110b. new mpll InI tlafm that, the haer - "'Ll-Lat I ;"._,L.41111� �111_t�M �, J".,Rtro 101.fs�rul atl,ump�lth�vm 1,avot i,�'ot�(.r. "'IFZ. T'R C"lle,rc'.1 w1c, V thorron r-nlavr�rp, was COM61op. IZQ�nl, Uo 5111 cLot0ht!z-T,_-� __ � eravul frv�t vr2tt,u n roual vv*m ,1.4vtia,nou rautelt the 14T.11owL. L Ill Fdom us In 54N urwolq-n hnop � E42 uu II tomph-Vegr,�!nU41to ,�tvjp_ E�ritad cmd JkLIP eorat. ur tftj� 4 I � r'.�"jr_ fo Ivl,tc-r; T.61t'­r,�-;_� oyp2e �zm�_P; V_A�,�; de LoDtei or the latow salray um D'v. tpv,�.e jiva-ams wtZEe. and laude of alf"kif leo'h waq a, cm4em Of ZD,Q jV-t%-[- -A 000,3' _et.- Qtr .;,I ­. 11 I U'tfl It earrood mot, an ertatan 4 %vult" 1i m,r­rut On , Ifl- re'LLI ', , F - , , ro&tig art4 dU_Nt[Mtjy sra.airt, It O.'resw ftiyaavDllat�-de-sole. the figet difto t4on oanateg�, "pii-an- dr­urvt Z 14,11,ouD. deatio tit llluv?�r frlw�ftds. a. ta,,n�,�, ow, ""'allo. 0;a ,.,�,,(,j W��Bt;m,?_',_,�a t�,L�iip lit 11 4 IM 41�1. � � . �11�p kp'T li"L,.-,!,� c6,10T, touqud'Fe OIL eMpr�iaur, to vrcalr 'Ulailt top Ulth WC -110 karj#��d 4*04110Z�,.l 110 ovahamily. 142"I V0. a !� t�r r4" �-,u ii&ttets of Vur, go's'T'et q-4 ,( 10�rjr er-To"I'dat" zl!"JZ�P.. VAM "a'�k- moltM4 wer'Ad lie on ero,.iim. whLeta � "IN1 L , .0�1, tb-'Y 1,�,�41N With " whtte Wa4L'a Xillrt. To n -hop OUUN vavag lun'jo - ;: 0 7-. - lk�ko_pl W11*L.attrT-.s 4n fit.v ar L'�Lh fo ; wa,�Dkl gilve &eolle ra,� Innny lagaty �� .. a ftlualf� h4liVIr " btaq)hv,my 0'r witut-,qs %], ..�',Lu:oy g*t,-.'j­t 6k,V�9,s gravql. =%ko them chie -je, , - .1ro m -b ,. ra-reg - �,, U 7 %Viiit 1� untoll the Noop has a tll*,�,Ik ,� Top t1v traft*�gr(SLU_vtai 64 t,L,Ikt4 law� 1i �'*o �; Z1, 11 X"",L�t��p tt,0 J�ro"�t I �' 'ator. o,rrq?,,,.vt1,#v. v. �h broW& �'!..j 'eo-,Lp.!�& T,�I)r �n jcp'j, a tv4m ul Z*at 11c,"rAq on�c, Vall`Bat'��Iq of e000r on mo unevol I ttnilito,,�o hqV40p;4 V�T JVV*� M,FV-5�Lq, fortol �r ' � - thme .. V.­T,'DU.%- U-�_-rC. a�t,_,rrii-�11" �, V,f.",4:LlAt�v ot gtluk,�I� th-g�-?;-.woar*"'j'1­I , !�.!W;il'. Itn-cm.1sq. to,tagt- ,TaMta­�C, 1116rtooW' lace. and EOM,� 9,11180 Cold- "" .y. A elever hi"Mortroman IMIR en� 11 Thot refatomaolng nwq, lqvp hoolis 1-Lr-,rD2-,-e 1� ott',eklea. an,,t rwg,%�v�t onte, C"14. M.J,Z4, , j"j-'R reqq_,�ho' [1�,,, I . "lopartinath-s natrainyq. even . � '14 . vp r.ajcq.�,ju ft �,j ,,tq:,) Vt-:;L,j1j � u-. - Ta 'wm, gin s1r,.re . b �-� ad and fttft 1,; . v�laqq. , oftn9ptiS T, 'I VLOTlep. amel, or 11"03veatl art u,niiVADS i only 0oar lazwr,s c-ach Too, aVeli-nizag t,ddfv to t2top fiag lo,m,�,%,,­dInwe 1� rel.,Uft. nt(l We May g!'Ll"U'le, I "M � 0 , , . uny foioc�e of hand-iPmmW,SnfBV,6,V this ,g IesSn'.T s WLW 602- Of -L) F�qjn %,.lot ta�qt ji,fegdo-e mote than .',.,�" 131. 1,1111, paswqvti--S,_�2,�,Vt '�Q� tp.p � .t,a:, 15,11IMP of, the 'Ma�,erf,iknt � . VrVE,tal, vvithr tp�.'d Iteur do 11�3 and 66av4itro runs up the price or - � feet e, goonater, an -A tM pv;andis of n,,4As. rqtmp jn:jrmItDE % am: ,-QjV,f-NLrA�_2�,f'11`_ grov-oV?:C0It11iiS rof �Iitvv­.Qttalllj�� tlanwl- 1i Droalitast _M- owir 41 prnvop � shrvdded earuluet* InerusEed (on them. lvh�tex. gbtrn roo, tilt-, hc�'Vps, whoch are r.AAQ6 and ftIq Itke .%Warsetvv$�, I-T,,j- e1r,j;!rC-56.rA.jjjrj ' g5r�g th,m V,orf.j (,r loop 1-0,rol. Tb,�y S.jtv. 1, U'11'0-0, Uvrn�t, %RED M;M. ;lotato In all its ga=ut of S�'mdc-g, tvill he Ina Staggeefflz Pashloin, I fluot-kily noade. and p9muld not co'st Means no y,,qore to,,Zn 1we aln!� lratly,: or'(%1 to ari imnd4 11I,xty soii;ga�t -to , *to`8M14- -- Io,Z,-1. . kaltf-r . eoffft, jittoTe than $1.25 Pach, or $10 Tor hum,all brings, wit1h O& 1_-,n'1u1!- 3'3,�Alrurs, 11 seen, and 17hat a Variety :-*, tg?- " , .'..'Italin -A; tho-Y Watek04 IOr thq.l I.;an,,-h--T-Ia.4_ ttpno �Ic-nai. w0u,h oemetj trow the deep_r-st eartia to wm:01- 1. Ulf, it must be of novel ariginal dem- the lot. Tbere is a great deal Ue-sa awd app,!Altes as yout wwn . wr��d 1.16011 it er"01 eraorkers ; lmntv-d E-Ino,tv,rry eake, . Sign. and fairyUke worktuairoshIp to � 0 �,J-m,d:egiitions ipidorg to-j�,r�-Nn. -and,., . - room, putty, chaw,P21gno, lenion, bis- I tha'a tile Cost of the w -mal Iron 11.,-gilla .and raintip 4 I ns they bpho-743 traem tvor-y 'emo4t-de'-d 4 01 ,a .nt as .you4p. an(� are� all s I tand batler . (�,m,ca. eowparvI 10th the fw�chvathlg crea- void lugs. A threp-4-porni-red fra-ne Mor,tal Me vovar,srlve�z.' ., I.Rrf. .7as. ,, . ftft, Cfe-am, . &%d f,630wird lhona up IV a glgljo � U�nrer-V�rgor,eal�j- stv%v - jjo&tj$, � 4.1ong of Our best touturieres. Somq- V. 17 . r - rou goo I tilirgqr, Ii. T. ­ , - , fri -1 t�s : IF -1 t�v-o, sa,Ilasl -,srnat2a P--.6 *, livoty to flead b uo%V-, IV Elite *. Is erec-tcd at the, exact oatsgdt? vir- trilig .�� .. I . itand -,0qL"-tt07;rQ Iron!:wUmmal, Oki. Oh*t � , - t5z��g Dozongosi or Pompadour Silk are runtirprenee of tbe silvi, goad It 1'_�, a nlfj�Sage V.! gjjtWj ' , 'n -1 t.n ,m ; wrak tca.�K. It. . ,I ��t!.E"S **t.r-.L( , _: L� �C , , , A�g ,.I sharp can,trast, the, Parift"MIS vlpjA On drpg�ge,g of cvregm serge. can- * � �? norbre tw,33 In tat- eamteh. 11D th� 7 �%Tmtl rgni .tf ' . ' , 'O.1 ' HC_.-njj. - I tBjSZ4jt_ t9op hu�npq plavo-1 In jim,411bin- w4�q torth tbc- livBug Gml ' to tv,,Or 411 I- � Ul .��Lihbat!a vehmvl. on th:L­ mass&n _�-,- � _­­ . 0 -Who like 11 strO79 Se Ioh W .: vla-t'. or volle with C,xcellent effect, Tilt- lining rof live Wo is tIv,,n put phaef? of i1ninot tvlv�s�-Tf.i�.S-:, val;4�,Ies_ ,m it) jitaliv.1. r-mP,,M-(-rPT1 and itti. ." ,tl,e waZr (4 fr43c-k9 Ior the g4Y naa , r,��nta I have spoll flower Sprays cut on a.nd shonld be (of Inch Gf-arix�ll "T51V wordQ 'valyitiv" an I 'v�jjla. 'cVt,rPT - . .4 burd wltl,�� the sp'rit W, tha.... apo,41ef;. I Adath",q tr,vt,jr. tides, and for sparts-W�'I tg' 1:��'s-'L irt.in brc,vatled ,Q11k, and app'Uqued to pine, lumber t lw(,p itiches wide. i=L, tt',�V_ rdinost tine Invariam Ii, tr-rras Wt.] by : � lu red gownQ. de�ep "Coque:�e:yt.*' WRU�'Inm P. Farrl�a , **I s -Zees?, slid two*lwr pir,key"'Idat fro,vel's vy ' OfTe ;Zace, for A Mouse Or walstfOatl edi and rlalllel to the lvoep�' Ow snu'l.i. Jews to describe 'the emptiteess atrd 4 i ' 1he.re, ate pretty 51ittle w;th a balk -r bldek ribban Telvet ran as the tim- . one er de Preawh,*rs is in trozablei, .Ing. jVZBf,n tit- ljj,,�n. woftlolessness of ljr-.�Viir-r­ 'a'or,40,P ­: t,s ' ' I, '%xvilt de sarrohit what templsd E,V,6. � ted taffetvs, or waslkimt,g S.M. WAU, in and oat 6f thel Igoe ail round the con within twent.v lrevoe-q, Of 1�-�e 10. In thnitL_it pagi-The p�r-vik-�3 bp. ,I VLXED PICKLES. Now. dat's im w. " . ,pate, or tLINT Vrv­�. , �, black ot white r now,vt-deshm, which lanst a wast fore the time oT V0*r60­ �­j.*EF-*,,E­" - �' tgaity fur 1-,� . , � � and the reJ fancy sUk �s usea vg.�Aln , u1ii5quip pffek,. 900 total to coitiffure tot stattIng W'ar.e. rtc,p. and pnt in '_��g 4 per000ttteel. allow(r"I� All 'r,1t,0--r-.-.VI TaLe cm-urnItF-rs. gmEn V*-axativest, � b-'Lanibr, fur tronUe. lb,lt I reels"d I .. % � , .�s a 'I . 1% la , "., - - no deep ma.8 bat,49- jji,n,�� dauw;op�rm- r,tud"llng. tip and, down bPtw,.­n 1"e, the- Gentole rat"0111R. U., 114-1d'uk.-Vir lm- - Uttuv, v* . tt0­1w.k. nJ M,12�1twel4im's � Idlam rius V -el Itilk, renet. In "Ver eaq I P� Moment.. I havt seen the Single -".I'S grF-Pri m1ppW C, , -�- -Molj 1r, ge, on frem,ks 'C).' whAel sc-tg'e. ")Llii- L hoopi; On 'e."evu s�de of the door sq, � TTC,M ea.hlbacel .171.45 � Ut olprlsl�aar.m B .S rVI'l fl�trii, P,� preaeber I vas ay�d vo"De It :'s c�11121"Ljng, alla, -nowneze, ene on styptal heads atid lambs?. Make tbk- d tion laid -a darmot ruvot'latuolig . t i�B . "alto , - t "Ors Cot r"'L' �, (;od. 'The"It, own ways-�,;O.!l %V�V,drew �1� S=Rfl plf.,ores . salt 11"I er M�g_- it . ti�kne!i tatkin- �� �.t ean ove oul de st - one ean st'a;"l iu'sty 0; �,,�Or tu 111tPD.y. tn the evenleg it is quilts &atne, lumbe-it. ap the wn�,.,;. 'r -1111:.g e aa_..�: 141.,z�_ a�jit ,DT r-Ift, vvaoh ntil dra , in in Rool!Vtor.V. b3l, My 3DI do Kamp -or- de ' , gtaecpfun and W -corning, bub In the thv_ , fc,.iint. ,7: - I tile restizgnts 01 AS gTac � Cart.,,�en VT�F�*B : take tprxo,,�g�% v2megw- " man. -Wam e,an't holp I!-1cs,-,T rtow. P " " the C,Wantry or at tLe se"a- The ae- elay tionto lt Is deo-Idedoy too eon-Vica- of .ad, in to ,,j _;!, on the l Q� le videttee ft � . . the hrjop.,�. I coTalraryEng, uats �raro P-t-wer s�mp, � 17. ,%1PverthvI4--,-:­T!hj,D=t -hjjr 1, ,'l I X -top easino", to be very 9deJ re L . � �., e� U-0 Cover. Ira', t1 --a VL1l,gA_. eu Vue, b"'t �oo.,ks un".�Ur ter t,,v r'sigg'n" at 'Im ' T O _.Wej,l -at %e EdKove­ Pat L.� 't round iind * �� ta7r *%T �: f.`.ataway- I lk els FororS, lor,r 'Urn. nor I e- _ftjoal VVIC. If the ".410 �s On"-Idp tile Nar I. � E n artairs 0: _�e F�.,�ab�'e .cut, 'or ,Z3& ,It , n. tit no written In, tt� 114 . - wfih a, vcovel. erown- S'-y?1P- It ls,ail very welt it the wear- can be covered witio tarre'l vap�-T­ did good -Ile h S 'e(mon-strat(d T -As sugar. . luet tLf- vin"gur rolne to �­l ,. C"Umcs dat I allmos W`,.$;-1 I WU,__Tj,t s Panama, In a tine old tngllsh Mor.110 C7 , else a turned -up- " ey ils roaming � and ,ebetip siffing. run both up .i-�J existesee and 'a .�,.�Araettr,r by bo _ I�.V_rjrx.e on 1QUtItilD OT "all, L -Ards,; relSARd, ter "tn. 113 -at PR b_�t 3,ov on band, or . , ' g, 7jjqur,nt �, IvIrk- el&d in whibe mueAnt and blue dowv a* a protf<-Ven .-agalnst 2'rf,�% doing the -m ge3j. ,%nd g.,zv� vv,�_a trIll. of SV,!?01 over t_'*1 PRIT.',e.q. tra,run Itut I All-round Breton. V4,1'1,SC*r7 , � j **nc- propersd1ton �11 . `Wha and stylish. wit9ii a SLmPi �. &tSt .01 . ribbtyne. with a statel.iv gfeybbuftid T110 roof allj ronnap-tion �Mre u3e S%miie V.) --The r*ln and ft-taitful � e, le_� C, n s L, -i ta,e k�ot vj,,%f-maj�. 1)-.W,n on the vine. ,I . Vs that 211 blaeK. re . !I " 'Ing "Ll Adam had ter t,p =�a4o over. red 91.1k and a lionruati. Of 6 be -side her I bat-eatiing tees at Fid- aq 4* -,t 491 v -t'-Yro. and tho ont400- -, ,t-- rr(j foorl arol gladm-P�4 ,mr-re zhir W -A- ' 9-ar alza W:3 Vxp,7� =tutul .S. addi1bg . ' &td white cjjerr�eg, or mrrants, ii ;ef"% travelling in the Two -penny etin9could be of any sar4 tb-- orm- ne9ses God gave it"r- hfattre;; of ll�'q a � "aadta� ,o4 zr,ugar *-a�.',Iii Ump. TL't,i . ; q' en ,.v-,az Hvinl tn P�ls d,aty Pn duo'e. h* stucic in m .-:ometimes. It t�as just '. Tabe, or on the top of a 'bus, Ithe er VAsIfted, or it might go without !-;.�T- goodno-,49. and we;; rf-as6us wa�'y cjovc�r t1w P:ekies irp ttght aAnd vet � wonlenyt ba Pa fr*e wid sparerib.j.-t ot t,LvIst 01 fromi a Ing U10- Same ftLz, any other tab PN,'g. -way in a dark. voi:o� p -.ac -e for one i - Atlanta Corngtftutlon. . red or blaar. vc-Dvpt. tied �j laug twisted curl hanging they should love and obigy Ilim. a Ila a Sauey bow at the 111will wlth 9 modern Smarb hat, on to an up -to- Ir pooteeted from the weather t.�e . ­ ­ -­ - ­ __ ... 1. - � ­!t�­ L! .... '!!'!L'!:-!, , lotig ondg descendtrag tO the ishoul- � dat, shouldev, Is, decidedly eccentric, wooden horip.,; should last, for .vpar4. .- _____ __ ­ ­ - L "---- _.1____._.1-__ ­ 'L. __ __ _--.--------..; der. Another favorite color. egllec- . and to* funny to have a long career I and It at any time the Inside 15 -nil -.4 1 fg * 11 .. 'L lially plauned for those wito are 1, .."me Var.v ,Ssuart Dinners / became "dozy" it might be Nne4l with I ' ' ^ I CLr% Se of 1� tC 44fift Ahrik, , . fr "I &trail] of gaudy hue�'. is b-OWn, 1 have been given lately, and there tarred p,jppt. and then Pheetin , wh!r-.h 00anes in such tones , ak L as �' w * r,11 .. raonastf,ry 1* 41iind I have been various novelties seen in I thereby making it epvvleeab�e agntn i , 11 d & � � --ael; ,0, b Z- t L ate nm ; Eczem .�aleafo . I .Cono�j��SLS. %;t ,' the wa,v of table arraligamento. I for a nowbuer ol yearg at gffltd; eo�.t- -jgpgoRgp�,: old colerg, I . � I e an idea that people are grad- John Gould. thf- ,wejD known ClAo 9 with braitl new m.-jiniev! They make 11 h&v : I ually-vety gradually -growing tired Dair,vinan and F,gryap St I up charmingly with p,ler'ne'sk-Irta .rls InSlIj, te I I , ;�i �1 Of gtving the inevitable dinners and lecturer, who has ,seen 0. oo-ml-w- cr' p1ped IT. two"ahadeR, S.117 Ivory a , Leg and Foot a Mass of 6 ores that bactor-4 Could MA V eal-A Th0roUgh and LaSting dark nut -brown tile binuie-Ilctlera � sappers at, hotels and restaurants, these rilos In operation. thWig ,".'a- 1, , llodmm Cure by br. ChaSOS OlntMent. ol'tris to sh, ,)%v t� front of jji�,n,�o,j late � a.t ,any rate, A great many hosts ly of them. F. W. i:ive --�;Z`C`ilk J or Ivory xi%�US;Lhne, an,& the � and hostiesse.s are stiowing a pre- Commissioner. I -1. -1-111 .1.11- ­­ ..... . . .. I .. I . � ­ --11 I ... I.... _ - � fetence this season for their I 'N.'e"V -"haped 110f . T�As let-�er frem Til-,onburg. Ort.. is an un,zolieftei! te.stimonial to t.*teeXtmord.'!aarN , olwal particular fireside, and are tak- ITC-ir Lovilior rr2ends. .- 110.1iliTig jower,qOf . vvbkh gives vaell Pretty lines tothe i 1,,ng an unwonted Interest in their - Dr, Chave's Ointment. This �s are move example 1oT bow this great ointineut curo,_s when all otlier ! means � , a triumph _Vft`ad-*Mt%beT 1.4; trying to tatcu tile have failed. Them is Something almost magival about the way the preparation heals antj r.ure. 'ngure. These baits are � , i bousehold gods. Vhere is something ' � s. People - I I Sisters, Who CaR afford s. It Is j no n,BW Minister, isn't she 911 who have not used it can *;carcely understand how txt can be ,so effi;etive. � to Our 81111 to be said On lig,th Side --Det-peratel-r. Slie thlrk,z "Ll Mr. W. D. Johnvon. Tll.,sonburg;, Ont,, wr.t*,s* "My father has been entirely 0 'I 10 Z ." I to have an jr,ch taken off their ftoubtgregt, ftindining'at these noted Irett ` ouren f � nj -staxiding. i,jd, in order to Produce I would have proposid th-:l other evrm- and Obstinate case of eczinna by the use of Dr. Chase�le Ointment. Ilia log and foot werp, a masq of sores, and . waists beh'� ' "local -z" wbere you, ree go much Ing some , the gradual lejigtbiming towards tbe We siWeb a variety Of "monde," and corne prepared. Iplit he Suffered , .thing terrible from the stinging and itching. Though lie useti a great many remediesand dip in front. which I-, the desired ts;1e So, many fascinating plates, that he was afrald to undertake It ,waa treated by One of the best doctors here, be Could, get no permanent relief nntil lie began the use of shape to be aebleved this year. These i there is a sort od excitement txbou.t extemporaneously. Dr. chaspla Oilitment. simple pelerine FkIr*-S` and blouses it, and from the bostertzes' point of .-ThIs preparation was so Cooling and "Otbing that the very firStapplig',ation brought reollef, and it wa,,S, . .tro much seett In tue BOIS In the vievv Such a mving ot responsibility Too Ituelk Water. not long until the leg and foot were perfeetlY hPaINI anti Cured. ' It wa% a !Aear,ure for Iiiin to r(ec�:Innjemd tlAj � iiarly. morning, when the elegant6a arid anxiety, s.till, many ate begin- Little Tommy, wben told that he , ollitment. because Of tbe great benefit 'he derived from It, and he will gltxdly answer any questions from liit-4vto their carriages for their bygl- iiing to think tile thing can be car- was growinig fast. answered. other sufferere' . vale 1,100ting"; they are made of ried tob far and inothers especially "Yes. too f,"t -, I think tbe,r water Dr. Chaz&e Olttmftt is useful im a score of ways. For every lrrita;tlion, ov- ornption of the gj� ,in it af�. ,§ensible length, and the o are not vutrW t -hat it is good for their - I have to take .1 fords, prompt rellet It be,als and mootlies wounds, P,calea and burns, and has never -6een equitIled as a "to; I Ittle affair, ,,jettlies filleel to eat their f1tat,din- Ine Sixty Cents & WX at all deAteM Or Edmanision-, Bates �& � with thera is a, simple I batft'e'v"ylc�'�',M%� 11�-Utlle 11 hro�_ -'for eczema, salt rhle"llm, tettet and Scald head. I, -quite 90 Inuth, 910,laor and 'je� . I . . I - WIth One of tlit new veils twisted _ . Co., Toronto . . . -A tied ,]a ,a �bow, 111ftbIlt, ,eM in . wand 'it, 431A , .