HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-30, Page 6. I ­_�_ ....... ­­ . 1 7-1—,.- - __ I I . ". I . .1 � " . - I.. . I I I .. I . ... . .. I I � .. I . I .1, .. ____ +*+*i -1-A++++ Tito ISoypi; noUor. - �� . . I . STRAL4, THIRI WONDEVII + 0 , Common * �ean6EREZ?�--le�-,---:�,,E�F��EF;&�pI - -i I ­___ . + On Is Wilts died t -he (ate J Ps destroy the , — * ETIQUETTE OF T11 ,4 1 wil'on + E I St ... soa ISSUE No. 22, 1902. + I or"llig "O'rt`04 hfftd ere,01�8d over be; clothes r 1 and render the � ..'' I -- - - I . PNY$161115 Will Scientists ",�re 4' grD,ye' a ft`mb�ibqlla beartng tile ln� ,� . �" I � --- scrIption: "Ca,lo,li�la r,__1., I — -_ I � + HOME WEDDIN . + � I hands liabl,- fn -, . AN;)v-,r so 84wailered. * X, Sterling Mowtou, , WAA0 UA 4,ullla- , , . # _ Wnd motizer of � a[- ULUME'S DA -V++110+1l-+*+++.1,.++++** 6.++**+*,,V Paid, Qa.rl and , , y in "Cassell's I . I I Mark MO,ton,,� SU 11 11hard Dave, .. maeazit 11 -1 . �IVIIY did you Put tile boys, u,nmes, JILIC; I- Wonld tile bride and bridesulal+ I ]IT IH 7�1�0 Otta'MaMiracle is still d in?" Inquired friend of him one 6 --a, �­-�—n—,e P, R, Ft;.z P" a - - 11 . ow,To 'Ns. enter the room where tile ceremony day. ,,i toOL- a , bellig, . . 01183.ed ut. lbe Iregillar Meetlugs of MY, boys out to tho S,b, George, whose festival Is cele.- I . the ooerur& of o'e CUPIC0 City. IS tO 4a Performed In tile same man- DeNnOtOrY," eald Afr. Moirto.1 brat0d oil A.prIl 2a,. was born, ac-' . 0, "aild Ottawa, OnL., X�,-,� 11)._(Sp tier when a Wedding March is played showed them the�r mother's grave, cording to tile earlier Writers or G a Fhmsh celal,)- as, when there is 110 music ? 'BOYS ' I - sakl, 'Yo-ur moitiver is bat.- Church history (among them the ae. TO SaX t1tat tha miraculous case or L, I Ied b ' I PLEDUCES George II. is' ent, of SJYJ . Is It proper In al� cases fog t,he ere`- If 000 Olt You does anything Persons have been hnown to tailmoro gruoul anu I),.,&t mall to await tho Msholoor4ble o;r a,n.ythiug of ,which ourate' J'oseph `Strs0t, hatt .111alren medlout cirelesto she Woulld be agliam,ed . 50" XXPF_N5r Assema,ol) or noble gain a pouipill a day by taking 0',�'miugof tile bri,Ae'? . I Of she were I , Christian parentagu towards the .. alive, I Will Wit , . thOlr vev,y XQUIRLUO11, i's Puttlllg* it ' I rel Your name from C1089 Of tile third century, in Cappa- an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL. I u VI I 11 IMULI should the bride's her tombstone., . 'J JO mildly. ULAiquLltyba 1110 ,? Ask for the Octagon Bar 2 docia. On the death of tile father I " lie I SION. It is strange, but it often ' Want with hle mother to Pales- I The 14OUT of tile case have been so I a tZ1uuI,1,, LIl e, bridek;mald also carry Minard'a Liniment Cures Garget,la - tine, her native countr7, where she qtlL it --- tLOX0119110' and satis.'actorily este.b.- 5. Once the bridesmai�l has taken COWS. - -- I . . � Too Terri�,-. Possessed considerable estates, which happens. lishad b3 'N'r- 'Cent's sworn staTe- the briaels, bouquet, suoul,d I turn rited. Mauts as to luave no roolu for m1sun- al e re (N. Y. Sun,) heir gon George eventually inhe Somehow the ounce produces derhUn.iulg or m1s..t ir 'I If so� when ? Nature, Mysteries. "What is , Being a strong and 6 IrIted youth the pound; it seems to start the 2dr. ka In the Matter. 6. In what Order abould tile guests6 Little Manias asked tier asked VOu'r chOlesi of weapons?" lie embraced a milltax p �COIIL Ilad BrIgILL's Disea rattler the duellist, Y career in the digestive machinery goin prop - had been lit beil for months, Be; "a most of wholu are relutives, be placed where the butterflies go Ill winter. "Aftonlobiles!" rePlied our hero Roman army. His courage and good 9 Uetting worse; pi,4sicial, gradually ar 111,018, when all 0411tiol; be $L-ated Iler rat -her tord tier that they In ringing tones. ' I C1)0i,%d1uc I ) that the patient is able ijothing for lilm. S Could (10 at ane table? dead. were , ;tI,avon for Ili- tile favor of or y, s( . 11 I But the challenger, prp.rerritig an , and he wag rapidly pro- to digest and absorb his ordinary His case had reached that stage —_ ' i "And w.here are the buttercups( eagy death, went Into tile back moted by tllzt' Emperor to thel rank wliel, hit. 1.19.1y was terribly bloa.ted. Ana. -J, yes, that grew in our yard in sammer T1 yard and Shot himself. Of tl'IbIl.ne, but When that tyrant be- food, which lie could not do be - gall III& persecutions Of the Christ- fore, and that is the way the gain had Coll- Mail take their PIUCaS aL the altar "They are gone, lans, George threw up Ills commis_ He war, bu low tlmt lie 2. Yes. The bridegroom and best "aid =111111, vuls!0118, wtiell wera rApidiy growing ,too," said her Levees Y-Z(Wise Read)DIsinfootant Soap wore, frequent. a mmuent Or two before the bride all- father. Sion and boldly upbraided him for ters "Well U han other soap powders, Ills cruelty. ,all these con- then," said Ulnule, "where Ill the IIILI,rval betwL Powderis better t is made. - th ' ' ards d6 wo 'get the butter froill P -The 94 So bold a&n act naturally JaA to VU16iODS: lie was almosi. entirely un 3 0 -is tile bride prCceeds tow as it alzo acts as a disinfectant. A certain amount of flesh is a altar, her left haud rests on, tier Little, Chronicle. hiR necessary for health; if you have conscious. . I being thrown Into prison, wIlpre lie . i father's right arm, and Bile carries � -]VIn In this extrrxaltY tll* physicians at felY Waruing. was first tempted by promises to re - last tolu Ills Ivife one evening that he her bouquet In tIlR rl,ght, hand. She Hinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria I . not got it you can ,get it by could not live until morning. t,akes tier husba,ud,s lart arm when (OhID State Journal.) llbuncB his faith, and, On refusing 11 11110 WtttchiuX by his bedside flare Joh,zinie," said the to do SO, 'was tortured but vainly takine "'Oud with t)19 utinoet rpfinement. On the leaving the ruom� A Bit or German rustlan. mother,' "You May have one ot the Mrs. P. - flowers. first crullers I following day lie Xcut chanced to pick up a paper con 4. Tito tlrlde_�mald usually carries Art Ingeniou? method or obtaining ever baked." Was belleaded vaining all advert.iRement, of a cure ,isease, by Dodd's Kidney 5, The brlde�=, a rLIPutation for patrioti ­.knd at Nicodernia, These facts are, ac- n of Bright's 11 all takes the bride's Mn chempla I " be careful, .Tolinnie," added I Scoff's On has been invented by certain Berlin the rather, I'llot to Let it all all learn pills. It was thell midnight, and bouquet early lit tile service, and re- f Cording to the investigations or Mmowwammmwm 11-1 I ,- . all turns it �o, her at the conclusion or publicans. on their &Ilop, fronts your toes." . ed writers, absolutely authentic, , I thte drug Stores were closed, but the the . i but round 'he history Of tile Saint I delotW wifi� determine.1 that ceremon Y. If the bridesmaid they hang legend& to this effect-. I many graceful legends mogtly thb, extrim. ly even at has a Wuquei of tier own, the best "So long as tile War in Tito lumbago spot Is small, but big e Of You will find it IRA as Userul In suminer . late hour she would, South Af_ I to make Iota of trouble, uu a 0 tu(ff h Slav origin, ba -9 been woven, ot ,- thriving upon make ouc- 111,3�e man may relieve tier of it to save r1co. la,sts, r forbid any tit a frien D I 0 in Winter, and if yoo are ve her tier tile trouble or holding two. to enter ray prenlisea." Englishman hand covers it witil - the D. & L.11 Meath, -,yl the least quaint it doWt A ' husL�and's rtle. T118 use of Plaster. Away go Of 'which are his' OP bmuse the Iveallier is wam es V10 Pain, and tits stiff- hand-to-hand epcoun er with -the I 5oc. ond $x.00, jkll druggism .- Sanger, w0kc' up the neare - ml On One table or on several, and confined to hou said, entirely 11 le me ever. Magician Athanaslus and his ad- I SCOTT* DOWNE, Toronto. &CCOrdin'llY Vile deap,italied a mes G. -k wedding breakfast can be serv- tbIs placard is, it is ed lausele Is dupp t tig- &as Of 11, clasg that glot. procured a b,ox or Do is where the diningi,-room I& not large nt"Irf'r enterta.1ned an EU911sliman In Observant Toinnoy. ventures with tile Dragon whilst an- .= __ .. _ Caaad:k. IZ, I d- enough for a table that will accom- the course of the r existence, deavorInK to rescue a captive maK ­ I �. neV PIRS. which She commenc to ad- -�Xla I ____ M: 0 al at 11 ai a better to ___ The Slav le Afrg- Winslow's Soothing Sr miniffter at oncL-. (Punch.) gend concerillug St, eg should 11ave Several tables placed aboat tile Millard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Nfra. Jinks -That's Slgllo�r I 8401 owa ; I tjo be used for Children � eet n1r. Ik - Fleut dill 1101t dIP UVIt night, for r;)OM. . _%rap- 'n,r,, t is exceedingly Picturesque, es the child, softens the nuis cures m4ad from ths firtit, dosp or I)Odd*& 1-:Idne.r luncilp Jilist before the breakfast or — NA'd just passed. He plays the violin d is Ile one generally n I d Is the be -it remedy for Diarrhoon. . .on is , . I aird Sculptors. It seems that I colic an -ra 3lummy, dear, do he an - Other tr(,;,twel1ts amt JuNfiellivs we - under Diocletian All moth(,r or TaIhDr tPlIs the gentlemen t the fair Slayoniall P Its Ile V01111"PuMal to improve uacpd. tile bride's A Phenonzenot, ot Sleep. ftt- an angel painters I , , anioloc " I a dlt`�Mlcd, -'Lud tile us'- OT tills remedy WI oluncheon. geL9 say ­Da.mu .,,, when a princess, Sophia tile Wise, b ught in- pre.*e t w]IVM to t. A PhYS104n mentione tile case of Tommy a ake lit t al Mau %Vitt). collld,� be, made to dream string ro c,arf'Pilly voutinued. leA there are several tables, tile of an,v stil,-oject by whbi brea ke ? A tO tills world a beautiful child whose I�ridpls p. . . G*r3du01lv p't t-inrelS t-11;8 worlderful I irentg a.n.1 tile bridegroom a W into big 0 t,.,Lr� Willie It paring about legs Were of MaSsive Silver' up to ren - Aids and the geu_ I?S,,L ralu,,, 8 Stlept, and It tile knees and whose arms Ware of I " 1-dy Air-rt,stod tne progress cor the' VIrPitt-Ii. the bridesm ar faet that P[`rbons Who Miliard's Lialuient; Cures ottle, ate. pare gOld frorn tile elbows to tile 0 &r.1d Dril,,.�%t,q DISi%,aso, , i til, mi'll who, take theal it' 10 luncheon, talk In their sleep Nvill rrequently.1 Meub Cures tre -tmc table as the wrists, '41*1 Kidney Pills ahout � bride and bridoNgroom, anawer que"It>11s ir spoken to sortly. which did n0t, hoWever, pre - It took thi" . , K,atpoj tit tilt, 8 _ ------- � n Not In That Division. rent tile infant froul usin SIX Or sf-vf� WOPkIq to restore 31r. __ treaty. g Ili$ limbs FREE SAMPLE OF LIERIG'S Fff CORE, r%_01 -t to --001 lit-al1b. This is spvpn � �-- tChleazo Tribune.) When lie grew up to man*8 I xe,trs ago. anot ht* 11-18 never lost a, � ( at on the Pay noll. "One-half the world," rpmarkpd estate lie asked Ills moLher to al- St. If YOU RuScrfromn;XIT day's wo)ttr t5 � l the � �i`,T� Fift, VallinKSIcknevo. irorigh jl�npjsq low blin to go f ViCU31).Ubi��.orba-.,eciiwrclmorr,-Iativcsgi2*,Ltu3o slue 900d -natured girt, ,,d9e.9n,t know how ,orth alul fight for wo. or know a fric*4 that I,$ aMigW, then send fora ­ - o- TeR dulhtra "for food for tho! the other lialf liyes.­ tile cause of Christ. 111irillingly, M.V lo"M trial b6ttl* with valuable Treatise, and tryii- I.egentl ot the looplar. POStOffica 'MV Is. perhaps, tile most � "That way be So." said the girl Eon " said site. 1,G41t thou C.u,j RI&V, rho OxmAtbottlowill bcF4ntb1;:ail. pre id,toyour �pw n Ith tilt! Long. sharp uo,je, "but I 010'E.111peror of Romp, who L ' W 5Vredwherceftq The 1 w;411.lr'l:V P')P, 11 r .91rR,_W-tJlIu thf, past year I curious alloWallea Made by )?oat. � IV .% t, 1111-tAlcat-Offift.wre . it . . 1) Id011't belom; to that bmlf.o areh-enemy of Our Lord and 1111, it' 114'ng CL -0 Ila% fizikd- Wben writinr.., rntativa thl$ lar IR not for kuo;� or tliroi, ,iaLty tutnors Oil tile Inaster-04.1oral Smith. In the ,,lost_ Holy �, emr and i,ivv apine, ag nd full dd . � E610 00, 17$ KIM4 Church, but first or all go forth In 1 .7 CA it C'MA to TK i4u`1011', t pvvavd�pq ll� I '. � lie up- - — ST. WEST, TORONTO, 0 llj6Z it h .111- br*4 11-9. � 11P.Ad h4vlw 10 -Ti rPlub>V0kI bV' � to the bealitiful land of 11 )6 IS � plivatioll of ItMAUVA, IMENT -stops, tile Cough Convert --­­-� Th4s pLi n�",trjt,y of Ili,, bran(At LiXt OfflQt) 1-1 -St. PWIT. 'Xaiu., Is a c4t .11vila and ( &n.,ozatto-1 r�w Olt this wa.% ; 4 , ,a' wlthWit an.V stwgival oporation and tha,t haa entleart'.4i ituor to tile till,. thd 1100plo there to t1le, 41141 Works On til,4 Cold. ralth." A 'L . there id - alone by ita gotttle The youth wmt w.wi so Tortuakti. a -i 14) to - a , 110 ik1d1kMti0U of Lt return. ployeo% not . l�a=ttv,�llr,)B)�>llufutnoTat)tiito cure jr.colil Rot Out upon 11 mith- , , C % I'T. W. A. PITT, � WaYd. but by itel ggxbll�ty to In Otte day. Na cure, So Var. PrIco 2z; ,,nit*. 1011te stee.l. lit If r% PI& "t Or W�0 0 W Vol' L`04 Joi 0. ral, I Catch *,W far-off tguip" Blvvd " efirtoll. X. a. uondol"L Fiwry- Tho rotjont,j ,.vilieh illrest Litt) p1;VL*e. ---------- 1� MZ4'14 Was eovorkvl bY '101160 farg�ts, how, 13-t ar wul-ot Upoll," it IonR , ! Taf� 11,1-stoffleo, ilt St. Paul Le all old 0 WhEe were full or Su,vl;1*s. wa.% Iftom lk,luo. jv� *19 ogdo:4 W heds. It , ur Militia Calladimn. kIrago1I,,j, UAltal ripoplij�Dg 41101 l*p,Lfll,,l r$Ng� 1� I fUld otber hX-lithsoulth rrptjIo* 4. 1h,o, ttfr�"ro a:%%l IVOU NlUtl0a hJ8 toba iL,,)uJan.f,a)adlga (33rettg., _. Georhn� 11 � t e 14�. var4t2!11 td. Oor qhp 181ilb talton witIl CIO- ulathl to provent rodriel: alld Ilia 14- p - '.1. 11 � 11 i, I I I,- III 'Oe'24 at In Ur. n INKle on anJ oil lbrotigli thoo­ -1 tprr-.t�ll� - -4, 11wi b . le 0011PU94ell forest,.. . " , , ,2 1 . ,? ude-�. 1 In about .array owsall-IH of pm)r eavagl,-% : I . rool o' I;% ,I tl .31. 9 " w. = " �__ _ Veaturps ,tll,,l j,:41typrt�jjr W , thr. 41 410"44 to qlle�av 1'. 1-0 14164ica thow �, rate and will bo, well advised If theY drop, ribiq k ., ala,yijog t1l"ll"41tAl" Of hor 11# - Al�r w*,%. t!30 - � __, � - --- ,I all tall: In pub , , ,,u,,'I � 11 �'I I 'I'ValI G10 -t u4� A. 1�4 o.0,11� �,." obst'r%ation!). XA:4 I fe�Vt�; IVIVO bi�en made to 14111111les t.) I loffial 01.) luml.� ludood, that 114- 1 �! � gz� lit. �, gp.t a e;lt t1l"tt %�o�llol "I A,Rtod th- Woo- 4 Uw., h,64 ,�;PVII ot. Igo ._,rqj�;r t�j 41pjork�A�114 I appreeinto Vwros. ololal forceit are'and zusit thent 'Writh a hin'l of - - an*$ th�, ohl�. !,Wi 'qO � _,� vi -tion oup h nq offle.tal Itatittipul au'l work in tho W41A reamin, colonial foreLS11. �� � - 14 cb wo-4 futIA 1411V-4 t6r,4 421#zoro 'Lco,te. Lv, 11 ntu do no 1 t4;1 _!, ­ � t� � hatoro,a oT I,Dsk�, gi)vt4r.plineut, b�ttalg 1!0108,�al Sqtdrt. at le.,Wt - I Wmheu ail obim " -I ."i. � � �� , "o *V.,� � *4�,I, 64,0, "_ �&L ------ 11___� hold hial fwsraged In t1go. vivilly r"I. - i'w�- 10 .. . � 1. � . . � � D '.­�� t 11 :pq ,,Vjk�)r. I r3j"..'j, :,O,�ta 1�' 1 4V U "P- , I IMS a rou_-h, tmt snd a iight bide, 1'' 't I all Volic. kli�lvv that his bla6A is out . ' , ; .9;60 t �"Ih' - k"'tt """ � TO Vtltli. A (101.1� ii.N 0XIi. I)AV oro -I jp,plo 9'04 aro to ho fonwl in �� : , '. ; " ;,i pt, �� � t t. ZJQ0f,(,.". Q., ljwo�,, 40 ftohO' _"�* for heqwht , V't,0044t0v UW".1tat ,Iv�41w-sq. S"It'll 'J ,,k4, 1�,�Jxqtjvo JUL.jfn.) kqqlaIlko 1""Wol, #oVi"11%, Ev�.�oval t.,at'arhoo V folqnth M, of 4&r. *Jro ket,p till allitlial t*z ;V�vj)tV,�4. ' � �­,Lq,', � _q %vot i ano� 4�il,cutk 4 -� J,�,., ,_AJ;V! �.�!:�."� V�% 4 ikQ,m-t44#.Ztf-'r *194y, waq *g.vx I;, ,V. eatk,ed to a hefgh � *c All f,.qi * Inicatly he must be in gootl. he!kItb. - .,�,�,qrqtorqu Itri��tu.#G,.y[,ffttdgc,gt,$c#gt%- N PA0tM,1tqau4,10f low 0iij,"ror v!)aquar. , %, �,�, - Lt AV .'() % A I I Lw-ov-, ; Tio-o'. tvo.�­V �,d .1 oil w %v5VI a tu.vd i 1;")t-,;,�,,11'�,,,�Nmg. %vla(-�m Q1)t4-,,I1 til�* I" N -Oro'-'#O,t'*"Pgti&ttir�T14'-;u�,ZL,146czI 23e., V w't,ll O.", 16A�4 tqo lht1, BmAS4 �'n -N"r. ilo ftjbu�- 'Clojwvu up'.11 Igo! It'Ad 4 -- 'wag kh_,;�# aftsoaratle. , — 1)6*10�tiam %Vll,fj %%.44 wo c%wilwrall"I I i a4 atalu"phort -1 11 W,1 cj% 0,.It,4�jo ro�l , �44o yllot 4-01 a,4141, 1.1co, 110 Itl , .`,!�;41 '. with 141111 th-It hq�.at' 11 $ - U31h �*q V,-- �-)$qsl, il Uw Lire, tv.19 boAti, V ,o- & . , i Atil, ""!0"Icu Imlow. , � ,, 11 P. 44�q 111M to Z40 _ - ,% tva, a 1� < -, � ',�_.,l .`,� I j�,,O. !Iij, , 1.10 0,%O V944 A t1moir-T1,30 ft-arg" 1� Nul"t"r"onq flliwr X�4vflehfflonq of tlll� Who 14 the Culprit? Virown 1:4jtj .1 *�lla 'trom or 1*7 VAI� - f�14�,�Q�9" 11 I , 14 11 I DICA, L 'b 'i.11"20. uq,k:�� �Ot4t", 14 Evv� Ulo� lip'A".10P tL,l 1�'A,nqo who -m 4 V199120 rutu,flo P. triel the pfoGtim' p3wh. Aq lw onar-r4e.1 front 01411111111',Ili: :, 4-il A' & It I 4 � onot 411W. f8filritf) Conrlem � BLOOD PURIFIER . lot I de:4 "flAN'tUis"J. tho glov. � hva:�, d,­,1,w,u.,j th V� 41 � %V,�,30 1 4D. 810,'V.L'i4�jj� 14L.41s,%"�1 , �14 tN9%Vr1qJJJ4$ r;ct &213ar %ad 141. 'bo fk�1,1:1,1 "tit it tlr� prqb� 144-0 f*1,4t L, lm 111,1� 0.110117691, Tau%-- �s z�,o� 9Ln-i,1,,;_,,,,4.r �j 'a -i Is 9 an a *-Zite. t.�w 0, _,r Lq,� � Opp,'rono 'IlIL ed +-t,p pnoigh UrAt the tngi�gk!o Of UT*h IV.4-4 bv�q,_U,A 13,JL ­1�4 � 11 I - t�j, 19POAtjSf.o�j- %%,'jth It % !1' ' - � .4 L ­q, U 1�'­?"J ,­�), Vk"i" I'VI'd, S,�,!!a *1.4 t1,1"; -let 4f a, he LIC�U`1,0�4' oro a 14.1%,sic,il I 154411'0. 111tv 21,44 .. . jr-q' to .z.ii and bmen ft,ovm ree8ifig tswalj be 0*.,)tRft1e,L U'4-� �U,18:ryt ,In" I is n liftmq1tv whet# the bep't resllhq rrn� arlo" ,4 �­ �-`�, �L.'!U�d Pj#'11 , " .!d _* P o) U,.,; - t , � h100d,V or,lot ,� ,_"v_'dr,� tAfj tvz� UM, 0,-,�vjnit 101.1 ql,'44,6,43 4s iiin �' Tfi#- 6o-5;,;vtp1 n"I #, *"o-nNl fooli;44dy ot�tv�, !I' It tones tap Vae 0,y�,lem, ridq tZit. W 0�0 0Ver41thfng*, a ltio� 14,4110-ille-A tit .145'a. 't"�"n,00%o. 'tt"o I or VDVtL04. e,lt the aud 11 2,4,:b of bdig, wcrillq 1knd otlaer -0 %, m4r eaML4 frQJM M �t )+.Alta V ts V *1 ,� 04 wt)� ra.;19 J1!1;-'# �, 0�,Jdq;,* Uwal 'W""'s o5no &Irv,;,�P01 L"A, �Lr,�':2a Q§f 1$ t6a"' t'ALsa- 90."g 10JL* 4L�12rzl of 1,4t. J,j�, r.%, b�a ,,[ .1 At 9_'wgr ii�r mare, 4 -TA -',1,'1- V. J! anq] -a 4rLet di -It of rt - gher a - nton, ,�T­� t'll ; �)"!L ir t�, - lawat%,T? ,nlata�ft rati0oh-s' Litagh� � ��,' dbk' t[ h4t- 0 thVil' tal.4to, I , WIWI. . _� `il� ��`�­ 0 1­�_ f"�"!-'Ir Z�Vjlk y self regg, "ti. 0 �%�too . 0 ,c: t :'Ll �'�'4 t'�') f!� . to - , _, � � . - ,;,�, I,UQ!� �'yug�;Pjz' ,Or,�J r'-,19'. " ,,,J �ta �p atg cat �twlnulool ai� a �,Alftvr in - �­_ T.4-1 it "Is.410:al :14 IWO;� I r4l,�­,� 6,,,,1 � - 1. _4 k­,4w� b";*, W2. 'y" �. 1gyr ats argav�,; .1 _, eol� 'r '"At " - I loulat ;Z' 1� ,,,A(- -9 that tuzk thi- Ide MoM V,q 11 - 1�6j.90,yl jmft�-,aaf ut L�_ _­tt", Iq . - . , �� . fur alearop a lattunn"o ..go at "Th.no I �, tho. F-fnlp�* 6T MW4 or erg�'zggl. T* vmt,^ 10 :V62 tt"o" nL. 40 walq U,_C�Jftl �qr#q. _�4 %,"'t ."."j ff" �, 'C,,� rf,i tl%�Ijr �',�f tou 4�* "I . .4t tt!� D420t Olt". !I , , " , t-11., II!,"a N,# �R a &'-JT -,,t ,P4 wfit !u) tvQ,�gh�4 I Vivaft'r" Uoe pri�s�.Nt lnentgah!,mt th�U-P,44 ointiarad 1. arttlain W t9 i it fen (6�'-.-d !w!�e. 'O., 214"n'i 'Waing, 9, V-0 ,-,;�� r; �11N_�,�,!,:. ,� N11 :de!-, IM -t INCIt"s; pi"witir tor ff'r�dp! Z�,_�j',, 1, � _ , I &V M,� V.-G�,�k Mt"541-M U�'.3t 0 �' � 31A ab"t-2ate vnw fdr cle � L-TOD1 fattoV an"i rosdor fv,,�qn L',V­­_-q " t, � z� V,;, ., 94 1, �, I v r. U4 V -r 99 hu -shed I &Ppearo4 amod ha -4 giveig mue:g ge,n- piles -h w?L,..,"-. ta., w;w [iffunrurp-L .%ftl 4 Zil ,eft;,l t'�_Itftlge. ,�, �, C, ot-an _,Tat1Aa0U,,X0 tUlt tIVN go- 41ml Cwtry fftra at OwN"ta" arb,.4­0 .- . - wt� C�!111'31U 1-w!,`!,WjO� velra. ji Venlinglilrol t,fa� T-41,ttv'l Wow , - 1 (M . '44111 V9 V�V�ovg,,��­_ ­13`AL"i* J�- ":, U41n1ft2+* M11CA ,& Co., Agonts, ' whet 29 a =ont kutiv ffla-1tv a *'�VIVIIAR Vequl&?� l�' tho M"ftt*d*.4"_r,* havo aumtnw��d if. st"I'W4. row auul vlgrsot at Vul tl�raaf. au'li I , 219 .%?- py ,�!­*_" -�.',k, 101-40 W,�,=,M.. �MT� ��!k:h "Irc mato a fin tta g * a affifflift1tih VhbV1AHrVTt5r w4lask 1,a4trft&%5- . : . I ,�* i Vol ravor� at"d Dt wn gD, 5iii,ifiattacireAEftka - -0,0 tv"t Mul , oftONIPLIAL I '. Imon." 6�ol�qrll.l . 9 i I I - - � 17"ti""riov ,v�iql PY.L., ,�­ zs'n4 andIZ-Volal- .0 i'. H - ,�,l obums�afiil. � � . "Klot"41 ON � 11 r,:iLNV1qd Alloy vr�!hl Mq ttlo vles CA. and thm-'aptli.a V,911 4f.- I ' &.t=adt,td-1fif-,VhAt1§erq. +I*t;,!�Lkg'�!-f"��zk,in�',--�,t,.twlrtlt,ldtt,.t - QIAI�atrlltll �, '' I- 'jiq6�j 1 0�04 -01 the Kelson. . I t1p Ywntsi�Tndftic ..'ad, b4t atffhf-f- � ­ �kv_jt . , . il _Z�411,t ig r 11,�Zv ; to f0h1g1IVCA. I ,nl,aL W-­�hbdk ct. ft". , te,dtesfi�4b,ic:jvbo-q�t!t���,qw,�!!Ez%;��I nduatvj5nma�x. . I ii'! -, � 11r0e . 4'tdi'NbMA-*t§d,v.,U&M&",.Td,�i;�4 snvuoo t.�,gqlv v),,jg t.. V %I . .1 - . I I... W !r-zu!!','�!:57db1df-� b##3tuL1hA%e v .� "� vuoo,_,�4 �,.�­ 0,qvol thub eutgrcft, 'he re�r -!VM,t3UU,,4 . .ZvD ,. t'g,oluokatan �_, tj ititliq fis Ono of t i . ft'* 019bc-1 4 4#s;ps. . , 01"* #,% '" V wo%, th�Ot ItNo Saint �tljwxl­l ,vin ot 411� ..... � tt **.. tt, 4*d rff'4J5N)*L. L, - ,, Fit V Intru'ant � * ." ts, reastst. Sigel L''11-4 a W­LaaD tvk­� reppz:111_'Iltt��q nd- WhOrA a 1?1t totllia rJr_4,R 01 h d a CH i� -, ,,-,V,,'4C --- --- ­ -,,-- -- -- - ---- ___ s bi, V -t?'4"drde - , - _�� lem On 1 01,4 1pff,OVVI�a V;r tsm?tTr1rd6f,n11 �. - - � - nvlr, itom 'n?I'D V,?,.a .,,�Z­ onvo vv�uma tlle' pny-roll of e�eaa''&U%.' allumvV4 h6 1 !0, , .., r I tram I:,,�,,aa ty"4a q2eadete,l bs� ga- :� I ql,up tdflu tv�th A JL � 11 . , r.i�� ii I � alto 3N11 jbidf *1 " ....1._--_1-1--.., ­_ .1, imigan *1014dc-r t!3 , ­.- 1i ANI I L TO N - . It ft " . tl!?�raftl,-W� cathattonio Cop the Carallatron. 1"R."o tled 41 I 50 ­ At ��n ;&§� btaissi., za �: 406 � . , VJ . pz$o , t�&,-_ ' �Dal� ! � TORONTO- .. �? rff'kfDtV' tb�ll M1ht99 tt DOW ,Ifld, .. � U,* , � �11 SnakVit. e#.ftl1p@4*.% nt,A, "n't-pt, V'!ft �t v :*; , 16'rorig of *,),*tr,.t th qrc,t t tratain � -1 11 T'_�Ll' ro�QL'l "`._�'4 fttt�q "'11 lb`2r�rD q'4 il Ei" V'R9 ttl:xt M9 ,be kiat'n't ad"O'e"mago-A �,,,� 1* _= . 1. IrPS it ote*. il . ZIL194 lmn�y asaalju v, �u on p"x"r wapK@ t �_ "Rzg:� it fto at-gZ"ettnt � .;�� 'In '�' S7JV -n NP tv"'Ag prh4nng'?�V tvy h�--�,'Q�1�!4 - 11 11 O­'"01��A'L L _.� Zq) r2'.Jt;4 a to r1l=ft tutpalt bir-d'# 1i IU0-.1VV- 11�t 5 la I - ", . __ _____ r),Z;rreusly ob,il")Uq. iir,at� i�il I il vottv WwW PA'AU " b,_I>ttz,� -A, l� witil catifatf � I I .i tra-L'm;-.1�,,S; 5el,s �,s tu*,-�en cqgzval .:;�I'� IQ 1,!�a 1;ou,� ,;;;; ,, MONTREAL 11,�: !ea & autrial .. 0 tnt. f�Lllu io risk. DUF�"ta �:� ,anj rou ! 104t; &O 41, Antumn hz%vo If tllaf� F4)ro, T4 Vve vvb.,404 D'Oelt'U.qg') -.* _____ - !L-�,m t�­� W�Jpp�e, ,6l)P,)rtt1U1iSr of dispgavibg do- - ,erdm_ol linlc hea". ' WE.. f-t, 4- a tr",�Ira­�, sa-w 01-st V -P Ston t1M lo'f, Dl�vq'ry rl��Wn "O.UrNiat ,11 __ -1 thoir i0yaltv nest Jwnr. For the'V�rZ zp � ... i "' "" _"� I I - � ---I- ­.- - .. - - - ' - '' , . , , 11 ft'st"Oft shotitoll i�l the tlovv,-r of rasa� stfpafirjf�rq �,eave llarttilto,t I P. ft. 10;10�rin-z wama.-A tv�,.Tj 111NII., eZ�ardi-1 tffgp.�Cq. b!lt b4.1 w- ww�m_ 209 , , I!, ; . V�,av;�,rf, �%m�'�, n'-11.4 a,:��, ra 911".. isz;ned 1'v�.Sr-VV(r,(1 *Moft' rh-wono-1-1 "', "" , �nft lfk *4 CtWtrl: 60',f"H meaning, 'HOW'S TH I ji -.1!4d Toron." 1.3a P_ sn. 1rU,*_AV1yA ,P .1 - ft - i � , ZI , t t �2,,r,- : ao It dgv#, ­eojr%z&,i10a .11, 11 I . lit dur.L 7D2+ t'n V,'OrL,A, n*_ot 1-ong , ,�,D - -Uft V.,,r�ien.4111­4. ..4131 gi3 "P ab,�� � Is I . nud 1`r:011-q.V9 ,d 4jften. .4 t� _ 11sly, zjnd oil � 'a , I MAX'Ims , thi; belng,tho .tv,p,*Tli��0,0*,,Di.�rt3r�;lr,xlI 99��O,�-,r,,I' : � St6to ol V."W".�a. : Tq,"m V.-Ir4? 1r,lbbF, 11hot'-ps-1,11ol.-Wel- 1 F10 R . 0�3 1!afte" givell to It' �, gnyv,wo ivy r,,� ' - D'�-%,o rl 1� y- Zrigats 4re 'Tqlpsr,t&�% Tilut-Jit. ,, I il I � by iSpemset and "it"'I t[J',1fT t--- ,t � .. I I I . tho Nttbw ,m,. ­­� Coat�.­ '1)7 -- 1p��ta rZoe."'Nz. )) � X , P_ . oatg owl ftd�10-,Int 01 a, s V:a I ;� �,rnu- � 6� ; 42-4,7,14 and 'Satuednyg. I I � , � t J('J 'il �rj �';ar -, ,F.PL+ ­ �� E 1- , t-'.i3O,;- .ogtt�.�_,-4 �,�, -- oora,A ancleht (� .0 visa b -Z 1i HoOl. - ' � - __ - - :1 0 THE MARRI , D tb" yt!!�ek;4 and 1"rttalasr fn 11 F. X_ 4!11I11_VD;11 a V -4v , tl 11 fldn&* f�! 011-1 , W , na ,� ,:L,. Z,!,��_A�,,� I � I ,, r- ' r ­_' ' , 1, - � vtiaug. , n ._Alam2l. pov.'VA" T0_0,�,1�1,, 0. j . 'I HaMilten to Montreal 1,Rgh#Jo., 67 , _____ 4 r*4 i 'T'JA%*.,a 1, .1 li,etarn $114 , , . , , " , "I'll". ­ ' "" - - . I , . , -1 - . , , : , ____ ­­ 11.1....i � h r I ky to VIA "I tu � �. "'r!", 6G L.7-., - ;--r�2,Vp �'"­C'? al..V ezz�,Zaro,j ) ­­­ ­ - ­ � to , _ . C� ! IE#? 11 . 4 4 i.- . .Xow Vork f, evittal lafid Hudson ftivor 11 C11 ;�. Z;4 l .4, .. �, . , 1� L�."J _) title .M- , ,_ li"� , , �'a , o" Said fR'Y 4 1", 1 P_I.v Uafiroad. I . ­ � "', 1, petrl�,,-t�v P.w,norapw�, tG 'A'H i,uq,lr�42'9 troin!:- ,', TorgntLoloMonlrealsitittt.*a..io - . I ­ . I.. - -1.11 . nelgorisklnd ft mPLIV9,11 nb";. f V1, -v - U, A . -*Jj.� .". , I Tim, abnwd taffle Is a hotAf�-hdtd 0 1---sItice voz, a re marew �vou may u V1,0alizailon Wz .Z 6,�M . . AW " J�.q RUtu*n -0 "V�:a...P.111k -0 ­_ -.- I:f,,,; ,,r , U . i i" VA- R. 11 , 1, t� D�--1 01,14�1,' *Ord, atd thLti szni atiar eteelfeglee ,of "; a.4 vVeH mztke Vi!e bast 01 lit. . : iT Wf.-1 A Tprxt. %vb;,"' . 1i IMP.17's and bembg lne2uded. Wz I- Oat -z qq-`,V�­- r:v­ ,:,�'_ �,P_, 11 � -Ipa,� lyl'us;ei�fq. To� I _g JT [1, , -P -- , th;a tottol 91i,6*14, b,4 SE11116-leat to &t_ 2 -'.'-;o W_jt.e; sr,�3ulp . IfA,Y, 0. " " The; ahove cheap r.,teA 4 - - ryn t�!­ 2 '11.,h t., ,,,�� - ,� , WaXEM9 3!1,1 tr. I a - 't"'a - ,e , , i; , ­ . " 11 � 11 mbivo, 5 tqy Atont. I , ',*�_­ �q .,,.' "� - -'*�'f �1- ttai�t MOA� VeOP�e� bat no -.v, tilat thd r'�' t Zjve ?I t. t xl%�.%N- & 11.4c.�%,?V WE�,), zirp Ill etreet for , " W 3 n ,.? L. 'a I ,:1,.. "', I -be walft4 too ztoett� Yotk Aftd ; .1 lyo,a"*�St,�. zu','�`i,4,'�� 01, � . I ,a4�,_ar,q !� rp'll Aray Only. M12 , �-J , , _Pv a L ..,. ", r0a,A­'�,t tate tg t � a V _V tu qM1 � 6 k ,�! ont". Huo trinn:Irg tapilst. 1 --Al . � ­� a,,-4 VaTev a JZWAtm�* eAet as by 01thet 111ne-4 ba fur I r.-.knd don"t b'�� 'J�Vr'zx2raq,r.LA a ,you .. 11-1 .. I 'i C: � . . - , V.ur.qi tv) r, ­'.t. , r4l" tbet rec.0mrMen4at"non shoted b ran. Ttr+n vvEiN faig, b12t 1p":'Xi, t-1116fifft h1l* f d if ­ 110 r_ W011-1 ._P_P-y'!!­, -11 R ,tpg,, g')'! _ I I ., i. ,fr . avgzml An -1 rfftm;�Isrtj gun rar-,.flh1i!GtaV�1t1;.-A . Oct agil toblerm v7e­k� -- -, ,j V-: �. I *!�,vr VaIr-."a smzght, Ever"ybodl wul 1 Won *t always Ta'R. . zft� 6:2 b1p,%0 15; n ot t*zex � - . $ 9."� I., � . -4 &*A% twr- d*=,Itt ztAl, - I !�gv . Lbat" h�lWya-11!z*#S3XV� r" . � I 1. V0,0111vi-n *11,0wet'get - - 3 D Is thei badL . �J 4 -'Never 5.4"� be croso ,vt t:te,Fatmo, SnV be -,4th bgr I rt. T'0261rito, oat. C_z,i� & �11 S 124 ,�_-�,.Z_, S " �"�',Ilar,!,q ol " ),_�D rw�-I,-�L­,�Q - �,: 8!t D'107Z U41 yola apt �1 t . I , - I fr�ram­_t V .11 L tw.bt 4�fff a�'* l0_%*ft11V I ta-:,� gc",-, a ,,:111"�,"Z ,�,,' ,-- __ t"-_,�JQI �1 Iume. Walt yoxar tura, it -t .. . a..A t�j­:- *,_�]­!:g �.,� 11:1 �.,". spartim- V�-Irlairme- tft&��SVrW Jr4 � G:2 =11 z . _2 '. -,�,2'4',vz�j,-,. .1 vgla V . .1 ".., ,,M ,ttl:�a- r ,.aa -1,11, � 5 -Neve-, #,%�_Zse? t . #--Ib lb�t x. , - I ' �. 01 ­ , ­ ', , ,�;, 11.lkn4 C5 ,VO�2 nr.p a Z�,_,ye .� ". , -,v r3e r*Viz,rQ If zVozz " vat�h! Msf"V! + , I- 11111r ­. 1. ­ .�4 Is UAq �41o�v4j Jhk_ � a,r_ -I �i ,_ .,,�,L, r � , ,YT _ � _ - _ , , ,_ , ze .. *-t*'y_5' 0, S:,Q# ,zz� ­ - - ,�123 , -4 t.!,"_1-% , , ­ " IT'! -7, � - r��'_Pt�"_; 1V(;mL_,,* M1014. Ti . - -.1 1-.8.2 . . a p-i4ut -4vo--��'.' st��ml ., � - eVl b4.r, . ­ _� 1.t tl,'-C_,-��,',? 't,', .� � e - .. !� ets . Ldkm bv* # , � I- - , V09 v Sal, 9�=.� oa,� Ar:.�-e rn-m�r, lb��4:2. =� vftre . ­. .:� ".a.- J 4 " 'I � `I , . ­ �- -,­"�n� ':,; pro, ppr I` ru. U - r. ZZ X., �; tlari V=Vzt1TV-z­94= , S� - "I f. 1:,at Ua..,2.4 X.6 , , __ _._ r-..It�..'�.�D 11�,� �T� , -!4,2 . .,� U�aA, r3;�'r4T"'�J',Z_�,UL'=t,$rtQ,7 -,, vt"il 54'sqZ1 �' he. b !sl of 1. � a. ., q "'Evu rvq�,P;.2. � �'_'� ., - �,.�:�g 1 ,._7,z ,,�O"'Ly.":? j " i before vom wip P Lzl�b.=LA and vv,t? 5tEW1dVmn�F_3- P- 4 All , L'141 t g, P ; � 7_7 - .. " v I W � , Learri Low - I � I ;3 -Hiatfs. It Is , - - ", � ,L,;"e U�.z* Vr2l..`5 sf-- ": n ,,- M*n't , It III , ': - 11� ­ 41 . *1 i� -_ -I -.-.'p,�-,),. $fly L� 165. �, J I' :_ 4-:5 ,.!. . � J 6-yvza vviF-r�:? g'n."', i ) I �� �y ­.�," Th Is r, a nt 0."dl�-.g -,.� ',,- �-' I 7 " --Z1 -.­�� V- pi. -r_ -.-'S1'-41 Uv� ,+I�rlg-1 �t. thaw't'r4l of � .1 ... I .1 t Z�11'27_x m:19'"'J, Vv:au WZZS � 7-1<,e�".*p �%'i��T,-i,�".,T ��Jt rour b,,?S�. 1j,- ..... " �,' . , . , , tr.va - ,rovsrblzl'�** �' - - I N , to '9)$,1 - lifti— 4�­ I ' � . . . . . . 11 I . ,�� q is a ecMplim-ent to Yunr psttl'­,,�T. V"hIr3-.1s;" &;;t�o, � I 11 "- 1-t � ". 9,vi�n rv. :­�, �nv :-a, � an 4:4��a'�e " ., � . t%a 2:) o,-�,,-,- ,--, .i ' _�:,� , �U'11P. 3:" - tbo= ,, - t .1 T T . , kT1 ­ . 1 �L. pluny 1*avy Is *-My kmvrl tra . I I I J. � , MrAM0=,t!j-ft,J ��,, , ,a I 'o � 0-1 . , t; u --� '-',, � 1 �� �,."a � V��_ Z,e_11_715 ,,�Ftati�sLkan,. "� V - _*h#W*ht1mb,tUMoe , ,� .JA .ss �t. bat ft, I;,; br-ttz!r t,> mi.s �t =1 � y Is No f I ,� -,.-,,:_jLz7., `u " �. ,'� X1adP.--,4_z2r fde�-A, Z-,94'- IOU Zma" ` ,_ _%. � 2.,� -,o -. ty.*q C�;.-rl_*.'-.11.7 I -q gml,le - 8 lk", , ­ b3r � , I: I DI A I S_ A _.'' � 1 __ � . [ovv I nt svtc,!X.:�� - — —r ­ ­___________ ,;W; *= a 1"Xpirmlvely- -Sy M A I L. 4 .1-_--.---- 1.1-1-Tior �rLf 0".1-1. I I- I I k1ttr1§& 7 - -R- r - V V-A b",,141 I ,.�ve* 1 I 'WHtefatza 5K.z�a*gL-r114--tg.-M I r �_�� 'i i a rox,Ziln io .� ,�M,Wvv � -t�! it nz* othr-r, ,ror iney f,tj',�,-r 11.,jq stcEl ,�"; . 4 r U�_�'_:Zble to Stand YOr AIMIUbs bazaase of "! ecarage , r 'e b�?st. ve. 1.�:: - . thafwhoret. 9,17 �� r, r=g;tzztoftd1tSciE-9 - � 1:,��.. -t rf1,­o,.r4 . 10-P,rm' . � leirrAs 11 . -_ -1 11"Or flturab%tr, elln r 14t, at —_ , , 0� :aremz nintual rew � L 9.29 .... b;-,alat.��', 01astiefty, en;V t I ,ny, fk.'Cllty. 9 4 I . _ �y �.Jr _ - 0 vvqr!:� I 1, , ., siry for a p:%m=,ent ,Wvgtu�i as n . _,*­V1g*sse!:qn&,J ?, ; I .� ,5;.:3 f. .t to, liiL , ,� I n., skles. 1�ve. L I 4't 5 i 1. ` �4 . 'I &t Jh_. ptr�jpar. Sprained Ar Vlzps P�ct ;, . s , 11 ' - �.... � alDV71 _-,;� � . ,',,, 4 1051, s� Tow the b-':Frt paint. , - '�T'ot"- ' E D -T`-to tight cord is the e3s*.,I.�4. , ­­ -1 '111rr ­ _ r. ,, CUR :: I BY ST. JACOBS OIL. i! to Snap. � , . L it "'rQlo ',"� a C*ard *nd a9rc for � � FE�f � - - ­_ " ! I U , 12-H yon tok,a� 1:bzrf4zW ____ I 1, �, , � " ­_ '...? groa4 be � __ I :. ,. . l,'O-*)XLET -No. 11,. 1,,r ___ � pee, � iT vii-,i4ali SA LE-ONz Or Ttlg � , , , , L .L7Z, in Ax$)'-%�" "­ ",�-:­,v,mr,Y-9 Of Vr-�T`­­,�- ond-prs�,m��r.ts oLl, t �",,* I �: pared to, gF,v,p ^ I eat in tio X A� � 1*1� Fh0vV.,-,g&1W 1�orno flor'lea are a'a,� �f �St. .Vat­�! _ ,1;1E_W. I ii 1 7 q,ss � WJ.6b.. 10 .R.�, '&,�& ',%"'ft' F&MUWA, At r, .1.., Mra� �;r T' 1-i 01-' t07 .qfi--A�Ns. stifft,i5s, and s�jr T that " 13-Therg Is ortl�v one tadng ,i W ItOb on two Mill I : I,, . I . pzlnt!:�R. If ' is , I , �;$�-'r�r_"3, 9� A;��Za,_,',!-a 1' Mll, (;�41't'. Yi�brod, n�:,ar 111o'AZ�pridid, than cfaarrels Vorsre � *4", Im aeftA in hIL 4a ot vblf�h it IV frulk I - : , � Establishei 1842t Suatr,., lv.,.'.-.��: %-"a , say.;. caress.,_�q. In publZe. T,�tat I& noon,ly peactift - I I I " I _ W1116,etoldtft6be patcel or �� � r , dftld6d Intd Totgof 1.5 t6 20 aerft to i r, ' �`It Unit put. I � ; 11 ... � � - tnvgi 't " v" 9 Ar�,'Lt PrAs:72rP *,'�; I a;141 my W1."l*- t_�,� I - I 14-Mo-pe.r fq r,o, ea��ntl.11 to j, � -&aaft& This k ,% xletided bargi%loo Ad . I't , "J'L I I , - �lablll� ,�-x�Ua - at g a n OLI,V ta the ,, . . , I I FAINT1 r I - , ... - I �,2a nf your eel,?Iorated St. Zae-Z,; 02 as exp�irletted Wnesg, at happy people US, I "uAtbab Gkr�a P 0 bo* 9% "t; r .1 I In ray f-va 1p'U-�Ih , - i Eriou-h b , ualiy, 1,1ap- "Arallo 644 - , 11 ,L' . X ' fit'-P.q art spv,�-r.r-�, I 40-aluC111 ba,tiv, my ankleg in wttllking down ,some f�. . ,ave - __ ", A A * HANSAY & ON y Uv,t I wav �T;alql!e to stand ro,x- s_��ye, I .15 --So, save some. .11 - ... -17 47 --- � Irao p,�iin I �arrfxr,,rl was milot s-evere, and ur,thin .rag monti,o. 0, 16 -The eas!f,S,t way 01 osving 1, - - M0:LVTrz*cnr,, Painb 'Maker& , Ine at, .�: t1lat I usu"jd he"Ped q * I to"lo without tillu-9S, DIRT X 1-1-1-- - . tar daily, -zn4l in a Klio,rrt timp I WP(Vatelv becayne bat- I AU I appliel St. .7ac:Axi 011. whon they im X0 wai able to go, about, awd.,Sooft after I I 17 -If you HA,1­41. - , ­ ,8 I .. - . I I I .'!'!,_ 11 . --- I .- ... .111- _­.- PANIS1 11011101511" at dd ed I I I I n9m VI I 11 �3 n n �� I I I 11 ![ - '! to .. ,,­.�.r .- r .. I , 'i it � r � r , , r , f, � � � �T . I I I , I , r, I 1AA , , , , I 4:L , T� I - I � ' RUPTU, E " , � 1�1 1p I 1, �.` I I I olwlk E 1. Am� , * . � en uw ns,*�q I W&I . �, T , "' � i 0N. ho, * " totit8d'Llghf,"' 5406 I from pa - all' IlPrKoaa suffering I be;tte� ,do without a wife. I I ) ­ . Was qu,,t-- c,l;-�I. I am TI -1w determlr*yl to OdvN?- can't, tIzOn .You had � - ,nz-, to' usi,` thi-V wCon-Yerfal rr-medv, Whit!h did SO muelk for Me.,` 18 -The zaan whol resppc-ts 1,114 Wife 11 .1 IL a 11ra. Tim,mas (Ims not enUght . I d*e3 not turn Iler jut' ' Clean your silree- . 49 duruag the m��qlt.h, USLE 127azle"', 10642,60 g 8�j what tTea,'Em'�-It Vile pursued I I I wus Lwffarirg ,so M F- Was unabl4* to stand, an -1 durinq� wq1lc,11 time Bile I Give Iler a Parse of hCekrnoZlPnd[c1%llt- ware, A -old, brass, I �, B,o 1) S .Victoria." , -1 Sim callpd , 19 -If you save, save at your own UNTRIG I . r neIr. but. wc- venture to suggest that hao wil. -etc., with I _ J91cGbs Oil, '(.)r it 2 have Prescribed St. expause, lu "T w4-11 1-11r,wn za-,4:!Leaf man, Ile wonitl at V710 0 y , "Little celnet." r I tiaiv cwtqaere,l pain upwards of tifty .roara, and doe- 20-111, all matterg of . . 9% V*& � ltorq know tlierp is noti4ing so goo,,. Tile i money pre- FOLISM0 FIBRE I I ^ - � � bave, baen ttwar(ip4l two prnrprfetor.,� or St. ,Tacobs oil Iyare always for r Z and 11ope , 1"tit M ^ ,Ivp � -_ -_ 210 Powder or 01I ,ff E i , gold Medal, � g b._ tUffe" the,vro st sh ^. . 'to use, lu at brfst rub .nt ,�q,t. g - A I International ex- I for the b. -Fr 'Sr Ifing remedy or tile world. 'The commit- Conan Doyle. om 'A Dust,"' by A, bfA withthemp.'r: I bIbitiorrs As th I Vrl�mi:�r Vain k1l r i��% who ,=,I!l ­ o6h. I aim % , - If :10118 ex like i� the' aw&--ds 'Were in pach instance co- .*—v % I I edc I I . . 9 Aul '" n A T up\: V W guly 01 ------- � -116 M269t emIT11-n-t rfte,Ji,C'J'T men Obtainable,. Mrs, Vioniag evidently ,dirl . bOt kn43W tll;� A It'llyt Way be in tolleb with I h;,g;ll opinion in wbicli St. Sacobs oil is held b,r almost tooth ' every 1)r*gret;:;Lve M;,*110,11 man. . I achp, but it doi.sn7t follow thmt h6,- - I In, syboypathy with it, i i � 91 rnaglc� priee 25a nt drugglats or by mail from k. I � MobrAIRVIt MlrG- dM,St.0At1tzrI-46jo,1bXt*, Trial samples free. Trade supplied, AN . TH9 PIN-13,ST 1,4 r".B W"LD. "­� ... 0.rOr SWar by ail *a, V�r*o�p,,,l alwera ! .. , , ; � .*_kf '; A , " i� I (Q-1 1-1 � .11 11"