HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-30, Page 3., .i.... ". ­ .� . � I I I I . I --1 . I I . . " I I I . ; � � . . . . , , I . . I .. . ,�, . . . .: -1: , %� � I . . . I I " , I , . ,. � ,�', ., �� � 71 � 11 1111 1; .. � I I I . . ,�,�; I �.. I .. � - ­�� � I � � !, I . . I I . . . � . o - 1� I I I � �! 11 I . - - , , 1. . . .11 I I I �! , �� . � , , 1- �� I I 1, . I 41 . . ­ ­- . --^."1-.0-.� . , I F-��. I --��, — ­ .�.�. - , I � . - - I I . I I I . . . I ­ ­­­— . Flo, Ills iiands mue gly In it will be ra,7, late, They llw_-­-,_� ~-- . � � h)A voice trembled I are I vetro`ng for me." I I t+;- �. . , . . I . � , . ' � . �r . sh000k, au4 Ile 80011led so helfiless' f, , tried to ' tba't I stayed; yet I weuld riithet I elt it would 'be ao, I . ; w for 'llityr-Olf whisper a few woords of comfort to I C AV I I . . have faced any d4iripgc tier, but it wasi ;11 Yale. I THE TIME TO UT H I 11� than have Oat by W11119 illy de'r)'ag I wria tortured as I saw her that "Only tills moratrig X -was so hap- � ., I py,,, Silo girld, ,,,%rid noW, whichever I � C'e,fv 4 a/ - . � . 4d -,�* night. ----*-- I I I . I a Y whert silo way I deelde, my life will be wretolli- 1-'1-1-11.1--11- . 0 0 . b.ar.,oho laughed gall Pd. It I reraue, and ln�y fatlier dies The alin dT our farmers tu, gr(Aw- only get one by latO cutting. out, saw us togothero olf Ills disappointment, as I believe ting the first crop even beforethe ,. I . ,,you look," ish,D oried, with a It-- would, even Hugh M100tyals love n forage crops is to Produce a fully grown will tend to I i I(Al ,.�� . ,gh you were I fr - , a givea area ,ail large it quall- I owtil and I . bright smile, "as thou ourld out." tould never nualle me baPPY aigaifl, tity as polssible of the digestible cause a vigorous De"Ir gr two con,spirators Just f If I comeent-Dat I cannot -I 'can- nutri q ila a palatable form. Tile tn. tll�ls Way a gopd Oro . p of rowall! .. 4A"� 4,� , poor oftlid, how not glIv.e up Hugli. Fortune, bappi- ment : i Sh lIttI 3 know, . tit. Her neas, life -they may take ail from time lit which a forage crop is hav- JFI secured. ore. V&1114'bleo I : 't -'ne ' iaZ' as to the tru - vested may eXlect the crOpinkthrell The two cropg are Let ,OW8 I ar Ia W' � t// , AV4,7ZI �, 1� I Sather�js eyes iollowed tier every me, but 1 cannot give up' Huglil" 71z,, !In the quantity of ma- especially fer feeding dairy r I . . where; and when alle,ead drunk tile (To be Continued.) 1 wa7s" 1 I- titan 0115 mature crop Olt account at , 0 M-1&7- t— / X q, , 1. tea Susan had . brought in I . terial harvested, itin the compos - tile increased proportion Of Protsia' I., � all tion. of the or( 0 amoli-011011lool for liter, and told , us )p, and in the Pala ms more Pat%- , . . J, about her shopping .adventures at tibility or tile fodder. As a general The early out bay see I . r to hire. He NATURE'S BLESSING rule, it has been found that the table to Stock, and, weight for Ri�,Jiond, he called lie. of dry matter Is weight, more satisfactory. Oa the � A greatest anlorant . held her two hands lit Ills, and looks I- other ,land, by late cutting we secure at llar forldly. secured where forage crops area y larger quantity Of # 11 And so, ;ny darling, Nylro uked to lorwed to fally mature and 7.11POn. a constderabl. valuable: a proud of Is Found in Health, Strength The only exception its i carbo-livElvates, ,,vilic,11 arn virlilolli I irear velvets and Silks, I - for feeding, and of crude fibre, ' **4 ,*I*******e a,pink print dress ?" 110 said. ar clov�;g and other legumes, where is of lo,tv leading value. I . "W" 'Yes, paba," site replied ; "proutaer the leaves rattle off anti are lost, Fol tbis Dairy Cows *than I was of Gerroa velvet at ever and Freedom From Pain either before or duriiig the proceKs arld sheep, grasst should be cat earl3r. so many gutneas the Yard, I call my- oir curing. tha,t when a slDco these animals do not rellAx ; + . if perfect model of adaptation it doeis not follow rid lacking in I -* in clar, This Girt lit bleaut for All -on it the plant increases ial it& Yleh-I or (try hay that Is woody a curnstamces.11 I L, has aroma, as is the cas,q 'with late out But you would like to have tile Tuatter that Its nutritive va u tattental; cattls I + THE SECRU OF THE RAU + ,,,-Ivet again wouldn't you," he con. flapplackis and Usefulness of Life proportionately, Increased, It is hay. For liorses and as these, tinued-"toi 'be )jack Duce more at Deperids-Without it lilf0 19 at' quite possible that changes in tex- later cutting is allowable, . .11 tile old Hall watching that grand 11,1xistence Hard to Hisdure. d mposition or the dry aalmrilff subsist mostly on coucell- .... ....... � . IT cedar tree you liked so well ? WOuIrJ substance may Offset the greater trated feed, and hay serves more for Hea,%th is nature's choicest gift to Yield. Tile dry matter or mature ­jilling;o as 1.1oorseruen Say. lit tests od& -boo, 4L- 40 4- 4, + + 4, 4 you not like some fairy to give YOU tion made by Proressore S.inborn and #& .d& 4. JK back Your 01a home To mail und should be carefully guard- p,Tasrs contains a Mrga propoir ra with early, _ sla"'ola tv 11 That I should," she replied, warm- ed. III liteoLith is a su-re sign, that or crudo, fibre thall tile immature. Henry lit fattening stee &V&V - The plant hardens In teXture and and late out hay, it was found that . My doubts were solved at last etv,clo,was removed and lie concluded ly; "but I am very happy here, papa, tire blood is either Insurficient, wat loses, In both palatabllitY and dI` late cut hay gave tile best resultOF I y Saying how glaa lie wMS t ha't lie 'witli you." � of the dig- gestIbility. It Is, therefore, usually It cutting is delayed too long the one afternoon. I took Helena With iio� .Then lie drew her nearer to him, ery or impure, for most � . c0olild prove the disiateresteditesig of ' I . stems of the gragt�s become tough and � me to Weir Gotage. Blanche had in- 111610, and broke into a wild passion of eases that afflict mankind are trace- advisable to, c rroorm ' -e, and how happy theYWOUld 13e- - Hay Early, vited uts, and we Jouud Mr. Chart- make the, closing years or her fa,th- tears. able to this cause. Eve ,11& outtla the Iteads. Such hay has little MrOVIX . "Oil, Blanche,," lie sobbed ,"if ,Y(Al the body requires rich, red blood to - : 0ment, from er's life. could like, It you aro willing, -%va can go enable it to properly perform Its and wbere, there Is a large crop truid lacUs palatability If net nutri- the way in which he looked at tier, it was a letter no wonlau in. TAI her about to be gathered, work should begin ellts. Though an indefinite quantItY. feelings were, tits eyes rea,�! unmoved; the love tilat spoke back to Croome aga MY life-sustailling functions, and at the early lit order that it be completed tile aroma or grass has real Value : .what hie '%rood ; my heart quakes, � lingering ul�on her beautiful, happy through it 60 true and loyal, tile 'to �AMR first intimation that nature gives before tile grass seeds are ripe III rendering hay more palatable. lace, as tilougir drinking in such heart that dictated it oo, noble and lipq tremble, tell her hooliv site can that all IS not well, tile blood should enough to shell fram the heads Of lViten the SU91 dit,;sIpatcs tile dew fro= VaFe, sweet, ,a $Olt- trusting, that I could not w0utier return to tile Hall unce more." lit, care'l for, Purgative medicines will tile late cut grass. Chemical analy- the dying grass lit the, Meadow, we bettrity, his vole ­ N�,Jlmt do you mean, ptipa ?*' orieLl to her as I bad at tile girl's gunny face, her glad, 1�tit ,tio this -It is a torite that Is sla has shown that plants are r1cli- detect the escaping aroma, bee -=88 ening as lie Spoke Blanche; 1�what emu I do., youkriow, Vills. I it before. The nian's bright eyes and ra,diant snitles, 1. utor-dot tEnd Dr. Williams' Pill]; er lit prote.,in In t10 earlier stages ilia dew in arising carries some Or never heard r tills darlin Bile coolitinued, earessing . whole lipart seemed bound tip in What were ail the troubles 0 go helld tho.t lay Ellicott her lj�tvv btocon provetI, tile world over, a growth than w1jen fully grown It into the air. Tills 1� one reason ille grey ,,, sur,pa,,S, all other malliclues in, 'Tit(, - her; It was not tile, first !happy love world heaped together with such I Lid g6ve My I Or P"rly mature, � ellier ,Eth why bay should ,lot remain s0st of youlli-it was a deep, absorbhtg� a love asi this to rest upoa? R loallder. "that I WOE tltpLr toulk- strengthe'11119 and health rekt,a Self upoilinly lifa to Inake yoU hapl)�V again, it it r0liewtstiglitia!itles. From one end of whiell our feeders have to contend tPred over the fleld at night. G , traigleal pass.on, and I wond-Ted how I That scene fastened it -1 n in ilia ra- colored, sweet 611101ing hay tsreally tile, tile flowers,the w<.re of an -V avail," ,L11k,, ilail-I to tilt, other IvUl be found is tht- lack. of prot(K-, It would end. Blanche never seemed, mind -the sunsh i t1cons, junf.if- up ot Mr common feNt. the bpst. and prudent farmers will not � -1 Bile was W bcaut y of the sumnler Morning. %be ,,Not th�%,­ lie muratured-" not � grar,pral ppople wli,t) cheerfully ae- , Ing stuffs, and tilow should recog- I overlook such 1i0t MillgIv small pointa . I �d Into that. Yottwovild be very llappyyuur� 5 knuivithigh� 11:gtt they owe tlieIr good I anti Pre- to notice it in tile least t . V spd-took happy in i, fair ,�oung face that 100 -kc vs,� years longer i Ifto the fact that I;Y cutt , earl , as preserving tire arOleft altit to tills gregit me,licine. Among 'n I gelf, and I should It I 17131011 b( . thQN. e - her own love to think & out hire. lie I 411"-c. au -4 true?" site lf I could only breathe Vrtkorue air I hP. .1 pro- .111 get two cropa .�r Venting 14pat-lillix.-F. W. uw,iork. W.&K laying his heart. at her feot', 10 "Ta Ito n<>t good . t!wom they 11 lAive S.ot-k Cormals.sloper. -, - I-, 'Mr. Ew-ar ltol)ldoux, ,4 and ghL.4 walked over It Suldin-l-, and aSiced, Nvilen I read the 10tior, colice atgar,in. 1 am dying by Incliva here i I i lalt;tiogenons fodder where, lind I luluent young ,nan living at h*t. Jer- , - 1-1 ,vill -tud privatiun-arid ',. fit I " . . iL ly as sh,�, woal�l licLI 0 11(in A ­Oii� K of k 4111UP qll'o, - tilt,% a : "For some ,years - 'ght I not to love him very mur it, --d, orl ow - , unto one-clous I I if �Nou will, Bli,jtl­�Ile, I emy bp laws 0Vk`r (IM111 leaves. Mit.-Il site wing Ills I mZteran I!— �, I %v.t?5 a gri-att sufforkor from #IN'6104111- - -- .t.,l-e-,,�r. —,,-- �e Softened and brightt'lliod- I -tit. I not auti,wer; knowing wil-I t I t,pr Of Crowne Hall unre more." �� N�a� NI % altil.-titi. b1*4.,am*, irrogular and ,,-- - �-- - - ---, --ne -----;-e �.­ ­�­-r �­­ ­�--Ytr--­r--��- wholl. f" thitig yirolt wlshmte,.� ,I 1*1 I'Vill do, any vver.% ijaing I -Lte 1# -It like a weight , r -1 , -1 I I - I th"AlloBit haw mat -11 I ShOU14 I*- h4lU!! Ug rz-a; --only tell i 1! .0%v; I felt like a traltuor ta tile I k) tool. I trii,ol si*veral re- Xprelsslon aliways., r) utterly uncoutielOds Of d(ar papa," sit.? 111161 -ye 0: Tav, steri-a I that e. �i, yt>uagr girl, s, lit - I It he %verb - �, ,,,.h1.8 lrjt,�7 %I:t,q Under the care of I . mo witat It Is il rad(.41 from 1414 fai4t as � tho trial that awaited tier. ,1,, AGRICULTURE IN CANADA The g' 100111 and Sweet. fell , Said; Ho turno-4 ZO me. but I rentaink.41 .1 t4i,Vtji,rrj. Itut ill ,to a%all .tild I groir I her 'ooi.ms, soft. vlamr . I "Do nat look So grave.." slip tilloitt. my band shoill-I n0t Pluage� ' 't� - t'xuk� 've"t Olt' I bettoame � How tfte Government Aids In ProlitAble FArMing t upon ills var-a to-todor hignt eaUld. ..,suitto at me,. and let US talk Mlly,kut tilt- 0ar. � loll.y %%4-a%, g *�%­ thie. snfrorebt =Mroh .�� , ger to that gonerons. tender � 1% %,ors -44' L r in t1puee tLark, gravo eYkIN "Otter LI'l- 'AAA.;;.�-�,,;���AA���r,���,;4�� WJL niflu 4111"" I ,,,Ill. 1A tuo Lit. (luite I'Appy for at _* , heart. lie did IVA 1QUk Into i froul pains i.- Ow stoullu'll and was , Charlton wftH tk llaladd,)T lyhon J I,U,klt one 11OUr thig b(,$:Lui -uorn- jh,% bi,ight, loihig (;We b"Alt $0 tQ'it- it 1pas. One t bi.1,11 11 thrkoatpej�*l ftlaing off ift illa (l of his love. I I frvllflt.861.1,� sk-ir'A'd ulti: dialil .. The ailenal report of tile 91111stf-W undit,r tho, inflneno ill- - ,�trl,.t over bts ovell. 110 CIMS1104, th0se r 'it of the Last, of " bu. I a 114-- brought it" Ilonle. but all that .t fril-10 t4L141 11w � ultum toe tho Miuk,1100 Of "Port 01 clleii'*� "%I-" '"f - t t I IL 1-ilatl nj>t ,tire heart to reftwe 11M littio liands convulsiyely, asthough, 4� " I -4v_ � tA Agrie I e%Ve0tlbkI th.tt %11..,4 wtilt boo ulore than It ar Nuded Oeto� )III(I not sh�pp. I ""Iti L -Ite g. _ �t . ,�llulltt V,41,1 vk r10 I tilt safft-rolil grt cultzitexbaltmeol elural)4 the current nigla I cc .- avo hemelf 111� to tile citarmot Illey ,rvqU1,l iia%kl 1411%. 1, 1� 0, front ttitia trotable. bplt who. � Vallakla, for tilt,, 7e. L 11 only t1link 4jf th(k s1,tnp,,,,r that hu"r- the li)vp 'I ,list J,xst, Is a batig"t of In. V tho listaillishment jrelv� IfIli, eegt moril , th.It fille,l tier heart, tor thc "Yon retuelubill'. logaI1010" 11000U"'" t -,w of Dr, %Yilfiamsl� ber twOve, Tabiontil") 1). ovk.r 1111ti.cho er ut) t1l.Lt ft -11 lo.r4uutl tier. .111MY tigilt,41,4ifter m few litillutes, lsillblltos..'�, titritell7l" tho t Ulf; I t!aw Ntr. Charitull lioalko flliw�, 41111011. I loj4t4 pl, .Is llek,l ftIlly rt of conw,)l.ti,ote� I etjr�njZ rf.k ,oni% ., %ttieed her , a long da.r pa?4*41, mally v6 tiun ruse 4-th;lt I ttgtl .y4oubit-ftore I-lefthOulotil ,, teN.$tIur, matttv. actakry to learn that , urangi.. with a motit tomiluvittvu bolu. . hva'31ii- -1,011 strl-lt:4�it. ali,11 stroulnI.V , III %Ite bktitlon kle%oWl tO Art' 0 It 'a S'Ltlsf . -oriti-s ill �Ireat -I and ovq IsAore filw siwnt a 11uppy how I 111k4t 1)4�0% ohlogoq tt,* njortgaa�l 1 � a liol-11"I lw- lit) try tht-so. looln. I u as,! Canzitlittli Pggg-w ar� IaN ' .. . n4tri'le. lir�t� n: quot kit rarp f1s)Weriq lit hon hattol W,%,(�,,t,ttii�iiin itordoorto r-1Is1!oMoo1l1'Y t" und Agiih-twhoirk, Moro i-; 211 I . . and. . t1,.r-; I�Avo d1s. Irimir as!xiu. 4,41',41.,��, 146 lat'l 4% enre tkat I npt-� ­ . lilt. . -) inils"'r witItt- rosebudtl, Whitt% h4NXt1K%Vhit�,' -1, - dil-ht& 1-t %viks L,tp large a Sulu I 1.# k 1) �, uc- 11 , avol proolrod a 8141). i tivii. rj�vj,qv of k�l-.1.1j.t,g UgrJE-jIltural " t t,QI1.­ 4;�4g-ltu,...j lt,�%V tLwy ean f S lillu4i :izlql 1-neliftas. thov %Vt�W b4`.1u* 11 t writo ti) Iliel in reply. In v D* . 4 wt 9411,q whimo. . 4 ­ . 611',� 01`ull 1141 , '11:0.8 thoo, %lhoplo resital Of I* f . 11 rvoliidi-mi�utr% v'"ItoUld with a not 411- �, el,";4all,, totit iates km tho tifull% arrang-`tlo t1ell t,ojtwo ljl,�ttw-t! sito eaiol. lie .voldbi have lert India thtt It u I ,,L,�', 1, voile titv,4- tov.,-, lerat 1"N' eitiough- 1� . .. :11 W -3t lga's - Uom were, row blawhl'. awl� b,, � hor lett;,r po . tuo. p,kv t,;li� �4lterox.4t like it.-. , I - +m .abji rAw-telt hillit AlgUttit' I . sh rnrlit-tQ. NIr 11-lwr , , , nii hq0v44t4-I lwtA arter 110.4alt)" the , t"J%1,tI1l,r ii-0unstivo deterMl.lota of" I n: 1, L P4111ii, ttf Mk*llttb9 I ,%V. tol'i tilt k,"'I " I u 04 rot,tukl all th it, dpare-kit"' � W, no i a&-., t)f in.;trueti0r. ,J 'I goil.. that mortioluiv, to I -LItli t�j:-rks 14 119 114414 t4'o writ � v1twvool a vol I laow ittley ar,, bt.1tig mj�t. V431,il stor. VSIZI tholk oqt1r,artni .. . that lak hao. aut nothin 'I wittil 11hutr1rit. %vii1iderIti,gl.�. � vlthh. ,iiltor hav- Itr.,. L,t,-oo1*1lrs jt,�,�v to IjVA,parv, loack I R*% lvii�r to ho 1M., Wdo � rilt,3 welit on. 1*1 Shall %V. 9 ags'. neld as doikeloplow-111is. 1,1. 1 V"�d ,t) J % 114bloon: Might. that I am 1� "Yopil mil., Ittle 124:1 Ai;.Dt,,�? ad%JJJteJki�zJ iflol.'� rvft�torr*l Ito L1. Iq '��tlu I trii-ol k - - t her 1� 111oro tIvill tile tiv j.4 vl,,��, Dwell a rour4tillot ".4feri-r for ftinr , prebo,ut ll, hof -I fru;llt ill thbl' - ------ - . attl dc�,;patelitt. ,W4�tq4 Wo,lre,jt r' to E;L,k� hget eb� . tJI It JUM14-V hQ1124 t"T"O'll'o In 11! V.'r twit Ili Inaloortauvo to tho pro. � Tho aflie'40 LA%an�lnt �*T viiii1kons - ') dok)14'. , - ger- !,, .%.*-,,At,N, It b.g t,tv%�, Qo%el, .& .%var t-111.16*p -1 usu.14 lebhorad; Iny 04WI3 t1w twk,)- , 1404or v11144. '410" %V�kiiq 844 ttItt'irly liti. hItn,+:,­ i*f,011.1103ol -I too, 044 mml. t*3 , rk,or kj�t I '(-wiautry nI,,,ir%i1-; IM14 I�QSRKI � .4 ti!,v jellln ati i14 U.41 tiop'l 4 ar .t, . Wear Vott.190. Vt4twvotal li to'-111-vrow. too, � 4 two I I a .0, ,; "T rud,hl (or Q,&Ilort. vomp's it] I 1, - r...19lo! t1vo, tmal * 4,00:, 'At I Ij . I it oi;�k e I Ile I I a An ' I Lia%s. 4.01.hf.�%A . �'Wa ,8,tr,1f-Iw1,. thl. 1w'11t"-4JZ,1; fur kgllrp�� agzri Tarve .,st�ii.mn. tu Uto bf-ul W uwalth. i m 't,114 her " -j #)f t1t.4. v.oleitig trt.tl,,� ,,,,,, .kt `iq Ilatur, ,I ont' -, - 1. OT tho ­ �4to' .o_" her l,,vll#1e,Stl yv�tl f. Moir I 'III PV%�.LQ. Lt 0 lj�' ftq)lqa I _* it'll, � ivprg., . . '00,4041 I e. . 4o'S1, , ., 7�.1,4 I owu, Ills 0�tt r4rPA1t�'tA "! '� tj,ioar prol,ivr%r� -Itilk. %,* *I.s r, .1,x�&�n, ttw &.Pxin. ,mv.-k9tio" lover, Who 104,1 lIor foith- , teareol for lier. ;-'M'W R I - t1t5ti, v. aj"gI,,,.,, . pr,s' t,fo- .an,,l lloaplomiui-,l 144 h,a?:lL1u'ihq " tmg,u I wa.? *V4111 lknqj tlre�i�31nt- � ti,go't, 11� it. %V*A args all In fiv.l Iv,i%VPr, 111ans-ow il s, . 'Al traw,irt. 4 Me*41tor Ilatil rst-Vionr-u-9-1 tv) Mli$ VrJUt , , h her 6 but :)hd 10i,sro,ol %v Itro I �'i * Jill .0, %V11,0041k, 41111 11w-'VA.�mll4. W. %lilliam Iliuk � %, 4,51 o," vAtnio avinal* � , , -t , vnill-t-thi-ml wa. W Ali htlo a,� 14 ti�a % 6. a r."11"'I ;�, - �iiiio.'It I`jJJ,!!(6.,0qoq;iI-* j�I'�R,*11141V,r ii,011114, of tLi5v lo,4-Iltr.V F,l­44JOT. , � ,; , "' I, J, a , , nt 1'�tr= -a� woul.4 D'Aam"ho 40 ? I �,f dill IAQ)t vj :, 1� "lo r gal -141, -wh , bright tiallaes togrlit", rlty e, II. fl,,*515U�V.�two Ntdl�%Utoa�� I'M% awl i � ,i."� 'tiiavto rfgara vou I %Ti,itrt� �%t T'.10 L A, . It0e:1a a 11MI .4t iii-alptor of Soluga. � left lfli� wfltft tuleb mxwe RAO, atim, Z�MMV,� i� Tvtonl too ,,,* wit'n t viar Ito, lao'a h4ol ;t 151"O, 911 , -I 103 ela 11 I .4 Aft. 1 r'j". 41,410ro.11111i "' nlj�PL,4 Ull 10jilk" vl,iolti th� Mlaw-i"'41. "t 14 , 2,11, 11-111.,haUt, 1401110 � . . ,, . ,2,4�A � � & fl';,,,At�v,�l toi,0111%1�41�. t�4 ItDooltI,�jtoo�,ajl,jn, lor ts, trall,&Its" g4cliI tupwar upon, h*r lm,�#, 4110,oame , I -I ow%tir lz,,914 lo>t,l trifforoo.` � 11wr 11 "I'�J-13"'It.*b low"V ".10I.14ha 441,1 �Dii.'. aqw) I � up 14'. my In; *W lit itmo. 1;111r,1101� 19%, III uIvAl liv Rtt;i, " I a, -...I laerivq. U,qi�o 44-411,; vlae stge?I, du-.,;, -i)4111, WLIC4 -1 no c.po� 4 v3utplau.-las, , * '. , ; -U4�� t -0 I'M" katar�e'l* 1V.rflpVjk V, 1,,,t", '1% I 1-ri,1 t:% 1', Ijo,rt,44�toqjj, - - y t&.-ve j'alp-r. �L L Ito? th.$t 0- � g a Irjottt 1,VJQ � f4ll P�iijlr. It -1141' nogo, 1 , , ,. -ILY-Al�SM. t4;`Uk$'14e-A- "St- - V*904, ,-Zrpra,,- thq , - � .w. -I ftdofl;l. AIL04 U1 DrOW-11, �,Iitvqll. la"It"w4, , .'�4lgl11PDJ4liql lJort4il'il. I t�""�� 6, Witla t,,# tho ii�; k �Ja!try 4(0�!P�I.r, v1p9­1 loy �% tMCK-1. �It Us, 4- 1."l- !'i to - n TV, no It V. � bur. vine t. i'll, G, 47110LIP-1. , ituokiar, . - I U�, = lit su.�- ItAnlq., it %.�,a M,14 No to t' W 4 T61A, ti-MA'..'r t-', w-4 8qr',)AT4­S laol irtil)lt� --- u-I ­ "ItIvagive'd that llj��l ,, ba". a','al"'n"'A I01:,1re4I,4-3%'. ow� 14:� , . 'I W111 Ilt, ri.,�41-iqrejiow Lin tuv 0)n1.5,n2o'W.­ 0 ), MA Mi. %11�qqbiial % � u0o� ILV5 t,� vtulu,in-wot,a jurn"Iul�-Wm� b1t alsol b.y I , .1 av"� 4�,-,.­4 ,4 Mfv�'11 W.". Jou'IyVed , .1�1,Wog ]Izvilt Ulalwhe N 'one " whil . r loon Plum. . - fq,� Ihvi:i�,;Pvj ,Ill I tritiat Ito tra-litim 1, to %er.lk' Vh,214 'I'"tol 11"'.951t4 10noy=­ an iiiiog IIN17311e � uq b. w "'t" 911 b 611rq� t6 -a", vitru n 0 V�i.o vzvm �� N,-, I to) to Mat""1.16. ��,ti,-%rqrllf. t;rU--1M.41Ik'ASh � IA�audc;,� , T-2FA4U­A%-4 prit�TAS �. and uiiador elileln of , .aud .1i1.,=1J§V. I ,all- %V"'.1k urWla ftiv�. 1 kelm,., tolon I'aZat ley lit'? I#li,oU#,1 �tlt !ii,)r thi-, 1,111 11 %Vfioftldna,�, Piiitit. r� g6 qv, - Al�,. ,,�Jul f4fl0=0 -9 Ul bl� �, - - 1hv,.Ait,t" 51V I Ing. Into 11!mt Toll-Arq wvrv, rea1lav'. L an I I frit, th'A t oic, ,I I'VIVI fvmem-' ttli ft ­11 O.Mulo ; 44 I � I I ,, � . �, ,.4j%:, .4 �,p weill. Irbe ' "' Valuable Wort. Paul.. I 61=04�UVUV alv� b'�,.lvlty I � a but ss�v�,, ,-,','.9iDrx,, ".1 -A notiil� 10�111q for 1*4.1110� J1#..'%';)ba," vyl,i ;if'q,J,V znu)t tt�o­, " I 0, holim. V�eultvlfiaal fa,Tn plro� wanthild ft:� t0 bre3k thO 20tV8 v)T Ail- wi"q� ii 4'-vk­4" n '..'out di;Q�l � ;�'. ! -eli;"f CIV-Ii.� M . !I , o? C o:.+ M t 1: n:, a v; I ,-v-Vw,0iiL, C,0,,,tI111g . .6,, � ;,�,!� L, L, , . -0" t,. 15, 't �t�g'tn � t, - 1.4"al. N�iiio,�,Vvi a 1�,� ,,fWwrll "" att.,t . , v4 i"I 1,0 I, AuT val,�­'f# ,4 ,)T Oat "oogaille 0oll liraoq��. 41'.Q, - 0-sla,arto- I 11a,44 "I ;i%lks oble,," i to c'p�W. !ii10.'aM4;i%` � L'An t�wr;lolyn a jwolqs.�!;-lu '.V,,4 ha% 41mligh. "', ,�, , �­tll�l 7..,tist ai�l:wll ail �'10 '. oiil�:i mio. %vbl�-n Of tM'k,4,nu�-'n . ­ "it'll111%, Otrl a vg-- , !,Iao vvl1.1iD-qoL1..at V �0,,, . . . I 1, '! 49 uiau Vulroaso va CIWO-4 rjhllnti� - ter, a-ni tus av&:*�$ it-'; alTVBotaWt;-" u4i"Ye' I , - " �1 U1014 pr' ,,, ,,�4""�P5,­­4 l*9T 9"-� P1J1-­0,P.400iiv,, , -US4 . Al�p �,u 441ovitit parts I�Iaii, xvlellii -94 ni"i bz� augirr bf I .. J U�OA 13"L,111�,q D'oe!ook wii,la , I;', ast,, �rst W,,1,4 , hor. I it!9rrS,m', liuo#w M114 gltra*g ht"art I qiliet 1W. T'!UOVIPPL.14� a itdatili I twosit Vi"Oull,q - - H �,!, �­ M V. I fn,v ; h n 0,4411 �L, Ims - ti- v,�)alggjffil thqq - g("itt bv- a o ,,, - i I r - ,:-t,. � 1, -� . " ii1Z, %�'flLi ,�,�rh,..,�P, ill a,.a Io;i�j,," fl,c)ipa .S%�LN.14,4111!lt tin OT 'ip.lrt, worol lhl�-;; F'rralpt y0a. I sog ,!,5L4J0JqF , wep IS. ' iiuvt,3�pw,,.�n tolve for' bv� ml�)Tii, rr"i-poiV19"all t,p 1�qnl tl;'Is' t . 6i ,4viiv T"4y.. &�I,,S-�;\"�`111�1-,. CXA. . tlo� 'VOt­ -1. - :.1 074.7 L�, ou ormF-rA LI. -I ulo. "'eii as tv# LtL,�,V1.4,40 '414 Ir- toor ­ �i�,�:iiy t"I ,Q r, oakijrn�'DZ a ew Out kor-? T'ay �awp- � aml ths* 4e"421re tk"q 600 tiiaiz#4 ho- vjmv 1,, V,qb.li, ; 0 .ua ,ly'Ptol-3 -- � �. . ,,, * t"Ir -t a* - . .i,.p .4zi)Irts '011,11 t i� Roggla Mositi-11 , �.,t,ff =,q -t pto,la,, t:� tdtlic'-,ii� to viv,.0,11T." 4 hf,ir 1oi,th0*r'hnJj,p,W agalin. I rrsu,I,�v,l 'i v* rmib.,, an I di M,A U41 ,rl to mte " !� 11VM � 1`b',LDr wl"u'-wh Qiiai T-lon 1r'Q'T.M "T a .,.. h;�i . .1 - TRD.;�q ro�vo ,�'iin 'L,* I 4 -i,1UL'L1r'R4 pS,UPj1,r,-1,4­ ­M�, e vw� *,4wol Mr� c -"1e. . he &-9V,--"` 1, I 9 1,!L1J, -, ­ i, th-It 11 tvqryeg no"t zr� the kcrwne to ,�;T�.-�,to. D IN I 11 . 01!20�*11,�4011,kt*tl.30.%01#0"2*0"8 , 817111!�,A-','-'� iln 11'!�.'oii 1, 54013.:�:16 11LA%t OT -- 89T ,-, 11 -rve ti - , C tazr�-�V�f'r�sttll , 4 -. N �4 'L .L..ii�,J �m I%# - " "Ali luaTned too oug'! " c18,4-1 iiin, ,i'arairlso. 'Iwt l&'Ag% fj!,O�m .K111. U'lug'.10"I gaglily, ,1-15 -4:w Sftolr.tM� i:AU41 P �� t-, 4 il. uuull t�,�O . , :!t;'Ail.v� ,Jtt4,'�. ti�'CIE-lt` F%,, ft,%1pa,1C.�"j;;� to 1�0-r. .1 wvtiutt � to ir�sin,,U; In I 411;%,T,�n,�e im %al"tt, � 1 .3 �7,, Vvi k ­�, mtt Ultarlit"na ?" - '. ..f,­�,� L%91,i.l� i��,�-li,,A oftvlag�poili ag�-Au. i� 1LwI­,r­,,J�t(.4 tky $:.17:.;, - 'Gil, '-.,,a,a ­ ., t .'l t h. . `Mr. I E) Li,l- SC�'At"Clt Iflp-1 VIC Cfl.ji) 'A palti. ! I Z I * 111%n�,,t-2:; t11T 6111,s-,.rlila� - ') 11. .. , I - I Mq,� R-,1.3e,q&-r0 * 11w t��o)-J- Ar t; 'A'.1X tu t:44'01k,10211. " 2t nmsr I lk,aiwei �, � HISHOP VI\CL%* I `nu-�,,:ever mMol 11---Ittt, tplT�� TV.r na1mv,41 I'Vols'. U, 9-; I � ill ln­,v Ln.e 44 -i, ­a ilvl Q,V b7l 1 9',,,O�o q . adi 91 aa , -1,,vl,­-qe" rue -'w'- I I - tradii. 112 0111tor. 1� To -i- � � ,LF14 t4 w ­ug, t�n 01,1'Q',v'V' ptiqtnl�ltw a -Jo �,aozn � cynt bn tli,ie , 111101110"Si. t�,'Dt �v L �. 'Isu - I anj "halk vrlua ycl - 44 1,111v,, bwwll thamft-4 , itin-1 olii 111" f� sirowoup" : o,.��r , =iowio sv,,�MjO mvt RD A-g-'-ril. 1i­;-.V� , r. -:ti L'T, � Afelleii.," ?i - t.a "guat li?c,upr- -41]v, dal. -- .. .- 9 �Voa, Lo � NIVOIJ) LO i3t AN Asa. - U " a r,,� t" 1"t o -T t 1�,vllt,. ,,, U, , , 4-"U'i� C4 '.'! rl,� vt WcK uot LoUR.", , -41. t.51.1� 6-Q t., o i ga r, t"ll ,a ap R411k Z .. �-, �, a c - , r, i; 'Ei v L r,.,,, a w L -i, t. �­At ,)n ` SNMW�l US 7 lin,!-pe fto a ,�� - d 11 0 1 - . Ill .1 - I ­ - - , - - �.qtq to 11;\�&�'4 'aWAiii. It l'o . 11 ". ,1 L "I , , ­qlvam,z.,,a�z,o ot,-A r, .1 Hvtl�-ii,,t,, Us-.,,� WAPI IMIT 111-MuSUatt' L - hfu . � wa 5 t 4 �, " , ii 4W 0 q \�r ailt'.4 X 110,01i -,�"5-4 �:;.t;jf.,V.66­ I - 52,oT;Z� V6-.if,"r lra':44,1- 1� � I lll;�, vV011i givii-, .-.,,i.'ii cq-j"'vaoji 0 *"040W�"Lh.q " fr, _ ��J _ -n a,+na­. plal.".., [,,.- , M, t, mtv t'stm a ,-�,moup. -1 � r,4 ii.(,r,,V:,W�.�A" 4 ,�!! 'a 1;ii - lk­d ttv wtiah , I rfe-ch- tliED rc�,:, 1 � = jy� '9 �, 11!�11189. i'�­ ,. , � mr""I U we"mt il I , n6l-uliap 111 np"nii �T,wra-�quil 1 &.1"auu ot'-ii,e, , 00OZ00 `�,','Q,, liro= tvv? . �' I ,pa, - gat:,41�]Z. � ,%Itr, C�irpw wa4 nt�vvl wtK�At [11fit"'I, , L'!g � , :- -S � 4,�.,-k MiA -t utatil;eiiar� itlito u'v - , v . tiv :!4yj pe'.. ro,ut'. ,"i 'S vvo;�il. Zwe I ., �Ve It a % _ gi, -,Z; jr,y��d �� ", 1,1 t, �1- ,., " - -- __O�ir_iiN a "�I�. t�. , � '-woller I . i L wat! Otto Cliar's eotUgi�, He wotoe,mr--4 mo � I rlClAl�r44* 'I -�, 12"�Zrt , L'ilim. %%*!LT�' -`g­`Ji�q . ". - � . ; -, a 0 Z hf, lm,,,�,,,� 11 1infill,w-c-o ':t:ao `6111, down vart,io.", -,,ttie �atj, . ­ I �]� to 11l,-1" -^Tll-451i P �Ji'� 0 0'-� 'tg'!pnlilrl�"-4l� - L n" "L� - , , r., , ­ - -IT& TAO-ovs tv!�V,Iull,�, atild allejo�qll .M,,�jii )"2-a t'll, - Z.1450. �44M,t " - lhtr. zmdi] Il t, . I . NVQ, ',,to ca� W 1) �-Oaa A ago , lliOlq b�'.4,,n rept . IM1,3 Ifla-Z Ir, 6 I 1g, nul-Laq U00 !.4, V , Lao , t I I` , ­ "(1or.A- . I avo- �-mr a � 9.-D,v wo, 90atig &Q ;",)5v5lUDD�? 00al , W, lilvt root 0�r V ,� att o,�, I -da � CsL'uni, - '. - ' 1aV11 f"qtPrt-ling u,vy,iga . , � , - , .% reaM Lme�; Caibsi IoitattAlt , ".11.,�1",th'- I fr'; III b­n- to fl, I ma. il It -� Lcthv­ I Q�-?,.,r�.rAd vla�-,,��- �, � w*411. , v- 11 (.1m, il,o"4 rarN�A m eqy"� 71� SW -',,,,, t� U n,�m I i purivol'i for wildich he hmll rf-,qui;Sted � tow boaUtLU, e , � iry 17 -0 11 " 10 clo se;i,,t�� or � r.- ,"­ _ "- . .MJ"aI025AeS ;��PVI tile, M. " �Ug*, 11ell rvm,,.�vvo ljrir�,m Uer lvvs� t�if',! Wiftl liie-vea, 1*&At �t d,n%�4i, I $�.toplj:d -,Six.rv,Z�0�� -ta '- .t 49 ; l20 �F i Mist ­ LarMl�l , rl 1'ql, eat ot regulan lim)'nrsi, 1 "QJL,t.� �9 I - - � 1#31 in 11;1(pi tauLathala b��Atter is VRI.Wlaiank� s,; t151. 1nteV,;,92l,iv, �� a- Ars?r , 14, w-, Ir-011ity. laaw ,in, I ��oii --01 kappy I H � Ii C� ml -ug ..yoll rate ral�w inflA'!v tr�st tr5efjVI:1 , Ugiut Trii'm h,r olva,'4; :11 p,glrl. q11" -411 tnuAl tobaeeo, eft", W DOZ-grPUM U7 I) -l- co vt,.n.Q� %a ijvac,�L� an bettv.,ir rd43UvP , 'or"'tap' now rW­:1,1-.nT,P �n 11up amm,ul d1so- ho�m,�. " ,� be, bv, ll ro .Ulk V�yl lanutto.-ni;U­ P�21.1� IV" �Jojii,iu 9� V, �m U.t., rwvrket.,� ,!.-, ZIA— Ulu�ill;7-itl . rft, a-ATk,31-,wC­9. U��Aet " I gan at I;,I1r,.h ; ­MD9i %Vfx,A. z�,; in t�v 11 �, �' -, t -nOii),n OT F'Itml. � I - a -.g:,3 MiW-0Qvn ? " 9 514" trurpt-o'd. ju:�,;,,,. hr-k,�n .II,aljv,t a muiitlii�:,ir 11,-;� 111-r ; 121,519 kill., fr-L up:sn lia,!-V. �%a I I tunu-A I 1:6041. Vwi4Z4-UlB--1-- UL.,�1�2, qogill,,, :40 . � Na,to; ,(-,in ',.�Aata At b.�.'4 v,v,,-�Uje" at any �, '11.,, I , neWu ', Zn4-tr�lo,%,Vjs Of tl�a­ V,ttn�sler of L. . I h .le i " I ,0� omq io(-rr.o,%. � .tgr� -�k,�ro,4, ,t,-s,1t-q og,a-. bag -, 6ho. to,plilf-45, Wit a ,- M " - aw-�V. sw�� "'A h­arL. 4 bad -,, ir'ag 1­�,m 11 b.,A wAlvivtat eL,Zam itaig rit* t: V�� * ,, I 11 yes, ,; n mv]V b;, pre tifir-1 to Itie"lf. som - veit,y Wool .A. Jet a Y,tiiiar 1, I",T; wi . 1,11,avj�-It a qf,�IJ*Nq, N jVrV­- 110. . 9 v4a ,el"uItalre., I � � "144,�l'ong ,as Val! ,ilitl- 11 vo, al��J bwaiit5f!0t br;g'm and glL �. - �;A = it'll', In Dvv sr,.,nil - L, -,,ir�, ��ac 01j1p ", 1 ,4a' ��ea woutile'l ;;Ivnni newq f Juave to U -P .T,ozo."� P41 � nl-,,v�,r " 7�v- bi�qe�pvla lv'fl��F� �4hp lm,��1310- VIR,s. wt-wipt, tutro,p"i-1911v lip'nt)- , -, , , . -IV," I rf-p"'Ie4l lj;,�iirt� � I Cqutalol, lippar uo MjVTt1. i0tisp.;'i-lunal ., it t, q rirLa quit', 11 � , *1 I V .0'"' .I�,jt -4 T,,o','­- )M� 5�­=tnit. "'-fLIo'. ­Ij�.4 ii� J t' � `91alek"A I 61u, z -,16 -pa", �o," ,,,, - -it laniiiii" law; '!Q � i"OLa,,�IMPIJ�,�U Z9T0J;: '� In 19"46 To%. 1'n.lov Cr � f , -taiolhh",go W1111-41. Yll U LMOW"Op 1 S`2043;1 IS— nnd then qjero wa,4 an a-.vk-weVI I -9 C -,"Amo -t ;mmr:4 ?--illll� 10 Val) lam . � 'Le "I V, , :.e,:t?v v"i--it ,��f U10 v%!1.V11­­-, al, z�.,qrk. Zhae=v I­rmr-r -1--im0l"s �.Ir, qr:,Iog:,�,� 70MOr"to not E-Wilal-. qwat t!Ae,d;,0,0t,44 th­re C,ay -�. , I aiii.t. vo.rz� 44 fll,,Qv ; -11 ,�,Vve 11YI-111 ga,oat g,rl�rarm,-�� dtiaii;;iv," 4 " ',,� " ­ `l' ip, � i4, Sam �; lkle IV-INS7... , �. ­ .. �,,;m,i wai" 17 th ? huitrj f bc.. vrwz o'n"y *4.4 4.0,SN-4, ,l,nt, ilta%fi, b; ­n PFrt-r, 11 , 'a tetarn to Q.,01ml. sevo U� in tliav- §Imp 1--.ght W -Ils njoatf-lat lv� Qt F�,,,Z- ? , , -. f ,IV W 5:411161 Nl@�qlyql, avol" r,u-tli­�, jvr,�.N-41iivyl ilt�v N, 1 , I U'vv'r fxm­ ho :a. - h�� I I " i-fle OU ,� had N,ttpq . ac rc,:Is a t "ll - V,P:14e o! t t 1, W= snfft­!�-!It V)y MM' IN n0laied. w !e' rV!;VVF � U p,m] be - � �.9 'I'. -'"'l -'aoyt- le:"`� Mf' '1*1 I lllii�, 1118`4 WOO I'.- '". 00 # tillip ,Niinr. foul- g" t E lu.-� Up - " -_:d, 1i ­ I tho -Z .1 VIL y 134�1.v C:L,l .V 6 1 .1 li". �z-1 1 14:­V� ­ * , '- � I L tte i L."r 'VO4 Uk,�,,3`4 rv�t ft�y it 7 lue , ,1.1� car it Tawt r ", -;, � ll`q*10 01 ­ a .KVF. lit th"R Way r :��V,�..p OT tr Ls th.,y ,�e ..r -toad It vomAv to- fail to Val etq.r�i Ival , �Le Var_ c. I ee144q;. -r# r t[lDl�-' q, � � pH 5 4)tvr Grc�,ikt 111P"e t-� * port - ror,Mt.tve -.-�W-td ps, � ag�lgra. Hero I I rubbing M4 t1jui halloijs iiti�r . LL-�' O' th�lt vilfl�`.vh " - 11�,��et. � 'er It t,4 an o4fv-r of 'marriage - - " .r�'I""t.ahr, viti� a "% Q. � BrfyJr-1IT.1' etb I I r.V , 1'a " fter flays I vrls'wol I Irod loil'. r, , " "', l,n wfl� 2i" irn,� 4A510 liia%vil .n q tll�,,�l whN a d-* 09n-. ..Iqrvil t,ovi-e,drjlfli�z In elniy-94Z�,-� %, ji� Li- �­ Tq-ilef it �-Ip i-, i -L-A"--: �t:�P.l , trla,] T�pq lv!, -I m.;Cet- rperiltell fv-,,r ll�-r, ,Iinl P.�wh a g W -111H, HS Yo I - - -it', �A "t , ha,.e . I -�An 1� ril V v, vol u- un, C. I I t rga !,-I V� r�� I " �r -0EIt)a:d;4-V,q fl'o'.4. L1,D1,11p�-I�,,t3tLS- P­1i!,J t�,Iinir4� -1.'UIG60.71, in INW3 1;149"M, im1 rr--,k#r!T.-8 O."I T.%,r. pir, tl:- I , ad t 9 It � nargi,uh,lr�tq can- it�-Id ,I-3 nit -a s,o !i. - gola'I 0TOr. fulo." , � MQ95,4� tou �hc- Uef tee -. it mil j. A ,,� 1��,Z,L Ul�- , I)Sltl�-OJ0. 57,41 �n To�-mc­s In evclv . r,-a2T-Z1.b.pr ati tj,a�,, 1.�),e and 11-p� ,, 1 N641.yn. t ;�]. r2na.ch­. Unalv4l­� my 4,jr- � Tud of Zee, wot��r at qbiir� tar . � �. ,,- V,\,r,�-i,,0',o,­1i M,.' . ­ - 14 4,12111e, P,�,,.Mr;t-)J:1 .lFrom Ca Imp- , --ln.R , ,�,ljl�- , I *%� Thl;�re E -,as ��Vkuf-=-y . v1seT, I S�21`11'1 , -4 wlu ll+tvf-r� Y�,S. L -;V- -Ll , , , ", coy'l .- al -ed. .1. imnVA-i;,"Itt"� 11 -am el -I ang. 10: t M�- g ­v kj'L�J' t') li, ro; allt thN lako , ��d I -a,01,i�,ij -:.`.� 6�1 11.W I t7a,o iv,ver tr. A 4 - ,� ! —'!!!±!'1!!! , - - Thatit-, zqT-�11%14*-,N�, I 1,.os tak - - - - - - - - - - - . ... ....... L' --- a ? Dxd bpl,"', vv%=Ided qu an e-qio� Mmeheo VAIn ru'ver eare. if Ia, *ii, �r- Umt iq all 11� uot;,11 V) .!!!!!!!!w!--!A!!t----­­­ -- -- ­­ **'I'aanst 4.i,ne oil tte rcfl�actory 6, ., an was 125fiarw"35, �,%-C-nv Un", I t�ialiag�5 A,;* -%%,-v sjli,"2�i & -'---, ­­­­— dl..S�-, in, 16P. ;. ,4, ,I 'J,49�2Z ­'��ili.l - " U4A �,Olnt ttcataNligag. � glv�N� � I .2 W. am �d,rL-,, � 41 ii D.Aatw, . .... " an I wa`4 etlw�ug '12 wv# � -1-41'.11 he ror#�,IN;i. naglronv ; muvotup vvh, .L L4. u "m � - Un la trdb. sz, , .% - " -..J - -4, itow,.P,*Ozwbbwbc.c-t,t!-Zo�1,1000* , i,,,o.,ir. ri�'.C�n gt-�,at p --D4,7, - -, 7 , - - 2,1,u ,,��, l, � X�v jitI.1 W , iry " It, atO qmll. 1,41-3 ww.),"I's, o" ,&U- a nid L,,-,ZqrJ I T I4er ,4a . � .-, a tt-�.�.,I.#2 'ib,4 1-53t- ww�Z,t 11-,', L -� .. .4(m 1 0 �'Ij­ "� i� J -,,­,�,� �r,-V.Jlj. 1.il � -S .In i,, , N 41 Itad ., 0 ­­ -- ­!�,,�- 1% W el--�,�Vl il.ior ; lla.it E� I , h! 1, to �Sl,nso� , llra�s 1.9 M - �,% 11 . , � ,,, ev,r-vzr� ot V-,-Ttune. at�d ot 'I frota .1 ulf.41 rs:vn, W I- Y-�Tit 11), LI,vf, n8p. I -nt Easio 11,.t 1J.!,la2.,1. tc,jITS .-Jar'l..J"! :, A it C�l � V 0 it -n. �,'4�­l cru 11CN".1V ,�Jlc;;��- �'. U 0 i � il f" � ., a , , , - , .".. ! i.�,Z:f1-,r);t,:n;; 3eZ. traq'i ir i ,Z. p�,. - 0 07c��L:� et&,�,­ n mt,.'"Is! Lkla t -we %,-�r Stl mr-2.41 .,q L� I e MJ�S W�,I,. d, V, I.n Ln� 3[ '�.J I'.' V,r�t.: t,rm at Mlat,i i 11�),Vu: !J14 'i". Ith, , ir.,� � 1--u e�- . a Im, ii.,�Li Un -ILgn *4,,�iLLZ 0 MACLEAN AIN 0 0 -e,,�� -t �,Z­ ­,;--­� %nuz 1,�, . �11­p- - ,, g 11 $1,4V Ta 4 t . � al:, a , 1,I mr-4 , ,v r , -`(,�,r MN, j.1 -Ig" Llw- a �ikpwarl. I ,G'I-41. 11 W,---)� 6't . I .. �, o,­t'r -�, 1,�a- ,-JI-iii's 0:� Lu.�. ',�!�,M - 0 0 a -,. - I , - .1 I v arl as nIr.- -B �n- . -, � Evr�, mag Lhovgln��t; la.t, ---11 2 vro zi L, . _'� l� --��. , �-, ��,I,� ,-z,�,'.&n .tai I mi -j E �1- i ! *-. " M � ­ .1 � =-X111. fi". ,=,q sin " 1 . 11. im P. _ an, .. " ' ­�,'� 1": e� "� 'A en � L i, I . I 0 - �7- -, �, , - zt,a W -S S-,41, I,, 'D W T fiv, �v T h" T ir�% be- 4 ttr.-rls hAn 1. an"'l, says 4lat V, *,ap ii-vdl �, Into C�;e Nftle kitAiii-n 100 D -T, I � a �U ­ 8 THE WILD flLOG 4�0 'T�i`� ri- 'n" &IM-rence U�- og5lilho?, Bvi-n ore I ivo-.1114 "ke ITT. 44"-",2,9" � ----�(�-:2 'N'Xv.4 ,,��.,6 zi-­-s az . ,2 1 :=- , . - . U t Up -.;a - ii- 't I top he able 2`10 S;*, 5 , 0 0 'I 'S&I t:�u. t,,p ,,,-v,s.a� T.�Fn cxzvrp b- .i,, 4 but rmnrry� ­-Im fo--+ rVC4111 s­�MM'A UP! i . t, Ar -a j- 6. � 11 Inot-:tni. ­il ""IN �, tzev­? 11-v 1,0L,1!t C".1 Z) 0 ,ii.1iiiii " _ ii.a, J,�* -,b aLid hfS C, M','$ drZAtIVe . it .�ao-�11 � -PoC " c ro, .Va,r� lrrstmtoo l:iJV)TJ ;!er .11fi 'i i 'tV,-_11.-1 V , - ­ � . '*4Zfl�i00*'-0*--*t*-1-W0 �.,� Z T�� t - opt tw-�en b -'r VS , il�4­­� ..'� I , - r;,$j � . - - 11- , 0-1. daul. -f it. I. -h ta:d o, u, ,,4 � - . t, plv! �,:- 1 -- 'I , ", �. , �". W -�` i a * v., " r*� i - w i'� i - ,� ", -W-K U600c,000--o -n2..-; !,..*!, nr�,.V '.'��.Z', f. 1,"p- ,�, I,i -, ,,�;J,31 Sjob,4 %:,�;.,-`c J-1 'i i ,*.';111lL NU z� -R . �ra.,�,- tt'l-'. �,T,�M,.�4. Xq �­ �.'., 4 � " ,.,�7 I, numst -�vo:!:w,j , `Zv,*:�.�'J .%Iiw-ri,�-.n.,­ pV­!1:m1,V',,01�-. 'j�yl.f.allil q.!;' -�'. '(�',- :,3g - .. - a - prost-ne'. lr,� tl�u. �� - ­ .11 11-1- ­­­. I - -­­­ , I ;�,; b -.,ii -i to croam'. om­ saf)rito." ' ba,, -k to CrOOM I I ill. thl , - - -�*11�^ , I buald b�en itc-r,r- 1l,4urly "NI " .r 1 S22-,�.,m sr,rat �,il- -� wl,trwy . t Ine. ,� . .. '. e --4.y-? ­-"rT-�l. by Z.��-ru Rvfz, ]J tn -'�e ;C-trl %V-'J1!&'--�i t'�'-Iva-�ll t't" it -i't* - ' 1 50 ill tiuI, we4r, I - ,. - — I Ile, ley' -.],-41 M , "I � "I 4 , L , � , , � a t'e' 4, r � IT . n 13, ne.�Te emw, t,y 130L, 9 f --`l -, a- -t t-F.I.S4 -.1,.;2. , - I ON,�.�s:tl --..��- -,,,,,Jgl vvia'.'ej V%.,�i; �i� ' P , M. fo�Lk-1 Szku 1: ,.I lf'l r4l. "o �.Inrtvnk!nu a " 11 � -Invidt of � u.m�d;­,r'.�l �v C"�;.,!��""r(9:1��'L' ;ng . 4 ��10es.,y it, Da t w1w .1 .0 III b�� .� ' -, --��M Bit.? � ,�uqm-� ona -,,,., ,,,, f-'. - �J. .�"'Ljjl,'�'�25i" n'L i _ ,Ll.�J�j. BABY'S 011N TABLET . iiii Ut.V prMS ar. A we*"lit olv'sal I shlow rel­p.ei lo, !z4t; . �,,ttiv _ , i 1 coul'I not luel.), In.'r lvia?t on'11. - .t "..121i, r ­ � - - r�-W,:,-­� " T,�ic, 14�,L---4,-, vi-s 11:.��.­�V'Zlsr I , _ - _�4a T _1. -, W�;I.a. , � 'I" ` 11 , . _ S . un,.,(4r,1-,1D,.a1,.,. -,:I.ty. Nmrth ("',v �. 42 .1�� _J��,ij �4o I I-. 'pi 1, rel t lilt I ,�F i Ilu �",.t­ . .� , V11, , ,�­ --1 ,�..,J th Pit- 0 , I­gh I ­ " , .'* " - I it o,,e-nrr-,!o" -�o �­'T�,.Lo,atll 1% y ln,r 11*1A - 2 . I Iliad C I"L,1'P, ".11ii`--` , �dl�-- mz, rn.-- "'. ,%V,..`. -,.l= Mt?' Q ­ 42 L- , .. , " - . - -ille, In love World . me "What Lav 'o, Z.ui � Mid . � - tar ;� � ,�,., � I ��. -,, Ule Up't "Oodh 1,!r, uatgriitn IV -.1,:,- .1 ottrl one. a : � V,e P� I S1.16-01". 11 a.� . tato n 4), i., � ' ir ImasBy. f! C1,01 (�S. tu!l-t t" �� ri�-�l:oh ­1�i':, 4 l-' v,"z-t,3 2i --O -es I r,a:�ttc,T ,-l �g�! - zarl bartf.:% IT'r, an�-. -)1-11. "I auj ".:. . y I., l-hont, ot-I TtA, tv're.'.. ii %;,,,!*,*., "o in Y j.,-; ,.v;- �., llpe:�Wrz� t h. e, tt-.20 a . I , , CIA14'ren,oratt X , " l , 1c, 0 - . - . : � "Not =112'O." 15�1,�r re � sv;ka rive:-. ani 1%, �t . to t., Lp�-Zn. - -Cott , tM, Ani-�"at knoek Mai C V f., tio, :��,z. Bab,,*s cown 1%lZA;,t� av, gmvl 1,1� I.t. 1, 11 , VO;l W:ll 71�- V,rn M.1 SUVI. WIN .� � hAlf .,�,Old, r"'.211111.11. 1�pr I tav�l a "Itt, 4 v, 'Lie littani"L Zlor.�­-. t"t of lltt-ppri?-15-�iicioll gun al. -A 110. t,,, �Iint rel.t� , .­ a i 44 a 0 4 11 IrF� isr-4-1 E�l -trenul Ts.,- toneiiI, reagi-m all ti IS, W -Ji. Ir . ­ � n sroroj S-.�,,nxi�sz�-Q -!"�s trot" tUc� tiva, -.3" . � 1"01, il-�Uo,o. up nly m'.rid.1, I , as iia qi�ni,ral 'a-41,- 2,!p prl� -.,=--, " �-.�­ 1- 'I, "e -act- - . � grown � "ard if P'lanellm s'.13 lv­q any- 1100- , -d' . ­ - a-Wi squ,t.l look Xv. L'up `,t-4 body. cla;i � i for tj�I�L *,tl A - , m l-v� aL a � - -5:�?+.,-; tirt -�JL"Jilly '.P.)rts . it,lvf- alloo I FL'l e-,. i vir­o� , .�Wi, ,­, II �J bi, -e wil-91 , kyla 111.gio?' I �,. -.d-­%vE2a1, i dec0ii'd to ino, .. W,�ar",ls,, TU:2by to 11, i; Atense alyinxi Vipt.rin U.�styn 1-1 her a `- stu-x.4 irlal.'art.. V1.11%ek 114: 104ilv, au Ji T -.,�, ;;t si tlki­ ab�onlltlild ia wi�ll pd. Hi. wtain Caro Tor tll­ � y I eo-allij " stt,dy _� f+jro.. .a , - s,i, claJild, W . do w1ut 15-ra I" _ fi,v- ,,.v,"jrd w,4e,l jl�. 14­","�ez,l fh�,. trZgget., are '. CP � ralml, show ile,,r d1i t1le advantagefl YT a -, ,- � ga�i,le, l,,v;;­lln,o, .1 degener-ltv i � , -, a! J t .1te, ewl- I yc S. 11� 1"v, sTlie �. � - w;-11, as I r . - - '�'l ;,,* "t ,Bg7j ! _:, __1. wr1'.._,.:. ,g obs;,rve -, .., . " stolral.h. C,;. . I Nvith a will ubml tive tialp eame fiL "li""a �Iq qlo- so Zt.-tit thc� r"OK vvixt - 141 abadt digestifyi, 'O"l, teptitieg of melt a marrLig-I as this ? I 5VIve 'i 4 oT I,,- Log, -lei -,i-� guin , _ troa­ I h#,r hands. "Was eva�r nn.voni, t" -ol , Ue, frant wl � ,t,,,,�,,., l;Ixrj,1to-a. i istuly ; road the br,st br.o,ks: try to, Cio, th el- ot viie str,�!ghten him np V* , ti � i nal. grumbl-A, Miss W�-03, but I miss , A Ile te#01-, ic,'lro - aj= r'L'�I' t,,,(. %j.ther Arrinor alhlfteIlts S i;mpthnes like lneo 'My poor ratt;er will �r.�� if I ip". , d I., d , f at'; 4i,�*C".i,atiel­ -ed pl.ollo, ­ - .�ceu o, .1i an,. z �"I' 'L ­- " ' _ , .. - - i We ,(I go off. ` bles al I . is no oth.,r medl- ., my 4-1 I P4�mrbrt S:� muer I a!a�pol��j it,, li,j I -0,W fat"'or ; so -,Ah. wMeh ai�owltlq 1to sonle ex . I t�>Uehecl tit Gl, . i W childrim. T3u.re gifta would givo anytIving . �. 1, , I tinvtl.. -� go to e;ollege anil go ihn.,mall ".T I I 'I t*.'c P tr gger, a', the' . Novir . %, tent to, thh, ` 1 Teel `lvpaL�l and tv-Av flio, Von? 4 (tvv- 'lilts ., Ml:g . - .... k" , - ­i`,ir for- �'l � t'. A.tio SPilraflyo, 'No saftAy and one, glas,s of wine ir�clx as � . . 'e-ollf-gt- e"ell if I *.Npectol to ll� ,, � � starile 10me- f,lcKXZ;r,9 !'as L, chte at - - , 11nI7 usnally of garint fornii. a r, d I I M�ni and i,o �uflr I., mit i thpY coIilain no,4 One 1 tor I fbrsake " '-"-'­'1v,e, TIM -1 tip , er or a inekillaIll' Z til'v I %va 9 NV�L- . 14 C I I ('T -0 -a 1 -4 ro"itivi in tile 4 1 Ind .it cro,:,Ine. I am grOwIng old, eall Hu -*I � I love <,Icrk-, a farin , . . ,4 almogt .19 � warti. TLe, tre,, , ­ in I know lit, loves -tile. -in! ristIall: 1 !I-Xvli;- lo"ng leg's. zlm and partl,l­'01 tiv, op -Mit ',, and vo-�, I- -n 'to b.- a practleal, everyday CU -'of ro-6t a- -ele Wad &-or. it Steel Rvi-, fl-�,tslle,,.l In tho P. � . ovv we, are vory poor -so wh, I 'I mekhcilv�s. Mrs. , � . lilm brAter thall ..113 the wo,111 bp- I"t I S . 11 11.0'et did not go Ott. But ML - mi ­tzarAld. 9" * foo")v tivItt 1 410 not get tiliv support I, to 'm C-ry good cause ; ­u;Q t1le 'xorld � t so ­.Ill i "vwvs: 1*1 first side? INI rit Is torn in tw3. I ean. 110 , Re it �,, treat oldel. men 1 suligsted apoll a4e-arll,�. pine wa!�t. � tile Ill ITO co'.11d not recover a ,ttl ,not abir sts a"'I � Lean did. . --� " 1�'11-1'i�r' GAL ­ ';�; Tablets need. 01h, It Mv datlin b t ty_l C. � R- �f �N"S� P7 could -V�1'V1e`(11r annot t4�ji Nv.13,1t a. ll,r.4 allil luoth.,re, 1, .ted rm)ts 1011nd In the fore- med tl(ywn nponthe bpgm, asing- Baby's Ov ,He , t - ii-IghtlY. if I might 90 trot gee I anti wonlen *R tat ; . n ililaspif - and Plung , d t , It , n'tTlill , I arpo th,st, ra&f ,ai tile- yC,uag as brethron and sisters in sw.11111TS Of this reg'01" and wlli�l astri a he, S aggr ov as tf, , g. ew veritri; -before I die!,* I ought to .10.1, atablo ft -0:1. , 1109;, t4ling When ya", bi�lby . , i home for a I q,rfl te, pal, , verv, ave Hugh to consider ifts P1 t made -i IleL-k of the bea,rt. Tho surprised aud ,, - -is lie littered -the "You bz .. 0 Lit I -islt, slpp�iess Weit . all PurltN initn� t, Ito almost ight .IP wil(l Igo, WW; f�'�ex I aq yourself," I SOLId. "YOU m ' ry to bo a Chris- '11le sPOrt "'o,fien il1dal-qd and frighteePtl ftnin"'I Mtde a mad lerOR.R. �liii.l suffered from 11n`Ii9"tIiI`ki' I last fiew words. I pitied him deeply, well roar Own hap_ Thus I should t e, si-neible, was .tit mansemplit. l, , allip. carryllrg 1;s�;g tire Tablf-ts Ile I)egan to I buttomy mind nothing could jast!- lye willing to sacrifice I tian gentlemano wholese'll In, -tnil corresponded, in M w -"*v- to dasill tbrongil tilt- fov. ' , After t, any riglit to Lcous ; & ater Part of *11cLean's pauttir got b� ter R11110,E at on(,.P, and slept I I.Y M,,-I�g BlEruche unhappy and tak- piness, but IV-1ve ya%l P your ,cheerful, judepr-nderit, cour Itliont the t -hast- of the wild boar 1� tile I the, gre . I H - a bo,v w McLean wasi lost biptter, And wa,; -no long,ell 01708-S- I Ing irer fr&-.,a tier lover. I wa.s jug', sacrifice Ills *? avIng 9'v n "I m),�Ith. boy -with a will � Orient. A, good story is told nt i UPo'n his tVR5c"`i- ukedlVine for!,,,,,, to tel,, Mr. Carew all I tho-aght pronittee, Irave yell arry rig -11t. tc r coNvardlee-. n M-In'S will and I often Participated im ' ,,;prawling upon the grolind, frtght- tilink thF, Tobliet,z -1 fine Cant 'O c1n,1*S grace, I'VeLein. who I e - ilily as mucil as tits hog, Join the ,gubj..vt, when the young girl dr,itltv It?" Ill nie, anti Ing the Nvild be,-,. I _,,(,.I pqu, ,childrell and IMP then' on bandalt �. e crittl: "ani yet 117 -fits' wl";dorrl in- .,Ibl,ding with Me. thle --,Port Of 11unt 0 PV.,qpo 'with 11is ]!to. HeL - 40-ZV po", I Y" . -dl 4xo-,-�,& I Z, &� . . 4 r. il I I I I I I I I � I 1� 1� !I 'S ( rao":: I � I ! i I I I I ther t1illp - Thf, T.1bie ' heirl,elf Most Unexpectedly retur- ed. aut.r It 't snd pilgh't,,-aud I t.1 are rp%dily a '"None", sh ,and ble.4s� , 'Cot but 'klad t 30 selfisil" wb!en t be, I J*ilrcp Vill- .A,rmed with . ponderous, mmil - eirr, and trushed �hat is be, volea," cried Mr. Va- mygralf for being � I All, if I were a bo.v .-B, . Aurned limne in . . � I _1nd � -- - - . .1cc,.11pLE11lpd by Ills. clog. he Pot 1 rki tikea IlV .111 �(.111141r.. .,,,.,, to the � p�wder .rlau b rew; l%bry Is 110,110 two hours earlier tbink it Is; 10 n1v POwler to Tu'lk" lay � with an empty gamp-bag. It Wiat . , �' ' Per- I 11 fAther Re, ljapp�, aul' I must r(lase. t (,-,tit � ­- ­-- - . ­ out alont� Oil -a hunit one ,day. Hiq I t* A V with a t st;Y e 'b;,forp Cie mystery at- ., ,. very . Mc- Ithpbe. , *1peeited, her. You liallS 'Vo , � H10 Is old arril 110 , . The .,yulltsill cI.*r.q1j,r evidtletlY dog soon sep" I in to I tending thk% 10-:,q of 1,is ii"uts, couid .,OEll1gkl.t;t bab pless: he lei always tNt a. wild hag and , Some the t,a,lafy' of binleM, �!:Oltl by alld VVItIX we while I tell her, 11ISS N igitig for thlit-9 1 eqnnot g,,t for � (h, � tll�ftt tll.E�r4eg� pl��iyty O�T u pt), . roo*.. Affer ii, sh,Lyrt ehas bro ,--lit lilt i be picked out or bint. I t � ,� , .-t paILI at 25 cents foir I promi,Fed Mr. Charltork IWO' loil , - . . glg t a or sinit. . . . I 0�, T,p4 ple.1surs Ill beliPves ,� . be a.l . lr�'ct to tllq Dir now to -night." him. When I Oh -11. ­ .i k I � ay. He proved tv a enormous Birtickvil, c, let bet k ' - that t at tile top. � i I a, .bet by writilig ki I , , plog- back to Croom�, I feel . vvilli�rrv�` ).J�fflclae CO., He looked so Imploringly at me, g Oat., or 164ellellv.�tadyl X- Y, I . ­­­ ­ " I . I ,- -,664, 1111i I I � ­- .- ... --.1-l"'! ........... .... I ... ki , "