HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-30, Page 2.117-11% _ � �� " , � . , .` ;,".. 1� 1-1 1: ...1- ;. .;--. -1 I. . .1. -.11 . . 1. : - .. 1. . . I "I I _� I .1
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Body of Ankerican Consul WAS, A -IOW -
M L. %J I L� L. I L. I I W111
ever, Broucht Awwv-
Fort tie Firalice, Ma,y 1.16. -The e%,,
L L 'I � [ S
T [ I
h h g
. .
Inhabitants of Fort de France
Wild With Terror.
- ,
pedItion which �VVI]t to St. Pierre
yesterday to recover the remains
or Mr. j�l,ervtls, the American. Con-
sul, and his famiiy, and the British
Consul and his falui,ly was, it isbe-
ileyed, only Saved from an appall -
Ing disafitor by the fact that a
strong ,South wind was blowbn-,
wJAch carried tile noxious VaPo�`S,
smolm slid ashes from Aleut Pelee
to the northward, away from thro
vesselu conveying the expedition.
As told In despatches of westerday,
the volcano broke out with renew-
ed Tury after a, party from the
American navy tug Potomac h,')d
landed to obtain the bodies of the
Prentis famiia.y, which were found in
- I
the ruins of the Consulate a few
A V.- 'hf, I I r,r th. Am -
a)?. ago. *,��
Ashes and Stones Upon the, Streets.- erican cruiser cii,einnati, and Lieut. WANTED IT GOOD. . .
McCormick, coulmanding the Poto- I
Residents Try to Escape- Cruisers mac, were among those who land- Tramp -Lady, I'm hungry enough to Mt a house. .
Take Refugees on Board-Streanis ed. The latter remarked upon the Kind Lady-111hat kind ? . .
of Lava Pouring Into the Sea.- threatening appearance or the Txamp-Porter-house. - . I
volcano, b,nd between 11.30 and 12 —
More People H.Illed. O'clock It began to throw,off steam, —
. Smoke and ashes, while lightning rifles will be included In the ob- '
Fort de France, Martinique, May played in, the murky clouds about it. e jects of the Association on the sam,e
15.16.-A little after five o'clock this The laborers Ili th;i party rushed W50fl CONFUGUTION, conditions as those of the Second
Morning the heavens were black as down the hill, leaving behind the body Mounted Rifles. These Include the -
coal and the atmosphere was Stifling of Mr. Prent1q, wli.lvli had been placed participation ini its .benefits of the
- in a casket, but the American sail- widows and orphanis and other de -
There %was a great cloud in the 9ky ors bravely lifted the remains and S 'Lurgeon Falls Threatened, pendenits of officers and wen who .
In Itbe direction of Mont Pelee, from carried them to tlit, beach. may gose their lives in$ or in con-
w.b1ch incessant flashes of lightning Meanwhile the British cruiser Inde- nection, with, tile war operations in
fatigable, which had come from Port With Disaster. Soutn Africa, and of !:he soldiers
were discharged. Ashes and Stones do France, had run out five miles to t1winselves if disabled by wounds,
rallied heavily. The people were wild sea. The Potomac kept blowing her gle ess,,, tell but does riot include
N�npr, �
,with fear, alittelpAtIng the fate of whistle as a danger signal to harry THE OLD PULP MILL BURNED, ,I'll for dependents sep-
.the residents of St. Pierre. They d(- the landing party to the beach. The arated from those serving In. South
Situation was momentarily becoming Sturgeon Falls detpatf.h'. Between Africa.
sertedIlleir homes and with frenzied more dangerous, and orders were 12 and 3. o'clock to-i.lay Sturgeon N. 0. officers and meni taking their
cries,ruelied Into the streets, making given to leave the casket on tile Falls was visiteLl by a conflagration discharge from any of these con -
their -w-ay with all %peeLl to the beach, while the party hurriedly took whicl, threatened to devastate large tingents, and enlisting In local corps
water ,front to get boats to take to their boats and made for the will not be Included in t1he benefits
areas and seriously delay the ex- or tile Association, and the aatter
them anywhere into the open sea Potomac. tensive construction operations now will only continue its connection
The American cruiser Cincinnati being rushed oil NO pulp wills. The
to escape tile. impending danger. wag Ili the roadstead. and her com- fire was discovered by tile work- wIth these contingents during the
Many of them carried household ef- mander ordered the Potomac to men (>it returning from dinner Ill poriod of tileir present engagement.
fects Ili their arms, while others ran cruise Man- tile. f�hore and look cut the large wootten structure built
about wringing their hands and cry- for refugees, which was done. and operated (oil two yea, as
Ing. There were ma,uy vessels In the Dense masses or black smoke were pulp mill. owing to litigat�isil o":r I
towering for several miles above tile the Property Illis mill was shut n GR19T FRENCH SWINDLE.
harbor, but they wou,'d not send volcano, while streams or lava were down and Ilas not been Operated for
beats ashore. 'Mr. Ayme, tile Con- pouring into the s( -a, causing steam some tlaw4 Tile fire spread with
eul,to (xuadaloupe, bZ�;rded %lie crui- to rise in great volumes, until tile lightning rapidity. and gi-ave dan.
ser Cinelimati. 4%. launch from tile atmospitero looked -,is though a heavv ger arose from the tlinb:!r ln prox-
warstup was at tile dock waltiag to fog was prevailing. The otitbrea� imity to the mill eatehing file and Sharp Woman Gets,Advances
take Americasm aboard of ber. At Ing,teki Inr somp little. bitt gradually carrying burning brands to other
rsix o'clouk Zite ast,,es and stoges are abated fit violonco. Tlivn the lootontae buildings u,eil as storclunises, freight of $12,000,000.
falling. returved and secured thp rpipilu-4 Or sheds. ete. Hundreds ar men were
At aboat seven Welock this evening M,. llrt,nti,;, which were transferrml soon busy with tit(- buckets, anti tile
tite ashei, were falling lightly and to the rinvinnati. which brought ecyntractors" tt,amt,; drew Avater In
tLe clouds were not sio heay.%', tile barrels from the river, anti every STORY OF MYTHICAL LEGACY -
them to Fort tip Franep. effort was put forth to save tile sur.
moke aloparently di.ssipating. Cuder Iti Is not known whother 'tip *Indtl- IG t � Up .4
tilese copLiltionti tl�e yt-ople became fatigable returnod to Kt. Pierre to rounding buildings from destrue. 1,,w,aiell, ga� -_ ...W11:1t� lit w -
eallut.-il, ttitJ t!IoSe oil tile lVarulttps tion. The liowolpr [louse, livar tile 1-allera of Parts 1111ti tile whole worhl
6ueg4tq, C.11vil�,ita,ti au4 Andefatigabile spenre the rt,mairri of tit(, Rritish burning luill, etontained a largo
returll�q to tile ishore. I . C0116ul. * alklount of dynamitil. anti t1ontrae havo published i-xhaustiw, detailli (if
- tor Iwall split it forve (if men to bur; tile- ext raordi nit ry myNtitipation of
Eruption 1!%,aree rhun Poriner One. Plenty or PrOvIslon4t. tho ol'sl4osive. The ri-sidpriti %III- lbluiltert ease. by whiell at Omer
Paris. '.\tsy *_'q. M. Vlluoltlril. Al't- greatly alartue.1 ill tht, proxim- __ __ I I
,I -paht Mwk the Polo- ', -if lanns anti advanees of
. t lujU ti,,n o'e Intr Govortior koi Martinillole, inrorins thil 401111mitf. lto t1w firf,l, as an QN- wtinutn beetirt
wic wlelit to l -t. 11.v,rre to illaku Qb- 014*11t $1-1,000,000 u:tIl lbraQueally
0-lonlal .V,r,.I�tpr loperaitz that hellas lilosi�Tll W0111:1 havo WJ*(,ekekJ tile .
btrVatmao. $trvuxub tAll la%v. wery Rtfflf-416% Jhr4k%J'.JL$JJS ill J't8t two to%im. lortonipt cletl-)1i. howtivi-r, pre. lat fq�ellrltv. very� little attention
liouring Into the Lw-ao ;l.wl atolig tile miouths. No nol,lo that sanitary cost- %PlitOd this Qalalnitv. luailt N-oll �Ivell to, -tile fnet tilat it
%�MAV gleaell C"u,.-I N3 tw�4rd the kwltill dithliv-4 vro friAtUnI. Tito, overrlowing 111hp 1:et,rap %vilen tile firel was at hirgo sum was t�t-eurrd in London.
41,;6 WnWtt 0.% IsLe int'.."wil .-Hatter .16 rivor lfb%i�'Iq Irive rmlolprp.l -,tlot. llist.J.P4 itN height %vaR ;X 141111nol'ahli. oiw. Tilt- I am lit a, position to k,tatP that
�t i.1i tht w.a# r. Tht:o i ;U11110;4 tv-d.k.% Ul4ftjltab� tall' pb by the ,aQPJJJJJulMt1q)ns luill was a Isinzati,* inus-i and thp firti 51tuoi. flutubtirt secur4wil olith loan lit
was uua�b, vu.n that 0. .'%laji h, Q! tbQ1 of innd. Two th,tusallA hoillee havo Was Inaking AN %vgly into tIuA bush. ;�,_109,000 from filietamat Int-titu-
o"Un. Lind ungto th.at wia U left ,�ZWIJJN; liptu i�rvnvatv,g or comeA with aRlies W101'rl, gang-; o)f lilo-ti wi-ris fighting laosis and indhiduaks Ill this City.
in st., VILI-ry ntlarly Ull ;Are ".1tow to Ilrvvent V41Q,- stench. it ba L, T1 ojfs or tllt� la,t,ge store. 1�'Iue, also rallied $10J.000 tin it Isoll,
WWII, ruiA great lx�ullers are reat- _-11.11 litiu,�,(,b,s,.wt4,r,(*,r,lgtle4I with intin, onvel, Ilion ol live J,-w(4m, aild a well-known
tCTEd uiuut, t%tr.1'L%tX(.1, Ple-Vii 6LIAS I OI)INI in a p1liw1o, caimpy (it mok(t. 14ral of pawlibrotcors advanced $1210,-
,.falali hJ6%L1 4kbbaJ)J$VarJL-J, 1,63niling wait,r on tfio blioti,riar, U0 oil otltt,P JvAVc,lo.
in the 41403n, ,
,ur,jd tlit t,litire aqj c*t uA. %4.0 vountr,% w4ls of tile strneturi),i. 1rontrae' t -the scourrd. 111�81&8 a. large S11111
Im hwiLil?'14. wil Rolv2undri Ukt94HERE WN Ill; out H1LU-1t1(,)*ls1 tramways wlvri- huriolult. awl front it groulo of unth,rwin Levi, 1wre.
,7�1q,. ttlq,tp ljvpR to Fi.14%,j, %vho wprLh I," eoigv1llpe(I that her
*.I;�.4ilj I �
_1., tL =kin werit Jir-j�
7b v TO t U, M, i, v . avvii o�.) lo-gr#11.1 llu;..imll — — �, tho porperty. By dint (It 14.11,41 worU i btory ,lvas Il'tiv, that thuy athanced
vcr V1 pq up2c ww ��,ad r0urbud tso � muell or Ila, rontraettoW' 1411A ww. lit -V inonvy to 1my a nuttilivil of hur
" u d1l llft4- debts, r0ruiting Tkotos Ilearing a 1.1gla
tucir '16uia�ts 914 tarttet wol L01014- Stery Wd Utider Oath by allHavol al -A rolli,truettonlpl.t4 I
tallic, lllLugsb altorltl live MACS Mona evp?l with vilry offlie _4, fill',to rate of ilatpre&*t in 101etnrll�
I '
drawatle ftvaoll�nt of 11w fitro wss I Thr v,tol,r of tll- nowl Notor'"99
ht, 11�crrc. TL,1Q,,1v wure huV9Z,1q 41hd U. S Corporal. , flow uxodflC4 vf 203 tIntlato4 vatilgo at 1i rrawforql mntonn ento, Is briv fd,v this -
Ir ' giLtoned, .mn] nhv.ti C�rottdvd,dabguo- on thil, Jolq1PPrt.%-. Wilen thv, love brookv � AWat twunt%, y(lars nr'o thure 415A
(JW_A.V aulu 111_� tw=�AU kailte t1dat wLru r, brddiltir.. Met, 11 Iir. 11tilo-Vt Hen" . Nobert
F't�Lt te t'.ak "at the'r Tdekeil up Ulm lint
'(" tP40.2"A 01fL UH,ta. Mletvr- I I lao eonkftwc uto"w4b.i. anoll �Vrawforol. who lott to n Intly. Thi-r-
=,,iut� hurat,ao,ki tIlvai wtlga Itud. A fetv FIEWSH WORK IN PHILIPPINES- Vt'*)4'T'1t00tlP gvrari,14 tratl for rmf(I.v.�Jtsli d'AuNgannQ� 1111H r4ffllP f02104SPol
rtturiisi. ttj 1,14u olmre tvLonv tjie crulp- I I
, no"Ter r-topr;ng; until two Uflilits ftem , "�d to nuilou"t to nbout $2101"Duc
%.on bt;,LL,4��46 ILA% v�at,.,)Ut tt*o tttre It. L, !dU'v -D . - i��pvfftcl" �
L�rc,dg'a*, tio J'ort ql.',*? j'r.�aea, Lu�,LaLl. ,%, AT. 3 � �. g I m U. � -0 - ii the =1111. afni. - , , 1! (IMP. 1,4110 " kaul uolrg"',d lotift durong a
ta_,�t C-0ge-, - I The d& nw-�q Irp f-logimArA at � hour: gftflt-�.�-. nuil tip had kninvu bntl-
?;Lt�urmo ri t,,.,�i!,t --ed , _ 44.,Iul r4mrgos f4l L..ol.t.ozz tLoavior. ef'VoR tj On".M
I,;�tr_,uDts to 4_',s!!r.j5jWd -6,MLOD�g Mu��v �i trg colu� Ito 9 0,21LA zal,,&,�,#,,I-t�:�_,q.tre soa:� iVg 1� , M11. whWa bV_-q4rA"JV. IWA!Q].'-1qrV. r,J,J� �: tnatcl�v Ell Ameulvil abol u%en Con-
" eliftue-a,v arog tbmhrr. voovvrml by In- traett'd 9.*V4mt4 obID9.11ittkins to it
wiw, 'LqC-_,L,d tu rr�-=ait!. i bt 0!fiL ere; t,)l tjag? U., Red StQtQ�19 arm'T !
Tb ralW*-. ThP Starw��*l PnOWPAP' Certain H. d'AM09TU'le. lie S
r qL� rQ rUgC e SF F rl r Uttelv. 11-10v
,V tL
�,�tt tLZ, D,gPIt
" 'jag L 11
. , an urNe I'L. , Uh, Ap" .1 Ulf's va,L�re made .ve_44telr- if Vowlinny "n,ol krat air -t lf�,5av-U�q_ Peter . mni'mr,"I a X PrEAl't-ge "ambrr,rt. it
atd MwAtr UnA tbc, !-,�;O-ac,r 10 as!Uq S enzo� tq-a� *,m' , L'�I'! S -t_�14 t 0, u4-MIU, at t te�� #on C, Lvau U Z s'ani.-, epalf-aptors. 11m.,r� trnti. ' former dep,lt.v and Von of a wilfabs-
. Z;�
L'rla 1610me toze '.�ar,.? =C-�!,�� ,tCr.,V_,l*,? V'_,* 11L��' 1-_Dta,),_V�44 blzr q,%-;�*Oqk. Ric:; Ewa? ji rsldtn,al[4p� lt4br rd X-.04trep Ili ,e FBL4r?.VeiJ[UPt
*,,LU_t Et_id ,Oac,W. TLx-.v lin�1,f:,,r.e flLat li�v- 0*rrle;_,. qd C',�;=��m-.- M ,�AtLa i�l_i=- it CuUnet 01 w4_t
itig an Vie 1UH4,j4,,,_.4 !'In tte %�elrnQv cl tV.,-eTs,. 21T. unir�0,-n �'a,i�c,-] me 011h,_ --c"918 i " I I WN -D ationt 14D enter into hot ,pn-
� . a, `
Uaz,- Ine)"nAlialn �,% U��: h,t� cty`�F`ta'*It'�"B ��f '=- tvLio Lad --�,,,.0 9,21ay 1-1 t�O'Drse vut- 1! WANT CANADIAN TIMBER. � prvuotls wttmq3TUUjj, tw1v ,1mr-Nvanv..
J-t,,5&,t1,J1?. i�IJLA tr-,�U.", tl�'A`��, M.U.St te I L- patftt;, tas Vapt, _V�_Iykxadd, Meat. 11 : TIC'nry n"d Uohert, vrawt"Dld. Ivro-
tiNly C(,s;VN'1(r,fL -. I 11 14 .
I Nui;1c,t. mul, mjlim� ceal. Progritst of Ittlitr W01.1h, in M, , dneeli it wilo. undor wMell Me.. Irraw-
Move Kille-1 and Wounded. Ivattio'ss 0,RVDIrna, C-QU tiuA he 1ad , vollot'lit. � ferd bonnr.athr-A h1q fortune to thom
;��ey.crat pt-twwls wt,re Luu-t IM-fty t,eeii prebent at J�.�r
OjUr.aS 4tvfif.fi 11
. . ne �'
il Lmoions M " _vu� 0*
i a�v *_�ev.-TJD�- �1;ovf,ri,g , .,dn(I to V�Unfv. Ilumbertlig Oster. on
by Stones cras-'Air"g t1roagla tuge roe!s . 'Walf-r ILUVE, was adm5nistered to VW � . -I rt Ar P- -Ing to Mine.
<e � the Wn'dwar-I I-Labls, ,4r 1".0s) t : colidWon ot tht aN
. ll�'ajt to,Wn, _
el thtir IXIU;�es. AU tbe watcr plas , prosIdente 6C. of .1 ser'Zo .And th.��n � Lli-wvlyn. eatlez� ffroin iSt. VILet-lat to � fluffib!'rt Qn Ontinity, Tile case was
i, =ade a thaz us natisre I ;� d1V
been �WAuted lov t1if, klva. ii . nigm.ignst ,.he .ArAefltan offiec,rs flays. � ths. cri'omml O'Lep as rdliews. _ - .qtea in tho ceart#, and seemed
k4E-vel�al 01 trne VA'InMIN3 a7e. Tt-- � 4 T14,t,re wa.s." tie &Uila, a spagatsh ": "A" 5mmed"a"te -tvants now sapp"I;nd. destIne4 never to efid. each ' Sld# win-
Jvrted to li,ave W -gen k -l" . �g_rj, or drown. v,;otm�,_,n in tlie towqj-a tvoman of eiia- 11 JL-� V;ur&,r,eJ tima or .1o., t',e con*arn:, vaing and go,-Ang tiltPrilately. Apro-
ee,, .1vatRig tlap rerug�.�;s Qli-e several ;i t'g-t�0:jwko %vas vtoRatcol by the, I -gon ol I-ouses through HOs Akujcsti's " found mystv.rV Pnl�'eloloed the Per-
- - , I , , ,
-mbassader at '%VQP]_1.--,1VAq0n .;I
tripplt-M. 1* moitlivg� 'MAEU a b:lby 11hi-ef? � I 901 ?h.- 11 ;;�Lnllibv '4 tfie brotlipte Cmwtord.
ikin't-r.ean ,"M,�ets. 11
1. -YT tainadia -it it smot tji; trace, could be flound In New
"Y4 old Favv tLe Potomac wid tan I Sex..nfors Ra,%vI'nq ani P�Atv,r&�Mt t, (;6T('rNcr-Gr-lUr'r`1l
fr;i�w Ler ,;,'��Nage to at0V!.'C-T WX4 4a 0$1E.C"lud to Uve testUn-9tiV ts vntm � cm�t of L�V.Pw_yj. 114'jdse lm?�r,�-vl iLenel� york of thir-It dotolelle thrm Then
Ujt&e tin la -v hipad and the 1'�.-41....y +,J,erp�,!J, � , -op r 4�7 al.41 n,rtangle Iti, � at she find
, , awl u7gf,!) 0�;A tt sr-"W'gid not 1 CA!Ifterq loco 'Inle. 1111mbert Iloclarell thi -
In her arms to pet abiard. i� , ILq. pa.yrnerit. -.!0.0,60.060 of gf.eurlitip.q spalr-d In A
, go fe..Ito JJjP rf-f-OVIt. 'rl�JV WHIMPSS W9S �
Mr. 11L-grard. ig Vletoi,aa PavT;. Mar_-;'thPn auked ,.3 jus,, tol;;4 not give tuill- il� -Irge question of the rr.-settlmoan". pate which she eould ft b tout -11
Chester. Evgtand. who ts 1* -re 1;ow. r: -Mpr mo,_if of the correetness d 1,21,;, of the poolole Is under oonsideratim- �11 P"n"-IZ the Zlicon of tile courts.
,, ,
.. � IV Ps !P at,teady
caw the dfssaster thba morrAng. Up R one of trie new town�
Idt all BAS poss-ssronq at ItLts Lot;A_ cllftf-e it kc-tlle(t In W.V r-*Ahnat*,0tJ Lzem!] wfia on these vetutities site borrowed
svonsp rJo, riirlv�od 1votber, En -1 F
q I I I I "Ve 'i _nZttlo U, I sewtal ini'monq. at heavy rates, her
�; , 'L
'0 Stipp_ � 11 I sufff-ters 11
tt"I dalmAaed into tte SE'a. S? 'a a 1, ,�rrf% i4 41-15ord'..'ro'.- 'tcon'duvt V71'al[CAIl "' ort a ,?.e c I -
L S1, . for s5x, "ienthj- .atvil relouse tl;t-in, an Qdvanc.p,,r; olitalneil from banke; afid
,goo,,l swhomer onns'l Made bl,� -wav to �� ho &-_:r], tr.ed -:4�=r� u"Z.,O!�,r :�Jfis vb.,;t..-va- _�- ;"A.*!J4@f.t,. IndividZ is In France alove al"outit-
the 1r:deTglt!gabj,C-. wtere lbe was ! , __ . a �
. t(,'. Ints 6--a-utre"I at San Zoaq.11n. ,.,S� Ding to $10.000-000. One creditor. a
takc:m ao W-yo.%val. , � 0;.ral�gs d I -hp tvinnn&41
�:! .17,1c,ng 1,1.0,sq� pris;�.Dt. t1e witni'Iss �r .'5t I bianket. coramitt.10 s-dielde" ond the
i 'D,�r, VU,r:r I
, QBF-t - -TUM- '..�IS frvm Irntns, �Jr_til'��".'e, - _4JV -
The Arnerztan E, � .L'tC , - _- ipt.nln _U'4lonatol. U�_,Q- I , , . " I k-RO3 -
.. r,-ap�,,.. wfrre �r. .e 1 P M Wit dee S
woed hence to.- Sam Juan. Porto ,d&,A2-.s ba,ve occurtTil tn the tT craue ,,I Prim f.b1st r.
i� tr um � I I
n n,' I- ,, rr. o! CoiLnloat�r 11, and � seaqj. whol was his liquidatok,, ir
,� ,.11 , .r.14 - - 1, .�;" 1. T -It -Se 1 ple,aeling desefilivId the iatfair a's a
kko. , ;
NnZ�,,t roz.q. 1,.;.,o vv .n*,5:s said "Eur J
The Dnteh VPMh*o ROM5M, Zen ,Rf�- t- 'e;rs 11.*F,e�jm � S*01,0"It'atnd an 1 wh5le ,I PATRIOTIC FUND. I moll,gtet swindle, although one of thf
'or.8 [I t,'V ,
gente has fd:sZ1a1rge6 hor ;3�-�I,q � ri �n ',!mt von��!,,Von throw Wf all ttelll ndsordeft-d the vxle to -
8.nQ t1D.-4t Wer,e TqaVCta$:e,,3 t1T L, i tribun. be open
ol provisl ., . . —
. -
110112arderg an Curacao for tne brl IEL.rl',Illos f"i-ec-ipt ftr-:�r UrAeratMrts �nnd 1-'ast coutlylgebt will ,,mmte Bit its I Pd. tbatr I'M contents InIglit be -VeA.
ile I . 'r tro
fit OT, rafferc-T.a. miF, users wnrl. e-itelaing the 13t.fiefits Also),. nee. igic. tegatt" wn's, that I1t1tdj.N
- il tvcumen zA-*-:t "ho - walste. Inststo4 ton I - ofl-thing ot Value wag found In It,
., I,H�e]r rv;At:C-,i,g v1th thrm. rauctni to Ottawa, X'ty -6 -At v lil;oIrm"t 0! . ..
" Humber and her busbani
CILIRTOrs Fir-Ity CTIOU-0 � tlop� 4.`E'�gusl of llur? Women. tile sxip,gntive 0;��mlttee of thirt, Can- one Mllli�l-
- , - IL were discOv'Pred tO have vallislic-i
V viltif.r! jh�rj rel-,-tf ittIC-U,ars adjan Pja,trlotie Fur.0 Asfroelation it
� L,41 I be pf,
surrounded, by a Fleecy White Cap, 11 of Me eap'.72-re of lh�� town of Lo -Nag, 'I has been dee"Ided ttat the mponbd,ts also. reports sa-ving that they hai
Rogen,tollng PollShed SlIVrer. � In tl�v IlrovLnc�y of Panay, by a ,de- of the four regiments eonistft-ating 1prt, France for America or for lion -
"Y 06 '.' liclehiment fro!oi a eompa�y �f which .11 tile th1fd contingent of mounte-d doll.
'zt 'r1!0zr s h 4 ftp- -
� - 'as', " W' I" 31' - Y'_:� he was a rar-mber. A t e Itol.op- " ===_ -
Adviceff from D0m'=;Zca are to the . prw,ehera thp town theysmw at a d's- i ._ I -1 I ..1. . I I
eff6ct thet at inalf-pa-M fave arerock � tarcr- a mat'st-. 'rov on a varaTkboc, nnil , �� �i i � I I i , -
, 1 , I
- ! i
this morning a curions fiery cland, ene, Of th, m -n fir, -A xr. stint at flin't. I 1p,,�,_ I
�, bl"A .-te ME, ta�;et railol�j tqT bit its 6b- � I � 1! I r " t I I
floating ;n t1he S=11MVS-Stern Sky, � Sect ottLtrs ' also Vrer,L Tralmseit It- ' .- ": ! - 1111111014 ". A� I ,� .1 .1 I a
was seen, from that island. It was Cqjlr1p,1. i . . �,4. "
.� I - ) .. -
- �' 0� C-4 1 11 % " I
surrour&d by -- fkre-vy whate 1�aP, , TLIS sil"0q,11ing", hr. procreAsil N) , T ._'_ 1-1 I C'I'. . I f
�.� 3
,g htgl%ly pol:si.eJ Ell ,7 "torrm=h', t1r- po,o-n> to thpir .Ionvrizr. ..� 1, � ,�t�,,�7 '.
ver. Tim . 60 ."
keselnhaln , � ar - " I V . 1, , -, I I
reAtly at -armed the , I . . .111 "moin- those who tame out wa's # �. . I "I
phenoraenon '9 f- - vit Intl nnam wl�,o was enot in tho. ab- I , . I I I I ... , .- I 1 11, ,
popuTate esp*eiallv as it was. 101- ;'� do-rarm .awl aStr r.r wart] fflf4. Later, it . � 1. I I
lowed by; vivid flashes of Ilghtmill �_ Erinz wn,s In progres-m two i I A 0 . r , I
s ,- � wh,1r; the Ir � . . I .
A dfiSpatCyl frOTUI Gnaualuklife' ' Otnf,r cjM znpu fif4wo..pn the ngp,;� of Z130 I - ; - � r �
- - td � � - - , :l , I I �
stateg that ('ietoriation's S'.T.Illar to � .11id 70� 7 r.;1OAA aiy,�,gm ftt towa - " . I - i , , �. I ,
f�� I I :
those hea lll� , .
.rd O-1 lqaS 7th, Vne vlay al.47(Y,If.�I.ou'd sa,,y,,t,amf?out fownrdf i _1�_ . ; 11
prec"� ng tile destruet'.ve erupflo!n , mi harA Sri bavil. and hnarimr a while, , 4 I
ar Mont Pe'eN were heard there I fL-1,-. Pollh wo,,rek ,�4h-)t 44,owii. and 1110 - r I i I Z - I I . �1 -
between 5 arid ,G Welock, this morn- 4, zergrmnt rpportoel to Captain 11cl)-ron- I � - -
Ing. AnVigua. reports that Ioud Ile- I ,&_l lhtat lie hail IrTIPA two more 'n' .P�- f i . I � � . - . .. .
� .4 11 - 1. ..
tailations were livard tty the Past- I g(,rs.l . ; I I
--r t' and to -day. I "Anothpr eiRp was -that or -1 wom- ; .
ward ( 11a,t isl. . ; . I -T��!.�v
, .- I
ate that 11 an ane t -We slanIT eMldrpm ono In I .
Reports from St. Xittig st . I � I *f
last ni,milt and tjj�a morning nomes � .arms wtor woro k1l,ed and then 11urn- . . I I ..11=A.VV1A
- ' . r
s'milar to those hearl 0.11 111ray 7th od np in their houge." � ,*
;�ere distinctly audible there. They I—— . ....... �..' __ ...... _ I—— . . 1. ____.... --111 . ....... - J
were itecompantod by strong con- Inie drputatlon Trolit tile Lontlon
cussions or the earth, vvhkb shook Chambpr of Commerce which Vp going- TIE WAIS TIT F, 1.10 B ST E. R - I
bollsesr, slightly. to ther riAted States In November lias Guest -D -o- yon serve lobsterallere? I .
The crater of 1(ount Mgery re- I been Invitel to visit Canada. The f lv.ai % '%7h.Lt'K your order, air t
: . , invitation will probably be a4edepted. ter -Yes, k1r.
tap-l.as qu'.ot. . . . - , . - .
,oubet, Recelved Popular OvaU4.11
1� 1-nin Ili .. Crowds.
U s,zroillo , . o o, Ru sl , M Y. 26. Tit -
:, I'l.-I-111L . I �-, — -"4,11a
,�'l ,1,. .UQ%VaWer uzael.aa LlItLilded ��
:reat roview of troopki Lo -day. Bw
JaJeHty ci,i llortieback, and M. Loubet,
au czarhia., Llw Dawager Czarina and
lie Granil i)ujliess 8_�rg us, in a car-
iage passou dowit the front or the
rwps attended by brilliant suite&.
Me Imperial aud 11rosidLiltial cortege
,eceived au ovation from tile large
rowds of people which assembled to
vitress the militaxy display.
At the lubeheon after tile review
he Czar offered a toast, Ili the course
Pf 'wbieb he said: "The lively sl�,m-
)athles felt by the Rus6ian army for
die splendid army of France are well
mown to you. They constitute a real
)rotherhood-of-arms, wbich we call
-egard with all the greater satisfac-
Jo� -because these imposing forces
tTe not destined to support one an-
other aggressively; but, on the con-
.rary, to strengtJlen the maintenance
A general peace." ,
la his reply President Loubet said:
'This imposing force menaces no one�
3ut It has furnished Russia and
�rance bolth. a guarantee for the ex-
�rclse of their rights, and an aegis
inder which they can in all tranquil-
.ty follow the fruitful labors which
ire rendering the two nations more
3rosperous and augmenting their
?Ower and legitimate Influences."
N lagara Falls Ill an Received a Shock
of 60,000 Volts and Recovered.
New York, May 26. -George L.
Brown, all electrician, In the employ
of the Niagara Falls Power Com-
pany, oil Sunday received a Shock of
60,000 volts. This is belleved by
electricians to be the strongest cur-
rent, ever taken by a man without
fatal results. 13a,own took his 60,-
000 Volts Q;t a low Periodicity which
makes the performance Unprece-
Brown was leaning over a table
to get a tool when his ]land came
witain half a foot of tile new trans-
mission line, over whleh a current
,Lt 60,000 volts was racing. The,
current, Jumped through tile Inter-
mediate tipiep anti struck Drown (oil
the hatal. Ile was hurled backward
vitkiently anti thrown upon %ht,
groand. The 60.000 volts, or a
very large part,. past;PkI thro-igh lilt;
body. At thr- 4-1141 ,of fiftv(111 MintAPH
lie rveovered conselousnesN. His
hands were IwIlstorild, anti the eur-
rt-nt, hall emi-rgPd through tile toes
or 111l; shoes. IttirnIng In Its pawntrw
at sumll holo Ill paph f4lmk. I ' lit was
tako" houlp and to -day ftwl?4 searcely
any rpmilt, tif )its tb\1writ-nee.
A Pra-English Denionstratiol
is Forbidden,
wa,irati, ,ma.* Lo..Tia. ti,elternint-ni,
hat; 1`461-14,111vil it 114,111olmtratitni of
tiat, isro-Ettrui,it .1416.aniar4hl, la -hit -11
uns 14,1111101 ill laqvilor of tho bakli
tor (Ionnnngott, tior F+;vial repre4vill,
t.1tit-V tot Oreat 141,01litill at tho U!or-
tonat!1,7n of I'alpg Agtolwo, as a proll
te"A Q,gaaw4 .4 Vrallets�spanukaft .no -
Mauve. Tlacfs�% two-Log3tila slmuhArA$4
lutt-i-De'l to law%e a pnrade to el-
jorvss their bentlonputv- Tlas,� Vablnvt
forbasle It. .its A W949 Mt lignt 04%
41cmmoptratkon w"V059 upe eunt.truud
its an invoust top the rreloeh 60,vurn-
10u�,- AlTono-n atftndt,41 a reLvat
halt lfght tcmhay. at lVD0101 13M33,
#+cetaL . ote. InU4adhL'a the. ,%ovietal tu-
�,qo�VF, metuht;er4 of the oablulqjjm�ttic
eurpl." and igg-tat an'UnLiers q9I gadges
wore 9wo.-tlent.
Tlw vlast tairalkhatlopatre whc-re Mop
10AM was hel,l wus erowd,cd ,a.dao
I.-#.003 qwetntorp. Ilore than 2,84D, -
BUD 11(olde lind niade "loplication for
beat,4 ,to witness toAfny's cceur-
rence. An interesting reature ul
the bull fight was tile revival ol
the old wedlt�val custoin andet
Ivialeh the seilons Ot noble raniflle,c
fought the bul.11s with lanccq from
hor-sebaek. Thrve b7ills wc,re liffled
it) this "vallner, while srx oth�_-v
were drspn.tchod in the rega�w
tvay with s;%vorAw Tipp itVnLqt rp.
nowneol, bu-1 fighters to Spain toot
part In to-AaZrIs fight. _
_; 00;�,
ButTriough $2 %;�,. *d tot itht
solution, SO tine could I)e It.
A JILAZHe in figure" was dikipl"I.V&
hast wo.4A in "he sh,lw *wiueow of ,a
ll .lgerwvtad�y werehant, .And noem
1w;Uiler, .a nd ehHdren reaght for I laca
rrooi wh.,ch tl!wy vougi ,%4z1tjy It.
T -hi- 1vuZZU-_) waa a vo,unin. oT figury
On .1 larigc en 711, an't a joroze of 4�-.
was 01fered to l9le person uho 610v��
first *-lacceed In adding any -Ax of t1f
ftureo in the -earhim.l joy g
ol 21. Theiie are tij� ng -ares :
I I 1
3 3 3
1 .5 5 .5
7 7 7
9 9 9
Drains were emigpled ind work"
overtime In the effort to Ket the re
quireo] t".11 iind the .17.-:,1. Finally oni
WI1d-P.VeJ m -in in the croawd gave .
9;urj,) and foroceJ h:s way Into thi
stiorc� .
..Gi mine the l' -,*21 2' hi crieu. -I've got
IiUl ^ -
fle Gelzell .1 slinet 0,* Paper ani
j�er.*bbled down the following 8oiu
tion .
I 3
' 2 I
� '.Tltere',q ,your six figures, and fil
VD1.11 Is, *_'l," he orled, triumphanil.)
The merchant admitted that tiji
solution was elever, but Said that Ili
figures must be used singly. The ma
w-Ith the eolution went away,filsal
I'10111ted, ,c I
A mathematioal,c;harp onsoled 111,
1.,, saying that tha result demardf
canuot be obtained becaulge One 6SLI
not take in even number or odd f4
ullea and get an odd result b.'v addim
them tq4etber-New Tork Sum
15,11 NEENT
'IN 09MR,
Another Violent Eruption of
La Soufriere,
At Several allosion Stations All Lives
Have Been Lostbava Threatens
Obliteration -St. Vierre Covered
by Millions of Tons of Ashes.
St. Lucia. B. W. IV May. 26. -News
received here from $t. Vincent is
to the effect that on the night of
May ,18th there was a further erap-
tion of La Soufriere- L DOrMOU13
,quantities of rocks and ashes fell
within six miles of X1119stOW-M, the
capital of the island. At the Point
referred to, the ashes and rocks
covered the ground to a depth of
twp feet. There was also a: flow of
lava. on the next day (last Men -
y s very active,
ejecting streams of lava andshow�-
ers oX dust. Chateau Belair is de-
serted, and Kingstown is crowded
with refugees. It jig feared a new
crater has opened In tile Msmaqun,
Valley, which is nearer to X.Ingall
town than La Soufriere. The valley
Is covered with smoke, which looks
us it it were coming frolq tile Bull- -
homme Moulltaill.
A great part of the island is
threatened with et.implete oblitera-
tion by %Ile flow; of lava, At several
mission stations everybody per-
it is reportea that the local all-
thorities have lost their heads.
There have been .over two thousand
deaths so far, and nially of the In-
habitants are btilt ullaccoulltedSor.
Vrentled %Vlth Fear.
Ringstown, Islau I of St. Vin"Out,
M W. I., Uav :.,O. - AnOthe3r
great, eruption of OW ImmIrlere vol-
vano occurred last night. Through-
4tut, to -clay %I,(, alljvIlling dlitriets
trembled, anti s(miti or the sillieRs
were relt, here. 84atike lssaeA fvOfA
tile, eraters and lissures of tile 1110114-
tain. and the atlaosPhere throtigh-
out, tile Island tit 8t. Vincent wai I'X-
e1,l,,kl�ngl,t, htot,. JVJIJlt� lit the bright
lkltx*nJJL�,,ikt,. the worAllpillilrs worii re-
turning froilt elturell ILL hX0 PAU-*
-tit ularujing, lunillsOuS Qk)utl Suddenly
aNevnkicd thirty to fort.� mtlilishL,911.
in the xwrtfi *,if tht, Island, Ind
� drifted Flapgiolll.v W thO ItOrtilt'44st-
llael+buut lightning fell (411 %he uloutl-
t,.1in. an�l tt:le bo,ivi-re fhaull 1304211cA 10
strike, al"Zit three Indel, from 1.�lllat;a-
t,own. .
"llap ftzinAt-rone rnniblillgM Ut 11140
vratpre; Iti6ti4i for ttvti Imarli. LWA
Own dimullolling lantil they lo.�,ealao
na-re murmuringo, The r4,11110ndcr or
tho 111ght waa elvar. At-hel; rell frfin)
10 t;eteeu antH wididght. 1113to Inhato
itanto wvre frummul with fear at
the thae Ur the vattircalL. droaIifia
tj rq1ptlti,un ut the vultautnlilflw TV.-i-imil
(�augL,jil tiumb tvrriblv tw*s of l'Afe On
tlaw n.lam , . TAWY ran frotal the
ILNtrcvttq into the uloun ('.�onaitrly crt-
alli; ana pra.vular, for lovesi:rVattun
frpm attothur 4-rrIblu vuU1lWft.%--
lb r'.10ts tv".0% I "a 124-ce 11 Q -,).n tlio 1110.
I ttl,-ti4 ba llfav tl'-bffl%�� of tlge% "�)tk�=O
ka�v that 110v ralnblib,gl,i 0" tiv� f1l �t:�-rs
Vktlre vrpaljoutl,�, un� thut atto,anis of
MIM rk,mcd down tht ILk.-vLab"Ourt
I -i_ -Do.
'01P %=Upipr- wh" bcau ft'�J to
. 'itta"I vslafir an� 6�0;'e"TA,wM for
Vat. -,
I t.avv%" car -o uow vj,�;W�ng biuUls Nutvpls�-
lowv,i, qja,� 16�Ug t5o, IuNh�.,%t �Otvl!
fr_o�.La La 'L�JJJ��,7,jVajy.LJVC. *T.h,l ljjLpna� ra'all
&t*XnVr %vtor es lquiluglug 5aug,�,.C-s
;D re fnmn r a" au , , "
w , ,
�town t!g �tow c�onga,.�Qtv,d, nad !Uto, dr
n)qi-jjJ,_, oil Olf, Cv,,worV,oUEaq,nt atle tti-
" - " "' I """' `""�2_ ,
q,rq-.*A?..2Bg ralqilll�-, as onole aril axive
I Pf fople are ohhg(_-,d to leave their
The contbvuouv .wagitation "I t1li-vol.
C.aao, an'l Ilut. ah,ence of rain' has
''C�.VUS;;��41 tile '�jthdt.V of the Q[tol-tv-d
V11,13ges to ueo% like ri'vrtioas of tha
Sahara lyo�ert.
.1 11A,'�k, sua.63ky ItInfid overslow-eadif
L Ille lslar'l. .19'�, b,2.,1WCF;s IN VAr'Llp-LZI:1
her6i 1101 5,'1Ttt;t14 kifV 0lNPQV, alld
every-eap is ts,rmw-strkel,en.
The tceftlig o", S-,1v--Po,-nsi- !4- painfol.
ptopl;,- pass � th,ch, thav, gazitig. atthe
Notiffiern i�ky, wher,p the thaalOr
1-10-a,ls gallwr, naid the marIng of
I .
J the 4�01earho is pleat,L
II " � 0 V�mll,e arc, Wlartlg, slow'.
& t -
1,17, !U'11,��Illlt"' 1�11-distfl_-ts.
� T("7,,a.v there is nn avarunnz tc-
I part, lronu a co-(q�hul�e lwkvari-.,�. Ahat
0 t-lukam vor,antaan, ncar tlue llarola-
qzda Va3ey, ma WM and apgwvl�LIAUY
g q--n1h.t trz4t(!�r, is �-!,rlwiu;z Axv�� of
, a
, aethit.7'. Md" vok-.,mo I�F onD�v nb�at
I t-Im miles firom hl.agstewn.
� . -
I ftulwo alre *Vq�w Marled.
FOrt de F#--Vl-_'P, 1.14alld OT I'A'artlit'Di-
- .
que-, '.9a.,%; Llf4.-Y4st4-r,!.-i.v'sc-rz.p'�:o,2.!L.t
Mwit Pcir"'F. was tfln tii;ges fte �Z ... A -at
as thn't whk-h destroyed St. lli�_...re,
red-hot boalders, wany feet in di -
i ampl,er bp�ltg hurled on tile rLined
. (11tv. The whW.e papulAtios-a Of
o g Fort de Franze was thrown intol a
, ii panion.
�. Tile ruinis.ofs,t.Piftrr,�� ]:it ,standlng
� i! '41er I
. -lie first evupt.o.-i, werv-., nrntrDY
. D rnyvd, and ni!Mon-i oft(vns,tif ashes
� I tow 4 ovt,r tile 1�idr.ons 'L lty oil �-,-L-nca
I., wil d4alh.
-9 L'.cnt. Ru:�tnfln B. M�"ot-ml-No.0-il-
L ,
I ravti�gpr Of the stf-tna I -Inn -Al ;,-: the
,j Vifteol $;tatap eraisi�r J"Wvrnnap, at
, , gr -_1t exanger to 11--iniu,lf and err,w,
I toxvx to the ernIZ 18 retup'ns, the
olde!A of whom was 72 vcar�;, and
. tile �Ozingknst three dny_�r.
l3uried thill Wron-- 111111.
e 11allfax, X.y::6.-The, rema!n,.; of
". Henry Murray recently arrlw,A here
9 from Nevada. They were supposed to
E� bp the Ttinalus: of Henry llurra.y,
n brotherof Professor Murray, of Dal-
�- housie, The Intermfmt took p',ace at
Truro, In the family lot, It waff
n learn.vl to -day t1tat Professor Ifur-
d ra,y�s brother Is a:Nve, and so the re-
I- mains will be taken from the .Afur-
I- were brought here
I ray Plot. They
g I from Nevada for burial at the .ex-
tFnse Of Professor X-furray.