HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-23, Page 6. 11� . I I I � I ,�,l � - � . !- , , � . , t.: � - . 'i .. � I . 1 . - � . 1 I . -4,;;.�.'�,, �. . , . ­ I , , ,�.,�, � Z �_ ,, I ,�, �", � ., 4, , . . ��. . �� .. .1 . . I , , " " �_ . " , , . i. , � � I " , , ! ".� � . �, " . , _, ! , ", . ", , , . . , f ,:! � � "", _ -, � I ,. ! I - 11 - I - .. .1. 1. I ... 111. . . . I 1-1: -1 . 1, IT;, ; V---- � , . I . . .1 . . . I . : . � I � , . . I I 11 . ..... I I i- . . i. , I . ". , . , , .__ " , . . - I , , ,. , . , , " �_ , , , " , , _ �,� , ", 0� I . . . 1, . � , " � , . I , , ". , I � I I . � . I t1w U.!tt(,d States Alaj6r John Van R. !, . - , I I ,'!' � . . . � t I 1: 11111 . � � -P..--"-- __­�_ �I " I 1,1, � �, . . - I . I I . . . . 1. --r- - -1 11T B R k� 1, E N DRAPER " U I " � I 11 11 ­ ­ � . 1. � I " .- - - I . - �.. - waz_!�gel_ �? � '-'-�"'eAw--��m2r""-'�'r�'F'z�- - ' I I I I - MUSCULAR 'S0RENF.,,S.S i". , wardff of an over -crowded military When app--tite fails, it re- Drop us a c,ard and asic fcq- I SOME FACTS -T No. 11 r noo,XLl" . . P.EF, �:. 'I - I stores it. When food is a I � % . , I '�, , � � I - � , -1� . ABOUT BABIES. �� I A the, re�snit Of Oyer-clk rtlOn and e . 11.1 'i , : � . FeW Men have bad such a Thr - III tj . k�� _CA,S ex osure to hea-t and cold or fr oul w�ltlteyer ezi,use, ullty be �tiiiieiy � I Ing Expmence. : L..,,-".,,,-.-(,.B,,,Y.,,,T.,Q.lnmlo)- ��a�lirl�,r��.11'9w. * treated successran7 by � tile � , I , , duty is heavy, it makes life 1(1g4'1)1tt1s1)l0 Of -11) f A"'111., -41H from I up to 500 . ror jui pai:3.0ulv'rs, atl.dresti ueorge application Or St. Jacobs 011. I It. Stevenson, plumber'linufflion, Olit. ! - .1 -,auvv a mnuoilug ivot evron- _& 1,11011011911 rabloing is nocessary. The I, . I � i : . A Quebec Geutteman vvito Relates an , I 4w!ay latv b1ii UL ,111111 L11110 Oar utiv,r I I -1 IF, 110UMILly kan b h grade up uiit:l � " oil silould be applied 1690"Ously, fur at least twenty . �, . � , tet -y of a.Xilrpolv Ili 'esting stol .cap--lizipp), I)ellverunee j List 16, I,,-,- . tue '111�,�, L hav O'.11 a lx*�-­ a babee is no I minutes, l;we, or I three tinies dally, when all pain, i . I � Nick orTilkle. -in make a iiofful vaN�f, big but It k, soreness and stiffness will be - re. 'I operation v�ith great interest. I -Why, that man is not dead, and, I llcvzo and not haf tri bitbeez iz rownd 111OW'd in tys-enty-four hours, It will 11 i Bristal, Que, �hiy 1:.1­(Sp,V1aI)- i owt In the wuddz Ili uld hollur treez al'iO strell9thOn and harden the mus. I I � r , val 0 11 .niora tire not maity men or V, ., 'ftovvver fl..d� Nvun k alli.1 IV , haz t1l, .up 'th'Ltz oleo. Football players, cyall,sts, � . k%,livo tu-day who li-ave pa,�lsosd , it a%vl Itz life. I gu0s tho 9',vmnasts, and all athletes will find , ftwmgli suoh a terrible trial as Mr. I revzun mear peopill keapz away fruln St. Jacobs, Olb bilperior to ally � i", I tt, Drap��r, of it -Us p�a-ce. U'r, Draper hollar treel babeez tire awlho sumt- other remedy for outward applIca. �� :, 04ye: ! Litilze 9tv tu a iniroun bi tho dootar , tion. for the reason that its action 1, . . : "About four years ago I was tak-' and buindulze the, stovk bi-iuz tht to mora rapid and its effect permall- of tile White Pass and Yakon Rall- road, wits the tn Ik of Skagway when on III witill wiliat I thought was t ba,beez tile stork Iz tv builra tn du a � ent. Thousands of people all over I . I l3ravel. thing like that when a ba,bee Kurmt the world use and recommend St. "i : .p "I w a,q suffering grea,t pain oo- I liappenz il; iz a nofful funnee look- Ja cobs Oil for Muscular soreness. ,� Dent f,G-r talQ LIOL-tar, lie gave me some Ing peece uy wurk a. reel iiu babeO A bottle Is quite sufficient I medicine and said he would call iz not muolt bigger than, a good sized I its'efficacy. Ili cases where muscu- 1. agalm. "Ile ctim,3 tivice miolre and abarg- pupp and don't way no moar nor I 10 poundz oar lee it is awl redd like lar soreness to complicated with I . 1, ad me fifteen &Alar6, I was a little 'az if it wuz a injun and itz lied Iz arry disease which requires an al - terative, �rogeler$s Curative Com- the chest, -wasting away of fiesh, throat byt,ter but nott at all well, and In a. awl balld like pawz I don't see Lvhy pound should be taken,. ablo rent0ly for spralco-41. sull. nagnful mnq. clo-t, its It Is t1to jnost A-Meaellons. Wear It t $hovt ti=.- after I took another bAtI ! they don'c uze bare resstoa.rur on a ewitinuouNly fora time Ifyou have lumbago I 6�011. 'This time, I sent for another doc- ' balieez hod. we had a babee at I howse wun time wicli wuz moar ti(L>aunr __ New York Central and Hudson River S,.0, per large bottle, . and 1.5 cents for tor with about the samia results, i a yere agot It is, a 'Qabee Yet but not Railroad. # HEALTH HINTS., odl� I was gt,ttlug weaker all the so much so her name lz maree and she The iibove name Is a house -bold lie ii,mrificol the flesh on lik shoul- time. , iz mi sistur when maree wuz a reel word, Aral the superior excellence of � "Then a Mali advised me t,> try , nu babee she didii't have no sentz the ro-ad should be sufficient to At- (Butraki Vourirm.) Women not Wear long Doddls Kidney Pills, fair he said they at awl I guess thay wuz never no tract Most people, bat now that the ,-, had cuxed Ills mother. i summer babee than she wuz about rate is the same to New York and I The. rmort for 111011 shwwml Vrn9%rh4%bl0 "I tbought I would try .theM and awl she dun wuz tu lay around and pDinu east as by WLher lines no far - for gratuitous mreulaiioa Dr. X got a buix aml cumrnalm,?d to take . i -leap, awl the time she couldn't even tber recommendation should be . ,ftem right away. , talk the Inglish language at furst sought, Everybody will teal you it I ',In Juist oine week after I had tak- , . and when she wantud ennything she is the best -_ I backill, which art; thill earrled:rom tin the first dose, I ptus,.sed a stone , wild hollur til you kud beer her about ollo pince to alwail.r. � "I " large as a bean, Alai in four days � 21 milz maree diddunt have no teath Wfliculty. (voieral Manugor svzratary'�. i adtor I passed anultdiler about the , ftmr a long time but she diddunt care (WaAhington Star,) %he k1uly of %voinen, tor t1wir own � bizo ,oil a grain ot bark�jy. "This ! bi,koz she diddun z ete nuthing -but Ob, the lite of a sta-tesman's � per - 50" ga,ve in:-.� great relief and I � m7lk wich. Is not hard to chu maroo . plexiag; I ,',NO commvnc��d to feel better at Once.' "Tivo h -u-, goL moar sen'tz now than she had ITI�i *something pecullarly sad I ; I improvement continued and I . wholl Ov� wuz reel nu and mebbee If he ta-lks lie ivill. wish that he � -, gained kotrength very rapidly until F.Ito will be, smaxt like I am sum day hadn't; wam, gola, bww, I 'P. ftv� Will I � in a alr�srlt tim�� I was as well ;a.9 ini paw told in(- that the stork brot I It lie doesn't he'll wish that he had. P.75 of ean- V"a diplatherat, ty- evor. maree, tit our hawse I have got a air- I cer. of %3S of . phold rever, G-1 of svlwow.ng coingh, When toned up by "Thii Is aver four y(-.,Lrs ago, and I . srun now and if -Eiiat stork evver � .1 Dick's Blood Puri- V b ' ',f, It2l t 114 1! 011'�, VXI %4411 9 Z. P I ! #av' -P "" have illyt had tilt- 6bghtest return ol k.-mz around agane it wilt wisla It Steps the ('ottggh retolumendiLd by Dr. qrepne, are; 1� No commi ptivo mother vilawd, th-e tmuble L4ince, sa that I know ' had of eziade, away and touclud tu and Works Off the Cold. m I I I -�, bredmifftetraud , I Ill . . . . . m�yedrwgives , , , , � It - ll a,bsGA1utP_ � j�z 0-tu b!z-iess.-tominle.- Boston L�izativeBri)ino(ZutnineTtibletFi cureacold � � 77. 77= and pe-7.311anrut une." � post. . in one day. No curt-, No pay. Price 25 cents. ________ bo k Lvged. M6, Long 1)rawn Otat. � �, I .410 -S moston Rneurbion,-$10. _ Journallsin in Kansas. "W�chlta's 11 11 - - - - - - - � - � a Itzgey "I ,tin afral-t that young Feath. !, Fr'u,'Oav, M -ay 23n), a popular excnr- damnable, negro sheet i rpfi�r,', tl,� tile vidtor of this paper and �� . � I I MONTREAL erly, wilt- e�fflq on, you tio ortt'.1 vi fax,t , � 4L ,-�,),! 11161alar trains will b-� run b. tha Wust .+ore Itailroad, tilt- fare f s, mo of blo frlontls as bumbs," says a untit 3rou 2'.ns"4-it. rather a your- inan." sat,� ,, t .t fathor to lli4 daughtt �r. �,',,�a,4 ionZt teu dollars i�$1000r 'or t1w I , , Kan.. Journal .pulollslied by "We D I LAN. "Olt, Ut#� hi� wn't, fatIlt-r," ro,pr�,,., ro� .0 trip froin 6a -p ii,lLon Drhigi� or 1. . ,,�.'r`.!Jrpeuple. want thig fool to 1. undrrst-�nd that It takes men of inore , Steano'no ttmve namAton I V, M. the little brother. wiie w,tg ;;�'. Q r'o"lir Wr,falo. an -1 ti-hpts gwoj for 11 I latolligent c illbrcr to handle our, Tho lineli of tjuberetalous -pers.ams � must be dIV-j!fPcte,i3 or WyUr-A before Se.rA. "IVIN41, slo- .70-1 know aboill; Mr. Imlit an i ineludine. Jurw :.,IAA, 1'.&,1011 as f.�st ;!,�,L'Ilinq,. populzility witla tour- 'wo� I c!nxrs�- t1utii Irm. As we ride upon a railrA�ad pass, wi� don't have, to be of =Rk. It ta�es feed too, bdftuse Featlaprq T' tiv,manol�-d tile old nrm. "I ,�t-, 4'at"I I) tta�r P; v-slon 4 0-:14 be - S"I eL"I Zq %i -i" Ualm hil-torl'. rl.v 1-ve 11 ealh,4 a bumb by a Jpaloug negro , . " Hamilton to ontreal 2011's " .r. $1* 0'PIV WWOW," thO 111"ttQ1 ulan r- . I "I vlik�d .h.. tt I hik:tr4 11 41 . . w.ft si,q"r , - L furtht r 'af­r- %%-§'WI ',N'Ohrl' .9�,', � 1. , ntft f0i: r'licet 11lat w;dhvi.11 I 1011aer, espeeiaRly thr(>'.I��a V1_-;liy-;.i eare'lessnps ' Por ft ki,qs Vt,;t i� tv tt. anti sllo� t,,.I,l IM Ili, ew,1*2 11,tvi. o%- S 1161 UNLt.0A. I- ___-__-_-__1 - __ Pleaze.11r. Druggist szlve me what I nalz Leemitig, Meg & Co., Apats, wsksl,l bf, nuiet ahL�rjt -�t, i jj�:t it W,,E4 114ti Y. ,�.,I..."+4.,#..+++++'I-+-t-+++++.:,.I.+++*Z for --rho o)u - 11;dn4IllPr, 11t,pry 1mvis', I lamw it I- IL, ltr�t thaun ou eurtli lor minkmer coin. So Jt- Tlwnl; * I real are in effeet ff-�r �L-ly only. Ithe plowust tti��s thA I kl%�r 8XIV.1" - ­_ - -I + + i* 10A RlAr.F ?v1,VV1k1.V% "' plok:gtN, ,%ou. you there is , -v'"" At"O"17- ik � 4 � ( - � +� + I Evolution. or HIVIdence, +++++++++X , 11alo 8, ato Journal ) *1 1w,;1i'vo MIN %RW�; TAN! %I ENT ua"; % si',ayr� wo, smu'. ,1 lmk one tir two � "Mwe tllfu� lo,ttors bee*n duly PM. WrF2� evory 4,.,t.,;;, itir IIAR,?Ah'Tt;� � ti,imp,4. lwjs.�y f,,�,r twhaploy. It is an 1 ani2nel by Up- liandwrating expert?', AL,�.K Rl."UVE% 111%NMv. , ,,A.,.t.f�'.O. ,%iwro ML �,qw e4411,1411oll � ­vea, x'our boiLor.1- , t.a,� vm,t Vvl .%re foqwrmnoly i)�k%t 11 11VPr.r'%vtI1. Let the b.,mdwrItIng I bAlov, M11N i 1.11l' -`w 1.1NVI%'%'T w.:� ' "7 .,�y)�A ar�_, #,roll,,�1i.v cur-wil. Tbo bl�tt_ �� mp�-,rt r,ow bt, examined by tile in. 1xr,*t..,e�- "r.,i-%-*�,, �4 74.Ar. P"t Lltll�,Q 41',PV41r,V4q4g# a. happy mArn. � vivulty exl�,�rt." M �4 �'.H%,S, AMON"49,�, t��:., ;,%1'-1, 14� 1­4n.l all tho fol:owliilg�, -9 - -1 - __ I ­.. ____ ft,Ut1s,,%. V V. 11, . 19,t; *I,1%V:,,tZv�% 11:,AlDJ 110b 63nle M3.V � MDuard's I.Aillment Cureg Colds, ate. , :, n-4 t -,_-q ­o 444kr�svj. �Jllt it ,tvial L.o.r_ 11 I N4tvvo 111NATIP"4 LIMM., %T N 1:1,31clot".. 9211,%p 1A Wyf,47*1 U10,14 lhu%n I " Tht Poor .NUmls Vix. th" 0.), st h.*'i wt'?,414 lrollrls,ov 4.,� # 'F.."%, I t -r.�, E4;gaVwat.y 9f vach � , -.-r ;e. 2 tlh�� %t -V v; t r, F A1 I L r -W I i a t inakes ywa NVTTI,v,� V44LET. � ,+#aif,",q sl�A.6 tto lbe othor wfll ap,war & lool; ta) worrit-A ? 11lV,nr&lqP. 04 V3%,. U -3t. �) w -ft tw,.Ay E4116zht V,tt tr�,.,W; net Up 911 0 31eandergag, Nt-ko-1 J11fit told n IU�4­;u W aL r,Jl7q,v;1A.V and yoa,%l ftwl 1, Mali I wav" siek, and he a,aid lWd il t�044t. *r,4%Vlnu,_* Vappiutla f1of% 1luj1l,_nn,: eowp balyk Ili it tic',tallto and trelLt . I --.-- -, __ __..", ___ . --l- ____ - Nllaft 0- 'ruv#,�q� 4 -the li-we (it hume." tile. now- I don't kumv whother bole No At,ti,ve Part to it. 1� * ifv2%,!mrJ,_w an:4 wivc4 oh-oulA have, no a bartender or a doptor. Wioz Ulflff�o, %oI WuRr'�all0ky. be GOVNA!; fro.41A V44voa olpwr, .Vtt fillaon1d vroptobM tz) mn unee, � � co -t &jre uaw im0lo-r by rela,.Vag Minard'e Liniment Cure# Oarot to e.1t 4-43 9 A, q L�!mrp­-Zlat g-,#1? Why, 1 W,%4 tl�'1104�a Usat d,4 Lut Interr-bt i % t W - ta%ftg" t,,� T;war Tr'at�l� 4. Tottl 1;1trb-!. vltho,r� _ , 1LN*:!lt ,�dm .*�V-%`�1qr-r,k1,,,.. n:n4 ht- 11 A VILITO EA -;#151 kt`Vp hVr tjQg!L�A'd ThO Shbie, Dot ChkifiXed. M,!�­; 131,111,-llo pr,;2""m�nj. ttq� Ma fr,,,,,,2 tvardp�rftja Trom ga-4 own 19re- Va&.�­Arpnit yon tho man to wboin h " t. �� " . I ,�, I r),:; '.1 �-'&Iv� tp.v rr�­V;'e3M;: at U�kpga,� IgIt. at# I r �, I., , �av; a pirte of eako retentf. M. -i ��&),�,*.-!­%r#,- tr..)Pngy� lto�(;,t,�J %r,A"A,R!Jn,q too siflksi nW,dchta� Tranap--Tes, mnla= it JkO tv.114 fifT,",2�+q'-,'y1 t,a, ul�q�-e:tno;ua f 11,�54L"_n_4q �,J!_L,1,,7fl1;J VUenn a K Ak BCD ?I I . � ff�Mgtj � n_ " H�2'..p .%,On bten %Vf)rkJ" I , ,�J � Stan "'Larg an -B Tka­g� . fl�v. v�l, t. 16vIr �%­ vcq tloy ta,_k5t�g an fin"er. 11 No. fflll�fflft ., I have, Wen lu tho t,A* �t y� `�_n �,_"4� alfabrs. 1! hesjvlutiA ever saftq�e!* A 'MM ,�L �,Itd s-tl; �:� ar- 1 0 2""ID:N"we , ­ --- - ----,---- 1 OTEL E!V?" 1,1nin't at� 6�-­p t�"p w4th V40- �; - . , T-2.4 ne-tv, vaqN:2,t". UZ,-Ze-4-ate M"ItI4 t:1�1�,i��. g% .,.U4:,0 F'"I..r,.- =,.L�y ap- a ctit-3- , DO. A. w. "Ases 25 U,�E, ,,�-,1t'_1.',4 �P-T Vl� '�,-;f,wpttcn n1 V -, � z';,T --TTa Clio - . .- ,__YJ f,q't rj &'R�, ., V�01. � CATARRH, CORE 6 vii � , ,Vtv,t-ts �,�_ lr'�.."A.. at L'. ! ,­.'_ttl,q� kt� tl.jr., r�j��.,,�,._.�,� k, '. 1 -MA QV It, attt difttt B t!�e 8., elmd _% 1,1 rj�LL " a tal)r d -In A cent:,,:� -:�,* III!, 1..r' �, � r- �,�,u 11 tt,7c,D,��It 01 t:'- L­n,�v T'�t.v-,i"(;�_;-. gho Etlbs,o %720 � . rxfti. %-y tte tMPT"Vit'l n t_wtt. r,j,n' L". ' ' �. " 1� '_ � ,,, ',t) 21o!] T� ' 'r) - 0 ,�, � - 1; - s *6 t:"_'L118, t3tatt *_1, f� et ._ ,1� nq "It. - ',� ", N11, 11 - C t, ra_ IT "I .-, I - ' --. �_ I' -1 1_,�kt- V,-1TPn­, atul to�vc, a rlt&tttt.kl"-&-blit"��1--t�-tirLttte J:tl�,L­;;�t! "J4: [i f' "T"'I' g C.,L_�V 1" 4"c - �-.� , , � V,J, -. aT t �, r. , % I � ,L , t:No r��­ t�',, _� a� ,.:I�nl- ��,� �1. "J "'."n I iEm4t wt,] r'."Mr:e..�;t t,:­,tlp .. � 2�,�, T -Z�.]; T�; , NF,T,E�, C...V,.',L��,�.I',� CD I ;VQ C-,!At-.nial�tii�litt'Ott-l*�2-VVZC ,V _ , .i.T L _� . .''A 4 r1no : � y, t , . - YL ��e: I - .� � , 1"�� iin Vl*��ftli,*D S'LA�,�t. ',.Lu .. -1 � r - �e: � 5m Atl &a' Zel*� et bt.A. W. CT:_ -t6 lkf<�!A iq �,". �:--��-,_, '-�) �i,"4.., Z ; st �10 , a -, �- L­JS-1,;�t-B V�'E`�Ia�0 L'1� TV'tUVU:6 l_.,1�4fttP rVh% � I , �'U, . - Alle _1,vad C6., Twbhlb uW JaLrA:dL tp,n�, ,-�-,-� .. - -l"'. a 4�4­]. 'L�.u-o,,t S n,. i 1, P. - - --- - " qul" .� r.", '-O� �. I 11 - - --- - -_ ____ -_ - - r� - I 1- '971'r n ,;.:: , - I .,�',�,, - qq-ie�, ,10 ,!,:, r_",�` �,�, 1%,,� ;n_- giv,,n; to 1� cl­- A "�J',�U �'J �-�L-.� Zln V�WI,Vrr l'iO4-9*0�_*1t, tl�� ri',- tteadjuslinent Asked. �'i. ' , �21 ,,, T ,�. 2-.L - "Th, *rly , i;LL,�i,vn P­-,� � imt­r,� arr,--num-14,M r.X �. t:�; - _,,��.n� ,�Ztrr Vn.,tr1,­ai:, that , �agg nevot seef" Drop, ad. Its �p e: Za- F-rA -9 tt-A-Q IL,Z"�."- 1,40 <­jV"�L�'o '1J.'[1-; VVire t'jiof_'�§ 0�e W.a,. qJ j"Isted In tIK" world$" 0,ald Vio. eare� - �:, JI"L r P . , , , bi.t`.T,,Z�n�- a� ." � e-4. -.. ` r., 0 �Tl q, 42u. �, c �­�rtjn,4 N-r. . tess ya,gn,g inara. .- - I ,:0 .1.1 -­ % wll�T- <t - 0 I ,-O',,=��.vg h -r- wr-�1 Br�l�,;_ '.' "For instaroc#_% ?" ad-� �, u� , , , "'. ;,5'1;,.�;,�� 7, r,: "o-- '-Tn�2 L, � . " ., -,. - � 11�. � 1 9-I.- " � n", ��,r� , F � t�T_f­ ,�,,r,­ ti ,� Z 'F,4_. C49, ,41 I &V,- p V,.; r5,�Tr y-., Znq an'] 11:'a'u- "I linve Obsf,rVM time aml age,a?_-q , 1;�. .7r',�, 1.,­:� ,�, , !.-.� f- -t ', ,�� , 1A 'r "O�� rr-tain LIPP r� PX- " - - � I., !, �,� �. � - � �, , . .. ­_ '. I ­ ­ , , -4;etn& th,4�t tile pr!qple with the Plost ; - '11 Ive tastc-s most Lnv.lriaably faavcl ; � 4�­�,­Zq­. �",; � `vbcy .1 � "-' 0 L' '. t,­vn .*,-Vr "�_� r 2�1,��ila*,_.41 - g � e Q � , , . _,�=! W`V, ii _ �' . PI - Et tm%n'r-y to t ­:et t�_ - ti-_ Ln'��_J',.J ' � 2 "._7 I! - � 1. �-` !�­ I �Z�,��.--�7;t, MTvil�� Q ,,,tC-N3TU_ : -9 .-�- - 27. .; �, I � t tea T�-,), � V .. , �, , 4" 0 , Z p ­ �; ,. -�, I,k ,,, , ., +: ,E; � - ­;-1�- 1.7 L(r-l�-rDyy tv"ani �Aq - . ­ � �- _t��; �,t , 110? Vo,rt, .,3'. �V;"t:,t_� ','�,w go�� try �t it,, -sw-ic-ty ot to " TO CtIM A, ( 04,0 IN 0ANP, Oxy ;it-�:­!-; ­,, �,',W:�.3 LV4Nt 7u.b ,11v! ev,enzn�r. 'i"I:Le LAxat1V,- B?,�:no Quj-Am� T,�b:ptq. kill to ah IV �. o, !-q I've3fl. VL'."14-". .4 W, ,*2`a..,4 Q*-. -V -Z, I bp a. knm 0 '! dtn­;:4tqv4o-.A it.,, mcm-4illuppst ,�-Z?, - �. I WV. � 0i �, , - *1-�we*le F14'rizur," f on eaera b,yl� .o--,-. jjt:#7�, tr��;g,-­ %, �,zp­ trg .r;,,,R1C lr..��&_. � ­- - trb�l I t;,7, f�q ,; L 15 _ I � �- 4 n -d�, ��­­.- ftn r t v*121-e- I , * __ fit__ .C-�e, r -%"Z-_.. -o tl.�e ,-snii- ;_-.4L- r -I., F- r, 3' , : _7 , , � yl . z- -.1. - . � .t:il'sb vn-B ir-hlMrr-gl. 't I T�.11��'T.­,.� ­� ­_,.-� z::"�" rl_-,44;u,%� �­ .1. 'i SP0,N'UV.S TO KILL RATS. gat S7 ., 41 - -,. . :) �.­ A 11 _1� I *.7nu_ r'. W" -_ I I 10 Ion , vA 11-.'V_t-t* , - I , : - . - ,:�'­,. J,.-,Ii�,-s. ��4.7A , C�=.,�g ; '00tAt-V pastor -MV-- lqt TtIeS 13ratald ppnto ZS 4_ . , . � ft�. KELP, I . .9 'ei �Ini�t� .;- 1 . I � I , ,�; i ,�g � ,-, �%",I,�n-,­ T- 16.4tvaly.!l . Npw Eitterminator With Sueees�-, .­.-�� i,'�_. _,;�'.'�:�11 � �,� -,,. -,1c.--,-..-1 0--4,4_Q .,-:-I'-,. ttdccztoelt?6eslztt.Flisw7ftedidantlute).tg--. � f_-,30 �, IF) .". %;.-, ; ;; A ff­�t�' r-��:,,%--, �-,.,,r­ .tr.,:�rl�edtostati�-tf�--�t!ddets��govothAft'ift.b. ' 'n'wle r�ev' ZS' '3' Botts- Pa-stor 01 't�le til:9-1 -_­- U., - '1,, 4�7.r t , Z r_�,, � Roll"Ie's Baptist charch. 0: nayozme, a �:2 . " , nn",. I V-_.+*",3T,9rCata,1;A Wa.td "trCuh3eb,tursos. t--4,-� 1�,I�i,; I �. v-,1�e'Jf-.-1!-�,V,- ti,�;5,r_t1---- v- Aba*asssez, God sor&s, liUcibes, Volpht, Sign . 111,3 disc-overed a bTa:.d nevv rtastLoj , , ,� . � $2V z.� 4.,1, . n, - 2 !t � =Ao4 �, ,_ ,t Msdasor, Eczania. Pimple.% Stiff�3oirsts, - - .::1=5L, nP phozav-ptusot. tal'3bago, !lPt.31hr, araose:�, of destroying rats. There Isn't any r2a,vt1:7 e ls,�, :-.1?'-, e,-.;n­=_a'A .-�!�U�A,� . Noes. , - . , cuts. ttrs;rset, p1barity. �r p�atent on it, either. 41w,ybaiiy mt�,y L12,p* -. " ,- .1 ". S,..�Tj by trvggdsts� 95o, Its It thoo. !! asiopt it. - � -1 � I I . I- ----- -,r - ­_ F.Agowgng U-�-trueff__ � 31r. B-�-tts Is nOt 01217 a Pastor but Ei f ) �V *SS THIS *11 � - . On. a draggist as well. In the basament - - 'r at war I of 121-4 dreg store there al�peariF.d s �me V;4�, , , *. � "". -.JT:-.'�'V,��-� 1"�!f�vy,' :, -W4�r,� T.�, T..n. w4: --.V11 !.as ��o, r�lpng bs-n - .- -o a z�rnall urmy lktr�,;,�­'O:_­­�, r ­(�4'­.._� �4_!,,ur�_,,,­.,,y , v,�-!";�� ti�s- '�"j1s;",-,.ss ry.-�r,,ter that It vul ,uf rats. The ­;�Z,�._ , Ili � time ag HaWp� -,'.---:%J-, . ur, 60,- �nt-"�rez,�,Iu_,� IL 9 1,,aw that at least I dominle-dva "gist couldn't iun&rstan'] ;!+ -7.,1i-,:.,,;T--; ,,, c,�.. Tf!,�:,� ..'e'. A. . - of L WlUat attra,etej them. bu �jerc- the 'Ve, t%, -_�,.--.rQ, �iw- cwaj�op!ho.- "Las LF�eirl call,aWe it V 2 .7 ratA were, and a war of exte,rmina. -":�:- % r_- '.:�-,-n !-,� - - t ", , r�-_'Ot,.,mg i'.14*_?�.e.I,M­�. Cho ­v I ,-I ­� . , , r��,:,­ -:, �.,.-� : 'i'��-V­'!-" .� P;i,z-,7� ;!"�- "' � " - . '. :, onep nly q, a cim , u fi�-*.n�er broug,ht tIon was b.-gan against them, RPt., - ,,­�,,_�I­-- � _I. �,�:-­:�,4 t�,__­ ,�:�4!­.A , " ". - . ': 1. � "" , " �, 7-. �­ I I , - '. ­ --, rry,r.�Ut .!�Jr t�* i-�o,�Ii, for ft.�;soev.,rm prooTi ,A ,it i One day last week a Wa 1)all.!�hali- 6t1,J!2;a!­% 1.1�,4"., %�, ?.:- c­:,!-� . .. I - r - fil zcemcA y _; - -t.,, �1 -e manner � ty a _. � I ed rat, with which ag tl-�,r F. -'r-r...u.4. `r;:�2�:­;":,-, 1�,-��­. -1 Ir- V p ,,Lq,.. v.,E,.,�e. .er t!�. � tor be a lost ac as . hmentl Was 'A�', ��­­, ­ , "" �Z �� W!.,!� a!�T�cy_-T,e,v, I �TL'd. actoir as - , �� , - 0� RINNAN' & 4S1_AZ.1-Vr%-, JV`,_., ,-,:.? "t'_C' J Zy I_ , A WzE�:!11'11'. �. .1 tm`dnent tr;Lg�7"Ian, y-dwin, alic Inn autopsy was . I 7,�*-z". ep. d It dis� Drugg,Q,��. 1 L ujt�A." 1 performeA 'on the b3dy it I% -,rr: ., v� , � , 'of I c�o,qej what was tile AM -on in _n irt--=nr,z-,,.�-r_ Mr. &�Otrh oild 110ti rufly approve I � Mq 71 I f, ��., � � - L 0. .�.� - rz,�,� , raet . , , � Itg6ir- �, ,,-.v �_;_n Z�,­!,..­ � ,�V� " -­Z:,�` 11'.� �":r_ 4� �1 the basement for the rats. They , ra" . �- 41a t:L,*14V,��., ..� 7,i-'17n,"_1�1,4 &e I i ". pr'z r PM " - .. ,_"r�­. S��:,!�q.,Mtlrclzg�4j`- ­.. WzSL .V411*41 Inav,q Out that Ienrit �� were ;sponge eaters. I'll - 1 .s'ur. This particular rat had rq7anowe4j 1 1171"'s ar" tt.- Lpi,_ lln:es .a��Lllt�._­ ro"'It t,r.,tg*%ItaV �-nq`nf-.ss. VA lnu�,n ': r:it%er b--ve. it .vlw,;i� bi I ce of sponVer and it had LV'Win roo-h V " � a 14 pie I � " . rolip � �L�a &�111. ; sv, _n so much inside him that he _ To *�!op Flive"alghs. I , I.Wry gr, -01. . Q13 r. " tOuld MAY Mf)ve with d`ffleult.v. That A -new ,,r,, Ah,�4 of C.'trypp`nx hlmouglv; i T,hia next werk tile �nctm saw the ' 9,1" the d0minle' his M riddirg do. , is smid, t -v ..,�vp b;��na a,,. -c! 1`47unta:1 #113�- � oi,­ Vice. ftmereil In a Fr y . . P" IOT 14��4 tir,vo ,,,,Sl.s In positiorr. Ills Every �night tow nice little mr, (�nc.;� Ilo�qpital. It con- ! mquit-gt h-1 br-on earriet.1 out to the 'als , n- t'�jp t6ngil.0 _ , out of L Jet tiqt-�b In t"Tustl I - I �y'tT,r_ 'Tile! p-,,ster announce'd the of sponge 'and rheese� with basinsof tile mallth and Lolding It tbus for ' CIL'Ming tng.�gt-mfmt or ­i9impId Ld- water to 'quench tlzelr thirst and & ellcort. t . I M e. . o vvin Bootlt2'-London Tit-Dit'l. to help results along, are left for � I- . 1, the rats. Every morning theve was I a yield of det�d rats, tin s e @ . re Woven Wire F,efidq pastor was practically rid or the 0­=,.� - .10-- p��.ag..----,.-,-,-...---.--,-,..-----I�-4.�.--c pest -N. Y. Sun. C N . �ft,vk*_ ... ­__ M! - - ___ - I. 401d Prospectors In Alaska yjay they can go farther And Accomplish more hatd vrorkon r1ofy and bacon thaLu OA 1111Y 'Other ration. ulawed's Vallbol2t cures mstemper � ++4-14+4 ....... ++,V++0.+++++++ + 10 . 41 ++ WHAT DOCTOR + + 110 + 0 .% ID WF T .1 10, Z�, C e, I., 1" -9 S ISSUE NO. 21, 190*) . I "O ___ - , . .-.,-----�.��---...�-.,�.--,.,.-- 13USINNSS, CHANCES. � . 4. + . � + rp li�.H-,H--I-+,�q.,t,.I..I.+*+++�,�-O+k,++-I-+ I 1- 1,111-1. I _ NVI d3p� I [,,�!",I].;Td"L"Ills�,,,,'I.Ae,�,,,,.�y,t�,�.��4i'I I � , __ �k " ,�I- '411 FOR lili,'Al, ESTATE OR BU C lies,, no mattot, w1wre it i8. Sleud dercri tioO and ofish privo AIM Q'et our p)a,n for fing: Jexcliaj) Attli,olaoittttirititLiniceti!ip4(,)ftll() your forees everythitr�g that 8100�,_A!j 'N .� ,� .. �q � 11w e!ish buyers, ptitL11t ,,(., aildInvest. inunt (hanvaiin Toronlo, Callad'A. ASKOVItItIOLI of U-111tary Sargooils of I '.... - ­' _NV -S.' t1w U.!tt(,d States Alaj6r John Van R. of Cod Liver O'il is the means ­ --.- ­ - --'--- - _'_'­`­­_ *V A IT, Iluff, Uedical Department, U. 8, A., Ill tile course of Ills speech acevpt� of life, and enjoyment of life to - --- - - ATUNTS, OAVICATS, URAI)II, MARKS Ilig the Presidency of tile association told the followIllig Rtory: � thousands: men womer. and P otc, 1101130 or foreign procured and ox - 01 trd, 13ooklet oti patents free, The llatent 1?11-liango Company, Pythian ,1A lady was pasSilig through tile Children. � and InveAtrueaL ""ilding, Toronto, Ont wardff of an over -crowded military When app--tite fails, it re- Drop us a c,ard and asic fcq- hospital when slir, suddenly encoun. -T No. 11 r noo,XLl" . . P.EF, " .9i �_ ", - - - . �. , - . . - _. � tered two men sawing antl hammer- stores it. When food is a I` YOU IVAIN'T TO 13UY A FARIM IN ' Ing on some boards. She looked ,it thr�m Ili some surprise, and wonder- burden, it lifts the burden. I We4orn Ontario, or city of London, or suburban property.,wrltP fox, our prialod lists; lugly asked: . � When youlose fiesh,it brings Fomoisplaudidbargains. WostenilleallostaLe Gxchaiwe, Loudon. X ,"What are you doing there, my M en ?, the plumpness of health. p On �14A.I,R-011, GASMACHINE IN GOOD 'itomizer oil "They looked up at her, and one When work is hard and - repair, hiellifflug roturt, , tank purIfler'll oNer Iveight will 2�11 Complete. of them said: I "'What are we doing? Why, we duty is heavy, it makes life 1(1g4'1)1tt1s1)l0 Of -11) f A"'111., -41H from I up to 500 . ror jui pai:3.0ulv'rs, atl.dresti ueorge are making a coffill, that's what we briaht. Stevenson, plumber'linufflion, Olit. are doing.' 11 , A coffin V s4io asked. 'For whom Z> It is the thin edge of the are you making a coffin V "'For - the thick end is food. wedo,e, OUN(; )VOILQX-AGED 21-1VORTH y that follow over there In that bed. Don't you see him?, Z), But what is the use of food, sio),000-wislies to correspond with bonest, Int(�111gent man, who woultl appreel- "The lady looked in the direction indicated, and saw a man apparently when you hate it, and can't di- ate a good wife. Box 2,538, Toronto, Ont. in good condition and watching tile gest'it? operation v�ith great interest. I -Why, that man is not dead, and, Scott's Emulsion of Cod '111RUIT FARM FOR SALE -ONE OF THB Peninsula, indeed, he doGs not look as if he was Liver Oil is thefood that makes X fines, In the Niprara ab 0 Winona, 10 miles from amilton on two rail - going to die. Can't you postpone this . work V you forget your stomach. ways, 130 acres in all 35' of which is in frulk mostly peaches. Will be sold in one parcel or ,, 'No,- the men said, 'we can't post- If you have not tried It. send for divided into lots of 15 to 20 acres to suit pur- pone It. The doctor told us to make the coffin, and he knows what he froesample, Its sigreeable taste will epursCrtseru. OT BOWNE. chasors. Thists a decided bargain Address Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box 409, Winona gave blm."'-New York Army and & Chemists. Toronto. Ontario Navy Journal. � 60c. and $1.00, all ciruggists. RE -LIABLE WANTED Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant -is strongly - .­ .--, - -'A' - * (�ueer Suicide In *Alaska. NME,NTs We want at once trustworthy men and wo- man Ili every locality. local or tra,mling, Lo in - recommended by the medical profession as The startling suicide of John Daly, traduce a new discovery and lceep our show a safeguard against infectious diseases. �. Of Cowley, near 13vilnett, oil the line cards and advertleing matter tacked lip in con- spicuous places throughout the town and ' of tile White Pass and Yakon Rall- road, wits the tn Ik of Skagway when country. Steady am loyment year round; .1 commi,slon or sa)aTY, 05.00 per niont'lL and r A Hanging 3141tte . Tenderfoot (oil Alberta ranch) -1 the Dolphin departed tiouth last L4un- (lay night. Tho man took a sure and I I exT��nses, not to exceed $2.50 per day. - IN lite for particulars. Postoffice box 3r#. Phould think ilt would be a left of effec-tive methoj or shuffling or tbis i INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE CO.. London, Ont. trouble for a man to pick out file mortal coil, Ha cut a hole lit the i own caLtle from among so many. i Cowboy -Oh! that's all easy mat- I ter. The trouble,) begins when lie tee of tile creek Just small enough to pass thmugh, squeezed 111111-wif I P U P , 0 WILL CURE "LIM N11 I down. in the apf�rtura into tile L -y I , difficulty of piekq out some other man's cattle. vold wat,;-vs. awl AioveJ Illms. If .alonk ' � � breathing, Beck ? mider the Ive for several ft et before tightness at I lift became ullcoll.-cloum. TIl(1 Mail , the chest, -wasting away of fiesh, throat rragrant,lvarsulng atud ronlrortina, "the D. ,V, I.." MentbolIllustor is the most agree- I made cF�-rtaht of ill,; di-3th- IT" clIt"LlIe, .N S,) sm. 1101, ,�ll thilt thero w.is notone. troubles, consumption, coughs, cataffils colds, and pleurisy. ablo rent0ly for spralco-41. sull. nagnful mnq. clo-t, its It Is t1to jnost A-Meaellons. Wear It t ellauce lit a thou,awl of ever gel - pneumonta A SAMPLE FREE BY MAIL to every sufferer. ewitinuouNly fora time Ifyou have lumbago t ... ba,�Okf throux"'ll. Thvit, vc.-ry I Puy. -Mo is for sate by all dr;ggists at sAutlea. 4,1%eor . ra jr, ho look off libi hat and S,.0, per large bottle, . and 1.5 cents for ' forevil his lootl.� dmwn benvath tilt, small bottle, or direct from HEALTH HINTS., tltivk ILIP, alld J 0 eloso was tho TIL Allat , THE PUL -MO Co., TORONTO, ONT# lie ii,mrificol the flesh on lik shoul- - - Fronj all OflIQlal CLreular by Ruffalo ders.---Scattle Dally Times. ­­­­ -, - ­ 1, Health Offict-r. 1. Tito =,an w1p.) Is, pilffi­1 up with no U NTINENTAL LIFE (Butraki Vourirm.) Women not Wear long pritle h% Vw omo who cau w-aravly 4.-�mtalu hilnip1r. INSURANCE COMPANY Would. i tr"Iling skirts Ir tho , %V1811 of Health - i ,-, I nom Jon*% Dityin"% ....... I*m.Qtnr;.%,T Vowinhadorter 'Walter D. Greent- Ivere observe -1, I Two washings with Sunlight I The. rmort for 111011 shwwml Vrn9%rh4%bl0 lit a pampillet lstvLNI vestorday I t2 Soap the I!nL n less than int,reasom over 1906. in the fol4twinc Itemst I for gratuitous mreulaiioa Dr. Nvear Now butill10,44 Irproase.1 hy , - e :,.,")0.705 Urepioo calls attentloll to solne of thR means whereby cro-oumptioll M one,wash with common soap. 1�remlqin Ineopw lnerbla%,41 by 310,312 Total 5 ne. 5nif, Iner"awol Nv_ �. 11.1L.37 3 , I spread. Ile deelared tbL6t the, i;kIrta V ........ , _ '4# Asools luen-jo-vol 4� .4.19 J�, Insuranee In f4on". 11101,,-us�.,l Inr 1..'.14.9.466 or women ,drogging oil the atreats alid lit street earti tend to Stir up I . Vontius,atal Lit - lloilid­,q ,tr, uneicelt-,41 tar backill, which art; thill earrled:rom Ulf 5 �siniplielt.v.zutillbt.�:,,altty, Agput#%%vauted. ollo pince to alwail.r. � "I 'O. It. AVOoDs. t; R iuflA-,� 11, I'T'LLE-P* "Woluen. blaould not vvear skicts (voieral Manugor svzratary'�. i tluit drag," sald Dr. Greene. -,It tu - %he k1uly of %voinen, tor t1wir own � Rr�,DUCXS I -,. - __ health ,and for the hu;dth or thobe 11 50" DER"TLY about thent, to wthar ahort oklrts.'�'�i ZXPF.r;Sz ,',NO I I)r. trreellt?s lutintilliet calle at. 11 , tention to tit* groiv�ng daiXger9of' tubp.rculo.4N, or eonsumption. For -AAk X4*- tke Ofulfolt nor " . �_ - - , � I UIANDS. the st-tr MI. a coniparlson or tha � -, elpan your t4twt'. I number of dewtho from coneump. tiou with thoge from other eau6as A Comnion, wam, gola, bww, I 'P. ftv� Will I � is wiven AIR follows: Vansamption. MOTRIG I I . P.75 of ean- V"a diplatherat, ty- tr�& 16 Bt ed Cow 1 .. I . . M18"ING URRE I cer. of %3S of . phold rever, G-1 of svlwow.ng coingh, When toned up by I 'i No Powder or It faldptl T I t0ll"N lu4t liflik - r0l#: 43 at sooirlet fever an(i t,ffo 011 IMMI]P4%. � .1 Dick's Blood Puri- V b ' ',f, It2l t 114 1! 011'�, VXI %4411 9 Z. P I ! #av' -P "" tivs? meag3tus I 1 . fier ivill Vive as and *8 ofi& I � intuale. Pria- 23v at I 11 4raggusts ot by =20V retolumendiLd by Dr. qrepne, are; 1� No commi ptivo mother vilawd, =ueh � 11 -e , - 1 I � � " ". ,V le , . =Masahigb , grom " 211021ARM MV0. 00..SlXjLfhtirfri".6*t- give nurge. , , , PtIVOR ah-��Ul.! never 11tirry. togubam m I I I -�, bredmifftetraud , I Ill . . . . . m�yedrwgives , , , , � It - . Tr;at P.awvleg �"_ 1 ra-re qnVVUC4L i 'never iel#ep ivin, a e0nauump%vu. , 41�. Upon 0:. � � 77. 77= coussmptivea sku"Im n5t k_ks or � "�.N I . I �. ''I � dln*ry �� . . - . , fln T ' ' " MIL ON- bo k Lvged. � - � feed, ard I - I 1 1 Ira every C,t1,','5 or vyhronkc e"33glft I 11 11 - - - - - - - � - � a Itzgey , i I j A � I I I 1, , , TORONTO- WA c1pe-atoratlon, rgave the ,,�r;",Aaw exam"hwd. .. _-_111 1:11 _', 1. OnwWhIL-ft . � " � �� . � I I MONTREAL Do not U94 a 19ablic, dr,*r,,kmg "culD have thorong1fly giveft. * , I I . Ll N L. untit 3rou 2'.ns"4-it. . 0,,*,g'A*5 ­ AV011 tolv0s; th�zt hzl,ve Zmen tn%,�sd D I LAN. b.V oult'ra In p0l'.0 pbtcea, or tow- Is , Steano'no ttmve namAton I V, M. elo used by echuswrlptive3. BLOOD PURIFIER � and Toronto 7..30 V, tn. Tuegilayt Tho lineli of tjuberetalous -pers.ams � must be dIV-j!fPcte,i3 or WyUr-A before tr-11 WftAef It'll -f ift,ltet;e Ildt Yield I 1� and rridayg dur'niLe� May, and ea .1 . and after June, 3rs1_TnP,.,-�Jay4. Tilr1ra. bro�i,oht �n contArt with rMe of =Rk. It ta�es feed too, bdftuse !f &Vq and Saturdays. �1being linen of other.% hlrall-y hRv.*u'D9 It tuborealarag asthAtera=01intof -well dig(��tdd , (boa "tisfiea the del-Ittlag of the , . " Hamilton to ontreal 2011's " .r. $1* �An;y Member shwald M�ry extra precan- 11 tiono whr-rever �Urcletlon lv--�Z7 , tnkq 817,ttml and evt� palticte of tiour- I sisbtftela stieks. '! sing -10 04.36 Toronto toll ontreal 1tPfR1#4­lV11Z_6 I 1011aer, espeeiaRly thr(>'.I��a V1_-;liy-;.i eare'lessnps ' �5D edulm a traek5ge. I Mr -!1h; ar.1 b;-rl*-q !nl6wift.1 - �lothin= or " "-c- t%rat:10* all'i ch"uId, ksr,gular4 Leemitig, Meg & Co., Apats, . � The above elgeap tattEl to 'MonV cleause, UnA dis"aitoet the room of MONMAL. I real are in effeet ff-�r �L-ly only. Ithe �such patient. -1 wtpet6r#--,k",Ilcatt!edttind-.teatt". �,, Only tanning rapt,14, , I-qdIese tvalk.*1a skirts Sh."Vild 13P - .- 11 ... ­­­ IF 1 Write fair 1'.. & 0. llote . or 'I 110,;L 11 do FlJort As not to tolach thpground 2mr,;L Wins,ow's SMI,Utg, .Svft "htan IOW.11 r`m ust4 Child... rho,,l it .I Lower St. 1.11Vrence an -4 fowerv. � by several inelteg. TraMrIg sk�rtq 11 stir up tile latemt, b'IC63% -YS ." 't irt#. *W311ac-1 VLV th!M sollmao Met M;4 ente's wita* i � 1) il 3ft ar'd is the tw4t, **-6eiv U. U ': it r,66441f, tT1afr,k*. W -.1 . ,"tern T1,as*_-bgA0r Age lilog sfree4zss. -nt, z ,. Toronto, 6nt; minatala Unimmat Cures ID9fathet-I& ­,­­.­­ 1,1 ----1 - - I SU I I V%1 CON' M]'"P'T ION I - 0 . PAvenuted and aured'it pbut, usitVd0tig fitit fttn&&1b&t0t *19 &gj,##0',�A1f-&.f(-�a d. , , �_ �­ - � i� ,cuffetats teadlog this _. fkT­ papbe.. New gore fokUberculosig.ceftsump. flov, W,egk LuuVw'Catafth, alid d rffa&,Wd, System. 11" R L ' � F , EEN 6 You Con g h ? 0* your luns Patti you OF - It your throat sore and inflaMedf Do you spit up phlegm ? Does your head achd? It your appetift bad 2' Are, your lungs delicate P Are you losing ilesh ? ,Ar6 You Pale and thift P Do. you lick manlina ? . . Tfiesa symptoms at& proof thAt yot have it% your 'body tho- steds, df th,& mosi dangerous mAlady that has '6V6r dev,as� utdd the darth--consumption. Ycu are invited t* t6st w'hat WA, is"t&dl *-! do fint you, if you are skko by wzit;ng for a - 1- PREE TRIAL TREATMENT , anatlae Vour Free Preparations will be forwar&a 7,= "iK canaaa *ec;4 Sk)dQd2k TIW6 affee, 14 ka*rs Will deasd *.ud oft U&PW 1W 1(tation tB pap1w. _____Z;a�, ___ .___ 1- 1,111-1. I _ __'__­__­ __­_.._.__­_ THE-t­;V-E-,0 -00 V IS 4 ­ .- .. . .--- PaEftt UP ywar hons-_'A. �-onr bUnA]rg4 your forees everythitr�g that 8100�,_A!j - 1_- .. � I BEST ba 11-411rAe'l, aed do it , wfoi- .-.1 y a 1,`lIV Pr�06, bat e -03't pay an.y raore. Get a , 3� -11 11 11 .. "I'll.- - I - .111 11 "... I - .1 , I i 11 11 � I � . . , & , "g, , I - " If 0 1 91, MS Y S P9 'I TS .: 11 1!1 � I �', " I ,,, 11 . I 'I In iie world of paint =jkingn yr," ,� ... c � � ­ -1. WAter tha;-A get pare co'o%,, purp o' .1 I .; , �, ., � t ... r, .. . . I -"t- white lea -3 or anv otiier mixture. toi - 11 ,� 11 � I I,!, I . -to b pre�;erve, -autffy, to last, and 11);::`�,7 � . � I '. 1� ­ . , , � " ,.".... at the right price. ; . :­ , , �, -�,` I - - Drop us a c,ard and asic fcq- . - .. � -T No. 11 r noo,XLl" . . P.EF, " .9i �_ ", - - - . �. , - . . - _. � slmwin how eomr- homes are painttl , 4 , :, , , __ � . , �6 .11 Established 1842 M A, RAMAY S' ' X024TREILL, Point Xtak-ers. L' 1. Vf^ . .. , [...., I M gw*, y 9 AVIL ,"Head Ligrlit," Soo � B a I I ! 0-13hgle'lo woo & 2oo U "Victoria." , US U S SE 11 I "Little Comet." :1, . I , .., . 11 , �! . :1 : !, � I . I 7� ; a,,:. " q , , , . LL � , � , 1i I' I I � I . I i, I �, t -1 I I . ! I . '.1 ., I 1 � � .1 � ,! � . a., �� . I.. .11 . I . . T118,17IN95T IN THE WORLD. - Pot safer by, all the prinalpal grod6rv. I I—. �� � .1 f "I