HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-23, Page 5tVERYBODY SHOULD READ, IEVERYONE CAN"' HELP THE
Tes-�hlior,VffhichShowo the Great
Vallie , Dr, Clarke's Wonderflil 1,riie iiew Free Consumptive, Hospitax
Little *.Re�L pille. W111 J.1L(Inlit Coll su olptives Absolutely
Dr, Ularko'lt Littlo It WItIlout-ollarge.
Led PM8 enr.,
0(1 n1c) of ohronlo rhounitaitom aftor The appeal being made on behalf of the
I 1111(l boo,31 gi-nm up 11�y t1lo (1c0tors. New Frue Consumptive Hospital, built
& —'rellibalel Wils.)31, nwrohant, lauder the auspices of the National Sani.
6an't, sto, Idarie. �ariuia Association -the first Free Con-
Tij1pro 1:4 no rallIMIN � for rh sumptiTe 11o,,I)it,41 in Caiialla-is onathat
fl-SlIlMr f0l' bUR(liTIF, 117) t.10 touches closely the heart -strings of every
IntLn, woman, and chil d the broad Domin�
oqual to Dr. Cllu.ko's iun 0�,Gr, Where is the . communitY, far
Lit tlo Eo(l V! th;. I 1vol-licl, hot, bo Or near, without its sufferers from this
,il holif -thell) for ilmir . Nv()i 1111 Ill dread white plague? We are all in.
T. BrandoliXonelon Falls, terolstod in bringing these relief and re.
Ont storing tliem to health, family, and
ac tive citizensh ip again,
can trnthfally R17 that Dr. One important step in this direction
Marko'?, Little Red Pills ha-�-C' (IM10 has been taken in the erection of the new
inu wore prood than any Other ineoll- Free Cunsarolptive Hospital, due to the
cine I havo ever taken.-"ITIrs. Or!- beneficence of two Toronto citizens, and
%%-hich is now nearly completed. When
K111 It. Eit(-Y, Waterville N. B
MkOro, is U0 r6niody that ii,i �qlial: the workmen go out of the building, and
to Dr. Clzirko's Littlo 11,id Pills i that will be almost immediately, all that
nervous lroublu,4, rhouln.,tti f ()1' 1: is wanted to make it ready to receive the
isin, orit cotisamptive is that it be supplied with
kinilred I eds and other furnishing appointments,
no charge whatever being made for
Mitor Daily 0 '- I
son, Managing ThIles,
Peterborong-j". 011t. I admittance.
Dr. ChIrk-o's Little Red Pill.4 our-! The National Sanitarium Association
MI Ine Of I'll (Mula tism after 10 1 years are already carrying too heavy a debt to
of eoll";talit Stifforin'-.-J. B undertake the furnishing themselves,
1�o but the way is open for each one to help
Arm uur, boob- oper Toronto j une-! ill raising the $10,000 needed for this
tion. I purpose. The sum is not a large one.
Dr. C!htrke's Little RWA Pills Ire Ten thousand individual contributions of
IL cortain cure for 3-11t�ujllatisin, $1.00 each out of a population of nearly
LLS'Llrina, lXMILI.V-4-4, catarrh, cezeina, 0,000,000 people would accomplish this
cou!_rhs, back-acho, indhro,4iun end. Some, of course, with their hearts
n _ , a ked by the sufferings of relatives,
stomach and livor trou'ble.-ii, fcInale r'c
complaints, even whon t1le oli,,ettses; friends) orfellow-eitizens,will, outof their
Mbu dance , do better than this. Fifty
have bw%n standing for many years. dollars will furnish abed. Whabisneeded
Price 50 eent.4 per box_ F or si is tb at the amount be raised quickly, that
IT 'all l0c!11 (1r11,7i4tS W-14 dealet., the many knocking at the doors of the
In patent 111colicine. The Canada National Sanitarium Association may
(111enlival Company. Peterborough, fina a place open for them,
RV- ... .... ...
He Was a Good man, but nldWt Hold
rasan-Y vra7ers.
It Nvas at a ceftodn church meeting,
and the good bishop was calling for re-
ports. Ile had a rather stern, sharp
manner,which sometimes jarred a little
on the nerves of tbe more timid. By
anaby he came to Brother B,, a Jay
"Brother B., what Is the spiritual con.
ditlon of your church?" demanded the
bishop briskly.
"I consider It good," said the brother.
"What makes you think it is good?"
went on the bishop.
"Well, the people are religious. That's
what makes me think so."
"What do you call religious? Do they
have family prayer?"
"Some of them do, and some do not"
"Do, you mean to say that a man may
be a Christian and not hold family
"Yes, sir: I think 06.11
"Do you hold family prayer?"
"Yes, sir," returned the brother quiet-
"And yet you think a man may be a
Christian and not hold family prayer?"
"I have a brother who is a better
man than I am Who does not hold fam-
ily Prayer.*'
"Wbat makes you think he is a better
man than you are?"
"Everybody says so, and I know he
"Why does not your brother, if he Is
such a good man, hold family prayer?"
thundered the bishop,
"He has no family," meekly answer-
ed the brother.
any case on r u ons or 9 purpose, qL0v Tile Basking shark.
t1lat. these pills do not- help. or more, will be received by Sir Wm. R. The ferocity of sharks is not necessa-
� Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lampert Ave.,
Dr. Olarke's Snre (.,'nre ior Catar- Toronto; W. J. Gage, Esq., 54 Front St. rily Ili proportion to their size. For ex-
r1i, aliol Dr. Clarke's Surt% Cure for W'est, Toronto; or National Trus� Co., ample, there Is the great basking shark,
E"ZOnla, sa,1110 I)IiCO. 14�10-00 Will Lip)itcd, Treasurer, 22 King Sf.lEast, so called because of its habit of lying
1) � 1) 1.1.1 f W W17 VL� t*l�-,- Will nit Toronto. - Fifty dollars will furnish a motionless at the surface of the water.
cure. bed. It often attains a length of nearly forty
feet, but its tooth are small compara-
tively and It probably never attacks
TO KILL OFF THE WILD NUS. man, 'depending upon small fishes and
Curing Clover Hay. rPAPn wr axym
New F-Ae'ed,
I'll A K F_
Will keep on hand
a supply of Flour
and Feed at right
Cupboards, Sli,
Bath Tubs,
chopp"net Do rh"E.
Farm Toolso EN,
Tuesday and Friday
A special paint for each pur.
pose, not one slap -dash mix�
J 0 - HLIL IN T191IR 84"K"
ture for all,
Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know
reputation. We say these are the best paints we know of. Yotell
say so too after you have used them. t
Greb Zurilch.
Of Year....
t* IMP, yin, 9n,-.0r1,wj114 t,) 7je?1P him on."
L P E 0
VE RE E G 0 �11 AS#'U fVjM1TjV[_ HOSP—TIN
A A 111LAh
ertistacen. for Its diet. Another name 'rhe onlv Free C0R4`I1JMPt:ve 110SPital in America.
Ili a r4emit artivit- I ealletl Itttpol. for this species is "sail fish " because
11al Demonstration of Approved 'shows out or4,
flon to the ile-4rability of elittin., t)f of Its great back fin, which
I - so Doin�gr to be Given
itc.v -it .1 o-itiparatively varly stauw-': of the water like a sail when it is #4_y wEl;, CANADIANS EV1:':RyWPjER[3 INTERESTED,,
E31 -1Y ill JUIW 211 1vostillinster IlasIlijug.
of maturit In t1lis ""M1It*VfiIJI1 it. T,miiship.
May bv lif in.tore-A v) havP Although sluggish ordinarily and eas-
1E y
fly harpooned. It exhibits great activity IndIt und r t7 e
114404 f1l.,1111 that wt -II knowa fariner orty. of tho (41-.e.1pli 0. alld enornkous strength wben struck, J 1-C r Y lk" "
Mill III-4itnto eqwalwr. Mr. 11ollry Wa'.- ill 1;1nij,)n I;t,;t weok and tit% Ing till ,N`W,,,,,i,o�
medlately to -the bottom and Tlll,*. ('I 111"RECT STYLES ARE bd 0�qa;ji and
()lit., ill to 114441 a N '.\ 1" ES AL
reg-artl t:t Ili% Nvitll It ill t1lat v,(.,Il,tv rettutring a great length oC rope to hold TO 11F. FtWNI) I.' I T .1 - fiemb:74
nov. p4till *4 vIlvill!'- (.1tivor Inm.! It. These basking sbarks are caught 1,1810IN X'I', is "w"art, el- k"i i" 0 irk,
oarlv lwxt likolith. of t1w ror their livers oft the const of Iceland,
Ilivllk,ul t*f killin- ttky Ole wilkl I and -(he oil Obtained Is used to adulter-
fkll,� U.) I'M 1-11sver hay X, lit -n it j-4 ill 0 it; ill
f1M so. whel Ill"st 41"'tr1l"tivP ate cod liver oll. tho Lutost —Orer A, -If tj
a; that plau"lled I
0.11t,1111 -a 01111 N70111 cwft�qkl
.nv A IftevIval. 121*-� and 1111t.
. -,.*. 0a Ill the rulli-1111w, afkor
It � 111"I't kIf VIP hl"llit-l-ti thiturio, The,
flo- RIP -V. i-� 46. 1 hat whwh t , i -pit in lit 1140VIvAIISRI In -Tallialea has Its trage. t!. llll-� and Stroll -
10. 11. 4)11 *0' P. ?R11's
MI, tl dlQS Old IttlIcOmedles, but under no Or- 4,10'e4 W*
ach.l. Vill" lito) oil 11,011" li-IMIltslIll Ilosil. near Xilt�stown Minstalices Its advantages. The exelt-
NV4t4fln-44-r twmiship. Thi IIII111tv of the bl,.lek mall 19 a I Ill. t
. haq ll� It Itoml fixf , U114 Speeks.
awl w"k, ill I. 'A". 'flat, Ill AV411, nal �1 110�0 mwlht-i
-41, ball leads him bluelward toward the Jungle,
lqv4,g;),�j the tZ(,j_
1w helul eitht"' On toward Obeahissn. The noisy rovival-
0 41"Yo-2. �c lit uml .01 wit illat-.4 tvw- toll ow.litlae 1*21. The mn.%tMrd is VN0 (111t"'Ic 11HIIA111-
jt)b�wo Vitt- oltox fifli., hilav �tjoi meeting Is a snore serious standal
lot, IN not long sillee he %V418 Called In to a
�4-w-n!0I 1w JIM tlI14,II t1to b.111*41 lll'%T that) a ten party. A doetor told &3 t1lat
Al'IT. ffat,&.
nvow�. Thl, phal emt h�l II10111111ill'A I'l Vt. , *r will til"n 1,L' wePting. where he saw a 1voniali 1��Jng F. W. 1n---T'E S S
Oil the groulid, while her coreallgloulmg
fra-11 Ally Ul flir lilwill .01 ii�A 44,4A IF&I fle-tillov�wt efoulent eq§II-44t.4 714E JEWELER
tit t124' 4 qf a 'I I % ' ioneed a holeli da"'ge, lit fralalle elt,411-1
LN. ".") Oliva r"n ill vnrilil�. droulld her, proelaiming her to be "in
tan The, Hill
I hii... tolf iflauni 'ViIi P 9 tv,)t I-Uit do sidrit." Ile found*`Ighe ivnq dead
The rost from a fit egusttot by But
-PO-Z UMW dig the
Vt- qary "4 tm% nq eAltimtett at '.'i or
�4v,il 414.—Ij 12,14 alt,jvv YT9,411 the 4001*�c-qill of tbcse "julous iDr- 111 41
1l2�,2,UA*','VV*N 'I'Vol t;q the villse, or the black hady Vt
lew Sold by All Newsdealers
u C:p u;;(Ou 11tr nefgb-
ono-, vrll�eh ts driven %low- oill de
gleg" way be auerety ftaconv
Dmv f, t
71I�nn,L-16anr !!jv !-,vottl I, wqq
.- , E _r,
OTMi�- N1171i'MM. 141:41A tv ID 11"o
3% .
The m4gKnr fourld thog
W1 raign. tv-t �4 �41a!qilt ill #16'. lho gh-24. lit NhV��4 ILM41 01�,97*s Irnar and, ""at thq ro, for two 4_klys�
1104 Ile hljnlrt�,A
Mravaieale the This Rid Glav* Md.
1401 0
AT, N, Me rl
Mill tt Ij tw�' Hat prmo�. 11421%rt�* snys flan'so who shourtkill I�Lrovv, is ftet vu, -,Ae k4
do INZ
at oM blia "t goat or Damb Is
Ioi vv��r sx�z. Wa- -14 kr, thte tputii4z� - IV11 Witt tiEds ftoul ti;,C% L -E 14-91D. 7 ke
M6h M111 I,,: PIMT FACE NW3,PUTAL U% A %je- n
"an V A
11114.1fte are h0filtured ond earc.& TO- a!
taT new. choleb
aMa pht I "'a 2 V U 7
as QTO rat, 111�1"#Ytl,
it auustl�" of pubwe; Musue"
"mu'l up t!'Dv,� rcilbilahnng,# tvlallts� IVY' MoRt 0� fthq_�Jjll ft��Urc.oi In a VX4, iMf
EU.�r. W �n the 11-11 VA Ile (-I't IV -
;7 Virld deriv- nontishod oil mill; alone and mv nevt-r —Thin k of the scrraw xna S,'Ll"I"
th'.. W flelds 611-4 frilate(j %Vill jj!0W#,jj tive 140SPItal ViN2
ho- a _,Kav bt
ous district of Vraiw-e. The kids sw 1A
t grnsq, nS that 1741,
gd t cnwre.
lx-nt Dt nrvri, tkalit Illay, tine eovst 'If UKI'�l rearsell the Skin. Thokidi k- I a you ne, sand a, dcl",ar-oz,
Mol, '&'- , 11 to set, eb or More, fo'., trals
:n 11w Sfatg.l that t1l,M- 11 pen. where he cgn receive s 1�lt
4 valuable'
ti'q or bruise. Tlaey nee thus
lu�vv� L".'n ae " k 11 -The vien,15 or n8 *)X*Di
almnrMly -'raw4eA in 021tarifl I I;V,re. lit cotton wool until the age lvhfm I ' ' r C.-madn.
ZZ a 6.Z
vvv'�,w' N�v
Nivrc'Wlil thes&gn is of most valukL*. Theyere flien ZURICH P. 0
llvo,eul well -0. VWMe andl Nu�* hiny 'A tk , e wil"I 1211I. -Mrd. t 1� hflk�d and the slan dressr-A I'M WILI-P FUITRY "Ir"',* I
ItIva, fl%"o rr�mt 01n,4t. N- afli. Last year Pro.'. Doherly work(�,d , 'With tile utnlos�t stiffl. Sheep, deer and Isopen daily eXeept -4unflay, fro,tn SHI 2-1, J -2-J.
linif. 0i wr was eas
tt%rll I)Orti011 colts are allso, pil-essed Into serviee cor p. ilk .. The nxffls are
list, yof the Provinez. givhjgo Clemons- go called kid and 4logskin gjovcs. dtstributed at, c VTRr.NF*TA�.X 2
Tr.,,v in % tkt-
Slit **T. U. 311111:,3111:11411,19.
lmv Wam; ft.. 'khe Potkto. 111m,
wit'L, qat averace depth qv�L? ft. vfl!�, Th;z�l yelizr hle ilitf%ild', tO V(' IlumboM s-,ys that tit Me time rit :II9-nn
h;rr. The,v irvvws aro fi;zht W. j. (;A(;I:.
V, itldl i!lon"M& ftwil Aver tlus�,- fatlncr-i an the d`seoverY of A-metlea the p8tate & B.. A
was cumvnited In nit the tewperate &- B.. -a '_1 XATM.N-AL !Msr��'r Cq).
L4 11 Ll - 11
mont staMem;. An.vti,.,..-:i- nnnw ts '24 L _te -win a!ve tlmnl�n"- V-1118 of qoutb America from CWre up arl
ft.. with , ek"'Ih 'r'J" .21
9 , t1&5 m., at Lnwinn. the const. The 11-planmrds first Lollier-j
an'l t!Be t�"I,pj- I�jn trjL�e jilt. Lie?�Z�Zlrnp
d I it in Peru. The vzriety or rl;mato eaRl- lc :4.") n7tt
0r:an,_1vv5lLv. Theexactdafenf tile rateAT In Europe and North �Iknacm(ta 1,. H.
ine'l 1vx4-3;1-,
V, it" a erae" 'a`kstr 1�_ s vl_ill 'he nit- grows wild In ChRe. Difflerent spedes
art�e twj:Ahqbs 44an of the phint nire found growing vvfld in LFTTEP.; Vol? Subscribe for '"The Ueralid"
lftlo$�t IIIatts -of South America and, It Is p -)Ste,
I'V U111111111y f1rill(I _d half an hom. nrevinus to
sne, cl almed by many Lotanists, In M. exico
the 411fillf. for ch"All,
M the ordinwrr 'harn. Vie -5fles tv.� 1, h I ! tho� ultall'a
tile nlnws nexi the drive AlAr �-.4-re en the Bowels and -.1krizona
D.S.FALUST, postill'aster.: i,
open. The. hay windf-li con-M.,4eill 4f Rs ^t A"Intrasm; Pond of nanAunlit. 0 6
r(NI e�()Ver. all'i'k-P and a little are ConSfinated'
Ir I The leaves of the bailana, often six a
" . � I ";.,
flinrythy, txw', equaNy go'I"I ill all It is a ser�ous matter. to rieglect consu, � feet fmg and two fectwide, W,
fif f1w Mr. GT are t0ntl,er,
wiewlenn- pati3n. You may do so for A, firn&I, only
to f, wJ that your health has been under, 11 and thc stron- winds of the troples CILID" in r ates.
In- swv thw� he kllow.4 of ltirtle wr them in strlps� thereby add- YU U
the most soon tse.
L Veol mined by bodily dexangements of
t4lto? farnwr.% wbo have J 4.
fatal rund. You sL*ou"d have a movement Ing to theirgrace and beauty. The ba.-, N
th& -wSteni fe.1, sevo-,ral y0ars
To-a==eg3b sihma !S .1 fir,13t. fliat bemst and Urd. rs
scem tM , avoid contentratel foods, Use Veget. well ar man, are fond of. and the own- to offer the folloNvilig low
NV i th "' ,e -
ellim ;.le, -.,is. 11'" V"r'Zf"' Uj _j I �� d,
.s MR i D A
XV01 worthy olf trial by trur far-IMVS sLN"es and fraits freely, and take one of Dr. er, when he lives In a sparsely settled tes witly. Tim HERALD: ALL C-ASES C F
ChaWs Kidney -Liver Pills bexott retiring, country, must protect his plantation by a
Among, the tflli- two or three times a wftk, or oftener it a fence of some thorny p!ant
11leflinj" ' of r7rvP-r are:- required. Daily Mine DEAFNESS O.If R M JR1541" R EARIN C
I Dr. ChaWs Kidtay-Mver Pills Are not 1101 &Q- EnijAre
�1, The sav;n of finne betwt%�.n A*&
4 V 81 A' _KS
Tit* Mufft rdlftt. Weekly G obe 1.4.0
an ordinary cathartic. They have a ARE NWW "-W�EU�Wr
alld lt*7ring in t'he Nirn : speciffic and combined action an the kid- TkIrs. Gatterson-You will come to Maill & Empire 1. by our inv,:�,ion. on:y -71
(2) The favil' that ;Il of the leaves neys, liver and bowels, and consequently dinner anywIty, Mr. Tutter, will I -oil Berliner Journal (Cxerjuan)
ntl bloss t e cc mpa
onis, which artl the inost cure co.1stipation and h a 0 n
iibg not, though I arn afraid there will not rl ftnxily licraltj & ;Star EAD NOISE" GEASE MANIHIKI, LYL
pjrtj;)jI,0f1 fjli� plant. are derangements tboroughly and well, by 1. 13 . H
i removin; be many Interesting people -present" -AYS
left nil the hay, n4olel of bedn": 3, the causes. F. A. WERMAN, OP BALTNAORC. L
I For tb Tutter (gallnntly)-What difterence,
Ile. case,
lo;;t, ill tjj(� fieltj as j.q often t' e information of those vbo are -1, "vVe you
1 not yet familiar with the Peculiar merits does that make? One is alwars sure a fu',, hi-te.:-v ca"e. tol
whon the ardinary mqnner of, cur- of D- Chase's Kidney�Liver Pills, we of a good square meal at your Luse. Ti6oalg 151joaphaffinty A",)'=
(3) The hay is rnigh� -add that ffiey are purely vegetable
79�6 Great Bnglfsh Rp�y. 1
llia(ah elparier aud t1lnn i in composition, pleasant and natural ill
Sold and recommended by all Terc,r
when �-ured in the old wily. ac remarlably prompt and far- A Dangerous Tree. gists in asnadit. Only reit r,
F. W. Hod"on, I reacbing in effect, evert in themast serious 13rown-Are you interested In gene- able. medleftle discovered. Six
VO: guvanked to extra all
rM f tlwn �a%*., vma
L,ivo Stocj,- Coninlissionez. And chronic cases of constipation, kidney alogy? Ever looL-ed up your aucestral 10 6X11 Weakness. all ei7fttsofabula' nzcmz. Aft.�:- li,L,l
and liv�� diseases and stomach troubles. �orc eA , e tal Worr
y, Excessive use of To- tc.-ti-w
onepill a dose, 25 cents a box. tree? )rstimulants. Mallecjo�ff'reeejpt N't T..;Ov
f , t .
Black-lKever did. Fact Is I'd b6 10 0MIN?tPr-14
.,joy 'V;ftll Wlirt, an Inilian, i . ;,,n lets fre to any address.
ar: 41, 'PT yolty, usitalorrifl'y'Ition.
Dr. Chase s afraid there might be a man hanging Our freatmen t'doe.
Was burn(K1 to, death in a barn neo . I a from one of its brancho&�Doston y, windsot, Ott. I aua T H 0 M E n t a e"100".At" ' n "d
Do-seronto. it, is supposed he, set. KidnepLiver Pij,fl I Transcript Wood's Phosphodine iq sold in a(tvice f-ce. YOU CAN GURE YOURSELF A
-k 1) with his cigar.
the ailding on fire Zurich
by Dr.i3uclsanan, Druggest,; INTERNATIONAL AURR WNIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., MIGAGO, IU,