HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-23, Page 44.
14E1 ED,
• I
EV,ER7: THURSDAT... raNilia.
yea paid strictly in advance. *When the
paper is not ordered to be discontinued
it will be sent until such- Order is given
and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged
when not paid in advance. 1
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line
• for first insertion and 3 cents per line for
eaeh subsequent insertion. Sandi Advs..
sueb. as"Lost" "Estrav" or "Stolen wii1
be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25
Dents for, each subsequent insertion.
Copy for change of advertisement must
be handed in not later than Tuesday night 1
of each week to insure change in follow- •
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- !
tertainments or other benevolent institit-
ton at special rates. •
Contracts for column, half-eolunin and
quarter-eolumn rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all:
communications to
FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1002,
A young lad was fined. (-01. and
costs at 'Marton a short time ago
for shooting a robin. It would be
well if the same sort of punishment
were inflicted on young lads in.
other sections of Ontario. All
over the province whenever a holi-
day occurs, young lads can be
found going about with guns
blazing at every bird in sight.
This not only the most cruel sport.
but the result of it is to cause the
destruction of what is perhaps the
best friend of the farmer and fruit
grower. Public opinion should be
aroused in this matter to such an'
extent that further destruction
will be rendered impossible.
With the Provincial Election just
a week henee a little advice to our
citizens may be not amiss, Let us,
get down to work. Work for the
candidate of your ehoiee, with a
determination to win. 'Use every
legitimate •argennent to try and 1
convert your brother, but above all
things do not indulge in offensive
personalities, nor treat your neigh-
bor dishonestly. Should ytnir
'arty min, roar, yell and cheer like
thunder, but be ready to shake
hands with your vanquished thee
tion foes next 'morning and say
"Its all over." "I told yon ee,"
"your intin slipped a euno" or Name
other appropriate expreseion. then
gat AIM= to work again.
The banks continue to neve it
good aceourat of themselves. Thn
Dominion Bank's statement ellowe,
. net profit this year of Pee;e3.1172.te.
compared with $`27,79.1i ee. for the
year before ; capital etee.k and
reserve fund have teeth been
bronglit up tqs two end a half rind -
lions leans to the ;melee nave
inereasez.1 from thirteen iteilitens
last, year te seventeen inillteits
this ; deptsits that hest nenir were
$leenNenl:.`„ are new eneen7e2nnee
and note eiresilation has pregreesed
from $1.7i9e,639to$2.inee.net. Al-
together, a very excellent showing
for this infest agareesive of the
batiks with smaller capitalization.
and one that reeleets nineli credit
upon its InanagenIttit,
A matt usually gees into lisessee
cleaning eheerfilin enough. hitt he
comes out with his face all svrinkl-
ed as if by tege. his soul covered
with scars. his ambition Lunging
in hreds, nind his lins pa7sied.
A women is different. ke sars a
smile upon her careworn features.
Fier baek- is bent with the burdene
already Sir ie. tehe ties a haul -
kerchief about her heir and seas
laeguidly. Suddenly sine sniffs the
air. The dnst of a carpet is to her
nostrils as the smoke of powder is
to the war horse. Her back:
stiaigtens„ a tinge of color shows
in her cheeks. she snorts. she
cavorts, her lips fix themselves
firmly over her teeth, she bounds
forward, and heaven help us ; sine
gains freeli spirits and strength at
every bound. and when edl is over
she's as fresh and chipper as a
Those professional and business
men who refuse to advertise be -
ea -ase no dignified method can be
found for their uses, are in much t
the same quandary as the painter
Who refuses to deal with modern
themes because they are not "art,"
and the novelist who writes of
swashbuckling ages because mod.:
ern life is not "literary.". To the
great writer and painter all things The financial situation in the
eau be translated into literature United States is being compared tol
at art- It is merobr a question that of tbe year lbfen n Aprili
tef "medium." The skilled adver. and Ifay of that year there was a
tiser, following reasim instead of
precedent, usually finds ways of
advertising all lines of business
without casting reproach upon
them. Thi, too, is a question of
"mediune" Most of the objection
to advertising as a thing "tindig-
nified" comet; from people -svho
knew publicity only in its -eheaper
patent medicine phases, •
The following from the Glencoe
Transcript applies to more town
Glencoe :—'Th e question is often
asked what are you going, to have
in the line of amusements this sum-
mer': Our young in•en must not
pass their time in the barroom or
the billiard parlor ; they are
preached at if they play • cards or
dance, and if they walk the streets
they are hastening to damnation.
They are not all book worms ; then
what are you going to provide as a
pastime? Even the healthful field
sieirts elicit as base -ball and foot-
ball are frowned down to such an
extent that it is impossible to raise
the expenses. of a game with any
merit in it. There appears to be
too much fogyism in the old town,
and the result will be that in place
of bright young men we will de-
velop a community of two extremes
—tlie sad eyed dyspeptic saint on
t 0, ono huni and
devil-the-eare sinner on the
other. Let us devise the happy
medium in our amusements, which
is just as much a neceessity in
every up-to4htte-town as
streets and sidewalks.'•
The chicken fattening etacion at
Holmeeville has been the mean; of
diffusing information in regard to
this industry which is expected to
be one of great importance to the
fanners. Mr. F. C. Mord. under
whose charge the stati, all is, eon
bines :energy with courtesy and
readily imparts all information
required of him. In addition to
ineubator stook he is now
making ready for the old country
arket as eonsignment tf RtteL
ehieltems .whieh retailed him fart
u'eek fr!till T*trontO. Tien- are
now two months old and in a
inenthheexpeets to have them
weigh thrt,e t t three and a helf
pounde. the beet selling .sveight in
the led 4'. %1111try tearliet, Mr.
Elferd ONIRN.ts tO fatten several
thetteand eigiekens before the etemw
!lies so that la' will teeeseeity b.
. a very heavy pitrelieser. The beet
eteenien appeare to be that it will
the farmers. beet nee t„ nitten
their viiietens then:solves. but to
sen them te.:0 then. tenni. invitee et
t'uiarvieklli.l.ii2n22i tit it.
fiterones earl re,e IV the
market with etestes teepee k a
tutttst.,.vnni idole oof tinnstttill ell'onth
is,tio,v that vatital;le serete21
QFtL t;•2.2 Volill-
tan1ntt,7,- i' the ,It.J,ciiiattn.res. Thf?
2.1” the
matfied and determined am,
to the future aneosis ot' the en -
=unit. With the increase
wheat pr,:diuction in the :eeithern
hennisltinere. unvl the alternation o.pf
sp,01,47121s. tne wanninigs end fore-
CaStS f the ssintitt pit van Lc heard
end 116610 tyy the actual
en's. A corncr guften de-
nounced its a Cause of ire7reased
priees, hut it is in reality u result
rather that a '&rns�. It is t-
slnr:Ttu;.:e that t% the corner
successful in its rzay thut we must
attir.ihirte the higher prices. and
tietc)rtner. us an indicatiopn
futnre neeels. turns attention to en
nn! -fled tl.einand. :and tenses
fareeens to tle.cide fits-Y,r -4-heat
The 11C-.2111 oversight: of the specu-
lators is a reginlating influence,
giving nNtice to ;agriculture
parts of the world as to the future
needs of the meract. In Mut way
_comparatively es -en range of '
priees is eeciered. every shortage'
an every sin -plus being anticipated
and thus mininnizel. Itwould be •
t great advantage t manufactur-
ing industries if the iron prodnetion
of the world were subject to the'
same regulating influence. At
present only u few weeks' supply
is inaintained, and every period of
industrial activity treates s.;
leniand that sets iwieee, soaring
and brings industry to a halt. If
ron were dealt in en the Ex- ;
changes a large sripply would be
naintained and future needs would
be anticipated.
n.ssIttei rn ttrrew lefX
stock exchange.. enentement,
Lesved by a slaekening when the
DM'S arrived of a poor prospect in
Ithe winter wheat crop, The stook
exchange excitement of - a few
weeks ago was checked by a simi-
lar anneemetment. In both eases
' thO manipulators ,..tf tho 13101I cy
market discounted the probahility
of good crops, and the first news
iltat this conld not safely be done
led to a ehange of ;thin. In both
oases Nov,- York began to sell
securities in Europe, to (s)ver
previone heavy borrowings, end it
• is remarleen that the ofeeest ure 05
busy now preparing seettritie; fur
• shipment to Earope as they were
in 1805. lictourities passed aeross
the Atlantie in4tead of gold, the
hope being that a good harvest in
other line4 would provide coin-
modity exports that would obviate
Ilia need of heavy gold shipments,
The cash reserves were low in 1ts9e
and. they are low now. In 1895
/Fe • 2 •
ea44e 2t
PVIII1:11i12 AND
will curt!: itt;ei:1114 aggra-
vatc-d t,riuor Dyspepsia
and lndizestion. t eor•
reet "Thai Fteling
After lOt.tinZ, Nervous
• lien (Irwin.. 5ar Fitontaeli
nd Vlatulenv% Wbysuffer
%viten a cure Li guaranteed?
200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1,00,
Jon::TIr3, Dashwood,
.ays: "1 was unable to get
iv relief from Asthma
and Stomach Trouble until
using Our Native Herbs." t
a Sole Proprietors, 1^:^
met:ITU-Al., CAN.
You ask any doctor .\vitat 110 thinks of wheeling as
pleasant outdoor exercise for women mid he'll tell
you that it's the best thing out.
there was 0 serious crop failure
' tt further diminution of
sarily, by heavy gold. exports in
October, and consequent unsettling
-This popular hotel has been ,
of American finamne. We are yet
to learn whether the crops for 10C2
are to turn out well or ill, and the
modity exports, followed, IlOCOSt
H4_ 2k IF9
bicycle is the best thing out, and now that the re-
vival 111 wheeling is on it's more than a favorite.
It's a wheel built for comfort ---it loiiks comfortable—
sells at a comfortable price.
HotellWhees $25 to $60, According
Write for Catalogue.
indicatione are that more than
• usual will depend upon the out-
come. Last year's light corn crop
caused trouble to ehip-owners and
exporters, but the financial situ-
ation was saved. by the limn
qnantities 14 wheat available.
This year. with financial reserves
very low. with ;Awn a failure last
year. and winter wbeat sixty or
W. G.
thoroughly. renovated and refitted,'
and will be found up-to-date in;
Every- attention paid to the
traveling public-.
seventy million; bueliele short, it
is plain that eoneiderable anxiety
will he experioneed until the JuGraduate Optivian,ne
reports ('time eut. H EN SALL.
Peace in $'iuth Afrieit helps the
produetion in the Canadian Yukon
situation; tee (ma wk. ft agold, E
e» good and wswrke in tli.. eante Way
bUtt1it t'll'411 rteptfi'N .11ine and
July will give the hey 'I') tile
Sitnatit00 ,d' the future.
fur Canada ae well as for the
A Draniaitie ineeleut at en t leettn
4 r. 'Ye tlx.1 eel, Meet tag.
It had leen an *.t'i'n'' meet
inn. 'Du tai nesello were
itenentoled in the ire( enditerima
be the sea. 'Fir' luel been lane
I natp1-33131“*. W0N•1i1L!
elaiefe. :he hymn, the. prener. the
weird whiten 1' the eloteit
hietary +.1 Inativ Nolltl.
The litelesep et eel te,Itio.1 t'Le,
icr,Ttal in the ton 11.2>
ane 421. ton sassy
height. It eeetiael eniteteel
v. 0s' had eenovel. ties teaultitede
tea:neatens it in as divine 'j0'' -
At that liven:04u- It little 03.i -A
v:ssed up t the pluttorni. .04,1
012' 11.44,0410 to••.,Zi
-111.•!st Oili1;011". tVe-Tio- t1 1.1lit71,,t-it.-1
• ._.
01 1. i02in0 oh' 1isiioni.,"2, 1 -
Intuit :ts head trv,on
deep. i‘.ynipathetie "
tiny ni the ettelietiee knew re: -
baby «le 0 wleen 31.-
the father nu2.)ther toyme
claim it?"
There we.; siteiaPe. and the
nestled: closer. end the Wt013t53
t,11' near eatd. An
nen a Mill
WOV te) titiP liltar. It. WO* Vqe,
father. Instantly
stretched f.yat its: arms OfT'',„!::,, t-11
rilvit as he gave it up the lIrrsh
said :
-There are -'n,"';'"J ios4 md.s
etes, (rive. The T--v.t7,...cr's
ti yfur nether's 2.,iitstr-
ernes has th:s
Fitted inSeienthie Printepltee
A. vela. seeett
Watches and
Sereial at teen ien raid
all hind9f Repairiner.
J. C. Stoneman,
umNsALL. oNT.
Geo. T
L.rd Str,,rtfit-01,171
end Lady iStrat.1.!,,,z!lit • t
‘7, ,!•_•••24 lh 1t
regief f anti.
Eczema% itch
Is Torture
Mrs. Ann McDonald, Ringsville,
wrltes:—"Pcx about three years I was a
dreadful sufferer from .eczeina. At times
the patches of raw, flaming flesh wsuLd
extend fro= my waist to my neck and
from the knees to the ankles. The intense
itching almost drove trIe crazy and thczigh
I tried ail .the fatal physicians, they cou..1
not even relieve the suffering,. The Bela
wonid crack open, and 1 don't beliwie any-
one ever suffered more than I dt:a.
1 was told of Dr. Chase's Ointment
bet did not believe that it cerin hen me.
After the filth :application 0/this pretara-
•tien, 1 began to feel the benefit f its
soothing, healing effects, and now attribute
a etre to the persistent use of this wonder-
ful remedy, It is .truly worth its weight
le gold anclI never tire of recommending
it to other sufferers."
Besides being a thorough cure for
eczema and salt rheum, Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment comes useful in a hundred ways in
every home for every form of skin irrita-
tion and eruption, chapped skin and
chilblains. .5o cents a box, at all dealers,
or Edina:aeon,. Bates &Co., Toronto.
Dr. Chase's
iiirlill"Ct; i1jT T t/
l'INLeor110K '111-11,17e'n'n
InT"if AT illneeneN-Anist:
Che Western 'Tea!
Estate Exchange.
782; flintenee `-^:neect
iontSent, e,e, Zinn
Farm,. City, Vilna Lie. Seeburizn.
and Garden Property. Sn•Itl, Bozralet
end Exclianeed.
Melee- Loaned on First and Seeond
Mortgages. Real Eetate, Notes and
Ferns, Houses and Business Prep-
erty Rented and Rents Collected
upon Reasenable Terms.
Money Invested for Private Indi-
viduals on First Mortgage on Real
• Estate.
lanetteiarsseilstnston AGENT
'zuFt OrcrAfuo.
to the Modell.
7)417, 7:fr Sale Hgad
The Kind
You Want
Note Heads
eel w
Ulrel.71 To Etc
'11V.V.Irrouta2t, & ad eitt
ect ri.e:ctgEfe. tir0';-416.
ne petite and
t to fat t ttnti, bat
fct 15.te tteitito
1 Seen*
eenei,ene nee.
, jr,i2,4
tt-40 -
zz ycn ever nnzr ni -se nine= vet: nr.t. rrroz•--..!'otrIt:za o Na;Itts, or
tigt,a cra:L.int••,..3
tliiveinL•o--, %-; z..,-;;:oza .cr:1 yo -r J
1 t• .c..n Cu.2 crt:art,
c: 1%J-, ttafre.
tet tO rstor :t c01 0,417 arld
01i7 tre::;.-:-.=.=;Zor oitly toz.,r,nr,c
ffe.ID. 11 enparbro on,trn.r. finr NEVA' idET!,01)
Vineereineer isaciitrann:44 tO care yna., Oar Crtianinal.n-Iecrs aro backed tl
by bets borids Inlet tae tllsn'tse rmer.
Ear* teen r-tv3alT.carM orit Nr-Vr r over 24.,...earrt,'
and =,oZito experiz:.:...1i., an ;..nt a
tire cart, Ie wat c.n to:ieltaa.
' 0,04_4
1.137,-;',017=170 •PERni-,2•:Pte2r-Ci'ir- w:1: etre 2.
_yen, -:2 :Atka a unitu
of yen'. "f..7,t1,r its influence. the 11:3nvirti:ed
aii3nip11s, and ,ntrarsta•o r:, as steel:, zo
tont Inrreasi^.:,12s rz Cie 23 *....i.-onte !bright,
the fac, . 0cttii c:ear,onergy vizern'tte• t Le t
eel syste:ne Eavig Irate4 0erains. cer..se•-no xaorethe sz,•-stent.
The 1-arioLts ar...4 =noir, a feel a =an Ind.
marriage nnt he a failere. We I:tk
mete nit e ty. nmeit (.01rEtlentially
and free ot elan7e. At1.4 falilre r•oly in cif :year hard-taxned
dolrars. V-V.IT-OLZ ,70$ PAY.
We treat nnel care NraVOLTS :0111;11f..ITV, StXt7,1.1, IrEARNESS, -i..,MIS-
sroNs, SYPHILIS.,G i sTRIcT.T.YEZE, • VA 5IC0,7.1.:T., 1:KIDNEY arid
BLADDER AS30S, and all'a:Leases eeettens tot:sea athi.‘toma:....Cures g3.iaratt2
REIllillit 21,,razfiyirg.e2.? TallycalIa.,T= tel,an.stdilopzt:W` ycoGia,te7lwateil
ne2zs? Oor Novi' Method Treateatat etre Coesellatiet.
Free., No matter who hastreated Win,. write for an hoacst opinion Free of Cili.rge.
Charges reason:2:Mo. Osafe-,Eres.--,aTh'e Golden, Monitor" illien,tratedi on Diseases of
AinielirseTtirtacesesolf2,1‘1.crr....,'n" Stricture and (Meet."
fie teedicant sent 0, i. No namesoa Imres-ov oevelopos. Everything
conedernat. slien nettled Cost et TItahlit'i:14 FREE, ler Rama Care.
P '