HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-23, Page 3No other poeseeses the exquisite flavor of the genuale MONSOON Ceylon Black Tea, Nag**************** THE SECRET OF THE GRANGE 4•444-3444414.144444414415k that lar-ge old mansion," he wrote, "between our houee and Richmond. Woodleigh Grange it le callee. Soon after we came here the owner of it, Mr. Charlton, called upon ue; he has been an excellent neighbor and a. kintl friend, I may juet mention to you, as you know all my affairs, that ie a very wealthy man, and that it wae he who advanoed the money which was borrqwecl upon my estate. Strange that edo should have come to live near hint. is lit not? Hu le a. wIdOWer with one daughter, for whom he ie now seeking a governess. I mimed you to him as having euper- intended Blaucluee education, and he is eager for his child to have tile mime advantage. Blanche Is delight- ed, OP she will be able to see you al - mutat every thy." The result of that letter was that Ur a ehort reorreepontlettee with Allan. Chariton, 'eel., I was engaged as gowrnetis. daughter with a more liberal ealary than 1 had ever on.toYed before.. Ile repleettel Me, if potseible, to he at Woo•ileigh Grange 1100Ut 11W middle- of June. HAY either my emplOyer or nieeelf thought of all that would re-ult front that entt,ago,ine.tt. Jr lio could have foreee('n It I believe k. would rather have tteett me tlead than la hie Meese, and yet I en.val Wm from a r141110. 11.1i41'0! enterise; lapin) my w tini.te 1 event three dayo at tie+ Oottatte. Tie* Mho. tit \-trange 11,01 Reet prepare 1 ie for the large. etittelygloiossay noiluchist I Now'. 1 th000tlit a grange was a. ktal of leteafol t eintottryole ootte„ broght and tolt.;1:.,...101.rh, how - lever, %v.v.. a very largo.iiit zt, sloe,/ piteoloor ottieart: Area. It tettietettet of tar. 1114.M P3rt,, 16016re 3/r, Illoarittsu load 014 4..4,43 reetme, Unit an Ivietli %tare too enute of ttrawatio,r000ttoott sinopokettoit ri.00tta. Moran., ono orlOtOorettionatai i001- 41,J1r. h, tor ottla. patty. On each bale of this ftbut (Ikon the belittling a Ilerge1140.1; laA4 been added In one there were !UM Isetim5riltunt, t Ilatt7+1,y foirate-Itiel otiotatt for fay tit4e. a few epare elmote. torte tiso reet being oveepliol let' the tfreVitilittN----11mb e„olted tint eastitest tvieg The Wietgurtil in wtos ellat up. Net eine ever went near it. An ell ser- vant who hati lived for noatoy ,years. the fatniiyo and wile Was lomeattled off, 9:opt 111 one of the TIP9O112F4. very deaf, nearly blind, bat nelati Vie less did the other Brae:ants re- cord kr with great fear 440..1 awe wietta nevi:v. neor the west- ern wing; dreatlftell toles were toll of tallest that in the tiletild tit night had Otnto6 from theme &neat/IAA 6iilletat ad" Moans. thott reterherated tO..00togh the lung oorthiors, of what. shadowy forms seta iro the twilight. Not for all t hurItion'd woollth would hits servants leave ten - tercet ha Me Ea it:Vote-I rooms- atas ratliett etorprisoll tfartt for so, Q0 estatolisionent s.s ft"w Val* AV k, pt. There were only tioree. tote Mr. eleoriton Ioadilk? moetther Yodel roe.. footman attend noon lam. reeeiveill toe yetrz- kos,Ny. and Kite -vied the tall the wonders tOr house?. ...eniDed as be tteke oue if I titictesEd like to see the. giiest. of the vrottOuthe %dog. I kennel that 441•C:CL.A1,, LIcyP.Plaria Isere Ote outte aame. Ile Lever joined us at ;toy lava% eine eveiOng was 'spent in the tirawaig-rtiorn, Winio ILO eat aitene ate etedeeeletee tatting the day-- he came it toe st-Posol-recao &CH Made a few fotraal leepoirioo. airout. eto- diets, po-ogret_,s, exc. _titer diniter stolitetno 36 he- 156?at for leo., and the two w,j1itoogli 009 tat> together, bet I 6n...W vder.::* 1.0:140,2z; VA9.t. Mr. Charkon 4.:1:,1 not kii4.14 ourath time at hemei Orauge. BABI"S" BIRTHRIOTIT Is Health and Ilapp --flow Mothers Can keep t1r Little eiH'S Welt. Healthg..the birthright of all lit t o: too It Es ta. m ttioceo datto to see taxi. bet Woo eoltosttMotioats' greatest ad t guardiug okihiretes health Is latbee, Otva Tablete.-a aneeitiee wit:it'll eon be given witT: pieft!at stifety to the you:meet baby. Among the matey IllAir.r8 Who liaee KOVett Vie V112... this inetliehte is ales. 3- W. Bar River. 0.0.. She Fa:F.: 'My sr:an-VA greatly from Fore mouth arel had stomach. deetere p..r,hed tor her, lent tote:ler: S:1 et a to eenefit her in the haat "olee I began giving her ..;*eg ane then in a eeetrt lime any Pete:- one was fully restorea LVili :4 h. I woull not be Withoat the Tablats in the house Wed neteli aifvlett al; tee..eeee to, tem them wlee.tzi eitifdren are oh - Baby's Owe Tatlets are used in thousaod.s of homes.. in Cannaand always with beeehrial results. Tit...e- vent:1in alesilatele no opiate or other harmful drug: :tie mild. but sure in their action and pleasant to take. !The wry best metlicine for all trou- bles of the stem-v.1a and bowel% cur- irg coltc, inaigestien, constipation, diarrhoea rted sinele 'fever. They ivc: relief in teething- trOuhl•en. pt.! 'ivories, promote healthful Sleep axici .cure all the minor an - Omuta of ehiklree. Price„ 25 cents a box at all druggists or sent by 'Melt post paid' by vvriting ditect tO the De. Coe, nrock- vdte„ .Onto or SaletiSctats, N. 1 was never much prepossessed by the personal appearance of my em- ployer; some people would perhaps have considered him handsome; his face was too dark and Lascrutable to please me. I do not care about form of beauty or color in a face, but I muat have candor and openness of expression. There was something In hira I could never quite fathom; the dark, eager oyes had no calm unruffled depth, no thoughts were mirrored on the proud impassive face. Mr. Charlton was also a man of the greatest reserve; it wadi seldom that frank words or a hearty laugh rose to his lips. A. cloud hung over him that kept him grave and *Aleut in its shadow -at 'least it appeared so to me. During thefew conversations we had, he made but OOP 0.1111430, tO Helena's mother -his dead wife --and that vvas when we were speaking of France. He amid she died there. One morning, as the yuung girl was eagerly t.sentliting, 11, portittlio of drawings t hat tor father had left upon tne table, at portrait t.art-fully wrapped up in paper evil front It. She piektel it up and opened it. "Miss Wood," elm erlett. "Ode le my mot lier-my own darlieg mother. Look bow tunutirtil Nhi us" It was a very lovely fame hat I tlaeigla there was it to.t.tIting triI in the expreseitte of it. IleantiOil aul eltiltiiike. with Wee eyee and ripe red lips. Still, it wee; not a thoughtfel Or Intelleetual Lew "Is it not bointefitl, l,Wetel toled Iltleata. "I Mitt her sti and yet 1 Pall Ilitio.10111.r nothing of my mother." "Iell you nt ver eat. her?" I /vitae/ with etirpriee. "Nei" replieti. eadly "size tiled whim I watt qinte a lode: -awl I ant r, eirteen now. 1eatinot, or etturse, remember bite in the bee ° 'Rat :Ilia ii616 %V her o.,.(etroit at &Mae 2" I Raid. "Yes," ehe answered, "bemuse. a lung time ago we load a beautiful pieturt6 Of her: Olt %Vat; Ilefore we. eante to the tit Weielleiotit Orange. ftitlour wieald toot bring It hero with Ulm I do not teem what tee ramie oT it. It weal tO flang in hie tilreeettlit reelut Beery tose said how lovely her fare watt" "It 19 very beautiful, nal o.11te touts have been Muelt heletoel," I said. :anx- ious to etonsole the eloild, whose eyes nitre fail of tears, While site .9%211 held the portraithI her naiads, 3Ir. Charlton hastilyft - terof the room. "I brg toOrdiont. Mitis Wetull," toad ho abruptity.. "I 411g1 o tVIDMV ifitt,V ono was here. I left ttervi .dranings on the table." Jt then hot e.reght eight .eif Hele- na, with her mother's portrait in her Pattiodet and a dark iiettoiy. frown eav- ered hi1Ittee. gave,. toot potrailestouoto loa..111 nor felitt!?° he toted, his volett VOLIt .11 •• %Ape, ;,upa.,"' Si! rtophaell, tan - 9 Wk. "tI Ilionoirt yen woull not hs ',displeased and fireteed I have rot ;; to -oohed anytialeg xeipt this," and , she l 11 .he !sem/reit 1tem. , I ioave tdJ yotot b. fore that I valll not alt ttv yoa to toat-En any et iay PulterS," he MK. STV'3tAgng.- it front her rudely. tare you do nor. dittb.ty not ottoilo." ,IIet it was noy mother." srbtoed the girl caw' lois patience failltett. and tt!olug' o2it It tng:11 111;' ItP%- weeffe.. and etteeteeled 1. te•leiaeg Ler aptdegite to ler father tojyr Eyztviing twieined the ft.tdo without his per- mission. "'Butt tv:11 do" he said, k7ssing /tori conly enough. "I do not wish to be. angry. bat I most and will ba obeyed"' '1 noticel that he carefulle wrapped I up the portrait witho.tit, looking! at It. , "Papa," soli "seme 9 Of 1 onn Wry gt.sed, will you let me have Ittattra.es o'tirat t k -r?' "We eitaIl see,- it replitd, hastify: ° e•ou know I ttio not like to be teased." "Is It tot strange, Mif Vib sold Ilelena to me, as Mr. (Marlton quitted the room, illaat lay fath- er never likes me to speal . of my • mother What do ;.von think made him take her lecture away front his • room?" 1 "I do not know -perhaps belovei • her very Much, and cannot bear to talk about her or to see anything ' that reminds him .of her.," I replied •,cantloasly. ".X.hl. that is it, of course." site , cried, a happy 60*11e replotting the tears. "I will not grieve him again; but when -other girls talk of their . mothers I feel as though 1 would • give anything to know more of mine." "nave you ever before oliepleasel our papa by looking among hiss pa- perer 1 asked, for that little scene had made a strange impressioa up - 00 Inc. "Only once," eloo replied, "and theft I was looking for that very por- trait. I 'caught eight of it one day as nty father was turning over some old letters. I aske,1 him to tat me see it, but Ite refused, and I went Into his room during his absence, to took for it, but I could not fled it. He was very nne;ry •with me. It ,seems ace wry hard, Mies Wood, that I may not tsee ray mother's face, even in peoturee" CHAPTER II. I went almost every (Tay to tee MY friends at Welt Cottage. Mr. Carew had beguo to lose a little of the hopeless. despondency that had taken so firm a hold of him, anti the one subject of his conversation. was Al- lan Chariton and hiss wealth. He held the mortgage on Croome, alid was therefore the most important person in the world to the old man whceet loss had so nearly broken his heart. Never a day passed without Mr. Charlton visiting at the Cottage. Huge baskets of flowers and fruits Were seen there contInuallY, and to Inc these things began to have a strange. meaning. I could not believe Mr. Carew was the charm that drew Allan Charlton from his home every day. It could not be for the pleas- ure of talking with or listening to him that he paid eueli long and constant vis:ts to the Cottage. I thought of Blanche's beautiful face with something liko pain. I remem- bered the winning charm of her manner, the grace of her every ac- tion, the mush: of her voice, the ring OK her gay laugh, aied even if it bad not been for the sake of the bright - haired soldier working se hard under the Indian sun, I should still have dreaded to see my happy, blooming Blanche the wile of the gloomy re- served master of Woodleigh Grange. I was aDX.10118 to know if my *sus- picions were correct. I noticed that once or twice Mr. Charlton men- tioned Miss C'arew's name as though he would like me to speak of her, and would like to hear anecdotes of her early girlhood, but I did not respond to the wish. I said noth- ing of the girl who was Hugh Mos- tyn's promised wife. I noted the wistful look of expectation on hie face, but It did not move me. I felt sorely tempted to tell Olin or the engagement In a casual, careless way, but I dare not, for if he spoke of it to Mr. Carew. the latter might interfere and forbid it at °nee. • (To he (ontinued.) WORDS OF HOPE To All Who Suffer From a Run Down System. 3Irs. Harriet A. rare., Fenwlek, Ont., Tette How She (Obtained ti Cure After Suilloong fur Two Years. Thousantle than:ghoul. title co10. try kegler eerittuely front get= debil..te-the reetilt of impoverisiitel • !deo 1 and elute:terve neat ee. To al; ranee the et•try of 'Mrs. Ilarri. Fear, eeltie' of the Jolt. Rev.Uet 11' rd Fbre. Feeitv tele tint.. a ittit.e well Uptown tettstighout the Mae aro dietrOtt, 1. 111ettint the uitenet• of relit.% e.1 lateiltle Mee rttP1' say• **nor IL Collide .1.1 KIL/r 1 hsttiI 1 Wa, ti gredit. waterer free. a run down ,..iyhltellfit. "11; digeslete %VON 11.641; 1 lettle or no atop. titat Mel W4I'. i eT,y poor state, 1 isafferel front heart p.elpititt.oe noel a feellotte; Pgr 0a0:13 thou. 19tiettors' treatment failed O., benefit me alibi I gradually otreo tweet untli I wits totally unable ki the least work. 1 thea beg in I)r. PiotIr Pills no; Ilus very ,.. t noted an varetwity or my trouble gretertilea` leveentel und by the tittle 1 lane Inkeo tight honet I Was logoto toyisort the host or imalt0 ▪ eixty years. 1 helosve tee! ler. Wellelins' Plea; Pills saved ihe Hole tal would strtniottly nage au .- trn to give them a Ir 112. tot ttoug hey will be or great bentol....' "Wiluva yuinr MOM] 2tpoen rand wattirtv. when yotor nerve0 et- ea:p- etrol:to, when yen Haft ;':cooto ltrailaelies rued dive -Neel, who you are pttle. languid and te%Le' •totlY n 'down. Dr. WilLtums". Piet:: Odle will promptly restore, even' it renewatta roll the They are 0 pleeeept. to 1; Qs,i,r- t :mtr.f roe, foe aft 1 T1C1):4• ng. thetr erttoio atti CI pee,. tor tot:y.4ot .orsteelitOtot ef the hittot. gat y the geoniiits vete toie9 thee, hear. tt... foal mono. °Itr. tOill.ozoii. POO; Pt_ .-. for Pole roeloot.- soh! P9y• ho toed:eine qor 5.; 4:9 ntt. eente a hr-, st.t ;re--- for by ottlairessicio to.- to 11e015' :Med:eine t out. 4,0fiffporprovirovvoor,,573,--4.; liVGNEIT.ilf teeleateL. 1W0 1 tatageattot tateetesesaesteettittee.- A Met range -limier title • seribel ter Pitt!. o.iiteirg,- -itt a toper realit Tort- the S -o •eart,,,ix, or Alts': 'Tie , siists of a feilling allomionto feet In length, nut a fieli oloet. Tine I1* Is a square 171,'".•h.o.r 22 110 33i71U1li-1..ani folds -3'1 ILO t'Ll-t-,,t fr et six ' tiorkett. Foch holt 11 41O0143 rflieettlitg prism r;oys iggitt frem ettO-e!. soike the outer ;.:teir of thots done totionts, refleet-ei at riget tech tube, and are thea at Z1�' two mi -1/11.- pri t inor ti2. two teleecopes of the binecienr elte-.I to the bate. in direetioos pond -A to the rittiall rays totem. po.ai by 1. ' oster preons. It is the mertstits oleo,: of the angie betweeoi tins.... rays teat tells the distance of ths- ott!..r. leeked ttt. This angle is measure 9 Toy two vertical wires. otos is each telescope, seer4 lot the two Py0A. 0...e eir the wires is lived, the other is movt 1 by it noierometer. serew entil lee two wires oppear as one, well- tdt- Sect Is seen disti.otIo. Tett. oiyes Ilte distancq . acenratelo to 2 eer emit. even at 3.010 toinis. lint t,ow sterets. scopic vision etnneS 13 anti gives far greater :lector:ley. The whet seems to stand out solid in spore. and the slightest turn of the micrometer screw causes the. toappear to be nearer or farther than the obleet looked at, end when the wire ap- pears to be at exactlo the same dis- tance the micrometer reading gives the distance with an accuracy far greater than that obtainable be ob- serving the duplicatioa of images on the retina. "Lord Kitchener having expressed •destre to see the rallge-fill&r test- ed itt the field,. Prof. Forbes has pro.. oeeded to South Africa With his in- •.strutnetot„ -tool it thorough examine. - tion Of its efficiency* will be Made ender praetiettl eonditione." CANDIDATES FOR THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. CONSTITUMalr. Addin gton Ai3rigaurirti:aN Brookville. ... .... •• .. Brant, Bruce, N ..... ....... S PiLljrcrWo(1.1" Carleton 1)1) Dunda hbarunik, e „ ...... . . Durham. W ..... . 1.11C,CI;sligg's el lux1:, SN1V1* • k'ssex, IF.roortntleVultliolam and Lathekte,goatrrtyhe Woods.- Oren vine Grey, N Grey, 0 GrS Haldimand Halton.... ..... Hamilton, E Hamilton, W., Haaetlitgsge: W HstliE N Huron, 8 IKHCieunurgot tn tko Wu. KLaenau thto%:, E Lituatiabrlic°,11N• Lanark, S Leeds ......... LLeinuiltIo°1xn London Manitoulin Middlesex, E Middlesex. N ...... Middlesex, W.._ Mock Miskolc& Metalling, E NNoipriresolikngs. W.. Norfolk, N Northumberland. E NonotrathriuoniNherland, W Ontario. Oottttas.;.vvan Oxford. N Oxford.8 Parry Sound 1,48., CANDID/gra, 0, .A.. AYIswooth. . D. M. Brodie W,I). Burt, M.P.P., T. H. Preston. U., P. Graham. M.P.P. C. M. Bowman, M.P.P.., rt. E. Truax. Dr.. J. M. Stewart L., Hutton Donald 11. Maclean . W. . Smyth. 11. R. Welker N. Richard. A MoOrimmon. W. J. McKee.. ...... John A. Auld, M.P.P D. C Cameron W. 1. sintiesr 1). 111. McPherson W..1.111scell ......... G. McKay. Geo. Bionic. J. W. Holmes, M.P.P. ., John R. Barber Dr. H. S. Griffin. S. F. Washington, K.C E. G. Sills. S. Russell, 1.1.P.P B. 0. Lott. A. Hyslop. M. P.P. M. Y MeLean. Malcolm G. Cameron John Lee T. L. Pardo.... .... IC. J. B. Pense II. J. Pettypieoe, M.P.P. Ir. F. Pardee, Al.P.P., W. C. Caldwell, M•P.P.• • Joe, Cram C. IC. Witten M. 8, Madole, D. J. McKinnon.. Col. F. II. Leys J. T. Fraser-- - Dr. Roulledge W. H. Ta,ylor. M.P.P., . , Bon, G. w, Ross. M.P.P Hon.R. Harcourt, M.P.P Dr. Bridglaral. M.P.P. - Jos. Michaud. Dr. M. Jamee IC. C. Carpenter, M.P..rDr. F. S. Snider W. A. Charlton, Id.P.r, J. L. Buck. F. Cochrane. O. Sim mom; Joint Niue:ie. M.R.P. 3. F. GO.•,. MX P Dv.r':::Beorughby i siy. t rentullact Sam. Clarke. W. J. Kerner . .. , . ,. .., w. li. Role. M.P.P. Geo. Snenee Hon. J. Dryden 11.P.P... Samuel Bingham eennis Murphy Alex. Isumeden .. ..... - c B. po„an A. Patton° N. Carr..• ..- •• • •• • • • Joe. Lcistar Dr. McKay. M.P.P. ... • • IL Sutherland .. • • Chan A. Minna. . ... V Slack John Smith, M.P.P, .... - span. (sailers John Brown. X.P.P.•••• • J. C..MontePh Peterburougli. IC Neleon ;Monteith. Iff.P.P. Peterborough. WHen.J.R.Stratton.M.P.P. Idujtir W. J. Miller Psrt Arthur au I 1V. Anderson. • Dr. 0. P. Ford Rainy Riaer J. Mimeo, M.P.P i Renfrew. N Prinee Ed %wird ' • .• Dr. M. Currie . -.. . . - • .• • j,„ IA 'ghouls Renfrew, 8 Hon. F. It. Latchford.- Ex•Muysr Mori I Joseph G. Kite. F. E. A. Evanturel ...... .• 8. E. Poulin Itu-iell j W. 5 • - • Peter White, Jr O. Gulbord. Iii.P P . riara tile. AIrirteC. N. Smith James 13. Tudhepe :Awn.. W r,..rn. oc. t" .., . .. D. Irtvidson Areh. Curiae V, .1. Mt Carr Toronto, W, ..... ...... Thomatt Pronhart. 1.or•ott.9. IC 1,„ V. M-Brotly ... Inuoiro. N . .. • Taroom S.._ ...... W. II. Ilogors Vroturia. li / . F. I . Viettuna. W .. .. .... . N. timale 'Waterton. N ........... L. B. Breithoupt, MP.P.. lir. La. Luer nt. 8 .....,.... Dn Thompson ... W. A. Eras. M.P.P. 'Wellao I . , ., . Joe Downie •'1..., o, F. ,...., Eon. J. NI otteten, M.P.P W. E. TooLt_ey dad I Welblint on. V, „.. ... Itr. A. Steams% .... .••-.. J, To, ken * P.P. Woot w.trlit. N ,, E. A. Thompson _, __. ...ii. WordeZI WI tottc.mh. 8 i John Dieldurron. M.P.P.. Eriatal Leo L John Inrhardson. 11.p.p. J. W. fleyee yerk. w ,,' W. J. Inft, SI. P.P , . . J. W. St. John Yeti:. N..,. Hon. It. J„Darts M. P. P. T. EL term .ix in Wee $tellate Mr. et. laSpencer.InSoutle Welling'11 Nte. I•1, Caner. In Llueelte Mr. Gee, Witten letve been nomaeatel by erelebItionlistit, Coos, CArromeme, AMOF Reid. 11.1).P. W. It. 8myth J, 0. Fisher Major Fraser 1). u'erieu le M. Jermyn Dr. Clapp Hugh Clark IC. A. Clark, M.P.P. Geo. N, Kidd, M,P.P. John Barr, M.P.P J.P. WILitney,K.0.,31.PP. 3. J. Preston W. 11. Reid, M.P.P. C, A. Brower, M.P.P. F. G. MeDiarmid, M.P.P. I/r, J. 0. Reaume M. B. Herring 1Dr. Smell's' , S. Gallagher M.P,P, W. D. McLeod 11. L. Joynt, M.P.P G. M. Boyd. M.P..,FT. I. B. Lucas. Dr. Jamieson, Samuel Bock Gat.) Dr. Nixon H. Carseallen, 11 Mayor Hendrie IC. A. Colquhoun M,.0. Morrison, A. A. Riehardsou J. W. Pearce Avtaun Spotton H. Einar, M.P.P J. Mitchell John Davidson John Fraser J. Morgan Shaw P. D. McCallum W. J. Henna A. M. Groin Lt. -Cl. Matheson, M.P.P. Dr. W. Beatty 1'. G. Cardeallen Dr. Jessop, M.P.P .A.dato Beck. R. rt. Gamey Capt. T. Robson, M.P.P. D. F. Stewart Thos. English Jas. A. Ross A. A. Magnify Geo. Smith Pr. Itochon A. Idiscampbrik M.P.P. R. H. Jeep J. S. Dun. el.17 P. A. Them; at a M.P.P. M..1.nUalsizit„ Iff.P.P. Thomas 1."i611.foril • Dr. R. A. Pyne Dr. Marta NotbItt 3, .1, Vey J H.1 (male el PP e .1. V'n, r 0'313• " 41,.&1510 i'VeciPleofte • proventent 111 stoy (tenth:Wm. The" 1: „.„ EXPERIMENTS IN PORK .ezele-,L,i2;efre,tr-" ducted to diseover • th'e effect op the quality of the meat and earad bacon from the feedlog of wheat and buckwheat to swine, in view . of tbe fact that many persone at- tributed "oefteess" io hoes tie feed- ing wheat or buckwheat. Tile re- sult eliowed that the feeding of either wileat or buckwheat alone le not always it cause of "ear hoge and "soft" skies;, because some of the swine fed en each way yielded sides Memel as firm, Hogs should Dever be given more feed at one time than they will eat clean, and still have an appe- tite for more„Overfeeding keeps the animals from Wing active In takixig exeroise; and that causes them to grow too fat and "soft." It is a good plan to feed as moat as they will eonsume, and digest to advantage. That will keep thent hungry for 'every meal. Regularity, In the time of feeding will cause more rapid gain weight titan whea there is la:regularity, even to the exteut of one hour in the meal time. Keep Them Clean. The food of swine sheuld be rea- sonahly elean; ie. 'should never be putrid. :When the hogs are being fatten- ed they may with advantage have au allowance of it condiment of one of the following sort: Earthen eoda; a mixture of wood ashes and salt, at the rate of one buohel -of ashea to six pounds of salt; a mixture composed of elx buishole of charcoal broken into pieces the size of a hazel nut, 6 pounds of salt, 1 Ousbel at wheat shorts, thoroughly mixed, sprinkled with a pailful of water, in which a. pound and a quarter or copperas Mrs been (Resolved ; or, 1 bueliel of wood a.shes, pounde of charcoal, 6 pounds of salt, (sprinkled with it quantity of water, in which a pound and a quarter of copperas has been dissolved. Either one of these condiments may be put in a place where the hogs will have access (to it arot a clmnee to consume all they like. Title is to take the place of the soil, which the hog would uaturally swallow in ite feed, if it were root- ing in the ground. So far as the kind of feed causes "eoftness" in the sides of bacon, ex- , perinimits Itrileate It to be due to. ' the, nee of feeds, witivit furnish insuf- ficient etatrldonent to the plge, and to the want of exercise. There are no farm animals that van be matte to yield as large it prefit as well-managee pigs-noao tient will se readily respond to ef- forts at impeovement, in breeding and feeding; anti tioldf. degenerate so rapidly under it system of negleeta 11*111.1 nelemanitoeinent. They require ' warm, iry the ping plaeas•'damp, (Nola me-emit:1re p114 are ruinons to the health pig. They are the better. Dor effePt.itlet ill an open straw' yard, hut they 11.h.luhl have it dry; warm, weikighted pea. with a. eoutitern .et, to retire into. Their trough' elateld he kept perfee tly; eleato by freitotent N't'Ctiettuts-theit pens elated.) be eleanerl as regal:107 11ts1 tinve or horses or cattle. Thor bkotillt ta) ronstruetel that watert eon in freely eusts9otted itt wa.shing them oat. Thirty per rent. ereolia Solutions ehould be frequently spray- , ed over the entire pm. The young hp Ogg and tiliento should he dIpped oneo, - -- 6 w fortidolit 10 it 1,4..0 votar. solo - PRODUCTION Itettarttatent. of Agrieniture. Ottawa., eroweet1 on lip11.1 gertAnntion were r eminent -re at the tetotral FA- perimentat !Farm, 111t Ottawa, 10 18911, by 11'4 J.. W. Itithertson, who up to Jot-ioli tti.LLS agrrealleiriet 100 wetle Wos contorted from ISA to /SW -I by W Sattooit rte. the Di- rector of 9.-tpert311e12t41 faring in the !Dominion. toto 1 1%191' the ttaionee ult the Itraile ?UV Ni Mr. tt. Da. Mt! 119li"o't,ent Agri- tollturast. Tim tote. I.'S t•ii:.;;ott in IISOO were trksti itst s. 41021. tt 1 e 441.2: 1124,!,- Vi.1.3u1i.'.S.. C1,0.11s. 1144,1 AMA bolo; Otoza eteareO, whole the los loon dutcooP,cd. resott tie,: ten eteare' ex- periments eae, !speza tn. prove the Itorkehirv-Tonottoetia cross to be the ost fittoti eiit the notritet to - lay. Tot Itorristertela 2310. 21117' critte .tveti. Lowey ti.. o et..row thy oitz. tood welt ifitCe,no. or. 11 tliSe Whvre quick grotto. tthe olry 04 111111113 are .p4et.i•3 s1 -t1 1 Toloto I.rortis Late teen crossel uoti. 01 ._V121. the Poland (eine. or too ttif? ht 320•St EVA'S 101 Fie Orf ther te Toy 141 114?. 1113 itri3C Stroni:r f1.0 iay oto foe. rotoor thou lie- votitoo tiss.ro. The 1£14 tin 1tote lag leilloate riot1. 0e219 ottt tot:* t'3 .eook 144.1 itvr 01;.- nty of pork pro.,:toOoe ft le slederattt'axm. "Mere it so otottaoi • sase in the teteei to y of toti orit- ,..amel for toero 1241o11 of code in live Weight after the overagc.- weIght exeeeds 103 eetootis. tlinen soiiiehtis. The most ecto.oeiOntoll thne to slaughter swine is wh,etheo t.veige (lean 17e to 0)4 poomis. The greatest EIT:T.St CCP!' 0121:eftl gainS are Matle tIr,i3 swine arc pzIlL tlart 90053t flora in propon• ',Lion to Ilat Irweieht. Froten wlintat rev be ttSed as a lorolitelde feed for 1..tVrAte.. Skint :1111trit ieftle Meet materatialle to •the value or a groin mem, altil lag poottis 010110.:.1 gr., -21t1 a'u,wit Oa /iotralls of E'te.110 mita. Tee relattve value o! 4.11201 owlk 9n ;Toy. rothni vereee teeth ' „et erateent fee,. f4311131001 reteene. tene pozonl fitel henor "Obtained when the proportion of skron nitlik to the 2101.111 tfooi Is tee• iteeeto-ete Tam ratty-tn. 411.7 :,L,Whittr• to Prn..-02C V4.11 ptr tent.. of tho `.•2 , tia?..,4Q1 ght. iftest laation. WOon Itere fleee is doOnd trelik 15 a most vuOiabie atAiti;on to tieegralia ration. Ittotiing mixed meal tbattelt, peas and oats; with. milk • wilt generally ireetre firm meat. 'The trietatest g.,),t7•;s frotio otivee azneoint of grain have beep 6114.0 14121111 111. : tortvinvi. as .14 TA rI 4grain 12 tteetot gets fa'ecaurttatily 10.171 bee -we boirio . Uivrieted, totties nee snore t-contemietal limo orate foi Vito. ji In vete set of etooriesents h11 alibi: gasend Fain tea,. 1..1 dry and 00E0- , 1.a.11'f.,-1. wash groanti grain foe ettakod. the. oeta foiet# el to a slight foss firna e'reakite: tittea. tele note 1,2t2 1114 tiat• toet.ntal ease it 410prohatite . teat the rt-sa,t 12.3111 stsa?.tog toteto , toot be F. ...Larked as• Wont tog .wh41)94t groin. it be Type of Arnim:els toed lolist-eeestIte elotroeter tleZit • 4001‘e. tlren 111:e bott-evt. The feet el aro animal lio-ing 11Itorkshire or a. TarawOrt.ta. WTI 7..0..t instore. 11gotet1 4 liaison caineass. it roost ales be of a rangy tyres an.: tie fel 12! a eertalr: way. Ititts whooe rations are 1.rnittoi o make. generality., rosre cettr.ore.ta gains titan ptgs t"...21 are and .7 maturity or ripe -Teets of the ardotal affects the reamEtty of the flesh. Pt-ea:Ear Wheat. A series or experanents wee ce., 1140 or vreolin in teiti,1 water. This will remove Moroi -Awe relieve skirt irritatlen, and carts -e. the Anintabi to thrive much better Mato they will I de without this treatment, inv. proved sanitation will lueseit tits • tenoleney to verminous infeetion, • destroying the ova. whirla in ettold, damp. andrainnel, unhealthy. 0,Jrnerg 09' underground bulttliings, tisnalitt al/oar-AL •=11:.c - A Queer State or lhinos. It may be titteresting Os many peat pies Who think thatt tot this toantry wo sniffer from 4410 otoopoerated form 01 trades 2Z0e919 tyranny. to tent* that a Kw weeks ago &40Pnt.7_,ZtOri who were reoetottratt oos. the interier of a 11.71711700 La a Miiitaiet town kevasect 11.3.114.'411 M -01711 ,.T were etoptoyed to clean the- dloototooit of paint on ttet pears. :loot 1.110 enoO:oyers 12211 tri Luis% the kth tie-notolves and thitt • Tate reetootio iro to 0003.-.:,:7211,Ati0 neva f was a 01.2'O 431 toatooters Irecauss their employer retase i to tiisehargs a driver wtho N -DA tve.ro, ,tlurnFT 11) 1441714 three hours orattker t tan tetty theater:Oyes had htoe ee.soistotortI 111 take. consul. ,tr I:ace-pee& ve.,3tre'-.7 Ton' truth etr ;a:meet Torre hOle etory.-1los- 1.01: CeitttmetWat Setae tot sae. Tiore are 19.9: -zter than tit -tat.lY 10 t. life. Pot it i:ko itt• • e `O buy ttom.s. 11 yott P./tome: te ittli a wenmoti, get.ecolly. 02.0 1.1E -r !core agatrost 11 Lt. yot: sortre penio. you sAl po. , Moe11 kittet Int% Toptilitoss 29 Itarti 14 e01.e:2. kat there is lets a • bun e7eze1ng i. 1 t20.-1sZr.!.:.A.T• a pox.: to see tr:117,1t.oet...,..7;1_tfl.2..:;;-11.;01.tzes :to -or measure, ; yrzi 11111 relearely 22111171? 13 pny ht, at the bottom of a .:74?1e1r.;.s.)..t1.111 ore very few wised ted srorees to a stranger', for it. hes se:.1 one's friend/I' are seareo ty- sofe with them. 1 eopi avo ita A Medicine that Invtgerates the Kidneys. and Liver, Takes Away the Palos -and Aches, and Regulates the Actien a the Bedey Orgatis-ettatag Recommendation for Dr. Chase's. Kidney -Liver Pa's. •T -1e rerierier.ce or 'Mr. Drown, as stated in Lis better below, le similar to eat or eceres ol 40.231 410.1 weema who rem oto Itg0 erecrcr.g. in open 1114 011 The koiricys grow tverik..czass‘ teli‘n.,:gztitntetillt:;1;1,o o14..eltolkia oe,ll)esiintsjb llaernetrairee..ifstItnott-ot. its in the urine, 441142pain a.mt tonartieg in possing water. Ti I unlike r h euma lion. Meier bitch eirenmstaaees ell people- turn to Pr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pile for rellef in. corein are not eliee.ppointal. They have learned by rrpeatea trini tiott they atilt deptotO on Dr. Chase's Ki!n1'v-L11v0r11 ;Pills every time. and ennsequeritly thry beomni, Iciown OR tile old people's Invoritte Mr. John Drown. v 6tNronstreet,fetasa,ernt,t:tes:-;oanig,et al neaxRte17ia ingtent haraworleer llmLiir,:atabegineingteri.i0;eele1neeastIhave iugcttiel:wasoInething rtongvittii3keys. . 11 seemed to bloat op. was very short of breath. and feared heart disease,althougli I Wag toldt that there was nothing wrong with my b-eart. 1 gotthsoeml,aatintalthall Iti'theadtinttoedIoleotaxml eutsiteitnigu.p the nivt lti;iltrex faeintedelownasirtite;,abalnyd do no "nearing of Dr. Citattei'mspliroldvneedy;LIiovoenrtroiolleds, tig t suffer from nay former ailmette. I considet 1)r. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pitil u4sibnr tllhisuninerilieine. and to -day feel ten years younger. I ant exceerllee not eee a. ne;d ron e in erieve for old ths" town, village-, and eountry" side road; Who beeee proved the inerite .of 'Mottoes Kitiney-Liver Pills. Ask yourt friertds or neighbors .aboutt them -Onet rdu .04 dose; LI oenee a, bal. At all dealers, or Edmansoti, Bates a.nd Co., TorMato.,