The Herald, 1902-05-16, Page 791 ;
. EltRA90
London despatee: Once oe a time mood green or toucees of black vel- ine careless grace in which an g.rus•
so the legetel •goen, texas Greek vet, appearing in the het, belt or lish w'otelin is an aclOpt, tiny fly to
. plitlasophars Wl kiltting• mg:1113st the • Skirt lining, The silks are unusually their pet =Sesta for a little puff
steely . well of tee temple, eiseeeene eoreptsne 'telespring, and It is moll of tulle, with an aigrette of We -
a suletat dit enduring as :the Ever- i a comfort then if o•ne can -get tare morels, or a nouveau art emergent ;
eating Tells, anti far more entertain- ; rotas and foulard In Wide Widths, as perhaps a. pair•of bright green scare -
leg, natuelv, tee "Eternal Feniinine." they salt the skirt-slinpee so much bee wings, or a .scintillating trans -
For the mountit the eartioular view better. • The foulards are often cov- parent dragod fly fled a restieg plitee
of the tope was the motivewhich ered with tiny satin threads, or have on a tuft ol black or pale hued tulle;
hinuencee a ;woman in matters sar- a eight watered surface, with. bou, a eta -mete "bedeekment" is a wreath
,teriaL The first philosopher an- quets of flowers, feuet-notably lit- . of soft green laurel leaves dusted
nee:meld, w;te eseneament egotiera, tie cherry bunehes-or ttny white with sliver, with little eilvery her -
She dressen to pitmen the mete" the stars ecattered all over, These dee escaping from it and falling over
serene -he must have bawl a cruety
Mateo lip Chatetailthe hair. - I saw one little "affair"
old bachelor teeth a "past"--ebook his ngy iri rose pink satin, Just a careless
head and cynically observed,"Not Se, with shaped flousscee on the iskIrt, ttvist of it, flanked by te spray or
she dresseas to worry the women." each edged with a double piping, or bleek velvet narolesus, and yet an -
They appealed to the third, a "slim" narrow band, Of two of the colors other of sea green tulle tieing in a
phi Ite.oplitir, who liked to agree with whice appear In the silk -or two con- knot of we:Ito relvet buttercups with
in er.ybody, ''They dress," he de- trasting shades -the same. idea re -
dared, eto please the men, and . Hilvery hearts. For girls, nothing is
appearing in some form tin the bodice, more fascinating than - a twist of
thereby worry the 1%1:flaxen.' Anti and the aong mitten sleeves and yoke tulle tvith tiny white bridal roses,
they all forgot the most importent may have narrow rebboas to match or pink bankslas, with glintening dew
factor, the pleasure and sateeradion run in and out, and knotted about , drops on their petals andleaves,
Of the woman herself in her outward discreetly. For smart garden pars . An unadorned head looks quite : un-
adornmeut 1 I am sore thee all my , ties the frocks are to be as vaporous clothed nowadays at the theatre;
sex will agree that to a very great - and elegant as evening dresses, in and certainly the present - fashien
exteut a woman takes as much 1 fact you ean 'madly tell Peotese makes the assemblage in the stalls
Pleasure in Egor (loates from whicb" if you see the for rip
Lor their own sake, lweause they look without it.e motlifiention of a I; ng
Raid feel niee,. as from the idea, that transparent giempe, and: its ace c f
they will ennanee her in the eyes pan,,ylog heat.
of the world at large. It does not i * • • ai
follow that she Is vain and self -sat- Fencing of Hats
Islieti, „but rather shows her innate
love of the beautiful, she looks on it one observes how much pearls
as a mafic of 6e1r-respeeL, that she taken the place of paste In
shouLl (Lavoie eare atm consideration form of buckles, cabochons, an
to her elloice of raiment, and elle is sorts of fancy pine for rest:eel
oftea content to be "suffieent unto the feathers, scarves, etc.; cer
ierly nothing looee better in eon ed'"? If cast ou a desert island
some womea would bunt about tor tion with a handsome black pi
means to curl their fringes, and wash weeping round ties brim of a
titre- "frillies," without any swab ul- -Imre telt, than a bosse,or e
of good pearle, the new Irre
terior motives its the approval of the
ehaped once also appear; In al
men 1'z, or the envy a the ,
lady natia ea But ' must leave these I -----
burn De proleems to philosophers and
moraliste, and go to my subject, tor
I lIZIAL. Fo many new tlenge to de -
Lu eme which I bave eeenand
noted for your le nerit, "true ye ne
as On 9 :13:111,9, r lit, tete I"
shops aro fairly
teteeelea %a silt Nev Materials,
el.' friteals mane of them with new
niamete requeete vials tie. of eel
fris oeue and st 'nn e that we nee e ouiy
er t beau intruente d to. IL may be
ee well te atatter.lie thew a Mae be-
fore Lao tie to kin. Ore1151.41i, witi11artt
OS-011ed Int u tlik1U. (410 1, i4.11E; OM
=1St, 1 theta, 991.1 BM 9.9V t'* b 4,1y . itt,
Met there tire met. retie sui ea ht e for
ev0* 00-1o1 • 0:va8.on, at1.1 telitutit.:. A
anil tor t a (41)'.V tr.te . o. w .81.01. Th4,1,...*
ea la, rot th, tillo art o: 4 ,I.VS•14 u; NI? 14
144' 14. 1RIA t theara in icepieg wah
etralineaneress. Ne one Iniatees thia
In-tter thee tiett pertl, Wes slaughter
Of Bit. white e g• aerie title is a La.
Parthiesele -week her it al lelane, e
hut latelarhwevien are 1.-aaPnan,e the
to'i en, an I the dee te eito. eisepeeer- •
hag nresa 151: Rio* 11°114°11 thr:i Were 1r7 11( 1
arniebly leeehtell at for dowsing reek;
he - onep ti. a i -P. nli ,'?.4 a 4:444441 VILI,a4t ' IV I LI h
ravel it U'(,, he entait raterea ani MLA,
elle es, u Itia tree or beau, tali 13,1. on, ; Tar "IIT cirrs,.... corvoNATK 1
leewaseeles Mere en a piace Itor ii COIEITieitle. 1
e‘er,% th u t, esti,1 It 144 .•re la . . . ••
tie le placer. " * 0 e eleanintr: tete a-eat:el eupportal t .1
at t
eeasearel Iner beta. te Intel o tonati he lOWI'ot. Or luat4 : -:" .. ' 7 * e7lit1
e*4T2i*IIV,i):07:41. /*Mitt 01 aill tIrt!...,!s Iatte!crI ; -- ' -lllb1
na Meleee renstint rennet
Short recites the "robes tete tear; ,," „' 141:'Edt'41 4 Ati 1'4 14-42'.1* VIIri"
livi. r 9 VA ill: )4' V97011:4479.,i e , 1:191 :9 .1' al, to a.
Wage*L471.1,? 4E0,34:A4'4 1." NI rile art° pry, , ;741.13111`,I2 internalinagiene; in Plirtinti's VIT611 uo pet• in an eppearaine, , 07144
panel ter Meer etenaineeture. 'Ate tune, Spenfrineee alai rateltee. I Inatee other or the raninteinee. Teen") •;•••
tit.+A oplialtu u 41., pi triunip.q, ere? feat. in town many hate elattee ennainer or teethe am!, ifeee e e,
Toe nese:eh mat eitesca :.%4toris., ,, brieur# are elert in two iet the leave ease -nee tei• ineeseeteee,e ereeeeesee. ,1 ,
Itgiat sane etas eat S,Ti0% CIL, anal es tine allel on Veeeeide PkIre,"Likv9. a lIreri"t leaned by lie elesetree•-• til!fl ,
tuitzuriy 02 Lourim,v;in, etAtitaihro eteineet. '. Walla ola 111 1,12IVA-47 tIA2:221 CIIIA In IIA.9 01Ik3 hear:7 pr:211,,..;:: of the canna'
wet sleek; 4„0..„,34L., ti,,.. ga.„.;,,,, :,„„,,,,,„1,, Finer! iwrIrs.r.":,t1ra,, 1"0.042.110e0; On tlItt? 9.!9: 2-1 vtaau ihavr:# .dipc.,A oti 4.4„zti,2 lorr,.L.
app12.5tun,r4 an- Lan tee matting anti !um A laDetileo of Ir'elt 'effete and i'l "2,411u:.= p-vor et EziToi •re :retinae -•
enteteleene alteests. :.eseite a. %lane.: ..: Was 1r'r7t2II:";LV`7.4 .;:rr4;;;4,A'01 otia a ii: oe eke., ooe 1,,,,ty.:17d,.„! wiro ,e,d
ive see aeseeneeil hreo
ee esane en wreell
ath eel e frelet or a lin!! ISI; mined tom tiuts:-.0.: who tot.- ..."...t- ,, ..
nennafetteits; s a ei-nee Mae t'Z'Jr.9t. 5091,19 . wren. lerearie zif the IA'w...:7.-.1. o'„ 40t* i. to fill11 np the ienpre tenel est ;ea ,r
... 0..••10 t',1tt.) le,,,,J22 keel eesenena in- 11 wiclatu velvet. reeise. rasa vnilla aearawe H.n„.,, : ,,„„ e le, , r, ,
tinstrare. anealine ineve lava petrianne :.- (ll .10 Madame Lan Medea keen% p /Left' -72" "I'Ill. e'!114'smue".9 "e1•4"° fd Ie.
in ansenetnnes iin nee eoiege reneekeeet - with Incas straw :nand ereilla, and i „e!I",!-,e"!C.,".r121"4",rA „I'"lt"iIre,'
enemespenue ileaeite lineal il'ortseteset, tee..., theF are et* fanneirtelly eleviesel that "ee et-1-"e'esee"‘" '7-.41;t1"' AIII,At'31 ''',7'2'. '.7•2tA' •
19t;IAAt ;41.0:01;z7,,, ;NC., ta,; grca.',1 e,0,1..;- ! r„,. totegenaiutter wtteatie with a teotritc,' -„--e2.--44, ',Tv: wuu
ezevete.: i Qn,,z., utiaw ILL,E: wr.o.41 rirotQu- ee: velvet le ;nil euffiehant trimming. „ e';',."•11' ,,!'„'.42ete; IR ica''" s";' -Loy
ple eta ion' ,IQ. tun ee one ease a eteellaten. ! Tine ttllea, Z.0 to Lease tine thevrerg .1"„ 9.4 'ea" rled11„00;e2iete "2 Ir'e tieres II ' --
ate Aso t --„s the rentartest tal 1•0:u.a1lan " well In frons mid tea" the teegtnyn p. tuguaLer tt,,:e..e u ntilli11e0 t:.9 tT.,,,,i, 1;.-,-..2.
Vfe7Ren, Vikto 2C .1 tbe tau.V. tkat , taller hi Via*W, eXeept where the :: „.h,,a, t0 21zot :62't_irl "l'iji: t'-. . e ef
thee have neeitielse mete on tie ie pi ne i hats are tip-teterl at the elele. witen :• ee:49!ta 2:1'7"7N*15"; (1* RA eat ei:7''' '1
01 tine tenement to equal; our stet, /la- 11 Pena pertion celeadoecel ini onaleented 4 jkL' Wka.L1 reireellenlY ettlened ;es t'lle ir
elous finearies, lion' the Wilting or their i With floral epraye or tiecely ;male ers wee hew? Senotee laretelei" lee , rell
traveilieg, or eseorninee' Costurms. tF41 tugle. , ling therefore gtaep tine gene:nee:eat-
Thee' Oeine ha rtgitglArull eolornug:i, 1 • 4 * * * ' istlog a the hero, hercene mei Ler
stand witel and weather, are wein- In London people, ere treating, ltaltdmninien. It is nranneina in
nigh unternahei le an n g. carnally 4A3. -t- i: Vella lege than formerly, a easel, • teenne, le well Written. and the a titer
proof. eieley are not Vamp., I grant 1 If emanatetable, fasteon; for z.,ncla : brae Incest eubtle iltriight into t,•-,
e -on, lent WilieD9 SrOZ1 have nad them , are in lueeee Way, 112dee2.1, it ;0..oti . acter and hionnan nature. Yea 1t -4"-U ,7,:.•1
Wen Ctitv i ;arrive at emir &Alvan:time with. , knew the drarnatie pi,voueetc.,. or au,
Nio:140etter now Simply, Oat u Way son nanistine make Moir i inetmeitat-
are derr
of them as eve *to of a iiii0re cempe- For thetee Who think of eppeaeance 4 8n2111""f ..2?...11. litnYt.%vrell,v7,ain-feT•°11trrdlnagn.' t 7?::
they aile, ate sem do Let than " A Smut or So en ee!
Ver eeete
eatee stele at costume. tor she next before conttort thee**. nro In% i •
step En saimmer entetunaes. to'w ear 011 ,, limn veils • ' -. - - --:e4 ,' and "Irren_ch_.'" ..1a.t_e_voir_. ;nee
to be had, ready drawn t
ta.Ist ordzilarzi ceca:qous, t. e" the r, - -
. to fit round your hat beim, A fete
:arvosbey use eoseSfiesI,1?e'l e. _rale . -a„. . ea, „ I are stin veea meth the little ete*.
' 1 ,.. The Isenguage Test.
1...,,, 1_ _ta.1111..varst'2, tgii:E.01-1telir 2171117:7 ‘,..Y.4" -'111.".e. , Nilat ciflieetS in Wale% eheniiie, mean- .1112Atmaii.1 ineenentroou
elillews7-°611,1'Illi„st,r,p,,L oeetaworee e, , derineg- ail over theta but, on the An itinneeennetinenn olec'lai etirt7,1?
onow.410ek.,,.,t, la ,s,:ors 6.0a4 ;lit winnole, fine eseorispieuens 'untie clots . aeeres, te4 e kesere ;se_ tee LeLes•
• " g. °,;..*=.9 -11
pr.alse--then tbere are etattelLws", 1 :unuto...101Itts.,XereNt-it‘ beteliA. 7111:1-72,' tiv; OtliA'r le%*D9n • '
arrt_:11..SuPli:: lilli,...:74,..,f._ _In.:illi.t,:.te,..2.,3,1'.5%S: j iioaaue tano ,eca„.--gatLeegteveelt)ireasytd,r7t,!i; nritnies,, w,.:.!s. ‘,,,:,.jes,:.• ,,.4,
!_lic.,-t_cir.on .2.23 1U3
es;. -.,•,1-14 : esnaring nte s. or eat wile a sere tepee al iareeleale Zr4 tt tee
11;a7.1ink; .',;1:e.,L71.4.,„k and eeeee. TeenD .4. 01 gtetune pelmet ll, at& tleil irs ineelereatenen, la N...t,.-
....acro,y4i.r , ._, ...,,,,,„,,,o,,,k..:! with lirow.uug strizigs roared the , t....,,ill 01 a zi:Low uu a •,i4o.. 0,,,.2,
icriersee., et r.:I,.119Dtalla'r'ir 6,.4)12"eo'z' eaei 1,, I me's. In dusey weatinee WW1 for : tvLoz..s, .11.1:e: 941:71 Tilit.41i..-.42 *4'4,77,7
the dog days rt ie a deepated prob., !, that the lusp0.-.01.eo•A .0.1...2.'-iri: 2.f.i1H:11,..
12.ZEL.,11511_,.,21:2,,...1=T3`14:;.111,,.d 4, tv,,A; tete whether these veils or the ler the We anS teem ea:ea.-eine, -...,
Zr!tee,t,e`'isTyritie:',ey rali.,,, end above eel eell!eictiti masks are the less agree Pertetalete eeenare whanee et; ;-..e. .
00 thn te tniros,„‘ 0:. ,e711c,eh there, T,..,. ..iz 4 casanige 11 rant searrriresto go mot- ' lie Vi'.•T9 Lee'Yzt*° j in teem ,:e. ....,..n..4 ..
oring on wine and dust, bat it is le itaaanm ;-.1-111224Alm ;:•1772vIaIrm A -7'C,-* 2.7'7"
70V:cossa.1 einolce ties season. Next 1
eesse int, fete ant: acitsweather cos- P, worth it. avian, circa; aid ilinalee. .eet le,*
tomes, ;tad for teese. the variety or , 1 pollee that at tine theatres, at .. 11.4 t X IN C.:3191.3,9-'9'91 tiditlee int (0 2.. ..,
mereesels seenes un0,..1,r,..,31, ant see avideb tnere are unt-•tt lin- geoe ripcee , tkri.:i titiaLcis were treell on tie• Lev;
eeezfo.itp quality tEir.rtcr, unseenn ott jest tow, weliesn are app:Itrimg gu 7 arrival, Who iookt-A as thougte 2.93
untareanit of, in our wildest imagiz- t far more.. dresiy a.ollettes than were meets key(' aesiete fre.1 ;me 0...1 qr ,
I worn a few monies ago. The see the ei IIIIII:07> WIlz,rt; to -e leneeeees I
atiens. 71011. i; peovement is especially remerked 13 ere .t,p....k:.,n ; bate he eildn't say it aa esse,
'May Gro ;to :lacy Teria^0 , 'UV* cO:ffure: possible the fasialenalle .1;2.e2 eaeet idil i.s.1.1.2?1' ,1 et the ahl.c.-,;•-,,.. ,,L
frro tt fteet; weiere eon only ha' a low stryze :or hairereeterag hee 1I'02.who were inter:ea:a ; ieg
butterfly'life, et the lorgest, end - a, "q;urt' to eh the pretty Tittle Fin:die he teeeist to tie ra
144 SD u&sulmtantlal that it has ne, ' "," witirle se;eser In ;Luse !dee_ cletonie, the love oi atiz,..,,:;,. :,4
weIght 414 al, th.:-zgii in length ant% 1-,. orneraestel form. Certainly tie, there 4. taseceted here meet seen i
breadth It To Lot aieficient, at 7cteke lent- : ar,i`ow chignon, Torm-‘,1 s4 van- ,1,.1•,:lt L 11621r 5
fit for Titeatia herself. It may be nil ni gly arranged twlets arid 'curie, ' We ,:•.;.ee /1...itr.1 .Itailge A. M.
orgamiii..., 91...:101.ately painted, and lace a iforiis 01,port2.Z2.2112i:.s for the itttro- n'lrrat' a '''.'•7:11 'n'a'10 : s'E02.- 2.,.71".10- i
Incrinted-witi: val.'nelennes or 'thief:Ion of a newer, a Jewel er an , c:_tice ine. lead-wiele en tine epee": in llo 1
blonde --Of velvet gt.nze, 2.211 2.12. 'with eigt•ette. A tiefti-_.= arrtineed rase, for , 111t.1'Ltztin.70a1 (O.2:. tee 2.1lefaer 1
temente:es zif thaLtiay, makes up ine- . exam -ere or ele...eer or eme,-.•;:reseneee : 0 witni.,?s wirosie eiationviity WaS i
to the smartest of frockn for :.,eint- give. a becoming Carmel. touch to a InIzzin had 'been addraeseet le Preece, }
weirs:leg, espeeially when linal with eark. heed . 414"jewilleil cembs lialit . 'aeletnieli, Gernein, Portuguese. 12.1211.42.1I
White foie:sine. Teen come crepes de up Mende • and thatain hair most i and Arabic, aitni felled to melte a as• :
telliesfiewered and -embroidered, charmingly, and the modish empire respense except to inelleate IIPY sle it- 1
ranneselinee de lathes, embroidered frocks demand
lawes, open -worked tursores. For i ing Ida heati.that he 1113 not entler- I
mane, judge KeZ..v turnel t..) a eros ,
e battle Al-re:111i nf 'Leaves
race meetings and smart seaside , • ther .7udge 0314 remark:NI. 939;1.07 yo! o, 1
Ivear, a great massy frocke will be or With a notidlege saucer little tie. ' .4
at , I wonder • welt laegizage the hike ,
natural: colored China 91112., in fact . the sidele light epeeke, anyhow 2" Pares the pretty 7
Varieties -el' easel color, -string -color,. theatre toques are to some extrnt ! "Tbe &lute as yersilf. yer honor," i
'm'ushroom , biscuit and no- 'ort12, will helm" rrplact,d by tlrese pre:In-:tug d armee; 'from tlie witness; In the braid- I
have a great vogue, esPeelalle when litde Itrai-drassses• net centene with :ere Tipperary brogne.--eichnmed ills- '
accompanied by a note or cerise, al.. • ":;-iicit!rig le" a flower or comb with palate
ItOMAge 4W51
Fashion Circles All Agog Over
the Coming Greatest Function
of a Century -Gowns and
ASS flats Described -Our Can-
adian Lacrosse Team in
0 °a t•
11,r, ti
21122. tp.1.•
Suliday Sc 00 10
0 9. Teen soul Paul -TWO le the
eeret of the feoreerer Nr,r4,0 to keel) I
the obimfocrTineeeocrittineg acepolifeir
first time the name Paul occurs, '
and the latitt time avbere toe is call- ;
INTERNATIONAL, LESSON P70 VII. ed Seel. Tee Gentile apostle liere-;
MAY 18, 1902. aseemes a Gentile name, "Seed" io 1
-..... Hebrew, "Paulus" is Latin. The I
The Early Christina) gissiocuries.-Acte 1121-12
.113019r11711.15Big* tgificance of stature nd ' aries "little" alluding to
Coninientare,-lea,rnaba,s and Saul appearance. IL Cor, 1S. 140. rifted,
liad gone to Jerusalem to carry the etc. --The tense of the Greek parte ;
girth sent by the church to A.ntioeli eiple implies a. oudclen access of
to the brethren eurferieg from the
famine, Chap. xl. 80. It appears that
they dill not remain long at Sera -
Salem, but soon returned to Antioch.
,;ti. 25.
I. The church, a,t Antioch -
This church. must have been large
and flourishing at this time. Prophets;
eplretual power.--Plumptre. Set his
eyes -"With a piercing gaze which
looked into hes very soul." "pa,u1
now uhrolcled for the fleet time the
mighty powers which lay in him. 1
10. Stestilty-"All guile and all vii-
lainy,"-R. V. Thou expert, in -the art
of deceivieg men. Son of the devil (R.
V.)-SebIllty a characteristics of the
devil. e'en. 111.1; IL Cor. xi. 8. Enemy, 1
and teach:ere-The pro -photo were etc. -He wag ae enemy of truth and
those most open to reeeive, and able
to holiness. Pervert -11e perverted tee
h k the t •
truth and God's way" of se.ving men.
them; men with insight and fore- "Tee most dangerous errors are
sight, rather than instructora.. Bar- those vehicle are perversions of tile
nabas-Baritabas was a preacher, straight ways Of tbe Lord." -Abbott.
and it is not Improbable that the 11. Rand of the Lord -The afflict -
manes "prophets and teachers" here
tion came front God, not Pa. Bend
sbeel812011.,designates, the preachers of -he sees eoenese
blind. For a season -
the gospee-Barnes. Simeon Hie blindness was temporary. "God
Niger -Niger means black, but there puniehee only so much as is neces-
is nothing in that to Indicate that . eau."
this man was black. Nothieg more Perhaps Paul hoped for the
netn's repentance."
is known of him than ie here mei:I-
1 12. Belleveci-"The miracle wrought
mmo person mentioned in Rom. eve ;
tioned. Lucius -He is probably the bendthe deetrine of the Lord
Wrouglt salvation."
21. Cyrene-A celebrated city i31
:Teachings -True ministers of Christ
Africa; one-fourth of the population are called to their work by the Holy
was Jews. Manaen, the foster -bra-
ids mother was probably 1 Spirit, but it is the duty of the church
theto recognize the call and set them
e or Herod -CR. V.) Hackett thinks ,
Herod's . apart to the work. The true church
nurse. He was evidently a person of 1
Or Christ is a missionary church.
influence. This was Herod Antipas, Teachers of falsehood are always
who murdered jean tile Baptist. And neraid of the faithful preaching or the
Saul -Named last because he was the ;
late comer. He soon becomes the Gospel. The Judgements of the Lord
cludest of all the apostles.
2; They-aThese five minieters. Noth-
ing Is said of eny others being pre-
sent-Whedon. But Meyer insists
that "they" refers to the church and
are gent in mercy, to warn, convince
and lead men to repentance.
The church .at Antioch was apos-
tolic In Ito doctrines, composition, or -
not merely to the five ministers. ganization and activities. There is
Ministered -In a special service or evideace that It was an organia
Prayer and praise, to ascertain the : body with properly constituted au -
mind of the Lord concerning the ad- : thority and certain well defined
vaneemetit of His work. Fasted- methods of operation.
Showing their intense earnestness, The cell to miesionary work was
their spiritual bunger, which over- twofold in its nature. 1. The Holy
powered all sense or bodily hunger.
The Hely Ghost said -How the Holy
Spirit speke to them we are not told.
Ghost through the church selects the
agents and deeignates the npid of op-
erations. 2. The churele after due de-
ntmay lucre spoken through some liberation ,and prneer, reseonds to
of the propliete present, or by a the divine e.•ill and fermnaly "separ-
general conviction on the minds of ates" teem tor the neshlou Io winch
the members of the elawcii. But they were called c21Ito!.
notice that the Ilfely Seirit "makes The character 01 .ne mi-•sionaries,
th:8 revelation. selects the mission- as well as the divine call. indieate
arena. and assiges to them tbeir that' fitness for eye work assign -
work." Sparate one -That is, set ea 311sKiORmeloS cur tO
thvIll apart, or ordain tbem for tine do the meet imeortarit an41 *Weals
special work whereunto I htve en11,Pd WOO: that God has remelt -el tlae
alum -tie, work of forrien onissioine church to perform. And. ir:erfuet
22. Falited and prayed. -A most sol- Record With divine wisdom anal the
a-mn and important eeralee, obsemed, nature of tilt' work to tar alone. the
Holy Slitost calls to Ole heel of were
the very best itgercies in tee rhareh
Both Bartatbas atri Pant by tin.
place of their birth. flit ir naturel
capabilities and ribiention. the ir 0.
vi -lent la int trout tbm t1 le
rEiristian expri• V.:A^E'P ennuentrv
fitted ftw whirl; the iitolv. *ho -4 none
the Nitwit einliel them.
Tee eceenneet or ties me-8'en218r11es4
Tho rnies'o•mo Ins 120-1 areal aPel reser,
tarred ehy•lent 0011 P,O, 1 1 r• m-
att! seltetteal f0242 2.44 aeteeeet wee.
!2U2. ±2212.' tore e heel lo te 10 en; t taste;
them more than a 12.1e012 tee
atm.'s:eat 41 "rut 012 en! ale rt
ieleeeinge;1- 1' 2.1 7
weeti'll <rem te lee ;a atate teS ninease
wk.* leaeoee the t: 21 sse',13^stai ase
teal 1212.2. .04 11i t.* 1-1"2I 1,,, p eel
;meta nom fee 1,1*Ine• etre .44,1r4CI;
MTh ;Arid 141.1774 VV.) 1. -1,,11"
paohataly, by the whole bo3y Of the
'111ey needed wistloin aul
abilit to etecompli'ile the great work
they were now about to undertake.
Lel tie Ir liends-Den 'tide ;Trent -toy
of must eraiton, they ordained them
not to an water, hat to a mita-ion.
: It del net make them de:vote; eld-
ers, or bietiop-•-, but inIssienual a Sent.
teem away -room AtaloPh. as mins-
eiceariee to other Ian is.
4 1: ilealm sent, 2 u;• -The eepr,sseim
ir-re is similar to that folnd In thi.
1)01012.; %erste axiii Mums the VIII Of
n• tie! ep um, alai. Beet. that tar
tits• elaaraph. The Wee' tilnot oriel-
" eater/ the neisslonary enterprise. A71
Ohtertieene therefore, to the^ wore
,0ri.-4a ;rani a 1 -nee anc' Mau t114 Or the
0 Fp ek, nee selevieeaTial was the
eerapert taentl nf Atatio''ia, on the
M•lieterrane•an 'Sea, Antiorit h hoie
tweate Mahe 1221001 2.'iall1'i to Cy.
perese-Thea !elan I, In the eleilterrafe
eau Sea, wee oeselnalle tie. 1200100 2.21
'! 3. At 14.4212eW0---Tlitt. e;reP k la -pent
CiT 2.'41111.3.7,* null the rent' 414; V,t;
21113 li' teem coin h 20 2 EV? leient, a tor
• a Tow k-Atin:r eel% 'take to tinvie tnha-
%t's J le% trine.t. 0.42.220teeei
WAG Mak, 40 21 ere
feeree te en tins leet ineetne,
te..Ge tr- filament th tea -
'Kiel tile wee bairn gel nine 1 hal
Crone renet tie "nesse, etateselagnes t2.1 -
Io Papineaellne elleer teem tar the
isintee talent one intarneren ante» Tema
Sala -rate. elle re the pnobleme tinea
entrap tat 10 Teas rrl tip In "•12 tfs
truest tvutv, 11 form. P.Iseete
Wfttl thr e2:,att oT the woreleen 2.4 lenness
this go ,ssrd 11;Ww. 2.2I40 W00 211112119
have ban foetal of the 1'0Z:A Or the
eta at tha; eery epee; enar Ince teonn-
elep Was fIllrgi-A ultra
cEt lirw..uttorwws.
7. The deputes -All the provineee
el the illoarlau leeneere ;HP
eontrol of the senate arraaeverre
rd , erceereasad, have 112' 7129211 2.2.
eteputy; that Es, 34 a:evertor aps
44 pointed by tins senneto. A pruelent
tnen-A ova) or solve 1 whellert41•Dridh4.1:.
aed estate sense. Tee presentee et
Elyttene antareta his staff shows tient
' the", ptocartesaa wine a 7.,1121.3 0: 2.0-
• epoirinet mine, aine tine gem-. te
PetYed by hie cheese* to "tear MIT,
" nalene rani nlL-nn2. 12.11 le•arcel
tO 11E11 cleeieell to leiree whet
those leen tangent. anal to hear the
word cir Gene.
8. elyninse-An Areal" word wieeia
tentenne "the wise." Tareene$ he wee
bort In etalea, or lend eivesi theren
and tarty hew.; neartnel nee eresee
in a lesesnent rilLor
hove r,r-k2.i et. Troia oneeee 12112 42.
coenpliannent ea lee seeil.-eieeeett-
Wi test era t ene -enesesent; ;to:12 . es
the maglearne 7110 lenereceee astenet
witinetrel :Lioaes. inele S9W 1115; pewer
nate g02110 ar Van preeeenee 0"41' :21
tine truth. To tuen awes-- p•te
RESS iN AfitikA.
"Views lit Al eavenie oni 4 leetela/sa VI bete
itlett 4.121tat 11- -en.
TO6,1 4,1111 10ItIeset Atnae. •et -a fen •••
412. 12. a 0o221',,22.:1
4002*, 2.12.
r on w.f.= elan. 202 ,1111 4
ere 92 LM.!.',J 14m 4, 2.11722.113, 1 -to- 4n nes ie.,
2.112112 .22.21211 itie 24 212..11U 2.2 03 11221P -
intlzieft ina a stastsla teeted ,,,-..- a. a tait
sale inat ett,i• /1 etintenitae t.4.;11e2.s '13se•2122-
2.nig in...: 5024 09219!.1211-110
nein 92.21411
"'Lanes 11212. 1', hay, if espen see
leitane eine 11, ceen " N..sernia Pt-npu •n.
200.3, ireatto 112.414 levee Ilk- ;ea.:se' -
sleets Loa min:. then lanes -ea 012.2.4 2.
2.322. 9i2.'W11 lo 421212. 1,022 lo • A 101 eten-
nese 012 .nee at: tine 4ea-4 inai4221
et.atlienne 21 in- 11142.2. .e4 e
leered n ;the_ 2.3 1 1.-4.3
Istean alai girls 442.11II2.' 1112 0 leer
42. 42 2.4 ceitanatte. ern:a:ince-iv the instil:-
thenge in three tanaceanetennest gerbein
riot leek t.otatfortainene
True gee A52.' n, p...aidiRt.,4 ant Le
hada, eiael rocintitiy 112.121 aineeng 1111
tativais of the Inv; rEer 01224 021 tie,
meet aff21e. tine argentsernes sernense
Clueletineilte te.n.- 112213,11) 12212 4112.2. 52.
l'ine annealed lessee.4 lea et _ler est
ere lagnatting tit prat, sI nag...tee! nine
pea -t ee tie eeiratene Eel; ap'• en
dt,o161.122.21 Mantel tee 0-a212.."9
eerie eeet.,Inie les -we L-' 00
reeseatle etssertest tinet 111. health e.2!
nniany of the et-ang Uoon2.2.11 02.1tre
eoest 2.Ini9.5! innienz trestairee enn 0 22 See
,v)1 tine 0122111.,0 teen: Sneal neinititsee teeet
12. le peett„t res ineene a etasaill eep;:st.
Asa- titer erti•Pie re 11222 iJDL,' 212.2."
panper .772'; 14-111 110 2. .1 21112::211 4.2. 2.421
eee !neg.!» clial !nee here en Fla s.4 -
town ,Ica 2217:20110 eine 11:2; :12.77:20
ef tinelr existresere °rap !parn0
2.114Th:'5 2.11e great meet eine 11"1* -4.1-
1.4 2.0 the pr...etiles; of' tierent lineete
1111 CI; 7 7,.,451.2122,1.1 wino weee E.:re-
p-ma 011 t1,:.
Toronto Permers, market.
12. -Grain inacelpte this learn-
ing were a little heavier Lean tweet.
Or late, Tib.ere were 1,000 euehelig
reeeived. Pribee were steetly.
Wheat -Wee steady, 100 le:wheel
of white crelting at 79. to 860 per
bushel, and 100 bushels of goo90
at 68o per bushel.
Oats -Were easier, 800 bushels sell,
ing at 47 to 473e per bushel.,
rfay-Was steady, 15 loads selling
art $12 to $18( per ton for timothy)
aAld 08 to $0 for clover.
Ekrawr-Was s2.ead,3,, two loads sele
hag att $8 to $9 per ton,
Wheat, wbite, 79 to 88e; red, 74
to 77e; goolse, 680; spring-, 67 to
7,80. Bee, 58e. Barley, malt,
00140; feed, 53 to 54e. Oats, 47 to
4736e. Peas, 84e. Efay, timothy $121
to $13; clover, $8 to $9. Straw, $8
to $9, Butter, lb. rolls, 18 to 20e.t.
crocks, 15 to 17e. Eggs, new laid*
12 to 18e,
Leading Wheat Markets.
Following are the closing quotee
times at important witeat centres
leaday: , ;
• Cast. Sept.
Neer York $-- $0 79 8 -re
Chicago' ^^- 0741-8
Toledo................0841-4 0771-8
Duhrte, No. 1 north 0 70 See 0 771-a
Duluth, No. 1 bard 079 8-8 -
reroute Lave Stook Market.
Export cattle, choke. per cwt15 75 to e0 eti
do medium 4 00 to 0861
do cows . 200 to 352)
Thatchers' cattle, picked 5 60 to 6 85
Butcher.' cattle, choice 150 to 5 50
Butchers' cattle, fah -4 75 to 5 all
do common 4 00 to 4. 75
ot-ows 300 to 4100
do bulls 251* to 3125
Feeders, short -keep 4 00 to 5 05
do medium to 1 00
Stociters, 1,000 to 1.100 lbs 4 00 to 4 25
do light 2 V5 to I 00
Meta cows, each 35 00 to so 00
Sheop, ewes. per eat. 4 no to 4 al
Lambs, year1ing9. per cwt 4 110 to 5 50
do sprints. earti 2 00 to 3 03
Hoge. choice. per ewt • 7 10 to 0 61
Hogs, light, per eat 6 75 to 0 00'
Hoge fat. per eat tres tat 000
General Cheese Markets.
Belleville. May 10.-Toelay there
were 755 white and esa colored of-
feredi all sole tat lle.
leenestaille, May 10. -The t re-
gular meeting 01 the leseinentilla
Cheese Board was hold test even -
hag. with a large atteielanere Only
281 boxee ri.giNti.ri.t. ;Tr% W-
hig tetter, 7 2*21e.1 25 white. 12(4. titze
was soi,1 al 11 1!
r42.rr4wa.11 3.1.0y 70 • At e Ito 4, urn,
wail t'lP tains oft PM, on eSit
2'74,2. 2.4I' were teenete :4424A alt t*.*Pre
ere! on tee beital• Teems were 310
w bate. a /Leh Ire see II tee, 112114
"110 Y. Pi n t; le.
Feta:see sae Aimee
'111 s0 lien a t 4., r; inatiaiates oe
l• 124P22.'2. 2 11 ;:-.0t,8.7.7 f**E* 1111" float
et•• 11 4., dee re e; a 117 naissanet eee
tet erre: le, a 1.; nse 1 24, ilte
21 0* •;al": 2.910 122.11 !tun P.4.12 in
Lt.: 1 non,o t, 1 k:7 104'1
eel., test tv, in eiti Zee pre calanne
e. 1232. 2,342 .014
u, 12 1, 21sto 7°. ; Lit tg414,
17 Pe, e 2.0 12 " 9, ;-i 2."11
es, e =Fa. _et2. P 9 , eare
r ;. i;2.42. 1 re. ret
9:4', `.; f' 7e "'etre el)
11 P p •. • e- a es
. 2.' 11- an '; eeeteil er
3,1 r7
212' *.,)**'444,'q ',II 1
2.%2.14 7 2.47,3m", 1•° .111 eine
t;• 47..rA 4.,13.:'t••, • 6
tee-- r. nelea 2 3 N22 1,1 0.-74 1 11leer
'10 .1 '•• fee-- s'iza 2. Ie"; • ;.n,
• e enetine
tei le.e•AtA•'!, ... • !`
411.4 pan;-• 1. . 4 ;, 2.2.22 22.111107
" e • .• n•• se a L,2.2..2.2.'42.t
I1 11n,••• ;•'•••• •-;••• (22 2.22 .
:•-• • ••(' 121i.117 i2110
t1104::, tEes
v„ •
,12. ;',9k 27'4 • 2121211] o21o0
In).7 ti2.90/ •
(42 t' D4. '' 64
z..F. (7, 113,
Lee. neree •
12,-.1; 01.'0..1
'•• '1 '7° Enne_• ae• gana•eant
2.'' 2.?2.,11111.11 42.3
to-_ -09 • • Z.. • 4232.11 4.3 • in it*
lees 2.1102..;2121• "112211'21, 422.
;L: 2.217:2.,i,r• Dm 2..221
p„.• ": :Jv'. '7.5jZ 4374 214) 12..I012. MUM.,
feee ranee
Pa at' n reSe 2122. ten aeinne Wete.
TranienI benne nnn teas !Seen vete, enir.
eeseesese 2.11 E7 '21.'°_ 120.'264;: Etas
4*21 13' 13 veiny aetlase inn neateatetlie
%tine lie a tied elev.
'zee. esse ;es.- ,14 trek tee :At ',in? tetra
.He121.,..19.1• wee, tef tne efee• V2.
1121 *21211 2103- '21 neene Lane ase onhee
; nneeene. er its as] en.erapc-ten.e pee*
els; r ;eye- ite eased..
':":. -est -'7.;•1' r en; Se te; !neve a-ale:8er
• 0e0ee2. to GE:di
, irc:s 2.12102.121
E4 Insetrilye
• 42-' 12.2 ;-:;.•-•
Heven Pounds
And Wes rojit etr. Prom Narvous Prostration to Noaith and 8tronst% by
er. Chas -6's Nerve Food.
.4,11 h eerie nester Da Cease's Ne.rlre, nese Yee 11121 not neee tes imenieta it in eeiong, geseree
Ton earl prove it 'tee k apt et• a teed of awe" weigine Tina 1 01 enre ;nate lie a nesefeceie twee Ilo e et„
it le natza.,.en Life. 21.11 t 22.,01,,9)2201 of tile meet pe212.ee11 restart:Mee& ene ineeleose_i:en. seset
has „ye.', tlheovereil.
fro, 44- 021 2.12-s. Ws:, tee .I:eseetbei in her /otter quetel Insee.v. V20 17CR WPeZ12 112101elk.1
down 209011,12 3 =12.1'4"0 2.09nrat6
tratta. C„ 2. 2122.dei3 eew, item reali to Ler beey See see exteeeo2.E.t,A,i.%41
too -ends'. 1.4.: aril 1. e 12er lettee liaaseastrese
Mee. W, inieneten. 212,111021 07.Cn21:;:'m Oi21.. Wrtt'S " two vines nress I get teretiely tan
down. a .d tin lie lea.are - st- '4.7 it teoute SIMPt:ift 110'1, 7 tee lie eceneeetee: se: race; to 1P,,,5..v -r•rbt
rarelieOrt a. e- I! -tete, •1e enact hays•IT alaent„ 711 erienr, geee restrete toy.= the.? ,c4st, 2. Dr. ekeseee
ro, laacel th e 11 s 212.2.12 tneeat Int..nsf.t. In a share thes / inea 2111 svest 700.211tie., and' as I was veer
tale when I le.,,enn 14 nse tee Dreg:sty, 1 oast %ere protel of tee bac:a:Ise& weight.
Then tee foseineing eerier; 1 beenone retlea L,atorle, nee Tit ag.tas 7311;:t; MIP up, aTii gtIVO S212.1'12a. good. 1'72.11)waatee to eat nearly It' t. teee. 7 tr:•'!0 pleeeel wieh the an.* the Nervet
Food broterin abet telt I reetenreeneed it to eneeees, a2111 Many hes- tel21 m» er neet, eel -eras; -thee et4.
obtained free; tee prep -ration. Yon many ese nesse testleienial in order that others; may: 2e27121 or tliti
good tivre Is to Dr. elle:see*: Nerve 7.0.4."
If1.1...ex kive been 0t1'2!eete 1 RP 14,1:es. WPRt bee. if eau are not 'feeling, reel strene,,- am] welt yen will
be surprimeil at the gala Melt Dr. Chase's Nr-rve will do you. It Fite et%'ior 1192 th's e2.u.0.12s, rowel*
Out atetein r otel eted foritee rine bring* new hopee, new cerifelenee arid 8ov rife to totes tee pleee-oe
desporidenty, weakness and •disease. e'ite coati:Ai box, 41 111232.0.9 for 62.Z0, at all tiesteee, orEtimaneen„ tau**
•Octe Toronto.