The Herald, 1902-05-16, Page 6SPRAINED KNEE
9Or .3j- YEARS- 'W-7
y1tom, u1noug, the 1111111orclus I
1,01ed which bave'l 31,
bom, r�cfllvc I ill jil,ahm of "'t, Jacobs AS A BUSINESS�,�
Oil we tiia.� of up. Arxiiar dar-
risoii, of NN'4[fot-q CrebaL�ljt 1��asL, Not -
I aln, wilo snixere( To be marmed six times during the
-perienue that
tpughfor S% yearli, Vull, (jeVote(I honeymoon 4S 4111 eN
to th( I - Inanly rport of �ootball lie oomes to fow, F Our years ago all vfl-
felt it' a gretit deprivation Lhat he lage youth and his sweetheart read
Wa.9 w1able to , jo�lj ill ". gaille foil a, furniturt, deRler's advertisemeut,
t1lat perlolt. He Lvied lilal*- rumedias-i offoring a draNvilig-room suite to any
NvItho4t, suv�vo.,.i, until one day a 00111)10 thAtt 0011,Sented to be WaTried
frlen.(t persuaded Illn, to try St� Jacobs p0l1oly In III& Fboi), They seenred
Oli-The Wonderful 011, hu oallo it t110 suite. Going oil their wedding
_jj'hMj Ile eX PLrienoed inlinediate re- trip to an Ohio town they noticed
p .
lier from pala, followod by a per- a similar advertisement there, and
mauent cure. H6, says . 111 had been .1 repeated the perf ormanoe. Then the
=rlthe husband that he
ug from a very bad sprained t Idea struck
for. 8% years through playing might arrange these matters him -
football. I had been under tile doe- self, and in tNro weeks lie had, per-
tor's care tivice, and had used all sunded six dealers In vnrious towns
Itinds of oils, embroo-ations, 'Cold to emulate the others. Nominally the
;water bnadages, etc., when I was couple WOn a specified prize at each
recommended to try your vatuable place, but they really received a cash
011. 1 had been euffering so much comideration arra ngr-d bf. forehand. So
that- it was inipostdble for me to Lick if has gon-e mi ever �ince. The couple
no(sr claim toD have been married 500
a bal), but after trying two sniall
t)ttle� I am pleased to say mYknee
1110,1 as perfect and strong asever.
:1 should have written you before,
but wanted to give It a thorough
trial, tind am glad to inform you
that since using St. Jacobs Oil Ibave
never felt anuther twinge ofpain."
,All V- 1; 1 11 4 It 1,+ 1, . +11
6 . lut W U � e� -
letie e:ierclse�s -will rejoiee to read
of this rellable preparation which
does away wIth ille. ill effeots of ac-
cidents which cannot always bw pre-
Uarrying foe 31ouev,
In England a man who, marries for
onev regardad as having hardly
d the dignified thing, but as bav-
1119 'Clone the Only thing possible,
-ibeln6l poor and a gentleman. In
France and Germany lie is looked
tupon Its a decidedly ;=art fellow to
have been able t6 do it. There is
lao nonsense about the hunt for a,
r1oh. wife oil the continent. The
thing Is to catch her. Iliad a friend
once who was fairly Nrell off, and
Who spent some years Ili Germany.
Her -time was mainly occupied in
eluding barons, counts and officers
Wh0 h!xd matrimonial IfItPutions, and
%V110, -lim they 'ceftJ have speech
of her in no oilier way, used to pro-
,Poie betwepll floors Iri thp. hotel ele-
naut, San Francisco.
Liniment "ked R& at my store and
theq o.nly onei we keep for sale.
All the people use it.
Pleasant Bay, 0. B.
KneW tile Source of Ills Support.
(Nashville anner.)
Gpea1ing oC ewmilaign dWeptions,
WO are ireminded IN, -art eileation beld
In ta ConCedevalte vompany during
the Civil Wtvr. Lk ratull-or egxytisti-j
member deeided to ran ffor la Lielaten-
ancy, livailoh wiais vacanit. The swent-
ber, w1hum hre will cull Dook, went
to tis 4nessnrate, AvIblam we w 11-1 ca,11
Jlwek, lalud twkeld Eds helpi In the eleIu,-
tiom Jack prqm�,sed to iwark Tor bin 141OW'S THIS .9
friend, unU li.,��,rred him t1hat lie could
be elected 'When t6ae ballorts -were We o r One Hundred Dollars'Iteward for
counted ff).Lk tbunid Uhat -lie had Te.- any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
celved bile voilte, lull,s opponent 11�11's Calturrh Cure.
Stops the Cough roceiving ull the W,#!iE-r vilites. Indig- V. J. CRENLY & CO., Toledo, 0.
and Works Off the Cold. 111ant Over trjoh ki decat Olzk ap- We, the undersigned, have known F, T.
�1 1. ..1 Cheney for the jaet 15 years and believe him
,axittive firomo-QuInIne Tablets cure P e k a -M exclaimee . perfectly honorable In all butiluess traus-
, cold In one day. No Cure, No P4sy. thou t you hrvre my 1,rlend auki actions and tinancially able to carry ouz any
IrIce :23 cents. you joromliseill to el,?ot�oueer tror -rae." Obligation made by their tirm.
I Wps-r & TimLx, Wholesale Druggists, To.
uknsw(�red Jack emrpv.reU1y: 11 am ledo, 0.
your Criend ajxd I did iray level romt, WALDIN-G, XwNAN- a MAnvis, Wholesale
HE WAS WROTH. to ele" It Vou, b'att ItIbe bov-s -srho pro- I)rugglsts, Toledo, 0.
mi."(.(l ra� f0lut tilley vote for 11all's Catarrh Cure Is taken tuternally,act-
[ges. 1, Ing directly upon the blood null raucous so
-Long Exit- hoirever, Nlill did My raesIt -and put faca ot the system. Testimonials "exit free.
ongreasinan 51ade, a Lite you tweat 4aeU on oulivir prom r-
enly or.11r. S111101. Lit otio TULL� ror you.s. Prige-15c per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Rall's FuntlLy Pills are tile lipst.
Ur. Smith, superintendent of the ThLe Imatle UmUder tliun te"t r.
l,Avitival gardens at Nka-hington. Is' "Ybilre; �% Vnw," lie uried; "I pirt in Overileard at a I'Vadlos, Club.
trl�.Vt vote I4!1.V11UQ1Q1�I1
n4tilve, or 11the land ol cakeslIl and Vab(,ISybII dOPsult know a thing
about whist. Why. the other day site
no of tite greatest 0.\P.-rtl in tile Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitebta uten- Was
jout* oil Robort Durne, the varl- my partner at a tournament,
steel, Iron and tinware, itnives ana and Ow trumped lilly, ace.11
30 LKIWOUR or his WOrks and every- forks, and all kinds of cutlen.y. cliorus-How mc,nn I
Ang r+ , %1.tfilig to the &otell poet. Mabel -Yes, but I Paid her back.
As Bariv? library I-, said to be the 'No b,tktr or Mirgtars. Shi- led all ttee next round, and I
nest of itq_kInd in the Avorld. trumped It.
-.1 am so Kind the boys of your
Repre.sonitatives; Ili congress who reglineut gave you that handrsurtle
to thrifty hm%e a habiL of ljorro,.r. rvvolvertl, eal,,l tile militin. captain's Ufttfr Mail littorunI meditation for npr-
, or v( us it ti and at m-ulnr twItt-hings ilt 1* the
ic w1urs an I ferns anti such things NVIfe. "We need have no fear no%v AL thot InKu% eause It to ap.
,oul Sullth Whien their -lviVes give tho bumdar,; -who, have been Infest. pill,41 A t l, tit 4), -All t. 'I't Is irouipt and
0. 1 . ini i� o ored. Say
ecrptitmi. X new niember from the Ing oui nelghborbool.11 verta.4 bstitl
trivest wanted a few rubber planto "'Mlat'jff fo, Ma. dC'41r," ho relilled.
w.hl�r jmrltirs, and he, went to aee`� "I've loelteti It . up In tile office safe,
upL!riutendent Stulth about It. Ire' where they can't got a -t
ad been warned that the surest � delphis, PrIms. Dlggh-Sxy, tlutt dog of yours keeps
tay to g4�t Into tile good graces or me, aivak-t nights Nrith hIs howling.
tuttlk iw �3 to praiso L111raij. TIle new I Biggs-S'r. I have no dog. It must
Minard'a Liniment Cureg Garget In my daughter's Fingitig Chat antioye
tember walked Into .14mitler 11brary. cotqrs. IN
he fiup��riutendvnt &tt tit his deak you.
Uring oVer & Burnt "find." Diggs-olk. that's too bad. I aup-
"Ahol' said tim new mietuber, "Z ate Bitter. Iso'Re you can*t very.wel: get rid of
ou are, reading Iliarriv. What a I never ITUS IM blippy," 8111d tile heri
ftt otd Jimmie Birns vnw, to bo new beneillet. "I tell you. marringe
Lkrk, AVA Melt & Collettion �of the No doubt,, Alko the boiled len of TO CUMIS, A COIUD IN wns DAV.
vrk* or jimmie sou uve hera I Do mutton at the green groceeg, they
would be, oppropri-ttely tuith Take Luxatlra 11rardo Quinine Tob.
"How- tf:�� Smith- 1 think Illnt"16 trimm 9g&`w-L6udon blob,,%
o1j` if IOU. Lit drUggtgtd flifUlld tho M*lk#Y
artm wav thO greateat. p5et of his -1, ir it; Will to ourm Z W. aravals wj�
"ill almle MirnN V1 he roared, "Tommy natur* 141 on asoll box. gso.
76ilbington-1 CharII6 Lineoln I Sam- MinatW9 Liniment Cureg Cioldit, etc.
tt#,N0PL9IWn: Get Ott tile groaddal" Ve Parts DrInkling More Wino.
"'r;o Prom the riottirits of wine brought
lhtiv�,;Oftls Ulse. Heiden_ nti8q,nste! You delft Iftolift into phrio it is evident that tile
,Four relts 696 ftwKI)n was a PI aeo 11 to nat"t Unite a10 f9plipr=tn are llar& 9by elty la Appropriating titore and
On atyr Map, a rew lftnts 11 U(-lAer.Nh) . t wenidn't go an thr i Moro of fraIlde4p coftiftentrIte, sun.
0 d as th.
Idi m4lseeke-rs, tLme formurig at - but I don*t see 110vr any AhIfte. Doubtless the ubaudance of
the, fl%hermau whIt ft-tv ttsp,,�t for Mtn- the Ilist wine Ilarvest and the 6ap.
�,WM XwMr it 1.4 a 0L",, with ath As-` tr ds a sliort,mai enn tT-.Io the truth PrOIN.Ion
�s�mpnt 0! $12,0t,60,10 pl'.4�trlc Of the, inarol aeca=t for
10JUB Lmlls and.; about L1115 fdqflug =,�Jp.vetnents. XXWh of the 11wreage.
abdW1111*1 M&Iez4cfLs. And what lr4 Although In thk- jorep-eding yertr
:: Uleftt&s VINtment, Cures Distempek. the
"t all
ft 1, expositlon atimutrAted trad@!. Its
�4 elalmoll
3, bi� thilf base il�h%v6j city Ito Vog'� redotil or tiVt$ litnd a hall mfll!on
X. )tvh,4r6, Eays Ste. Wade, Ill 0 01I. -It VA140N14. beetoliterg lias been surpassel by
wtv and A g6od Lu.,Ikuul is but the ev6itition �11
ablie, ro P � the twelve months just etidedi�l�y
a, iftilillon.-New Yort-. Herall.
Is 1,
orl� obsetvP-4. cd a goa,,l soa. over
ry iotve4A advotates of thp eiii- me t1l'-ni or is little
�eftc:,- of tlde� sVstew of admInistta- cultivateI. TJ reserve a little elthl�.r
"nUga-ot" MU1 tarr;e,l eat by of confUenee of money orki y muldpSlilly. pff-oftgpHy g1ve a das�_. oil Pelry
Gavernwv-nt _Ini Its CVl1PnUy well. D40? Pal"UtIler ana, the valn.�l tval jrIj.
sUff of ofVclals In the There never waq a matt whom an nlelllaW�y. A b6ttleat hatil -%-111 gavehoars
Ukon. attful w,�,amn r-4ald ftot ly,!rsatule 1 j I of auffelitg-be prepa KA,
'I,-; nor
tit' tW
to 3�dtl thm Dh
duollilte t�l .1 �., evel In tile
I ib? Itchi-nk
c sd*a was qult(_� underatc:ad. .1matig the people WITO re
lil Val"al vv�:maft, vv"ilo, evet, felt that she r,
IS61fid fttd roe fAeh r."j;t
ft'ZI. tvOtf fd!�ft 1114tit, titatity to begin !I Itig;bNoUs Uffligs, of this 1vorij. alyl
tit laoiae 0i it's very wrong to have m:,,jn With co,_f6eeding pleasare, may
it entl iher�. *xxrely be &Yanted -lite. jjaj&l�v j�
hi'lafaN ift the 4�vk TA46; tfi4 wsk
�ftwh - 4 SeerIud-hard wivre3 are ofteft very
Yo -A tan witittind chakaotee oil "T11c,
AV6ntvttue,,r b3ck if tot dttvl. M� & b6t. at ba -I bafgata-.3, but has-;;
bands InvatLably ate, wed_du� o' her "UVe,
) & e �)& fe eud 01 the
TL�e W0=M -Vho gOeS 9�fftty oVet prjphMyjjg tit prd Cpl.
Oblate 0" Intm ont- t, Uwe affaar %a.3 torc-doomed. Love bvwegroom with coneajerable ut2
............ Only fu=111�,LOowl the Upparlunity. tzon.
Is 9
8 -ma aso we az-,� qntte Content 11 "How fe yout 14ster lvetslr�;,f 2" in.
g' wltl� GUrselves othero bagin i; no- 1� quVed life. Ratesov, "I expsclt
--ks '(4 degenerat`.0,2� bit upset IV)W th-at the fugl 1,;
Vte m,'"
c011-q:srts in GVEV, an't -she ;Idaulglater �Z�jt
a 31arlita-1
th-0 'abiAtY Cr ti -M c0rle-CrLei PArtles to b�cs�-, herself with:,
ta te_qp"' the 1rdividuality oi each ,tira, s5qge�j c!t r?j�
nor ov.
& "W", did seem ratile-1 li;. 8rir-
by the B"n sh, The sIx-ps dpmo:wltate how -often itpAl when all tile mv�"; was
FadeA wc "_ -nn bay ljamlng oojoj�s in up, ;mnj �_,usran had n it l
M go to V (r
tha Iva" 111 tL:,V � timt they will restore elvn boina; but I snvs to her, 1I.Vever
6 Ut to them a �iewb!a,4�;re of yo-ath.; mln,3. and d,)ntt votl worry
ThO Wam, It W40 thrOu- I $beer No- that t1w wo,41-Itugs ar,-:
.91 van-ty elaw-7 a man away from his ov-r, the fune.ralg will soon begili.,;!
Care,41A-1--d -wife Li a fiend Incarnate.'. Ym oee, �voa inunt cbor�.r �r)jks 111) a
wcmaan wira Jadges a bit, .11r.s. Batvsm. whon they're feel-'
It Is a
mlau by w�-,at he says, cx a woman by ing out of sorts.��Phlladelphia Led-
vr,'Jat site le-aves un�-afd. ger-
. ...... .....
The faultless wtwarn is tiresome,
bat th .14 wom
Mea -a vrcmea veunteer to collect One cent VAse
the fund; in eharitablle ienterprises�
Dick's Blood Pun' wt in order 'to avoid being wked to, con- � One dollar foolish
telbute'rhil-adelphla, Reciavd,
for Horses. I Qu.*-er AAvertiselnents. To use any but the begt
'Mt- great tonic, medicine of 'this advertisement appears In a
the age. It tones up the Sys- 1�rlstol paper:
tem, fids the stomach of �bots, Ge-aeftl Servatt.-No Inquiries; to
work; -no caps or aprons; evpry
worm s an d other parasites. evening out; visitors permitted;
50 cents a vackaze. Write bleycle. good wages. 'G., office of
this Paper.
for Book On IffattId And the problem of "What shall we do
Horses. it isfree. With our girlst" seems to be solved
LEEMING M!LtS & C�Oj From the Slmla lNews:
AGENTS. MONTREAL, 'Wanted�A servant to, cook and, SW
d -em chIldran. AAklo* tU6 ftfekgols to 261
P -r. Carson`IsTonic
Stomach and Cqnstipatiop 15itters
T" no
Prescription iu his pruetice for jtian,3�
years )ylth inost o6tIsftjctoj,,V results,
A Purely Vegotablot Tonic: a ad Blood
Purifier. Priep 5o cents per Bottle
Usually you can I obtain thei prepara..
tion Of Your local druggist, but it y
, oil
Cannot obtain it In Your nelgilbor,
hood, Ive will send one or inore hat,
On receipt Of P"10 (00e per bot,
carriage prepaid. I
Pamphlet sent Vxtrk oil application,
New York Contral and 1114090U. River
The above name Is a house -hold
word, and the superior excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at-
traot most people but now that the
rate Is the same'to, New York I and
potinto east as by other lines no fur-
ther reommendation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you it
Is the best.
It Micht Has Been Waur.
(St. Salhes' Gazette.)
Clood stories (wre always plentilful
arqoult pgollf ba,ddies. it Olt. Andrews �aad.
dle qvti.-s nalmidd "Watihi-el' 'Goramu, His,
inva;e1allYle remlairk a0ter a poor shot
by lt(he Verson he waja serving, ,lit
Imliali lliae, been w1alirr," was meaut to
109 comv�atory laind enbouraging. alo
musiter, a cterigyman, wao 4vea-ried
wit'll b1s Well meaning ifitaittery.
cordingly, tic make sure tlh.wt Irs
would squaligh the remtwrl.- 0or once,
he t1old the cIalddie he h1ad a -terrible
dream t1he nigbIt belVoire.
. "Un -tide, my Itillam, I dretamt that I
wa,s in the plIalae where the wicked
are ounit6olied. I wa-w t -he nrreteladd
ones 6witirred; they were swim -ming
lin LL bake t0f boiling piltall, and ;L-onlid
not gA banddd Vor red-thot IAtch-
forks t1bralsit in i1heir faces 1by d-e-
movis. He likitted 4 minuste, mi -till. illis
tongue In his isheek, when, In per-
fbot laoolnevs tilre caddle answered:
lla.", str,titlalt wa-'s -a 'bad dream, jLst
myllful, bult R miobt One been waur."
"Waur, Von rool? H(Y%V Could Iblialt
be?" "It, wich't 111ae been true."
Has no one ever asked himself,
11)Arhat business have women to look
so plain and haggard as soon as they
turn their (IU[Lrter century; or -what
neoessi�y is attractiveness at the
age when they begin to be worth
knowing ?" The chattier of youth
and of rosebud girls Is Insipid. They
are, awkward lit giving opinions as
a novioe In carvIng a. chicken. It Is
instructive to note the rising Idea
that tile finest young men of the day
are prons, to marrY women older
than themselves for want of intelli-
gence in girls nearer to their own
appropriate age. The marriage lists
call for explanation of the disparity
between ages, and a young man has
written an article somewhere dis-
cussing the reasons why men of
strong intellect and warm feeling
fall Ili love with older women when
they have a chance. The attachment
Is so strong, the bonds so proudly
worn In these cases that the query
Is: Wby 'illon't women oftener give
nien the oh.Lnee to adoge them, when
they are most worth adoring, and
why do. they make -the experiment
so hazardous to repeat ? The man.
never gives a surer proof of Ills at-
trnation tlja.xi when he ignores the
difference of age, and a woman
should reward such tribute by re-
serving long her sultimer bloom. In
grief and chagrin again we repeat:
'"117hat business have women -to fall
off In charm when brain and morale
are at their prime ?"-S-hirley Dare.
frig Eff FV 'A TAI k.11810
IRELPION 10:11,16"
Endorsed by best English madicaljournalli.
Supplied to British soldiarsinSouth Africa.
For all Throat and Gland Troubles, Lumps
Abscesses, Old Sores. Ulcers, Felons, Skin
Dismases, Eczema Pimpics Stiff Joints,
Rheumatism, Lunl6ago, srr'ains, Bruises,
Plies. Cuts, Sore Feet, P eurlsy.
Sold by Druggists, 25c. Try It once.
............... ........
Don't speak ivith all the muscles
of tits face, it is very charming and
captivating 'to be deeply, di-ad.y In
earnest, but faclal grimaces torm
ervases wulch Ili tiale will bt�come
Don't worry, bat Ir worry you
must, keep the forehead smooth-
uon't wrinkle It. I
Don't wear tight shoes, They make
a young face look old, drawn and
wrilikled In a few, licyars.
P03% w -gleet. th,� t.n minutes, re,t
during the day, with tlui ferot raised,
It givi-s tile whole hotly a grt-at sense
se, and works wonders lit
11010211101t Oat tile lines of tile face.
Don't li�t Invismilla, get tile ul;p(%r
hand. By all mealm in your po%ver
tl-.v to break up thit balilt. Sleepless-
ness is often caused by uneonsclous
huitger. and a cut) of hot water. or
hot milk, or a bliscult, will often In.
duce sleep.
Don't go too long without food.
Ruurp-r gives a strialned look to the
farow. Now and thtm. It one IN 111,191,01,
it bite batweml mokI4 %vlil 111%1�,Orate
the whole system. and give relaxa.
tion and repose to strained mu6clea
and nerves.
Don't sit facing a strong light.
Don't atoop or bend over while
writing or readIng.
Don*t frown. doirt srowl.
DOWt Use violence lit HmoothinZ the I
face, for It will not stand being I
pounded. The mantpul-st-m munt be!
gentle and even or tlu oldn will be.!
vome coarse and leathery. Tile face I
IN the most sensitive part of tile 1
uody, beltig covered with a network;
of d0leate nerves. artt-les atti veing. li
Don't rub the lines tile wrong WaY,
or tfiey will woomp move. iumtead or
Iwo, Prominent ; rub aerons the WrIn-
kles with a rotars m6tion.
Don't loosell the skill Voull tile lin-
or iNtretell it.
on t got that pressure Phould
bo Inward.
Don't fle-t tho 1.11.16t JAM Of ill(* fin.
at re. 1#1 all foram or lu!lasftg�- this
j'Ant thould be mztondeJp flin%ing te.
ing limited to tau, seconI joint and
the ktuettlo. to thia way one geta a
1,road eattaeo for eontuat with tho
;art. WhIdh glw,�,q % Uq
well d* more Wiretl1vp map6anp.
llft't f019t1t thlt 0,teasion.4l'y dur.
arr, tieltment tfuf-% rhop slioubt hf�
gontly smoothed with tile tips, of the
flngoosi ror b1th bauds�
Donot he A111;Ouq Or dishent,ton'sd "r
impatient: th�so make ugly
lintk oil thf. Lam%
lion t Ilplieve that thero Is Any sa.
pernattiral -VIrtuc,, in being ngiv or
that It 18 so Very frivolone to*ton�
trive 'bhftt 0, Man shall alwAyg re.
lanin its lovo %vith 111,g Own wire.
We live by our blood alid on
it We thrive or starve, as
our blood is rich or poor. *
There ignothingelse to live
on or, by,
. When strength is full axid
spirits high, we are 'being re-
freshed, bone muscle and brain,
in body mid mind, with con.
Unual flow of rich blood.
This is health.
When w�ak, in low spirits,
no cheer, no spring, when rest
Is not rest and sleep is not
sleep, we dre sta'rved; our blood
is poor; there is little . nutri-
ment in it.
Back of fhe blood, is food,
to keep the blood rich. When
it fails, take Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the
whole body going again-rnan
woman and child.
If you have not tried it, send for free sample,
Its agreeable taste will surprise you.
SCOTT & 130WNX, Cheluists
w. and $x.00; all druggists.
A Waste of Money.
(Chicago Ceronlole.)
Justice William L. Putnam, of the
United States Circuit Court of Ap-
peals In Portland, Ore., recently fell
into conversation Nvith a young man
of tile nouveaux r1clies who expressed
astonishment that the Judge could get
a.long bn his salary of $6,000 a year.
"Wily," said the purse-prond youth,
It easily costs me twice that
amount to live a year." The Judge
answered gravely: "It Isn't worth
It, George; it isn't worth It."
Minard's Liniment Cares Dilibitberia,
Co"' 0 N gSW M P T 10 N
Prevented and Cured.
Four marvelous Ifte remedlestor n1l
sufferers reading this paper. Now
cure forTuberculosis,Consump-
tion, Weak Lungs, Catarrh*
and a rundown systenu
Do you COUX11 ?
Do your lunlys pal a you ?
Is your throat sore and in flamcd ?
Do you spit UPThlegni?
Doesyouchea ache?
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicate?
Are you losing flesh ?
Are you paleand thin ?
Do you lack staralria ?
ThAa synitiltonts are proof that you
have in y;ur body the seeds of the most
dangerous malady that has ever devws,
tated tile earth -consumption.
You ate mvitea to t"t what dkI2SyXtCMV1IIJ*A0Vr
yau. if 5�Ouaxesick, by writingfora
kildthbr-burPretl Preparatiom w#IIt*(,w*Ar&Aym
Atoner. withconlocta d4ir"tionsibruse.
thE, ihA
I Cott k
msell to
ISSUE NO. 20, 19041-W).
nesq, no ni(ator where it is, 8 e8crip-
irt our P11111114
tion and cash price aud .11 or Ana-
iDg Pash buyers, Patent xchange and Invest
ment Company, Toronto, Canads.
etc. Home or foreign frocured and ex-
Volted. Booklet on fatents roe, The Patent
xchange and Inves meat ComPanY, PYthiar,
Building, Toronto, Out
Mrs, Wh]slow's soothing Syrup should
be used for Children Teething.. It
the child, softens the qum4, Cures wind
colic and is the beit remedy for Diarrholla.
copy letters, address envelopes at
home, anywhere; da orevenIngs; strictly
genuine enigloyment. 11dress ExcelsiorMan-
ufaeturing o., Station B, Cleveland, 0.
$15,000 -wishes to correspond with
honest, Intelligent inan, who would appreci-
ate a good wife. Box 2,588, Toronto, O.nt.
_U finest in the Niagara Peninsula, at
Winona, 10 miles from Hamilton on two raU-
ways, 430 acres in all 35 of which is in frui%
mostly peaches. W1 be sold In one parcel or
divided into lots of 15 to 20 acres to sult pur-
chasers. This Is a decided bargain Addream
Jonathan Carilenter, P. 0. box 109. Wino4m
We want at once trustworthy men and -syo-
men in every locality. local or traveling, Do in-
troduce a now discovery and Iteep our show
cards and advertleing matter tacked up in con-
spicuous places throughout the town and
country. Steady em loyment year round -
commission or salary, 965.00 per month anj
eTuses, not to exceed $2.50 per day.
r1te for particulars. Postoffice box 337.
Ll N E...
Steamers leave namiltan I p. m.
and Toronto 7.30 p. in. Tuesdaya
and Frldrtys; durlIng May, and on
and after June .1rd Tuesdays, Thurs-
da.vs and Saturdays.
Hamilton to Montreal
'"Ira *1:3
Sin-fle 56,50
Toronto to Montreal Berlin,
B 7
reals and berths Included.
The above cheap rates to Mont.
real are in effect for Way only.
Only line runn'ng rapidp.
Writo for It. & 0. Hotel Brink of
Laiver St. Lqwrence and folders.
U. VoRter Chaillee, liestern 11abli,pligor
Agent, 2 Ujux streot Vast, Toronto. 0xit.
It 1vould Pity Well
to Buy It
tolence a 1550arre linna
even It lit conts tour
Illnes Its prIct.
abitter tenc*
at oat---tinIl the cost 4A
Atly ready wovcn fakeb.
To get tbobelittence yoo
must bulli It on Olt% ground, nud tljb LOX.
VON 14 the fasteAt and laillst WiprovM
macblue on the marlapt for littilding it.
writo for plictill and tatalusgue lahowbile
tolt of 22 styles at featt.
IL 0'.S 1) Ox rX, ts or. VAC it II- Z V o, I LA lni t #4
Londorl. catialic
A Chain 'is no Stronger than Its Weakest Link.
and a Wire Fonceis no Stronger than its Uprights.
No one shruld etpft� A
fdft�.e to h, "Ad up of itsex
h I, MCI I, n th e PC S. S.
The Prost armight wires
are margt,� aftd sirdir'g. The
IL-1, Frost Zeek, 9K.Mqs thlem
in p!Aoc, alld each serptett
'tt 0%,ft Share ef th6
'ht. Lgltt Vid teite!;
'give Ito supprt. Dending to tit
The Fros)E, Lad weakelts thern acd they Are apt to
stromet br�ak when Ific Atnall is scvted.
Plaide. rroat V�e:ace never beeatr&
ff INN
And do it 'Woll u g! 1D tilp mpqt rcrmolftl�
O� 10, 11 tmd best ror wear P'llrds, in taft.
x1da. Vintutify ylut Inside and
,a it r oat wit -1h
I ft6td ftobEjS.
CJKAS. CtrTUP, 29 ryost 14tbL St
2qew Votk City,
1 11
1polplf_ NSA..,
clean Your Sliver -
ware, gold, btata,
ete�, with
.,No powder OrRolilqh
tolus. ustbris rub-
blu Wththe repAr-
e�df()th. Polialteft k#
magTe. Price 25dAt
dtagglats or by ifta.11
M0jqATt4bjt 3tkG. 00., St. Catbarines, Ont
Ttlaf sanipUsIree. Trade imppliod,
t1lit, Vitht P -Intv t" pUnt rigfut. thit
puts 0_'T fi*�- t4L-�6.
V JntiN4, an 1 ko "p, vcur 1,0juse eleau
and Ir,aght llhr,4�,agi�ont liv, L P of
pmr- Palot. as no *�,I-uer li.,iint over did
bl:Ti�re, nnoi at Vip right p�Mr�.
Drop us, a turd and a*k- fmv
1110OX1,11"T No. 11 17411.11�1
s1vowIng li�)w sOWn homes are painted.
tstablisheI 1912.
UO'NITIZZ.11J, Pain'. 11aker-a
tlkleitd Light." 8;60
.fiagle.111 roo and 2,64
us D'y N
For Astle by All the principait grocer -g.