HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-16, Page 5a -7 r -T -171E URTCH HERALD A Now Veterinary Uarantine hay inbro palatable. . Wilen, the LOVE1,9 $ACRIF10E. _1k Officer For Canada, sun dissipates the (low from � the Dr. Arthar Or. Hopkins has re. dying, gruss in the nio;Ldow, We New I An W11101L couty been appointotl to i,Lpros(*)IIt ol.(�ta(n , Rlnjw , A"'Plor. ee t the es(�tqftg aroma, becallso tates 4.x rftger Jobit. .�Ar MAKE: the Votoriliary Branch of the tho (I.Ow III risilig, carries some of 14thfiologleal experts agree thut'with ov,% Dominion Departillont of Ag-ri- it into the Mr. Tbis is one reason most Australian tribes every womah Is vulture, in Great Britain, with why lltt.� sbolild niot remaill PAINT 8clit- betrothed in Infancy or even in antiol- FOP, hoa(lol utartors tit Qlttsgow, His torod (Ivor the ROM tit night. Green. pntloit of bar birth. According to settle offichil. d(;�sIgnatioll. -will IM i C010rci(l., i4woot smellin.- hay is real. llousas� I '�"etcriilary 0),uIlIklnJ1JI(.i (fiffiqjl-�Jy III(.) I)c.t, I mysterious la* ot. their owu`, this 10- w - q and prildent farmers Will keep, Qn hand Darns, for Callwitt, " all(I ho will. ussmillo I N�ill ilot. ovorlook sneh seemingly arranged by the old men of the �familiv, 4C points al, preserving the women having no voice in the mat- a SUPPlY Of Flour' Floors, thO ter, The age of the proposed husband Anthurford, now ClliOf I MT011111, 131(l, preventing bleaching. Moins, Vot(rinttry Aaviwr to tho I),ptirt- 1 F. NV odson, is not taken into consideration, so that and Feed at right '111 1 �I it frequently happens that by the ti 3110 t of A-gricultare. Dr, 1 me Furniftiro; 170 Stock Commissioner. the girl is of a marriageable age her Prices". while still I Y01ing Intin ha,4 had it' intended is an old man. if in the Bath Tubs, Ivide experience, not only Its ai A REMARKABLE STORM meantime some younger man has set Buggies, practiettl veterinarian, but also in I , - Choppings 7 0 11 his heart upon bar, this moans a fight, a LIP U the varied daties of lecturer, �A Di-icovery of tin Aliftost Certain C=3 I - Form Tools, [to, author and editor. He vras grdMl- Cure fur Rheumatism and Kind- In which the unfortunate bride to be, EVERY A sp(�cial paint for each pur- 11teLl froin Toronto Veterinary. red Diseases. as she is dragged away, is certain to Tuesday and Friday pose, not one slap -dash mix-. come in for a share of the blows which College in 1891 with the (logree, of Anlon-st the gre ture for all. atest discoveries the rival suitors deal out to each other, Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know plonia Ili A­rieulturo at tlic, Ontario! in!T, 1,;erhaps none tahe 80 not all the girls are promised In Infan-, I I": H I R S K V. S, In 1897 ho Obtftille�(l his (11- f of 0 4c'm for the relief of hUnlan In some of the coast districts, where s I, pivIr J U143M N our reputation. We say these are the best paints we know of. You'll A.gricaltural GolltAge, Gnolph. Ila I high it place as Dr. Clarke's ijittle cy, the betrothal of a young woman to say so too after yOU have used them. has al,4o the (10-roo of B. Ag)r�,! RO(I Pills The formula from a man who follbws the occupation of IOLD BY from IoNvit Xgricultural ' lollege, of which these pills are InEide was the D. V. M. a fisherman compels her to lose the froni Ille VotarMur,, rOST11t, of niany years study and first joint of the little finger of her left g Department of the Iowa "itato exporinient. It is -with the greatest hand. This slow and painful opera- ureb Zurich. College, 111(1 of M. D. V., Q)OSt cOnfitlelloo, therefore, that the pro- tlon Is performed by a stout string grua.) � from McKillop College, pri,.tors plitoo these pills on the bound tightly about the joint -an en- if Chicturo. nlarlwt, ana so satisfied tire they gagement ring with ,which one would several yoar.., Dr. Hopkins that f 110v will prove a blessing, to willingly dispense! A- marriage 11- praii-ticetl his profession in Mani- sm"AIring' huilianity,that they make censb, equally unique, is common in Bala -nee toba, - all(l. was lit a 111tor date tho following offer: To any ' NEW S) U MR,"'n R B E R S `0 50C r4 off m an's one some sections, where the chief, gives of Year gr !It the A ai icultnral inatter lio-%�v lon- standing) or any knotted string, possessing which he is Hwsbandry oom a peculiarly tmpointod Instrnetor in AnblMl, WhO is A subject of rheuinatism (no to the prospective Jubilee Collewe, Universit.7 of W isc-on.Ain. 1)100(1 oli,.40;lso, a; enumerate below d free to seek the wife of his choice. - This posit,ion lie resignecl to beenint, alicl. will give Dr. Clarke's Laundry filre 77?p strenyllt to kelp him on." wonder- Woman's Home Companion. Associate Etlitor of the. Farinors'j fill Little Rod Pills It fair and im- b. ­,I4 1jy tha)z -WhITTIMM. Mvocate, Winnipog, A11111., With I 1111,11ilLI trial and do not fluLl a per- How Xualcrats Are Trapiped. We use no chemicals whiell. paper lie, renutilleol until J!N't Clire,we will refund the money Trapping is one of the modes bY to destroy or illjure (Itmeato his present antioA. Dr. I paid for the pills. If no substan- -7 Hopldns is also which muskrats are secured. The traps your Clothing, and we the, author of tial improvement is observed, we onits, which has beenZIC00AINI high.'IfflOtl It.,; to this effect. X trap, the open ends being secured bY, 0, NEEDED I-Voterinary Element..;" I inanual Nvill, inadditibli, pty $10 in c are made of boards about six inches Guarantee our Work, ash arniv-,4ttlid Agriculturalstild- on st V Ovi wide and three feet long� These are for f, n atisfwtor (lance being sup- nailed together like an ordinary box TAILORING IN pralse 1)�- lea(ling tntlior1t1(­, WS'a NVO 11,M) YVt to know of it single u -n L treittise of great swinging doors of wire network, fasten- CONNE CTION VIL111P 10 C�volr * V va'Ao where those wonderful pills TO FURNISH. THE sXIc_ ad to the upper part of both entrances. 1111111 who ]IIIs stoelz illitler Ili-; earp. havo not. been zlhiloAt entirelv A I. These doors allow easy ingress to the Dr. Hopldii-; leave.� Ininit4intoly (I(1­;fffl in affooting it ouro. OANA- trap, but once in the rat cannot get out SURIPTIVE gOSPITAh "ritaiii in ortler to 1;(� DA t 11 EM11CAL CO.Peterborough, without opeiilDg the door by pulling It for Great b W. H. HOFFIMAN proparod ** tr this sotl-�, in*--, inipol% Ont. to him, -which se tatiow" of "livo 41 cret they seem very' I wk. His addr&4.; 1111til tho elo�zk, (if I)II the A SCORE OF LIVES LOST. slow to discover, These traps are put MWAMMMUMUM MUSKOKA. �41% Lawonnioe. will N, St. 114'ni?v1i' in the leads running from the houses to Th,� 0.7/v Free C'OnsurnXIVO Mos-Pital IRAMerjcI& 200 Persons Injured, Xany the water when the tide is at low ebb S'plar(l. (.1 --row. 1,111k, ir* vertilivato-z iN-mol b;V 10111 will lit, Fatally. and the rats are out feeding. On the lq% W An, Crk;XADIAN.3 a(vepte(l. lkv tbo I'llitotl 'Atatt.s. Pitt,111'r-Ir. Pit.. 'May 12. -The return they crawl -up the leads, push A.Y k�_.; INTERESTED. 41-athoritit-.4 in Ille I'aille way. ;1�, Yall-ils Of tho Pckn.Handle against one of the wIre doors of the ............... Infill vncler t1le were thoso is"noll. bV Pr. R.-ItIlPr- Rnilxv;LY WW, the twello this even- trap, which immediately opeas Into the o? N iMr I 1W t of the most disasti-OU,; trap, but they cannot go farther, as the G1 e we I le -1 f�ird lat -,,� Ikst ill. y r. W. lbulson. in t: next door opens toward them. Before they can gnaw out the tide makes up, THE VORRECT ISTYLB,.- ARE la Mvk-Stovk C ftir nmn.v yvars. A st-ore ifl­ Of lives Ivert, lost stlitl .11).)Ilt 200 and they are drowned In the trap. Tit 1'0', F(W�Nl) I.N; �Jy USIUNIF.-NT. a Y. 11441'.4 *11- WAITI(kso batll-v burne(V:t1lat, liaels absobdely witbid Th- Tiae Ila Cu^ at -q -4h). lilm, t1I thp judgment of phv­� A Story Told Ur Maraell. Tbe ctim o," ,ur In %'V�#U. D1.9m, 011 once said: 11y, ou know I have Latlys Brogtolles. tho L-itt-t iwvv, filrago Ilf - ;4-111 Will 11i,.1 frian tll(- offefts Of the bollor of being one of the elder 001,,40, d I Me 3fiv 1. ka 01,111 ilijill-Ir'. bretbriLm of the Trinity liouse. Well, lwoler�y qe Me ,NMationraz -1 givi 111flATIL.,; and 111alf, -it 14' po"Alill. �.f till. 'No. Iloall aq far aA 111lown aret- there 1.14 a 0001:11 uniform belonging to o f4sl-111, linte .41 livvryllittil; 1jilly 010 Office. One day I wns about to tal-4. Mtt,41 and slr4mq. )'dw'ned home eitker T4.0IM. 11-nN411all -, Filtner 111111jer, attend it levee at 8t. Zorn& pahtee, A Aill line ii` Wulvhv_�, 0#*& P6, hum.o.4vii bralro. and zit�, valet laid out my diplomatic Vlovlks. Jewellorr. 1111�wal 1.4%. V. Qlv� " 1;w pplalltitv 411 m ��vl 11.1i ak;-2p): "A.". tit). bralo-Mon. Dal- uniform ready for me to put 01). phte- histrunionts antl �41,fqlcd ba Me mme tlee Same ael- lkwal-4. 1�1%ollall. 1119 1111DUCIt C1011fidQ110 In b1m, I put It the ersop. taid lit #4 - 6 ts on 9111d. went to the leree. On appear- �,'�ATCTT %N.D ('MR -7K REI�Alllk. # �,l - ealvo Isf the eata%tropho W. I'DI. exoltv-iphn tof a tr. "d q aq if thl-fildflev. A'Act ain of naplithtt Ing before the prince big royal bfgh* INN. MY HOBBY. rkh. IbIv� I'vell t-snml wat t%w -n-: hloh wa, sNvjt�bj,41 lit liess Joeularly remilrked.: It Won't do. 01 1814041 00`.v'4Vd­ und in he Switching the You're found out." 'Ili what, Sir? I In. tl,, ml #,.4r W'w FS W. H E ZD 0 a 4 IV " vrlwro I­u�jw,l . %i, forwurd,, i� 41111red. 1011#1 said the prIftee, 'you e r wgtt ianittql fr got the wrong trousers on.* Amd to my *Mz JEWELZ,1T Loiatlict , < n N%V� . * "i H horr(�r. on lookitig do%vn I found that Ilh". -a N, explt *;hbn -4-"�Dte% ffN;1vI%V the fl�ainvs fifly fj-,Ot i I 11-Ild got My diplomatic uniform ceat, on with the TrInity 11ausa. trougers It 'fl; z F. I P1 In I U v4d roall ol.�� 1— 1 4­1� ' -,*1,4 Va. nalolitha latleffied to amuse the Prillea immeara. rwan t'I E.14101on I ly." 0 nn,- ean-4.4 The Oldest E, p�taoh. k ":a Sold by AffNewsdealers n,4 4 4bTl q, A M. tlov V;-34 t.*- V�fl NA 9ttOOMS the The iDldmt eliltaph In Engitab, WWwh I" Mrd In Oxford- 1i PPIP 13 found, In a churek PLAIre ond flaws from the" 3I#-,ar 131-10. 0, ra would bo un! t 5M a- lvlrevk� � , �11� -, � , , in ji Mu9tra reade 4; (411 Me cut 0022y from Its antiflue typ"%9- 7. t Vtw -v". �i raphv, but from its ebsolete I=guagev A lu?; :% flw raev�4. barq. the fir6t two 111beg of %vialeh run tiq V,4 - lows =1 way totaken as a &-ampleet, 4 A 4M The 1,;Eiol ii,�­ q o�m. tke wholon Man com & so how sdhal ntle deaa FuratshttAton'thly so w1l VfwaA 9 pnAST prK�t- Tv ".5 "t"M 5 V14 AMEADCA aftl M-tL4L*t it t&.4 tqk=e C -f now, C-holde Di the i6taeridn '11, Let weal 5!0%,: Comes bad & tmlm: 10M tgs�o Atalz,� ,:g, �,,1 n, kav veft we away care. all ye vrgtitiA % tru 11 vt ve fervnreP at Uees for '71,qtr,,� V'T 2S Ll I 4'Tom. �:,4r iv RIM Ma uu�l the u. tonle 4and gee h6w s1hall col dez�l t�v�� t, , 7 , " �V 73, 41, .: 0! 0 MI I e I "Al, �jo- 11:"%.v "IttLo i t tee. z Zz �60me Ippatt, And baw;, 29 vwil -#1 'LAs INnIzing- Vie, hills I Z At Is v 116dalofil4ij, *b th, I have wheil Ive QWQY fare. Ml fg,%ve-a- wblllhd�,, 11 rMess that we for ezwe.19 P ovzm Canada. U 1put it was 00.V�t� - Z RICH P� -!-it VL- v.-kc:,02 1hirie more egzr-s wt�nt Up It Year taft butift. reopild ttlyl, tom# A Oue Is talking about 3,011. ThIS 19VIE-l'y L BED I � $ !�,Bgcy w1flD Wft4i#,rD fulal, U� 7nAl.'t�s- Vault the work of destrUetion AOM, fOrr Pliny Say$, "Whetl Out f -ars dO a. in., taitil"'.3 p. III_ The n;aill,.Dre f" A tdwrent of ffiInne gto'W ftbol tiliggO, same do , I I f 9 il 'tl &� forth on eiteh M11'. Of the our abseflice." . I at z �.,d4 n,�av M h Add At, (A 111:441Nt U1% 1)1�4- the teyrifie'l in Out, 4A,01,111illerr -Nothing", Makea Ueatriee 'al y to tr Chi 7 �,.zt1u n Hw�- a of flanle oVelr, sIllft dild Hot,% Whdi had been ttilki ;vAl,"'. f lzt�a&. The ,Vjeces; Mile �Z­ of her, "What "d 1% a t homag Browne aset1hes; t ;90 lwate;l the air to suell, sh� T_ b, I L, HAk- B_ .N.-;uln Alf if IN M-wited, Tn�,tlszwer. conceit to the Igapetsiltion of guar'Man PIROM 111�.ss_xLL. -rr. 11 .0 m, -D t�­St V at Tefore the thiM 11amy were renlered Cki 2- 1 , . i 7 ii atjggell� W110 touch fte tight car It Me -vtw-n . , " 11 M% talf; is favorable and tbe left, If 401 -tee. I t "ov the extreale heaU ta L. M & 11 is �Iild -were done to cheat or watm away when the tor- one eat utaglosr. tatte mete be & D_ TontV411D ts SeenvL�11- That Cre Szarglng 226W at =P- hm Herald"' rvt' 11119ae swept over the eieit- e P-ps Iron Triw tv'rov en' -p- Z'14e un,� ti -e vallfra_"�­.:tl. 1z p0sted hlflf 01, 11MIr '91-4-1:16Z-�, tV V-16 mine f oi. eiosinz,; th; Im"02. e­17,1� Arr-4 tnaggs-1 read a, Patagfaph Ift!" Oman Was '7 -eh said, I'W D.S.FAUST, Postnw�5'1c-a% N, the paper whv d t.jqj, 'f'w t�llly L'�y Inade before InIrror-% but It wata"t fiex.� Don'tyou think that ��w wA tzht. �w or 9- rematlk to wa`J�e about WOm is a mea kL -44 C b- r A-tes. it is. WLIt hawl 11.% 1 thini tD con'i only tealite the, virtueaf the writer Meant to my wds tybat READ.", 11- 4;� ase's 0,n4mcnt they woula rot suffer man was ra. att ade bercf�e mIrrorg and had of oar?Iv�-Ivy& i I inabL­ for W hebaii, a well-lknovm Vi. been before them ever slum-Zl:, have made arriangeinents 11. Wit; a MIS fibre I�V, tn 'I respact tei catzen, of Cobourg, o1ftt., change. -following low ehz!!,1rh!.,T offek the W Ulu Ll P-11. the dvlir�, V,,,. used Dr. Chase�'; Oint- A LL C11 Al I,zz E S 0 F testify to Its great far P!ia�,'l Can N4�eded 'No, ttell%. rittei; with Tao HFPALi) - Afrm Hiram Offen-ALndda yen think Daily c4lobe 711,� sufffering which I endured ant?.1als 4., �i 1, L�IL I D IF . A F E'-tl E S I S' 0IR M A R D H E A R I N C . w -ne th� it"IrnEig" ite"hiqg, stinging sen- YOU 'Could do the cooking for the family Mail & Empire t,,lilt i.; %V06IQ.7 U.-n'l A - " ri,,i p..e4 vms somiething awful, and I with .1 little help from me? 'Weelcly C I ARE NO W 0 U R A ON' E ma.as is V.-fith 410to- 71 C'M SnW that there is hothing ift ffiis -world Appllettnt-No. ma'am, Of do tot For 6 C.'I Tal Dr. chase's Ointment as a care Mall, & tialpire I -,.,v "IV Cur :-,,,,v 1.itt�r catfirve is f ­ z.As drea.UO disease. I 31ts. Mr.= Offen-You doet? Berliner Journal (Gerinan�, '2.3 It I " 1._ 1 �TELY, a114, i but ormsvrd: Family Heram star RA IEDIA 1 -44 - tried a great Applicant -No. zna!am,, EAU NOISES GEAVE � m za-0s - St on e In -on- rn.,iny r,=:�14ies and taver got =are than '01 tud do, it w1dout anny help from BZ tratzl�z, Awd. ala -1 "-,jy from any ot thera. But while F. A. TWEEMVAM� OF SALTUMCRE. SAYS., for as hrwsPin,.,a -,iY. in P_ chaze's Ointinent broz:ghtquick relief YOM ;t went farthe; and made a thorough cure. fe4s inn, -�� say tocr much !a reconnitendation, No �Mvge Pot AM*Ih. .Ind Henry In fattintim, I V06ft IrMeAddinO, ..... . 4"� g ,c5t great rMady." Xervous Passenger fovi Xew Haven OUI IV, 111101. htle cat bay.ft was f; �Iallil i is tho only proparation wliich is SteftmerY-Tberes a. very peculiftr noise, A Gbold And temfi=endedNS- all 'tL_��r z:1-- w thut late mit hzv qavt' the best pnsitively guaranwed to cure any for I n r -mits. If (.11 Y10 Sr"igg!92 In 0 1, lcln.% SIX tl.* aveo, t -In your neighb rs about it. '60 captain? re, - 11, m*f' Ift thL- Water tonight Do. 11 -notice lit tting, is sk loll- the. t41-ni. 'dealers, or Edmanson, Batet c"f th;1 IMV" U141"I'lle a 111-,, at all kx#rt ftarmWd t*eure All N rog. f6rins of Sexiial woakness, all efrectq t Ca. Toronto. Captain -Yes, madAm - tbatlo the *tab go u-. t'xigh and stvht.41.1 zarl 'flit. or oxdess, Met tal Worry. Excessive mse ot To - ft ular Long Island sound. bacca, Opium or Stim-alanig, malled on receipt i ­atter from til )LA sz o himil . s8avll 71" y of price"one ackagesi.six,sq, 11 11-olti st�WMCIM- Amphlets free to any address. Our fro!Miene, v-41 with ye'1111* hase 8 t1aThe win who hesitates may be The Wo6d Company, Windsor,, On'. as lit' t I I la, .1 EN'. C lost Zv - - Tlxotl4h am t liffil if 71I)t it atrients. the man who never besItAtes It. at a uonlinvl hi,lefinito quantit:;, thO aroma of, Wood"s PhosDhodine it; '01(1 in' Mr' YOURSELF AT HOME o * - INTERTUATIGIMNAL AAM GUN10i 59() LA SALIE AVE., CHICAGa'a ILL 0"'pilltryient hard tofill Zurich by Dr.13=hanan, Druggest, ,tsj ll.t,,, real vithip in renderhur go Xk*& gr.