HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-16, Page 4I. roel •.. ^lyCy p�ItSryyPT�1n➢•LIgsAIED �g��t��T ry n *L J d 2 %ii ,1 LIC1 ri V .a,�!' J,4A&G, BY E. ZELLER TIM 1S OF $1 I3St1111PTION:--*1.00 per year paid strictly in advance, 'When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until suelL order is given and arsearages paid, i11 50 to be eharged when zaot paid in advance. ADVERTISING BA'l'ES .—Tran s t e n t advertisements, 5 cents per I;rd:vier line for first insertion and 3 vents per lisle for eaQI, subsequent insertion. Small Adis. such as,'Lost" <'Estrav" or "'Stolen wi+1 be oharged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each snbsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must. be handed in not later than Tuesday night I of etzeh weelt to insure change in folloW- • iug issue, Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per lisle. Notices for lburelz en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contraets for column, half-velum/1 and quarter -column rates for speeified pr cads will be cheerfully given. Address all cammunicatious to E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZL'RII'1I, P.E. FRIDAY, MAY iia, ieee, that has hitherto found favor. On the other hared great harms may . be done if the award is taken .as being a first taste of blood by that very Iramerotts class who are quick to follow up Every advantage gained against employers. There seems to be a passion for strikes just now aecl if the impetuous ones got it !into their heads that it is only necessary to nuke trouble to gain j ad considerable victory', the result i might easily be disastrous. judge Boyd seems: to have adopted what appears on the surface Its a very simple means of adjusting the die- , pate. He made comparisons be- tween the cost of living new and !some years since, ascertained that there had been an increase, and recommended a corresponding in- ' crease in pay. There is scarcely any workman but could make out a good ease for a raise in pay if he started out with that method as a guide. In many cases, indeed, particularly in the cases of skilled workmen. advances were long ago eeneeiic'!d. and in ';taste instances there have men = epe 2W.: advances. But tiler e very 1 :.^ e a: l r` ers The American Steel Truest is inaugurating a fashion. uAuwh (eel: - damned by conservative iinaia :aa: authorities. Its directors levee decided to float a bond isscc> $250,000.000. about a fourth part : f the total capitalizati,.•n. anq t?.4 financial authorities express the view that in c+anc"ern: s a t e e:'t t• the fluctuations ut leesinese prices the right arterio: w+. eea are to keep down the bent': !setae as =eh as pOSSib e aaudn let the µ. i?tl- era of st.wk take theirn:retit' ars they are made. A v e p vent. bond :nukes a ilx,„01 anneal , l:gar:ire Upon the lne.wpe rt, t'n . i.,,.n it is gene,rall sr t asnd',?e t' p thet as very _r largo part . f t11t' ?c:. ;!'n' 1 of capital rat this pl.t➢•te•u:➢•,•el,f•sarn' represents re elliier Tee4 t an..dii e than a high valua.tion tet' eeteti/va prosperity. it ie a•".t :tr that tsar.• Aixt•dl charge 1'd?itrd.selal- ad fair re•tlu•n upon as ::ire,,e lattrt • u the ne.1 in• • vestment eon :K"latc"h eliviele•wi-e"teht to be pant£" If tt.t' **llt,•riatir.f E,It➢hilt°el tie tit.; $4..1'4 �i'!'an►i tin. eola:iequenve +,,1:pe11 t➢.,,y ocv •r•1 beep. but there is a vley ncattte:0 eli • peei eel f'e•r i ace• zzteele•re ':Gt *elle!. .Cl ollaatz4'e➢s tee natase tlaettteelves e•s>t➢re° an lite soigne' Way. la➢ a'dttritea;d, ue rftP„ tatte>ay the pollee ;et be to 1.e, ,.6, t!et, l,,, n a esene 03-,wn tx> the 1 nwwe4t 1M1 ^I)1> ,, „ L w lnie•i may 1,e l °:.°' leas r ;' vee one; ell me stt.:�ti R3+„i3t:,,It' u'•210e'r..ti "';'nm, :guilt Lw lLnt t”. }6ae+ti'f° , 9 `? t _t 5'• v' tis general trig at Cn e,' a. a`* t1i YN1 • !.1! i • •. t!ye ka4'rR, tal'tl"S a F !& rd! i'tf.. Flr3t,caP, t0uaa,"' � c re- 1 da1s:1`+ua a t,n � c i-^ ' '�'� i�Jr a te94';.$,1 t.ec stt. . a; :'".eeee,ta C .,4.'n:a aIlIlsIt 1t, raj •:Lc •C . ,e;r„. 4 u ef.fd n]te d es_C r1 `_"a,a n "° t.:,':r' _'' e'^nt n. tl e ' i<.ue t_-. e ,:,nn- •v.r' i_'0.. t `t .__ eta ttee , eve Iottte Cn,w` : ,, .., a v u a tae"V faat ,a122 Y 4 .. Angry let Lava. eaee. l must Iizza e .t e. -a a:. fire. -L1t erupY s i"1 v rest tizei -a rain o f rd ere eta i s m .ZLfa ytndi�lEta that _ i,'r•.ii aCn, a an.- haaysiaaants t c ,,, r9 _. 1 t ! an a. intiptlient. NO. v,t:_er plains the rt-pLlt z1 i'„ t.= tEte steamer 17*Jprataantfa. The -as;ssine.;:r4 dyf t'LJ.a n`.a_ r_ lin iwY'iitln?:'rhui . vv"u'et1- i"uf' svr 2.;r' f: Fill ;iu trade, Mese e'en.- titr' .: =1 i'c e - `- st2inni; t, TE.... i tCE TF' `t e 'Ca • a:; stores. 8n11i;1? nn a •ti..t "?n` _i:- ng anaatelrn 's , ;ar el fv:inat.dna, The city maintalinea as public s ^p(al e< e:t n t. IL lee- e evaae ` ai line hotel., renown gas the Pierre 'Cretan:et'. •h t' *fu: `.n f tr:S city t;l'xf:re ww,.. lir ,t r aw _ n f' Cz .'a �t.' a-�ci `.'il u..a garden. where a si e ole tt .lit Honn of tropical tylannts ..;ad r.e.E3n .tea 'Fred. One t -.r. the *e°a bile -e oft:: 1 garden. and eine wwhie:tl illustrates the eccentric t'r,7,aes.,ra1)1:€w: Fif the taetint ,•t-. et, le ee t+! iii,:'_ Lii.Tl"ee, ing some e.fe feet.illt,rt were Zn``*YP,I1s- . , roads ton ;-e3c:et cars in ear glean` the city.. The island i. tr ;nn7unntatin- Otti to atil•'Lww of t';;e 4,'fding :bsi tailroads. Chancellor Bee -Ws diets -ran in the arbitration between the Cinaadiatn'. Pacitif and its traekinen ':Call se?1 e agood purpose if it promotes a disposition on the part of em- p1oo-ers and nien to wattle their : disputes by arbitration rather than ley resort to the destructive process; werhazereeze fee aifferenee lanween :'see +: vent n..,._. vases r.e faze :'_:at they new hew r".sady week 5: fsir :w et mss, whereas before they x- nese say price. :_.. -, z._ n of the population .. _:: renin Canada a very large is tealtage of the whole that con- s-deletes on- : el tes a sort of politico -social ?aronietar whose readings are at present very favorable. It re- quires but a very slight alteration in the reading, however, to cor- respond with a changed feeling in. all walks of life, We are treading ' W I ,L SAIL OW SATURDAY. The Winilredian, With the Second Batch of the Fourth ;Contingeut. Halifax, N, S., May 13.• ---.Col, Iiving stated to -night that the steamer • Winifrodian, with the Fifth Regiment, C. K R,, would sail for South Africa on Saturday morning, The inen will embark at eight o'olook. Human Beings and Flowers. It appears to be an indubitable fact that there are persons who have about thein some quality that is deadly to flowers. A florist said the other day : —"Frequently ti man will come to me and .com- plain :—"Look here, I` paid you $3 for a bunch of violets, and you said they had just been plucked, and would live nearly a week. Well, my wife wore them in her corsage last night, and they were dead this horning. There is nothing for me to reply to the man except that his wife must be one of those whose contact is injurious to flowers. If he pooh-poohs this I am able, perhaps, tp recall the name of some lady who bought violets at the same time and from the same lot as he, and I call her up on the telephone, and she tells us how they are still fresh, though she, too, wore them the evening before. My clerks corroborate me also, and tell of numerous cases in their experience where a few hours in the hair or on the corsage of a woman have killed the hardiest • flowers. Indeed, experiments have been made in this .natter, and, I . know personally ono tall, robust and beautiful girl, who will not have about her a rose, because she knows her contact means death to it. "--Philadelphia Record. Right and Right are the colors of S. W. P., they shine and. last. Danger From Lightning. Many people .admit, and more rather dangerous ground just now experience without admitting, fear in the world of economics, and of lightning. The feeling ranges all the way from vaguo uneasiness to frantic terror, and the aggregate amount of mental discomfort thus caused is very large. The Eleotri- cal Review, in noting the approach d°tintlic'ts that might be avoided.. ' of the thunderstorm season, calls both capital and labor would do well to govern their prejudices, for both have most to gain by honor- able peace and most to lose by attention to the disproportion he- wn* LTTE IS I i;fERIT1I1 . tweeu the popular apprehension This statement you earn prove by and the actual danger, but there is investigation.. When a person small consolation m that for the whose ancestors had long lives dies timid ones, all of whom know that lit middle age son can in nine clues the nunnber of deaths from lightn- out of ten trace the cause to dis- ing is ane©ligiblo fraction in ordered kidneys and consequent mortality reports, and still they suffering from Bright's disease, aro afraid. The Review disbelieves utterly in lightning rods ; at least rltd•m:aim. fatty heart or dropsy. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Phis pre- it says that „ put up as usually vent and. cure these fatal and pein- they are of practically no use." A t'u diseases as no other preparation tin roof, with metallic spouts con- waas ever known to do. One pill a neeted with 'underground pipes, it dose. ;°:, cents a box. credits -with some protective power _ 'but for tho dweller in the country This old a trth can which tic'e lits lno close approximation to safety is mans briefly sojourn has no givtl><! contrary, is in no measurable peril. ever any any of her habits of life out ev.elt if he takes no precautions at rpt deference to our presence. all, for, though eity buildings are When we look myon rude cuttings often struck, in hardly any in. follw and speculate upon the titanic pros. It rise e s to Said seriouslarm ttees dduringfnb stan Ittaleale i. Jf WL sat, tro, r . �at 11I1; G1kirA.T 11L0OD -SY PURI1Iir,R AND SYSTEM RI!;O. DLA TOR will cure the most aggra- vated form of Dyspepsia and Indigestion. I t wil l dor rest "1 hat 14111 heeling; After baling." Nervous Headache, Sour Stomach I!latulenee. 'Why suffer when a cure is guaranteed? 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00. JOHN Hare., Dashwood, says: "I was unable to get any 'relief from Asthma and Stomach Trouble until using Our Native Herbs," tl n e 4,,sA' JOHN MART,, AGENT. ZURICH, ONT. THE ALOHZO 0, BLISS CO. Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. 4 YY�rrM:a •' ('N 44, ..THE.. Commercial Hotel HENSALL, ONT. This popular hotel has been thoroughly renovated. and refitted, and will be found up-to-date in every respect. Every attention paid to the traveling public. W. R. HODGINS PROPRIETOR. �',C. STONER'.'c.N Graduate Optician, HENSALL. SPECTACLES An EYEGLASSES Fitted on Scientific Principles. A FULL STOCK I F Jewelry, Watches and Clocks Special attention lluidl t< I all kinds of Repairing. e.3 >< Stoneman, Geo « TR t 1 attauiatable. The urbanite, on the, lilyelSttLL. ONT.t stere under which great masses of ' thunderstorms, and stables con. 'solid rack were bent and twisted ;'taln1ng animals a and bairns filledodha>tr we note how larger or emit-' with new hay are also to be ler areas of intruding rock sub• I tdhnuned. It is important to known staane=e fill fissures in the common Hiatt Iseuple sure rarely' tile, arta!' le>K al te rty i ; when ice see here aanai free'nt ite off ets w nht re wain there, as one eau at Montreal. a resort were hard tev arthpeival respite line of respeetablae lyreittberaa a atien, long enntintted. The Pre - that bulk large in our eyes. but dltt!eti?n of 1i1htsniia» Is thtas wbielk represent a relatively small? espslainteal t • iti lava enact ad5 aa'e 1 � frsrtndtdl by tune c®i➢deyn•;�aGuo'>s a�f 1[I~,lnlauveAttent of the earth's forces, very mitidi toe deeps of water frauxn we very eftelrn, in ebatr pride, eon., the vapor in the air, under certain d et4fle that all this had been done in ' eanuitnaytts those tlr"ogys O;klanbnt mall el'ectrieaal (*barges. As the anrrtilnitpttidyn dsf r<w➢rr d4orrnira� adtndl otYr ' rale is gratified. Bea *lien this, erases lost rapidly than the: seine pr'oc'ess of change, of shrink-: quantity of charge, for the wastrel ;ion_• 00 tho, earth"s snrfacid, of loofa"that tteo drops of equal size, when a•aal station to lines of interior and they flour talether* produce ogle oaf cl'd?ribea" lYre. 'C tSnnieitr5e5 a eIlnatl +e , 0111 • shghtl;+ lEttor diametesr, and S. the a tpaeity is dl!,otei:n:di—le i b; the lin the level of the .Pacific Ocean';, diameter. On this account the acacias of perhaps a thousand, drops formed by the flowing to- ' Itn�r5�au . tiedthereadjustmentofgether of the a'ttiall mist particles. '.ew d : ,d•nels a tidal tsao towatdls' long before they attain such sire g as to ho pracitrntaatedl as rain., .._. y ., kina;ites some scores of thousands of Voltage, stnteient often to leap a rn s eat A € �°` le; when the forces of the' distance n a anile throngh tine air .. drops coalesce the opacity in- T Photographer RENSA L. NOTHING. 13 I` T THE 1"iNEsr 'mom: `r tliNED OCT AT REASONABLE I�RICES. ly Groups ' A ,cult. TROTT the e ergot d f etapan which atm-: aeginir'e avast electrical charge of 1 J., .. p,t dr a itr, nuee 1itlg in. lrropresaiblo I 'Color'ed: Sodas aro goitre; to be Estateto a ' . demi iet, spread death and liavoee if9l wort again this season, the have a Illrie; iti reed fine eastnner"e at '3 ets. as Texan city; when the. lir. /of aa,; B. Steinhg'ch. naltau`tain cauldron is staldertiv y %learn rnl u' g., and in the t rwirdrh lg of 'm; an eye ��rtw: tlxanusand people� �� . _ � are r�rr rn overwhelmed, choked., with poison - oars gasses, smothered with heti ashes. roasted in molten rock we The Nerves 'tits. ratiek*ate�r, a Water trees, Gala t, aarthly realize that in some parts' ,plat., stateic,—e tllt" great iambi', hes of the world, at all events, t , �elelmdnn- been with ray nerves,. Zrhtras very aervoas, '�.,* ••laz3 iaritliiia' afthr ae' . rues an o0 d old a • C still7 of ��� .totes, ate g at their t ear rilnieva%.. p get 4t sleep at night. I seeaaed cpuite play_ The Antilles are:geological i ;yoga out and. hellleving that T needed soave newcomers. Mother Earth is still i anediclne begin to use bt. Chase's Nerve Food.I cath truthfully say that this fn labor thereabouts. preparation has proven Sorpiasi .guy beige" - There are signs that the work of izcial. ., the' it has strengthened and destruction is to eoftinne. What! sleadied m, 11 n fafa, made int: rest stet# sleep rretl, card iiv iaci'bnilt ng the system Ls more agrealsle, the disposition to, •geste'rally." relieve such of the sufferers as 1• In br. Chase's Nerve rood is found. the have been resoled seems to be 'kw ionic frig blood and ieerves, and thtvetgh these tan aneditest etrery Organ universal. In Paris and in London i in the hilt/tan system is 'benefited. The subscriptions are being opened.' leiiidrdepresing ffeeings disappear At Ottawa Parlament is to vote ihriev, a gyt dw got dis ease is stun of money. It is about all we overCoinee, the t egans •of the body perform can ds in such emergencies. We cannot arrest or control the op.r• it - tion of these titanic forces, but we can help to allay distress. banger in using cheap paint, be safe and buy S. W. P. O. 'Greb. their visions dntie.s And hear flesh and tis - see ate sadder. so Cents a box, at all dealers. or Edananson. Sates t Co., Toronto. Dr. '1aset$ Nerve Food to bas Strut €o+tttott, fit` £USt. Farm., City, Village, Suburbrn. old Garden Property, Said, Bought and Exchanged. Money Loaned on First and Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Securities. Parols, Houses and Business Prop - dirty Rented and Rents Collected ' upon Reasonable 'Terms. Money Invested for Private Indi- viduals oa First Mortgage on Real. Estate. TELEPHONE 696 ZELLER r.miniumiamikia.ft...i.04; AGENT ZURM N; ONTARIO. taws :"_"[ .`nmsnn'nn, reTw,aeme�y�yZ �ffnp Was once a fad over which the whole country- went crazy. Then it Had ` dulldays. Now this revival has. made it what it always what it should have been ---a pleasant mode of exercise and a convenience always. Nothing like' bicycling for sociable exercise, pleasant to take. No wheel like the .. 66 v ES L ric CANADA CYCLE & NOTOR CO, Limited, TORONTO Canada Kind You `'�I ant ill Heats Sale ills Note HeadsEnvelopes Circulars Etc. Etc. O _ E YOUR PRflTIN THE LD Zurich 6 oc ors lbRI A God ester/V:1._. For n-.. +av;2anra.va a eats 01 Bad Peat a e at it'r °Tt .dltt* a S f Gc a y a s 5a,tt and to tt °!g tire. Oro �i ted eft !„tet a ;d I I'P -PAN 9 en tNu fi ar<r rind it ce t t r S �, t ,_. a ➢ l'. - St to fct s fl2't1tr, teiiy4 be C-4,5 at :my d s^a a Ten sarr es 1"d etc tt,aelyriret deb4rG :s a 1 Er r_a:_ed to *ay ?dfesr fel Em etele„ tct'tear -i y ':e Riots t:,.e=leii a +., Nei.rr Spnli,i Snot. rep 3 cr t, s ties ctiadr 'Melissa Vinay in aye w ;i has the est—stir 2.9 ! '1. ,=fel" ,toric left ant; beta t rest pars. 1.1...f4: ae, en :e , we 's Liiot:'sst2 Teen.t- ,ifet d- _Lor er . atter perfected by the..: u c ►- ? :a'.5: , Et--; trcttgatt 39^, to o. of ir...21%2F.. WE ae9 -::a.s esEn-'rteace in reat-te tof th ese dis,z s eh: r can aori•a t. 3:F. re ar tics 3'aq—;r ;a- ioa5, Naa-+rotssII'JebLtl[v; b•'4p tray., wasr c,aeetc, :atriceure, Giect, ecrct I sarin. 11113PotCne7, :,a as t1 ->d testa? %V cu*t-ebb iii + es, anon Bladder »iatate,•cn. Tfa isgaar!naeas aro V.a..L.l ..a_..icnds. You rsavtta sa t;:a,ret drain throughthe 'ezrere—r+ t a the. a : nsoa yet fed t•are1 rnt itl tFa a e trtzCrntr!,,. 1'66 are�riot Yeaten. yn tr lrr.Il s-a� c°n<�. ve:a feel Ctsreen'e;+t d have r.ar stiction„ Don't let year :Life IZe I is eaem iiw -r. Drs. E. a is ttatantee .•o Cure or no Pay. LO Syp IS' is the scourge of tataultintl. It stay net tett er'• :O "loco it, for St may be inherited. but it Lan crime to. atgoarr it to reasr ter ads 06 es• ste-a. Like father— tike so. fl are of Memory nue! Pots ; t. ztrseut. a`9:.n X. S: 1. res tivcay sera thou. -arse cases er no Pay. ATLICOCELE . .. y dee New Method Treatment cares these di -V:2616 s a'61,, ata strely.. 1 O iguarpyla-•aztnteo Cosneffarerrs,a 5urr—to detention fronais tineas. Doi tri::kr: er; tio.tandro; lXotrt sesaalorgans. The stricture tissue isabeerbs nn0c..jnrrcar..turn, Drs. Ti eys Don't neglect your kidneys. Tour aching tract: tells the °ult. Tae.': i5 Doctots eaperimeut oa you. Drs. X. fit X. in -re youif 3 -on aro s.ot 'beyos1 They guarantee to Cure or b o Pay. CURES GUARANTEED. Pao C'C Rf: so F"ds Consr<nettl3oa. Free. Sent Free, (seated_) Write for u otet ienn t Ulti a: for Ho..,'e Treatment. Ever, ithiag C:onfietesndi:ax'.. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 14a St ELL 'S Tn TEx i