HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-05-02, Page 7�-­ �--c --�:­ - ­� - I , , - - � I - . . � � 1. � . . . . I . I . . I I I . - I 11 � I � I I � .11, . ­F� , . . . I - � . I .. - � I.. I I I I - ... � - I .11, I., .".''''.- I . . � I .. . . I .1 I- . I I I I i , . I . , . . � I I I . . . � I I � '. I . I I I . I � I � . . . . � � . . i. I .. � I I � . I I I I I I . . � I I . I . I I . I � I . I . . . � . � . . � I � . . I � � � . . . I . I': I 19 I I I 'I it I I � WOO I . . � I � . I . I I 11 I I 11 I . I I I � . . . -.1-1 I . I I . ; . -.11-1 I . ..... I i I I - � . I 11. , 1.� ,. . - � I .. .11 I . ---------------,-. - ;"� , �4,� .0 � , ___ - 11 I . ,.!�! � : ! !__ I I . � I . �� . I I ; I I I I I . I I , I _ �_ I I I.". I - I � I . I I . 11 I . I . . I rogAllt voice with even temporary .�� �N ot warm water or milk. This willt . . ,. C ::� � Almost tlivariablY JStOP. the Jklik . - ombitrrassment and disillaY. HEART TROUBLE. .* _ . . � V �. . I _ y 0 1413less lily solill It 01111 t be pos- . " Jon in ewe In fiftpea . _ I .1 I � I A minutes, bdt Int p9omel cases lo, see I . I , I . , * 54 W I , I SIble Ill Mr. .Deane eja,eulates, in tones . ... . t.. � , I 1. from' Indigeat , opA , I � of borror, retreating to an 0aSY- . I 0 I. . 17 dose, not exceeding � five .drops, 1411, . The Symptoms Often Mi 11 11 - -111�., liecessary, . �Vbe remedY, ,he sa"re, lose " 6& I - . il - i, � , . . _ - &�a4 /W "" M 4 Z - �­ chair, and staring It, silence for sev, isun- 11 I . I, knowu to toil. t I : I a oo,c,,�� eral mintites, with a wholesome Son" 11 � . gaver.been I . sation of remorse unit Shams at tile Where Silage J14 Appr1eelotod, I � ,� '' ; . , . . derstood by the Sufferer -_ The oils 0 1 - io���Illo 4! thought of tiler SpOeli.11 concernlrol.W I . THE SUPERIORITV OV . chicago Breeders' Gagette , 1. I I I '. - - 11 0 - - � " " the dead woman whicil lie was just I I I offers the greatest a,djqnct to the � I � . . 11 . about to titter, � � I � . CANADIAN FLOUR. eopno . In I io . al feedipf; of steers xiow, I * . M - J� �� - 0'1_� 4X4, flit is Just possible, and we III.LvP The Trouble at All Tiones an. RX" - I li,v4i,jable to stoelcullen geuerally� Sll- I I � , I been, and. are In .great ti,ouble," treonely Dangerou's One -flow to I age will'proTon 19seful in a high de� * I I �11 11 .. 11 George says, answering Miritte's sYYn- Prollipt-ly Relieve It. Maikes the ]Eiest Loaf-TrIals In lCog- gree for tile Bummoo- feeding of steera. - Aq&u,�t4 � I � pathetic eyes rattler than her pomp- . I � land --is Not Adultiorated-11ow to The blue-gra,ps pdotures which sup- , I � r - ply Ample grardluk for ateers in May - ,,,I,rld we hope 11 tie continues, Chere are ma.ny forms or heart dib Raise Crops-'rell Years, 11r,ot- t'v '/ / ous lord, . .�Oslng her dir- ease, soine of whiiiiii manifest them- to S,nd Stint faji to afford Sufficient sue- . . - A atlo-� I a,tewn,4_ � I very earnestly, addr , I Ti-li for $owlPz-I;lvItAtIou e. er on I in tbe season. . I I . ectly, "that you will not take Gil� selves by Symptoms which axe Inifi- Varmers. etilerilt feed la,t Ilan away"froin us just yet. My understood by the sufferer and as- If not overotOcked there may be art father and dil of ,is Will miss her so cribed to Indigestion or Some Simi- Canadian flour of the best sort eon- Abundance or lla;lf-dry graies, but . I c1readfully, that we hope You Will lax cause, When the heart is really tains by Actual analysis About One-' .there Is not theprroper Supply of real : I s - Pare her to us for awhile longer, at affected, The sligiltest derange- I I Teo. tl)4, t,DO, Ouir summer . tenth more of albumInoido .than the green , , )lre frequent than all events." . ment of this important organ ill ex- r, and in _____ - U I wander willoll of yoli -,vill 'n-AsS tremely dangerl.lous. If at times tile beSt quality or Hungarian floa in the past, and often through the I har so dreadfullY,' you or your father, ii,etion. of the pulse is tod rapid and the albumlaoids or gluten being more month Of Aug-upt the steers on pas" . .. +*+0 ' ture, make ,,little oir no 'gallis because I + my, fair-haired gentleman Ie" MIntle tile heart beats; violently, resulting tenacious, yield a dough. whicil rise$ of the scant oupPlY 01 feed then ol, thinks, with a g1linmer of It smile in a Suffocating feeling, or, It the better.and holds its Position in the available. The s',oakman who has & * in her keen eyes. '11)[iis week little heart Seems inclined to stop beat- baked loaf. Let tile press proclaim large "pplY of silage can band will + damsel, without 6 word to say for ing, tile Pulse becarnes slow, and you tli,is and the new Ill be followed find it possible in otimmeT to use The C 0, 1, at, %I i In, g of Gillian: + s very cleverl feel a faint, dizzy sensation, YOUL by � demand *for lCaw.nij,dian flour in this maierla;l to gregat advantage. t herself, bags her bird Y, I * and birds well worth powder and h1hiotIld ta.ke the best course ill the the.old country, Nvaere people know Just as many p:rolvideilt dairymen are A Pretty Irish Romance. + shot, too. I gliess L'aglish girls are world, &lid that is to ta,ke, Dr. Wil- 0, good thing when they see it, and doing. I . 1 ....... I. t SLY. I . Itains' Pink Pills for Pale People. Toil will have tile best that can be Pro- Alotid she BaYs: Ill f1 Id thAt the, distressing symp- cured, .++.,,.+++++4 - 11 . "I wouldn't worry jn-yself about It angry with her; She bas not written "Yes, certainly, sife Shall stay, Mr. j tollis promptly disapl)ear amd that For some time past Canatlian flour I ........ i-+++.Pf %#i -i ao much if I were you," INfintle say6, you a word, of explanation or apol- Damer, for awhile. It Gillian call I the heart at all times acts normally. has been steadily gaining ground in 11O placidly. " Captain Lacy is 'a real Ogy, though the match was ,tit of take poor Lady Damer's place in nivy � .g.r. AdelarLi Lavoie, St. Pacome, tho European markets, and it is be- f LUXURIOUS WAYS OF I nice fellow, and a perfec� gentleman, her making, and plenty of fibs she way, wililst you and poor Sir Harry I Qne., bmtrs utrong testimony to the coming better known as flour frora 'when all is said aull done, and lie bas told about it, too, and I dare say, if axe In -such trouble, of course net- I value, of these 'pills In, cases of heart which bakers can make not, onlythe " ` . + APPLYINR SCENT. I fallen in love with some clever girl the whole truth were known, who ther Mr. Deane nor I Would think - trouble. Ile Says: "For nearly; best quality of bread, but also the %. knew the secret minds or tile young of disturbing your arrangements." I largest quantity per barrel. The f. .who bas just married Iiiiii Out of ch as I TAII've ye,jrs I was greatly troubled hand, and ho Is married, and nothing pi-opip as,well as they dill ill emselseu. All this is said without so mia English, bakers make up their sponge 644"+ ++'t--'� .... 1 .......... * ' .' I guessed froia the fir8t evening One permissive glance at oiler lord I ,,vith, a weak heart and lilt constant from seven or eiglit brarldi,; of flour, The whim of Identifying oneself can alter that. And (3111lail hq not hilie was lildiiip=; a heap, and so it is made extremely plal� foa,rf that ,lily end would come At because this enables I them, to have sorry or mad about it, so wbY I met h er an- w a bit (if things under that fine English to George Ili what quarter pet , y, time. I placed myself unden a. a continuity of quality In -the event ith a special perktime hits been car - Should ,,,ou be?" sful ,,, 1good. doctor but dill not geti the tie- ried to such lengths by* some wQm8J2 "Ifov; can You talk in such a man- 'lligh-ione' air o -f tiers!" concludes tions are likely to be succes! ;ented I sired relier. In rapt, I grew worse - of any :ruigle brand failing in the hat their handkerchiefs, hair, gown% aer, Arainlittlut?" Mr. Doa ex- I astute Mintle. " But blame her the future, when formally preE I market. Three tests made by first- t , ,It "I" c s I i QIF� least exertion would overcoln� lingerie, fans, writing paper, bonnets, claims, in Such a passloti lilt 11 If you want to blam,,� i nybody, to Mrs. Deane. um. an,l finilly aLl to. dis-continue class English bakers Ili London with 1011911 you'll Fwe(. It lut..5 a, Canadian flour give the following re - even ready to seuld the d ,I turned "I aim delighted uly little girl has . I ii,, gloves and slippers are all fragrant walom lie " ""a" sl�,-,,Vi I to,,,�,t, lor the b-ist, and now I am going a step -mother!" Gc��pge kleeldeS In- r WLl,rk. WhIle in this condition, a ,,, or (ieii,ato heliotrope, violet, chypre. Young jady 'JO.'e, , .It,: Each using 100 pounds of flour, , .' wardly; "she makos amenElls for thel 1wighbor advised me, to try Dr. Wil- ,11,y 141naimed lit the fir6t Instance peau. d'Eapa_-ne or simply fresh, clean obeys Impticitly. "Aly daughter! lily I to dress.11 r,?d a ' daughter to bet trifled with and I Lett to hinisn-11 Mr. Deatio dops awful*dad to' : Hams' Pink Pills and I Proo', 1-0 pounds of bread, 152 pounds of b;melling orris. The last note of Silghttod by all), juall! if Ito waro it j "fume, tipi filskil, for awltill-, but tif- "'And you must 10-t us 11011) Yon � ­­PP1.v- Th"Y Bil"PlY WUrliied won- bread in the second, and 151 pounds smartness Is in choose a favorite trillco of . tho blood I Would Punish � tm. a i�inr, Ili, b -gins. naturally, to all we call; my litisbalit" and I WEI � 4i,-rti Ili my mse and wheli I had used of breaLl in the third case. Eaccli flower, with which tile perfume cor- ! succumb to his Arniiihi�ha,s opinion, ho Only too glad. if You ,tviil." Min- .�!*): btl\es I ,%ww again enjoying good test was made w1th. strong Calla- responds, Ito for it l" ] c - ' It y Chat rfume Miallo rosp, ' "Gravlotui !" . und,s, with ' and on the following dwy wrW�s a ,t,]v pursutiS, wit i urdial kinflness .,alth. I have had no sign of tile dian flour. Ili is noteworth. 0 ne, woman Ila,.;; carried her pe a eurl ol hor Ili). "I dull't thillk : c-oul, stiff. but not 111wmirti-ous I �t. Look oil its as frivii(Is and relatives.', r,r,;ojIbj, .,4inev alid I call chp.crfully adulteration of Canadian flour ly)r Ili- caprice, to her country house, which . , . And shall We Stay oil , V0001111TWIld the Pills to Similar suf- dkirr corn flour, or other vhmiper and might ba st,ylea the paradise or' per- Y01t c"huld bring .in aetion fur breaell ! ter to Captain Lavy, all,] ozif� to Gil- won't N'()u 1 � ot prtaid�;o .;*-1111141, (),I;- (if thkin. it lian, lilf6raiing hor that in till,, here, or would yOu IMP I's to e0111" 1 -,� " I inferior substances, is ouii:,I,r un- f,,- Os�ory, :Ind Sta.-tr a few ! o-r(Irs. inlo. In ill(, luxurious badi rooms Tlt,-re Li .t law atrainst th-lip lilarry- I t-fjtjrFj- or .1 J. -w d.lys Iw and ber On it) UOUnt - Mood troubles of .-Lik klnd,4 are also k.r.own. For hweetnp.-s, whit-In'ss ari� plaepd Lift bottles of bath ce- ll I 111g.l, slilij. tq, isn't ilivro?". � ! kil�lp-muth­r w.11 go ovPr to Irtolaild days until tliv last r1tos aril over?' : vii-od by the..;(" famoun Pills. If you and streiigLli Canadian fl.)ur Is un- ,nmv,, and on each dressin-table . eoln,O to UzzlillL Ossory, Nilltl&- .%.flol tho-ii, g4;-ioijig that floor hu- 1-anil rr(ju,.-;'4hig li';- to bto prPpared th"011. . . � ­!fft-r froom hentlaches. dizziness. FurPa6sed. ond Iv,ashing-stand appl?ar b-cottles. nevil.,1111avy th�lu h:.Juj.-� , ur."' (ji'llan Kai -K, burst t - isPs of all,v Compurailw- Tost.. sm...11 ajj�,l .- F,,...-,. �)xl oliffilreiit ecents- ­ . , -Laid bt . kin in ,:, fr. bolls or 6kIn disp� r 1).t pol J,,� to � aiur,ry to) vji�:al:. . -- t. t .13� lrork;� i­!-,:� .� �l all jj'L,,pqr,.,Io. lavender -wa­ I' tjl�- matti,r � tear.i of �i-Per llt'tb'P kint 'L " '41 k1N ligt� IjiO ,,f.-.,; k1.j%-,:l' laiwovt­. s rcti'll " i vi. ,vtour blood. is lit an Impure can- To mpe� thil W-mased tl,airlad In vio -t. p ­ UAC *gei-,'.vioai , " , --tik4. yo.,, kjz� to sj,­%-1 i�,, iii ].:�r drinni 1wit? a wl"I.. vir; wk Lpq-.V,�, liall (Ill- an -I cur.'!al tones. -.v,tIj bor arni­ ,:" -o L -N I - . , aroliud ber s,t�,�Jblu 41r.'r's neck. I.,"", ..Z*�t,n. and Dr. Willittills' Pink Pills Fliglai'd rooi. Ijj:rd IvIle..t.; to in.. with tor. aml vati de ColognO. Several �z *111�ril sinap are provided. for th. k.lv �IA­ lV'V-,!j 141" I-, g Ill, !7,an',4 lk-lit,'r1i have 1114 ilown writt"D all ha -vi ' ,�.,-- tviiat yon neell. Theee pills are t1w botir-grown and sofiO-r wheats, o srt8 of . v , - I..) 4-141,�y "IJI7,­ s'p.',�stofi�j aream ','I a1w,11 t- -1 ibuy., aft. I- I., �r rMurn tit want evory friend We e , � a i ..�,Y Wt Mll: Ill pr' Ie theruselvei On . rg-e L . p,ir,,,xa0va awl t1w.-f4fore do, Up. F. T, .9il,;tt, .V� 4%... of ill,- Coutral , 11-t, .. . H. vni iia -.11 1) loon 41fin V4. I a (ILI y aruilinil it, limr, dtal't WO, ti -OO � , OfIr law'd ov" lor.w.lq-. .wL.-1 lv�l, V.0+1% 11 " akr-n like ml�dlelllps or that LNI)i �r;m it . I F;irm W, 0, V. w*a, ma :e � ti.,. v,,�iy I,,, v� ji, ,ja tilpy pprfalme their '. W;.,�k ,0$1% Ijill.,q. '.N11intiv doar." ! , 't we. -111. sl ­s to zf'o'. - �%-.s loT .� halin.- Fron.­- �i!- tw�D J-1 L,oalaon. it i:. tlirt,, . .� If .):ulo, k. _ ,7, ;, ,L r at vollboll 441 ; U0. frin.) V-1. 11.11. it- ri,turiami-Ill fftVA, 1*1 gue��gj I*ti jubri vt.r.v inuell V � ', ,�. Tli-oy ari, ttvale in thrir 11.1 Jr. t4tt;jj,):t raig;-- I-V�AIMM�1'9*, Il' 't" '"ll � r­i,itw. i,�,I);­�,-41��' I ,fort a 11nne ulo.n­�Ii".,?��,,, eah. %,Ol. .�all y,o)n ell.10,ii ,.v.t,tt nlk*. vn�� ' ,.t-, arl maks, new, rl.-h, rk"I b1foli)(I ('anol"61 b!. -t jrtten­4 .,In) tit,- I-C,A I lowt.y. S,,.nw, 1�,zrtl rastillf­7 or ribbon t.t%,­� , ', is `,wr t4: I - 44 a Li - 1-11' I �01. Mi I P- V.�?.%- i-ov.-nI.al �- tior -tilt- lottrglftrlo . I . t . , %vo;jjijjI1z flavi- l.w.­ ri-J.1its Miatif , � ". A.vl-r�v dliog;i�, tDI.if3 rtol,4orin- grawlei of lbingar,'nui 11 zto.-e. Th- for- (if j*,;P7-1­:, %hilik. �.tlwr,-3 uso eau A!8 "Irm . V14 . � . , - b -t - r-, Il- , .t,!.,4- Z,-staep and 11' .amA.l I1B.i ll.� . - * %-%---;., il , I . . and strrlv�th to hop ,lvo-a anol CIAM - . . 0�i. p. -o' 1--irk"'I Do.-' t1v:�,#,­a,,- �-­. .�,it�,at in an Iron Fpoe,lgl, , "GIM."g .10;�­ .100o�,11 f.1r Is 'ji 1, P,ih1n af!, is ory rwtgh vulphath:n1ly. ' ol*b . , I 11. ;Ili U..i,. i, L'� 7 ,1,�,� ,�': -. ,.%��t, .'4i'. I,.-.,.- - - lg:%.i lv� 1. r- r :�a,,-2 �. or .I - 114 U. 'll - . ;�4:.-.%m, of 44-pl, vZo.4",J,.. " ,,�r_ ��tl,j �-.�to� j; ;tj. I ;t",,*,oI uj_ o.- �- i ry u,i i ­h j­#­Artwt.,s bir.1 for And �-o j"anettp Lqily fla-gipir tllp,; .� ,h aimit .-affereloq. i'at ,Vill] jiluen, � 6 I .,!,I .1 4', V.. v-wp.".�.T Irmpll,m-, .nvll ." tol�1111 op, t 11-# #'�g�­-aijl, IAX.".% 0-aLlotll , ":". wk .1 i.. f '411, uwil 01,4y. nuof 1?q Irigo'.­ il. aiinl th-, . hil4land wiV., I '� fl.. go ji-,41"JI, 1% �Jjk-jj .tj%V.k,V8 lj.tel Tow rot,-ult of Oi�,-,ie 6'si�""�l 'Btl" Ii, n:- 4 in elrtreu4t­,�'. tits t 111at tha - 4 . " 11.) n., *11) . WhIlaillm, 11111% 1111le pru,VeI 11w .sup'riftrity or ill : Cvn­ I , .i.r,­r,­;il 1�,-tm.A,T to wn10're a oviqi. ­�, "'; �,,,v i��o­, t P.. �ht­l nor vr il­f, �.I.o tl'" foo­g�'.;,�::,, - nitIrnInT 11", wh *ai Nho, has liv, of fwr tw1ollit.%-fiv - � ", 'r r t Unn 11-mv Vir bril"tj In -0,1 --if, piirIio*)v,-,. , drav 11 whiell, ' 1. , t V, I - b .I, w '11, r :;: 4aw, ie. V�,, -- t f, o,,�iotllb; too 1.1,1 t0.w­',J"r th-it hP yi,ar; nilsivs ti.io, I.-Iqldlar pri-sealf, ,, , I,— llt,i�1101 ()%I i4viory lotm. Al,.011 . r.4'.�,". ISJ.-%ttrS.;,h4S sw'�I,uwo " � .... , �, 41� .jt�'r.z i -or lovpl� P 10w Ili ree xi_rg, - of :111i loll� .l,iloi,ol- W., to V. � . ,�. .4. tit ll�thl at * i wil, *4 ttir p 1.1"Zinok 1:i jud"84-lt,4y P.,11111 - V "I ., "'.1"0. i� Nvol, vool"t D.- .1, -,, 14 'n ,.%!I ­ xv, It It - Ili U.X. wita a vign .. half-frivilt nwl 1-1-nr I -0* 'no ittlo ul-ost lllwli'�A*At V,ol't o TIlck ."'I'lo.'Itti Ibl'i it 014.4h,ult to .I ol. - �n .�. �a4 � "WO r k jork - ro. epr, , � ". - vt 0. -, a IV% ox or N bcos'vs for rOjon, p . L 114 .' Ms. 41. "I -ii, % t"'.6, r, 10 I I- - � I I t,., �, _1 . V� A-44 O, I �, J1, VW % k -, g :1 -It e.o,m �& , 1-i 7 I at th, - No;) .-40 11 .t I tfg;tl aft ­r, ,,t ro twir ;v,,l riv,aor.;P. Ij A that. IS .01� , �:'�*), ti�y voltirvo4w: �',v, Dr. 1%111- U , , "III fo''.., � 04,Q 0�t - -,, ,,,, -1 .14 oll",.1-, k % t;ll .. tbf% lot., I 4 'au ,�Iln .t, h, " i, r,.t , t,�n �*­. I" .11, p, .r i Uq�, Z , to. tj, . , .,qo,,, zov�l jr�I,to t, ft ,,�-Ijr 11arrr . , ­ , .� - i . '14 " -t hlilr ,,ob f*m 14.%Ola- I Lnto,l � ll. -r Ito IsIleu '' �,. - .%I ,lielloo. (%,,.. i' ,-.ovh*� ELP, Ont. - .. , ,�,, m-."01.. I I...- V,��wwgi, lvev­ rwtlqo�- 1r.(L.nj,%4,­r; Ways lit 3 - '446 , .41I 'I. ', * VIP- *w , , 6, " Ltr,j 1�jjq . 1, aq, P %,� ji J��,Okjy o, i Irnaaal ev atp4r., w4t6n , lu,- ins realt . = ­ ��­ ­ � - 41 14 i., IV; q n, 1,..g,* 11 i ­', -1 � g,T ,-.Aj..!- gP,; ,".i4, w :oO-t;Lg rao,iartA, oil ' n L, ef nt T�l - ilo".vrin � p" for I . '. � I V�1"D P". ` � � r"o '. r,q-t-n %. liki".4 � ­ 1i jo%, .1-j.; ela��-t.,.d go -,%I gr'.wveil 11, 1"viltil..1-- Dot,allwr.s. � ­, I ­,-, t. . t4 ) � , , of Ito! .."-,6 mr.,ume- I 'i r � I -4.-Ij 11 -it .­�t,�,rn wt lb" .� Ili so !, ,,; flw ti. A 1)", : !60� ?):,� P"'. . 6t , %j f!t' "Ill .�,. liwl.l 'klo b.",O Row .I U wv lhk.%8, allol fo' . '14ren, I ,�% h V, l,�'� �z $11, . 11 -!I D114- , '�rg, "o' ,4f (,,� .$.",. '� r,,' �- - , ol"', , " 'I . , . J%t'� 1%�oTj 1.1 ,,I 11 IL 't. 111 j"Cjj"_ I " � it, :�vl­ V1 t,%t 4,o) thm% 11 � AYW; 4t f!4 ra%flor .i`li on 11 ,�".-� D�,�puj -D, . j� .*� wo;, t ? 411V -1 wil, 'i p � w , e r aro, , . .� � 1 V,si­n to ... tol low O_��V. till. I a �h 1-10, I , I � ,�n *1 Z 14� , R-;� " " i;,, &,. 1!� 0 ..op � f ­ 1. t,.v, .0 I. T-1 Ap" % � pvl, hi'm oil'- . � -,-, Po n0l 9, V to Pvu.L,6 L%lo tit'? V,­!h­,,1I;v,. 1, ,, J%,t­wl;,� v. # ., %-. D:� elm�m O. ON, I wtt -t t .1.­� In 1. . I A I , 01,4.�.:l t,uoO 3-.t* I , �',­7. "! !!,4 . A I aVq, . I I - I..0 Ila I .3 7,X`21. Y " r �' . 1; " 1. l-, 3�� I �- l�r,�rl 1:0 ap,4. i�,:'. �l - 41' o - - 4.'L 1 4v 4 -O. --t or enp-q. ti� - n�� � I ' t,ol,L4 0'j � �' . pwht - h, %.-lit a 11 !&,-' V4­6-jt� - j". 11, -I ... ,.I, -.1 � It - *J,opti , voo+-.�i*O.c %.. "vol tile � "I - -I jto i,ile,-, r. ing, In.- ; no, 1 : 11, , "t . ­ It z, If ­ �,i 1-j I nnIer 110�, , , � ,� 1. t , � 0 u5 �, 1 ,,, �,% '. ­�!;t � * �I-.,% lr'0.5.1',�, %,P-ol. ,,�_j 1jr­'4k.I to �..%io�, hA '.., - I llo­. , n n.V, -r . -,: gn,v'�ls. svu,. glu,on, �:,07, Ir.t- �,%V. T ,tli. , , I� ", �'O 4 ' 1'1'�gtt [�,.tl not%*- 4P-.1*, $*R,14 nz.,�.r NT. ""r_ Iti,40ol. 1, P ­ 1i 1,10 r t.,,r�q vrwol th - Unt, r A oel , tim, . -- " , 1, Vn­ Wr,og #7 lll-tvvig I . , I tM ,,,,,-, hrvill".O s, a, 'I lo ts!"'q'11 4_ jjj,� ,..:E,�:I-,I. *14);J, 41 �,oal Lo fill! WIV, U1,101111 � tia "", 97U. V " -u fl. t.�,, er , wad. � �, "), :4 �� �; p �: � It". s.P.14 -it R44'r., , �­, n le I �4 ,�,,+ , 'J" 1141!-10 J,. It r lao".- C.'. um,�j = -.4 0,.� a bA4 ho'kit"el.' % .Ilw 44.1 4 l+g% 41, ir. thm�,_­ .;­�A*rt� 1,:.,.,, �o ,o,:tt..'�, ill- 4�­�tL. ' �, I' . � ' .�j q4L U . . thi, I ;141!1.�i 1 o 4 14V�vo , � t� .!­ i"..'j-1 019. a " I (lhovv r t �w, I f-.! I- - t­wli 01 ;,Al 6,!, ' . In to .'41t M go n, Mlgoi!` hwl.00lf %V441. �-j "I VT. �1;41; ; " __ - I J!tjo , 1.4 rapoai t�i &I& tt uti4abti it 'fr� ni 11 h" Na O,Ag tr�llt"N e*xgatoO I,rne, It t or Is. -no 1`6% vvro 1;,i4 .0 it I H I an'o-g Awrt 11 0 A'.111P I V.30 I"'i'A t: , C � I i1noxo A;A,!.40,w. ; �, ;,, ,,,, ,,,,,, " . , - . mact ;11 . b* oillp 1%. -1. W. ol IO, ,,no .11�i,'.,;� ,o,l ,,I a lw­. t 0 I , " t " :i,.j 1,�.',, U or 16,4 ll� - patl, 01 �, �, 4 !,Y4- III . ­ . fo� � - -, o I "OV.1 It'a 11 �n On. Olv­, , � 1. �,It q m dimv I'%di"t. asn V.. Irlb'J". Ne'Vi,, 140,%r .%O- lla.44 allY , a 1"t.1 11'* �E rqt ,� 44'.4 � , 4A14 � T.o�4 �1 4 fta ttto t vul of a akl'�'*'� �'D'�2. %'s-, 9w: ",_'0 ,�_.­� t,- ll �4%1 ot.l. I -�4,`:*%.z.-,1-'., "::;, - ol, .1. VQ10 #k ` , I, tlre�!;Inq o#,.' Tv"I lutl,� 14 ,% 't �, '! � , , p cnop� 4- , ��. I iktiv .2� �I:C,u It VO` il '.' � "t bug' 1--" � o!,11o,riono 4 f.M.141111P too 10�­ w -lo, V­!� 4 �! a, Lt'. 5 , ��4 43: .� 4�:j IcAl Is t'.1'6 r.�,t-A tli., '11 thly ­ - (A . , , ­i,��',,� , ��6,h �3. Il tw- 9 11"'ll-rLi". 3.4. I ,)`,�*, I I , N up, , I.,-. * �, h 1� i"o vi�t, - - -T 6'a iltli!t . o� " I t �P,allt,JVIIAIS (11 E,01­�-. Ill S111:01`1�' 0"'! ,`r"" , a ',"p f . t�tjrq W. . . CL P,44.;;i­'.!.�, � 19 �0­. .,,� " v. 0 %5 an ,;ra- I ;V�i A -U810 Lgqr.�� � tjl.-�. ­2*��,3,,, ,I. a. ­ WlaaC %AIA, ,Vojl do .G th,- 16% - � cm 0 Mau- 140� - .,;a .0 lit%f,lu Pop b" tho. " 44t lu� I 1.,� 'it? 41 T.p'41-!f1 t-':!t�.Iratrdl I * %�r. ell orv� * A�baa.- 's %,�14, 0.,Ato lom 0. . , 4- " 1. 11 " I Mello V, � al k, :, It s 11 :1,4 so% 1.10 c1g. -notil, It �, , � at. 'v a to"'lond ,;Ba. "or .sqa 4 P4 ". vil�l, t,l IN 49bIR 19a � .d 1% v Ra- * ; I � , a, ,u t'j. Ogg I ,�, 040f, t��b 11 rr.'o Wooqjoal A.-1 14,9[41. 10"doB d. I eLtv.'r 14�­v,,r ft1glosq, g., tloruftt�th .1 Wlth L�v. 11", t, " r 6 ,,, 4 z ,,, a V 0 - �'. t� 11 ,�, L)�,� 0,1", q , � g­gepl. Wpi4o..'.1 1.14 � t.VV64-,,,l0t1_P­- ,,s� gir 0 i I I ",� � ..."I " 0. wa, Oval au hutv 11V u." .4 0.t kit voll 14', 11', !g..j flo r-1 'I'L'It'n %I, 01,4 lulll� ulli,.14 eo*nluw,�i��a a P-1 rou� 77- �, ,i * - 1,14, Lih, ,N , I., - r4 A,� It ti it �_�q Am -_ o Da A 4IR 4.."r thwtj.. *4%1VOQI1j'V.�,j 411 ja tlr�k$ 5L'­t.a I If,'.%� � , !" 04,ul't,.� of vio.. k�k0al'a:. W�gzlt in P. - mIIWv� - _ 03 "i - . to ,�. - , � Ito I 10liot,oll ixffi I'll ANWd bt �-v)lllo. (41 hol i P vd-�PA ,11 I , tit, -vO, ,.�, . IkVi, 8 d,v, tdt"4110. lucc 11 k,�!- Ili : %1 In ,) al I 4191r.:e tto,j o"i 1,04;4 .1 O'kald the Woo. 4 chd �-on d's , - , . '. . - �.f I Wf*IW1vm,b 101-ioloo, All, Igm,. tw't-'! , , a - tad -al ea-011-,� Tc�t4 ,.%stai� afte"k. ,,,,,ull __�_ ___ . , " , , zu, , , %�;_ W C 1.3 Be'. 1-_O�,:F .� 1 ��01.14 . ". t- R 11a 0. gap Q�% � q ,..gj t 4 Ulls, 11�,,. sh I I t- � It al b, I"! V.- , to � rI AnotVIA Ill' 0`gk14 L-ola 141' ltotla. "t , ,an . j CD ro= lopk.01.�; '* � - �th 4 Willa u , , 01� 4"t. .:f.00:2 P .1 If.` . %-Oltt�. 11.411puB14-:44 IAS. hits '. 44� rit. cK 5, -Dev .w-,,., " , ir CZ , i. * I - U, Q " - T -.1."i.., :1 " "��O.,,-d24 Tj,j,�,t��3q,CIR " Alia gag,bAgo. JVA� ju.r,�..*.Otog Igur ra- I '14k �a'! Ii, tolt!4 li'm FiD "D tDo", %ains. 01'1115� la,,tI,r4 D to %i lj­j� !4, t , ­ - 111)Ue,1-dLlzI. s%rft,Vm,Q r�or lwg, %:,, , ile tonil, s-jz.'--Iwh1 hia, allcQmvl, I r_', � � P" � � , ­ ­.�,,4!V"L udgq , ttwr wt�,u rstpp-g.d'aLat T. turmi wilh a , 11� 'o - � V,,, * " �', - , I n - _­ " V 4,4 thp, k,-311- 0 . - � . Tj,q _ � I A., I � �� , �g . ToI L,U'g4t z 0-21", 91,0m:l. Inika 90 y9ph"', Rat ht -r P.%U�., 11 n, zwrqra�( wIr6,.,ql9aglI- s&k�,M . *1 14 o' I's 0 14�'D It- - * �"h ,fl V ow of w.-INg *.to tbo rvrthqt� 0 �i - GRAN SOAP. 4 14i v J�& I Motni'll. P,.�Jnalo.v fl-n-vvilt l;ku I V` !, "' ol� I Th � N AIM 'O 0. �:il V1 - - J n - I,-.- � %-�s ;� D1 041,; iftut�uu_q bo. : goft U ., ojz;inat trO, Ogg r 9 a 04 ill % U��JL.4­10,� nf� fiArMwIr 1� J0101,110 r(OP4. -0 6�g-r.v`lqto ly i-8 �j Early 1,00,ming. 0 0 "_­ � 1'�,�­t, U "Ot, a �;,l a .11.mv.1" �JLL1 1: C'a Whali'la Qv-,!4ajo,- .406-owd Mintl -�o %u, -y 41go., Ok;bjjg-%_ g.­atlu�, ..,.v-:,; , .tr- pro,opprbu-�.- &*211 toulo I Ti'ut�- to -44 earrlmdl ,0'1 d',, tI.03 rf­ll 0001=11:000=00=11W1000woof, 14,�,�J ,�, A �.,� � I L,J l!",' a 4V t­�qql Ato 0 M n4 -Y. -i h�Ar,s&nel­ tyq­� kAgr.a9Qz:Q-r. pootlit 94.1114-;l whh'oa eo�oup"­-, N',z � I.V dilMes it,a d1mv,put,A, oa%�' jV'.U`�IV2#111MtvtD V.1vu0s for Won .,%q , Ton.,- 1&�jqg I.-, .j.%-.Aj�; OV 41*- 0 .A,.4L=jN Or � �0 13 � Al ti','.",�, , � � I -1 I I I " �[ fo;. - � lic";,� ��', �, 1, 11""O r. ., r . I .. 4 jb,�.vr Il"10 �,*" 9,H a UV& C,a,,�'j, Motio rhig 1-1 ftcj hool r -as s'e. wo I D�,,,!, ,� ,,, �t '"T'".1t�*F 0�11,_.` .14­�";,(P 410,J1 J1QTMP4&1 0 T111H... dpawor­lralfA UL'at i�,_,�",'�T,i V.40, Monogram t""It alil�,Vjn la.%O.Ito , , , . - 1� I vi bst a Uzutt I C:L�,O,,_K&,�� IS bl'Tea-1- li_jtlh',� �� U ', �, ILI- ­,l1H` I 65 2 ", [N ., at tu �. w o V� I lo'. -D qA al�, Huu,"k .14u;��2 fn,11-4� mul "letuito bI,,o,W.:Uc4 19�4%0 . - ,- ! ­%** CoTntw�c_ g, ­ %Vouo­,,� -g OUL, Tctinlw.�zg Zawhe jj 41*4 il. rcf�4t' tl--,,�.fl parl't- ,-40,v��,;,T, .��;l�,�:- - 11 'Ve, M,-, t- �� -t ` I - , 4_'U,16"it Ra- V,.P,P,:.t �, �, - J"". ;� � ,�.a- r." ruo ,�N! t 0-0 , tgtf, �: t ", i�,j golacaf�uao_,Iu R#�:-,,*V-­-Inr� 6g�crco, fA44 V.wllaigol oh-#ve v � - jwsngs�v th.u. go! a b -L -k lto;!-cr�-jtM,.j LIAM " oowug, at the 4,.=,Nvj�t pij-_4� 0"'. VILIng. wt I ,� ijvra Zi!-* a rl� buaark.a�ple ", 0,0 , - , , , - i - l, �, !� ; '41- l6a:g"i"u It �"Y�.�A ,fa,,.:�%�w, t1at ''. . -�f ,�Lqv - -4#'�F�� , *­L,'� U." -,. N, 1j. il� c! , 1 1 �,a - " 11 ag - 9 11%11- alm ,!o�nfbt �. e'. _L". io- 1��Vg- It gad�v� a wtia-. totv Palm 4.04 Ut toi,j'a !�'Vpii,014­ ��b."--Vgotr pt,optnv-�w.­ vTIP.H d1AU­. an"' � ;�,�VI cl!�% ,�g a &;z_ aJ v, ­v I a U " 1, k, '� ,11'r t%�I�t4 avi"T'. Vlv 11-L,rrjy Nod I 41 11.12t,' e�hv� twu%f t ,"-at-. - r, ' Ao tatep. tuo , _ _k� , � e U�' V-5t4l;. r , ., ,! "! , , �,� ,���- V vim I& - PLa.-ta, ov;4 pil'"pl- wo a rol it a-�- D*.9 I,� IV g,.,. 4 K" , F�r not , nt ;; g!'Jo' R ,,.A4��4 to I " Lj,Q,_PU a 'j "��qt.�'j t' I - t'Wljg� . 0 Va , -a ftv"al? oth at!- . I - , UO gl' *"., ,,5 V; S ,;'� a -"_-Q00 B. ­,"Lip - I ."! Mr, 11j". uto, *_,.01, av'w. blaaur§�\�� q Irlo, I .6;�01U,:.-i U 2, Is �! "1`i;,Pj 11 2' a Aug 9 "1.04rA U-11 tA tj a tj�4_1'111� U, Q!, % C120 . , al -t 0. ,a O It. 1110.9119'�,-Dg ACY1 V'W- vl;R� Do.!" � - , 'I'll toll gnz.! �. ha � - -, ­AY0 . , �i t0q,vol,�4 of a ftIM%,1-r +.%-g a-,"- o""i,el'n. , - , ,W ,U�q- i - -PB t'jit th- W-st eroag, 1h.w.c. 1"'Pl- �N...W�.; tl--Lc._�� . .� I "I .. - It ov 0" , -"'- �i ;,LCL%!� Ma '6-' . vw:�,_,� , uVer A4 't ;1 , , � ". %�,5� '0'� MLI �iblla�-­, 4 T__�,oj_ W ,4v th ., n -c- - , . �7 - .1 gilLl 2 tst,alta , Lu t'novg" ­­,tu��*! Xu", &h-� UA,olp SaAr. Ii. 11,;a ., ': It," -� ul -`� 1� I , , kt;e �14 _,4� ��,L� I .. � J��,Cl,:,_ �,,.S�y in �­.-!.,.10nno tf "'.1h... ahvAd.% -� Ul, U L 11, � to __ Lz", ff!�&.ft Va. ,.4o-l_-T,nJl U�Otvtt"'4 ul"o lv�, 4 'L, qn--ot, i��am­ , �� C.ize.nk ev I.)A, �� , � zi)u, ,,I tdloi 'Ar- P-toa, R, I �, I il,�tar�7. I or. a Ift U -,,. " - - - : L� O, , ��a �� zlt, t�r:-, �'119!3, "I : 0 � 4, ", ." ��,�&l % 1-1 B9 , � � 1glo!�!, V �, *. -W � ' % f 8� C,91� , �­ ;, v Rig Oil of,-,- U "t. t ::-an D rrcr-_LA iLl, la;oo�,rL;��p tf,o,��& sLR.90z,�. whii-P C -411_11K I, ghr- Eva— hust tU9,U,-aD­Q Ll �rl ­ I �U� �%V,V[j li,jj-lq�r 1� . f' -O IR 1211--- al:ll� R L.- tEn I gl�L_`, - Q9 & 1! . , .1 O" "'� ,0�1�,� � .. 11 m -ti Er'l � u� _".7 tr!�­ si,�V-I'R. 1*P..U'_R zi.41� ,iOtc3rl� ­ ot, ,,, -, t, �_,, ,:'t',-, -:�y-_­ r 11VT ll,,A&��,V-, I r a e Ono l h:,." AZ , j � tllo.2- dtf�,,�­ J�,�U,JA, tl,,,� ',O�,`! Ct ­­�9­ ,;i� !.I' I � i O_ . Zu' .YT,�An.,z Lo,;, a � � -, uo;,glo; � IlLo,a) C, � � 91,�-,d'UA bL , ; ,�--,- .., .-N 1� vu,to_l�_I, tt��, DVICA­� lr­� � :_ -��.,­`, Mt E­-o"k;- qq,,q,,Q - LIMLA1346 C'V0LU-_U, -OU'D DVU`100*01CW09."� " - . I I . � , -1 - " , - " t"N&I, ;.Tqq­� i­�%F,al' .1o, 0 t"VIC.0"�rVIA . �1' � , . .� I �,�V,V,t �!:a%I � Q�4 VAU�.aW;J�I�j�6 �panw,-- lat La ie , .11,4-:, O!, - - L, I _k -." 4ku .! � - - � V , d ,� ,, . .4 �, 4��, ,*4 .h--,11 Lf tw%v, 1!1_,� , *, ,- �,; - " T,m .4 -`0 Q " _Z. I , .. .';'�tt` 0 � � � '" - Q�ig' tt' ' - ' ' ; __._ , . 'M =�,*',m Fw t,g '0` ' , f. - . Lt.� � r4, 4� - - �4--R , , � - , " - " , `q:;.A . � ,, �6, j I . , , ds".Ut I �_U 11 Rio hu"', V. lj� '6 . An. -I w6th tBA, Itt nk�lv ! 1--o t­a- ..Vp­. rpl- ,,;,,, -4 ro, � V t v: U Tzv- La'�� �-nk:-;� ; � .t cl!�, . rjltj,.1�V. ,� ,,,U!,..4,P,_- 'T t 1� VA 0%,F!� N -iv - oi�� " ol �u,,� � I., .11 %. ;.". " - L� " U�, . , I 11 k I., o .7 , tij,, 11�,.LQ,n Ir- ato'.r. . _. . ", �,_,'�,' D,�4g, 'Z lit, �� dg V V�,r,� qb­v� L., %�,,-, � '�, .- ,-. it i� t.`g, � � :. � X 7ev;�.`�` ,.�,- al,�;�nj6k-vv. I - � a anD a �- , .�V vVI , .Ir� 111[gaii1sr t� laq.6o, �, I t'. ltt,m­ To,- S5� C., ` - `i�. - , ,O'�_'_ ti�jl m �4�;Z.11 t:.- LIVOn .411-4,O- V,.,[P:,A'Y1n,e,? <_, , '� !�-: u , 11 �'11 &�g­­�z, v%JL�o 'Lu_� V­.,<,�;Ll��Vl_ ika; flkva � � " * . - %Vjj � - I ­4..�.Y N�­­r 1 � 01 V�� . 'g�� ,z , -,, , - - - * ,viry 144 W.'V­!,­ �- , . �_ * , . - a�.- Irv! o" I - .�,, , �jg rx . " v,-,*� , , . 6 -, ,,�ol.�'_u - Z, ,;-J2�, cl�t_�, v. 1��t ,,�* Ev. z2v. Do alw,� v -u ,�q. .q.gyQ. 9�,r. E-t�naij w, Ous wIL q ,.; --_-;;� .:! t� .V,t�At :jn e 4 *v,- r al b � - , . . I 4 ­hA�- voo, oy . . S -­ ;'� - R .,� t. - ..'_ t! � ,�� . ,� _1 ' jttj � V,;. dUij,Y ;;JL1. ] q��,4 '� , t'., , " - _ ,,,,-,, A Cu". P� vl,! 0Z taac-L-vo�"t;4 L ,;11 -I 4 ii��_ . 5,�.5,t.e�"",V,��. lo �,fg,u..2zr �K;4, ZL--,�A pur- f-,'­_i�' '" " � , - " 1, ," - U, �`.O" � _1' �1. ;; v % ug I A anut­'- 1i t'4'- i�­ lav _-uldv. U '' ��1�1.1.11 WD.111.11L ,i) "N%. .,p u �, . V�;�L�.,�,t��4. 4� 1 I` , . ,!Z-. �,� I . - ,� -t1lo-!, w -1_.,�. - "g- q- ;, D- - 5,�,� 0': .,.Y',F­S1 : 'n. _� 4�,�,_, � 6;�­o,v a�g4 V�Qyi aen I C "Lil'A ig,t tho t, HMP, , narl.5-liOu lll� I a A, ­ ­ - , -v s __t�,4,� T'� i .1 10 -* --ma %"�T�n'-. � �,!f I- , Z'�­Z; 11 -r� ., 1. , - - � un I ,0,19.,.!:r- I L!n­h�, ; 11 . ��4,%.- � � f a i 'a D�loz a 943�� �4 (, � ,to C -r ;'O 19-? rx.:�,­. � v,�l !: J.,'i.4, . . . 11 I.. - , , . -, , r .3. . �i_ ��',.". , 0 hz;_,ve :,U.av, Dtl- us ID - ,9, t,�?ets 104 . , -,t k,"O�ii, 49 Ill r 1',­ZA., IhTcr� -a,t elz- _'�., .. � I - . . 111'J'. '1 I ,_ , �,�'­ U Tlv­ `.U4 hev vqwu, #Vg- j� a%-0,4zie ��Utmivl�---AY'U�n :L 40�- �nr III ., �. ; � a-, '], a,.:: i .-A - " ,,, ­ �j t, , , . ',4t Z,i3 _46,4 V-9"- 9,.L P�1, o!'..11 F�'.;��NAVV' ­10tPHo �11�`M1504 to �et T-11- 111Y-an� *s g.Z�M.�*,�� ­111,;,at I !,�A-*e � 17012tan'o h -a-1 IPTI at V.-�,,�,�­ ': :, g%19- - .." - ­ D,­�,­ I . . - ;0 por C., , V , ­ 1�4,. I- ��.'. " yv.-. " ,V. -z . - � �� - J'�,'�," ,nt.. at I fi-F-12, V.,�- �� V .. � . 1 -Ir vrk6 .11 Sh-, LIE4 nra T- "'j" - . �.� . L �', .- - L%111 .il-, - , 4 ,".' ­t�� �! , 9-`*' i��-v , r �%�,, J lqj ;Bay fat'_� r'�i keo:�e, or �a . ,';,�U- ' . ­ C�&V:P. " Cl`y'� ,a _4". J: �' !D 19 . - ,;tz Coal. iiiis the e:i-cv. ., 7&� ,_,�� G, ,.�'.,!�, t,_% hra VIE.' 0.".g wg�_,c- j jiu. vv�� lo -vela att-- I I * - � "Its -I ­ .� ",-_ '14�j '�V 7 11. r. 0 '4ow." ,Mrq. .1 nr� ­; e,4,90­� 5a.v _A4 gaaj!D� , 1� U(wf,�,�, ;imm polts shzrr�� I- �, . ­ - � . _', .. - -Kv -M,��.n,.­ jf;Q%f_ :'rt_L.og ilq.,�4�tl4j. , 1. .,ij�.Vu, V� ,_­ ', �- z :40"y r4c'?gUt"Y at- ,� . �, , � , - 'groall R k -'-r Is. nI. j 'S'L, t -j , - ', Bet sL I, I vi. , A a 4 .. -V . 14, V ,,- - ,��,�.-�. v 0 ,:-,�� - Z�'.4� V, ro-nous ft k.,4jvvG­ ,'g d vl�, k'�, .�-,'Yto t"ItIa LL-Iy, , ps. V�,r , . 4 w.- r� lr�'-, '.1 �",�v lr,�.,j ._o,c z, ,�. 1�r,.,�� .z, ,' C�Qk�:,_4 Qi."- �Qz,allo O' a . a llull� o�n--o......�9.4"izv tu - ba-ull ,L,Y.­ 0,jrk 'k,4'.. �dq %T &�iw- .-- ,� ��l - ,:_ tog I .. , � ".- 'j", -,'�l ,- :��? - n --tr"4 r" �YO,� avnin t1,v,T­;--0,'Uv,--3 ct - D"', ri- l�vq , "'; Z, .. L a.,.-., '66 a�eav telly pet. 1:.L�,�,�.`__ , � ­ -Ir �"W­ _'"d q! "Ut" " �`U�'F� I "" , tka-f, ognoli,m.;� VA ,I �z N '­ V,Y- laan� , I !1;g-- � -, . ; I Fv I n, . 11 I t�ij.- �; �L' . -,,� , . --,L� "M �: "9' "' ", - im 5,** -.Ive . .,A?- ili,, Ub - -, :',g,-_ D-MO P;ft,�!ujaqA!'1v , Ilf.a-f- rll��i,, .-. �v ;- D-,' - T]�-li­s. t`j. � JtQl'.'#rt�a!4��, "* of � U- , I snrr,;etum: sev wh ra �gp �- i ' '� es I . . � - , . . gr`.'�4':'.�g !il'�",; , ­ � 1:1 T'l, .',I-'- C'�:�- &_e-.9,tM60 of tti­� ,,ilg�- , " ­ � - i� ,-I 1, 'c""do, �La:.­pg ,�,, 14 z -.,2 0".-15A _� - - �_;l - _ - pt.,>�;,ot�rap%73 rj� E4er lEa" �;. � -'.", U4�. - . ri­u. niL'o,' " �.4�1�vvvg��-, w4tlg augewoti.­'M S.U.-P.Ctousig'ag, I .- ______ _ . __ - or" tTug , lzra!u n 1 _4 t 2.,� ,L,�, � ;� - . , ". " P gotal deckwuhAtung,es tr-paiij � I - " at 11, ,'iL4,j9e,.-"- .,.tti�! Fainn 'i " -� , ­ � ",-, 11 ..' I�U­ ­ A'A io ,.V'.:0L% o2lb : ��o-_- Us to L.e L .rnmu , = -L . f., - " C�rvq-�. GVEr "ar uOlt I 1.'e,%. E,ale#��r 11z-r!llg 44 I.- g. ,:; - - *V�^ RAM CON5111"11WN 1 ltv� li--;44�_! fc_y�; Cl-�--.,� " *r,,, . - % , rz - �f "q, � 4 .,., ..v- .-t -_�"IN. ,1� i4d - - i., %.o gu% Q -, , 610 q-0 Igq. C . O. ! . --� ,; AaVItF. 04, i"t ;, Z �, ­",". ] � Y--, '. -, MV.-r"Od lqtz�L*04 , , 4, .j:- ii R�Ir­,b.--r�, -_iL S in , t'.,I�A.,�-_� hilard el yoa", -AtlR11,3 "ays, , - �r _j ", g�_R"'�' _' Da ., � I ff k­rbwl� vWdt., th -,. uo C, , 1r, vilad _ , � �e , , *Y,�Ig,- 4",ezP1 ��s lo prii. w-.', - .- , k '.I- .11 a'� ,�� - � � '.' ., - ­.� 4'.o �, V -� Jj - , ,Y L- t�.N,,", V-4V)Dgal 61* N�Q.V�r%V,Ztd with coal orit- '41n jai�_-,j?�_o giol'By f`Uj"Iry Z.'.* t14P Vll'(121�y "' ll"t g`14 �) N�.`­' I __ - 1�;.* how beam, FT11f z;,, n i , � �, , , �il g't-ah-2 tro-al 'r1faV,&7a11aP. wo,ath�e v'mr- 4 _,4 -,�. 1..k,�'L _1- � '.�!4 9-2­��t Wi�ia a C"Alko 4*: 14 .,! ,.� , , Van 11we Vared %%Hh�jcgl IL-stol-ling to �, _­ 4 ",- .12r ,.Z,'I_�C'�r,r ,.V;"j,,4 �,CIJ 1-1�-.A�:;L�d. INR.ry b -j ­V1 -D#'3 IMIEd. "It -�, 'e.i "it , -1 � - . -� au'l k ­r rmk,UT,'111.1�. 1% . : L� , - 111fjo 4 . , :�L�:I�­ C,qq_-,i�, Lary, TOt luo� qv� qtnite ;ill un ��,,Jioo -0-ti-d 111-�.,I�49r,*, 31r. I klo, Ilgirsh i1ur.-4aIiVt--. 1; ing harvft�t nnly Im- V��Mrapl�y 1004,64-41- ; �Y.' C,��? ii��,�qv n-. a V.-ci".-nmaide bov, 1, , !�:.Y�,-.'A �.; ,­ . -Z� E10 1r. nrqb-r.,�k�g 1,60'.Ir lt,�=��, .i�Il I ttljyE I hale vo-A Yet] I n 13"1111 %V'g,,n It., '4411ivs %_1 L . -L .�)Uk .", CJ, ard tbe C xtmrt ir'.4 Cke -­Ij Wal, M,;- j vq"k1t,ol; ru tE- , Cato VC ziltLurmi pkeo st, 1. I .. - !I .Y1,t., ,,,-Ot'1'0 a jD3:g":,n.," 7.',-.-, 1". � L11311 Vv,t:AEP.X�yn i� ..� s, ry e nl:,hma � eC_r,�ajjr4,_N_1 &-iirap"t!-_; iirtr�:g*Lh.g 101W11t 11 '.'.-�' ,"Ln�4' C-2: . lli� _*z :I , ,.;;,-,�.� [i: ­ld g�,-.j o.tr.4 an lw�e 1; ii��,rc­,* s!av add�', g.Wang at [vim t1glu'- low - - I � tk.� -wrong ta,- Raligs t�2,2_!� P., '. 'CrEs ttC'u.17 q4 6:.f l D2...g � �. � ' IL he I'!, 15!j,n, Z_ ;,agior- 'B,' �"�'-'.-4L C- - .. it 1 �,_ _ �;,..IZ3,� C.11 -.-.fl,�?4L Vt-re.,o 8C,_,�glrI,.Cj I at _Y t , �. ows cmuop ma�v Ilp w'rm to _ Can r th V, �,, * 1 ;. -.,. ,�� ir T."-, ��,U 043. 1LITia %v �v.-gi FiJIF'. I,-:�tT� . 1111.tvf� .Vori b�-egl LIR _Se7w lork?", r, ,0 - 1411aLl., t, 7 � I In V -7,". -at z, 4,; �- 0 tv�':�,. OP.' ,:.,. 1._-)6,� ui��- , V,�-,�gan 00,ntraj Exv,'tfaglg�-taag 171i,raiii a', a rom a weil. '!�r=d' I . :r� - � . WILON ..Oullv pns.-Twg 'EL,trI;o.1jg[,.­,. rew ola.v�s j, Its tgji�j 41jaZI jL(,"7ajItY an 0-" �.'n ate- trI­AI"__- Tl�,' qc,".2 , I-4 � *.I - otzaT�� a fnm- tllro= the wg::44. yd4�,.ti, known. EL- Al� �,�tt rg-s'4 far a � Mz, 1reA M.,ij- �_ _11 �, .� -e , , X flarli. to tcmelh Ill. I l,.T(il! r .�t�io '..11gs � �413 ord­��Vr f -.- �. ir�� to ..u,;,�, � ­ � , " " v C'� .� 't -ii Aw"., V , � . �, ­ � IQ I _L � 4_,!.0 .. '� '.. 1" -',' ­-` , . Y.,. I". any " cv�-Otg e ,;a VR. I "Vloa k1s,' , !is, ­ to�-al .. �una hurri'FA ,2lat V " wmgt Z� tbz, *t- �,�,- ,0- � V"11 zMa 9 a � $31 -9 ate tnslfial ga,0 rr-Roa-.ted C'n C-_Zk,,tj9 07 ro�'_ _%�:Z.,�L S_D",�'% Iil�zLVIY- - Vq _ �, , � ,W� . , �! '.: a � Va. '.1 ") �, - - - � ",.i gold '-'F 1-i'.,1'."10 -�e_�,�j ,� t I I' P,�tCC 0 V-1 7 ,�"n S'J'A,O not on,'�,y '_S��*_' bet', q -n kcow -.111, T=,;;;,j-Ug ss;i4fttvy, 114 Roe g ,- laaplf , rat4 Al -V 1, In iralgtw !�.%!-tp, vr.y�ng i". , V _ - k ,; t , . � ." . ligot pronw-Dr, . � _i,l :5. , .*e�, 01 ehartte,. ,jad-1 11rZit-'t ,L10 4, i ,�_V, X UT t -' . ,'[1!',, �, _,�- - . . . � , i'. z �; -,;-.- �- --nEg ` N � L,nt�v e"s �& Lois mll,w'4 nc-ver 9,20A thv 10�-.m'!Te OT Sep- "o &a,' 't - on I Is zt.-,:��F� , , the . - - . lit T; , ". 4' � ,� s,,�4ra.�t tat !"Is '.A'1`- jllreszr, S I ktnj, w9nitp gliand. "But I �i witing',ni hl -r 2U.46"is. snus. T i ;�r v"In-Ity viian rst'!4115y lKi, queze,ralt�A, " -'!1. �4at 1_;*_�� zvy !,� 61, �c ; - - . to sUr 9,'?,, r�. - -a-",] � � "ez,la! Zint s: ­., - - � ci� � 3 - ,$ 14 .C, �-� " � S , .1 . 1. _��fers gln.m �v . I - I�'r"�.' C�'U,- 9t-Vt­L,, io,z.w i1W ` ,.,Vjt,� 'in a �Orc:.I­ht tofteir I uv�-y ate t^-- 11 -,,�Lerx-vez i!'Ir'y faie-,=­ �er gaest-4" . � , tzg ywa b L- TO?- % I I C,UM laut ��gvib lor- � :4. . th'at know 1.,.r Z!�Llcw, �,� �' no , _LILIC.S v6=11o,- , v � 1, lris­ 'E'.Loalil L�-, eC ;�Ii-t,; St-rapr-c-1 \VA1`j ttlei r_..,�:i 4-� , , - :A_ '. " .JC2 C. ui,ur,y si.ybdg- � �� . th*- in-� = .e`l 'UnJ ke_t , " Z�;Z : 1-1, ,-, 0 _; ,�, " I -,I-- -Z :_,��p �a ufgr'. !� " , U, ­S. g�,at,,lvu Vic* ItRrn- v.vr IwRnen ff I L-aQV­�' I- - T0r,?j41q.,.r, _�Z�,g I... I gL,f. . �. -�t2DJg ' jj�Q.� Rog t��.,�l le 1­1�­�"`.� n,Al'..0_T : � t�uu.rgraph,� a;ld _or, . _- . jIgg­ 1; . I ,�ei, ­ , __ I- . 112`6ss" �O'JrMlllri�l ftn': ' .4 11 .1 �V,­%.�l -4 &-"�. tv. aD23 117tat � 311ntrf� isB.jIUq,s serenegy. V�,juopllrtgents � � pring, 1:vYS, %a !21_� 16W,t.­ �­ � 1ho , I , 'n 6"Anan I � I .1 � . %., - I - - , ;,% � as �� ,� - -,- �; n -v.*. Ill1r. : Egav, br-ir,'a cs ibIn41tut wtilk her nIZ � baby Igor baruv',4 M,0�1� � ,;g s,,V: tt* cmy !'ar, r,, lc.,p,,:!vts zareijr _ , �- , z , I ,,, �j J,- Zhie, tW� wor-2-.1 golp.-S 4 B, v; � � i-, xit O) - � . - ;,�i-, cvi,a_-'� tn . �-�M,A. rc.tiul tl,,e, iT lor'l,pLtar C,�r�? 4q t1kien � RY. � -_mz.- zL-Liz p��a-�.vzhir cnko. Dl,�_?.Nill" _ I . t z�atlin- i U,2v ,--eim ol it -t �wtFav_, b --ia-shsp as �1 12'r, �..,fw I.-.t's-�-.4 uler, nzw rd-_�a,� -- h0r. , F11.10"'11 AM) 0M. .. I ­ ­ � "19;`;,.%�"b wa I L I . e.;-.i,7V, ct partut'..'3 for tIA-01--e-s. in re4�,3ug thi, ic-n, D ;., Z i 1;- -I!t's' O'Nol lj , 'AN;I, pic,z=, 01 Imbir ,.,' �-3tnt,tigift66 ev" ,�-�111 . - ­'­­��Y.... ,%, � 1naEav-.:9-.t_ I., aftivr lh�- ft. -n -Z� :1 re Y OT llerk. i - .. ,'-I e .4 4.Q,!11n-6j- lt�. S;or-k. �v:- Ti"', V . , Z,%� "I iWvLk I McAt jv.iv�v s On you ,.g&,olnI­ � Tabletzv ake ust,-��. CA, --vi % :5" Z_F­� 120 9 1'qkjg�i ,�I$jj;. ft,i,,4j tTm- Quolill t1­_p1-:ntPV on th,N aan.p O', "ond, abd , , - '�'_ is a rle:-CrA4 b�y spr-4i,ziai EVA-;�-i'it 0i trouble fourI in C�I-g,:;' illn I kl�_4 P111V I Ex,,&rim­As eorl4ueteI loy Viol -*tallh:� paromts. th�yv.0 th--� -oav td, , M _!__4 .Z;"'1 -1a U ,Itcr tv) i�'Aptndbl Laey, VV1141r-r,�,", Z-alf, Says, gtavj )jjSj.V, , - g' -.S - � u .. the roxgutive.st =1 th�j- ilth.6�.o:.. tert- btLfwy rkee frlcn2 tDI:_14 i.'i`O-_94-r. Mr -4. I. $ =�Or­ ofteu p1v,en away th"m ._ezUft17r : A!142 t I �. 2-2. it . "It Iv - �, U 111,,- I.:*-,, .,_*c. gt!�cl ;z1at fiiie ' ­II:ic ,.Ar 1,;Lntrr� e,ynge with ,- 0j, Mr. -.r,�� wh ...... . . ..MV. 4 1� .;.O - it ants, In Vie Islior. , ,!K'�V.z - - � sor Gr4;InDi,�. o' t. Drilrai e�=��11� I . ­,- L.,ur C n i4m anI �Y"t",Dr ftmapr." "%Ik. Deane Inquiteo. ,C�old;y i de.. 'Guy1mr, LonZo"T. 0' -It-, . � �� us -Na. ,. I : eau"`g-'­. . z � , , . Harry'a S'llic1tot fflnk,�s a fe�-rt.�,Z! - baby was; a, great t'-d'V7re.- f"o-M Cork- I partimen't of agi;�Igmtl-,ure, !a�t year j A;,. r.ng'. . S, - S,r.�,-Alp.ty br-tlel V;T,,m*te61.ii -v ,,z1,:4 uf.lt . , :�n .V. I T - , . ell �ot' all I an] Itav--fitty. witit ifw ianutterab:e � claration of (R._,)r90 Dalfler',s M -,.l PS 6lipaIlaig. "Ine 'e.-le'l calbi�nz',:�';";v, tgn,j gpilour that tho qualhty of pork 'uq �,,_ fi, jj I - I l,e�. [.4 alf-'ariy always , .1,,,j wIt " I par�L-�- n-Z'I t�jjit,, ,y.y.,. or.� g.11-'...,� CAfIr 1�.-Itzghtftigsss (Y' thf- **Upper WIddle" ,,.ir Tj:ff,rV'os I. 7 , . .1wf@ s on arL_t; !4. 'j,� her. ' controted very Largely by tll*- char- , ­ -, - , .- i ­ . the I wast ztvout worn out attf i�" - . gutlst% Is necustomml to supply tho 4 -, -.- and *iZzat _vflll wall be el,­.E.s ,ul' P:nX,'I-zh lo'k. "I 'expected $jr ojf.sprjig�� * e of m I , I. �J. , acter of thet tood used. These ex- .1 yf a privzIte marri ��_­, beO- I tried mver-al mmelifl,��, "", 11 -On to.DS4 stgang'. 0., eAell Visitor with & V"��az­ �,2 to rb�­'.' jD�,rj -.11z"An Mad be H�trr:�11' lie a mt.jazim, with stekni'v- tween - 'i 'm - perime1ts shou- 'ttat while Infian Mr. H..'atY DaIller 111v , Ifiv tjIenj;jj6jppd his yeaks; � .f, tttj I pri cared some t.iFirt of g;oap on wli-ely �s tirerly etk� IntriA "-;,�4 �,! Vio t�l,� livAY he has MaT�- 1 R.-littotl browH. Wwe 3raearthy" twc-alty-41g.11C . Bjwby,,9 own T,xbbets. 'These Tah'.etg iaorn .v,Id b:�awv untloubt"My da tend " in , ,a ­ , The graved her 47gagature ;a a cre.qt. Art . MY father is tno III to leav e w-orveald lady dying .ill road - pro , Xon s ried ago ; the .. V-.Orklt�q U.Oltder,s. ,-Ilu] now she is IV I to thr. jacte . of soft pork. zgils mmst or the guests usa- their 0*6 ­ 1�,.,C- ­ �. I shaDl eo ne-th"vong of tine ;� ho -z -s -e, .Irr. Deane," George an8vvetq in tj.jr� rallf " aftet sure, lic 1, �1 � 1, 8,,jitc, tilre;�yc_j:2r�, la ,�Lovv rzo � tt"Idency can. 1.1 a large imeas - . . � ! , 31... fvozlw� ltays, blusterhIgIly, wore '001MV. wonleting flow hts� g,�ft- -ch, " - the best Of health I eft -;- , Counteraeted b,v the lisp ol skim milk. 6,xap and Carry away tha� a., the�*, - the birth 'fit hot 41il- wheom ;-"�; ra, ya-r,, U.0eg withont U'jj�tg ,k!t bmtegIl aw a souvenir, tlh� manuth*O � _ tti��.� 'VaVl�Vl­Z p -,tf a tv brif- 9 tie jiftleL SWCk.theart -daimeS I f I" , I � , .6 nVe t ,g fl;��7'10&_ till I . iler h --d brought up and E-��,!;xted ab=t x- , ane,"s an- tu;o Als-ragrepably arroglant, a parent. tutbed gy baby"-* 'crivir,X. I consider it, In, All cla"es Of ratiOns used h1l 0 tuter Dims in ihiq one tnastoorger quit& Ijanve"(O., t�& �Oe"M I Mrs. Do'. under tile vamg�- of _tr-_,h�,r. tabylo Own Tablets �-j , grent med," ,_ 1, perimental work by Prof. GrIsdale an exter-Wive vourep ot lneome,. rd* eaulit­! gaz,�O �.49 dnTfPrrnt frem thP , -He is too Ill to transact AnY bist- 11�,Vml the fact of th,� arotwaM mat- mvLli�-k gl�.,ot?Ows�enee of t Clue, And ww,ll.j gg,dviz.�- mothers 10 � last year. It was fou-nd that eklin t1l, I i for th Due first Mrs. � nesss, or see .-my strangers.il ringe Or my clienty, title ,-Of, !I.,r Says � V4 't�tteN ,i, pri,ce tWit il* eharg­4 . t4 )Ahd .., I i0mc,otilly, th.)ZZ-11 quite ton lo keep bera In the llwWtp. .0, _ - ,.vI;j � milk Invariably gave, a fl,nnpr pork 6,' vVbrk b% not i�mat--Illttsburg rA916, Dea r e. � nij I wonder. my deary *'ArrJ Lady Damer,O W she al_QO--""' q,-, zvy of ,,_Ave, babV fte --in Min ame raV n withmit Skim ec urd C,�-Iftnsel-­ -:sjr� Deane wgigga ng -fin, with judiclal tit, hJuglIty, , got de� . iin ratnel sufforb)k jil�v i th, - s. .0 patch. viat "o-, hlevy'&�A amazerl-I J_ i mim. * , go, turiv- and prevontinir tile YlliIN", lt 1w II, , Vintle ffittrrupt1q. l9teknoess. wheat het Is stopped by ill-- . - ­ V( . . Pjat,�d on t1le I�jco ,of L,ofd x ii,w ksley, - 'Zill , - Id fat- blg4�stloa In 1s'%V4%S. 'llarlK. -of the 13'esta. a rising. -1 It SrOden Shocked 103k in tim 3;Oull rAehj;"coiaTgojV to in, 's and wilall �,Carbolflr Atli T,Itll a �7ftlit Yawn, an 1wd theshocked g 61tting t1ght nponosite to ham *%Wt tblldrelt�ll 11 ,en,t issuc of the Sun vvas ' ­ ,v(). An Er.glis'll V,:F07iqtV)n 0; fattlefil yoll ml- t,v flinn'- and rusal of course males faec,, . Sone" Ot Kmi Tilt-hetto k6t iscetet s�'Ie;v out Tablietq are ;o, under : In n 't teL i� , I ailig going over b1sr Tolce, hurrIeMy addressing� Gillian. PlAby's, Own ' t of an addre" by Gen. -TT.1 g4o,,ing- M;.,jI,%, u�,xvf. lilt un 'e,in't 111,11Y you. � OT vo-onalderation fol, Vie lrttvo Lady � glve'n ' repor . O,q A I 11 �o�;E-i W�ir ot ,e-.1,)1.,.In- ilizir 411rcutaftn&L to 1r+-I.n,0 to bring 'Gillian bom% and "Giluan., 40af, I thought You bad I It aboolute gulzrar-t*10 ill cOzItAin no , JeAnnette Ditmet ; though tilt' 'dt%-- lAtt,,eir -other barra�bl'drug. Ttley ; luce, 'of Curries Crossing, in Which X C .1 nii'll-', it 1,01 . Ili , omsed l6dy was quite wware for sev- , the value of occarbolic a,old in the in order�to fut,th ,.- - , I=! jilf meeting Mrs. t0ld VoUt father", OP - - 0 tht"It ellsj$ v-,"X6`1i� ..iGpa! Dulft you get 113Y letter! ekal , ato, eAlSly to fa-kN Wilt, in I'letion. pro I treatment -of dairy cows was Insist I meltobilr places on tho new ,illiies It* nana - Ill Wi good 11111w I yeaks of tile facts relatilk,' to la-- will be foll'Id tine. . Lacy tL W, gent it ,by* go. spoccial messenget.to .G* , , imote: lift1thrial sleep and ed upon. Nnow comes a Statement too, as I slar� Say Lady Dainer Is as Damet's birth." for Constipation, �:�si ap eorge, li %lied.a. ,private mark-, a small ,an, b,. 'Ily t11,-, bYe, If YOU OW hotel as soon zzi,%, I had youk, tele- a naver-iftiling,bure 1�vp,r,, dI.It- from a correspondent Of the Breed- S 'Im l. *� a;;� / e=2= � # I i 4 ; I� I i I I 11, mad at; tL e, be gram!" G111hin ffays, flushing and 1-1.1-11-1- .... �� .... ..... �(To ... be-C.,on.tinlued.) I . _-_11.11 baby IndigesilOon, SIMP10 fl - ers Gazette, who says that the indit'ates; to f1w next ";t hocing-smitro - want to �!,� lingilY With any on I.. ­­­ ... ,. "'' -1. -I...".. I- o­ooK macho colic, ote. They , ­­­ - _ .. , Sam Ulat the animal has boen Simi by a - - paling, aZ teatis choking hear 'voice. rholea, sourr sto )mpanyting e treatment Is invaluable for In- 4 "'Didret theY give it td You 2 Didn't Tt) cUitp, A cOLD 1,N ONE D'Alio-i Allfty the' lrr1t&tIon gice(: -digestion III ,ewe& This cor- member of the m-,oclation- ThInoi I ... Stop:lf the 'CoUgh you I=Ow­----" 1- '�" - - up colds' lident Says that lie 'hAs tested ha -vie torne, Ito the pa.ms no,w that lo�,' ] the ,cuiting of teeth, brP,lk sLud Works -off the Cold. jvr6 Bromo ,Qulnlns T , ba iypav-6ut 6to,apo. Price 25 cents, It respo "Lady Damer Is dead. Sir ! 1.5he died Take Lh,xat a 11 this temedy fot 3rearg, and knows ge lets. All, druggists refund the rolbtoiy� 1 b6t.-it toll dtaggisiv or. sent by fftf�t v I I melinbers refuse to stlioe Ito isn4deitily yesterday eve I , th&tj 'it cutes. He givleff terr -drops do yiot at �,I%0, aSSO,r Zest = - LaxAtive, Broul-QUIlli'lle, Tablttik o0ft n n 9.11 Ge'o r- ' , I - , . the Dt. be. ,Iatjon�. rr-a-d", ", y And stet,ftlA glad It It tiigilir -to colkeo. 9,. W. Grove�s 111191� PoOt -004, bv add _k ,on the, .-,�hoes to bt repla,t,od I , reo Xg pii,jy 1,ftterpo.5ea abtript'l. i,essling cAtloolle, acid loone-halt pint '3AUr I , * cold in oneday- No, i�� . to, Ylunish the p6mpowr face Aird Lit- Viltak4b Ill oil each box. ,256� 0 lialwo W�Ine, Co'., B.'roakvilloo 'Ont. 101' Outa * Price 25 cents. . I � '­ .. '. - . . 0