The Herald, 1902-05-02, Page 57 THE ZURfGH HERALD TtW) F41.0tSb.liS11l;1lent Of CO-OpOrative ration, without any undue stuffing, rQr1t Packing Houses, If the farmers do not intend to C101 -Ung rates. The,. Kind, observe these conditions, tiley ima New 17--"eed Everyone is familiar with the better leave the business, entirely histor jo of the wonderful develop- alone, 'as otherwise they are Only S;W-We have made arrangements nrqk ,nt Men't of the export, bacon tra(le in retarding the efforts of other Cana- ng UN ou Wa t�ho past ton, or dialis wJ:IO are st"i-Vill,` to Place 011" rates with Trim HDRALD; Canada daring to offer the following low clubbi IS -TOR r_.c y 1-M-01VOYears. 11,1890 Our export bacon on the inarket in the highast of bacon, lard, hams, Pork, &c., possible condition in Competition Daily Globe 4.291) Will keep on hand awountod to less than 8,000,000 lbs. with the Irish and Danish prodnots. 7 1 Mail & Empire 4125 a supply of Flour in 1900 it liad risen to about 136, A good deal of money has been lost iveekly C'rlobe 1,00 Bill Heads Sale B lls 000,000 lbs, The Iffi and Feed at Province of during the past year o)4 hogs,' Plo - " MI & Empire 1.75 right Ontario hasbeen the chief exporter Ertglish market' not' jw Berliner .]*ournal (German) 2.50 stify'lug I Prices, but the time has, come wberi we prices paid in Canada. For in- I F amily Flerald & Star 1,75 111111Y expect to 900 ci, change in this stance, we have had pigs for a Choppoms F% Note Heads Envelopes. respect, Much of QuAeo, New whole year ranging in price from I L151 Done Brunswick, Nova S'cotia, and $0.50 to *7.H. Sucl a condition of EVERYBODY SHOULD READ, EVERY Prince Edivard Island is admirably affairs was never before known in adapted to dairying, a branch of the trade. TLesday and Friday Circulars Etc. Etc. The farmer have, how- Testimony W'hich Shows the Great farmin which is rapidly extend� ever, received the benefit, and the Value of Dr, Clarke's Wonderful ing from Montreal eastward, as packing companies have stiffered, Little Red Pills, triots prod -Lice the class of hog climbing over one unother to got ar 'S ed in e of chronic rheuni atisn af ter YOUR PRINTING well. its in Ontario� The dairy dis- largely because they have becri Dr Cl ke Little Red Pills our- JOHN TPHIRS, from which the finest Wiltshire pigs irrespective of cost, doing no '.M I had been given up by the doctors. buoon is niade, and in these dis- culling, and taking undesirable -Archibald Wilson, merchant, tricts hogs are put on the marl -4, breeds inst as uinlrl� a 4-1- I j Sault Ste. Marie. at as low tt cost per pound its in would the best. This sort of There is no reniedy fot rlieuma- any section Of Ottriada. General thing will right itself in course of tisni,or for building up the system, dairying and he- growing should time, but not before the packing 0 eq -tial to Dr. Clarke's wonderful �1;o together, as neither will reach, houses lose a lot of money. Little Red Pills. I would not be its highest paying condition with- I A co-operative pack�ng factory ,ithout 0 . thein for their weight in out the other. The Eastern and should not be started -until a capital i (,-old -,T. J. BrandonXenelon Falls, Northern sections of Ontario pro� of at least $250,000 has been sub- "n ' duce a better class of hog t.han'the scribed, which will be sufficiell t to 0 Itcan truthfully say that Dr. corn belt of We,;tern OntLt`ino, or in ensure a hilling capacity, of t-NvO to Clarke's Little Red Pills have (lone '6ntaria three thonsan per week. Small, Ine more jg�-ood Othor words, the section of d more nearl ire objectionable because'eine I have ever taken.�Mrs. Ori - Which y resembles plant than any other medi- Quebec an(l the Maritinie Provinces the refrigerating system costs very son R. Estoy, Waterville N. B. in chinate and grain products, little less, and tile management and -Phere is no remedy that is- equrltl proalicesthe best class of bacon. expenses tire the same, ininimuni to Dr. Ohirko's Littlo Red Pills for In some respects these provinces 1 production always being the most norvous troubles, rheumatism, or tire better suited than Ontario forlexpensive. Suohafactory 111 Robert -1 thodovelopmeutof this in�atiot..Ly.:I)el)uttipforleqsthttn $100,OUO to,Z .1 11, Managing Editor Daily Time.,;, i Land is generally cheaper, pastur- 1 1,4125.000. Farmers holdin- stock 11 P,� n le' I torhoron- Out. Dr. Clarke's LittleRed Pills cur - surer, and roots and other, insuch it company should deliver crops oasil-y raised. Two con theirliogq tit the iactory, take an - i I j e(I nic of rheumatism after 16 years (1i tions -,ire necessary in order to . alvance of from Sixty to ei--lity per I oolistant sufforin--T. B. devolop this industry in Quebec, cent, have, theill auLl the Eastern Provine�4, es -'branded with the raill.-Ile of tile Arnio-ur, bool�rheeper Tor�'onto junc- tion. pecially the latter, in abundance! tory, sent forward and realize(I oil Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills are' I FERAL TI -1 D Zurich CQh1,TflE HERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. MAKE PAINT FO R Dams, Floors, Cupboads, S,131ves, Furniture,. Bath Tubs, Buggies, of enarso grains, whit-li by at- through the medinut. of It f rdim lools, 1:10. , Irst clas.,!z toution to A-rienlhire van be pro- Englfisb Ageiiey. a certain cure for rieninatisin, astania, paralv-sis. eatarl-11, ecZ0111M. A special paint for each pur. litabl- produeeh, and tat, establish. r3ast(�rn Canada lia-, for some I Com -ch.%;- littel-atho, intligestion, pose, not one slap -dash znLx. ment of paekility Compallies, (or th"O shown a greatt deal of in torost i st� iniach and livor trouble.;. feniale Sw %ACO I vu, ture for all. L in theinbjeet (if co-operative pawk- lilt, extvivAiiin of those, alreadv o-n-li when the diseaseb Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know whiMn Nvill fally ineet, -1- honsos. but. so far as 1 our reputation. We say these are the best paints we know of. You'll - all' I bayt, befm -tandhil-A f0r i.ianyTears. j eiivefl. (ery, t1w requirmelit,; of the I)V,;;t mar� ftNvare, Mitillitoba, the Nortll West I Priet, -so cents per box. For sale say so too after you have used thein. kets, both tit hoine and abroad. Territorie-4, and British Columbia j, I,:.- till It, Dtiring tho past yi-ar or twt% I have not given it much eonsiaora-! --1 (Irn int.; nn,L deftlCriz� TITF, CORRIE"T STYLES, ARE, SOLD BY I modioinc�. The OunadaiTo 11*,' POUND 1IN MY E,.",TAB- 10 inforinat' have Inul fretinent requests from tion. PO siblY tl ( '-tip-mr, Peterborough, L1,ql1U,! ENT. 00tor pi-tivinevs for information gliven above may prove of valne t,) Out- -.11I forfo-it Q;10 for any ease C. Greb Zurich. ro!zartlffig tho o4tablisinnent Of Vo. th(l 1*11ple of the West a-; well fis� Awrorie,, tlip East. Anv connnunity in -ter-, Litivs Broat-lies, the Latest that pill, LIS) not bell). '11re Cure ior (%tar- slyles. np It VI-blil I I r. ( I, it have 1;vwn jillt ill tbe 'eo-oporative syt;tsmi 1 rh. taltl Dr. ("arke's Kurt, st­�tkral ljoint.; in t hitarb ). 11,11014ITttlinki-I above, shoillil smill 9*41. - nre for ("'Itt-Z Cuty and But- r W .. , .-A. 14��IV.110 will, jentittiveconlillitteo to -Vi­ bt, il, i. �n �. aaa strinig aid f� ir ptl.y '(-t4 tjwy will not i 13'alailee E W 6S` R I BEE R " I " "' stratekl Iq tht, D.-nish till] lint or Yoar .... 50C i 11-11,s. .1tswullt-r.r. IlInsival hi,irnments itn(.1 spi-t-Ics awl nvir%% F."I'll1ors i tit i -re-twol in in z provi iiq the I pj�jjj ty Limitedof Brantford, ()tit. Thpr� awi Ala-ve of the Itig. 11'4 thl-tini:11, Will filld the Malill-ef'r, Mi., C. F;. CONSUMPTION AN UNKNOWW 'w4va,111 A'.N*l) CLOOK ItEPAIR., lltv�filvnl 101*110 also Mr. Jos. ',14rtxtf,,#t DISEASE IN TEN YEARS, RX f I ! 0 1>1 P, Y. gieo vte strolk,11h to 11011) hint, on." s1weet-ilt'.1 thuh: Ii.tpoll Mgr. of tho Fttrinor*s Binder twi- tilul 11011-1: ill a fortininst po.-ition. 0). Limited Iwth ublo 1111d willin'!. . I Ib sthfor timility Illul s3111.4illes., of, is) trivo OIL% fullk-4 informution in ii lit of $)I-. Jolill Ferguoon F. W. HESS New vrro tonunsupti%e llogpital ou ,sido. till IN. And�m nutrktq. r,11ilp regard to tilt, eo-operative livive Itun.0tato 1101irr to thl-I THE JEWELER 11 fawt. lnQnt in all its plldse�; Tk- statrtu.vut 4,,' Dr. John Ferg-tisvit, to wbat a smwv-s Live Stinelt C'jlnl1li.;!sion1*r. VA � I It. t 1, 9 ev-18 W� 340 NO Otit.n N U 13V 14%;- ther lukvtk Inwn Lnon-_vht. _. - - I- . I. a Ornten ItAng, e-tabli shewl all over F. W Hod -wit, 1-0s cul tr#�4jl.L-4, uiildn tun There twe cwwrttl one 4-4 ue-l-huown physieians, (in The Hill, ZZORIGH, L m�'E ED t1rat -.110ould ahvai.vs itt. ON-alrV041. ill EVERYONE CAN HELP THE _%-12 v*vrei,41­44 vould I�o 1 �t t9f tiwotwu dvAeas4­i,'1 Sold 'D -V- All Newsuftn-lers etninueti-liwoth On- v.441141,. htntbilt CONSUM, PTIVE. _0 TO PURN421.1541 THE %os' t1vq-11 P141-1. mwlztv�- -11 Tho No*w Vive 4 X4 P, tilt �.,dlwlxt co:141111114vev 'Absolutely 'iv,w I-, ".ji I -v ral-igg wit, wri'-� 4 JJEE G0,,4SLjXp"jVE Vit p5pITAh Illiams. they 149NIUM bf� tVAa1!k'f1 q's F MUSKOKA. with omlv f-k-oft'..4 'J� t-rk- too at.a&.yr tiop zu-ip-ico* of tine ritc 0-11Y Frcd CO-fisufnPlIV& HO-SPital In Amerl*cz. PR311 olllv 4�, 10ah-A -aln-jr.lit it.' turnant As_ttseiatgun�dw fir4t. Faut, (,'ona- I i�, U VU%'. r tl.e stlo,L. No la., SMMA,tive CAMMANS, EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. jov%rnaiq le4l t,,o 4qg%,r­t hl the vi'pnql� �tv. toneLca vlul�ely tux. (91 ILVery le hu -4,;' th, e t u. Furnitilita Mont g 0 411- '� "wall. QW1 C3 al Tow-rs of Cl N#,*, chole compoattlank trl Me mrA pa p, iti; vm!t�rc-AA frqgn,.n uk",.-s -T'6? kimplie'? 11,0q� Ra I, &I ill '11nder fil 0 C -!Ir aularT.- 6.4 paae�- of Ltibiftb musle" L'ptf Vote], ��ftlf cot"Plete Sop4ho1lan .4swiafim) trill 109 e ID -t 10o V 0" �1, �, a .1 ain" r�6* h D. -. poeces for _r, v:pv(��-s ril ey o. 94 klvv��1*11111v. The InIfil-tt've U4, tCl trin­ibo- t1v,ge relgef I - el -o", e a katth fir as t �Rth, fat G&uhuun XL.1 Cent*. tryou tngy. L stoo., 4 ttnL'na i�,v he t L- - �i,00 z"I'l 1�h ti.C.M. v -sl tt-wl tt t5ft tkw-A adftgE mwyo as Me moilry to equaip andfitrylisli "1 3 Of Fiva Id ts lauvii--me 9 alra uh�,qm wvitevtdzpn�144aiv, a�;ATz. --i Co'n-at"ne tktr"� Unq ftal i, r", rftt w,;�ns t o tlLe hIghu';zt vt6h n Pa, -d kwa stvp iL tljis Okz,�tkn <L,4 � t z e t Cur .11, ft' ­E, rau a edry ef 11121t 21.1t.-_VjnL- rtee. plifiads abs*lidi�oj trifiloul LU J- W. P9PPER, PublIShtri. Vighth a Locust su., PhIladia0fivii, �p4i. ra,�o� Con-4avalth-e One to tp�e V.4 tvro lror;,wo ML.,2 _Orc?l S19" M11 Of J�z f 08 041ilk.4 10 i 11467ia entiir-relv dflievent frvtni It I Vlk fide X ts t-_Oxv healfly ziVKR11*.*H P. W* tb,00 gu but of tine colfv�#I-c - Me prop-rey of Me I hN61241 4 1 ?j P �: �,, , � ...... .. Is Open qlaitr exivet't, S�.nflcys frow 1 tl�n,,-4t V, fla ta 0 IOD6Git inu elgrAiat"A v. c5i 11 $40mium, A,-.-o*r;qd;on - ham, 'rehirned home eidit'? qwip,4is U;V.-A,r4at,4V, 011.1 !,9 v.-ent'A to wake it rea-lv I) f�,,eeivo flie 11t11,14 1�. ni.. The nuffl-'are hV f%,� 1-ttv"11ty of 0he ewlsun-Wive jq that it, t'; SnPj-4:f-_'1 vritla 1-..ft'UUzae totLw,�it-tribnted L aind ot gi-f-glily favnber. wh­; ha�;� na ret. f.le�jg QfA other fulthishing VI Iii -1- - 7. ILIL FlUlt ItEl-wSALL. 1-14LI-iV.1t 4 :.14 .1*116 Fred consmiqXre, lfosp;fal is sihialed ia di.- 'Same !val.."44 the of wi; ral.- UO3 clgar_w whatrDver &_-hug hap -da 161, lrnrlaMa- - uInAttauco. pill eov_n, �r, �,f L; dell4ql9fill�yj 7.,,eliflifill nq .4tav-:1 Ass-vt,"i-ation Vlatil d Ktill fcature ts It., lc,0�eady eanying too ficavy a &B�,t t�q S�-mfttal-arna ly"eawe ul �ani Vail Me 1;"�vllrtr 1p"Ilk-'1118 as Caa! all Iwivnies '4hould Ile C."D44"Ch- tine futnisLing therins,vilves, henxv 016A. ak-e tina-T4e !io nrad�ertc4ke fl,. -04 tratel in fite lvan!1.4 of a 4,,,v-%n,,A1 oli bzj*. tine! way J4 oren ff�reaei, one to he2p �-art ict tLe lnnr�T- M99 lkla�,te flatall- ��Ven� falsing "he $14y,ora heelfij ft�r II&I. HTn's.,il-L. nl�r. I I :CA ain lh� th - putjw�se. Tfie suni is rzot a Istge tuo. 7:40 Ivin livip 4 the very b4-4 mysi an�v4l ��'q, 'e. j, W, thela. t-rahly: prilefica S�A' ten 020ma-h4 izlivid=l of �n n- �;­,pazqc, !unms. s,�nql VnAreonh'�'- Q1.0'Lach out 'of "- populationcLf Ineatly X Itlell, V; not liliely 1,� I'le led ti- nX C4 .91.119 or� it !ij1S414e. ti5.0. 14, 13.. 6.tyAq0 J��O-ele -would ftecow,14ish thig "o V"We IM9.1LIL oil arA no tftr�e will ��a lo -t 13.. :;'.0 air. 101 or driveti fr#,�m eivi. Sorne, it.f tourse, -.,�-fth thar hoar's hl Wi D,� the lcorl 0.1 line new LFTTI,119 oil vitist prin C�: ai- I Ov -Terin, - t%T la v t Alt! S 37 futt! zS wem-A bv the stp gs re.� A Triends. oifellor-citizerm r. ill. watt9f Mc-ir Ifth. citic-f ju,:-:ee, e4 haff an hour previons to It i- Irif tLo 11ir-A Chut �­:,,.Andanee, lh,,� finle for 01o4n't tile Inails. do 1�44,(-t than t -un. -I. Fiftv 'fielflon(I tko bnsinp� ann -nten*; W1UL`4t1AMbrAC-A -1 Fto.w S,. W�6,t. Torcipto'. S's 1, a. =�� , " I . . emwern there -4NVIR be ti -St. the annoaht L� a tais�A quicii y. L,= Co.. Li njfte3, D.&FAUST, postinnster. K-6 'r,'Tej- ;Qe Many T.1XLA5rg nat the dnbrg of nne 22 King nAttan:,dra Associatictu Jim - y . Who wilil svrul fopunt"I on] 4nrL-1 a jrj!i2ee c,pea fur kf.z�m. ltll�,, -Z f,arni gwuls of the llkdhe.44 11"alffv. FARYL 11 -:'OR SAT, -P.. d6ras A 0 41 unt wfl) whell fe.�tc-41 Vap BAOS's Gr rnow, will la M�6tCA Cy �'ie wn.'A The North of t1te 'Xcxith of grilde with the 1-0,izt fr�sll Verejitej, Chief jw4flaa. 4 Lanirort A raw 1,vt rjannIver 24 ion T" I P0003. -scan con. 1.� flay. Danfi4l hnzeon. 1,eg) ;.er Toftnto �V. J. 41 p. F -q., 5fl,rer.t Nis- �jjtj�n. AVest� Totonto ; ot 'X.eiGnal Tr-;�t Co.. I 'FM TC -AMNO tz,;nIng 2,5 av;;�s. more or les-�. A .. . .... thia evasz of g4,A41. 1XI flar 2 Xing St. Past" �ed, Ttea-ater� 22 tty tile sort 'Of Mn'!, tralne dwellin-with kitelhcn. : barn fion lo -s. give Totontc. Vifty &Uati vdU futnish 4_,-)X40 Isig g of fe-d nyxii vusn-aytoed cure for gv�,,Vlrm� awl tile me0w.1c tea drivingt-shed,, on the prem init Nv( Toy 1 rod=z! the hzzes , also 2 trit -1 Is. Con. ItAitt N69PITAL Pbft b&-,'qtUMPtjV&j IN AM0416A Ing- the ThIS Wretelled IM-teAge. hi-allest gradli. of Wiltshire shles. i Tht-re is usaal'y vcry Rttze salrsfftc- venient. to XaII;fle!se!j'.s Pianin Zhe gN of 11- J Cage, rbtq-. oyo ar irae -4. irwsev atfe tav Pdel-ers tequire ;a Iong deep. . Ut a in mnsaw-n- a ohysic-ul-, I. 6aw and Flax 311ills. an(I will- ­v a liglit head b1z a caee .11�1k& In nine �old Oil very ea,�r terms. eneficeial Showers Rept%rte(j in ff tc-n 'ze will , ri-ornnend a -urgical For fjjr�tlier pa�flculars ap1qy to -Think of the soitow and suffering the 11jew pree Cofisitifipo, Qnfl ­honitler� awl even not Indialby tho Viceroy. i0p,_,L.t16r?, forg,-t*nng, tt way b,-, the tive Hospital will alleviate and I'lud-sed entirely re.move, too braad. Ira' well enve-m-il with E. ZFLL-rR. Zurich. t. sunfering a;�d phy-swal -4 well as fitni fieslixot fat : at the sanle fiMe T-0-Inalall, April 11,�)_2khc Vie�qmv r--:pL:r." tniisq tr,--miont 6 -Will You not Send 1-1 doUlar-or 8,160, $9.00. $5 00 S10.06- stem-n-4110thearazor )f India. ulzwd Carzon of Xejjpsto� i pf_­Vple� nry gong in ln;.:;�.ry rv,th YEAR61 or More, tor this Most pressing of a7�1 ch,,zjitje;1 frnni haill to Ixlek of shonitler bi-I-e-Vil"g "nat they be t6egraphs; that hCavy, benei1c,fitl -The Victiths of tile XVhlte Plague -aro faland all oveto CafttLdj. nitt.st. be loill- and deep. the Under- (urod ex, t:n by rahis have faller, in Bengal awl the - e i t means of tile I iin,- sZraight and fr". from flabbt- AKsnnn. and there have' N�en Tmeal It fal 11dy flzteii pi-rs.ms that this ad - 5 1 F- RN L-1 b 19 �%A �: $' FU 111 S� " � A E` D C tjic� 114311 -sxllooth and taper- shower -4 in Burmah and parts, of wgj N erLg grod news of W"LL greiato, r- U v. D -.,(,'h' A IN 1 4 aTiv-Ount Of Madra.s. Tile prices of grain are 01�ntm­nt has A -e imes and it is re- fie.�h o the er,,6s, 'Fne pig $1.01 id 1 ivwr fan -a to cui generally stationary. cogn';z'A Che vrorll 011��.r as absr.dutely be healthy. vvvnlo%�i And it '.g`00d tlw nn' y prt-paraffir that can be r0led C01VTR-=7Tj0_VS I -&f YxE S1,,*.Vr To- N�r Nveig"Ill el irp-adv fbri P i jdal:ftary I L, -very rcrvzof this fri.- TAAI)t MARKS I fim �g whe Toalw 'MtV j,),n tovuro 4 - _; Silt W� R. DITIT-, lCt., iollitf J11stip 5,1, � t mranit. 7)1AA­-4 fr.)m 17-Y f,) 2011 llh!�. ftzi;y vommon -- _c !Wc,Gr6atrMgUSh Pelft,5ay. 1 1 �4 , �, " tLnt nnynno rhonirl It ;hlresz ras str, VU-0-11rie's. N -at. San. AAwen., Toronto. that Yorl .11, 0 Sold and reftninnetkded by tit �.vurisjr' th., wi �tebed " uneaQii-wss anil q4n7mc-sonalng a skete", And de$cli J. GAGr�q citiarintan.j.,x. c ptotlw,�- rua groatest prapnytion of ln.dqtda 0 ly re Mkly Asciortain 0TIr opinion freb *9'.itb"cr_L7 i oj...f.. Toronto. c - n Ing piles inveizilorw is Probably pat 11 ;�te torture of burnin.., tabTe. Cominuniett. I drn qf ;covered- Sjz AbRMs.Ld d! tion!jatrtetlycozilldenti-LT.634audbool-onP tents * , -I 3.V-4zi; of th-1,4 eypeq with the Taw-' c7w wht-n ft so vasY to provurt- Dr tfrm Oldest agency for x6caringpateants. t ga quaranteed to cure all XATIONAL TRUST CO. Lilnited, 'treasurer, worth noxf.. Thi-, thick. fitt.Anleri- s of Sexual lVenkness, all efleots of abuse!t ChaFt"R 01 ."ItIll-'nt. 'Xt-al'ly Ove: y dealer "'Pnatents takon tUough 11-anu 't Co. receive muted Mental 'Worry, ExemAive use ofTow 1 in -niedleinze lcc�epq Dr. Chaskes Oint- VzdatnoticG vri[Mout chsvge� In the Toronto. o. 11-11 - I I � I . , " I.., .. � -11-1 -.1.11 1 W -R-1-11-.1 f + _t.an or lard bret-ds rn-o not v bacC040PIum Or 8tiba'91ttits. Iftiled on receipt 1 nmont, and you tan Ipply it at honie 1,y 1),acker.;. Pig-; should be, f'r-d oflifted, one pikokage $1, SIX, $5. one ORWWSIA ''witbout ally inconvvnivne fni1V i fi2�%tzZlduiy. Famphleig free to angLildress. e. If you -to -"On wholes"Ta and C� TILe VV*6d Cawpaa:�, W &%r 4Dn4' prefer -tend, GO ventiq to Fdnnan jjr�,_ I I - 1�atos & Co., Toronto, and ;t box will Wittioli: of any vicientlac lournal. T&Mqs,S%s --'eleedled foyd,-s1dm1lle,1 111fliz, lwtces, roots, green food. baTie� be sent postpald to your addMas. Ask I riew; four Tponths. si. So d Wood�s Pho."mhodine is solh, ill "your neighbor or druggist about thia ; 'at, j ! ON Ho unrt, ce' I ay, New Yo it lyo�kls' etc., in a properly balan d Zurich by Dr_,f3uchanau, D±uggest, remarkable, rennedY, Briuleivdimt6 �- 7. sf� wasblinjitoW, D"" Subscr"e for &"Thle Herald