The Herald, 1902-05-02, Page 3roL:.t.I.,,„,.•:21..„.„,...„..:,...,...._,,..„.......„,:,,,...,_..,.....,..;._......_,,..„......,__,,,„,„.„.:4_,_..,..7_,,„„_„„:„.....,_....„....,,.....,_,.....„...,„,......,,............._..,,_,.....,..___•........_,.........
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e f as .ion,
At the
Gossipy Letter on the Prevailing Modes in Paris and London --Advance
Notes on What the Goddess Will Soon .Order
Paris despatch -Easter has fallen
go eatly Ole year that it has not
marked an motel for any radieal
change of dress among our Mendel:en.
cannot truthrully record, either,
that Spring 10 e "fait accompli."
No 1- hennas' le the best policy, and
I meet wait till my aext letter to tell
you that people have actually hies -
towed out in ael their epring bravery.
But, do not despair 1 you shall have
some compensation, for there is a
great deal on, the tains of which you
shall hear. There is much unwonted
activity in the salons of our great
dressmakers, our fashionable dames
are as biley as bees, and, are buzzing
round encouragingly among les
nouveautes, devising new costumes,
or selecting with perfect and unerr-
ing taste what will best suit their
own charming personalities. The
days are warm and sueny if the Year
be youeg, and the Horse Show -the
Concoure Hippique-and the varnih-
ing , at the salons, so near at
band, are occagionn, for a first peen
.i. Very Private View
of ithe sartorial triumphs which will
later on become publie property. On
these oceasiens our Mondaines give
the world and each other a very
authentic idea of what will be the
bestand favorite styles for the sea-
son. It is "the thing" to appear in
new, fresh raiment, to eet the fash-
ion -as it were -for humbler mortals
to copy dieereetly later on. to far,
bowever, it is chiefly the wintry
outer -garment that has been died,
so that, without: being- unseasonable,
may dwell on the attraetions of
various new vonfections which have
taken Its place.
I nee the word confections atleitted-
ly, .for their variety is so great It
le difflealt to pat your murk of fent
prize on any one in partiettlar, and
it remilree mime comilderation to
even hint at witivit will bear the palm
or tavor:tima glaring the, elution.
amongst our fickle n ilil fortenttue
Parisi:1am The new Veteinent, then,
tinty be a. coat of the- geareatfellhnlr
buikL.tvitli long or ehort ha eine%
pagoda, or full -cut eleevee, revere of
mammoth eine, or no revere -the lat-
ter are often: replaced try trintrninge
or streppin eti to give a rial5h. The
Iong metal -fitting reel/mote with bell
sleeve% is dettervedly a favorite. and
4t wade in errant tarretaN with stitch-
ed bftlIti3 or cloth riot closely over
it, is
A Cele titirment Tor Driving,
theatre or evening wear. I have
seen this etrappleg eititellea at virile
edge only. tarried ten't with 2•13A-
leint and Original elfeet in hawk
cloth on eianne taffetate the louge
carneeteadmod, which twee nate the
shoulder% Is then in Mean gatberen
tip 11101104thatrrrderr:tA0,, 1221;4 ,4,arr
mot« hi front, franehtel tte Jet twee:S.
the pagedateleenan ere lined width
bleak to matela ttentnietteles the red-
itigtete la* in olne of tee Dew eintelee tit
notelerteda, petetinetteet, or elonliageatat
bluvegetteit The etrappleeee are En
don of the tatitO tone, bat deeper.
Oeetteletattly the% ertaegeneennt Je re.
1Verjed. the etteappeenet are et` OM; Mt
hth fontelationt. 'An go teen% the
robe-trot:War, the :Abort
etor P.-Wishnenn. levee to *loin for
Mettatinal wallet En the Bete before
artiellee levee epreetare.1
'the proee annoznicing the woteilerlet
dteeevery, tee a celebrated I:Mope:an
teergeon, of the tare of =seer lee the
Xerety tee:ailment, and while it mita
freemen ILS ItOW
1t111224 in the inevlieet
World, it he hot generally known
that tutting •thet teat titte sena
ere' Wo et tete@ bate been ere
feeted in ou own eonntry, ht ti
nay ot Itatelltott, by one of its Welt- 1,1
knotte iat14 DContittoltheea,5
Who wee one of tine firt4 In America !
to Iteitteltiee the Xertieree In his prove
tee veld has theeten eetettel wonder.- '
Iul thane th ettees Where the khite aid
plaster hate faded eintirele-
Two Hamilton etees in particular
Might be mentioned, Ofie a. .31r, John it
Langton, Met loinist, who had ICA21.,
ter, and ha A ttiel kintle Of treat,.
Meets without need. Wart -tee ol
Wonderful ture le the env- 'jttv D. "
cutennitteet., he 'plated himself in his,
halal" with the testa that- to-41a1.-
tiecte L4 WA a ttatee or the disease
left. The other +bane was that tif ft
*blow. enra. Wm. CrIteas.oti, w8e. ettet •
teemed teperrsConse both by knite and ,11
tnlastet. forma the diecase recurring. 1,,
itee • keencien reremeneneed he*
bt.tgauingingo, and she Pi now pettaa-
tonitly tented- One feesture of the X- 4
ey ttestreent • le that to eteate
treette or the disease are telt
Prom thee it will be eeen that Ce -
da le hot behind the older oton t. es,
a Europe In the woreleatil develop-.
Merits •of eelenee.
dejeunet .shoppings, and go Perth,
Ierc are.ehic coatof cheviot,
serge, etc., boleros or little menden
garmeets, bedecked about the collar
with a tench of thick good' guipure.
The Bloused Bolero
is too useful a .coatee to be relegated
tra the shelf in a hurry, it is too be -
coining, toe capable of being work-
ed up and varied, It may be adorned
with lovely collars, buttons, and
'belts, or lelt untrimmed and simple.
I saw a little Russian bit:rine the
other day, wnich had a decided
cachet It was in pepper-and-salt
tweed and the trimming which edged
it everywhere, and composed the low -
dipped belt was of guipure -black
whlte and silver mixed. The skirt was
of simple "pelerine" cat, just escap-
ing the ground, and the grey Mar-
quise hat had a big clue' al pale blue
loeisine-ribbon, divided by a long
chased, silver buckle; a tiny knot of
pink roses peeped out beneath, elose
to the :left ear.
There is a new little pelerine cape
of taffetas, which looks graceful
On Pretty Shoulders.
It is cut with a point reaching
slightly below the waist line. The
upper part is a yoke, pointed and
formed of close lingerie tuck, or
cording, rrareed with a bend of good
lace, the flounce below le shaped, and
has little fullness?, and there are long
hemstitched cravat olicIS in front fin-
ished with lace -trimmed points. This
looks very French and quaint with
• skirt of black voile or canvas,
which may be one of the "three -
decker" skiete, eat with three point-
ed shaped flouncee. Bleck Maltese In-
sertion is used for the trhuming to
edge the flounce, which fall one over
the other, the bottom one flowing
out gracefully round the. feet.
The dainty totme to aceompany this
eostunte ehonel be of black tulle,
tiro higli brint nil beriVizet and be-
ruehed, and entireled with a eletin
of baby beatesia vases. pilelt and
white, mined with mole and foliage.
Thie nerrow chain le caught Eno, a
large, true 'overt; how at the beck,
tint . loop; partly rurtine-, no thee011.
fare. `These) rimed enable aro most
pepiner on tulle awl laetestraw
hate, tile flowerete of ten of 1111V2 -I
meter, rey pin ha:it:etas end for-
get-mt.-note. or yellow and inack,
cowslip. tin a buret etraw. or o.
most ethereal laeee nature, I raw
elialsos ol white yellow void bile);
in. mteri t 121'Arra I. •
t.;42;tik,t Iwo a littlepennettione
wraith of wee mon, with or with-
out the hint! in,ytiAtli4, )6 angopr'r1
23112 'Lloo2 feet %niter:tell Ale or a hat,
a trifle stiffperiaend, tint with a
derided stele ef Ile on. 1. hOW.
Prefer the item:ate t"talle
whieli are nettle" 11 nett
tote -alone, and untie eat h pretty
teelininentent r ten te, r lattv eattf,ere.
nee ta Itali%a°1 with oti tho illowevg
intore OP 110'n".gib111,1?Plly innere-entli
vtney ftee ths ir Lrelene ilica4
of thro triattb2 1.3e6;t4i WOO,19prett'dy
With the brightly -boned flinwtre.
itiowetal.tyst eve teeny natv non atie--
theret. es) 1149t:g nt4 121.01Iteo a
!motel ttoel 1tri OttlarratitIIattl; to
pay tatteetiven to tiee liWa1IhOt?,
tr,CluMal'..5 LAP 2.°Lirla nit]
5.4°112.2111)9; hr)2811et rt2E reatigonniel, The
rep felt etateen .amente, pataeh or
clisignrs litteetenos le tete bet t leet,
tenet iti b3 molt ting, boTore war
bivth ore:earns tire full of the r«.411
thihr. Irntli to tell the ortilitiettell
inieseotne ate ea Inft -liiketDnee' tttini 1
• id
The stealers te5' Ube OCIAlgtolli IWO Of
fain-314eeoiggrxr.......Weri need eter2etee
geneetlienee eneettat rdi1e f:Aran'
are bienttied Into OtiOtt Mut,' rather
Inrge. plAnrogNne 4eitm 5 are epithet"
led over ante Witte tettattv emote;
• 'gittrIlOtOr uirC...1,Ny are teen5ei 81
Perlseenbteitt the elle or a pea-
1"116 1S701%, Toebette,
whiell aro varier broad. art In
201158500251 0t bonut Et211Wr52t8 :s
temitit ttated design, iti black tel.!! eow toot so treeb nein eel] e"'' hi
tete all totted the betel, the flotteret troth it wae a trifle eettetieueleg,
being of Week velvet, or thee* tyke! anti thengli vit gent of the fea1 watete
black Veleet etapee, with gteee vel- Was etc:melon:idly In the wn::. The
Vet leatee Arei11e.181 .gold, Some other new lorgnette.; are emits ehort,
eilettireeknee bate, eer the tiontneee quite rocket, With a tinny benete (218e
type, lave the long plumes fastened s the last Io - 25!1a ) 114212 1
Mounted on Gold GillIZO
With chic effect, the choux and tee -
eels thee beteg of tinsel, as Is the
folded shaped waist belt to corn -
Wont,. A pretty theatre blouse of
Jetted tulle had elbow sleeves drop-
ping from the shoulders, and Shoul-
der straps or very fine cream gui-
pure mounted on folds of white chit -
fon ; these touches of relate lightened
U1) the blouse, wideli was finished
with a deep Romney belt of pale blue
panne ribbon. touisiae ribbons are
all the rage, they have ouch lovely
lights on them when -they are crum-
pled up, and they come in most
delicious colorings, too. ''.12hey will be
mueli used . on the delicate 'hued
straw hats or the floppy order, which
are being prepared for morning or
country wear, and will look well
with tbe fascinatieg organdy and
Brion frocks, bedecked wiih lace or
English embroidery.
In the way of mw eoquetteries ape
falfals I must mention the frailty
tulle bows which all are wearing n t
the back or side ot the throat; -Ora
are fattened to a tiny neckbutie,
which hooks on. They are in beak
or white, and often have a pea%
wheel -of -fortune button nestling in
the centre,. Any one can make them.
and they look so fresh, besaies being
of modest cost. The
reit Pierrot Reines
are in great form, in all manner of
black and white arra neiesemen ts; they
are faettned on the shou dere in fre-,
with paste brooches, from welch a --
teem! etreamers of tulle or velvet.
eaught together at intervals wnh
fuUelieux of tulle or chiffoze
the feathery tufts on a lereneh
Paraeols for the most part, ea,
globe:drawn this year, with Wee,-
er handles than we have been aee
1.0141' 't 1.0. T11:4 4 op e revert' e
eolnang,etre with the ethics. gr n
drake's hoed is mental ou a
enamelled Welt,. a Itunich of read ..•
eheri y hi to. cherry weed hal,
anti it lit tie, white IINSTI NILS Wit '
1"ort- kir " '
eintelinele OE Ahluvon lece over wo,
' chiffon.
Oer En pante: nee ctrryhit t. !-.
de hit v prIerncmnnIes on t1-.1
teen e. atteeitiel to P11
reltl.' Vt. :11.44 t heln. The rings 4
„Alta:, in r, inland anti p
theme eat" gold or green" et
ite tht new Outdo is called. In reel
they te rzol9 Iran- s the others ,
4 t tie LE) reanes. Ft r Eiteter the
wr At-dintlherei Omit the app
Wale (ohm or tiny egge of
Mort: teill ot. he -teed
4 "'Pet g ^ I hey t alit 11 litAhl D.
1 pee or scene own-ins:Woe, aid it
ferth tin trlitr of freelt %Mete. 0 -
Ralie,. engin op n to die nee.
sat -datum awl in a larger Hee 7:.
are tat rut tee pureete
VI • I 1'i*ih1e4,
iair.° uninene glee t hip ti. i.';8.!
'en teal late) eve liatqt �21/2
meet fir,4," pierie 31 Inky
1OP, 1:,,,CA wi,11 L, 4 , •
Ntiu'i at:on, I94-
%* 'h or ot eteee
tgn4l,41 .1.1,11-thira
tot r thu ad; Ta -1- t,Ataar tt tweet
the Lir Vele?, 'ale re tioty JJ.,
g tt h Ltav,•• g y are
21nitattll ni ovor „
nee fad Paetenellee 9422 two o. y to'
b. quietly enet asj 1, 111....11 a. °
8212« 81121 ttlut oar mina(112-8114
551 211244 519841111oll 'Hoot
tag to Ls may
lituittus-htL,1111. Oren o
Haul to o tglIr woo/Intl.% all 1
own« a 452545 545 :5 1113112 to. E ,t". 12,
M. MeV- ed to :Id teed tee -trae.;
heneg. :tee teen tenet 'Mar
el his delreteddee hew eetee8 hoe
liztt>tife 142528. "1^2,21.,,t,;" 11 is erl-
Leone rant tratate 0 LOPP r
NOMittlit.Is !- 19 2".2 '' 'Math
Mat tatettlity by nee rash« g
Eine. 10 the etelletelen o.te1 other
0218541 oven Ps 1'8s‘,5"
hefr Ina to the shade.
Supday School.
HAN 4,1902.
Tho Church at Antioch. in Syria,-Aets 11: 1.0.10
Commentary. -19, Whieh were seat-
tered abroad -We flow turn beak to
ehapter viii. 1-4, and trace in a new
direction the nistoey of the cbureli,
"The authoritiee tried to blow out
tite gospel fire kindled by the Holy
Spirit, but it only made it buro the
brighter, They lashed -the fire, but it
enly sent the sparks over the world.
The wrath of men was mane to
praise God," The clieciples went ev-
erywhere preaelriag the gospel. We
li,ave peen timer saccees in Samaria,
Joppat Lydda and Caesarea. Phenice
-Tite district between the elediter-
rankle' and tee mountains of 'Leban-
on extending one imettred and
twenty miles from a point a little
south of Tyre, and •embraeing the
ewo cities el' Tyre and Sidon,. Cyprus
-A large island in the Mediterranean
Sea, sixty miles from the coast of
Palestine. A othech-This city now be-
OOMEnt the new religious °entre. St.
Paul made it his starting point in
all three of Ins mis.slomary Journeys.
It was the capital city of Syria,
situated three bemired miles aorth
of deruealem and sixteen miles from
the seacoast. on the river Orontes,
ete 1tut tnere were some (R. V.) -
Seale of than scattered abroad be-
came) of tee persecution. elm' of
Cyprus, etc.-Tnese were Greek -
speaking .1 et -s, who, having lived
abroad, were :less eerunulous about
mixing with the Gentiles than were
the Jews of Palestine. Cyrene - A
vide' or northern Africa, tepake auto
the (ireekse-The Oen:tile Greeks. Whe-
ther theee num came to Antioeli ani
preached tu the Gentiles before the
preaching of Peter to Cornelbee, or
iTr‘‘ards, the nerratinee does not
21. Hand of the Lord -The hand
is tile 4yuilx)1 el power. The ex-
pression is a. coaimou ono in the Led
fi•SL:1111e1I1 u exprtiss the direct in-
t,..tpubition of Wm in the effaire of
iele woritien-Cala. Bib. ti ith them -
emit allowed them favor .atal enaitetil
ate pewee in toe coaveekiloa oX iteir
• 7.4 sant mauluer„ eat.
--It wit* elear that toe! .1-ert.1 vitas .
eeeteetig tee itenere of theeti
aeles 8.seteee oi the great isumbere
were c.o.-everted_
ie.:. tli r. j, coecortring them tit,
Lill., 1....1 21;.i41. ?..
• ;, 0: ;It UV"
Ali a 114.08,L. 116. that r Scull :L r wen letlee
.,4" tee ;; .1 11 tt.tI Ia. Tat
act ..lirtioal 'in fl11'.1.1w ;4444041 1
t.i 1. lir ho.
Tatee a ere t. ha:Amu ,
„. gttivi„ efkoti:.401 itl
1.) Oh.
tto tkpitic! thir 16222.)1-1 ,
IIE ai•11 Inc 11 edees
,,,111.1 tr.2211,eo:021 :kat 2142•2.'20222 •
tr. *8' IA WIZ Thi 0.0114., LL ha
1:1601,!: 0.1 11: L'e1*:111 ntan
I e41:111.41 111 ..nttti.i 81 IA: 1 u:
i-,31328,14:20...111° loge 21141111.,. 41_1. -1
41.15 tha) work. ill! %%at: 0. 011
• Hatt% e u.t1. pros, atti way. en 0.41
teed Leritnr;;;LI u •
wile; tie tee.. hree wile* te re 848. g
th• re,
teen Whin he c tea: T et •ant
'Ivens' role «r«.,,,t nal 1,"
2. 411L.; !"‘I
Whet Lt.:lei-he eent. a 11118
teeenee. ,"1 ; • .1
LI.1" 114.;',z, nee potter (Li' Ca41.1.4 it
! :ieS1 lx 2,atiet...dh tee MA( .,..t; nee re
ti4t;W:4'q1111111.' 11 tg« .1111
lo!'n 4.v _ip,,,„,irav!)•,i
t ;A.
4,081 "Wa. 11,!;. P'%;
11 111 UP° ireL i 5
• Ircat.3 8s1l1TT11t Re 5 Ite ewe la ere- J
' tieing to elit. /1 . te 1 u Get 1•-2 e etrege 84. "
tote to 1tL
Ineettebtu T 1.111111L vii1111 1111
o htat-1---•"1rLr.1' 4tit1
, .everte 5 e t8'ta4u "Jr!) lot-
; elereers sine tai1;i1 to nee" tt age tette
ware tame teeeeetine, eesi ne, eenaltee "
.1L 1'2.a -flute a 51 tu 11411.40...2
I.V#11Y 14t11t418ri
21101, 1121.1N -1112a9 It IF 6'011"'
• Vir,N.,k. r878l Itu:a711 te to. saved
real tdtteneed 1111`.1111 BDIS 141i09. 54 that
itn the ee-es o1 the Leal he wilt he
Let. re TixI8--,81' iitt4 ttai,y;
less then a hued:rid nudes teem An -
twee, 1,1'th ateroutte Wats *de ley
'wlittr. It w.:.a ije rrineiughLrod that
whet. the Jews at Jezesalene enteebt
to kill :Sean the ibeetint'11 stint hen
to Tarens. tient. ie. :t0. To 'Seek
eil,c-tt,,a,,1 "eat irad introl,hietAl ht04
to the therein az Jereselleen ile. eTo
atti it kn.; rit.4..n s-..444c5,1.€A that vie
inay hate iinewn h um Des eteetin. •
i.Gaseetenitel-tre 5 tabt Virit
thPY as; mb1c..11 w..Ziy tr2;t,n t .;
Lord's Eat,- lee M., earn :st
elatetleadi in:story !Luis eatattee- tine
day 01 elnele..b. era] it Is ut-
terly imenrebelle tnat way alteretien
teenc Nato of It:V., nay tinen tiret ee-.7
tenthilehed fee- tea op te-Winetten....
Chn.istiente-iit teeez oneeLle that".
thee tome teene eeteee O.. en by the
heathen ian elinietoe.
Prephets-Tine wel; apple.3"
(3) to 1E0,1 18
Dretithele. te.p.:niteeed tee. Weal on .
God (1 Car. 1511. :4 . 421ito.;
t15154.4. "0.-1122 lanai -toe eat n. s as
Agatae did item
28, Am -time -We know nothing ef
this prophet except NObxi,1 we learn
bele and in chap. xxi, 10. By tlle
Spirit -While under the influence of
the Holy Spirit, Great dearth--" A
great famine.' -R. V. all the woricl-
This probably mane here, the land
of Judea and adjacent eountries;
though sone apply It to the whole
Roman empire, Came to pass -The
ramine tiontinued two years, A. B.
44,, 45. During the reign of Clau-
(Ulm (A. I), 51-54) there were four
families in different ,RartB or the
29. The diseiplee-The church at An-
tioch, Note that "every man" sent
something. There evidently were ne
penurious people in the obureh, at
that time. Whicli dwelt in judos -
They evidently din not expect the
famine would ex -tend to Antioch.
130. To the elders -To be distributed
to those in need. Tills Was Seas
second visit to Jerusalem since his
Teechings.-Gocl is able to bring
good out of our trials. 1101.11. veil, 28.
When the Hely Spirit aecompanies
the prem./ling of the gottpol, success
will attend the efforts of the
preacher. And yet goodness, fidelity
and faith are no less needful in Chris-
tian workers, than though they were
to be the only eau,ee of their que-
ens. When men are converted there
le cause for rejoielng.
The disciples scattered. The same
spirit and acts of pereecution that
resulted in the Stoning of Stephen
compelled the disciples to flee for
enfeiy to elacee at a distance from
Xeruzalem. However much those
early followers of the crucified One
delighted in mutual fellowehip it be-
came necessary that these rele.tion-
eh.pssboule be broken up, and they
must separate to save their livee.
"While ibis was painful to them at
the time, the results were not only
sativfaci.ory to theinstivve, but were
indire Live of the feet that uou
was conning "the wrath or man to
praise him," for "they that were
seat teral abzoad went everewhere
preaching the worii."
A. mere see joerney-eSetan ever.
ehot his 13.1i1014:: HIT has IhItte Igr,E
over and over ettain. and tel., wee eueil a teeee Wit!! a
51 W to opus:ling oat tie. Indent
elairelo he irowi t ta,41,y inalga ra ti
al mare pre:whine titere al; he Mart.
fel out 41 .elpi be 'Me peretentiowe p,eeten..ri ma in it nee" hue NI
;mimeo' team. to 1 ,tr.h. ar
of tbr. a- i. ib th
P11-1 ,r,!. num • e«r: nee
thrive new Vie a o. 8) eee tettint
.4.. j 18 ' '-
cro•rt a the- 1 rev- tee: I
t.11f.'1";. 2.11`011011192.2 ;t .11'-'41".0"1 :201 1 li 11
TI 1.• e le • e %. "D -- •
if u* -re %beet t.o . 1,;,1
Al.:lice% why • oniv 2114•
tivetion of :rho, tte where' ,,:15 rp.
2 lit -It p- 1101114'1111. 11-411tr°. totit .0 '.1" ht%
;holt ;et. nearte ntretpl •IL2-tror
012011 10 1.,,-teeve. the teat"! Joni the
piowOrft2 tito t!tr.r./
Th. enottegaTe.e. r "lienen
eme let e et tvo•hQ ee 2, n!"4
of Inner ard '-t 15'4 5 11 at el LP
l'oreuto Irurinerti inarttet,
April 28.--T1iere were /10 receipts
of grain on the street learket tine
morning. Hay was steady, 5 loatie
selling at $'12 to $13 per ton for
timothy. Wheat, white, 71 to 77%c ;•
red, 70e; goose, 675c; spring, 670;
rye, b80; barley, malt, 51 to 001,no;
feed, 53 to 54o; oats, et) to 47e;
peas, 840; seed, cwt., Job, aleike,
$12,50 to, $16.50; red clover, $6,50
to $9.25; timothy, $7,80 to $8.25;
hay, timothy, 812 to $13; clover,
$8 to $9; straw, $8 to 89; butter,
pound rolls, 18 to 22o; creeks, 15 to
afro ; eggs, new laid, 11 to 13.
E.n a ling Wheat Mark:e14.
Poillowing are the closing quota-
tions an important wtteat centres
to -day:
New York 811-2
Mileage 75 ; 70 1-8
Toledo •. .,4 84 1-2 78 7-84
Duluth, 'No. 1
Northern 76 70 3-8
Duluth, No. 1
hard ., . ,
Toronto tildes, Wool, Tallow, Etc:.
Bides -The market is 1-2e higher,
with reeeipte only moderate: No. 1
green eteers, 60 line. a:nd upwards,
• ; No. 1 cows, 7e; No. 2 cows, Go;
cured, 7 1-2 'to 7 3-4e for cove, and
8 1-2e for $teerIS.
Calfeltirne-There is a fair demand,
with uuchanged. No. 1 brings
11e, and No. 2 fa quoted at bc.
Siteepeklars-'rhe market is firm,
cleakors paying 8.5 to 95e.
Wool -The marivA eontinnes very.
1 dell. Stoelat of 01;1 fleeoe are small,
and offer -lima of new are not eet M
evidence. Fleece Ls queted at 12 1-2
12) jee, an 1 unwaei,e1 at 7 1-2e. Pell -
e 1 woei dull at 11 1-2 LO 15 -et fora
eepere, anti Thy, for extras-.
atellt.w-The market le firm with
dealtre wailer tie. per lb. rue reieler-
tel. nal 23-1 to, 5 1 -Lt for 24'2%211.
tr,-avait 11,ts12f rorr...1orrI1 $011 'AA' tj .”Ller
tee -nevelt. ',pen 27. -et the rivet
ne %eerie ef rortaivv,11 trEark.-1, ri.ard
tit+.•5.1.13' 14;7 he v.4 or 514.,,p445
• 12 thy at 1 ail 7 eel -
• t att.! 12; rya"- °aid
IV:Is , ref ill: wnre
',p,.1. 27. -Ir.-. 1 1110:,'N. rt I;
▪ EM1'24..a '111, 2
fc'..1 Iwi; 4." Fi•or
-2 . -•
2 •,I 0.• ;;,,,Ti.wt, ,;° ;
. .013
1 ta,,lat, t ,
et, tate.
, t
112101 , 1 , as
• LI..1
' ere
Nate. ate2 J
ITt vc 4' VD 2 4 tti 4-.01110 el eel:, le ,
10' 11 fennel gate . Tee: Lei .1 e
' ". '2 , 41,. • . ; .. , ,,,....., ,„ .iii.,%.-.
pitt„,1a1, Ar...v,,IN 8,. 1..0.1,,, , ;7' o xi
that ft folarii,; .18.,..0 1 ,A,1 4r.1 1,11,..f,
rave n a Tease e inteate ,alf 1-1 , it t'.. is'..14,2222,21
. enteorte" Ile IAA L2 'IID, ri. A -r01115,411, T" 5-5-' '' 41 t.I..11-I
42111 F.,*I,IV. 2.'/ I, fr fl. -4 ;- 591',4;1' ',; q,,!.:p ,;1:-, ,"21-,. ku-,. 1 . isk. ,,' 1
.14„! „n,, "2'c,,:::, IF 4.1 v ..-. it .i, „ 1 .qt,01,, 4 tg :31 ., ee ,e,, le, le Lae ,, . et iiit
14. ,',1" Co eri 1 tt, 4 , ,.... v., , v.= v.. ..,-." , tA-V ,1" V ' ':..t'. g :. - +
4 ,.. ..,, •,.-,
1n.o o0 10-0, 1,) . V" ' .i a •5 • u• -••
, t ,
11,41P: 110' 11; T"1: 1,1 2111. ;MI TV.' •'•"2.' 1 17 ' fl", ,,, •'_ re, ,« 1 , -. •.; f:, 4
%OAP 2222 8,,,,} ',.1"-, -, 5,14. ..? 1 . E te a . Ji' ,,... b.i.. .,,,.: i . a. 0 ,,.,,,. t,,-. „„:
2k:t4,::' tla.Tha:f 11', 5 (IA 117‘; 1,.. ' 1. ':'' ''1.1) t. A" , '4. i!. b' 41', , 'Cl, 5, '
tray Deal a s.1.1-.' '•-•Z' •4,;;6 .11, " •!11" ,..,.. '‘4,, VI t. .' 1,y; ,.. '1• ., ,,,
e - le 9 211 0;1 '1""'-'''. II' --''. *r-- ,L,,,,-, .,.. ...',
2115-7.60,1 wor ..5.,,...:6. ,T,A,,,,,,• ti, tv, ,•.-...., tti,,1- :•, ,.. • .. .
149W 11111 VI; -9 Old ' '"if';' '''' " '',., 21'. ''.1-" - s • • ;"` U1,11 4,; • -
t . -.-1 V '., ,
24 2 It 2,14: ' .
'rho LOorg,
tt pale or large leweettene genet'1 to' attach them to the reek chai*j
beetle/. for the latter hate egain The 5410-21-1" 2M108 a" e:11rt 08 1
smutle into poprognm3, mid eon" to. dark ow 5312=45.1' ttnret1PiSi-P.:4 Eq. bat
ee nee tepee :lovely weeny blue hue.% rharibing antique meanie 1: ea, beer/
trite gum markings on then, eeeeee, oat b.; the carrel, A11,-. and !
They leak, claiming on black- tulle - with 8-ty g1z1"3" The'
hate eet3 beteg keeteonee t, have hot, netinups, tine peg neeey :Jeri
good teazel -A, are, sonic what irOstk.1 the leegy S1e8`118t. theP'n-rj;411:0..
The eter userei Meese, It eettlie, heee «-L:e more Peaetlett
taken ettother new lease of life 4 it 'The 800- '91"13r•'8
129 211121e 19219 featly as (hp tg.o_ j long ant tete Feinted] liege t etilt bite;
;teemed pussy, teat lee shame nese ; beteg:les. They make the fee: leek I
if it *artiste:tot holm OLle SlitZ11t., viral slesI4et" °-'d aro verY 121 bat -
tote .o.o 811581 So 11181d 11 tante . ent. TAIrtrzni MI to dnn
time over; in fact, when we t.cee thri tIcr6fz=7- 280 irtr'st
exquisite sew exatrirles which tete Aere a -tansy S1ork5r44..‘,
early evenivitig item dee kende of Out , are VItawa With t';ne.' 181-
1es 4
toultattrfts wo eeel eat iterate broidered between thf° kae, ripen?,
a gteat many fot 11121.5.1 „tanteng seeee.a, brown steeklings wialt lo.get-rnee
met tilar thilnanc-s411 tient greet rOtse Week att.° 'tenth ee 1.13.618
to.ottgre: the greemelewoek trty
linen de :sole etape eeweve with veceert;e, ..
allidethine0eernnet Ittn=peetfminag •
.roe in
v-,:trat yont will, but it Must be tenetree this elnekleg E131::a0..5C4Sr-,, to
Tutked &r:;t1 tole With any girl who wants took- eat her
eteet. eresg money. Tine shop wee; ws ge
• hitg of deliee.te inotepadout silk - display lace steekingst worked teltb
_ tholV Valet's'? tetrittwe
they arebinitand woven
to 17.1 t1t ground. /1
were 41$ unlike tacit
other as the enamel
wb8-l2 rertst be tentea,
-1..11a12 12f:11e etottass
woula Ire oot
tion.Theonly 21,255451Voy fo braid v, bah/ 8v1
to Ilona 21 whefe 51 52to
stayand the only stb.
stautial way to buna
fence is to stretch mai
build ft to fitthe ground
*ere it s to stay: and it costs less, too, so
*by pay more for Inferior factory tencesy
Think- -entoment. Common sense will back 31
tip, Pence built on the ground Is worth one -
a12 more in vette, yet only costs half as
*Mali built with an up-to-date "London,"
the fastest and best inachins le tire trorki.
Don't be in 'doubt about it. Get our ata-
leig Mid judge for e-otorseit.
tOlVDONF:ri:XCE12rACfl1N O44Libilted
London, Canada.
and finished with little rosettee anti ant.z siiver painettes. When
ttiescle, to make 11 the made or the and how are they wailved: asks.
moment. Thee sail taestle may, be 10 bette one sees many or centered
forreed of ettende or baby veh-ot Or° g8184..1 hid 13 Charming: wee-
ribreon, ending wilt tittle pearl ly shaped to give the neeeeteee long-
• a.m.:gran. gold Aral s'ilver bang, -ot the ! w-olAte..3 dteet. Other.;11 elosety
igreitets, felliug 'from rnr.ietteN stitched teffetag. with tinene homy
Of the emcee Dainty little silk and *buttons on the back peivt and a
tinsel tassels May, however, be Fa.ete ornament-sey, 92. elender
Innogitt by the, dotete and you wilt • dragon, or fieuredeals-on tesee side
find aou .ejen alvvey912 inak-14, 8 rorner ; of the front "dip," for irt 7.1"o front
OP. spot tot' them They rimy catch the point is cut to half, as it were,
down the ends or the pretty lace . and forms a triangle at 1.1F-? *waist '
toner, or,„ heeded by papte 54tittonv.,1 line. Then there are glecp eergielett
they rorin the eireetated fastening on 1 of .gold and Over tiesue, woeked op,
eath side of in. bolero black velvet with turquoises, paste or pearl ea -
tassels 'with jetted balls ate very 1 hovel:tone, ete. As you will agree,
effective, for the hote of black iv -shopping jest now ig 54. daingerougly
t54. EOhg that Is ever chanted by tire i teMpting pastime, the things are go
Parlsienne- Pompedout silk, used as ! secinetive you feet positively hYP-
bands, pipings, or tiny revers, Is 1 notized into buying; Madame La
emelt •seen on blenseg, the flat halide! Mode ig persuasive and irresistible,
of it edge the lees leteettiong, end j and it is go nett:rat to 'love pretty
bate olmiliting effect, 'ott either . thing.% especially at this season,
black ot ereeei ttanspatent Mater- 1 when nature herself ie preparing het
'toittetitnes the finny keit' inset-Wardtobe tor swspring eet spg deer
1 s.
tions ate • , Revoirl
n tt n1ho alanr-tttnni 4 .
Veen ate: litettee ":"*511' 1/.9! r
512 ortkolk12,
tq.lutittil 111 utineed at' y. jIv
Vienna:A Ineleta
teem. 21: w
UDE.' eoetteenti. nen 21 wee A
letett 55111 .ete' 1.111 ,55 84 011 1,541
Wia.s 25118.1.0 the *nese ,eldte they
veree 1121 teerene tel tan 9-14:2(S. Te2e
Darn fa the eleeterte 22" to letlitalireeti
te treed isellien anti !Et \Wale etteel
24 !II G-1111;.03181 ; S 443 thtt?'
rvIsprA,-.41,on, atoll 11.M..4, 11 to -p42 -t4-4 to
Int worth 11. t5e non
look A in luhv Kitt o'S V1224325 t..oth,9.
bre.Kut:-Ihrivanaveii Mint 1122±5 eianhet. hut
he fa es ehrewei a reecluenano as is to
nee foetal on tine wttetera etteens, teal
ine Lee:eased his vioiverturnent cd-
Notrut_sit ea,rile tiante t118115
"enieesed 2 Last 81.,1442021. Ile 1130
tI.T.%** 442321S25. 0215 MU lb,- 3'1'52-t112 20:4412
3821 tIDe lAtie
*tinned= town or 'ie. li•b ten the
ero R8iirol4
Itat:uya 07-,n_r, '10 it.11,111 citt.1111
4218! L:sk-9 a just rata., 5,4-1:L- En 1181 :re
1612,1 he *spec, Art -4-Jee ea les tern,
rientalo. ufe 1418453 1'4'9 )". late
itten teatati for his le...If:even Is :12.1e -zest_
He let Proat. k007 -1.4.2224g :at tairA
will eat a 12 111,t
20512 18 :1,51e Jlt 5 • .5 11 er: 425
tide tO1 iree. ;de 19 1211111. 5 11 :1
81,.15. .11 52 L.w 14-4 ',!or 9:.-
l'ke 11281 en•vi 51100, 1255-5, ,4,511
214 5421241558041 crow 05 3 r
lie 19 o,tho.ted, ttegetne t
'0 'di 1 1111an! i1142 9:-.11e2'th
th'r.11:411 ,"54,711 .raz..-4,, nit Z8-
ri-t51e111 Lela.
4 111
211. t. 0°
5, ,; 12 ut:LV:..1.1.::fi111,
t.' tee Natant
102 T e e14-. 2e54e.l'4.
t enetite e ler
eeetneter. 475 Et-Fe:telt P.Y.»
81 tte ws 4 gegil
118.111 • 11..1 281111 Ctilthr Q....II.: .9119.
_ -
No 4 lett:: Lege.
.:do ,14,7
otta 553. e ten J 29.4.0,911' 1S1IS�k'
1.. ur
1 sme',4
r2e...45:Z2 *MI 59.1 "31 :108
IOI t. 5 ..
t- , "
.",!. -
14.1 r.r.SEIEF'. 42.811 .1. a. 3 'de z t titan
1141. en.: . - ra re y e -13f10
4. I. -Zee: tor t02..
& 1:11111`,;5 .
1.7 ; 53•,2`Z1Lee Iratt
1 1-.'!:▪ 55:--: ,...4ve at-
-1, '
&1.,E4'eee inn
le Jet, - -in 2 . Ley -se e 1teritei
22 1 er tenen e. odeen ene
e . 85 e ave., or
e : -2 det. „es. I
• .171 1, oor
20 " "j, ▪ 7,4
t e."- ke ere A, et- ied21 e E ,
a etnet-
t ,•
; - ea e e.nalit
7 a . tee Ee. " e it„y
. - te. 0Z.,
*;c--' Q .
e Lumber
TeEesteeand 1105,9$52011SoiCatplifeS:ringenKierteisesz.naeiinea:tvze.e!ee58.121 .iI
et le to tea tea -meters. farmers: railroade:,..s, 11.:r45,*rnrm. thove .1.-t2. ttl'i.i*s'. tit'tt Dr. tt",:zzrs" Xilney-
eteLhr:r t� :TI:r1. .d.7.-;..p1.!:,..,e,,I;., 1-..y.;%r,In.'nell::11E.1,,!e7g1trotIll t1),,eln..!:e.:7,,n;:tiiiill,:vair:•IsVZ.4.1:ailii:'rlill'Ir.t‘iezz;gaiii!it...t.:4; i'-,111:1;:71:.:1•..!11:it.::),11:,:oi:l2:ts1.: lr:.iti.:5"-:.:1'1:t1,:ew.i'lia'it.....en::.!le7rIteljliellettn:
frezniently brin7, on f:f.'":!?, ngemen tt4 of the Teed:a-ye,
'beak and halm -
the lultaltib- etaotharienp°!rti n Jill rizals"an.rirne:ed1,1 tte...itcres;,nerj.c,tr'rrl.ty,7:eil:retel:Ityle:12;174)sosNiltot-teilabb,ezteo:14: :L.:goof:. rialtiotET:rvikee.1:rigili.Z.:.,:-.5.•:stle,10ItitaneLda:tteelt!ine:txtehei
1dr:4a:A to- try tlieta,
which in tny ease: took the forti or Yere.
hip a When in the weeds tuttnig down trees tbeee
"uldeatilin.egtlagtivaa nuepnliNnverorol:i It.112-tita"bertIrluerinn 014:-?..ttie;rzePer.1 IlDtitereleyaelrgedretiatitetr-Liver P:Irs..,
end did so with splendid results, es they thorongety cared me. I fent Ike tree old self agein. and cen work
just its gond as the next. one. I ant gra-Zeta for this mire. end honestly believe that Dr. Chneee's leititiey-
r:v7ern;Pro!cv5731,$:.. to.tifdirerIlri-tititto"Setrarmpill?:181.1,riirvne et:b„eecreyfrlifyivart°11eztkialti.nXell:• s:ataliall'n'roenz;311n.4.111101rirebla87.:7m57:41.:1131ar,:'!..r.."11:trasi.'1.11:iteTT:liitilds.
dees..e.e. They ore prompt ana natural in ectien. and regulate and 213riest!etraliqt att.!topitr,netzteetrrete,ilititnz,raeienrssto Evd011,41.:
menielne was eeer known to do. Yon eau Peerage
boWeis ag iro 'other
rentierkerge: clices brotmlit about by this treattnent. Oae pill a dose, .
son, Beteg In.:Co:, Toronto*