HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-04-11, Page 7I . 1� ,,, 11 . � � I i� , "', � ,�� I I I , , �` I . I . . I . � � I . � I . � I ;1 I . . . I I L . I . . . 1. . � I I I �' -:�77.7!. �­ ­ - . . .t==nM= 0 __ 1. . I I W I.. � I—— I I I., I—— . ..... , 1".. . 1. . F' . "0700 SUNDAY SCHOOL miracle lie w,sd: one Ot tile admitted I 11 I I � I I ... ,, � I I .,� ASM-ntnery I I 0P0cta't,OTs,-Wli,odon, . I I � I ., i I I . - 61 . . ion WhiMIS: . .42. Many belleved-Thiso miracle, a! . I . � I . I I I 1N-fHr.,NA,IrIo --"-- Well as tile one at L3 � I I NALLSISSoN X(), 11, 0,-O,ed tile fil;itfil O,r t 'dda, strength The Market: .1.1 I ' . ' APRIJ, 13, -i902. . . added manx to til he d1siolples, ;Mild . I .1 I I i, � G Lord. Thereby the I ; I I j., I 3- - Girl was greatly edifled and built , I . . I I I ' Every W0n1Zq.n a SLIMMer `*_ churoll I 1- . . � I I . . � . P130r, Micas and UP. t, I Toronto 04rnoerto) A! " � .1 I By Auaus,rA, p4iiscorr. � . I . I . . 11, comment I)Orcas-Acts-9:32.10, 42. Marly days I aruoi;, ary. - colln(, I 'etinL, - In evangelistic Apr.11 7_Grajjl� re .cej'pts. wore 1, Links, wark� There was a great field in . � ,gl: . There lives no,'I � 0000,0000wloocloo,-#G0000,.,coo--O0000c,COOD I After Saillos conversion. he remajapd Jopila. on the street litarket: this i4orninj (lead or bocly so Voluall with Soil] 80 � ljor fin"I gowne . I I � 0000000" . - ,-. , 11 aimon_E�lgbt Persons Oftills oflly B-00 bushels offering, prw*( , I of(, that Soule ltil- I ro , th caroful � a' IS OJ't time Ill Damascus and then 3")"40 are mentioned In the New . Lug spai,j� Of Silingrer g1clIgm ill. Y ( 'Ibboa, 11 ' Testaini,ent, A taun,r-A trade re� were steady. . ger , luo'd,ste attention, I I as. T e sleeves are to the oil Went to Aralbla " .Ojj� S declare, that tile I bow wit,l th From Arabia lie garded by the �Bwjs as half -unclean � I ler Ob , Wheat -Was steady, 190 busbols; Ilot be louild 11 atacle eir frill of lace. And, lest returned again i white selling at 79c per, , n , withill, Were sile in I *ett� n I I to tile lilaking of the'ringerS Of tile dressmaker gisow 0 Damascus (Gr,l. 1. and consequently disreputable,froM .bushel 4 � the inost adN,,, Iller gowns 'is a 17, 18) Where tile jcws a 2,00 babibels . 11CO(I PI t I 11 8 tile fact 11 idlen there are Insertion of lace, takc. I,is life, ought to with dead axilmalsana bushol. . oose at e6y,o pe i StkigeS or tha ill:,, the contao,i; of 9 ., 601.1al despair ono'g.1,1lice at tile S Per- Oil easily and must on only an inch Iji �Saul . � 11 . 4 windowt . do, set in rows around escaped by night, as connected with It. would w,aken her pring I that acc;unt be 'tubbed, I tile sailor col blood which w, Ja . ay -Was steady, 2,0 loads sallin ., . TWO I Taku Ouch a gown I I lar, and upon .the blouse b0119 Is -It doWa by the IV411 in a bas- T11iOugllts,-The raising of � . lVaIrle for tile 6-aniniur c a ' after .. would, 1. Bring Christianity I iglanceswOuld dra ilrl has Just been I walst and In th Dorcas on w 'If' ,r into th 0 store I .618eves row I kot into at $11 tO $13 Pell, ton �dr timoth: E'tlroluer bal-gaills intent, Vs, 23-25. Saul then went and $7.5iD per ton Xor cloVer. , third Willie a , �.',Tollrlrlwork, or, betterawpalgs'n*y, lt& "Ow' t . prominence, 2, Prove 4 1 it' 9 0 Jecusaleni r that ,Tegas deterniglaxlee would ,%end her home ulatc'rlal, is a very pale sull-colored - Ills or the first tImesince had risen Trout, tile deadl'8, - &tr&V,r?--WaS+ steady, 2 loads sell i,ned a, batlote, all , that the 8how Ing Wt $9 .per ton. vellow, lVitbolit � Loll"'i'810n, At' first the disciples soul exists Independently to COnstru0t lierseir . I 6+++++- . %vej% afraid of llial, but Barnabas told Of the body. 1) r a w 'gown that ,vould place * oven one . ,"*."4++*+**++* Beef 14 ftmer, sellInig at $8 t4 6aminer , her ill the I!tLl(- satin (lot to bela, It oat. S alive 91"Illood. It Is made w1t.b elbc�w slee I : * .... t"C-111 of Ills (�011%'ellsloxg. and Ilow he altholigh tile 0 c a as till $1-0.50 per cWt, for bindquartersall, But Ves, Very . - Z flarl Prekwhed ill tile name of Jesuff nal ilfe silo body was dead, Eter- U.501 and $7 per ow,t for for.equ,ar -,'Oil cannot be a r�unjmor girl tight, 4 "Mild waist MORALIT uld be tilost earnestly In A linen Skirt an(] it cut oil the ; : Y �N tit bitmasous. ,Saul also Preached sought. Christians ters. Spring lambs are easier, sell Shirtwal',b M11"twalst order, and'Plain, Straight *. : * I should be ao- Ing at $6 to $7 each. . , I ekirt, oir swr."el) length close at + v v boldness and power In tively enigag, . with t'L SIDING sallor atOP Your: low- ) the i .,P� I "T01,N1,,,,-,Lg1,�U,-"-1t ed in God's service. ly head. ffi .0 I and again Ilia enentic,s PRACTICAL SURV.D� y. Wh 7 to 70c; red, 61 �lllg Into the + " I H0119ilt to kill 111111. l tO 80; 90090, 663j, spring, 67b, ,1�ye top and gradifally wide, DRESS HABITS eat; white 7 YOLI must fuss alld frill ]fly ahapo. ) ++*,* +*++ * "I JOSePhri's relates that abou oord, lace and Gill , tuck and tror 1110 rAl 1 +++,0+++++ -*+.*++0-+4,, -'- Petor-The lilsfory now tilrlls jime t this 580. Barley, malt, 54 to 6QMq; Seed broider until you -V SICII.t., 'ton 6' the latest to I Ili, dia QUIlgala, the Roman emperor, 5ja to 540. Oats, 46 to 480. Peas, . have It the 9ONI-11 lvas 00wl)leted, all 84, Harry ,TOIIII& 1frool" Saul to POLer. All quarters- had his stattle set up In the to uple wt, job, alsike, $10 tq . .declare that there is no connection , Fu]Pln, but went to otlial. pIlIce.., vis -ructions to kill any who $17; red clover, $7.50 to �$9.50, tin* dAvell away tjlc� accusation of 'Wile I not confine his labors tu jer!l- giving Inst I , 840. Seed, c _ Simplicity as Well as tile loohl of sey. ready tO be Put on, with eh thP . Opposed Iiijll,. Terrified at "Ity fr011, ' the pros- otby, $7.75 to $8.50,. MY, timothy, Your maLp , miral sense of a People as ill ch,tp. N.111. 14. klamul ,,.Ia,. ,rjl.,. sols,G,L] and every finishing touch ap- Or the degree of modes tor. - Piled, theft came (ho real workman ,ty Canto do,vu,__ Ic er girl il� all ambitious daugh '1113ouraglgig 'lie elluvolles, P(Dct or -this sacrlfi 1 Jtltjg ulud L _ft off perseoutIng too, the ,Tews $11 tO $13; clover, $7�50 to $% ohip. sess and ill& amount of clothing they 11`110 had boon cojjvertL.d to he Christians Straw, $9. Bu,ttor, lb, rojIg, :18 to yet there arr, Out Of Q ( - � t they Pos- I I"rull' JoruRaleiii. 8allits-TheSews and turned their attention to the 22c ; crooks, there are two st"hosv who aRsert that come Spanish lace were cut I wear. Ullrle- I averting or thi 15, to 17c. Llkggs, now, yIeL3 � tia it a Calantity. "T�ien laid, 12c. Gentiles Were not asl had tile churelle rest.,, the olitIng girl with 110, V 171,e tile itposLluig, Of Summer gipl- s(jine flowers, ,111(1 these Ivere applie(i When SMIke discororeEl I.-IL11 ,�i�it,,, a . blue call- to make a border for the Gkirt. Two Intelligent peopl. of Ugan,Lltlle very by � e Ivortl means V:011s, s,!V.ti,ateQ The miracles Le.tding Whbat 31aekets. - vas Skirt an"I her WIlIte ehirtIvii1st, I rowo or them. were set in one above ; northern M, On thLe I . __ wrought by Peter, crowned With &-traw the Other, and stitelle-d 01 11. In the I he shores of ^Victoria lgyanza, 4013. persons They were notable. ; The case of Following are the closing quotall I that they , ! Micas was Ivell ltilown. He had tions at Important Rallor, White * found to Ill$ Surpriso Z,,',. Vourilul 'a "t'redora, flat-tOPPed Taln of Ill mid4le Certain man -The Lord wheat centres io Of tile front tile flower design I WerG clad from kept his bed for e!Zllt Years, siuk tc*day: ed suinmer girl, She wit,, tile floun 11- the pais.y. Dorcas was well ... Y -to -wear bat, and tile frjw' widerl0d and came ur) to, a great I cloth. They took tlI8 fibrous inner "11111P to tile euriucil, Tills dIJ not k of (Cash. july. or read ra head to root in bark Ird Peter to tills man as liej ll,.Ifl led . � Cos Py"in'd Wit" thO Point at tile very , bark of a certatil tree nd b3. und- P11 1, by chance. !, I known throughout the region wbt�re 14nd tile furbe.lows, b0t" line, -it Pyramid of Spanish lace a P0 "I � E "fit Years -There , She New York ...... ... ...... $— $77. - tile Ono W110 has Ing and working it made a fairly ser-' "o"M thorc,fo b lived by her ministrations to the c%jegggo, ...... _ ...... been called tho, fluffy summer girl flolverso applied to 'tills Sul] -colored ' Viceable sub,stitute for Vc 0 no doubt cast oil I ... 70 1-4 7:1., 1.4 Be that .14 it may't,wo kinds oil O` batiste, cloth. tilt! miraculous nature of Ills , needy. Ifel' GiOlmess antf death at- Toledo ...... __ ... ... 713 " 78�1.8 no The iraIst was trlinme cure,- j trauted gpneral attelltion. for a long tj 'I Sprke has Seen no odler natives; on Cain. Bib. P -M53' -This is a contrac- I 11 ' , After Dulauth, No. I Nor ... 70 1-2? ___, . -it is certaill that ,d witIl two I Ills long -krrlcan Journey Who IV -ere t'l-'p Of tile word "paralys el, death Lftell sent to Joppa, about Duluth, No. I hard.,-. 7a 1-2 — I to come, ept-tall1l, until tile g,or, me ro%%,a of these leaves, one around the � not rather scillitI15, attiAd. But -the a diffease will Is-" It Is � ten inile-ij distant, for Peter. rourth sonds its S�r 0118 lvalst find one arountl the voke, or 'Bagall4al believe Ill uh dePrives tile parts The eech into i afrcctc�d of st�jlszjtjoz, Torouto Country Produce, it is the fluff 0 � )I- air 1$lleri) tile Voice woulti come, I garments that I time requir0d to make tile Journ?y FdIall 11417e in Y summer girl( that wo ,sleoveo hau"a, r' The cover them from neck .to heol. 11, of nicotion, or' I, or th8 power, and return, ill all probability 0001--S.�haff. Oil Toronto, April 7, -Butter- Choice ow f101vera aPpIlglued 'fact, there were '%'cry few- tribes 31, Mak;�'tll tbee whole-Tbe apos. j tilat sit 4, Our midst and since silo upoll theme 1 root, was suffICIOnt to demonstrate dalvies are quite Scarce ant] low grado I' was actnally dead, IS� here, or coming fast, is It not i 1,11roughout tropical Africa that are tie had u -Sed Similar lariguAge in arose "131111leftitell Eneas 11111 MP-dium olles, Are corresponalligi , _�r ? 'y best to study hf 3�111'111Y, In tills process �1,makjn a I so completely clothed as the 13ag� ellit .,11 'hnd made Ills 1111111'rOus- Tile (jemand, therefore, � $ulumer gown, came tile 4,1,1l, ,F , anda. � hinlPter ill- 0. Poter did not Ileal bed, and Pete 'presetite i Dorcas I fit-ils ? oreamerles tile pri,jelpItl supply. For a .Nelyport Sulo (of black slitin ribbon to tile I'll .1 In Ills own strength, Joker. drese, �' 1191011 Stanl but by "alive.11 This lHrcIIaractor,,-,j-_ Of.l1l I Tjjf_� latter e -y - - ted the same tlln Power of ,yesils Christ. Ile was tile Mir . "lis Was Pitt On in rows rrorn, tile PeOP10, years, late , I I are Offering fairly liber Thp MOWN and tile tell6s, or tj but tom or tile ,sk hc found that I "011's chosen Instrument, tile healer 110- of Christ aod Ills ap * - le irt tit) to tile witist, r os� 11�?,. The market is Quiet and steady - Arab nivrobants had carried a t1ps. . a isit'llulf"V girl ,are likany. It IF 1�1 ton or i Wils Christ. 1-10 WaH restorej to Cr- - esti- a .1 Vt I � , MO VOWS; tour Inches ;Ipart, so as to cotton cloth to tile INV(,, t 1, kes. '% �11_ 1 f('Ct health immediately. .,gake P SuCh works aiwayR attended tile - Cr�-:x� er'..priggis, 212 to 2!' ,c ; sclids, tQLI`IP0 1118 skirt front top to bottom. thy alrilAry of tile apostles. Tlwy were _4* �, I. . �, � or T110 ontin ribbon Was culligingl,.l. slip_ robe4 of mitilelloster cottal 11 lo,$" MA -11 forty flilfr%. , . ligntet' thil't for a NeUrport 811111111 tO--(10 Bag,indit Ivere Ivearing floll-Ing I IIP�-­TUR Would show that I 010' - W-18 a parall I - _ econds,18to-00"dalry'. _ l or �,Ajorj_ Xtic 110 longer. IIG* wit(' "(')title'] In, tile Promisi! Mark xvj. 17 T, ZlePtIcel. Tjils give re Pe" "I ugldcr tile 1110P 11gurels, a�j(j tile kaill", .10 they call i as 18, and wherevur tjjc�.v Wilat tjj�, I.,ound rolls, clinij. 1`1 to l0c. large .8 onf, A .se%r -,oWlI :000 111Y over them. Probably -tile ed tile product of , (it 1101110, and therefore -grits roln. l * ' 19 WAK done, 1) �, Ill(' 4N�QW rilgialIld 1O)Ius. 1,very illan ; Ilianded not to tztkp lip III, beti. as I I - at da:y- (luffliting tile hiriph foi;,-1 Ivro-uglit -jV;tlj them -.0"Itril. X011R, cholee, 17 to 171-2Q.. tuas. 14 Stlasoll at less Ing, till- Nrord witil j�l M 141, Ide, M.-Alblin ana low, 10 to efore tile lace ,all(, WOMIM w,lS flijl:ir dressed, all "" tile ca'" Of tile ParIth-tic rocorded gens follolving", .1110 �Stwk of wliit% s lip Tit(, effe.-t of tile in .I--- :j.._ -,c.,. TO tilt, credit of tile e .re irael(ls, Tliev QW11 two, nionuts, leaves werp appi-wil. TIlere was A belt WUMW Cotton eloth. anil St,tIlley , Ill Luke r. 2II.; bjIt 110 *w., or d . lf-'99ol-Offerings roj�jlju.� tjult�, lib- ,oleing flur y Medletc,'.1 a grpttt market for cottons � to IMIL-I'l It. Ile attested tilt' dIvin"' Oilligirl and $11- i,ral, .tinj fit), 1-%?�- vary greuLl,y now .l., br,.,j..t,,tI tilgtt It retillanep.. pilell it,, mgpl, was rominzint'sed to p fultumitr go)WIl it in r I'llooll olimmer gown'this Xe.l.r Ili a -'ibi C0073 ZIB cheaper transportation � ""IP 1,1 - ' and to prove Ills faith . er,natul-jil clifiract­r of tile rglligigoll e -am. be mllvorn In tlip, Individlial dreank, 11,110111-1 lessen tile cost, I _ frong dwy to d-ly. Pettleei are t4tvad,r !:Ill. Itor It I,j or '"'r(olight Wit in lVontli,rrig) coloreall(I ' Tile ra!jr(j.-t(I is ! It" MR vrerk.�*,. Aro,st, iningeill.itt,ly- Ile "Pre"Ilted. Cliristfahii is- jjI_ I at, 1-e il .' � 00PAn ant] snpi-rn,litir, I in .1 killd that in 111fritl, . I'llin Ill It Y . I r dim n. idt to "'Ji,il-ingui-ill IMW ClOinl1oletell, ,T:ll: sholl-pil tit(, eninpletenes" .in,] I l 114ii�111111--N1,11 weather Ii.ts Lill. I N vrotion or It Is r1WIling. 110 I x-rfl,1t&ejj illp ,offpj-jjj"� frOul till! ooltI1,11tion'.1 I eN"'Clite'l VVIIII tile fliffililty (A M fit,(,, I thOuIril not ypt 01)(M to freight traf,- 1 ri-.dity Of tile mlpaelt�, a,Ijj tile ralth I'thoop I Rlmt able , = Art V IV(, I 'N. Prl,�,e-; vr,� flot ;Uolvii or tilt. I art, erefttlt�jj, 1,01, pun,t nl.th-p Ono 13, , fic. Tho 1311R,.inaa %vL,l Ile � lI`i.1.,,,4q -ngrh tir tile ln.tll� Iff roly the, ralligh).11 t,f tile % - r,v f;rm, lia. .1n, at L I,rt iit-lit ;,,toagly. VottOT1 cloth I .: rMoll. of ItH bnperilaillral 0"at'llIt I Oa -h oll .ill )""i"NP- -%Iltl 6 IN 04ruillil ('114-itp-r, n d'ay and You WII!, 10 well to -Pt ow, - ILO bily h1l t I th-311 94 I'llic- rt,,i4,,pjk.jI iorl� 11 ho che-III, froa-S!,ttrott. Till,; I)II01tably Irl'.1111tool 111) ill it Ivel.k. even ulth tile 4't*j,I re ft I 111fly, ivajl�, I'! P g rr�ferp�jvp I wo;'-M t9lizil ztway frt,in it til,* kwam, for freights IVM IM rv,. tip tile 4�1,;tpjt�t 1!j * gowll. - Cr;tcli: lwro- art,. q,jt)tj,!j � - Arpsa. 1111t yoll Call Savik Ml5npy- � ducPd too ab,tw M, Ill!) L1,42014 tj1j1,;!)1� Ivia .11 111:114os It tor l;tlil, ) , a M 44,,I,4�oes Out tit 'Z�Prcr .'k W4)nl'IIt_'%LljelI ..ill C%tf.j%Lt' 011-liltirtil of I "11131 P � 55, t t � .'� 7 -. I . , tile "i"" t1l` t'll'Of Pit!,v. Tit(, �Ipjjjlt ton � la-lep ellm.;.4 tj 'tilltv and %our nlfiotirhlt�; it yj)ll e, t ii, X ,nt � (III . ,! tt hiAlit' 1711111t*11 �IN fij.jil. jl�,,rll"I, ,j t I& III �t , I wm? noted for It't r'n � I i ;wls , (f o ,to 70e. B;lg if .%,I j1IJ6 taMpl �10'6;1' MC -11F !vonra for ' 1'1��" I flilltia Or U) tilt- %VojrI,I,- - 96wil vik"ll weh-k, lllpit. til"It. , . N 'Ile RK -16011 fOr CO`�'I`i' ("IM14:0 011 -00 V:eW, ; I .1 '% - .': . 0111,v a suppl-tiattIl"i) I,pj,Aj 'n (.,If, I TFo,IItr.­-T1v- lijaik q I -g vkqq, �!;11.,t - till- ra.114npr or %lolzr 0IVII Lro%Vn,;, j;o) -it, , , of milli. ,'� "'It V._T'� l'%�v` - ("'"' 'I'- 11 11.11ttil,o- lit!, ttj,jjj �(orj ,1 �1'i� il a nl#tml do 11),nd and ".-Irill, 4J.'r." b�v tIA, ploovit;j tpr,11j:I�, �,jlk, %% .I-Allti that . mt�-r I ''W illul-It'111"IRt It. a f "I tl� . , 1, L_.�; I ,.?�",,,. jji.l'. . -1111. * 01. I)e ax 1110 prien, il""I'. '11:1""M t"Al IIJ-4014at for i ;n.ilxS,O!j upo6li .tve` TIM lo� it r,rpat Ivorlkl, .1ttl"If-t lIt"ll to 1;4,%l -wllti . t"I .irc, -olaol" at 11, I ,_1 to lL%,"te' , %t qDrj, oil '. %VrMlltr to p. 1, lt ,�t'4n ling � `� , I I 4t 4jttmn #If tIkk­ prk'ttjvr, 2: tiv mod* I"M thu" Slft 11 , rry jolil'i Ow pok;plol to Notl 'L 1018IM41"I " MPS QIi:%rgc,xl .�jj,j it jr; It rgIt : r4yoojjk),t Ilt,turni"I t6 1-:11vvin !, mall w4tl I. ­'ll. I 1.,-,. Air -r,r. U4.tt,4, r�I.;,'It-kIf I 0111. ll 114 114, 11 NIL -I IYOn b) )gell pl,ollt It"" t1l"I" Ell 11011MON-Of klg*l jj�-..-' . tlir- , pq %VRh - .., uralblo 6161, so, Ill 1,1114 ago of rwadm- .I 'it, tij anol 110 oo, f)a,� flor 04ch. i,l, *'tz .Ili I" , 4 � " - ,w ratets t; Vor V .4 ,,� , A..,, ,,, jf'Al,� I.. e't, f - .1 ro,tv e`A"Iii.4 *1 f thoumildti � % '"ll' I j bm - ort'll 1,110 1114el it -1�141 flor .X�.). It . ..rik till j;1DIj.j,�; or j,.IrI4__j, jit�,iejt tell , 41 tila. xtza�lvj 0.1als 9��1'4f.f ' 11',tN N -M- lfltt�ri, .l 1. jl.)lvvr� nlys it "�I- N ill illol W" ftpi' ' . - I.: 11" I ��.Or - Th, ro, k ,, eg'F .1. -It 11 lei 0 �� ly ,a,ly a" jWL41t;0j, jl�.,V4 ill,, - 141111-1re. t1PFt1#ileqI tit Peal _ 'kyltlz h�*dl� 11 th'.11i 6 plo lirplo 11% l . th Itirl wcoli,' aillt, '. 11-1, go".. j �jjj(o,tL - 11 So rell..j tjac� topil..tj I�gllblrl Ljjj'�j tIlPR t)f It* C' tN oil tjjf� I " h h . I .., ,tit I.;- L 14, -r l. 1%%j jrki J4 jilel'. g,4 M110111or iijt* Sjlori,�S ljt ,R,"� ad �,Ilt t1,441 sill, Ptw - % ", 0, t % . II.Mf a dAlar, .4!1 I Id".holl"o P1 I'al4i f�,h,l %rifil ho -.14M.1 Ell" � .ill 1. jim-114'r-LI.T. .It litill wj'� )I.% 14.. w*4f.:'j.,._� 11A. .21DItbtf�rt.ttgs.ur,,�1;1)-I-.11, vildo anw) I p Kr1l.ttA,.A Arr.t.. like. �MdA too Up, Lford-T:.,ot "'I 14 Iniml stel%itur I - It"ail- -a,h *-,Irl In tsiDp, Mw ,..*�Lq - b0l."Ved 41Y (l,I ��outl.r,li J%nl I "-All, I'N #11C(q ital I I II-0it ME 11111, qob' of Met' 410,1 tili% all III.% nulnljo�r. Till, . illit tit�)uglk t1lev (,tre a 1�`t .hmls IrglAz the X111,81 tirt,; cjltvpll� Ita IIII'm h lit 41, no.-ttg"I .0 44" *l',t. J.;,f.*Lz , lulits :111%V,1!,,,4 Wo'll.,; a " 11,lr %4,r , p '. bitu ct rvnillard, NAU 2110., ,01,i P., ,q nrit . 2 ;II It Ilan , and 1­�,*,bno. � , , 'p nt ull ;%f the,p -at 1 , . ld. r . 4 ,5 1 e'r_ I, tior ON tir�,nnji, ItIfloo-it :11111-4 -in, j;Bl . 1 44 itj ""') "" "'. �rl' 111' -l' 1h'j1 'o`l1;`P­%7- 4tv - w o- ll� i- rd. 1i � Qnsil, All X ("arerldly cl " lown, t, IV . ifokfvA n it�,O��,.jg,j are � ,3", ", " SlIjg'3)-;r 01 tfulLt _% sjtqg�. .1 1� 117".211le tridy C.tqjVj,rjP,I tit I no I 110cs!2, wo � . Ill 1�3!11 bl" 11-4-41011i Mtr fino14 ft 141,1-4. ii!nol A10 If4 to,ver st, 11 �,-Alt alm, ,. 1�111t`.,111. ill f%4V IfAl. ­ .1 go %1, I . A 'Aro of Ult, J)"ll'.0tol th.j.1 J."ll 1.111"a t a. Alwolatb 4.0%4, , I , M r regtk-tij filp jV#.;jr*4;;,. ro. r -M HU, 14,,w,� 14.'i t. �%Igig ,%�I'etc Uikrh, 1. rt,A, it 11144ZV�q ujo trout it' C - ll,(�P.'. . - 1 1,4 1 Ile wii�lr,.- I I , A;-41 sitt. Thoh 111foweral , It. luny lip JOUIVA a ru, * we It fif"VI V-jAj, foren a %k Dr-ti-aamia.. " , NUH thl-IF nre -, j -p -41- J4011111 %-- % V,Irt or tow:j #Ill tit.. ill alal %rall iti. .' 19110 uf N�Wral. . .v Iax I'l�`Z - "',* k'j P! �. '6 . ' ,L'," P '�oT­­'j'.t� 10,j % I ' L 4. , ',,S F - � _ , t 11441t.1f, 9,101 I �,, In 'AlfirW4. Tlw.y .ire ,, ' 4,0-',aKt Or tt'P '-%V�Ihorrwnrqt�j s:jvt wv� 2-___ ­­_ I. . , 1, forlzgl ill L111tj -11,�j .e�taloi d�y j'n- J4,ril4gl L ' cao Na, i4�� o . 1(�j t I 4%'VIIIW ila"1111 IoNVII "ril 4VItY Mip wearoo res ,U, to tilt. %,L��Ir. � , .. 3,Iq , 'i - 4 M Ell` 1, " .,. .) , .1 , ­.. 2 no f o .'� W it.. 1'. IS-4rd 11%*%rhilta. " R-Al'i .0 'L� - , �_­��',; l. "' " i L *l,,; ., 1� ,;, ,�s I � Iq L, , ,� j .. L. , - - " , 0 � " '.. . , 4L� h, �� '. 3, 1 ,,�",) . � . _,­ ,, �, --v I'l *L, � j,N * 43 tot ,. ""nL 't "L'�!D 'I, . , lil'oll lajl�4 .41 111 1,44 .I';' 01 ll. � . "V Inn i� R 00 trdW Mat) IaTk, too tite &Fjg��-qjlll 4111110-thvrp-1.4 ,�., 1l,kVt"I a 04oiplo ttg"tt '' L 1.4 t 04,43m.. f, It, ran . rjg�.I,I,,�D` r - - " '4 01 UIR1U. Tho Raviroall, Wn togat. I;rj,lp�r V�P# ,n,4n (1-114, AUl the W Tht* ,,ee,il vivi Inov uvra EMOP raglua.� earri ­­ 11"fio Pm-lzor of tile. flool.vi-V14 1�'t :4i pl�j 9 s%h. I u , 1"llo-_4 fro tit% ;. .r.,,l ii, -_t i i I " ", ing tAt't-las uIld ch; iMfluttetiq ,lwoi 1, 1, , 2 li,f, % It lltil.v 10 ."t I M, vu - *, .- - ,`do . 0, in U., .,.t . 1.1 ll�a ia,U, ­ 41 , . ;, 12;l- d " , " 1I 4WO (I141V4! jounetiWas in jjt,�.r , , , tIlo-rz'h I-, TR��O f�N.�,*I-�Jllj�$Ij I-,1 ' ' j4k'%Vj 'U.C*j,4 h6 L.L� %-.� eLl , , j. % 0 � gj�j, �' - - �11-:',', 614 ,; z I o" cuh :1 b5h - DIJ�l Uslar 11, lig, G,111 ,l, , iv, Is fl,tt purg 10011t. t ,�,( '. �1 I . I , falt.0 L it.11a,114. .t, ­ .Wd'.111 14&�Plv L .L . Z -, oo 3 AS A lli­� Q# _,)'-s %*j 0 t, 4*� "', , 44� Ow rmfv�11441ol%r '.4jU41nil, r V � I," ,�, Vo_"a "_ 0sq; glo 11.811,4. 1 ,?,.�,,.�'. i �� 11 �, i 1,� , � I "" L") (,� g, �jj . t - - - ;t. I _ ,.,41'a" 111�3'1, A mm -i' * J�'rt`ir"'- - " %..t,.Qr iL lo"U'all"j" 1Z r Tim I1j4,retqtjjM ,lit '-!1�4%001, lailo, T W�lo �,i � �. .., z. � ,Z �,s " , . ­iifj� P�df%ta jl%oj�. : lto�'*o I gilletp)n 0 Idthn__jI,or4 � .4,11�Je AM Ixg, --vv ,- o­v,,�J. t", ". .. - , . � . � � ��, P, � vf.j 465 , , ill �_Ilt. � 14'1 �ple � 'e, - _TP1. - ,%4% V�#Xh - 4 jj�, ,.jVe.Z4 . lit. _ 0 'Izu. IA'o J, ; ... , � ! . ': "', "i " 4 � � , " � L , . , _ , pii4ttulo -�-s jj�q �at _. - �,j b) V N 1410 Orowt: "le bm( -Al , *" �,,­ 10 , , , " I I ir,a,,,,,;,�,*,l unmlw Is (Alvven this" tr.lft ."t q 11'.4a,"tot.. fo�r g * 4L.'& 4 � . ,i4g 1 . .l A I � !o -4,40 ".. M, ln�,�j " ; M. � . 4 �o o III 0 #to � got. ttl_�V'l .A-41 11941 %%,*, . l � , �. � I I 11 _ -,. I A- I!L,* I �s , R tq � 1_1�4�", M11h; "o tho I,1j4;MlM* iigte of * , coo 01)14t�, illl,�111 WA.'a 'Ut:vf. lo.:109i fjo%%Vq�rq nul v , Wo -:1%, .4 c_,j&gj 144-(f-, 1,41-4.4 11 u, 6� IV "', Mon 14�. %,.-:,t,�.% "Fr...'11 R�,. ',o#Vi,t'I-1-',',.'4. .q.ta 'A. 1� L. �, ":;,,; . 1 414,1111.5 oirt-�,45tv,s njo a fVtft04Wh1f1r Pngj?:1-n�?,-,,,j .1 In .:,,, � 1, I 4 9 - ", zkg- 'I 11' - � � - ­'�a � , . ,� ., � ,',�, " 0 '-,,� ,4 tof M H. Tho M,M-f M 4,410 t,1,,111..-a1A%- " da,,, MIA. - ' -tt'ly ot4i�e­rd LN;,;e,.$ in tp0,*,, ,11 4, I UP'n" 1! M'41( of J4, a ' 1 "�!a;okt e : Unvi � j"4' 1.0�4' -_'�� P'J­,_"Ll� j,o:j* ., .; r"I svn 9 i0o lltoldrw��%*". "". golv,�j I Armz,.Ijo 14a,V43 11,J In"I"il ro'lo trlq,� 11 � V111 MMI" rvoll ,Ivv�luvr ­ At ,�AN at P"NI. 11"Al!'.1 fig ,;I 1,111,_� ; -2, , ;" "", * � �,*. " .. !: C -1. � . _ 90",4 r-lw wear,z at b,viin ltlj2' 194', 4%, far a.,, . �­V,p*-, . 11,111" i'�� m . 9 tu.V­E47e�tnV "" 1.41 . " XW'­ ,� 1'.,`4;- .,'� to'. I ,, ."'i " _� 1�0 . , jjj, ChL,y PhOW , lifilt, so � 1. I " I tuvell the "w%ota ftre C-n%o�k. HUI 9 iiMd, i 411 be, INLIlitt ffi,liq � *,­ ,of g,�o I wtoalk . L ; # ,.'AV,� 2,z I 4 �:.,f ll!?� "i "'k ton gir9tra "'ho �, 1114%tv, A. , 'U'P1119 d Mz" 1; IOU 1111D.13 16,C1 I ,-'A ­wqq. V -A3 . - , � � ` ml.gp-l- ""'o1'.4 vAM 9,4. 4 �; l, j- - I 2 - �' 1,� 3 JA a t7ja`jqj6"r"+ �" '�gl,�iot�p �njr :41 �UaJL4 ,,3,9�[. lj.,"Va'C�Lo llatwgs 1g.U,9%m4 gac'.qjl� 6,11 0&4- !� 11�41,1, 1 fv-#:d �0. f I flil" g. ' ��t .� t`o`qt�"` 4" I _f._'16"�Zg ."I" tL40, W1 aow,4, tv""A �;$' I go,�!­ , :-_Q'I , ". �, �,,�, "':, : - 113b,v, U911. blall1alug q,)3't ftv ,1.,y n � *' IM In. j avil fit the rov ttllon, , �� ,, In t -1 -at eI1,121A �,V tro-,V , 3 011,,t .. V. ZU adi��,,-I�g,ts,rat.��..'�%et9',t�j7�, a,,!,6 ] ,....', 11 � _L.. � j�'."% 0 -, I V, , I " 4 .) jol b4;Iw;T,S4 mAl 1 13"')AL -al Atri --- 4 tj I .,nNo 11 I .1 ", 11 g,3p 0 M _ as the liggi&g, P6.44ifC4 oftwo llo�z- ,a 42 In-dy 4'% .9 r3,441#03 w,ttl and ;, a , - - :`it "r" %V'"" r"� �,Mlj. t',�;. : tunutto vlaz-, ik, I.- N041. ol Kj—�4jg'LU Ili go rq jr�'Ml. 1. . L, ., il'i,.-P �`� , ". . . *,., *5 to to . - - 404'."0 111 �, 8rQkqA5tP4;V1*. lili I ftele. pyira gogio. � 1! 944'"T HZJ,* 49*�,�kor�j "on, lolatatu., a, :� lat',io"A n"A " m"V tml �%,-. 1411-ar4 tt1jmla " uli,u UUNAll.% vl� , Vjp-� _'�;��'.011 � ro? �Ms i"Jili,sue Cls ,re voqg - rgp4 v1u,4 i flf,00ju_par�g jjo,,c�j ' 0�� 11 (Wo too, 9�.Nll na,g ­_'ri,11'.� trav wa a t4 H,�.,.Iv_', flo.1nng A. 41101coAtig. �00 gj%�f�,f-j",;' rjht;"Mv� �UAn ah t 4-. .'v hle,h ,14molair#3 f)j, t,DL, P. , OL�l _go�.,J� % .,,.!Ji, to N­Ijlq� - '%'oy, tjj At 0� ,, n!&ql .%fllr�l. . . - 0, *otzve, bat 1,,r ­.ajajj� _1 .j� . . ­ i�l V. ,"'A'* 91' rM �ro_,10, vk�ng -,q_u�.; 'J'. '5"� r,"� _"1-'D4e r"ffl!"ti�,V;4 61.1tg I $.-j, flli;aro! I �! trio Contraq hLotulegm LOI- 4,P ttv') 11 -M- Wu�-" &"& --M�;w *v -o- gg,o_ tt.,�,it lg-,U,1,� . ujui-,C1 vlo", � "i . � 4 '[';.,'�j t"J�I'L,�,_,�,Ltj, ,j[ Mon. M, ,, t�u#. I%rgdv L" V lido ,4 Idjif L felit IHV�JS' W� � , I .. C"#,,,V dIt-'r ti -:,a �,j �. ''. , _� 0, v a a �.9 I 0,* til It. It Is; a Eotlovn�wd_&if .,%.�f �A Ill' UP I-, 9,;iL, '"�q n. lq�, Ahaanpq L-bu-, a"hi" g, to �i rA*24" 8 14 the mu, st fttrlL� n,* �;r 0%. 11 )NIZ) 4, glovIrowo1j, �,' _ . 90 . 3g, t'!,,v4,v IgEo'k 1*4 r.l,Z 02 0 . Z, �114 tw*k% it os Igttv,l In ino,11111- lgh'r-rq,,� janill dU,.-_iIen40­,r1bbj&1 arl," ltraLoa ltio,t 464LLI�att A Iii t�uv­ �--t "Zli i*bD"_-"`1'�"oT6� 11J �� �'A- !LO,%. L�6, "'�- v r. Txpl� fl,�41,1:�,�; : Uvo lw'IM m"'d � - '" , �c b I I I u fal"o. S,ol ­, � ','� � ,,­� t -b j - � - L �, t1i ,w, 'v,j&-_. trnbil. *11TAMold �It Me t�,Ldq,q that kc.,00'a Lwe V Mojg�. a to trahut Ift ? b'54 il th�l ifts�tt?rt,"*P, oft ­-jg,� ,4�ko, ,.1,'uftil.o_ I.ro 91 j .Lltu 11 no-�qr , "'11%, k-L,e`o�i.i (;- ,, �_ r� s, �; 1� " __ - - iqr)) -I?P.'M0 &!=%t4 fv) . ,r,g,lnt% �­w I . . m au, rff-jt'PL'rj JUX tUtV,� LUMVU"14 .oft.4 DDUUJ�jj ' , eu tw"Llf too t,� z l!'00_ :� tvftlw_n t1n3f. n'r-at"A o, V;n B% S-111DAga lqr­kvf�; �.v til, . 2,1 �ivc C:,o 1(�I,'-C',_� I L _ g _t) a L,a� , ,� an 9-4 -1 . I . , � WS In V4Uj3zN`l -L_1 'TM,q� 1 known thr, Uyl bl,jtl 111U, vpvo-r Uv,.Za� t& 18,,.,,,%�"-;�2;,1, I-Iffruir.4 - !vtt V quLl'... a rigc;j �! Inoral st 11 It tO fht'o filgil��'&,. Trlui.,� rzton �,_,; �j tri. , %-Ue ltnd SuAl vt�:,* lid6lb. zh,�� 1,arl,,:�rw I �r + Ir - M!;,0 a n I t hol'y b, leomp �.�,�- a�"�' L--w v id� j r.�:tr,,�, ,N.g fle t".gftv �;o th�'at A I'aida ho, JoH"d ` "Cho hut ur ,,,�a OT U� '"- L 2 H.14 12i _�Mvtl w_, -,jt* � - M�t be tu'a" ' P�go�V'CS t;'r AfD:�`1'4 :' - V11- " la 1il9WtT MIL4 tm.g',Ittg� I - ,10T M,r I � 11, � 2 uq!�- to ,� ��., ,L.O. T"Z,ri V' tt[�'j"Ifif"jk�JI;, M L _1 L �_._ ,.,I ;jo, hv. dirv,ss nrut4r- 1, ulr*l�j 110v th" am,i�m%t V111 wklt was pns:ie"4- , 0 l lw-% ",ml ,i%I;R.",t evrk ; N ,4zh ill ", D x., D ,I r , jk;; , L. tot vvi,i Me MidHo�—!t)9I tiv're IS ML , f"A I" 41, q0"tug iihat 1:4 ziwpa U61"m Vloo, � C10111=: thev 'Wear. % 11,11'I'l thir­'?�'l , tdrdle. . .tl f. 1"'asanx"�4 at Iff, U, ";z , " � U ,�, as "olve-. lc,� de-�S.14,u i.1 very " �� t"'ptorr th.ital-or,-jr, �� s, bron "'Muorted g it Tht, Xac&;j JV0a9npL1V it,", I . ..4tf-_,ij.� qT llar%Inct uowt Nuv'I 11 �4,%,D;, b..U6, in,,�'t V111l4,t%11*L T to tvg�,,,,,,'� l4 ,",',;..� jo "U..e The, To"!'f[i t�,eL'L.l IS &I faffli 17, Up. ftq�F,�t it '5,, Lae .&D. wrl"'.) :5v,e 1, Igor 1M!40W9,MV,?Qp. a-4 V,th ID�4,�,Q�-.ljy ,,� �.k�.�U�:, -!�,, gu lj.".-�-��'. I'llivo L -Y&,flj ft"":.." v�T&;.Qe t. , �# I �g. 'n Z,Dq-�11,t " sg.*aple. : rarqhq�r C-4--ot vvw-4 en lboinary I 0 1,0� "'ARV. for 'ttonk, 'k4,11. I lire compIls,tril,r Gulf r. 0 110 00v hnmt. l Iii;`!' L�"�� _11[";_�,Ugt Y�,oL I 1113's jrum tqattvjt dM1ftgtlI,�jj' 0M, �&­fflql gar'? ll,,%a.�; to AD qre It tind " ,ttou&.,ed "' , , �`, 1;et'Weeh tueks ift,q ' froaa thoy�r Hwir_�.q% - _c,�,J �. .rz,� "'n tr,,2%.t,-* ,�jt U_t� �tL," , . M , ,11._ d Lq. I g, IN. ji -M lvz; wrib—AD-ul P 2 M �. I. —Litt Dt� . ,�. . �-1 t 14'af UP' 14o-wg ffv;;U�,. At tjg,� U i's of 4r4thcr tilliates by tifle trig wil 9 L I .- jf',��2LI�t.- Ujoyftm, fklc- Manin1h. I a , . tq g(,!,�t� P: L I 01;1�ke�i �0-,' !4��_�­ V,',�o P�ail;;�Vlj, ,-v,a,-:,) , D�al"�N- ,t,rfll.'t' , i&eveq are tw-km, in al1q,"I"s i � , " k L�.t E" . - .4 ,`*,N_'_� �f� so, "-o "� t: _ Q) - -4 , F;,�vq, !��1-14t ` A'SIVO.V. .'*,erjt tayul,ow h w -Thwir pt,05*ah�.Iv.. . rlo ,I - " ,mto. v41U)A'­,A,2 onj rujvv",;�­ '� ' d � , Zf['.�Dl �aq-4. - � ,0L_j 'elf slgv� d:('11. I$ ,i - tm. M211ttI.T". lv.vj.,�vffqe Vi'�,,,,-- Lava _��%� r folatf-l�v el"Ithed Ulan thf-V 411. . Z,,vl,L-Y � to two Mae trip .0postles bivi hirpt " ., 1, !61! _ � 'r N __ 'b3*.T, �.""'.' �.'.[,;D,�,,�r W"IS tolled hi�o a Noft b_tt,.,jo ' ";tv'. It : rd "Lle More -1 M- � 'how'l- The the , vViiad, at - go "10 1-0:11 hu U,11 , worE j Ntlut dh'.0 Ilf tVil 11i TON , - , :&Eo kIM., ,-�­.21 HIZ W.,�o;# , If. , , , �, ��O�� Z ittt. hh. Moo FAawlitg loops but ver,%-!� I.Jft-- of thf4k Ibri-AS IS ;ialrely *,�20�fi I wtft�#Ni AftSO'Ne to Pfe. Tr � r,v , Lo.U,Ea.j ,P g�%,Lpofi', t" ale V. , slik's Im", ja4t 10,; tv -1, a Pdr tot' li . Hay 119,01; to Ithe la %fl ,r6 is � the back It, is 11-�,l In , �xa-!, n;� t�) ,01Z;o� _ "o ,,U�",�* I . ., t ­ lizit they I"-141 T " . '.f, ;,llolr. al".4 oti't-r pogall's. ated 4*roa; to' *,C�, � ., . 11 � m 1,4r igolup ne,�!rrlw lepy� o,�w 1`rj4I,1A.,l �g, . . .�eso-nt L4, filln-�lvglro;,_41- ar(-4tw .. stg, Mv Tr�. ;�'joP,N1r,,4V_t,e-. it L;vks as 9 t -,m*! 1011 . * , M Les I- Cstua,��Ullo' f,I'ga46vI �zi 9(111ft out fth jjilft - - .4 ra,racle. thW an�- Ul,az Z;-r4'�J� :N4qjUj 'F . q,"Ao. gqo g,4'r0j. �kr�a L - a shoa ,."Itevo-, w� -vo.g � Much whilt 11ge pr1n"�4�.-1go,wnIv.wh1­,-j1 Uiozz- t tuilli �-,;Vf_. wlts�ai: Ivc.ouell ,� -','M Tt'.(?ow I I." H MI! - 9 1110. '. � � �'p tv-vf-ks� 'This wg%kes o ",zo :; to, their feet, but fio, onf-, ui-xs evef � thv.v� expoet 'DV' "'t'l-4 rot P -1"I `lP4P1t r, i4i_,rk� .' ­ I'je"g�r' "� '4rd:" a' - mt at ,,lmts Cge-se to the art -1. 1, reason ptouthly, Mals It 9.,q worL , . ,F,r gro ,y D - bAlld of ficary I-ee Sig .tri%jiggM ,, C-"�-h, is vagMA Via OWL'aces!q, fell thq "� ened %aroulgu their Pecks 4 1 Yv hold the zji;�W, 1A theft logere #% .1 � lo"g ends. TRA.1so, 014311gal 0. Vrenell '! by the reolvID4 robe -1 that, ar,�, tast- I f1aL th. wid k9rop 4 Ing ffijn-',_�, �L -�iL,.. _jae b, L lit Short .oj(, - lar, * Rrq* SO Very trir4.ig %,vj,,,gjOut tjl�j Fg�Slj, L� ,_.. .�I�',,Onl �'!I­ fi.1,111 1`4 I ."t-il .. , . I . F�aja'F,;�`,Iqlj- At Mnn*�twa. .4 %` 1:0 "wort E'll to Brad. , 't 4(V`C-r',' at a9l ptudlifl. red Mipm-gi —Th"y wr,re no! il. '. " Z. "' . � q - 'D�l'­_--'V' ii'- ­_�jla�� C._Vjl�p­ 9, Irol ' ; r 'Ves op - _� e,!t : �, a. . Mphicillavie. I i bxI-1 ok -.Glil. tp7laffling or sollit* $�,Ott. I A tPati-elger Who 11.1a ts'ev.111h, re. I , Z - " ,:12,�o;l In f;je'�%.:� D .41no. ��t� tA _iVe"k. 6-A 213. ill -!d from vlo 11. to rockno-Me,11--o thaq. thf-y I I ­ r, tLZ%"i, recov. 'the gir4die is In )nee. rut to .1 n %4ilfloN, tzlf,hi -liZZ , ,I;, ""L I*, az � T-fif" Ddit"711 ,1;M1 11. e,a eAled, . ne of Vie V'g wort, Insi.e to-.yj to IvAre,4," tot. "Mh DrIf --.4Ii,a-amr­. . I ereil larg-.11" Trqvg� Vbovex an lie ., D o,�'11 V:fe�lt--T or tvm - - . ­­-,4<n-M,7 an,3 fzggf)dV a , �ow t1lo, Ig -it, - !! Vailm,td Ig!Iya that a &�v , .M zall , - , , h I lip ral- l . VoF,11 Uj e. : 'leglefA rl�ea,vv P_ � 'Ir -I fig"N- 1,4:4,rvu , idfrdft�cffiefat 10 MMY641, with litt I- tkyll 1"T Outs Mellf 'they Wore. Th"s jvril4o4f 3-,,W , o ­v � Cal in, It a hd (me k� a n of I 1 hr-, d W I t 11 S1 r., W 1, ; f.j� 1; lxxwu at t he ' I" ' StAggai pc;�-.'jje., I - In V;v, P,j(9;1g_0 And .11 .1. - baek of th:- belt. � , A - sipetinq to lie f hrmstl-riod �� Onf-V her elvirfity. tvzt gtj,�o :="'A lDoiRr--Trp,l�#'�-'-v,�it-ILY�,4r#� 'h* e . ited, And all that. 9 t the A rdot lorvet 'Lite fibbotl Is tiod In I 1with, extifit-ttoff. Till �wr indw- I g��p_ Trwfif�- at " ._­ P�K­ao`El. irl< lft I motherg u�� - daj;ghterli 1�,;gj�, try !Mlis hNngs mg llt-r :91,3 I-pp;_Qile i..'4111, afol abn,�4- . a -, __ - _%. !_'+� jq toz'k- , a .l vftartgelv�,fl , - hg* niii. T�I­n- 7�. . ig - an ai�tgve de. , .how. I Inwit-her IMIP b neh of foqp�% Below 0119 thf-m toak at gr�at I i�ifla,, C1zCrft.,-ljt vroman oillilgov. %N N, '42, geriqpirgl�tll I.lt*r hu 4" at rw't at �;, � YD� I rov .. R,� lol�f n , lining (4)1nd the barge'q do not3s tp* Ill And thd lane girdlel jf�q eertal;gly � fal-1101 to tile Indian M.olffe - --d It* -:22. 'jL f,It.-_V prff�f. C%. &�, � . 1U4 tbtA ends z II. a(kod" Pw ",kzpme, -ant] the -e � Who � P9 POMP t 0�* � Mligi- I 9_xo-V�r-ru cf.,11,11, D.:L,. ut to tho 11-4 - fiq enj of eael� - it wrt4k. fdonce.11 what othep,q 410 for therh in J,,;�-, 1..� i"rMa. pretti, tugiehe,z of L;o IL'IM12a�r t. 't glte � Vd tfM rO,gidbed, g,tud WII&I tf,e " _L .3,Z -'rol wrjle--_N1U*kl."2r, atrid Cost, Ue skirt Is ns ttght ar it .� _ts d0he abd jauflar�� dj IGI tfir uath-es J1 thdr�so 01, thr-Ir ft, - en n . 8-P diffieUk ate thesi� s,jighao to tie � ,O:f Ifia., jr,ft - .M.1� 'fit, pg�_Slb�r be. rsud tm�k#,jl VvItig me I -ileat they ate ftnr ir,w M, Jst lmrt , great tni'ligy the Mas-,-,Izi M�Uvtr�- a . -10- Put 11witt 09 rotHB-11P 4`641 IM -4 '14(k nj[,j6-*l,,,­,;lQt;�#D T*.--AL1j,;- vk��r.v !C,W. qaqs,-� "dtr t;tj% I __ � ;ktest lot tar%oli-q. rumah.g- strallght�ihadc* be,tdre tYley g1r.e pijit. on ,jftd4W o, . _ Ot the avtiv 1, ill thts* 1b. -ab -'K. -_131:U VD�k .t. down f.�Ozjl tIce .waL � . - .,4 ool. e,,�:I-djr.�(.%. . . jj..,.t to tIle e zvrnen Ij I --S1,;jj d jj en. W11,2T thew. 11f. nut thell fr*reyl -0'.19 nfl'i, un,f . o q_,"2� %�_j� tf, � J;" n 11 thal't Igo twent goot lop a&;1tUrN-.2 nr IrDf-Islig".a,L,�,)Ia-l.l"r,-r- _j.%,yoT J�.3 NLaor. - _ �jj , ",;04 �Lsg. � , _,t'- - � -�,j L I tjqi�ngl -sy tlaf,h- bjr---tiUl1v-V.q .,,inv , � n � '. Lel ,� .4i zu�-:_� ,I- I -It vz�r,,- ,; rasiLened wit'a a houlk g1rall pye ran er I l"If ti-Irl'y lto'Bnstoa --.,:�- T�M­ hutal I . %vr;l,. ng " � " , f%.v tops-� Tau- ennaps g% banqfi�t4lWoo* at thp back or the b snvs 1%,at !1 blfidtved It !w nrlla,4 u., eltrwoco Lice above gi, Ilounee. I 1, , B the rltortj 'Of tht, - -ZnLl� UIP plalub . r .?St 'Way to fftan- � ,_,oT ".1tav"I�,�.'k;. �,,ig -..:�­zf­y to�. 111q � ..'eles '111W MagnP "wirorning %!�oo-.v,l go%vr " age eally the b, . �.�llrnc­j',�7,,s ti unbelzer,, gkilbitha. args'-purien: la,*ft Ta-i�`�o.-'�L-w -Mll Vlg`9­�114 lkj;'�+. I- I il- at nnfl in Mg. rl�,,ev A __ _D 4 infirsIonarlea who "-t-I lirdirking ­ -�,& �, proyer Ile, Ur4nabtoi-"y &ftf .1&;UT tiltmr d:'zial. 00',,- Uzi dg�,t �­ tv.; 'UIEB taakl�z orana'.-S t66 he, "I'm2nep., I7110111D The All-NVIgItt, Ix,owl, them, tlIV Jtnk*ftxuda� oyt �i_h�j wg ." � 'g " " I N F- t on-wo - a"'. . - Ig 4,.Okr0Wfd from V , � . flcp �� �i . U'r" n . � 11!�. agi, , that: 41v wonvol N, ral --!�3),-glyg�_'l "Til e,u_,_,.�10]w,,o,L3'j,,:; - , .',.IL�Ijj� ..'_ . " -110 IS ,qf-t npwn the I . -k - , . .)01 1"..j�, .,f)�gr� ��,%e b; very full l. a. Moving fbio,w�;� at 1.4--heit, P3." ,l " �:� I whl,,ln D:it . Lg t4-'�'""��'�.' �, " L ,;` 4_"'.-"'-,- , r,P!B.`-9:ay. Elb. Matt vety n^nr th- b.'rAtoin to vimtkv Thou ,all-wRgtei gown - , r� , _. - ,4 %,:J:� ;V`U,�­­ ,Mn nehosi tr"t FIr '�Ifi C� . !%Vj)Z.4'j ' -1 4� "S 4 �t" 4� , I - . ,� ,t,, L . .V. a �" f4- ,4 ID, '10 L , __ _, � � _ q:� - L V** i -1_T.'_-4 _ .%L"'j", 'Ir � _S ar Mat-Oft.v. Th-,-ve elee-lent M, 1�m v.!��o 4 .roftb� Ire &auv twlq�_4zzg, W02,4!2 in JIN-41s, * Ikl a,� -. zh_- �Ind­ , 0 too del, .." nr J t4hotld qPC-_11; thre 'giror-I to hr,r 1, ll 7 fte sqlflo!�--n tff�r��­,(!he n ��Irntn, ", eately pr&mned '-,I IlMve, at I , . �,. Pore. L.�v 14".. .� " " o � ,,, I tj*�-�,-�, 'n _;:,7,��', , _ - - , � tt �,�r t , _r . .W� � � U, - g!�:,� I and toa beantvnlr�v PaVt, Ibc,"OrgaH.r. oom,­rl�-I�.Vgtram SMP Ant urk-Tlao � wp".7v rnm,- ­­—� 401 ftgife-ar-mmal !he foo, � : -"jnMV­&',0*ag;sn9,Mt th", M.lith'�s -, '.Lei att-ne.l4q 'R 4!�4,�4111,�!,V,: 9 --;,,,I .TlF,2 ,.: � ­_ ., -Z , ,,* ': j ekt,"rMang for- llgpt collsideration. , UL1,1SUan L-jjtj�, r- ;n­,Wz�grls 1!0 '!go . � -t . .11� v n',..'F .4 if . Vgr C_1�0. 1 - 11 M - are, ri!!�,�eu in, 4�ne � notraUrr an .Av of"ennrw;z�x r,;,ad;tt'. I �­ t. �,'!�, �,,. ,� 9 '141 have � Thp�r tire y3ul,t Oj t;, � Ma n lrth,-� fwt a ��t�j t ;4 � Vvety vulnMer wotn," sho Th4l tattpzmlx,:� I?: al'n .7 �,� ,,, ;se gowns an ". . 02�ir brothrea 5,n ,;;,4 . . .�. � . �� v, ", I the .e tiqlInGst wa_ 1 burdez.7 Vg_j,,jch bne 0� ,.­.!,ig 1. Ln �*�Zovll. U I kD �jqtt- if.l10 - 1 WhY Mot ! tetiaL tother pattst of Arriv's Im 4.;e � -4.. V. & 33, ' '. �, U--3 'evn's V��, . , *OPV tile MOrgAn- Cloilry l. V,'�� L7N� drinks� A- -,V,-, ­.�V:azt fit "�5,�sq t .�, g0TV;,, ? It I India I.-twn is & raror, " tro�-.=,lfl 41. PrP.,:gnfgte, ,-&y . .1 Ipr _�*jrf, ,�, _., lor , lu . I _rn ,jhp 110 pal$�Lr it f,z .�*Ulo 1(,�I 0,, ,6 1 %. 4, ,r�. 14 �,14 :-:4- 4z. .� ­ fe; IinL to _S�zanje. A.q V�.ip I Manner 01 pr-rror * �, � . V .".­­g",�- gia siznp�,e to ;�A 'n It 114 'ant: " W _ _ e. Porif o 2 AS 2_1, �il o�k-,l �.C, .o­!R,,�.7 a,, 1',,ut. 41T 14" an'. X -,�-,�� gi,j; bot a -Z! yi�vlltQ�4f_%V-10.z ,;.. t _. rit�gp � I l:k . � ­ .., 11 ' l­"�;:`�, tLL�j�, "O.�r� ��.;tS too I bal.13'teo Is ancother. Flue linen C-Owe's 1 8aig-Inda? are In: ly el.:ottl-41 it ,;Q rz,iot,l Peter g*0110wo 1ho, 4,�V'-'�1rdn*,"? Gr Xr-smz �n hVPglz­v4 to N- groonl-;Ga�`--! Ire!-, .1114 t�ie !-",i:w:v q �, - , . , ' It ,,,- �L't;i��- r t­.'�z,l ,,, � 'l , I '' , ­ -110 � .So Movil Wash llor"qes. ; ti"Is YeZlr 01 Just tile r�'ght atirinezis- ftef,e$,.qftrY to Ree'ate, in ravr"r of � wtisiInig Jairus' ol - Cotton gowigg .Ire guppo.iq, I '101f- 1141119 reform. allghto,?. _A �ej; "t. , � � " -,i I I , _j .. 1,,!for handsome gowns, and thero are�'L , 1 W% oppo'At- "trov. , ;�T"�,�-.,.",r tU� zvx,e mat. tMs"I COWN9, W. -- lare . 11� - - , .� " -4*w-.�� -�7,*W ,4,!*.V 4"V�V,', so very rogtay of the Sheer Uneris At In- 'r or the, CO � I;- . . I fiether tht , In � . qllj -g') ngj'iS_.oij �"'�J­ P ­­ , ''!, _.. . bruslin, lawn, r With mptim,rized -FaC tl ' ­� . 1. ____ _ . . .1 _. I . . .�,�Tr. '=V�qtp, ehe�iot. NIA -1i sat Mg. They are 0118% 'on the otripr ID.�n,j 4 - I ­_ I _. I - 1 . o. wercerlzc , SIR.- aud ex6pnio-Ave, Lilt , the "o vo�lx- A*"Ulg` I � _. I -1 n!!�� '131le very 11alt or a Cotton gown, � possesg one . , ' g -t f L A*W& .6 niaterial i>r rjj�,ej_ you really, - le-'T��o whothel, wj_'4�'J.r Or ri'Lot if, q ho - L � l I C�& %'.;� ^,. 101% ,,_� L 'a _t least, ro, it: will, z1a Mach as 'colla -.7.T %-,* W I ­ _ WIlt%, essenco f r If k; r"', 11 "", Ci U C 4 '! , If you vliiw� scrci.d amb:t orls, must 7 dil -egg or. I I . . A#% ' liv� i I Elssilig the, chil... ttl,4;r v., .. 0`6& Its ecommenda Lion as' , h I f11% I 'Well - 1, -110 accePtled gOwn or' Summer for ; Amorjeq% gee dre.g;;od. \rot ,�n I T �* - asr of r3eSIr.lM1ft,r*, 1.'e-1 _vi, 'the 6 t , ys .t.id -, .tor 0 %,a V �L; V 9 9 d I I I j . , I � 'very nice occasiOna. . wtor,qbf hijss�'nn _ -1 few .-itp- , __-_*�__ - " Uct that it will Wash. -Irr pilt, i x-1 tis'l are � conflirms Ms CuFa of 91%V4> V -_A .It -ea- ,1, . . 0 i 7.d, I great deati ; ned -,,& tfiInk tilm, It-% Aga� a�-%d Flroveaa t,4at �t V,,?,Rn , it, tit,$ COUOM; has plannedi a wIlitp ' . peFrn nut, ,da you kegilize 4 A woman Wit(> dres-sear a 1'reli '. t thr�s,- V"I'-.1i � � _d,��x dim line"I - inat--ing & M! -ak_ L�era 1 - SZ � in %.I,F�w 0, , .1 %. -Q- gjttirb ill tt 0 or tills Summer lire not I11- gown for a -jure wedd ,tig. Xs a gue.st � the", ihat ae.q, � V ei it , . In Are, , df Fra!80 for Or, C,fla-ScirS, ltjejr� _ , �,,,. ,4;p&� _ ,fe tO, be lamidered. They are � Sij � --yviLiver Fills. M I'v6tdo o I e -e, gownc�j I., 'EMS dress made " 60e. - tv _tz rN I ---- 1____6� borately maile r,or that. Their . � Will b 91D, st no', P;60t, Immom-my Or' ­_""'�_ lini-n- Over a glazed W41te linin-. 1 frzTggr-st Improprirlty nu;j tz, I Unny readers of thi-4 p­4;,l­. ";Id Pst)"Mally roil­v- * - -ire too, Ane, thmit, plan too _' _1t t1te lit- I tor Dt'j, __ . ... � ,q . - ­' 'COXIIPHOM' ,0d, theft trirgmxgs� twoo 1 1 gidolibiodly 5 . "".j - 11 I . ` - -Beautiful Iftee, lnsortjo�, w1a trim i ty", bo -TS an(I girj� alt, � .rvl)l.gv. Of &',. �Aojiht;.­ N. B. In all ­t',*ir r'e.'l,1'v"e-i 'L`:!-� re'�'""��#�" t4fl, .,.",'. o" ­ it, � - . � thO Skirt & little below tile knees, �'11110m&rt,lw l' _ 419st %�,^F,k zl!-t- ec,jr<�lt.tdl_ , iz. '. on"lue- , - .. ". %4j" jCj4�1�f%:tL (�A .f, I ,t:,,,�, 0 ill .It find ,ot stred!V real wel?- ard it"M*1 his cure- .:�t-'r '-9 yivir,; itf suM-r., - -I t� delf`OAtt. 0110 aly suddingf two rowser it gojnl��ak -, ll,alal bV I had a toiieii of iji,4 ()Itj jrojl;�jj, , -� A 1,2*, iig gpjljf��;d go. lWould rein .)pniled with V, r,plow, tjjIg. ti,ere ,i�jjj - pelle5 to vgr�w� . 1%, :0,', lJoD_ , Oland the skirt , b!:fVT9 com- .*qjr tivqv ,yrar.�;. i-AzIu"', 1-4 r)i�:raj- ; '41d 0-t 1-nuckieg ialld'_ a WAsh- i tho inaaftfory, put on, in the ,Van I _% tie p t e I at . , `.Ehe� i _ V011110; More 0i; clominj tlq,qt is b-tter adimell tol I Mr. Berrynr�,rg's case lvatS ,;l,ig .� .,j�,Iere ,,ne-. ilavirt - I I him al, .g,1<1 .M.'4 enre sto I .1 Acz!tlllp� 1�­..-t -,.?_.�r *LjLr�tt, , Ill eza i .o, I in e. at R 4:,"I.tr, lbootd. 1. 11f, rovs,r V ­..z of rk"Aninter. '11"" 111'. Vjj-.�,10-4 Xj&;,�v-LtNor M , . "n , D & order, all polutu, toll, and yyof 1 x5f agi pportunity to tf�lll 2,eNt-o%V-i,,w1r%t-rf,r-.4 ,Io%- Ilik lI,.ts I., r,�41� , '11'. 11,-,21. Toj-j I '�.- , .1l4k J ' I I ,L-onttra�,y. i ' living Washing ." ril 14, U;00. 1U Which his ('.'tf;(' �"; t1"scr'1)("(1' (�'(),Ii'110'tfl- RFlrryIjl,�jj rote a ,laid - . -da,y an old wow�trg ,what made a rat wed flounce, w1doll in the baoic igi Ither �,Vfed.,G, . I have ho,en ratilroading for 2.3 yfttrs, �,Ijlrj ' W , 'There -died In New York th& other I t1,-,VM0, to make A, Pointed lace-ttilro , -1 A Oreat 8jjgl,r.,.,,, o _ . ( ----------_ in 1110 letter of Ap valuable I fror V ­j , : linelineng for the VanderblItS, .11 II-Xpert-I'm isure vour ,ease and 1'+-artsr saNti-retj fl%) --.*a at I aces a�dfquite deep, B,etween the laea pointsi baby ,S-11 � bAckat-be, a, trouble cOmmazi to ratilroad men. It jj;oky nip all lip 10 lvallz, and ,If, . , Bel-Itucked laWn will be Set in. rinally, ows what Our mmlern illeth- sf'vf'rf� czisP Of kidno , v jIlit- � _ lip ]IIII - ,1*l6,11 n'to"', jj�, � AlOnts 4nd other Wealthy falk At 1 there Will be a deljo& OdS W-111 dd- Did you follow MY ,11 I wOuld hm-ve to IIP dOwn to, get relief, m.Y back W,X9 -&o, bad. I coultj , I three Inches wid ruffle tf.oglls. ? ree- I ,t any rest, . 'ill I'l.tif tile r the time Of her demise she Was at, te late then didn*t seem to 9t, noz -Ir walkinir � I . I __ �1_ .. L i , � , I I I I i I I I I I , i 9 Around the root. Nfot&r�Oly, .ves. .p,lrq I I had used all Sorts otmedleirops, � ight. and .- -on� a VeriPtlan lace article f Coulij aii�ythlng Prettier be Imagined t1la lzz,lk, ,tli(y add, 4z1ver Pills, After using two boxes ,of t1lis jileatnlf,nt I f *brk 'up . It . and M-ts prett,v badly diffflaurage,j lvz,lpn I lulard oll, I sktrurned. Tley , *111th Cost $6,000- For years t1hf0than thfi� White, Tinen gown-, -crisp, 'Cl tw'd partst v)f acGInPlete care. I now r - ;11)ld 11. WaK h4lipingule aria Irrgicide W,ttel,L Il.ud two r iteness 9 c e af L .. A Pst and sleell W`ell, my b -30k Is -,Aronsz, ,I.n(I tI, five bzo�rpq art. '61dalled these fine limterials with I aheer and, Of silvery Wig . %of_ ed. 11giny people t ,e 0 - - 1;ive, madt -� yoUr. . - 11aphtlia, alid with peculiat, Washing" The Walst Is quite & mew in 'tile , ifier. Then I 'Carefully Writ 0 whOrd- T h&VO recommil.rided tj,pRe pill -R hAve, bf.eu cure(j. I(' trollblp '��axs Olttlrel.r 'disappol ; I &t lrl% o me-* _� -'ar. -1 ftinpaunda of' ,bet, Own. Suape,'Ot a 151011sed sailor w,tist. * *' ' the. Whole. n"ne lOWNT19 fart! V;rIth 'Aw-4 , "there Is no, doubting the e 70y, particulart -1 , _ffjCjPfg(_ .tt `0�cllj(j pftV any Sillumec IWO*M.%n I deep Sailor collar and bafty f en T, f . n0y dlsegl'sa, xMiet liver colliplal' t. T�jl .V of DT 101as-Fly, 1<1fIntly Liror TyLlIg as; ;I t"o, I , . 711 -i *O OVe 06 'Subject of lanxidering caught Wlth narrow white Satin LL 70 t,e , ' �,v uitv,-, , " - l'OU911 e1lr,- for b , � � ront' I � *; I ";r e . 011t Of tills Whidow and 11 t6 tt'rengtheii Invigorate, R,d - O' d1recIt A'ct101t On !:hp ktdn,-yF;. If acLult-he kw -4 � 17 tegillate these Orgung, 011(, "I -.4 r . pill a 0 luf bo,WMS. W ,�) jg'bOnnj$L . lose, Ille' _C ,� e Y the lorettill."_111fe. xa,606n, liat;; and Co., Toronto. I 11 e, box. At ,Ell '1-1--_ - - _. t, - . 1 .17 M