HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-04-11, Page 6L1111113A.G0 CURED A Serious Case of This Painful Disease is Restored to Good health. Satisfactory Improvement Leads to A Continuearreatinette which Results in a Complete Cure-Ati Interesting Story. witieh win ton doubt Profit Asteene Suffering WLtIL Lumbago. 1101e -rood, Ont., Martel 24,-(Speo- lah-Atr. Bat. Pinnell, of this place, Las for the past two yeers been a great sufferer with that most pain- ful and stubborn disease -Lumbago. • The pain he suffered was almost beyond description, and many were the medicines and treatments he used to try to get some relief, However, nothing he could find seemed to help him in the least, and he became very idownhearted. At last someone suggested Dada's Kidney Pills, and Mr. Pinnell, al-, though very skeptical, thought he would make. one 'more trial for a cure, and began to use them. The first box dia not da him very ettuch good, but after he had used part of the second he began to feel a change for the better, so he kept on until he had geed in all seven boxes, when he was delighted to find that every symptom of the Lumbago had entirely disappeared. His general health is much im- proved, and he feels better to -day than he has for years. To sa,y that Mr. Pinnell is pleased does not begin to express it. Only those who have suffered as he did with this very painful disease can I understand the extreme satisfaction of one who has found a -complete cure " and restoration to health said strehgth. Lumbago is a direct result of dis- • ordered kidneys and should always' be treated as a Kidney Disease. Efforts to care or even relieve. by outward applications are invariably unsueeessful. Rabblug may in itself for the time being prodeee a little ! relief. hnt in tinier ete seeurea CCM- plete enr-. it is absolutely neetieare" to go right to the root: of the tease- ble. The leldneye. must be restorea to titter normal eentlition. This is nist white Dielees. Mew Pills do. arel ' the, done the lenithaga very -non leaves, for witho•tt biNoasPel Xideeys tbere ma he no Lentiougo. A RELIABLE OFFER HoNnsr nELV PH Er. TO MEN. Teetitleg in Young Horses. Soon after the colt's birth, teeth- ing troubl P* start, although I,u the majority of cases of only minor irn- Portance. Animal* have what are known ae milk, or colt or temporary teeth, anti a permanent set. The coming -1n or the permanents is when the trouble starts. • Tee permanent grinders (molars) push up froni below and force the crowns off. Many of these crowns are found in the feed- ing boxes of young horses; stIme- times, bowever, the crowns (milk teeth) are not shed as they. should be, food gathers underneath, or the sharp edges press the gums, with the result thatthe colt refuses to feed, slobbers badly, and . feed -box in Many cases 'being "muffled up," and he has a bad breath,. The usual per- icol for this to happen is during the second, third and fourth "years of the colt's life. Ilezen suet symp- toms appear, soft mashes shade take the place of hard grain, the vette-- hearten should be consulted, and dilatory crowns removed. If this is done, the improvement noticed by the owner will be almost magizal. The grinders (molars) ere the teeth usually affected, the nippers rarely so. Chanes, however, occur in Wham teeth during colthood, by means of which the observant are able to tell the aninra's age: at three years the centre reare of temporary nippers are changed for the larger and permanent ones; at four, the pairs next the centre oneare exchanged, and at five years ola the oorner permanents appear, ex which time the horse is eald to have a full mouth and has arrival at Inatarity.-Farmers' Ad- vocat Care or Harness. Tho of a set of harness may be ver' coneiderably prolonged by the exereise of a little care in its treat- ment, Wesel from act:Went or negleet harneee lets been epees', it. can eaelly be chatted be wasiteat with eatalle soap. As a dressing for keeping hadter or herness pliable, there are teeny prtherateoas win the merket. Col liter oil of the Meatier graaes Mew lergele employed for this pus- rose- itntead of the neat's-foot ,e1 %vela ear forefa4.here need in suelt etattnatee for the pros rvatiot of tit; 1r harnees. One. of the great neiesta- tutees of using col liver oll Mee rats end miet• u tafl: tiVt L wi e! ber,e, tO tote liters'• oe other taa eliatiees dressed with title olL I. t7tittee the Ly-Produets. we the le ',t. a.n, 411.W.,,aiteo,1 We aro autllerefed to state by Mr. k••11he'1"1" 11"eh 't""e the "d‘antage tie:. elm peeker has over them Carl Ienatz. 3,.corttl teed Br.ttly strette, 4,„,,A. at40 to pa:4., tee tee u mate Davenport, Iowa, tient taw !eau who butter le. ea-, tor he steel...ft, tho nereotee peel ilebtlItaxed or who Is tot. tow atm rvan uoeleas tee suffering from 1ny ut tliet 'Various be-peoettete. /*rout the ohm! ts got treublea resulting ;ram orprwork, 14, u.,-,11 tte Leo arts :Lae aXCV65t'8 or abuse, snett tts ItereOlie1 ta, a cote , heria. ;itie Leto!" usal for eeluenstal ttaUty,Iutit tlt:ottritr., :621I1 151.11IPIA,4 fee hruelees atr vigor, uneettiral thstIns and losses, etee enaties for beanie lack Of tievelomont, eta., can write t; It.igt• fon nett:tweet ateatere, atil ens to- hint la Ntrtrt toeftletteri end re- t ou • eo Hutt, as at is thole, pat. "hoth- eeive, ;FREE Or CECAltGE, fi:11 lu- otee toet in the pig but the tiItuomu."' atructione ItOw to tee thoronghly •, Walt ;III the labOVIIN tilt! packer Imo eared. • Itei-n bee...en ior fettles? prolite, (!' Mr. Rhine hinisele was, for a lOttg thatung to the hetantal Prot telente. "ffrr fX')m ttbJt* tks%aloe etatte foletat, and tatar taring In Vail; .tilatty ao1Ver- !,1 •Tip he,,eah„Ulk1,1g Ain Used rentedtee, became :11111,._,5t ereatelig 4t w interost. Heretofore, tlrely dint ottraged atid lame !VS% tin- tee &amatory 00041...A, iM!,,2Larrant-4.e *By Ito ebtlfhled Oa an old elergetrinte te.therett :leen otat cL Melia tint whittle k'111 tied h fleet atiVice enebitet • 1„ee alete tee heeeeD gate pelt oto hint to 6PCOdilY OPtald r erfect tied " eertetee tine ntreettennetneet with , Peentnnetee tore. Ellowleg" to kile owie •• pet...a lueurialit 8 octate p r mune. tette I *arrow' that. .00. Matte vier btartier8 14* pork. or 12 .cents per paled oleet oneseeisl ie a.. rare:: hate ' veto. The eetistaist wit. :tot thougei reteue. howeeta rate a may .16'ct pa,y tto elrip the bele from peril:rice tao,ti asicst to a etire. Haeitug lia .ee are bang JnIptaSed epee; by unserttpu- getaks, Mr. Wont, OM:meters It his ditty, ate an honest matttt give hie detente Men the' heiterit oe lee e...see .euste, !lase; laahseet, pea 3k0 tilt" g•tt eH. h WA; Der to Mahe%N' Leatte r C-1Vettr.r. htionstrattel lete 1301 Pt(141141 ehthIgIttli/h hrea-"C nteety tient n. eleottat Into &tee a great servire to ote 'at need, ahae,h r. %ditto tO4s itaVolactrot t`tak obit" reteestir iat tee cennn teen ,taell tru -a rasees for has trettone, ea rout %trate tO atm. t to. it c -o rose ;DU AWN 1....!.:1LU eieetla tied toilette eke teelateee earl II v,,..210.. se eea t.A ,,,..110uA .11 fI 01-eU4itt hel-74 5.'13 rerOtt oh LID to the LPLUn .4 RA 4 late eecretty eto II. t estehuu r a'litri r uLi ttciIre mt a tent eel t':,f Mt. 411 r,Ittoto-as11;,- Low. *camp. oio v.t.24 1,..0 en9 eethe 1;e, ,t..,4N1 reek,.tie `id those Writing tent Or idle It,. therefere state that -ot eeny bead teure, MesaahliALAD zneettee k..I r;Ont,- nek. ean ineuel teepee tette a teeter at; 2a ehrapr.c aR-t ei.-. atol ea, t ll'szente 51it t/Dr= TITO2 te‘turcf r)/ ruLlyvt•no q.3 gam,- -11; eaten'. teerel Oa' tertest Aeolis.• A hoe Mee' can g be df_411- . .go Jhar., 4,t -r Illejle,..e7f4lari.5 1h...4"1?-je,,1",59. nee scone:ate ,It: ae astern:1 eatee nv El f.tiq rIgarinzINAlfan 7 t 1 2.1,9v7R „ ht5e.`eher"f's _„..o." the' lone"s before la fate here ek'n tete e Mete to " 7 " r'.1" " 51- le .9 Cradter-1 team off ra.t1 t4P eapeet ni11311:41. U* the ate r. 41,' 1 h tsseli entiftelt when ; rutxr, ,---;"artnEee. eet,e..te. rt wi 1I'.1 tr.fgAN, ben. weiteZetael nth:jai :,VE.ItC-i• if‘ tii(„frld'Aith2! Z.: eted .fir;fiTLY Allr.ENT rpm Drii: t.24-z.‘k that bf-t- yeyor lingbefel ever help yon ter be abi A t:iliig care of th., baby?" wa9. aseetel tee wife of a yonng protes- sT3r. "!.`fat ortg-n. theaglti so:a..tintes YMOWSili E Nt Nib Mg. One of tile raest det.flitfui spots b12tiLe. American aria more sUy reacd Union Patine than 'Pia any oelen. Ilea. is ttee Yellowseone Nationat Peek. Oe.e.e stage rale from Monitila ley tree palree..al Coneord CoaeLes of th'4e kiuii1a & Yellowstone Stag Company s thtonghst.ct,nery bardZy itntrior p.ark. itsAT. fro=PM. irta'..Q, of' Po- tatelizs, lloalda. and :tient- • de,/,4-.. Last eveninz; he said held take Waiiiie a.a airier,. as he .1%"' Wal 071to walk wno* lk ;totite past -or - f'0.7 /TV1( trq hOlt" Inter I .6.att- hz.E•bai:Al sltt:rog in the parlor taad- : agr, ec7a 11t.17.c bit 1 taelei -ft nothing of the baby. --WkervPS •Vi'Ffd-ar-? tfastt have •',/V3 i)� 2tb 11111.1?' 1 asked. &aid the preen -seer. 1 fernet ail etbent Tem I teink es' is eating Oa tele . /low-t-offieee"-Seottielu-annerlatti. ida et.11iowi,t,rae Stage.Co.. u both vel1ibr. fuenise, eolders. Ask Ift It'EutIrs and teke .1(7 other. of all teirets (ono way {Last and se - tone elaese etterealar tourist. or epee - tat :id -trip tecursion tickets% soli at CLeyezar. ani points eaNt passing tkrosieir fig er Poeatello to pints ittth.r S:ate.; of Calii-o:nEa. Nevada, Orl goat. tn,.iigtott and theet part of Brittele Cele:able lying *sleet of the Sate or Washington, npon application to 0. S. L. agents at either Og-len or Patello, at tine very loi.v rate of $49.50. This rate will inclade rail and stage are covering, weent and one-halif gays* trip, including all meals and lodging beyond eloreela. (e. G. Herring, G. A., 12.0 WoOdrcaral *tenet., Detroit, :Viet. Cheap tr icc u est o s to retlifornia. For the meeting or the Indepenl- mit Order of Foresters at Los An- g le, 12th, cheap rowel trip ra ee will be in I fact e e the Cbicego, • rnio,t pacirif3 S.-. Nerthwestern line. Rate from Tormito $32.00, and pro- portionately low rates from other points in Cenada. e Three through trains daily from Chicago. with Pull- mans, toerist eleepets and free re- clinitig chair car. Seect the best route, affording eittest scenery arid quiekest time. Choice of routes re- (urning., Full Inforina.tion and spec- ial folder- of this excuesiort can be obtained from B. H. Bennett, General A.g,ent, 2 Xing street east, Toronto, you spit setae w403 rti gii Oat, :eve a, good meed,, said the house ; keepet. -1'fn rorrylady," said the ; linowledge and timber should be hobo. sally. "bat I never begin well seasoned before being put to breakfast with a eftepee ttse. One woman with Sunlight Soap will do quicker REDUCES work than TWO Will with irnpure soap. EXPENSE Ask err the Octagon Ear. • Hyper grocer cannot supply, 'mite to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto sending his name and address, and a trial sample of fitLilight Soap will be sent you free of cost The Anarchist. He Is ho son of Freeclones giant rime, This Anarcat-Callban Whose Judas hands betray while they embrace - This fool -fiend ras,sked as man, Whose black blood -madness, raven- ing and blind, Woisiti make the assassin's code a law for all mankind ! Now when the world, grown consci- ous of its strength. Is sweeping from its shores The tyranny of kings, and breaks, at length, Their dread Star Chamber doors, Shall this veiled terror shadowing Freedom's ground Uplift its, head and reign, a despot, though uficrowned ? Nay, coward murder misses where it hime And smites at its own cause; The slain of tyraats leave their mar- tyred names Each one a star that draw The saner world clean -footed through the night, On by bread highways slowly, up to Freedom's light. -Loudon Daley Chronicle. Homes in California. Retired British army officer, resid- ing in most desirable section of Cali- fornia, has agency for sale of orange, lemon, olive and peach orchards., also tracts; of unimproved land, Reliable information furnished to inquirers sending aildressed envelope to "Cape tain W. J. M.," Freeman's Hotel, Auburn, Placer Co., California. Tour- ists met. Hotel at depot. Poor ii-ubbee, bre. The following story is new going the mines: .t marr:eil couple ar- • ri‘nti al a bah, and in anterin.g the lueuso the isueliane elippiel on. the • stair* awl (ell, ane retie the kttee of his trestsiate elreatty late, he was telt:let ae the *Atwater. Ilis rife, howevtr, came to itis retieue, itml Fail; ',Never 111111 1 It ii late, and - -4,mo will be In the women's tirese- Itt tone. there with mektetri 111 meal thein for etal." To Hear was to. ober, but when 'team the heat -Ina room a`4 I s reacited the - wife mile, "Well, you know, X onn't moat tint» while ettou have :them tee' awl the traetable Imebarel took the troineet• off an 1 hau led ahem ter for eteetir. Bat ties domestic Wa9 1.;:it,4.8.raptiat by other be- have gaests whin etetoet to enter ta%ct thozoosleites of wraps.. 'elope ante:toes:" said tho husband. "what shall 1 dok now" 2 tato thie (inset," adeleel 111; reeoureehil ettesee, eatte 121 of these prattle et, a jiffe." Oath the wor.ls nein what're! hen thronoth tint nitier an i elannued t tfter him It came,* wuth a event; , look. The) tate Noel toward ;tau ! +erase -Inn room door to admit elte now it lamorette nutente.. Joe% as A.. tetteltial it eite note stayed by a eentelitte On the other ,o r, mad the hoodering toisc of Iter heel:rant ear heaven's ettke," plesellai, "let faao 1.1LET.4:. MeV? MA= tit in the Lafr- roam." Nevi 'leek t moral anent Hudson Mier Railroad. The attztre tante la a, itouse-illiSAI word, atod the superior ett2ellettee or d tea road Sheered be theft...sleet to Olt- 11 traet mast ;steeple, hat tate that tee 0 Pate Is tate tense hie New Thrk pI2'.1a east as by otioer Moe ne hoe i) titer rerommanteatiOn steeled eta} sterght. Eererybouly Well tell yon a. I jest mole its debtat oti the bnek A NielollteteitLY At'T. Mee. Illeks- ernes : recite .1 : •lino seat a at113 .f„r it tk hih.. 11 t be &tura. to hill linit2f, Mr. B. -Ittleall ho w2EL Donn e • leen Fe a it. "1t2t whit Ortii t io witit t hitt e, 7" *lava IL to that If )97 II *.t eleore A 11a/onto itaeseeeee-Otte bottile : Ewe:Pelt repavie Lielletent romp:eta le tett:loved a verb from tee 'utorse. ' take pleasure in reeeettlueetlitta tle ' reniedy, as acts v„itn Inystetiolls promptness in the removal tre• te horses or hard, eurtt or eall'Insei Juana.; blond, spayed, splints, enebe. sweetlyj stglee tend see -eine. GILORGE hong, ratto,7.e. 5'faTWimatt, Ont, S 41 by ail! dettggisioe Peorocity an 'Manitoba. It'o:taer ialtroirecGr.-4pLic.. Tee other day in ono of the pr1m.. ary relOn33 at the ventral tee wets: "royalty" teem op In the course •a. reading lesson, arid the teacher careful that no cord shonld bet =le - understood. tleteded to test Cie knowledge of the -class on 'flee mat- , ter. ".ell who know wbet royalty meane will bold up their hands," said the teacher-. Up wettt the asuat protein/en of bends. "Now. Bad. what does it Mean?" 'teneehe and Jacks'," promptly replied Bed, and then wondered If the teacher took fits frequently. SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST eka6ago Sc Nortlzweetern Railway ; every day during March arid Apell. Colenteet one-way second-class tick- ets at very low rates. from Chi- cago to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington California Victoria Vatcouver, Nev- Westminster, Net - eon, Roseland and other points In IXoeteemy district. Also special round trip Henteseekerse tickets on first And third Tuesdays, March, April and May. Full partienlare from eearest tieket agent or B., II. Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 2 East Xing street, To - ranee, Ont. Snap Shots. There is plenty of space to let in the immense room for improvement. --- Love May not be blind at the start, but it is never able to see its finish. Few men have enough self -cone: dence to enable them to ignore their own mistakes. When two women are bitter ene- mies there is alwaha some man at the bottom of it. e was cured of a bare case of Grip by MINARD'S LINIMENT Sydney, C. B. C. I. LA.GUE. x was cured or loos of voice by MNARD'S LINIMENT. CHARLES PLUMMER, Yarmouth. I was cured of Sciatica. Rheumatism by eleCNARD'S LINIMENT, LEWIS S. BUTLER. Burin, Nfld. , True Florida Indolence. I was walking, near Miami, at a rather brisk pace one morning, wben I passed a lonesome eehanty. A white man sat upon the rude piazza, eend another man and a boy stood near by. "Are you going to work to -day ?" aglwil the boy of the sitter. "No," was the answer. "Why not ?" . "I ain't got time.' -Boston Evening Transcript. Minerd'e Liniment Lumbermazes rri.:tei. tier Ontnion. elle Quinn -I never gazed upon ,ettee beautiful bric-a-brac as the Beetroot% have in their porter, And tinteeve had it for years. etre Queen (cottemptuOuslY) -Ob, it just shows that they can't alleird to teal) a servant. If they bad a veal that brie -a -bene %mule never be t..nre tie long."-Chicag0 Nowa 1 e. twee iteatit las an ativatenee over e-ier tie 41 IltaVti$. Jud2,awiErit it.:3 t idt.t) MAO 4.131 the Milk, 40 MM.. aka, lort-You Paul get a room for !pert,. 1Ilog rirunk. 1Vytte te4o2*pertlor, t;is lits2.aoidt-1 teem ht. la What of that? Clerk teeertifullee-This le a tem. peranee liotol. Wee:U.-WM lees leo drank to knew the CM remote DR. A. W. CHASE'S 01LtU,,k st CATARRR 11Z1,1!E ". ft lett te atttlyht rnmby Inerrevee Device teeta aloes tee Vette team tee fait haa•ene, teas eitheeren tu *be Lase ane ettlea-..seote. rhea • e talefth Hoe tjcvt: lfava • ' Lr.& W . th2tir T+440141A1 ead nefielo. 1 he tireatet ot Two trails. eat, isrete-eas leueetast "Thn arzt scot tea, ettle" eel! out he , Of tfrieiede, "©u2only think you are." "OtoDy Vetere I attn. tete" "The. It Is oterely a delusion." "Weil. then. all tee got to nay le. ' rather be s.k.,k. than have 'this deinsleet." Anti Coon poor otql -Joie Went et- plierina for a *Ott 4f11E1 net lame of his neck elinarden Lint eat is ett.s;A by rhy- --e". Tilt.. !if -iv Ionia( man. efagisteate to new polleemate DI I you tattiee :et ell aeetenes ever - octet' abet ? PaElti-faisttl Yek Hobert'. sate bat one man, au' I asked lohts , W110,t 120 teas doing tht re at that thne 0' flight. lee "I have no bus- iness here just now, but 1 expert to open a jewelity etteite in the vieinity later on." At tlat 1 saes. ei teases you success, sor.- Magistrate fliig,•ustiLd`) -Tee, and he did open o jr-tvelry story lu the latpt 011, aral stole seventeen !,1 gowlqatt:Itstalt:el-lcetifflonultlet!etre,4ePtcaana7)-miltiry. v been a Chafe b t et a e , easno liar! -Tit -Bite. . Catarth Cannot be Cured *rob LOCAL APPLieteeteutes, se tees. riot teeeli theset ...)f the h-ese. ("atarrh is a Id ere° .s ete e itTari° it you mnn take InIrn -rnediilre Catarrh Cure is taken luternally, noel acts .7- the blooa m and eow: serfaceYIaWs e `in aria Cure i.ot. a quark medielne: wa.s prescribed by or.e cd111'21:hes: physicians in etas country for year:, and ig a regular pte- itetiption, It. Is compelsed of the best tonics kno+rn, combined %vita the best blood imti- tiers, acting clitescily on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredi- • VAt9 is *hat produces uncle wonderful result* ' . incur -mg Caterer,. Send fur testimonials free. I F.J CfflNEY&CO3 Peeve, Toledo, O. Sold bydruggiAts. price 75e. 713inil's Family Pills are the best. CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Fiore John Dryden, Preeidett. The 'report for 1001 showed tee- eiterkable increases over 1000, irt the following items: New business increased by l50,705 Premium income increased by e9,310 et °tat income increaesed by 42,575 Assets increased by 4`.1,959 Insurance in fovea in- creased by .. 1,509,466 Continental Life Policies are un- eiceIled for simplicity amd Agenta wanted. GEO. B. WOODS, CHAS. R. FULLER, General Manager. Secretary 4-+++++++++4+++4+++ ++++ +++0 WOIHEN AND WOVEN IN BUSINESS. 44.44 +++4 ++++ ++++ ++++ 4.4 +44+ Times without number it has,been noticed, that women will tolerate and even be friendly with the most ordinary kind of men, though they may hold aloof from anti show jeal- ousy of most charming members of their cora aex. Here is the explana- tion offereci by an observing, and philosophical et:treaty leader: "It is not because women are wo- men that they are disliked by their own sex in business. It Is because the ay. rage 'home woman' doesn't un- derstate!. She is usually monarch of her home, absolutely the most im- portant person in It, and she loses the true appreciation of the import- ance of other people outside it. A man in bueiness is constantly brought in contact with men who are his equals or superiors, who have equal rights with him, whereas a woman may spend two hours a day visiting with callers of her own grade of intelligence, as against sixteen spent with the children and the servants. When she does meet men it is either in the capacity of grocery boys or clerks whose busi- nese it is to defer to her opinion, how- ever illogical, or itt a social way, when it isn't worth while to combat her ideas if they happen to be er- ratite So that unlees site makes a very great effort she becomes posi- tive and dogmatic, and wlaen she meets other women where there Is a clash of interests she expects tbe same deference from them that she reeeives in her daily sureounclings from men, and tilts is In a great measure the reason why women's discussion when It strays outside the realms of dress and babies, is not al- ways as peaceful as is desirable." Flee Ilttle. nonetes are all the time Perry Davis' Painkiller needs to stop a stomach ache, even n -lien it is sbarp enotigh to MlICP a. strong nisei gz °as. De,ec bP. fooled by imitations. 25 anti 50e. Advice te the lettebandlees. tnestelyn t;4atat1r1ld'olon.) The Hoboken yonug women who have Leen praying for nine days . for hueliands would notke mush bet- ter progress if they resorted to the compareelively worldly elturelt , - • - letele 311.1nar1's Lint:twat in tite Home.. 111.'m5 eilesionter. Clarinet) NII01,01• Rev. O. $. Hinters fiery sermon :III Ottawa. It wItlell ite applioa the gad to the uttpatriotic pleet in power, wine want everethiter, Irma Hite:law nue whet to give tattliPtg m return, hull. eates that 11.14 prearlier hus bPen mi4ttnutpd. 0-11100:11,1 have Is railed Rev, tl. Tautlitier. Xs. eilitettunte for "The D. &, Te" Zi mho: ilaoktor, n1th041.1 691-11* AT' sernpd.i pus tlt :ICI'S may ray there ste Reetenint 0 Iid 0 inmate:le by I:oe- plod-, be Vita •ferny, by everyboale. for 0-tiff:Pate pIeuriae, ete. Mad.. be bathe & Lauren. vs HOME CURES. Prnetteat itemetilen Reeetittitelided Ity the 'bet:utile l'iteelelatt. lenteweiter anul ete•rea oil applied hommliatett- ttill take the pain team a hetet. tor tuertette lantatehe bathe the liesek of the tett: With keit water. For elek head:item rat) peppertultee• 011 on the tt-ntples. Tinettare arniel 14 tie* irst etp• eall da !..prwi.,.oq or enema, leer teleale, aerie ti e se le and gin- ger Vet ht ter,iter. Fee .are tiaroat try a tentartae cella water. Foe a tele Ito Zip earaill try entitling pettetered Outrea net tee este:aline itatuffesee tannin le eta.. u...1 the" beet remedies f ot•i2 evil -Otos cutlet Ur Meal- ing• at /40! (5'.,o. .Micturallgia try We at ai• coltol otr Wa. le,. or too rrrio„ or Med- anent. aed toatee, hal en a itat Water. beetle at:d the part eteatteell over „ To keel; tkeraohilleet; lgeod tiot give tittein eteueig ten, burette or even olovolato while they :are very ,y-cs!!!g. kait f good milk, le tbe beet dirntik fee at -ow -Leg chlidren. An eacellent remedy that the Ger. !Arent nee !eye entente a veld 1,tite tileent>lo r:ia n ph.L, 191. water. a Pitt,. lunttor., 2luiClamps t5 stagar anda tablestkvotrut 'or whiskee. When. it begins to level peer it back, 'and forth, home tite •seturie-pun to ant:alter until smooth and freitleto alleta it to coat. then take a tea' tee:ennui everbelt hour. 00 ISSLIE NO. 15, 1902. 011 for the Children - Give them oil --cod-liver oil. It's curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret» ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, a.nmmic child, and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take a flat• chested child, or a child that has stopped groWingi give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. It has been done for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful in making it pleasant to take. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE Toronto, Canada, sou and Voa; all drugglats. 111••••••••••••••11111111111M1•11..111•01111, BUSIN ESS CHANCES. CSH FOR REAL ESTATE OR BUsi- nes», no matter where it is. Send descrip- tion and cash price and get our plan for find- ing cash buyers, Patent Exchange and Invest- ment Company, Toronto, Canada. PA VENTS. TeATENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, etc. flame or foreign procured and ex - plotted. Beoldet on patent,. free. The latent Ettehange and Inveament Conipany, Pythian Building, Toronto. Ont. Mrs. Winslowei ecothing eyrup should away, he used for Children Teething. It wadies the child, softens thogunte cures wind ceee and is the bait remedy.' tar Inarrleca. FRUIT FARM FOR SALE-ONIE OPH TE finest in the NiFigarsi POUttlialla, 5: „epee:nen mitre trete Hamilton ou •wo rail- waye.130 acres In all, 35 of wheel b in auto, mealy praehea WM be sold In one panel or divided Into tweet IS. to Se acres tc oat per. chasers. 'Ems tit a deelded bargain Merton Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box ita Winces. Ontario ILITANTED et:tett) 1101EITEEI,Ofte TO VT IdllOW atilt eleetrie Pan -hies; Vane. MO 4 hP11111.ally prepared sait h. eleene ellverweerte jewellery end all bright metal.: like name. NO 11:140er pieerder 1451111t$1,Cr reentreil 4 a d(.. liZiartilar4641.. !hire ta tante. Pied be data. YOU 1%114 weenie+ it whets elle trent the Dinteni n 1); t, . letoluitton. The :Ntertareb ote. et. teem-trine:I. Mfrs,. vend tail samples all memo. to introdAtieN,. geUttle.DeteeIlltr°1:4'iri0111;:u'ote3w'talt4teretilt en rreentrentoientene reales ondaticeitypiennus petern al,t) ebetehtaing small colrertisiter risette;. eentent Aria tor eslare. teem pie month and teteerine MA, 110 eNCocd elle per feta, Steady employment to gala lancet, ra. $A41/' ;Viler tilirtzlitoh tv'rite foe eralPtitz Ittanletien 4111•11.•••114.1 %Vataa sutmat t oafl ruu doeglov hna rough Coat and atitht hide» temente lemma that his Medd is Cad. oi'iyrder. To keep an arthealteOno- • eitiattet be itt pest heath. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER isaItteteeley'nehere the beet tektite fetal feeding would be obtained. It tortes op. the se -steal, tida the stomatit 'of halal *aftlfg sad other pitrasitet that Seek tbe life blood a*ay. Nothing Mot pities poWder for. * it* &Atli hoist. totents patkogre, Leemlog, Mileg Co„ Agett liteatkeAL., Write tot teak as cettleatte Iterxet free. PAI Doti% oso theop Paint oo ytiof bodge, or the first blast of sterni and rail or hot stiottaer seen makes it it** PIO/Ashy.. Cheap paint with no tepee fatten is dear paint. RAMSAY'S PAINT it the purest pellet, the oldest mot best-known in Canada, rnade bolo pure mateenals, made tight, to Ikea serve your house. to beautify it, ten make it look fresh and height. Ready ter use ity3d sold by all dealers at tfie right price for the best that goes In paint 'Making - Drop ns a card end as,le Tee BOOXLET NO. 11 FREE, showing tote of beautiftd hornet: Established 1242.. A. G. RAMSAY 8 SONS mowrIttst, Paint Maketes tor silo 1•11111 MM.:ft Or NO 11001,3i. EDD S /46 ttA/ligi NO JOINM NO LEAkb. INDURATED FIBIttiglifte are ii-ootir ottlOilitill to- •the eltaitt I itiSfideffilitre 'UMW hit dOteieetla elk THY THEM. by all Baia 'Mae" dettleftio -111141tatar. rtititt- .. i innill Amotasor, -.eon.... itotti Pagc Meta Ornamemtalk enze We 7°N".ns'ke a fence that le ..... ea- oreamented vereallowy end 'si el ' - '' vthilt Flipp" is wanted iar aotir yards, d8=1,. n De" reliC44 3" 3us'' on .eaces III etArtt lots, grave * 1,ilimit ; ----.1-....-: 1, . ....,....,.. ,ittzei!: ./.....- •-..... 'yards. orchards ete Is is inittnii - aintedre'tans 'al only 20 'ala• PER RUNNING P°°1% .....zr.....,11 oktetlog,of it. Lee Ss weal yeeetati partionera We -ale° !It'll!, e is tri mate pantry. matte, rates and staples. ...._ .- . -. 111pit.g,,i4 fee !mitt to., Limited, Wetkerviile.tel. 8 SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST eka6ago Sc Nortlzweetern Railway ; every day during March arid Apell. Colenteet one-way second-class tick- ets at very low rates. from Chi- cago to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington California Victoria Vatcouver, Nev- Westminster, Net - eon, Roseland and other points In IXoeteemy district. Also special round trip Henteseekerse tickets on first And third Tuesdays, March, April and May. Full partienlare from eearest tieket agent or B., II. Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 2 East Xing street, To - ranee, Ont. Snap Shots. There is plenty of space to let in the immense room for improvement. --- Love May not be blind at the start, but it is never able to see its finish. Few men have enough self -cone: dence to enable them to ignore their own mistakes. When two women are bitter ene- mies there is alwaha some man at the bottom of it. e was cured of a bare case of Grip by MINARD'S LINIMENT Sydney, C. B. C. I. LA.GUE. x was cured or loos of voice by MNARD'S LINIMENT. CHARLES PLUMMER, Yarmouth. I was cured of Sciatica. Rheumatism by eleCNARD'S LINIMENT, LEWIS S. BUTLER. Burin, Nfld. , True Florida Indolence. I was walking, near Miami, at a rather brisk pace one morning, wben I passed a lonesome eehanty. A white man sat upon the rude piazza, eend another man and a boy stood near by. "Are you going to work to -day ?" aglwil the boy of the sitter. "No," was the answer. "Why not ?" . "I ain't got time.' -Boston Evening Transcript. Minerd'e Liniment Lumbermazes rri.:tei. tier Ontnion. elle Quinn -I never gazed upon ,ettee beautiful bric-a-brac as the Beetroot% have in their porter, And tinteeve had it for years. etre Queen (cottemptuOuslY) -Ob, it just shows that they can't alleird to teal) a servant. If they bad a veal that brie -a -bene %mule never be t..nre tie long."-Chicag0 Nowa 1 e. twee iteatit las an ativatenee over e-ier tie 41 IltaVti$. Jud2,awiErit it.:3 t idt.t) MAO 4.131 the Milk, 40 MM.. aka, lort-You Paul get a room for !pert,. 1Ilog rirunk. 1Vytte te4o2*pertlor, t;is lits2.aoidt-1 teem ht. la What of that? Clerk teeertifullee-This le a tem. peranee liotol. Wee:U.-WM lees leo drank to knew the CM remote DR. A. W. CHASE'S 01LtU,,k st CATARRR 11Z1,1!E ". ft lett te atttlyht rnmby Inerrevee Device teeta aloes tee Vette team tee fait haa•ene, teas eitheeren tu *be Lase ane ettlea-..seote. rhea • e talefth Hoe tjcvt: lfava • ' Lr.& W . th2tir T+440141A1 ead nefielo. 1 he tireatet ot Two trails. eat, isrete-eas leueetast "Thn arzt scot tea, ettle" eel! out he , Of tfrieiede, "©u2only think you are." "OtoDy Vetere I attn. tete" "The. It Is oterely a delusion." "Weil. then. all tee got to nay le. ' rather be s.k.,k. than have 'this deinsleet." Anti Coon poor otql -Joie Went et- plierina for a *Ott 4f11E1 net lame of his neck elinarden Lint eat is ett.s;A by rhy- --e". Tilt.. !if -iv Ionia( man. efagisteate to new polleemate DI I you tattiee :et ell aeetenes ever - octet' abet ? PaElti-faisttl Yek Hobert'. sate bat one man, au' I asked lohts , W110,t 120 teas doing tht re at that thne 0' flight. lee "I have no bus- iness here just now, but 1 expert to open a jewelity etteite in the vieinity later on." At tlat 1 saes. ei teases you success, sor.- Magistrate fliig,•ustiLd`) -Tee, and he did open o jr-tvelry story lu the latpt 011, aral stole seventeen !,1 gowlqatt:Itstalt:el-lcetifflonultlet!etre,4ePtcaana7)-miltiry. v been a Chafe b t et a e , easno liar! -Tit -Bite. . Catarth Cannot be Cured *rob LOCAL APPLieteeteutes, se tees. riot teeeli theset ...)f the h-ese. ("atarrh is a Id ere° .s ete e itTari° it you mnn take InIrn -rnediilre Catarrh Cure is taken luternally, noel acts .7- the blooa m and eow: serfaceYIaWs e `in aria Cure i.ot. a quark medielne: wa.s prescribed by or.e cd111'21:hes: physicians in etas country for year:, and ig a regular pte- itetiption, It. Is compelsed of the best tonics kno+rn, combined %vita the best blood imti- tiers, acting clitescily on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredi- • VAt9 is *hat produces uncle wonderful result* ' . incur -mg Caterer,. Send fur testimonials free. I F.J CfflNEY&CO3 Peeve, Toledo, O. Sold bydruggiAts. price 75e. 713inil's Family Pills are the best. CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Fiore John Dryden, Preeidett. The 'report for 1001 showed tee- eiterkable increases over 1000, irt the following items: New business increased by l50,705 Premium income increased by e9,310 et °tat income increaesed by 42,575 Assets increased by 4`.1,959 Insurance in fovea in- creased by .. 1,509,466 Continental Life Policies are un- eiceIled for simplicity amd Agenta wanted. GEO. B. WOODS, CHAS. R. FULLER, General Manager. Secretary 4-+++++++++4+++4+++ ++++ +++0 WOIHEN AND WOVEN IN BUSINESS. 44.44 +++4 ++++ ++++ ++++ 4.4 +44+ Times without number it has,been noticed, that women will tolerate and even be friendly with the most ordinary kind of men, though they may hold aloof from anti show jeal- ousy of most charming members of their cora aex. Here is the explana- tion offereci by an observing, and philosophical et:treaty leader: "It is not because women are wo- men that they are disliked by their own sex in business. It Is because the ay. rage 'home woman' doesn't un- derstate!. She is usually monarch of her home, absolutely the most im- portant person in It, and she loses the true appreciation of the import- ance of other people outside it. A man in bueiness is constantly brought in contact with men who are his equals or superiors, who have equal rights with him, whereas a woman may spend two hours a day visiting with callers of her own grade of intelligence, as against sixteen spent with the children and the servants. When she does meet men it is either in the capacity of grocery boys or clerks whose busi- nese it is to defer to her opinion, how- ever illogical, or itt a social way, when it isn't worth while to combat her ideas if they happen to be er- ratite So that unlees site makes a very great effort she becomes posi- tive and dogmatic, and wlaen she meets other women where there Is a clash of interests she expects tbe same deference from them that she reeeives in her daily sureounclings from men, and tilts is In a great measure the reason why women's discussion when It strays outside the realms of dress and babies, is not al- ways as peaceful as is desirable." Flee Ilttle. nonetes are all the time Perry Davis' Painkiller needs to stop a stomach ache, even n -lien it is sbarp enotigh to MlICP a. strong nisei gz °as. De,ec bP. fooled by imitations. 25 anti 50e. Advice te the lettebandlees. tnestelyn t;4atat1r1ld'olon.) The Hoboken yonug women who have Leen praying for nine days . for hueliands would notke mush bet- ter progress if they resorted to the compareelively worldly elturelt , - • - letele 311.1nar1's Lint:twat in tite Home.. 111.'m5 eilesionter. Clarinet) NII01,01• Rev. O. $. Hinters fiery sermon :III Ottawa. It wItlell ite applioa the gad to the uttpatriotic pleet in power, wine want everethiter, Irma Hite:law nue whet to give tattliPtg m return, hull. eates that 11.14 prearlier hus bPen mi4ttnutpd. 0-11100:11,1 have Is railed Rev, tl. Tautlitier. Xs. eilitettunte for "The D. &, Te" Zi mho: ilaoktor, n1th041.1 691-11* AT' sernpd.i pus tlt :ICI'S may ray there ste Reetenint 0 Iid 0 inmate:le by I:oe- plod-, be Vita •ferny, by everyboale. for 0-tiff:Pate pIeuriae, ete. Mad.. be bathe & Lauren. vs HOME CURES. Prnetteat itemetilen Reeetittitelided Ity the 'bet:utile l'iteelelatt. lenteweiter anul ete•rea oil applied hommliatett- ttill take the pain team a hetet. tor tuertette lantatehe bathe the liesek of the tett: With keit water. For elek head:item rat) peppertultee• 011 on the tt-ntples. Tinettare arniel 14 tie* irst etp• eall da !..prwi.,.oq or enema, leer teleale, aerie ti e se le and gin- ger Vet ht ter,iter. Fee .are tiaroat try a tentartae cella water. Foe a tele Ito Zip earaill try entitling pettetered Outrea net tee este:aline itatuffesee tannin le eta.. u...1 the" beet remedies f ot•i2 evil -Otos cutlet Ur Meal- ing• at /40! (5'.,o. .Micturallgia try We at ai• coltol otr Wa. le,. or too rrrio„ or Med- anent. aed toatee, hal en a itat Water. beetle at:d the part eteatteell over „ To keel; tkeraohilleet; lgeod tiot give tittein eteueig ten, burette or even olovolato while they :are very ,y-cs!!!g. kait f good milk, le tbe beet dirntik fee at -ow -Leg chlidren. An eacellent remedy that the Ger. !Arent nee !eye entente a veld 1,tite tileent>lo r:ia n ph.L, 191. water. a Pitt,. lunttor., 2luiClamps t5 stagar anda tablestkvotrut 'or whiskee. When. it begins to level peer it back, 'and forth, home tite •seturie-pun to ant:alter until smooth and freitleto alleta it to coat. then take a tea' tee:ennui everbelt hour. 00 ISSLIE NO. 15, 1902. 011 for the Children - Give them oil --cod-liver oil. It's curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret» ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, a.nmmic child, and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take a flat• chested child, or a child that has stopped groWingi give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. It has been done for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful in making it pleasant to take. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE Toronto, Canada, sou and Voa; all drugglats. 111••••••••••••••11111111111M1•11..111•01111, BUSIN ESS CHANCES. CSH FOR REAL ESTATE OR BUsi- nes», no matter where it is. Send descrip- tion and cash price and get our plan for find- ing cash buyers, Patent Exchange and Invest- ment Company, Toronto, Canada. PA VENTS. TeATENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, etc. flame or foreign procured and ex - plotted. Beoldet on patent,. free. The latent Ettehange and Inveament Conipany, Pythian Building, Toronto. Ont. Mrs. Winslowei ecothing eyrup should away, he used for Children Teething. It wadies the child, softens thogunte cures wind ceee and is the bait remedy.' tar Inarrleca. FRUIT FARM FOR SALE-ONIE OPH TE finest in the NiFigarsi POUttlialla, 5: „epee:nen mitre trete Hamilton ou •wo rail- waye.130 acres In all, 35 of wheel b in auto, mealy praehea WM be sold In one panel or divided Into tweet IS. to Se acres tc oat per. chasers. 'Ems tit a deelded bargain Merton Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box ita Winces. Ontario ILITANTED et:tett) 1101EITEEI,Ofte TO VT IdllOW atilt eleetrie Pan -hies; Vane. MO 4 hP11111.ally prepared sait h. eleene ellverweerte jewellery end all bright metal.: like name. NO 11:140er pieerder 1451111t$1,Cr reentreil 4 a d(.. liZiartilar4641.. !hire ta tante. Pied be data. YOU 1%114 weenie+ it whets elle trent the Dinteni n 1); t, . letoluitton. The :Ntertareb ote. et. teem-trine:I. Mfrs,. vend tail samples all memo. to introdAtieN,. geUttle.DeteeIlltr°1:4'iri0111;:u'ote3w'talt4teretilt en rreentrentoientene reales ondaticeitypiennus petern al,t) ebetehtaing small colrertisiter risette;. eentent Aria tor eslare. teem pie month and teteerine MA, 110 eNCocd elle per feta, Steady employment to gala lancet, ra. $A41/' ;Viler tilirtzlitoh tv'rite foe eralPtitz Ittanletien 4111•11.•••114.1 %Vataa sutmat t oafl ruu doeglov hna rough Coat and atitht hide» temente lemma that his Medd is Cad. oi'iyrder. To keep an arthealteOno- • eitiattet be itt pest heath. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER isaItteteeley'nehere the beet tektite fetal feeding would be obtained. It tortes op. the se -steal, tida the stomatit 'of halal *aftlfg sad other pitrasitet that Seek tbe life blood a*ay. Nothing Mot pities poWder for. * it* &Atli hoist. totents patkogre, Leemlog, Mileg Co„ Agett liteatkeAL., Write tot teak as cettleatte Iterxet free. PAI Doti% oso theop Paint oo ytiof bodge, or the first blast of sterni and rail or hot stiottaer seen makes it it** PIO/Ashy.. Cheap paint with no tepee fatten is dear paint. RAMSAY'S PAINT it the purest pellet, the oldest mot best-known in Canada, rnade bolo pure mateenals, made tight, to Ikea serve your house. to beautify it, ten make it look fresh and height. Ready ter use ity3d sold by all dealers at tfie right price for the best that goes In paint 'Making - Drop ns a card end as,le Tee BOOXLET NO. 11 FREE, showing tote of beautiftd hornet: Established 1242.. A. G. RAMSAY 8 SONS mowrIttst, Paint Maketes tor silo 1•11111 MM.:ft Or NO 11001,3i. EDD S /46 ttA/ligi NO JOINM NO LEAkb. INDURATED FIBIttiglifte are ii-ootir ottlOilitill to- •the eltaitt I itiSfideffilitre 'UMW hit dOteieetla elk THY THEM. by all Baia 'Mae" dettleftio