HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-21, Page 5THE' ZUR.ICA
(' If there be some weaker one, give me strength. to help him on."
"Kind hearts are mare than coronets."-7,'an14NYsort.
MU sKOl;A.
The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America.
-The New Free Conswnptive Hospital, built sunder the
auspices of the National Sanitariums, .Association, will
be ready -so soon as the money to equip and furnish
is secured -to receive 50 patients absolutely without
-Over 300 out of 500 patients admitted to the Muskoka.
Cottage Sanatorium - the property of the National
Sanitarium Association -have returned home either
cured or greatly improved.
-The Free Consumptive .Hospital is situated in the same
delightfully healthful locality, bringing the same ad-
vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich.
t�i • -
t6-4111.' 3ap:
elf 1; °a t --•
1 en7jje'1"' R,i`/r�•• --^-'. vF .t rs 9 SYd�'q{ t'{� ..* 567;
441.6";r6,;.64.....-61::66.66:, 16y` .t' 1 L .rk9 f�'Y •. J• /.
a(1 a, Ry 1666,P.6‘6,'tC
Mt 901 of W. J. Gam, Req.. and t . l:gastrocs ]liar: .1..ifaa2sru Estate
Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump-
tive Hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely remove.
Will you not send a dollar -or $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 -
or more, for this most pressing of all charities?
-The victims of the White Plague are found all over Canada.
72'1►rll)7 0..V brei r raf•; tis- vT w-
u ZR 1 . lt. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Justice,
t'iett•6'raa4. tint. Burn. Snsurli., Tocatlt•n.
We J. GAGE, C''llttrnuuta I:x. Com., Toronto.
NATIONAL TitI.'STT CO. Limited, Treasurer,
The 4 free tons ,SIE' the H.ro rnne+sv hlle.'
t°litee stn and ratter COP.,. hating
tliepn'a,)ttgtilw can rtaswx'al the tc'n'r'it p2 v
to ascertain aahp!ltit wart tltta$ntntc
of cream in t ia' :' za butter. plant was
installed in the faetory .lase a
rite4ti at the ceti'rllatsio n that oft ale•-
c'utl8nt; eo$ the ;itna it tt uinntity.
erit'ca"m2vvinh u +;vans 1hl;ct'1s• to fila; :fpr1(•
t ureal. thtit at a,uaiilel iLn)t Th,•e to the • AN' DUc .TION4 L CAFIPPtd'lN•. a 1'.11cei4'nnt fontlnnoatil in Camatt. to en-,;
interests of the 1"gip. tiny tutee Ln,a ena "a><la;'t* our farmers t) cjnzal a t"nt'ira
erea.nnnery- outfitat the qpb €.emit time. las^ (. 1, tistt4nilft':: '(- s to lt:t suitability for anis country.. Mai •• �J r�.L.
Thiut Troch SiteI Ld l_-Cri" Canadian adian tiara r calla their rinse rein tiveq the ° anal to stif
Prospects for cheese during. .the:: °
Cheese season are better t1< in they ti Clot ds. Jerseys. sire E'a4t(''c''iaib% adapted t�pl$'setd. Yozii �':i�u 4,4 ➢ v i :� 1r
illtrce been for n d it is the
The Cow that Pays Best.
The gi,•aestion as to Which is the
most profitable cow is one that
cannot. be decided in any arbitatry
manner, There are so Many
oiromnstances and Gonti,n}ienOieS tt)
t(' taken into consideration, that,
titer all ill and lvritten on tlxe
;object, each ill zi,n must decide the
question largely on his own .lingo•
anent. He will find it necessary to
oont;ider the nature of his Farm
the suitability of his buildings and
implements : the cost ot° hired 11(11u
f sinsb i:, required : the proxllllit
'f a good market for his •finished
products, and many other details.
The comparative advantages of
beef -growing and dairying would
probably be the first point con-
sidered by a farmer who was just
about to make start in cattle -rais-
in.. Men who have had long ex -
Sold by All Ncws calor
x a"
40g..1 .W. PEPPER
F ' ` lra,'tr
ins • yllike(
:•urnishes liflonthly to all lovers of Sour
end Music a vast volume of crew, ChoiceCo
uiarauthor . 6t N Page of Pns iro PShe tusic ;
half Vocal, half Instrumental -at Corn ixietL-
Pieces for Pin no -Once a Month for :t
Cents. Yearly Subscription, yl.c,u. If you
will send us the name and address of Owe
performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send
you a Copy of the Magazine Free.
Eighth a Locust Sts., PhiltedoIeh)a, P's•
Is open daily except Sundays from
perience in either of these lines, 8 a. m,, until 9 p. m., The mails are
are not likely to change to the distributed as follows :
other line, involving as it does, 1 MAIL FOR HRNS11LL, clew at (I :55:1.711
, t 2 .:i 11n1
tt .t ST.JO•Si1PIT, i' i1..1t)at.211
tt tt L. H. &B., tt ti :ti74 al,.
good. deal of deliberation. That t : t t L, H. &B., 4' 2 :55 lain
beef -production can be carried. on at TROM HES1sALL' t,
arc. 11 .'.) .1211
changes in farm routine, in variety
and management of crops, in build-
ings and equipments, without a
with a smaller expenditure for 1a- t: a. (t ., ;;,;il
111 t1
bor and utensils is perhaps true, ,, t t 'aT.0 31 I'FI, " 1 i1 :4f, atitl
and it certainly does not reruire 1, I1. & 13,, t' 11 i 0 hitt
the constant attention to bu-iness tt tt L 11. R f3., ,1 7 ..;t1 am
that dairying entails. LETTERS FOR REGISTRATIONniutit
Next comes 1114 questiona breed.
ri a 7� w.>
`a 1•i-1-2
.Yf '�
c� n a r
DESS gTa,I\F�.L� Lilt a, "r
i l
by our r-ew"inventiun. Oil - thus:_ Lot": ti( "I a ne ?,mb.
F. A. WEI-I AM, GP 13.A,L a 4IVS,ToX31 , SANS:
T'.,' tr,- r . r i , i ,c
- Ortilleun,, :-..13eiu1;