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The Herald, 1902-03-21, Page 4
d t p 1'. 4 THE zuTucH litRALT TER BIRRig IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAit EVENING, BY: E. ZELLER TEIiJ"<.S OF SUBSCRIPTION: --$1.00 per year paid strictly in advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued It will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged when not paid in advance. ADVERTISIIIG RATES. --Tran s i e nt advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs. sueh as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen will be charged 50 eents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for ehange of advertisement must he handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. practice would. soon be stopped. Let every lover of these feathered songsters do his duty. What can be more contemptible than the wil- ful destruction of these birds? No boy who has been properly taught at home, would be guilty ; and if he persists in breaking the law all Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notiees for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to The3es,lc., E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. FRIDAY, MARCH 21 1902. acknowledgment of the compliment made it clear that the debates of the Houso have suffered because Mr. Evanturel has beon so placed as to bo unable to participate in them, except es presiding officer.. The conclusion of his second term as Speaker must be specially grata good citizens should see that he fying to Mr. Evanturel It is to be receives proper and swift punish- hoped that the Ontario Legislature nient for his crone. Es. will always find men as well quali- fled to preside over its deliber- For a breach of the old maxim, I ations. Kiss but never tell," a mala in East Liverpool, Ohio, has got into a i MISHTER gROQBN. peak of trouble. He was a married On the Electric Railway, man named Harry Colledge, as the "This is th' age iv progriss," seys police court records. He knocked Clancey. "EIecthricity do he tak- at the door of Mrs. Anna Barker, in' th' place iv horse power, an' desiring a drink of .cold water, Conductor McGee will soon be which the comely nia.tron gave playin'mi,checkers care ye gittin'wid th' llat?y him, whereupon Mr. Colledge ex- I says. "Ye spake in riddles." pressed his gratitude by seizing "Haven't ye bin scannin' th' papers Mrs. Barker with sufficient, but lately?" says Clancey. " W hoy don't ye kape poshted?" he says. "Didn't ye rade J. J. Irvine's let- ther in lasht wake's Exposhitor? Thin ye ought to," he says. "'Tis a mashterly iffort. He tells jist ixactly what th' Electhric Railway is, what it will do, it's advantage over the prisint manes iv convey not unnecessary, firmness, and kissed her, then peaceably went his way. Later Mrs. Barker had Mr. Colledge arrested, and told her tale in court to the Justice of the Peace, H. P. McCarron, by name. That light of the law heard the story ance, whey we must have it, an' th' told caliuly, and then asked, "Is sooner th' betther. Ho tells us all The 1902 session of the Ontariothat all he , ;yes." about it. did?" "weans chapeniss, it's claneli4 Legislature will chiefly be 'mitten).- answered Mrs. Barker with some niss, it's safety, it's shpeed, an' he tiered for two things—for its pro- invoices ns out to his farm to romp reluctance, but he went away- and in the lane, an' chase buttherfloys hibition legislation and for the told a dozen men what he had an' hornets, an' nibble cabbages undertaking of the building of a done That's what made me mad, an' harvist apples." ' Tis vary traveling public. h' d' J J I b t Government _ -- an want lm 11-11111 oul in' da 5 is over an' I'm, not Clubbing rates. tgWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THEHERALD : Daily Globe . • 4.00 Mail & Empire 4.25 weekly Globe . . 1.60 „ Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Sherwin= Williams C.Greb, Sole Agent t.l � for 'Zurich .THE.. Commercial Hotel HENSALL, ONT. This popular hotel has been thoroughly renovated and refitted, and will be found up-to-date in every respect, Every attention paid to the tl meat rain ay Although d I t h' to get the limit of urn Iv says+ u mo • held in sight of a general election, ;the fuer." The Justice looked p y ' collictin' butthe orer, this 'm, no, t7�� p �t �T it was not marked by unusual' thoughtfully at Mrs. Barker for a an' if he iver has anny harvist !'r . R . H O D l7� I lit S acerbity nor even undue verbosity.. long time, and then, after declar- apples to shpare he knows pie ad- iPROPRIETOR.Sieh good temper as is consistent Ing himself incapable of flatters' driss. But don't ye t'ink, Clancey, with the warmth of debate on dim- I s•ays, that th' Electhric Railway unci determines to be just, an- wild be apt to produce a superfluity '" puted questions was well main- nounced that he was compelled to iv runaways:" "Well, that's all 'E' � �i � Waled, and the dignity and dee+Ir- dismiss the case on the ground that roight," says Clancey. "A rune. t! e a l�.i all roight fur a change wauee =which should mark the pro- while the act of Mr. Colledge Trus fiAy s c eedisngs of the chief Legislative abstraIn a lvhoile. This is mud bo a party 6 adnate optician, c•tlti reprehensible, it was in dull town sometoimes av it wasn't, Way in the Province were not lost effect Involuntary' in other words fur Collie Kinnidy au' his Hungry' 1-I ENSALL. :tight of. , The item of 105,EtE 0.00 for a dock portunity and the plaintiff's beauty, agreeable change to hearps • rattle ds that with the defendant's op-' Joe. Whin bnsiniss is quiet 'tie an s Paha- ```leen into itunsideration, what hap- or th' b11tr:ee t a 1 see eH guy SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES at eit;..l'osepll was passed by or Tommy �,©tirhizzln past wire Fitted. on Scientific Principles. molt last weer: and it is now up to peeled was inevitable. bit iv th' butcher cart shtickin' to the Ryan. J. Isreal Tarte to visit N his harniss an' seattherin' suit an' Aeeording to the annual report liver to th' dogs. But th' horses this meek o' woods" and say „ „ where or bow the money to be'., of the department of Marine and will get used to rte says C�lance.y, i Fisheries, the sum of j 7 e9,f112 is in -"an av they dont, •ee hoy they ll '. r spent. We, of the suburbs are vested in the lake fishing trade, in', fisthuve� to git used to it." "'Tn�ill r,J' Pietann1wf.itizat for true t'�+in- bey hard. ern 'th ligerr Ivin, I says. pltstiean of the t#.�it'k. and if tllty, whish 2.5ef.t men find employment. ..It tg ill," sass ['fussy, ""but thcr'll zaattyur will givens a hint when the No account is taken in these figures u have ted do links th' horses get used, f h dieting n • `haat I.3 done for spasm to it. 1 s n, we will e11 don our best' ear of that done by people who dwell th dither day un he years, It'd jist'; t tt.i interviewed Mishter Ha s:, ister of Palate Works will lye ° the s i.. '.s way Clanetey," he stays. "We . vii t13e• limittlt:ntlaa= it on the shores of the lakes and ries haven't tot th" Eleethrie Reiterate eletlles ailil 8 err fondeatteh fish for `hear caewla `tae. >7tlttn tt right royal welcome,'E"'*i. I�'I"itie figures deal only with the fisll- ciei.tl " St. Joseph needs .a dockfind; trade prover, and in 1001.) the ,tleedls sfilia. gar a tl liwni to caust tit, an' whin tiro tto I'll let ye know.. In th' manetohne,"he ears, r•i'l1II honld lane horses." Whin 1 caned 7 on Mi shtcer Lovy he WAS liit"1:in" his pot,kets, we rwould prefer the relative values of thevrtrlous kinds"teeth w dl n pitch -forty an Makin ,,,,rfl win eidsk follows :.-- early every winter certain '1'rreaat .. _ reads sire blocked with snow. mak- Whitefish . ingit next to itnpessiible for far. 11 irranng...... »......». , tb"el�ereIl _ 1 ye," '"e tee 'WWII. ''m'e'lee bin tniyea' nitogntrye'r mems to get out feet' any pu rpese. . , . t ,_ .:; ; f,' oleo: nu& for oar sugar !Met . wiit.h the esti` tlitit f,;an=niiei'a, knish: way ' e..nn 5 0 fel G',Ain" what maul 'Caiiidnia'tor Melee C caw gine _ ... . � ....... ��,.� +� Gd trees'n en and others are greatly ', poke ..... - .. r �f e4'' have to sad' *bent it?" I says elle �, " ,ale .. . .. -. �3.2e.$ 51' se tamed aatitewhlst iritieiant, _atm enntanta:sd ;it these time*. If the &'Ems ... i 4a 'dint has alrSen fwel n :~glow Balms < - . v .. 244' „tA tm a�q sL`la3nic , ' "gnat from th" tone iv his blocked reads *Weida be c�annpr euttf,li, ' *sL•nn qng'� ........ - .. w4 eco Wel remarks I'm of th' opinion that lees Ca,issh. .... •etetee Ile es:nnett:hait ems:ea to it. tat taste I gore temltiiir st n say t wv"iueli Ise s, Eels. ... _ ....... ..» .. » a"83 4te) don't fink lie "s What ye ninn.,+itntyid large that tteopie weatd be amazed(anr'se agli ...... 30.:30-1 �S fevoralaie tower is it." "Whatdtd at the total. Ansi ea large amount'f nilli:Tn'ee 1,'5L 4-f he sage„ 1 segs. "Ohl saws Can. an. of this less eotalel be avoided. Th B' atblera . • • • - • - • • - . - • • dull'" ., les rJ e; '-ins linnarina ole at inns r ia'l n ttneii-ba; he segs. "What alfa.' r6tinedy faai' it ns t"pi a Pelices en an Total $1,113,203 tel anvil is it iv your busintees.'• he of fiiib eatitht iai t)nts:rio were Its wiry se'lnnln. "'Twill pbt th' clivi` wid th' liveryis,"' he seyis. ""'Ci lark ... esesese so!! it comes t t'nnk 1'11 go into tin' ... 21k'm,Er4 geeareeery bnnsiness. There's ream lity3 se's "6 fear n, few armors greeerr',ys nn Irons al th mad. nth The 'fish that leads true list le tlne lid 83 -s'. ""Ver` airways pohini' fie? nose bttsilniss seta' "millal Fonts " nit . T A 111.1. 1iTOCK or ewel ry, Watches and. Cloc Special attention paid to all kinds of Repairing. C. Stoneman H'ENSALL. Geo. TROTT Photographer, UESALL. NOTHING I3 r" T ' H E " EST WORT MINED ED : �l 1 U �i T roads ranting 3ior , south. C s r ilit,36 ari+ay tuffaairs. 'e moll" annuyy a We believe the time -ill come laude treat but the eaten of tots �` MULES Doct thidA . '4 `F` ood Prescription fbr�. a WANTED : -A case of bad health that R'I'P•A•8f'S•N not benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. One nits relief, Note the word R•I•P•A•N•S on the paekaga saml accept no substitute. R'1•PA'N'S to for S omits, mar be had at any drug store. Ten samples and one thousand. testimonials will be mailed to any address for fire eater. forwarded to the Ripaas Chemical ea.. No. r. Sprite Street, New York. The 'Original Herb Compound l HH1E..Ir GREAT BLOODPURIPIER Kidney and Liver Regulator. OUR Nfa:f; T1VI WI .I '�'. , ,rro a ,G h ,� ,tBS 200 Days Treatment foNATIVE OILr 3 d t .. -, ) a « e r PRE , IIED EX L'USiVVCLV t THE AL NZ n BLISS CO. A ` ' :CABLE REMEDY FOR �tL SKi IS EASES. BURN'S :SCALDS'. E,"Cb OUT AT Ri;A'SOliABLE MOBS. tiviaens the Legislature will. fiend it e feud fish. also of white fish, "'Weil,' I say*, ",I Supp se tri a ad. b neareessaty to Tial" --'S u fez$ making herritig. and iniCker'el. was less in reads al,"a~'its his tianlrer setnnewho:t. stee li e�nitupulser . ,1 M than i the previous year. Ill kid" ye can hardly exianet hind to be tact the the t,t value of tl; atntati+7's plased bread ung b tti atotyenng that nt'it is hist es Ifs.' tensible no class of workers. ®i2ve' " iisherteri ecstS ills- 11M1 iia tue5 farm els. There's wears t"itig hotwive«•." ths+i g1aree have failure inueln seer vious year by deal has not I Gays. "'Twill be a great sawite Arritictnnent during the pitst thirty 5 ala slicses." "" tv c©itrse." sties s•*0k'Fl lower it7tdDi Z`f11v2Lrt years (rtaienE, "`tr' niaare Lrf� tciiale tlp" years as the C iiaeetan formes. He except once ist3. }. it is oftroll nt. iotnger ger snaes It $ttst. fi ief� rd 1ni at s�oad c3urstioin, Ys ai. sleep esiiliit`aation of this that theft mss sen, s f Melunis have a es:mta��i: stn thiinker, itnial farms stogy l sir stogy weather en Letke Erie rind head j;ist now that the m's no wear mach for ""tine 10V40Of it as for r i m ,the (entgtart Bay, which intetfered. out to. Take their farmer's skew benefit itTering's- The hest cy� with fisiniiig Eipetsti;ia>+ins. 'fat snstntanna a. They hsive ltrilnioti leeinttars seat cunni; to speak�t par- >froma dollar up to two -fifty- an' Luke Ontario tt treateais " lle-. they're bail` t 3 sntand. \i" in ye =Rims'7xnstitnte meetings are al- cyme �erinpty vat fish eangetfaet; its f re zt-twin, shoes ye rte oightt as well most allCanadiaaz farmers Who got . cid of w.hi firs rigid vri»tdt has ling tHn" toigcut bramlt3, awn' tTmat's th'' their ealnncatiotl on C"anadian farms ; di; iinshesl nnntai it is ttitinig. 'fate � Wiliiaans- TIlnev'ii siataanal atmnp and every where they went `fairy last report makes a addict shoeing 3snrta atria nw 1cllascain' lrcratid, that, is farina farmers at thea' nieehngs p p �' ' farmers clay have lots iv so thin visaed. A. new species of her--; they do." yell qualified to diseass every sub- ting hits appeared. in the lake tint- s g pe = l a y SCI coI CllitCd�'en are Canada, and behind it lies a broad Lake Erie the catch of sturgeon y '�R.�@, Weak and N®f'il0i[& which something is hoped. n ambition to do all his brain, his has increased unexpeotedly. In r land and his capital are culpable of. regard to this fish some, including u Debilitated. and Exhausted in usual jest introduced. Intelligences and', Ing the past couple of years, froml education seem to be infectious in The time is close at hand when the - - E, Siyeppnra', of To- ' 4 3 s nnr, e••z '5"'" 3`ar ill question of cold storage, rapid gse suryrf=te gar l enezieiai lfi Inspector O. roma, argue that it should be pro- childrete transporteetion" higher education in n 'tested, and allowed to increase, Tihe severe and ever-increasing strain the public fschools, and ethers Han while others' say it feeds on the of competntive eaanninations conning at which formers are personilily is time when Every iiny dna girl eggs of other fish, and should be is undergoing trying physiological inter- ested must be successfully dealt. left to its fate. changes does much towards making with by the government which �. —_ mentai and physical wrecks of tirctiooi — children. Run down In health, e.ith s to retain power for anyIn from his second term the blood thin: and watery and the vier- hope _ retiting length of time. of 'office, Mr. speaker Evantirel re- vows system 'exhausted, children have _ no chance to escape the many Ills that Tlie time for the return of the ceived more than the ordinary beset a feeble body. There Is no treat- s song birds will soon be here, and tributes that such occasions elieit 4 Ment known to science that so natural - O g Iy sad thoroughly restores strength and every person who has the slightest, from the leaders of the House. vitality to the nervous: system as Dr. Bath the spokesmen of the Govern- Chase`s Nerwe Food. It makes par- d in horticulture, should P eats leappy by twinging back the color Constitate themselves an agent to , ment and of the Opposition coral- ' to the faces and the strength anti' mended, without qualification, the eta yticity to the bodies of their pale, prevent the illegal shooting, of q + puny cYiildreii. Impartialitythe patience, , and the Mrs. S. Dempsey, Asbury, Ont., these beautiful and useful songs- writes:—"My lfttltr, granddaughter, nine' ters. Last season one lad made: a ^ abiIity with which the duties of the years old, wag pare and creaked to , she lied s ecialt of shooting robins, and `Igh Position had been discharged. TI° ;ate wing weaker. ite and mDr. Chases Nerve e y gMr 'Speaker's reply shows that his geVerai *ere killed, if a'few of i Food proved invaluable in her case. re- t elevation to the chair ha's, in one'`storms health and color and ntakirig tacit unfeeling boys were fined ice Icer strong and well:' the lull extent of the' law, not i sense, been a distinct loss to the Fifty pent$ s box, at all dealer* 'aid a x.nerbiy one dollar and coats$h. C House. His graceful and eloquent >9dmansoU, Bated & Co:, Terellt9, A Specialty.... Geo. TIZOTT $1E NIs tLL Agent for Roma County ZU'RIOK P. O. liQestern teat s state Zuban e44 fttet £ottbon, tlt. (arta, City, Village, Suburbrn, and Garden Prspert-7 3e1'1, B-`•enght' and I/chanted.. Money Loaned on First and Second Mortgageis, Real Estate, Notes and Other securities, id'atmis, Houses and Business Prop- tariy Ranted end Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms. Morley Invested for Private Indi- viduals on First Mortgaged on Real Estate. WOOMOMMellaidell TELEPHONE 696. .ZELLER AGENT _. 2U,RICH, ONTARIO= I HE KIN LIEE Or DEVONSHIR,Z. RetnarJa-je ',iv?, 5c the Hest utter eTer made Ertl this eetenerinity ley it, 'Veil ec eenC trna le wadi the FatallyHerald aid Weekly Stator Montreal re are -. tis o`r:r MIR ZtAlci Renew ani that great Family Paver. lis Nt5.AA aural Weekly Stat for one year, fat the small sura of $1.75 a,>~d im t, .47 each subscriber three beautitnl premium p;eiures of whish the follow- _ .., a .nr,ef descriptions. !UV; :; 1; DWARrD VII: Trice to life, a, beantifui pettraif, sate 13 s : dr., G21 iseatitiftiiiheavy white Satin finished papetforframing Thisiceterart ra taken since his teeession to the tlaz'one, and is the Verylatest and Fest •a.:aiigirs,y STAB; each ohad except through the FA HsiaAsm ASV e.^atu"e. It cannot be picture bears the liatigs autograph.This picture has the es: merit of being the first taken after the King's &zetasion,and has therefore saleie that no other picture% cart possess. ALEXANDRA.—An exquisitely beautiful picture of the remnyk-- iv ti.tntifirl and good Queen A1erandia„ also taken since the King's accessuen ., 1.tie throne. It is the same size as that of tore King, the two forming a Iranti- .urcto Mair of pictures that alone would sell for many times the subscription price of paper and pictures. 10 portrait of the King and Consort taken at the second or succeeding sit• `inks can have one fraction of the value of the first. These go down to history. 4 4 4 4 4 s 4 4 e 4 4 1 4 4 +a 4 4 4 s 4 4 t 4 4 , c i t 4 THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE .--T t, Renowned 'fra'naboi'ouris Pic- 4 tame. ;sold at auction sale is London 'twenty -live years ago for AIO,s71; 4 toren b7 ever tft:eves, hidden for over twenty-four years raid delivered to itss owner on part tent. MOM reward and since sold to Mr. J. Piei•p'ont Moran for $115,00., 4 'This, in brief, is the histhry of one Of ttherernium pictures, which, by t -I ;clever stroke of enterprise, the publishers of the Family Herald have seeurod for g their subscribers. The picture is 22x28 is fen colours, and is reproduced %bre for K line, colour for colour with the ori insi. Copi a of the reproduetion are, now soli '• in hes York City, Montreal. and Tomato for $122'each anal 'this is the picture Family Herald subscribers are going to get iabsottitelyT free together with tit: pictures of the King and Queen. Is that not big vai'uei' Call at Tux HERALD Office and see satyr;+l+•- of these beautiful pictures. You want THE ZuRTCH ligamtro HSLfor then local news, and you `sant great paper, the Family Herald, for its 24 pages of genera stews an reading Its agricultural pages alone are worth axxany times she sties,•: price. Bringor send your subscription to THE -1! R ,%DOFFICE' $4, ►+iO4b+1NA.'!!D i►�dF11� �A_+ 4 +s @ 4*ea.i.& w...a Get Your Printing from �heHerald