HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-21, Page 351t •••••••11,1111A0,......10A,MIS.,NRIMM.IY eetelefetea,1+4+4.4)+4ekaleteleefetaaaeleleatiataaaa+++;14+4elefatee++++++++4114 e Coining of A Pretty Wahl Romance. rheilielarereareaalelaa at+.1.4aki4444"147414444eletelealelalfelea letahlea.alelhaa ;Ian L. " 'Cause he didn't care for anybody conple of moments, healiscevers his and didn't want eight no light of ' .retolt or in the table draw - any of us," Sir Ilarry Mutters, bit- erf anti• rushee ! forward to t erly. "I Linea- It well." . join in the defense, in spite of Gil-. • "No,' WJlInii says. -trembling ey• lian's imploring eyes and. signs of .ocatikaly vim:taring! ever .so .rev. voiceless entreaty, his poor, Ms- erently and delicately: to,._ lift the trnetod brain and feeble hands mak- veil that hides that story- or r Fpung ing him almolt as geciat a tint/ger man's sfalaly-the bygone sin, whosn oope with aS the' intruders -Mr - _Span has bowed this gray-haired f1;12.1rS or assassins,as they may be. hian'e head with elianee and trouble "Let me at 'em.! let nal at am!" lona 13.reee the time. lie mutters, thickly. "Get away Not even now does G1ljan dream from that doors, child, and lot .me how .anuch Iles hidden that ber .inno- ',01 1 Ali, yillains of the world, 'eau/ tench. la ravrarliZ. . You're comite to rob and murder "No, Uncle Itarry"-tho pure soft me, are ye? Thero's life in the old cheek touches the poor sinner's dog yet $ by Jove there as! $itentl Hued, sunt...n t, eipP?s more softly and away, Gillian, aud don't be Ei; root, ling, last, August, that poor Georg:. pit,yingly--"but it. Wan on that taam-,1 child I" • W as told the whole. truth. Ile never yol,e3i,.0.1Iflget a brace o' bullets in woman, if .yeli don't )331"-w II!' '1•11"° 14'1111' t"111 open this dere or I eaunt. three!" Anne wlan he was going away that roars a voleo outside, awl 21 Sarag,(1 night, that. ho had b :era it. awl-" k.ek and the sound of splintering 'Heard! 11 era what ? What wake' empeaseme the words, "ono, What did ho h! or?" S'ir Marry de- three!" Two sfiots follow the words, but mands, et.a!Alng.t. to his feet and gaep. tug boarettly. aT•11 int) the truth this minute? If sha's phavell 111, falst> the tau. Wakes bury themselves in the traitrees. If 'that; playotl me Pelee, ma Ate ttoer, and tillatan. who has I'll be ;woe with htowelled dawn vecy low, only "Anne toot! in -" tgallan stay:: ratle PV matheaallY against the er frightened anti nersoasly minima 'mod - and looking at the door test tir‘ "The first man who enters this very i -on whom she is about to ro. Mt II shoot dead on the spot !" no;ntion euty 14114-r th•.•• room the shoats Sir Harry, ne. minute. 'rare Is a yell of brutal laugh- i1u at the brew -es (+lock on ter, the mant-r., I1 11 and it tates not "Is It alive an' Weide' ea/A), Ms - quite rent tare her. It la todir tee • aux' homer 1"' roar... the rtnieh th ..• ri et er. a mi Lge la Ito in • britt Mee. "Tlig oth ea. '11 have to te-a e' p goal milli tetra n . but theate ua heir:sant 'trine We MUM so .141N1. :t • 3 " • has begun her et:vita! far to ma yea:" nt • her..7,, a Land, trt tit,al!:ans hick la dealt OU. cher at the tiotnah:lt has r;.- • on le, 114 1 110n a aralabar. Retitle • thr •reat the house, lrillt.infl; in et Ile leek. , begins to Tha cora:a,. to mil./ Lady Pa- ' tore .= its way Waited. race hod. 1.1/ the 1; 4;r4. 04311t a tis only „1 q.z stion of 0. 'minute an Ulm' la' at heat+ apt. :et h or two lloW, an.1 Malaga leaving the ehip /WI !,11 t it Wu,: litot aoor. /sashes r Harry hack WWI 11 01 r /leo la' :he 19 ett tatile polo-ev1ar. oaeK. rea ty. L- tk C:4,1 ZPa..• ...!raaaa• " lataie •t111.1 : Yon atal Iter•-! Latta 11W1Ills„ all re- o any -Ileum -.alit ria.L. Harry,'" r0,4a0:. W0011, hag ao are twio throao,is tia• meat whilst the 5 • tell'11., 4 tte..,Zot 01(1 ,44t(4e4t1 11 10o 1,11 ••• 3 5 ^5; 1.34a111,y. %*1111 lat 4" ;AVM P: V0.-0'1111 I.luet h. re, 1,aue....0,a, mereata yotila.; hi.s saa d. Lvtz, 1..,1:.:•11hat-, •li Pry. that IN a, pray, r to ltearell. rho ao «14 a /I. floer. . T. r nws Her v.Int.e, Hp , l'or the erow- "Mot 4! 1 Anne a a eon 2•• hie har Imo har-t tha tor% while sho 11,1 !r„.- rl ;,•••• ,!t . 1,. r.a.",.. iata,.• !v.,: L.pr,”11..•. ung- II 41" ' 4, t' i Uri' h 1 ri -L ' Tel rar lei , gataato. CM' Wit id 1 1 .1.a. ao 1 ii.ica, tiro ill the ro en. I . 11:. ft : ('50 we a gt ; ' g ,4ti 1 il'33' .;!.:11,ilet so.- WI sney fleee ' "Mat ul Id teat ," oialeta ltr aligtal." hat a- Magee ling 11,!,patTilllnly I LI' r%oada't • th" r'" " ""I'l"' " 11" earn- hiaoa n. tle. tt 4 a -s eh ot lett eft:Atte ' it - 4 s i ' raa a : to- -, • IJ :it) „#:401;F /I ,:l1011t ' ..111 f„ noat legek toe %tit Ws, 4.1,1 !sr.- °.! ••• to 1.1 ntot ti colt 111,,, Mr-twine:1 had• a. R. tool two men _ „J„i gt,61,1--; - 1 ttr• 111 S. 1' 11 1; • IdOsi 111 tt aert. • are ghalgIee !•.1:, V„ !1CU* behith4l Agat-1 ZOO • and -tuit,r 11 tho two tahwen taloluletsr . phate tto Climate, ke mega .tv'' 1111 seve.. 104 ' n Latol 1:8 Pail. an' tall g!.t tta• 112.31t`' " a "." at 11 • 4', tall- a he 04.'8 baNirs11- _ Csfa=t-sig," 11,, to 11,1u SPalw" *11` 24-51- 1' Wclil tot theuble seta a hamlet% nate, mats. e r rigio well seal. aim Int' area-. • • 8;10tiilly Ituuu 1,1t0iiis4411„}v 111 .„%dittz"; th,„ twrigtrarsoll aaa ti•It413"F:'-lt tit °II" 4.!;,11tge. oat. half articulately... tahuost. tl,t No% 0!2!e' 11 Nt.: t • t„,tt ve. th • 4%1 IL' IMO 01,1,V t;l1r",,1A ..101 "tt :Fon a wol.„1., no 1 thpli Filar' Can tlt al° Ito s iltztlistinetlly ehrh Ehh 5,815 wet. sly. 'navvy cur, kind. eat ber throat 4 . botheea you.1" -eagle . to bis ..boefederate• ' bere till mproin' Wud all this lataseneer' • r. • • "Don't hurt 'Coale llarry; or I won't leave. the toolo poor,GlIllan, says, !determinedly stilt; though the other . Mau has• hold o1. her arm and is hurry- ing 'her! out ali tat)! room, • you're xiet mighty naicir hang him wad the bell -rope 1" !1:1:1e .brirte ona of their assailaets keeplog pace shaking limbs will beat her, the see, Nnvp..1 t tat waaolt cOutsr7a. LI:.:14Fct Gaisiiii: in an agony of terror, rane out of the Eat Just as stip j4 lute.tw4.),y tile etalrs stilled Yell (3015(3 - where, and a frightful noise .of attirtY;bboolOyoLifif,iflutoinj. dew.n., et eep. steps, "They are murdering Poor Denny Poor Denny woe). twining •to help us!" moane (laden,. faint nail sick with tetrot, liurryin.g faster, fal 'tag; 011.1118 steps,. and stilt hurrying:, tip to • her own room, where she knows. that be- Polo'duoadiehe.r Jetyelry taare are eighty 'If I scan. only get it in t1me. before edas' tsre Into her :OutiTuaut, the burglar at .11e3; sale still, and tottering across • the floor aniecke her dreeslugaiase. and laindo the 71.1410 the letatter 0.800 01 mites arid- gold, "Ir. it' oaly Save poor Uncle Harry," le her trc•xubliag- thought, but the next instant, despair, death or unknown horrors confront' her, as she fe:ars • additional Leavy foot- atepa rushing upstairs toward the room. And then the door ie flung back,. and a big, powerfully -made man, with au uplifted wcapon of some sort in Ids hand, leaps dato the room, and, as it seems to the terrified g,irl, ft/oillyeaelehaphaer!ver the -other burglar ;With a wilii,Pered prayer Gillian BAIT/ohs back, clinging into the cur- Itinoi/wIsa.sobfatillait tbi'd for refage froia her until her dazed eenses reveal to her that- the thief with her !MS fallen dewn, or been kiatelo..+.1 down, alai is !Sing auietlY with his Ite.all Oa the fentler. "1 oweta yell that no.40. of black- thorn syrup this many. a day, „Toe laeo.110," elle hears the big man say, with a -eort or savag‘ pl.•asantry, 58 he stoops over hor and lifts har up swiftly and tend.ady In .strong, gen- tle arms, whose touch thrills her through like au eleetrie current, "Re. hasn't hurt you, ban be?' he demands, with 44t1. 1-8 anal ;ty. But Gillian, elipiang dowe on her knette at hie feet, dings to him. ft/lifting. hut gazing isitwar 1 et111, with unbelief. statit rapture, and SW. 1:11.1:11.1,yes or naorationt as one who HP014 an angel revealed In • mortal That is to say that. tho mrtu who, iteiltasig down at hi.r, wilt) ,IntA tiros. tho ento•rpr,Ana:z ;PA' WOW' 1 -').ch :mere% S ) boa of a lanekt lora . Welt. Is the nem *1 It elm has 152 bwn no (11 ‘,..rw. Arehrr. «IL%1"rnet x LA V. -re it r 4E12111 •W 414; 11 r mat h Latta 1:1--!' eq111. tte if 15 ars la • 'a esettrio bt VA IOU t1„; a!! et,a.--,..1,14,urge 7 tila. t/e!prp': tit. 1., *lir 1144,4 ma. tailtv,r;*- or las eras tity, th 8,•rti,11, Jot 4 et., Leo. goul • hart1119-n6, ail:, .1 tt„.., rh• hays 11st ittc.iir t,r „s 81141k1 tt aatk: . 511/1,01 ate'. v211•P• 11.:!J • ta th teal pair 13:1. t111111 naaaa/a0 1,4 1, •Fleti.46 ; 1 elec t..„AlVis 114 1119 s,h 11.4, 1,0.1-; 40 • _ er,11.1111i.S.,5' r; ".5 ligh-e!!!!egig, alud - •a I tea at him. . Y953.; tgatt tur," awkivtgalle ett ega. reit witivinte ; 41 the I th ) league 1 lee to 4-140' r love- ett'a thee 41; ie agehatet r thv•Ithillit It' aritt,"1..rt Mt; 111. , g tea a, IL Issq,3-„' 04! 11.Nut. 1! !plot", gill a it ra 01. PlAt•so u r, utiltaa,t. O., lad al to; 21. 3.ttaatiling 111•-•.StQlr... itios3 Otryque,hi IS1 4•1141,0(,* mull.1,4„ ir11.1-,‘ tare:eon lot few ito ta eta_ 'Lett ga- rat ne..a.t, 1 ,acall'a 110111'4 11, rail wait:: leactu Lutatt. les riattele t +7.-! ng Ilign teed tat tuellagng t-; until)). ""lreit eettst gel eat st reera tt few tainuatta, at all events." iv to !eat s peateina rim garotted leer, alai half litattlattg, taOf 317tiarr. bee ',eat or true rooni. "4143 Way 64,30ertkoW111,5•F!, 11/E ass at oncet 04, peer Uncle Itarrv," ea- .1.4orie, with a tliteall 'el" 'sauna- for It 4. datinentary aurae tfullottaa "Let nye o to 190 oviioar ';Wli3O?" Cantle* ;melte with !aro lett frota-e: "Ore yea Ill '111 1-1•orar /1'5 a rr.eal reeve titan s iittert• arly age8 ttrtirallr. nad1 ap •abitatt tlan• delr of atdr 2.; rice& sit- +e a; Vtota, ig tat .*ler itsitee lailattn ia. Feel w•vat es up to yon,a t rtS-. "Ye.; stay hve. loss-: you arc. molly Egg the way atell tate ta te steam IttettentCy and entre:rating 121 rage awl eXeitr,1111.41t. „11 nq 15 .411P1 Nittt'"g". d'Icr" 134iirt inura win!' lle hes iteeit ntileal head. tat ttitaltst 1 tat. men, r "1"12Pre 445', Ot!..4.1,:prF.4 EA the hall, hare, 4„, ut.ail),1!),++ timbale elle& v! thero ate. a ,otsal let ecettaig 'Ottertail in migi 5181 Eva t ..a eat. aeree ttiV4 iliatra.4 4 tYr„ Ort, itu,„ your to,.:4,..1 old I wail 14,J.t, 1011 I. Se°"S 14) 51".'" t" tt-4 alt113' 41114 thr tht:te. gutet want, 1' 28 her ptilsae eitill With a 13W1it, iei? dreads quitgi at,ilt it. 1,0,14. a*„, h-wrietr a Kittyae estande hatia.e 151irs*'111:124 I" 't 414Y Itne Et" 1,9 1141, r reup,„"ttatier rillA won't Ilk? at alb tlue eater of the, j then umu, emael Amy,* muffle!, am two rung:Legs whys. ah,,, „eh, et hz,..hu4, elm "if you hurt one 21.117 1111S' leenri 4 aereeen niter sew am fellecte ao'iritty rITLI "WI" 211"'/ P'1.1 51114 .1, 4.. the 111:,,g.i 11,,ra It Dike- tor the in,•,,t-y cr4-1116an rogawt,. I 1,Z1.! t at UPI 0,1W .110. 41, burn/ is itaiel tat iturrF. r>"°' .3ausn• the reek.. ,.tr x tibra. dehr efoei .! at once. pleelse or tell ea.; Icht!!..V, t La endeavored to 1” thrtist emtt b•ut Y°151. e'a"h-1""•.' threefald deeper„ -ate SLI" Ulf. 343a Via:42U ! eats! blacketetrolia GaTtra wita all !Ice g14 25 11,42 ugt1t., • -0 W."441 1 %vyll".t glisW4- "1'44 fear, 1-1'.o." 1* against it and heeds: "If You're not vier. 111 :zr,J11 21II:e4A3 . p the bolt nal ktek in Via- ir plaeos. aa -la quiet wn.,1 a tap ta the crow- I! ! Prue to Illothois To every mother of yoang children who will send as her name aml ad- dress plainly Writiten on a postal' citial,!we sencl free of all (Marge a valuable little be!ok on the eare of Infairtis and young children, This book has be,ern prepare:1 by a PhYS/- elan who Ions inacle the ailments of little ones a 'life stittly. With the hook we will send a free sample or (11iiitiboyi"ns tOltiven,voiliallitil eft for bneuslitoim meats of infants and young chil- dren. .Ifeatien the. name of tills pa- per and ruinress the Dr, Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. „ downstrare. 'Elm pollee will be here preeently." "08, do let me go down to peel Unele Harry," Gillian entreate with tau% "Have they hurt lam? Haim they kill*d lam ?" "Not at erl," • George sage, eurtla• 'Per goodness sake aan't •keela 111 hrre. He is all right. fatcy mad Dick Mahon are with ham" and almost wrenching his hand from ber elasp, he shuts the door and rushes away. 8-;veral minutes elapse-five-tena. twenty, -it' may be twenty hours to Gillian, listening at the door, in sus- pense and terror. pendule In the room with her strikes 11, being wonderfully ac- eurate for it French clock, she knowa that It is not more than ten minutes too fest. (To be Continued.) WOMAN'S AILMENTS Suffering Which Doctors Fail to Cure. Thousands of 'Werotell Throughout tutiantt. iti Situ Mar Count thin --Word; of Hope to Sufferers. 112 lounilees Mimes througliout tragiatia, where litafth arei bappiness .., telpronie, tie; pe.'uliar einif aud el -eaves womea are reattatelult; for on atmosphere of aat an•t alias ftwEni I ni Is g 1.% - (.2) a il•ts undic,r- t;;. of tie- prisper 11111.1111er 511 1.0 effect a cure for female tseettl..; of all Jar. l'als have "Hee mere bueeaw.aui th1.4 him! :man ana otihr etel tu tarry ..!"!kit • aka biatqali to. et St'11t.) o p• ritaLlor ; pareair, Alta 1,5 1 14,14 r. Tv:4 1 '11 02 1111„1/ ; 11?,.241 ht.:•rinikt Ih'ar'55 rah., Ur, 11.1111-.2.4aN. 41245 nanas etlat. tee. at ea; w ar,, ego tsar a 'a 1.40:.4 h., 10 f;AAVI, 8. 2, IL-4.• 1. .:4 14 'all' 8 11",.:"1-lii C.4 11r•-,411•-2.41 •.„reateeft (PESTI NS OF Ell UETTE.. Kindly tell me tile correet way to reeelve Informally after nay mar- riage. Havieg been in basinees, 111414 sle mysetvelf ,sadly ignorant of these forms. You) can send out your vlaiting cants. to your different friends with dasY. Of the week marked in the left hand eerncr, signifying that yaw will be home on that day each week; fifq,einisoirvedgoninoortlycag tooreeeive your earf send otre your catridds8 wiviiti171,730-011rti a roes, which signifies that you! awctlilrebses.at boiee at such, and M1311 . • Is it correct to Write, print or say Mrs. Dr. la. GI. C. or• Mrs. -Captain- or Aira. Mayor So -and -So, when the de- gree alai title is only conferred on the hasband ? see it in print 80 often in oar home papers that we- woulci value your opinion about It. - Doubt. - It Is incorrect to ITSe the. appella- tione Mrs. Dr., or Mrs. Captain or hire:Mayor, an tlie title Is eertainly Sot conferred upon the wife. Kindly adviee. me as to the follow- ing: I am Invited verbally liv „mania- lady to call on her, and elle pronthem to feeel me bar eard. Puny form et acknowiedgment or promal- mat Maces:fry, and hi calling 11055, Inni17 0511-114 S11011,1ti he left. -A. Tamp calling MN her nftra. reecisene her card la suffieleet tieknowleaa- meet of her eoeptret•;y. Yon 11111A*. leave a card for the yoanit and (2 IRO one for her mother er elma- eron or the lady with 'MUM' 814F, 11* eta:vine:. At a smell chervil wetlainit whore the bride weare a gray eleth snit. weuld it h* proper for taco 1,0410:4- 111,111(1., t2 vmar gray 4.!fiat,iii ;"4 80 brOIlelsm:4,1 *!113'10(5 ttillfe° e(1:-!;:eitnlahrti,lje i10)(; the ushers follow' VIP v t-/!-i•rtY up the aisle? What isiloral alora,-• do the at...hers wear ? Irlq-•*1 „mr• IP fly t tends 5024' bri•le elirs rre.;!1;•.! the brideentiglal If a bri,7,, tett svear a hat l'.*!;.• 111 Nf. peeper Enformltaheettbridesmalti to wear c•sse.- It le perfeetar porryto flq• 4.!v, bri$10SM:2 1,1 tti wee r .;; ar. I gown of the same oatter 22.4 lie but 11. Ixe15401-0 , emelt • ;*4(31410 ,)eftlfil(teertiscreolo iftt.Istiat biliff;drosvp3veaai-or , .. should precede the bride up trio alele, hold her boneuet during the • oeremony, and •sbould put ber train ! straight when she starts 'walla I doive the •..alsle again. The lathers preeede bridal party to the • 'ell:int:el and tlien follow upon re- tureing. should wear • wlato • or pearl grey kid glores. When there le but one attendant for the bride elm In generally call -a on' the maid of honor. It would ncet' be eerreet for the brideemaid Dr the meal of hollor; to wear Pt hat 11' the bride does not wear one, Of eourso this does not apply selien Ilia - bride Welirs A friend of 3111311i has been engag- - ed for over a rear to an attractive. widow, about 40 yeare old. Among the friends of her late. ame,band Nra5 21 !gentleman and his wife and a. Mii.1(11o.-ageti bachclor, with wboht all were on intimate terms. Re- cently she received an Invitation , from this gentleman to meet him . 1:1 New 'York, and, with their ma- ' turd friends, be his .guesi. at din- ner and the theatre. ac- • eept Or tie4p1ino the hivitatitet ? .relete: the gentleman 50 vJIiS'lll . the widow is betrothed is incite:led ai the invitation, it wou1.1 euite- i/a:aria:et for her to 14.01' '14-'' ei;(rilhirif? +(Thin:: glosta teirreet with a, blatia evenleg titi?kw111.1:5; wisci,?•1(!tra. t7.(1.4145:1111tiic'15 !1::(11'1: era.. glvo the oz,.6-T !!!..1 it quite etartat ler an Imerep!)rotatal 111(),1' t,/‘;1:41':");111:..;).1'115';.1; tre. 01.! 148 taa- ? !, l:aly ean ,,.4ve 4, ove,-.1-..megt goer ; retirees. le, ;teas 1'r11* -5''5 1.0 I tell tea!! iter eiel site is waili-or 88 sae:1e re. 5454, 1*21 •te,41 '2141521 '5* ^It.* LW, 5' !t5'..."2,10",45,5 ,;',Nr,IS, 114 r', , 5 le •)1.41 515.51 o,* weir slab s ea. tee. es/ail. la the 1.L P!-4%-ir 1; tter •tr-'11;r1,.fif:1:17 1(50 3.--;!,:.1.); r • r !! r 'yv h '11 '-4.11. . oa .3.- 7 • n THE UTTLF FAT RAfr l!IVo Mel 14.1 r11.:1*- Mitti r...:4211 2.1,1n.„44* •11,,Its uttoeks, ttl pato war. 141•1•111.,4,1 t !•!. 131113 III tta+ 8404184 4108 itr,t44in „ 41%1 %••• .• itiv art. It 11,5 ailitoz.!:41.1,:, tow acin 1 and alieelvergett. 441-,31 Hari' tia; gag me 01 tux 8.1543' *8454. tor arlogett of pewee:to tlitta.,8 the tfoctor wat,, eltatu...102ordl, 040,6' .49,1443. ikcsu W,,,.11,1X *1151410 • tf, tourAN51,10 10,6 ;„6.1i,"," ,.-1,,1 4, 1.42 I; 25 81- 4„1..„1 tt,...0.11:05, „Itu t 4aMi I's 'e j. ' 4.15, /1'11 " 0'1: Do' At, reet-eag t. "IaIe:t; •• ,,5;;;r r tel -4‘.3i1'1 141divaU:120° ";t;t: "114Q.;,4 :Al.,. 1 ;;•ii.ton. tt!,11 a.„ a.44 t. Mt - t -'i,55455 4,15 IA,: ee,jti' 11- 115 ; 44.- -1* 51-7 Ur. V, 1111 ocust 349e. 1.:(5 .11,11 11, VA; nrq-411 144.;- ,s .1.,•upp.i,;•.• tvy !!''..;! 11.e..!...`.61. E'er aeato. 3 lee a 0-(9 te ' 0,1305 1680 ;iv. .0 •;•..• 11.44.41. th!!-Ji N.,•.!1"...! 20' ;•!) .e eat-, ato. 4,0 v.! f-sw.rz! ,t1.!),....1s- •:!.4 .141' !!PI, woe geley etaa,!!!,..,,..•!!• 1,- • v.!, te.te- realteatt eige8 at.e tut .t 0.”0 ii - 122412f{ v2,s.s 05,1 11...t.04. .• cis • • e le. St ,5; 11; oall 0.34% cr.!. - roptil ,r.g' E.,. „ VAIN Etu 112.-.0 al r, !,r,. . etagge ever. gti at, 1.7!Teattea Vara Iralle Dere, 1011 (,o 5' ! Ana] 1.1.1,901." 5,404r,': eat age z3414.0t. it ate laser U"..E..; 11,19V LLAL219 we!! ••• .!!! tgoate foe aeare. li C.:ALP:AN. t.i.!;n::•.‘!... 45 •ab.0„ alas too 11)11 -, v --t-.4 11 88..1 • 15 031-g' neg. tette; a...to al:so to tk!,•,_ 1.4 541 '2 tic. " ,tv.!tk tilutlr wow.t•-trIv2„ Le.atter.seout4 121, 04 tuee" 'Wee •••• -„•• Ili-. nyk ipaes rtaiet. to haota .13-„,..! .e.ee E, E.. .4 Cltlq 2i.;154, ,4„1.5•5",r',1e' ;14.4 ,;531* tl" 0,2 8 , ,--4, .• : iis. u . •••••••.,,,. •• t'r- 11;4,, „ . • . T tho root of et ea. 1.6 OA, - 14-, c, 4 - 00, . !. 11-'r,s421 r_ • .,. lenirue. 10:,-,1.s. t..-41re F37:t.-141 1,1)-41134“1.' ry,.. , z.:„ 1.'., TL„ ,08eg Glt,a WeriMV, -reeatee giew igeelth! 80 &liana tate as. gene is. II/147.1: eu..15 a lotart. le at , 511 on, hs -t- trodah- , ta.."18!). tie r 1 ett g.a e is. e t. , lee gamete-. the. feu, 1.0na Page I'.r Plea la , • on every box. I: n:!* roa. '.122 : hem' nt ;y0,117 .‘!?; r.s. Cue; will he . aosti-aid, h(IrNier, fey aeae. fee :e'er he fir. irit,;i7.!, vas' 31• '4"-nr,,f.11:.,1. roekviille, Oat. Vainly tag re. sfe. aicarly hat,' the Matti growls'. oneuee- ;aim call 5• ,f, gee,E,r.r., with het -3.teallt1111!-1 ;Millie use or tale aed sharpie inor 881-45141041 h ag•itig es eh,!- tett% tiltnly lit ;a: iron hietaa'ad the tallYa hear the econaas of the elisigatg arid IlarT$ is zunitente enongh to refar use:" running.aolsvrpoinfing,- atilt ..agst 1121.1.v (-01110.agne, nar.ing, a cold stevants in Veit) tstont3ttat ea; tigieel raifl h onter dexterously to Itard then a mares 514/T.P. ;answers her./ 'the torka of the :Narrang-drawera a. foiee, voleatr. tempi ,risant valet? NtritEui and buream and etatrelting thent by a1.1.r..fst.417 "gmttni31" pretannela-!--the eimple pi -octets �1. takillig their tien, contents out. is bandsful, sorting "Is that 7(15, 4111s Deane? We 'Omit thcat throthath theit fingers to see aotr end Fir Ilarry on Most and dropping them on the 11001-. Important aueinese 11 it won't admit "With glaring eyes and heav- e' the leaat bit e" delay, madarro 1 trig 'chest Poor Sir Harry bell/Iasi& assure yea! Plp:Lse t' oee5* the dure trate/es the work of destruction at once, nags:" ir going' on, arid Gillian, equally help- Gliiian remain); sifent, not moving: less; wa.teftes also, :Intl] the man, in decide tea some plen of lief-v..-----rtI ets, Gtarts a 'Spring, anti a !secret a muscle; partly throtaat trying to - forcing; open one -of the bereau draw- ly beeausa the parr threat . drawer seexus to /clap out with its etaci lips are dry and constricted. in 0 contents -a thick, 'smoothly -folded terror. .of paper. •arid then, disre- Lotaler mntteringa sound outside 15gardiag the t•evagaer at his head, 'Sir and the lock is fiereely rattled. 14 Harty leaps up and *rings .at the hOpett tide *Into tide, tninit !" •man, whp has the paper balms hand, Iowarough v-olet. (tails savagel„y, "01- with a feroeity and eutlaeralees that •velt break .it in a.boztt yere ears • literally stagger him. 145 two twos:" • 'ree-re is a firree, horrible straggle atai ealiele., tantalite stirleee awl foe a few moments between the two Wilary praying. far tieliver- • men, poor $ir Ilarry and who, hhe54. ara, ileatee to the feint hop e • beeathlese and trembling,, 'vet des - that' evory mernent's delay' Is some- pera.tely hangs on to the men.r3, 1*1-82 thieg gained': ant .ere.. her assail-; Who has beet* eeatelfing: ants can begin to entry out their I "Don't touch ramie. Bette- 0 t thipat IMS a fresh tetror to !give you money! COI.U.9 upstaire and •Coantend with. ! 1 win ,givo ,you •money 1' she reiter- Iterry, after a brief pantie or ates: -and Sir Harry •enatehee mealy ph.ely2e.,3 amazement, enificaly coin- at tilt. paper beyorri his reach. forehends the state of affairs: •" t'll giro, you twenty pounds Et .7014 after huntiag abeat frantically for a 1 give me that paper!" he stays, at • • - - ••• • last, hoarsely, his brief -found . „ . - strength all terhauste.i. TO -CUM: A coLD Vbt. ONE DAV. ! - Iota II give us fifty pounds a pleee. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab. if you !don't want your brains, blown its. All druggists refund the money 4. ont captor retorts aeon Ply if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's- sig. ainionIng him once' More. " Go up nature is len eadh hoz. 250. 'with ilia gHl 7014, 55(1 get the money, A RELIABLE OPFER lloNtsr •Irk1t,11: to We ate authorizel to state by Vaal Kunz. 5 e oed and needy streete* Davenport, Iowa, that azer man Mao '25tiervone awl debilitated or who Is lad:tering from any of the various troubles resulting from overwork., „4 exepsses or alms% suelt 58ITY`i'VOZTR debility,, exhausted vitality, [oat vigor, untatural deains and loesee, . leak et deseloament, etc., ran svrite to hitt in tarlea termildenee and re- ; mare, FillEal 07 CHARON, fullin- ? saruttfons how to be thorouglay cured. ; Mr. Kinn himself' was; for a long time, a euffere.r from .above -troubles, !. awl a 07...er •trying in Valli many ativer- : theta remedies, beeame almost (*2- 1121-817 distOuraged and hoptless. Fla - !1 ally he C.30130 in art •eldalergymen, 1 witOso k'ol and itatest advice tnabled hint to epeedile obtain a perfact gted perniallent tuie. Is:flowing to lei$ own I sorrow- that so tinny poor sliffercrs are being 'imposed upon by tinsortont- flous onarka, considere it 15 his duty, .as an IN011egt Sinnli, to give ; his fellow men the bencalt of his ex- perienee and rissiet 110 (2 cure. Haileg to tali, le; adiet for no reoucy, I the-. proud sat isfataittli of le; vi• t done14 great .servitte to (f144, 142 nrtf,41, righ (11)214.1 15r nu !ample reward for his troub/e. If yon write to Mr. Kenz, aollow hie advice+, yon ran •poly uron boing eured and upon abeo- luee stvrecy as well. Adele...a-) air ober?, eigriottier.: 54. • stamp. .No' ettention bp given 1.0 those• Writing 'ont ails curios- ity, therefore state that you need a •eure, the fIrltisix Seh tense!. ett ataxtealls. ; A eatitespatel)ent or a tallarel ! Mates ih artiferee.). 1 wre5 on kindness la en 5-40, s e.as Us a few extrarts Treta tee po- ets received: "Tete are two ketas, or agate tlai, altd they are ti e• oregergettel wed; bYpeil; the e35*et15r4e4-8 155z in5/11:::41 oeti! Ogees a.nd sunk Oke. teed the byogel; Is bitela," "Scone people kic•k 2!-0," ilignr dog: and giro it no food. TIten lige poor animal bits' the first penoto conies le, and thie euttea the per son to have Llipaole ry. mai the an- imal gets kilkal. This :s all through tile people givier, *Le aeierti noth- ing te ".&31imaIs do not tro to ea:melt 210 1- 15107 aha rotayeee. ?Lee zieser tgit down to get tioir mails, and we do." "11-hea the animal dies it is, no more good. 1.:.c150142 for food, but when' we MC! we have a resurree- tion."-Westminster tiazette. -Solid Poets Dor scoas, Intel/eat. The librarian of Aberdeen Pahlie. Library shows in his annaal report what books readers cail for. In one I ease a laborer's last thirty books front the library consisted of two books in science, one in philology,- two I in socielog-y, three poetry, three pia:- osophy,eleven theology. and -eight fiction. Another remarkable ease is n that •of an upholsterer, whose read- 1 Ing 123 * period ot aboat two years, 1 (to:misted of one book In acienee, one 1 141 ueertif arts, twat in Inetory„ five, ,s In itiograpby, anti twenty-six books e •of trav•er --St Ta ' t".1 son.le° 'Tees + he !ante sof 9.a ame.e.-: e).8- a••• ;to-) an. •I'1111.7"'. r.• ra•,rr. leaa 1414'... tele f• 3t. !,.,!!!-.• fare'. !;.• •••!-- t» ty. 5,.. t• h 4'. . 5,1;15, 5.C7.4.,' ;:t -1 • - a.,,,e..0. at • - e! for he nt ae. a -Da ; 3 gee en -!!!' Ii'ne; Ira ligeteae-t ler ---! her as raelle Et -r ;..": 88.- . 1454. 14)', n.8 - ea. Nei e " -". Enow te oat .8•)71 8.)!..,;:e. ea a • treat eat !'.! go .t II •• a 1+ 415 : nteen • can t 1, 9-.. II. 1.. 20 ;ea ‘ell lee fealon a i, t5.0...Z.::..,:e.liq+(..z . ".e.t "...r.", ::.1518. 19- ..„..- t.c-c)r:41 $ 1::12 looea re. :1,7 '..141 atrical, in-era:ea :et .8 l.re!i-, 30 11 5... Oe-ine-s h.vett tr4ta :71!...-:.2.„,,, :• • , lioree•e a.o.! 5. .,. and 0(5-52(0i ratale rees. In proof „ -117s letter sata.meat he srv‘te: 11:,---;2 ' .t4 7in•!2 to11 r,oat arlentr 78a_.' ' .!1.1. t id a4 111 ther7.a diffvrent lierve every lim. T • Isar ing proferceeted 59141454,5'. hat. '55: 1" e:, 3..6 r . ' ' -' iy 1;;; t 7 5,-7 .; !: . • wflola Es?, yell e-turt -la 1 Se tr.: . L. that sh - foie it Z.,' to ..,.p-ok e.., . r'l• .7,1.! T. N". 2q's Y . w z„ ..1. " z's! •;-•:r.A.•• • mentous wear • .. y '.hs' Truett ti 115. Cif Uri. EXIKeLiI.Ajt, bE1-61-61 Rut she trusted al. Henri, as sae. 'liked to call laine ana when he tela Lei" a. 5E :t:11:.,e0 251 "Wei: pada-Attie nareetregeet 1415 the eltaree Of a to%Iliatay 1.00./5 was; 50 niannfatiture a 015a1-10031.• for brewerieta sae *20.3 for some la•tautia,a. spi‘alaens of eagravrr's arta The 8fe71.1 145560 51-14.41 for 11. tala.• up his ailiNle in her how:. at $10 aer week, however, as eta+ was 52 leoleces Wir.3:-0.1. "this 1-4r088b7,y Wil!" 401 tiriftTriU:latO 11oI44', ttn. M. Henri, maser:rug. to arra ayeeh, t4i ilt, /Le St6,1"';4. 11!:". 1::•«1 p..1.1, •!0-!I51 L'54351i, 10. Silw was 50 unrur4.0s,.1 1.11:11. 1.4c111.e Mara mill ntentaeilse the board bal. Ls (atria soli 1-Oioli.c41 at 5-0115 :541:0 1e. 'eft the honer), art i the aalow TT teate. When she arial her Pees, he seed 111111 for false prete)5se. 204. teeing her tae hop-pressina Ito won the ease, becattee the cam- ehe 415,6 t;1 355.1 •ti4 Talitite fate - 847 af/r, 114 1'0.141 af t25e etzt.....c. %ICS for pi, :tea 0-7 tho., f0j1t,w1:2r4 ratee: Twanty-f,ve aoretre from lal.-seeri alter ea:eget:I aa..3 1.11tINIT2 1 '1.0 the ...I,: it.C7:1110.,:1• LI' points, ranee teie taireats" tie a,. uN en to ..")..41":E.'„; 181t, oas r. Sr.o•:,:al 1-0142151 trate exeursioa ratee will la+ s..):a 1,„„) thr, titan 086s 0.11t rale. (2.44tiee of roett+e et•turneg. Iaeople svitit toeal inter- ests at v11r1.et5 reants 011 geeete show you evera attention. It will let to your reivattago 'to neeke la- ouiry in regara to these lov rates let the Pcoefic (70as1.! before deekilag en the trip. val; or etalress pOetai card to G. (11.• Trerria)1-o (5. 120 ItrOOSticar ave)1ete. ilel„ . • trot !2;5'I1-,