HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-21, Page 2#7470fitr:,,,77-0,7777' f7-7
Syndicate Has Paid $1,000,-
000 on Account,
Deputation 'asks ler a Subsidy for a
Rallway-Feeblie Aeeeunts Com-
nilttee alas a Very Barren tient
for Scandal elateriai.
Ottawa, March 17. - One million
dollars in cash bats been nald over
to the Canada Atlantic. Railway Com-
pany by the Webb Syndleate to bind
the deal for the pareliase of the
ProPerey. The Webb .syeadeate has
until rune 530 1.o complete the other
details' of the bargain, but it ie ea-
peeted that everything U1 be at --
ranged and the new management
Will take bold long before that. The
first option given the Webb Syndie
cats would have expired to -morrow,
bet the paement of the million dol-
lars beund the bargaiu anti more
time was given for the completion of
tilt: reale.
New Ontario's WultiltSu
Oita Wa, Wart...1k 17.-tenteeela e-Tha
Nets- Ont oee dellegatee waited on tar
Wiiiral Learner. lion, Me. alutoek and
Hole Wu Patereon, la the Premier's
Grine*. to -day, They ustinell for a
sete-itly Om the Thunder Lay inepigon
eet. Joe IilwLy. Tlg . speakers
ever. Meese-. F. leirkalleaor Wood-
PattnEhe 11.P.P., and
ilLr. Steleae :end Col. I. All the
eine tiners ep oke of the importanee 00r
gr. et.51,4' the sliy Lu..541;,\ rkalle
kgateninnt that Senotor Mfiek
el Cleveland. Wahl toe 'Pit
Nee Ontario as sense a% the siem•
Woo' sft tto" ;trowel for 1107 paim ale
of eanneentee int° the nate-ail
bnitiesut 15 -it regietz.
VaLy . new laelnittg.
e tha Pat it- AL e itele
t40 t 441 :15 id.05" luLt 12.• L a a ..r4-
eteirie wo .e", le eta ▪ W,
4.) r. Nen al in r
t :„ VIde 54-111
alr leak t", l'ue
1911g ' 15j375 S II5*5 V 5
0, 40 poir, ea • -,2 PV.) 11, of li r
toe In nal r W. *1"19
t e ' ru" u !+
art -es a teline tii•oe ea.., •;•,- re 4, e• -
$4.%4114,t t abet
voe. take •55•4•La et tee -a-
ce!: a a. to oat •••/5 a bee amt.* le,
Oe n•e lee •-'7 tea?' T 1.44, plliqpirlAN
an ev u 7D9 t,.74 0 -.a
4.%. h. Satei -.,▪ • ....a-- •
tenee• a,. 5.0iientrae
'Wel .3 t 5,7u.s 71e7 :Jo
J5u '4,'S h Or 710 77'; t t"
1-g'4 11-1 t44 '94 WV !ttttotki VCSi21 lionortea
IVA,. 4 11.1
Rule or coil:mut:4 bi•.; exieting convic-
teen. therefore, the Miaisters, n,
theie own interest and ill the jitter -
• o.. auioulstrt, have forbidden the
The Times, Remarks.
Evelt the Coueervatives and Ue-,
lentlet papers regard the abandonment
of -thew alajeetys' visit to Ireland
as being a severe slap at Britain's
government oe Ireland, and as a
blazing advertisement of barren
statesmansbip. In this oonnection, the
London Times, to -day prints a let-
ter dissenting from the suggestion
that if Seim Reamonel, the Chair -
• on the Trieh Parliamentary
party and Chairman of the United
Irish League, had imen in the House
of Commons when some of the Irish
members cheered the a.nnommement
of General Metinion's defeat and
capture, be would have rebuked his
followers for the outburst of exul-
tation. Tbe writer refers as evidence
to the contrawy, to the meeting at
Chicago, last autumn, "in honor of
the Manchester murderers," which
Mr. Redmond addreesed, and to the
proceedings wbich were officially
opened by Finnerty, the dynamiter.
After quoting the resolation passed
at that meeting and also referring
to Mr. Redmond's spene.h at New
York, advocating the hanging of Mr.
Chamberlain, the writer asks, "why
should a man holding such opinions
restrain the rejoicings of his follow -
era at a ;British defeat ?"
Sudden Death of Wife of Hon,
G.W. Ross,
Toronto Despatch -- The citizens
and memberen the Legislature were
shocked tliis morning by learning of
the death deneg the night of Mrs.
George W. Rosa, wife of the Premier,
who took ill about midnight on Mon-
day and (lied at 4.30 o'clock this
morning of aeute uremia:
The neves on Mrs. Ross' death was
announced in the House -this morning
ing in a. voice broken by emotion by
the Attorney-tieneral, who moved
that the Hotiee adjourn till -53 O'clock.
Mr. 'Whitney, who was also .deeply
moved, peal a tribute to the worth of'
Mrs. ROkikg, and expressed his deepest
sOnmathy with tho Premier in his
sere afflictive'. The House then ad7
Mrs. Ross leaves four children, Geo.
W. Ross, jun- and the Misses Kate,'
Florence and Mabel Ross. Her maiden
name was Catherine Boston, and
sae was' a daegitter of the late Wm.
Boston, M. P., and a sister of Mr.
Boston, ex -M, P., of Middlesex. She
S, mnrriage having taken place in
E . the Premier's •
' second wife, no
1875. To her husband Mrs. Ross was
both companion arid counsellor, and
• she almost invariably aecornpanied
Washington Society Bids for lam in hie campaieen work, the eon.
dition of his hetitli rendering this
advisable. Mr. l-eees lams 1: frequently
Pieces of Them, told his friends that if it were not
for Mrs. noSs' eart, it would be dif-
rhea for him to remain in -public
line, and her death at this juncture
will be a, sore blew to the Premier.
In her soeial relationshipe afre,
Rose was khan:as personified. She
took an :naive pert in charitable
work. and in leer Crewing -rooms were
to be found petneit• prominent In lit-
erary*, artistie and aineational. air -
Dy all her death will be most
sheerly nionneed. The funeral will
Wasiduaton, D. C., March 17. -Sou -
el Prime lantre 's visit to
Wasiungton emulate! high price's. „
Prank. Andres, head evaeter at the •
New Willard, has a ',1111r1,15111 that as
151.5'1,501155.51 to Ilan Ina Prince henry.
he bas been ofeerea large eume for t
the pin, wheat Le an tun:mit:I gOld
°rots 11, with the Prtte,ri n
nr oboe e
Venate Lwow eat:telt, who .7.1.1r*
e5.5.1ent lie stouter.= :an 4,, iltel7ATapill frinn
Os 1117111 f. ryq .,-10,1 for
ikut h» Uh nor,. Tip oprnum
Irtni:EIN...;,. an i in Hontit, !MVO
1:0-,0t1 1r: it., eo-th Who tkao"k
while L1tttf,ort eaten e, hail the
Wite.5 5Nse54.1k5i7 1!. lit* or tow.
ito.tts, 1 roe.' ;5 t ealeseoe
„„et, 4.5'14P,'1D1,14, ' uut51/5.1754* Who
etn,,•ee 1.15+^ "t" 7,tt4ttOV PaN1411 tO
h,. t It,ui a
aena 6,4 t to ,„e, ,La priteee fur a
in• 5:.: e rd. ro te' eta
,&', -u ;an e
„ anew, It ;i :t t Pate.
.u5 tuoi. , int hoe refuted
see ch ee whirl* the
, 4,,Df uu *I' ••• " V.A.! ro el tO
. Moony 5.• eel e .1
taa .t-601.1. 411t eta
t,tiV'At ,it'111.1t;5 01‘.1 Aelivroan
/aloe tarot ,uj tbee ensate eaa
elon Sable Wand.
eat' a % uL•..
atte Tic'. •
• .• teat
t y
eta:* ten
ski e. Noma 5- t to, • 17
,4*5 t77uz,'",
vuu tEttu
1161A SiT
I a.:155113..\-5.,, !.;.' a iFc. Lti .t.:,, --al. 14, 2,455911nel I
VB C 0:3i' ,.Y. -VUb lb. 1,.
•,_„, L.skti, iigo_,e..'-r.,••,,..,...;_vvii .? .-.,. ,'N11 t0L,
Lau a Cc:4' kii=h,_ . 16.A.4zi, eat ll,-.-eL Li* easel Id
a se la ae,, 2-ieuitte 2, eee itieeet 1
. eataeleee aa eepa-,..! Zee al". '..a.0 •11: illaintie I
teSerioefee-,, Le. aateailee•Sne, taa teat -Nei
Lae le ea: ee .eet-eaetan-...a.e.e.• %ate the I
0 /T- ' -, . O......
nee. e el-- 'Jae, tenet or _teetee Dane," as, ii
I.'! « : u....,
, et .o.•••atl-L7, wia, peeee1 ante.e5 to ';
-...e. l .-- ; -2 :e, :I ,,i! 0'.;-::1,",.• Cda" tI.V(11 :5,55,,
Inefeee etae-1, sapeeteed to be:
ri a etc:neer, rya tate rearteenet bente.
oit Abad
orient of Teql
lee 7 ea nein-eh 'roe offiei.A
aneena 420 Vs at ziesttlAny
• tli:g Eglw.arl tateen ea:
aveltaail, ainateie SJuUS.0 htt-
1str sssn t:d.a reseeenenetiely far
an beieerna: boycott. is Tante
pre/area et. fru loran. on 5 teetei- aL en
▪ ca., the gee ereif teee of
ratiy 531.145.111.Q.P451 V.155* slane Orteators`„
Wrtr.oh was wri.EttiqA tliteire •-,o1“.•
rt5 e:u1s' n, U35i1.11
• 4e0 tree loar. Ceolfeeni Hein leas
11, re „
teen teeeilte, ELKLQ1 her isietsts ate ,
Tan ie•aettenetat on •
bell:eves .-
tleat 45 • . Ni71r4.,...-;a,. leas ▪ oteetre4.45, ifor 55
Otearzinieine eteatener tt)
entotaei8tu onee tareetile isianal to
taree oil then sere:le-ore gee the eaest,
bat sae vela n a le, tear! 1.4/ tan
ttIP-Mle.irrtneit 7StlaeWrill
Queer Parra Sale Case ',Ault Comes
P10111 6a114Wiell.
Toronto, alloareh 1.7. --When john D.
tliewes, reviler, ilear Sandwich, was
a patient in S. Joseph's hospitel,
Chatham, be agreed to sell ais faien,
valaed at $2,e00, to a neiglibor
named Coulter, for .$1,000 cash and
assumption of mortgage.
Theives told Coulter to put the
money in- the bank for ,him, which
bo did. Coulter subsequently with-
drew it, at Thewes' euggestlon, he
said, and eaten Thewee died las ex -
avatars sued Coulter for the $1,000.
Coulter said when be took the money
out of the bank he gave it to
Tbewes at the hospital, bet no
money was found on the deceased.
Coulter said Thewes had wrapped it
up in a piece of paper an a placed it
in his bosom.
Chancellor Boyd tried tbe action
and dismissed it, holding that the
onus was on the executors to prove
that Coulter clid not pay the money
over to Thewes in the boe-pital.
Yesterday at Oegoode Hall a .Divi-
sional Court, consisting of Mr. Jus-
tice Maeltialion, •Mr. Justice Street
and Mr. justice Lount, gave judg-
went allowing the- appeal of the
plaintiffs and finding that the onus
of proof was on the defendant, who
is ordered to pay the $1,000 over
to the executors.
The King Announces His Trip
is Abandoned,
London, Iamb 17. -The abandon-
ment of the proposed visit of the King
and Queen to Ireland was officially
announced to -day. Tim announcement
reana: I •
'-Thi' King, by the advice of His Ma -
The 1.14.1w 1,u,ist!us Wh0-2itlatcti ttzia Cnptitre.1
King Edward's Evening Func-
• tion a Brilliant Affair.
London Mara') 17., ---King _Edward.
toodglit heal tLe first court or las
reiga. His tiOurt, • simply as a court,
vas gelmrally eximeted to exeeed
anything modern bagIanc1 has twee
seen in brilliancy aud Splendor and
to owevie even the traditions of the
Preach eourt tualer the Empire. To-
nighta; function dia not fall Short
of the high expectation. Tile Urn- •
haat scezie was in etriking contrast
to the drawing -rooms held by the
late Queen.
The court was held in the ball-
room instead of the throne -tootle
The ball -room is a maonificena apart -
want about 100 feet long and 50
feet widelighted by means o1 nes-
ket-ehaped cut-claee
balding countless electric lights.
It was at first intontled to confine
to -night's court to those having a
claim to be present on aecoune of
tbeir off:teal peeitions. This was
abantioned, and some 000 hivitations
Were iseued. Each was delivered by
the hand of a geatiernan-bowiating.
At the drawing-roems Queen VIC toria
stood alone at. une end of a Imo;
line of royalties, begiening with the
Prince and Princess of Wales:, and
every lady as she was presented had
to make a curtsy to (kaCh 'member
of flee Royal Family, placed at very
short intervals. 'DUE peat/emetic/els
abolished. The menitars of the Royal
Panilly and other members of tile
eniurt are 110\V ranged \in a long
line behind the King's anti Queen's
throne chairs. Several yards in front
of the thrones tate King and Queen
Stood, and those presented bowed to
them alone... Theo saved inueli three,
as del another theme:Won. To -night
lion. Rithard iiiircourt was the
none save Amba.seadors ana Ministers
unanimous ellolee of the Monek Lib-
elhool: hands, where:ea all the dotal-
oralS as their eandidate for the
lagielative Assembly.
it. J. Younge ilaS been appeinted
Sairtitary Id the Canadian Manufae-
towers' Aetemiation, vice T. A..
A., resigned.
The fast freight between Trenton
atel Lat.•w Brunewick. N. J. on Sat-
urate killed three men at later -
01 half an hour.
The itew laundry at the Whinipeg,
tiesto•riti Ibos ISa 1, enting .$5,10,0U0,.
WaS 0110111.li ,)5.541.PrdaY. It Watt do•
meted by the Lteilete Ala etteeiety.
nn' -,y1• ania Railway w al
eltena nali,1100.1)00 m tennels 'tender
the beta court, ritroabinonts were hOt ti .
t:, &VW ant Ketett 15.1,urri to ob-
elircad- nad '11115 groat n•cTIS funt!tio4. tan: catru.we hats New .York.
watt the ctrateneter.05n tea at the • •
Ileititas of them, an...anted, where tale . this ernieny tat, may powo•r renta-
l:es to Levee to the reata•tion of LIM lettaintas eleselneel their e•nirt
on0A..,., „slut rate It 1.witi To_nolt, sUgertasens at lien Tien and
ettiletere Lateen r th.• eleetrol to a eine.
rt.51155 5551.5.3(.0151. 5.5 511.* 1.511l`1'00111. 4E51 A annevale. 0,a, ;Joy, ivhe Nee
E 1-04 paitinieo ever hie home,
a le et/. 5:44 oar. -4.
Tat. lapee %ere ta • uttz1orm of ni II 4ot 1 :or5 murales tee earge.a. acei-
titan Inare3,51.11111.5 173413IIs bri711.54. were 4:1111-135,t:it.lie aetothor ou the
1.1e• hariware stonee or Wailer &
*eta at ilreatottee wee vareeiaidlny
e Wel* 5. .t5 Ej; 41 411W1117e. ud
, Mr. V1i..i..101 pertne.r,
lettee. on the eortange, z4r, tram veer-
rientotelquee Ma.” uore 01:41 a 4518152i051101 "rt°
ONO\ thr u 4.53at1iOacl 51851 Pearl t 23.enaanadd%volt-n[514 on file
Law, tian.• Ordee at the tkalt7r*
k•Autor for,lee4.
'Nu I-rdw ttl'olet.t W555'ro kIth *:*55re.'s Wik AI a • daot•"1 siettoseaper,
e4ert,l4otel'ittali;i4:'574 11 t'ttel.'r',1111ti
1 elrfgel ,uelal: re; '1,1 'Vet t."4117N. ger: at.4.1:41::ar'e 43 re -
Math lifiv•Ic•Fire•Li to Ilk -le IA' inatt eia leaned 511 1135..W.,4 555 5'u '5.11 I1dear
jewteatea It leretteeeele, • Laeteedo eie ;eta inereation. wielea Ioft lilies -
anti ntearnit • ,'•5:.•••••5 5a.!.ne.eara 11 for eat-. &nee, Nene,
Cholera has -broken oat at Mecca.
The theatre at Pretoriais to re- •
open cm the 25th inst.
'Saxe at Sons, clothing metnufae-
turers, of alordreal,. have .assigned.
The dlepute between G.erreany. and
Venezeele, is nearing an amicable set- .
Ste Charles and Lady Tupper- leave
for England cm April 5th by the Allan
ilner Tunisian.
The shirt wcian by Charles 11. on the
scaffold was sold at atietion in Lon-
don for 200 guineas.
The. Earl of' Minto and daughter
leave for England by the Allan litter
Parisian on June 71.1i.
Negotiations for the sale of the
Canada Atlantic Railway are, it is •
understood, about concluded.
The U. S. Senate Committee on the
isthmian. Canal has decided to recom.
mend the Nicaraguan routed.
The sealers' strike at St. Salle's,
Nod. is ended, and the sealing steam-
ers have sailed for the ice floes.
The Gevernment will not interfere '
with the sentence or Dr. Harbottle,
of Burford, for shooting Mr. Stewart,
Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier sail
tfron. inNe7 York on the Etruria on
,Juno 14th to attend the corona-
ioeix deaths occurred on the trans-
port Sheridan, which arrived at San-
Orarteiseo last night with troops
from Manila.
A loaded cannon shell got into the
cupola of Mr. John Reynolds' foun-
dry at Itheeston, and exploded,
wrcokIng thec'building.
tautes used to do so. To-el:gilt, too,
Queen. Inctoria's daugliters and
tian, Lualzsr,. athl lioeiry of Ba 1en-
berg, and the Dueheesee of Argyll,
Saxe -Coburg auel oetha, Annine, ale!
Connaught gave prcartienee to the
l'rineeulei Prille,5':.*Zi ef Wake, the
Duchess- Of Pile, anti Princesses Vie -
Vera neel eliarhe of meauark,
now. as the re.gning monarch's vain-
tiren, are of iteileor rnuk tine titlito
the neremost poeitani tater the le Ma-
presentetitnis commentted
eleortly niter ten o'cloek. mai teeleil
it few nenutes 'befora midnight. In
Wiley tora"re
Teat! cement 51V5.0. a cream eatin
drone velel with erPint lat,AU,:07.10:6
ele oi,e. 5115,rOulv r.,11 5.t15 from.3.485.
tettlOtellt:,1 with them --n-no ana pen -
0 a to 1 Ls oleo 11 to nee:, o overeaten
'55 W55.1.1 anntNen.
• Saran '..ttais itlevoners beteg; taIrDFIL Jutit u 535LltSin f r S en „new wagon
tteo5 Otter, toe tea- to lee stet t onlea,
tinehultattaten. allerele '"-rnen`n-`' `11' "e
ratatialeelnle eateete Lid tat/ lerotleers „ -oc"- W. nee; /eh. 513; 5:055,1"54 for
teeell otaar antra; e us ileeeee • nho Denliiineies711 Allitane• lave ifoeveteede
of 'SC yeera•aime ten liana tisiletannre- v tl a 1191ii-'; 05! &u, 7-• tot2ding torth
innIh lotto, to,but tt.utt ainantolea if wen teen hilla
en ItaataInatee. enieleett Osten tete leis !: • n
• a attloaeal.
rt enteenee eiene neer. 5U5:ilt 15'a st roe te OUP POSt, (14.
Znk, • alere wee Fel nee' naaert le :5s- .4 etea's en ..-1?5. 120 rc-- grmie. ' Ifiea nealtileg Neueve 19,enu eel. N. Y.*
• _ t5u.t11,5 131-.5 Ilikt
era.. , anent ta LEW lecatenent abet the aleanottler //rant 104s. the femay „ 10-04.•one Y'Wi•777 1 V.qc. 04,s Y14 two llviett
tativa, Sem.sto a
visit or tin; '11 L!1 ereiete litaue le ealtagerey, aeo,ade, nava, - arel tiee serisaae ilejtrey of a third
Ottawa ItiAJt. -Tauc; nc•ws t he eauea„e tea :aeo„ naaree
555 Z sects gold eo C.13111fOrtai:C., WAS g tr' Were 11CM7 ilatrOW
•Loat,2 on alte. "W. itteas 1.4.4-411ete ants wff „„.,n 44 111"er he/03 °I' r'g'itC11' 1-a'aal"
-td with great sorrow 551 nittetea - •'ee 'Ye eenat("f who now lives tete Want as tar as alfro Brartow. kr .15 ,yeare
ionasninet 1•5114 'el tasane but l'ont/eln:'n'ilr ".41'--------- -1°777.°"8415HI12-'5'el ' S'5a Praia Ise* la or ham. 151-155ba r le" tee Celeeloa her, foi
+ fr7 la.7.1 113 V5t5-5eii.w ti 11:403.1111•A WED11.11, D,ut coutA may t • !via ;Lay q-Yntligh.i.,. 551q.11111.E.r of tee 'e7eneraska State
late -Jag:nine-teepee. anr tete leas i,, altar 01: 34,1ira eekEg' where he was told that he lead Seattle and nieitirea Jag' a, Land,
sees On Ottaes:5 fees te• tee-e'ver 6,-a°,11 01 lir' .511; svc• dt'eln;e711 1.'0 ' stetted acroaa the plaana tee:ea- Sea. 1st:Ie.:al Coloraolo Swings*
ISI-Leirett. ate/ land a net -eta; it ee inneasiainnoil th it rineg ineneine velinel oat by 110.1.11aMiS 555 Col.
I 5515 *55.. anna,""nt fren tl the fanyese alonanatia Alen:dour Brae- salaam Teloace. •411.0 tift•wilat,
veZta Plieraier Rem tire igeilletitif r31144 110"".4.7 W111.1 not,a"cood tail" eeere of Meraitinie Lewis •who bee been ingreelie; a:tar:edition
A no I
L 1 N II u I la r.44 l'i l'trim:.'7,Itz.i"!LItlf; ;tl'irtrikl;,,,,,r(2*:nlgT111 g,u,r:!,r, :1:!;:i'l;'::,!: .i:I'V:t '.1-4: g;.t:,1v:.;!,,,t,i;I:1(.;
I' 1., i, ; on- / a us a e tr 0 0
1 Tit, u8;...,:az,4- 2I-iPars 'f1hn-4V"isen 1.14' Ile falainy 15/ ranntle. .5.555 -1 yoieg-
re.teis tas led 1'.!1 ti .' ... 1.1...,..1r!.....:". 1155,79.11/7- 1 -....--
gd7`-'VkIn.....1 lls*'1!'ll9l
a.nt Fner•(:h Ul'e I 5.5'inrcetlit-e. Plana alien in turn lend 1 fri,4,11,2:e, 11.01?c-r,11 al.1., kunii,n_ inaelfilrlit:litilito°
ine, treACA wale loi atensee r. Iota to tilos 'I . . -, - ZlittAN"0.'Ing !It' 01 Ita" Kali; le'le 111j11 arosaell tie?' pantos to lin 1 Lewis. a • • - e• ' n i ef the fort. The Pro-
, o a or,/ was re, . Le ol of AL_ a in la limit,' aav, a In .1o. ilyy, s, glit a eared
/ars th 5t Lari teatlarna51. Lot 1 La. •rant was unainie to traee his rain- lam „leafing. le idea:eat for seeerai
tenant ira w•i=4'n--nne.o'd tor a /Ile which. bed inteeed WEW ..13." front eaeattaa 7a ill be telia 2 ILO Ileonnin
I Csalenea bee. tine
through the war. Lei t,er forentle•
Ileaoree cent!. (ranee: lanai Veorge,
Wt. tee anearela -7:'otcr 117•neter t• u.73 531
it IS Simiar to That of
Ircinund wine, cease. Lea. only to ail eek
*Each le ellstinetly teleerse to the17 - X 316.7C -1.11. -IS 1111; 21.C1.'"IL4 11'0 In: •Y• der until tookey. wheel Lievisaitarat ee -
etteees o: tee tattl.aet, wineeet -a- 8
tetaret.-I as &spite:ring petite- spite , linT,, ..M.,.a.r..neNalel."-:,1"-dee_.-9otetaz.;7'7'..7! .'-'n.-3•Ig,n.riinennli•
B ...11 .ser-12,47.7,77.-Irs. I v
sted sla - .54 Dee sa a...e.--,a-en is saget • e`a, n."' -*en ae n edn'un: ,
te;141....:7,41,3.4;;!Fitellee' if 11.49;ilti-4,1, kithet:24:ety"avt: I -1-2"r':•:,". _I'li'l _ u`e.ei'' V'''''i'e 1.2,-PrecLI•I'tin MOTORS PLACED 'FORE AND AFT. tbo,,wtrj::1•17.,1,_,',..,h,',557sV..9-0,stirlit, Itinr_ 4 l'iu•aYo la-nreittteltr i:.,fen"fraYz•YTI:,riiten.e,s(leliTie.1 te•cen'-itslidPr7_••;ll'ceenrenNalle.7ein6eriaewitialto
VL.d at f7.1 f.Y.t Zs ..7.i;critaiu., airs oaten/1502,
lilleL't .*:).:' t'':i.r1 lliseer•I:=1 )5-,.55 1'-. , fatten:an, bed roet weta a nelehagn '', Lonaon, Metal; 17. -at a zatetnetg-, ta.nt (Feeney oil daeoyeaty end setil- 1 the 'use of 14111nY 113411- ill the eirt.; 1 c't, ritgaTatt %Ile utzle°Uste; it 1Linaillaseat
, .„ eloe aixter lAere1,11/2 al, ara. tt, tae ;')
tile ta., eleken errelve i at was 's 5--.8- .„ ea. .,,i.,zzaisee ;a1.,1,7,1, o.,:. I asmne for n, oe ..,o . et n. _ t.,. _ s. .....1
..., florae ret nee In search &ono? et 'aunt ; vf-rt'ir'eluPat that he Is really
1.5- tale t I• .I.- .,;1'-';,;31,-- 'I ::"'";' ; (-61,07.trra'FILL st(41,,jer $,0 ,o, :', ,--- ,",, : ,i " A ° aa "t1 3- etY 13r. 6'4'`..- represeittailvee- have 'chosen to in- rOther- i lite Demo.eratie aborirf or ilatail-
eon descrit ed a, difignele baliaen - o t
tateasanels of Native:abets. who are
keenly aensitee of the venueorelel ad- 1
v Leges that teeteill lee tit -laved lrora I
eel/ a visit. Th.,e; must recognize,'
•1 deepaten to the Times fro=
that a ermite4.ber that tiatne had ad- seizes that eeeseia, yielding to
sett:teed nor leforra taloa or his f'am- • = •
Of the Itien. ateeiteete ia toe lannatie -1. I/jun..11r. inuiThealatoiy. , v
jeal, and threatens to shoot. any-
aiseeeeee,„ aten. eie.teae,n-s. Tatum 5tneoee yeeeenee ea.. tearer, ireirie.s, ittos, egiaGtneorr saanPePo:Iyaa:leoelti,as officien‘lanmnoerbeeerms,cellothteheffeectunsteluet
of 1 mlegee. neuegten,-enetuted t„,,t tinTleoof the li..‘elemilittedin Sheriff's partY
was ia'"1:ein,lia" (sr•nr-s,ani•cani'da teeeareang the ralssir.g Allan tater. , ee. „ • _ . 'of Inge.
*feet Ileyeee, anineeasly faiete aeit Tee en,. n -en is a steams:el; atremp, but tete motors ate peace° commons in eheeang the annoenee.„
CAUOI4T .4* -TER Hor CH'SE ton County., N. Y., defies tile Sue
01 ecereens weer/ the news or the Ilene the eta:aloe!. aiseedeeto to be Cffsee nat. he is '•'°'••Istrae•t•Ir-env ElieWar The Tem' es asetibes issae of ti I peeme. CourVe order, leas barriradial
Run Down at tire Falls. attempts to ispossess ham
yellers It is'also ro ha t•f) nrestt or Gen. Methuen's defeat an xiagata re. .11a_ob t Legalative tee -snail or 'NOM
fore and aft and it awe ro-
w;58 weenie ago tee t„: tlae exene eons awe eal.a.ea ea) teeesc,n_ ; a
Viglt pastpeme.1. inelre 17. () ecoeta hae passed the told itk:,):1,
naera. .; edee thetneeheeanztketo. rta. ateaBilAiez . . e . ,Y a Tae Unionist prese much grati- .
L Pr 1""zi'"t'u-m Int -g7,4 th-At sad' iniat mato o.ing ; e amine has succeeded in cap,- az b*'`eel COalPan,3,'s with att
r iteaae serve the eentre of gravit b
liaetae teloi reataa to beneve net
. • '; eamenareent Noel in, tient any ee•tte
- " - n' ell:cent veasel, being rent ne , e , c• =, 7,=..ost novel feature. is an arrange- al -al -war stateema:5 au Selr. Jelin I iitifie
a Iiirin'" 114E° 1CIIS "IPP°Sed IC' iSsu.ei of stock sita,11 fa -a oaered to the
4":"'.3 l'''' e"r*"*""`" trle- v.°7°Iri'''11.°3 fitax3 fralaiitt beats in the Alliart tom- remit or aeroplareee be' vellkil the . alorley, in a eeotieett at Munster last ;-,•. be one of a meg Of burglare who
alleet• :. ::i tannoa tieey neve deter -0 valves fl
•ura ban'eet ' common shareholders before beixeg
ine ean be clevatel or tioPreasa evetg, tleneemeed the. euteurst as '..'.'re wanted 154 Alliazone He received offered to the public.
I worn teat one lied b'"P I '1 t al t
tete, titey Steve ea inter: ton . ''' ' - 1 •et e natta.0,71.1. -
red It. tott teen ee of the
• a t t de. ananse feeiirtg
t_ toe la
Teete are threes sets Out these". an execrable breacb or rig
Levieg, toe aeter fe,c42. tbio owas Tho, ex,e,ers5„;:a.t., or vale tri ratioe or a venetian bane. an/
ienalZiag the reverse' of Gen. Initiale'.s and is weilleittrin.,,4, for 1.111, bordet.
whlt ''raTil °'''• frvst 13:18 ek rneeliine. brave trooper.= evielani tileclared , , , _ ot„ He lived lo five reigns.- Ile was born
araw, ale,. year, ono c se - ranged 151 rowa oe: font- like ante alak.1 ekeeellen 4111.1" "dePl°7he..il Sea n'oatliarieee La.'telPizettrocteet• oiTiotet,E6'13:1;40refitteli treLlaillin!ITtlietahcra.
aactleee 'reenee. 41‘5,7,7,y,..4$ 155 tile artdc ts." the see 11*- 225 eiaaaan presitleO at the woula ieevitaiefy preloreg the wee. - 1..14,net. raant,?1117;.....enel'et-kt...eten,•4114.an117,e! 7 e --"Td d'Dttle' stt t e„re0n17'eannyazeeehaa„ad
area/ Peens' leavie. • an etat, 4.4oseeetaante Shainn: a'n3-aal ine.eting. fel in the dienneeenn, air. Harley T. -careened' to cilainplart , Nyagort, aeieee • 5i 01.'.' b t ca.,
7.3V ativeattett 05177.1 the- 'Leine Rale. salt II!" hati • - '
The zeoe, •etere keeelv /.1,,(rthts the f
p.ed .on Bridge street. The stranger e sUeeeet.,••• t, a
immediately jamped out arid tried to
escape, his speed behere, gteatio at-
eeierat.ed by Revere' revolver ehots
Item afellattie, lie wae finally
taught lei I-Itttehinson's & Co's. tool
ena coetaateo zs stratiL.- er7 was stop- al-
'. iens
. e
teeter. tee Fre: men e ate/on:al tin leat tree en.es: re
levee oi ituiniu flight. lie s•tid the -S0.1110 of tise. best years of his loe to
vlanza2.4 N1511015.511iit.1 5 1. seeing : Tr., -.411 Afr:e r, end eal,e.1 at alias- problem ',could be solved by theuse that. cause, arid now thane -II he was
"Tit 'Illinu,:t-vriA •ve pat a.. wags cat grea, where ehe toek on a emelt cargo
of macbines heavier than air. Ile told It was dead and burren, he did
troili.sit‘lone?;7:e t>rAfrr°,(1),CPtts...0'"n ber oeego was son_ / orposed the ball:ion Hee, and con- not grudge a single day or boar
Id Id demned Dr. Burton's model as eon- given to it.
w-onda dinticuit for Me alaSeete gnea to ento Toronto merebanta and more lutiehinery than it
reject tree veto of 11.-4 rcrtf4.5-..tit;wn4; thr-re• was ale.e a elfetinewe or horses tathing
counl carry. Sir Hiram incident-
a.dvisere. but it ie 1.1,551 that he in- en itoarti for • Ft taggart. of Tot-
ally clenjed the report that he had
ittstcl tint the reelentsiltilty eloonel IA nir.m. Ont. The horees Were ir
be tbeire ant nen. lits. The :Ministers 7 'charge of afr..T. Taggart, who IS on
Could tot venture to allow the KinP board. Tlie Ifarenian waaore leer way
tor gee with lea: own eyes ard heat too St. doles to take on a oargo of
Withisbn even tetra ca barberous boy fAouth Afeen«
Meteor:a of the Ottetie eni the det•p : She is of 7,000 tonnage, and is torso
aaseatme co t of his people. Ills preet neo ret zeled by Capt. Brodie, a, Glasgow
here evoni.t ftive been ro eor.' etentn- , in oriect.
/seance lee the eottteionieis. There i Ilcr 'crew nutebers 45. Five o4.hers
*es irate/ilea danger that his vieit ere also on beard, m:ticing a passen-
might bave oonverted hint to 'Home gor lat lir 150 per -cowl -
The telautograpn, an Instrainent
which ttensrnits handwriting by tele-
phone, ha,s just been tried in the Care
trai telephone office of Paris. Ex-
periments were conducted eeer tbe
The Iteilao Cabinet erisis is Satig-, sheds. The fellow, who gave hie name Paris -Lyons wire, anti, except tot
factonly ended, the mine:aerie can- as Roderick McRae, was immediately slight tremor, doe to induction. were
orreted £20.000 prize to be com- ilidate for presiding offieer being locked up, and Chief atairts• went out perfectly atlecessful.
peted rot at the St. LoUitt eleated by raw out or 402 votes. 1.0 "St 'Catharine:7 broUght batk the •
Mrs., Nellie johnson. of Bath, while
tion. trild, however, that Ite was ther
ltoovtgoo A... smith, bamker,:or 9 ii, tend field the two, 1/elid-
e/teetered te offer a large prize for Mr. - • „ , mg tele aaevei or rrengaged .;ria the -6Bath recter,y, was
all 01rd:to WhithIVOIll'ti prove really FOrest, has been appothted chalk- Allian oieee ream
ston. . the victim of , petsuliat accident.,
ptetctieable. Such a, raatqaine Was Man of the Ontatio Board 'of Game.
'She Was going tart of the back deei
not in existence, and cotild not be COlifiniesioners, itt naccessiohta when she slipped on the threshold,
peoduced in. time rot the St. e LouiHe McCallum, nee= Was reaentlYa A 6-itteacle against the Sunda- en,tohing her ring On tha kilt of the
ExpOsitieri. He did eet think nitteh I appointed Superintendent of the opening 01 Stotes n Mentteal hss. look, aild so *retching the fulger.
would result from the coeteet there: Leatelon Asylum.
been boon. tbat it bad to be 411)1)11'u/tea,