HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-14, Page 6JHE SE A: Ocean Has its PhAptoMs ;I ,,,:,Tar Has Seen Them. k 'A 1 Advertiser,) 11 6d to ask. whether vv -e ImIld �.jn tile strallge red liglits, At 10- 0 a,m. the ordinary emonan wbo had thIs, morall,19 re PdTtcd the rlying Dutchman fell from the foretopm&st crOsstree, aald Was smashed to atoms. *4* 4� At Itho next pi-vt we cam -e to t 0 nlLral also was smittea dolv'112' Off the stern, r . OcL-bound cm-st. of "0' ""ag 11, 11 ut i4l, e 11�, of t�', s il P� sae:n� � tl-- 'a' �'l tine 1. gjlv�s�� 11 1. � 0 Ila 11 a e4vrance scudding in the ll ternh 6.1 11, wale to always, supposed betaken dikaster. NV. rockers Burn ot Wolliaso. Die Palatine was a Dutoll trading v"sek t1l't-T, Was wrecked on Bluek is- land in 1752. The wreckers, who by mea:nsr 01 false �eaccms along the 0jk,re, ba4 lured the ship to its doom, made short wIrk If tile vessel. They stripped th6 iship uif everything mov-j� a,ble and act fire to the hull to con- ceU the Lrabe.N uf their W011k, AN, 'the ,buia.t, liftea up by the tide, floated aivay down tile ebalinel a piercing scream was suddenly heard from the embill and a wanian clad in ivhite, bilt, wreathed Ltround in red flamLmi, wzvs seen b-tandina- in fruait of *the ulailimast. tshe ll.,13 been a passung- or on the soLp, and had hidden beluir to escape the wreelcera. She burned 'co demth in ,dght uif the people along tile Shure, and k6nee that tlyare the g1lo"it. of tile vz�iatllle, with tile fig - tire of a Nvowan in white standiug w frunt (;I the inaillMaSI, has been ..,een, hundreds of timQs by sailors eruLtAng in thu" N'raters. Tim, Dea-3. Shil) of Salk -lit is well lnlz�vn off the MassachilseLts slior-c. ,just :.,00 yvars agu tile ship was rea,ly to isail Lo Eiiglaud, wlien tivo nlykiterious pKililo, whom. none In tii4� vblagw liad vver hmell before, callIQ �- hurrie.111y aboard and secured pa"'iage. T.Iwy WOre a Young m;tn w'd wolan.1 vi' Hlran,,"e but fori)id- liz_g; bEauty. Tile blup was det.ala- (I tv lon�; fly advers,� mrinds that !.w town,jivo.4., bi,gun, tto ;suhgoeL uitv'nvmf� vul pro.lbesled glisa.,Aer. !'QL Me isailone�'.1-i-m-A at tlllir el v. -lad challged Ira tmz to �va, on Fri'Lly murning. 'to uord or lai�,ri of Uhai ship or Its loiilg fre-ght W.1-� evt-lr SLUM or 1.vtfl- I on Buz later that yv-,tr ilwondlig N­s!�els repurt- e"I I l.'j; in�-i. as. vrufl. With �.Uh aL!l1;I1.01,dqoUJ iqulr-� and ratallt I-- a5algl -,"Ah rvery te"All of kni., t! .,C A (,-rew to' "t t-hpil. 1711,411, le� �-ttjptl trnt on �,r;a a Lai, , l4dr. it Vk)UU"'1 Ill.% It u., I a WO,.ILU. I. C-4p.w0l, "r the lwwly :�wstkt ih t4o urtl-l'y ;,wre- all 1 4 t flow nra�i-groma K4 '(A t4v lil!r,ov �L I�IAC'etll- oicri..�t vrew taa. r.ab'd thkil sp-tll- 181d lorlin 4MI00.1Y 1 ii, nvV- r�latll t lori".- ssrx, Cape 11, , -or- a tlud Z,.nwk r:l, r it" t I a �yr .14 11 A oil riAa carAvo. I aiaom!4 ftt the hl�29111 4e t�� '.e vhfti�,o wal t6iof! bra%,� rilz�ist- tLIN! V, tho`7 Orotv "4, tft�, wert�%01IMi it. I lit, pirate 11-ilitnin eiovs:yfureill ir%eryone of thee'rew t(l walL t;lu plvvok. % a fli f 90a 11,41 *1)- Mevaitr htwpwit top At-aw"q th-fr ratio alit thilt of 2'er bravf�� tl�14-4),41411. 4. +'HARMFUL H01T Of 4' ANSWERING 8,4CK# 4" "Hig I t%D4,3nH ba 5%nr".S!yed �S.v V_-WtW.v ii,zr-at4 an2to-A,4 to bud M mennqtw r m1pht-4 fur tue uast t ­c -rd i; _� t1f. ar,:ma�nt. isl Uest rmI- f'ov. 1140 tz iint.diilo all ;n"Ong.,ba"gent e, �� attao best :4c, FW4q toP 9=,jM1 M� I U�0_9M. 119 hat d hw'PjoY 2�easftom. tLor x.an it Pvt-r b,,,(Zzj6 avwl� a orbe. It lq zn� o 2 viq lev vi-" A. an,4 V:In- 1'._L1;S -,VA-v eow_ pose 1" enin allways agave a 1,19imns"Ant- er &JB'd t�jaf- 6�,L)jjj,_�WhE�fq else. yet Dt as 4:lt S5,111yVA that any- one h -M, givl up tipe 14.1toft, o .4 a whO, rlrcrnl Q%td ins.Rute a uew Tl�*r& 1:4 lya� ot-0, .i.f I-V lt taRt:r­` r0saiit. atod that is to tem --Up" on ear-hah"I w,F'r+; vrtFsf- to the Surface. Tla, 0-A '41L, ti.-kes two to J[M,�jj� fa ar�"j %V:,jL'P _ '. . , N asa oggravaC,tlot an trtltlt-haz retl_�ikl fts; f-f4v_, �s lnov-An�ble. Vim tenry- U11101i to r'r-7p:AAMU an Tinjilst ri�- ris 4A It A -*9 un- LTL-atrA res�fl,_Z,I-J. lin wi4k-h both vf�rtics 1,10", tl.Oir tfzlwr. rv!zo WM �nwatdllr dettrwifin to IMICIILIZI PhsT ton --le, frain Ill- r,�,zrzqrk-, frow unklial ��vS- fr-nz '441ttr reiort. trora wila loe-gin a tevolsst�Oft 'm D,,� n��t waif ircor ooineone else to Ftz�rt tf�lle movement; have the Joy In yee"r own goal that you have Plan. ,04 the seeds of 'I'lappineKo ytjarFel. Do not be discoutegeil ig yetzr �Vnrts -ire not met halt way., Go ah tllp way. it need be; "seek "ie, -tee and parsue ft!"�—Plsfladelphial, swrroost� you heAfd hot�r poot j 9'fTk1-7 Was froi3thlArM!" rela-trkM "Frost-wiften?" sal.1 Oulltisan. he was Induced to back, Aft imoplalar tbentrical ohow.�, THEY CANNOT + F(FEWER DABIES.L LL ++ compuxms FOR 'AND MORE COMFORT UNDERSTAND, N + VIE CORONATIO, miss Anthony Talks Nrigorois SL 'I + +++: on Birth sad Xarrlapge Rates any People Still EnquitIng coming ooroilation feotivitles The about JosePb Urown's Case. are being eagerly looked forward to Mies Sustin 1.3,. Anthony odoeli not by -women of all ages who ineve take tile popular view of tile census In what to knowri as the "sm-artlL report&. Ajost people express disap- 0o(ld"s, Kidney Pills tire Acliuow- I (1w a ISSUE NO. 11, 1900. P" c mer pointment when ibe oenous shows a "I I be' it Wonder Woricing is (..� t. it is antlelpatud tsuit, clsere is all right, if you are too fi, t q. gain In population Of less than 30 M-0ollie.111at.1LAxottly ()ttlet. Allpaclilqus will be a tremendona. Influx of per cent 011A every ten years a,nd tire res. Brought jo 1,ight, ans and "diNtln weallJty Assimle, guish- and all'wrong, if. too thin already. jubilant when the percentage ex-. ceedsl thaU' They do not stop to In- Oshawa, Ont., r, eb� 24._(Speolaj,)- ed foreigners," and. members of our Fat enough for your habit, is One OXect of the publication.far and aristocracy Wllo are blessed quire Into the character of the In-: with - IlVidO t1111011911 the press uf tile miracu- creased number, but regard any ad, o snari-i�igeablo daughtors, regard the healthy; a little more, or less, is ditionog ae eydence of progress. To cw3 curd , Of a case of 11aralkslis hure furthcoming "wemoily in th.) light Aliss Anthony tha popula tion growth Osftomwa� 'lime been to bring to tile of a ILuge marrin,ge fair in which, no great harm. Too fat, consult to deplorable, It means, in her opin- hurface a gVeat, maAy similarly won- owing to the multitude of buyers, Ion, the breaking down of wives with dGMAI . and Well authenticated cures ilLey hopo to, obtain high prices for a doctor; too thin,. persistently tile care Rf an excessive number of by the same rempgy-Doild's Kidney their wares. , children, to whom they -are unable to Pills. I ' In consecitienoe ' every possible thin., no Matter what cause, take give the necessary attention. She Zir. Brown, wjioslt� case has caused means to eillianoe 'their own and Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver rejollcee over tile evidence of a de- all tile sensatfoa, issa, modest, unas- their daughters' beauty is being crease of marriages In proportion to Mining meahanic, -tj�iployed in the employed by the Tomale sclon�_ If oil. population, but denla.,�� that it Is Oshawa Malleable Irda Works, Since .Our old nobility." A walk through mainly due to the rcifueal of younO tile Publication of th3 facts Of Ills the 'west end thoroughfares or a. There are many causes of get. men to burden themselves - with ease and its cure lie has 1,)nen over- glance tit the advertiisoment columns ting too thin; they all come' wives and childreu. The reason for whelmed WI; -h lottert� 6f In(IL'Iry from of tile society Journals will reveal the fewer marria.-og which she of�� all over the country, and to each of that il� large number of professional Linder these two heads: over- fers is the Increaded. in*felligence of thest, he ans,%vers simply be uty doctors haye, come over from women, who prefer to live in some Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills oure4l me the United Statej and Franou. for work and under -digestion. amisure for themselves instead of after UIt the doctors and hospf,t.al tile purpose of 4-oplenishing their Ivearinz out their live& In the rear- specialists had given me up. I couldi�'t purses by adding to, or pretending Stop over -work, if you can; Ing of oblItIren. "W -hat this world walk and had to be fed like w baby to add to, exttJng charms or by neZ,ds," exclaims the veteran spin- for four months, but the pills 60011, restoring those that are faded and but, whether you can or not, ater, "is fewer children, and those fixed me up and I have been all gone, Pcike Scott's Emulsion ofCod better taken care of and better born right ever since." These practitioners call unly be -- and 'bred." While It tR astonlshinaA He has ji-iso been in receipt of not eblisulted by very wealthy women, Liver Oil to balance yourself how many neglected children escape a few letter& from others who too the mealieet or them would scorn J1 tile rate which seems inevitable, no, have round Dodd's Kidney Pills a ;�feo of less than five guilleas for with your work. You can't live one enn look oil tile army of little life-SaVing remedy when all else had advice and treatment. Six months' ones who are born to squalor and failed. �reatment usually costs 9500. Van- on it -true -but, by it, you are, denled the W $everal of these, encouraged by /�, impleNt care without Ity Is always ready to pay a large being Imprevsed by the ioundness of Mr. Brown's example, have written lifee� can. There's a limit, however; 111as Anthony's orinion, Recent stat- to the papers reporting their cases, They occupy, as a rulc-, flats In you'll pay for it. and all tire very ei4tbuAastio in thrUr' risto ratio streets -in Bel ravia, nd latles prove whal, common observa- a a g, tion euggests-tbat It Is among the praises of the, medicine. W4yfaEr­wbIoh 'are furnji�awd tiump- Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Well-to-do, native Americans that the But our e-VIdanation of all these tuouts.ly and fitted up with, curious rate of child -birth;; has declined enor- cases I'Las been Offered, and It ee!=s and expanBive electric nvachint3's. Oil is the readiest care for inquely, while the nalural Increase or to make them eai�il-.- understandr.ble- These people-mD . stly iniportLr;- CC the Popillation 14 cbl,,fly among the The Kidney's ary 3�ature's blooO fil- boast tliat, Nvilh tile scientifio. ineth� can't eat," unless it comes of improvident and shiftless, �vhci ters. If the Kidneys are healthy all Ods at 1 r ' 0 _h(.I c.cmilland, thoy can make bring children Into tli(, world with- diseases will be extracted and ex- a, y OM n 0 your doing no work --you can t n w a f 55, or even older. out 'ibe least sense of responsibility, pelled, Dodd,s Kidney Plils cur2 the appear w4 young a-nd good looking long be well and strong, without Kidneys and for either prcs:ent or fuLare. t.111 cnablO 11i'M to as tile average well-preservcd wo- throw 'off sickness and to protect man of 30, provi.ling lhey -ubmit some sort ofactivity. Minard's Ulaisnont Cures Dandruff. the body from any and every assault themselves to ilicir trcatiwnit for The genuine has or disease. -.I\ mon.h.s. or so. this picture on It, At present it I-, no exaggeratioil TO lizek-so Velvet 1�inloo state that tlii%ir rooliv:, are e no other. Side-1.41glits till ljfe. have not serap of velvet over the first finger I Lots of people pursue a literary , A milliner's trick Is to fastn a crowded with peeresses and thAr send for j to If career, but few suveep,l Ill catching, 0-ingliters, who nrol, pnving vrorilsous t r 10 C111 of tile left han 1, nap up. whilo how- free sal�nple, its a - ming or otherwise at work on 'Elio up with It, blackniall an.;I are sub6ttl-,19 011-P.Ir- greaable taste will X ; Ailly to opernVow; irb!cli roinlrid ono oiap, y a snan who elalma to lia wed , wr , sitle, of vplvet. The two nips all or �pp, tortures of th;- '.i',panh;b In- 6ur are then togftber, an.1 there is no ded to Ills art cau'L prova it. Sic& N E danger of oriatting or dampolillng, or In trying to Mil titne, wome Chemists, Boiling -lie islost delleate shades. uncertain years u-, a WE of powder. Good IrouevIkeg-phig. It Wilt tile 1-1.10 hors-, that travel$,$ Mlssardls Lisilmort re'.1oves Nell- Toronto. the furthest In a tl.-,Iy. Ulaard's L;nlin Humility INAIN nk eps-�.­r�ly a virtue. 50o. and $1.00; all druagglets. -.lit cures Burns, etc. Tju� low, ly oulon OuIll be Just as I 0B1%%:tV ATI ON i. rank If It grew oil trop. The stern re%lWee of Me are unt half as devastattag tot tliv doint-stia ..I OM -r you my lovo," Frala t1w Monkey Brand knitl brightens Pxclieciner w; tile frivolitio,% CA,rz roi, im.m. ii­vrvit, tat jwm_ inati. wth 1,lttl�rnl­s. "alul overytIlil1g, but wj)jj1-. 4.1altes. It Is at. Itlo-ssl-41 thing that a I,q.l -, prr- . olb. 11-mter ullere #! sq. ��mfl 04"�orip�- .t t on 61fer nip your r onasial) antil "05f1r, *V�tlllltoi All". U4. tial ming"'o' IMP -'1101 l',144 jTi- ('11M] $f0ft 04tIr P'J411 fti- Slld- I'At In I. w and lsi%oi� t4�o,xl WW)os.- NO. Vtw�'atflla. there Lu iy, otj why, loss.p.;E. j;!10 &-r-allk 411 l, 0. 4 vall bo na rilit-h. rolrlproeltv as that PULLED RIS PkrRON'S LEG tohvlous truth 1.) 11t,tweell ur, two*. a. zovan wants to w1ki zz I wi-Imall't" 11-0. U&II.1, nAl thb, young Iro- "%:osclj to tile (jorror ot tho L)2,tA ho nintt hiw fIrm. Kill- will n, �'ln.tjk I lihn Is. 1XVI 'XIA, f 5 TIATW UATIN0. gilt. caldly. *110t. alm-satioll Or the 51elltber Vaille Oir. eall a *ute%: but till in itter, wltMng. fr. lt�` ls,auty Ila,; aiways stwi-rf,L)v aduilred lc,71.11. Wew Yor'.1'r.Ume.) I wl I w, i the. beaht. 10!� t tmew %VO4-otils- to% Stsvw*hiise :kftpr storns, Is Jolla 140411, of 1-uttellb.rg, X. J., Thicre I% rotllag more erlixforting Iluilditit�. ljt,4viro. ejil� tho� rellef when .in ol)NUIl.,tte, pi.tilLiss 1,41t; L WOOdell fk'g. 1111L the artiflelal. thall to feel wheil tile wLitil. hlows� l'o"11:11 Ion.; bpell t1rivk-n away bl.r rQe4AVC1,4 1,!Nz as good treatruent frost) Elio PtL4t tl,at thrre Is Tualivy, DR. WHIM'S ELECTRIC C0.116 lows 1"Ing 11.0s.1111. No 910111M Its It. S Iti? mab). Vi It 11MUOT of faet. In the jolinul iami coal lit the Mn. 1314-lil rather prqferi the %voolen leg Tlw guisal t M et TdIVI A WE- to tho otlsvr. rior. as lie m-jy,,w, #I npd all se,,kip tle 140:11t, With VOU Vll-; day. Ar,%Ta at., 0anoXITv or Tovn..mh Sure CureGHM, od out the wojl3vu Oak,. suy�elf ana It's L�, -,.,o,.4 C01 �N 3 1. 11-doove-'. a PPA -61.1" R,411 A"tay. ts. ell. * voi4e*141"'. Fl.nmc J. ('11mry tw*v�. (mill that loolApp!j. tivvt�4,:,- 1"ellci Front -wqntl�t View. all Q.0111ent muliller tit cuel- %,#*hjte# .,; 14"rills n-cmd"ll li,g -that Its WIzat IS thl-4 %011td? A drPam I . t uq, t,1 1,4�lr4jo. Cez.6tv Aaevv't/. i3,�% jqlin 110.i. Nlwarra,L whOdu a drvaui-aq WV gr0ir 01d� r Owllo,r 14 M10 441 WPM' Mililo ivarq.0 th, , ft - �, , . . - Y 'Is aagol Ural UjIl 1"ki, llit,l) ("on -;t qat ntly When the %uin of 0.1U, 11UNI111*310 WILL,% 1:� 140" m -ch tilclio iQ 4#4 awak"Isaig This rueb MAI etl^' e2l!-V of CATAIallil lbat ran. .% 0� u'r"In C1111,1"i 140 Milk of 13U -i, �a 21koilsOrt, ut Union " % Of IIALI A *0 1*- _JtEta t%W, I k.f 4h a.. JIL I tj 111TS.6 � v I upt br, eumd by the *1 4 t. V.,vemalal 1;twa- - N. J., Zk+l-tv all I Rrke-d fOr CeM. FnAxx J. cltiumry. fflan, de-IfteaMll 5 lwfitrr No- alid vall;pIAP11 Ilo as vas'.onstry— fIL d%i.,f IforoonAr.r. N*1%VM' tho, wrd taoma tivol,,Q on innolhao, Its a I N50 UIDW-Mal Rtibnt hl:i lapfit aranoo. It V11"t"We-thIr, %V � wl-at followk; f, I . 41tvard The grave tho last,' ' Noar,1- Publip,. SuPhirm lon 1 F. tv w %Ria b % ;9 r ft is th" lact and final that 131�Qll N of a re. lu.')t, Inifflor. Sal'..] '11*5- jt ­o kiwakenta.g-Slir Walter Stott. ho t4, the 014--ftig Clerk: lie af�e"a 1O)r q'l0Uj",rm TreVA"te. it -WMIJ)" a pmr 01 but -ton sloo-O." k.J. ('11yWry & ge nd WlXe thO Clerk Nvwg gttflaj down 1% Qo b,.� relnrd�- I partil It horse of the Ifla'age t1lo gw"q 101401 ant.wient"I bf, 1 73e� 19914 WOOd' Doll", kimily 111A wv Zia,, tjr��*, 8%%k%gro �%-r "n, n Mth NIVAI:rys vri 11-g and prepnrea lolaoself for the 'Dt _ SAV, Wqvry jt,-qL tfwat wns to fol,,ow. T11P iTL1�rk goad #ciwv� QlPfloulty ion attthog, -off' thel fit �ltho word�otit shoo --kory r_- ,vlDy torn u limb, and bleod vobqerveA It, rowark� eL6;�.V, Oro t, I purcl a horse ht by a 0, linds fe W5,N-E2 To;A.. witio MM10%WS Ll%.'I-:; Ing. 4! Ln. m,. lu�, I, Lit,- �,,vqiv "A Xto" b*ft4;yt-r bark. why glon't At 11 V.19 �,m n_Adfta il nur L -um Eioxt --%m 4�%P, UP Taft F.Dw.1p.0 LINsmEr. 11 ­RquAlor movk�q. dolult it?" rald that Ne. F $t ia Xt_-V�,,wft Stalman"A' at St. ltoelur.eq. V. U. 11) 40rk, 114,awifldv. With that he loiot W!tenio. Do ftqm W�1�ncn cit EW5 thil. osfnio ns"It ho tar- WA:,%. 1�.)atltq b&ek 6; plt�,;L V r.1 Ve AtNt a-MMY lsho,. fo:)t. 1�jg mid all. an(l %vath it BAM&011 0'a his lKek 911to tho bargaill, 061th vlhUfA, imo Z�tqod 15 to 3:1 Ck- -,v tot suo, rmt- Tj T4�ls T11ton 1�8 W. PAY,= WkPID th" UXA 601or &A up atol It, Z> 0. t�3i va. Wikos& , , I (Xt6mb 91W #11int 110 01"I'l dole he wag over- 11 1 wholmvil with laorror. 6; P**W4* h gvgv�,oi'n q; - g - sp d AM- =_V� the New 111allosophy. 412,1% rinli-M _#n to do A." a vk" 9 %+jo !9r- blehl lrav purplom Ito Are yon 6:0 is wlug ", thn blee, VOill.- a ftfgfro, parter W140 V=� _�jt Vdipt: the rob:11�4 rptuen. Ive luope I had sl-Lrolod by �,tarte4 oil the ran for VL�% -,,tag X�W 11�11rls_111.11� pou'911 bl� as lvf4l goleasea. ambtlftmo. .1Lv soon as Dipill t �,eftld spart, 13me from the holding But %ve taillov �Owp Of 131df,.z. a-_ refflarked to the John A. SAUM StED W.- Ukol, t1he- N­atttstot�m-' tis the &,sert, whets Ir-ar", e:gpected. ,Ilu *08ftg frftc�r. but' 'VowalIttebeenrefifti how �youstart NfA-0111(11'#��k% trA*a_- to 11t a saiga- to pull try leiree, "fircm. thouFand mlies 121111SC a-LM,LteJ WaEr k0al teagoit- d %lize off the pto%s at tile long end of g4t �v,� ;alcoo at a rat# that .f - m lif'16 ijore U. Ag Wan t . f-Fti!�q1t u1ninittaterl, MIght ImIgite. gut t6 9 Tsiotr&y ift Canada to sell wnto�. fig 140w rbiag tiiward vie lkoii� I Zn1r,&s Vlvmcilt (dr "16 lettry. 5dift Afid *-vervtoam Tom in C'suada. Ilade to ineasarle. VGod ko".wis- pla tp� aLrd *Ht' soan be� oil hat'l to VVItete. !oh. Fet, pavjfnlat�-- cjk&wx TmfuOut-vo -kouvtito. g�btawift Oat A Ara-AAng-'�) sinat d(clarell that LAI` E the NE-W 113 G Q S 2 , 50k leata to �Ptld ejrf-eclly natu the I!S;!§ft &*Ct td dig I flp-j In jXpjj-)1-;t of his pahi. n* ffie Itt'-tt'ved Bftwcr. opinUn h,�� P1:1t-s h:s with hA61 Appl#_v Poratty, Dsjtvata cream&* ntaa &* ezz-.fs Vunt tile&:f young- r.-4 w1oo'--e 4m, Ivill bov owtightor Fell 11ing, as w1commission. he' had an eng-aglssg JORN J. PkK o±19fnQ1ftY,* b�zz- why Uras �o -tinlable f�c-�& Aft and eveH-tvWp'red tlmt haseldow 0 Frofit s.reat *ast� Tatfttd. on,- tollid heart to rebIll, Iler. 01le day khe appeared befoea 111in anted Aueel�o Ittroent. tvidt 0, neltly wkittea lettet fat a Lady, Age n ts, W- ';c0theta tOrresfoondelot. Re hastily ling quit giving brlftl la�-ked It over. -Tv ev6tr *DItgd, and town in 10tfthea I to SeU Ptesents. S,e hr.te,,­ Ile sqjd, ­jotevs spelled Ltkdj,?s3 jAekete SnIj, and �q Vthel-Hovv queer ! What Is het sugar Idirt'v, mpli tan- teasson, 9 Cored and =Ade to measure� Good eonimis- 'I The youn_- vv,jilan looked 4Lt It tc slooft. For If, she says when -4 vlr,�& Yhoment _%"gj tbLen hek taco Vrto". CIO,, lvisrol_;to. fnvitatfin ec�snes she feolq Ila- ;1 bri-Tatii-A A. _v V , - 11 - tej e : �iw 11' phe takes sGme wn-ray aid I ­!�) thave. flow careless of m6y bayv hetself a new bok—Stiv Fkan- 1 don't see, how I casn_� lip leave, otit elsboo, Chronicle. the Ils., 11�—Yozlth*s Companion. 1P 'One wotnaft With Sunlight toap- will do RIMUCES better work than two will with impute soap. r1XV,9"t Ask tot ffi6 Octagon jgAr. a t td I" It to LE 1POMERS nno Pl? 71 Wn a LMTXV t6ronto, rieftaing Woo tLitie afta address, afLa �it Iftw 9;�14 Of SUnUglit gdsoP !VM fill IS61it YCIL fr9e0f �C63t $44 $44 f".9 11�'nj IEI,�- T -W) ar�af lu�an* w1wr ( a�;j Lftc-. Vxeufl- evv.,�v d,,Iy flunmg 1�1_aren and Apr*at 1-1416" 1O.W111c cow 11100� freml T*3Q1,q In Fteb ffvm qLce�oog.% RAVV. VOIC StX.% IT�11 IIMAT! ! LEI!�S Prieeleli;4 lleoft­ j�UNU -f.-TL-!Q for tha 4TA f -t'0.* human eftdeaw.r� wa�li fau, lnue.v voeanfv�wa -. 2�spageq; LI)t'juil i'l 0.%!rl ; Senn :?3 00ht-4 fat* a topy. anil d 1 lNibii jlt6 bto!k is uot V,6!? h file m4ac-Y. S�-rddl It ruaek tml Srour W10- 1;ne 6z C�nnv.,��m m WaIVITl Drigg; JUL Vtp2l i!,g� ar.d weldl OZ ha&.Vn��y rPa`lzi1�U,-,, g3,04 9(;�4-Etee n--0 Lmk Ittlov; 1,19b -'iUe to r4ap it &,nr rnv. Vat-; T_I;i�t be sonn& aud Itught cvrvy way, wsil rAv Gloral mwe tot, u4r,h ,I 1,,a -.z-j�jy gzc-6 ItUl dCz�MVI-cn Q%4 pz:f,,P. 15. F Av.sus�o V43 W.4NTI-ID-G(�0D In ul.:M EleeltrIe P6114, Ivally and all brzg "a, Metals Wit or powder. it'�; the hou- cleass.,quick and handy; i elleVS, drug4?1st% nopion rpralmerehants; -,Vhol( Dominion Dri Rinnear & Co., Toroll, ,-amples send two cent Q1 Co.. 81'. Catharin&�, Oat., TO NIN) 11 ov, 'No Hoops" NO JOINTS, NO SEAMS, EDDY95 NO LEAK.S. IN . 'n I W n ... E fiND DURATED FlffliE ;H1, Wr6 *&ftlY saitpostlok. to- the otdin sty Woodess*&*6 &rticibs for domestie vae. TU'BS TRY THEM., ThW ifalo bj* sial ftrat'alitai de�alet#.