HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-14, Page 4TRE ZURICH • HERALD �NINC�, -$1.00 per w hen; the Whirred is given be eharged 'ran sant revier line ier.line for pall Advs. tolen will ,Yon and 25 ertion.. .went Iuust jsday night in follow. tiding type *Jhurch en- nt institu- ,oluinn and ied periods ddress all T A REMARKABLE .STORY. A D iseo' ery of an ,Almost Certain; Cure for for Rheumatism and Kindred isAmongst the greatest discoveries of the age for the relief of human suffering, perhaps none take so high a place as Dr. Clarice's Little Red Pills The formula from which these pills are made was the result of manyyears study and experiment. It is with the greatest confidence, therefore, that the pro- prietors place these pills on the market, and so satisfied are they that they will prove a blessing to suffering humanity,that they make the following offer:. To any one who is .a..subject of rheumatism (no matter how long standing) or any blood disease, asenuuxeratecl below and will give Di'. Clarke's wonder- ful Little Red Pills a fair and im- partial trial and do not find a per- fect dure,we will refund the money paid for the pills, If no substan- tial improvement is observed, we will, in addition, pay $10 in cash on satisfactory evidence being sup- plied us to this effect. We have yet to know of a single case . where these wonderful pills have not been almost entirely sue- - cessful in affecting a clue. CANA- DA CHEMIICAL CO.Peterborough, Ont. the der the !arin Use of Cover Crops and Fertilizers. Prof. I. P. Roberts, of Cornell University says :—Cover crops may in .a measure, take the place of s to . fertilizers and manures. They are 1,000. not, however, a universal panacea for all soil deficiencies, neither aro nuar y 1 they a full substitute in all cases 15,000,- for fertilizers. There is always a wide field for the profitable use of one or all of the concentrated coin- forms of fertilizers named, and in vta cigat- many eases there is also a special uake at place for the use of fertilizers, . therefore the more need of honest •illages, goods. Commercial fertilizers fur - were Wish available plant food, but no star- humus. The cover crop furnishes ° cheque for $5t1 from their home in St. were both, but it is only fair to sap that Thomas on'1Qew Year's Day, say:--" We the plant foods in the foruxer are foal confident that if people conic/ visit Be- more available than in the latter. the Sanatorium that has been in exist - we were , Cover crops improve the physical' once for years, and become impressed, as P 1 1 S we were by our visit, as to the eacellenea mosques, condition of the soil, lessening the and necessity of the Institution and the etylhouses cost of tillage. Physically, fertiliz- good work that is being done, they would ers benefit the soil little or none. feel it a most desirable opportunity and a The humus furnished by the cover rare joy to have a share in furnishing the ce ee, erops increases the availability of new Freo Hospital." the plant food thready in the boil : 'These letters nti ht be largely multi hasfertilizersdo not. Cover crops plied. They nil tell the one story of the +« �f , shade the land and conserve xnois_ practical and helpful character of the methods adopted. to assist the constitute from titre. five to health. The new hospital draws time It is impossible to accurately. very nearly to completion. Within a t too' compare the Bost of fertilizers with ! few weeks it will be safe to announce the cost of seeds for the cover ; that workmen are entirely oat of the -tcst 1 strops land the preparation of the building, se generously given. by two et at t sell for them. The cost of inerces- Toronto citizens. Furnishing and etieip- iltilh i; ing productivity lay extra tilingo, Ring is the immediate work. Whilst tin trustees feet grateful for the hearty re- n to' by the use of fertilizers, by cover spouses in many ways to their appeal ,, crops or by all three means, can yet a much larger sum must he secured in order to furnish andequip so that patients ran be at once stdmitted. Con- tributions, large or small, wilt help to WHY YOUR HELP. .. Clubbing rages.. Reasons Urged for Helping tiro nree flospttnl for Consumptives. le the letters being received by Sir Wm. 11. Meredith, Mr. W. J, Gage and other trustees of the National Sanitar- ium Association, containing contribu- tions for the furnishing of the new Free Hospital for Consumptives in Muskoka, some very forceful reasons are given why this work should bo completed with the least possible delay. The fact that so many are waiting for admittance to the free hospital—those whom death may overtake if too great, delay is •experienced—is .perhaps the most urgent of all reasons for opening the doors of the Free Consumption Hospi tal quickly. The splendid record of the work done in the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium—the many cures effected and the many helped to new life—is evidence that the Associa- tion is working along right lines. Dut of the letters : Mr. II. P. Dwight, in sending a contribution of $100, says :— "I have had special opportunities of knowing of the good that has been done by means of the Muskoka Sanatorium, and I feel that it is only right to state that it is hardly possible to conceive of any enterprise in the Dominion more worthy of support and encouragement." A prominent Toronto manufacturer, who stipulated that his name should not be used, and enclosing $u0, says :—" I wish you great success, and on behalf of the whole community, for whom you are so strenuously and practically working, 1 offer you sincere thanks." A citizen of ono of our northern towns, wlio has opportunity from time to time to study conditions in Gravenhurst, sends 550, and writes :—" Wo often speak of the good work in which you are engaged, and often while at Gravenhurstwe had an opportunity of seeing some of the benefits of the same, May God prosper you in your noble work is our sincere wish." Crossley and Hunter, the well- known evangelists, in sending their " only be determninetl in each case by prartle-1, the farmer interested. I give be.; not visit "Ion a, single illustration of what a, Ithis roti, and the ho u is that the 'rts• Least, but ; et tar crop contains, knowing that ®cense wilt be prompt. The sum et $50 ments to'Ianother cover crop under cititbr1wall 'furnish a bed. Contributions May t:ontlitinttK,tttight either be more el. l! be sent to Sir 1,Van. B. Meredith, Chief 'less valuable. Seeond ;;rowth ofl'3untiee, .1 Lacrilwrt Aieltyle,' otoltte; 1ilic'rie`atis li dower, furnisher) in roots and tops I Mr. W. J. Gage. 51•Front Sttect West, per acre thefollowing:—•Nitrogen, Toronto; or to the rational Trust Co., x adeno is ,13rs. 6 lbs ; lihospherie arid, t1:,ea Limited, Treasurer, 22 King Street Fanta ):lust ewf n' lbs; potash, I+13.90 lits. There /a 1 Ter'anta* milk lend removed by 25 bush. wheat and", - — e ; tweer l uceontpanying straw, Nitrogen, 43 n WONDE118 OF VIE HEART. lbs., pho�.pherle acid, 20 lbs. and ,i All the blood. in thea human body', "p't ' first,, let .sli, `:7 lbs. It is bi�lie'red that l rtes through tht►, heart ht ubotat ., the •; most nli the Introgen tagen til' by three minutes. The heart beats 701 to „legumes is secured from, the 'an= j tunes t niinu.tc, 4200 times tin helir, ! ur combined nitrogen ilia the aunts• I 1i3FD,Fe 1 t"itlies tt tisi;r, thriycvari;; nut i e )where. The clover did net add to � 2i tylinc )Olt bidadt d n. ce ud, Deet l either the store of ]diospheris Meld m. an, hour, : tort; a dozy. It ia, /IC �� or potash. The plant took them einiy when siipIII1eIl with pure, rich a ` frontthe soil and made them avail- l blood. that the heart, an organ 0 !inches long by 4 inches wide. eatt Al-, . Iiiv +['olixluiissietiner'. of actor/4415h d eb it is o: wn wasted Family - tisanes. Dr., Chats�e's' X+ert=e r� is Arthur P`r„1�Ot', of Salt�e,`s .3sal0irl, the inidyst eseecth�+'e treatment avail=t )las eentr'abuted to the Salt!... 111l.li. able for heart tti�"d~et ryes 1rer�i,tsFs 1 her off the 3. s -ti Pepper piano:, fobs iir;c" red ccylrl►tiacles iii t2nes �e1 .t n me aat nlla at fxhlertm^l. If lcch,, i,! biota rand gives tO it that life sus- "''" z it IS tee el he name of a° ant pnit' it "" ta.iniag gtiea . — which ise iheetss:Y; y eat , it is 5nfficieitt to say that it i to the health of over7 of g'tn. worthy of the �titho>+'s. sii�lendld, , tire '. reputation to dtniaonsttate f is suit • — -- ------ e _.__s aL itr eq,.• magazine alsoinciudtes 22' A fainter itt'New York is report. We have made arrangements to offer the folio_Tring low clubbing rates with True I iiw n : Daily Globe . . 4..00 Mail & Empire wleekly� rGlobe . 1.60 t„ Maxi. & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journel (German) 2,50 Fat.iily Herald 86 Star 1.75 Sherwin= Williams C. Greb, Sole ,agent for Zurich ..THE.. Commercial Hotel HENSALL, ONT. This popular hotel has been thoroughly renovated and refitted, up-to-date in and will be found every respect. Every attention traveling public, paid to the W. R. IIGDGINS` PROPRIETOR. J.C. STONEMYIAN Gadat e Optiian, HENSALL. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES Fitted on Scientific Principles. FULL STOCK OF Jewelry, Watche and Clock Special, attention paid to *11 kind* of Repairing. J, C. Stoneman, ItEly5ALL. ONT. Geo. TROTT Photographer, HENSALL tth, 4.40000 ►*0004ao***9*******0®.00$1000*. Ta... a QUEEN and THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. RemarkableOffer, T.: KING 4 4 l lore is the best offer ever made in this community, By a very excellent er- 1 .e rnent made with tlx Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal we are ' ga'l'e l to efi'er Tran ZURICH HERALD and that great Family Paper, the. 1 t y Ilcald and Weekly Star for one year for the small sum of 51.75 and in , n to to each subscriber three beautiful premium pictures of which the follow- 4 e br:of description. I:LNG EDWARD VII --True to life, a beautiful portrait, size 18 x ,+ ' true tc::. on beautiful heavy white satin finished paper for framing. This portrait t Ia a n taisen since Itis accession tp the throne, and is the very latent and best indelible, It cannot be had except through the FAMILY HERALD AND t.tcht.v S r..t:; each picture bears the Xing's autograph. This picture has the 'eat nterib of being the first taken after the King's accession, and has therefore .t 1i...torteal value that no other picture can possess. QUERN ALEXANDRA.—An exquisitely beautiful picture of the remark. Iv be tutiful and good Queen Alexandra, also taken since the King's accession rt tau t prone. It is the same size as that of the King, the two forming a hand. •orne pair of pictures that alone would sell for many times the subscription price it paper and pictures. • 'to portrait of the Hing and Consort taken at the second or succeeding sit - rine; can have one fraction of the value of the first. These go down to history. TIIF. DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE,—The Renowned Gainsborough Pie - Lure. Sold at auction sale in Loudon twenty-five years age for £10,500, stote:i by clever thieves, hidden for over twenty-four years and delivered to its owner on payment of s23,000 reward and since sold to Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan for 4 �7+,080, q .'his, in brief, is the history of one of the premium pictures, which, by a 4 -lever stroke of enterprise, the publishers of the Family Herald have secured for 1 their subsclribers. The picture is 22x2.3 in ten colours, and is reproduced line For dine, colour for colour with the original. Copies of the reproduction are now aot.1 in New York City, Montreal and Toronto for 512 each, and this is the Pieter` Family Herald subscribers are going to get absolutely free together wttn to picture, of the Xing and Queen. is that not big value? Call at Tan HERALD Office and sae sam .' of these beautiful pictures. You want TUE ZURICH HERALD for the local news, and you WI' great paper, the family Herald, for its 24 pages of general ns:w, t.. reading. Its agricultural pages alone are worth many times the -et, Price. I3r:ug or send your subscription to 1 4 4 1 1. t 4 THE HERALD OFF C:. c 44ef,04.44, 443r14..i?•404,4440040446440a0a6.t. 1 a Tlie Original Herb Compound �! GREAT BLOC 1 PCfIFIER Kidney and Liver Regulator. as r HERBS 200 Days Treat t for $L NATI NOTHING BUT THE t.A, FINEST WORK TCRNED OUT AT It1 ASONABLE l R S Y (�) ST KNOWN L P ux I EMEDY— PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE E ALON O 0. BLISS CO. ROSE JELLY 7ABL��,N r� REMEDY (.FOR j BALL_ SKINS DIS- EASES. IS— EASES. BURNS; R�`1I S; �SCAL11 S' , ETC. Pl . ;S. ww r i ifli ZUR/ON s` . 0County Groups tr pagt.g of eihter'ts.ii'hiiig isanisical ea a$ having owned a dog on which 5S1n i nies fft `� colts. tibf° l Uws morning Jut✓` found the dog had Vete Dienes for the piano -40 sori� � _ 11 t killed seven ewe sheep., and eats sale by all notvsdettlers The plib-!ibjtsY at tlfe throat of mother ht s fishers of this magazine have de-, very naturally he Shot the flog, eidod to reduce the price for all and then) sent a bill to the doth ty • ]x future numbers to 10 Gents, $1.60 emeanissioller of *60 for the eight per year. t is a good move. sheep his dog ]had: killed. Theyei doctors laugh hi*i at were iihGlhiit�d to augli at laird. , hut hdins es on the dod g, that, a* fib many Scheel Children are .tai fiat P t a report P y fa g, he hard a y E and.. ixe n ixie right to receive dames' , -pe... I>f'itbtt r as any ether maiy woald halve hate,. teat dol- .Aid their counsel advised) theta to lalesis in t Tote itntea tine l eilitilsited iii) *leepa it,-vlhich they did. So sills' ts wasnatal itlady n r„ t>taava -saki* lob& ; the report, but the law says that 3s asr#irl.stsgt13 Beneficial tom' the edXrrier of the dog, if known,, eliih l clitlare*, il Anil be liable for the damages e jut -, The severe and ever-increasing attain , done by if, and thus the Bounty srt the .' of egonetitiv a exanxlnations coming :at Word& have a, elaiixi against the • literatii;l<e land halftones. 21 rrom-+l hi" Paid• da Ids els req�liredi iiy' 1 , +. Cx+��r. i�i1i`i' -ALL ihl"ied a ", naeegoingevt y boyjphrr and o "i i owner that would offset his elairli. aPialclean; ea does much teeEards makhi rsental and physical is±eeks of s'ciraol All Easter offering entitled "Tice he children. un dowin in health, With Angers Answer, by Arthur the blood thin? and watery and the *er'- he TreveXytari, v�pens the March aiultx- I vous s stem 'eshallsfed children irarria " the 'We t state rcba T81 bunbd Birt& 'iol bet , Ottt. Farm, City, Village, Suburban, .. and Garden Pr'operty', Sold, Bought laid Eichang+ed. Money Loaned on Pitst and: Second Mortgages, Real Estate,: Notes and Other Securities. Ceti- no chance to escape the IilanY Ills that her of the J, W. Pepper Plano I7.t`atrtns,sHouse's end Business Prop- hese£ a f'ee'ble lyo't'Y 'There 3s iio treat. Music Ardgtt ine. It is of nYIIr tifs[2 , arty pentad and lents Collected', ' Lent 'known to science that so nature'- eXcellence, and is supplemented by upon Reasonable Teems. ected ly and thoroughly restores strength arida..nothert ',glow Can I Serve Thee Mone Invested for Private to Iihdi- vitality to the nervous system as Dr. Bestx Lord?"?y Evelyn Herbert. 'carie e nerve 1-,0.0,5. It makes par eat* *appy by bringing hack the color ; These two songs' afire Ilene worth 1 nit talc on Pirst Mortgage ou Real Pre- to the faces and the strength and t title& the price of this 2iiilnb�et". It j tate. elasticity to the bodies of 'their pale. .also ontaina 22 pages of the meet puny chVren. entertaining musical literature and 1, 1rs. I emptey. . !u�n% '(�i'... . !t'o'tes:—•'I4t3+ ))tale graisddaughtet, nl'ifiw htditones, *loch with, Ito 21- .6512i - is , years old, 'turas neze and Weak, she had vete pieces for the piano-1songs 11 instrumental .gives those who purohase it several times the worth of their money. 25 cents. For sale by all nevtidealers. The ptib- for'l - )fifty dents a. box, at n11 dealers set fishers of this magazine have de Edmanson, Bates &'Co.» Toronto. ere . dad to reduce the price for all ---- ItGEI+Yfi a. For a fine up to date Shirt, look futnre numbers to 10 cents, $1.00 ;at our north window. D. 'S. Faust. per year. It is n good move. i ZURICH, ONTARIO. �iiet^7 no appetite and seemed to be gradual- dw iy growing 'Weaker. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food proved in3aluable in her case, re- storing health and dolor and making nd her strong and well." LE:PH Nt 696. E. TELL lit* as1114T Do clors AG -eserfptfioxt cr-ma TABBIES i WANT D:-4et* ctbaa 5eal&Stat R.i1P'A.3itStat, *or beneft. Tete Tateisti pain dna pro;ov g life: Casa relief. Note tlae *on/ It•1 P A -N -S ell the padre it baa accept re 515stnete- InlI eN-S ro fag actin, shij- belsad at any •c7:ng sone. Tea satnpfes ied na•2 ials ,a tYstintoeige well toa$ed to any Aadresi ie Ave t!ilia iotiiare'aI to fht h25lrans 'Cientie51 Q`0., No, za *ow 5tre4t, Nen 'York, Get Your Printing from The Herald