HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-14, Page 3MUMMY. Nen) knew the but to love thee, . "Nox it named thee but to praise," ' It Is singular that some of the MoSt beautiful poetry ever written is exaetly applicable to MONSOON CEYLON 'PEA, or Longfellow. was not thinking. of MONSON TEA when be wrote those lines, but they describe this delicious beverage very accurately. • 44 4. 4. 4'4,44 -Pt+ 4-14,1•4/41-ll'.14-1-ft4+,14.2.4-++.14,14 444 4)44,4-11,41).1. 4. f tHHan: A Pretty Irish Romance. 4. et. ser 441.4-74.4-7.43-1•4-1.4"4-1-1-1.4,4444.41441. 4.4-ert. re get? fr)1,1•01,11; V..14.3 14 In vain for a eight of moon or stare, eel). as `good-bye,' Lord help me I 1,- fupeine for a moment that Nile Seee I wouldn't epeak to him if 1 saw him, a figure mune out of the shrubbery from the, dirccet:on of the white gate leading into the wood, and next moment deems it the mereet IltuSIon Ile wouldn't come back to save my Hie; he'd aever let pm see his we ,aguia. OIi, my- handsome lad 1 -my diandeeme, brave lael !" Of tho .witeing• trees In the mtuky , Bitter tears fill the sunken blue gloom. , eyes, and wet the furrowed cheeks, She drawe the curtains onoe morel, and he beats hie waiited hands on each other la an ecstasy of piteous despair. "Uncle Harry," 411111an eays, trem- rbling inure and, mere, whilet a mese- red flush burus 11.)tly In each pale cheek, "If I wrote to 0 eurge Areher and waked lain ti.) come home again, would you nut ece 111111 '3" 'I ie wouldn't come Ter you either:" he retort», angrily and excitedly. "You treated him badly, and I'll never and ie tuning aivey, whoa she heaps distinetly, la the hush, of the ter - pest, E011111.1 "Mp O ath beneath the Window -the soft erunelling , of the gravel beneath a heavy, cieu- 'thine tread. - CHAPTER XLIII. Gillian listens to the slow, eteas!Ithy footsteps, holding her breath in a sudden, nervou.s alarm at lap ufl”. usual hound. For the uareoLV path forgive s•ou for it, 1' beneath the library window simPIY "011, dop't was:- that I Indeed I d1t1 runs around the wcest etch.) of the not -indeed you are quite mistaken!" house to .the tenalselawn, and the Uillian exclitime, flushing and paling. servants or gardeners never use it. "You did," Ito says, roughly, No one neede to use the palit on "Twist it and turn it how you like, 0.,n errand of• bueltiess at this hour, young lady yeu did treat him bad - and so one Walks there fur Wee ly, Hay. Yea -you jilted him, and sure most assuedly on a aiglitkdite. you. never made a bigger mietake in this. your life, I can tell -you! You'll be A sense of temething strange and sorry enough by and by ; you made inexplicable eeems to prose on her the biggest mistake you ever madu 1oreboding5y, and Gm girl's limbs in your life," he reiterates, white almost tremble beneath her as ehe and shafting with paselon, with a goes back to the fire and slts down distorted lace and gleaming eyes, She almost °ernes to hate Gillian, culoriug; '111. has his wife now, yo'n quietly- onoe more, lest the invalid 11(11*OCiVO her uneasiness. as Giniap truly enough divines, for know, Uncle II.4rry." being concern•ed in that miserable "Oh, yes, to b.. Imre, so he line," Ito of the stoma and Creeps inside the Still she listens intently in nausea disappointinent, and . would be glad to be rid of her presence, only that she cannot very well dismiss her as she had done Anne ; knowing, too, that Gillian 110.8 really j.Ist at pre- sent nowhere to go; indeed, the poor child herself some times Yagut,ly wondere why she was born at all She does not seem to have anY place in the world of human tles and af- tnele Betrry. "About what '," he asks curtly, 1r - .,Ay , a, ,,,,..„..10 b 0. is tom,. ire sass, - ‘1,-01•6 things of Li Lime • fections ; she is not in the leaet ne- li . • • b ' .q.alliail I" Sir Harry ease4, euriden- ritahly, trying to pull his hand away. cesettr;,v to any one's happiness 'or faltering, and rubbing hie halals tow, well-being, nay, in truth site feels tiler nervimelS, "aiol he's living- at ey, "do you think your father would "What are solt talking abeut 'the come over to 1,,)0me 'if 1 asked whole truth?" You werelet • bum herself a sort of supernumerary - the Caudle 11,w. Ay, to bp sure." .x seers au unnecessaryunit in uin the two There ie a paue s, an 1 Gillian's hen11411 rt ?" 114.21.160111+18 ill 10 Willell SILO 1.14,:llei, lli11,11,1" ill 1 11*' S111111PSS ; bIlt, 14i1' "Yes, cerGilliantnialy," lidi," sior seven tied twenty llian says, ra- ago 1 has entered. flirry steys II 4 new.' just then. but Ger amazed at the questicm, for he "About tie age Areher and we ?"' Lady Deemer does not want her, nor eltivers alai cAwer 4 elost)r to ill)). fire. inti„) been staring into the fire with OBILtil pereiete tat it halt whisper. care for her ; her father and his itril- Outside, the :Uteri]. 100 grows wilthr his 'blank, •desponcient gaze for a . "Ion. are quit), wrong, 1:1-e1 4. Hero! Baal; young wife have not the slight- 4211 1 !Hort' atornlY *11011 initiate. The love; time 111 atter .),denee„ -Papa ;When Yon .nO" I treated Ida. Leollye les I, need of 11. •r t into t !Le new- ra ial .begio.tr 1.1 beat down int.re heaV- 1I11* my stepmot her are in sou are hunted r• 1wit1.11ell happiness of Ann(' ily, 1111.1 t lie lb re*' 1,2.:U.S1.14 r)).1 la 14 lows P iris at present, "but when he re- "1'20 nut w•reng." he insists ennenis. Late,- ant he.. !melt:Led she dare not 4,1 c'l.,l111. 1 1 11 14,lli..11 1113 Wii,hilll IldS sur- tueets to town I eau eure he will "He was? Val ut s441-4,,eorge wl„s ; ...-wout 1 11t.i 1/11tuee. rounaing. the house. . elm- tore. 118 50111 il.• yhrl. ll'iii: 1043, • -4.Y. he wars 1 A sweetheart any girl Paella Ir. preat to, have . lie was feat Mount 1 1 •s4.1e• is a !teeny. Ilweieree, "In any eatee i 4..4.041 11,4 Lett). Lim Cinel• Petri,Y." ,10.0t.es Lem,. ter 14. 4 ll„. on ,r, . :11 , 10 I,n, • -41• Gillian sayR. Iti its "Des I werit ilthlt 14,ii2* i NOW' 7." 110 1'2 41 014'-'122 l''%,* Minh „1"11...41,6 Ciatli. says, la a. tone of recollection. "My - curtains more than once to. (ry. if must frenzied past:wen. ith her mettiors'a gettia' like an old sieve ! she can inseern anything bes;ale the sweet, grave face, and dark, pure AY, poor Anne O'Neil 1 a good girl ! tree-shde iapes outsin the eyes, she comes el iser to libn, a. good heart : a good, true 'O....rt. I 013 Wild night. Ing 2111heartii-rug by his chair "when you thought, 'Alien 1)eane, that that handsome, brave lad was not good enough tor sou." 1-.•:11.at does net quail before e his al- Lor6 ish, 11 /VT* . "She is living in Darragh C,• But eim hears nor sees anything, with her huebani," Gillian says. Ui•lii. 1001'4' uf the mysterious sights or Lt slight quiver in hr S-& "Captain 81411/1)1s, and as the thue passes on. Lacy is your ageut 110W, y4:41 know, , elle gradually tries to persuade her- eelf that both fboire and footsteps and clasping las thin. feverish hand oetween her e0.•1, little, soft palms. "Uncle Hero-, shall 1 tell you the truth site asks, in a low voice. "The whole, ri.al, secrat truth ?" Jitvuto.'...s 1.11) a.ara 1,1a 0..). off her hat 14114111, Wit it feeloil. imp .1,10e10.. **I Lill sloe.. :isle 11 km foe 1.1 2,12.12* teeLee:- vett (01 lk,itt-o^ leen ,enee. j'aeltet ^elle.. ;J.") 1 down 121 ton, an 1 14 • .1s444)1e9M..' ts; t no 4.„ ., teepen „).,4 ro 88." ltea f •et e, 2eli I in t 4 he " IIchute Oa!' I. 'el le hem. "I 11/Z1,1i Ping": 1 4...),en't tam . elly settle ere 1;,.,e4n...; 11 Wit:: 2 10„ wii,,, it i ,i1.1,, moi r„ 1111m1 4 (4 *1* e. 121 z.•=r-.. teed teeleget.r. 2110ill1^.!14' 2.12112te0 4,..l. .6 t`i11:1; Arn., attl • ruuning 1, ,•.y ity-,7„ ,,,„ ;7- key: I me'. r If -reeve :L.- i, 1 ,.;;;. 11 , 8 11;-,,. ere, w lie,' 4 it e nr.eter La 2a 1 new pal. - so' Lag I 484. rragla 4 ,.-'4.1.. :again tallel 1.av.• tel. 11,Y time 2140 ',per... 2201 f 11 • beheee 4- lee ti- 1 weetti 21 IAD 1.1t lro.,"4 lin, 111 In eis. 1•5 ) Gilshot tete, • tenure eel r eav." -1 ,Ive.tait to pat 1.1....),- ltd 1i11;10.. 12' 1',''' *-*'',.4,' '''';,4, ,t-2 er..8 -1 is . 4.1...1e, literalie„ ", we Len, '00 g• ,•.`4 243•02 ,*0tr,'',, 4" 12 1;2 1,8 Imik•!nntary :till 1.2,.1 tho wh.2.3 ;-.-.1L:it 2; ,fetiv 1, 111••• r Ilsr..; ' Z L. 4 ',...: :,,,,,4' hil"11„ *1. al..i ' 121d1114', ea,' • Ili .1 *...14 eteary et, ...,,,rt 4 s Seth :It vette-en ilung the pi,"as)i.re te„,,- t . We ne.H.•-, 12', .'ilig r 14.21ret :, Ate,. fte la aft •r Li, r areital. 411,11,2111 venteres ' 1'1' ''". 4 0.1'411.:4•IY 4 1"t"'d 110"-° Ilie heel. ;Lie • pee • e,--• 4.1. eely in , " ill!' P,'!1"2..4. t, '1" e••:•-•'21,'.1ii 1 *1 ht tiani Ily C42 '", 4 !i, Si: ilarrav in II. ,o"li. ",•1•1"1-''' c•''''''14:44 1'4'it"Prit P.:4 .1 vietoti )/:, , at rati UR FARMERS' SUPPLY OF FORE1GN-G z,z) 03y G. II. Clark, 13. S. A., Chict of l:3(el Divieloe. De If the farmers of Canada svere ace' qualuted with the 8(5421ra:ea of saPPIY of -their root crop seeds, ;laid the ave- nueo thruugh whiett they pass before 1.a:citing the in, they. wortat b .3 gr* at 41Pill more ptir t lc ular when malt,xig, their pureh:Lsest theses*, r 'tent beieni1 oJ seedglinea•• time .to S 'seed • trade, dealers. titioo. La the Ihnietleally all the seed for din- rodt Impessilde, Si Crops is grown in foreign countries, llowever intport•aut it may be that. the seed for emelt crops be grown in - the country •sviter IL is Wanted POT . sewing, the pileup labor in these European eiuntries, which- have be - cane» the Seed gardens of the world; has made the seed growing industry unprofitablt; to Canadian farmors or seed spevialists. . Our supply of foreign grown seeds 12 beuglit and imported principally by our larger seed firms. They may make their purchaoe.s ether by pay- ing a commini6iurate prim; to reliable European seed growers, mei) who grow $eed from sell_ cted pedigr•eed ettot... or they any bay seed *at a much lower lat.:sc.-Seed th•tt is growth by Men' whoot• chief aim has been to produce a large quantity, independ, ent cd the quality of the crop it will 124 grown from st hetes! plan -Us -from roots which have 821 itleal 211141 ea beea tions arc where pauied the p seeds,. reed 1 winch 1. the quail and the strated aware syste trade twits, )1221.: h, wee .1 12, 11,1• viorinnte) Iv art 18 trt• • ,tatoe.1 h9, et". fee' rr: 24) LIM re•r• pies' 11 ,l, " :4, .. 41 hint ' '''t 114' ti 41' 4''' 12 l'" 4 •11* 11 11 *21 ' 1 1 p .2-... .1.2 41,,, • t ,,,.. r ' i it i'l! te.'•'. lytt 444 0 la 4e. I. ever , t 9. el fe r• pe nee.. ft. f tta e .. ht. 10 Rw;,.1i,gy 3 ,31t, ,, *Dr 24*r 0.4,14.4. to the boo. 21.1114'11 is- il.k`' tr. tzi'.•.:1•4t; it.1 10s.. it',.., -1, !h ,04.1. keit. 0 "'"i'l. 1..•""'" °";' 14 V '.,,''"'. "*14 1 '*' . l'"*Illi.1: ' 1 tii, * i I'll 1•,,,,urpl: ',apt:, tor 1.:1'4, :42 ::::... . 0,44),,,, ete ettrt lv refne.s, !1.-"rii,''':"Ilr•' '.'i'lr• . „ . Ile 0 ' 1.2.111•1, r It qtr.) 8.•• ... ,42, )4,52 Plikkli, ' 4":6.i''' 142 .1i2'. r it II '../". • -•:" '221 •1242!- t 14" "r; ' ; e - 1•0 2 1. ' v 1 ' r • •" Nro'.•1•-• via*: 4201Irti tite;t1.041;tt '. :.2.1.1).; Ire • es a e. 11,1:14'14 10 art 1'4 01, 411,,t,mtw 42.4, ...• 0 0 , 4, btu *•li wit)) . i'.**1.14. 41111 1:".l..1-41: ik 0,10,I, 0 1,,,'",", 4":1::„It. 1.11, "4" 3 "*. 4' '11*. 1..•"•'4' r • tit te 0 -gil, , . , 0 ..• . ,,,, ,, .. .. „ , , , ‘. . . 1111,11 t' 5„c„', 0 140 1"!14 . IS• 1,11. 2) .2) in', 4,4 t4,,,. •', 2 rito. i" ...int • ., :" t!:,.• Vitin efiert 1.1,,,,4,21. • /" 1! - ' '. * a ' "I •"`" :P 2 , „*4..11 V.* Iiiik 24)4 1 4,!.-31 ;Lif,,i,.L Vi.4111,111 beetethe 3,,.9-9,„ for i„;;,..„ a it 1;„34 i 2".14!' ill,1' 111.1 ^ '1,, 'tarn her 241.0r A. • I,Atat.1,„ 1 Lara„:„,,e ,a1i,a , :,:a , ,,,,,.,1,12, s,1-. 1.1,, ft; : t.,,,... •,. ti, , ire. 1. t 6, ? le • 1, 11', ' ., . , , . , , . . ‘,,, S' in 30i -a{11 01+,:. .itii '.0,'00 1' '1 1 '"I'' t". '02" ''''''' '2' t.1.' 1* 14°4 "" 2,1"t '2* 1212 2,, pep. 1144 ', • ' .1, u '' . 8 1"414' 11" .4' 11'14' 4 'la' ' -`i* " 211 'II' "12' 1 0, A-. .1 ill ' L,..4.4 rt2.,..;,,, 21;. , .t.. 2 ..2, ,,e..1 ,4 2 N.,. 'bIV. "I'f':,'' 1." 4.11 41" R!" "I' -114' tell le 0 e.e) e. ..,,,,, te eeet, 1 ,u,nt 4,8 1..•,:4•4 1 0.4.,**;,, .1? t*t*,.;1',,,, Ili• ti,-; 4.,‘* 1* ll "2 ,l. 4 . „ , 4. Al. • ...... „ .. . *1***1E'.: 1 ' 1 1 t• k .). .. vii * # . ii ,,, * trei 4 4*,* V.411 create fr L 3 ,..re. .4,,,t, 4,014. 't ','"'-';'' t '2' L.-• 4- t2 ,:•• le e" i. le -01, i..1 i 1'..41.644,2`,. ' ti.,. 1', 4 .. 4,,4.- 2,4%.,,,, . produce. In the former ethee, the seed most compeer' Ifelleattoe. of competition IlrertelY (l0311.111 It Is Wa1.1 that througi 01 sonto relit% itcd trade 01 rOpt. ()reps, s and there la 011eed among' getting the provided tit, about it, aair voneueneural the root err are rata' Quito hou see sel 0 form Lind are known to be true to n:uner.• For inotanee, an ideal turuip is ono haring a emelt m ek, and top growth. Such a root 11 n plante3 will pro- .luce a comeare t eels" 81114111 growth of etalks, and consequently a small urneunt of 'see], but the sor'11 from. enrit reot 14 apt to produc,' a erop like the nt ether root whet' was 1414 111)',!. 041 the othPr hand a small turnip haling Si‘V oral 1.4344 prong's, and an exeaselve growth of top com- ing from two or three separate neck growths, 4e ill "transmit its like Ilareugh '1111• srel to the next clam. c In le. grown from emelt roots prove t Intrelt ne 're 4.11...pisr than from select- Seeds, espc fc :41,44, in the firet pleee. graFses, of 1 211' 122, '111,1.* ritl4/1.9 are edie, ;tad are • ia F0111.0 42 i;;S Nalltalle 107 and f.71.e* rOntalu th'..F two lee, a much weed iereer wt. -laity of 44.-0 t. not o' Iterieg th.• la -t ten kee 1111teen years but t • ismems......••••••10M•m* smin ‚22 28' ;tog per- -74 tb 21),1? UM. 1•441:: ? "A 2*i 2.01 10.2"1; 41.t. tot : s . lett • re •• 4 V') 4,y, j,„.B /1„ 1 1". 44 pt. le,' 4 t 40, P "4* 14. , AA '••• 11, „.1.4 Vii*: 7 .• • ra-t. 4),'' 41 -A •14) * 4..41,,- ," .4) tt2sla, t) ee tit.? gIV11 2 4* *1`Wc 1 t•ill 1.1 121'...ft.:, 1 1. 04, 1104, * t'.4.) , ,0;•,•0;,..,.,er441 221 1 2:. t) " „ L A ermtlit) ef • 1., e, „„ t „r;.;„ • 1 v,,,(4.0. t'*0 •", Writ r).?o"Ale: 1.4)14).? 1'1 1 11 ' N'Av r1111t*-.':!",1,1;' ida/64" h) 2:,'6111 •'••• Vor.staleteet t,"4 143 0 ,•,1",'.4 ,tirs0410 1,11*,.'4;411:' „ cot.1•:-iot. . tee. lra '• t. U. 04' t•iltg=ttY'l t1, 4.-C.1%. 322(2 4' 111411 24" elli r 2.12eta2441 1"••,411 *00''' :i1.1.! 1 144 132 `R -r•- (13 ,1.• " • -4 11,14. 4-1,4 ^a 2 1122 a gef t3"'Ir":" r" 3144. 4,2 * 12*12."4". 14,11,2 te IN., to tn. r.14°. 1 * 4'4423x v4.4•28101, etnal liette K. 321' it) %2• ,.0 41o4s9,.. . 1,1014, 11.4„ 2 0„, t 1, ,, 8.s1keentort 2134 hi"? „„ 37,,(1 (2jp:1 '2 2 2. 13 84'911 5.1 ti„:,;, „at 4,, t.4 1..34 .„(4 2r,ti !LI 54. 13"•ilni'j 040 4,11 Iferta431 21":4t 02-gt,3 t,trat 1 „ • 12;,.2, •'440!!"•:: P•I''..t..,!:1; Ice 115 312 4,' t), „ „,01 to, I2,. i,..0;-,13 ler 11,.. sat 1*1... to* 42 t„ 1 4 4 21 4,, 43# Lo,„A„- a! ct!••;• 1:" 2.14, 141-, klut ,L,t1 12 4.$140 wh'*vr" 1•"'" 44I,r• (-Wien 4--U r?. 1'4 I 1.'''.1ttc' . ‘' •1 144 6 41 P.!',0,),b.?. 4 1R- !,4•. „„ 0,11, evraftlY "3444 4, 114 114-1 teesella 42, 141h 'a e '•44'.! 434' C"It4 "°4. wrate 444 'el 4 • "' ';o:" ' ti*, 2Lt' •1 4-1 ' C't•or,-;P iP•• 14' ..•:::•11 IR- 1.4 at to.- P44.• :41, ,• # . 11-9 , •:, , ti!• p•tf•••!-•""•' "Ar• • t 111 • 406'11,' 411 2 LIIIM AZ',0 111;,,„0. 4 qaua 14111*ti 11° 1.7e, ton filet t-;", • 113.""1It -11} tvit, 1- •- , , 443 ..2u4 2 24. I24ri 134 t a al, „Lull oPIP 1!• •!•1'•• "ec, 1. 4,, "lr iall'" 41V4'"'14“ 4133 ti to 4.41.1 , „. • . 93434, 0 , trvi„r„. (r,, 0• ,dd ' WE ake 1 !if., r Tee .02t, 32 ' :t- ••!-!.! i434, tiRlte • 11Rogitror4,4 4440"...,r4 iih„rt.t.. warm ;1645: tquo,Plltg":" 140 r l'areees petht, te" 441 ' ere° 04' ((ft.: rp....,Pat:21-ii 11 00At ett • ptelleerr„ 2,00 th'l 01441 02`"'"2 to L.•• ;::,; '0;4 l;24'.141 Aint it; r"-1.'fel!,*- .31 it,) 4. OP ti**1111E.'. „ . . 4'1''5'. 4 34.1el'A-121.--.• • '..4.-,,.:I,r-e ,• - •L,,•1 iSteeet* 171e ett„,-eeetf.tf .11 ' .-1t. e .11 ,IlI.IQe...t.1;' e."qE..v.., ,te, 1i.;.51e" .:1 ' l) ,4rl.A:r„4,'40 .: 41v:v.1 L',•. t.0 ,e,r:, •,. *a22212 1no112'141°12,apad'"'r"""il24'' 14441 1 4 s 11 1241 4ote) 42I 21245' a-Jeli 1 ,) 14' 23" 1,10'BIuo 2t1e41 4 11gI1 r ra1141±,a 4'Irl":4- 24v11'v"11"210"9141`"t" ''.3ro iu 42 ,4,44 i .. .2 i*04Oa 1,1teore F .4 fig 11,41 04)4 '2 4412 to 114.221 I1x IIt i4Er(1 921212 t riva9v.Jua„10311L1It ee,:u44,ot,a totla ;21 1 1,4) T a 1 8,2i* 12L11 ii1 iait%)„It Ixt n'2"1444'011 211 1'41114'.40 t ,,t oati242 34 rtt ttt 2Q.gi-em0,1 .0\2 0vLr Pal ,99'13''",Pa3"IVa34"111r-r-11.,v,, Pmee41 1iZ* t-32,LZitafli 121, 121 t tit "P1'1P2 "2- 11,2-11)1'111"It'0 ,,2211. , 43 ret1215 e 1 1 Ltrtefh - 414 04. 14 144 140,101*4 it ,tlt,0. 4-1 11 t..' It '11 It .37.4 3.1"310.2295 220 e„4 414014 7 .f•-,21 ceeerM,44i: tee 17:.1 . '4 •• 4atteee 11 822241-', trir uan qo tre-44.' 1: hog" stoti-• fey t,Aio ,,t-114;1•, 12 4 111 my_ 011,, s utt.0 142,11811 121424,J, lsV)1' 33.23 2"-, 323,29526 53821 94122'tqr,b1111".".. ▪ Dcrliv 2.41 411 Iro 22412.,4•,,i4. 4 tea hearotare irot thee 41-' t44'110* ikat' 1,4; tot ur,4 ;AI a*.n1LP**in tvt &..?h sr.! e‘,2':4Z,.• RI" 4 • '1,111tr,!•••. plc:4 ill.,,v- tt",at:,t.. 14!•,,t 23113'p . . ' • il- ..•- ,....,,;17,.^,41 .„.111',i.,1,i ,:...,., t t,.,"...t l.,-*.. bliilgt 11Lat t"•?,, ,,' . 0.....,J., ,i4' 5-iL,':',P.::::71:.,, •,,,t- • • ' •• . + OF tli.!1:-.:11.11,1Z DM'S. Z Ls- f4";44,7,-...444°....-c-4-..;.::::-.1:-:,-3.1:4-v:44414,414444g 14 42 n • l2 ' , • it, _tv L" 084 21 ilI't 4 8.1112 '4 32$StrABaee.at "229 1 IIt" gpit%tolituAu V:NUZI'iML1„* ' l relti tUlt5131/A1- 1-"12 Ct -Le14yt2 • • 6 1/ttlt 1221 12 221 4 212 te 22P2 .4 2. 2'4*,222-1 Int r. IIKAILR're2 *-`11164. t!" • - , , k". 'ttt, LatiL'i/ r pone to Ott e.e4tee A )101 HER'S ADVICE. 2 1 t I , • L vete .. 12' that -F•R:"'!" DPRTP*2t v•i: c•-••••• ar,..1,:a A 111,-.1‘,.i -*ref v ttt p".•,•21, liUrR, ttitlit tR:- ttit ,. --a/211-'1 646 ' 4-'0A‘ 4'6L'`At C'-' 1'7'4211 ' . . rithZ4VE-A. tit* ILER.•'•' at the 1:::1144.44:R thee. 344 344 ted ,o4. . - ItAiltEttg. 22307 :,51412 142divilad • 'T05.T11', 20i,11,12. 424119 1o22 tik#1 6 *'334342 1244) geRAI 111 tilt. vturi-ki-ta!, '21-0942 21'? who cid at: rtat.Annee vof '1::" 4'13.Y9 :12'2" 4", 41,1303,1"t7 • and CP,' 424235Ifii.d1 the earritigy, 1,09 IrLat h ever 42,1, 314-412 M129 MCA Ler :A th,ro t(1ss Rrz. 315,l,11),23 28* 119:.. zrAgr, Ile.4*Lite 1 teleVett 10,0'-'35git t, liti- k 01124 It tfli 1034241, 00,2 *De 12*.. 1.1*"A*Ir •0 lit, 120 00"012- o•:,0,n: i453-35..442 ttioNo. so, 6.9 111:2311114412. 1-Rl524'• aarz••• i'llctivil., t1.:,.. -.14E 5-Yonv.' Phi Aberty "tit's. e 4, ••••;-"„v-1,...•:•-,* 8e. -011t. 4ir.:1:43,: : .,, „ ,(4,1,..ce,;;.4.,..2-iakAN.*-1,41i,,,ov... 31' , 15 2124' 02.341-4.75. 212112"4', (1398,o,,22:0••.,,. &'13l'24'4'113412.'20 Dt*t F 1471,5112 et. 201itguir romis gynn.,zinlace in the - 12l:, ileyos- s,!-4218 ssy t,!..t,,,trii:, rall piglet: . 1,4:use, to 48' te2259t,,-.11 on. • i rum h•Rizr ta'RtIlitrg but tilitt 2a:.,229111. , 0. ilia512's, first !NS .11331" 41. 29.1201122a. tot '421213, like the 4.4.7; 40 Eit.' ban- 1 tiva lugs be 11 t:ro tirvss herseli tp-eiwk- skre."." el z1.M1a.i.,a•egi.,.:.-:a..',.'",,•s":.-:+0,4" ...7,:.see:1, rt4 1„dTzelf as last as sinei31 -LorI ::tertPa"„' 94 n1y,oLtreit1.rm1.a.",1-•- • vaihtoDarragh ('40,4224', t : sip-s(i , 1114s 10at:a812 ft two er tiree 10179 With ALlr--20 CM- Np-iiRg;21-,p-, tpoultor th„,sthe ter 411.23:* Oi4414120) 11143* 22. 1241' 4+0 41`44,SVi,21 ZMO' 4122?42013' 20 'i te , weed T. o -ralP.r.Li.---Vg 1311.;n.i 4i tri..ayek. tLass: la*to ra.-111,ry tt24tittipr swe.261242-531 12R:.4 1R12221y ':1 sit 131 Ia fio t.plt. 13332202-2243' 14)2 lie: ;19st 8401'24914 lite Plat'2'.04'52tee eh,- 1202242 -$ iiitt,, tZelib- 245112. 51 jeep hi•? 5213')'. raay (22'."919d.,91Pd lctLer walk. "03:to, 43150211211S!V,,tr nurse„- M- , 4 istIlrnueu'nrensk toIeldoirt4•t's•ra'i't. .9 -11iuc.r ,art t121' sight l3 .eon1''rss. vatys.-s1-.a,i22 Y... tultt',..,.a..s:•aa,gwenini„ .,N,S 12 ac'12 tue ::--s1:V• figure, with his ' 01eaatutelratttr 112 92' etre atertia- 11.-1•0tedlv OM 3113 br1222234t, 11t fears; "41.:y sitRrout 1 1 5135143 *121112 4411125239 iroxopit•I 03 his Imees, near me? They ttyP4114 Rsvvtusta::l-. stufiug Ragintly 13140 the lire, ale:e as lstal, ere trey not? lr. )752321 has atrery. , ung Denny, a.: .44 1:442' s . "1271ele Harry,'ste says gently, for nts.4 hehas Ilnhit.1 a egrious aversion "M, lynets gong to 122341to Ile rfVtill", '1421V47 O0 ieen the 4 her bad 0)3121-121,l. 251'l5'$,'ss," ansVers Noisy , i1541titA Lenfielt Ners? There are thomzlitily. "and trah, Doelev -5&114-5&1143e int're•stig-" ! 2128 -1212 1, eas oat 0 "N, 32.42. no„1V EayS7rrEablY; 2'1 it.1 never see sit•tamen for do4t r:are 0. farthing for it. Wtere Chain' Im"f un" sh- a 11- with are yea gcleg?" a avieous elwhi. "Il62: he's "Out I1e walk," Glilial etYsy ra- got *Le himbage. an52135 it's otiu- tter r-1»:•ta7)13y. " , ne bit tnleghth o gotel asin 'it's 3522.334,43'. T14?Is0Y0lAt* on eiehfe8.12at1sma.1t ie 8!) With a siier---a. 'miserabe, col,stiff lt hisguts: Tin 13,10,481' is ,1 .• "54- • • .0 *2T '22' ; .., • ,R R•t- -1 1.• • -, l : 7 st• ,e , • e , - ", , ,•:,•• tvi4)1,•:se.„• te leit) 22022 Beadle thoe ("an , , 2. t. «508, - tientWel,4'w:atiatedeliegye - •,, - .- 4-9 ",e br•ne -•tlee, q ki7 V174::: 0aly protti rrit114, Ye!!1111v 59 N/4! pNror: 11 you are tru114-: 221123u R241 99232,• . , t #.luitf ,44,il t:t4 9 -- 9.i,.' ira . I 22 221 14:011 410 * i111111111l 59 ttmri . vcay ; 0. . ' ' ' '• t . ,get1 - ... -.4 e 1 wit:out 11*21a ot"A-2" 14trataitee teete 0s4'ee5eee :we/ tiein_ Witext f:3;Ir4-4.:L.- 19(5. 4412:3 199930 -‚2122 22 2l213q4 Dit let11.. • 1314 $ 212121) his lttle teeth . tlereer21-242i2':2 1.Duose :ore 1 l013* 4,13r 1112e 55 ---015i2 leler • ehihait. -0 344'40417, 313)81221-2334-. 2159 1 -I 1 pahrs 05.1 4134211- 2435 t:e l.st I 44sv 3.1223' tesed ror (321125. Wiea 1,2„ 22141423.' was old lee was '2121-523 32132(22222 trteea1 *V225 14312S12012l. wt viay. Al, ozce up ”11 a time hoLmy to_Itgia1112fha mss, it'8 didn't mini the rain, or the cold.: the. trlitrar,t-. ntererarin' 49021,1 o' either." r t „ 4 there threes. i.,n' her ladyship tent' "'More, you won't figain..'' 4'0•Fs 1114- away; an' Carrell the footnref 51 liatt, brightly, NOVA I:or 1 anal laid on .i rtni.,,,, ,233.0 i.ipr to if.;Ei..ylot.d, ye li,,,,,, his sinetider. "Yoe must g. t ered end , Toies. ,,,o ,3.44 ,Til,..! raie culet clown- , 1 C,' t , trir go ont. 1`1:011,4 NVI '..T. ;2011. 'Le stairs, HirrY, yett prerneel ;vele -would, long 3 evot...,„. en,,,,t. tede.,,d,e Guilin 1:„.. - ago." ! peats, to -herself later on, when the " 4021.1 °lull 1.II ‘w'r p"t' 4 'log nir„ht has (leap closed in. darker a eerse. ee-sin." h•. sears. shak- end stormier than ever. arel there Ing 144'1 gr41:‘' h.!'" l"q"414,r "'IY ; "IIIng• i are 710 signs of life to be inard in ilnim ('1214 rile "it wilu3.011,:".4"I , the house, whilst 011iSilir, the tent- .. e p.•st howls. -It is as silent as a 'Bingham teem:eft care to rAr. 0XL temb-es lonely and silent as a with ree,- 4:11:121it 9:1,4 S. laughing and tomb to,,oight.., ••••=1.1........... ''...... I Now and then come sudden lulle ----- -' In the storm, weirdly sudden. and TO 'CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. , : still, as if the fierce spirit that rides Take LAMatiVO 13romo Quinine Tab- the blast had paused to draw breath lets. Ail draggists refand the money for a fresh onslaught. If it fails to euro. E. W. Grove's slg- And in one of those pauses Gillian, ature is 00 -each box. :5c. lockhig out into the night, hoping n1 -' - '--- "-.-0-,,,,; .'..•::..:::.,!-.. ,,•'_!, ,.- -..,,' ,- .., .,,: -,.' .• .,;' e ., '1•5res14,1s•. :11C1,1rto"7p„!- 4 u.1,''.;t:,!f*1*1",IrT 812,,13 t:,, ' 1 f,1r1 ',.-l.p .-- lt t:".4:t ' 1 ;Iti.*t-' NC11`4 l"%E, ? Stryceoni1- 3 etetterLue 3k '1: _ f . - 2 -our RsAl.„- 2., s-::-3:.4 1 59 Ef: elb!re104teg is. ter•t "4-4 ,*42'2 - - - - t" SfiV, :1;4 ti;'22''4'' i ' -4I 232! .s 11912 „V32 ,3"44 *ky 4510 Orr , 04 "3144":'- 5o2',14 =O:" ..9 7, 3,: ,"' - :f74o1 t01Vt- He wcagfl 2314a321 119 so.:ra So toad) it. se teener what I galie lint. and he se se:el th fee altsety0 itettgry, and 42 4,. thin rend delicate. He also, F:tffer.- 12 frozu e0225124144 - ter I3.,1*1 the Tabit‘ts a few days the vemituag ceased utAl , his bowels beenrae regular, and II • must my that stele I b0,-,rtri the use or the Talro!ets I have had loss trouble with this baby than 7 had . with a:my 04 rest of 122:2 r141bLy"s r 's Own Tztiseets in the 2.15e22412 all thaes-there is no tt-liltig vvh:-"a an ClllOrgelO'y52.47 arise. These Tablets are a cert;,,In (lire r all the rsiaor aliments of , •C7 ones, 5521124 as 'constipation', in- digestion, .trurrhoea, so:ir stonmeh, and simple fever. Teey break up col•ls, prevent creup. :el allay the irritet /on aLtecemetnyeire the euttine; of teeth. They are sold under a guarantee to cantata tie S opiate or other harmful drug. and with absolute safety to the young- 1. P .Eft infant. Said by all druggists at 25 cents a Nr IX, Osenyt t post paid ! on receipt of price by a(1dressiveg , . the 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. trenal sd ,1t 342425 '121 n.542 ,L',7,0=':1 tt trk1321 - 1 eee„ , 1.1te, re22.e. .4:-•ene-st n4, „,, 7 vieeit stete wed..3 see're••• '3 "."":4•••" en:pleat:2 Lee- ''191 ti 1224 star-- 2'3'--01v,11.4»15',v,11.4»15', 31,117 p' eqt.)*." to re ttr.grglitte: 13 ! (t..(2213'-97.1,0„ ii•Dan1 1'11'7"L944.:.24.,d 302312213? ' t.44 g.v te, .4.1.:32...eo to 3....•t•re ea... • . lieveti tree .2. 4._ eettere.7 nee, . :2259 44 31 •••releetteae, • 10 1341 1.11,t-l'g e.,;n:?.?:•aro wIth • o....ttt:c, 113 49.,517,* street 1' ei,e12149443'242244241221 21111412 Lest tnieelt. ' it -sable^ leer ifives24 012 leOZZ:911 rosy crate cert.-ilet rated P'ecee 8:023231148:02323114„*,4 ereproVe,-. 40 tser Tee. Tererie reaeng ws it111-17-- with ege, lrfteq.e4. '1120,,,,2.4. 2,21oxall her -8•4'32212" were 30t2330t23 lku' "441.513 mate ,.112. was 1,01)323? 54j,e,ncr,2012 '2125)51214'2125)51214ftliO Meal =an can Vire on half the 'ha- lter g013118,s. 122)12143122)12143 4321222 a 4921)113' 254313 requires. dress ref-„er seas laid t lliere4tre Man -Yes. Ile lets to. belore 34er. ; .111 o Flnalle a grey steep!! dress s3'e43.4.1 "Except 1.titai 4)4,24eirtanisles 14 not spread le-tere tie- ezze2321'25321'.,. 1424). stem alL teeats 01 the iireat West 3, they-- I'll -tat ts e greet. Tieergain." said the 21 faer fait:se-4%4 214,30.,'2O22214,30.,'2O221.A. buls.islecis.?.. tent- ("211.1 illave It 1`137 -• The Late,. 1e,....•41.5 leas antleorized rtt, 3 a ' • -wonzan nal;.••• 1 It front the oral/ter a -Ai. :In 1 2-;" )14 -ere -Ling lt, b322'12':1b322'12':1 tr.," T.9.'," 1111 ler Lands end buret Into traria. " Whet,' 1324»1324» nett ter .?" asked tie» (314284-4'.rr. "Tllet woe re- elrees." she nnewer- ed. set, „ , 3'5t"1474'1:22754'..3'5t"1474'1:22754'me. 7 5.014 lt •i (1431 1..120It7n,0 452t•-. fa? $:i. .1 won't 4 buy a Clre,s '*%111i11 211 1 .121elt,, rref1-15421-5212,321her e:17,. 32.2-r1tiderr,,,1 P., 52144 wa124e..1 from :Ito; sh Iferaitl. Wnen Politeness Doesn't Pay. Ma amm-If Mrs. Smith gis-es you a piece of rake be eere and say "Thank ez." Freddie -What good Is that t She never gives you any raore.-Town and COuntrse 121110 4(3, 0W210424' !.!• 4.:Ar•arsAya, 1-01.0141 7.17t14.-(11.4-14:443 :A.A.Ltrs teem r,f Eisen. pents to Califeraiu. 8.3regen au 1 'WeSituegetet points qe‘ei4'3.f caw ourtng Meech and, Aprii. a Peene....e.nally low ra.tes to the Pe.elifte 4.:428.ea aad ltiterme.date points. lenig.e trip ilNeents... t1o42tS open to all eier:ag tile cole,pg• epring and sum- s, neer. Special rouni trlp exeursion rates wie be said -to the Pete:fie Coast at titan 04.1.0 4147.111.: 3101' 114210. trilaieC of ronees returning. People 1.r:ratif4ed with Io,1I inter- sts at various points ea route will shrew z'oxi (‚ver) attention. It will be to yottr advantage. to make la- eutry in regard to these low rates to the Paeific Cleat. before deeitiing- csn the trip. Call or address postal card to t ra• G.(9. Iterring. G, A., 126 Woodward 1 b nveaue, Detroit, 'Mich. 12