HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-14, Page 2� i I I . I . - . .. 111T� I . I li .11 � . I'll. ---1.--1...-.... "....'... ..
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. I � I I . ing the attack upon sdorp escri - TEE PRINCE CUT HTHI
. celved bere frow TlZlerk� b�
. .. and captre Y -
.- I I 1b CIS' 11 I the Boers oil Feb,"Im"Y '24th, at a 5 Nol-weglans are ,�Twotwied at tbo A—
1. - I ,point ,soilthwest of Xlerksdorp, of tivity QF the Czar's ,SiiII1os,
� I R 4.67 Britioll soldlers ,who were.acting Christiana, Mar. 10. --Alarm again
, a -convoy to an empty -vagon
I NEWS ' " . train show that General Delare7 Imid Because He Was Qrdered prevails in Norway over, the presence
, I ,011summete care and .
.0 . , T'i 6 TO TDCHI 00 [PISti allIs .plans with c tit the country of a large number of
. I � a prc(Ilse kriowledge of flhe ground. About by a Photographer wandering Russian spies In tile guise
. t=;>1 , .== — The tljlrd Boer attack upon the con- I of saiv sharperiers. A Russlan 9(luerMl
. F4 Lit) Toy -%vas, conducted from various . I , . .
. t , . ria Nvas most determined. By staff officer jv,as recognized at
� � . - poin is b l(ong-svinKer 'gonday wlille pretend -
In . - Forty 'Canadian Teacbers wiee�r' reeklessliess they sought to MANNER, Ing to seek woik- Ile f , 3peedily disap-
Twelve Inches of all . - a Sara. -ide (low IN AN INSOLENT
togia, N. Y. I a ri and overwbelm the British I
A r.ecorld (leferlecl Ijaiitish guns shelled tile When Prince 11enry was on Look- P .... red'
j�wer canal is projected Sablberg of Clirtsitlanla, arrested
il't the U. 'Soo." Can Get ,Position. charging Boers�, but nothing stopped i '
. , Out Mountain, Tennessee. a camera n Paris (vt tile instance Of tire Nor -
their onslaught, which was carried
. 'Zile Canadian Northelin has just �011t with resistless impetus,. The fiend ,approached and said: .. weglan Government on a obarge of
. -
I i-pollited $330,000 worth Of e(InIP- convoy of muleii war, subjected to a "I am reqtiested to asic your High- entbazzlemalit, has beer' f0`1111d XalltY
merit, mostly rolling stock. to standing or orf,�krlllg Ills selwices to the 11asslan
heavy f're. ness it you would object Government in tbe capacity Of 'it 'spy.
�S Fire has, broker) out Ili the Cedar r They 'ji'l-Illpede(I and Put IWIlly Of )vItlI your party and being PllOtO- Incriminating documents were (118-
I Brakes, neat, Marble Walls, Texas, PRE TO SOUTH- AMU) the defenderg temporarily Otit of tie- i coyered ill Salilberg's house Tile
and. great traut�., of valuable 'Limber . gra,phed."
illon, anti caused tile wilde.9t conf,- ., I country's appreliensive distrust of
are, beinig consurned. ,nion. For! two 11011rii tile 13-ritisli lield ... Certainly n9t," replied Princo the attitude of tile Cy.ar's (',overn-
The World announces that the � out. lrllo�N� tht-li divillvd, and were Ilenry, "I will do st
.o .",ith pIc:i.surc." ment, cannot be exaggerate -1. �
d. DuIrp of Connaught will Ile ralsm' Rations.. and $500 a Year-Rillo As- ,surrounded. ..', fqu- winutes of con- Accordingly, the Prince advanced to ,
, to the rank of field marshal at � fused flghbilig- aild till war, over. ,Pilo u,hat seemed to him it favorable Po- I
or soclations Seck Aid-Peterboro Ro ers ' al'ung, till' line, fIrIng sition for -the photograpi R
King Edward's co,ronation. . gallop:nl . � ievs, " - -
ill A despateli from Montpelier to -the People Want Governmetit to Pro- tit every iturin Y'll'i showed tile ed Dr. Hill to Ills side, ,valled "' N ` E R ff 90mill
r1ttest teniloilc-,V 1,L) resist, ,,Pon I ORININ'S I
la� Petit Journal sayo th(,l Minors' A6so- tect Water PoNver Dams Around 014, until Chief )VIlkle and Operative Burns, I
elation ,,it Carmaux has decided to they r(,acliotj tuid vii,pturod tire guns. w1io were t;ngaged In clearing tile
Inaugurate a general strike. .. That Towri. In the exti-vin(l r(IIar till, Xorthuruber- way to maIlie a clean range for tile
C�a A conforence at L(;n,',on convened by An Ottawa dem.patch says : The land Fasillers. wlit) IlLid heoll clit off i caniera batteries, to come In and be I
et, the - United .Linpire Trade League Secretary of Stato has recelved an Slicceedvd ill fighting 11wir way cu'- one of the photographed troup. There Greatest Military Scheme in
passed a resolution Ili favur of prefer- for ,some 018tnilve, lvlwn their aniiiiii- was one of tile loco.1 photographors
X ,;: (I -
ills ential trade 'wltli tire colonles. applivation front Iloil. Joselill C1111111- nition became P hall, t ,d. Trl ",V who was eadeavoring to oper'.1to an British History,
I oil(ILK, Imt wera
list TItle West Durliam Reform Associa- borlain asking tile services t>f forty ch-arged with bay antiquated sniooili bore I)Ilotogr!'Plllc .
tion met at Bowmauxllli� and rat'l* Canadian lady leachers to proeved .speedily ovt,rp;)w(,rLl,,I. Ily 7 in the weapon, Who had it good deal of
,ha Rea the nomination of Mr. William to South Africa, to look after tile morning all re.-4-talice Was at an trouble ill getting Ills range. He
18 Itykard for tire L-ogislative Assent- end. Dead anti wounded wore sclat- waved Ills ]land rather imperatively CANADA'S FOUfl MILITIA CORPS.
by My. Boer children In tile concentration tered all OvPr the field. Broken t� tbri Prince and said: I
of The Am(-ri,,.in 1�,c Company, a New e,amps. The (lilgagenient Is for one wiligung arld panie-strIckvii hor.9es "M,uv(- .I little that way, to tile,; London, Max. 10.--A deSTUtt'll fl -0111
Jersey corporation, with a capital 3ear. The salary wIll be Elou with and � nitiles made a scone of indescrib- riglit, Mr. Prince." i Portsmouth to the Everillig NeIN'13
is s'tock of $36,379,500, will absorb tile rations and bouso or tent accolunlo. able conflislon., tbe Prince moved To tile right., says there its reason to believe from
dation. I'lassago will be, paid butl) .
Knickerbovkor lee Comparly, of Chi- ways. Twenty wIll be secured in Not until Cren. D(,larpy calue I'll Again the imperative hand Waved anti , Information received from a trust -
L13 eago. Ontario and twenty in the other Pro- person -was anythingg like order re- tile order came:
sa By the deatil of lilg unele, Lieut.- ,,qnces. A No,rmal School certificate is stored. Ile stap-vd the Boers - worthy bource thaPt the most' 11111 -
gag ell "Move tip further !it front, Mr.
oil Gen. John Patriek Batton Redmond, the standard of quallfication. ed in strillpill�k t1w British Wound- " portant milltary st.-hpinp known In
,I. John Redmond, M. V., inherits large The officers commanding in tile ed by the free rise of Ills HP-1111.1ok Prince English history was foreshadowed by
r. but heavili encumbered estates Ili military district or Montreal are Ilpre but they continued ill(, work of' de' The 1)rInce moved to tile front with r BrodrIek ill his
Ireland- to -day gec4ag tile military autliorl- 1,PO!llllg directly ]lie back was military promptness. Things did not Secretary of Wa
I . ,suit the camera fiend even yet. Ile speech in the House of Commons On
� Snowstorms with sleet and rain ties: with .L view to gettlag a silb- turtled.
I aro greatly interfering with railways slay for the Provincial Rifle Associa- was noxv apparently under the full the army estimates yesterday, when
OP and telugraph service !it New York tion of tire Province of Quebec. They thrall of the photographic frenzy, lie said -.
s and Pennsylvania, anti extending even also want the military avilool trans- Ile called out once more , -I "I trust it may be Possible that
9 to Boston. ferred from St. John to Montreal. MARRIAGE V05 A QILURE. th"'TINIr. Prinet,, szop over a little far-, an arrangement may be UIRd" by
, whiell the whole forces of tit(, Em -
It As tho, result or an extraordinary' This is a very old question. er that way." I pire would be available Ili case of
fall of snow, street railway traffic A deputation from .Peterborough No -'w, lip to date, if Priu,"o Henry , a, war it, ,%vilich th,c whole Empire
e in noading, Ila., I-; at a standstill, waited On till, Government this morn- has manifested linything ,, since lie , would be involved. An opportunity
and na a line is running to tire Ing for thO PU"POse Of 'Irging IIPOn Widow Got Husband by' an bas been before tit(- .�nierlcan pub- 1 for conferring with our roloulal
o country distrWts. tho Cabluet tile necessity for joint lie., that thin- is ab.slilute and un- , ri-lendt; oil this subj.Ilvt will oecur at
action by title Filtleral and Provincial flagging gooWnature. But there Is the time of tire coronation.'
an �
. Tire annual meeting (or tile �danl- thoritles; In arranging for tile Advertisement. I a limit to everything. and this ex- The correspondent says Ovit from.
t(fta OrartgFN (irand lsodgo� Is In ses- protoction of tire water power on asperating phMo-ina iliac at last i what can be gathered, Urcat Britain
i-lon !it Wounipeg. Frank Schultz, of -the rivers and LAreams around Peter- -got to tilat limit. Ilrblile Ifenr.r's , a
t Baldur. luta bi,�,n elveted X. W. I - ad Ireland would produeo and equip
� borougli. At prest-itit the lumbermen luela, flushed a trifle and Lhvro 'vasi sIx army corps, threo of uIlliph, rf,p-
uso these strearat, every vear rot, the a distinct gnut or dispiea.Nure �n'; rp.-;eutlr�k with till Ir cavalry briu,"tidlils,
It 1,; rilporte-I that tile projpcted running of logs. Ili tit(: spring ilie Ills voice 418 hv replied: i .1 force or 1.140,tloo men, Nvotil I bi- pre -
t ,%Islt to 1ruland of Ning I-Mward Ilas; ftm,l art% not repaired and tile re. Chicago, Mail. io.11, roniance begun "*Well. now. tht-re I haVe moved i ,alred tu take tho fithl in defs-lill- of
, I
lovit'n all-111,11VIliA till ave"Unt- it iii; un, stilt is a seurej�y of watt'r during In Ilaullati, 111!- callio to a i-tidden Sive, tlnl(*s for ,,%-ou l4lroady, nilil I tho colonitla or for netion .owinst a
3 derNio-d. of flv� r,-p,�rt+,,;%'. al-tiOn Of tho dr -Ir mouthp; of 11W Year. The ending in Clfloas;o .*o,t,terday after- t1liuk we will flaNit it jusir, whore', l-'uropian power. This wovild I*-:k%e
ths, UQti-sl llr��;t Lv�ogmf, doptitabill FrekA 1.) alrolish till'i dit- � ' a %VP are." I
-ti,i,t -s girt- st- rels- i :tit i-tIouxi number oT men fror horne
. ,injong tho- spo-tatoil I, erptlee. lik-i4o, till- IllibiN, viol,
, Mr A. E. I,C*,i;l-*. M. 1'.. has been fieulty Illy tatving t1w liovprument noon .anti now )So. �vc TItert, wt,A it, . I
I. I
t1velkiii tIi, f4l `iit- -ilaintaoy in t1w repair tfil. it. ni,w. titert-h,v r(-taining Ing for John 01. MIS;, whoisk, home "'4 those whii wlirk- bl-��,,Imoli!-, ZO X&VI ill I,k �fmtet-rl; all"tivIll' fosr
� B,mrhi uf Rb-.,-IlIts of %ii,,lowla 1"lli- tho t-upply of wati,r. Ill .1 Kans,114 fl,,%1gl, ill tilo Int-antilill, th!1t .111 allpl-lipri;410, 1� %jlr.-,l lilt ta o, Illaul'!1I .91
, to."t and *Iirr;��)-
. , . , ,i dtlrelleil.
%czity, fil;�ilii,I i,-.1, lft fioath Ottlill . 'Ure. Ellis, NvlA,j:-,it furtatlr witat- Nil llopulnr kailialwout toswaril till- ii'.'. 1 q,j1j,4 pq Ili ,;at, i,, z-oll 44) agil tov
lote Mr. .1.6taw; 11. lli,�itty. � 'An lvniliiq� lil:wt�Vg,ritplwr iliitsuhl iie tit - Ilell't to 1pri,lvillto oal. allpl.Z "Irl..)
The V. 11' R ii-� Tf*w v; 1-0 7.,b-40-4 Adp- l . ,ii,auna Ray. l�'.I-; loo,nifilli-is In t - hP m-lld hiln. ;111,1 jiltli lam-flint'ry olattor- filithm l -,,r4 %m-imt, lir,w1olelloweli, 3 ,It t1it
i * ,ill Ill,— tnir Oil- lortipi-v I f 1friva umfl,l rako tuo ;arrn�-, klorpq.
� lwnNthfulslil"ra W" -l', fol. Pulildl.10. MUS08101 UTURIED irourzo, or .%Iril I'VV41. 11:3 Urst,''l, :1 litt) Lao 1,10
tollw-_,0 .;f. ,V, -.I,.' %4 1.1"ili-Ifor-1, ll I lturii-u t.trt-il. ..Til ::lipt- thk Ill.- III'Vio�"Il,. Iltlipollq, N'.1llpnI1.l.% wa.,
. " I'll. 0A.41104o f,,4r strvii-li, anlwhl,n-, ap.A
C."Ic ti Ill f� o .41, i" '16t, ii,,,,.r.� f1mor viilV! ; tk,,Lqivj,�� .,N -Ip Ili tqvol.- L,, jorIllp, mwr fail,. tlirt,i wit`,i ths. Prin-ki, "I tlir, IiUll" k1,,,tr.lIEq Iwo. No -w Zhatl w.Vil
1, Ill k.Il�)r,I "O Is � f. ll-vtle Ill"liv, ". :r *1vznP#:;l�tra1l,kIi t4 euluvl�vauev. Tin, (-;gIl.,4I;t -,%;:,�611 I t,;t,-J1 I, l 111.%r�I-I l -s flap-
thh,,-. h4J,A%4l%Pr, ojqntvoiolul,,� g, I" ,*11- 16 -it flour vl�,llli-t evielv'. %vts�*liv ailail.
"It. ; ' Desp Xrf�. Elltiz, -r 7VIAr-II 1,?,q,l — t-il- t' It
I NkWt % V:Qt,*1* i " t.1 1,P10 " It 04 withopl.- � orado Has Many Crimes "all" 11"t'll"k 'tit S�"'r- 14.41 vo lllrin-il,L, irgiiwl. fl,or At 011110 abli, for u,t,- It r4qnirml. ,%k,h)r1Ia:r.
", ll I t"", 9 I. 1, 0 I "Ma ,.� i * I I I
I - 4-111-t,11,11 v prii,1k-rs trili ra't tniov--U ltuw- as -'*%, rf,ozal t,*- till- *'�Ir lo. ,Isag tit 110JI!, ,to flik. k,4hrl-p.Iq)aCJV*t, t,��,l-, 'i""t'lue
vVI. lilt k.0, ,Vlo, A �.J.,w 44t- Idat". 11 0�lw "'�' l to hiswer for. ,llear.l ol'i ullif �:,l - .M 't'l;;vp- Aild, UP t,Y 0;o- Asbwri�,-Iws nl-ir Iota I isro0lb- V, ,11 I
11� llht, Ile ". �,, , -1, ;"L. , .;� ". U -, It lwo4ll I iii -at lic *r 11w I;lIr,;-sQ r;nv ju
7 11 ;t ,lv1lltq,.1 � ti�l-�, 1�*Jljj. 1�i�t tiwr ua- As,ry t- -, tq- 2'-o J.l� *I 41%�Ill,-
4'�." t,�l,: t,,�� Vt., tit I� ,,!,�-qll I 1,v -w -,-.%i. � — V r, �k!,,. . " , er. ; llao,, ...PJAII,
' ha-baiipl tell .:, 311"- v..,I)II. .4"i", llas J,itliwl of 1074100.r d"IM k� L'i-I ,,h*$.% iii,
LV-%. il,ong,.l 114.,t!I,i to."or. v.4nign, Illir" g.,,r-*Vi% at vh.' ry � act 11 atL,"ah an.1 144r � 14!11 titat it Vjml iVvett ratlaoir aale�,�\-
.,t� -%VqI�a%� U,W4ou,li. T,rwaw. v� 1.16. l THREE OTHER CRIMINALSTAKEN. -w.uritl ,l,k..,trN Ual itualo lli.r 11141IM11". a B -.g.
I LhIl,' 9'T[V'�`�;','H,� JIB .,t� 944 TV 100-1114'.1 hit %.�iioi ,.4 itg4ll&&1i,,Vl 4 --au ;varr. 41
��a�t-A M. "�,� a flati friqln Ili 1poll (-On- I U 11W7,,V. Tm. '2�1 'rea lip. � 0 I &go tlj,�4 r4ou.,60f,"'.Zi .8 tit tat qV Ill.- !..,A
. ,1h,,Vr4l4,h&%V 11111.11 .-�)U-al lau. eo-dull � V,�;t t5w trull.441 ... 4-f M-1 '140TRI-l", H 9Y rN TOM
- -
' ". Z V, � -� 3.4'.. BIETH I P
,� ,,I k Y,,, I! . � - - GVYA ,-.:"3-t-, t, W,'� 4 - .'.1 -4 9 UAI U. *4M V 0"A 'du'll til� It " ii -P.M- OVI�
, - I, - � � �qy-�,�,! -�, ; ,Dg, ,!I t%tuvold 1, 7ML I �, ,� q4lltl, � - Z i, ,q- A. "', lk�JROO,� ,- vof 41-111"�11H ,� ,
�% ��,;V,, -"V'4 't, ..IV, . o b i n I i; �? ,0 -3, � "'i, 41 � AI l',, � q.0 �,6-0 & I, Ull i� ts ,lt,t, � �,,�.,. qNti-V li,lvtlic,L,?!.,4114�,� .'4.,1li!1!03. :� -,,.. C.,111 -ill's q*4,,V�I, , ui;').� ill- *i:,,�v,a,,1- —
, ,, ,, , rf , ij I ! 01�[ I ,,,a -.w lt a ii. Z 01`.10",� � i ll �,I-V- " I A, t.' " .. .
T� wti, ,, ".4% 1 -iI-': �, " "
I . t� er ,.a ! - .I� , �, In Vil'.� !44P ;"NI "! Tp."- lr'. , 4 � P.11"':-il .h Q, 4 . 4, 1 q4vi g1hils,4, -,Ww`1,;"..t VCL� otI.r.. qiid.'� V4
t �, I-, I � q:, -1" 4 'if , fli. 1" I g, %, U ,, ji, t J., t., * " i -f .e� . . . 4 Lrq�Lqep, r, I- , , "ii 66 'r 4't r� t, wu I UNZ.,vq* 9 all ii 1t.A1',�,"'4'N4V'.1., %W ,-,I,l'0, ;it .s;-�,Iil 2
- � 1,
i .1 , I � , . I J, -. �"'� Britk,,h Soldicrs to Gt t One
, �,j ti,, N ,�,-. el � 11 r a' �t: q',* 1. li"', Do— kn ,.4 gv, 0 . it
A, I f'�'' 'J'. r �, � 11,,� t "',iii" i L�l. a T � 1-1 J.4 L� auMf'"'la", 1111,1111 , .
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U*�V�"i � -, 'I,' - " `U�- I I - - "A -A %., L., 1�,a i J � ,,,, -., I , "� .
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L'vT.�,I,Tl-.J!�ra " f"a T .1", -, � � I.; A i,,I: ing; " 054 THE FARMS OF NEW ONTARIO -o,,r- lu�`WT.
� . %V4, e l' Iing; ralip'.Aliv Sa&A1WL1'V,J �n U101
t��,,Vt tli,4, 'Fl"i i"u� Il", C ,:III.;!.�,Ir� :T "41 �' ,� I, VJ it V� p!l,i',� �,: n . " � lit ,'!!.� . 1 t VIN4 rs;�mv&4 xt�-Iat 41 Vat, Ai - �r H24
�'V,J� C - - � , Toronto. U11 iveh Ph -There wa,; a ,: JV,,or uff- .?, Z,i,r civi' an lijlfirt,r�lr.
OV f r.0 Tj._�,.!� tl�4.li` - C - , rF. 1� �IUT,�h.i)�I` J:5g",JLUF," !ilN..q SVeUM Z Illyso. '. 4 ie, 11
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,,q :,,_ ,, r -. !�, V'! 'J.,VJ q. ,.UlI I i I'— �& I - t -it,A-
t�`-,�al IUQ� r Graphic Story of the Brlfl��h i�;,Aplii .4, ;a O.. I. -Ii, Z,� 11',lie ev"n"'.4e ! �C IF, 441LAI . 111�0 ll",AV - at, Lil rc rd to reern" ing. 11r. ra
4 , ,. 1, .., , �;g
� r,,,,, ff,: ,�r. . � I -1 ,� ,� llavflz-�,,riv NA mg!ut who 1111AC-M-A , till' -ft J!W, V;�d tile Un"Jit Lrvd hwIeutr
UUA.�II4.1; I. t. b"C '"o.-T-i'll .pru Il.;�. TVA rlov,,�� at Vill! ho,mr fil -15" 11 - 1111:�
1 I .
,V� . Z Klerk.Worp It " " � � I. V at1q,-rA;v#-9,v to lnq, ePy"Ituenii, rr-pirf.l � rir;�teh"L!E. No redneiii;vs �% VIVO
-rn�(;, P.1,1Y "*,I,I� IrI�VZE`� a Ir"Itoll, Disaster at . � F� I,] � Z. ii.,� clqo "r441 1-0 b;r haDlq V. -
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lt� ��"J L,,,- 1""I.; '.l:i 11. 3 I--"ra �.Vi,,Y.V,,,'�',:'��.'dQ. 5.�- - I I It. ;. � iIV,-a* ". mAti-e r,i*as; r,i:eti.-i%-q'A to it'll the Vtla,vYql'"q-1'Vi`. stl'�ICO�ry. ftokil 0111- pp ,jc�v, �lri; I Ilh,(yaia.t2,,- the E 11'an gatl-
V � - , .. . . .
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r.,'-11,--::,41I�4-1-?Q 417,- C�,�,��$�:�; Iii . J- , ! �Liv: -L:,.-4-,�g-; -q; thol wiip had arruvroll I "' !e4;,;b� hyW-'i Ole ha�7yvas#�J.. tl�
4 .., � 11.1- � 6
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- , firt. 01 "t low
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11�.,�-. f,)I�",.�re,: 1.,l V-, ttat,�ill;V--611:,� 0 �11 'L .1, b'M . .0ant lid -1 L to tile I .,
I. L, ir,�,n;n. W�Zr. 19--A ep4pati-il fri��lu � !", IrCet�Wlti',9,19S 1YAq.g :,.q:1g(:hOU.-; "" "
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ilar�lswr - 1"Evit r Vopjz.�,T. II . � , -?., - it. '.fts, 11* sa"ll. Z ii
, . 11, .1 , - ittir 4 %r - u T:11,*,p
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Z.� I Mal, - I n , , 6��f, - 1,0 rf:-ruhlng. 'Mr. nzarli�!",- �;�4:4 ihp�
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-1 I,-, " �q , I:L, V �� � �0 .Irra if I let UI4 golvoT'n a 0.m-;S!�Rvei." . "), .. I � .
I , - . I �1,q - .'i - I, - :Varr-nts � ,qL*TWaL,q-01P1e !-:-11V(-, U'antod. `Eo -'a b, Vol! aetlr�crali�. Wr. 137511-
. , ZI� f1wis. .0 Ill., VIV, , . rF - R, . .: I . mf-�L A Ll
.. . . IV � nm ,dQ tr�;D, t, -. -- -.1 . 11. . ,
, .- , " T-�I�, j.slk. t . ,
.7 ",-e- , 11.1 'C,�il.,;r.11 ii� . , . . - , I q �
'� V; , - 1 �- I � ,I,vr�zj Z,'.i�, k -n� � " u.n. EJ --c !, � -,DY f-.,t,�.�:.� ,,,�A for t';;V? I slayliir P.r%3 mz� !G. a &I'mong UJ for, r�,I,lk ee'-L'Ir�,] lhat. IT C"Lw� Vct",;,ntoers
-: ", � - �. Ju.�-L.g fronit 14,*. rII: ftt�",# -rls pi-& ,
n a . . .
. , 7?� I I' "' � - 1. tz r, t � �Ag-t'tiw�s are�! a;--, �,;c-1t1,-.,<. lio said ti;l�re were' vverp t4y h3' a b�tr tn- consr-rripfloniI.
-. , 11�.7g .,1�4jg %--. I -Y
,, - F�' - '. � & "17"I�N."`l ',� -V�, b --.-I,. - ner. f�1�1 ...`14, we';I-firl-la. �C-J 'i sr.2 r. !�. 7 - ,--I f � . �
, , I
. . � r - "Viere for trnmar- hey mast ii-v,kol lhr-mi.iO ,-,�z eff;ef-
:- . . I - .. , V �:,Niirq of (.;,F.",Era5 1*&�`,��I"s per�zi,'Z.091 'r-, 4" -, ,ml. .� great vppu�-tn,:ti!��I;Z ;11, It V
;. I- � - " "! "t � .`!�:- , .; P`nEff" �
- j� , � ,.� -r, I 00 , L, . . - I "
- *�` * . . .. an I , jziim. Jv.� B-.:'Ior4,� he 1,41%- For, f�nt. It was; jor-niinsr�d lu-f f,�siabllqlg
, . - . - - ,,� .a,i Z in to r-r.rr��nti�,r. tll.e prac-t � hilq nf*o It rie-I w
I.:,:-*- - 1. r-.. �: 1- 11�( ,,,, ,B _.. L . 14 . . = f ,." , (7 " If � 8- o. F,-ftort- wl"I b�7 0 , "Ik
, �� f��.,_ ,
�,, . . I *1 2. -4 ,� . .
I-, , , . . � I�,L,i F-rk, oz Vvo-, stri-�-glle rany U.Yw�.t..- , ', ,� JVTrJI&M gwc.�r ry .
, I VV',,� "Co . ') ii:lid yait�k-,n a vequntrIcal rcs.,,��inie of :n,,�% covr-r I*
L., - : ,. �. v., , �; ;- ":::' - , t`, -x I,� -, .- � �,,� 't? , � h- , , :
''I , � - ,90 ,,� :. r I!D rf,tulrzdn-� to 4 I il .
�, V'' . , , , -, �, �� r r" b., %, an -Ir. ,;'�zte ,�- ptf- w.Ll' r. , � I: wt",tA U,p-�,Lg k,� I.Y9 Uze'-'(ws, -to yf.,,..,Qrs *T ov, %-� a wf;:r,,� anal""? .�o
�l �', ' � � � � nv� i_-. , � � . . .,� -1 . ,,,� 2' , - I - ,� - ,� ,
. - . , - , . — . ��r r frill-.: -* � . In— n.,i. q Ln� -ruete i 14-a t,u `)L !n- b.-�C% ft V.471.010 i-,ir,�Illyy 1711-1 "71- 0r".,i,-L'n,r:V ?r -",.;J%-1-
--,,,? � t . , :� V��: Z T'. " :, X'-%% S:.- � I —, 4 'r jvk") rir-- - tiollits. nntd Ir';11-11-Xi�`t dar�g th�r�--�,,re-
-: , , � ".,., 1. - : -,- - i . ., . � n.�; �,;,, - � ., 91r,,ev ll�o!f-zzalc A,,-1 T.'eserred- � � trainina , off la-:�-,-, lli�yar , - - :. -
�! ferret to tile EYV.,�.gL af -New untarlo � �i`lt vlr-nr n InRit-ry re.�lr,, ituf .-
. ' . - I , � su u 2�. N FL--Afzs PLOTS. � anA SZS gralut, I;,!.QA'.;5li,�I,-,-S tes ;tal Zk�,X- : uc�a 1:,iq-"n"- 't'l '- , .1 -.i� c,-
-. 4 - ,. .,i1 � 3 i , ,..4,I" R: �q,..,� r. , "t",'� � - ,,, 17 �.-e ..� 'I; un� N,Z I: �;. lIlk-M �, - I: �. 1�, e.,; - ; .
, � I I `�, IV . ., - I � ---- ..(.? ir&,.-:I�� (.� . 2,1-
I - . � .1 ,,, t'. � .. - � �, ,,,,, 0-W Z!,V2, ., '" V �lranrj",,,�. !Ol. � �
t ., � .1 . . � : : .�', " I . � r:l-v"Aurall ie� 'UlAr�v. I cer�; wwjl-1 940 ,lig-orou.,ly ,7,,s��,,L,utal-
., -il'i n,,Lr_J I'tr I gg'S �'Jii�
.I. -.��U,VV .,- I
- .. �. - , . . I ,., V,f ()t2j(.��,U,�; 14 . - ,
, _e
I— . I I.: , - �, 1, W., 4 " 7w'� � ., -� :-,,1 .vf��- � "',--� i� --r� 1�" 71 , . (""ns. .� 330 Ont � "I r. Ja"'C C,,-i;ar-�-. :1. 1". IV.. wh") end the V',%LpPnL!V,.-; Cox -yoll..."; ('123reel-si
- , . ;, -I . , I . -2 -
- ' -±. - ' �,l � '�,- ".., "", -j "
. r �'; � ' - �, ' '. - '.�,� , ! :�"Kj'�hl _'kVJi,."�, �', -. l* -,; i;jt; %,Fr,
. , , � 1-� t ,,, -, "n , I" "i � 'I I , N - . tv.'-,T `�nv�- 1-,-cu� , .i .. wn.;�iiiitng,oro 'L ,I - . . � !L � V� 1.1 be ligl- tionfA.
:�-, , ': " -'*,. i -ec -'Flo. ,3�'Oet ,t,;lc,�'Jid
,� , _ , LI _ ,4
� v ,a Manaa. wat,� tatro'lla -A , s 1 ;�� M;
- . Vo- I -,b- I .ic-'k I - , ,", � �
1. I , , , . V" ' I af New Ontario, t,�:d,,.' tl��itt Io tuen ; --,,.'- ------.- - � . .. ... ...
- I - , , , � ftv .Q, Vt rz:"� ,,:��ys -,,.:�',ist. ;., I �' -.-,..'-t-. . ;
'', V-- . ,,�, �. -,J 4,11 . - M�o'cl Ark""ki.gIr-'.. C " "' .-, . !.�Ir. lf�--T;10 'S,01- ,
I �� I—- . -�. � �. I - .. ;�, . L... -1 t �- U-; %, v : ,g� i? lZ 7 Z r- .: n: ". � a � �."- I., e.�, r C." " 1 rZ, IEV. I t n 'L I �., �,2�41D!,A �.-, 'of tl,la 01916MS nenr � wit%oat means, wi�'ry vcore 1VHl1n-- to � RICH FIND IN KLONDIWE.
,: . I , �.te"' : o7��. W% rrl). � . � Woe.ii, anl fairia el" 'e�:1*4 -
I � . Z'�r ". . �', ,�':�, - , nia., '. a,tm �
. 1_' �
��Lpe'o,-J 17"
I , _' t" , 41. �", . �'! jt�'_ Tli3r I Ili i :.mung .,z T-aiiv' Ile 11 . Af. s� tbtF,rel ,V —
'� 1: 7 "'.1., 7 - I-," � .., �rt - . Oy uml% ^, him 1, , .
� _ ' X- I "I 4.
�. . . O.. . �'-, .1 I ", I vvere iowl. lli;1011 " 41"Ir-S to I b e ,
.". , , � i, Z I - I - ! Prospector Discovers Viihn:t�lln I�oel
, - -., - -, r � �,` -, t -, V�r ';=-7A l. -.',�- t!". -�'C,�.I!-- 4,4,c,,rJ:6in- tlilo ,�-,,-, ; �, t s r-;:,�i,!,l IV:, I; * tf V ;-I-Is ,. , py"ing on tl.-.,e , .
. . �."-:� : '�,rrl� . ,.:?,,,`.frf I— , I, 'v-1 !. cazlell to poss"siarst cif gn'll. C ozlil`,;�. Y
. � ; . _.,.11 �!.. _ , - e t'Z�ls of arnt*, i. C'tl'jt-r�' -'V�!"� �".'I,V tr*r.JJ-.- J).-"'i�.q With- r' hen Ali. .1
, .Vt.. , � " ,�� j,! Zi.X.r�..*;*.a1.,; �.f ., - -; �
kpi " i.l a
. , , r"I", �q,,�,-J--,*r,7,� it, I w - -, e: -a oz "'Oft J, rock NT,, mi-ToTihil- CMItEl.
. � -31m ,Ito were in s, i�'
I - - � , �, I. ill 1.- thn UnitIi I, � ont li.,;, r.;- .0 I
- . L. .. It L.,111'A", .;!�, as, fur � -'42! �, '. � . J--- , " . ,.;',,ti 11 cot an alleged ,
: ��:1 IV- - - , I J.ibs-," however. ho a"'vL.c-i nat to go � V.-renaver, P. C., M ireh !.,?�--.kiqj.�-
'. .,,.L." . ; i-t��Z.. ,.N�l ,l,�.I, -1 A-?, thr-mst-lll84 vrF, '� 1,114' ,�Z *.,�, -!',rtrg S�Isp!vats that a v
, ' . . to New Ontario. Tiiiire were �pl,en-�cjal despatch fr4ill Pvws�ya to4clny
A;;1�;'I". r! �oi 4*!- toxt of t1tre In. lr� -,-i,,vrA urarn q-.P,,w.I,,in0I ,nis to thitir u-bI,l1g:-!t� e,ln.-;%-;r.1cy agr1inst I"s 61*1 reivardii for lli� xiact R I-
. � . - ' I with Tck-j tplist ol ono of illo ll'clr,.,�;t finiZ r,
,� , .� L itil -4---pn. anwi as t4r) Vvir pr�t+,n,;ions lilp I.; 1�:?',tl,� I .,C.;- 11 1ho Rloridlim.
"l."U I ii. d S .. t..,-; - - Cf.,T�veralo:.,. is I I, * , " - ,,,,AwC� borie who were. Willi- to work. In " porteJ for it yczir !I
, � , , ,.0 Sollmi, lla,,-jrz. flip 311alsttl,r of Agri -
11 V .;�, is ;.1 � ()ff*1eq;i,J rfergiriltion Ily t'
. . � ,,.l. 4, - F. ��11111 (%�,ftlkl.--, 4.;-;,.lt :r I
, 9 "All, ml� -:�, , passing, Mr. Conrw,e stated there , Richard Dittler, owff�o tit 14��eovory,
�Ai wZrr-,,-i. (!.,.r'iig th, eo,wbb� .; 1,,.,V,rtnaYit ol .St. , rely eavin, eTlIttr;,�, Is 11 - 111 -test offlulal ur,klvr v,ms nat a mortgage on a sinizie farm � clAilai on rear Crvr'�c. vv.vs; al,out to
- .
. , . .. , . la.-Zr h. -Ad qr,v.-ral sliffr-rent 1V,w,.pr,&,til;1 g�,.rvcl,;En Tlap. -
�"" ,f .� ,".,- cariv " n, - liver district. � abardou h',,9propf rt,.,,* ull! n Iie silseov-
�te o -1n ,o ri�.rr.�hi � ' in tho Rainy 1.
* � - I,- -q
,r. In pay, ,- U)7in',!4 ;-, . n- tilr1ir ,---de-1.irni-.,, arrinr conAdi�ra-
v ror In- 1 , All priv.,tc nee,il vwl men,tin ..,
1- - .h,,,L�tl. � - . rTed a n ol i f)e.drock: nrl ny f;;'tlt berlmv
rf� ly ow� s u qn, r 11,in. -IT-A lia-I w)t zw�t reacbed a tie- even nmlin�� f(,-* janf,rs� Mebiding iiie .
i . - awn In Cro�,;-rg 7 . .
I . ,.r ! itf llmmiatio-n. the, firat one, from vvh�ch hc� took out
llflnie�--. "itn'! wio, i I, �;,Iv,,+ jirt,fermntin.-1 i Amerlean Ytorem,;' IS,orliet'.t., have-blen Tile a3trnpti,litan Street Pailway "',515,000 in 011e dQY. ( Pilo park or earth
- -
patmmlt t"o a!i:4).4!,d ,-,7;7-.Xr aga;,Ist � priwil"bitell, Jq-(.rxmv,r- of Abdul Iram- Conipan.y, of New York, 11-15 egt%t- alol washe.1 out ,() 1) in govi. othor
"I lxnp�)r!�,l from. " Th ^ YC R,rksilori) W1111saster. ar that ihirly may cloak con- li,shed a penslon s.ytem f6r super- -Olalm.4 ore row being pros,pected for
. .� r Gr��Jgu Z;11.1,. I " id"; im l, . I
Ila. I Lovdon, March 10.-Telr-grams re- ,", lrilcle%�, �
n. . . T annuated employees. , I th' la bedrock. � I � I
a, I