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The Herald, 1902-03-14, Page 1
VOL. IL., NO,33. CHURCHES. S T. BONIFACE, Catholic, Order of service for the winter. Sundays: HighMass at 10 a. m.; Cate, ohism and Instruction at 12 o'ciot;k; Vespersand Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. 1n. Holy Days: High Mass, at 10 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 4,00 p, m, Week Days: Mass every morning at 8. o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 9 o'clock; The Boly Hour, or one hour'b visit to our Lord in the Blessed Saeramet every Sun- day afternoon from 3 to 4. Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock. Bev, Father Valentine. Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Solidify serviees:- German, at 10 o'doek`a. in. English, at 7 o'clock p. in., Sunday school at Tuesday evening; Junior Ailianee, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practiee at 9, Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7,30, Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. fL Fiukbeiner. Pastor. geutfckle en. tuff?. St. Petri l{irile. (otfesbienft vortn. malt. ii /AD lata abettbs i 214r. SamitaOcinlie vont. k° Cehrerverfammluug lTlittwoct? abeubs uitt haibs. E .Sdiulffe, •jaaftor. V. BACHAND, St. Joseph. • Notary Public, Fire and LifeIu- suranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. FIRSt.CLASS' IFARM FENCING ONLY Tli.e Official Organ of Zulic:.Ii: fain Hay Township. ZURICH" ONT.,FItIDAY, IVIAR. 14 1902. 30c per ROD. — —_ OR SALE BY THE ONT. WIRE FENCING CO,, Limited, PICTQN, ONT. clay at Mr, jelin Schilbe's, Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. • YTAILORING IN CONNECTION W. HOFFMAN Ir 20,000 unic Ars ill IGINI Muslin of tho very latest at D. S. Miss Beatrice Steinbach is mak- Faust, ing preparations for hex Are you a HBBAid.) subscribe If not, why not? For a, Ready Made Suit come D. S. Faust's stoma, : Mr. Harvey Coloskey spent Snn- Spring p ' lg r millixnery opening, • Miss Lydia :Buehler returned to Tuesday evening from a visit with her sister at Clinton. The 77. & .A. Corset is our best seller. Du you neecl a Corset? If as So, come and See our form, It Will show you hew the Corset fits. D. S. It oast . T111t1 st711Ir:141NCi9 Or JOB, • If tho agonies of Job wore any worse than the tortures of itching piles from w llich so many people are now suffering he had much to endure. The ditierexice is that there is no reasons for any one to .endure the miseries of piles for a single day. Dr.'Chaase's Ointment -hats cured tens of thousands of cases and is absolutely guaranteed to cure mix and clrerc' case of piles. 80 cents at all dealers or by mail front Ei1Jnansou Bates & Co., To- ronto. PRINCE .fBENRY SAILS. Bushels of Wheat • H.J.f.CoocE, WANTED (Late with Garroir' & Proudfoot) Barris - tor, Solie➢tor, Notary Public. --- ' _ <.. __• Rensail, Ontario. The demand for our Flour has 1nereaseal st extensiv e- • pROUDFOOT & HAYS lye during our 13 years in the .Barristers, Solicitors, Notarise Public atter, etre Cur. Square and North Street, i .0 o* +i t W. PR000E001- ploderic4, Ontario R. C. HAYS •, ♦ r MILLS . . . t jet Gi ZBLLI , Cfcrk IOttt „OW. Court, Huron" Commissioner for tacking Affidavits, s "oJLve' uetr ate. Valuator for the Hat - ren and Eric Loan and Savings Co. Office— Zeiler Mork, Zurat'is that, • jl I3OSSEXBERRSr maw Licensed :ttletitrneer for Rio - on County, respectfully solicits the pat - roan)) or those who intend having We& ; Patitfav tsolo a tttatraaltee9Yl. I Rw A. SELLERY, I a FARM FOR SALE. ill Consequently Wit ltre ill 11et'ti of Twenty thousand Bushels of Wheat at mare, for i hit'il we guarantee to pay you the very highest market Itri('e. Bring us at load and be trttnvislt'otl....... T'Dttttll:flee ,)'4r11 for pf t fav ot'K, We reattain yours, Henry Cook, Prop Mr. John Scbilbe is engaged 'head -sawyer in the Hensali saX� mill, Assessor Lipphazdt is expected around soon. Better hide your dogs. Several mortgage sale notiocas are { tacked up in the vicinity of St. Joseph. New lines in purses, trunks an valises at lowest prices. .'I Wel Zurich, Mr. William Fritz, of Crediton, visitg�cl his brother Charles on Fri- day lhst. Wait for the Lalnb Fence. Bost Wire field Fence on earth, t'. Orel) is getting it. PIG'S FOR SALE..-,.Froti • Ei-srl batch, at the Babylon, has "1-wely young pigs for sale. Mr a+aa.nd 1Vfrs. Edward 13r,oen bratty were the guests of t"vrn t'oioskea on Sunday- last. Mr. ()sette Koehler retnrale'd o Tuesday t3ve11i11g i'1•Ont Elmira where 111* had been visiting rola cove:;. Robins. bluebirds and. r -,.;cs hnv made their appearance aratnc•e a s s e ..+tt harbingers of Ssprim.r. May 1 Pring. The Exeter Stave Wort - start. h up their mill again on 31. Inlay t'n• t1 1, 1• tt Spends Quiet Day and Makes In- formal Farewells. - New York. March 11.--I'rinc•t' s Henry of Prussia sailed for (4er- 11tat11;t- on the H aa11bur,g- a1111ar1C anor n •➢>ent',Y'Iait:aid :tt :;,4:1 l,. 111. to-dalc, ' and tints ended his visit to the ' United. Staztos. The :1'ri11t•t'' 1 last day was spent entirely en board' the la4°aat-'t•Iea' a having decided .Leal. tie aat�•ilt�, not tee 178 tine Ca number Let titer n.tl i �►" •,F w . ILA tv1�:N 1 1lasel tiE•ta7ro !,ro ro ra t. ern n FAUST'S Great Bargains in Spring Overcoats at very Low .Prises, Now is your Chance to get the Best for Little Money. Men's Cloves Unlined, for $1.40 and $1.75. THE VERY BEST, • Ter for Fed LOT fir Umbrellas for $L25. They money.- Our New Prints . are Collie and give us a chance. satisfactory to you, that is 1727a,10=174- /11.11 1'rtrlllla'tA labia"ld the coming st41s011. tvttlt rc t oil ••tat3 of halals. D. S. Faust Ihu- a filo' a -,m *two? Of It t yds embroidery tioll`t. bt" 1r•:ct a sal toll bee thele. the t wea, +al. Ile b1'i.il>.la•t4'd at . ' ae1 111°'1 it emetliatr•16 retired to 1 1113 t':ltelit.:� It*''a•'• ➢as' ➢1:°711' ..'6t'1rat; r ltedir. Ina writinw, letter:. ,1lnott lee, t$'4.1),...% "Po• F,r+; alga t.$ 1•t•ee'1re• farewell visit- front I ient111'rs of the party l at2111 r1trr. i•tl .`dia'rtt.n tt' (ietntary iU tl+p'- D 0r,ahl8tt v net r4f tier' t t1a,,,F,t Settee t•nrr', r%Laaaott, t ,:IIh+'.9 Ctt'0,41iiatata•al Ihi New Advert isY'11tt'ttl 1), Faust. i": F rit:r. 1). Stein)..a'F':la, t 4reb. R. tr Nie•)tul. P. b.r�;Yr1«Q (` ilartla'il).t: t'vr, tither papers May x111+1-r,a•st• Witt nttt 0111,442t this. 1* . tura clan lim11.1'111 4,011 ;Nor t tt°t' 11_ D'ke•a till• lrar°all weer?, in its u.nat t•'a^:t0. ,pias Nistati An411°t't<' ti<ar' <Y a.itit tr. heti returned t:t t4A1511 4J11'` aS ui'a•".�` ali4"2111;Ina 1"..114N1,.,4“4“,.31 1Ye k3•, , �1 i11rl:4 *4',Nowi21,2 1'+"7r oCn,°F'?$° tiuC4, her as LraiD? Me. Henry ti•a'hie" t', )1_,),4;$ t1 h^14', 111it'srltat,a°.r11 11'°I40 312 yt'_ W%a1 1211(1 t.',11,okog. 11 `o:at0u8*,ar1 uottt011 ,-, 1e- tint o*. Rift ELuSr423 0 ttaa•ei* &a 40:1,1 article when 1a' niece tt: Mrs. .i.aoc*Dh Z➢322221»32-22g oli'D Y,an, ly nvi ;1.11V441Aer tlna°76e ci iii 3,,,t2313 1-)23 aattn7.7 t1 . M2'°d? RY n,et+za0 u n 6 n � tato. her i1*,1.1,2(,' W7r.:11 1io'F 1r.�i�;.0n ,n V, aa47et ?a'•._ K.:1:a�... 112110. Dentist, graduate or the Royal ('�s➢irgtt j! log 22, eon. V. platy. Dn1a1 a1a'n°t'1. M Dental � 1°14.411111t3 of '.5uttgtems, irvr.vun©. ritt3 tlasmala° t* tall t1 i D2 1k lett$ n 1:,+ha,.Ti nr�lator. ttfidtliltO of 1)Spk2Etallttahl: elf Dentistry, 'e1Ds. 2 hue's tt1 en4teoui'Kitts Tlu;e1 ft�lint+° t0 Itvtlo221 tInivettity. Fahuless eztraetke71n Yl>11425 $11U:I111 tY5it51�tetl, •*I 2C1 LA U1t�'u°111afteti 1,,7 11u0lUuii °FO'aU"C"+19ttl;a.Y ..4.;;4„730:. rod teeth. Plate noel: a .. :as 1►eoialit '. mikk from Zut'lel Yttlrlt �ra1Il 1;ar �evpel Dl, 1 At Doonorratt H use„ Zurich, every l: on reasonable talo as. Monday. 146 Apply toJ* i^-t'n 1 W011'33.4 -;tip 211'2111 ttlh'r° N,.373,0 1:38‘.:33 rant l:ro a ctttall82 t 1,, et ,,.e, 1418-t!' oinodcei 1100! ,,,-tr Cot, �. t a� u,!' D.•e!4°.+ %we.; .'tt+' 4 hi- latest eaDt,1 •., and the !'1 c1t+ .. hi Wading ; him tut,. tD )..'snye 0 hint tlnttt had0 i Hot 7059. t2 4 rottat`71an•f t•' All 4 Mel t- r a ....i.,. • 0 Bora t`• �:la,, t • , Y'A.. , � a. tl;f'�tt 11 "t�•'�lt1Ya�. a3t;.�,.,n...�.p �raaahal:.l. La J b _e iDl 11 4 ‘;'117,, •:. �sa'an,: p, fie eg ° 1' 3i,.. rr•.0 11142 .• or bn7 en.. ,^ ,•',:Y. 1D,.` , ' i* �a20*' *.q 11? 2 : en' * 1J,.,, t, ` c+� +i00 ti r. rti�f •an n,,.. a isu.` s PAB;ni1 ilS e, Stn iq !a�N a� v 'tel'; utast ; tit R'311*. Fovte1 -Wear. ;31 aD➢ �v iU 1it.p )lair! hl it112 City I2 r .,resp man D>r. ",eZY 1'1'ta?pt �.d5ets to S THE SH * Cutter and Elgo ,J1,,.J1,, +, 2 itt i_ (�„•MP.. 71 4itr h �... a ; VJ tk.:` L.4: c :i Jl;xb'tc,r $-eu'a'2V,]tUat 1.,•„xF21 t't:itr cu-u*n t+4 w V 6�:ti;EP 10. �Ieil�', 1UaU,-'°". +-• •. lF o, '��ir° - * TANBUR FARM rott SALE. (._ 110 ( „t;,haE'. cu n1� n.tllrcGlii 11,* '• ti' .'rv''.'t:L@3�de7$ to Y.,t.1nt"v','s,t'i :s'`;01ii:t;'1' j _.,.. • . -rt t Q �9 F ,u The North t of the North 11 et' 18*1114 *..017.1011V` 1i, c• r tr •. ,,r.•. .1A1 1ete'1'1?11t. 1iOI,ICiiY'vili, 2OPAD , ; lit tttttllher °l4. COD. 11 Hay. con- t 3sttPaa ,,eh" Conveyance, , Stoneyto Loan oto Village; tontine', 23 atteii'es, I nor'e or less. tLrt1Vent 1!r+ope±t •at1onetttalesofIn- frame dellingwi.thkittlnc-t>t. 12:21.12 A. '1 cru.1aLLlnlr at Itoi> ;eo-'t1n ia•�. leftist. Documents in original C+et1tn*tr' 5'2140 mkt n> the, tlt°avita*2 shet2- � ft dettt3' ,1crrlteaii i,au.tt her head to, head andadvised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTRN RII Svea azEh; eattttt fftlbKa a� lbrtba" 11c1 I111iL '--Iilnet= sasstha^tt°nt°ae nt ava YT u promises y also,2 goad 4d E tllcon 11.eein front Ir,1`'Il0 ; t i w; , and!Ei°?:u-'. over O' a➢l"a skin. Exeter. as lel to Very easy terms. 400**;,ante**041:4********I ')4, DOMMERClit, HOTEL ! Mathew ltarman, proprietor ; E. quit Silver co411,v-tton.:. i .11Mit it 17n3te>t til4vut ss Lit 11 ll'n'"ia.:• EoeiY $2i tt 00n o>r ft1the< artriettgiis apply to . flit? u1r'- ts.'4' ZeIL2:2, Znrit`Ia. 'Miss 112artodte Est t 1r . j. W1gg12g�*. .sati%i - „j2e1'anee IcetL'Zt'er 229 it organizer. will .: SALE • iI •mayEGvIS ;-•9 . leet'aarelr try Dil*'IPtL5 chit A Olt MoKati2*v Y 7 t=N L .4 R S - . aifniya'£nu>r»E» "i222i't-2i o. _dl `a.»5 9 Lnl iIl'4" tit t. Cltl. ° ."htllrstiay. :;Avrtii :"I$�elY at Evangelical t llann.•it.. In the even n_1°12. u..� w clock n.... rv_�.NA'i. _. ___.. lY__.... ',33tq Ole 1:32t1 The t 4 11_2- tray. fano Mock implements. ete.,1.41 ttre invite& # .e cote. Strictly up-to-date tit modern ire- * ▪ plied with only the verv best. It: 71 Bar 'contains choice flit:mots and 14: elgara. 1.3 41; Excellent Serunple Rooms * tor Corearkordlid Mem Equipped. with all modern conveniences. First-class accommodation to Commer- cial travellers.. Bar and din- , mg ro om always supp ed with the best obtainable. Bossenterry. auctioneer. A conntry minister in a. certain', own took permanent leave of his; ongregation in the following, thetie manner: 0-13rothers and sisters. 1 come to say good-bye. I ;I don't think god loves this church becaus-e none of you ever die. don"t think you love each other. becartse you have not paid my sal - /07. YOiLP donations are mouldly 1, fruit and wormy app/es. and .by their fruits ye shall know them." ; better place. have been called to go to prepare a place for you, and /nay- the Lord have tnerey on your /k16114 *tort 14totfhoitlitt Sobittlitevonuttentied Id/ tiraggiata in Canada, Only ten- able meditine discovered. Bit forms oliSexta Weakness, etteets of abuse 13.aceo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of ptlet, one tankage SI. els. SS. &retain pZiose, siziatettre. Pamphlets tree 10•titraddresa. The 'Wood Company, Windsor,- Ont. Wood's PInsphodine is sold in Zurich by Dr. Buchanan, Druggist "Qtt; of my +1m:eaters sImost everything. 'eta without re- lief. Vie then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and three and one-lvtl bottles cured her.— Emma Jane Ayer's Cherry Pectoral of asthma, Andit cures bronchitis hoarseness, weak lungs whooping -cough, crou.. 1,virtter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Three 'Uses: 258., enough tor an ordinary cold; We., just right for brorictliti*, hem-to- • 011, -Ty. 2411 - guns havo in at ltla,rill,o.rs aria AND DE or , by the 13. ,,,,,. y):,,t-i.,m,n. when last . itT:4. Spring Beds and Mattresses., seen. IA as *4 ;iris. =net.. I have no i The ilig11-0`6410 NOWiN-qiklw. Pia part of Delurey is t,v draw fife the PIANOS A