HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-07, Page 8• THE ZURIICH HERALD • ek.taking we Remnants and. toe.k and these ,way down, out ortion to their LIC . You will early to get a lese re ER ONTARIO. MARKETS nevi...el every Thursday afternoon. Witeat 73 to to - ee 4t 4S .50 - - 2.00 2..10 1:-.) 17 le - le 3 13 tieteee Petanees 4t1 HENSALL AIARKETS. Wheel' 75 to (kite - 4e 473 Harley .01 Pear • - • • • t.i.g10 bee. .liveirewt • ;eget :elm Oats Barley F1 'ur Peas •- Battier Fleas I "Itiekene in - "Meeks New Peed Will keep on hand supply of Flour and Feed at right Prtces GOSHEN LI N E Special to TIM Hf4RAI.1). Edward. Curvin late finished drawing the timber foe his barn. -1 John Reed. and sister (4:- Carnduff, Manittba, visitoa at Mr. 'Wm. Stog- , one day last week. Robt. MeLinehey has ire viewed a DOW rifle from 'Wm. lee of Zurich. Morton Elliott -and Jnii Me- Lincb.ey visited at Henry rite.." ter's on Sunday. Mr. Forest purchased a fine horse , from Charles Raymen at a good price. Mise Violet (31.111.7 visited et 7:7.r. Edward Robinsen1s on Sunday. Miss Emma, Thompson vete the guest of Wm. L, Keys on Sunday. Miss Maria Dowson visited at; James Stephenson's one du- lest week, • Thomas Johns of Varna wa along the line selling tea one day last week. Isaac Erratt visited at Robt. 'Me Linchey's one day last week an on account of the bad roade had te leave his horse and cutter until the next day, ! Robt. Armstrong has tapped t • number of maples and intend making maple syrup. • The man of the :Babylon the . drives a white horse visited t•koshei _one evening last week. g Mrs. Henry Hayter had a vere 1 successful rag bee on Monday. 1 HILLSGREEN . ,,312,11.=ffeWal01215M514. fee% iti4 Off 11.111a,n's Jubilee Laundry .14 *4;1, 0 0 We "ree no chemicals to destroy or injure year CI:edible', and we Guarantee our Work, Ti,ILORING IN CONNECTION W. LNOM %-f;MITEVE-:10Elal,;IMEIRe i1`1* Nekeel,c'" Stanley, .1. Weralese• 'Varna ; Bay- field, 1)r. Stenbury. lyileld; erith Tp. Ono. Terrance, Porters' _ Hill ; $eeferth, D. '111. Wilson, Sea.- a forth ; uonsath Dr. Maedermid, Hertsall. 1iiing speeches Wero delivered Ly Fred Hess Esq., the ' Liberal 'andidate for Smith imm. Thoe, Fraser of Brucefiehl, 'Donald reeennuis, 1,1xetee, J. Kel- 'formai), 1 et ell woe P. Lamont, Zurich and several others in which t » they (es:pretested their belief in the 1 eleetion hher;ci emu -mato in Kit -tat Hurn and flip return of the 1( - Rs -tees eeerement to) pOWer. Reso- lutions were lelesed endorsing the note-- te' ;..;•'4 reeriumeat and exeree„ete teentitilanee with ilte • family the lettg Aryl; Bishop. Ex - Mr. e.'!"). Steenenten has retnrned. home. ;Cyr 0 few daye" visit with hie le.. et 7..e.-1).1,aw. in Walt -m. 1.11% ‘11,1,7c: '"=i2tigisl.MOMYIWINriat=7Fr'aTtlrk7t7:g7PraralM....b.,v.t.t.WVIttl4V Special to the HERALD. Rev. Shaw of Clinton efeeluoted services in the Methodist elierelt. Sunday evening. ; Peter Baker imported some tee. thoroughbred fowl last week. Baker says they am line ltlyers an.l • also superior tel f r., 1. 11g mamo• lf-Td11111". of Washers and Wringers 6:191.1.6,4f3Yzar.1.2.11- of the very best makes,at the :Big Hardware, which will be sold cheep. it will pay you to call and see them before buyhig . else- where. When you call, don't foyget to have a look at the Stove Pipe Radiator it leads all other Stove Drums All kinds of Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Glass, Granite and Silver- ware, will be sold cheap at THE BUG HARDWARE C1,1 WO Main Street...,. Vs &MIA Zurich, Ontario. ' ears, nt 1. V. elelartin. ie visiting frieede A--1);•dol ltae eirteitteed 1. 1 r r, -.knee eg ,•,:11 King St. el-ee . hi. letteene.1.1 For 116'f:in) ifl On Friday evening beet; a here, 1 number of invited ;naeven. aeetetiia:;o,l • at the epaeloue leant. of ti". ele: • Mrs. Ea. Troyer, Parr line. Hey. The evening 'MLA' spoilt fln eon, and mush. until an tette;y h( the Ititgrning Nylten ell we/aria...1. well pleased \vial the ev.etioefee fun. Vgear te-erreepteeten; zee express wielage the e tome tee. , 'mein to thank and Mr-. for their kind Iteepitality. m Jaes Hagan diepeeed • liable two ,evar old*• 'kleet "tee I• `for the entre N11441 too'. Ferdinand '4'kent-en,t.e- e number oi friend... . I Mg. knit Fred gain ret tome N. 1,, Thurethey ILI at Win itetehert %Nee iit e'en' we Emanuel Itelehert bee. own,. e with Jamee L gve for 7.u. u- stil%.• ,%. aliSS !lateen Dv- Otani ne) • . • , ;owe ftegt; ve • eeneennet %lel) .e." • . • 0 'A (1211IlltuPvlit. ien,•en, Alex. 1a'4teen!' I -"I...2: e. Mgeaday. Mr. Mrs- . 1.11itatio11 rae-lee• H. le. et.: ire- . Teetene. ex poet master •.: bee nevelt te Hen • nee, he Ittnight frent .t. e.• • lie-; intr. „lee ,ter • Aqk Pe0111: *elate e •nt.'n • ;et -; et -41.. eee. ", e; returned e: ,`,,"•"7,„ 71,1 t'ntrZtt • 1 •retathien "t" t »• pl'agted a •re; ti , te,iten leant tei en. 00, ," 0't %.'t.'111' rndii !,`,•., • k 1,1§.• ° ;be. Vt`tge ; • liD ' 17r -.nen .,1 t)re-tent The, Kind You Want Bill Heads Sale Bilis Note Heads Envelops Circulars Etc. Etc, 4 ER YOU IMNTING I -1R FA, ) h • • *„. ••- teltreoel. Artlitie 1 teen wee': leeree e. visiting lat., 9,Otot-4" .7; ••, Chopping Done Me7vtrit_ 11..fna••,7 - • "' tr.'arkle t-• tiv-tt • • eiettirez elettleen neelieate'e • : Tuesday and Friday oom c'nn,y ,-, 7 HN THIRSK ood Goods rices Right 'Watches, Clocks, Jewellery. Musical instruments and Fittings. also Spec- tacles and Eye - lasses. TRY ME. tine Repairing a Speciality. F. W. HESS 7HE JEWELER SLAKE to Ttm HEEZA1.1). ?Teo late for last week.e The weether of late has been very lice. a Dittle too nice for the sleigh - 4 -7 as the roads are getting in poor onelition. nen John Reclider Lad a sue, essfu2 quilting bee on Monday hen e lot of work was done in a carry. and the evening was spent n deneing; and other games. The nenie was furnished by their son "hris who is an elegant player. Mr. John Thirsk has opened up a ed store and is doing a rushing! yesinees. Mr. Jacob Sehwartzentruber ils n the., sia list at present, and we 11 hope a speedy recovery. Mise Anna Oesch took her de- mrture Tuesday aria went to Ilinois. Mr. Fred Steinbach left for Cava - ler on 21011dai.3r. 'where he intends king his future home. frumt • ..0.**).-.11.- HEAYSALL 14,111 it,v Tnl: Te annual wer. Referee etesseeeetteeen ,e- stitti.ted tem pieet-ittietel eettnie. •-e; Was lkeldii tlerietilll Donio c -ntav eeelenditieen teee ; 7",,1-..• • •was a large attendeee.,...? ve"' '•-• tttiVeS front all pert, 0--ecf Tlie following ellieees eve.e • fortlw--7 • IC Y. Melezein. v • J. {4. Stanintry. 117.3•,;(•.7tv- J. C. Kelleleise-ie, Zee:felt t'eeetitteeen: neer and Treaturer. A. K. t•-•710.:',,,.14•.%-.. follownng ap.y.!:_intc.1 7..;.n of the viitY4.711 (-tut t...-- Tttekersntit7t. J. 111,77N74--rva%.»11 » tsterne. W111 » 31.1leeiCet:t. TT,'" • Reavli ; Eneeter. 1F» V.'. Exeter Stepletn, V.'Let ":. Klatva Hay,Peter -,%v•c;•il•- filatty 8- Meet C:Inei:Qm Iva Pale/ Weak ani It.11-17=. Doistlifitted olod DrImristed And JiiodY-,-111r. Chose's iiezve la Surprisingly lieneilerial. • Children. The zevere and ever-iu.'-r.--,:sing of competitive exar25m.ii11.i2_,..> • a time when every bay r»1 L2 IS undergoing, trying chances does nnr1 t&iOra.--1- , r..-rutar, and physical wv,z.-ks thlidren, Ii.ura dov.7n in the blood thia And wai-ry sols system exhat:istt no chance to escape besat a feeble hotly. Tin"re Itt.1" TriOnt known to scicric.e, that se nc.:77.1.4."1- ly ,ancl timrougI:ay strt vitality to the tervoim systetu • Chaire's Nerve Food. ntai:t-r1 ror- tuts happy by bringing back ft. -.1, to the faces and the Pirenfrth elasticity to the bodies of their puny children. Mrs. S. Dempsey. Mbnry. Ont writes: -"My grand,12ufeht,--..- nina years •old. was pa'rt' and no appetite and seemed to To f.,r:ii-Inca- ly growing *weaker. Dr. vi-..ar,-.?5 Food proved invaluablm kvv. storiaw health ;and color anti making .iter strong and welt', Fiftydents a box, at ail dialers. or ; Zdtexansoni Sates lee Co, -Toronto. -" ' ▪ a•d‘I _ • -»•--"r`-,7 -!..171.;" • , r”.04.41.1. :1 • 1-'iThroMn- 7 - • 7., a -•• • : - • t . .1,, 4 •t,'4 • _ et. tlea e leleeneee "e eee. %11enteell .e" F.a Sa14711.. f ;." :en I. • ZAIT1 - • , 1%:_r 1,11t44- 1..9n9ny • ^, h22'14. Shovel- Jno. '2121.. shevelling • liee-sitIn *love:inn' e- • Del: Ilavt:leiteney. e•er re -e). bridge. :;;:e • eee vet al. shovel- . 2.ets Ittetlereeep '1'.nee; ee. pnweing 2111W eel; -1. • '„ enow nee; eiee: et. 0,» tetveter on drain) eee. • :. ; .1. 1). .....1%*st•l; 12'1.19S. J. '''leee.Ltztevw, ; ft-Zeneerr , y l,r2n-(.1.y. a*i*.i,,,,Arnea. to meet again tete "1", Aril feredittn, tm eye leer!! 7t11 next. at 1 p.m. ! 3 fitNizi,' Etteene Tp. Clerk. j „en 0 lei ten eel , i•94%102;ftip r37• ;13 71•7 VAIL ihnt Pr. ▪ e di.1.0,44) cum. fotat% vr e -c• form of izr•b•.,r4se, 41.11Iirfc-r Yon c:zar- ero me a, bniv, Ebl..tin:;,:or:,Ii.vrns Co-.Torollf-at • airattnent Men11' CRCS SAWS AXES HORSE BLANKETS BELLS AND FUR 7 lz,.,11100,f1 pvioos, 0 (1,0,1'. . • • • Mntils TiasmiliFstivA0 *vVe traaEz,e Harness Bi 41ve o 'Vilt For Uttte 47.) CZ ley .1Inniware ami liarintr'z'4`4 1-7,1121V,19riting. ZURICH. OPti ciloeutett-ogteitee av0itle",41 eves= Dre.os °Gods Ptht Laces Liv.ens In 7 4,"zeu "5 i Goods Sthg Etc .1 TW E Eo. We have just received New Liaos o; Tweeds and Panting& if you are i need of a Suit, give us a call; we can suit you. Our Bargain Tab: Is still to the front and we are adding New 'Goods Daily-. Give us a call and be convinced. teen acb Zurich