HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-07, Page 7tslOttl)itA 9IA411,AVIAVO,Zot Otto t-,i4,10a9" i9r'lpi.)'2iA0040 13+$+000111.
Paris, Feb. 8. -Tile latest and most
important sartorial sensation in
the fashionable world Ilan been
the trousseau of the little
A.rcliducliess Elizabeth Marie of
Austria. 81te le a thoroughly
atp-to-date girl in her love
of pretty clothes and thanks to her
Indulgent grandfather, and her
grandmother's _magnificent legacies,
she has been gratified in that way
to her heart's content. T think
there has always been a great deal
of romantic interest taken in her,
owing to the terrible shadow
thrown over her early days, whim
she was too young and innocout,
happily, to be conscious of the grim
made a finish. For a "younger" cos-
tume, I saw
A Delicious Arrangement
of cream satin ribbon, spotted with
gold the size of peas, alternating
whet cream filet lace, the frou-frou,
cm which the ribbons rested at the
edge of the skirt, beteg of giold-
epangled white tulle, each ribbon
ending in a gold "dandle-danglet"
The high corselet belt was of gold
tissue, and the tiny globe -like sleeves
of the cream satin ribboly puffed otic
by the apanglex1 tulle A tiny gold -
topped marabout feather nodded over
the colf.ure. For other e:imilar frocks,
any pretty chine, brocaded or Pom-
padour ribbons, may be uee.1 ; or rib-
bon velvets alternating with lace
have a cltarminf;• effect. Sometimes,.
the underdress is of pale -lured silk,
according with the tones in the rib-
bons, and showing up: the pattern of
r, In „Y,•niit&-.,n? : ^!!d' "e..r ,
favorite this season and is still to
be seen on the stately head of Ales.
Langtry, as Mlle. Mare, nor Greatly,
arranged coil of hair is crowned wit's
green and gold, bay leaves having
diamonds round their edges, Her per-
::r•sonification of the famous actress,
who so cleverly influenced and scored
off the wily First C`oalsui, is very
good. The dresses and stage furniture
are beyond all praLee for their ab-
solute perfection in every detail; of
the richest possible materials, all
have been imported from France
having been faithfully copied from
those of Napoleon's day in the Lou-
vre. They give cue a charming ver-
sion of real Empire and 3' lreetoire
dresses and furniture, an some of
the frocks would make fascinating
* * * * * *
It has been piteously cold of late
on our side of the, 4ierring•penci, and
if cablegrams tell, the truth you are
also at the (reeking stage. Skating
goes on wildly and deliriously; the
Austrians still skim along vritlt their
glittering jewel -bedecked skates, It is
a conspicuous freak which will not,
I fancy, Batch on. The ultra-chlc Pat-
lneuses favor
White /for j heir Costumes.
T have !seen one in an underdress
of white broadcloth topped by a
captivating little coat like an Aus-
trian Hussar's, which seemed to hang
loosely from the shoulders, and was
caught across by big cream branden•
bourgs, and nutted but t'ns; the
big black fur collar and toe;u-' made
a telling note on the snowy -white-
ness, and was becoming to the wear-
er, whose hair was of the "ehatain
rouge" order. A great many Skaters
prefer' grey to white fur this year,
and many add a touch of pink, in
the shape of a bunch of La France
roses, to the pretty toque, muff and
pelerine which are "ensuite," and
smarten up a little costume of black
Zibeline or panne marvellously, a
touch of old lace being frequently
added discreetly to the throe "objects
(ifoot! ' 3tt meter -tN7P#ai •i"x';e,e.„eaele tfi5,.� 1 e h ¢: l:irl." e f :, t Tit." t,:' l'e a
x1 7� „t "4-1,3 �,55 # -" 6116" ra-t" F `:. 17 - e' 1 stn's u i : 6G 1'' it
ter r £:a d4(.�'e"9°" �iDyy-a L '.n t IJ '.
I 'T'MY 4°11eti-t,r ii'_t�S Y t' i.{ 'VIf 1 177i•
tit::" a14-,,7,13.; `]ic41f ll.s
in tta 1 04 e; 1 rte 11.1 e.'.1 (41 i 1u Ya 4 , a x e, , unJ a. it Ii -
3 4 t E• i i . @ tab P" .:, . :_ P "
;�a.Pt4. 4'n p ' ; #' @ •,.al 1 Ge" 6 '; C P .n n m pg
� 1 . i,•.],0.. e c 4 .,, ,.. P : St ! - J! 4 a`� l@ n Q.'n1 .5 I
Cr °a":. _..1 d �e4.. iP '4`1Un=: a P `iW'^.4 17' by 6L">r.'"i' rt ,:#- 4':.4 4Y .. @tun. Uri' i".•1. 3-' It., tU' 4 ..i.74.tti D
a " Y¢ ' to 1
les".If'. ts.�'! e�tael_. -'�C' :..
1. • � ... m.fiilll'' ,1Co :-:" @17•"�. ,I• Q.i :,-a:' 1R"•*" l Uu t eh.. u Bw rya P
°e' Dtxti-,°, , b.q llas 4 1°'.4, t; 9 i:03 1 ''' 9 .43 „U C'4 4a i9'u1 th,
i`1n'L @ '7e' "
'1,$ l-"A.a 4n` L' 4'2,ia1. -a T.,) °' 4"1JCi` 1 $'C fe11U-•all �.nu @ ] 1::.,r tP'... is '(�'. 4 n_1 ._,,•a c ':o':'g'Ra I9 du
,tulle; "1'0
�1 ate"s <1 i4 II're I". ; 1iay At, e.: v..u..
tu' ia�1n ta :: tU tU 4.n .yguat i, . 41'1 n v
1NT1:L N4T}OJ At, 3.i'3SSON NO X.
MARC)), a, 1942,
Tllenisciples Sotttterr4d,-Acts, 8: 3.17.
Commentary.-. Saul made havoc
-Tile Greek word means to "de-
stroy," "ravage," "devastate," as a
ferocious animal would destroy its
prey. Saul did his utmost to ruin
the church. He was mad against
the Chrietians and set no bounds to
hits rage and cruelty. Ile did this
under the (auction of the rulers,
once exercising their own authority
they eeeit direction from God. Might
receive --They at once le: the new
converts into a deeper (;"Jiristian ex-
10. Was !alien --This expression IS
several times applied to the Holy
Spirit. It anea.ns that he ' comes
from heaven, and denotes the ra-
pidity and suddenness of his corn -
Ing. -Barnes. In the "name' oir b'e'aus'
Christ means the same as Jesu
17. Hand's on them -The Wesel)*
came from God through the apo tle at
Received the holy Ghost --We have
here as at Caesarea (chap, x, 44-
48) and at Ephiesus (chap. xix,
7), a miniature Pentecost,
Every house -He searched every- PRACTICAL SUBTLY.
where that cone alight escape, Hal- Saul the persecutor. This view .of
ing-An old English word for haul- Saul, though brief and passing, is,
ing. And women -His fury knew' no very significant. Ile was party teethe
execution of Stephen. Saul was ftt1l q11,
bounds. He arrested the innocent ignorance and blind pa,sSLon, What• keel
women and "dragged them forth,', afterwards felt about his conduct is
the same as the men. To prison-; thus expressed in his charge 'to Tiix1-
otby : Who wus before a bias -
Dimmer, and a. perseeutorr and injur-
ious." This example. should be a
,standing warning to us against trust
in mere feeling and enthusiasm.
The effects of persecution. It led to
diagpersirm and the dissemination of
the truth. Through the country of
Judea and Samaria the scattered
onto) want, leaving in every village,
house and heart, stirring memoriee
and new thoughts. There is a gen-
eral historical lesson here. The old
dragon is ever ready to devour .the
child o1 the woman, the hellish Py-
thon would wrestle with the glorious
Apollo, Herod woul'I put to death the
child Jesus, Saul would slay the in -
Punt church ; but the victory of eter-
nal light and love is not doubtful.
The work of Philia. Well does it
stand in contrast with( that of San
in this g1inlpne of early Christianit '
Saul, the wolf amidst the folt
breathing out threats and slaugh
tor ; Philip, as the shepherd, feedia
an"h healing, an: Comforting. Agai
and ngain wig ha. o the repetition "
the true effects of Christianity, Go•
words are spoken, .good deeds ar
done, ani joy breaks out 'in ever
So many were arrested that it was
impossible to bring them to trial at
4. Scattered -Heretofore the work
had been eel-Aral:zed in Judea, but
now the persecutions drive them Jut,
and the church enters upon a new
epoch: of espannio'n. • Everywhere -
Through Judea and Samaria.. Preach-
ing thea word. -These tiL:.paarse.l Chris-
tians were like so many itinerant
preachers. j3. is the "word," -plain,
simple, gospel truth -that reaches
the lianas.
5. Ph;lip-The deacon, mentioned in
chap. 6, now. advanced to the degree
of an evangelist. (.:maria -Our Lord
commanded them to bear witness of
Ilim in Samaria after Jerusalem.
Acts 1. 8. "it furnished tate bridge
between Jerusalem and the world."
6. With. one accord -The original
words imply that crowds of people
gave their faith and c0neent to tate
new teaching,-t'am. Bie When they
heard, etc. (.R. V.) -They liearl tvh.lt
had been done in other places anti
ri a 0 • rate what Philip was now doing.
At the very first note of spring 7 Unclean spirits came out -
Parisians fly to summery hats, and Hence it is evident that this:a uncie:in
.,already some alluring shapes have spirits were not a species of disease,
.ppeared in black crin and lace as they are here distinguished from Simon's mistake in professing heli:
a taws. These straws are crowd- t the para! •tic and tlto lame. 'Phare is,in Christianity. I:ecause true di-
ing by the million metres into the t nothing more certain tial», that the cipleship is no mere profession, n
millinery houses, for as you know New Testament writers mean real sudden, excited Impulse, no vanisl
the best modistes make up all their diabolic pn:scssionF, by the terns ing sentimeaa.t, but a sober, cal'
own fascinating shapes, just as they 1 uaele to spirits, devils, etc:.•-Clarte.': indgmc'nt, a full met hearty surre
want them,
evolving new and local; f,. Great joy -This joy arose R 11 ; der an l entire eon-Re'.eration( of sea
ideas with fairy faculty. 11'e are ;' from tile fact tltat2 a large number ; and lifer to Christ. aimon did n*
told that many epfing hats will a 'tact laet'n healed, and l: -'t that the pit down first anti e4)utlt the coast. :•
have curtains, made in the same , grul:Pi bad been preached to them. had no i"k'a of taking a lowlypla-
straw or in another material. 01, 1 ra'tival of religion always pro- • in t'hn i t' se'rtiier'. Ite wanted st'
Bourse, for some 'time, French wo- ciuc!a.'it tc1 l• r#Karr' accost! cxxc?.
men have had a leanizlg tR?(vasal( D. Simon -Much has been written The <>F j i t of the get of the Hex
thingst dropping from their hats;! reg ar 1ln t this lima, altiaont ii little Ghost. 1. In relation) lo the apo
ribbon anti velvet enols, lace "quirt's.; 11; hr.. r„L al:out him. alein usually tie•''< ns ng''Int . 'rhe".' never a.ssrvn'
etc:., have sometimes reaciie'I the t g1 k^ elf ate IBm#;L 1I1Ro~itr+, Snree't,' that the '„'.ft came from them.
shoulder, and look graceful Ce.i :L ! 1$ > pz. a n"t''F ui h ia', " etre re l•in t the 'r1"1;` 4"«:itis° diBru ni l7 theta. Goo/ nip."'
Prettily Set t`renela iee•:ael L arts ' te; the .b oil, or nn"^ah"i to hence have P, -tit F•'iM a luurit «lire tl` a?"
They meet be ermegesi with t tP „ r, x',' 4vla.r•lt , '1'1"Ya1 1Rwr'•1 44. x R picric al,°v la"Y .g i•irl#t-Fix'16nntnlnatIagu"ilraL,yt3. I'tohai
!n Prrii
1 " that the (bear^:e trlae'n+'r" tin» fa,
t•:lnV. i•t"".o4 ht. re-Hirai]1 and In
1411.-e11.1 not treat It as an nectar
anti ti:r0lfl`Eti'SEt, 1"°att°seter, "4'4*
, * ,. n n•;k,
a fal.lnie-P0 which may "at'oll�` r"tip Bei tti 4.4 tE1: 6 fi'r t C' lzYaetwle'rlkrt'.
' la' =,^f i:tM F"f 1140f.'_'t`7 " r"7i,'7111 �tx" '•
be i',631, Cat., h't4`"or Pa meet rizaaree F. rt ,last *'213":;: 4"1 1lla' !t° i,ls' t.1. V0-117 hN
Betty ; the ere lined bent '`:a t wee e 111 1, ir; 44.1 i;'ll w„ l 1" 3:^,. [ 1a't•Fa
8t brie":, with drawn tulle 'c;• a i61°r 1t1111ei• *rn h . ret l.ar" 1; «41
Yan,Ftial, fr)z'-
rt.m. ,1710 I r axt' nei arae F
'ne e fees 'r btan' hn'd r,dntani1 is /IIlY w•l-0 go".1 •IP t 1'D p
sandal ta4t r the enet lin L 6 6S'. rk. t'G1rR°EP" I a •'CP: • ti telt I.!' 4 e r'• 11-
r,tc "" bili: ua1` t ;l m. wl tas narr>. ,p'l w •aa �. 'x"h" rt ra,at #sic;v, r
'1" n 4 aunt t1° i
tons are l'BiY'>t"t i �t iiia muter It H ll "°'«
r P. , "...�,•. r D ,'P. @' . f• it It. �Y lBe•ra" a�pel ,°"."t, 't
raanz;Yel it a't 4"tat'"r.'.P.l-i..fe'ttc^"'a' t tit- " ,,.ala,' 116 one 1n e -t .4 with to ,• pew.
Ra !i : * . #.? rt, '4l',•i'7 't t• tL 'u°'=
Elmois"B e a , ai r411 1 n;•° a,l-:.;t...Huf� Paa r'1 lu:• t#,r4 °C tin R't IB, u1 164 te,'C-
t"u'Pdz'9° t"' ti. •id Bi• lu.#7 u. n'•• a'E=.:C^'1 E"a a:r#t 'Y.g+pr. nn"."7;',4' 1'4/4
•'1#'n %a6" zit .'t l :• ; L-: u`; ,,, Y - 11 4A,... r,,. ":t; 1. ,:
IY,,; E.!'t;',Dty t -'I b" '.ti !a1! Ia a, ,° '�4. atx" xP ."
!-:gr... v.lu �! Y° ,: u.t , in , 1'"" U 4 I e A e I °',3 a' v
V. a U.; P"1,** 111. 8•Ott§-
e' # ; ut ▪ Iwo 11..7 r r u.a, to1 a" 3 s n
a 0.11;;a1••
vi@li ff3
011 t '.rJ.:
• 11 t
1ti- e a nr.,1U i.0 ft" 7.:
t:,,+it. P 4t1'a11t ln, °
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PILI., ltt' •C.`3 '.:.0 Lfin . 1".W" :: Pi. 1 ...
."41 r1 :e l44,al e >i '1i. -=e "°4 - 1. ,,;
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t± a,
4 # 9°>. ,.nt C .,_::P 11' __" t •, .,;, 1.. 94'
fi= 1. ' w„ tttt't'.tq
Meta ,„ icy «~ t a P 11 1.:,1' 1:9 1. pa1h's 1P r4 , 71 ,rr is:+ . i a
f,{lL'1a Eg"a:,l, i.�1-.,;_:;u4, n.,u i:LG ' t�•.� f"l'I:R1 11,31ii0i 171. fel.:Lttr'EC_ " Co 7.731-
:n°Irl 117".1,-. to v. ,,,71": l' i. E. o.._...
4:1 ti'.li"-' pc 4:; y of !1('!r1''a,-. ".t7t1 ,171-11.7../1 ttv, 117_ e.u,�9"'a:jia."u:6"..•„ ....
IPt {.y 1i.da at 1 :illi: ill -''•7 tl'.1t..011‘.t: roll -a @Pi"tut 1i 4: v Le..rn oa.
Ev;;;1: ''.➢,,,•1 U;Q:.t! l 4i1 1:;..a L`17: 44a
,�' I.v lit CIUi-rlhl"',z. 0.3 its 1t•rDtirr' Pili t u7-_ t• ems, u"4,t96� B:d ,1.,y,:.;a, l<,.:,@
. _ 1 'Me {i''. l.y (P A 11' tr,,,
" &t tzi,, Ji. 1 -- r•, .
F_1 - 1;
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10 t4!.1r.41 1P:,r4.L L. -I V.'ru ` 5153 fain -t 14'00 rn,t2 4 , g'4 u'♦.'.'i.;,.: .4. ':... ,. .D..9e , r"t..a:a.•:
ettflr•1Lt fit . clo I.t9a:141:.t'J; i`l'n5'
1. ,1E_, tt'!n"Ly tc, � vs .�.7t ttf iP.P �>✓:
sal ;17' u 1I:.O sit 4-1.+3, P14 CE4? 9 .Y C'1,te Ad:cP1 Efl5 t.,,m1Ht41rr aC tP'111#aC 1:: nt j''tl. y,�71",o.Ifl 1R. 4i..S y; i v' •s- L.• .:..
innes,niranb1?" filly S cc. t4JV4e 1s aJo' «7t' Iv liar e:1icrrie s. 11`11,7-y n 1 .ti i a 6'114, 0 i::94Cll ilei-
'a`!sore 1niec''i; relaying to 71.7.kl Par 4rrt>" a'Unl .e:'. P -f' n:J"1 1 4 o 4!x..ue .,; '�
'$ate, or to17 7 ED nt 1.G':f4 Ixe:lr1-+15eo i bs' tinnllalt_. 4L -c•4 aro ."_" Ill,: s::x.uBt r'1:angLe .. TPit. is,'d--t4 e_..
1711 1110 arms of sonic CN59'.71fl t:°'4:17 halo ut;1-44:..a@]'.sato $�94E33-.0 r`E7 ePC.44 'i. 1,161.m.„. art, .,.i.z,Y "-•, _ _. iC'sPDtb", nnxva E47
'bid nurse. Parents nowadays ale
iLot dream PDf disobeying or protest-
ing, thhougin they ane C. 'tis 1500, ket7p
the hey off the fiara114v Coffers, and
a'.,�" Fr the things hot, legally, for the th-
S2lrate voting person. I.24vpem nts
ICIldnateatine 'Weddings
Jere pretty well e:emo les, fee the in-
n-depend ent spirit, of the age pielors
• E4C1t.E 1. , Oen 'b jli✓,. *i grey tulle- r 4,,,,,B,y., tyr xP.ikrriy4"r ,e t ..,lye. bat 7i1777e •',
ht7t rn¢ c 4, �� .: n 'E7u9u a'PS c. '• 1
vital. white 4'a ra /lase 1fe feathers nod- " a;,!1 d16De"s ter#„Sd .e: r ..; .i tie.
eon ri'1c . 4.'1"a . tilvete8 1'o:4age °1314. with is „iattlt ~ I tizoozzt,' l,E, fry
stalks, lornko.d dainty and a:.comt;non, up in the, 1,77.7e a ll.:•., or other carne
'1VE71Cxn 1W1l:fin fl firer•! of P7a,"J t°F'E1Tu #it 1, i0C 4d1t4t-.•y. wEYitt t' t ntonnts are
e431nn. y 4D"rIU' 11P .1 t. fl:la 0111 1'nin7:ac reuse,(:' 1F.d a@,SCCvi,i7t 514: i, 7C":st0l•c" 4c, c etra
?471' Vf.."Irte. and 3ni1te'1 rle eve bslll,", 1!t`, 1£i @(mare" 16::.:: :iiastew'1 7141114.11
of the tatter, 4W'I7Te",:a appeared also ilia.', se.i:D i1itt:i: L# L tat 15 I3nt•I .r.
'1 co ].sines. "`YE:!`.uUr4:i1°:°-"l',' t9in iia?; +E7a:l�-£:$ C;$'
'to face -tate stroma. and t117,, tato eon- C fully plaatrfl skirt. Its the way e>i 13./.71•cl 4
: w' t!ir 1 toi tic of c 1 urlanw ..11111, , Inn ti: wt. .1Y I_. ,L... -9 l 1 ;
dais abler 111'7 brim, ":' s4#r y Sys. p sari Iginwfi"un. 1 • nei.d t, . 11 .�."+:7.n t"n -r,
se lienees. is t141r <r. sign or a71- 1 tams+ sr ,an"l lila 1.11.1, c „ � ; tai rfi t r .,Le-
•rra?n eenlSE?:tt or El enaab4tnce. 1. woo inr I' is .
'071441e I,e,oessonles, 1t,' Rug F3h46 Ca ` ai .4 ' - ; in 7.1 rat"ta-
f& e11, it has 1ltt4s^ to d, r watt lav se tlnz, * ._ 1 t'1.?aauin ry';;.:.`''I''''.. ; cs seems.11141124E-1" gl
$l1Ciyi.oty, ,arid as toy Mei lies and 'awl fees for evils -h. L tR>` a nt7, always/II
v " a 1 will net '(swami° r a 't0Ll1 to 18ci`54,"" 1 haat remarked 111n1.C:17-id'1knt 1Y:
45'L"7r 4dY 4 eln" * tingle.
t".-".... .. At• V . antgl6
O.:, as ^ P. C6e..I 1:aD4,£11..E` tui"a4 at1$ ° iY:.:,,;tan3�'. stir .
""r tad's':. i` re •r1Ira! Ln:tar< /as
:1cr• G:a.1Ga_.
r<„ rettir..s stn r r . d tf. ,734D: &M v.CP ;r•'44 a 1'a. Q.EDfi':i°tP *•3!J4i4 1 .. ' +E!!7 .3-.fi1,.-- pP9 _./ . � . -
d5nn b or t__ . ir' �., a _C:aIlt'i 3,"'lifi t' S ,t:.' � .•. -a w•�a e,'t � .. _ :4'7,3 nt:..�t 3e
1L3 tr.! :a �'. arra 'Eat". euna �`.' 4➢- a a,..,, ,. ar, . r.,`., • ° .._ ..
to- 1e6•"a_il:•;1 Cn._:oiC,P.n. e is LLn. u tiLPD g9:a`tn::1;5% 97-T✓:n1P1 aE9:llsC�:•ti .:r> bt? az-) � �o , (-2,r,•.um4 S.2 4
ell: u::.1J ':�'f: :.nail:^:. have �:?n �SY S.ro i': A. n - w warn 4 C7.. v_
II "^f in>'n .. ,�, a r 4 � x.1.44 n '� G t° a 'no- � ` • '" '^ , r, t�:d,Jl
.`x.a., 1 n11in" d 31 with he. as tot -etc -7g ty'" 1� rte • 7 11.1 0
Y coiffure nom+ c:- nn„ ,a .. i. a "t v
• I$ i C'1 "4 L C S4 LYfi.E.C°, a tsl t:97 ,.o 1-•‘•.--113 t
g» v.__E I.. IlY
a.•t .., ^'+, C':`,3 -'A z, 4:i1:d° 1Dw tlg. nc, t- 4 o' - top:,
..t+ w _.
s .,. v , to I t._.1 fire. Ella Lr e., '. r ranch a i uCyY ,1 w -,...:.'"...W -..........e._.",,, _-• ,.�...�..®'.. ». ..,.•..........._,..,...",.-.
I,a t. u' tt'3l f47r fi 4e�rni, ,a.:• 's'e_.r stria _1 ones 43av:Eae; 1# ,,. a.e° 4: 4n Va. .:
tont: ,nuc 0 P y a' ?Et tor they was: be C°v. `o tfi �° :fez:go 077 a 1`131. rat.ht.3:n. t, F F' res 01 t.:i n-
�. g •, r r 4,.a. . g ,not t'x.:a nsa� 1
t7f rams. 3 for t hr. 1 ? strove las, aS •.r" , -WC C3143,7.11,1".
..-t roil:.d4 to t€nn i'.: .II`.'1 s-y:E)s.g $ .11:4 :Pi:3 ."i a t121 i ✓ , 1
d3-7 may 11•L^.? t7"a1 E`83. . 0r @4 C1":.:",'" : 7iZe" 4r r .'y, n -^S *. i r . TT
767cr t`"u'a"n,.@n..51 tC a
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yP :aRnC a;-''. B,?4cri UUP
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t'y,.:a1 ,ro... oy . �, :n tit's. •44,a outs
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ten 5";:'+,245 11.61; 4::n the 4'+ u .3661.141. I177 -7-
1,^ -n_
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a gr'"`SBt t1' 7471tp16 to 1:.,, v¢�e
4"dr the P p fi�'t-',"lonn 5171-1/11 4,"It
1$n I ver o the truth. Kat the nar-
5'wtive . 17"'Cv •a /v s. 1'- -:99-h 11111 6'1
11]'':ni•t vete 1:071$ 764i11 .1 apse that i3OPa L n :14:".,,.
glerin'_R7' 1'.r114't'e74 Ibat ;tests had
w o g;at 1'S =1114 a` 7.1 was 411711
Irma $.3rt c 4 ;4%1'. 1uv~ !Bari 1.@v thought
P71 rs'n c 135: 111; 1:L- sot -eery.
11. Sent "u'e ?n.'•d .7.50%73 G1
, .."tp..r from - i t>°`'- 411 .._ 4 .4; a
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r"yo.-la1 prir 1:-1 .tett 1 ,-5"02--2,7. s4 ? 11:.
early /lays -'-?" v 4 i" ,f `. y ... r
to c b -t a ,.,� '" nq t''' ' 1
'1,144 't 1.1_:2 '117'.'
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1V,1. 'rte, _.- `<.. _i. .� :.. _.... 17t
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119.;...� _,.. t:. ,< :779,. .a ,'n lore/3 n
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L..:__o. i;r:'
Hifi 77 it 5a}: 1 6 ata•.1a t• nY• v 7-4'''-'6c-'-' .77:1
: ..,Y, R ▪ .c:'kyi, w61.4 z t 7.G I
«.4. 4: S t aur; 1'n y hat, oa'9 one o, f715g4 .]`n'47 : n Fr 1 t iP fl:c 'C?415, or PJ
' a r !incl: r e Itls ^ s 6t c.,.. �.,.
'ti 11 - So E'..S"475' ,4-673:' p-teO63..ga. 0nca 451y1 � th,'U.4 f r rel c g t..^- end F T a nr t n r7. .., I l
e ., " c., 'C �1 ..,.nt. e,n .➢ S',3, sr -tet: t°.' ill. "-ratot3.L E:. 1,-.'u a e.- ,. '.01,1 two" 6.4 "ya.i1 CPa .t more ;- tin n72fte' ^f t2 is".a 01411''a:ti3331,13 6 '' s.41; Ic•c. ;t's «1 74*191
Iwo" °' "'- '1'aP P: ^g"c? tot wt a1n t,' .E'. t i � l 13 y r.Tr F_ f9t t_a
,a J ' : r: nrrannL.g4E3 Sue 17141init 7t` ..° • fa 1:' little x '.4 -aa ata,1 hat, T a3'
tt ^: C b 3 '4b3 ' t9. l -4..n 6* t:Sd.xE6c S:i r x3 Ileo no .
rI ..it 41, t:07 07°' t.La u c3 ir..01w11 wilt? hew_a vii 97 Sof til.:?, s e:.d end re i ID CD.: Cie tiny
an y F v7. , see e e b t il8 1...t,..:74. U
ra nape,le XTs he n -.erre- s a a -1 . 4%1tC e r i?^. u
in 1 n times, as is grcetru, 1`1771..,,..3:.r•pa a r 14 r tool' 19. '"C t - 5
ds'ra26a P.:: of L'Eaarl["l+e? Orchids 71 •
4Dtt'er wre?f07q are three little exit, e.- u •:T , t•'.1 :.WFs :1 41, a,' : t ' 474 t
troll 11' t3:ae 3t. rrr7t n with Cin1lu- Ili a,, r1 ttfi e:t p1 07 I i t ` xa `- 4
, � �;,c: _ 1t: a•A' � as etE•lt r•;:,
tills' i e.. or 'P 4::n1z 7.41 16 1:777:71.1,1 1 t�.z at ri _. n a t;r. t r, .,, 1 ars I
t11a' Slav 1. At .Fx ? 07 71tool o7 the sr.:in , • `cn,-"/ as !eel or two enuTic ,tmg th rn, '5. 7 s ,-., .
7 7'G"`"n*7 r4.fix 4n11 re�tl6iti the fee- •`•'W=dtn.:a:ate flnl7 I ht: et tiara, H:,," C:£.6Cn v,.,. 7, ,. 1< '1+i' 2...... �.:.... f0. a t'J.n:S '.tet t• a, E:ice' ,i
I a, t.' -?.,:1,, '.0--- to 0177 0,222:‘,. r „>y u ,;
01,7.1. .., ...:1-...:17•31o.
treaty -7,-o r ._ +CE's S8. v Y...-. I'..., 1 'iv: �•ti..
•,� . � P' the tllFte�a'1tlt$'v' 17 .:E11aQet� 17F`itl'; Qif •-"%� ,..c, E •t
s- ;' '"''titCidS also' tl``fl1'.i in Lor7s, e91 to ;,/,,lo v '
n: 1i:i , 'r- 1
cl:i4ef. You 74:1,1.:: 5Rever da au -,ii a d
thing :ld. th:ii gain.
evening iron ,4. lir pocket h::nJk4r-
chief, intim : 1: was .one of the xl:s s-
kF 9 'i,i:=1t 1 have bio:1 terry ,g ear
se il:a3- or two; ll -t 161 Ha]]]lt er+. hi f,5
Iv'Lea r t n , over r iii fort-iv-al.T119e I
the rat:•11,- ria 111'°= In longish r'c t'ie:m'.i,_ es. nl a ,e4
I c"'ti" PY Cr to % fy(lt 3Pti rote:ti'Engs E ° • 1.wn7-r ani: .-t '€,M : <
'1i'..ur 051445 tiro low o&f tl.a?.
a'lut-tete-",I'+ t:'v'tS'4`if?:C, a'sE:cit"-' z
! a ':ei t;.sYc•i zY R:'i. %low SC4< I.c.tl7? wath farore`d Ivey 0 Itrile at' one
t'r 4°• ,'• """- 'D° ti`'co of our x404511 1711rtu 43T"' '' tvi "''ids
x'i e17 .r1 nr ;,'5114 'c ::t` l:a'araL'C5i7
��r11ii:f' Ft1'lt?, as the iiia+v4i a' arrange 1;7
themselves p ra'tiliy into, coat -sides, 4411 , from wiz elt
1 -of priceless rs ussc'la 1474.47, fall
t7r l:eint4'1 with an inner gra, efu ly fro:n the back, over the
elirxniset-le of I.e.? or tn.1:: ; the, 'one train. Little diadem; of violets Ions
have •t do eri0s:1 had 00 inner i very pretty in blond hair or white
arrangement )a h fi.'t;•o;tc 1ui14 , nr- : marguerite's with goldn hearts: the
range,? Cebu-IA.47, tinier w. deep !Tack ' flowers should be small and dainty,
panne! halt, •f:33tene,d with important ; to r asp the proper effect. It is 'L
paste butte; n realistic spray of i cllan5e from the Napoleonic foliage 1 are in the w:7::l.-3 ,3=ta4 1 venin(,
orchids on the :'130 of the bodice 4 wreath, which has been a prime Transcript.
.5 7'
?tics: 5,1",'m 'c?7'_ 1 ~7:25 .'" '" , 4l'71 't "esti
Wel tvi
Nc t'r. a r: 4 .1 u
l.., , 1 , • _,
o' _ ," : C P 9 .w., :_7 1 0. a `, e 1 .. -,. :272,4 a 1=tt1:- 4
11:.. ' .. 4 y . _,. tai
,/,1,•/..-p, c, °r ._ -37,1-CI: -A
lc` t 1,.., .. . ,. .
.1. to a .I. 4 Y
c _ 14•: i•t', ..r, , r '12.2,2-2,-,:-,-42-:2-.:Z.
u.. -L,, » ,` t_ ' i -:•,',..,,, "c.,"19 r, .7.•.;.'4.1. - e 741
,;. I. .ai4 .^ft:',C" "a $ t•,..ty
p,,,17,.,1711,7 -,..7-.n f , < 5'14 •a «.','i' : _y "1•-a 1 < 1911
nd'r1 - "0.3.e,' > '441177'.43 to ! r::, S el n° 7.,%Zy 1.t.:, f in .' 1 .11 t?n' '.i'1'4ilt
'X ". j,.'_ .:'1 71191' 14: r1E777 • #.1 5 a •" ..a I:... 0E17 reeceiveel steed naive?
pave, ve, 77
:e , , .. t ii.Nerve, 47,3,7,..7.
In Z"at' 1.•
-- 5. ,•e;.1ayoua y.111 in: laurel:r_ s; or elirr14119ot 1:: tc'r5
fr.-n1 Pr. t ,. ',4 \, rv6• r, to ". rine .. :KIN., 6 boxes for 4714 140. at all e