HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-07, Page 6-V4 1�4 ... ompresse(l Tablels, I ISSITE NO. 10o 190tw W If 'you think you awe a xiartYr don't, MIRACLE 1 4+ BOTH WERE .6 inscribelt oil your door -plate. — — + .0 P Tli* Ineanest use for money is to 8. DISSATISFIED. tivike, It cover a inultitudle of Hills. OUSINKSS CHANCIU Whon two bLarts cease to beat asi CA81I FOR REAL ESTATE OR BUSI, EX"" LAINEDo utiG, It will not be long until the own- nes." no 111al tel, Where it is. Send descri l *+0+++1-+++ own will waut to beat each other. tion tilgid pash priceand get our plan for fin� They were seated on tile sofa- It Isi a, grent deal better to cheor hit, eash buyers. Patent Uxeliange and Invest 4z- 1 Iral by a -.at Company, Toronto, Canada. one moan than to 'be cho Qlat is, he wasr sitting (.)It tit(, sofa ------- Be Of z.,: z "PAI"ENTS 10 la 4 A110(1�13,y J)ui, L 041 VIA; J Better & pala- of clean bare hands Curad. tj ,Z�JtiKi , - PATENTS, CAIrRATS, TRADE MARKS, 1,�!M � lap. Thttily weren't tilking, for lie inn the mokit, expp-lislLve soiled white NL n, had seenied sad during (lie three gloves. ate. Homeor foreign procuredand ex, lt�d. Bookletone Call anoth.P.T a foot and you are ,aterits free. The Patent Iiijurs and fifty 111111LItt 0 hango said Inves'ment Company, Pythlaa ts they had 131 YOUTself a fool and yoi�,, Bue BaVvw and children need thle� fool; 04 R�x beetl Rittilig there sounding ilding, Toronto, Ont. bep, in to be wltc. aa if it Ilau beell kirilwu uat w1th, a I EN CANADA. proper Food, rarely ever medi Tile favored few are the divinely eork-scrow land brokon off with. appotated girardialls of the iserable DR. WHITE'S ELECTRIC COMB lilruka the awful ciple. If they do not thrive sledge -hammer, stillueas. Bile clanpeA her 8I. -!.teen -but- innai that atterrdu strictly to -acts Atten i on their kiod something is in T"') i '(' for Headache and all scaly toln kid glove, ti!�at..) around his fif- I :: Sure Cure Is own business mav have less bus!. allments,preventsand stoph teen -and a h,,il:f nook, and Planted Baldries4. The ideal comb for toilet use. Ono rup lowny lips. wrong. Thcy need a nogs to ttttend to, but It will play him 'used a1w,%ys used. Comforting, economical t -q, sea, a L ol kisses on his d larger di7iclands. "Why does my darliig sigh V site Lasts alitetime. Ladies 60c, Gents doe. Sent help to get their digestive prepaid on reepilt of price from Dr. White's a 0, asked. ml , F 1811nard's Llnini.?nt cures Burns, etc. Agency, 13 St. John St., Montreal. "NVILUt do yon say.' Evangeline, machinery working'Droperly. havo I not always treated you a9l a -VBLVET PIEOES, FROM FACTORY, L 11.1pire) gentleman h1rultild a lady'�" nice foi- fancy work. t3end 10 cents fot assortment. Northern Importing Qo., Dept. 8, ;�Ite nodded all'firmalti� ely. 91 "Haven't; I alwa.N 0 dixtio my best OUNGWOMAN-AGED 21 -JUST CAME %, 0.0 i Ily riport- to act the true laver?" "v . . into possession of $11,000-,jv1shes to cor. London, Out. 211--Xosepii M-4 I I - "IN ho 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup should 5* y Nod riallillor two. 19614 respond %viDh honest, infelligetit man, w a � I �7 q V 11 "" ",-V A F would appreciate a good wife. Box 2, Mrs. "And ll�.ven't I burg -ed and kissed 538, ays be used for Chlld-mn Teething. It L t talked -of Toronto, Ont. soothes the child, softerm the -umg cures %vind you for hourp at a stretch, until my -R 01 colic and is the b"t rainedy M; Dilarrhma. Canada. arms ached as if with ring -bone, and t0l) LIVE L 21 my nee l )R SALE,VALUABLE FARM, 60 ACRES, any let- k was bent like all 0.1c yokel)" VON, jl;�Pop,,70S�01117ES OF L11VEQ SODA The third Time site nudded. Fcp,,,I, in town of Leamington, good build. - Dominion. JOSEPH DROWN. "Well, knor,,ing tills tu be tile case, i,39P, fences, nowing wells, apple aud pemb I NEW LAID E%.Auo orchards. %vill l, ell pa t or all. Address Oswald zu6, well. as i why du you nlistxeat me as you have will gencralaly correct tills = Russell, Loulamingtouro't. and m destructive to all jilealthy tissue and to -night, as you did last night, and WANTED Dried ples Poultry, Dairy and Crearnerr nerve. every other 11,1 -lit fur six months'! i difficulty. i �4 se I WANTED- AT ONCE - BUTTFR - I= - Butter, -;lney, etc. Will buy outright or one arej Why am 1 11 us tortured by you? on conamiesion. Correspondence invited, creamery rolls and tabs; also eggs, poul- . Seventy-five per cent. of all ner- Wtlld yult hayo ino think yoll fabie ? ' JOHN a. FEE, apples and will pay highest Rrive, f. 0. b. youl 6 1 weret vous diseases. paralysis and brain Once more bdie g If you VNI Put Dom one. I try, beans, pot.).toes, honey, onions and dried 61 it, , rasped him with fourth to half a teaspoonful:!� 62 Front street east, Toronto, Ont ,lj,.t,1,cn, aviwer quick if you avo anythins, to I�y troubleh is directly caused by weak a 00'uvlll-siv(% alOdull- antl exclaimed to ,iitheset lines. Goo. A. Booth, 46 Welk. In rc4luig-mlll tAlnes olas street, Obtawit. kidneys, allowing vicilent poisons to in baby's bottle three or four I d "Oil, Charles Augustus Suplrema� to de- Lex L, Ae, what Irive I done t 4 J�RUIT FARM FOR SALE-ONIM OF THE ie el�;cape throu--Il tile systent .6 tnaK'� times a day you wilil soon see Lady AgentsWanted finest in the Niagara Peninaiia, at .d r.%nqe and destroy. : yoll think me false? H -M" I'l tile Z Winona, 10 miles from Hamilton on two rail. Dodd's Kidney Pills, by correcting namo of the. Seven Williders and t hi, a marked improvementl.. For 1. .,cry village anti town in Canada, to wa'ye. 130 acres in all, 35 of which is in frait; Mammoth Cave, have I mistreated Ladles' Jaclrets, Sulte,and Skirts, man tall. mostly peaelam Will be Bold in one parcel ot the actloz2 of the kidneys. encourage yolt. mv I,,v(t., my owl, larger children, from half to ored and made to measure. Good cloninids- divided into lots of 16 to 20 acres too suit pur. chasers. This Is a decided bargain Addiress natural filters of the blood to Weff. If vtyl are ll,yt false, prove Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box 409. Win=& are a teaspoonful, according to slon. For particulav­ 1-ttraet at);] expel the plilsons, thas CROWN WAXLOUX.NG Col. TOTIONTO. Ontaxio, "Ier- t. �Dly of those Ciro iw- the tvst," ;.hel relilit,43, age, dissolved in their milk, hat rem,>vjug thp rztuse of in,' with an,miatlun. t OW,%-ernus ailment.r. whl,-h are not AVE YOU SEEN ITT WHAT 1 1 LEE1 si� on the solfal Own, or, you so deelre, 'will very I Pxieeles,; Iteelpes-1000 t,ecrets for the irc-ot i Agents Wanted H gten�rall.y c-puLeu of as kidney d1sA change ju:%Pes. I 1:ave b- n Ilearly I houle. farm. laboratory, workshop and every most pases. &L'ad for zho pa.,A tw:-� hou'rit*." soon show Ks great nourish- deparzment of human andcavor, with full 1 In every vIllagroand town in Cau%dtt to sell index to contents; 30S pages ; bound In cloth � An hour vfl-erward,.�t Ir- lort. 1, nd'ISeent4for.,teol-y.aindifyou think the ng PW buits and oikreloats. The da"tgooas �Qaco Yk)u ll**Vl,. 01t�EWVED THAT:! bo:olf. I -i not worh the monvy, send it haeltand " l,. -M it), br�r- f Canada. Made to weasure. Good cowial -turned. thilli 1,4 a good F*rlr. 1 -1117 V.At-h ol�l- ltl�ndred and � slon, Forparticulani- nriner will he re ki r. milk deca aek nwaris-h the I I line fror C-111 - %Mll �nz wilhalft 13r�ggs, !for --y panXI!,;. nzA Mirr J­nhl�iis; CI'OWN* T-ilLORING CO. A v ii, wil-I N1,"4Ak- i VIA vh't t1he emul- lit an wl"lout eulgr wl Ivirroi , la., �,f. Vilr I!ll R.r." �t n ';a - n n4l IP,*.t emn. It %49 s%c%v rn effcct t ar-ca T F12. h, 14 L w6 the ct;�p;usv�r! d cWsi v x N1 Div. 109.111 L'f� I," 1� tu.0. VT a . 41t 4� ;!� jA­ -1PA 4�� ap.r ii, out ET r- LVJ �,7 il L f % nl,'r" t lr 1.4 611 o. N a k4ol t. "" ;l, 114., V, wil .0 4 -'t it v 1;S A' - 0-- v�A. 1� 04 'A St. T�,'Iczt, Toronto Z4v * L, I $ . t f Far the Yc%-.r Zndcd Dtoccnitbe.r =tq Mt. a mo�, "wr 6, r n i I., ['11".t, 4, v� f.',N'e I r�­rt zt,: eauu,,4. rliw.ri,l A- t,�. rj, lu rr:t,%*t� N 4 ni,-Atu'r r. I" 6T l."o- mdr trtl,�A� M., 1 l"T d�io,d 11, iva"'9'e, DW. -M?. ICDal 10 not LVIL-pr AS5,pto ... ... .. u 1 oll %1w.4 I L%p of, rMCM P =4 �t 7-Aul 41 lloll­�t­­. alwa 2-tha. t,wo jpvt�,-*di e%tulll too Wlia *14 1 il�%� 'rut � -LI i�li ti, t:--62.4 itof 4 N"n 1,,)r Wits nwlao r in"lit 0 W V4 " V, -4, Too CAE;a for Prerftans ha-11"i"nol 0 nkl W), ol' e10i*.,.h,.y V.1" ho t, t%;,. u,,L�T WN"All"a vl%, If 0, U W. Ir . ti too Put j%t_4 l,4; IT T"'! � "o 'jtjo,� "l� il�, To mas.11 InkNzao ou . ... ... W" 1j, 40-1 t 4 1 Z e) r I'll ro�,�rltj �r . �rl;li, 9,4 a ti, oa%v. hol jp,t tnmu l; 11,nt B 7 4q.. lit, 1 ro An Uard�11­14 i144,101IL11 V gewd, l. iit" v t4 i, 1), o M DI 8 OU lal SE V S NTS. rallr%.- Vllflt E,tW NT,4 . ­'I�. 5" -,4 4 1'li� !4fi. Div. 03. 21,6M. �v *olja# flor Veath Claimq. Plrarn,4. 11s. S Lb,-' WAnat girt afin- VAIG ton.,r mnit 94'a #j o1i 11 u,j 31 LID. ol tlV�o ftt (T , I Al ly -CA lllo ft7* ow— z DIR, :vc:!Lgil DA'i'lMA 3�4 -vI. A 61A it. T've� -1 F �, y v­t'l Tit "Namli't ro loll z- i u.1 !vL,� f., 4-111 'I's Ulu P. U'Ll rw-,+ E;,:� c-1 * AN,� J., it it, ft, L'4A.1o, d T an -'a It o"? 1149 M tiq 100 . L Ind tir 1 43 -tt! ru,�lii f-­nt f, ;log r. , a .0. tulp, qtji* it, A .4'u;j ­­­.­ 1",IiM - ON UZ DuvDardong I'luitdLipariY& ...... 4 Lonris fau . ...... ..... �L�o %'L�Atrl t I It's; V ml to 15LI 44 'Mfltl- - ;AzRZV rDy �-oa, ijlttqtj�Ll�j 1,411 Ut_q ii-P;L -1;La ,0j IDL, TiT 63 l�g 4 Nut %41,1 E,�,3a A ­!Jt. T�.a VUSEu Ara r"=k mad Ott HwPJ3 ...... ... ....... .. 63 rl�.rj. arA ttv��.t true Virao 'j '1-, !lt It tp I N"? dA MA. r.%O�V DuD t',e S a ot T -a 0 N. !'a Du, e, t-�an, ztat w, IE t�,v.0 , vt� , , �: : , 11�r Anti[ 'd Zmts Dzalt�� aa Uj 4, A FAM an rrj f --",P. 10'r tn ci,-, Rl;'W�4:a 011l. !I1, 10-1,4L J�', h c'T 1 Vimt t . ......... ...... ...... ... ... ... $ t"111r, Jjj".'�*6-qt: ""o.03. Duti'Le'R ej: tAD '*a one, C=:me tof bov, hr-arity it,;,4A 11-ftnermot] Ire- 0 ARSM-J�� 'ce "DDd Alflntfl%Vk,!�R,�tvv .492-tv. 4 M - - - - - - -tic, V*Mff- a grcat Net ......... ... ..... T Z ;--- : ...... . . .. ...... ...... ...... 4543 OR, Aadited and foun r!l.z q, "ev rav b -'J. PC l, 1,11:4112W a4yin�r- man vv�n,�i The flnamlal fjagi,. 7 r r,, 1.,� V , �j jr, ;41 1 � M-,ln�,jt" 1* V�rDA hTL1 tDO' L­�:,"31,4rj Of 4u-jy resluorat`(M tfg Walt ff-�- ta,­ kf)r or L" 4 '1 L'P t! I- t!Z- -WIM214-4TO j'§'0We1r of fiz� U New bsurainea �Gsrled flan3lg 10-11 00 Z:S�ceeM!:g 1�le h#t�*t Ptr"ViDUS Zeaf6 'n Z -h- D0140ry oft "J�! ru.* e* Ir F. Illr, vr`m': � 0-, �,ni rc, si. M -WE,, S� DrT=14 W%q 01"lo-i 3iv;7,r tizv- ELL; Over R=0 0 =-fflind. �"s tbrc-3 vm t2td end tol '1051 o. t� .. .... $-7,9-VrQl1 Go A V.arz��,s V. :f.r nn 1 n1E.q Y-12 1-l" t3rAQ of Oje Styt. Va ir *2w-�-,, t. -t A nuan Wh!-# r -OA vra It t."D, ;I.e vro t Vi dtlm0t4bt;dehts: DR for �A.;4 Own, A L7 I razan I.L ID-, "J": ycar V711j;­b 3 oT the Z6112 - , D. ,V t4 J. fo.,- l3dett"Wry Mddledl birieetior IS', -ran. One n,. -c 14 IGOLDIIAN, A. 1. 2L MD. (B&ZI.) prerlinen than lwa wa�,Iun, p 4 Ad.ltr -i-c repore; procec4ingv or tke Annvital MeatL-1g, hAj on. January 29zli laasrt, t�how,!*.- mark -d pi-mA6 of t. a cc �!.�ju ti. W ad progress aad ;aM t7 =7= 31MOTA 801A Poslit' n ot the Cona 'ey z Adar ose�ond), bP to WX --Ao:ders. Pamphj�tjg Mal;l,��l to =7 psta= Wkist loam pr=ott%at. tl:u; e:lr-ta:--8 explanatory o' the attract: lnvc,�4,nnsnt plarg or'the CGrjr..--xny, trid a 14th. Mnrah 23rd. , P ; -,=H=s the czny faz= e, Ott =7 tle=laa .1. cavy 'Of 1�lltual lZeprort, chavving I ; anexec-11ed 1,0.41tjon, Vvin be fnrnd!��'Ied oru aprl-ca N,:S.,:an Ist. Apkill tion to the Hezmd 0111ce 0.- any of tf,�e 7tb Nlssalz 21st, rrwr Is". May Rth. ;Stll JUU0 "Mn ;,,9 It. Stvan 4tit. June rm JouNTS, PAILS NO SEAMS, EUDY118111 NO LEAKS. 4 Vth. 310y U, 'D flAD N Xb 1�st, Aa�4. 4tb. Tisltah D'Ab. Mo �Oflh. Aug. Mu"' FIBREWHE ing, chwlesh, r1l).112 Ist, Sapt. Ir I 1 -4-10 are vaztly saperict to the ordInary, 0655 j Rosh 11mehanah Eve, Tiahr! lit, is the S`mn-'Pst end ligbteit ate+ Oct. let. 'HE FROST STEP -1. GATE Imov.-n. Good aget."s can Tl�p Hebrew day bP,-lTisr wItIl ine, Idle I., large ritimber of thern yearly. Uwe ar�- -tot inyourd7s-e.zt, i, lsarlb'A of the, da.v- ir;-.,ned!ng tilp write us about tile aggency'. 0!te ag��t in eadb localky. eorregnoniNav !date In tho tlirlstlan 'Write forcatalo_g. THE FROST W(RE FENCE CO. LTD., WELLAND, ONT. uar.