HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-07, Page 2� ­� X. �! � - � "' '7� ers from the lAte rqpublIcs, Else- 041dreu, ethe ity of whom ara - - ------------ 'where ismaller commandoes are to be rece p , lyinj , du= SW.U'UD WATCR 0EIRMANY. found, but their -.lumbers 4re Insig- The Rev. X Ua9l"'s German bf$s. AUTHO SKAGNT HOW A6 n1ricalit, apO their want of enter- Rion Statlori. at Spelonkep, 14 the mrst0li Warned of Aggresisjon lu pris i .e reveals Ill all prob e rn ability an northern Tranayaaj, PAs be n bil t abati-ag Interest In the useless strug- to the ground by Boago. "Ir'r in which they, have so long been London, March 4,--br, Norrisiva, ews c0adlan Officer Expelled by Pekin correspondent of the Times protests a Collector I vey. I gainst Bor , itish and Suro. Botha's Da0ighters FOOND IN TH[ K[UNDIK[ pean Indifference to 0armany'a ac- quieltions in Shantungo Dr. W. rrisjon London, lj�'eb. 27.-Gelleral Botha's says the reason 61 the menacing at- JR L tW`Q` &L.Ughters, aged 17 and 13, ar- titude of the German, Cousul at Sinan. rived at, Flashing by thesteamer Xur- BRAQ�mT SCREED IN RUORT r-oo alld the Wriiater at Peki Floods are general In Now York I I t in, as Stae. TlIrSt Yesterdity, aild proceeded to Find of Coarse Gold Assaying NUOM oin, VarcU a,-Sdme time well as the presence of German Sir Thomas Lipton is ill of in - I , ago tileV, 01 the Treasury, flnenza. F ashing, escorted by 311'r. F Isclier: ecretary troops at lien-Tain and Shanghai r $25 Per Pan. received kParicial information to the and the refusal to reduce the nam- orrect. that, J. W. Ivey, tile Collector. ber, Is that the conclusion of the Batavia, X. 7,, is suffering from Ksoaplkq� Boer Shot. of cu&toms�at Sitka, had instruote Shantung agreement may be an- the worst flood it ever experienced. St,: Helena, Feb. 27.-A Boer pri- lits deputy kit Unalaska noit- to per- forced while the attention of other The petroleum companies of Rou- 809M ill attempting to escape from MIGRATION FROM DAWSON, mit Canadian'-. vessels, presumably Governments is diverted to 3A%nobti- mania, have been organized into. a. DeA-dWodd Camp oil Tharsday even- about to engag4ln pelagla Pealing, to ria. He suggests that before it is large trust. 11191 Was shot 43' a sentry of the Tacoma, Waah., March �3.-A special obtain Papplies L�t- that port. Tile col- tool late the powerful and unanswer- The Emperor and Brupress of aer- wiltshire Regimpt, tile ballet lodg- from Dawson, dated yesterday, says lc(,tOtr W,'ts directed to send a state- able note of the Am6r!can Secretary many bolebrated the, 2jat annIver- irld-, in the olnest., The prisoner died %utbeatia news has just been received ment of t1le facto tbtUo department, of State to Russia ihould also be sary of itbeir wedding. on the following day, thtre froin Fort 6elkLrk of the great- anod wL,49 Infoolmed t1tat if enall. orders Rent to Germany as a protest against X. Plerporit M,organ b" given q2,- ost placer atrike sloce. the cane made had been givLn theV musL be re- extortion and secret privileges at 000,000 to the Univerpity of tile' Pill Eldorado Oreek in; the summer of 601ilded. The depI.Lrijilent received a Shantung. South, at Sewanee, Tenn. Pretoria still the ('apital. telegram from Ivey 'to -day Paying: He.declams that Germany al- The Algoma Con-tral Railway- has 1897, The report Is of a new Ilad PretorU, Feb. 27. -At a meeting bel.31S made, vu an unnamed tributary "113- inatructions wo, e not against ready monopolizes railway construe- o 0 no co or Wlilio River, Over the diviae on yeeseals engagad in a 11. 61 given] a coatract f r f ur vv lo Of the Protorla Town Colbljoil, the god legal seal tion at Shantung, that all material m0ftireS to the 10rigston. works. Chairman,, air. tio-yujoy, Liwatiuutwed D.ftlton Trall, more than a hundred flabing, but against CtLi.,,j-dian vessels ik exclusively purchased in Germany; The Britsh steamship Yeoman, Irom. thav a chapil-ei or tile seat or aj:1a,13 lall-os from Dawr actually crigaged in pelitglo aealing-i that Germany holds tile mineral un� it is said that istra.tiou from Protoria, to, joba,11- flild vo,�Mslsts 01 coarse gold as- which Is illep,,al and crimi,,ja Galveston, for Liverpool, via New- t ],a A when, rights for ten miles on each side of P-nesburg was Ile IOR&OP CUUt0lllpl,tt- HllvlllE� &bolit $25 part pan. conimitted withill ilia marine jurh4tc- the railway, and -that all the lain- portl Neirs, is ashorc, at the Point of Cd. It was 00rini.tuly settled lie No e0000r had 'tile roport reached LI(Al of the United 6tata4. If there W Ing machinery is p'urchased in Ger- Cape Rwiry.- stat-oij, tlitlt tile adnit11lltjLrtttiv� d,_ Dawson Sunday than hitense excite- an ancient treaty betwevil the United Mr. 1-1. M. Allan, or 31ontreal, has ed In Pre� nl<�ntat Once prevailed. Fivehundrell sold Ills extensive ranch in the partmonts ,IoNv estoblish, k4tatu,; and (treat Britain by wilich, many. Now, Dr. Morrison says, Ger- toria would remain borL,, alilt tllat m(n] I(Ift tho territory yesterday awl Dritlo-h subjects call commit deprcda- n viny is acciiiiring rights which give IN tile Legislative coqllj,�jl would hul.1 hLst flight by all miLilner ofToivey. tio-no, destro-ying Amer'O.Arl property hct," tile entire mineral X orthwest to Uordun and 1ronsides alikt deplethiti; o-ur revenno of to,,,& or province ly-ealt'l Of a for $225,000, its sessions here. Tile courtb, lie horsys, on foot, and larger than England and Latest reportt; from Brusspla indi- added, woulA open In. April. ILS many mo -re axe to leave to -day. thousandu of dollars annually, while Wales combined. Ile hopes that Bxi- cate that tile sugar conference will our Own citizens are denied these thin will at les.9t decide that the un - The Heretofore the White I'lver lias bein pl'lVil0gaho, UIP'SDoner such treaty is dertaking not to -build another rail- and abolish bounties. statement has caused tile adopt Grant Britain's suggetstions greatest satisfaction, rviloving the k1lown for its copp,er deposits more abrogated Ill(, better. way. rrom Wel-11-11-Wel has been ren - I t disquietude which had been callsed hall for gold-boarla- gravel. Many "Your solicitude regarding Interna- dared null by the German by POrSiStent runiors to the Coll- protipectors went there last summer, -violation E. G. Prior has been. sworil. trary, and which lia,.) lind it serlour, "d soino rem. tional complications with Great Brit- of the BrItsh-German argreement. "I its Mi -lister of Mines in tile Duns - tined to prospect ill ain need not cause you uneasiness, muir Uovernment, Ile will opposeAMr. effect upon business, bringiag it froUlft gromaq during ths winter. Till, as tile poaching sea;on Is not yet E 6 jr 130divell ini Victoria. almost to a kitandu Lill. flew strike is bcllevct�L,to. havo been opened. Your liew collector will ar- Q TI* White Star Line steamer Cel - Made by these miners. ManyYukOn rive in time to enforce your orders. STIRLING EXECUTED tic Iliaving an board a party of Am- plonrers have predicted that a rielt Attempt to Ite,,etle VilJoen. My Anierleanibui will riot arlow me erlCftn tourists arrived at Pleraeus. Pretoria, Fob. the strike srould be llinde somewhereori to rescind lit order which -gives to -day. The pa6engers are all well. night illo upper river this winter. British subjeL-ti; privileges within The tram steamship Wilster, from that General Vilidt%. ]low a prisutlev JurlsOlzt.lorl willch are de- nged in Flame, for Boston, !a hard and fast The British steamer Arear from nied our Own people. 0,11 a ledge off Thatcher's Island ck war, was expe,,oted to leave.Maeh- our m,,trin( Says the Two Men Ha aftelorp, on Ills way, to Protoria, tile Chinese ports for New York ' went "There Is another matter that October Were Innocent. MUM I , Ier crow of 23 men has beeol Beer$ mined the rallwnj� betirein ashore at JjDiies Inlet Long' Island. ]tiny attract your attention. I that Phice and Dalitianthgo with the The crew were taken �ff b'Y the Oak have recently isbued orders to the de- rescued. oblact, it is bolloved, Of wrecking -the island Life cl'eT%I, excepting Puty at Skagway, a copy of which Tbft Governor -General's dinner to train and rDhculng, the general A tile captain, fir8,t mate and Origin- has been seia you, which has put COmilleniorate the anniversary of boale truck-, however, of construc- eer, who determined to rerna0on the Varindlan pffieprs located there ICONFESSED HIS OWN GUILT, Faardeberg was attended by sev� tion matorial had been plu"%j in front board the steamer for the present. PhilridelpWa, March 3.-�tratyaStIr- cral officers who took- part lit the en - of the armored tralir mul sprang the out of business and sent them to ,rig, 4L voung n_gro, -ho was the gagenient- mi.w. The bogie wne, blow , a to accomplive of Henry iN Ivory and Tho Wontreal Street Railway Com - Piece.,, awd thp train (tbealivil with- Churies Perry 1.11 the . marder of Prof. pany will issue $1,500,000 4 1-2 per out Injury. Roy Wilson White. of tile Law De- ecilt. bonds at par to the share- partmexxt of tit,, Uiliver?.Ity o�l Penn* holders to pay for tile park & is - Rigor or tiae ceij�,orsjljp. sYlv'anla, 00 titth ":9111 Of XftX 19, lard Itallway, Loistion, Feb. *-IT.-fliert. are sev- 190U, was lianged to -day Ill the cral Indications county prison. The trans-Mitisourl Committee of IhAt tile Censor- StIrilug matle I eoljfp_,;.qon to Ills III,-- W1114,ril. Pas ,.igpr Atiso(,lixtion, 811 in Sonth Afv-i�!a has recently whic"ll has been 118� session at Lea - 11.) spiritual adviser, 0almil.,g thp little been tightened. lor, m7opted tit mal".1dilleWl to abol- ri sponsh),111ty for th - murJQr a.' Pro - *Air Ameterdain fessur Milte. life tqthl it;.- diel llfjt INh rato euttitig. wXIteF'- "I all' told 111 -it the British knoir elthi-r Perry or Ivory aud its. Tho U. 1. jjjIpj>.IL Do Neluours Voill- are now it, llkll�!Il inure w;js pa it.v, for tho Ill-1:111T.w.-ture, of gnin- serted that 2wItIlPr of thern tha it Jkert-Lafori-, so With 111111 Whi'll III,- erlink- wnp; com, PtAr,ler an 1 otlwr tit(% rI.,dktI'1,g art -a Is likew A;.-, Ited 'A stjttmug�at li not, ert.Mit tt'l -$*AV003) Lxwn Itreorlotloritt- marly. ir riot %vol, I,y. IIJ - - Ill "'o6i LKI Ity the 1)0'1 -(* .111th )rltlon. (XI'at Ihmur, 1).:. , 14P Kir. lsaa,- .till Al- TwIlelt. Mr. Prof. White wik�; att.Ll-k-tj Ilr three 117ho rqwn t t4v t1li- ellinesit, Polorpil ratin oil it tlprk oirpvt lit the Fif.,ol was Ill. 41 ' (1,91nPral. wits vzit`rrn,te I witIl it. juts- a o TRAIN11 Itt Ottawa. Tho Ott" �uf foUd Chinese linnilgra- dr. .4,mo�j;lipjr T alpt Mr. at-siliallos Ntru,k 11411 43 tit 4 hNkIl tPKI 111i o0l, nild recommen I. e.apit slon 'to .Stpyll, Ivia was arre,'o,ki stot Az�l a frola tbe Portit-mi-w frtollivr Att with an frou buji.. awl ttfWr lot- lo;0' tie a tot�. or ralh�n to the gr-mnd lot,, wits j1p4iten Koillatilmort. Wit :i%42- it joririonthr TAkiPU" vfftwt '%Dreh Vt. tlw ratti, to dMIth. Itmhb�ry ww; tile vjolj%#� of war." fnr en.htpn t,,,) v��L. t1p. (-.%*.W. f0r tho ertme. IN--rry. li�iry ittill �_t6r_ -4 littr, were arrs�Ztj'jLl Telorgraph vital R.,44okrn t)r Noto #-i4b)6% Pvto,r ati-I thr, tir,,t, fj­E�t natilval 111jodlo pon. %V�#Vsl Ill_a­.4J of R0.011too w114 W. A�4 el London, A, neetwille, 'Stgr3tur #.f Dit­ hag tho ait-ittal IIil4r4l,r,,r ulmli'al vole, of tho Ttw three MUM OT VIP tile e6julav'S Ll '-4-290 h- drb e ato! Vkrry wo-r,, o%o­jIj#bj tl�tg!j ovs q,41-11 A'I'#.#) 14 ou vP9s4%rit_ "Mir -t sr�, ws F*%.kjwz;j -t Bn A 4V 'th W ..t *ejiov tZona,4 U'V Cu. My oT lAkuhm AM, Ulp J�rloft_rft 13 N, t,,f TD�,s- &wrs utoa �,+bj ......... Rlrle�i e,�4pnwv I .... ­.. _. 21.6111."as or i.%w,= umn,"i ... ... . -JU v lvov�ar,+� Ila - g. 44 Vva, �"4 t,w Vlpo V� 0 t � g't a .-�4 r ploo I qo%t a ri, li,ailv ftem M., Asti a (tt 4 T" El 1j"11ft-44 r4l 1,%D0vr.0!L It wn� no'l, Pr0- low-, ftol N 7% 11"',s hV tao b"Feirdilry grand urarud gat ? d kim 1 j 10j., ton, q1tift'nat44A 1)qrP)! 2�y _it4_ erm- He Alvvaly� Played at Monte Calt)% -�0!1 L'of 4�kq tvtNi re;; tit Im.1,910 au "b!, ovu b!j.,4 1*� P �,Ato- Eli I.0,' 11"Aw ��as%a '4�e 14 ".Do] �.M in m.-.gilL 11A z!!a 11. LUCK F(j'LL0Vl/i*�.0 0ditil. Phe 'ON 't En 1 rn,,)'Ift�gelt t�'ftih lljb­ c-uw,�_ Tho atrnns- e,Q", tL�J­ 2% tv Mat t"'lucve V, 30 iivv�l It -I z!a�t�-. Uattl ��q X. txIL4 2� 'Ll ItTL utle 11,�tvcr.j eir LILP zr t 92V11 -A Al 1%'X1`V1T cf, 0 -r -F �")J? Lewd ME'v(­' JNAU 3V,� t� Ov, Ire, t ULL -ra Me nj, v,a4an Qua cnrer� tvo E_E4 mr;to A- '-v t, Vie 1i 9si .5�v tr,;,?L�;�,­�,i. At At- ga: jj., m -d t -q t hl�e ti,o t',tr� 0 -E lra2 'D Q,! vin ilia, qo.,,� s�_I.ItQ_ r'livio-1. At 11 "MAt Do vtv�").0�111 tnt VA. 6! IrvTP-Ma, 0;1*1- e'lit 61,4n 11vue- o L, J�� R11161ONS IN CANA 4�x!r tcmn to,,2,WoQ.-*% TSzliate, wware rl` �Jff !11�. th.at tllqq,� N."tull-ttv, In 1i V�-'.4-nFly ,Rome the offi"ef" thpro bv.,Jmo� 5�,� oltenslvel A tp t "ir jvki,�ftog il% at­.�­j g,, ,0;0 tol, , , _4 tvith V�.#-rs po g at 2#31-9 eta 09: tloe tk�Mv lob r- epteet Von'Llog, olvenne-I W '.. �4� Mteu.- ca, knonal tat W19 wiTo. It, tIMAcd- rn'tMrq3 b." le -,40 Diom`nf6a by ll�giolv4 delwma- ll M31. d0l;-W.110d over tho� r�'lljjway of�ol lallyler. It was at he Wati m. 9 , PI gqiozi she tvaq fff-iliffrilly blikiled. A. fv�jgg so, by tj.�y 4 oil the order of tvraW t4a'- not onl.v thr laft-t4mm I �Vs A 'of 1991. wa-3 giveill C,�JUMJ4_ a INU Ah" was tark-o-0 to 6etle.-Al 116.v - 99t or, tweitat.y-,Awe Pc -t '. I shiplizent In -favor of Uanadlau gaoer� jol.-AM, but ozzo, mc-rr avalLaWe sto-k- tvigere 6110 11100 � ilea ilq a pfee',triat bn.eln puLj,�41jr42. tt TQr tuxe ID"3310u- 6aatt h., oStatlished. a unna"Al 9 quar- Mlggibl'-t- litis orfllw at 07 St. An."'Iflo atreAt i� 00.1d Im.-Y i;Nqwing -q-s .111" eftafteM-e agalast t!rlt r4hippeltrord IZ14 Cer-Mcele.1 with, the chosen leadef.4 perntan,­ntly li.", I cor Blue, las,� v gla. I� gi� me"I'l i1vii, el -m - _V fV-katv members teo'-Ilftted luan- Velootte 14 11 and �;Vvallawel M b6ttle i;11, of elLIZ mnlrdanLq aft'll tw� an"d IU -31 S alithn. at 9;.* �L� the 11.a"4, Rtal. ISVL� C -I's atol per -formed "'Juee acis of "nelte Agiib he aciej 51 ;; to, Itg� I balm oglekll, und died, a eadple bfhiltriv ... ... ... wuo g 0,8.54 gffitish .kolvereL4nty .,;1 41 part 0, " a Atoglica"Is VVJA,4�11 I th ie,�Kably eittfaet later, The lalarkvt. git-aftes; vech as IL01sitingwitli tioi. But he twj otorc,� jj� vven. kavj�-Zs_ .. _ ... ::D:!. "t S5 LV .7 Ifte Cross O.T 9��- (;eorge Town );aj).JStq orre-e- from tht. ff JM� lilvCame the gteat sphsattoft rmj of t!ne 31 pu atstaff of his custom Plow OVER DEVI IN. Y NtM - ... ... 24,220 4 5, 114; howsm I Lav -a huge awl lvwtuv Wrzner. Then the ... ... ... 8.071 e #ent` tile 0OneP"'baLr* PrOW4 fouNd ont vrLeol 1�%- wasr- The ISAM mighos 1.03 Inag 41'ad 01,11pit rJarapht'r- rpfe tZLIoNL lie hos balin Quaft, r�V,41 by the Congregational- ad, ijlftjt� �ir�wii grew ma- nalia rlyliag oat at Um eounitry.you Mote exr, 5t,�- ecmt=ged al* t'q, Lutate to"at lqts .. ... ... ... ... I toluv tear #l4e, shadOW OF Internation- to Play wh-'MesA! wallimuM4. ne con- Ottawa, OrA., Vateru 3.­4SPreial.) '72 -4 Vz!tiL� tra.-IL-4 WALM I Frzirlt'd� . . 14"% 1" �j --ill COWPI' n' ions add te--mud th�q or- t-jnz;,V;d Cn th3 wjtuj,� to V;-jVa. Uj$4 VviDIMS allttibnteyl In a Vit- _OQUaleray, 4.0ST1 dcr-$ 19,21 ,a y_(_ 1�, .j. 1� _]LS � ... ... ... 10.4-13:11 13,114 vvw,&I E:*lBbe -COUJA Were TLS nr-,,zs Intetview 0� Jan. 17tri to lu. 46 :�r-r J 1 -Lhv­r lildirrang ... ...... 62,rm to te zi Ift il al blitit 44ap- Unnaollian 1M-:lo­faC_o'a lb4m lb" fl':. r. 11le'llm,19sts ... ... ES41r,7635' V'11 "tLi4 -ioad vilp:auso" in ate1liggj. WougN't , in. q- ".t ME[) AT AUE1 1 3. VNyal_ a 61.02=y dileeu!�Slan In fte IUL comazatme Vo=i` tee "He Tris t-seotts'A 'a Ms; 'int nt.s ... ... ILWY7 N . _3�7 NT - "' 7 j Ullp t.t 'Otte of trat, fn -le -At lvtplft, za to 'E'a -.I .�. o" ce, a. zi=n sn-nazfan Xma;� llasres vvay. 'c�ls I I - -Z ;nf jtr�M� v%'J"D In ... ... sl]Nn*_�'.o� aul bm-ak 0�2,61 1"IM-111-gral5on, was &�Ibve tile Cow - 15y" Vro%�ttr:s .. ... ... i 1.7.77 XvTelg 'ce-t'­ S,41 P�,o, r V011 Wlb�jlle whorl VnIlrole riMict. Ile was _-skued %vibet2her he� RXIM-M-cc" lrora Of Mrs. 1",(' hol'"I 1-1 V70 -v Z14'r -L�Jtle M iiaui Veen jr� Dvv.­S-s� S�M-.,*Molt *�rs, ... ... from .4-422'. vi,04h�rr thezel tbat he had nevot ga,�kw!d, an!l nw-r rvas any ozjnl,�Ulat Iml. ar.r Ftlpnc,�, In 4 V-v�alql asit. any One 1.0 IwLve Ire- ...... 141,474 '9467-56 of 1W 'yf-ar­. uts. Dorwvy was IW, 'ril rmt pre�pzirkl to say. move'a I:g a qe,��y to - - - - - - - - - - - 1:0ab,L\o,Jv C"le of f_La X0, -, �tl-e Lut Vr_e wz,c.,� 4,S33,1_1g%q the Lj.: = ' " i I W rj&+, d, ign:. sj_:;s of 1�- ]-=.V- Mr. Pedley saffil j;e wc�a!d ,vy ije- jroiza 4- rcLildlent Of Pastc'�-,ka Can-, gel' fore the eonrmittee a letter 037 tbigiit V-1-ure., for Clarfarlo. C"­-JIse ' -W I . .5 me :tInaten, lyer��Orls 'U;3 jtjrjL' pja��ai itt the Tra n- s v,,,.� j that he us6i!y T.1!ZyPJ 1he nmw_ salv;­nct to-naerraw'. f, -,r ul,,e p.rovirlce of on. hor son-ln-iavr, 'p4n-'L ror� at tjleeret; ,ally OUZ.1t to zUrn ti�5r, il.�; fullov'rs: 0+,�gnens, iv.t;, VVv, 9:i!�se_1uer.Jy Vent. - Colont�.l $-a2ft ho -r EMU sile reErMed iA 1� up�- 6-h�rs ejzz�,Vy coloalpaten-. de- Hirgads referrpd to, the glanders T.1,11b.171 fd;14 Adlwn�js,�q Mrs. DO,- clnrr� that his Play Was Utzerly un wItIzIl he s_24. "that I Alco-,-� 447 1'. Wag an ftterest5n,- .I the Tgwar..va�zl vam-,,.4 ar PrL.- -or. Veelentific. had beea -aflly 02' In rog'Ird to, Al- _. 0 a? i distinct race'- �jf I MUPWhOrs 61' st year. V4 07- I:L" pti, �g I qf;g, 01 F_Ar�.-,ts Wlz*cla Imppened Sluelk to 0 ne Nnntbo- ,:V.r.r Lut th,- zi�,fl nzirvtInt vrz�'), _,n3reJ -vcl O -M' 17UM-IM:�1 tir, J '1-*' E7 ri-r�r-rI4 rl� "When I saw Idw at Work Mr. srzAera". t. " In the Witness7 in - i -r, -L'_ r,to... ... ... ft, _! A 0 C4,11tfi� . , a 1�qorga- : -1*5 'emm, o fr3m .,;I LIr -1 i'l d -;me' '40 S,4twaVs pr�rocipie secli to li-_Ithe terview, the jvlLaieii emciarp., stmatd. tr:� wilen quIte yount�, Thcl very simple one 'or sUzVj:-,- to L-,�rg vamp I_; 9rr.-oltor P,', -Pt a 'be In- the PenItct-.t:�1rjV. 11,1 m i I 1,_'� r, ht -r Ure Was "elitf, nuii1i)er 1 -tit It carn-P. I, -j 'n that P A sorae, eases ronj! -ta in 1--e further that the or- ttrL-1 T�1(!Z wilo -be won 'by sheer ltt!k, as for in- ftrinal Jntprv�.ew was si> bz,& that ha" b­rn mos"ly �Vo"n_q :10.123 9"Aarce, when he back -ed thre illne tile repo-tter had 'Loine. It down, T , ID� tba t-wice running, theretky C.Pmring 70, ba, even as It vras It was a lfftr_ 8 4,3 G' 3. 0 S RCUNI)ED UP. 030 Prari_-F ; again, at- grlire to any niftm toriv;ard, urbaning .1�3,,Gg3 francs O.�" p ,r.. 63!1,3130 Lont'on, 1fjr,.11, Z. awl are 1.�arnln- lo V. Q,. I lit. eorrespan& F erez- "r .. ... ... 01 Lv rin rm ... live, 110 -Captured aanotlj.-�r ;4,�aa 1.) tit, t 1`0 Tt--cne-olos to M,-lke sunh F_erlorw re - 'r 3 On -iny servant elf thv hygmnic rztvrg vre 1P nt of vile, 7�"Llq3 at Er-nelty says Tranins Oat four, not b_V dirzet !"g of the co.-linvir.1tir.q. I 1�, ii� certain to Col. Ifa#�kenzlels �;Mnin. oper- ing for -five to come jigal Gioveryfmqnt Withoutt first ascertaln- Tim &�Itll 01' -qtln- '-'Car LU he Chrl,"-de, goutheast- q rata Arrny­ eft 7ral iaTes eaverin- both nilmbera, of In_T w-jef4jer tj!lt� A -I]IVV nnn�js normal. Largo nunilw�rx ol* riavan]. has surprisea, Hans, course. leged to have been ra-wie hid actu- T-ankardq .. ... ...... Grobelar's s-m.tll laager capturing� "Tbis was mere laalc, because ihe ally been made or 'aOL, a,11:1 with- abjn, Tar.-IlMs imve brien "nt trii V!'Jtnrigjnz 7,35 7, 7", S'LcPhantla C-rWlpelar, Corpq. Vander -j theoretical coup after five Is seve N.-rital, where lb,y enni br,, niGrs, jjy.,j-,( r 11 5 ...... IQD_� 1.094 J.n_ thr� ra:--u attack- , . a pt "I"Illonever, WWI four teen, which be did not p A o say in his doto-oice. - tbexoan do leis unspe.T.Iff, ? lay. t cared for, am'. vvll�,rL nlevfe and na $!�_ 1 0 - A others. Gr6hel edth alldeatz4n harm. In tile Transvaal tli;,r,,, tr­� V.jrjoax gects, Vitr aria Sehalkin,eyer i sis. 1101vever, is as useless as it 1-.3 A iftotion, vv.,xg -ain-de or, thee �, 3:1 2�P,03-j are boill influf'"Ifini men, who have, difflCult. He won 1113.ge suraff 'almost 'nation of the Witress' ri,-prespntat tive oftnjpg, each riuo vil-in.1 een ercouragi-,,_ Doer resista, zlllY a�VIM93, They q�ontakj 2-,00al Totalsr b - 2 18 2,!) 1 114,821 j the I neeln 1 dall`�V ; "a (>ften lost, but On, thO who Publislied the Interview, but 7' 27 Zme"TO W11010 lie is an Imineuse, winuet,.,) _ this stallds Over till to-niorrow.