HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-03-07, Page 1VOL. 11., NO.32.
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
ZUR1611 11.1IDAY,
;Fli4 tal
ST. BONIFACB, Catholie,
Order of service for the winter.
Sundays: Iiighls.lass at 10 a, IL; Cate-
chism and Instruction at 3.2 o'clock:
Vespers and Benediction the Most
Blessed, Sacrament at 4 p. n.
Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock;
Vespers and tenedietion at 4,09 p. M,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 8.
o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 0 o'clock; The Holy
Hour, or one hour's visit to onr Lord
in tho Blessed Sacramet every Sun•
clay afternoon from 3 to 4.
Baptism on Sundays at 2, o'clock..
Ito -r. Father Valeutine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sunday services: -
German, at 1p o'clock m, English, at
7 o'cloek p. in., Sunday school. at 2 pan.
Tuesday evening; Junior Allianee, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at U.
Wednesday fivening.;•,• German prayer The demand for our Flour
meeting, at 7,30. Thurspy evening; has increased so el,-tensive-
En.glish prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
ly, during our 13 yours in
evening; Teachers' meeting at S.
liev. O. IL Finkbeiner, Pastor. t•
30c per RO I
Bushels of Wheat
17 TED
gleutfcEN cu. Eutf). 5.t. part iisitcbe.
Q5ottesbiotit norm. 12a11.) /TEA.
unh oi,eubs 7 1Thr. Samitogfcintle
Dorm ko fehrerueriannulung
2flittwoci? ileus um hal t8
kf.• ct) ,
ensall Flouring
• MILLS • • •
Consequently we are in
need. of Twenty thousand
Bushels of Wheat, at onee,
for which we guarantee to
pay you the very highest
Mr. Harry CO.'nn, . of Ilensall,
visited town tm 'Sunday.
Mr. John Alb/reeht will leave for
Dakota on Monday next.
.Ave you a HERALD subscribor?
If not, why not?
Card of Thanks.
a-arl.i.nra,ln,-; '-
Mi. 2?n,..2
Mr. H. J. r:,,,: Cooke-, barrister, of „,„„ , •4 * ;,-,, • ..,.. ../ . 4 . S .
Dear Halter :
Ilensall, wa in town on Monday. Kindly allow me, through tile ' .1 us t 1.1.:C:;,!li II, ;to,•lt•-•to kin ('• • fort
Mr, Alex., MeBeth, of Hillsgreen, columns of your paTier to thank !
wg..:..t..: ?Inlit:t f•i. c.f.i.' tap. - Wztt,
very successful rag bees this week. shown to us during onr visit, as :
Mrs. J. Weseloh has been visit- our tinie is drawing near for our. . ittitgli.iL$ : t-) ?!:1.11t:',.' With 0111
-,,,,, , ,
was in town, Monday, on business. our many friends in and around ,-.,„
Mrs. 11, R. Johnston had several Zurich, for their 'many kindne.$;ses iiiPr New ,,....1',"47oek._,Jurt. Arriv •
inti her parents at Waterloo re- departure from home sweet home . He ye ,,,,,,,,--,,,•4 11,, 4-,, :....,,:,,,.111v,..21at.A.:, Ns
Mr. J. atunart has purchased 'We trust that our visit may again -1•• I - • :
oently. aurid friends dear and nem. to M44
fine new buggy froml Messrs. P.
Hess & Son.
mr. Goo. Chtusius disposed of his
farm, near Hillsgreen, to Mr. John
Reichert for $3,000.
Mr, Chris. Hey of the Babylon
ink. building a brick dwelling en
his farm this spring.
, Mr. Moses Kestlo left on Tuesday
I for Crediton whore he has a sittat.
tion as harness -maker.
Mr. Chester Steinbach left for
•i,ettforth this week, where lie
expects to make his home for a
3,10S:41:8 John Cloister anti, Jac•ob
Warm, left on Monday for Wad-
hatoburg, where they aro engaged
et price. :Bring us a.
I V, BACHAND, St. J000ph.
4-4* .1*.iothry Public Piro and Life In- : itaal and 1,e convinced ..... .. !
:wanes Agent, Money'io Lean, either by :. ,,,. ,, , ,
ine-a e mu b 01 040 COU1p111114.t..
Thanking you for 1,8•4
We remain yours.
tLato with Harrow o1s. Proudfoot) Barris -
tor, Solicitor, :Notary Publio.
Henson, Ontario,
tlanimet=,. Solicitors, Nom:hos PaNti,.
oto. ote. Cur. 'Vitamin: tole North iStrat.t.,
Ltuderiebb Ontario
W. pnouprovr n. C. HAYS
.•=14.444••••.*•• •44444.6411.640:4*: *iver*Irsiflo
• tOth Div.Court, ituron
Cotturtiv.tuster for ta"aittur An'thAlt,A.
Ctonvo*attour etc. Vaintaer for Om Hu.
is anti I.:roc Loan zn,,I
thLea - Znriela t
E BOSSENI3E1111174
• L'ivenscui .S.natit.91..e !or
Conaty. te:sp,crittaIlly aokikts flue rat.
14..inage who ittond haviit4 aAes.
Henry Cook, Prop.
The Sydney Bulletin telIA the,
followinn gtor.• about a rieh tnt'eeen
who t7ot *.n deatlly hatred With
lawyers, whom Ito aeecrohl
aVR,r4.41 hint th lawsuit.
Ikt 14..41 4,4•1.. anti was given up lly
I OW tll Will Wt. At 1;4)We 'Wt.. t \third
14, 1:61X:VerN te4t inn' them tee et one
"1 e betb-ide. They hurried to
thotr‘o. and "when in t4:+1 norm
.1.g. 4;4 40 ailed tee sit tatle 411I
Nielta 44 1 Twit. Ile MeV!
• hand 44,1' eaeli •.3Iy friends- he
,red +.-ve.at w.;nder what 1 %ant
- .
v-,It/t von ti44.4"*. Periettp. ;.•4111
ftt•rilf I k2' ,'ht V147 hero+ low
roal,.tition. Hat no. Tiliat
net iwt. merely want to
war hetWel11 tWon
, titeiVo.." otill then he alItt•
50.080 Prsixg; Att'enal Celotto.-
DR. F. A. SELLERY) tIon 21t, nt9ZICI.
otatteinte el the 11;Iii
lltesitat tituttegliDs., 11"goento.
xtraellnate Depa:troerat. air Ilkv4tLF.4,.iy,,
Taranto rinire,rstty. ivor.taless ohtteetiton
ttetb., nate %legit sveeiiaMty.
At. Dominion Hou -se, Zurich, every
The r•aul-grader was used on the
,4 •
‘,13Pleel road on Niturday real:kg:0
the bilow and the roads art.4
henelitted therCts„
-When we wore boys- Vie 1:.ftelteti
lor tIte blue -bird the kaith
Z.Lrelh We ltoa.0.• that we wffl
not be flisoppiatted this -;..ear.
laat• Martin anti fantily of
Pha•on, Mit•11.- t',..day• 'When, t!teal
intoiel making their Arturo. h
Yr. S. Wray.
farm at the Ktuble
ley. to. ,1,1r. itAirutnt 11.44.ny. t".
t1,1, ...um of k:::Nico. This a 'in.
14,04 taw. farm and Ur. Ittieleallr has
SPVIIP•31 ilarown.
Aro notii.ed the 11 -M42;1 -J441
items t4f ltett %vela that t%eir
eheeker vlub hare ehalletm•cl litsyq
4,14....• them- We heret;
tt hear elOtialtql: 241121 •WenliM Ilk(%
ellenl ill arrow:re a buttaIde date air;
•-414.4tt Illre•1411Dito.
titt• Babylon line are movin;,.• ti
Mtv. 11. !Attic. 1..elier5natry 4/(:11.
P41. a-4 lao•al4pittrfers at t
'enittiereial lade". V4tarit•Ili. am" le.
,141'4aB,4arel tvs tat Wail b) WI' eillinenc,
!A!' ;,..'1,atlP tCOID. Exammiition
Ir.-.' atifi eard lartIDDE-; 11/11212
ton '.%-e,ina, !!))14n -o extt-4,t,1128244.
.a0211.1 1w, WWI;
n f.- Dint ,a1].
Lake- Mann, Litt" taf2';4'
;:;:dwoa V lark li'llieq114••• trallt 7m,-,••,14),41 t!_,0
•avi vult 4 .3C,Catgetl",
whelle Mr. !I -411z oywn•-;;
urtn. taAt'ee-r.
ht•I‘a rota•nr,222
212 is
t.1, -42 -eh
ceri.tutotty t12 the. v-olIeheatli,,,lts, ger 1i:at
jutlitive. TelAtor avf t2
• lit
tv.vQ.ntit:t.- ft! .tntv nntlivo-ttsary of tuTA.A,
e tit
trIA "'PO 4-!;a4f!'•"4"" eaultled
otitt itu tvuo ;•7:u el the S" 1"u
t hi% !Vt. ruutmt. with eN1
ptantg. in the plre.7--ette-e oit 15e 1431 -
tiff adnill flac....:-.clifi'4,110 ec?EiDialt-o4 to
have nutulhetred fuTh,- .7, .0
G. STANBURY. B. A. 17ir -dititt.ger lteld
41: c,e,,I.,,ess,t to cog.ium, cErtr. tev-E02*: ir.ur CIP°
time sin; e 11. 441 -alt eerettiettrcs
IlARR1STtlt. tu•aving 11J01'01-cev4 0 1:111irred1 the
Conveyaneer, Monty 10 Lean Villktve F.1:441110 PLat'.01 14 tin*. kini.
Ana rang ProljektY lowtst ot' In- Thirty eardiirs. numerous ara'h-
terest. Doeinsents eiigitif.J lieritnain bisltkvsult,,,116,1101,,,,, tit, ni„Ipit.,„1,,,
read SOJted advised upon!, filtcu eourt. the .sglecitell
ifereirola 141,is.-4eins st.itt, filei•E4
countries, MC' illElnikel•A WI the dip-
,14-gmatie yelps ond the B.,,,nigna
Ogee ever (./"Neirs Dank, Eteter.
ail in lnagnillei:nt Veztnlelltez
or aniiferrtts. participated( in tile
, eeretnotty and formed a striking.
4031**Ite.‘••••%+:1:42',,tat.t.tC-10,1:=4.4"1144:`44;44,* spettacile. T -Le guards.
52 nit *, wearitm Meir eltula uniforms. -were
;,14 Itel.„ was is.qze, in the sedit.4.: gagta-
dinky gqi all sides. The
commERem lloTEL N.,ft hi.-; apartment at 10.:1"0.1
0 0 '0 0, 0 2uttSCH *4 * * feria. preeedelii. tat, poIntitleal
eourt and. surrolluided by nobl:s.,
• Sftiettv up-to-date Inaers iza- t• the zleel"14- •
have strengthened the bonds of
love anc trust towards each other.
Thanking yon again on behalf (4,f
myself and Mrs. Moritz, for tho
kind good will you have shown igs
during our stay and. hope to
the privilege of meetinr, you t!,..•
iri the near future. May God grant
to you all many happy years 1.2.
peace and prosperity.
Sincerely Yozu•s
Zurich, Mar. 4, 190'2.
Hay Council.
Connell met at the call 1.1'
Reeve on Mar, :rd. All the ieg.ig.
bors were Ipre.4,nit.
The f, ming. wore a pr.,
path:master.; t:•••••:' lile3 1•111.rent
1.1h-. 1, .A t..••••,t. • -
11. a •,-;; : •
itthon. Jr. ',„ •
-X. Ingram ; V14- •• • • "
Antivrsint t••;,
13. Chao. A t'-".'. .rt h ; • .
.:44•4-• • .
A Munn ; an.1 •: . !".:.
L". Wm r..r.P:;.0% :2 lt•i 1 •
Dates; ;
titavey Pt. ..`4"44, '4,;. 4., •. •
, — ••• ..;
7 ' •
44.4 • •
t R sa., 4nd • • • • et * " " • • • ••!.•
. • • ....•
; :%;.: 2
tteielwrt -••
ne,,ter ▪ 14• ,
Win Itatt;'•.?; 4r. 1 !I
N1et.-42er; 24 1) 0.
4;.?4••.. Fnrot•:,.t ; •
411, S. .414•4•44,2-4a
.i;,ota.'141a•r 1°4. L.
W:au.: it nigy 1;. E,
-.ham iliNint.-": • t!%.•:,4 7 • .
:!"k14 12
(.,•4'..'.11!•,'4,•% 1 4:
thrsl'ao:i ("91,•? •
4 Itr.!:•4.
• 3_11qtrk31.1 Ht. 21.,v..
thu-,, ,
• R. •1'/k•;••,
Ihzi!tra-ta.s• ,•t•-•
• . t;. 4t"z11'.; ,i.,„
(.1m*. *Irfr,as,"•,-!•• : • • ' •
Wlen ll 4,0•0!_!: :
• 'ThranD-711!f_
E%,•-aata«74D4-44,'•!_t•-•:- .7,
vt2. 112. 11%121:11,;:.,V. ,
1141S. •
D. -$1*-t2V11„ Irk,' "Lr:••.!-..-: • „1, •
n(41, intra g;23,311v•,..1,.
Venee • .r."-*
e.,111q. • .;7`
*11. . . -
31 tl• y -
Iitititt‘;:t el.F2L'e.: ottdi 21
tuu--17:0,51k,tatItt;JL tli2DYY
1 172 - CI'
2122s w21 iv'y
rotirtleNkNi.It'ed at7tutetittAlx-71,t-Iii eAnn.1
tuy lyeaeheal ozher
and laence its ext ta-,ve&q1B127,%.* ,SUath:et.4
41:111.01 to3lanlatritr. .1:•47.tonsmc.10.,
conuniittint. Ilrit4lura fE,i•-••
V113:210d mfmil st..,rizoo_qk
fvirew:v.tae t
12i0: 'at
nleitltettie. lite) pi911 23 e0tutis
Erra••..—Af Dine. Ffateey.
pfl Saturday. the 12*0 inN1'. Levi
Etue. (4t the cti 1;41 :4:ears and
cavakt,-7. 1:M -
k • 1 'ff• •••
• 'intl. .LA., •allq
11,1'41'kell. 'daughter of Mr. Eit4
:Mrs. Nic;u01.-is ILE--tehe•-rt. at the
:44!.Tilth r
No. I. it. f-arlt-.1.1.'
c• -.
13.141V/14,..41%V.-11.17. 7 •
fle.5,,•7a. Z; —
Baker. .0. Br -
A rc6...tp-0:,,t. vi; 11-.
. Poitee
woatll the 4".
tloit kltzs in the, •••-
The /k_y71•!,,,-,,,, • :
le: the 1.1',4••:,,..-e •
said t,:.9
,t-zglvd-"ft- 7
ith."-la ;limits
e • ..„-
The foIlowinL.; ••••••--
ile ne gneng al 1 ds
To bons of the vast assenuida"-e C -i -
...f phed wha onis, the vory Lest. 4 c ,..1. ' tifinal N"-allirirgtelli intoned ti:e mass., t7.--
.0 provements. Inning rootwi i'S :::::-,p- -2-,0,
Bat contains choice rivers :zed 0,4 the pent -Meal e-hun
lioir (ted the t('- re
eigars., 4- j 4 t .7 v ''l hilcutnx and Ilis Iroliness pronounced
" tile Papal benediction, I,eyraid (.7;
• xc.eierit Sarvepie Room.; • which I 1.1.1 •
O rot Commercetti Neer. .:
,• :erviee t 12 39 ti P • • •
t .14 1:o
erk Dv Vrvi.
- : not 1;ttiticipate in Vile Pt4'..nier
k • .. - •
ZLIV"4. • •
rvi.n , I._
two P'1..
; - • '
e ape
• ed to the Iraticart. rmAsing,
other ovatirm as he did so.
4eplif: 0*a .*V-trU4*4.1:4-i?..: rr*Ge70**4 SALE REGISTER.
On Wednesday, March 12th, at 1
o'clock p, ni... on lot tl, eon. 0, Hay,
, consisting of farm stock and imp1e-
M e Zotttinion! Merits. No reserve as the prorate -
tor has sold his farm. Lorti4 Hahn.
1130 use iia.aiiamamraln
s''''''proprietor; E. Bossenherry. Auc-
Equipped with Tiamodern
conveniences. First-class
accommodation to commer-
cial travellers. Bar and din-
o om always supp
lwith the best obtainable.
130*4 Afr-°; itr66aft ri6Sof,
The 'Gnat Engtish Roney.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only' rat-
able mne edicidiscovered. &zpakages guaranteed to care all
forms of Sexual Wealenes•-, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry:Excessive use of To -
?soccer, Opium, or Stimulants. Maned ova receipt
prieeone paldkage $2. six, $5. One wittptcase, !
; ea.'4:sh,lactere. Pamphlets free to any address,
Shomathor Prtp Wtid dtalariany,WindaotOnt4
"uf ; Wood's Phosphodine is sold in
zu 'RICH Zurich by Dr. Buchanan, Druggist'
"Mycrifehadaeeep-seatedcough ,
for three years. 1 purchased two
honks ot Ayet's Caerry Pectoral,
large size, and it corcd.her com-
pletely." „
IC Barge, Macon, CkT.-1,
Probably y0121 know of
cough medicines that re-
lieve little coughs, dt
roughs, except clee,p ones!
The medicine thAt has
been cuting the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayers- Cherry
Throe sizes: 2,Se„,azonal: for oft ordinary
told; 50t...just right for byte:tither, Poo:oo.-
nosy. Turd eft.: $T, tbbat tc.ult.taZeal
f -de:rattle tootO stud tO keep on
3.C. AYES- CO., Low•••11,
. Ma." I ....
12)ny1.-. Wailt :V 7 e
a ]int • •• .. . !!'
! • 44:4? ,vtrr i!!!!!:!
vii1-S114cetv N't-1. '7- •.-. •
sample 0,-1•,;,- of 1 a.:
A 'Kansas
Etat 1.).2.- planting 7- • • -
it' -s- in tl:e sta,:e fi2112
roxvs, the ,:rtit•qa:--,, -4!)
that they Torin,,.." •e -r' i I., 119:-. •
of tile potttte•-os
that the roots taro
1 big rel ill, 4 )'7. •1" • • '
4 ::
, • • • , .4
• . -
' k '