HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-28, Page 8T °' tt.t6HV;:C-ALb
:ock-taking we
;s Remnants and
tock, and these
away down, out
portion to their
Inc. You will
1 early to get a
hese Bargains....
Will keep on hand
a supply of Flour
and Feed at right
Chopping Done
Tuesday and Friday
Special to THE HERALD.
Miss Anna Carvin is at present
visiting friends in Stephen.
Mr. Thomas Robinson has been
1 drawing logs to Bayfield during the
( past week.
Mr. John McLinchey is at present
drawing hay from Uensail.
Messrs Rennie Armstrong and •
1 James McLinchey have completed
--------------- _--____._._..—_ ..._- their wood contract of thirty cords
for Mr. Alex McConnell of Varna.
Mr. Cohan Campbell and Miss
Revised even', Thursday afternoon.Edith Sparks are now att'nding ;
Wilted :3 to 74 school here as public School leaving
t late - - - - - - :4 . 30 scholars.
§7�I use no chemicals
to +destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee \our Work.
It is impossible to here
mention but a few of the
many exceptional values
being given. You need to
come to see the goods and
$1.OQ Beavers in Black and
Navy- for ' .... 5Octs
Cloakings were .75 ants .55 i
for 4,iets
nee Beavers for i Sets
Now's your opportunity fila
procure goods for a coat at
ridiculously low prices.
p Barley 45 42 Mr. Robert McBride visited at F. A E D WA D S,
Pe*us 65 70 Mr. Henry Hayter'a on Sunday. w.
Flour 2.00 2.10 We aro sorry to learn that Mrs.
:Butter 15 16 Charles Johnson is on the sick list.
Ea;n;S - - - - - - 19 20 Mr. and Mrs. John Stepbeuson
t'laieltt ns ib - - - - 4,'. 5 visited at Mr. Edward Robinson's SENATORS
Ducks 6 6 one evening last week.
5 Quito a number from vicinity ti
Pttatots - - - - - 35 40 are couiixinisg that hired metare ;Disgraceful Scene in United
HENSALL MARKETS. scarce and boys are lewd to rind. Chamber.
NO Barley
�aich Fle>,1:r - - - - - •
hese e' liver p r ewer - 5.00 e.50 rand are engaged hauling; it lu►iaae•. Me•1,'taaran epee. and said the t "fill•
,'i u•}l .Sir,;, ,...L n 'f :.
EW To(��[ °i Washers
�Jt`� �aed Wringers
of the very best rnakes,at the Big Hardware,
which will be sold cheep. It will lay you
to call and see thein before buying else-
where. When you call, don't forget to
have a look at the
Stove Pipe Radiator
it leads all other Stove Drums
All kinds of Hardware, Tinware, Paints,
Oils, Lamps, Glass, Granite 'and Silver-
ware, will be sold cheap at
� �� Street
urich, Ontario
JOB P I.,a4 F I;;
The Kind
You Want
Bill Heads Sale Bills
Note Heads Envelopes
Circulars Etc. Etc. •
stztesl O I D E R YOUR i RINTING
75 to 77 Thaw Inild weather of the ]alit , '4W as len gtois. Feb. 24.--lu theZIMIVZ
40 42 few days is having a very damug Senate yesterday afternoon. at a. ,
40 48 in,g :feet on our roads, quarter to :i a list light weaned THE HERALD %u "ich
115 75 Messrs Etniott and McLinehey between Senaateals McIeturin and
2.00 2.10 purchased a carload cif packed la; Tillman. beth 4 i Seealllt Carolina.'
:la€e.+<•iatl to the Ilettat.t).
Miss Jean Campbell of Meli,illr►lt mane statement ment se arrlin t hi►ns'
is visiting at her eisteret. turs..lolata +las :a as Mill and deliberate and " saw
McKinley rnaalin iaelas lie. -1 ow 'sten Men!
R+nv. J. Z� . Aendre,wv, ns pre.ne• aa5 ; - t
`Pali°eatin jammed i ovter a'lmies an
Mr. Blew and Miss Lau a Hornesae . • , - Stn ane k \It 1.,anrm an the face e. 1 �'-- ------�•-�-�
ef Drysdale ti iaeitezd ant ltir. Ed. dt lsQate_ tea :a to taint.;' -,e' eesq +'.ta""I { vtec;.4is e•ne eunt4 r ensued. 13rath
ti Sunday. 1011 in Toronto this wo eel:. men a lint°Eazal and stn'aat°iu frantically lla; r e
Muria Violet Char ;I t'laixelhurst at each ether. w'rhena aatsistaatnt Ser.
Mr. Wm. C opsit i3 se3tnindliat in!= to visiting friends .tented lave tits eena eet Arms at oo wane: be= this week owing to vte•
Mr. Thies. Smith is busily on- int; a fes days at Mr. Hold. Elltor.. 1; u terl. It w'a>tts With gre°:at difficulty'
Mete -1l them. nand. with the :gid of
Friends; from 1 ..t..hwvel :ares .1e41.1...-'aP►':a Su•taateors. the mens were
. aact1 hauling hay to Zurich, A number of young. g. tat• eple tepee fleet thee were se„e;an'tatee1.
ititinnitt° a number axttrrtntleal the
t►iv put 411L"t►t as very pglta9Jtiat Tine Senate at love determined Al ',Tentl% itodueed Prises
aaa°nnnwe°re any hesrwnt es .at Ki;rnean evening at Mr. ans. Miele ate-' a tre awe nnntar ' xe4e'dntro'0'e° 'te°°a'•ra',tn, aha r "
n9 re4 �tliY'l�„ . • «
Sea a% and were delighted with ` Taaesttaai of this week. ` =id greed e a nteinenn't the eraalternee
time e!neelle nt rliateourse given ler I and tine Iler,e?eb 4Sr°n'e• r°lacaL'r°Jl I➢anr
➢.a•w . Mr°VEa' it aof Fergus. rtn5. Lnn'. l;. ('anlrvii► nw 11a1s:ilV,i1 a .: r
i' battling laetrile the 'innlaye • tesan lee °°� this 1 n'eia s tine Seattle eattlr S ar:nlinnaa
)re 'rte'. eV:tn. - ten n haat ieasn"elntaaie�1 Mr. net,. tn�' t°a: e•an ataero w n°e nau�5tneraIl hero t➢na°nm scants. " 1�
t,a Clear 1alailee
tee -,e- I3leuchne'e farm. Andrew. ' t Mn'. ,4el a>!ni enn eti➢➢ slung mrd: tluc
p� r p" I¢le. see rreannnnianb It. .., .«w mark 44 Mr. 'Mileages filet upon his
L,,.' Mr. and Mee Chas. Stela.•k visntetfl
FRIENDLY TO ENGLAND. vvrehe xik. Mr Tillrnu irni had: anent r`'e-
frcrends at : eaaf'on tin "lChuredasp last.
)REr lnf°as l Onion last Creel;.
true. 1:eiehert lied S. wmtntl idles., L�S!ralvni. "rely.Il)r. laea a is rn
`� �sdoy .ast altnQll nn tTneeven>liltn,• 8brt wvrnites rte the r1"'inales fr^snnn 1'a'l�ina
'"°�• #Yo rtIInn•f l'b 161C' 87411 is e'lnae:4 ta! sgals'e� ' ,
itt_ ft feet.
fit ttin�g ➢prat even inns tmipe eeevay2 ttec�
h�nCc*aD frebn inientrues auplal':f resod,. lett
Mies Vnna Curry visited frisffiIls"
Is the Feeling rf➢l�"Ile. ,a cnaatu n ra'Ilch alWl` crw e1511C
China. eate. These %VV" nuen
I, new Chwannet Railway tans 'wag de -
Mr James Idagaah. we as is-" tainea two clays eavraitin t.; a pn as�ae :bn t
f'"rauecl. lleair'iEo os /mitring another from the Prussian Admiral. Ile
terra. Mr. Hagan is an extensive r;s,ys the oeld friendly fe elude fen'
°i mestere stenne'Dir;';:, alerat to prevent
t e e:weaal ae;i the a.+ittotunnter when
the Senate sfntat nit:seek" o4 f' trona tra h.
lee view.
111 1i'sxe ntnveo seeeion, the n entaate
at once tasted;: tip the etartlinly e~ng-
e aunnter. end a resolution owns
offered nefeeri ng the matter to the
reef. grower end sterk raiser inence,; (xges,t Uriteain still 55utrvives, ;eheie Co:rmittee on Priviletres Etta ItsS0-
L.1- ambition for more land. the humanity and dieelielinna def the introns. tee repen-t as to what ?emerged
Mr. Clete Redmond had a wood; Japanese and their considerate the',Senate etete"lel Pursuit.
bee last Friday and an oyster suppler j treatment of the conquered have Meetl bile both Tillman and Mee-
. t night. left a deep impression on the Clew Laurin have .hi' -.01 r:;'aanrniitta:ci to tliue
team e•lieeetee elite wishes this„ eese, in rnvid contrast to the flan an•a- rlastaacip of the: Fereteanant-at-Arman- to
week to challenge Zurich or Drake rrt of awful inassacrins by the Rus- Prevent eine' hostile Meeting rue-
fe>,r :a friendly laude. a slangs. .war permanent work is in tweean rheum. „
.1a'<aaaes Turner and sons nisi- ° 1rogress a7 a the new Choate.- of Rail-
Mr.te d Cligntewin last week -way. The temporarybridges netted
Incliner, used by the Bemis J e°in-
( rite as ntatit fer of the Iethedist eaters tat left restinnee eeinnee the
eengeeeeeifen attended tine surprise Russian occupation peoperty north
p:artr at Ret;. (.4-debug"S, ll+angateall of the great wall has detryr'io ated.
en Feeley evening. but the Ilene is *ell guaardel. De.
+.�'� Mr. John Cc inrate, is eng g l in Morrison asserts that ueIln'e tt of
lik fen 7ene ; material for has barn. collisions between Aannr rierms. Brit -
Mr. Samuel Reichert now sports , isle and Russians are greatly ex
a :verse and cutter, teem has hie ' aggerated. Animosity to the Res-
-e on some mice girl- Sian oecupietion it growing.
:. d�1SCei aD ttO THE HERALD.
lllr. Ben Eilber of t sly. Mich.,
spent a few days in our village,
renewinft acquaintances.
H. E. Huston paid our village a
its fining vnsit on Friday last. The cough that hurts, the cough that
Mrs. Link =z}t4niaa.. the nerd_
tets tight in the chest s daily ge ti r.g
tc y T i " dee ter and deeper into the br ,r Ea5
ee roger, oeenings in London this tubes and is making directly ;.er the
week. lungs, to become pneumonia, inflamtnnaa-
wrs. tion of the lungs or consumption.
eery successful anniversary ser- such coughs are samcea-nes gofer real
dl-'ar viers were contlucted by the Rev. to as "graveyard hoagies, i, tca:ase they
al- C. lFinkb,einer of Zurich in Zion Usuai<y bring their siding to that last
Evnneeliea] church Sunday ]cast. resting place.
"1'ute weather being fine, large eller- Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and
ry a ones greeted him at every sereice. :turpentine
fa: favorite remedy beenlong knowncru ,
Mr. Hoffman of Dashwood was in bronchitis, coughs and colds. It gains
•in popularity every day and now has
the village Friday last on business. by far the largest bale of any seeenar
Rev. J, tee Litt is assisting in the preparation.
ED'revival meetings at Dashwood this it loosens the 'tightness in the chest,
Lh week.. allays the inflammation, cures the cold
hen it H urts
To Cough
and prevents pneumonia, eonsaimptiom
Mr.E+nnandus Krause of lie- and outer lung troubles. �a cents, an
• braslta is visiting friends and rets.- Idealers', or Edmanson, Bates & Co:, To -
i tiwr
es in this vicinityr ronto,
i Do you want ag. Daily paper anti; Drd Chases Syrup
handsome picture of the gin for
i 7a ctsry Call at our office and we
show you thed :a'
wa 1sample.!coy of the picture an an r peJfO,
Mr. Charltonis tasting for pr o-
tlestion to Canadianindustries
against Anterieanr eecttroetition.
What anrainaifane Curers er per educes
are coining demand? hdemand? Is he
out-protea'ting 'tine preyterrtionitte:
The only anann¢i'acturers whose
w; screw have ben heard crying for
relief are the weioirenn men— and it
is not the Americans they leer. in
R. A. W. owes
um •r
r.-tts *)y x It. trjv
t t uttc,11, rsz.*"s the air
sa.> e „ft :p s dreppitg,tref the
ert t arab erg 1 sant-fait-y =es
dru ayrever ii.+�°OEID
fret. ATJ ttNirers. c.r ill'. K Wy:
end unfitl
"rife North eee of the Nor th e of
lot number 24. Con. 35 Hays eon-.
taming 25acres, mere Or less. A
frame dwelling withkitchen; barn
?5y40 and driving sheds on they
premises ; also 2 good wells. Con-
venient to Ealbileiscls's Planing,
Saw and FIaax Mills, and wiil be
sold on very easy terms.
For further particulars apply toE. ZELLER, Zurich.
Deem After. Wood°B P7iosyt$oail e,.
The Guar English. Panay.
Sold and recommended ll7 as1T j
druggists in Canada. Only ;elf•
able medicine discovered. Six
_etapueraeaateed to cure fill
forms of Sexual IS eakfess, alI effects of abuse
or excess, Mental worry. Excessive ltee of To-.
beo; Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
ofpride, one package, $1, nix, $5. e /tiff piecse,
sa wL cures amphhliOra
ets free to any address.
The Wood Company,. WindsotiOnai.
Wood's Phosphodine is sold in
Zurich by Dr, Buchanan, Druggist
All kinds o Tin nithi, ;
We make Harnessl a g2IttI
We give i ' Value
For Little Money
Hardware and
rim UJ / o , rr,
We have been as .ver-
tising Janney and
February sales. ''Tis
week weti give your a
few of the nnany' bate
gains we rare otferng,
Black Dregs Ootids
A Double Fold. Stripe, 38 in, worth .55, at .27
A Double Fold. Stripe., 38 in. worth $1,., at .
at 31
at .33
at. .32
A Double Fold, Stripe, 40 in.,
A Double Fold, Figured, 38 in.
Whip Cord
100 yds of Single Poie, Dress Goods,, at half price
We will offer some extra good values, for instance a
$18.00 Tweed Suit, this month for $14 50 and many
others at equally low prices.
After taking stock we notice a lot of remnants in Dress
Goods, Tweeds, etc., varying from 2 ycis up, which will be
sold at and below cost. If you are looking for snaps,give
115 .a call.
All Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
Steinbach, 2luil,