HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-28, Page 5or I MORRIS 1 11, N "If there be soine tvaq,ker one, give ine, serenyI4 to hr7p him on."w9 Good Goods 'Sold -.Py All Newsdealers "Eind hearti are viore thaln C01-0 I nets,'�-TmNysox,;. -WIUMER, Prices Right \Vatches, clooks, Jewellery, * Musio'41 Instruinents ­�ind HELP NEEDED Fittings, also `!Spec- tacles and(' ' Eye- F.1% n,,1,,.,h,,:s.M on I h I �,Ioea I oVe f of song Choice yrlgl mposi.gons by the mo"r TO FURNISH THE glasses. CIOP . .1 au _4 flano 6. le; TRY ME. 'Palf Vocal, half Instrume'no'Q . Complete Plan 0 -Once a �orth. for :z S IKS. Iptian,�$ . Ifyo. $EW FREE CON%0TIVE �OSPITAh feces fYoerar t b;c Fine Repairinj a Speciality. 'Wir)lo1rw..d -. t C 'na-e(,..d _td(�%.. f F!VZ f ... t l... r Qa. , 'Allsend MUSKOKA. you 0, COW of the Magazine Free. J. W. Pl!PPER. Publisher. The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America. F. W. HESS Eighth a Locast Sta.. Philadelpfila. Pa. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE . INTERESTED. rHE JEWELER ZURICH P. 0. FARXERS 'IN9TITUTE WORK. Is open daily except Sundays from -The N'rm Free Consumptive Hospital, built wider the, Mr, Simpson Ronnie, of Toronto, 8 a. xn,, until 9 p. in., The mails are auspices of the Xational Sanitarium Association, will in speaking of his recent trip distributed as follows: through 24ew Brunswick in con- MAIL FOR HENSALL, close at 6 :55 a.m be ready -so soon as the 9noney to 'equip and fimnish nection v,1ith the Farmer Institute 4 4 ; ; & ; i & 2-55 pin is secured -to receive 50 patients absollutely without work of that Province, says that ST,JOSEPH, 11 11:10aM tile meatings were generally well 44 L.H.&B., tt ' 6:55am charge. attentled, and a lively interest tat'k. it L,H.&B., 1 2:50am eninthediscussions. Mr. Rennie -Over 800 out oj 500 patients admitted to the Jfuskoka Scoti FRO31 HENSALL, arr. 11:00 am Cottage Sanatorium. - the pro 9?.Ro attended the Nova a 94 ;t 7:30 pin pert�tl of the Xational Dairymen's ineeting at Amherst,on ST.JOSXPH, 10:45 am Sanitarizon. Association -have rehirned hoine either the 23rd., 24th., and 25th. Of Jany.. L. H. & B., 11:00 ana cured or greatly improved. and the nieeting of the Now L. H. & B., 7:30 am Brnnswick Farmers andDairvinens -The Free Consum Association at Fredricton, o6 the LIETTERS FOR REGISTRATION, Must ptive 110spital is situated in the same be posted half an hour p V-'th,, 29th., and 30th, delivering . revious to delightfully healthful 7ocalit�ij, brit�giny the saine ad- Kilt1rosses on the I-Oultivation of the time f or closing the mails. vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich. i Corn, Field Roots, and Potatoes" D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. and -The requirments of the Beef inark(Its". At both these meetings, PARISI FOR SALE -200 a cres. of thedelegates and others present, choiceland, consistingof Lot appew ed -to take a great interest in 3, Con. 11, Hay, and Lot 19, South the pr1oceedings. "Judging from Boundary, Hay Good bank bftrns, what LT could see when travelling 44 x 82 and 40 x 60, and frame 'Ai the country", continued dwellings on each lot. Plenty of . . . . . . . . . IL throuz. Mr. fb,�inle, 'Very much more gosdspring water. On oiie farm R should bb done in the brooding and there is an overflowing well. On of both cattle wid hogs, good gravel road, and convenient �t ?8 feeding f but before very much is done, a; to school, post office and churches, better class of animals should be 6 miles to Exeter station. Will i -oduced. Sheep raistug should give purcliaser easy terms of pav- nti ilk be more extensively gone -into, ea- ment. Wind power, equipped for vhere the land is dry and I pujilping, chopping. straw cutting, Dairying is carried on i etc. All buildings in good state of pecially ky, "s. somewhat, extensively and with repair, with goodlargedrivingsbed V1 find other outbuildings. On lot 3 fair success, but in sume lue lities 'tho patrons there is 12 acres of good bush, and the isolkLte(l condition t:1 - is foand to be it groat dra,%vback to i. on each farul, one acre of,' orchard. the Industry. From my obser- � For ternis apply to Pnimp HAirr- FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES IN AMERICA vations, thousands of itercs of land'xAx, Sarepta F0. 312-0111. The p(ft of W J. Gage, FSQ_ and the df.,Alrasvey Rgeate are only yielding small returns for witnt of underdrainine but, when, 50 YEARS' -Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump- these tbings are better understooll,' EXPERIENCE tive Hosplml wilt alleviate andindeed entirely remove. conshloring the intelligonce of the I i people, we may look for groat -Will. you not send a dollar -or $2.00, $3.00. $6.00, $10.00- thin,-$ in the near future." or more, for this most pressing of all charWas ? F. W HoDsox, -The victims or the White Plague aro found all over Canada. Live I Stock Commissioner. V_. TRA 1�t MARKS r AYRSHIRE CATTLE AT THE ST., "81ONS $50 WILL FURNISH A BED# LOUIS EXPOSITION. copyniawra &C. Aayonfoleadhig asketaksAddinall1lort may qN1441 sAvartalft t t" 821 The breeders of Dairy Cattle in i� W144,101%tulu Ww"t-1 thoUnitedStates are alravAly ba, -i sintirwo.1% 0" tort Irlug A& U. Slit W. R. IN1,11.3tEDITIT, Xt., Chlef'Justice, ginning to prepare for the Louisi. lk t args. t Vlev-1111oif. Nttt. San. Asquen., 'roronta. 1�10& vurt'llaso Exposition to bell Iti 441k W. J. GA1LGF.*, Chutrinau IN. Cam.. Toronto. � held in 18t. Louis in 1003. At the 1i sd t C Orkaft.l ,i re Alkin Laivaltelp. -cent meeting of tho Ainerient, "141 or toy stj *but* -10. TUMS,*S& Arrshire Breeders' Assoei "tuv.,IL at dbytil 10*1d6&11 ANATIONAL TRUST CO. TAtulted, Treasuror, �ittion T"r* a N&CUS818nawly.New Tartinto. hild at Prllyidt.nVe' R. I r. it W&tS M York voted V) aploropriate intmey frc-in omft� A-- at. WAAbiwPevi. ti. V_ the treasnry to Ilay the oilm.s. of phteing 1; herd of Avrshira cows Prominent Room hear XvIlty WORA-24 NORMS 11r. DISTMSINO CASE OF COX- In the br�ird to�st at th�t Exposition 1� Thare, aro times whoix tyary StJMPTIOX. anti a rolnulitteewas appwnt#dtoo�, wontan is tormented by, itching whe charge of the Salim canadiall �- 13Y I§kih *,td WroUld give .-Lagt, breedCr8who ilitend to exhibl; at" . anything for Four of Ofte rundly P&O -0 A%Vlt3 ralf*f. There in it preparation ba"gliter NOW 111. ;115�t. Louis. should at onve begin vp ktiownas Dr. Chma's OintmOnt, A TdrotitioUergyongda tell!g of a falnily;� preparetheirsteek. so thiftt. thev�� whidh isa prompt relief for theso in hij, congregation, whieln eousg will not be tAken at a Ifistullvant.1Z. OUR Sufferings. WomenWz* it bath the raother angi five WhIll, the tinle for thig grttt In for their owd imb tud for its 1haing vltad-lo or of vdhona �n a few ytar,% !i imfinhil contest arrives. ,W0UdC*rfd1 t4feefivenews in caring � A gbod many farinars in Eastern "MM 1\& :M n 3: ims h6ad elitling have fa"3eft vidLUW, tv, I Ontario aro sNI I adhering to iid the vitriouilf skin diso-ases or* dfdd- AtA now tho, fiffla, a dangj4ter';� jer�r foolijS11 jjojje�V of Ina ' and ttsufy titer a" as reeolunlemL rklwht �! fba. you;lvlill ao tlkewise after a childhooil. W1,110 11§ oftrilloyei in the offiv� "'Ir ta -A-Ijok- 1i hugs that art too light in we�ght. ofte 15C) ttUSUital�le for L _j Trial. Our line eonsists of Can%tie Park ne Balsam �the gafoat an(I lhest tvli�aer sup,ml-t to the Ejog�er, isubligea to ieavt ii parlmAk.s. Th* (;eo. MAt ; kn)%vn )'­st%e Testinionials." colic thew" Did,yotiovor notift how often Lftnitod. report, tha0j),' hatos hiatto, bd b6tight", took of nufAilg fier u durijilg the inotith of Jaguary their ­ mughti, Chill an(l Fever. and the eolumi'm of tho - "Lost it is belioved, AS 0, resnit d �, Tonic Mixtnros. Lotion for wounils. gl as btoth,L,es ajjj�j sisters-lu&s �j reeeipt.q of hogs graded ,4 Hft-vb Rtmedy ConAltion Powder. And 1ponhall columnit of any palsow 001tets ....... I ............ 1398 IR , 0or ointnwhi, and Gall Cure. ana one vrin seo so nim drc:44 d"eate' X"d friends ore 1hte1'c'3';1 Light ..................... is -49 � y i-Avar(Is !ng t:1emselveg in the ease, but the diffi Ag I 69f SVerY rbwtll�r Gnarqnteod, or oirtrod for tho rdttwn of lost artle, U *I t fits ............... Money refunat-fl. I Riavy fat� ................ los. it ig mtl�br shoddy holioNty Why 2flet with is to seud her to a place tho d6injouds more 01*11 tho ox- whc-ro thd profjtr eaft and treatngent vvill .................. to - '.. 40L VETPER1 N' A R Y ps,mas of r6turyting lost prop6r W. Stags ..................... 61 to itmown6t. Iii fatt It id, dowjj.� It is for such eikses as this-aud there Ckippldg ................... 21� AbVICIE FREE -t ght s"o "' "o" i4 hAtAly it e:ergymah ift AUY aity Ulm is fftoreS ..................... 123 Tho§d Inediefties are put up in ful T not cefistandy ine-eting such appeals- A total of 4154 hoggs, of which'con`VC-Ilic�Ilt f OrIll, With f 1 di, cct- now Was on c-ach one. Tht­,v at^- to tr 8 tht 0 ef tZ Oat tile iie%,v 1vto't consainpt V131.180rabaut.13"i wert suit- underl thq, &uspleeg of the Xational Said' pity foi- keepftit. Thfiiistobbo!ty- tt�jj,,j As-",-fatiou. is teijjg tuift. The' able, for the manufactiare of firf5t h&d itt ClvdrY stok6 in the ConntrY. =tVifo of calmdt as & u,hao timst feel class ejqiort baeon. If the tradb in Anci it your stori�ko6per or drug - a, to ldt,. W. J. Gage artil the Cah1diah 131con is to bo iftermto"I gist doht kg6p them, -write Itt and I t WIS "A ajLeduUa_,s of the late 11art A. ga*sey, vpho or eveh waititainta at its pr&tent �'ftfttl W!�'Wfll fokorar4l them prompt - Out; of Cleir own funds 1avd erecto-d this ItoltImt. it frg ftbSolUtely h�!CbSSjtty ly. tv*ky Varmet Allkl St-sek 4�5 Pasto's, Ott .1, baj�djbg. 13nt before it ean.t,�e 0Lr01UPjC.d them on hand. ho& of proper weiftht, O*ftdr should have iz&tiotl ell, it, taust w rurnig5hel wfth'b6as andothtt 4 ahc -IS ing jot I quaiit;.V- be sent to the pack-ittg, Pr6pitrecl by had ot ptopet tafti-hingg wid appointments. hoati�s. Without stwcd!ss. The Xttionit Sanftafiuta Assoeiatioti, �1�'The VUrek8t VeterinaMy air*Ady rAtrying a heavy debt, are ne. I A bama of tYpsfillf With S&v6n ok *.bla to furnish thi§,h6w bundtn�& -to 916hd- Live Stock Commissioner. Medicine Co -ap. LON ntOlq ONT. thtottgIit,*ft(1ofL 8,ftft41%J,7, motnitig; aver for $10,Q30 for this purp,ote. 'throb daerarials Failed on theit wicy east Th6.y *&td * It doeg uot neeg! the sagg:e wtion that to 'Cura WhIng No& motItf-lookiiic cr&W� ind6ed, of thig Ci the most, pteqslng of chatitiag weft, *omenahilchildrdft, and as at this time, for the publie ard fully thtj drovdc fr Cdto vill"O'i y lo* -A through the gfteets awa'k-ejied to the videspread character of jt,&viv* 6f '-'_ftrre11ou* withtheir coveted Wagons thel-, 'cOnsumPtit'n- Und 41--40 tO the fact, tis de- Ateqik tho� Coittinent-t'Adiet sotz rnm� in rj*&iSfft87 ))&. crZaAwy: k' ynonsftatetl 1�y the best, ine(Tical authoki- oIntlil'i'ht, attitact4d co:ftSi(16k&bl6; tieg, that when this diqease ig taken hold Some eures ieffected bY Dr. Chasea The,y*re. said to be en route,to, 1,161W of in its early ttages i4 as inueh .18 gily Offitment seem like rairacles. itere Is -ionturia. Th* following, -despatch TheirewTmspl� & case -where doctots iabored in vain -ftoin T6ronto is suppoted Vy f6fek W. 3tftd operations fgfleci to cure. jilst so soon as the money jSL raiSe,4 tD 10 thdbi this domplLste the futnishitgs,, will be ready 9 Mr. Donald McLeod, Tatbotvale, U.' - Tokonto, P,6b,. 22.­11iLtly to re!ceive fiftypatients, free of ehtrgd- N"iteg :- --Wdek an. officet ftom the coloni- even tbeit raft'vroy fare will not be I I "celved the sarnple, bat of bt. ChaSe's Ointraent, and It has -done, .2atiot( (jepartW6nt w" Sent ollt to upon them. =e a tontiderable arnount of good. I � Wtst Lambton to look Aftbt thlb obierju-ticeffit- Wffl. R. 3teteclith, 4 ant iiow tnelosing payinent for a large, Ltrn port Totonfo, has 'kindly 0on- box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, wbich ,retolvd, of BtazilianS ot Rusiikhs gontea to fecelve couttibutions fot th6 3rou WHI plea" send to my address. -who *Orb skid to be bAmpt'd there pree 00ttSUrApgVejj09j)!t&1, or they cAn I have -had Itching pilos for four W14 Who W&46 Oft their '%VkY to No* be ��ftt tomilk W, -3. Gage, 54 Front St. yeAts a-ntl did iibt knoxv ok any vnedi- iom&tfo. The colonivAtic'n ofaCet Wegi,'Tor0hto, or to t1is , -elne that woulcl vellev6 TnL% until IaSt Natiolial Tftst Spent three dayll looking Jot the tlo., in 2 Ring St. Easb,Totonta. &II, whcn I rftived a, letter froni My, k6ft In Winnipeg, Who said that three� -vigitoti, Iftit they could not be doctors troated blin and opemted forl -found, ouid the officor hat returned. dWookIt Oottoa toot 00japotitia. piles, but fall,5d to cure 'him. He now' fhAnkn God and Dr. Chase's 0111t_ Many of thd people atoundL Watford 19 theee9dully. usecl inontlfily by over Skte,eftdtil. lAd-feg Mk inent for a perfect cur, Ile bad Piles .-*here the bunch camped declared 60014dle yoor -dru - I t tot t66k1j Coficig log j�oft � In the worst form, and suffered terribly. them to be,gyptidS, and if th;s is of . Take no olghg!Sr.169 all Mlitukei, PHN itta Ire is now workIng hard evtry day, *h6 oitse the 'Govethin6ftt 01n (to ton iL dangdtbus. Fria -6. No. 1, $1 * and doAlf not feel any SYmptuxas ol k, V, - rt. piles returning. You are at 11bertY to I ot on , 1 r or pride andt*o &dent eni�iftt of other$." 'littlb 4%*iih them, tot they have not I ot. use this letter tot the b ,the power to send thoin back to the 0 . 6ihp4xijrWfnd66 Gilt. khd redombidAddhk 611 There It little use tryinir to cure piks "United, Stkies *hokio they came' to wpoo tt, WCM&dt, utilesg 'You us4L- Dr. ChIse's Oint-1 Itom, The pirty oonsisted of � 9' rhent. It Is certain to aftorc! quicki -people imd 15 hotaogr r rgjtqt aticl ultimateTy' thor4ougli eure�. , with coveted No� I and No. 2 are sold in Zarich 60 ett a box, kta.1 - I de&W-9 at UdI31211- vjKgolfts'll at Dr.. Buchanan's drug store. sbu ]Mtes &'Co., Toranto. ........ .................... .. . . ........ . ...... .... ARE YOU DEAF M IF2� �rff, 4,, �Xg �7. N0181 ALL'CASES OF DEAFNESS OR, F114RD HEARLINC ARE NOW CURABLE' by our neNv invention. Only those Wrn deaf are incurable, HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WE-RMAW, OF RALTIPIflGRE-, SAYs. 1,rd- 'March �zo. 19OZ. e%,j-1,1�inget,.,lyely ,r", 1 tl '1113' -,W Y-Atr tf =WeILIE, INV' '11 219%V giVe 71 .ry a a fu About Cve c ,;,ear a�o mv ri-ht eji bt�gaix to kog, and tbi,, kept on getting worse, until 11; my hearing ill :ar cluir" I underivent a treatnicut 1�.� MW-rh. for thvw nionth,. ;Vitbout tilted a nin ber ol� physicia,,,.,,, hoy.w,�,;_,. it w�t t ni i non r sp­,, ia " 41t wlro,ls I iio to (I me rb o 'y ev ou n, -It t':nt that thz- head noiseiq ;V thell ease7, but vie uvaring i3i lllfl­.n �av ivxt!,� * 1,� I then saw vour itivertipnwnt ;,.i :, N",tit vmr. niul o�dered your trei ment. After Iliad it "111V a f ­w 4i:.\- �1, -�, ��%Ii t!' " V) tile 1.0isus C�ased. ar to -da%% after five weeks. my in th; 1 j.- ­,! �'N' 114, !01-11 resrored. I thoaulk_ heartilyand beg tu remaiz! Ve'. y n Z Ll y y, o Y. .�. 111�1�1111.%N, ­� A. !!madway, ourtreatilie)lt doesnot infe I oeeilvef, 7,(' 'C With :'1(.jjjp jj.-tjt(fj Examination aud at n no -in, advice free. YOU CAN COURE YOURSELF AT HOME Cost. NTERNATiONAL AUPIAL CL11";11C., Z96 U &ILLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL This Is the xnachine that ti*?:-;. -ninwo, every instniTent-reprod Sousa's Band --suing orlicestray. 1:1-�rdl Choirs, etc, It reproduces the violin, pffano, :Iute. cvrzet, trozubone, baujo, ufande piccolo and every other instni=­It. The Berliner Grani-o,ph-jio� i, loveler-dearer, qhnpler and better th, other talking naachine atany pri, e. Iti-ing-i u%vryl-intlof Eon seutimenW, patriotic, 11(UK�nll rrenchnntl lous from Grand and Comic ea'atf u."Ins, u'a:t."C's, tuo'ste in fact everything that can be 13'.tvr�l i �a Ps, ;ftrt or nurnber of instru can be reproduced on the Bertner 6�.- unk uilh tbe Nvonderful indest We recoid discs. i Xt tells funuy stories or a 1 0 ean evotertain hundrc& time In the largest ball or clwr%�!t. tvr 1��t - t-1 ,int the Fanallestr The Records are not Nvan. tavy L -!o tlard, Flat, Indestructible Discs, Will last 10 years. The Beffluer Gram-omplimic, i,� rr,,7P i?, C v�� Ia. t ��z ITuarar �eed for five y . * clergywelt The Gm= -o -phone i7i� leat"ft'u others througlioni Canaola. Tho Berliner G ram -n -7,%n- � v- �0. -rt nx,,'A forTalking Machine-, nt 4 V-l;!u,P �­15 .1 1 1 k�% Prke The Perliner Ora -at, 1, i!n�,n!­j and 2,1% $1 15'. 0 'With udsloading narneg a--; thev r,� t.. If the B041111tr 0-. U��A 9,_�7 in .��r a 26 inch born, town, Write to I" for flamudtf"A ical-*', �-,;I! �1!1� a ret crds Int0=1ation, free. atitt VACTOPY: 1%974471 Aqtxl­;�-14 5-�* . (k,"neea Sound t3r- I I ZZ RMANTUI, DUR"t. t�A- E. BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherine Sfmd. MONTREAL A TEN U, ARA T OTARREE LL 61E� LAINSO 1425 N9W YORK AVE., tPJAb; N, rights. 'mit tdtays el:v bi F-�atczze io ncc Invtotoel-c tZz;uc;c, t:p a p4t, Ail�klontion twm- BMW ', �,V Z�, A 7 d�,_,, 1% bondn� n_z t::-, 1 7 j:_ And to VC;:s,. C__'� NEXAMN % to C te. 'Va Z=s r1lartiacre =1 firea zsl CL-' -g_-. 1, 4 F; V7,21 Lzr el: 'P. BLAIDDE% DIZ-zEA-SE'S. READ froe. NO =atter V-. 7 i 11�zt_- rf reascxab'�-. z" Ail set* Freaa�_, No or �.na �.07 ti;;n a cure. tOM MZN -1 D Rs - I KNN� Em '1� J- Z 2 - - "7- - I i; 148 SNE.11.817 SI'. DETROIT f"11014. -?Um, 7;7. JUST ISSUED NSW PLATr_3 7UA0tTG110UT I -Or \,.w 25, 000 !qT,,VV W ADS, Phras,-_a, Et Rich Birtdin.­s -0 2,36,S, PaZer, 4 5000 111ustratio. C miss. !�ETTZ� T2 -IAN MV, M& 7:��D� GM INTEM-rA, -r