HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-28, Page 5or I MORRIS 1 11, N
"If there be soine tvaq,ker one, give ine, serenyI4 to hr7p him on."w9 Good Goods 'Sold -.Py All Newsdealers
"Eind hearti are viore thaln C01-0 I nets,'�-TmNysox,;. -WIUMER, Prices Right
\Vatches, clooks,
Jewellery, * Musio'41
Instruinents �ind
HELP NEEDED Fittings, also `!Spec-
tacles and(' ' Eye- F.1% n,,1,,.,h,,:s.M on I h I �,Ioea I oVe
f of song
yrlgl mposi.gons by the mo"r
. .1 au _4 flano 6. le;
TRY ME. 'Palf Vocal, half Instrume'no'Q . Complete
Plan 0 -Once a �orth. for :z S
IKS. Iptian,�$ . Ifyo.
$EW FREE CON%0TIVE �OSPITAh feces fYoerar t b;c
Fine Repairinj a Speciality. 'Wir)lo1rw..d -. t C 'na-e(,..d _td(�%.. f F!VZ
f ... t l... r Qa. , 'Allsend
MUSKOKA. you 0, COW of the Magazine Free.
J. W. Pl!PPER. Publisher.
The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America. F. W. HESS Eighth a Locast Sta.. Philadelpfila. Pa.
Is open daily except Sundays from
-The N'rm Free Consumptive Hospital, built wider the, Mr, Simpson Ronnie, of Toronto, 8 a. xn,, until 9 p. in., The mails are
auspices of the Xational Sanitarium Association, will in speaking of his recent trip distributed as follows:
through 24ew Brunswick in con- MAIL FOR HENSALL, close at 6 :55 a.m
be ready -so soon as the 9noney to 'equip and fimnish nection v,1ith the Farmer Institute 4 4 ; ; & ; i & 2-55 pin
is secured -to receive 50 patients absollutely without work of that Province, says that ST,JOSEPH, 11 11:10aM
tile meatings were generally well 44 L.H.&B., tt ' 6:55am
charge. attentled, and a lively interest tat'k. it L,H.&B., 1 2:50am
eninthediscussions. Mr. Rennie
-Over 800 out oj 500 patients admitted to the Jfuskoka Scoti FRO31 HENSALL, arr. 11:00 am
Cottage Sanatorium. - the pro 9?.Ro attended the Nova a 94 ;t 7:30 pin
pert�tl of the Xational Dairymen's ineeting at Amherst,on ST.JOSXPH, 10:45 am
Sanitarizon. Association -have rehirned hoine either the 23rd., 24th., and 25th. Of Jany.. L. H. & B., 11:00 ana
cured or greatly improved. and the nieeting of the Now L. H. & B., 7:30 am
Brnnswick Farmers andDairvinens
-The Free Consum Association at Fredricton, o6 the LIETTERS FOR REGISTRATION, Must
ptive 110spital is situated in the same be posted half an hour p
V-'th,, 29th., and 30th, delivering . revious to
delightfully healthful 7ocalit�ij, brit�giny the saine ad- Kilt1rosses on the I-Oultivation of the time f or closing the mails.
vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich. i Corn, Field Roots, and Potatoes" D.S.FAUST, Postmaster.
and -The requirments of the Beef
inark(Its". At both these meetings, PARISI FOR SALE -200 a cres. of
thedelegates and others present, choiceland, consistingof Lot
appew ed -to take a great interest in 3, Con. 11, Hay, and Lot 19, South
the pr1oceedings. "Judging from Boundary, Hay Good bank bftrns,
what LT could see when travelling 44 x 82 and 40 x 60, and frame
'Ai the country", continued dwellings on each lot. Plenty of
. . . . . . . . . IL throuz.
Mr. fb,�inle, 'Very much more gosdspring water. On oiie farm
should bb done in the brooding and there is an overflowing well. On
of both cattle wid hogs, good gravel road, and convenient
�t ?8 feeding
f but before very much is done, a; to school, post office and churches,
better class of animals should be 6 miles to Exeter station. Will
i -oduced. Sheep raistug should give purcliaser easy terms of pav-
ilk be more extensively gone -into, ea- ment. Wind power, equipped for
vhere the land is dry and I pujilping, chopping. straw cutting,
Dairying is carried on i etc. All buildings in good state of
ky, "s.
somewhat, extensively and with repair, with goodlargedrivingsbed
V1 find other outbuildings. On lot 3
fair success, but in sume lue lities
'tho patrons there is 12 acres of good bush, and
the isolkLte(l condition t:1 -
is foand to be it groat dra,%vback to i. on each farul, one acre of,' orchard.
the Industry. From my obser- � For ternis apply to Pnimp HAirr-
FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES IN AMERICA vations, thousands of itercs of land'xAx, Sarepta F0. 312-0111.
The p(ft of W J. Gage, FSQ_ and the df.,Alrasvey Rgeate are only yielding small returns for
witnt of underdrainine but, when, 50 YEARS'
-Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump- these tbings are better understooll,' EXPERIENCE
tive Hosplml wilt alleviate andindeed entirely remove. conshloring the intelligonce of the I
i people, we may look for groat
-Will. you not send a dollar -or $2.00, $3.00. $6.00, $10.00- thin,-$ in the near future."
or more, for this most pressing of all charWas ? F. W HoDsox,
-The victims or the White Plague aro found all over Canada. Live I Stock Commissioner.
Aayonfoleadhig asketaksAddinall1lort may
qN1441 sAvartalft t t" 821
The breeders of Dairy Cattle in i� W144,101%tulu
thoUnitedStates are alravAly ba, -i sintirwo.1% 0" tort Irlug A& U.
Slit W. R. IN1,11.3tEDITIT, Xt., Chlef'Justice, ginning to prepare for the Louisi. lk t args. t
Vlev-1111oif. Nttt. San. Asquen., 'roronta. 1�10& vurt'llaso Exposition to bell Iti 441k
W. J. GA1LGF.*, Chutrinau IN. Cam.. Toronto. � held in 18t. Louis in 1003. At the 1i sd t C Orkaft.l
,i re Alkin Laivaltelp.
-cent meeting of tho Ainerient, "141 or toy stj *but* -10. TUMS,*S&
Arrshire Breeders' Assoei "tuv.,IL at dbytil 10*1d6&11
ANATIONAL TRUST CO. TAtulted, Treasuror, �ittion T"r*
a N&CUS818nawly.New
Tartinto. hild at Prllyidt.nVe' R. I r. it W&tS M York
voted V) aploropriate intmey frc-in omft� A-- at. WAAbiwPevi. ti. V_
the treasnry to Ilay the oilm.s.
of phteing 1; herd of Avrshira cows Prominent Room hear
XvIlty WORA-24 NORMS 11r. DISTMSINO CASE OF COX- In the br�ird to�st at th�t Exposition 1�
Thare, aro times whoix tyary StJMPTIOX. anti a rolnulitteewas appwnt#dtoo�,
wontan is tormented by, itching whe charge of the Salim canadiall �- 13Y
I§kih *,td WroUld give .-Lagt, breedCr8who ilitend to exhibl; at"
. anything for Four of Ofte rundly P&O -0 A%Vlt3
ralf*f. There in it preparation ba"gliter NOW 111. ;115�t. Louis. should at onve begin vp
ktiownas Dr. Chma's OintmOnt, A TdrotitioUergyongda tell!g of a falnily;� preparetheirsteek. so thiftt. thev��
whidh isa prompt relief for theso in hij, congregation, whieln eousg will not be tAken at a Ifistullvant.1Z. OUR
Sufferings. WomenWz* it bath the raother angi five WhIll, the tinle for thig grttt In
for their owd imb tud for its 1haing vltad-lo or of vdhona �n a few ytar,% !i imfinhil contest arrives.
,W0UdC*rfd1 t4feefivenews in caring � A gbod many farinars in Eastern "MM 1\& :M n 3: ims
h6ad elitling have fa"3eft vidLUW, tv, I Ontario aro sNI I adhering to
iid the vitriouilf skin diso-ases or* dfdd- AtA now tho, fiffla, a dangj4ter';� jer�r foolijS11 jjojje�V of Ina ' and ttsufy titer a" as reeolunlemL
rklwht �! fba. you;lvlill ao tlkewise after a
childhooil. W1,110 11§ oftrilloyei in the offiv� "'Ir ta -A-Ijok- 1i hugs that art too light in we�ght.
ofte 15C)
ttUSUital�le for L _j Trial. Our line eonsists of Can%tie
Park ne Balsam �the gafoat an(I lhest tvli�aer
sup,ml-t to the Ejog�er, isubligea to ieavt ii parlmAk.s. Th* (;eo. MAt ; kn)%vn )'st%e Testinionials." colic
Did,yotiovor notift how often Lftnitod. report, tha0j),'
hatos hiatto, bd b6tight", took of nufAilg fier u durijilg the inotith of Jaguary their mughti, Chill an(l Fever. and
the eolumi'm of tho - "Lost it is belioved, AS 0, resnit d �, Tonic Mixtnros. Lotion for wounils.
gl as
btoth,L,es ajjj�j sisters-lu&s �j reeeipt.q of hogs graded
,4 Hft-vb Rtmedy ConAltion Powder.
And 1ponhall columnit of any palsow 001tets ....... I ............ 1398 IR , 0or ointnwhi, and Gall Cure.
ana one vrin seo so nim drc:44 d"eate' X"d friends ore 1hte1'c'3';1 Light ..................... is -49
� y i-Avar(Is !ng t:1emselveg in the ease, but the diffi Ag I 69f SVerY rbwtll�r Gnarqnteod, or
oirtrod for tho rdttwn of lost artle, U *I t fits ............... Money refunat-fl.
I Riavy fat� ................
los. it ig mtl�br shoddy holioNty Why 2flet with is to seud her to a place
tho d6injouds more 01*11 tho ox- whc-ro thd profjtr eaft and treatngent vvill ..................
to - '.. 40L VETPER1 N' A R Y
ps,mas of r6turyting lost prop6r W. Stags ..................... 61
to itmown6t. Iii fatt It id, dowjj.� It is for such eikses as this-aud there Ckippldg ................... 21� AbVICIE FREE
-t ght s"o "' "o" i4 hAtAly it e:ergymah ift AUY aity Ulm is fftoreS ..................... 123 Tho§d Inediefties are put up in
ful T
not cefistandy ine-eting such appeals- A total of 4154 hoggs, of which'con`VC-Ilic�Ilt f OrIll, With f 1 di, cct-
now Was on c-ach one. Tht,v at^- to tr
8 tht 0 ef tZ Oat tile iie%,v 1vto't consainpt V131.180rabaut.13"i wert suit-
underl thq, &uspleeg of the Xational Said'
pity foi- keepftit. Thfiiistobbo!ty- tt�jj,,j As-",-fatiou. is teijjg tuift. The' able, for the manufactiare of firf5t h&d itt ClvdrY stok6 in the ConntrY.
=tVifo of calmdt as & u,hao timst feel class ejqiort baeon. If the tradb in Anci it your stori�ko6per or drug -
a, to ldt,. W. J. Gage artil the Cah1diah 131con is to bo iftermto"I gist doht kg6p them, -write Itt and
t WIS "A ajLeduUa_,s of the late 11art A. ga*sey, vpho or eveh waititainta at its pr&tent �'ftfttl W!�'Wfll fokorar4l them prompt -
Out; of Cleir own funds 1avd erecto-d this ItoltImt. it frg ftbSolUtely h�!CbSSjtty ly. tv*ky Varmet Allkl St-sek
4�5 Pasto's, Ott .1, baj�djbg. 13nt before it ean.t,�e 0Lr01UPjC.d them on hand.
ho& of proper weiftht, O*ftdr should have
iz&tiotl ell, it, taust w rurnig5hel wfth'b6as andothtt 4 ahc -IS
ing jot I quaiit;.V- be sent to the pack-ittg, Pr6pitrecl by
had ot ptopet tafti-hingg wid appointments. hoati�s.
Without stwcd!ss. The Xttionit Sanftafiuta Assoeiatioti, �1�'The VUrek8t VeterinaMy
air*Ady rAtrying a heavy debt, are ne. I
A bama of tYpsfillf With S&v6n ok *.bla to furnish thi§,h6w bundtn�& -to 916hd- Live Stock Commissioner. Medicine Co
-ap. LON ntOlq ONT.
thtottgIit,*ft(1ofL 8,ftft41%J,7, motnitig;
aver for $10,Q30 for this purp,ote. 'throb daerarials Failed
on theit wicy east Th6.y *&td * It doeg uot neeg! the sagg:e
wtion that
to 'Cura WhIng No&
motItf-lookiiic cr&W� ind6ed, of thig Ci the most, pteqslng of chatitiag
weft, *omenahilchildrdft, and as at this time, for the publie ard fully
thtj drovdc fr Cdto vill"O'i
y lo* -A through the gfteets awa'k-ejied to the videspread character of jt,&viv* 6f '-'_ftrre11ou*
withtheir coveted Wagons thel-, 'cOnsumPtit'n- Und 41--40 tO the fact, tis de- Ateqik tho� Coittinent-t'Adiet
sotz rnm� in rj*&iSfft87 ))&. crZaAwy:
k' ynonsftatetl 1�y the best, ine(Tical authoki- oIntlil'i'ht,
attitact4d co:ftSi(16k&bl6; tieg, that when this diqease ig taken hold Some eures ieffected bY Dr. Chasea
The,y*re. said to be en route,to, 1,161W of in its early ttages i4 as inueh .18 gily Offitment seem like rairacles. itere Is
-ionturia. Th* following, -despatch TheirewTmspl� & case -where doctots iabored in vain
-ftoin T6ronto is suppoted Vy f6fek W. 3tftd operations fgfleci to cure.
jilst so soon as the money jSL raiSe,4 tD
10 thdbi this domplLste the futnishitgs,, will be ready 9 Mr. Donald McLeod, Tatbotvale, U.'
- Tokonto, P,6b,. 22.11iLtly to re!ceive fiftypatients, free of ehtrgd- N"iteg :-
--Wdek an. officet ftom the coloni- even tbeit raft'vroy fare will not be I I "celved the sarnple, bat of
bt. ChaSe's Ointraent, and It has -done,
.2atiot( (jepartW6nt w" Sent ollt to upon them. =e a tontiderable arnount of good. I �
Wtst Lambton to look Aftbt thlb obierju-ticeffit- Wffl. R. 3teteclith, 4 ant iiow tnelosing payinent for a large,
Ltrn port Totonfo, has 'kindly 0on- box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, wbich
,retolvd, of BtazilianS ot Rusiikhs gontea to fecelve couttibutions fot th6 3rou WHI plea" send to my address.
-who *Orb skid to be bAmpt'd there pree 00ttSUrApgVejj09j)!t&1, or they cAn I have -had Itching pilos for four
W14 Who W&46 Oft their '%VkY to No* be ��ftt tomilk W, -3. Gage, 54 Front St. yeAts a-ntl did iibt knoxv ok any vnedi-
iom&tfo. The colonivAtic'n ofaCet Wegi,'Tor0hto, or to t1is , -elne that woulcl vellev6 TnL% until IaSt
Natiolial Tftst
Spent three dayll looking Jot the tlo., in 2 Ring St. Easb,Totonta. &II, whcn I rftived a, letter froni My,
k6ft In Winnipeg, Who said that three�
-vigitoti, Iftit they could not be doctors troated blin and opemted forl
-found, ouid the officor hat returned. dWookIt Oottoa toot 00japotitia. piles, but fall,5d to cure 'him. He now'
fhAnkn God and Dr. Chase's 0111t_
Many of thd people atoundL Watford 19 theee9dully. usecl inontlfily by over
Skte,eftdtil. lAd-feg Mk inent for a perfect cur, Ile bad Piles
.-*here the bunch camped declared 60014dle
yoor -dru - I t tot t66k1j Coficig log j�oft � In the worst form, and suffered terribly.
them to be,gyptidS, and if th;s is of . Take no olghg!Sr.169 all Mlitukei, PHN itta Ire is now workIng hard evtry day,
*h6 oitse the 'Govethin6ftt 01n (to ton iL dangdtbus. Fria -6. No. 1, $1 * and doAlf not feel any SYmptuxas ol
k, V, - rt. piles returning. You are at 11bertY to
I ot on , 1 r or pride andt*o &dent eni�iftt of other$."
'littlb 4%*iih them, tot they have not I ot. use this letter tot the b
,the power to send thoin back to the 0 . 6ihp4xijrWfnd66 Gilt.
khd redombidAddhk 611 There It little use tryinir to cure piks
"United, Stkies *hokio they came' to wpoo tt, WCM&dt, utilesg 'You us4L- Dr. ChIse's Oint-1
Itom, The pirty oonsisted of � 9' rhent. It Is certain to aftorc! quicki
-people imd 15 hotaogr r rgjtqt aticl ultimateTy' thor4ougli eure�.
, with coveted No� I and No. 2 are sold in Zarich 60 ett a box, kta.1 - I de&W-9 at UdI31211-
vjKgolfts'll at Dr.. Buchanan's drug store. sbu ]Mtes &'Co., Toranto.
........ .................... .. . . ........ . ...... ....
IF2� �rff,
by our neNv invention. Only those Wrn deaf are incurable,
1,rd- 'March �zo. 19OZ.
e%,j-1,1�inget,.,lyely ,r", 1 tl '1113' -,W Y-Atr tf =WeILIE, INV' '11 219%V giVe 71
a fu About Cve c
,;,ear a�o mv ri-ht eji bt�gaix to kog, and tbi,, kept on getting worse, until 11;
my hearing ill :ar cluir"
I underivent a treatnicut 1�.� MW-rh. for thvw nionth,. ;Vitbout tilted a nin
ber ol� physicia,,,.,,, hoy.w,�,;_,. it w�t t ni i non r sp,, ia " 41t wlro,ls I
iio to (I me rb
o 'y ev ou
n, -It t':nt that thz- head noiseiq ;V
thell ease7, but vie uvaring i3i lllfl.n �av ivxt!,� * 1,�
I then saw vour itivertipnwnt ;,.i :, N",tit vmr. niul o�dered your trei
ment. After Iliad it "111V a f w 4i:.\- �1, -�, ��%Ii t!' " V) tile 1.0isus C�ased. ar
to -da%% after five weeks. my in th; 1 j.- ,! �'N' 114, !01-11 resrored. I thoaulk_
heartilyand beg tu remaiz! Ve'. y n Z Ll y y, o
Y. .�. 111�1�1111.%N, � A. !!madway,
ourtreatilie)lt doesnot infe I oeeilvef,
7,(' 'C With :'1(.jjjp jj.-tjt(fj
Examination aud at n no -in,
This Is the xnachine that ti*?:-;. -ninwo, every instniTent-reprod
Sousa's Band --suing orlicestray. 1:1-�rdl Choirs, etc,
It reproduces the violin, pffano, :Iute. cvrzet, trozubone, baujo, ufande
piccolo and every other instni=It.
The Berliner Grani-o,ph-jio� i, loveler-dearer, qhnpler and better th,
other talking naachine atany pri, e. Iti-ing-i u%vryl-intlof Eon
seutimenW, patriotic, 11(UK�nll rrenchnntl
lous from Grand and Comic ea'atf u."Ins, u'a:t."C's, tuo'ste
in fact everything that can be 13'.tvr�l i �a Ps,
;ftrt or nurnber of instru
can be reproduced on the Bertner 6�.- unk uilh tbe Nvonderful indest
We recoid discs. i
Xt tells funuy stories or a 1 0 ean evotertain hundrc&
time In the largest ball or clwr%�!t. tvr 1��t - t-1 ,int the Fanallestr
The Records are not Nvan. tavy L -!o tlard, Flat, Indestructible Discs,
Will last 10 years.
The Beffluer Gram-omplimic, i,� rr,,7P i?, C v�� Ia. t ��z ITuarar �eed for five y
. * clergywelt
The Gm= -o -phone i7i� leat"ft'u
others througlioni Canaola.
Tho Berliner G ram -n -7,%n- � v- �0. -rt nx,,'A
forTalking Machine-, nt 4 V-l;!u,P �15 .1 1 1 k�% Prke
The Perliner Ora -at, 1, i!n�,n!j
and 2,1% $1 15'. 0
'With udsloading narneg a--; thev r,� t..
If the B041111tr 0-. U��A 9,_�7 in .��r a 26 inch born,
town, Write to I" for flamudtf"A ical-*', �-,;I! �1!1� a ret crds
Int0=1ation, free. atitt
VACTOPY: 1%974471 Aqtxl;�-14 5-�* . (k,"neea Sound t3r-
E. BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherine Sfmd. MONTREAL
1425 N9W YORK AVE., tPJAb; N,
rights. 'mit tdtays el:v bi F-�atczze io ncc
Invtotoel-c tZz;uc;c, t:p a p4t,
Ail�klontion twm-
BMW ', �,V
Z�, A
d�,_,, 1%
bondn� n_z t::-, 1 7 j:_
And to
VC;:s,. C__'�
to C
'Va Z=s
=1 firea zsl CL-' -g_-. 1, 4
F; V7,21 Lzr el: 'P.
froe. NO =atter V-. 7 i 11�zt_- rf
Ail set* Freaa�_,
No or
�.na �.07 ti;;n a cure.
tOM MZN -1
D Rs - I KNN� Em '1� J- Z 2 - - "7- - I i;
148 SNE.11.817 SI'. DETROIT f"11014.
-?Um, 7;7.
I -Or
\,.w 25, 000 !qT,,VV W ADS, Phras,-_a, Et
Rich Birtdin.s -0 2,36,S, PaZer, 4 5000 111ustratio.
!�ETTZ� T2 -IAN MV, M& 7:��D� GM INTEM-rA, -r