HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-21, Page 74.77714.., fuel at every hat you displayed. •Of Coarse' his wife wouldn't: buy one lie A DAY WIT1-1 LiN jove 1'11 remember that and work a when I get married. 'VS great 1" ---,47-.24224222.72. The Misfiles& is Not Without its Amusing side- liow lien Act With the flat Creatoi.s. (13y Edit,h Sessions Tupper.) •-a-as'eateleWeezatzekesaateweaweteaseareeeteraeteeee.a.-ate.------..zase.....~..a.a.e-seaaaa,,--easeae, Mies Aftirie Selby rustled into the smart avenue shop, where it W as her daily- custom to assist a fashionable millitter to dispose of her goods to deluded women 0.t fabulous prices. Mies Illarie had not the enseuehle of a working woman. Her black taf- feta silk froek was smartly made, her beautiful auburn hair creped and pompadoured iu the latest mode. io pose, an air at once (toe- deeeentling and affable and was considered one of the most SlleCee.S. "joiliere" in the place. She could wheedle more plain wo- men into buying hats that were Hishionnal for. beauties than any other salesweinan in the shop. She had an unexcelled knack of settling a, bonnet oa the head of a fright "She -would scare theta in any- thing," philosophically replied that yoaeg woman, 'and why not in one of ear hats?" T1119 reasonable explanation being duly accepted, Miss Marie turned her attention to two ladies, who came in at this moment. She soon discovered lest) enstemors were n amenaele to cajolery. Hat after h and bonnet after bonnet were tri on ; nothing pleased their exalt tastes. Miss Marie was on. her xn tie. She was seldom oatflariked. She flattered and wheedled and coaxed. Whorl on the verge of defeat, this Machiavellian young milliner deter- mined upon an audacious znove. 0 of the shoppers having said, with. languid and i1 us alr, " A have you really aoehing more show us?" Ansa eferie (Ilse liver $) sow ADVENTURES f,) Of FAIVIOUS ARTOSTS. ••••••2.42.2•32 -,•, uNay grirloat Soot:lag any force, in oppositioa to 1 they could adtince no arguments pos- eat INTERNATIONAL LESSON NC) Vat te 131t tiez HY 23, 11)02. --- The A met of Steehen.--.Acts et ale. Colutuelltary.-1, In those days- dTL,1,1ti.s phrase was used to mark an in e the wiedom and the Spirit where- ' with he .eptike,--Lateterea • I.Z. h'uharned rizen-PrivatelY 'brib- ed awl inetruoted. Against Moses- StePhen taught that the old dispen- saticat was In decay, and theft the temple must pass ,e4way. Agee:leaflet]. -Tide must refer to the supreme dig- nit,y and authority which Stephen Maimed for Obalst as the Head of the new ecomonty valeicb was so speedily - to supersede the old -J. F. 12. They stirred up the people - A.t this time the whale ,Yetvish people were in a state of ill -suppressed - frenzy, and most sensitive jealousy 4. for the horior 9f the Mosaic Institu- t Hone -feelings 'which- broke out in man power.. constant revolt g 'against the Ito- . 13. Paler) witnesses -"Their falote-: nests consisted In the perverted turns which they gave .ta the wordet Htephon.- .„.eave his face-AII eyes turn- ed upon Stephen. its he had been im- sPieed by the Spirit in his argu,- mente, sa now-, iti the hour of trial; the apart shone out upon Ins face, to testify of hie presence Of an negel-flotee people shine bright- est in the millet of the darkest and meet severe trials. • PRACTICAL SI.TRVEY. titan]. men may ere, aa elearly leettight out tee this+ lesson. There •t -en in! nu tit:yeti/in about the pro- per religious tn.; Laze.; of the apostles; they leel enjeyed three 'years of per- :see...I itihtruetion under the 'greatest tettiebers. Their devotion to the Mester's etztaie mmet pass unchalleng- ed, for thay had shown themselves tautly to die foe Him, Their zeal was ;al teenwenninge The genuineness of their religeoue experieuce evieenc- ell by the way Cwo I metal them. elteele in goed works." Soule people seem to regazit works ef "lAorox" and "eleirity" ea nat neeessarily a part Clirlialtin thety. The incident here relatea in conniption with the apos- tolic church is- given as a, pattern of lehriet's Planed: for all time. About JI tlie world leteews of each work is an teat growth of Christianity. It is manifest in aims houses, reform ec.ittaitis. ante le tat ne, hospitals, or- pitattatree anel et:miler Institutions; tt far lea; thee it shaeld be. eon- (:;,i1;,1rettlytust.lice nember of professed f eiteere eiteead b- U'4 tato' word ns a- a0 While it is , t t te, enieter sittralti1. not be 4,41 Li- 1 in . woriz by elates that • tethere teetid a rearm. it IS Wino , eV; be him. riesevo ea,.. 4-$7$ r4 k;:fit-2 tv.)) ;1. ae.;,0"--; •;•%•.. l",:"M4 VP, 1k! 21. 111,4"217-'llt 6.t.itlVtn4; • r•41:14 1.y , r -1.:40tt ;:tt "1 114e. g, ) 4,t 1,11: 4, 11, 1)" 14 • - "1" ii*161t :11V,,,W:13 ha- t! tat/ tenj• ete „tee r, '44)•4 , t vv.), ' t, a -"-LULLO period. In Matt. 1 it im a mot int/ere/awe; vaanne zueleut be writtaa uu t.ne annwni44 „key, piles n, number of years, while it eatteest of artists in searea tet steeneetie Acts I, 15 It marks LE period of only for their plotures. Mr. Bougtiatiete the a, few daya The events of this les vertiag atones ot Ids I LiA1vouturew oceerred just before the deatl w.hanaketehiag. On oue cafe:anion when, of W111.01 Wati: only lee was skettilmag tat tee Alps, ea short. time before the coneerslon o teearch of a suttaule ihatzegroeue ete III- Was laultiPiled-Wae bee= ot ttix for a co,ALealkiat4teo 11111,reUe. 1111,1r12.1t1rIng--41 eon a -I tura, me suutienly Jet4,113e. stglit of •14"" te The ground for the cum ed the pre.eiae eltuitaten he wee: seeeia l'weet was teat partiality had beer Royal Aeueleuocian, toile fimay di- eo • ed g' In the distrilwation of •the et- with the figure, tot nietureequeiy • amebic/A oldevolulan in the loregreuzia. 11:111,Y distribution of aline, either or a a I tua. ellenetratiou-In tea "I asked the "hat lir. Veregli- fowl or money. It seems tzlear thtzt ton eoretInues / "to retrial:1 pleated. ua- lel 1 had eun'ate a. ,nleetcli of her a • 11U%%i veer e. objects of iipeelal awe caution by the early ehurch. ne proeoeiezen to which kill* eheeriully The tweive,-Tho apostles. Mat- assanted. ku a few :minutes, how- 4, n1 teenir, 6..1144 asked me /wee, long 1 shouid Lams watt now one or thair number. It s04.,112S that ap to this. time elle /ha "(Jelly about: it quarter of au //post i en n et/aided to this met- a, ealted the multetutie-ats ttoon and returned presently with a largo •"1"hree minutes. so later she thi.y were informed of the coat- . and then stepping back and Tall- white felt hat, loadel with f meth--; again asked znaathis thee with natal - Ing into a paroxyem of rapture at ers :lad ribbon. witolta clutreli tegether anti pro- , fest anxiet y-11 1 ehould niteolz plaints they immediately weaned the te,oi ,Thour," 1 reaesuringly auswered the aztaaacie. She cajoled.. dollars from pocket- 'el really ought not to show this lunger. "CHI, •ti°t" mallY Ini""'"'' 1 Pused a pion bY ivai,!11 tirl;qe Will- i() you," she said, in a teyeteelails tld, 'hut whY de 3-oll ask 80 tri- perizi intie.....sts ittouee ae, eeneeeeea, books and, la consequence, was a tone; "It's an order from Airs. v.tre lonely i" -Oh 1 'MK nothiage she pet or the haughty dame whose Rensselaer Stnyvesent. Wtl'Ve jlibt ear tily answered; 001.) I'm we011 wetting No. reason -"It Wi not fit." 111“110. an the lihieg or a hat was finished it. We might duplicate I.; for an ttat-IIPapi' '' a. Look ye out-elitatee. 1101-11 we the hull mark ot Me:bean:op and style. One of David liftleraPs oddest ex- The apoeizee took the wise eauree you for $50," flee an urge/ilea!, vv.,1•-eing. caurele dividtral• comingforward ablate with to ', "- ' ' . it "Miss Maria" said this pompous in- "Oli, Amy," cried the other ena. in order to :Obi v aztv snspikill th'tt pax -imams was this: Ile had almost: teem site . What- 1,-, inpleted 11. 1)lCllirO ' t 14. 01.4• • - diamonder, and rustling ;mite as ever you do, get that for the vieto- loudly nit her assistant, "1 would tia.” like you to redressthe wiedeer." iss MSo Amy ileughe lz Marie laid aside lier ewn style ish hat. :121;1 hastened to display For the vietoria, and the two de - novel and amazing confections upon parted casting i•oetleseentling glances the simperime pink and wheLe waxen at the other devised and rejeeted le t o1ei14 in the Sho-w Window. This was work she doubly enjoyed, It gave her an admirable oppertua- ity to observe what was going; 0» In tho 14trim1; moreover, it gave ittt.3 male passoreby 0. rare chance to gaze at an attractive girl. Then Miss efarle went behind a screen and ceseetited (lame of glee. 'I've• sold her a last season's child's hat. He, ha. Wear it in the victoria. indeed! iehl you remark the victoria? riekety old phaeton, drawn by a sorr:41 !torso! Well, I'm even svith • • they vvere eaewnee, partiality or (19- milee away front the place where hired to control the !air of the hez was staying, and to avoid the fa- FrOln ;ton (11. V.J.- tigu.il of carrying it all the way hack That is, from 00)4)j 11144 oretelanit he' left it in the enstody of thcz pretty wind Hebrews, tha there may be daughter Of nt;ighboring• farmer. jestiee done, and net fartuer cause Ou caning for his picture on the of teamileina-Lairave. Seven Men- ronowing 010r0i0X ho saw to ide zeeven svete a seared heather anions - amazement and horror that MR liebrews, anti denoted complete- hatutlful Painting was all or one :less, but the. apeettcs no tiouet re - Lira As the fair cuetodian into teettunentied the tee-mei:1g of seven weioue keeping he had conunitted 41.:44..0118 1.141S hecooLip the pie titre the prey:tone eyinling WAS wati stillif44 'arm! number W not in avideette, he asked her- moth- perform the work. er what had happened to his • Inziate - Continually tei pr 144) ari- 44(4V:fore, it must hie :eanfessed "S °ell," she. answerted, "zny Ineelee anel persevering appreatitat gine! t!xprettsael here 4,0,01 denat lees that Miss Marie dawdled a bit over atate attPr31001). :I young wee wae• drill vexed to see the flies 't ta thing, or unwearied effort in it. er work. front isehielt /she was- fin- man eamo in to look at hate. With etieking to the pleture that 4.11e , --ilernizie live tz 0110,4. its co"114.1 net. elle ElillIPItale:1 1.0 Wait upon a curie 14 4.11140 W41-14 h" 1841°41•1141. 11,4111.-,(14 0.11!)41- : dusted It ; but." tamer. she addal, Wear- :: live withiezt, preytp. elinetr,y ef the: t10'11.11140,!Irti"g mart Miss -liarl'' grer4- ' fully. "Me, she spoilt a' lire. .1 tett.r." 4, 'ilea:a-The etreeelzieg of the otospel, 1 as hear an; that of a, horse. :tehl '''' 14 ti. "v""'"*".'''' This wee; a *41)10 4.11 with a farm ;ellatah(!,110,,,„41;,14,,,,fe''3,''W PreY. 1.4!)t* Pialma On another or 4. 4.41444, when Mr.! it k*,* 14,; "tael ,;•- -it-111;44.-34' 14 1,12077t'4,n:.-1 :21Urrar WWS SIZeieliiitS iwz Ie.-aro:1y, t aten" thet whe .4.'4'..e4.1 1 0 to 140. I...4 c, hair ai.propriat"ly the meet blade of hey Mate Marie "'sized her up"' ti W 1111 ee-iele's Feathers he had exhausted his easzve ate, itiel ';. '';,,- roLiAor 'at ,,:,,,..- Iraq pr te; :meet , u fon lweeht e a getteiaatte,i;�i. aft4 , Lughr tthe owife' • 4.11 o;e d. Th ;vi4 roe p:,- i1a, 4/ 1iIi6n;tdaNana.itil 04 "7niYtl'i r'; 1'''ttw''7"', t!4eti"' ni•'•s147h1)1.:"r"'t4"k.V:'" 1. ::-r'i'; "."'t1 If I` * with tezt. M'124141 before a 10'4.'1nhr.,l 1 h*el hite nexsulatet a evele.1 es 12r14 lorward fristy14144414 th tt;401e7441,to„Te,apeIcet W 114 if 1 2 41 tureen 1 11anti la 1teed fareetd/,tke448 44) 1 '1 tIt* 444(431 4*: 1411 wets '3(13 t* lee11wh 1. „te '4 it 1.' 34, loneveeareem hee,e v ewe. vatNeflIl hy41 !;t't4.j1 Fre 144' 4) .11:Ma L1It )441 .4)11/ralwarol. 414(; ien 114414I:1AI 14"-“•). 4'0) 1411 • re 14Va441 ttion of 4ell,1814 11 11' wir('44 4. * teeeL itI11118".1 t341 44' 4 "14 h"4.‘ Wan ; %dzr/hri;r4'r314ean thattlur4°Or "1. '411 1'440,4 "turn,/it; t:Weal paavel 4111+O, hie. 1.01711 • 11 11-0W1 ort one lir! t. 1‘.4.41t).•• i,• .1,, 22t res0 1‘ ••=' tat3 4.c.7,qa tee" b z aitee, ' et,* 111i N eetee,eaalt 10 Oti tisIoet 4t4rl44,IPr 1)4 4?e"",1„„6.vs a.1 t tete 11 !14.441)1 tidy vetiladm 4 4 t'14eyMa1 • "wen Peel mare 4J( 4* 1-444: 1 it, feer• 4 • 1ee. h' a/veartq:4eizettww.re 40e; u -el,„ ,, i:i.7 '.1 147' /t7' 1141* 1 • 1!'* ;•4 , y* ``• ;" • " 4 41147' % !teep arta 4 /Llp•r44 la.6t1th,4DIAttvalterrealeoat.' fa1•,•1. • t "Jtr.." 3" 1r1r44 Vi,qr -fed, .1 Write ttreel lt 1041, .4 " 1, . ?,1 ,4 14 4)04.110:t1t ,-1h,.t it41 eie 4' r 2 • . • ..4Dt4814114. 11ee*le adiai zate.,14444 *1 ' 4 *" oft' t •00 -44 71.0 : g4r -ga$1 r- ff 4W 01 . t 0 : ), , - '7 t 4144 41: t$ 1' n 4 t"$ $ $ 4-1 „sr, r• ..4o to te • a '" '11 1- " • 4,4t a N.%c .1.1V1 1:1,t,. /feet z -tee .11I, r "'rA 4'11h1:' 4;ii 4 ee deei41 ra:T.tlit.- 0.), 44 F, 4.ee, I a 444 71 11;,, :' t.ne - .41 ° 44 1)4414'1,17." Mzi• ;44 r" " t$,.`"‘•- !"' 11-1.7 ' $ " 11 D' • ' 2- 4' V.710, „ 17,1;7' 17$ t 7r$ IR, )7, t r"" ' ;,„„ 44,4444' : "Y" tit t 411- t1,4. "11 i" u2 t: $'!",„7 • a ' "."1"ta".", "1•J .:, • • .,1 ty4a14..4- 0". " ' 4. t 11 1 1.14-,1 ,Ir"; 4$13.111° fl,$o ff7' It 41 4t 114744 ,,7"4 "": i:t 14" ;'• -.Y... 5.4) 4. , 1 „'..411 • 9,4 • • 4444. • ot. 2.4 -"„t ..- 7$ 14 $"-414" : $'- 14 744,"7 TV:" 11 V.;.4 „ • 111.4: 1, ••• 4', ,a 44 441- 1.1 14442; 1,, ' , 44..., • , 1.: • • "'-'.4.,'- 1 1 443 Car,. .• s44 V'tf! 44,, '1. • I. • ". ' ' ";')•') 1"" 4144. g„ r •44!21 *.t.(71,1 •„ ,..0"..". 1, - :..',$, ,;' ' • tr.. 444 "'""" '7' ' 471 :" ri•„- o a.. ,.. 41 f! 7.." • • • 1)/ 'e . y:).. •1"r4Pu It'..•••• 7t, • , - • •""'t•-•".••• ", ", $ 4,,,, - , ' .'; i.4 ttlit" 2Cft $i $ t-$:, -- . 4,.,- 1' tt" :: : 41, 1, 1,- 4.11. 44,- • a • it • . La 1 a.. .1-5., ) 1,.. 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' :1T'' ...V- '44' . :.7',.., 41-44'... II: 77.t a. "!*'. ," -7:7 "7:7'.'",1.1 r II" t etzi '.6:i.v.,11 l'..:,T14 41.- :".• : ..f• 1.1' • 2,'1'. - 1 t ' ' ' 11'.:•:-4. -::- 17 111'"V/ -v.'2 =..,'•f • 11: 1 zt!1 •,L v.-, ..1:4.444 a,"- “,"...T-"1"1"1, 1.1 '"7. ii.' ;"7i 4"..t :1-.." 1, ;:i.."" - '': - ' -44. t.:1" fi .„. 1ft,Faenzeieeetit..t z .re441 84 f't L114 4-.41 :4717 : 3 4;44' c7-. 1t444tt V 4%! •y • ""4- ----------------1. !." 3? • "enae - • •• 1,. 11 • -.4- :: . • , ' ." 1.07144r1 "44 1 11,"7 'o -h. , "'a • -:•• ., elf 7;12 - 74- ..77:•F. -.1••/ 7 • ale tete: a 441440,4" 4t, ea. t"-$ 1'21 2. 14'2 *.* 44-14'-. 14 I, r:Y. t: 75:47,:.7,_ -` 1);',.--...t7y 11' t-0' eet (7eewe' le Tereetet 181. ea, ,aerie..? 011,i -.E 44))1 yov: ort'on7w 44441(. 44' 440 t$ Marie, stweet 74: 44c: •••:. 27:72 ri 4.$ ea. 1t; •:.=••` jeeee.e. ."11 4'41'1 eneti.3etezea,,tet e -12"4 teireteltte e'tee'ele 1 afieket.:e 44111t0 4. 77" Wee hea• neer lerie Whit "401) base (170 letz sant Ott •Se111; q 11,0 bt) '410141 red.. Pia( d a t new' Fc):1 'Lions day New Chic. Tole, Dula Dula Bu the for over sale loot 3.7c ; low (tree 203e deee, eaza e clay It, lets L. ed 141:. eke/ to ear) • eti 1 t),..14.,411.:' it., 1 in W tq. ".. • •cr • 1, 0 71 to " 22 t!, '$21 Tt$ 4.1 . 1:4P'At r1;it.) • ,.•.• 4 ; • • 1 ,,,00i2,;2% ry-0, , to). - 44:t." --7 , 7" 4; , 11.), 41- „ 41, ft.e7-ee .• , "1 , • $ • 2 , , .-,, ",t, ,..,..,7 ......- .,, -. , . 2,-00: r, 2 z00,..: .,,,,,, ,.•,,...::,,..!..". : :...:..,..., L.,._..; ._...:.:. `",: :4, • •:•`,.,'. ,..,.... ...4.,..4.. 1)-...-i,;••-12. ,..;.t•,,,i).... ,,, 7 ; , .. ..:.• ' , ,.. „.. ,..,..‘. : .. :. !.. ........ .,:-., ,3 .. ,!,,, ,,,,,,,.• ....... . . ) • . . ... -4.i.,1,.::tr!../ :;';,'.:1.;;,' t" 1. ... . ',.. 4- 7••• ,%; ,.!:..";.i iLilL''''' ''' :-'''') ' "r1 '''' ,. av,t1:--;itiL t F.) '1.41,: '1 $.":$ t.' 7. k:' ;..i. 1., 1.",' . z7 t--:" I," -- ! ""T,"':. - : 7 - ' "31,$: 407.A. 7..ri's.." 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