HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-21, Page 211[411044.14•449*.4,,44044.14.164,444.4w4.1.4...444.4sm.."14.544141•04,01,,V.S4/444.6.1•,44•11414.1.),4*.44,444,44siWn.141444.1.111110111111144.41140.1‘...1114”/ THE CORONATION CROWN. Speculation as to What the. King Will Wear in June !Next. London, Feb, specula- tiun has been rife lately on the sub- ject of the crown, that the King will assume durhat. the -coronation cere- mony, and an ide seems to have gained ground that alteralione, form and design are iO contempla- tion. . It ean be stated with auth- ority that no 'suelx changes are in- tended, and that the sole modifica- tion that will be made will be that or adapting it to Wm Majesty's head. • To effect title the open-work' rim, in front or which blazes the lam- cts sapphire bequeathed by Cardinal York to King George III., must be somewhat enlarged, and it is expect- . d2.., 1 '''''''-i:'-'44-w---f-ii r..114:-Flt.s. ,,, ,e,......,,-. *„ ..i.,•; ..../ a r- • = = SIiA1111101- IN CIIICITIL Lake Front Property Question Causes One Death. A BATTLE WITH WINCHESTERS. Chicago, Feb. 17. -During a fight with Winchester rifles this evening between the fodowerS Of rival claim- ants to property lying; along the Lake Shore drive, the most aristocratic boulevard In Chic:ago, lfrank Kirk, a. watchman for ono of the claimants, was shot through the head, receiving wounds from Nriavh he died later. The property in dispute consists of made laud lying east or the Lake Shore drive, anu between it and Lake Michi- gan. Captain George W. Streeter, who has for many years been a thorn in thi side of North Side property owners because of lis propensity to settle on vacant ground and then elaim In the courts the rights of a el:tatter, hes creeted several small elatuties- on tide ground, and claims that, inaemuett as it was not origi- unity iuelude.1 in the Government sur - v2,• or the State uI 1:11neis, it does rt)t belong to the state, but was pub- lic. pruprty (awn to' settle- ih-tsettlor. and calls l-IPPiniK to be the the g•-oend "the 1.4-tret of Lek Mlehi- • :41!4°' and d ni e; that the officials of the City of riliotig) or the httato of • ltavo any rgilcs upon it. . Todiig:nt henry Cooper, a lawyer who has be„,a active in his opposi- tion to Stro-t-y, no:!ompanied hy Pe- lieeman y, went upon the ground n'r the -.Aetriet," and was attaeked by Streetor, who knoeked him teown wish the b'itt ttr a revolvur. Sel%yal of Streoters fadl•vwers owes ors.ki 0".M:aloy with their wepons, anbt he was oriered to leave ot: be shot. t:-..thortly eftor Cd4ip.:r and OM Inez,' Mei h-lt apireltiel irattie Zer.I.tii. %oat lovt t irr. fstreeter's •Wea ntle`rS. 1 3, 4' ill WI VA":2 t Ti"1" mon t.2427,44,,." 1.7 ‘,."554tp•'54`, ‘7.'Sfe ede LADY CLAVIIPEltrili OTS HARLAN'S BABY. Actor Acquired Onki tu a Very Fanny Way. Now York, Feb. 17,-Wilea the friends of Otis Harlan hear the story which arrived yesterday postmarked Norrolk, Va., they will be astonished. eeh, :melt a story 1 Sitting in his dressing; room after perteratanee last week, and doubt - lees dm:tuning; of his triumphs as an actor. Mr. Harlan was aroused by a timid knock -these knocks are timid always -upon the door, and in walk- ed the .young woman and the Baby - yes : it, is the -1.36e,by story. want so uiunii Tor you to see my baby," the woman is alleged to have said. "Yuu see.Ole is named al- ter you -Otis liarlaw Riggs." "0L18 Harlan Riggs. What a pretty name," said the actoo, seizing the youngster and "using it,- 4.And you ?" '0h, 1 am 1,1.a, Biggs," When it heard this .,';orifesskm the baby began to cry. Tho motinly saki it must be hungry, and, suddottity re- metneering that she had loft its :\ttle • bottle in th scat ucrt,ss tio repot - Au asked 1.1;1r.a,1: cIliW ,a moment.. holt.,. it. Tie moment 1- '1n'1 !to an is.:ar, (lay. r et urn, 5tiVi Nct :lout 1.4o -long' an othi Harlan with ono. Put new eeenee a 110W turn to the baby story. -inetend of handing the child to a voice:nen or all'or- phan ar-;%-lt.m. Harlan dialed to keep the infant Ile wircd to his brother, Italeh a oentis4 1 Mal:hatter. to preit„Iretb ruct-iTC? 11b1, ane' Kent Mrt.o. Annie Natus lit -re with the bnTilhyt; dentist 11 I s ri' ivoil his •littrg.'ct • and b•.,ught a baby wagon e n bat,• clothes ttn.lhr 1.11illp;S t;* be neerseery• for the brine:la.- up ol an *Lie Ile elan ItiggeLe "siva! ....et melte an neleer"' he was, :bel yeeter -5 rether think it w'.111 r- lght IVIlo Will "::aw 13:.:o me Mardi-, ",. Reeeedt Leer; mei ..eaneteli Port,orales:. i 1 lergesat of DaalUerita. 2 K.' ea and Porta.roes, wiyo st a milnet T .„r Pr nee -70,e the: _, . Jul,. oat,le 1 sm it'll S';enttli;g• of their nee„:... , . .11a unary- stetee e... . :LI 4::.-- • ,. ..1.c55 and P.M, 1.1 Or t li; ' Iiir'''t At.42,11 r'r, fired Ottit..,.e.4.7: Oat ,i,+•-nL i "Ii.” - ',1:'-i??.P.' iror etr -eh. Teark. id tee* t. elf$ 41): 'Ca°. /Walt ib-- .., . ate n. ^a1.4 lutfer;-.t — .. 1` 4 .• A portt•reere; et.ti:re.1 the elleanty rirel catitti7 . EGRATINgulimmus TO BRIDGE Thi3 DETROIT. Government Deal With White Pass Road. HOW THE CHECK IS APPLIED, - Ottawa, Feb, 17.--(Special)-Some time ago Mr. Sifton brought to the attention of the Minister of Rail- ways the exorbitave rates Charged on the White Pass Railway between Skagway and White Horse. This matter has been a subject of dis- cussion between Mr. Blair and his 1111 itP Pr. tu;.th r hue; , %bat ' fate one ittol eon:signed Mr « brlflg. W1to ed melt Lh¼ n rk, w.• . R. %It 120 Pt.fitirP.55t.,14 6Crta "2 1 41.11 112 ,.. rto, •egua.1%,ea , • Tr. 1-117- IL VLI • ! 5 P 4 "1; t 04+4441:41.:44:4,01.41:446:444.4 Cttit t:414.1:”:4,4:•14:144144....41:41-:.11:1114:4411:44 /4.0.:.14:444:441,11414#44:10 k' 11,t17,, 1,1A "; ' ' , C' ''' ,,'• .7. , '.: 4 Ili,t .t', It) . r..$• •41", '1.11 ' . • ' -',' -. . - ' .1,4 '1; 'il**.C4 I), '• ::`.:Li. I-- ,. 5 , 4; • .., ,., ' P.'', . -• . ' 2 P,, , ,i.i 7°:*•:1!:4': ' : • '' . 1, '7----", e"... p,s• . .4 ," ,. , ,,' .,' „. 7 P '! `, = :::: ." ..".• ,,,"4. ,- '.." ..'". C• (,-, . :' •,•,• _ ' -," •,, ,,-,, .".. \,;" .!,•1 F. ,.. ' 4, Ir. : ' 0 4.'1 , .", 4 1,1, 41' el,' /•,t; . ,, 41' , . ..'111.1.:0111 *7,4 ' ,:1.11, 1 A. - 0. ' • 1. ' 1, '' „, •lit!' , ”i'. .% ; ''.', :7 '.: ;• ';;;,":% 1 • t er- / ,.• ,.., :: .': -L,'' ".'' . •!..« , 4' 9 ;,',' 4.' 10 t:Ar I , 1 1 ,1 . Li : ' i • . . g' Li;;'. '.I 3 . 7,Z',.. 1- ,.., 1. '. , . 1. ., 4 •);, . . •-, " , ,,,. , " • ',i'? : ' ,- .il› 5 t, . •• ',; • ••••,.; YL:41 . . to , 7 „. • -•'!: • . • a ' 1.1 • - . - • ". ' , op fro 14 r 11;17 • „ 111 tlikiLjtiltill 11;6 t...6.1164 ,r; .Hi , , 1 '4, • 41,..,...'4'441 2, 455,41 Ata "P. ,L3R.13 :,;tecceeds to the Late Itutferia's litle. Ler Railway Companies illay Arrive at an Agreement, Petaolt, Mich., ii•eb. 17. Mayor Mayberry announces ripen tho auth- ority of General "Manager Hays, of the Grand Pm -141k, that if the com- panies interested in the grade eepar- ation problem on the east side couhl agree upon a legation for a bridge across the Detroit River, the mat- ter would bo near a settlement. The Michigan Central people want the bridge on the west eirle, in the vicinity or Fourteenth street, where they owe cansiderable land, while the Grand Trunk 'want it to span: -the. river 'about where the Belie Isle mid- dle ground is situated. The project Ek4 outlined •by Mr. • Ilays hivolves the expenditare• of millions of Oollars, the practical abandonment- ol the. Grand Trunk tracks on Dequktidre street and the: dept at the loot of PeruSh street, and the possible aban- donment of the Michigan Central depot at the feet of Third street. BULLETIN OF Census Department issues a Comparative Statement. LEADING TOWNS AND CITIES Ottawa despatch soyl: Tito. Celt - SUS DePpartIlliPnt 21[1431.1502.• teal- letin to -day. it gives the cities and towns in Canada. Laving a. poptila- tiou of 4,000 anti upwards: Lelumbia- 1901. 1891- Nenaimo .\ew Westminster ... lit1119 9,978 Vancouver ... Rossi:nal ... I iotoriat ... 29,133 1V00 Ala itil itlInt - _ flk.5:::: 11,71: .14naliiiticdt alegmrtntent tinel the offieera or tho' • lera'deriettiat - 4:13::245:iz;636: Wintapeg: pasnr. The 1 'a mhlian t i will...a/non c :.,..,:,F, . -John „ee .,,,e,„ ...e: 1.'40'.:1:: e.1111.31, Winite Pass litaiiiwoy for ,e,e0e, tune I 'Monett:se 7 7 +1,Z02. a tariff. wirtelt was :knout teleS' Nova Sseatia- per tau for 311 .13 PIN.; flf51', PIS Ult:i"t1.1; Prni ' A rir It 1.61 ,,,,..,,.. ,,,,, ... o•ni de'o03 sit agev.i3r and Wi;,' 'Rove,. hut the' 5aertnreath „.....„....„ 4,,,si,lti 11,7.1roa, . a, 4,4y ref at: I-61 t II* WC...Vitt 4432504 , P ,1 - 4 .•,,, /5;,,S „,.... .„..,„. 145514 ...-......, le,•..ee, was: alko a 141,42‘.:,,•* PI i kiiim . U , 1,,:f.al% .„„. „,..„ ....,. j1,,,47i,g; tl,-.1i.ri 5 r, opeoeeti al rrete ee. Ilt1,112. 10,1/41 a ht. '4.0 LV k A .:.!,:tea- ... _. .:.,„. 1.1 t7 13770 41, 2 2 ,!4' W 11./U11,1 204; (,“1 tg ct,'' 424 li,140 , ',,, re!' ,..F. -io,, ., .. .,. 1 A ,!.4.1$ ,... -:. t 4 to•Not +4 t ,+- r,s:i4 1*,•tivia•,e2 tel,:fiete • ,„,,,,e.,,,L;•;,ee e, „ ..„,„ :eves = • . ;anal ts°,-..,e.e.iee' to tatdree ° 24* 1e2te., „„,„:,. , ..„ ... „ 7,•„„:1.43 •"*„,10.1 1::34 r."ArrL,' Af Ar2 t ii..4 t •Iii, , t, * lo Ow .4,?.,ico,1 -..-t .-,. , ,• t`:!..t1l12 J.lit4.7 a ,,•-•,11,- **ft Vte• retee atett, ,,,,,,,i of t e., ,e,,eue.,eet ,„ , .„ ,.. ,res5 oir !IN, q 4 ife. VA lelil • ,,' .".:". , .4 ''." W' d I'L'''' T." :-4. i''', Fi I. i; It Oli,74!,,, 5= , te teee,-;* ltee„ee„4„ ,, , e ,%:,-.,,,! 8 ae 1 ? !I Tb'L'•,;,?711.' tr ;,t1411::1..' 'rf4,‘'91:-111•:41:4 '1.` 41Y:4,:11/41a ...2'';'4(t4 ' it; ,t,.i .1.5",,, , '..,".4 ..„•4.'4. .."'-;.4.-"ii*I1 Y. 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'v' .-u91. :.1;5 ,1‘.2. - , a. • '; 77'""--7'r "e. ••• • , eleene • re, :1131 lelEzer, • e,1.; 41 1 ". 4", - . ?. , 28' 11 fiP'Er'-usetfrorl fele!. 0-'2 " - • • •••' - • . .".73 eeedea iLe• Gg.n. tea'. 49.:A:.51155E-,5 eel' 7e 0-;• ! ▪ -t37. g ire„,e ;112. *. • 2¼4 4:443. '1.1- .1: 'a E'r,•,14-7)..117 117,11' • 4.•, 54.; -4.4. 45,1 ;1.1. fo-_-;-•„„. 1.,!fte .1, . . ,L; • - - ' ' ' • . A 4, , cli'oere eige. - • .. C".:771*;. --.". .15 , 13.5 q. 45, C 11,.. `11 11,4, or yr",,,=.;,• -,,.„y eeeee 7 " " • , • - - - 11, - ‘.4 11.1' .. 19,1 4 -C" or Iry- '.(•J " *.; " • "- • Lir, '‘',5*EP • 5 1'1.: 11. ::-.Q.112 , T11.1„7.7.. •311:1•,.. 7 . 1•••••11.:•„.."•,•,•,,!4_. (24,11,ml! . _r -•-- - - jt!ik 24:1 17. ,T!.. t • .14- -"n"'ed2 geer.eeteit..„ ete .11t. v.•LLJ 1,5 raL,.. L g, .41 le„e2,..,•13.. Fa: ;•.. .".;„1".5;.• li 1. .14"-' ' 4.144,4 7.•;•:, • Z. !LT., r'r 3 ,•4 4.7 r '•- • - - ,• a -tr....". 7: 4- --e ••;„- -een e • .a',`er7144CA-, ¼.:,1 , er.1e1:,,e7 :en • firet et. t tee • ..--- pee_ • '1. t:F • -,eeeree:e.44.4 see, • riet.o2, "4¼4E . Ei!," 11." Li,I" tiri.‘ro fhl.* 2 rtg„.3 5,rr.ir the "." a 6'1," eeo tta, 11 • a. • • . • li_ 1 ,P 4E3 . water _ _ r- hlle.r.re- ,71•Et44 • ‘,5 h e4t5,*.tPlin 7,1 • ...1,1,-11: •- erg- Ire' .1 7.1c' 2 ?a- 17. 1* - - • C , ..v:11:7, rip•':11 (-IL: 2.7.. t TI '5••_'.';:1,.." 44" 5 1., 0.11 t. • tz, 0.17-14- :4.4"-'V. 7 , ,.• . • 4-°44''' 7-7 tele 71;r4:1? 0,E1.41 „. .. A • 11::; rf, 4044r.44044r.4numitu. " '" z.,„1143 1.4444' E • - 2 _ 44 7' • :„ ..0 A 4,:t•..`c"" •4"¼,4.'4419l4,,'a P,•;.,. ' 4 - , 5.4 03411M, - , . „ „ 41' . ``' fee,. 31, 071:0271,e,4444444, 4, 24 pl•-tcsT ,„•j• •e,, • • - •- t . V ”„ , •-• •, 1 g- '.wo x• u J•LIP"Ne"T)l IL ; ,• 2' 44 3::i-4. 4 4 474t5 t; ; ; ' wt 1) V"2 ee ..••.Isa 1 "•t 4- •"• •erathr• e- ion taltc- te114 _ •r:vt"li.11 Ct".. aNC e- 1 •• SI. t*e tine • : a :Yea,V7:2. ••"*P*5-f••ft..--• an0y; '4V44 . .h e1tn,-the . arl•el ' tels as 1---ei:41 S5E,1:(s04 ggelthe feet e_.6,.e11, 1e2:a T- :CLi1t)otreq1 44J1 11 '27 ('344 nric.c •Actrmtee1• a:h sre.f: • •”-• . --2' 1• • th;et- ttin-v.ere.1:'••=eate"re-ta e '¼ 4, r! • 7>1244 t' n I we en 11 titles n 4.44,, 21 for tevheura oeeeeli e'2i•Y " 1 11)3;‘,4 r2t hz hand 1hcrew 'ad Thwfnret Teow el'r=hisway fa411 rr l 0l;ok .eve!vai:tloperatiou they were to talergo. Is ;full were hlly f,hreotezeliny, :: 74444e:a11.4er44 of 1,-1i74'i:. 54:I4n44' rcKteive to 1- ":'",-. SC:-,m4n7nos 1;1i44( s.oen ttn 2'clty- 4,-::-- tg> tin case, /gat expressed a ...ylvatte 11344.44..4.111., cot' 'rite relga7eg , ferafie- were Leheen np to the Me -tete . In 1§18. 1j.,c,iv%,,nnes. T'1, -Irt,;-4...1y part of g...7,n 1 14r4.22g J-31 5:4:? wlliIt-wer for 5,cle7lere5Ilri. • • 1.,r• Sign U41) When le,r,Itea receverel froel the null to -day Eve was I•weagat. The. si!reler of the rprort Is effects eAi the chlererorm, 22528 cried: • eine eed p12424¼440..0 in 14% Vincent cle Z‘s.lertili 11124.uei A. 445.44.4 '4l. 'the leader "They have parted 1-.3" ut - ; Nu/ rinspit al. It is feared !till Mg. the Vette-semi:1n revo1ntion and I Cored the sazae worais aimost ringers and pArt ot• his 11::et will szerneuder of thedo Liberter. tat:tee/1AV, hate to be amputated.