HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-14, Page 7't
(By Holman F. Day )
Regularly eveI'y Sunday afternoon t Mira nose clean 10 111e bottom. The
n his way to service the mil.ilater ! milk was up to his e:yio. Through
dried for Aunt 1't'I'1 Stevens. Ilvbe
and mouth milli ono great gulp
he took in eh 11. coital swoop. It Shut
Aunt 1x'0'1 is a poor, lone widow. off his oreatll. Ire choked. lie yanked
f the minister' Iotd not called to take his he:au out of Mita truugll and with
er atlonlg in his teams it is to he a wliool. like the bellow frulna the ex -
eared that the poor old soul would ]huts* pipe of a steam; Euill—hu blew.
{ia(At have beard his sermons very Thu elder was right in front of
1'te'n. him. After the explo>aiun lie looked as
Anc3"1;o think this had to happen! though he had been standing in the
"Land sake9, ye're airly, alu'l ye, Illitelle of a dairy kitchen when a cy-
lder,"' she called ontt of the door chane struck 11.
then he drove up to the'gate t'otller The root of the story Aunt Stev-
und'a,v. "I haven't got all my chores 0n)1 has toll any times to the lhorri-
ane yet. An' I haveli't got ley l fled neigiaborl1. She says:
"1 lleerd 1mi: ring of a touse out
10 the barn just ail 1 was tying my
hewn!. strinl;s. The
in as quick as he ought to have done
Until 1,101 went out there to see what
WULs up. wall, 1 do hate dretful to
tell ye the rent. f wouldn't have be -
rens changed noir lie -thing. l'nl ciret-
ul sorry, but 1 -}goose ye'd better
f right tiloalg without in There' eller didn't ciente
vas a note ort regret in her voice
lint touched the elder's heart.
The minister climbed out of his car -
lege and hltehet1 his il+>'rse. Ile went
oto til; nouse Svhere the fiustrated 1leved it of h:m, never, nut if the best
!d' lady steam bustling about,
1 ever had Odd me, nu, e7ir,
"What have ecru got. to de, sister ?" that 1 wouldn't !
asked kin;ti, . "And to think that Sunday after
"About :x11 the eho,res are done, ex- Sunday I have ri 1 to ellurell with
'opt feedin' the calf," she said. "Iris the e ho -wolf in sheep's cluthing. To
'ittles ore nut:'•1 all., right, hat I think th it 1 have called him the sa11
t:avc It"t had tune to B c) Out and tend of the earth! -
int . f weaned hila a,:f the co'w When 1 got to the barn there
last woo :. and. he's been a Toaster seemed to ba 0 terrible wrassle going
sight of ldotlier ever since. I'm in- on in the 0 411 pea. r looked over in
e+eerie to ve:al hint, but the but0l;Cr. • there. 0 m ll? y 11 was -awful ! Ti; 're
won no round till week after next." • slated 11 ter Sin :rt right a-str.ldt Ie of