HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-02-14, Page 1Kind Want es FJNG VOL. II., NO. 29. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 14 1902. CHURCHES. sr. BONIFACE, Catholic, Order of service for the winter. 'Sundays: High Mass at 10 a. m,; Cate- chism and Inatruetion at 12 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. • Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 4.00 p. m, Week Days: Mass every morning at 8. o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 9 p'elocsk; The Holy Hour, or one hour'b visit to onr Lord in the Blessed Sacramet every. Sun- day afternoon from 3 to 4. Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock. Rey. Father Valentine. Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday serviees : - Gorman, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at 7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school at 2 p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Windsor. Ont., Feb. 8. ----About two months ago a young man in Leamington got married and treat- ed his friends to a box of cigars. He got the manufacturer to make half a dozen loaded cigars. The young man met a friend, and gave him one. The cigar exploded and struck him in the eye. It is a ques- tion whether or not the young man will lose his eyesight. As.. the man who gave him the cigar is worth- less, the unfortunate man has instructed an action to be brought against the cigar manufacturer to recover from Mini the damages which he has sustained. It is the first tune an ac•tiorn of this kind has ever been brought in Canada. and its outcome will be swattched with interest by the legal men. THE WORST IN 20 .YEARS. Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor. mom L. HH®ffrnan's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION H.HWF A Loaded Cigar "Joke. geutf d e en. lutl1. Si. Petri I{ircl1e. tbottesbienft north. fialb kk Ufir unb abenbs 7 2I4r. Samjtagjct ale norm. to LIIpr. iehrerveriammlung 211ittwocii abenbs um balbS. SclliUfe, paftor. i V. BACHAND, St. Joseph. Lr• Notary Public, Piro and Life In- surance .Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. 1-1. J. D. COOKE, (Late with ()arrow Sa Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. liennali, Ontaario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc, eta, Cor, Square and :forth Street, (oderioh, Ontario W. PROUDFOO't R. C. HAYS ZELLER, e Clerk 10th DLv. Court, Huron Carnmiseioner for taking Affialsvits, Conreyaueer etc. Valuator for the Har- ron and Xrie Loan and Savings Co. Dfflet 'Zeller Block. Zurich Ont. lalltrt, iBOSSENBERRY n +s Licensed Auctioneer ear Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- rexaage of those who ;intend having soles. Setisfaetion Austriantee d. 1 ' �Itpteer hhle3 1' .D ODDS id irich D. 1C. A. SEl..L3,Y, Dentist, sraednste of tee Royal Collegta of Metal Sergeant, 'lfebtente, also honer *redo :to of Deportment of "autustrv,, Taranto Lnniveriity. 'Weirs* eztraaction of teeth. Plate, work a speciality. At Doreamiaas Hete5en, a urlete every 1G. STANDURY, R. A. • Jur,.•ater to a Oi,¢.n'.S ds SY'A:iina;Rti ILLURIStia;t:, SOLtC1tolt, NOTARY. Conveyeneet, Money to Loan on Village sad Vann isropeity at longe€ titt*3 of In - Unlit. Dottie/ants in origin* Gentnau /aid aattd adeited upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office oyer O'Neal** Benin Exeeter. B local municipalities have three months within which to give their aapparovst or ails approi.arl. and if it alla****fi***** aeII9 * *10 oa :3 a t"' is found that one-third sof these * * ft 'air * * tut'* ea 0 a, COMMEReit HOTEL • ak * se 1 ztnRie>Fn • Great Britain Experiena.es Very St. vero Weather -Outdoor \yearly Suspended. London Feb, S. -Snow stems and -ions envelope praetieally the entire United liingdoru. The weather is the most severe leteeyea in twenty years. For a time tins morning London wail plunged in darkness. trate seats interrupted. and navigation on the Thanrtt1S and, :Mersey was very clau/geniu The ' empreeuedented snowfall ne«raessit:te Jed the suspension of outdoor twee: in many distrit'ts. and velriaeanlaar 'aired train trailer was ttrriee e;na with the greatest ditllettlty. . int parts of a rotland and Wales e•eonua• • nrtruicutionst Were entirely lele,eked. ROAD IMPROVEMENT. Sinnesse County Takes the steel Advantage Taken of the itaatsau-nn.n ;'Itaattnte. Toronto. Feels- I1..®3Ir. lye ilQ. «ptapOpb. a nnionnianr ant Sunate:le t"ooun ty Council. nnaatde the ennui rima nt aann j. ratonrnncenneannt to a rent, brte°r that Clue Council at its sessne!,an whnen ueln,,serp err Barrie ern t?,attartlaay Ila=td thee lltir,,,- Vince by paassinn°x a sty -law teiatng over about ;Ifon miles of the, legating road of the county. as ysrnranutte d by. a recent act of the t l'ntaatne► ! :egos - n 1ature, Sian/cave being the first 'Nunnn- p t:ii i i Ontario to take this progre=s- Lsive step. For the improvement of this mileage the t'e.yaanty tiu ss iii rout up $50.teee. and the„ let^sap municipalities interested another lf:Cbie, the Ontario, Dep _rib n int 0.4 Public 'Works else- giv nn;f eaeseees. making the total expenditure > I i 000. which, figured out. means about $400 a mile, an average sum ywhich will be sit ieient to put the d road* in first-class conelitien. The 11, Strictly tap--to-elate gra modern ana- proviemente. Dining rooms is supr- plied with enly the very best. e, Her contains eheiee liquors end cigars.;fi * x*ceal+ront Sample Rooms air Tor !Commerettel Hien. oppose the es:ltenditure.n. then a vote of the ratepayer_ ramst The eekee 0 the question. A Successful Sale. en a i3 Ors s 10 I g * LOtu�IS V''OSTER, PROP. e' •*• .**e* 3 * se i.*t $ e00a"r•� ra e' Motnittionti lbouse Equipped with all modern conveniences:- First-class ,accommodation to commer- cial .traveller's. Bar and din - ng ro om. always supp i ed with the best obtainable. G. 1r Shoemache1, Prop, ZURICH a;rn The auction sale of Thea. Harvey on the 2nd con.. Hay. last week was a grand success in every par- ticular, everything sold -well. 2 year steers sold as high as 4 oy ee a pair Lows nearly :340.1'ca; a pair of 2 year old colts sold for $21`e ro ; ai pair of sucking colts went at .131.00 and everything. else in pre. portion. The sale was conducted by B. S. Phillips of Hens➢ll and assisted by I1.13rown of W in hes ve. proving therm to be the right men in the right place. Mr. lure ey realized nearly $2 3e'a{i fctl for the sale and in all that aanionut only one note was given, proving in money natters as in everything ,e.se that the farmers of Hay are leaders. Born HAVTEu At Goshen lino Stanley, on Jaen. 20th, the wife of Mr. Henry Hayter of a daughter. The beginning of Lent was ob- served on Wednesday lv services in several of our eburehe% Mr. Isaac Moritz and family re- turned from their visit with friends East and expect to leave for their i home near Cavalier N. Dak'tita the ' first week in Mareh. • ,ZU12IGI1I AND VIGINiTY Saint Valentine's Day. Dominion Parliament opened for business yesterday. Mr. P. Lamont shipped some cattle to Toronto yesterday, Mr. R. G. Nichol merchant of Blake visited town yesterday. New Advertisements. D. Stein- bach, J. D. Verner, J. H. Wismer. Mrs. D, Steinbach is visiting her daullter Mrs. Geo. Baldwin at Seaforth. Mr. Henry Ilse left on Tuesday morning for his present home in the state of Connecticut. I1r. Fred Rickbeil returned recently from a visit at Sebewanig and other parts in Michigan. Mr. Harry Youngblut is back to town after un absence of some months at his home in Auburn. A sun of Mr. E. Murray of Ben - miller is visitini; his grand -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ortweiu, chis week-. Rev. E. 4chuelke was at London over Sunday, consequently there were no services in the Lutheran church. An exchange tells of three stin- giest men on record.. The first will not drink water unless it came from a neighbor's well ; the second forbids his family to write any- thing but a small hand as it takes ink to make large letters ; and the third stopped the clock at night to save wear and tear on the machi- nery. All of them refused to take a newspaper on the grounds that it is a terrible strain on their spec- tacles to read. LONG LIRE I8 INHERITED. This statement you can prove by investigation. When a person whose ancestors had long lives dies in middle age you can in nine cases out of ten trace the cause to dis- ordered kidneys and consequent suffering from Bright's disease, rheumatism, fatty- heart or dropsy.. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills pre- vent and cure these fatal and pain- ful diseases as no other preparation was ever known to do. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. The following is taken from the Merlin Mirror of last week, and refers to a. -ve11 known priest who Mrs. Justns Dennetli left on was some years ago stationed at St. Tuesday f+u' her home at .Ashland. : Peters' church Drysdale :-"We Wis., after an extended visit with very much regret to learn that relativehere. Fr•. Mugan of Raleigh, has entered Lord Duif grin former Governor St. Joseph's hospital seriously ill General of Canada died en i�"edues- with fever. F. Mugan conducted day at his residence: at Chandeboye his services in Raleigh on Sunday County Down. Ireland, was and in the afternoon he ats taken ill. He was removed to Mr, �lkxaander Boysenberry is the hospital in the evening and i4Clean Ot down with inflammation of the ' e„,„. in a serious condon," . lungs, anal hi, condition has been. critieaal for a few days. k At the Division Court on Tues - Mr. J. Pre eter returned from . clay two garnishee eases were dis- 7':tvi.tea;•1, on Tuesday eveningand ` Foxed of, besides several judgment Do you Want to Save Money? If so, Read These Bargains 12 yds of lar' 23 Cts, Red and Bros nor for .. Blue and gree' now for.. Light grey he for Brown and b1 now for. Light Grey 30 Green and br for.. G A plaid ginglu 24 yds gin rhe. FLA From 6 ets. 8 FREN Blue. pink a7.a figure, Cats in and see our R That is where you gf D. S. ZURICH Produce taken in exe '31/11""118e8' Mr E1 alliin Jo;hn:At n, who spent Ni elle S. Rennie, V the part at, menthe an North Dakota garnishee. The! 1 median, was on a store ueeonnt a o repaenrt• \Irs, Preeter as slowly re en sea flag from her !•event illness. The first ease was George Camp Win terIseeltof 'stJosephagaainst Imice aril Wit Ilk que nn Saturday. 1,Z 11 e' thinks a !;erred deal opt the 'l'Vestei n fenalent foe aj;E;4 and a ainst 1M gslarni ewounatrd. ,shee for $Shea less $25 which was Mrs. Lents Hahn of the I3abyl.en allowed the defendant for support line. Hay. died en Sunday and vats• of lii:a fumuly. The other eases, C. • buried at llushrweaeeil eemetery eon Edber vs H. P. Weber, Hoffman ii 'Twee day. . iramite_er sof our citizens Bros garnis!iees, the plaintiff got attended the fantae;ratl. judgment a gulnst defendant for el?, .4aalhn Duman Acura la' Jl'"l a a ^laeotrnt of elsearr,'bnt otrdnn to 5nrno eln�uv oto • outfit from eh'. 'k1•iilratrat ttetileulty le tweet/ ♦de''renalatnt and (tr�'la. 1)ulnaart and our Native i;urent:�heaees as to tee«rtaain work per, Herbs will h very nitwit in ev-i- f'Ormee by defendant the • ease i geete a as tenon a s Sparing ovens. tigaitast ¢,arrrniebees was ntljt,urnnd art a- i , Judgment for plaintiff against de-'; Mr lienar 8teeehle Straeburg t;`-" ne' t "wt. % ante n ro, Co.,is epar•;naalang as few glees witna his nephews in Manley "Ilov as arip and ab.in creeped can seven'- a1 et tans cold ear pnaaannataannteean ;a town The 1.= 'aatnre of the Evening was am Address by Mr. C. le . Nash, of Te eonte77. 1Aealknnte viV ith Our Friends and &In mates in the Inn scat World. SUCCESSFUL bCEETING. trans tete^>'1. !,‘Ir. Joint Hk ck:un'cison o,? Uun- e lnel. a vn",uterd ons brother Hobert • lust week. . anad Iluasid tflo r ernan n over 0 fn., , days longer tlnann dam nn_teenreled 0.%:•::ning tee tick' state Vd the ro-,end,; Gag U Jed'' +TV e u e .tonna. fpr. itlIpses TMitle:-tit nnnteoaet". Ate' f,!onre tAtrgi:1 oe-ce-r dans e',e�tit t o tn� .a with G fie t eeei r d "en_ and wiD nnnaake h s In yrnLet +�1"red ta+,•nn. - `.l.,Use'' is a genial mood fel➢ovv, aant3 we rare eatery le h e him tre'ln only midst. Several more castes of sm alln ox are reported int the s.:ortla western r art teff the Tonnes: Ip. The authorities neral to i171 rev end doing t, o r lue•a"Ii teals dread disease. t o far Cue disease has been as i ry aautlad typo. but it may d t'd.'onie taa'ere' se- vere as ft spreads. at9 HAVE E nnE tl PlFE•T.. Evens once' who would have a clear seft, velvety skin free tr.5rnn pimples Ebraaekrneacne. rcdness un_qi etis2t air ing envious ;ann:st use 1)u•. t iiiase s Ointment. It is a true 1' e". for the skin. de -es not cleg the '.res aas do g?„ Lev tier and iin.m es l 4':`7 Eminent Th .1131.13.11.3 The farmers' ntnsrntnate itte etinngs;, 1�'nn �devnillaa 6� tiftermwtri and evening were a well aatte nnile=rd. although smile of the t!Oltintnef•' roads were ;tannestnnnnti .stable. Vann, evening tunretrinl; e sitaertaaily was largely-attennud!ed mar spaateiomis toucan hall being packed to . thedoors. Tine afternoon meetingy was addressed by Messrs. C. W. Nash of Toronto. Sleightholm of Strathroy, R. Gardiner of E'aa;i eptalttar'• and A. Innes of Clinton. In the evening. Mr. Nash spoke very interestingly on insect life. and Me. $leightholm spoke on daadryiug andbutter making. The addresses were interspersed with music fronn F. W. Hess' large phonograph'. -which was very much apprei iate&1. Mr. Fred Hess Sr. acted asekairrmatr of the env eantu^e meeting and every satisfactionto the eat adieance,. RULED AT HENSALL. nne'1r3`. eta not .i sana.,•,o a Q a- ing. burning inn y skin etise: o of men. • �- 1 wad,:;nese ora "niralaeean fent L�n . e'base's ord -seas received on We �lenee- V will eg t� ; day that a vouna man. Simon gave large Q neatriet�ant -va d imam ce nee do leers ami n, 3inr'c;ivaabd:e for naa',g aemna, S.1111.1z day natnne had 11"n found in staid head and chafing a• a ...e little dead that morning in they engage; mem m sof t"etok Bros. large grist tail. f atime:a. having in some manner come in contact with the ranatdsinery and had his neck broken. It is not known how the accident happened as young Swartz was alone nn the engine room when the tragedy occurred. and the employes in the upper part of the mill did not know of it until the speed of the anachin- ern chickened, and MI innv est? itiug found the young man. as above stated. Swartz was brought up in ;Stephen Township near Creaition. both hilt parents being dead. He has a. brother living near Wellesley. , it is stated that only a day or so before, one of his fellow workmen cautioned Swartz about walking through certain parts of the room. remarking that he would be killed there some day when Swartz replied "Well I was born to be killed any- way," and it is thought he met his death at this spot. It natty how- ever be stated that the proprietors of the mill are in no way to blame for the sad occurrence, as this passage way was not intended to be used to get from one part of the room to the other. It is a sad afrair ' and shogld bee NI -welling to every- one to be very careful in working around moving machinery. 1 "I had a bad 'cough for six weeksa'od could edeas to relief untilI tried Ayer's Cherry Pead- ;al. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured rete." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always head to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. rjsigtorgraa'ear lit; tie.,fuc rrtbochi age - newt. i,ard• colds, etc: . ga, reoet eCanor1Cai roc chronic ey,Penn cmon Italia. Sto 1. here ah; a ei remain. .4 the season, 4Kld ;;Batas 'aalavq'' Never Carry Over, aaaa quickly, we have ittitL'keol A. . H A .. THE H uft t' and gg !' ,� c We hawu t /.90:-,n0,Irk that we bought at a Big t'edut' pr'iee from 40 to - =� •per y ar°a MAN AND [MALE, Orga My warerooms are headquarter:. h Robes. Trunks and Valises, Fly Nets an All kinds of Household Furniture - boards, the best Extension Table on the ers, Spring Beds and Mattresses. PIANOS AND The high-grade Nevveonebe Fiance ; and Pianos. We sell all goods at the lo